How tall is Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi's Height

5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)

Scott Mescudi is an American rapper and actor known for Need for Speed, Entourage and Meadowland. On his twitter he mentioned his height, saying "I'm 5'10".

How tall is Kid Cudi
Photo PR Photos

How tall is Kid Cudi
Stella Maeve & Kid
Photo © / Byron Purvis/AdMedia

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Add a Comment20 comments

Average Guess (40 Votes)
5ft 8.98in (175.2cm)
Malcolm Oliver said on 10/Oct/22
Should be listed at 5’9 again.
Realist said on 21/Sep/22
I would guess he's 5'8.25 and 140/145 pounds definitely not huge but dude is a hair shorter than Kanye whose 5'8.75
Rhys 6'1" said on 17/May/22
@IceCold Kanye is standing much farther in front of Cudi in every single one of those photos. Plus, and I do not know this for sure, but Kanye is 150% the type of guy to wear lifts, if you look at his proportions he definitely looks short.
IceCold said on 29/Mar/22
I think Kanye and Cudi should be switched up listings
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177cm said on 15/Aug/21
He honestly doesn’t seem that much taller than Kanye in pictures of them together.
Que lo Que said on 19/Jan/20
Stronger 5'8 weak 5'9
lensy said on 21/Nov/19
Weak 5'9 for one of the greats
khaled taban said on 23/Jul/19
I think he is 5'8.5" or 5'8.75".
Chris175 said on 27/Sep/18
This is definitely not yoyr best estimate Rob I think he's taller than This! He's the same height or close to it as Christopher Abbott (181cms) in the movie James White. I've seen him look an inch shorter than Chalamet, his 5 foot 10 claim might be legit
Peter175 said on 3/Mar/18
weak 5'9 and kanye is strong 5'8.25
Nb said on 7/Dec/17
he definitely looks shorter than Pharrell here Rob, what do you think?

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Editor Rob
he looks like he's losing a fair bit with Williams, in another shot Not losing as much but looks like he would be taller.
kv said on 10/Sep/17
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must be at least 5 10 if drake 5 11.75?
Kyle 5'11 said on 12/May/17
I think he's a legit 5'9, probably dips to like 5'8.75 at night.
John said on 9/Jan/17
Looks a legit 5'9" at the least
Realist said on 8/Nov/16
I was a big fan but in Need for Speed he looked 174 cms tall.
Chris175 said on 12/Jun/16
He was way taller than Joe Rogan on the jre podcast, looked 5-10 on there. unsure about footwear though.
MD said on 11/Feb/16
Part of it is the camera angel, I'm sure, but he has some really bizarre proportions. His head is unusually large for his body. I'm surprised he'd allow himself to be photographed like that, quite honestly.
Duhon said on 7/Feb/16
Rob, what do you think Cudi weighs here? Click Here
Editor Rob
doesn't look much over 150's
Guest said on 10/Dec/15
Can look 5'9 at times
Rey said on 17/Nov/15
Thought he be taller like 5'10

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.