American actress known for roles in Vertigo, Picnic, Bell Book and Candle, "Kiss Me, Stupid", The Great Bank Robbery, The Man With the Golden Arm, Pal Joey, Of Human Bondage, Strangers When We Meet, Middle of the Night and The Notorious Landlady. In a 1954 article in The Sun newspaper it described Kim as
"5 feet 6 and weighs 125 pounds" with vital statistics of Bra: 37, Waist: 23, Hips: 37. She also once commented that she had
"gone with more men who are shorter than I am than I have with taller escorts"
Arch Stanton said on 25/Feb/23
Haha, she was s-m-o-k-i-n-g in those green shoes!
Arch Stanton said on 25/Feb/23
Turns out that Sinatra slept with both Kim Novak and Ava Gardner and probably Elizabeth Taylor too who according to Burton "made sheep's eyes at him". Lucky b*****d! Novak described Sinatra as a "very sexy man" who could be kind, but was "prone to being way too cocky and full of himself" she said. Those were the three sexiest ladies of the 50s IMO. Kim, unlike Liz, looked better the younger she was, in Pushover with Fred MacMurray she's arguably at her best, even with the shorter hair. Still hot in Kiss me Stupid with Dean Martin in 1964 but looking a little rough, though intentionally so I think as she was playing a hooker. Not sure on her height, the average guess 5'4.85 seems too low. She looked quite tall for the period with some of the shorter/average male actors I thought.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Dec/22
I saw Kim in a film recently, one that was introduced by Caroline Munro - I think!
Kim looked decidedly curvy, and her height is noticed second!
Arch Stanton said on 21/Oct/21
No green shoes photo anymore. :-( No comment since 2016 for Kim, really???
James B said on 22/Dec/16
A very sexy lady indeed
jtm said on 8/Dec/15
she was one sexy lady.
littlesue said on 6/Dec/15
That photo quite 'scandalous' for around the time it was shot!!
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/15
Definitely the sexiest photo on the site!! Barely shorter than Jack Lemmon in Bell Book and Candle but I think she had on heels.
Steve said on 18/Feb/15
Rob, where did you find that incredibly sexy photo? It got my 70+ year-old heart started this morning.

Editor Rob
it did the same to mine when I seen it!
Arch Stanton said on 18/Feb/15
Rob there's now a typo on Robberty :-) Yes the scene is very brief at the end when they're dancing together and in one instant they walk forward together and I thought Novak looked slightly taller, both in flat dancing daps so good for comparison, but in fairness they were both moving so when measured it could be different.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/15
Rob I just noticed The Notorious Landlady is mentioned twice, can you swap it with The Great Bank Robbery?
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/15
Rob there's a scene at the end of Pal Joey with her and Rita Hayworth in flat dancing shoes together and I think she edges Rita out. In the film Kim looks slightly taller in relation to Sinatra than Rita does. Perhaps Rita at 5'5.75 and Kim at 5'6.25 might be good. Rita to me often looked similar sort of height to Monroe, I think 167 might be a better shout for her.

Editor Rob
it's possible, I'd need to rewatch that, but a fraction under for Rita maybe.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/15
Taller in heels than Sinatra in Pal Joey, did their best to make him seem taller. There's ones scene where they're walking across a road and it's a big LOL the way it's staged to obviously not show up the height difference too much.
She wouldn't be much shorter than him barefoot. Smoking hot in Pal Joey.
Arch Stanton said on 31/Dec/14
Rob can you add Kiss Me, Stupid, The Notorious Landlady, The Man With the Golden Arm, Pal Joey, Of Human Bondage, Strangers When We Meet, Middle of the Night and The Notorious Landlady?
Arch Stanton said on 12/Dec/14
Those green shoes and position yeah smoking hot!!! Thanks for reminding me!!
Sam said on 10/Dec/14
Almost NSFW, yowza.
Sam said on 19/Aug/14
What happened to the photo(s)?

Editor Rob
I added it back again
Mon said on 14/May/14
Three inch heels don't look just 'decent' they look HIGH. I think she was somewhat taller than 5ft 6in at peak; a good inch maybe. If you look at her head next to Bronson's (The White Buffalo) Jack Lemmon or even Tyrone Power's, her head is not smaller. A lot of photogenic people do have rather large heads admittedly but in shot she was also very broad shouldered and junoesque; embracing Sinatra in Pal Joey, Sinatra looked undersized in every way. She really would have been quite noticeably out of proportion with that torso, and the leg length for a mere 5'6''. In Bell Book and Candle there is a scene where she and James Stewart stand barefoot in an embrace, and to my eyes she looks a strong 5'7''.
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/13
They certainly make a big difference!!
Arch Stanton said on 20/May/13
In the corridor scene in the hotel she looks around 5 ft 9 in comparison in decent heels so yeah I'd say 5 ft 6 is about right. She had such a sexy body!
Arch Stanton said on 20/May/13
Her second heels I think her about 2-3 inches. Its difficult to compare her height with Stewart as there's a lot of outdoor scene filmed on uneven ground like forests and coastline but she does seem like she'd be about 6 inches shorter in heels from what I've seen. She was barefoot in one scene but didn't stand next to Stewart for comparison!
Arch Stanton said on 20/May/13
Rob, that bottom photo here is a candidate for sexiest site photo!! Green heels in that pose strewth!! Water, I need water... Do you agree or can you think of sexier photos you have on here, and I don't mean old ones of G posing in his speedos that Brad posted LOL.
Watching Vertigo right now. She's in low heel shoes, am yet to see a good comparison though with Jimmy Stewart.

Editor Rob
yeah, that photo definitely caught my eye ;) I've lost track of photos since I look at a lot, I'm sure there's a few like that around the site. I'm trying to add some for the actresses from 40's-50's the last few months as it of course helps having a visual reference. And if that reference is a nice photo, no harm in that :)