Alanna said on 20/Jul/21
I think she’s taller. Maybe 5’5” or 5’5.5”
Bradley said on 8/Mar/20
I like G's 1/6/09 post. He was destroyed in the measure. I'd love to see The G photo with Lauren who is 5' 4" with a 5' 6.5" G next her.
Nik said on 14/Nov/18
She is average in height!
SeySey said on 13/Jul/17
Her legs are prerty long! I can't see her any less than 1.68
anonheight said on 2/Jun/17
I guess 5'6
Ray 5'11 said on 1/Mar/17
5'5 looks wright
Brad said on 22/Mar/16
The '07 comments where Glenn looks the same is typical 5' 8" rubbish and dancing around the facts he was 5' 6.5" and she at 5' 4" plus heels took care of the 5' 8" G farce. See the confused posts by the fooled people. This was why he was a mess in photo height frigures.
Kitty5379 said on 30/Jan/15
Rob, do you know how tall Lo Bosworth is? That is Lauren's best friend

Editor Rob
sometimes she can look quite similar, other times an inch shorter!
Kitty5379 said on 24/Jan/15
How tall is Lo Bosworth!
kev said on 28/Jun/14
Looks close to average - 5'4 sounds about right. Blessed in the looks department :)
Alice5-2 said on 12/Jan/13
In a picture with RAchel BIlson (5'2 she claims)she's minimum 2 inches taller...5'4 is correct!
ships said on 19/Sep/12
Look how tiny Lauren looks next to Ashley!!!...Ashely lifts her like a if Lauren is a small baby...
Click Here
Bijou said on 15/Sep/12
I agree she's 5'3
RentGirl said on 2/Aug/12
I think she's 5'3, because she's around the same height as Kristin Cavallari who said she was 5'3.
Anon said on 17/Jul/11
Yeah,Audrina is not 5'7 she is 5'6.I am pretty sure.
monica said on 9/Jul/11
how tall is kristin cavallari?
Jess said on 28/Jan/11
Audrina is 5'6, or 5'6.5 at most. &Stephanie is 5'7-
Click Here
Jess said on 12/Nov/10
You forget, if audrina is 5'7 then that would without a doubt make stephanie pratt 5'8 or 5'8.5. Every site has her as listed as being 5'7 [stephanie]. Check out this video of them walking together-
Click Here
Even with heels on you can see the difference in height by their waists, legs, arms etc. Look up photos of her with lauren, adurina is just a little taller than her. Shes 5'6.5 at the most. &Adurina is really skinny too, Sometimes that adds height..
anony said on 6/Nov/10
well heidi is listed as 5'3" everywhere, lauren is at 5'6" almost , and audrina is at 5'7" everywhere which looks about right to me... just compare them all to each other
J said on 24/Jun/09
How tall is Audrina? I've heard 5'7", but I highly doubt. She looks around 5'5" while Lauren is around 5'3"
kleigh. said on 22/Jun/09
At Heidi's wedding, in this picture :
Click Hereheidi and Lauren are probably wearing the same height in heels, and with Heidi being 5"3' plus the heels, Lauren is still a good bit taller than her in her heels, so subtract the heels from both and Heidi would be the 5"3', Lauren would be about 2 inches taller, making her 5"5'. She really seems the 5"5, but nothing more I don't think.
Anonymous said on 8/Jun/09
5" heels give about 3.75-4" of added height unless they are 5" of platform.
heightfan said on 31/May/09
hmmx, Im not sure what you are saying but it sounds like BS. If a girl wears 5 inch heels let me assure you it will make her 5 inches taller. My girlfriend is 5'5" and I am 5'6" and when we roleplay and she wears 7 inch platform heels and I am barefoot I can assure you that she is 6 inches taller than me!
hmmx said on 29/May/09
well id just like to say that the maximum height you can add with heels is just over 3 inches. slightly depending on the height of the platform. im 5 ft 7 and my boyfriend is 5 ft 10 i were massivly high shoes and am the same height if not a bit smaller. so calculate the height with heels by adding 3 inches because of the angle of the foot.
diana said on 10/May/09
i think lauren conrad is 5'4.5 at best... and i think audrina is 5'6
because that whitney girl is a solid 5'10 and they are so much shorter than her..
glenn said on 4/May/09
neil-in these pics,honestly probably closer to 5-7.25.had casuals on for both.
glenn said on 4/May/09
sean-its up to rob.since people are talking about him lately,i would imagine this month.
Neil said on 3/May/09
Glenn are you 5'8 in the photos? what kind of shoes are you wearing?
sean said on 24/Apr/09
hey glenn do you know when brody jenner is going to be put up?
glenn said on 22/Apr/09
anon-ask who,and what?
anon said on 22/Apr/09
glenn, why didn't you just ask them?
Richard said on 1/Apr/09
My friend who is 5'11 ran into Brody Jenner in Vegas. He said Jenner was a tad bit shorter than him. I agree though, he is often confusing.
k.leigh said on 24/Mar/09
I would say, just by being a fanatic of the Hills, she looks about 5"5 to 5"5 and 1/2 , because that's my height (5"5.5) as well and we look the same standing up with flats or sandals, so I'd say by looking here:
Click Here it seems she is, or to me at least. Here we have this one:
Click Here where it looks like lauren is slightly taller than audrina with her head straight and I'd say audrina's heels are about 3 inches, and laurens about 4.5 inches. So audrina( 5"7') with these heels would be about 5"10 or so, putting lauren at about 5"10.5, subtracting those 4.5 to 5 inch heels would make her about 5"51/2 to maybe 5"6.
I got lost in all of my calculations with this one so I didn't put my thoughts here to save some confusion, but for those of you that are good estimating footwear and the other person's height, this would be a good one:
Click Here
sean said on 24/Mar/09
thanks glenn but is that height with shoes on
glenn said on 23/Mar/09
i have brody say he is 6ft.i mightve scanned it to rob.or il scan it soon.
Sean said on 22/Mar/09
Glenn you should really get brody jenners height he really confuses me he is listed at 5 9.5 510 511 but he towers over his 5 9 model girlfriends
Mik said on 11/Mar/09
Lauren has large hands for her height; she can easily palm a volleyball; probably a girls basketball. Like to see her compare hands with Heidi Montag.
Nathalie said on 28/Feb/09
I think she's about 5'5
Emma said on 27/Jan/09
Supposedly Brody Jenner is said to be 5'10 - 5'11. If this is true, there is NO way Audrina is 5'6 or higher in this picture standing next to him. She also has on 3" heels! Therefor Lauren is that tall. Give me a break!
Click HereClick Here
Tommy said on 23/Jan/09
I have stood next to her in person. She is not 5'4". She is MAYBE 5'2" I am 6'2" and was head, shoulders & more above her. If a picture where taken of me standing next to her like the bottom picture and it cut off on me at the same place as on Glenn, I am not sure even the top of her head would show. She is beautiful but tiny.
Brad said on 15/Jan/09
The girl on the left is stoned. Yer right, he is 5' 8" in the bottom picture. Preguntame como y hacer.
Zamot said on 14/Jan/09
I thought this was about LC height and not Glenn height.
But Ok, let say she is 5'4". If she has 4" or 5" heels (which is probable once nowadays everyone in Hollywood seems to be wearing C Louboutin or YSL heels) we'll have a total of 5'8" or 5'9", right?
Then, in this last picture we can say Glenn is at least 5'8". It's pure maths (and good sense)!!
Brad said on 7/Jan/09
Sonia meet Glenn and Lauren. She's 5' 4".
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
brad thinks im 5-6.5.f you dont know the facts of what brad thinks of me,stay out of it.with all due respect.brad had been disrespectful to me for 3 years.and was
Banned by rob and i.rob was sick of him frustrations of him and a few other posters lead to my banning too,due to my temper and language.i was the one that allowed brad back.i like a point.
Nice said on 5/Jan/09
Glenn you were probably 5-7 in those pics since they were at night and in your profile you say you are "5-8 in the morning," so Brad could be right that you were about three inches taller than her in those pics without her heels
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
thank you brent.if i ever bump into you,remind me to buy you a drink.usually i lean in a bit with a girl or bend my knees slightly.which isnt evident here.but still might be possible.
Brent said on 4/Jan/09
I pity guys like Brad, she obviously has heels on like 24 hours a day and glenn is still an inch taller than both standing straight, 5'4.5 seems very accurate for LC
Sonia said on 3/Jan/09
I just met her a few weeks ago. She's 5' 4". I'm 5' 6" and was taller than her by 2" in my picture.
glenn said on 31/Dec/08
what a sickness brad has rob.duh,she is in heels and i dont stand straight with women.happy new years brad.not even in new years you can calm down your obsession over me.
Brad said on 31/Dec/08
Bundy, that's why there is April coming up....I'm fed up with photos like the bottom one. That's not 5' 8" even in heaven.
king kong bundy said on 29/Dec/08
if shes as low as 5-4, there is no way glenn is a legit 5-8, hed be almost struggling with 5-7 in those pictures, regardless of footwear
LC fan said on 19/Nov/08
She looked shorter than Audrina though in The Hills. She was wearing heels too so I'm guessing 5'4 maybe 5'3.
anon said on 15/Nov/08
us magazine said she was 5'6 but idk she looks 5'4
alexis said on 19/Oct/08
lauren and audrina have HEELS ON! so they are shorter in real life...i know lauren and i was on the show at lauren bday party (i know you wont believe me but think whatever you want...) and im 5'4" and lauren is my height and audrina is like 5'4.5"
there you go
Realme2008 said on 18/Oct/08
How does Audrina look 5'9" or 5'10"? More 5'7-5'7.5"
haha said on 13/Oct/08
audrina looks 5'9 maybe 5'10 and lauren looks like 5'8 or 5'7 shes almost his height and she looks like shes leaning
umright said on 12/Oct/08
yea but in some of the hills episodes, Audrina who is 5'8 almost looks as tall as lauren..mmm i really wonder.. i have project to turn in on this girl!!
Marissa said on 18/Aug/08
LMAO "Heidi Montag" do you really think that ANYBODY believes that it is the real you on this site?
Brad said on 7/Aug/08
5' 4". Glenn only had her by 3" tops, he in Portman's and Conrad in heel. I like how she tries to be runway model type but 5' 4" is midgit in that realm.
chris said on 17/Jul/08
Wow, Audrina mid blink, great pic.
Sarah said on 16/Jul/08
I saw her at the Batman Dark Knight premiere here in NYC the other day. I was surprised to notice that she was both much shorter and much thinner in real life than I thought she would be. She had enormous heels on (probably about 5"), so 5'3"/5'4" seems about right.
patsy said on 17/May/08
I saw her at Target in West Hollywood. I stand 5'1.5" barefoot.I was wearing Chucks while she was wearing flip flops. 5'3" to 5'3.5" would be her height. I was standing next to her @ the cosmetic aisle.
*I wonder what she was planning on buying. It wasn't exactly make-ups. The brand in front of Sonia Kashuk.
lisa said on 1/May/08
glenn said she was wearing high heels...which makes sense i bet they were about 3 inches and now they look like the same height!
Holly said on 1/May/08
i think whitney looks like she's like 5'11 if lauren is 5'4,5..
me said on 4/Mar/08
If she is between 5'4 1/2 and 5'5" where does that put her sister Breanna Conrad? Is Breanna taller?
El said on 14/Jan/08
In CosmoGirl or Seventeen or whatever it was, it said that she's 5'5"
K man said on 3/Jan/08
Kats says on 10/Sep/07
LOL, okay Heidi Montag... Actually I guess it would make since that HEIDI would say something so stupid. Because it's obvious that Heidi is more than an inch shorter than Lauren.
I think this is a pretty accurate height for Lauren. I've pegged her at 5'4. Audrina might be Lauren's height too or barely taller. They seem pretty close a lot of the time, or Audrina has been taller only when her shoes were higher.
you didnt believe that was really heidi did u? ahaha
Maria said on 6/Dec/07
what happened to Audrina she luks so weird but lauren still luks preatty as always oh yeah who's that dude in the middle???
Danius said on 4/Dec/07
Lauren looks 5'3, Audrina 5'6ish, Whitney is like 5'8.5-5'9
ashley said on 27/Nov/07
i think lauren - based on how her body proportions look and her height differences with others on the show - is no more than 5'3
myspace celebrity said on 30/Sep/07
haha, nice one steph
anyways, i think she might be like 5'5 or 5'6 next to her friend Lo
steph said on 23/Sep/07
very nice picture of audrina i must say.
Kats said on 10/Sep/07
LOL, okay Heidi Montag... Actually I guess it would make since that HEIDI would say something so stupid. Because it's obvious that Heidi is more than an inch shorter than Lauren.
I think this is a pretty accurate height for Lauren. I've pegged her at 5'4. Audrina might be Lauren's height too or barely taller. They seem pretty close a lot of the time, or Audrina has been taller only when her shoes were higher.
Heidi Montag said on 24/Aug/07
Lauren is 5'4. I am 5'3. Whitney is 5'8. Audrina is about 5'6 or so. There's your answers, please quit arguing.
Andrea said on 14/Aug/07
Lauren was barley .5 inches taller than Kelly Ripa when she was on the Live with Regis and Kelly Show a couple days ago. Both ladies were in high heels, but Lauren's looked a bit taller. Wouldn't be suprised if she was the same height as Ripa (5'2.5) Link to the video is below
Click Here
Anonymous said on 11/Aug/07
how tall do you guys think Whitney on the hills is? Shes a lot taller than laurent and the people from vogue said she should be a model so I was thinking maybe 5'8"-5'9"?
glenn said on 4/Aug/07
of course she is wearing heels.thats is events and parties that would be proper.
Jaime said on 3/Aug/07
She could be wearing heels...anyone thought of that?
Glenn said on 3/Aug/07
Its was brutally cold.
Crissy said on 3/Aug/07
I thought she was like 5'5-5'6? haha glenn in the first pic was it cold =D
TheJerk said on 22/May/07
LOL, from here on out just attach Gordon Freeman's mug to the infamous white spot in your photos. No more monkey drawings.
Carly said on 22/May/07
omg! every-1 tells me i look just like LC...?!

Editor Rob
could be worse, I was getting told I was "Gordon Freeman" so I ditched my glasses style and changed my crap goat beard...
glenn said on 21/Feb/07
she had high heels for sure.
Viper said on 21/Feb/07
Lauren looks better in those pics than she does on TV.
Ellie said on 20/Feb/07
Kourt, for the record teen vogue does not get their celeb heights right. they listed kate bosworth as 5'7" and it's pretty certain that she's 5'5". so if they said lauren is 5'6"-5'7", she's really 5'4"-5'5". Glenn, how high were her heels (assuming she's wearing heels)

Editor Rob
there's another picture of this lady Glenn got, I will put it up on another page because he's samwedged between both of them. Maybe closer to 5ft 5
Ellie said on 20/Feb/07
LOL heidi is wearing the same dress ashlee simposn wore to a party...ya know, the one where everyone went crazy as to how thin & plastic surgury-y she looked? just thought i'd thorw that out there... yeah, lauren seems about 5'4"-5'5"? Anyone know how tall heidi is? she seems to be about 2 inches shorter than lauren on the show, so my estimate would be 5'2"-5'3"
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/07
haha. thats about right. Look at heidi in the background!
amber said on 5/Feb/07
who cares how short she is or how tall she is, she's gorgeous on the inside and out
Kourt said on 18/Jan/07
in the teen vouge magazine, they listed her at 5'6"- 5'7", well they should know because she interns there. yeah glenn is said to be 5'8" and she looks about the same
Glenn said on 7/Dec/06
For girls,I usually some pics from 14-16 years ago,I was 5-8.
Carly said on 6/Dec/06
ummm on another page it says that Glenn is 5'8" now i'm confused..she's like a little tiny bit shorterthan him so she must be like 5'7" or something like that
Josh said on 26/Oct/06
Nice pic How tall did she look to u Glenn? i think 5'4.5 is right for her.
Del Mar said on 27/Sep/06
I guess you have a slouchin appearance here Glenn? She looks your height ;)