Jug said on 5/Jun/23
I would have bought 6'1 for Harvey. He would have been an interesting choice for Bond, I think, having seen A Dandy in Aspic recently. He almost has Daniel's Craig's demeanor, not to mention a similar monotone voice. He looks a bit like Hoagy Carmichael, on whom Fleming based Bond's looks.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Feb/22
I see a lot of Jason Isaac in the above photo...crazy to think Laurence was actually dying of cancer when that photo was taken
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Jun/19
Average guess is too low
James said on 12/Nov/17
Harvey was exactly six feet tall.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Oct/17
In some photos he actually looks similar to Caine, less than 1in
Rory said on 5/Aug/17
I think 6'0.75. He only looked 2-3 inches shorter than John Wayne in The Alamo and about an inch shorter than Michael Caine. Can't see him below 184 range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/17
I think 6ft0½ is a better fit (from there you could argue either 6ft0¼ and 6ft0¾). Could look across that 6ft-6ft1 range
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jun/16
Rob can you squeeze in I am a Camera and Romeo and Juliet? Not really caterfran, though in Room at the Top, yes quite similar, though hairstyle was largely the reason for that.
caterfran@gmail.om said on 6/Jun/16
okay I see an amazing resemblance to Clint Eastwood
Tom said on 5/Apr/16
I don't think audiences in 1962 would have accepted a Jewish James Bond.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Feb/16
I was watching Married To The Mob last night (very underrated movie). I swear to God, a young 30-year old Alec Baldwin looked impeccably like Laurence Harvey. Same hairstyle, dimpled chin and that signature icy stare.
Larry said on 20/Sep/15
Laurence Harvey was six foot.
I can see there being an openly gay Hollywood star one day, but not a gay actor playing James Bond.
Sam said on 19/Aug/15
Haha, ok tough guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jun/15
Sam says on 25/Nov/14
From what I've read, Harvey swung both ways but preferred the men's team. People have talked about a black Bond & a female Bond, maybe a gay Bond isn't so out of left field
You take that rubbish elsewhere.
Sam said on 25/Nov/14
From what I've read, Harvey swung both ways but preferred the men's team. People have talked about a black Bond & a female Bond, maybe a gay Bond isn't so out of left field.
John said on 19/Nov/14
Even today a gay actor would never be cast as James Bond.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Nov/14
Sam says on 15/Oct/14
I would argue that he was not that slight. Though certainly slender, he wasn't rail thin (like, say, a young Jimmy Stewart). Not broad-built like Connery and Craig but not that much skinnier than Brosnan or Dalton when they were younger. In fact I could see a Harvey Bond, chilly, detached, a bit androgynous, as a fascinating contrast to Connery's.
I didn't say he was rail thin. I said slender/athletic. exactly like Bond should be.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Oct/14
Connery was described by Fleming as an "overgrown stuntman". Technically, this guy was physically closer to the books description
James said on 17/Oct/14
I doubt Harvey was ever considered for the Bond role because his homosexuality was well known by 1961.
James said on 17/Oct/14
Ironically his co-star from "The Good Die Young" Stanley Baker was considered for the Bond role, but was felt to be too tough-looking.
Sam said on 15/Oct/14
I would argue that he was not that slight. Though certainly slender, he wasn't rail thin (like, say, a young Jimmy Stewart). Not broad-built like Connery and Craig but not that much skinnier than Brosnan or Dalton when they were younger. In fact I could see a Harvey Bond, chilly, detached, a bit androgynous, as a fascinating contrast to Connery's.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Oct/14
Not really James, James Bond was supposed to be tall, dark and slender build, Connery if anything was more muscular than described. Harvey looks closer to the drawing and description of James Bond physically than any of the actual actors who played James Bond.
James said on 12/Oct/14
Harvey was too slight to play Bond. His religion was Jewish although he would be considered South African.
Sam said on 10/Oct/14
Yeah, I agree, he could look closer to the Fleming version of Bond than Connery. I think he was viewed in Hollywood as a chilly Brit but was really a Lithuanian Jew.
Sam said on 8/Oct/14
Rob, is there a chance of a full 6'1" listing for Harvey? He looks near 6 inches taller I think than Sinatra in Arch's photo and here looks only a couple inches shorter than John Wayne. If not, I think at least 6'0.5"-6'0.75" is fair.
Click Here

Editor Rob
he's been described both 6ft and 6ft 1, I thought a strong 6ft was possible, I'm not as sure about a full 6ft 1 although it isn't impossible.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Oct/14
Mr. V, Perkins is further away from the camera and is legs are further apart.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Oct/14
The remake has nothing on the original which is one of the greatest films ever made! Yeah in a fair few of his roles like Darling for instance he wasn't anything to shout about but his performances in Room, Butterfield and Manchurian especially were quite brilliant. I think a flat 6' is undercutting him a bit, he could pass for 6'1".
Mr.V said on 6/Oct/14
Sorry, I meant great addition.
In 'The Outrage' he and Paul Newman are seen standing back to back for a gun duel and he looks about 3 inches taller, which would indeed put him at 184 cm.
In this photo he may look similar to Anthony Perkins:
Click Here
Seeing this photo and comparing him to 6'3" Gary Cooper in 'Friendly Persuasion', I wonder if Perkins was no more than 6'1".
Harvey's one of my favourite actors and a great comedic talent as well, see 'Expressp Bongo'. Can you add that, Rob? It was a personal favourite of his.
Sam said on 6/Oct/14
Yes, Schreiber inhabited the Raymond Shaw role and was quite good. The original Manchurian is one of my all-time favorites & I thought I'd hate a remake but it was pretty good, if not as great as the first. Schreiber might be my favorite modern actor (especially on stage) but he's not quite equal to Harvey in the part. Denzel and Jeffrey Wright are a bit better I think their equivalents in the original IMO.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/14
I haven't actually seen the original Manchurian Candidate. I did see the remake with Denzel Washington and Liev Schrieber. Did Harvey play the same character as Liev, by any chance? I see a small resemblance there aswell in the eyes.
Sam said on 6/Oct/14
Yeah, I see 184-185 cm range for Harvey. Besides his roles, he could pull off near 6'1" with the all-star line-up in those John Wayne birthday party pictures.
His work in Manchurian is one of my favorite screen performances ever...it called on his best strengths as an actor, coldness (while in brainwashed state) and intensity. I also liked him in Room at the Top but wasn't won over by many of his other performances.
Arch Stanton said on 5/Oct/14
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 4/Oct/14
Facially, he reminds me a lot of a young Alec Baldwin.
Really?? I thought if anything he looked more like a younger Clint Eastwood in Room at the Top!
Click Here but it was haircut really. Yeah, he was one of the best actors I've ever seen, very underrated really. His performance in Manchurian Candidate was quite brilliant in particular.
Arch Stanton said on 5/Oct/14
James, no offense but your posts "he was exactly" end of come across as a bit arrogant. You didn't measure these people, don't be so certain!!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Oct/14
Facially, he reminds me a lot of a young Alec Baldwin. I'd have guessed 6ft2, watching Room At Top and The Alamo but I think that was only because he was so thin.
But he was an awesome actor and he left us far too early
Mr.V said on 4/Oct/14
Great addiction! His biography 'Reach for the Top' (by his former sister-in-law) says he was six feet; I agree he may have been a fraction over it, though. He's pretty much eye to eye with Richard Harris in 'The Long and the Short and the Tall'.
James said on 4/Oct/14
Harvey was exactly six foot. He could appear taller because he was quite thin.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Oct/14
At times actually he could give the illusion of near 6'2", but I think somewhere in 184-85 range would be more accurate than 6' flat. Underrated actor in many respects, I thought his performance in Manchurian Candidate in particular was Oscar worthy but 1962 was a tough year, O'Toole, Lemmon and numerous others were deserving that year.
JeffC said on 4/Oct/14
@Arch that's a great picture, you can tell sinatra was not wearing any lifts there. Big height difference. Throughout his career Harvey was accused of being very mechanical in his performances without showing any emotion. However, his approach was perfect in "The Manchurian Candidate".
Arch Stanton said on 4/Oct/14
Click Here Looking all of 6'1 here with a liftless Sinatra, even imagining Sinatra stood his best.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Oct/14
Thanks, you got the top 6 films in exactly the order I'd have put them in! I'd probably also mention The Running Man and I Am a Camera on the end. Yeah I think he really could look a little higher than a flat 6'. I guessed 184 too. He consistently gave a tall impression and seemed a bit taller than a lot of actors I've seen listed at 6ft, but he was in a lot of films where he was with shorter female co stars wasn't he. I can't remember how he looked in The Alamo though. I could have sworn he was in something with Roger Moore and he actually looked taller or was that somebody else? He seemed a bit of an outsider/loner in Hollywood. I don't know if this is true or not, I know little about him other than he was form Lithuania originally and was a superb actor. I reckon he'd have made a brilliant James Bond actually as he certainly had the look and also had that cold, aloof sort of demeanour in which he'd be believable as Bond.