How tall is Leonardo DiCaprio - Page 9

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Average Guess (844 Votes)
5ft 11.23in (180.9cm)
Boots said on 12/Jan/12
He's 5'10 but pulls off 5'11 easy in normal shoes. Maybe 6' in lifts or really thick heals. If he really were a 6footer he'd appear 6'1 in average shoes but that is not the case.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 10/Jan/12
Sam says on 9/Jan/12
Laughable, man, ah-ha!...Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP, shrinking celebrities one by one!

jake, 1.82 m/ 1.83 m says on 8/Jan/12
Thanks for that contribution Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP, your post was great for a laugh.

Lol I just don't believe in fairy tales. He was 5'8", 5'8.5" MAX at age 19, and then grew another 3 inches afterwards? Ridiculous. I wouldn't bet one cent on him being over 5'10" today. 5'9.5" MAX.
trey said on 9/Jan/12
killer shrimp is right hes 5-9.5
Sam said on 9/Jan/12
Laughable, man, ah-ha!...Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP, shrinking celebrities one by one!
jake, 1.82 m/ 1.83 m said on 8/Jan/12
Thanks for that contribution Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP, your post was great for a laugh.
Mr-KILLER-SHRIMP said on 8/Jan/12
Another member of the "overlisted 182cm club". Some co-members of the club are Vin Diesel, Jake Gyllenhaal, Gil Birmingham, and Justin Timberlake.

DiCaprio is nowhere near 6 foot. He looked 5'8" next to that Glenn dude. I'm not buying the idea that he grew 2-3 inches or more since then. He's 5'9.5" MAX. Can't give him more than that after seeing him on Ellen and next to Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who are both overlisted as well.

5'9.5" (176.5cm) MAX for DiCaprio.
SUPER said on 7/Jan/12
Billy said on 6/Jan/12
I reckon 182.
2cms shorter than Ken Watanabe, when side by side.
You can see by slightly stoopy posture sometimes, that he is carrying a little bit of height and is above the average.
Silent d said on 3/Jan/12
Who is he dating now erin heatherton? She is tall. 182cm. No doubt!
Brittany said on 1/Jan/12
he has to be taller cause he dates tall models and is still quite a bit taller than them . his new girl erin is 5'11 and he is defs taller than her :l
USYD said on 29/Dec/11
A true 182cm in my opinion. He can't be shorter than that, he gives the impression of a tall guy.
the dude said on 28/Dec/11
The guy is def above average. My friend met him L.A. a few years ago and said that he was around 6-foot. Said that he was pretty friendly too. My friend is 5'10" w/o shoes and said that Leo was about an inch taller. That makes him a minimum of 5'11". An educated guess would suggest that he's 5'11.25" w/o shoes. Can give the illusion of being a solid 6-footer with dress shoes and perfect posture.
SamWise said on 22/Dec/11
He is about the same height as model Erin Heatherton who is 5ft11
Click Here
Click Here
Chameleon said on 21/Dec/11
Click Here

In Sneakers with 5'7 max Ellen.
Silent d said on 20/Dec/11
182cm. End of story! Brad pitt is not 5 foot 8. 180cm. He wears lifts.
2nd trtuh said on 20/Dec/11
i agree he did look tall in the beach for some strange reason
camera angles?
he wasnt wearing lifts barefoot most of the time

this guy is more tricky then brad pitt i mean
in A Boys Life he was shorter or made to appear
shorter then robert denero

i dont no i really dont no lol hes like those guys

you cant even call 5 11
and those guys you cant call 5 foot 10 either
i do no know what height this freak is he leaves me
weird because i think hollywood usses the best camera
angles for this guy to appear 6 foot 1

in a boys life he was 19 fully grown
but he looked sooo soos so young and short

then when hes around 25 in the movie beech
he looks 6 feet flat barefoot

very very verytricky guy i give up

maybe 5 foot 10 .23 thats why
he is so tricky i do not know

he has bad porportions very bad porportions
thats why hes hard to tell
Reality said on 19/Dec/11
I agree with Shaun.
Shaun said on 18/Dec/11
Same height as Justin Trousersnake I reckon. Close to '6.
Adamz said on 17/Dec/11
Met him where I work in Hollywood. Listing looks about right.
josef said on 16/Dec/11
leo is not 6ft,5'11.5 not 5'10 according to the true height of brad pitt is 5'8 but pitt is taller thatn leo.....
Silent d said on 15/Dec/11
182cm. End of story!
Frank2 said on 8/Jul/09
That photo was taken inside the Fox Studio commissary against a wall painted back in the 1930s in art deco style. At one point some drip exec wanted to paint over it.
Frank2 said on 2/Jul/09
Damon is wearing lifts next to Pitt. When I saw Damon he appeared to be wearing regular shoes and I was a lot taller. But most people tend to think I'm six feet. I know I'm not, but I still give people that impression. Rob should post the shot of me with my office staff when I worked at Fox. I tower over everyone in the photo.
rachel miller said on 2/Jul/09
I am 5ft 2 and danced with him before I'd say 5ft 10 is right
James said on 2/Jul/09
Frank2 but you did say maybe posture was to blame for Tom Hanks looking a bit under 6ft. And is Matt Damon REALLY as low as 5'8? Because he dosen't look that low next to Brad Pitt who you yourself saw at 5'11. Next to Pitt Matt looks 5'10 range.
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/09
Left to right, Tom Hanks who's just under six feet, Steven Spielberg who's 5'7" and DiCaprio who each time I've seen him has appeared to be my height or 5'11":

Click Here

DiCaprio with Matt Damon:

Click Here

When I've seen Damon, he's appeared to be 5'8".

Actors just love posing with 5'3" Martin Scorsese:

Click Here
Hugh 190cm said on 1/Jul/09
Same here James. An above average height guy. I really think 5ft11.75 would be good.
James said on 23/Jun/09
Maybe just slightly under 6'0. To be honest I have always pictured Dicaprio at 6'0.
Rob G said on 22/Jun/09
Agreed with 5'11" minimum, pushing 6'0"
juan said on 21/Jun/09
I think dicaprio is 181 cm. Could it be possible glenn?
I think that's his real height because he looks more than 5'11'', but sometimes shorter than 6'.
he looked shorter than tom hanks in catch me if you can. shorter than Hounsou, but he wore military boots in their "face to face" scenes.

excuse my english, i'm from south america.
mastadon said on 21/Jun/09
id giv him 6ft dead on
James said on 21/Jun/09
Minimum 5'11
177cmmm said on 21/Jun/09
i could never tell with leo probably is 5 11
Rob G said on 20/Jun/09
James says on 11/Jun/09
Except Brad Pitt is over 5'10

Well MAYBE he is or maybe he is not :-)
But to the point, I agree with Frank2, Leo is a legit 5'11" maybe 5'11.5" like Rob has him here
ZAQ said on 16/Jun/09
this is how he grew later on

22 5'10 1/2
23 5'11
25 5'11 1/2
James said on 11/Jun/09
Except Brad Pitt is over 5'10
Flyboy said on 11/Jun/09
Agree with James and Frank2. A strong 5'11", no more than that. I think the criminal mistake that people make on this site is underestimating just how visually imposing a genuine 5'11" - 6' individual can look. That is to say, there seems to be a deep, perhaps unconscious belief that if somebody is 'tall', they must be at least six feet, preferably nearer 6'1". A guy with a lean frame and a full 5'11" in height, like DiCaprio, is capable of looking pretty tall. A lot of people argue that Brad Pitt is only 5'10" (I don't agree), but he's shown that even at that height he's capable of looking tall thanks to his frame -- and an underrated height.
James said on 9/Jun/09
A very solid 5'11
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/09
He's 5'11".
James said on 3/Jun/09
183cm may be his real height.
Hugh 190cm said on 2/Jun/09
182-183cm or 5ft11.75 is most likely.
James said on 25/May/09
AJ midstride pictures are not always easy to guage. Not leos legs are furthe apart then his girlfriends making the difference between them look less.
Hugh 190cm said on 24/May/09
Looked 6ft at least in Blood Diamond.
yoyo said on 24/May/09
i always see Leo as 180 to 181. i think might be pushing 182..
AJ said on 23/May/09
Click Here

Leo with his gf who is bewteen 173 and 175 listed.
Looks 5'11 if you consider he got pretty big nikes on.
Blas said on 21/May/09
He looked really short in romeo+juliet
James said on 19/May/09
Well theres at least 5 inches in the top pic. But wasn't Leo wearing perioud shoes in this pic?
Shikoku said on 18/May/09
With 5ft 7 Glenn i'd see 5'10.5 or 5'11 but no taller. The only time he looked 6 foot to me was in Catch Me If you Can
James said on 17/May/09
Well in the old pic Leo is loosing about 2 inches with his bad posture, making him 5'9.5. Straighetned out he would look 5'11.5? That dosen't quite add up though! I think the baseball cap is making him look taller.
Dan said on 17/May/09
How old is second pic Glenn?
James said on 17/May/09
Yeah glenn anxiety disorder is serious. Its nothing to make fun of.
lola said on 17/May/09
I've already met leo, and as I am just 4'11, I felt really tiny next to him! I guess he's a little bit taller than 5 ft 11.5! I think he's 6ft or more
glenn said on 16/May/09
no he wasn't bobo.nice name you should do some research and see what it means in some circles.james,if its the right james im thinking of,also suffers from anxiety disorder like i do.dont even think of making fun of my dont have a clue on anything,so please mind your asking nicely to not respond.unless you apoligize.its a serious shouldn't make fun of it.
glenn said on 16/May/09
james-i wasn't stressing about meeting them a month or day before they arrived.the months before,yes.i stated i slept 3 hours a day and walked around for miles with a heavy bag.rob saw all this proof.he saw my early morning emails and heavy bag at least.i didn't sleep right for a few days due to work.
James said on 16/May/09
bobo what? I am just guessing really?
bobo said on 16/May/09
James: Are you being ironic with the whole sleep questioning thing? If so, It is very amusing. Well done.

"Understandebly the night before you might have been feeling slightly anxious/stressed about the whole thing and may have not got much sleep".

Thats funny stuff.
James said on 16/May/09
glenn how much sleep did you get before you met rob and jenny? Understandebly the night before you might have been feeling slightly anxious/stressed about the whole thing and may have not got much sleep.
James said on 16/May/09
I don't know I think Leo might drop down to 5'11.25 in the evening.
glenn said on 16/May/09
misha-can you repeat that on the glenn page please? of you worries if you dont.about your loss in height.your the 11th person here that mirrors a similar loss in height like i do when stressed without sleep.i lost 1 to 1.25.
T said on 15/May/09
Ran head first right into him while Christmas shopping three years ago. He was very nice, and about the exact same height as me (6').
Misha said on 15/May/09
I have confirmed huge losses in height from lack of sleep many times by taking careful measurements in the same spot and in the same way. I am 5'11.5"
after lots of sleep, but if I stay up all night and then work all day the following day, by that evening my height drops to little more than 5'10". Regarding DiCaprio, I think he's an honest six feet even on awakening and
goes down to 5'11.5" at night. But losing an inch in a day is possible - I've done it many times - and it takes two or three days to get it back! I also think
based on these photos that if DiCaprio is not wearing lifts in the later one,
then he did actually undergo a late growth spurt - it is much more common than
most people think - as he is clearly a taller person in the more recent photo.
James said on 15/May/09
Could even be 184cm out of bed after a very good nights sleep.
glenn said on 15/May/09
6ft is also fine.
James said on 14/May/09
Nah 6'0 when he wakes
glenn said on 14/May/09
ill buy that at night.maybe he doesn't shrink much maybe he wakes 5-11.5.
TELLEM said on 13/May/09
i'd say hes 5'11 or 5'11.5
James said on 13/May/09
Tom Cruise is 174cm after a very good nights sleep
Hugh 190cm said on 13/May/09
Leo is 182cm-183cm
Brad Pitt is 180cm-181cm
George Clooney is 179cm-180cm
Tom Cruise is 174cm-175cm?
Anonymous said on 11/May/09
Your height does not fluctuate an inch in one day. At absolute most it may fluctuate 1cm. So to say that when he wakes up he is 6 ft and later in the day he is 5' 11" isn't possible.
James said on 10/May/09
In the past he could look talelr then he does now because he was skinnier.
jf said on 10/May/09
I am exactly 5'11.5" tall and have always had a hard time figuring if Leo is taller or shorter than myself. I've always come to the conclusion he had me by a shade so I would say 6' no more. Anyone crediting him with 6'1" or more is probably being fooled by his extreme lankiness. He has long arms and legs but a short torso, which give the impression of added verticality.
Anonymous said on 8/May/09
A weak 6ft.
Alex said on 7/May/09
With these celebs its not easy to say what height they are each time of the day from morning, midday and evening. Almost all the time you see these celebs they are going to be at midday or evening heights. I'd be suprised if we saw any of them at their max height for the day. Now Leo probably is 6'0 out of bed but whenever I see him he looks in the 5'11-5'11.5 range which is probably his afternoon-evening height which are very close to each other anyway.
Peter said on 7/May/09
di caprio is exactly 183cm(6,0ft)
Anonymous said on 5/May/09
183-184cm in the morning is bang on.
kommodoro said on 5/May/09
Hi guys!
I happened to meet him and I asure you he is exactly 183 cm(I am european)
PS - I am an actor(usually an extra)and I met many celebs.
glenn said on 2/May/09
jessica king-famous to some i guess.i couldnt handle real fame.
glenn said on 2/May/09
he has looked 6-1,6-2 in front of self admitted to me,lifts.and is descibed as that tall by people that work for him to me.
cindy said on 30/Apr/09
he looks a solid 6 foot to me.
lulu said on 30/Apr/09
I've heard him described as 6 foot even 6'1 sometimes. hes probably a solid 6 foot, at least that's what he looks like to me.
glenn said on 30/Apr/09
i believe you thomas.i think i was low 5-7ish(when i woke),up until 21,22.then high 5-7ish,5-8 after.
Thomas said on 30/Apr/09
I had a growth spurt in my late 20s. I was 5ft 7 until about 25. Then 5ft 8.5 at 29. Then lost 20 kilos weight and ended up 5ft 10.
Akirum said on 28/Apr/09
I don't think Dicaprio could have grown a full inch past age 24. Most guys stop growing taller by age 18 to 23. I say Dicaprio is 6 ft 0, maybe 5 -11 1/2.
JJ said on 28/Apr/09
Yoyo how the hell does one grow after the age of 24?
yoyo said on 27/Apr/09
in Titanic looks not more than 5ft10.5 to me. after of age24 he grow abit. now 5ft11.5 claim sounds reasonable.
bigd said on 24/Apr/09
I think glenn is an optimistic 5'8" in the morning
Scata said on 23/Apr/09
akirum me and you are the exact same height
ikbtops said on 22/Apr/09
I'd like to see Leo and Bruce Willis together. Although very different builds and head shapes I bet they are extremely close in height.
Alex said on 20/Apr/09
He's a strong 5'11. His lowest height is probably no less than 5'11 and is probably pushing 6'0 out of bed.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
i agree akirum.
Akirum said on 20/Apr/09
Leo is clearly 5 ft 11 or more. He could be as tall as 6 ft 0 in the morning hours and I wouldn't question that at all. My own height varies between 5 ft 11.5 and 6 ft 0.25 depending on time of day, so 6 ft for Leo is certainly within reasonable possibility.
Scata said on 17/Apr/09
He does't seem that tall, not even in the top pic. Considering Glenn is somewhere betwee 5'7 and 5'8 and the fact that Leo is probably wearing lifts in the top pic I would estimate his height around 5'11
Ali said on 13/Apr/09
He looks only 3 inches taller than Glenn who is
170 cm. So that makes Di Caprio 5'10. Maybe slightly more,
but 182 cm, no that is impossible IMHO.
Original said on 13/Apr/09
DiCaprio is 182cm in my opinion.
Hugh 190cm said on 13/Apr/09
Not really James. Baldwin just looks fat a lot of the time. A real imposing guy would be someone like Forest Whitaker. I'll admit Baldwin could pass for 6ft when he was younger because he was slimmer than he is now. Dicaprio is taller than Baldwin.
bam said on 13/Apr/09
hugh 190, heights rarely match up that conveniently. Thats why people argue heights, because they don't match up. Dicaprio was 5'11.75, 6ft next to matt damon (5'10) in the departed for sure. But then during the premiere, was 0.75 inches taller than him....
glenn said on 13/Apr/09
i was surprised too see alec baldwin last week shrink down to 5-11.5.from the 6-1 i was seeing him at last year.of course i know he isnt past 6ft in reality.
Doug said on 12/Apr/09
If I was Leo I'd definately claim 6'.
Hugh 190cm said on 12/Apr/09
Sorry i meant 185cm is too high foe Leo.
Hugh 190cm said on 11/Apr/09
I watched the Aviator last night and this is what I saw.

Leanardo DiCaprio looked half an inch to 1 inch taller than 5ft11.5 listed Alec Baldwin (personally I think 5ft11 flat). He also looked almost an inch taller than Jude Law in the restaurant scene. He did look about 2 inches shorter than Alda Alda whose is listed as 6ft2 peak and currently 6ft1. I think Alda is almost 6ft2 barefoot currently and was slightly taller than 6ft2 during his M.A.SH. days. This overall leads to DiCaprio being 182cm strong or 5ft11.75. Also I have seen Blood Diamond enough times to notice that DiCaprio looked not much shorter than 6ft2 listed Dimijon Hounsou (Who I think is 189cm). Judging from that film I'd say DiCaprio looked 184cm. However that was probably the boots he was wearing and there is no way Hounsou is shorter than 6ft2 seeming there is a picture of him on Will Smiths page where he looks 6ft3 next to Smith.

So personally I think DiCaprio should be given 5ft11.75, Alan Alda should be given 6ft1.75 and 6ft2.25 as his peak height, Alec Baldwin should be downgraded to 5ft11 flat and Dimijon hounsou should be listed as 6ft2.5 (189cm).

That's my opinion. I'm always happy to hear from you Rob. Whether you agree or disagree with my opinions. I'm not sure if people would agree with the other height estimations I've just commented on but I know I'm not the only one here to estimate DiCaprio as being almost 6ft. Lenad has gone as far to say that DiCaprio could even be 185cm in the morning. That is too low yes. But he also thinks DiCaprio is 182cm-183cm. I couldn't agree with the man more on that one.

Rob if you read this, please reply. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with my claims. There are a lot of jackasses (sorry if it's offensive) on this site but there are also a lot good guys on this site, you being one of them and I'm not just saying that because your the editor. Like Glenn you have met a lot of these famous people over the years and you have a very good incite on how to judge their height.


Hugh 190cm
Hugh 190cm said on 10/Apr/09
Yeah a strong 182cm is accurate. But 185cm out of bed is pushing it. That would mean he'd shrink exactly 1 inch or more during the day!
Lenad said on 8/Apr/09
Could measure at 185cm out of bed but no more. I think hes 182-183cm. The 5'10 max is BS
Hugh 190cm said on 5/Apr/09
I used to think Leo was 6ft1. How I was so wrong. However he might reach 184cm in the morning.
Doug said on 5/Apr/09
Bball20, these are barefoot estimates.
Ali said on 4/Apr/09
Looks 5'10 ish to me. He was considerably shorter standing completely
straight than Liam Neeson who had very bad posture:

Click Here

How much inches difference do you guys see here? I think
5-6 inches difference. Liam Neeson is 6'4. So Di Caprio
is really not 182 cm, probably 5'10ish, maybe a weak 5'11.
But more than 5'11 is impossible IMO, unless Neeson is 6'5.
ChucktheSchmuck said on 4/Apr/09
bball20: Their height with stilts....*sigh* (Why would it be interesting to have the height with shoes on? Ofc it's barefeet.)
bball20 said on 3/Apr/09
on this website are people saying there height with shoes on or their height as in being barefoot?
Doug said on 2/Apr/09
Should be pretty easy for a legit 5'11" guy to pull off 6'1" on a regular basis in a good pair of boots. Lots of legit 5'11" ers like Beckham etc can pull off the 6'1" in boots and regularly look like tall guys, as Leo does today. He only looked 5'9"ish in Titanic, definately had a 2-3 inch late growth spurt, anybody can tell this, not unusual to grow 2 inches in your early 20s.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/09
dead on. seen him too in LA
Random Person said on 29/Mar/09
5'11 in the morning, 5'10.5 by night.
TELLEM said on 26/Mar/09
with 5'10-5'11 joe mantegna: Click Here
leo looks 5'11 max which i'm sure thats all he is.
Vibram said on 24/Mar/09
Risingforce, it's not possible he had a late growth spurt, it's fact.
bam said on 24/Mar/09
jake, if he is 6ft even, then how is he shorter than tom hanks?
Jon said on 23/Mar/09
J.J. says on 8/Mar/09
Hugh get your facts right 6'0" is exactly 182.88cm but rounded up to 183cm. In my opinion if anyone measures 182cm you are 100% allowed to say 6'0". Because 182cm is actually 5'11.75" I mean do we all expect everyone to be walking around & saying I AM 5'11.75" or 5'11.5" these people can just say 6'0" or I'm about 6'0" that sounds right. So of you are 6'0.5" YOU SAY AM ABOUT 6'1"

I totally agree J.J! I myself am 181cm, which according to your statement is literally just under 6 feet, but because 181cm is classed as 5ft 11.25cm people dnt see it as being close to 6ft, but 5ft 11.5cm is 182cm??? No, its actually 181.6cm, rounded up to 182cm. WTF?? lol, so i totally agree with you man, 100%!
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-_-_-(Hugh) said on 22/Mar/09
How can you say that. Hounsou was bigger than this guy. In Blood Diamond Hounsou was completely solid, washboard stomach, ripped muscle. Yeah sure Leo filled out a bit but Hounsou was wider and taller.
Original said on 21/Mar/09
Leo is 182cm now.
At Titanic he like 180cm
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
Leo defintley looks taller than he did in the mid 90's. It's possible he had a late growth spurt.
ACG said on 19/Mar/09
Dan- that site requires a login and password.....for those of us who don't feel like registering on, could you please upload the pic to some free host and post the link? thank you!
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
dan makes 5 of us! though i have seen weird pics of peers where leo looks 5-10 last year.leo is 5-11.5 minimum.
Dan said on 19/Mar/09
I think that trying to get his specific height in centimeters, without shoes is rediculous. The guy is obviously very close to six feet. He is tall and lanky. Here is in a pic with brad pitt whom most of you say always wears ELEVATOR SHOES. Give Pitt 5-11 with his elavators, here you go Click Here
me said on 18/Mar/09
leo is 6 ft!
ACG said on 18/Mar/09
that makes 3 of us that believe his six-foot-even claim.
glenn said on 17/Mar/09
i agree jake.
Jake said on 17/Mar/09
I know it might be pedantic, only a half inch difference but I firmly believe he i 6' on the dot.
Vibram said on 16/Mar/09
Yeah, he did look more manly than his normal youth in build in BDiamonds. I also thought he'd have difficulty putting on and maintaining muscle cos he looks -- albeit marginally -- more on the low testosterone side than normal or high.
Rusty said on 14/Mar/09
I watched the departed, look like a legit 5'11" guy.
OliTheMan said on 14/Mar/09
he doesnt really strike me as SLIM nowadays. i mean have u seen Blood Diamond?
Sam said on 9/Mar/09
Ed (1) you seem right. I also belive in Body of Lies he was looking like 5'10-5'11. He has 4 inches on Glenn in the top photo, which he is mostl likely wearing his lifts, and Glen is around 5'7.5, so Leo is more 5'11 on a good day.
J.J. said on 8/Mar/09
Hugh get your facts right 6'0" is exactly 182.88cm but rounded up to 183cm. In my opinion if anyone measures 182cm you are 100% allowed to say 6'0". Because 182cm is actually 5'11.75" I mean do we all expect everyone to be walking around & saying I AM 5'11.75" or 5'11.5" these people can just say 6'0" or I'm about 6'0" that sounds right. So of you are 6'0.5" YOU SAY AM ABOUT 6'1"
Ed(1) said on 8/Mar/09
I just saw Body of Lies last night, and was I really surprised to see Leo almost exactly the same height as Crowe, even shorter at times. It makes me wonder if he's more like 5ft10.5-5ft11? He can definitely give the impression of 6ft1 at times, but that seems to be in lifts like in Blood Diamond. In Lies though he was very average looking throughout the film, and like already mentioned, he was one of the shortest actors.

The only other scenario is that he is really 5ft11.5, and Crowe was weaing some generous lifts?
Complex said on 8/Mar/09
Compared to Russell Crowe, he was max 1 inch over, I saw barely a fraction of an inch in some scenes. He was one of the shorter ppl in Body of Lies, I remember when watching it he looked more average than tallish. 5'11 seems pretty accurate for him..
\_-_-_-Hugh-_-_-_/ said on 8/Mar/09
No necessarily. 183cm on the dot is 6ft. 182-183cm is literally a fraction less. It's approximitely 5ft11.75.
Arek said on 3/Mar/09
"Dicaprio is close to 6ft but not quite. approximitely 182-183cm" If he is beween 182-183 then he is probably 6ft because 182.8cm is 6ft.
_-_-_-Hugh-_-_-_/ said on 27/Feb/09
Hanks is a solid 6ft guy and possibly 184cm on a good day. Dicaprio is close to 6ft but not quite. approximitely 182-183cm. Hanks looked close to 6ft2 in Catch me if you Can.
Complex said on 26/Feb/09
5'11 sounds right for Leo, I don't keep up much on hanks but I doubt 6'0 nowdays, he's right about 2 inches shorter than his 6'1 son Colin. Not that it helps me cuz I never saw Catch me if you can, but I will say, max 1 inch between leo & crowe, at several different times they looked the same height, I think he's closer to 5'11 than 6'0.
TheoJ said on 26/Feb/09
Isn't Tom Hanks just over 6ft and Leo looked the same height as him, if not taller, in Catch Me If You Can. I thought Leo was just over 6ft.
glenn said on 23/Feb/09
5-8.5 he did look to me once recently.but 5-9 again everytime after.
TELLEM said on 23/Feb/09
and in raging bull, there are several scenes of de niro and cathy moriarity (whos supposedly 5'9) barefooted on the pool and they look the same height.
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
For De Niro I think he was about 5'9.5" peak, that's obvious watching Taxi Driver. I know he had big heels, but 5'8" Cybil Shepherd had bigger heels and De Niro was taller. Then I think De Niro was more like 5'9" in the mid to late 90's and possibly as low as 5'8.5" now.
glenn said on 23/Feb/09
thats possible too james.
Complex said on 22/Feb/09
I agree james, even that may be a stretch :) definately in the lower 5'8 range now..
TELLEM said on 22/Feb/09
that seems more realistic to me aswell james. morning height wise of course.
TELLEM said on 22/Feb/09
i doubt it. frank2 said he saw ed harris while filming "the abyss" and said 5'9. woods could be a 5'10 guy, which isn't way off considering he was an inch shorter than 5'11 tom skerritt in "contact".
RisingForce said on 21/Feb/09
I saw that too Complex. In some scenes Crowe was about the same height, but in others Leo was a half an inch or an inch taller. Don't forget though that at the premiere when they were both in dress shoes Leo had Crowe by an inch.

I've also heard that Crowe wears lifts.
glenn said on 21/Feb/09
james woods is 5-11.ever see my pic with him? he towers me.full body photo.
glenn said on 21/Feb/09
that might be the highest i saw him.but 5-10 was deniros official height,and he did look it in some early films.maybe ed harris was taller once.he is 5-9 now.sean penn claims 5-9.we know he is 5-8 tops.looking less and movies are tricky.
Complex said on 20/Feb/09
I bought body of lies and dicaprio looked extremely average compared to his height in blood diamond. I really thought him and crowe looked exact same height an at best 0.5-1 inch difference, at very very best. Im stickin' with 5'11 for now, watch body of lies, granted most of the guys taller than leo do look really tall, but it seemed nearly everyone in that movie was taller than he.
TELLEM said on 20/Feb/09
watch "we're no angels" about an inch over sean penn, watch "jacknife" a bit shorter than 5'9 ed harris.
TELLEM said on 20/Feb/09
he didn't even look 5'10 next to liotta, he looked 5'8, hell he was an inch taller than 5'7 sean penn...frank2 saw de niro in the 80s at 5'8. glenn, i thought you said the highest you saw de niro was 5'9.5?
glenn said on 20/Feb/09
i agree vibram.5-10 peak for,i saw him as that in the flesh.never mind the movies.
Gago said on 19/Feb/09
In Cape Fear De Niro wore 2 inch heel shoes pretty much the whole movie. I don't think he was ever more than 5'9 in his peak.
TELLEM said on 19/Feb/09
de niro wasn't 5'10 peak LOL...the max he ever was 5'9, hell most likely under. look at him next to 5'10 james woods in once upon a time in america, or 5'10 jerry lewis in the king of comedy...he looks 5'8 to barely scraping 5'9 w/ those guys.
Vibram said on 18/Feb/09
James you think De Niro was 5ft9 max at peak? I swear he was 5ft10 in Taxi Driver (1976), and stood at least 5ft9.75 next to Nick Nolte in Cape Fear 15 year later (1991). Can believe a flat 5f9 since the late 1990's but not as early as '92 - he would've been only 48 when he co-stared with Leo in TBLife.
Complex said on 17/Feb/09
Late growth spurts I would say are very uncommon, cept in pitt and damons case where "late growth spurts" come in the form of lifts and elevators.
Vibram said on 16/Feb/09
It is a big spurt to go from 5ft7'ish to 6ft (5 inches) after 17-18. I would consider it unusual and perhaps only happens to 1 in 25, or 1 in a class. People I know only grew 1" - 3" at most after 18, many had no gains at all but those were the ones that had beards and filled out early.
glenn said on 16/Feb/09
doug is varies greatly,i would imagine.
Doug said on 15/Feb/09
Not at all. I grew from 5'9" at 17 to 6'1" by 19. I;ve grown a further inch in my early twenties to 6'2" barefoot now full grown. Not unheard of for guys to grow taller and bigger up to 25, certainly bulking out is quite common during the early twenties. A lot of my friends who were smaller at school are now in the 6 foot range and a lot who were a lot taller than me in school, the ones who grew very early are a great deal shorter than myself today. one guy I can think of was 5'8" by aged 11 and towered me in these younger years. Now I have 6 inches on him quite remarkable really. People are different, some develop later etc.
Vibram said on 15/Feb/09
he looked 2" inches shorter than de niro in tblife. de niro is what, 5ft9.5? there was a clip on youtube of them having a fight in the film. don't know if de niro had stacks. it might of been filmed in early '92 when he was 17. still quite late to go from 5ft7-8 to roughly 6ft after age 17-18, though.
Complex said on 14/Feb/09
He admitted to wearing lifts in the more recent picture? Did I miss something?
Vibram said on 14/Feb/09
Yeah probably his voice broke late as 20 James. It was still childish at 18 in "This Boys Life" (1993)
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
Joseph says on 11/Feb/09
How come he's much shorter in the older picture?

Several reasons.

1.He admitted to wearing lifts in the recent picture
2.He's slouching in the older picture
3.There's a good chance he grew after the first picture. He was only 18/19 then.
glenn said on 12/Feb/09
i dont know james.just filled out.hopefully muscle.
Doug said on 12/Feb/09
He had another growth spurt in his late teens/early twenties like I did. You can tell he has grown since his earlier films and yes he has filled out too both muscle and fat. I always though he looked about 5'9" max in his earlier films, now frequently looks 6' in shoes at least. I doubt lifts account for most of the growth difference you can see physically he has grown although might be wearing lifts to make him 6'1".
Joseph said on 11/Feb/09
How come he's much shorter in the older picture?
glenn said on 10/Feb/09
thank you misha.he filled out is what i meant.
Doug said on 10/Feb/09
Oh and yes the reason why I don't think he under 5'11" barefoot is because of those beach photos where he is noticeably taller than Gisele, who is a particularly tall woman herself supposed to be 5'10.5" but likely 5'10" max.
Doug said on 10/Feb/09
Leo obviously has grown since the first and second photos. He grew at least two inches in his mid-to late teens I'm sure. He is certainly not as tall as 6'1" barefoot as he is often billed as, thats his max height I'm sure in lifts. Looks a similar height to Pitt I've always thought, looks 5'11" flat I think, but with camera angles and lifts etc can give off a tall impression in films in the way that Pitt can. I'd estimate 5'11" barefoot, I saw him barefoot with Gisele on a beach in some photos and he didn't look quite a six footer to me.
Complex said on 9/Feb/09
You're wrong, in all fairness giselle is a model and alot of models get listed taller sometimes, if you go to her page alot argue that she's a legit 5'9, but those pics are hard to tell, he's always looked 5'11 to me and likely 6'1 in lifts.
You're wrong said on 8/Feb/09
Ok...ground is uneven,but if you measure both in the photo you will see he taller min. 3cm.
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
yes james.the one on top.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/09
You're wrong says on 7/Feb/09
He's a solid 182cm, look he barefoot with Gisele B
You're wrong said on 7/Feb/09
He's a solid 182cm, look he barefoot with Gisele B
Alex said on 7/Feb/09
I still feel Leo is 5'11 to 5'11 1/2 max. Someone that height will easily look 6'0 in movies and even 6'1 sometimes.
Alex said on 7/Feb/09
A weak 5'11.5 is pretty much a stong 5'11. Someone who is 5'11.5 in the morning and 5'10.75-5'11 by the evening.
Lenad said on 7/Feb/09
I think hes strong 182cm or a weak 183cm. But in Titanic he did look more of a flat 5ft11 next to Billy Zane.
Bensons minor said on 6/Feb/09
I would say he's 6ft, notice how Glenn's head is higher than Leo's. Easy 6ft, I'm actually 6ft 1ins and I look like him. My Dad is 5ft 8ins as well as Glenn and I am rather the same height difference as shown.
klem said on 5/Feb/09
James says on 3/Feb/09
He could actually be a weak 5ft11.5 like 181-182cm.

Thats not weak 5-11.5 thats legit, 5-11.5 is almost exactly 181.5cm
Complex said on 5/Feb/09
That's fine acg and you are totally welcome to your opinion. For one I don't downgrade everyone, but I only downgrade in the eyes of ppl who tend to inflate. Keep in mind that if I think a celeb is a certain height and others say higher, then to me ya'll are inflating, but we are all allowed our own opinions which is fine, but there are many here that I think might even be taller than listed and alot I think Rob has dead on, I put a list on cruise's page when someone questioned me. But to me I don't see that I downgrade cuz I think i'm right, just like ppl that inflate don't see themselves as inflaters because they think they're right, guess that's the magic of a forum, we're all allowed our opinions. Notice up above a journalist supposedly wrote "leo was only 5'10" so me saying 5'11 wouldn't seem too much of a stretch would it? Are we really arguing over half an inch??? 5'11-5'11.5 same thing virtually.
ACG said on 4/Feb/09
Complex- no offense, but you seem to downgrade chance of Leo being a flat 5'11, in my opinion.
Ian said on 4/Feb/09
From the bottom picture to the top he's only grown about an 1.5". He just not standing straight in the bottom picture. Well that could be down to lifts or he could have had a late growth spell. He is also not standing tall in the 2nd pic.
Complex said on 3/Feb/09
That's what Leo is, not over 5'11...that's what I meant.
TELLEM said on 3/Feb/09
i can buy 5'11 flat for leo aswell.
Complex said on 2/Feb/09
I think he had a late growth spurt too.....a late growth spurt of lifts and elevators. File under 5'11 flat.
anonymous said on 2/Feb/09
The first photo on the bottom meant that Leonardo Dicaprio was 18 or 19 at the time. It's possible to keep growing after 18, but not by much. In Dicaprio's case, it seems he had a very late growth spurt which is a rare situation. Most teens have their late growth spurt around 16-17 years.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
rfs-you make no sense.
Benji said on 1/Feb/09
leo was born 1974 and the picture on the botton was taken 1993, how could he grow? i mean he was at least 18 maybe 19. not many guys grow till 21...
anonymous said on 1/Feb/09
5 foot 11.
RFS said on 31/Jan/09
Glenn you can't be 5'8" ...
DejaVu said on 31/Jan/09
With all the evidences I believed that he is at least 181 a strong 5'11. He could look up to 6'1 with lifts.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
interesting rob.
Alex said on 29/Jan/09
Giselle looks at least 5'10 still. She probably meant she was taller in her big heels.
Hugh said on 29/Jan/09
Vibram, Zane is a pretty tall guy. I think he's genuinely a good 2 inches taller than Leo.
Complex said on 28/Jan/09
Yeah but Giselle also said she was taller than him too, we have to keep that in mind, seems more 5'11 flat to me and maybe 6'1 in lifts.
Gago said on 28/Jan/09
James, Giselle is a model and that's what models do: wear heels. Well, I haven't seen Leo so I can't say his height, 5'11 is very much possible because he was 2 inches shorter than legit 6'1 Mark Strong in Body of Lies.
Vibram said on 28/Jan/09
I wonder how he would compare to Billy Zane today 12/13-years after filming Titanic? I think they made Zane look taller in Titanic, and had Leo in flat deck shoes during the confrontation scenes. It would make sense as they wanted Zane to look like the more socially upperclass, mature and physically stronger love interest.
glenn said on 28/Jan/09
he isnt 5-11 flat.thats too low.

Editor Rob
I heard winslet on radio other day saying either he is a 'little' over 6ft or under.
Complex said on 27/Jan/09
Maybe so Gago, I used to think giselle was tall like 5'11 but after analyzing I was gonna give her close to 5'10,5'9.5 seems fairly accurate for her. He's prolly 5'11, doubt he reaches 6'0
Alex said on 27/Jan/09
James, he was well into this 20s by then so I highly doubt he got any taller.

Complex, yea 5'11 seems right. He was a good inch or so shorter than Billy Zane who is at least 6'0.
Gago said on 27/Jan/09
Complex, I met Giselle and she does not reach 5'10, I think she's 5'9.5/177, but the comment about her man being taller than her I think was based on the fact that she couldn't wear heels with him.
Complex said on 27/Jan/09
He's definately not the 6'0 he claims. I'd say more 5'11, 5'11.25 tops! Here he is with Hounsou (slightly under 6'2), and connelly, Click Here

Hounsou had him by 2-2.5 and some instances what seemed to be 3 inches in blood diamond, hounsou I think is slightly under 6'2, 6'2 max tho he was virtually the same height as k.reeves (6'1), maybe a tad taller, so 6'2 tops for Hounsou. Leo is 5'11.25 tops.

Definately no way is he much over 5'11, well in elevators maybe. Elevators do alot fot these stars.

And James I definately agree, Leo is not a big guy, not at all. No way! What's wierd is if you watch The Departed, he looks max 3 inches over wahlberg and alot believe wahlberg to be 5'7, if we give wahlberg the b.o.t.d., then he'd be 5'8 and that'd still only put leo at 5'11. He's not 6'0, I'm positive, 5'11 for Leo!

He was also 2-2.5 inches top over 5'8-5'9 listed kevin corrigan.

Click Here
Wonder how he'd look here if giselle (5'9 range, 5'10 and a little change tops, not 5'11) lifted her head up and straightened her posture, Maybe this is why she made the comment about him being shorter than her, who knows!
Zach #2 said on 26/Jan/09
in films like The Departed and The Aviator he looks very tall, but films like Body Of Lies, GONY and even Rev Road he looks 5ft 11" max.
glenn said on 26/Jan/09
you dont understand my point james.if you saw him at my occasions,not any other situation.
Alex said on 26/Jan/09
Big and tall are 2 different things. Some people will call a tall lean guy big which is crazy. Big is more of weight/mass/muscle.
Stevey said on 26/Jan/09
He's two different colors, I say one of them is an imposter. Would explain the height difference too.
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/09
looks like an 6 footer
glenn said on 25/Jan/09
you would james if you saw him like i did.filled out body wise and 6-1 to 6-2 in lifts.
Alex said on 25/Jan/09
Titanic came out in late 1997 so it was made somewhere in the 2nd half of 1996. Leo was 22 in 1996 and fully grown unless he had a very late spurt.
Ryan Lincoln said on 25/Jan/09
Leo's a big guy. More than "slightly" taller than Kate Winslett.
Dan said on 22/Jan/09
OPEN YOUR EYES ROB! He's a strong 5'11.5" when slouching.
A definite strong 6'0 when straightens out
Vibram said on 22/Jan/09
Also looks slightly taller next to Winslett from the stills of his latest film, Revolutionary Road then he did in 1997's Titanic.

He seem to gain 2cm between years 1996/97 and 1999's Beach. 5ft10 in 1994's Gilbert Grape, 5ft11 throughout most of the mid 90s and reached 6ft by the latter part of the decade.
Alex said on 21/Jan/09
James, I think he's 6'0-6'0 1/2 and that puts Leo at under 6'0 for sure and 5'11 flat likely, 5'11 1/2 max.
Mike Franks said on 20/Jan/09
Hi. I think Leo is in the 5'11' range, after watching many photos with Leo and other celebrities.
Alex said on 20/Jan/09
Yea, around 6'0 means anywhere from 5'11.5-6'0.5. Some will even be as low as 5'11 and say around 6'0. I dont think Leo is more than 5'11 1/2. 6'0 1/2 Billy Zane has a good inch on him.
leonari said on 20/Jan/09
Leo is very vain. So he uses slight what
RisingForce said on 20/Jan/09
He is one of the few to admit to wearing lifts. I know Ray Liotta admitted it to but that was no big deal considering it was for a movie part. I believe Burt Reynolds admitted it too, but that wasn't exactly news.....

Leo wearing lifts didn't really surprise me because they're so common but when I think of lift wearers, Leo doesn't come to mind.
glenn said on 19/Jan/09
acg-actually he was very nonchalant about it.he seemed to have other things on his mind.naturally.i admire his honesty.
glenn said on 19/Jan/09
g- he said "around 6ft".
ACG said on 19/Jan/09
i guess you kinda caught him, no, glenn? did he seem at all annoyed that he really had no choice but to admit his "shrinkage"? after all, how else can you explain looking a solid 2 inches shorter from the other encounter.....

whatever the case may be, i think it's pretty cool that at least one celeb can confess to wearing lifts, no matter how begrudgingly he admitted it....
g said on 18/Jan/09
glenn , what was the height he told you that he is?
glenn said on 18/Jan/09
cause he admitted to me wearing footwear to make him taller.
Strife said on 18/Jan/09
Okay why does he look 2 inches taller in the first pic?..
mcfan said on 17/Jan/09
He obviously wears lifts at times. I'd give him 5'11, but I see photos of him looking 6'1. Hard to figure out.
Hugh said on 17/Jan/09
I do not remember Leo being in Mission Impossible 3.
dak said on 17/Jan/09
I'm 5'11.5, and if Leo is that height too thats cool. He does seem popular with the ladies.
RisingForce said on 16/Jan/09
Well Mission Impossible 3 was only a few years ago.
RisingForce said on 16/Jan/09
Yeah James, Cruise probably did some training for Mission Impossible 2 or maybe The Last Samurai.
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
Probably because he hasn't been in a role where he's needed them in decades and he's 65 plus he's not in great shape.
Vibram said on 15/Jan/09
Doesn't look weak-jawed to me, looks quite boxed/square. Wouldn't lower than average testosterone levels at puberty make a guy stay at around 5ft5 or a childish height like that, at least not sprout much, with other factors such as narrow shoulders and female-like skeleton structure (gracile, slight), weak voice, low body hair, unaltered hairline and thin-skinned. Although late growing I think Dicaprio developed normally and doesn't look like he needs treatment; some guys look their best in their 40's and he seems to be coming one of them; Sean Penn and Anthony Michael Hall could be other examples of late bloomers that look more distinguised as adult actors well into their 30s.
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
James, I know that Sly Stallone was trained by a boxer for a few of the Rocky movies and he did some other training for First Blood. De Niro trained with Jake La Motta for Raging Bull too.

I'd imagine that Mel Gibson did some training for Lethal Weapon and maybe Patrick Swayze for Road House. It's really not uncommon for actors to train for roles when they'll have to do fight scenes.
irishguy said on 12/Jan/09
He was described in an article in the Sundays times yesterday as "6'1, lanky".
The article also said that he had lost his boyish looks, and was now had a strong Masculine presense! I still think he looks quite boyish but being masculine in your attitude helps. I'm quite "baby-faced" at 27 but have been also described at times as masculine and even alpha-male, must come down to the way I hold myself and have also built myself up to be broad and strong.
glenn said on 12/Jan/09
now that i think of it,duh,i would make sense,the trainer mustve trained other actors.dumb of me to forget that.i think i read other names.
Zabulun said on 10/Jan/09
I am Leo's same approx. height. In the morning I sometimes stand a legitimate 6 ft 0 on the dot, but towards the end of the day I may stand close to 5'11 1/2 in. Even at his shortest, I suspect Leo is at least 1/2 to 3/4 inch taller than Gisele.

At her height, she would probably have preferred a man of 6 ft 4 or 6 ft 5 -- for which 99 % men do not qualify.
glenn said on 10/Jan/09
was it intense enough for that james?
Brent said on 10/Jan/09
at least 5'11 if not 5'11.5, maybe 6 foot in the morning.
Vibram said on 10/Jan/09
Yeah very true that glenn; blacks are usually 5ft10+ or below 5ft6/7; fewer inbetweens, seems universal from what you've just said. Thanks. I think it might be that some were selected for slavery and choosen for their big size (west african; cameroon, nigeria are usually big), where as central africans are a lot smaller and both have intermixed since.
glenn said on 10/Jan/09
oh,1993 and 2007.
glenn said on 10/Jan/09
if anything we both changed.but acg is right.less with me.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
there you go mustve been for gangs then.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
vibram-its the same in new york city.tall blacks the norm.but when they are short,they are short.5-3 to 5-5.saw one yesterday that was 5ft flat.that was rare,but i have seen that before in black males.not too much in the middle.there are 5-8ers to 5-9,but usually its 5-10 on up or 5-6 on down.
ACG said on 9/Jan/09
James- jigaboo is referring to glenn changing....which i really don't see. it's pretty easy to see that Leo and glenn are both the same people in each picture. moreso with glenn, actually. keep in mind that the bottom pic is from the early 90s and the top pic is from last year(i think).
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
i said i read an interview with a mixed martial artist that trained leo for gangs of new york.he mentioned leo was dangerous.though i dont remember any fighthing or rather anything from that movie at all.maybe it was for another movie.
Vibram said on 9/Jan/09
I notice amongst African-origin British males that they are either tall or short; not many average height blacks.
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
who said ufc?
random dude said on 7/Jan/09
Actually I
Hugh said on 6/Jan/09
Since when has Leo got experience with UFC. Where'd you hear that?
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/09
So you also have evidence for that as well James? Tool. I for one think there
Lmeister said on 5/Jan/09
Just read the comments made by mofo and gotta say that you know nothing. You say that blondes are thin and tall. Come to northern europe and you will see that most of the guys are larger than average guys from southern europe. Just take a look at the sizing of clothing the smallest clothes for men are made in southern europe or in asia...
Hugh said on 5/Jan/09
I find slim men unmanly. Very feminine infact.
Vibram said on 5/Jan/09
The tallest nation I've been to is across the water to Holland, however, the "biggest" has to Polish, Lithuanians and Estonians. They are broad as well as tall but not as tall as the dutch but definitely broader-boned and more stout / muscular. Smallest folk I saw were from Laos - a group of them getting off a tour bus one time I was in London. Very short and frail looking.
Hugh said on 4/Jan/09
Dimijon would absolutely knock the head off Dicaprio. He'd also have a longer reach. He has quite a long physique. Quite athletic. Solid as a rock.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.