How tall is Ludi Lin

Ludi Lin's Height

5ft 9 (175.3 cm)

Chinese-Canadian actor, known for roles in Power Rangers (2017) and Aquaman. On his modelling page, he gave his height as "5'11", Weight as "170 lbs", Chest 41", Waist 30" and Inseam 31".

How tall is Ludi Lin
Photos by PR Photos

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Average Guess (29 Votes)
5ft 9.29in (176cm)
FE said on 4/Jan/22
@Editor Rob,

Looks 5’9.5” w/ Irfan Khan?
Click Here

U once said “Dacre was NOT taller” right?
Editor Rob
They can look quite close
FloJ said on 20/Jun/21
But isn't him the same height as Dacre? If Ludi is 5'9 then Dacre wouldn't be 176.5
FE said on 19/May/21
@Editor Rob,

Could 176cm be a fair shout?
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Generally looks 5’9.25-9.5”, a Solid 5’9er & His body frame help him look taller @times too.

What do u think Rob?
Editor Rob

My opinion can change on him, maybe that figure of 176 could be argued
Powerhouse said on 7/May/21
If Josh Lawson is 6’0 flat I can’t see 5’9 for this guy, my immediate thoughts for Ludi was 5’8 range and I have a hard time seeing him being any taller than that.
Leesheff85 said on 6/May/21
He looked virtually identical in height to Jessica mcnamee in mortal kombat and 4 inches shorter than 6 foot range josh lawson maybe 5ft 8 1/2 is closer than 5ft 9 1/2
Editor Rob
could be inflating height a good 2 inches then.
Ferris said on 12/Jan/21
@Editor Rob,

He’s been listed 179cm on his agency & also described “approx 177cm tall” by a casting call?
Click Here Click Here

Having said that, he’s only 5’9”.

What do u think Rob?
Editor Rob
I think given they want a double about 177 is good to suggest he isn't far off that mark, so 5ft 9.5 maybe is appropriate.
Ferris said on 11/Dec/20
Yo Rob, Could u add this guy to Martial Artists Category?
Joseph175 said on 26/Mar/20
Ludi Lin looks more 176.5 cm to 177 cm than 178. His night height is probably a bit over 176.
Eric W. Tam said on 21/Jan/20
This guy shall play a young me in a movie when I become NWO leader one day. Though for today the only thing I can pass is giving him the heigh tof 176 cm. I'm 185 cm though.
MD said on 24/Dec/18
This can't be right, can it? Between him and Dacre Montgomery, if either of them is taller than the other it's Dacre. He certainly isn't taller than Dacre in any case, right?
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/18
Oh I see why I hadn't heard of or seen 'Aquaman' as it's hitting the cinemas right now!
A2Z said on 10/Dec/18
How can he be taller than Dacre? In fact he might claim 2 inch, possible 5-9 at best

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.