Jayk said on 28/Dec/21
she takes care of her self ,I might of a cm extra maybe im 180cm im gonna guess at low 179cm.
Iman Baihaqi81 said on 26/Feb/21
She Is About 179,1 cm Flat , She Is Taller Than Big Rob ,
Ana said on 23/Dec/17
Hi... I saw her once in Bucharest (Romania) with her baby daddy, she indeed is very tall - 1.80 cm or 5'10 would be correct
even said on 17/Jul/17
5'10.5" , roughly 120 pounds
even said on 7/Jul/17
180 morning
179 night
Andrea said on 29/Feb/16
Thanks for the answers... I wish you'd be italian at times because it would be interesting to see how tall you think certain italian celebrities are, Rob!
Why do you think he claimed "192 without shoes"? It seems he recently "discovered" to be that tall because i am sure he did say to be 190 cm tall in the past... He did get described at 192 in some magazines but he himself said 190 more than once (even on his old "official site" he was listed at 190)! Now, he came out with 192 a couple of times! Maybe he got measured wrongly by someone?
As i said, he had a couple of scenes with a guy who himself claims 192 and he did look around an inch shorter! Incidentally, Eric Roberts played a small part in the same "tv series" but it's hard to say how much difference there was between them...

Editor Rob
in some cases people genuinely do get measured at the height they claim. The problem might be - it could be early morning and they are a cm lower by afternoon, or it might be the device is off or even the person measuring has put the device not quite down as far is it could go!
some actors give different heights, and it could be because they have (or think) they have shrunk (see Rainn Wilson or Modine claiming an inch losses).
This guy ain't that old though!
Andrea said on 28/Feb/16
I agree... Do you think there's more chance he's in the 6'2.5-6'3 zone or 6'3-6'3.5 then? Still i don't know how he got that 192 mark, considering he did say he's that tall without shoes... With shoes it is believable for sure!

Editor Rob
almost 6ft 3 is more probable than over 6ft 3
Andrea said on 27/Feb/16
Rob, it seems my last message got lost in some kind of a phantom zone... :)
I write it again...
There's a brief scene where you can see Nicole's heels (or at least a part of them) and they don't like particularly big, maybe 3 inches range? As i said, i did think he was a strong 189, i can believe 190 range but 192? Mmm... Unless he got measured just out of bed i'm not so sure he would be this tall! Also, how tall do you think he looks with the big guy who has said to be 191 (more than once)? One thing, the big guy doesn't look like he's got a perfect posture in the video...

Editor Rob
they weren't platform heels so maybe no more than 2 inch footwear difference which probably ties into him being 4 inch range taller overall. With the other guy he doesn't look much different really, within half inch I'd have thought.
Andrea said on 10/Feb/16
Rob, here's the same guy next to Nicole Kidman:
Click Here (Go to about 15:30)
That guy actually just came out with "192 without shoes"!!!
I am sure he did say 190 in an interview some years ago... Do you think he really might be 192? I can buy 189-190 range but 192 is a bit too much, IMO! I'd say 192 with shoes but then why should he say "without shoes"?
Also, look at him with this guy, who says to be 191...
Click Here
Getting back to Madalina, she doesn't look much different than Nicole next to that guy, 5'10.5-5'11 is her range, i think!

Editor Rob
he could be a couple of inches taller than Nicole there, plus whatever heel difference...191-192cm might be possible if she had big heels or he got an earlier measurement in the day.
Andrea said on 13/Jan/16
Yeah, the ground is tricky! They'll take part to a famous event here in Italy, the Festival of Sanremo, so i guess there will be better circumstances to see the "real" difference!
The guy himself has said to be 190 more than once but i think he might be more 189 range (he did look a good inch shorter than another guy who claims 192)!
Incidentally, here is the same guy with Raoul:
Click Here
Andrea said on 12/Jan/16
Rob, she does claim 180 in this italian interview:
Click Here
She also says she doesn't like her height...
Do you think she's an honest 180?
Also, how tall would you guess the guy in the middle is?
Click Here
She's wearing heels, maybe near 3 inches?

Editor Rob
I'll mention that quote too. If she didn't like her height, it might be less likely you'd inflate it.
He can look 4 inches taller, has 2 inch less shoe, but possibly on higher ground there. He may well be somewhere in 6ft 3 range.