How tall is Mark Ruffalo - Page 2

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Average Guess (143 Votes)
5ft 7.12in (170.5cm)
ToTo kung said on 14/Mar/07
5'8'' (173) , can't be 5'9''.In that picture you can see the truth, he tall same as Glen.
Gonzalo said on 12/Mar/07
He looks 5`9 at the most
glenn said on 11/Mar/07
what does that mean pat? who are you refering too?
mcfan said on 11/Mar/07
He looks slightly taller than Robert Downey Jr in "Zodiac." I would put him at 5'8.5...possibly 5'9. His posture was obviously bad in the film.
pat batemen said on 11/Mar/07
when someone is not as tall as they think they are, then when they estimate other ppls height they will also overestimate
glenn said on 11/Mar/07
in fact,he was 2 inches taller than my 5-8 friend in his photo.
glenn said on 11/Mar/07
i couldve sworn he was 5-9ish,5-10.this 5-8 is weird.
dmeyer said on 10/Sep/06
he looks close 5 '8 in person
Jack Bean said on 31/May/06
O_O don't think he is 5'6". His limbs doesn't look that short. But if he is truely that height, I have to go remeasure myself...
trueheight said on 10/May/06
naw I don't think it was camera angles. he looked unequivocally shorter than Cruise in that elevator scene early on. But notice Ruffalo's appalling slouch in that scene!
Anonymous said on 29/Apr/06
Standimg next to Tom Cruise in Collateral he actually looked shorter than Cruise. Of course, that could have been camera tricks and Cruise's stilts, but I think that still says something. I'd say considering that, he's 5'8 at the very, very most.
horacle said on 23/Nov/05
i think he is 173-174 cm compared to jennifer garner
Chloee said on 18/Oct/05
Well in 13 Going on 30 he must have been in lifts cos most of the time Jennifer was wearing heels,probz 4inch,and they were about the same height maby half and inhc of a differnce n shes about 5'8, making her 6' in heels? Eather she took the heels of in his scences (wich they do sometimes to give the ilsusion the guys achuly taller) or somethings wronge? But 1 sence wen they were dancin at her works party to thriller she was in heels and he was right beside her and about the same height ?? Confusedd ?
Mr. R said on 17/Jul/05
Trueheight, you once again prove my point that Mark Ruffalo is about 5-6. Rob, I will be vindicated!
trueheight said on 17/Jul/05
Anyone remember Collateral??? the elevator scene in the hospital, his is almost two inches shorter than Cruise, but yea this guy slouches.
anon said on 9/Jul/05
I believe Mr. R. Though I do think that Garner is actually closer to Mark's 5'6" height. There is a scene in 13going on30 where they are face to face (I believe she is shown to be barefoot) and I remember noticing how close in height they were--perhaps she's a bit taller, but no more than 1/2" or so. Whenever Mark Ruffalo appears smaller in stature than JG in the movie it is probably because she is wearing heels.
13goingon30fan said on 28/May/05
I would agree with Mr. R. Jennifer Garner is 5'8 and in the movie Mark looks like he is much smaller in stature than her. Throughout the movie there are different camera angles that seem to be trying to make him look taller than her. He might be a sloucher, but he's definitely no taller than 5'7!
Mr. R said on 26/May/05
Since my honor is being questioned, I will come back to this. I met Mark at a movie screening, standing on level ground. He was actually standing straight because, I am nearly 6 feet, and he had to look way up to talk with me, and I actually bent down a little bit. My friend, who claims to be 5-8, was at least 2 inches taller than him, and remarked that he was very short. I stand by my eyewitness account - Mark Ruffalo is 5-6.
sam said on 24/May/05
Your right that this guy is tough to pin down, height-wise. It must be said that compared to Jennifer Garner, who is either listed as 5'8" or 5'9" everywhere, he did look of similar height or slightly taller.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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