BRANDO JR said on 13/Oct/11
Maybe 5"9" no more because KArl Malden was 6"1 in A Streetcar Named Desire movie and Brando looked shorter than him
Weight probably 177 pounds
Mr. Kaplan said on 8/Oct/11
Broderick barely had the edge on Dustin Hoffman, who was never over 5'5". Ask Brad, he met him as a teenager IIRC.
Homayoun said on 11/Sep/11
No matter how tall he was,Marlon was so attractive to any one.His character is not repeated.
lorne said on 7/Sep/11
Mr. Kaplan says on 11/Aug/11
Broderick was never over 5'6"
WTF? Broderick is 5ft7 flat, minimum.Brando had 3 inches on him.Brando had monsters, while Broderick wore converse. even if Brando's shoes gave 2,5in, he would still be an inch taller.That show's he was a solid 5ft8, at age 66, while waying near 300lbs.
Toby said on 24/Aug/11
I don't think 176 or 177 is totally out of the question. But he definitely was under 5'10 which was what he claimed to be.
Jay said on 14/Aug/11
Brando clearly shrunk as he got older due to his obesity. He just never looked that short in his prime and couldn't be under 5'9'' peak. In the screentest video does that look like someone below average height? 175-177cm in prime and 170cm as he got older.
Mr. Kaplan said on 11/Aug/11
Broderick was never over 5'6".
Drunky McDrunkalot said on 11/Aug/11
Joe Polito, who was in 'The Freshman' with him, describes him as 'Very short. He's about 5-foot-6, I believe. Or 5-foot-7.' That seems too low, but worth noting.
He then later mentions his ' Frankenstein shoes.'
Here's the interview:
Click Here
the shredder said on 11/Aug/11
Very odd pic ... We know he was taller then 165cm lol .
skep said on 11/Aug/11
what about this picture?
Click Here . kim hunter was, according to this site, 1.60m, and jessica tandy 1.63. brando dont look taller than 1.65 here...
Bon_ said on 5/Aug/11
Rob, did the 5'8.75 figure appear in his biography book?

Editor Rob
it was mentioned in a book, someone may say exact title
the shredder said on 4/Aug/11
400lbs is BS ... Maybe 250 lbs in Apocalypse Now and 300 in after .
Mr. Kaplan said on 2/Aug/11
You'd be naive to think he wasn't under 5'8.5" when he was 75 and 400 lbs.
the shredder said on 26/Jul/11
Rob , do you buy the 5'8.75 measurement ?

Editor Rob
it's a good possibility
Will said on 25/Jul/11
Marlon Brando was 5-9 tall. Not 5'10" barefoot.
Toby said on 13/Jul/11
Indeed. He always looked tall in his movies, even after he started to get fat.
the shredder said on 11/Jul/11
He was minimum 5'8.5 in his prime ... He looked taller then He was ... If I did not read on the net that he was Average height , I would have thought he was 6'0
guyfrommars said on 10/Jul/11
He wore thick footwear in every movie he ever appeared in. Looking at publicity photos, he could never be seen without at least 1.5-inches of heels. In The Wild One he wore biker boots with nearly 2-inch heels. In Guys and Dolls he had dress shoes with heels (and maybe lifts). In Mutiny on the Bounty he had 18th century-style boots, with nearly 2-inch heels. Again, 2-inch heeled boots in Reflections in a Golden Eye, and nearly 2 inches on his cowboy boots in The Last Tango in Paris. As Jor-El, he had 3-inch elevation in Superman, and his sandals in Julius Caesar were also a bit "padded". Yet, he still seemed to be quite short next to guys like 6'1" Karl Malden. In Guys and Dolls he's only a bit taller than 5'7" Frank Sinatra, who was famous for wearing lifts. Brando was a 5'8" guy in his prime, who appeared 5'10"ish thanks to his footwear. In older days, he was closer to 5'7".
Mr. Kaplan said on 5/Jul/11
He was just too fat to be over 5'7" before he died. He was a strong 5'8", like Rob, at his peak.
oli said on 22/Mar/11
judging on the picture with broderick, and the earlier picture which shows the 'special' shoes, which both seem to have been taken on the same day given that he's wearing the same outfit in both pictures, i would argue that he was 5'7.5 at his very lowest, and 5'9, possibly 5'9.5 at his peak, but he obviously has no qualms using certain footwear to increase this figure
Bon_ said on 18/Feb/11
Today an actor of his reputation would call himself 6' and get away with it.
174-175 cm seems accurate for Brando.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/11
He was a big, muscular guy and had very broad shoulders, making him look a lot bigger than an averagely built 5'9 person.
Toby said on 28/Jan/11
I'd say he was about 5'9. Maximum. But shoes(not always lifts, just normal shoes) and a strong muscular build in his early days made him look a fair bit bigger. He was an imposing presence.
Will said on 8/Jan/11
Brando was a strong 5'8". More like a very weak 5'9". He was never 5'10" barefoot at all.
Mr. Kaplan said on 7/Jan/11
Brando in lifts (confirmed) + Montana being shorter, like, I don't know, 6'3"-6'4"?
Brando was 5'8" but whatever. One of the coolest actors of all-time!
Arslan said on 25/Dec/10
Honestly, Brando has NEVER apparead to be even average! I mean, look at him with othr guys in Wild One, On the Waterfront or on the sets of Julius Caesar (particulary a picture found in the book Brando Unzipped) and he was ALWAYS the shorthest one. But can someone explains the difference between the 5'8'' Brando and the 6'6'' Lenny Montana in this picture ?
Click Here
Isn't the difference a bit too ... well, short ?
guyfrommars said on 3/Dec/10
Brando wore thick 2-inch heeled boots in Reflections in a Golden Eye, based on a behind-the-scenes photo of him on the set. Also, in Last Tango in Paris he had cowboy boots on. He had his ways of adding some extra height. I'm sure he also wore lifts occasionally.
Here's his costume from Superman:
Click Here
Those boots have ca. 3-inch heels.
I guess he was a 5ft8 guy, who could come off as a 5ft10 or 5ft11 person on screen.
James said on 21/Nov/10
Well he is not short a guy who is in the average height range give or take today.
for his time he was probably bang in the average height range.
ilias said on 2/Nov/10
In my opinion and comparing him to sinatra in a picture someone added some time ago, Brando was close to 5'7". Ofcourse this is how he looks at movies and stuff, cause if u see him for example in "Last tango in Paris",
Click Here you can see how tall highheels he was wearing.
Anonymous said on 29/Jun/09
On one site it said brando was meausured bang on 5ft 8 somewhere before he made it big and was known to wear lifts in some films. His height was probarbly correct but without shoes. In some of the films he could look around the 5ft 10 mark.
Frank2 said on 25/Jun/09
Politics has no place on this forum. If you want to express your views in that regard, go to a political forum. So many non-political forums are spoiled today by people who cannot seem to quell their need to blast people like Wayne on their politics. It's inexcusable.
Frank2 said on 24/Jun/09
Yeah, he cared when it got him notoriety. One stunt he pulled was to donate land to a tribe of Native Americans. Problem was, they discovered after he did it that he owed millions in property taxes which in order for them to accept the land, they were stuck paying!
And I wouldn't use Marilyn Monroe or Jack Nicholson as references.
Look, even the nastiest character has a few people who like them. I'm not saying that Brando was despicable. Only that he wasn't that bright and pulled a lot of stunts due to his lack of intellect.
Many actors are juvenile in their behavior. Perhaps it goes to the core that to be a great actor, a person needs a screw looses somewhere. All I know is, I never met anyone who liked him.
And as far as Huston is concerned, I met John, spoke with him and he said lots of thinks in public that he contradicted in private. One being his deep admiration for Bogart. In private he detested Bogart. The reason Huston gave was, Bogart went back to Washington along with other celebs to protest the US government's investigation of communists in the entertainment industry. All fine and good. But when it appeared Bogart would end up on a blacklist himself, he turned tail and ran. He was photographed in DC, but never spoke out. To Bogart's dying day Huston never forgave him. But he never mentioned it in public since Huston was a gentleman.
adam said on 24/Jun/09
But Brando was a caring invidual. Remember that he fought against racism, he fought against poverty. He was a sensitive man.
And Laurence Olivier, John Huston, Jack Nicholson, Marilyn Monroe and many other picture personalities liked Brando.
Even though I definitely agree with you -he had a massive ego and could be a real pain in the arse.
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
No one I ever met liked him. Certainly this was true with those who had the misfortune to work with him who I happened to know. This was a fellow who after he was signed to play Fletcher Christian in MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY and quite a bit of footage had been shot, wanted to switch parts and play the role of one of the ship's officers . He even stopped working when the studio held him to his agreement. Several directors where on that film. After a couple of weeks of filming, and witnessing Brando's antics, the great Carol Reed had it with 'mumbles' and quit the film. Lewis Milestone took over and Brando sent him back to boozing. Other people stepped in. Even Brando directed a few scenes. Dreadful movie and it's all due to him. Everyone else was great. The photography was superb as was Bronislau Kaper's music. Brando ruined the film plating Christain as a sill foppish fool.
All the publicity people at Fox hated Brando. The fellows I knew who worked at the studio when he did VIVA ZAPATA told me how he'd come into the studio commissary with washers stuffed in his nose that he used to make his nostrils flare out and then blow them disgustingly onto the table.
He was a crude person and I'v always found that crude behavior is one sign of a serious lack of intelligence.
RisingForce said on 23/Jun/09
These are defintley some fascinating stories Frank2, thanks. I always thought Brando seemed like an intelligent and interesting man from the interviews I saw, but I'd imagine you'd have a better idea having met him and talked to many people who worked with him.
adam said on 23/Jun/09
But many people do think that Brando was highly intelligent man. And if you`d read his quotes, his opinions, you`d know why. Sure he could have been childish, arrogant and very irritating but I disagree with you here, my boy.
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
Brando wasn't very intelligent. It had nothing to do with how many books he read or didn't read. Actions speak louder than words. I saw it from personal experience, heard about his behavior and lack of intellect from people who worked with him plus my own folks who met with him and related what they saw and heard. And trust me. Not everyone can commit to memory pages and pages of Shakespeare and do it accurately. Certainly not that many actors. I once quoted a passage from JULIUS CAESAR to Heston and he corrected me on where I got it wrong. He was extremely polite about it. Later when I checked, I discovered he was right and I was wrong.
Montgomery Clift, troubled as he was, was ten times as intelligent as Brando. During production on THE YOUNG LIONS, Clift would come into the projection room while dailies were being shown, then would get onto the phone pretending to be Brando doing a perfect vocal impression. He'd do stuff like call up Brando's home and tell his maid to take the week off. Then Brando would arrive at home wondering where she was. I got that from the editor who worked on the film. When Brando showed up to work he was usually incoherent. Then he'd argue with director Ed Dmytryk over how a scene he was in should be played, only his notion was usually silly and downright stupid. Then he'd sulk like a spoiled child when he didn't get his way. Clift would pull all kinds of gags at Brando's expense. Half the time, Marlon was too dumb to pick up on it.
adam said on 23/Jun/09
That fight thing was a joke, my friend.
But education? Sure he probably didnt spend much time with the books but does that make him less bright? Anyone can read and learn all the Shakespeare lines, all the capitals and every possible reptile species but does that make the person BRIGHT? Not in my book. Book-wise or something like that but...
Heston was a good man, no doubts.
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
Brando was pretty ignorant when it came to most things. One reason I believe he feigned this aura of mystery was to cover for the fact that he juts wasn't very bright. There have been several celebrities who used this ruse.
Conservative Chuck Heston marched with Brando during the civil rights era and few seem to acknowledge him for it. I met and spoke with Heston and believe me, he forgot more than Brando knew and I don't mean after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Heston was a fascinating fellow. Well schooled in the classics, he could pretty much quote word-for-word many passages of Shakespeare's works. On the other hand, when Brando did "Julius Caesar," he needed cue cards on the set. One reason why Brando left the stage was his inability to properly learn his lines.
I wouldn't go so far as to refer to him as an idiot savant, but he sure bordered on it.
As far as who would win a fight between Wayne and Brando.....who cares?
adam said on 22/Jun/09
Brando vs. John Wayne. Fist fight. One on one. Frank, which one would win? I would put my money on the man who could act and who fought against racism -Marlon Brando!
adam said on 22/Jun/09
Frank, I`d like to hear some more!
Yes, he was probably very very childish and rude. But I dont know... He seemed to be very philosofical. Very thoughtful. I just read his quotes and he seemed to be quite a wise man.
Go to his im-db page and read his quotes. He was an eccentric, unique fellow.
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
Brando was known by everyone who worked with him at Fox during both "Viva Zapata" and "Desir
adam said on 22/Jun/09
I believe you`re wrong, Frank. I think he was very intelligent fellow - an eccentric one - but still. I`ve read that he had some strange habits, including these:
1) He supposedly enjoyed getting into an elevator full of people and then pass gas loudly.
2) When Stanley Kubrick came to his house and asked him about some movie script, every time Brando didnt agree with Kubrick he hammered LOUDLY some Chinese kong.
3) He told one of his shrinks that he enjoyed the smell of some people`s bathrooms.
And (aside from Orson Welles) Brando is considered by Elia Kazan to be the only actor who was a genius. I dont know what that means!
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/09
Branod had talent as an actor, no question about it. But in reality, he wasn't very bright. At one time my dad was thinking about signing him to a personal Hollywood contract. So my father and mother travelled to NYC, saw STREETCAR on stage and invited Brando and his agent up to their hotel room. The first thing Brando did was to ask, "Where's the can? I need to take a big dump."
My father passed on signing him.
adam said on 21/Jun/09
Yep, it would be interesting to hear Frank`s opinion about Marlon. Frank2 probably doesnt like the guy that much because of Brando`s opinions about John Wayne and film industry in general.
RisingForce said on 20/Jun/09
I find Marlon to be a very interesting man as well and a great actor. His performances in On the Waterfront, The Godfather and A Streetcar Named Desire rank among the most memorable in film history, and rightfully so.
I agree about his build making him look bigger. Before I came to this site I would have thought he was 5'10" which is an easy height to pull off looking when you're almost 5'9" anyway.
adam said on 20/Jun/09
This height suits him just fine! He was a shortish fellow. He could look bigger because of his physique (he was always quite broad and muscular) and lifts.
And he truly was probably THE greatest actor of all time. He could play just about everything. Like most old stars such as John Wayne, Gary Cooper or Clark Gable, Marlon had some great talent behind him, not just charisma. While Wayne had a great deal of presence (big, imposing man with a good voice) and charisma, he wasnt really a good actor. He more or less played the same character.
Also, the more I`ve read about Marlon, the more Im convinced that he was a good man. He was an intelligent and concerned fellow who really seemed to CARE.
RisingForce said on 8/Jun/09
No, I never understood why people act like measurements are taken in shoes. Everyone knows that a proper measurement is in barefeet so if people don't want to take their barefoot measurement they simply lie.
Anonymous said on 2/Jun/09
Brandos 5ft 8.75 height could have been in shoes. So he could have been an inch lower barefoot. Also in julius ceaser 5ft 10-11 james mason looked a clear 3 4 inches taller making brando about 5ft 8 at the best.
RisingForce said on 1/Jun/09
Good picture. Duvall looks a little taller than Brando. In Brando's 50's movies he could give a shorter impression, especially at times in On The Waterfront. In his later movies he looked taller, but looking at his boots in the Freshman, it's easy to see why.
As far as exact figures, I don't like to just look at a picture and randomly say "He looks 6'0.75" for example", because I never understood how some claim they can see to the exact quarter inch in photos. But if the exact figure comes from some where like a biography, a measurement or a claim and it looks accurate then I go with it.
TELLEM said on 1/Jun/09
this figure is good, or 5'8.5. i usually round up with a half or a full. he looks it here next to robert duvall, who i think was 5'9 peak:
Click Here
RisingForce said on 21/May/09
Rob, what do you think about the 5-8.75 figure from the biography? it makes the most sense to me. he often looked that height and it's close enough to frank2's 5-8.5 estimate.

Editor Rob
I think such a figure is fine, it could have come from a measurement. It would seem improbable for the author to come up with a specific figure like that...unless he found it in his research of the brando book.
RisingForce said on 7/May/09
5-8.75 seems right. i doubt such a specific height would be mentioned in a bio if it didn't come from that. look at him with paul newman, he barely looks 5-8 and look at his frankenstein boots with matthew broderick.
glenn said on 3/May/09
never saw brando friends have.he never signed or posed.going by pics i saw they snapped of him standing around the airport or street,he looked like a 5-9 guy.
JD said on 3/May/09
looked short to average to me in most films/pictures during his prime. considering the time that they were taken, I'd say he's certainly no more than 5-9 mid day, likely less in the 5-8 to 5-8.5 range. I'd say 5-8.5 is a very accurate listing comparing him to a 5-7 james dean, and a 5-10 newman
Anonymous said on 2/May/09
Glenn have you ever seen marlon brando?
Ahleks said on 1/May/09
LOL. So naive. If Brando was 6'5", then the whole cast of The Godfather would be around 6"3" - 6'7"
Never looked over 5 foot 9 to me.
M2 said on 20/Apr/09
Years ago I was speaking with a Hollywood haircutter (he was working on my son at the time) who claimed that Marlon Brando stopped into the salon for a trim. He was struck by Brando's size, which he put at 6'5". Since then I've always wondered who it was that was trying to pass himself off as Marlon Brando.
RisingForce said on 16/Apr/09
I don't think 5'8.75" came out of Brando's mouth, but it was mentioned in a biography. I agree that would be the best listing.
Doug said on 16/Apr/09
5'8.75" is what he claimed. Why haven't you listed this Rob?
RisingForce said on 30/Mar/09
Yeah, but he also looked atleast 2 inches taller than James Dean. 5'8.75" fits perfectly.
Josh said on 30/Mar/09
You cant quite see the footwear between brando and newman or what they are standing on because it could be a slight step that newman is on. Roughly i say they were both the same height between 5ft 8 and 9.
adam said on 30/Mar/09
He certainly looks at least two inches shorter than Newman.
RisingForce said on 25/Mar/09
It looks right. He was more than an inch shorter than 5'10" Paul Newman, but noticeably taller than 5-7ish James Dean. With elevator shoes he could give the impression of being taller. I also doubt a figure like 5'8.75" woudl just come out of nowhere.
adam said on 24/Mar/09
Risingforce could be right. A quarter of an inch off, Rob! We dont exaggrate things here.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
I apologize for my previous mistake. In the 1994 biography of Brando written by Peter Manso it does indeed state that he was 5'8 3/4".
"Already at his full height of five feet eight and three-quarters, and weighing a well-muscled 144 pounds,"
Click HereI'll give him 5'8.75" now as it's so specific and that looks about right. That means Paul Newman was probably 5'10" and James Dean was likely no taller than a weak 5'7".
RisingForce said on 2/Mar/09
I still say 5'8". Look at him with Paul Newman. At times he wore Frankenstein type boots which is why he looked bigger. Tellem posted 2 pictures that back up both of my claims.
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
In one biography it was stated that Brando wore elevator shoes.
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/09
Rob please put actor Lee J. Cobb's height up! Please!
adam said on 14/Feb/09
Josh says on 9/Jan/09
In the biography book by peter manso it stated brandos true height in barefoot as 5ft 8 and a quarter. That would make him about 5ft 10 or a bit over depending on foot wear in some films.
What do you say Rob? I certainly could buy that. And remember that Frank2 saw him and though he would be 5-8
Lmeister said on 29/Jan/09
I think Brandos height was 5ft8.75. Of screen he looked shortish and and bulky. I just saw a documentary of him last night. There was a lot of pics and short inserts of him with fellow actores etc...and he was only taller than Martin Scorsese and Al Pacino. There was some shots of him with Robert DeNiro and he appeared at least an inch shorter.
the shredder said on 16/Jan/09
I say 5'8 3/4 for Brando !
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
Great pictures. He looks only 5'8" again.
TELLEM said on 15/Jan/09
next to 5'5 dick cavett...and hes in big black boots:
Click Here5'8 3/4 for brando
RisingForce said on 15/Jan/09
Brando looks only 5'8" next to Newman.
TELLEM said on 14/Jan/09
brando next to 5'10 paul newman:
Click Here
Josh said on 9/Jan/09
In the biography book by peter manso it stated brandos true height in barefoot as 5ft 8 and a quarter. That would make him about 5ft 10 or a bit over depending on foot wear in some films.
Josh said on 9/Jan/09
In the biography of brando by peter manso it stated his true height in barefoot as 5ft 8 and a quarter. So in boots he would have looked 5ft 10 or a bit over.
TELLEM said on 30/Dec/08
look at the size of them boots next to 5'7 matthew broderick
Click Here
TELLEM said on 3/Dec/08
RisingForce says on 3/Dec/08
Read some of Frank2's early posts, I usually disagree with him but he does point to several movies where Brando has unusually chunky shoes. It'd be easy to tell if he was exaggerating or not by watching those films.
yea frank2 had some good points about brando being 5'8.5
RisingForce said on 3/Dec/08
Read some of Frank2's early posts, I usually disagree with him but he does point to several movies where Brando has unusually chunky shoes. It'd be easy to tell if he was exaggerating or not by watching those films.
glenn said on 3/Dec/08
good point derbi.
derbi said on 2/Dec/08
since when was marlon brando a known lift wearer?!
To me he looks 5'9"-5'10" in the films he is in his prime. Very possible that he ha lost some height in his prime. But for sure he wasn't under 5'9" at his peak. Just look at him next to james dean. If brando was only 5'8", what height would that put dean at then?!
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
exactly.i never understood how people thought woody was short.he looked above average to me on the show which i barely watched.
RisingForce said on 2/Dec/08
Yeah but in Woody's case height was never a point of emphasis. Brando was a known lift wearer during his career so it's less likely that his height would be downgraded on his official site.
I agree that in his later years he probably didn't wear lifts.
As for Woody well that height could have been written in his mid teens or he could not know his height. Woody always seemed 5-11, 6-0 on Cheers.
glenn said on 1/Dec/08
i dont believe everything i read.woody harrelsons drivers license says 5-9.and that absurd.brando rarely looked as low as 5-8.even 20 years ago and up until the end,he kinda looked 5-9ish in candid pics i saw.i doubt he would wear lifts with that weight and i saw his flat footwear in peers,nobody has a photo with or autograph.he posed once and signed on rare occasion in the 70s.never again.
RisingForce said on 1/Dec/08
Yeah but then why would his official site list him at 5'8"? He could have been 5'9" but I'd say 5'8".
glenn said on 30/Nov/08
this guy is i mentioned at 5-8 to 5-10.i believe he was 5-9.but i could be wrong.
RisingForce said on 30/Nov/08
His biography gave his height as 5'9" not 5'8 3/4" but I believe he was 5'8" and wore lifts. His official site even gives his height as 5'8".
derbi said on 13/Nov/08
very broad at almost 50 years? Probably not... Marlon Brando was born in 1924.
john said on 12/Nov/08
I met Marlon Brando at the house of a lady friend of mine in 1973. Brando was her next door neighbor. I stood side by side and talked to him face to face. He had old worn boots on with no exaggerated heels. I'm 5'7, and he was at least 3 inches taller than me. So I say 5'10....What was startling about him was obviously not his height but how broad he was---not fat at the time......He had a football players size neck and broad broad shoulders.........
derbi said on 5/Nov/08
I think he was 5'10" at his prime. Look at the first second of this video:
Click Here
Anonymous -15 said on 2/Oct/08
Brando looked a solid 5'9" in The Godfather , maybe even 5'9.5 , so at his peak he was probably 5'10".
Jota said on 1/Oct/08
Brando looked to be big and tall
brando fan said on 22/Sep/08
i would put brando at 5'9-5'10 brando had always said he was 5'10
guyfrommars said on 20/Sep/08
I can verify you Frank2, he looked quite short next to 6'1" Karl Malden in On the Waterfront.
JeffC said on 26/Aug/08
Frank you're right about brando, I always thought he was at least 5'10. But he only had a inch on sinatra who was 5'7 & was smaller than Lee. J. Cobb. Still my favorite actor. There is a picture of him with director Fred Zimmerman & Monty Clift. Clift is sligther taller by at least an inch, so he could have been between 5'9.5 to 5'10 another great one!
Frank2 said on 25/Aug/08
Brando next to 5'10" Lee. J. Cobb:
Click HereAnd please don't say Cobb is 6' 'cause he wasn't. He was considerably shorter than 6'1" Henry Fonda in TWELVE ANGRY MEN. Cobb was shorter that 5'11-1/2" Robert Webber in the same movie and Cobb was the same height as 5'10" Dana Andrews in BOOMERANG. Cobb was 5 inches shorter than Jimmy Stewart in CALL NORTHSIDE 777.
Frank2 said on 25/Aug/08
Brando was about 5'8-1/2". Marvin was 6'2". I know since met both men. Watch ONE EYED JACKS. In it, Brando is at least five inches shorter than Karl Malden. In ON THE WATERFRONT I see about the same difference between the two actors. Malden in his prime was 6'1".
Check out Brando next to Malden:
Click HereThe little guy on the left is Nick Dennis. He was about 5'3".
laredo said on 24/Aug/08
Remember how he looked about 3 or 4 inches shorter then Lee Marvin in the Wild One? Marvin was about 6-1. Brando was 5-9 at the most
Frank2 said on 9/Aug/08
In GUYS AND DOLLS, Brando was a little over an inch taller than 5'7" Frank Sinatra. I believe Brando's peak height was 5'8.5". When I met him a we spoke he looked about that height. He wasn't a tall man, that's for sure. But he sure was broad. And as he got older, he got broader!
Frank2 said on 8/Aug/08
Lee J. Cobb was 5'10". I met him at a classical music concert in LA back in the late 1960s. Nice man.
Rick said on 8/Aug/08
The way I see it, Pacino was 1-2.5 inches shorter (if you pay attention you will see his posture is not great, too) and I think Brando could have been between around 5'8 with Pacino standing a little less than 5'6 to somewhere over 5'7.
BK_Daniel said on 18/Jun/08
Didn't look more than 2 inches shorter than Lee J. Cobb.
JOSH said on 5/May/08
In the main biography of brando it stated his exact height as 5ft 8.75 inches which is just touching 5ft 9. In most films he probarbly only looked taller down to footwear like in some movies he wore cowboy boots or lifts.
jd said on 30/Apr/08
just watch streetcar, likely his peak, hes atleast 5 inches smaller than Malden, and has no more than 4 inches over either of the female actors. He s a 5'8 - 5'8.5 dude
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
he can look as high as 5-9 min.
Davey said on 26/Apr/08
However tall brando was this shows you one thing.You dont have to be 6`2 to be loved and worshipped by women.I think he was around 5`9.
Davey said on 23/Apr/08
He looks about 5`10 in streetcar.
the shredder said on 21/Mar/08
Sorry BB , but if Brando was only 5'7 then Pacino was only 5'2.5 - 5'3 !
BB said on 20/Mar/08
I met Brando in '52 on the Queen Mary and he was just a hair taller than me - I put him at 5'7" tops...period.
king louis said on 20/Mar/08
there was no way brando was 5'10 because that would make him 5'11 with two inch heels like in the wild one, and he wsnt an inch below 6ft
guyfrommars said on 8/Mar/08
He wore some of those "big '70s-style shoes" in Superman which might have made him taller, but I've not fully sure.
the shredder said on 9/Jan/08
Rob , check this out ... remember those big shoes Brando had on in The Freshmen ? well , here he is with 5'11 , 5'10 now Schell looking shorter with those big shoes ! ... Honestly can't picture taller then 5'8 for that time if you take away those big shoes ! 5'8 3/4 was most likely his peak ?
Click Here
Anonymous said on 2/Dec/07
I looked this up because I saw him on an old Mike Douglas tv show and he looked so short. In some films he looked tall. It seems actors, athletes, and other celebrities like to fudge on their stats. Cher always seemed so tall and she was 5'7".
the shredder said on 15/Nov/07
Rob , check this out ! Brando is 5 ft 8 3/4 - look at him next to 6'1 Karl Malden
Click Here
Leung said on 15/Nov/07
If we knew exactly what age Brando was entering Military school might be helpful, because if he was still in his teens then it
the shredder said on 15/Nov/07
Yea , its the book by Peter Manso .. If Rob reads that book , then 5 ft 8.75 sould be Brando's listing !
sam said on 12/Nov/07
Rob, the 5'8 3/4" height is listed as the height for a teenage (18-19?) Brando at military school in the book Brando: The Biography by Peter Manso.
the shredder said on 11/Nov/07
Rob , Dan's Famous Heights ( website .. I use to go to before here ! ) list Brando at 5'8 3/4 ! .. Do you think they took his height at that and just rounded up to 5'9 when doing the training course ?
Also I read from a fan , that he/she read a bio on Brando where his height was taken at 5'8 3/4 when he was 20 yrs old !

Editor Rob
if its in a bio it is of interest, such specific numbering.
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/07
i agree with most people on this site which say marlon brando was about 5'9 or a little more nothing under that tho boys.
the shredder said on 4/Nov/07
I thought he looked taller then Jack Nicholson in Missouri Breaks .. His footwear did look bigger ! .. Clint I agree , I always thought Brando looked about 5 or 6 inches taller then Pacino in the Godfather shots !
If 5'8 3/4 was true ? Then I would say it was the lowest !
clint said on 3/Nov/07
Brando was the same height as jack nicholson in the missouri breaks. He also was a good 5 inches taller than pacino in one shot from the godfather so near 5ft 10 probarbly.
al said on 30/Oct/07
Brando was known to wear lifts. He looked 5ft 10 in most movies but his true height was 5ft 8.75 inches which it stated in his recent book.
Adam Brennon said on 29/Oct/07
Never seemed short.
the shredder said on 22/Oct/07
Honestly , the lowest I would go with Brando is 5'8 3/4 at his peak ! I heard that his height was taken at 5'9 on the dot when he was in his late teens/early 20's ?
leonari said on 19/Oct/07
?? James Dean is way shorter than Marlon Brando. Yet both have official heights of 5'8"... STRANGE. Well Dean never looks 5'8" anywhere when you look at the boots he is wearing in giant for example.
Brando is around 5'9" and Dean was 5'7" max. Makes sence if you ask me.
Aratirion said on 18/Oct/07
Yeah, maybe the best solution. But I still can't understand why the official page says 5'8. I think this is similar to the Mackenzie Crook thing. Officially he's 5'8 and you have him at 5'9. I mean, not that it isn't possible for both (Brando does look taller), but I just can't find a reason for this behaviour of the official sites.
Aratirion said on 18/Oct/07
I don't really understand what you mean. I just think Brando is exactly 5'8 because he can't be any smaller than that and obviously not taller either because officially he's 5'8 and they wouldn't say 5'8 if he was taller. No way! Would you claim to be smaller than you actually are? As an actor? No, no way he's taller than that, although he can look taller. (maybe years ago he was)
Dean is something else; so he's 5'8 tops because he's 5'8 officially; but he can easily be smaller than that.

Editor Rob
but Brando did claim 5ft 10...5ft 9 is likely what he was saying for the employment card early in his working life, which is more believable, 5ft 8 flat I will add that to the top and mention official site.
Aratirion said on 14/Oct/07
I can't really understand the debate; His official site gives him 5'8, so this is the tallest he can be, they wouldn't give him smaller than he actually is, no way! And I think there's no debate that he's nothing below.So exactly 5'8.

Editor Rob
cmg's james dean site has him 5ft 8 aswell. These 2 are exactly 5ft 8?
the shredder said on 12/Oct/07
Rob , how tall is Red Buttons ? He is listed 5'6 ... theres a photo with him and Brando and Brando has about a soild 4 inches on him !
the shredder said on 10/Oct/07
Rob , how does 5'9.25 sound ? You say 5'9 min , 5'9.5 max !

Editor Rob
could be closer, I think 5ft 9 like the height on his record is maybe what he'll settle at, some point. If I ever look at early movies again.
marlon said on 7/Oct/07
I have heard from somewhere that brandos exact height was 5ft 8 and 3 qaurters.
He does look almost 5ft 9 without lifts that he wore in some films like the in the godfather and on the waterfront.
the shredder said on 29/Sep/07
Rob , Check this Photo out ! .. Here is a BETTER Brando/Dean Photo Which there is better height judgment because they both are closer to each other with good posture ! .. Theres not much between them this time !
Man I think you got it right with Dean 5'7.5 , So Brando 5'8 3/4 ????
Go down just a tad !
Click Here
l0ck n l0ad said on 5/Sep/07
How tall do you think Lenny Montana was? He is the guy who played Luca Brasi in the Godfather Part I. The billed height for him is 6'6". However, in the Godfather scene where he's standing next to Brando in his office, he looks 6'3", maybe 6'4" at best (still a huge guy of course!). However the 6'6" listing seems way too far fetched.
AJ said on 24/Aug/07
He should atleast be downgraded to 5'9.25
emmarose said on 20/Aug/07
i'm thinking 5'8" really. he looked taller when slim, but in zapata he's barely taller than elia kazan who was maybe 5'7" at the most. he had a long torso and broad shoulder but shorter legs. he was not very tall. there's no way he was ever 5'10" unless he wore lifts and was skinny that he looked taller. he was 5'8 1/2" tops. that's it.
the shredder said on 30/Jul/07
lol ... check out this clip ! Brando looking shorter then a barefoot Johnny Depp ! ... Maybe he was around 5 ft 10 at peak , but in this video could have been 5 ft 8.5 !
Click Here
Rachel said on 26/Jul/07
great actor, in 'last tango in paris' it was weird.. Maria Schneider is written down as 160cm and with normal heels she looked only 3cm shorter than Marlon . maybe it had lifts, maybe he had a bad posture and maybe she is more than 160cm. In his better days I think he was a full 175cm guy, later in his life 172-3cm but not lower
937 said on 26/Jul/07
Having met Marlon on a few occations in the early 50's I would say without question he was 5'10 and having been at the interviewing of Robert Redford at "Inside the Actors studio" in 2004 he's 5'8 without his cowboy boots that add an inch to his height. Marlon a fantastically great guy and Bob a down to earth person..I'm 5'5 and stood in front of both. Either way what's height to do with their talent. And Brando was brilliant.
Mario said on 25/Jul/07
I couldn't agree more with Marcela....he filled up a whole room (even before he added weight) with extreme energy I still see him as 6ft+
Albi said on 20/Jul/07
In Viva Zapata he was constantly the shortest of the group on the screen. In Don Juan he is much shorter than Depp. I'd say in his youth Brando was at most 5'9.
marcela said on 10/Jul/07
Marlon may have been 5' tall, but his presence was so impetious that he could have easily been over 6' tall as far as I am concerned. He was awsome!
Its A Punjabi Ting (UK) said on 16/Jun/07
I've heard some pages list him being 5ft 8 The Shredder, maxing out to 5ft 10 probably with lifts then.
kiefer said on 11/Jun/07
Brando was a bit over 5ft 8. I say he was a full 5ft 9 but he wernt over that.
In the godfather he wore lifts which made him look much taller than his proper height.
talker said on 10/Jun/07
in the ending of "the chase" Brando walks next to Redford and he's wearing boots there,Redford seems to wear normal shoes,Redford looks 0.5"taller,taking into account another inch for the boots,i'd say Brando was 1.5"shorter than 5'10"Redford,5'8.5"or so.
the shredder said on 30/May/07
LOL ... Brando's official site give him 5 feet 8 ! ...
Click Here
the shredder said on 24/May/07
lol . 6'1/6'2 is pretty funny , but I once thought 5'11 untill Brando only wrote down 5'9 and 5'10 ! Honestly I actually think Brando was the type of guy that just did not know or care about his height . He could have been taller or shorter then his claims . He did wear some big ass shoes though !!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said on 22/May/07
Wow I always thought Marlon Brando was like 6'1"/6'2", this is surprising!
James Al'vey said on 6/May/07
Based on what I've seen and read Marlon Brando could have and was probably 5'10" in his youth. As you get older the disks in your back and neck get thinner. In people overweight the condition is obviously worse so it is not uncommon to literally shrink several inches.
the shredder said on 3/May/07
You know , I am starting to think just 5'9 or the 5'8 and 3/4 was true ! ... I was watching Biography Of Brando on the last 2 nights , and when he was an old man ... he looked shorter then ever ... not passed 5'8 as an old man I would say ... So 5'9 could have been his peak height ? ... He did give 5'9 as his height on that training card !
hombre said on 3/May/07
Also, here is a pic with him and Marilyn Monroe
Click Here
hombre said on 3/May/07
I think he was 5'9. Also he looked pretty stocky
the shredder said on 24/Apr/07
Josh , he really could have been I agree ... but by judging by photos he looks 5'9 to 5'9.5 ! ... I think 5'9 and 1/4 can fit him for his peak . Maybe the exact height of 5'8 and 3/4 was as an old man ... but If it was his peak height ? Then he could have just been 5'8 as he got older ? ... Still though , I think he was a good 5'10 in footwear at his peak !
JOSH said on 23/Apr/07
the shredder said on 23/Apr/07
Its on youtube . I posted the clip for the screen test ! ... mmm ... I think the 5'8 , 5'8 1/4 , 5'8 1/2 and 5'8 3/4 was all B.S. ! ... Look at him next to 6'1 Karl Malden ( although said 6'0.5 In Street Car ! ) and 5'10 Monty Clift ! ... Brando looks to be a 5'9er next to them but no smaller ... Id say say he was easily 5'10 in shoes ! ... I think he was more 5'9 1/4 ! ... Which would put Pacino at 5'5 or slighlty under 5'6 MAX , and James Dean no more then a flat 5'7 !
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/07
I watched a biography on today and he had his height/weight as 5'10" 170 lbs for a screen test, for Rebel Without a Cause I think it was. It was written on a chalk board. don't know if that's been brought up yet or not. I would guess he was slightly below that as most tend to round their height up 1/2-1 inch.
the shredder said on 21/Apr/07
Rob , I come now to think that after looking at Brando next to 6'1 Karl and 5'10 Monty Clift that Brando was a Barefoot 5'9er and A 5'10er with shoes ! ... I think that fits him best Although could have been 5'9.5 !
Also I still can't post a pic that I took with 6'1.5 David Warner next to the other Shredder dude ! ... Well the other shredder guy is François Chau . He has been on tv shows like 24 and Lost . Any clue on his height ????
the shredder said on 14/Apr/07
Rob , the training card that list his height as 5'9 , ... was that his own claim or did somebody eles right it down ? ... If so , then 5'9 or 5'9.5 could have been more true then a full 5'10 ? ... Did he ever claim a height in a interview or something ?
the shredder said on 9/Apr/07
Rob , if you think 5'9.5 max for Brando , then where does that put James Dean ?

Editor Rob
in or around 5ft 7 still
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
i think its eddie murphys too.
the shredder said on 3/Apr/07
Today is Brando's Birth Day ! ... I wonder what he would be thinking if he knew people talked about his height !
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
i agree with rob.but 5-8.5 is a small possibilty as a low estimate.
the shredder said on 3/Apr/07
Just give him 5'9 Rob !!! It will be best ! ... Also , how tall is Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson from Clerks and Clerks 2 ????

Editor Rob
I might eventually flatten him. Jeff Anderson was shorter than Jason Lee right, and Brian OHalloran was a few inches taller than rosario.
the shredder said on 3/Apr/07
Rob , although we will never know his true height ! ... What range do you think he * LOOKS * in pictures that you have seen of him ??? ... meaning what is the shortest and the tallest you could have pictured this man being ???

Editor Rob
I think 5ft 9.5 is maximum, but been so long since watched stuff with him in it...
the shredder said on 25/Mar/07
Rob , honestly ! ... What do you think about this 5'8.5 , 5'8.75 listings ??? ... Do you think it was just a bunch of crap ? ... Maybe some day you can watch an older movie with him and come up with your own guess !
the shredder said on 11/Mar/07
Was monty really 5'10 ? Could he have been shorter ? From that pic Brando looks 5'8.75 , but like you said ... Monty might have advantage over Brando ? Like other said , Brando really does look like a strong 5'10er in movies !
the shredder said on 11/Mar/07
Rob , ever find the Brando/Clift Pic ???

Editor Rob
this one you mean? There might be very slight monty advantage
the shredder said on 10/Mar/07
5'9 is looking max with Clift !
al said on 9/Mar/07
brandos proper height was just under 5ft 9 inches and it says that height in the biography on brando.
In films aswell he wore lifts i heard.
the shredder said on 7/Mar/07
Rob , you searched for the Brando/Clift pic yet ? its on the first page when you type in Brandoand Clift pics under images on Google! ... the pic REALLY does put Brando at 5'8.75 or just about 5'9 !
the shredder said on 6/Mar/07
yea Mario , besides On the Waterfront Brando looks 5'10 to me in every movie from Street Car to The Score ! Well , in a pic I saw on google ... Montgomery Clift REALLY does have Brando by 1-1.25 inch and the pic was from the 50's ! Rob can find it in a min ! Just Google it !
Mario said on 6/Mar/07
the shredder, I would like to see those pictures.
I have to admit that I haven't done much research on brando, but in his later years he looked at very least 5-9 and he really dind't give a 5 ft 8.5 impression in his movie's, more like 5-10 or 5-11 (not that I think he was 5-11)
the shredder said on 5/Mar/07
Rob , I saw a few pics where he looks about 1 inch shorter then 5'10 Montgomery Clift ! If Clift was 5'10 ,then Brando really was 5'9 !
marlon said on 2/Mar/07
marlon brando s proper height was 5ft 8 and 3 quarter inches tall as it said in the book
in the films though he sometimes could have looked taller because of the lifts or boots he wore.
the shredder said on 27/Feb/07
Here is the video that with 5'10 and 170lbs !
Click Here
the shredder said on 25/Feb/07
What biography ??? If it was from his own words , then it most be true ... but if its not , then its made up crap ! ... He can give the impression of 5'10 though !
josh emery said on 24/Feb/07
In the biography brando was listed as 5ft 8 and a qaurter inches so that was his true height. But he did look taller in films mainly because of the lifts he wore.
glenn said on 17/Feb/07
leanari and shredder are right.
leonari said on 16/Feb/07
pacino never was close to 5"7". thats where he wanted to be or at least make people belive that. truth is 5"5 peak maybe a tiny tad above.not even 5"6.never. still one of the 3 to 4 best actors ever...
the shredder said on 16/Feb/07
Rob , can you show us the training card with 5 ft 9 ??? Also do you think he could have been a 5'10 guy with a 5'8 , 5'9 impression ? Look at pics of him next Pacino from The Godfather ! Brando looks tallish next to him !
IMO if Brando was 5'8 , 5'9 , or 5'10 then Pacino was nowhere near 5'7 at his peak ! Pacino's peak IMO was 5'5.75 ! Also , a 77 year old Brando was taller then De Niro in The Score !

Editor Rob
brando probably wore lifts or larger than average shoes.
The training card was mentioned in Guardian newspaper, see 6/Jan/06, my comment down below of what they described
the shredder said on 15/Feb/07
Rob , do you think he was really 5'10 ? theres a clip from a screen test on and it says he was 5'10 and 170lbs ! Honestly , have you ever really looked at the guy ???

Editor Rob
the training card with 5ft 9 is pretty interesting, although he obviously claimed 5ft 10 in his acting career. Not looked at him for a while though
the shredder said on 2/Feb/07
Rob , where did the 5'8 3/4 come from ? and do you think it could have been his real height ? if he gave 5'10 as his height , he would have been just about 5'10 in shoes if he truly was 5'8 3/4 ! plus Frank2 said that ever time he met Brando that he NEVER looked pasted 5'9 !
Matt said on 15/Nov/06
I think it's about time Brando was downgraded. The evidence for a height between 5'8.25" - 5'8.5" is compelling. We have statistics from biographies, photographs of Brando wearing outrageous lifts and first-hand anecdotes from those who met the guy.
jimw said on 25/Jul/06
I was walking a few feet behind Elia Kazan in about 1990 and he was extremely short ,about 5 ft 5.
the shredder said on 24/May/06
frank2 , what was brando like in person? i heard he was a funny guy . i also heard that alot of women liked him more then they looked elvis.
Nolifts81 said on 3/May/06
In all of his movies he appeared about 5'10".One thing I have to say: In the movie "Don Jouan De Marco" with Johnny Depp, in one scene(the last scene), they are both barefoot on the sands and Depp was a little bit taller than Brando, about 0.5 inches. Maybe Brando was an old man and has shrinked a bit or Depp is taller than we think. I think that Depp is no more than 5'9".
Frank2 said on 20/Apr/06
Here's Eva with Cary Grant:
Click HereShe wore high hells in the film and was still a lot shorter. No way was she 5'6". She might have stated it on her license, but I'm convinced she was shorter.
Frank2 said on 20/Apr/06
A driver's license means nothing as far as height accuracy goes. Most folks lie, especially those in show biz. My stepfather's barely 5'10" yet on his license it says he's 6'1". If you saw photos of us together and believed his license you'd swear I was nearly 6'3".
richinkle said on 17/Apr/06
If she had been 5'-4" and not the 5'-6" I saw on her drivers license, I would have noticed the discrepancy. She may have been somewhere between 5'-5" and 5'-6", but no shorter.
richinkle said on 14/Apr/06
In case this helps....Eva Marie Saint (who played opposite Brando in On the Waterfront) was 5'-6" when I saw her fairly regularly around 1979-1980. I was in highschool working at Westward Ho supermarket in West LA. She was a regular customer and paid by check. She showed her driver's license each and every time. She was beautiful, elegant and gracious. I could never have recalled her height 26 or 27 years later with the same certainty and accuracy that Frank2 recalls his meetings after 30 or 40 years. But I do remember the number I saw on that drivers license with absolute clarity. I can only say, it seemed about right at the time.
Frank2 said on 7/Apr/06
Brando with Heston:
Click Here
tgri said on 6/Apr/06
i really think he was 5'8 3/4 and just about 5'10 with shoes on.also malden did say this in a street car .... ' iam 6 feet and 1 half inch tall and i weigh 207 lbs.
Frank2 said on 3/Apr/06
VistaVison was Paramount's answer to Fox's Cinemascope process. Paramount execs didn't wish to pay the expensive licensing fee to Fox for using the anamorphic lenses and the name so they developed their own proprietary system. Paramount also didn't want to release their films with magnetic stripes applied to the release prints for four track stereophonic sound since it was an expensive process so they went with Perspecta Sound which used subsonic tones to throw the optical mono soundtrack around the theater. When VistaVision was shown horizontally, the image was as sharp as anything filmed in 65mm and shown in 70mm.
Glenn said on 3/Apr/06
Some say 5-8.
tgri said on 2/Apr/06
karl malden said himself that he was 6'0.5 in a street car named desire . which would make marlon brando 5'9 even max .
larry said on 2/Apr/06
Frank2 - Thanks for the information about Boris Karloff. Brando was quite a bit shorter than Karl Malden and Slim Pickens in ONE EYED JACKS. I always pegged Malden at about 6'1".
Frank2 said on 28/Mar/06
I met Brando starting back when he was making Mutiny on the Bounty. My dad met him in NYC when he was on stage doing Streetcar and was toying with signing him to an exclusive contract to make films in Hollywood. Brando was never taller than a little under 5'9". To be precise, 5'8-1/2". Like I said earlier, watch Guys and Dolls. He and Sinatra are almost the same height. In One Eyed Jacks, Karl Malden towers over him. I'm watching it right now and Malden is more than five inches taller in every scene where they're standing close to each other.
TJ said on 28/Mar/06
The problem with the Grace Kelly pics Frank is that we don't see their feet. She could be wearing two inch, three inch, four inch or even higher heels. It's therefore impossible to make any judgement. In the first pic, Brando's shoulders look higher but his head is bent, and in the second he looks around an inch taller (maybe very slightly less). She is in evening wear, so almost certainly had a shoe advantage on Brando, but no way of knowing if that was a one inch advantage or three inch advantage. However, if she was 5'7 and he had an inch on her even when she was in heels, he has to be more than 5'8. How much more depends on her heels and his lifts (if any). I've always thought that in his younger days, he was around 5'10, but I'm not remotely confident about that.
tgri said on 28/Mar/06
if you watch on the water front and a street car , he looks no more then 5'9. i think 5'9 was more like . one thing that sly has of brando is lifts?
Frank2 said on 27/Mar/06
Here's Marlon beside 5'7" Grace Kelly:
Click HereAnother shot with Kelly:
Click HereKelly with Gable:
Click HereIn fairness, Grace is prbably not wearing high heels.
Frank2 said on 23/Mar/06
No, unfortunately I never met or even saw Karloff in person. I did work with Peter Bogdanovich who directed him in Targets and Peter told me by the time he wdirected him that Boris had shrunk to where he was no more than about 5'7". Karloff suffered from curvature of the spine and towards the end was terribly hunched over when he stood. Most of the time he was confined to a wheelchair and had to use oxygen on the set. I believe he also had a bad case of emphysema. There was only one Karloff. He was such a talented actor that I'm sure he could have played just about any role imaginable, but he got type-casted playing in horror movies so that's what was chiefly offered. Being the consummate pro that he was he worked right up to the very end. I think he was a solid 5'11" when he played the monster in the original 1931 Frankenstein. He looks to be exactly the same height as 5'11" Danny Kaye in the Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1947). In the various films he did with 6'1" Bela Lugosi he always seemed to be about two inches shorter.
larry said on 23/Mar/06
Speaking of Boris Karloff: he's not listed, but I think he was 5'10 - 11" at his peak. Ever see Mr. Karloff, Frank2? I'm basing this on comparing him to 6'1" Bela Lugosi in several films together from the mid thirties.
Frank2 said on 14/Mar/06
In the film Guys and Dolls, Brando is no more than an inch taller than Frank Sinatra. For some reason neither actors wore lifts in that film. Frank was a little over 5'7" and Marlon was about 5'8 1/2". I met and spoke with him many years ago and I was much taller and I'm 5'11." That day he wasn't wearing lifts.
Frank2 said on 26/Feb/06
Marlon was closer to five eight and a half. He was another actor who always wore lifts in his films. The shoes he had on in The Freshman looked like they were borrowed from what Karloff wore in the original Frankenstein!
tgri said on 2/Feb/06
drivers license stated 5-10.
CelebHeights Editor said on 6/Jan/06
Found this tidbit of info relating to the selling of personal belongings of Brando (from Guardian):
"and one odder card recording his enrolment in a programme of tear gas training for citizens (confidence in the effectiveness of this course is undermined by the fact that the card gives Brando's weight as 5ft 9in and his height as 250lb)."
John said on 15/Dec/05
There's no doubt Brando was never 5'10, he wore lifts throughout his career, even in the early days on Broadway (1947-1949).
John said on 1/Dec/05
That picture with Brando wearing built-up shoes next to the 5'7 Matthew Broderick proves he was no more than about 5'7 himself at 65.
Glenn said on 30/Nov/05
never met him.but my best guess in 5-8,5-9 from those I do know met him.
TJ said on 30/Nov/05
I believe Matt on the 13th was wrong. If Brando was 5'8, that would put Dean at around 5'5. For me, the Marilyn pic is revealing and there's no way he could have been as short as some of you are suggesting.
George said on 29/Nov/05
I believe Matt on november 13th said right
TJ said on 27/Nov/05
Rob, you mentioned that you are starting to think Brando's true height was 5'8.75. I have a picture of him with the 5'5.5 Marilyn Monroe. He is at least 3 inches taller than her and quite possibly as much as 4. Her eyes come to below his mouth. Both are in evening wear and I don't think anyone would seriously suggest that the flamboyant Marilyn would have been in flat shoes when in evening wear. If Marlon was 3 inches taller than her in the pic, that already puts him at 5'8.5 before her probably 2 inch shoe advantage is taken into account. 5'10 seems ok, but no less.

Editor Rob
I'm not downgrading the later years he looked shorter of course, but in prime just under 5ft 9, I just don't know
Me said on 15/Nov/05
I bet Brando was 5'9 before he past (5'10" at peak). I bet Depp is really only 5'8". Dean was probably closer to 5'7".
Lol said on 14/Nov/05
which biographies are you referring to? Manso's biography for instance is completely unreliable in the way he speculates on the christian trial and especially brando's personal life. Manso is critized by fans and experts.
Recent pictures of Brando shows him when he's very old and of course he has shrunked 1-2 inches, which is quite logic.
I did hear though he was measured 5'9½" in the Military school in his late teens, but I don't have any facts at my hand to back that up as much you don't have any picture evidence of him wearing elevator shoes in his early days in Hollywood. That's a rumour, I could counter that James Caan wore elevator shoes in Godfather, but again it's just a rumour and I don't have any proof to back that claim.
Matt said on 13/Nov/05
I can't believe this debate is still raging on! If you've read his biographies, you can see the old b/w photos of Brando (pre-lifts). Yes, he's stocky, but you can clearly see he's dominated by almost all of his male co-stars. The guy was a shade over 5'8", and absolutely no taller than that. Recent photos of Brando are NO measure of his height, mainly because he was infamous for wearing platform shoes (there's even a well dodgy photo linked below which shows this). Even in The Godfather, when Brando was still only in his 40's, he is dominated by James Caan (who is no taller than 5'10"). In the Wild One, there's a full-on shot of Brando as he enters a restaurant - the guy is SHORT and, again, dominated by Lee Marvin. I mean, come on! I love Brando's work, but let's get one thing clear - his height was NEVER 5'10"!!
John said on 10/Nov/05
The 5'8 figure is actually correct. The only reason Brando apperaed taller than the 5'9 De Niro and Depp was because he wore lifts inside his shoes, that was a well known fact in Hollywood. Rob, I think you should correct Brando's listing.
Lol said on 8/Nov/05
biographies are speculation, as always, 5'8 is pure speculation. There's no proof on backing that up in these books I can insure you, I've read Manso's book and Brando's own autobiography. "close sources to confirm" is pure imagination as much as tabloids do today, "close friend says". lol.. As Klaus said he was taller than both De Niro, Dean and Depp. So 5'10 is accurate.
Mario Nariano said on 13/Oct/05
Well I have read that he was 5 ft 10 in a biography and that he was 5 ft 9.25 when he finished high school (16 years then). When I look at his movie's of the 50s and at his pictures i see a strong 5 ft 10 guy. Brando was in the 90s still over the 5 ft 9 mark.
Dorian 01 said on 13/Aug/05
I was about to ask "what about the Guys and Dolls cover?" But upon searching more apparently they doctored it to make him 2 inches taller. I always judged his height based on that new cover, thinking he was probably a stocky 5'11 or so. But now I guess he looks more like 5'9.
New taller one.Old one.In the original you can put a straight line from the top of Brando's shirt collar straight through the Blonde's eyes, but in the new one the line shows up in the middle of her forehead. They made Jean Simmons and Brando bigger, and Simmons' elbow area disappeared completely for it. Brando has always been a pain in the ass to studios, so I don't see why they'd do this for him. Maybe they just wanted the two couples closer together.
Mr. Klaus said on 11/Aug/05
A 71 years old Brando was still Taller than Johnny Depp. Brando just looked in his 50s,60s and 70s movie's to tall to be under 5 ft 10. Just watch some pics of Brando and Dean.
Matt said on 10/Aug/05
lol, those shoes are unbelievable! FAO Mike - I know you weren't talking to me, but I referenced Peter Manso's (authoritive) biography of Brando for the figure of 5'8 and 1/4. There is nothing in his movies or photographs to suggest he was any taller than that. Bear in mind that 5'8 isn't what one would call a 'short height', particularly with an inch or so in shoes. Brando was never a rangey figure, but he WAS compact and stocky. Again, watch The Wild One or even On The Waterfront, both of which I feel reflect his true height.
Mike said on 5/Aug/05
"Brando was actually only 5'9, the same as De Niro." Your source?
Mike said on 20/Jun/05
I agree with Jimmy, he's 5'10". Bulked people tend to get "shorter" than slender people. Even though they're on the same height, conclusion it's an illusion.
My guess is that he got shorter throughout years with 1 inch, ended up in 5'9". My dad was on his peak 5'10" and now in his late fifties he's 5'9".
Jimmy said on 12/Jun/05
If you've watched the picture of Marlon Brando standing next to James Dean he's way taller than Dean, . If Im not wrong Dean's 5'7-8" and Kazan was around 5'9". My guess Brando is 5'10", even though many whiners say he's shorter, lol.
sam said on 17/May/05
I read about an Military School physical when Brando was in his late teens where he was measured at almost exactly 5'9". Of course, he may have grown a little bit after that, but who knows for sure...
J. said on 29/Apr/05
Marlon Brando was indeed around 5'8". He wasn't a tall man at all. Many comprehensive sources on Brando's life will offer that figure for his height.
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/05
In the Wild one he looked like 5'11, but okay, I think that he was 5'10 at his peak.
Matt said on 28/Apr/05
Brando was never as tall as 5'10". If you watch the film 'The Wild One', you'll get a much better taste for his real height. In the biography of Brando by Peter Manso, he says that Brando's full height was 5'8 1/4, which seems about right to me.
Rut said on 23/Apr/05
Hi, I agree with the comment that brando was 174,5 and probably 176,5 to more with shoes on, mind you he did look 5 10 sometimes, so I think maybe in the godfather he wore lifts, but James Caan maybe never was six foot if that's the case he wore also lifts then, or Brando did not and Caan stood about 5,5 cm taller..