How tall is Matt Damon - Page 3

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Average Guess (503 Votes)
5ft 9.49in (176.5cm)
Dan said on 10/Oct/16
Matt Damon is 5ft 9.5in (177 cm) in my opinion. That's what he looks next to Jimmy Kimmel and Ben Affleck. I always thought he looked perfectly average. He is well proportioned and has a pretty strong build. Might by time for a downgrade Rob? You've dropped Heath Ledger half an inch, it would only make sense to do the same to Matt Damon.
Civman said on 5/Oct/16
Hey robs! Did you see the emmy awards sketch with kimmel and damon? What did you think of their difference? To me it felt at least 3 cm, maybe 4. And I thought damon had kinda bigger heels..
Editor Rob
177 is always an arguable figure, I wouldn't guess under that mark though.
Dejavu said on 3/Oct/16
If kimmel is 181cm I struggle to see him taller than 177cm and could look 176
FinnishGuy said on 2/Oct/16
I think 5'9.5 afternoon height is appropriate. I just can't see him at 5'10.
Original said on 30/Sep/16

Clooney 5'9.75, 5'10

Pitt 5'9.5, 5'9.75
HonestSlovene said on 30/Sep/16
He is 5'9.5-5'9.75" / 176-177cm at the end of the day standing tall on his bare feet and wakes up at 5'10.25-5'10.5 /178-179cm or what he usually claims to be and he looses an average of 2 cm just how most of us average guys do. Just LOL at the notion that he is the full 5'11 though or even a mm over 179 cm in the morning.
Prince said on 29/Sep/16
I would actually guess Matt Damon at 5'10" as his low height of the day. Starts the day briefly at 5' 10 1/2" then is 5'10 1/4" for 4 or 5 hours roughly. The rest of the day 5'10" I've seen him stand next to Robin Williams in the movie Good Will Hunting and Robin who was 5'7" seemed 3 inches shorter than Damon. Also Brad Pitt who's very likely 5'11" during the Ocean's movies had an inch on Damon. Some scenes made Brad Pitt seem 2 inches taller but I think it was that Damon was walking on a part of the street that had lower elevation and Pitt was in a more elevated part of the street.
Dejavu said on 27/Sep/16
Actually he looks 177 with kimmel and could even be 176
bam said on 26/Sep/16
Hi Rob. When are you downgrading Damon to 5'9.75? Doesn't your YouTube video estimate Damon at 5'9.5-5'10?
Editor Rob
well I haven't ruled it out...

I actually intend to sit down over next 2 days and put some basic voting into the comment section. It will be interesting over the long-term to see what the 'Wisdom of the Crowd' gives to some listings...

I do listen to wisdom...well, most of the time :)
Dejavu said on 24/Sep/16
I think 177cm is closer to the truth. He is clearly 2 inches shorter than Jimmy Kimmel who Rob listed as 182cm.
Kourosh 176-177 cm said on 24/Sep/16
@Prince I agree with you I find full 2 cm is abit much. I normally lose 1.25 to 1.75 cm during day
Josh said on 24/Sep/16
@Prince . . I agree that everyone on the site puts way to much emphasis on shrinkage throughout the day. In the video Rob made showing the change in his measurements throughout a typical day (Click Here) he goes from 175.3cm out of bed to 173.8cm in the evening - a loss of about 1.5cm or 0.6inches which seems like a lot but after just an hour awake he's already lost the majority of that (1cm). Really the difference between 9am and 9pm was half a cm. When people talk about being "measured early or late" they're talking a difference of 0.2 of an inch . . .
Prince said on 22/Sep/16
I'm not sure why some folks think we lose 3/4 - 1" throughout the day. Absolutely no one loses that much height throughout a day. The difference is only 1/4 - 1/2" at most. It's scientifically proven that the average person loses a half inch after being up for a substantial time. As a matter of fact, most of us lose a quarter inch 5-10 minutes after waking up already. We hold on to the other quarter inch for 4 to 5 hours roughly.
:D said on 19/Sep/16
Looked 2 inches shorter than Kimmel with visibly bigger footwear at the emmys.
D said on 16/Sep/16
He probably wakes at 1.78. The rest of the day 1.77
Shredder said on 11/Sep/16
He has a short body for his height , He most likely is truly around 5'10.
Benefits said on 11/Sep/16
Yeah he does look more like 5'10. He always appears a strong average height guy even in his older age. I'd have to agree with 177-178cm, maybe 179 in his prime.
heightchecker34 said on 8/Sep/16
As a 5'9 guy who once believed he was 5'10 his entire life and never got questioned about it... its not a really big deal. I don't feel any different at 5'10 (when I'm wearing shoes) than I would at 5'9 barefoot, and I'm not even being sour. For me personally, until I get to the 5'11 mark in dress shoes and then that's when I feel a difference, when I take them off. I think 2 inches is where you can start to tell a difference in people's height, or it becomes noticeable, even if you're not a height person. Matt Damon is a comfortable 178cm guy.. who I wouldn't feel short next too if we came face to face.
Jed said on 6/Sep/16
His character is listed as being 5'9 in the Bourne identity
HonestSlovene said on 6/Sep/16
@Benefits Most likely just between those 2 marks, 5'9.5 or 5'9.75. Looked either 5'9 or 5'10 in his movies, but I am leaning towards 5'10 since he did look that in the Departed.
D said on 5/Sep/16
He is obviously taller than 1.75.
Benefits said on 2/Sep/16
So is he 5'9 or 5'10?
John said on 1/Sep/16
Millionaires who lie about their height are so lame and Damon is just about as lame as it gets. You don't have enough Matt.... We need to think your tall too? 5.9ish mr self righteous
what!!!?!!! said on 25/Aug/16
i dont... he doesn't look short, but at the same time he doesnt look 1.78... i dont know or it's just me. More like 1.77... but who knows i've got the same build and im 1.81 when in pictures look like 1.78 d;
Benefits said on 19/Aug/16
So he's 5'9 then?
CS said on 18/Aug/16
One of the shorter looking 5'10 guys I've seen. Might be because of being stocky and his proportions though. Also, there still is the possibility he falls a fraction under 5'10.
Johno said on 18/Aug/16
But then again; Rob is more of 5'8.5 person at his median thus, Corden could be labelled a solid 5'8 and Damon; a 5'9 at his average if we were to assume a maximum of 1-inch difference.
Johno said on 17/Aug/16
@Truth, i have been observing Matt Damon and Corden even before this latest video and even stated the difference between the two is negligible and now with this lengthy new video; i am convinced there is less than 1-inch difference between the two, most likely 0.75-inches.

If Damon is 5'10, 5'9.75 or 5'9.5; Corden needs be basically around 5'9, 5'9.25 or at least in the upper end of 5'8. Corden is not this tall; 5'8 seems to be his max height. Throughout his career before he got famous he looked a strong 5'7 and 5'8; 5'7.5-5'8
He is shorter than a 5'8 Patrick Stewart who Rob has seen. A barefoot Cindy Crawford seemed to have more height on Corden than Damon.

I believe Rob has examples of what differences of 1.5-inches and 1-inches looks like; for me 1.5-inches is totally unrealistic and 1-inch is in the realms of possibility with 0.75-inches the best compromise.

James basically needs to be around 5'9 for Damon's usually estimates to hold up. Lucky for us, these two seem to be Good buddies and you will probably see more comparisons.
truth said on 17/Aug/16
@TJE Yes I think around 176.5 cm to 177 cm would be the most accurate assumption for Damon. Under 175 cm is bogus as well as anything more than 178 - 179 cm.
TJE said on 16/Aug/16
The case for 177 get stronger and stronger as the days go by
truth said on 14/Aug/16
@Johno Pleas pause the video at 1:34.

James Corden is confirmed of being a solid 173 cm or Rob's height. Matt looks more than 1 inch taller than him, in fact one could argue it looks at least 1.5 inches or 4 cm, so Matt Damon is 177 cm compared to James Corden. I always argued he is at most this listed height, the same for Brad Pitt, but no more than 0.5 as listed and most likely only 0.25 less than listed. So if we are going to be accurate and not biased:

James Corden: 5'8.25 / 173 cm (same as Rob)
Matt Damon: 5'9.75 / 177 cm
Brad Pitt: 5'10.75 / 179.5 cm
Sam said on 9/Aug/16
He looks 5'9. Maybe a good case of a genuine 5'10 looking shorter than he is because of stocky build.
Kourosh said on 7/Aug/16
@ad i saw the video and i was wondering the same. Matt Damon did not look visibly taller than Corden.

if corden is 5'8 then matt should be around 5'9.25 176 cm
aj said on 6/Aug/16
You downgraded DiCaprio, affleck, and ledger all of whom have been compared to Damon. I think a quarter inch downgrade would be fair
Johno said on 3/Aug/16
Yeh ad, seen that vid and they have the same clothing and boots on, there is maximum of 0.5-inches in it.

James is listed 5'8 here, he is probably shorter than Rob since, Rob is around 5'8.5.

Corden is probably more 5'7.5 though, he is shorter than Sir Patrick Stewart; similar in height to Gary Barlow and based on evidence, Matt edges him by a bit. 5'10 looks way-way-WAY off for him. Compared to Corden, he don't even hit 5'9; more rather ----- 5'8-5'8.5 or dead-on at Rob's height of 5'8.5, Matt is only 0.75-1-inches shorter Brad Pitt and not much then Dicaprio.
ad said on 3/Aug/16
Based on this video with James Corden (1.73cm ). there is no way Matt Damon is 178cm. They are clearly the same height.

Click Here
jtm said on 2/Aug/16
he's shorter than julia stiles in heels and she claims 5'7.
RisingForce said on 31/Jul/16
Jude Law at 5'10" further confirms Damon at 5'9.5". The 5'10.5" is probably in shoes and 5'11" stretching it or rounding up in shoes. A nurse recently measured me in shoes since I forgot to take them off since she didn't even ask me to, called out my height in shoes then later said she'd deduct for shoes. So I could easily see Damon getting measured in shoes and thinking nothing of it.
PLB said on 30/Jul/16
Damon is probably just under 5'10". And that's OK. He also isn't particularly good looking. Also OK. His most famous role is as a spy. Spies are supposed to blend in and he is about the right size and looks to be an average man.

The worst possible spy was the young Sean Connery as James Bond. Too tall, Too muscular and much too handsome. If he waked through a hotel lobby - heads would turn and everyone who had seen him would remember him . That's all wrong for a spy. Damon is more plausible. No one would remember him in a crowd.
Mike said on 24/Jul/16
Matt Damon: 5ft 9.75in 177 cm
Heath Ledger: 6ft 0.75in 185 cm
Ben Affleck: 6ft 2.25in 189 cm
Dan said on 21/Jul/16
He is 5ft 9.75in (177 cm) in my opinion next to Ledger.
Darthrob said on 19/Jul/16
Looks way bigger than kevin Smith in kevin Smiths latest instagram post.
truth said on 17/Jul/16
He rounds up from 5'9.5 to 5'10 barefoot and from 5'10.5 in dress shoes to 5'11.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/16
Other roles: Rounders, The Good Shephard, Ocean's 11-13, School Ties, Brothers Grimm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jul/16
"Matt Damon's Height: 5ft 9¾in (177.165cm)"

Shorter than George Clooney (5ft10¾) and Jude Law (5ft10½)
jtm said on 2/Jul/16
really? he didn't even look a full 2 inches taller than g to me.
Shredder said on 1/Jul/16
Saw a good pic with G where they are in doors and you can tell the ground is even , Matt actually looks about 5'10 with him.
Dejavu said on 28/Jun/16
I think Matt Damon is 177cm
Allen said on 22/Jun/16

I agree. Garcia is the one not wearing odd shoes. They are Garcia height maybe except Clooney. 5'10 is the biggest joke for this guy. Just look at the guy's stature! 5'10 guys are seriously offended out there!
Johno said on 10/Jun/16
Even Andy Garcia looks close to their heights and the only one that looks to stick out, it is probably because he is in normal footwear.
Johno said on 10/Jun/16
@saqib, that is because the trio are probably within an inch one of another.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jun/16
179/180cm out of bed
truth said on 1/Jun/16
Heath Ledger : 6'0.75" / 185cm, Matt Damon: 5'9.75" / 177cm. Looks like a solid 3 in difference to me.
Josh said on 26/May/16
Since Heath Ledger has been downgraded to 6ft 0.5in, shouldn't Matt Damon also be downgraded to 5ft 9.5in?
Johno said on 23/May/16
Bruce, i don't think Ledger was close to 6'2, more rather, around 6'0.
Bruce 5'11 2/3 said on 8/May/16
5'10 1/2 at the most no more compared to ledger
an anonymous peach said on 6/May/16
Rob, was Matt listed as 177cm a few years ago?
Editor Rob
he's been stuck on 178 for a long time now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Apr/16
Out of bed: 179-180cm
Before bed: 177-178cm

Could be like 5ft9¾ at worst but under. Really he does look like a typical 5ft10 guy. Affleck easily has over 4in on him
truth said on 19/Apr/16
I would not go below 5ft9 for him but also nothing more than 5ft10-5ft10.25. Generally looks about 5ft9.75.
Huh said on 17/Apr/16
So the picture above is only a 2 and half inch difference? Alright......
Damian said on 11/Apr/16
I doubt Matt Damon is 5 ft10, compared to Ben affect he only looks 3 inches shorter than him, regardless of whether both men have bad posture or not, Matt Damon is most likely 5ft11.25
Adam said on 9/Apr/16
Rob don't you think Matt looks shorter than 178?
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
in that shot he might be slightly further back...but Matt's range I think can be 177-8. I would be surprised if he fell under that range.
Redhead said on 2/Apr/16
5'9.75". Not much under 5'10", but I still think 5'10.5" morning and 5'9.75" night.
184.3cm (Night) said on 2/Apr/16
Damon - 5'9.75"

Clooney- 5'10.5"

Pitt - 5'10.75"

My new estimates for the three.

Damon looks shy of solid 5'10" next to legit 5'10" range guys.

Clooney- Can look very close to Pitt when he stands straight. Also edges 5'10" guys by small fraction.

Pitt - Looked a solid 0.5 inch under DiCaprio who i have at 5'11.25". He also tends to wear shoes in excess of 1 inch which i suspect is to hit the 6 foot mark. Can sometimes pull off even taller with lifts.
TJE said on 1/Apr/16

Yes, by nearly a cm in fact.
Paleman said on 31/Mar/16
Come on guys, don't be ridiculous. He does not stand at only 5'8". He may not be as tall as 5'10", but he's definitely not 5'8" either. If he was 5'8" then he should look almost 12 centimeters shorter than Heath Ledger here, which he obviously is not... Where do you guys pull these 5'8" listings for Damon and Clooney anyway?

His 5'10"5 claim is too big a stretch, but he could measure at a weak 5'10", perhaps even 5'9"5. But I'd be very, VERY surprised if he was seriously measured at 5'8".
Mat said on 31/Mar/16
Rob, if someone is 178,2-178,4 range at night, is it safe to say he would edge Damon out?
Jedi Master 5'11 said on 24/Mar/16
He's 5'10" in shoes
Mat said on 21/Mar/16
Rob, is Damon tip toeing here? His left foot looks weird. Click Here
Editor Rob
too hard to tell with certainty
Brad said on 14/Mar/16
He's never seen 5 foot 10 in his life. Watch an Oceans film.
Tom said on 13/Mar/16
Having just watched The Talented Mr Ripley, I'd put him at 5' 8.
Pitch_Fork said on 8/Mar/16
Johno, dude you nailed it)
Johno said on 4/Mar/16
@Chris, that video of Damon and Corden is pretty telling and you can see how close in height Corden and Damon are and it was very hard for me to differentiate their heights thus, an 1-inch difference is basically out of the window and i have simply given Damon a default 0.5-inch advantage.

James Corden is listed as 5'8 but in reality he is probably a bit shy of 5'8; since his days in Gavin and Stacey, he has given off a classic 5'7-range appearance making Damon an 5'8-ranger ---- he is a fair bit off 5'10.

@Mask, you seem to have the height differences between Damon, Clooney and Pitt right and inturn, if your height estimates for them three was out of bed, they would be within 0.25 inches of my own.

James Corden 5'8, 5'7.5
Damon 5'9, 5'8-ranger
Pitt 5'10 [early in the day]
Clooney 5'9.75
Sam said on 4/Mar/16
Damon looked anywhere from less than an inch to near two inches under Sebastian Stan in The Martian premiere photos...near Chiwetel Ejiofor, Damon looks pretty even. Both guys can look anywhere from 5'9.5"-5'10", if not always a strong 5'10".
Click Here
hambubger said on 4/Mar/16
5'9" at most. A guy with this much ego would give a minimum of 1" boost to his height, so if he claimed 5'10" he's definitely 5'9" or shorter.
MaskDeMasque said on 2/Mar/16
@ S.J.H

i think you're close. IMO i'd say:

Damon- 5'9.5
Clooney 5'10 maybe 5'10.25
Pitt- About 5'10.5
Chris said on 2/Mar/16
The guy is 5'9" - 5'9.5" - he doesn't cut the 5'10" mark to me. With 5'8" James Corden...
Click Here
If you watch the whole video you'll see how close they are.
MaskDeMasque said on 1/Mar/16
Ledger was a solid 6 footer, 6'0.5 is accurate. Damon looks 3 inches smaller in photos. He's 5'9.5
Johno said on 18/Feb/16
I don't believe Damon is more then 1-inch shorter then either Clooney or Pitt. When i stated 5'8, he looked it then but i believe a 5'8-range might be a better estimate. Pitt and Clooney are about inch taller.

Johno said on 17/Feb/16
In the above picture, Heath Ledger has 3 inches on him.
The_Punisher said on 17/Feb/16
Brad Pitt and George Clooney are strong 5'10'', therefore Matt Damon must be atleast 1 inch shorter. 5'9'' max. for him.
180 cm at night said on 16/Feb/16
His morning height could be 5'10 I think 5'11 for him is just wishful thinking.
Brad said on 15/Feb/16
Owned by Clooney & Pitt 24/7 and 365. Not 5 foot 10.
cruser said on 12/Feb/16
You sure he's 5'9.25?
S.J.H said on 10/Feb/16
Damon 5'9.25
Clooney 5'9.75
Pitt 5'10.5

Case closed. LOL
Mat said on 30/Jan/16
Rob, do you think Damon is thinking about his height generally?
Editor Rob
I think he's sitting there with a script in his left hand and a phone in his right hand...with homepage set to celebheights of course ;)

but really, I don't know - some people think of height a lot, others barely give it a thought...they have so many other things going on in life, be it work or pastimes etc that height is but a passing thought.
BT said on 27/Jan/16
@Andrea: Keyword here is straight, if you look straight at that picture and draw a straight line it looks like a 3in range difference. The angle isn't good enough to draw a straight line and say "there you go". I don't know how to explain this, but try looking at it leaning down and to the right a bit, and you'll see Ben is over 4 inches taller. You could use the meeting-point between the wall and the carpet as a reference point.
Johno said on 26/Jan/16
Don't know how he looks like to a much taller Ben Affleck but to a similar height James Corden, he looks about 0.5 inches taller. Corden i would be confident in saying is 5'7.5. Matt Damon is an average 5'8 in comparison. He tends to be one of the shorter actors out there.

Andrea said on 24/Jan/16
Well, the question was "how much difference do you see in THIS PIC... And it certainly is nowhere near 4 inches there! I don't think Ben is dropping that much height there, anyway...
Editor Rob
straight on visually between 3-3.5.
Andrea said on 23/Jan/16
Rob, you mean 2.5-3 inches at most, right?
Matt does look at least 1.5 inch above Ben's eyelevel and Ben is even raising his eyelevel a bit in that photo...
Editor Rob
I don't think ben is standing at his tallest
Mat said on 23/Jan/16
Mat said on 21/Jan/16
Rob, how much difference do you see in this pic? Click Here
Editor Rob: between 3.5-4 range may be possible

That makes Damon 5'10.5 then??
Editor Rob
it doesn't make him 10.5, with Ben his posture I think can make him look shorter at times than 6ft 2, but I doubt he really is.
Mat said on 21/Jan/16
Rob, how much difference do you see in this pic? Click Here
Editor Rob
between 3.5-4 range may be possible
BT said on 20/Jan/16
Looking at a number of shots with taller guys I'm thinking 5'9.5-5'9.75 is his range, maybe 5'9.5 is a bit harsh, but 5'10 looks a tad generous.
Dmeyer said on 17/Jan/16
Back in the days i didnt know much about angle posture lifts And eye level And thaught this Guy was 5'8-9 but the more i see of the Guy i think 5'9,75-10 can look anywere 5'9,5-10,5
a said on 14/Jan/16
always thought he was 5'9 but back when Saving Private Ryan was out he was "5'11"

watch School Ties. He's def 5'9
Mat said on 11/Jan/16
Rob, what do you think is more likely, that he is 177 range or 178 range at night?
Editor Rob
I would say it could be close to 50/50 on whether he was 5ft 10 or dropped a fraction under.
Prince said on 10/Jan/16
I saw Matt Damon a few days ago. I asked him how tall he was barefoot and he whispered into my right ear 5'9 3/4".
184.3cm (Night) said on 9/Jan/16

Its the angle of the pic if you look closer you will see his eyelevel is around Ledgers mouth, it isnt under. Plus he is leaning on Matt which also maybe contributes some more loss.

I do think he is maybe 5'9.75" though.
Josh said on 9/Jan/16
178???? This guy makes 5'10 guys look very short! Even if Ledger was 185, no 178cm guy looks that short next to a 185 cm person!! Funny.
Josh said on 8/Jan/16
Lol charlie you're silly. Ledger was easily a strong 6 footer. Maybe not the full 6'1, but he was nudging it. Robin Williams was a bit over 5'7 and Matt was a couple inches taller. At his lowest Matt could be just under 5'10, but he generally looks it.
charlie said on 7/Jan/16
Matt Damon is 5 foot 7 flat foot in the morning. If he looks 2 or 3 inches taller tha Robin Williams its because Robin is an old well was an old man and you shrink a few ages when you get old. Robin Williams height was around 4 foot 5 inches tops. Heath Ledger was listed as 5 foot 10 inches at one time now its 6 foot 1? Come now I am 5 foot 10 and a quarter when I wake up bare foot and I am more like Ledgers height maybe even taller
Emil 183 cm said on 7/Jan/16
No chance he's 5'9.
He's a solid 5'10
Angellaa said on 7/Jan/16
Sorry, but I'm pretty sure Matt Damon was listed as 5ft8 on this site a few years back. Why the sudden change?
Editor Rob
he's never been listed that low here.
TJ said on 4/Jan/16
He's quite stocky, which can make him look a little shorter. 5'10 does seem OK for him
Wipeout said on 30/Dec/15
Matt Damon is about as 5'11 as Johnny Depp.
cole said on 27/Dec/15
@Brad: He looks about 2.5in shorter in that one photo, but the angle favors Damon slightly, in other shots he looks nearer 3 inches shorter. I think closer to 5'9.5 than 10, 5'9.75 is a fair shout.
Brad said on 26/Dec/15
If that's 5' 10" with Ledger above I'm Santa Claus.
120 said on 26/Dec/15
Rob, do you think there is a chance that Matt is a underneath the 5'10" mark.
Editor Rob
I think there is always a chance he is 5ft 9.75 as much as 10, I wouldn't have guessed him only 5ft 9 though.
Comets said on 19/Dec/15
Matt does look short, especially in that pic with Ledger, but he rarely looks short next to 6'2 Affleck Click Here so I think his height can vary between 5'8 to 5'10 easily because he is one of those odd actors that can look tall when he wants to or look short when he doesn't ..
Nick said on 18/Dec/15
Hello Rob,
In the bourne identity there is a fighting scene, where he manages to get hold of the guy he is fighting.
He asks the girl to open the bag of the other guy and she pulls out a copy of a passport of Jason and its says:
Jason Bourne
Height: 5'9
Weight: 165 lbs
In think this is based on matt's height which i think is the most accurate at 5'9.75 / 177 cm
What are your thougts on this?
Editor Rob
it might have been the person who created it thought they'd use that figure
S.J.H said on 18/Dec/15
James corbenn sometimes wore heeled sneakers and matt was not same height as him but taller. Damon is at least 5'9.25 where he claim 5'10 , 5'10.5 and 5'11 take the middle he was 5'10.5 with dress shoes and theres how he always apear in movie premiere definitely not a lift wearer like johnny depp and tom cruise
Simon said on 18/Dec/15
There's a pic on Google featuring Sean Connery, Gwyneth Paltrow, Damon and Affleck at the oscars I think. Search Ben Affleck Gwyneth Paltrow it's on the first page. he looks short in that one.
bodwaya said on 11/Dec/15
Rob he might need serious downgrade here is clip of him and 5 foot 8 james corbenn equal height Click Here
Editor Rob
I doubt they looked the same height there.
Dmeyer said on 10/Dec/15
Can pull off 5ft 10,5 in many pics but is defenetly 177-78cm 5'9,75-10
RisingForce said on 10/Dec/15
Not sure what you're talking about, MA. Damon looks about 3 inches shorter than Ledger there. That'd put him 5'9.5", which I think is about right. He always looks completely average. Can look 5'10" too.
Dmeyer said on 9/Dec/15
When is stands well hé realy looks 5'9,75-10
jtm said on 9/Dec/15
affleck is a fairly tall guy but he wouldn't joke about damon's height if he was really 5'10. maybe if damon looks tall onscreen but he never does.
James C. said on 8/Dec/15
Proportions wise he seems like he would be 5'8 5'9, and in stand alone pictures he can seem shorter then 5'10, but when he is with people he can look 5'10 easily. Definitely an legit 5'10 guy I wouldn't question him being shorter then this and on an lounge day where doesn't do anything he would be 5'10 1/4 possibly 5'10 1/2, though on an day he does a lot he could range 5'9 3/4 too 5'10. With Heath Ledger I don't really see him being really short next to him and with Ben affleck he can make affleck seem only 6'1 though affleck slouches near him and people shorter then Damon.
Dmeyer said on 5/Dec/15
To me hé realy dosnt look under solid 5ft 9,75/177cm so its enaugh to claim/list 5'10
MA said on 23/Nov/15
My girlfriend is 6'0 and I'm 5'8.5 and I look no where as short as Matt compared to Ledger.
Andrea said on 17/Nov/15
And that would explain why you can find pictures like these: Click Here
But i've seen many pictures of them and a couple videos, i can accept there are near 4 inches between them but certainly not over!
If you say that Matt could be 5'9.5, then you can easily argue Ben is more 6'1.5!
And, even if i might sound a bit repetitive, there's generally a greater difference between Jensen and Jared if you look at their pictures, you can't deny that!
TJE said on 16/Nov/15
Ehhh, 5'9.75 is entirely possible, but I think he would just about measure 5'10.
Andrea said on 16/Nov/15
Rob, how can you say 5'9.5 if you still think that Ben is a fraction over 6'2? The most he can look is 4 inches shorter but there are many photos where he can look just 2-3 inches shorter!
Unless you think Matt is a serial lift wearer...
Editor Rob
I think it's rare Affleck stands at his tallest beside Damon.
MD said on 16/Nov/15
With 5'11"ish Jimmy Kimmel (Damon in costume) with Kimmel at a camera angle disadvantage, quite frankly (look at their shoulders):

Click Here

With James Corden:

Click Here

5'10" barefoot is too much. Maybe, just maybe, first thing out of bed, but not through most of the day.
Dee said on 15/Nov/15
If you downgraded Heath than you should downgrade this guy by atleast a quarter inch.
Fox said on 15/Nov/15
It's obvious Hes 5'9 max. 5'10 for him is nuts
Omid said on 14/Nov/15
Rob there are few, very few listings here that i don't agree with.....i know you are the expert but Damon honestly seems shorter than 178 to me,,I saw him in The Adjustment bureau, Bourne movies and Interstellar and Oceans and in none of them have I thought of him to be more than 176

My father is 176-177 and this guy looks a lot like him porportaions wise
Editor Rob
you could never find agreement with all listings. I think it is feasible you could argue 5ft 9.5 for Damon, but I also think 5ft 10 is arguable...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Nov/15
"Matt Damon's height is 5ft 9⅞in (177.482cm)"

The 5ft10½ could have been taken very early. He usually looks at least 4½in below Affleck.
Prince said on 9/Nov/15
Matt Damon out of bed lies about his height and just before bed, also lies about his height.
5'11.50 said on 7/Nov/15
At the most 5'10.25 not higher @ Andrea it's not uncommon that the distance between a mans eyes and the top of his head to be 4.5 inches.
truth said on 7/Nov/15
I am certain that he is no taller than 5ft9in. My best estimate is 5ft 8.75in, but he could be 5ft9in.
ChubbyChecker said on 4/Nov/15
He looks shorter than 5'9, let alone 5'`10.

Hes a 5'8 guy claiming 5'10. Just as bad as a 5'10 guy claiming 6'0.
Andrea said on 28/Oct/15
Can't be under 5'10.25-5'10.5 if Ben Affleck is really 6'2.25... There are at most 4 inches between them! Of course you can say that everytime Matt knows he's gonna meet Ben he decides to borrow a pair of lifts from Sly... That would explain why he doesn't look under his claim with Ben!
Len said on 22/Oct/15
5'10" does seem right for him, and to his credit that's his 'official height' as well... no claiming 6', like all the other 5'10" actors do.
Editor Rob
he did creep his height up half inch, trying to go with 5ft 10.5
Prince said on 9/Oct/15
Hey Helo! I did various stretching exercises including one called the triangle and it worked for me. I've still held on to the half inch of extra height I gained but I can't necessarily say that I will hold on to this extra height for years on end either. it is possible that I might lose the extra height in the coming months. Some people think that it's a scam when people suggest you can get taller with exercise but it's no scam. It works for some people and for others it doesn't.
Powerhouse said on 6/Oct/15
He was on The Late Late Show and side by side with James Corden in a skit. They were the same height.
MD said on 6/Oct/15
Not the best angle, but with 5'7" Michael Pena (who is actually at a footwear disadvantage, even) and 5'11.25" Sebastian Stan at a red carpet back in August for The Martian:

Click Here

5'10" just seems like such a stretch with all taht we know.
Prince said on 5/Oct/15
Matt Damon did claim 5'10" once on the David Letterman show but right before saying 5'10" seemed to pause or hesitate as if he should go with saying 5'10" as if Lettterman might not buy it.
jtm said on 5/Oct/15
he has a lot of nerve claiming to be 5'11 especially when you look at him with real 5'11 guys and i'm not talking about pitt and clooney.
Prince said on 4/Oct/15
Matt Damon could very likely be 5'9 1/2" as his real height. He might be 5'10" straight out of bed and 5'9 3/4" for a few hours but he probably stands 5'9 1/2 for the majority of the day after being a little taller for the first 4 or 5 hours of the day. He seems an inch and a half shorter than Brad Pitt.
Heylo said on 4/Oct/15
Prince, how do you know that it's permanent though? How many times a week do you do this yoga pose? Or have you stopped? I could imagine that IF you have a weak core strength, then core exercises in general could give you a slightly higher evening height but that doesn't mean that you've been growing taller, it's simply a stronger back slowing down the process of shrinking through the day.
But I don't even know if a strengthen core could slow that shrinking process down a bit, it could be broscience... do you know anything about this Rob?
Editor Rob
working on core/back and spine stretches can have an overall effect on the discs and enable water to penetrate as much as possible the tiny areas of discs.

I believe this is a reason why I managed to get a taller out of bed height last couple of years, but 6-7 years ago was a few mm less out of bed. My evening height isn't really effected much though.
Heylo said on 4/Oct/15
Next to 5'8 James Corden he looked slightly above 5'9 but not quite the full 5'10 he is listed at.
case closer said on 4/Oct/15
I'll give him 5ft8.5in tops out of bed in the morning.
184.3cm (Night) said on 1/Oct/15
5'9 is under average here in The Netherlands but 5'10 is still average just the lower end.
bandet said on 28/Sep/15
the dutch guy, get over yourself. He's 5ft10, that's what a 5ft10 person looks like. So now you're calling 5ft10, little.
Mind you if you're a dutch guy, then that's very valid, I suppose, what with you being the giant race
PetePro said on 26/Sep/15
Addition: On the TV show Matt Damon said his ponytail was just hair extensions. He now is back to his regular short hairstyle.
PetePro said on 26/Sep/15
Just saw Matt Damon on British TV ('The Graham Norton Show') claiming 5'10". He looked up into his long-term memory when he said this. Therefore he either believes this height to be true or he was remembering a lie. Matt then also said his good friend Ben Affleck was either 6'3" or 6'4".
However, I think Matt is significantly less; more in the 5'9" to '5' 9.5" range. His head and shoulders look very regular in size.
And now he is much leaner and less stocky looking, with I think proportional leg length. In fact he looked very fit. Especially so when considering he's almost 45.
Whatever height Graham Norton is then just add no more than 2 inches. There wasn't hardly any difference. That's assuming their shoe/boot height was very similar.
guk said on 25/Sep/15
He just claimed to be 5ft 10 on Graham Norton although he did also say Affleck was 6ft3/6ft4
Dmeyer said on 20/Sep/15
Can look Anywere 177-179cm
Prince said on 20/Sep/15
Hey Nazza! I know I did a stretching exercise called the triangle which is known to help potentially give some extra height if done correctly. There is no promise that doing this will make everyone who tries this gain extra height permanently though. It isn't a scam, it's just that some people either do the exercises incorrectly or they do it correctly but it doesn't make a difference. It does work for some people. It worked for me a little. My low height of the day barefoot used to be 5'9" and now my low height of the day barefoot is 5'9 1/2". I gained a half inch from it when I tried that exercise this past early August at the age of 33.
Nazza said on 6/Sep/15
Hey Prince,did you really manage to grow by using stretching exercises? I have been trying to work out if all the things you see on the internet are a scam or not.

Could I get in touch with you possibly to talk about what you did please? :)
The Dutch Guy said on 29/Aug/15
5'10'' for this little man is insane. 5'8.5" is the most acurate guess.

Click Here (2:47, "Matt Damon shame on you")
That lady saying suits him. hehehe
Prince said on 27/Aug/15
I got involved with stretching exercises this Summer and grew permanently by 3/4 of an inch. My low height of the day used to be 5'9 1/4" and my low height of the day is now 5'10". I'm about to turn 34 in less than 2 weeks. Jim Morrison of The Doors apparently did certain stretching exercises while in college and said he grew taller by just over an inch. Not saying that these stretching exercises will make everyone gain height in their 20's or 30's but for some people it works.
Prince said on 26/Aug/15
I don't understand why people see Matt Damon actually being 5'8". He's clearly at least 2.5 inches taller than 5'7" Robin Williams and probably 3 inches taller to be more exact. Just watch Good Will Hunting.
Bandjoe said on 23/Aug/15
Think he's the exact same height as me, i thought that too when i watched the Bourne series, and sure enough i look it up and he is around 5'10. Im 5'10.5 when i wake up and 5'9.75-5'10 after 7-12 hours of being up. Would say he probably has the same thing going on.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Aug/15
Agreed with Sam. Damon looks in 5'9.5-5'10 range. I think I'd guess him at 177cm like Colin Farrell. In some comparisons he can actually look a strong 5 ft 10. His stocky frame though does give the illusion of him being shorter though. If I didn't know his height and how he looks to others I'd have thought him 5 ft 8 or 9 too.
Prince said on 21/Aug/15
Hi Rob! Question, Why is it that if you measure yourself with just measuring tape against your back to the top of your head it ends up an inch less than when you mark the wall with measuring tape and use your finger or pencil and line up the top of your head to the measured marking on the wall? Also, when people say that you have to tuck your chin in, doesn't it make you measure taller than you really are if you stick your chin to far down?
Editor Rob
I would always go with the measurement standing beside a wall and having an object sit against the wall while also on top of your head. This gives you a pretty good idea of how tall you really are. Holding a tape beside you should also give a good idea, as long as the person reading the tape measure is looking at the highest point of your head and then reading off the correct mark on the tape. Maybe some people who are smaller/taller misread the measurement!
truth said on 20/Aug/15
5ft8in....5ft10in only in his dreams. Can these actors just be honest about their stupid height! He's obviously a good chunk under 5ft10in. STOP GIVING 5FT10 MEN A BAD REP. All 5ft8 men usually say they're 5ft9, but this twat lied by 2 in
Heylo said on 18/Aug/15
5'10 is a fair listing even though he could be 5'9.5 which in my opinion looks better.
Sam said on 18/Aug/15
Ali, you can't determine height by build. Damon doesn't look less than 5'9.5"-5'9.75" standing with other folks and can often pass as a somewhat weak 5'10".
Michael said on 17/Aug/15
Matt damon has very short legs?
Why this picture is very small?
Prince said on 16/Aug/15
He seems 5'10" barefoot. There's an image where he's standing next to 5'11" Brad Pitt and Brad is an inch taller. Sometimes Brad looks 2 inches taller than Damon but it's probably cause he's wearing shoes that give more height than Damon's shoes on those occasions.
Ali said on 15/Aug/15
Matt Damon is clearly below average. More like a stocky 5'8. 5'10 in his dreams.
Balrog said on 9/Aug/15
176-177cm. Looked to short next to Affleck to be 5'10''.
184.3cm (Night) said on 9/Aug/15
Nowhere near 6 foot what you on? His eye level would be around the nose of a 6 footer, look at the above pic Heath ledger looks like he was 184-185cm. 6'0.5" or 6'1 flat.
Nan said on 7/Aug/15
Close enough to six foot.
Shooting stars said on 4/Aug/15
Are these heights considered with shoes on or not? Tom Hardy for example, is 5'8 barefoot and 5'9 with shoes. Is Damon taller than Hardy?
Editor Rob
heights are thought of as being without footwear.
bernie said on 27/Jul/15
@MJKoP: You're getting more & more ridiculous...5'11" for Matt Damon!?? I see you're still living in a fantasy world..He looks clearly shorter than 5'10" Clonney, 95% of the voices here have him in the 5'9"-5'9.5" range.... Go to the barefoot boat shot with a 5' 7" Cheadle, even 5' 10" is a joke...Keep on dreaming...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/15
Damon can look either side of 5ft10
Arch Stanton said on 5/Jul/15
[Editor Rob: well it is a wig of course :)]

Seagal will be devastated. Of course his is all his own, his forehead naturally produces jet black velcro follicles ;-)
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jul/15
There's absolutely no way that ponytailed hair is his own though!! I've been growing mine back for 10 months now from shaved and it's still nowhere near that length. Even photos of him earlier this year his hair was quite short, it doesn't suddenly appear like that!
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jul/15
Rob have you seen his new ponytail? Click Here Seagal called to say he wants his ponytail back haha. you know what, I actually think he looks better with longer hair, not too sure about the dye, but he definitely looks better IMO.
Editor Rob
well it is a wig of course :)
fred said on 28/Jun/15
lol he looked barely taller than franka potente...or however you spell her name...he's not more than 5-9...I think he's only 5-8 1/2 get real
dff said on 28/Jun/15
lol he's like 3 inches shorter than 5-11 bit
dff said on 28/Jun/15
looks not much taller than Emily Blunt ...looked 1.5 to 2 inches max
an anonymous peach said on 21/Jun/15
5ft 9.5/.75 177cm
Rick said on 17/Jun/15
Click Here
Click Here

Clearly looks shorter than 5ft 10.75in George Clooney in the pictures above.

Rob do you think he could be 5'9.5 ? He's a very important celebrity so it would be good to get his height precisely and correctly.
MaskDeMasque said on 12/Jun/15
He's looked like a strong 5'9 in pretty much every film ive seen him in. 176-177cm range.
Danimal said on 7/Jun/15
Closer to 5'9" imo.
ChuckTheSchmuck said on 3/Jun/15
He must be shorter then this...he always looks somewhat short! My guess is 5'9"
JB said on 2/Jun/15
He didn't look much taller than 5'7" Emily Blunt in the Adjustment Bureau. I can believe a strong 5'9" maybe 5'9.5". Or Blunt needs a slight upgrade.
Key said on 18/May/15
In the picture with Heath Ledger, his shoes look 1 inch thinker than Ledger's. I'm gonna say a healthy 5'9
tilda said on 11/May/15
5'10 is just a joke.

he's 4 cm shoter than pitt

176cm for matt.
TJE said on 28/Apr/15
If Ben Affleck's gonna be a strong 6'2, then Matt's nothing over 5'10.
James C. said on 22/Apr/15
Ben affleck slouches near matt damon so he could appear more taller then damon and the difference would make sense. I was watching the video where he calls damon short and damon is standing kinda straight and affleck is slouching. You can drop inches by slouching
lelman said on 16/Apr/15
There is no way he's 5'11", he never looks as tall as Clooney or Pitt. He is 5'10.5" at very best (he even claims that), and that's pushing it a lot.
someguy said on 15/Apr/15
I too have his exact stature, short legs i mean :( sucks, cant lie about being taller than i am lol
MJKoP said on 10/Apr/15
He's 5'11", no if's and's or butt's.
GP said on 5/Apr/15
Saw a full blown pic of Matt standing at parr with Brad .Brad is wearing regular heeled shoes while Matt seems to have a bigger neeled shoe/Brad looks the least 1.5" taller.If you take away the heel size it would give Brad 1.5-1.75" taller,So if Brad really is 5'11 barefoot,Matt is guaranteed to be between 5'9.25 to 5'9.5.Clooney seems to have between .5 to .75 " taller .So I strongly believe legitimately Matt Damon 5.9.25 Brad Pitt 5.11 George Clooney.5.10.25
Josh said on 24/Mar/15
He is a legit 5'10
nayhole said on 19/Mar/15
He's always looked shorter in movies. He looks just under 5'9
184.3cm said on 18/Mar/15
I thought he was 5'9.75 but after seeing him next to Affleck there he really does look a good 5'10 guy. More 5'10-5'10.25, has to be a lot broader than he looks as he comes off stocky alot.
Almost 5 10 said on 16/Mar/15
He is a major Hollywood star. Would be nice to get this one as accurate as possible, wouldn't it.
Almost 5 10 said on 16/Mar/15
Rob, would you consider a slight adjustment to 5' 9.75"? A bit like you did with Robbie Williams. I think it would be more accurate, don't you?
doorjar said on 11/Mar/15
Clooney isnt taller than 5'9-5-9.5
Andrea said on 6/Mar/15
If you say so... Unless Ben has a 5.5 inches eyelevel it is hard to believe there are 4 inches between them, let alone 4.25...
Again, there's more difference here: Click Here
Andrea said on 5/Mar/15
Rob, do you think he's standing on something or wearing lifts here?
Click Here
He looks not a mm under 5'11, if Ben is as listed! At the end of the video, Ben jokes about Matt's height saying he's short when he himself is not even 4 inches taller!
Editor Rob
I think he looks close to 4 inches there, I don't know what they have on their feet though, that can always be the cause of height swings.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Mar/15
In fact there is a chance Clooney could edge out Pitt barefoot.
Hypado said on 27/Feb/15
Matt Damon is 5ft 9.75in - 177 cm
CDS said on 24/Feb/15
This from ARGH just about says it all:

Watch "School Ties". He clearly looks 5'9 and he made that when he was 21 and an unknown.

Never thought this guy was 5'10", although more recently can look it on screen. I'll give him 5'9.5" max bare feet height. It's those early heights that often say it all...
Rixton said on 18/Feb/15
Its quite obvious he is no taller than 5'9. Hes never looked 5'10.

This is like Mark Wahlberg's listing of 5'8 when its obvious he looks 5'7.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Feb/15
Could be nearer 177cm in the evening.
Almost 5 10 said on 15/Feb/15
5' 10" is a fair listing though. He's not 5' 8-9". You could maybe argue a fraction shorter. But he looks 5' 10" most of the time.
Simon said on 12/Feb/15
Look at him next to Pitt and Clooney. The three of them look close in height sometimes Pitt looks noticeably taller but it becomes a guessing as to which one of them wears lifts. My guess is Pitt and Damon do that's why sometimes Pitt looks 2 inches taller and Damon equal to Pitt. I mean look at Damon next to Robin Williams, the difference looks bigger than Ledger and Damon on the pic above and they are listed at 6'1 5'10 and 5'7 the height gap's the same.
Sebastion said on 11/Feb/15
Cant beleive this 5'8 guy claims 5'11 now.
Andy said on 9/Feb/15
Rob, do you think Damon is more like a weak 5'10? Like 176,5cm (5'95) or something ?
Editor Rob
chance he might dip under a little but I wouldn't argue he was only 5ft 9, more often than not he looks nearer the 10 than 9.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Feb/15
Joe, I think it's time you stopped taking height literally and starting reading articles about elevator shoes!
Arch Stanton said on 2/Feb/15
Joe you've really not got a clue! Clooney would be laughing at you I'm sure if you got him and Brad barefoot together. 2 inch difference??
Dmeyer said on 2/Feb/15
If he claims 5'10 10.5 and 11 he must be solid 5'10
Joe said on 1/Feb/15
Damon is 5'9", Clooney is 5'9" too. Pitt is genuine 5'11". Clooney has long claimed that he is 5'11", and even claimed 5'11.5", sometimes even 6'0" which is real silly considering how many times he has been photographed with Brad Pitt, and Pitt has been shown to be considerably taller than Clooney. Many average sized actors have listed themselves as 5'11" in Hollywood such as Gary Oldman, Russell Crowe, Jeffrey Wright, Sylvester Stallone and numerous others.
ARGH said on 29/Jan/15
Damon is 5'9. Clooney is 5'10. Pitt is 5'11.

Watch "School Ties". He clearly looks 5'9 and he made that when he was 21 and an unknown.
Bob said on 28/Jan/15
Looking at photos the lowest you could argue for him is 5'9.75", but I think he looks 5'10" enough to keep him there.
GP said on 26/Jan/15
On screen he can look 5'9" and possibly under, but after I saw him the other day, I gotta say that I was little surprised that he was closer to 5'10". I would guess him 177-178, nothing more. Less than that is possible, but he has to wear little lifts then, which he doesn't seem one of those.
Andrea said on 24/Jan/15
Hey, i don't believe he's a big 5'10 at all! Just saying that if Rob has Ben at a solid 6'2, this guy doesn't look under 5'10...
TJE said on 23/Jan/15
Even considering Ben's advantages, I don't see any LESS than 4 inches. It's not much more of course; actually I'd say there would be 4-4.25 inches between them if Ben didn't dominate the pic. Still, I think Matt's a weak 5'10 and a shaky one at best.
jtm said on 23/Jan/15
Andrea says on 23/Jan/15
So you're basing your guess on that pic? Ben is standing closer to the camera and he's also raising his eyes a bit, still don't see more than 4 inches, even considering Matt's footwear advantage! If Ben is really 6'2.25, Matt is really no less than 5'10 and very likely near his 5'10.5 claim!!! Unless, he always wears lifts, of course...

that's not the only reason i think he is not even close to 5'10 but it doesn't matter. the majority will always believe he is 5'10 or very close to it despite many evidence he isn't.
Tunman said on 23/Jan/15
But still a solid 1.5"shorter than Dicaprio for sure.You said yourself that Dicaprio could even be as short as 5'11.To be near his 5'10.5 claim we're assuming that Dicaprio wore lifts while Damon didn't.
The guy started at 5'10 then 5'10.5 and once claimed 5'11.I'm tending to think that the lowest claimed figure would be the closest to truth except perhaps for big guys like Cudmore or Kobe,that being said we never know how some guys could turn under stadiometer.
Matt still looks too often 5'9-10 range to be as tall as 5'10.5,my opinion is still on a weak 5'10
Andrea said on 23/Jan/15
So you're basing your guess on that pic? Ben is standing closer to the camera and he's also raising his eyes a bit, still don't see more than 4 inches, even considering Matt's footwear advantage! If Ben is really 6'2.25, Matt is really no less than 5'10 and very likely near his 5'10.5 claim!!! Unless, he always wears lifts, of course...
Tunman said on 22/Jan/15
Good pic and finally it seems there's 4"difference between them,rather 4.5"assuming Matt has footwear advantage.
Again it confirms my opinion of a weak 5'10 which is even visible with 5'11.25-11.5 Dicaprio,he looked about 1.5"shorter in The Departed
Time for a slight downgrade,he's more 177.
jtm said on 21/Jan/15
look at the pic TJE posted on july 28.
Tunman said on 20/Jan/15
lifts could be an explanation for how he looked near 5'11 next to Affleck,but with Clooney who won't be anything more than 5'10.5 possibly less he seemed a good 0.5" shorter in Monuments Men which seems fair assuming everyone had boots.
5'9.75 or 5'10 is still my opinion.
Andrea said on 19/Jan/15
jtm, post the photos you're talking about...
jtm said on 19/Jan/15
forget about those 2 full body pictures of damon looking 5 inches shorter than affleck with a footwear advantage.
Yea said on 18/Jan/15
I think he's 5'10 1/2. If he's claiming 5'10, 5'10 1/2, and 5'11. I'm measured 5'9 1/2, and I claimed 5'9, 5'9 1/2 and 5'10 at least once in my life. Depends on my mood. Plus he seems a little over 5'10
carver said on 17/Jan/15
My god, the guy keeps going higher and higher, first 5'10, then 5'10 and a half now 5'11, what's next 6'2 on a good day? Trust me he's 5'9
Rey said on 14/Jan/15
He is very close to 5'8' 1/8 in flat feet. Very similar in facial features as Tom Brady.
London Boy said on 2/Jan/15
5' 10" is closer than 5' 9" or below. 5' 11" is pushing it though!
Arch Stanton said on 29/Dec/14
Yes, for some reason he screams 5 ft 8-9 but I think you can see in the above photo he's actually more like 5'10!! The worst you could really argue is 5'9.5" in a lot of comparisons.
Omid said on 25/Dec/14
To me he always seemed shorter (specially in Oceans Eleven), like 176- 177 range but you are the expert Rob, not me!
BOXOFFICEFLOP said on 23/Dec/14
why do actors height seem to change so often? It's like when they're unknown they're 5'10 and then when famous they're 5'11 or 6'0 and then years later they're back to being 5'10
Clay said on 22/Dec/14
Affleck towered Damon in ''Jay and Silent Bob''. That was when I was turned on to the fact Damon is a short guy between 5'9 and 10''.
Andrea said on 18/Dec/14
Of course he must be standing loose in some pics or it wouldn't explain why he can look only 2-3 inches taller! So you think Matt is a liftwearer too? Interesting...
Editor Rob
there is a good chunk of hollywood who will at times wear just a small lift, the kind that gives you an extra cm and harder to spot.
Andrea said on 17/Dec/14
Then, 5'10.5 or 5'11 is arguable for Matt? That's the minimum he is if Ben is 6'2.5...
Editor Rob
i'm sure affleck stands loose with matt a lot of times...maybe matt even at times had small lift.
Andrea said on 17/Dec/14
"[Editor Rob: Jensen is above jared's eyes in person, that's what I seen and both had work boots, I would go with 4 inches, maybe for ben/matt it is also around 4.]"
In fact i said i can buy Jared being only 4.25 inches taller than Jensen but then again there's noway such a big difference between Ben and Matt! And i've seen a lot of pictures of them, it's not only those 2-3 pics you can find on the net!!! Seriously, at best, there are 4 inches between Matt and Ben... Could Matt be the height he claims? 5'10.5? I doubt, more chance he got that height from a shoe measurement...
Editor Rob
6ft 2.5 or 6ft 2 is arguable for Ben.
jtm said on 17/Dec/14
5 inches shorter than affleck in 2 full body pictures despite the footwear advantage. affleck's 6'2.5 lisitng is generous but damon at 5'10 is laughable.
Andrea said on 17/Dec/14
So you answer with a simple "they can look just 4 inches"? 4 inches is the most there is between them and there's a good chance there's only 3.5 inches between them, he's never under Ben's eyebrows! As for Jensen and Jared, Jensen is around Jared's eyelevel in a lot of photos! This is not being objective, you must admit it, Rob!
Editor Rob
Jensen is above jared's eyes in person, that's what I seen and both had work boots, I would go with 4 inches, maybe for ben/matt it is also around 4.
Jack said on 17/Dec/14
Matt is a legit 5'9" guy
Andrea said on 16/Dec/14
Jared and Jensen: Click Here
Ben and Matt: Click Here
Rob insists Jared is only 4-4.25 inches taller than Jensen. Ok, it is possible but now tell me, how can Ben be 4.5 inches taller than Matt? There is objectively more difference between J and J. Rob how do you explain that? Is it part of the "Inexplicable things" of this site, together with Kobe Bryant, Dave Annable, Kim Coates, etc.??? You realize there are many heights that actually don't match each other?
Editor Rob
there can look just 4 inches between matt and ben.
jtm said on 15/Dec/14
he was 5 inches shorter than affleck even with a footwear advantage TJE posted on july 28.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Dec/14
He's also nothing under 6 ft 2 Andrea..
Dmeyer said on 14/Dec/14
I agree Andrea 5'9.75 damon 6'2 affleck tops 2.25
Emil 183 cm said on 14/Dec/14
He is somewhere between 177-178 cm but CAN look 175-176 because of posture and his quite long head
Andrea said on 14/Dec/14
If Ben Affleck is 6'2.5, he is no less than 5'10.5... But, of course, Ben is not 6'2.5...
Dmeyer said on 13/Dec/14
I agree not under strong 177cm weak 5'10
Prince said on 13/Dec/14
The shoes Heath Ledger has on probably give a half inch and Matt Damon's shoes likely give an inch. Ledger looks 3.5 inches taller in this pic. In reality he probably was 4 inches taller than him which would make Damon 5'9" barefoot. Damon is probably 5'9 1/2" out of bed and then stays 5'9 1'4" for several hours before dropping to 5'9" toward the evening.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Dec/14
Rob, could Damon wake up close to 5ft11?
Editor Rob
5ft 10.75 might be possible, although if he does drop to 9.75 then he might be 5ft 10.5 out of bed...and there, his 5ft 10.5 claim is valid, he just forgot 'out of bed' as an appendage to it.
TJE said on 11/Dec/14
What I meant was that he is probably 5'10/177.8 on the nose at lunchtime and maybe 177.4 when going to bed.
marcus said on 11/Dec/14
for the bourne movies, his passport had 175cm. matt damon is not 5'10, he's 176cm
Prince said on 5/Dec/14
Matt Damon is over 6 feet with stilts..
TJE said on 2/Dec/14
Rob, would his absolute low be like 177.3-177.4?
Editor Rob
I wouldn't argue he was lower than around 177, you could class him as a weak 5ft 10 guy at times.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.