Chaoscontrol. said on 26/Oct/21
Arch Stanton said on 4/Nov/20
Large head, inflated ego probably, but a *very* attractive woman in my opinion
@Arch this you?
Arch Stanton said on 25/Oct/21
I didn't say she had a large head, Stylo did.... Megyn is one of the few women I find hotter with short hair than long.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 10/Jan/21
@Arch when you say large head do you mean narcissistic or physically massive? Cause her head doesn’t look that big to me, maybe looks larger than it is cause her hair is all swept back to make her hairline look higher
Arch Stanton said on 19/Nov/20
Click Here
Wow, Megyn says she's leaving NYC because of the silly "woke" culture. This lady has her head screwed on! Covid has destroyed the city at the moment anyway, everybody is moving out. Looks shorter in flats in that Halloween street picture, nothing over 5'6.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Nov/20
I mean Fox News. Fox has a lot of deluded Trumpists spouting nonsense on there but they're annoyed with Trump of late I think.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Nov/20
Maybe 5'5 and change is also possible, she's quite small framed. It's rare to see a prominent female US journalist who isn't a member of the sanctimonious woke brigade and strongly anti-Trump like most of them. She is refreshingly open-minded and intelligent and says she can see both sides of the coin, I'm the same. I caught a few of her podcasts and CNN made a huge mistake in sacking her, but maybe it's a good thing as she's freer to air her opinions now.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Nov/20
Large head, inflated ego probably, but a *very* attractive woman in my opinion in a cruelly hot type of way.
Click Here !! I mean that Charlize Theron could look exactly like her says it all! I don't know what Trump was thinking calling her a bimbo as she seems highly intelligent to me. Probably about right, neither tall or short.
stylo said on 4/Oct/18
I don't know why but I was always under the impression that she was much shorter, around 5'3"...probably because she has such a large head? Or an inflated ego, take your pick. I was surprised to come here and find that she's actually 5'6"....
BilboBaggins12 said on 16/Mar/18
Hey Rob. How did you decide on this height for Megyn Kelly? By observation? I'd say that's about right for her. When I've seen her with 5' 6"-ish Vladimir Putin, and wearing fairly standard-looking high heels, she has towered over him noticeably. So, she's definitely no less than 5' 6" barefoot.

Editor Rob
Like everybody, just observing, though some I've looked at 'too much', others I've not seen that much of.
With someone like
Savannah, she might be anywhere in 5ft 6-6.5 range.
Liberty183.3 said on 12/Jun/17
Seems about right. 5'5'' to 5'7''.