Antihero said on 1/Feb/23
She's definitely taller than 5'7¼, because Dakota Johnson is 5'7 and Mia looks at least 2 inches taller than her here:
Click Here
I'll give her 5'9.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Oct/20
Mia looks a whole lot slimmer in her films than in the above picture.
5ft7.25 😁💐
Lis said on 22/Feb/20
Rob how tall is Mia with these heels?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Not much over 5ft 10
Nik said on 28/Jan/20
She's my height twin!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Mar/19
Ha ha! I just read that Mia's height is 177cm! She never looked THAT tall in 'Nymphomaniac'! However, tall and thin she most certainly is, and that was part of what gave away to me in the movie 'A Cure for Wellness', which I saw yesterday, that it was actually the girl from Lars Von Trier's 'Nymphomaniac' that I was staring at!
But what a contrast of characters to play! In 'Nymphomaniac', she is about as forward and extrovert as they come, yet in 'A Cure for Wellness', she is innocence personified. She plays an abnormally reserved institutionalised young girl, and one suspects right from the onset that she is deliberately having her maturity and her sexuality suppressed. Then she meets a young man, and something in her awakens, though he is a thoroughly decent sort and just wants to help her.
She plays with dolls as a comfort blanket, and is only a stone's throw away from sucking her thumb. It is sad to watch; she is being controlled by an evil man, and who he actually turns out to be, I'm not going to spoil for you!
Regardless of her tall height, she gets away with playing a pre-pubescent through her innocent looks and abnormally thin frame. I could tell that she was by no means 177cm by comparing her to co-star Dane DeHaan, who looks a convincing 5ft8.5. He is taller enough than her to feel protective, but that's a bit of a cliché because she is so child-like anyway.
I am happy to settle for 5ft7.25, but if you think that you're going to see one iota of the girl from 'Nymphomaniac', think again. The only thing that the two characters have in common is their tininess, but tallness. The Mia of yesterday's film really did pass for 16 or 17*, with long, unkempt hair and no pride in her appearance. Then, in a pub, where the other girls mock her as she dances with her big, vacant eyes aglow, she goes on to find a lipstick in the bathroom, uses it - and purloins it! Yes, her sexuality is stirring....
The evil controller of this girl is played by Jason Isaacs, and he is possibly as much as nearly half-a-head taller than her, or just under. I left his box blank yesterday, but I know what I'll put today!
Be warned though that this is about as disturbing as a film can get. I didn't feel like watching anything afterwards. I had to go and lie down with my comforting, cuddlesome cats! If you're into being shocked, then this is for you. Otherwise, leave it be!
* Mia is 25 years of age.
PAN BERRY said on 16/Jan/19
The fact that she doesn’t have eyebrows makes her look weird, strong 5’7” at 170.5 cm
jeb077 said on 31/May/17
She is listed at 5'10" and is as tall as bf Shia Lebeouf. He is always wearing combat boots and she always wears flats to try and help him out :)
shammy said on 10/Jan/17
where are her eyebrows in that photo?