The Height Guy said on 2/Jan/22
Great Band, i think 5'8 1/2 is perfect for Mike Patton! his lowest could be 5'8 1/4
Jammes said on 24/Mar/19
I guess the former Frontman Chuck Mosley was about 6'0 when he was alive,there are a couple pics of him and Mike together,hes taller than Mike
Jammes said on 23/Mar/19
I guess Faith's Former Frontman Chuck Mosley was about 6'0 then? There is a pic of him with Mike
Click Here
David said on 20/Dec/17
I saw Mr Bungle in 1996, they were walking the crowd later packing their gear away. Around 5'8", maybe shorter.
Here is Mike with 5'8" Henry Rollins.
Click Here
Joe said on 22/Dec/14
around that neighbourhood, taller than 5'8 and shorter than 5'9"
Manuel said on 19/Dec/11
I´m 5.11 and I have one pic with Mike. He´s 5.10 too.
Jotun said on 26/Aug/11
Does anyone know the heights for the band Karnivool at all? Their singer looks to be very tall
Matt said on 14/Dec/10
Your friend does not look even close to 6' 1.5''. He looks maybe 2 inches taller than Patton here...must be a bad angle.
Markus said on 13/Dec/10
Got a pic here of Mike with me and a friend in Amsterdam 2 years ago.
My friend on the left is about 187 cm / 6'1.5" (looks smaller here actually)
I'm on the right, 6'4.5" / 194 cm.
Patton's shoes got a little bit of heel, maybe 1".
He appeared about 5'9" / 5'10" to me in this pic. Maybe 1" off for his shoes and 5'8.5" seems accurate.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/10
Sorry rob im going off mike patton topic WHY DON'T YOU HAVE LARRY KING'S HEIGHT LISTED????

Editor Rob
I think he has lost height, how much I'm not sure
Markus said on 5/Dec/10
You're pretty close I think. From what I've heard and seen; Billy Gould is around Patton's height, maybe slightly smaller around 5'7". Jim Martin is 6'. Roddy could be 6'1". Mike Bordon looks smaller than Patton and Gould, maybe 5'6". Can't really pinpoint Jon Hudson's height, but seems to be around Patton's height. Not a a very tall band ;)
Matt said on 24/Nov/10
How bout the other members of FNM? Billy Gould looks about the same height as Patton, if not a little shorter even. Roddy Bottum and Jim Martin look like they could be around 6', I think Roddys a little taller. Not sure about Mike Bordin
Justin said on 7/Jun/09
Met Patton in Upstate New York years ago after a show in Rochester. He seemed about 5'8'' to me. I wouldn't say he was any taller than that.
Gary said on 2/Apr/09
Glenn how did you run into Mike Patton? Mike is such a prolific rock star, how can you meet him so caually. I noticed, actually you "meet" alot of celebrities, how does time allow you to do this?
Markus said on 6/Mar/09
Frankie, check Joed's post of november 4th 2007 below in the list.
Check the comment and link that editor Rob posted and things might get a little clearer for you.
glenn said on 5/Mar/09
yes,frankie,im wearing lifts.never mind ive been saying patton was 5-9 for years on this decieve.look at the pic on the right.that his true height.
Frankie said on 4/Mar/09
In the photo to the far left, look at the base of Glenn's neck then the base of Mike's neck, Mike's neck is like an inch shorter. The top of Mike's head and bottom of Mike's chin is also an inch shorter! This would suggest to me that Mike could be 5'7"....unless Glenn knows something we don't about what Glenn is wearing inside his footwear!
Markus said on 27/Feb/09
I heard rumors about Faith no More getting back together for a tour in the summer, anyone else read about this ?
Def59 said on 25/Feb/09
Glenn, my friend is 5'8 even, seriously its no more no less and he's a FNM freak and met Patton, who was actually as nice as can be. Anyway, we met him and he IS 5'9, he was a legit inch taller than my friend. So Anonymous you can go be crazy and yell at someone else, leave Glenn alone.
iClarke-93 said on 10/Feb/09
Looks around 5'9 , maybe slightly over but , under 5'10 I'd say
Markus said on 10/Feb/09
Bungle played at least until 2000, I saw them at the Lowlands festival in Holland that year.
Yeah people can get pretty fanatic about it here Paul ;)
As for myself, I've been listening to his music since 1995, and always been curious about people's therefore this page was pretty interesting to me!
glenn said on 25/Jan/09
no,no.not at all.patton would never wear lifts.sometimes he can look as low as 5-8,sometimes as high as 5-10.depending on his posture or doc martin 5-9 is safest.i thought you were trying to put down this site.i misunderstood.sorry.
Paul said on 24/Jan/09
I understand your point Glenn. But, in all reality, you think a guy like Mike Patton would possibly put lifts in his shoes? He's not exactly hounded by paparazzi or even that well known outside of the music industry.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
or was it 1999 actually?
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
several years ago? mr.bungle hasn't played since 2000.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
that isnt the point paul.celebrities or musicians heights fluctuate.and are hard to pin down.much more so than the regular folk.strangely.due to lifts in their shoes alot of the time with the bigger stars.
Paul said on 21/Jan/09
I find it amusing that some people here almost get into arguments over Patton's height. As if being shorter or taller makes him less or more of a man.
Ben said on 25/Jun/08
I saw him with Mr bungle several years ago... One of the best show EVER!!!
Markus said on 18/Jun/08
I expected Patton to be this height, although many people estimate him shorter...but I have my proof here. The pic is a bit deceiving though, the guy who made the pic was a bit nearer to me than my friend on the left, who truly is 186 / 187 cm, but doesn't look it at all here. And my hair is "Kramer-style" giving me visually extra height.
I would estimate Patton about 176 cm, looking 180 in the pic. Take in account his shoes which give him about 2 or 3 cm. I wear nikes which boost me to 196 cm (I'm 194,8 cm without shoes in the morning, usually round it down to 194 if people ask.).
Also I asked him if there is any chance Tomahawk will be touring in the future, he said he didn't rule it out. So with an eye-wink I asked him if he needed a bass player, and he laughed no ;)
glenn said on 18/Jun/08
nice pic markus.i cant really pinpoint his height there though for some illusion of 5-8 for a second.he isnt shorter than 5-9.any possibity he is taller?
Markus said on 12/Jun/08
Just saw Mike play with Mundo Cane in Amsterdam, incredible show! He's siging italian songs with the Metropole Orchestra. I got the chance to get a pic with him just before the show. To make an comparison, my friend on the left is 186 cm, but looks shorter though. I'm on the right, I'm 194 cm. Mike was wearing dress shoes, might have had an inch or something. He looked about 177 / 178 cm to me here. 175 cm must be right. Any claims under 173 are nonsense.
Click Here
tami said on 30/May/08
OK. If Mike Patton is 5"8.5 (which I believe), how tall is Dan the Automator? In new pictures of the two of them for Crudo, Dan the Automator looks taller than Patton. Anyone know?
nate said on 19/May/08
seriously whatever happened to faith no more?
glenn said on 9/May/08
i never heard or thought of it.i have a pic or 2 with dunn.i should post it for a comparison goof.
Arcactor said on 8/May/08
You look a little like Trevor Dunn, Glenn.
Sean said on 4/May/08
I recently ran into Mike in SF at a record shop and we were eye to eye. I'm 5'7''. He didn't seem any taller than me. He is getting older, so maybe he is getting shorter. (?)
Bowen said on 1/Mar/08
I've met Patton before and 5'9" seems right, about same height as me. Billy - 5'8", Puffy - 5'7", Roddy 6'/6'1", Jim 6'.
glenn said on 27/Feb/08
i figured zu would sound like that.
Markus said on 26/Feb/08
Hard to tell, Zu is pretty experimental. Bit jazzy but with a drive.
Just drums, bass and saxophone. Some John Zorn influences, weird rhythms and sounds. It's cool when you're in the mood, but not for every listener I think.
glenn said on 25/Feb/08
what the hell does zu sound like?
Markus said on 25/Feb/08
I'd settle for 6 feet for Martin then.
Hmm Roddy always seemed taller than that to me, about half a head taller than Patton and 175 + 13 cm = 188. But then again maybe that's a bit generous!
Let's see if I can find some nice pics to compare with.
Btw, going to see Patton March 6th playing with italian band Zu, here in Holland. Let's see if I can get close for a pic.
glenn said on 25/Feb/08
i discussed this recently on the glenn page.i think martin was listed as 6-1 in metal have to understand hetfield did and can still look 6-2,6-3.with or without heels.i still say hetfield is taller than 6-1.that never made sense to me.martin at 6ft is possible.roddy never seemed that big to me.6ft tops.but hey,he was the one i saw the least.
Markus said on 24/Feb/08
I think Jim's name is a bit misleading....5-11 or 6 ft. He's about 2 inches shorter than Hetfield.
Roddy Bottum (keyboards) was the only one taller in FNM, but I can't figure Roddy's height out. I think about 6-2 maybe 6-3..any ideas ?
nate said on 23/Feb/08
anyone know "big" jim martin's height? is he tall or just big...?
glenn said on 10/Feb/08
5-9 it is.examined him enough.since 1991.
RB said on 10/Feb/08
Gosh I'm a big fan of FNM. I always thought he is 5'10 - 5'11. 5'9 seems to be right.
JD said on 27/Nov/07
Well I guess he is 5'9.
Markus Zorin said on 8/Nov/07
Here's a pic with a guy who claims 194 cm with Patton, who he said was as tall as his 178 cm friend. This is not what a 175 guy looks next to 194 guy, Patton would just overlap his chin with the top of his head.
Click HereHere's one with a 182 cm guy. He estimated Patton at 170 - 175 cm. Looks a good 175 to me:
Click HereHey Joed, it's a bit quiet from your side right now?? ;)
glenn said on 4/Nov/07
and did everyone forget the pic on the right?
Markus Zorin said on 4/Nov/07
Thanx Rob, for making this clear !
Not everything is what it looks like at first...
glenn said on 4/Nov/07
joed--go fuk off.markus and i both met patton.he is are photos.they are decieving.i stand really straight.he could stand can disagree,but its you coming off like you know your ****t,when all you met was your boyfriend. markus-i didnt see your post about that patton post it if you can and rob will put a link.
Markus Zorin said on 3/Nov/07
Look Joed, lighten up your screen, and look in the first pic at the TOP of their heads. And with this I mean the top, not their eyelines or hairlines which you probably take as a reference.
Take a look at this:
Click HereI took Pattons top head part as a reference, and you can clearly see he's at least even with Glenn. Glenns topline doesnt touch the exit sign. Patton seems to have a big head. You think Pattons smaller because you take their forehead / hairline as a reference which isn't correct.
Besides, Patton walked me by at a few metres at the same ground level, and I was surprised to see him at no smaller than 5'8", possibly 5'9". Alhough 178 cm is overrated. (I always had him at 5'7" before I got close to him)
And about your tone in your posts; what have you contributed so far to celebheights? Probably nothing at all. Did you meet Patton ??
Were as Glenn has hundreds of pics with celebs, and can make good estimates so MAYBE he has a better view on it than you ?
Joed said on 2/Nov/07
Markus Zorin, you really don't know what you are talking about when it comes to CelebHeights. In photos 2 and 3 Mike appears taller because of the situation of the camera angle shot, but in pic 1 it is perfectly side by side, in which Glenn is CLEARLY 1" taller (assuming both have a little more or less same shoes)
Markus Zorin said on 25/Oct/07
I saw a picture of a self proclaimed 194 cm guy with Patton who claimed Patton is 178 cm. He did look close to it in the pic, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post it ?
It's a shame that Joed and Lawrence keep hammering on the first pic. The other two ones show Patton could very well be 175 cm.
Joed said on 12/Sep/07
Glenn if you are so firm about Patton being 5'9", then why in photos 1 and 2 you guys are side by side you are clearly 1 inch taller than him, could you explain this in a rational manner? Were you wearing boots and Patton runners? Patton doesn't appear to be slouching in Photo 1 either. Let's really examine Photo 1; it is a perfect side by side and knowone is slouching photo, so HOW can you explain YOU being 1 inch taller than Patton?????
glenn said on 12/Sep/07
i dont care who knows it? send in a picture of yourself and your name.then care.
D said on 10/Sep/07
I'll admit it, I use to stuff any shoes I used to wear just to get that extra 1/4" height increase. I am 5'7.75" and when I get that1/4 - 1/2" stuffing increase I feel SO MUCH MORE confident. I said it and I don't care who knows it!
glenn said on 10/Sep/07
just like i stuff my drawers.
D said on 9/Sep/07
Glenn do you stuff your shoes a bit???
glenn said on 9/Sep/07
i truly believe he is 5-9.he is a bit taller than me.
Kramer said on 9/Sep/07
Glenn, when you met Patton in the pics above, did you feel he was slightly taller than you or did you feel you had a slight height advantage??? What footwear were you two both wearing?
glenn said on 16/Aug/07
i was at the knitting factory show in 1998.he sure wasnt 5-7.
Lars said on 16/Aug/07
He walked right by my friend and I at the Knitting Factory years ago while carrying his keyboard on the way to the stage. We were literally inches away from him and I, at 5-10, towered over him. He's definitely under 5-7.
glenn said on 15/Aug/07
thanks sara. lawrence i take it serious too.and when i gauge a height,believe it to be the best estimate go find a hobby.
Anonymous(Lawrence) said on 14/Aug/07
glenn ..... I personally take Celeb Heights serious because this website is looking for almost exact measurements of Celebrities heights in order to make accurate decisions on recording the facts. Your .....

Editor Rob
no negativity buddy!
Anonymous(Lawrence) said on 14/Aug/07
sara, how is your comment in any way constructive to Celeb Heights?
sara said on 14/Aug/07
Well, I really enjoy the site. I wouldn't dream of taking any photo (even with lined up chins, straight shots without shoes, or otherwise) for granted without a ruler by them. :) But I use the site often as a resource for a general idea of someone's height and am amazed how many pictures you have with celebrities. Keep up the good work!
glenn said on 14/Aug/07
sara.its not the first time or first person to be that way.some sick people here.
sara said on 13/Aug/07
I read this entire stream in complete awe. I cannot believe that Anonymous is getting so angry about the height of celebrity. What a waste of time, find other outlets for your aggression, Anon.
Anonymous said on 23/Jul/07
But Rob, Glenn is saying Patton is a solid 5'9", so do you see that extra 1" taller on patton, cause I don't see it at all in the left pic and middle picture where they are side by side perfectly. If anything Glenn looks the 1" taller. And still so, look at Glenn's forehead line compared to Patton's...I see 1" advantage for Glenn, not Patton. Now if Patton is the 5'9" Glenn says he is then lets say Mike is wearing 1" runners that would make him 5'10" roughly, now if Glenn is 5'8" as he professes and was wearing 2" shoes (there are hardly any men's shoes out there with 2" soles unless they are cowboy boots) then that would make Glenn 5'10" as well. So that would mean they are equal, right? But no Glenn has the 1" advantage in the first 2 pics. So was Glenn wearing 2 inch shoes, or was Patton Barefoot!? Get my point? If this is a site on determining, proving and discussing celebrities heights, then we need to help each other out with solid evidence and communication skills to come up with a solid and extremely accurate height estimation. I will be researching the next days Mike Patton's height and come up with ground breaking and solid evidence and information on Mike Patton's height.
glenn said on 22/Jul/07
listen,go **** yourself and then repeat.i dont give a flying **** what height you think your own mother is.rob,get rid of this repeat offender.
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/07
Well OK rob, you smarty pants, then why AGAIN are these pictures that Glenn sent in all showing Patton to be the same height as Glenn CAN YOU EXPLAIN ME THIS ONE ROB, please and no excuse the ground is not level or Mike was crouching. Please answer intelligently.

Editor Rob
maybe Glenn had thicker footwear. Losing half an inch on camera can sometimes be very hard to detect in posture.
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/07
glenn like I said I think you are on crack, you must have an issue with your height, you must be suffering from little man syndrome. I told you to READ this link:
Click Here
yet you only analyzed the picture. READ it for proof on mike's height. Why are you so stubborn? Glenn I honestly think you are 5'7.5" and not 5'8" Sorry but I have all the evidence.

Editor Rob
buddy, you calling this other person saying, at 5ft 6 he was "about my height, maybe a little taller" proof?
Glenn's stood beside this guy several times, and got pics beside him...maybe he's in a better position than someone 'pretty close'?
glenn said on 20/Jul/07
its pics and postures.i stand as straight as possible.he looks like he is,but he for pics,they are,im not on crack,but im sure you tried something.i never did.i take pride in that.
Anonymous said on 19/Jul/07
glenn said on 15/Jul/07
i even asked depp,he didnt know.i told him i read 5-8 in metal-edge magazine,but that he seemed taller.
glenn said on 15/Jul/07
i cant judge from that pic and i never met dan.i know his music.patton is slouching too.dan could be 6ft to 6-3 for all i 100 percent patton is 5-9.cause he was consistantly that over a 17 period.i have pics with him from the early 90s and he was 2 inches taller than me when i was 5-7.
Sebastian said on 15/Jul/07
glenn, to be honnest with you, there`s no way that you are talented in estimating heights. In the Anthony kiedis section you wrote that Kiedis is 5`8...about 1 year later you wrote that he`d be 5`9 or even 5`10....can`t take you or granted
Anonymous said on 14/Jul/07
Please look at this and completely read this VERY carefully:
Click Here
now what do you think Glenn?
Sean said on 8/Jun/07
I met Patton 3 times in the past 2 years durng some shows. Once in San Fran, once in NYC, and once in Cleveland. And, no lie, I am 5'7.5'' and we were eye to eye. Both wearing sneakers. That's all I can say.
glenn said on 24/Apr/07
rob is wrong about alot of heights here.its his site and he can say what he wants.but only 2 people here met patton.and both agree on is closed for me.
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/07
is it possible to stretch with specific height growing exercises to grow at least 1" within many years of stretching?
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/07
oh and Glenn if case is closed then why does Celeb Heights list Mike at 5'8.5" and editor Rob has always said the "case is never closed".
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/07
Glenn when you met Mike Patton did you feel he had 1" on you? Did you feel shorter next to him?
glenn said on 23/Apr/07
postures,footwear,street levels, are devieving.he is closed.
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/07
Well Markus if Glenn walked you by and he is 5'9" as you say then why AGAIN I ASK is Glenn looking a bit taller or the same height as Mike???????????????
Markus said on 22/Apr/07
1: You really dont read what I wrote measure a height at the top, not on the chinline.
2: Patton walked me by 6 feet away and he's around 5'9".
3: I had my eyes lasered, so no I dont need glasses !
Anonymous said on 19/Apr/07
Markus, look at where Glen's chin line and were Mike's you need glasses? Glenn's chin is about 1 inch higher than Mike's. How can Mike be 1/2 an inch taller than Glenn when in this photo it is clear that Glenn is 1 inch taller? Question is what footwear were they each wearing????
Markus said on 11/Apr/07
Anonymous, brighten your screen all the way up, and draw a straight line from the bottom edge of EXIT sign above Glenn's head to Pattons head and tell me what you see. I see the very top of Pattons head is not lower than Glenns. But his eye line might look lower than Glenns, thats confusing you.
I've been reading your last posts and it's obvious to me that you're doubting Glenn's authenticity. Just say what you think, and stop the bulls***ting with these soorts of posts, it's annoying. OK ?
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/07
So Glenn if you say Mike patton is 5'9" then why in photo 1 you are an inch or so taller than he? whats going on here??????
glenn said on 8/Apr/07
these photos are for me.not the site.i contibute cause i found height interesting too.the photos arent taken for height deciphering not going to ruin my photos nor have time to tell celebs how to pose and i dont like full body shots.your questioning one photo,yet its stumps me as to how you dont see the other pics vary arnt always good to judge.these are my fan photos and proof photos to my autographs.
Anonymous said on 7/Apr/07
Glenn, if Mike Patton is 5'9" and YOU were wearing casual shoes and YOU are 5'8" then why in photo one(farthest to the left)is Mike Patton clearly 1" shorter than you in that photo??? was mike patton barefoot!?? Also if you have the opportunity to put some dawming evidence on celeb heights why do you always fail to put full body photos on this site??? You have the opportunity but you don't.
glenn said on 1/Apr/07
patton can be rude.he usually likes responsible for a trait his.nothing to mention here.he did snap at me once.apoligized a year wearing casuals.he is 5-9.nothing smaller.nothing taller.he has been listed at 5-8 in metal magazines.he isnt though.i asked him and told him about the 5-8 depp,he told me he forgot what height he is.
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/07
Lets try trial and error. Ok mike is obviously not short. He is not 5'5", he is not 5'6", he is not 5'7". Maybe 5'8" maybe 5'9", mybe 5'9.5" TOPS 5'10" but he DEFINETLY is NOT TALLER THAN 5'10"! I would say he is average height-5'9". 5'8" is just to short for his height. WHAT FOOTwear were you wearing in these pics Glenn? please respond. Thank you.
Stalker said on 31/Mar/07
Markus, I met Mike 4 or 5 times in the early 90s after shows. I was a teenage stalker-fan. He was always very nice to us and we were really obnoxious. One time I even cluelessly butted in when he was with his parents and he was still very polite. Looking back now, he would have been justified to be rude, but never was. All of the Mr. Bungle guys were really nice and down to earth.
Markus said on 30/Mar/07
Glenn, have you met any members of Tool?
They look quite tall, except for the singer.
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/07
why would I be kidding you?
glenn said on 28/Mar/07
are you kidding me?
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/07
Glenn I don't understand, if you have all this so called opportunity to meet celebs then why not take the opportuniy to take a full height picture with the person, I mean this could really help out Celeb Heights in solving height questions. But you alawys provide waist up photos. Also in the first and second photos above, it seems like you are wearing higher shoes, are you? What was your foot wear in these pics? Pic 3 looks more accurate. Mike must be 5'9 -5'9.5"
Markus said on 27/Mar/07
Cool to hear Laura !
I wonder what kind of guy Mike was like in school ?
I'm not sure if I ever want to meet the guy actually, I've heard some stories that he can be a big jerk to fans sometimes. So I'd wouldnt be able to enjoy listening to his music if he would be like that if I ever got to meet the guy haha!
Leung said on 22/Mar/07
During the 90’s, ‘Evidence’ by Faith No More, and ‘Fell on Black Days’ by Soundgarden were a couple of my favourite music videos. I remember getting black long sleeve button shirt and black pants because I wanted to dress like Mike Patton and Chris Cornell.
Laura Trevino said on 21/Mar/07
I've know Mike and Trevor for years. Went to school with them in Eureka. Trevor is 5'5 and Mike's probably 5'8 or 9. Oh, and by the way, Trevor's middle name is Roy, not Ray.
joed said on 8/Mar/07
how did you manage to meet him 3 different times.
glenn said on 4/Mar/07
no tiptoeing anywhere.
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/07
question is are all these Glenn pics authentic to validate celebrities heights?????? we will never know.
Glenn said on 6/Feb/07
I read 5-8 on him.but he always appears an inch taller than me.and he indeed has worked with various shorter musicians.John Zorn at 5-6 for one.and Mr.Bungle had one or 2 shorter guys.5-5 for one guy.Mike Borden at 5-7.
Markus said on 5/Feb/07
Well Glenn thought he looked 5'9", maybe the 1st pic is an unlucky shot. I havent got that close to him to tell. Besides, I'm 6'4" so it gets a bit hard to tell the difference if someones 5'8" or 5'9" ! (To me everyone under 5'11" looks short lol!)
I was actually surprised that he was taller than most members of his band "Peeping Tom" when they walked me by to get onstage.
Markus said on 3/Feb/07
Patton's closer to the cam in the 3rd pic.
You can see the tops of Glenn and Mikes head are pretty much the same at te the top in the first pic, but Glenn does look taller cus his hairline is a bit higher than Mike's (no offense Glenn)
I got pretty close to him during a concert a few months ago, he walked me by at a few metres. I'd say I agree with Glenn, somewhere around 5'8 and 5'9, but certainly not much above.
I always thought from pictures he'd he 5'7" at most, but he's taller than that.
Looks like his torso is pretty long compared top his legs.
Glenn said on 5/Jan/07
I asked him in that far left pic.he said he didnt know.I told him,I read 5-8,but you look 5-9 to me.
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/07
Glenn how tall did you estimate Patton to be?
Lmeister said on 3/Jan/07
I think the shrinking depends a lot about what one does during the day. Straight out from bed I'm exactly 5'8''(found out that 3 days ago = )I'm 25 and still "growing" Posture thing I guess)...during the afternoon 5'7.75'' in the evening 5'7''-5'7.5''
Markus said on 27/Dec/06
Everybody is shorter in the evening.
I got myself measured at 194.5 cm in the morning, and 193 cm in the evening.
Wonder if tall people shrink more during the day because their spinal colom is longer ?
Glenn said on 22/Dec/06
I wake at 5-8.then shrink at night.5-7.5, .5-7.25.
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/06
Glenn, are you exactly 5'8" in morning and at night?
Markus said on 14/Dec/06
Hmm yeah looks about the same height as Glenn I'd say.
On the left pic a little shorter, the rest a little taller.
I was actually surprised him being above 5'7" cuz everyone said he is REALLY short...but not so short after all.
Everytime I saw him play a show he was wearing sneakers, not much lift in those.
And he looked huge in this video next to deVito, but then again who doesnt ;)
Lmeister said on 11/Dec/06
Maybe it is the floor and the footwear, but to me Mike looks a bit shy from 5'8''...5'7.75''...
Glenn said on 6/Dec/06
Lombardo can look as big as 5-9.and sometimes 5-8.yes Dunn is 5-5.
Markus said on 5/Dec/06
The guy on the left wearing the cap is Trevor Dunn. Looks about 3-4 inches shorter than Patton don't you think ?
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/06
Marc, if judging by that picture that dave lomb. is 5'8" then Mike patton is 5.9.25", yes?
Markus said on 1/Dec/06
Kind of ironical that you bump into this guy who's sold milions of cd's, buying DVD's in a Virgin MegaStore!
Do you know the height of Trevor Ray Dunn? He's the bass player of Mr. Bungle and Fantomas. He looks tiny, about 4 inches smaller than Patton, that would make him about 5-5...
Actually Patton was the tallest of the Patton/Zorn band when I saw them last tuesday. They must have been all under 5-7.
glenn said on 29/Nov/06
All in NYC.2 by in Virgin Megastore as he was buying DVDs in 1999.I have 3 more from 1991 and 1998.
Markus said on 29/Nov/06
Aye it's him!
Saw him yesterday again in Belgium...was a dissapointment actually.
He was supposed to play with John Zorn but Zorn didnt show up, until the end.
Everybody was confused...but still my favorite singer nevertheless.
Peeping Tom was very nice though a few weeks ago.
When were these pics taken Glenn?