Produce said on 20/Jun/09
you have to remember that frazier ist at least 20 years older than tyson, so maybe he has shrunk a bit now. I dont know if tyson wants to act himself taller, becouse he often stated that he is a dwarf, that doesent sound like faking. But I think 5.9 is abput right.
Rob said on 5/Jun/09
i think he was 5'10-5'11 depending on measurement time during his prime, but at old age the picture with eminem illustrates normal compactment to about 5'9.
i don't think compactment affects athletes as much so i'm more open to the suggestion that he's still 5'10-5'11 while eminem was wearing lifts.
makes sense for an 'artist' who's really just a multifaceted, multi-faced phony.
much respect to iron mike on the other hand. his skeletal frame is very large, probably equivalent to mean average for ~6.4" (3.25 elbow). he developed a boxing style which used that advantage cleverly and changed the sport of boxing in the process.
Dallas said on 28/May/09
I say 5'11 max. In the picture with Lennox Lewis he seemed to be at least six inches shorter than Lewis's 6'5. Either way no matter what height he is he was still a monster in the ring. Really sorry about what happened to his daughter though.
Ztech said on 23/May/09
I can't see taller than 5'9.5
Produce said on 18/May/09
Tyson look maybe 2 inches taller, buth its hard to judge because of the cap and because we dont see the shoet and so on. eminem says he is 5-7.
Produce said on 15/May/09
robert downey is listed here as 5-8. Meanwhile i really think tyson ever wasnt more than 5-9.
mId said on 14/May/09
he is shorter than chuck zito and about the same.. maybe a litle shorter than robert downey jr in that movie black and white or something.. and mike likes big sneakers too.. he is about 5'9. i've always said 5'9.5". but after seeing him besides robert downey he could be less.
Big King said on 14/May/09
Well, 5'10" is a bit downgraded for Tyson but he's not over 5'11".
glenn said on 3/May/09
gfs' post on tyson was the most sensible i ever read.exactly what i have been saying all along.
GF said on 3/May/09
I am going to leave him at what he claims to have measured himself at."
Haha nice one... or else he'll kick your ass! Actually it's possible he could have been a morning height of 5ft 11.5 in his early 20's, but after a couple decades of gravity and his body mass (approx 220 lbs) he lost an inch of that. He's prob 5ft 10.5 in the morning now, and 5ft 10 even later in the day, which is likely when he measured himself not knowing what we do about how gravity influences height daily.
mId said on 28/Apr/09
Boxing Fighter: I don't disagree with anything you say. exept some of the guys you mentioned I belive to actually be a little shorter.. up to an inch at most :) and I think you can atleast theorize about mike in mma.. I mean unlike caouture's fencing skills mike is better than anyone in mma in one aspect of the game. some guys still today only really know one thing well. I'm thinking mostly jiu-jitsu fighters.. and people like 'jacare' seems to get by on that. And yeah.. Fedor Emelinenko is the best.. p4p even.. unlike anderson he almost always fights people bigger and taller than him. my fave 4 that i'll support 'till the end is wanderlei, sakuraba, antonio noguiera and fedor ;) surprisingly saku and wand were eachothers nemesis in pride.. aswell as nog and fedor.. but they were the best.. and fedor still is. the only guy I can see actually beating fedor is brock.. I know I know.. people say he's to green. But no one else can beat fedor exept with a lucky punch. if brock can survive the first attack from fedor and gets it to the ground with him being on top he might very well end it there. look how long fedor stayed under mark hunt.. and even hong man choi landed on top. brock I think will control him with his wrestlig and weight and hammerfist fedor 'til the ref stops it. Fedor is slick on the ground but I don't see him reverse brock from his back and I don't think he'll get the armbar. I'm hoping if they ever fight fedor ends it before it goes to the ground ;) there is no questioning that fedor is the best skilled one of the two even in defeat but brock just has the tools to beat fedor I think. I know you didn't want another novel.. but I'm sorry.. I love discussing mma etc ;) /greetings from sweden.
Produce said on 27/Apr/09
I dont thin Frazier was 5-11. Most say 5-9 peak. I saw a pictur of him with tyson and tyson was taller.
Boxing Fighter said on 27/Apr/09
Height is an advantage in fighting sports, but it is not that much.
Lots of excellent fighters have "average" height, Wanderlei Silva, Rashad Evans, Joe Frazier and Victor Belfort are all 5ft11, David Tua and Igor Vovchanchyn are 5ft8. Fedor Emilianenko, to me the best MMA fighter ever, is 1,82m (around 5ft11.5).
Maybe in K1 height makes more difference because of knees, but in boxing, and I can tell you with some experience, height can be a complex issue, for bad and good. Speed and weitgh makes a lot more impact.
In MMA, if the person knows how to fight on the ground it makes no difference whatsoever!!
Tyson was trained to fight boxing, and in the boxing context he owned! To argue about his chances in a fight with a MMA fighter is the same as arguing if Randy Couture would do well in a fencing match.
Davidoff said on 26/Apr/09
He is 5`9, no more.
Donald Ruddock said on 24/Apr/09
Who cares how tall Tyson was?! All I know is he liked my big lips and he make me his girlfriend!
stacey p said on 19/Apr/09
I stood shoulder to shoulder with him in Alfred Dunhills at Caesers palace mall- I'm 5"11 and had on flat boots- I had to look down at him- I would say he is no taller than 5"9- this was his first fight after the Holyfield incedent- My husband was 6"9 - standing behind us he said I was definetly taller- he is as wide as he is tall- I'll give him that
mId said on 11/Apr/09
I know of that video but it just looks so fake.. is he wearing shoes?.. and the angle of the height-chart.. fishy.. I haven't met him but I can almost bet my life he's not 5'11.. he's 5'10 at best in my book. like I said.. he's 1-2 inches shorter than fedor (mma-guy).. and people who met fedor say he's around 5'11.
Steve said on 9/Apr/09
Click Here27 seconds in. 5'11"
mId said on 30/Mar/09
James: if memory serves he wore big boots and was still shorter by like 0.5-1" I thought?
MDR said on 27/Mar/09
I have met Mickey Rourke many times and he is 5'11" as I am 5'10" and he was at least an inch taller than me.
mId said on 26/Mar/09
Sodapop.. I agree with most of what you say.. yes.. comparing mma guys boxing skills is a joke next to tyson, roy jones jr, holyfield.. list goes on. Also UFC has alot of "bums" too.. Pride had better fighters for the most part. but most UFC fans want knockouts (bumfights) more than technique.. But a great wrestler or jiu-jitsu guy would tool him on the ground. and I don't see how you can disagree with me that height and reach is an advantage.. especially when allowed too knee and kick? I will say though.. out of all boxers. Mike is the one that I would say would have the best chance against a grappler.. and there being short and shorter libs would be an advantage for him.. (I still see him being subbed sooner or later.. or just controlled and elbowed.. kneed too the head before landing that punch) other boxers against grappler would be a joke-fight.
mId said on 26/Mar/09
sodapop.. I know I typed much.. and it was needed to explain. I have seen all of mikes fight I think. He is my favourite boxer.. I study him.. but beating 6'2+ average BOXERS isn't fighting top FIGHTERS or K-1 guys. or even TOP tall BOXERS for that matter. and he would lose to a REAL fighter shorter than him too. I thought mma proved things already in 1993 and long before in brazil? how is mike gonna use his punching-power of his back. how is he gonna bob and weave when he gets thai-clinched or eats a flying knee? have you seen how many times they clinch in boxing.. he would get taken down at the first clinch if not before. and someone as short as tyson needs to be close.. and close isn't were you wanna be against a grappler. of course he has a chance but the odds are against him being so one dimensionell.. there's a reason in mma they call it a punchers chance. but let's agree to disagree ok.. and I really tried to keep it short this time.
Cobra said on 26/Mar/09
Click HerePrime Tyson would have KO`ed most of the MMA HW today standing.
Also he was very strong, I bet when it comes to lifting he is one of the strongest boxer ever.
And no, 5ft10 is not short, but when you hear Mike Tyson or Rambo you somehow except the person to be 6ft2 or something like that.
sodapop said on 26/Mar/09
MId can you make your posts shorter, Good God!! its like your writing a freakin book!! And I would take Mike Tyson at 5'10" against anyone in his prime back in the 80's. Height doesn't mean jack when you are going against someone with the Punching Power of Tyson. I think you need to go back and watch Mike Tyson's Knockouts DVD. He destroyed guys over 6'2" with regularity!
Anonymous 2 said on 25/Mar/09
I don't think 5'10" is that short.
mId said on 24/Mar/09
well anonymous.. we don't know the posters here but that's your guess. my guess is that there are people here that are in better shape than mike is these days. even in his prime.. he would most likely get beaten by any good wrestler. and non of the guys you mentioned really fought mike.. mitch green just ran and slapped mike.. and frank bruno seemed so scared of mike too.. just holding on don't win you fights. and being shorter than your opponent is always a disadvantage if your opponent is on equal skilllevel and knows how to use his height.. talking standup-fighting now, grappling is another thing.. like I said.. it's easier in boxing to get away with being short but it's so much harder in let's say k-1. the tactics he used to get away with being shorter would not work as well in k-1.. he would be more acceptable for knees.. and his height would make it easier for headkicks.. mike was a great boxer but that's what he was.. a boxer. no complete fighter. mitch green went the distance with mike I belive.. how long do you think mitch would last in mma? boxer "mercyless" ray mercer got OUTBOXED in his mma-fight with kimbo slice.. KIMBO slice ;D that should not happen. and mike today is in worse shape than ray was.. atleast he was recently. once again not saying anyone short is chanceless and can't find ways around it but it is a disadvantage.. at least in my point of view.. and listen.. I would be happy to be proven wrong 'cause I am only 6' and I'm considered short in the "fight-game". and if you ever sparred anyone good that's taller.. you would feel it instantly too. headkicks or muay thai clinch with knees are harder to get on taller opponents and easier for them to get on you :/ and the reach-advantage.. sad but true.. life is not fair. take anderson silva for instance.. I don't know if you are familliar with him or his style (UFC muay thai-fighter).. but make him 5'10 instead of 6'2.. you still think he would be as successfull? not with the style he has now I don't think. he's good at fighting tall as some call it. MAN I'm typing alot.. I love these discussions but maybe we should keep it about mike's height :)
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/09
I agree with Jake, Tyson would pulverize anyone on this page. Being 'short' isn't necessarily a disadvantage, it's just that different tactics must be used which Tyson did successfully in the early days. He wiped the floor with Frank Bruno, Mitch Green and Razor Ruddock.
mId said on 20/Mar/09
yes you are right.. most of his opponents came to run.. not fight.. when people came to fight him.. buster, holyfield, lewis.. he lost. those are good boxers but their height and reach sure helped them against mike. I'm not sure what you are referring to in my post? Mike was an amazing boxer (his style) but I'm just saying it's harder to be short in a fight that allows kicks and knees. look at boxers like botha and ray mercer coming to K-1.. botha got tooled in the first round.. something tyson or lewis couldn't do to him. mercer got one headkick in the opening seconds and quit.. K-1 is just a whole different game and a different kind of thoughness. most mma-guys lack good striking but win against boxers and K-1 guys because they manage to take the fight to the ground and outgrapple them. I doubt any good wrestler/grappler would be afraid to fight mike in mma.. I think it's the other way around. maybe not afraid but he knew the outcome.. Mike has been a fan of mma for a long time and friends with mma guys.. he knows he would have to learn other things than boxing to stand a chance. Mike would have to land one good shot before it most likely would go to the ground.. those are not good odds. But boxing wise.. mike is the best I would say.. size still matters though if skills are equal. lewis - tyson if tyson was 6'4.. do you still have lewis? ;)
sodapop said on 19/Mar/09
mId, are you kidding me?? Mike Tyson in him prime at 5'10" knocked out guys 6'2" 6'3", easy. He scared the crap out of them all!
mId said on 19/Mar/09
in boxing you can get away with being a little shorter.. because you don't have to worry about knees and kicks.. in sports like kick or thaiboxing every inch matters. plus when the skills even out.. it's always better to be taller.. just look at tyson - lewis. mike is my favourite boxer but even if he faught lewis in his prime I think the result would be the same. not saying shorter people can't beat taller with same skill.. just that you are at a disadvantage before the fight even starts.. size, height and reach matters :/ Jake: the internet tough guy in me is coming out now and saying he would probably be to strong and fast for me in his prime but nowadays he just sits on his couch.. I think I would atleast have a shot if I got it to the ground *fantasy-fight* ;D but even today if he hit me I don't think I would be able to post here anymore :P
sodapop said on 19/Mar/09
Awesome a 5'9" or 5'10" Heavyweight Champion of the World!!!! I've never been prouder to be 5'10" in my life!!! Mike would knock out guys well over 6 feet tall like they were little kids, It was awesome!!!
Jake said on 18/Mar/09
A "pathetic" 5'10"? That "pathetic" 5'10" would beat the sh*t out of anyone here, even now that he's gotten fat.
TheMan said on 18/Mar/09
Yeah tyson's deffently not over 5,10 i don't think. Yeah bout hes reach i am 5,10 myself 179 cm in morning like around 177 at night but my reach is nearly 71 inches about 180cm. Ive noticed some really tall fighters like Lennox lewis have insane reach differences like lewis is about 6,5 but hes reach is like 84 inches thats like over 7 feet which is insane. But I have noticed taller fighters have more reach difference than that of short fighters from what I have seen.
glenn said on 18/Mar/09
i think i saw evander from the distance a few times in the last 2,3 years ago.i couldnt tell you his height for sure until i examine him closer.i thought 6ft tops,or under maybe due to his posture.but unlike what you said,i have 6-1 friends that look 5-11ish with their evander could be 6-1.i would be shocked if he was 6-2.5.that makes no sense.
mId said on 18/Mar/09
they listed him as 6'2.5 even.
John P said on 18/Mar/09
Didnt they use to list evander holyfield as 6'2 when he fought tyson. I always thought that listing was inaccurate and my guess would be holyfield is 6'0.5-6'1 and tysons true height is 5'9.5.
mId said on 14/Mar/09
cool glenn.. can't wait ;)
glenn said on 14/Mar/09
ill get it for you mid.
mId said on 12/Mar/09
I know I said it before but I have a feeling that mike today is 5-9.5 during the day.. I don't know celebs but I THINK I know mma-guys farely well and looking at videos and pics of some of them meeting tyson this would be my exact guess.. I hope you someday get his height because it would be fun to see if I was right :)
glenn said on 4/Mar/09
except rourke can look 6ft in the street.even a bit boots.
RisingForce said on 2/Mar/09
Looks 5'9.5", 5'10" with Mickey Rourke.
Anthony said on 1/Mar/09
Click HereWith 5'11 Mickey Rourke.
mId said on 27/Feb/09
My guess.. 5'9 and a half exactly. he's 1.5 inches shorter than listed 5'11 rashad evans, a half-one inch shorter than 5'10-5,10.5 dana white. about the same height as 5'10 tops wanderlei silva. and 5'11,5 rampage has tyson by 2 inches. theese are all my estimates. but they are pretty much right if fighters like crocop and bisping don't lie from their own mouth about how tall their doctors say they are. and why would they.. they look it too. /greetings from sweden.
Alex said on 23/Feb/09
5'10 seems spot on for Tyson. His weight when he was boxing was like what 220-230lbs normally?
Aydin said on 22/Feb/09
mike tyson is 180 cm.i see him
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/09
Eddie looks like he could be a hair taller there, but I'd say Eddie is more like 5-9.5 and he's known to wear lifts.
TELLEM said on 16/Feb/09
mike tyson with 5'9 eddie murphy:
Click Here
dc said on 15/Feb/09
tyson is 5.10 barefoot,take a look at the boxing boots he used to wear,very thick sole giving him 1.5inches, 5,11.5 is his height in his boots.there is commentary from a fight sugar ray is speaking and he says mike is 1 inch talller than him,and sugar ray himself states he is 5.9
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
Yeah 5'10" makes the most sense to me.
TELLEM said on 11/Feb/09
i can agree tyson at 5'10.
Produce said on 10/Feb/09
Tyson is a bit taller than glamour model Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace, who is reported to be 5-8 and 5-9. Tyson is maybe 1 or even 2 inches taller, so based on this Tyson could be 5-10. Tyson isnt a dwarf, he never looked really shorrt even fighting big guys like Tucker or Savarese, but Tyson isnt a giant either. His height is average, maybe a bit below, maybe a bit above. In his early fights the commentators often said tyson is reported to be 5-11, but maybe 5-10 in fact. And he said himself 5-10, so it seems to be about right.
glenn said on 10/Feb/09
tyson isnt under 5-10.and fudgeing little,i agree thats possible.
RisingForce said on 10/Feb/09
Yeah I've heard talk of Tyson being as low as 5'9" and at times even 5'8" for years. He's defintley not under 5'9" though.
TELLEM said on 9/Feb/09
didn't danimal see a match from the 80's where they said tyson isn't exactly 5'11? 5'9-5'10 for tyson...he was shoreter than 5'11.5 shawn michaels
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
like i said.a little is fine.i just dont buy they fudge 2,3 should post that pic on the stallone page.
RisingForce said on 8/Feb/09
I'm convinced they inflate boxer's heights a little.
Look at Oscar De La Hoya(billed at 5-10.5, 5-11) with Sly Stallone.
Click HereSly has an easy 3 inches on Oscar there and we know that max out of bed Sly is 5-10.5, 5-10.75 so Oscar sure as hell couldn't be 5-10.5, 5-11. We also know that he gets about 3 inches from his biggest shoes and Oscar was certainly in atleast 1 inch dress shoes.
So minimum Stallone would be 1 inch taller than Oscar barefoot so I don't buy Oscar's listing at all. I think he's 5-9.5 like Rob lists him. I don't understand why they inflate heights, but I'm convinced they do.
I'll stay open to 5-11.5 Glenn just as you said you won't rule out 5-10 for Mike but I am pretty sure that boxing heights are inflated at times.
A figure you hear a lot for Mike now is 5-10.5, maybe that's his height?
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
thanks for backing me james.i never understood the whole boxing fudgeing thing.whole different world than the other sports.i mean,weight is the key.then reach,then height.weight will kill all 3 factors have to kind of match up.doesnt have to exact.a little fudge,maybe.
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
good find anthony.
Anthony said on 8/Feb/09
Just watched a DVD called Mike Tysons greatest knockouts. Has a shot of him standing against a height chart. Looks to be just under 5'11
glenn said on 7/Feb/09
interesting site risingforce.he may very well be 5-10.but leave 5-11.5 open too.i knew someone that grew up with him.he said tyson was my i believe that? was tyson too young at the time?.
RisingForce said on 7/Feb/09
In Glenn's defense, most people on this Tyson forum say 5'11" for Tyson, several of whom claim to have met him.
Click HereI still say he isn't over 5'10", but he can give the impression of being bigger so I can see why Glenn thinks he's taller.
RisingForce said on 5/Feb/09
Tyson has a 71 inch reach which could easily be the reach of a 5-10 man. Hell Stallone claimed to have a 73 inch reach so your reach can be quite a bit longer than your height.
I think he's 5-10. 5-9 Tony Danza could have worn lifts to appear 5-10 next to Mike and De Niro's old man posture/camera disadvantage could have made him look shorter next to Mike. I still find 5-9 possible, but I think 5-10 makes the most sense.
glenn said on 5/Feb/09
they are not going to lie from 5-9 to 5-11.5 for his stats.he doesnt look 5-9 next to 5-9 robert deniro(at least 2 inches taller) and he doesnt look 5-9 fighting 2 or 3,6-4,6-5 boxers.he is 5-11.5 or 5-10 flat at night.that would be illegal and dangerous to mismatch boxers.his reach would have to be near his height.someone wouldve noticed a 5-9 reach on a 5-11.5 guy doesnt add up.this isnt basketball or other sports where lying can possibly be done with boxing,it would be closer to the truth,if not the truth.
Mr. R. said on 5/Feb/09
Tyson is 5-9.
Ted said on 4/Feb/09
Difficult to judge Tyson's exact height from watching his boxing. He is a natural infighter, perhaps the single most perfect example of one, and is highly skilled in D'Amato's Peek-a-boo style. Tyson is also very broad and stocky, but having met him, he is slightly taller than myself; so I reckon he's 5ft-10 wearing regular shoes. Oh, and he's a nice guy too, just don't mention Don King...
Danimal said on 31/Jan/09
Produce says on 30/Jan/09
Click Here
tyson with vitali klitschko
It's incredible that the man has gained MINIMUM 60 pounds of fat since then...
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
I'm fine with a flat 5-10 for Tyson. I think Rob's got him good enough.
Produce said on 30/Jan/09
Click Heretyson with vitali klitschko
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
whatever was goin on in that photo with deniro,tyson looked 5-11 to me.whether it was an illusion or not.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
funny,he looked 5-11.5 next to 6-5 boxers.
TELLEM said on 30/Jan/09
look at tyson with shawn michaels. tyson with tony danza. we can't see tyson or de niro's feet in that pic, so we don't know whos wearing the shoes,sneakers,sandals or heels.
Danimal said on 30/Jan/09
He only claims to be 5'10" and he WAS at least 1" shorter than 5'11" Shawn Michaels. Come one, EVERY ANNOUNCER used to tear his height apart. THEY ALL said he was being overbilled and is somewhere between 5'9" and 5'10". He was NEVER 5'11", 5'11.5", 5'11 3/4", or 6'0". The only thing that was legit was his weight and the fact that he was a killer in the ring up until 1989.
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
Wasn't Tyson closer to the camera in those pictures though and De Niro has had horrendous posture for quite a while now.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
if he is 5-9,deniro is 5-6.ill take nothing shorter than 5-10 for night.
Mr. R. said on 30/Jan/09
Tyson is about 5-9. I saw him in Vegas.
Danimal said on 29/Jan/09
frank says on 29/Jan/09
He is about 5 foot 11 inches according to some pre fight boxer measurement and weigh in.(I think against Holyfield). By the way, in that measurements his biceps were measured at 16 inches and forearms 14.
He was never over 5'10". There have been WAY too many 5'9" comments about him by commentators for years. I even heard one as low as 5'8" recently. Saying he is 5'8" today and 293 pounds. I believe he was 5'10" morning height and 5'9" by the time of his fights (at night). The 5'11" and 6'0" billings were WELL inflated and EVERY commentator capitalized on that throughout the 80's and 90's.
TELLEM said on 29/Jan/09
if hes 5'11, then shawn michaels is a strong 6'0.
frank said on 29/Jan/09
He is about 5 foot 11 inches according to some pre fight boxer measurement and weigh in.(I think against Holyfield). By the way, in that measurements his biceps were measured at 16 inches and forearms 14.
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
He looked the same height as Tony Danza when he guested on Who's The Boss so I could believe 5-9ish.
Danimal said on 26/Jan/09
Just watched an incredible Mike Tyson match from 1986 and the commentator clearly states that Mike's real height is closer to 5'9" than his billed 5'11.5"-6'0" (yes, he had some 6'0" billings in 1985 and 1986). Tyson did look under 5'10" next to 5'11" Shawn Michaels in 1998.
Alex said on 26/Jan/09
Tyson looks to be at least 5'10. Not short but not tall either. He's ballooned to around 300lbs I've read now.
Eddie F said on 17/Jan/09
at the very top of his head during his prime, he had to have peaked just a bit over 5'11. Enough said. Yes he has shrunk now.
sdf said on 7/Jan/09
i boxer can have a reach of 6-2 and be 5-11... a lot of ballers and boxers have reaches of someone taller. mayweather is 5-8 and has like a 6-2 reach.
Raidd said on 25/Dec/08
Every boxer i noticed have few cm bigger reach then height...
If Mike have 180cm reach then he must be little lower in height, some 2-3 cm..btw look at his massive arms..
RisingForce said on 24/Dec/08
Yeah but Manny Pacquiao is always announced at 5-6.5 and I think you said he seemed 5-5. Too many boxing heights seem questionable for me to think they're actually measured in height.
glenn said on 24/Dec/08
i would imagine thats the whole package.reach has to match the height.a boxer cant have amazing reach of a 6-2 man and be wouldnt add up.
RisingForce said on 23/Dec/08
Yeah, I know the list height, reach ect. but I always assumed they were just listings.
Obviously I knew they've always weighed fighters before fight but I've never heard of them actually measuring fighters height.
glenn said on 23/Dec/08
im not a boxing expert,but its the only sport i like.i would imagine measurments happen.they have the arm reach,width,and height during(before the fight)matches.why measure everything except height? that comes with it,common sense,i guess.they show these stats in boxing programs you get at the event,and books in stores.its widely known as "the tale of the tape".im surprised you dont know would be dangerous to not know the weight and measurements.and it just makes things more interesting when a boxer with less reach and height knock out a taller guy with longer arms.thats why they weight weight dont pair up a 135 pound guy with a 200 pound guy.the weights range from the insane 120 pound or a little under to 240 pounds or so.weight kills.not height.height helps cause of reach though.
RisingForce said on 23/Dec/08
I never heard that boxers were actually measured before fights. I thought they were just weighed, I could be wrong though.
glenn said on 22/Dec/08
listed and measured before the fight are 2 different things.they mentioned all 3 heights during the actual fights? listed means journalist.
RisingForce said on 22/Dec/08
Murphy wears lifts Raidd.
Glenn, they must fudge boxing heights sometimes because Oscar has been listed 5-9, 5-10 and 5-10.5. He can't be all 3 heights.
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
i just dont buy that they fudge boxing stats.that can be does mel gibson look 5-8 to 6ft? i dont know risingforce.
Raidd said on 21/Dec/08
Click HereEddie Marphy and Mike Tyson
Eddie 178cm
Mike little shorter
btw 1-2 cm are low diffrence
Mike is about 177.5cm normal + his 2cm boxing shoes take him too look about 180cm.
RisingForce said on 21/Dec/08
Yeah but then how did Stallone have 3" on Oscar? If Sly is 5'10.75" and he surely had no more than a 2" footwear advantage(probably less) then he's still atleast 1" taller than Oscar.
In my opinion Oscar is likely 5'9.25"-5'9.75" which is why I think Rob's listing is good.
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
my boxing fanatic friends that met oscar much more that me swear his official height is true.i also believe it could be possible.he is between 5-9.25 to 5-10.5.he is tricky as with all men in that range.i have seen pics where oscar looks 5-9 and where he looks 5-10.
RisingForce said on 20/Dec/08
I'm fine with Rob's 5-9.5 listing. I think that's the most accurate. It makes the Stallone picture make sense and you also said he looked 5-9 at first but then you thought 5-10 after a little. Right in the middle at 5-9.5 adds up.
glenn said on 19/Dec/08
but 5-8 is absurd for is 5-9 flat.slightly over 5-9 ill buy.
RisingForce said on 18/Dec/08
That's fair Glenn. I think 5'9.5" is very accurate for Oscar. Sly(obviously in lifts) towered over him by a good 3 inches meaning barefoot Oscar was probably atleast an inch shorter so I think Oscar is likely under 5'10".
glenn said on 16/Dec/08
i go with 5-9.25 the lowest for oscar.5-10 the highest.
RisingForce said on 15/Dec/08
No, Oscar isn't below 5-9.
Growth Spurt said on 13/Dec/08
Its funny how everyone expects these fighters/boxers to be like 6'0+ tall just because they're good fighters/boxers, but then the fans meet them and they're like 5'9-5'10 they get called short.
Viper said on 12/Dec/08
Oscar at anything above 5-8 is ridiculous.
Produce said on 12/Dec/08
Vitali Klitschko said that tyson is far shorter than he thought he was before they met. Tyson once said he is asked 10 times a day how tall he is and that everybody says that he is in fact shorter than they thought. I think 5-9 in prime could be about right.
mId said on 11/Dec/08
I'm not sure but wasn't he listed as 5'9 in some early fights? like amateur even maybe? I'm not sure.. and even if this was the case he was still young then and could have grown.. but thing is.. listen, I'm fairly sure that fedor (mma fighter) is 5'11 tops.. some would even say 5'10 to 5'10,5. and when he and tyson are standing next to eachother tyson is at least one inch shorter and he is wearing massive soles on his sneakers. I can't see him over 5'10.. my guess is 5'9,5". but it is weird how he is taller than deniro.. I can't say how tall deniro is but I know Glenn has met him and I trust his height-judgement.. ofcourse anyone can make mistakes. But I have been an martial art and mma-fan since way back and almost every person I know that have met fedor and have the pictures to prove it says he is 5'11 tops. fighters say he is under 6 feet.. fedor himself says he's under 6 feet. and he is as I said clearly taller than mike. Also a danish boxer brian nielsen was asked about his first impression of mike (when he met him before the first holyfield fight) and he said that he was shocked at how small he was.. he thought he was bigger because he looked bigger in the ring.. but that he was small in person.
RisingForce said on 11/Dec/08
I'll give Mike a strong 5-10 then. Maybe 5-10.25. You're right that Oscar at 5-8 is ridiculous.
glenn said on 10/Dec/08
i dont have a problem with oscar 5-9.5.i have a problem with him being 5-8 flat.tyson was never mentioned at 5-9 in the ring newspapers,magazines, the ring it was 5-11.5.the 5-9 is tabloid gossip.
RisingForce said on 10/Dec/08
It should be but Tyson has been listed everywhere from 5'9" to 5'11.5" so we know one of those 2 was incorrect either way.
I don't buy Oscar De La Hoya's 5'10.5" listing either because Sly had 3" on him. I think he looked about 1.5" taller than you Glenn putting Oscar at 5'9.5".
glenn said on 9/Dec/08
shouldnt it be illegal to fudge heights in boxing? and its dangerous too.more with weight obviously.
RisingForce said on 9/Dec/08
I'd say Van Damme is 5'9" and change and Tyson is about 5'10".
RisingForce said on 8/Dec/08
Van Damme is atleast 5-9, maybe taller. Standing straight it looks like Mike could be taller although he's closer to the camera. They look similar but Van Damme does often wear big heeled shoes.
Produce said on 8/Dec/08
From the Van Damme- PAge:
Belgiam actor from Kickboxer and Cyborg. Other sites list him at 5ft 8. Van Damme in Combat karate magazine circa 1986 he claims: "I'm 5'10' and 185 lbs".. He also commented many eons ago that "What my fans seem to be surprised at is my height. I'm 5'10" tall, but they often say, 'Oh, you're so short!' I think they expect me to be 6'4" tall!". He doesn't look shorter than 175cm to me.
Tyson seems to be a bit taller. Bades on this, I`d give Tyson 5-10.
Dural said on 8/Dec/08
I agree with mId. Tyson measured himself close to 5'10" and Van Damme could be 5'9".
glenn said on 8/Dec/08
jean must be rocking the lifts.
mId said on 8/Dec/08
too bad you can't see footwear.. van damme usually wears boots it seems. and lately tyson has been wearing sneakers with big soles. I would say 5'8 van damme and 5'9.5 tyson.
RisingForce said on 7/Dec/08
Interesting picture of Tyson and Jean-Claude Van Damme
Click Here
RisingForce said on 3/Dec/08
Maybe not fighting the 6-5 guys but Tyson always looked more 5-10ish at best to me near the 6-0, 6-1 boxers.
glenn said on 3/Dec/08
no way did he look 5-9 fighting 6-5 monsters.he looked 5-11 min.
mId said on 2/Dec/08
fedor is most likely 5
RisingForce said on 2/Dec/08
I think he's 5-9, 5-10 honestly. This is one where I have to disagree with you Glenn.I tried to see him at 5-11.5 but I can't. Whenever I use to watch him in fight I always thought he was 5-9, 5-10.
I'm open to Tyson being taller but I'll have to see some particular pictures to convince myself or if you see him in person and he looks 5-11.5 Glenn. Then I'll agree but for now i think he's 5-9, 5-10. No more, no less.
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
i dont trust what he says.maybe he is 5-10 after a rough 12 day of
Produce said on 1/Dec/08
Tyson looks similar height as 6 Foot-reported - Fedor. He also looked nearly the same height as ( aging) Patterson, wo also was reported to be 6 F! But from seeing Tyson outside the ring, he never is close to 6 F, in my opinion, but I dont know. Some hear told Tyson is exactly 5-10 and if Tyson himself says he is, i think it must be about right.
RisingForce said on 29/Nov/08
It's tough for me to imagine Mike being over 5-10 since he was the same height as Danza, was listed at 5-9 in the mid 80's and measured himself 5-10.
He does look tall next to De Niro but then again he's closer to the camera.
I guess Danza could have worn lifts, he could have grown past his 5-9 listing or he could have measured himself incorrectly or at night. 5-11.5 is hard for me to believe though. Maybe 5-10.5/5-10.75.
glenn said on 29/Nov/08
he doesnt claim it,he was measured lie by 2 inches would be absurd and in my opinion rule breaking in boxing.that would be like lying about weight.that dangerous.he looked 5-11.5 fighting two different 6-5 challengers.i agree he can look 5-10.never as low as 5-9.he towers over 5-9 robert deniro.
Zach # 2 said on 28/Nov/08
Tyson claiming 5ft 11.5" is a complete joke, no way does he look close to being a 6 footer, my guess he's 5ft 9 or a tad taller,
Mike March said on 24/Nov/08
I've seen Mike Tyson many times in my life, and he and I are the exact same height (5'10") Tyson is in his mid 40's now, and you don't lose inches in height by 40.
Produce said on 23/Nov/08
but who says that trinidad really is 5-11?
jinxy said on 22/Nov/08
Tyson is definitely 5ft 11.5...i've seen him a few times with felix trinidad (who is 5'11) and Tyson is a bit taller!
Anonymous said on 18/Nov/08
he is 5.9 or 5.10 but no taller. that is for sure. the same of rocky marciano. stocky heavyweights with a lot of natural punching power...
Wrestling Lover said on 16/Nov/08
JD says on 3/Jun/08
he looks about 2-3 inches smaller than stone cold at around the 3:40 mark in this vid and austin is 6'2, and please don't suggest that he's wearing lifts anyone!!! Click Here
Stone COld isn't 6'2 even 6'1 may be too much in my opinion.
TELLEM said on 10/Nov/08
yea 5'9 to 5'10 i believe
Produce said on 9/Nov/08
I agree. I dont think anymore that tyson is 5-10 or even taller. The commentators normally used to say he`s arround 5-10 , Merchante even said 5-11, but Tyson is below average tall I think, even including older men. I saw many docus and pitures. I think he was arround 5-9 at his peak, maybe a bit more maybe a bit less. I once read, that Tyson said in an interviewe before the holmes-fight that he`s 5 8.5 and his arrest chart was 5 8.5 too. On the other hand , in the ring he never lookes really short. The 5-7-boxer was Tommy Burns , who fefendes his title 11 times in the 20s , I think, before he lost it to JAck Johnson.
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/08
i watched a very early fight of tyson's...when the statistics came up the commentator himself said...'there is no way tyson's 5 11.5 hes more like 5 9 'look in you tube and watch him carry d'amato's coffin...there is alot of people around him including elderly men and tyson's no bigger than any of them...what most people don't accept is how can one of the best ever heavyweight boxers be 5'9 but if u are highly trained and got it in your blood height (to a certain degree) doesn't matter' i read in boxing monthly once that in the 30s there was a heavyweight champion at 5' 7
glenn said on 8/Nov/08
the site is usually right.several are off.danza is a suspected lift wearer maybe he tricked me.
glenn said on 8/Nov/08
greg-does that mean this site is right? if im wrong,danza wears lifts.i always have photo proof too.
RisingForce said on 6/Nov/08
I'll take your word for it Glenn since you met Tony. I guess they're both 5'10" then.
TELLEM said on 6/Nov/08
Greg says on 6/Nov/08
I do not know how tall Danza is, but on this site he is 5
glenn said on 6/Nov/08
tony danza is 5-10.
RisingForce said on 4/Nov/08
I thought 5'10" until Frank2 posted the clip of Tyson and Danza on Who's The Boss. They're the same height there.
Once again these are the possibilites
1.They're both 5'9"
2.They're both 5'10"
3.Danza wears lifts and he's actually shorter than Tyson
I think they're both 5'9".
glenn said on 22/Oct/08
i agree cobra.
Anonymous300th said on 22/Oct/08
hes 5'9 to 5'10. look at him with tony danza thats good enough proof. and more proof was with shawn michaels (5'11.5) had atleast inch on him in the wwf
Produce said on 20/Oct/08
On the danza-site the people , who saw him desreibed him from 5`6 to 5`10, so he is maybe 5-8.
Eddie F said on 20/Oct/08
Thats not Mike Tyson, and if it is danza is wearing elevators, and standing straight. Tyson looks to be leaning a little.
RisingForce said on 19/Oct/08
Danza and Tyson were the exact same height in that clip.
Here are the stills
Click HereClick HereClick Here3 possibilities
1.They're both 5'9"
2.They're both 5'10"
3.Danza wears lifts and he's actually shorter than Tyson
Both at 5'9" seems the most likely to me since I've never seen Danza in suspicious footwear and I doubt Danza is 5'10".
Anonymous said on 16/Oct/08
I'm starting to wonder if there is any such thing as an average height. It's just a statistic when you think about. Most people are either tall or short, by however fractional a margain, they usually veer towards one or the other.
Clay said on 15/Oct/08
Christ what is he looking like these days at 300 pounds?
Eddie F. said on 15/Oct/08
Obviously Mike has now shrunk. He is 300lbs and about 5 '10. At his peak he had to have been 5 11 1/2 inches. Even 6' is short for a heavyweight. All his opponets were like over 6' foot and usually lankier.
Brad said on 10/Oct/08
Glenn said he's 5' 11.5". Just look at the clip with Danza. The overinflate on this one is sorry sad. Since when is Tony Danza even close to 6'?
Produce said on 10/Oct/08
By the way: Danza alos comes from brookly and was o boxer too. Here is his record:
Click Here
Produce said on 9/Oct/08
tyson with danza:
Click Here
Danimal said on 23/Sep/08
BTW, he weighs 300 pounds today at 42 years old:
Click Here
Danimal said on 23/Sep/08
James says on 15/Sep/08
Its strange though how a guy of his height can weigh 18 stone (sorry I am English so I use stone as opposed to pounds). I mean at his peak he could have been 5ft11, but even 6ft5 guys are not meant to weigh 18 stone. He must have been very big boned.
Actually the man went up to 275 pounds in jail in the 1990's. That's about 20 stones for the brits on here. I still think that he is between 5'9" and 5'10". No way is he 5'11.5". Just no way.
Romeo said on 22/Sep/08
Cobra says on 22/Sep/08
Danimal says on 15/Sep/08
He is naturally muscular and weighed 200 pounds at 12 years old.
I think that`s a little overboard. But it`s true, Tyson has great genetics. He would have made a great bodybuilder or powerlifter too. He had an awesome physique for "just" boxing training.
Cobra its true, its been listed in various places, autobiographis, interviews and documentarys. There is however some discrepancy in his strength. With some saying he could bench 225lb at 13 for 10reps and others saying he could do 1 rep of his bodyweight.
If you dont believe it just search youtube for "tyson amateur fastest knockout", he was 14, and just look at his muscular definition and size.
Cobra said on 22/Sep/08
Danimal says on 15/Sep/08
He is naturally muscular and weighed 200 pounds at 12 years old.
I think that`s a little overboard. But it`s true, Tyson has great genetics. He would have made a great bodybuilder or powerlifter too. He had an awesome physique for "just" boxing training.
Romeo said on 22/Sep/08
Im going to give my honest opinion. Im a boxer, and my height gets measured when i get weighed in. I get weighed in as soon as I wake up because the night before i dehdrate my body and then go to sleep and then weigh myself immediatly. I am taller in the morning that at night.
I think tyson is around 5'11.5 in the morning during weigh in and then shrinks to around 5'10.5 during the evening. He is very heavy so he might even lose more weight if hes on his feet all day.
Danimal said on 15/Sep/08
Mike90 says on 15/Sep/08
By the way guys, I know this is off the topic, but I was just wondering... How did Mike Tyson get so muscly? Coz I know he didn't do any weight lifting, except for dumbell shrugs.
Muscly??? hahaha. The word you are looking for is MUSCULAR. He is naturally muscular and weighed 200 pounds at 12 years old. Some people are just prone to carrying more muscular body mass and when you do any kind of resistance exercise (lift weights) your body will react much more than someone who is more naturally fat or skinny.
Mike90 said on 15/Sep/08
By the way guys, I know this is off the topic, but I was just wondering... How did Mike Tyson get so muscly? Coz I know he didn't do any weight lifting, except for dumbell shrugs.
Jordan said on 14/Sep/08
Click Here he has Dinero by 2 inches here, easy.
Produce said on 14/Sep/08
But maybe SRL is not 5.10. Someone wrote on another site that he is 5-9 and towered him....
Frank2 said on 13/Sep/08
That means Tony Danza is 5'10" or 5'11" and that's not true. And Danza doesn't wear lifts.
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/08
I think Tyson is a strong 5' 10" minimum, possibly 5' 11". He looked the same height, maybe even a bit taller, than 5' 10" Sugar Ray Leonard on a few occasions.
Frank2 said on 11/Sep/08
Like I said, rent that episode. You'll see they're the exact same height. I remember thinking back then, either Danza's a lot taller than I thought or Tyson is a lot shorter. Then, a few years later, I saw Danza in person and he was about 5'9".
Anonymous said on 11/Sep/08
He 5' 10". He's not short and he's not tall.
RisingForce said on 9/Sep/08
Brad says on 17/Aug/08
Glenn said 5' 11.5". The laughter is resonant. I guess he had his picture with Mike and was taken by 4".
Glenn said he never met Tyson.
I doubt Tyson's over 5'10". He's in the 5'9"-5'10" range. Anything over or under that doesn't make sense.
Danza always seemed like he'd be 5'8" but I can buy 5'9". That's surprising that him and Tyson were the same height though. Tyson gives the impression of being taller than Danza. 5'9" is possible for Tyson considering he was listed at that height at one point.
Big King said on 8/Sep/08
No, Danimal but I'm from a country where my main language isn't English. So my English is sometimes not very well, forgive me...
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/08
I think he's around 5' 10". He looked about 4.5 - 5 inches shorter than Razor Ruddock who is billed at 6' 3".
Danimal said on 6/Sep/08
Big King says on 5/Sep/08
On this video Click Here Tyson is listed as 5'11 1/2".
IN this video. Not on. Just trying to help you out seeing you've been posting like a mad man on here. Are you from Quebec?
Frank2 said on 6/Sep/08
Danza is 5'9". And he and Tyson were the same height. If you don't believe me, go buy or rent the episode on DVD. It's from season 6, episode 134 entitled "Sam Accelerates." Tyson and Danza are right next to each other and they're the exact same height. Explain that one to me.
Big King said on 5/Sep/08
On this video
Click Here Tyson is listed as 5'11 1/2".
Clay said on 5/Sep/08
5'10'' for a heavyweight boxer is indeed pretty pathetic I dont know why Rob put that in the sarcastic quotations.
runt said on 5/Sep/08
Definitly shorter than Sugar Ray Leonard who was listed at 5-10. I consistently saw this when Tyson, Leonard and Ali made the rounds on the talk shows in the early 90's.
Produce said on 3/Sep/08
I dont think anymore tyson ever was 5.11 . Watch a tyson documentary on youtube and you will se that he normaal
TELLEM said on 2/Sep/08
Frank2 says on 1/Sep/08
Then please explain why on an episode of WHO'S THE BOSS, Tyson was the exact same height as Tony Danza.
I've got news for you. Danza is not anywhere near being 6'.
isn't danza 5'8? no way tyson that short
Frank2 said on 1/Sep/08
Then please explain why on an episode of WHO'S THE BOSS, Tyson was the exact same height as Tony Danza.
I've got news for you. Danza is not anywhere near being 6'.
Eddie F. said on 31/Aug/08
Mike Tyson is just shy of 6 feet. beleive me. Im a boxer. Im 5 10' 1/2, 183lbs and in muscular shape. but sometimes im at 5 11' barley. with his boxing shoes he had to have measured at 6 feet. Remember his body made him look compact which gave him that under 6 foot look. A 5 ' 11 inch 17 year old who weighs 135 pounds will look tall am i right? Mike wasn't short, he just wasnt tall.
stewart said on 26/Aug/08
height is pretty confusing as you are taller in the morning (this is fact) after a nights sleep your body shuts down and repairs for the day ahead..more fluid between the bones and your taller in the morning...ive measured myself in a few different ways and there is no way of getting an exact height for yourself...and this is especially true to the amount of training you do...and off coarse what age you are...and off course what time of the day it is.i expect this site will go on for years...tysons height probably fluxsuated between 5 9''- 5 11'' so 5 10'' would be a good average height for him
Produce said on 22/Aug/08
Dnaza ist here lsited as 5-9. Tyson seems to be arround 5-9 to 5-10 , although in the ring he used to look at least 5-11 in most of his fights.
Brad said on 17/Aug/08
Glenn said 5' 11.5". The laughter is resonant. I guess he had his picture with Mike and was taken by 4".
Soviet_Rebel said on 9/Aug/08
In August 2005 i met him in Ponza (Italy, i am 178 cm and no way he was taller than me, maybe a bit (2 cm) shorter. I'm a "powerlifter/strongman/bodybuilder" and i am big, but he was big too!
So i think that 176-178 is right.
Frank2 said on 8/Aug/08
For what it's worth, Tyson guested on WHO'S THE BOSS and he and Tony Danza were the exact, same height. Danza is listed at 5'10".
joey said on 31/Jul/08
I work in LAX night club las vegas, a spot where Tyson is a regular. I stand at 6'0.25" in my normal work shoes. Tyson is about an inch shorter then me so i put him bare foot 5'10.75
Steve said on 30/Jul/08
I stood right next to him this weekend at the Margarito-Cotto fight. Mike is around 5-10 or perhaps a bit taller. No taller then 5'10.5".
Mr. R said on 28/Jul/08
I saw him in Vegas, and he is not quite 5-10.
Yaspaa said on 17/Jul/08
He won it in 92 dude.
joe said on 14/Jul/08
1991 strongman champion was Ted van De Parre- 7 feet tall
Produce said on 14/Jul/08
I saw a picture with Tyson and Jamie Foxx ( 5-9) and Tyson looked ast least 1 inch taller.
pkr said on 13/Jul/08
rc, fat does not have more mass. weight = mass X acceleration due to gravity.
what you mean is, that a given mass of fat has more volume than the same mass of muscles
rc said on 12/Jul/08
AnnoyeD you're wrong. Muscle weighs more than fat. Therefore, fat has more mass.
Yaspaa said on 21/Jun/08
Tyson is intimidating but next to stone cold he looked slim and relatively small,I saw 3" between the two. He hasn't lost any height!,he doesn't have a bone disease,he doesn't have a humpback,he isn't missing any vertebrae,the pic with DeNiro is ropey at best,he isn't tall so he hasn't got much height to lose if and when he eventually does,5'10.5 Max Ever,not under 5'10 though.
john said on 19/Jun/08
Well guys you gotta remember tyson had an incredible amount of muscle mass. I could certainly see him being around 5-9 or 5-10 because despite his height he has a large frame(thick wrist, wide shoulers, massive legs). I think his height will forever remain a mystery.
Yaspaa said on 19/Jun/08
Pictured with 5'6 boxer Ricky Hatton
Click Here
glenn said on 19/Jun/08
he looked at legit 5-11.5 fighting at least 2,if not 3, 6-5 boxers.he would be too heavy to be shorter.
john said on 18/Jun/08
Glen if he was 5-11.5 then why did he look so short compared to the people around him. In Evander Holyfields book he describes Tyson has 5-9. Not a tall guy by any means but a boxing legend.
glenn said on 17/Jun/08
im with sakanna.and he isnt smaller than 5-10 as some claim too.i read enough of this guy recently outside the site to make me believe 5-11.5 more.
Sakanna said on 17/Jun/08
I've walked right behind Tyson. I am a solid 5'11" and he is definitely 5'11" 1/2
he is taller than the 5'10" stated here...
no doubt about that.
DeeWill said on 15/Jun/08
Tyson is not over 5'10. I've seen him several times in the night clubs in NYC; last time in 2000. Hes stands even with me and I'm 5'10.
animefreak said on 15/Jun/08
i met him at the phoenician hotel. and im 5/7 solid and he was next to me and he was only one inch taller than me.
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/08
Click HereHere is Tyson, Sugar Ray, and Ali on Arsennio Hall in 1989. Towards the end of the clip, at 6:22, you get a shot of Tyson and Sugar Ray standing next to each other. They really look similar in height. (and they're both wearing sneakers) Sugar Ray was billed 5' 11" - 6'. I really think Tyson was 5' 11", and still is.
apo said on 12/Jun/08
tyson is more than 5'10, he is always listed at 5'11.5, i believe he is 5'11,tnt the reach of a person is defined by his body type, not his occupation. Tyson is not a long armed technical boxer who punches from distance, he's a typical mezomorph with stocky built, so he's reach may even be shorter than his height
about the height weight comparison, you can't judge 1 inch diff. from weights.
AnnoyeD said on 4/Jun/08
muscle has higher mass than fat.
TNT said on 3/Jun/08
Mike Tyson's reach is 5'11, as a boxer his reach is normally is longer than his height, for example i'm myself am a middle weight boxer my height is 177cm=5'9.7 and my reach is 181cm=71.25inch, so i believe that he is even a bit shorter than 5'10, but really between 177 and 178cm not that much of a diffrence in height to notice.
stewart said on 3/Jun/08
I watched the weigh in for tyson v razor ruddock a while ago....tyson weighed in at 216lb. I am 5'8'' and 182lb and do a lot of boxing training but no where near tyson's regime and still look thin. I am 23% body fat. Now we know that fat has a bigger mass that muscle. Tyson looks abosulely huge in this weigh in so comparing my body to tyson's he cant be over 5'10 i would say between 5'9 to 5'9.5. We also know that heavyweights don't dehydrate themselves before a fight so this is their true weight...There is no-way tyson is above 5'10. Tyson's body fat before a fight was about 5-6%. The scales don't lie, my point being a 5'11 man,216lb with 5% body fat would not look as broad as tyson...
Yaspaa said on 3/Jun/08
Stone Cold is 6'1
JD said on 3/Jun/08
he looks about 2-3 inches smaller than stone cold at around the 3:40 mark in this vid and austin is 6'2, and please don't suggest that he's wearing lifts anyone!!!
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 2/Jun/08
No doubt he can Glenn.
pjack said on 2/Jun/08
97 percent throughout his pro boxing career the stats at beginning of a fight would show tyson at 5ft11.5. I can remember one ocassion where it said 6ft and there may have been a 5ft 11 listing once.There was no reason to exagerate his height as he was known as a short heavyweight anyway.He's lead a very hard lifestyle which may explain way he lost height 10 years earlier than most people.Tyson was not as short as 5ft10 in prime but at least 5ft11
glenn said on 2/Jun/08
i get your point yaaspa.and this might be the case.but he can look in the 5-11 region.
Yaspaa said on 1/Jun/08
He wasn't always listed at 5'11.5,in his earlier pro fights he was listed anywhere from 5'10-6'0 and his reach was stated anywhere from 70" - 78"!!! My point is they exaggerate heights to make them appear more menacing and it's a very common phenomenon in most sports. If he has already lost 0.75 inches then in the next 20 years he will probably be 5ft. There is no reason why a guy under 60 years old would lose height under normal circumstances,as long as he eats correctly and doesn't have any physical problems.
pjack said on 1/Jun/08
He was measured off 5ft 11.5 in 1987 when speculation arose about his height.He was always listed at 5ft 11.5 when he turned pro,if it was exagerrated it was no more than half an inch.He's shrunk a little with age saying 5ft 10 these days,id say 5ft10.25 down from 5ft11.
glenn said on 25/May/08
i agree with you it mustve been a shoddy attempt for you to be weary.but 5-9.5 was too he does look 5-11.5 in the ring at least.5-10 alot outside.
glenn said on 25/May/08
so rob what is the point of the height chart then? it was completely a sham? your gonna tell me he never looks 5-11.5 next to those giants? at least admit he can look it.

Editor Rob
it's just my view they should have done a better shot if they were going to show a true reflection of his height.
Yaspaa said on 25/May/08
The vast majority of strongmen are comfortably over 6'. Pudzianowski is one of few exceptions. The tallest winner I can recall was Magnus Samuelson at 6'6-6'7,Janne Virtanen was 6'5 aswell.
dits said on 25/May/08
stewart-there is no 'general' regulation to boxing shoes,except stuff like no spikes and rubber.
why tyson wouldn't have been wearing 'heels' as you say,is because of the amount of (or lack of) comfortability and agility they would provide.a boxer needs to be moving at all times,and by wearing any thick insoles/soles,he would be severely limiting his im sure he never wore 'lifts' in his boxing life.
and outside the ring,his 'i-dont-give-a-****' attitude never made him wear lifts,im sure.
dits said on 25/May/08
hmm jason,i think the guy who won in 1991 was magnus magnussen,and he wasnt 6'10-6'11.he was around 6'3-6'4.
but yeah,he is one of the best strongman competitors ever in my opinion.but these taller competitors,especially those above 6'5 have been an exception to the rule more than anything else.most other winners have been around the 6'0 mark.
Jason said on 24/May/08
The bloke who won the 1991 WSM was 210cm/6'10 1/2''.
stewart said on 23/May/08
just watched a video between tyson and golota... tyson looks as if hes wearing high say between 2-3 inches footwear...can anyone tell me if there is a regulation in footware in boxing?
josh said on 23/May/08
Mike tyson was 5ft 11.5 as david tua ws 5ft 10 and against lenox lewis lewis you can see that tyson is taller than tua.
so 5ft11.5
dits said on 23/May/08
yeah adam,i forgot about him.good,bulky competitor.i think he was the tallest to ever win a strongman competition.most of the other winners,especially recently,have been close to the 6'0 mark.
but yes,i dont think i've seen anyone of average height (5'9) and below win the competition,since there is only so much mass you can pack into your body.for tall men like magnus,it is the opposite-they need to work doubly hard to pack in mass and gain strength.
Rocky said on 23/May/08
5'10'' sounds almost exactly right.
3:35 mark next to 6'2'' Steve Austin, almost exactly 4 inches shorter.
Click Here
Adam said on 22/May/08
Although many highly successfull strong men have 5' 11" - 6' 1" and sometimes less, it seems only fair to mention that several have been very tall like Magnus Samuelson (6' 7"). I'm 5' 10" and have no personal motive for defending tall men, I just like to be objective.
dits said on 22/May/08
absolutely.don king took the sport away from the sport.with Cus,tyson would've been the greatest,spoken in the same breath as Ali and Marciano. But Don King really is to blame for Tyson's screw up,bankruptcy..everything.
You know,in the late 80s,early 90s tyson's interviews were smart enough. He wasn't talking about breaking the interviewers jaw,or smashing the show host's head.He kept to boxing before don king.but with Don King,even those sonofagun bodyguards of king used to peg in and aggravate tyson in the interviews.It was really disappointing,seeing men standing behind tyson cussing the hell out of an interviewer,pushing them away,and such.
TNTinCA said on 21/May/08
I agree AAAA.
I always think of that 'what if' scenario where Cus had not died early in Mike's career. I think that would have made all the difference. If you watch Mike's earlier fights where he was with Cus, he came across as being very geniune and pleasant. Had good charisma and he was humble. Don King royally screwed up his life, although he has to also take responsibility for his own actions. But in my opinion, had it not been for the fiasco his life eventually became, he would be heralded as probably one of the best in history.
AAAA said on 21/May/08
He looks terrible now. I feel bad for the man personally. He was a physical specimen, and now this. Its bad enough having demons, I know personally, but having demons cost you to waste possibly the greatest god given talent to fight in history. That hurts. And if he is that heavy now, it may be affecting his height, but I always argued the variance was the stooped posture. His chin was always down, like any smart boxer, even when he wasout in public
TNTinCA said on 20/May/08
Unless he had surgery on his spine or legs, it is highly unlikely that he lost any height at his age. I've always thought he looked 5'10", whether it be in his youth or his current age.
breekops said on 20/May/08
if i remember correctly i'd seen he was measure up before the ring, barefeet at 5'11
JD said on 20/May/08
definatley 5'11.5 in his prime , 5'10.5 would probably be what he is now
Yaspaa said on 20/May/08
I don't think he's lost height either.. Losing height in your 30s and 40s is highly doubtful,you would have to lose bone.
dits said on 20/May/08
its not common to find people losing some of their height when theyre in their mid-30s to 40s,but it does happen,especially if you're stocky,have been seriously weightlifting and training and have been under a lot of stress.i strongly believe tyson was 5'11 in his prime,from the late 80s to mid-90s,but he has probably lost a bit since then.
and yes,anonymous,you're right,people tend to overestimate the 'height loss' on this site.absolutely true.
Viper said on 19/May/08
I dont think hes shrubk.
Anonymous said on 19/May/08
How did he ever get listed at 5'11.5" anyway? I figured they would actually measure these guys. I remember seeing 5'11.5 in his fight vs. Lennox Lewis and thinking there is no way this guy is pushing 6'. I seriously doubt he has lost any height. People do lose height, but I think some on this site tend to over estimate that a bit; claiming that guys are losing height at 30 or 40. That's a tad ridiculous. When a guy hits 60, then we can talk about height loss, but I digress. He always struck me as a 5'9-5'10 guy. I would guess 5'9.5 -5'9.75 as a midday height.
dits said on 19/May/08
if he were 5'9 then he'd have huge difficulty in beating those 6'4-6'5 guys.he was probably 5'11 in his prime,but im sure he's 5'10 right now.
Produce said on 16/May/08
okay, standing next to other fighters like Ibragimov, Fedor , MC Bride , Hatton or Golota Tyson always looked 5-11 !! Standing next to other celebs, whp are listed here arround 5-10 or a bit more. But the strange thing is that most of the people, who met him , say there is no way he is 5-11 and when you see tyson is tv or on pictures , he seems to be shorter than 5-11. Many here swear tyson cant be taller than 5-9 , but one say he cant be short than 6 F. I think 5-10 is a good guess, but its possible thats a bit less.
thestudmeister said on 14/May/08
tyson aint 5'9 or 6ft thats a fact.
dits said on 12/May/08
no,not a 5'9.its not possible.if he were 5'9 you'd have to be downgrading every boxer that fought him in the 90s.i can accept 5'10,but 5'9 would be pushing it.just because people think he is 'shorter than they thought' doesn't mean he's 5'9.mike tyson is probably the most recognized face in boxing ever,and his bad boy image leads to him being imagined at 6 foot and over. when the same people meet him and see he isn't 6 foot,they end up saying 'Oh well,he's short'. when in reality he's taller than 65% of the population.
Viper said on 12/May/08
Wow, Rob just upgraded him to 5-10.
Produce said on 12/May/08
By now, I bealeve the 5-9. Most person, who met him say that and Tyson himself once said that he is asked 10 times a day how tall he is and that everybody is surprised that he is shorter than they thought. Previous I knever doubt the 5 11.5 , but it isnt contestet without reason.
Yaspaa said on 12/May/08
Sorry mate,I can't buy 5'9.
Abbath said on 11/May/08
Holyfield is 6'0.5" Tyson is 5'9" a relative lives next door to Holyfield and I have seen him & chatted with him numerous times. Sounds punch drunk-ish & is always drinking cranberry spritzers. I know the son of Jimmy Jacob's boxing film archivist...met Tyson twice at his home in Smoke Rise..he is undeniably short but impressive thick.
Yaspaa said on 10/May/08
Dits,I must admit 'Fulcrum' is a new word to me ,it sounds like someone full of cookies lol,obviously you're a big fan though.
James,watching Buster Douglas beat Tyson was for me a sorry affair,he didn't beat Tyson, he beat circumstances and I have barely watched boxing since,thank God for the UFC. Once you know what all the cuddling is about it becomes amazing!
dits said on 10/May/08
tyson was pretty dangerous as it is.he blasted off guys who were 6'2 (holyfield,berbick,tillman..) to guys who were even taller (a lot). he was probably the shortest heavyweight at his time,and he was the was difficult to knock him down because his low centre of gravity.being short kinda played to his advantage.
as yaspaa says,if he were tall,he would've been a completely different boxer.taller boxers have longer reach and have trouble in close situations.tyson didnt have this problem,by getting close he devastated his opponents.not only that,his shorter reach gave him a better 'fulcrum' for his arms,making him more likely to hit his opponents where he wished to.and not to mention,he had great speed,and coupled with his great speed was great strength.if you see some of the knockouts he did..the guys struggled to get up even after 5 minutes of getting knocked.that kind of strength is difficult to develop for a guy who's 6'3,6'5 and above.most of the world's strongest men have been around the 5'11-6'1 mark,and its the people who're 6'3 and above who struggle in the competition.
Yaspaa said on 8/May/08
Thanks Mo,I take it you have a similar opinion.
Mo_UK said on 8/May/08
Yaspaa you the man!!!
glenn said on 8/May/08
thats a scary thought james.
Yaspaa said on 7/May/08
Nah James,that thought doesn't comprehend,Tyson would be a completely different boxer if he were that tall. Tyson used his relatively shorter dimensions to his own advantage,getting in close,throwing quick short hooks and uppercuts (I'm refering to the the original Tyson not the artist formerly known as Tyson, who should have continued on to become the greatest heavyweight ever had circumstances taken a different route) which is why the 'rope a dope' would not work against Tyson. Everyone remembers Tyson's power but they forget about his speed,he could really bang out those combo's,robotically fearless and he was always constantly moving,throwing knockout punches from unorthodox angles.... a mile away from the stagnant,broken, one dimensional boxer that fights today.
You know I am a Brit but Lennox would not have lasted in the ring with a prime Tyson,he would have done what they all did,try to stay away from Tyson and survive long enough to hopefully win a points victory due to the 1000 jabs they have thrown. I wish Cus D'Mato had been 15 years younger,15 more years to steer Mike in the right direction,there wouldn't be any doubt regarding his greatness.
The heavyweight division is all about size now,a bunch of
trolls with clubs which is why it is and has been for quite some time...sheeeeatt.
Yaspaa said on 6/May/08
There is some doubt in my mind also Glenn but sitting on the fence is boring.
Yaspaa said on 6/May/08
"2.5 is a lot on this site though,harder battles have been fought over lesser amounts,lol.
glenn said on 6/May/08
im with leung.i dont buy that he is just 5-10.of course its a very good chance.i say 40 percent he is.60 percent he is it legal to fudge heights like that? i know they fix i guess anything is possible,but why a precise figure like that? and he did look 5-11.5 in the ring as well.
glenn said on 6/May/08
john-you basically repeated what i just said.
ottinger said on 6/May/08
leung,how can you say tyson looks 5'11 with don halpin when you dont know for sure how tall don halpin is. It is Yaspaa who should be saying "is that the best you can come up with"
Yaspaa said on 6/May/08
Leung,your evidence has 2 guys bobbing around,you cant tell a thing from that. I have posted pictures with tyson STANDING next to guys.
A commentator who has been doing it for 35 years knows his stuff,he said 5'10,TYSON said 5'10. You are also assuming Don Halpin's height,he will be shorter than the height given aswell. As for your 'advice',I haven't posted anything that indicates tyson over 5'10.
john said on 6/May/08
glen whats the diffrence if hes 300 pounds and 5'9 or 5 '11.5, its only a couple inches hes still extremely obese at that weight. As for my opionion he looks 5'8 at certain times but can look aroun 5'11 also. I say the listing is pretty accurate.