How tall is Miley Cyrus - Page 3

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Average Guess (206 Votes)
5ft 4.88in (164.8cm)
emila said on 3/Aug/08
I would say she is 'bout 166 cm, so like a bit above 5 ft 5.
5'9 said on 2/Aug/08
um...heres 5'6 pete wentz with miley cyrus recently at fnmtv(Click Here)...yeah i agree mileys like 5'5 or 5'4...
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/08
Shockingly, she's quite a bit taller than Ashlee Simpson:
Click Here

And she's not wearing heels:
Click Here
Brad said on 31/Jul/08
Lanky. She's darling but needs to carry Hannah for a few more years. I see 6 year olds at Walmart grabbing all Hannah stuff. She's very talented to run that show for months night after night at that level at that age. Funny how Britney lip-syncs her entire show and Miley only about 15%.
Fan said on 30/Jul/08
I've met Miley before. She's nice but def not skinny like she was in the beginning of HM. She's average. I'm 5'4 she's just a tad taller then me. I'd say from 5'4 1/2-5'6.
Liyah said on 27/Jul/08
it doesnt matter if she's tall or short..i mean since when did height become a big deal..all it matters is that she's a great actress and performer..pshh im 5'6 and im doesnt matter if she's tall..atleast shes pretty. and plus being short would suckk real offennce
Kiran said on 27/Jul/08
just FYI guys, not all children have the same height as their parents............for example, my parents are both 5.6 but i m 5.6.5 and my twin bro(only 48 minutes younger) is like 5.9.....
so y'all are wrong if u think height is passed through genes........
kate said on 21/Jul/08
shes 5"6
duhhh its imposible to be 5"4 onve her mom is 5"9 and her dad is 6 "0 so shes has got to be tall and ive met her shes as tall as me 5"6 people only want to belive that shes there height but it doesent matter how tall she is
Phil said on 20/Jul/08
Seacrest is bending down in that pic.
Babies said on 20/Jul/08
I'd say about 5'4 to 5'5. Maybe 5'6. This picture was taken I think July this year:
Click Here
Ashley Tisdale is like 5'3, but wearing like 2 inch heels. Miley is wearing flip-flops. So, Miley would have to be 2-3 inches taller than ashley, which means 5'5 to 5'6.
Brad said on 18/Jul/08
5' 6" now. Lanky.
anonymous said on 13/Jul/08
I know miley is wearing heels in this photo, but a picture with ryan seacrest in march shows that she has a couple inches on him. And seacrest with his lifts is probably at least 5'9''. I think Miley is at least 5'6" as of march. Upgrade needed.
Click Here
Taylor said on 10/Jul/08
She recetly said(less than a month ago) that she is 5'4. She does look a lot taller because she has long legs and wears heels all the time but yep shes only 5'4.
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/08
I have watched later episodes of Hannah Montana and she has grown quite a bit, I agree with the people who say 5'5-5'6.
amelia said on 28/Jun/08
well she has long legs so she is probably 5'6-5'7....those jonas boys are 5'9ish and they've only got 2-3 inches on her
CV;) said on 25/Jun/08
actually brother_h, girls can grow up until they're 21. and i would know. i am one.
liyah said on 24/Jun/08
yeah shes like 5' theres deff nothing wrong with being 5'6 and im only 14 and im proud of it.i would HATE to be short.
and plus whats wrong with being a tall disney channel star..the one girl who plaed off of camp rock [lola--aaryn] was 5' doesnt matter
Natalie said on 23/Jun/08
miley is definitely around 5ft 5 or 6 now, if u follow the link for the pics i've found with her mother, who is definitely 5ft 6, then she is less than an inch shorter now, it appears as if miley has grown has is a solid 5ft 5 possibly taller

Click Here
Demifan said on 17/Jun/08
Okay Miley is like 5'4 1/2 but she said she was 5'5 and someone said Jason Earles is 5'6...well that person is wrong he's only 5'3!
leela said on 13/Jun/08
i think she is 5'7. she has LONG LEGS....and somebody with those kinda legs are not 5'5!
S said on 12/Jun/08
i agree doesnt she always tends to bend over or crouch especially when taking picture with a lot of the DC stars she has definately got really long legs but she is so pretty and natural unlike other girls on dc who have piles of make up on! she should be proud of her height!
Michelle said on 7/Jun/08
i think that she is 5'5-5'6 no shorter
n yea i think she kinda wants to be a lil shorter cuz most of the DC cast are pretty small
sarah said on 4/Jun/08
in the picture she looks 5`5ish but she always tries to make herself look shorter, not only that but like her next to mandy! mandys 5`3 and miley like towers over her.
Darcy said on 31/May/08
i think she will keep growing expecially if her dad is 6'0'' and her mom is around 5'9-ish.

my dad is 6'2 and my mom is 5'6 and i ended up being 5'8 1/2
so my bets are miley will keep growing till she reaches 16 or seventeen
and right now she's only 15
Linds said on 21/May/08
Miley looks near 5'6". Both girls, except miley, have huge heels. for some odd reason miley is BAREFOOT? odd.
sammm said on 10/May/08
i think when miley said she was 5'5 she was lying becuase she looks about 2 inches shorter than glenn so i bet she is 5'6. also she does have long legs and somebody with long legs is not 5'5! thats pretty short
Anonymous said on 10/May/08
She's 5'6"! she must be, she's about six inches shorter than her dad and he's 6'.
mileyfan said on 10/May/08
how can miley be 5ft 4 when jason earles is listed as 5ft 6 and half and in the new series of hannah montana they are standing next to each other and she is cleary an inch taller they were both in flip flops that would make her 5ft 7 and half
Hannah-Rose said on 1/May/08
Yeah I believe she'll stay that height, she's 15 and girls stop growing at young ages. I've been 5 ft 8 1/2 since I was 15.
Danielle said on 24/Apr/08
I always thought she looked my height if not, taller because my dad is 5.9
and the same height over me as her dad is to her and by the way im 5.6ft,
Heightwatcher said on 24/Apr/08
She'll make it to 5 feet 6 I think
Anonymous said on 23/Apr/08
at the american idol gives back, shes just a wee shorter than billy cystal who is 5 ft 6.5 in and shes wearing i believe a 1.5/2 inch boots so this height is just right. and i dont think she will grow anymore. most girls stop at 16 whereas guys will grow till 18 or 21
Anonymous said on 20/Apr/08
In an episode of Miley and Mandy show she said she's 5'5. But I don't think she's like proud of her height because all her friends and DC stars are small. So I think she's a little more than 5'5 ;) She's defentaly not less that 5'5!!
jessica said on 18/Apr/08
if you do not grow any more dont fill sad I think you are perfect the way you are.And I seen a lot of famous people that are shorter then you.Miley look at the cheetah girls there about your age and there like the same size of you. Rock On Miley.
koolstress said on 15/Apr/08
right height next to her dad she is fairly smaller but she probably has the chance to grow 3 inches taller even when your 16-17 you can grow 2 inches i've seen many girls grow up 4 inches you may think am lying but am not
Kayla said on 13/Apr/08
Its weird that Miley's actually shorter than both her mom and dad, cos most girl's height should be somewhere in the middle, between her mom&dad. I think she is still growing.
sarah said on 10/Apr/08
yes, miley claims she is 5ft 5.5, but i also think she's a bit taller ;)
Stephanie said on 10/Apr/08
Miley recently said she was 5' 4". And judging by pics of her, her mom and her 6' 0" dad, that is correct. Tish looks 5' 6". Miley's 16 this November, so she might not have much growing left, if any at all. We'll see.
me said on 9/Apr/08
Miley Cyrus with Billy Crystal, I saw during the performance that she had huge heels on! Click Here
crystal said on 7/Apr/08
in star magazine it had the heights of celebrities and it said miley cyrus was 5"6! xx
mileyandmandyfans said on 5/Apr/08
Hey yall well like me and my friend like watch the mileyandmandy shows on yotube and like miley said that like she was 5'5 because she has long legs and um well mandy is twenty years old and only like 5'3 i think and our other user name is demifan so watch out for out other um comment on their height.Oh and we not only huge fans with both of them i (not my friend) live near Miley and saw her a couple of times so yeah bye yall
Just the Lover said on 4/Apr/08
Hey Yall Meet New Singles At Click Here click it
Olivia said on 4/Apr/08
On her blog she said she was 5'5..
sf said on 29/Mar/08
According to WebMD: "By age 15, most teens have entered puberty. Most girls are close to their adult height and have completed the phase of rapid growth that precedes the first menstrual period."
sf said on 28/Mar/08
Love all these experts who don't know what they are talking about. 16 is not the magical number. Many, many girls are done growing by the time they are 14, let alone 16. Some are done growing at 12. Most girls are usually done growning by 15.
brother_h said on 28/Mar/08
ummm she woundt be 5'6-5'7 now, shes a girl, girls growth slows down after 14 and should be done at 15-16 and fully finished at 18, that means dont expect to be taller on your 18th year.

ive put a pic of her with her dad and the onas brothers on kevin jonas's thread/profile.

she is more likley 5'4-5'5 since her dad still had a chin over her and hes 6'0-5'11
Charlotte said on 27/Mar/08
yeah, what brother_h said.
maybe she claimed that she's 5'5, but wants to be shorter and is actually 5'6 - 5'7.
you never know. just like brad pitt maybe he wants to be longer.
or she measured herself a long time ago and she could've grown more.
we actually need a new picture. hehe ..
brother_h said on 27/Mar/08
brad pitt claimed 6'1 before and it turned out he was 5'11.

dont trust everything a super celeb says.
Anna said on 26/Mar/08
she's 5'5"

she claimed it in one of her youtube videos.
brother_h said on 26/Mar/08
its 16 that girls look like they stop growing. so smiley might grow to 5'6

she might be 5'5 now.
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/08
she said here Click Here she's 5'5
sf said on 25/Mar/08
Yes, brapp - and MOST girls are pretty much done growing by 15.
brother_h said on 24/Mar/08
nope, who knows, alot of people have claimed a height and have been proven wrong. 5'5 or 5'4 is believable for her. but my sister is 18 and she went from 5'6 to 5'7.5 maybe mileys peak height will be 5'6 or 5'7?
Annie said on 24/Mar/08
ahaha yeah. she's 5'5".
i'm the one who asked her that. xD
RG said on 24/Mar/08
Rob can you please update her height to 5ft 5in please!
Charlotte said on 24/Mar/08
she is 5'5 . she said that in her youtube channel video
Click Here
on 03:36
but i think she's longer.
Elle said on 24/Mar/08
She's actually really pretty. She's really skinny and got long legs which does make her look taller. It wouldn't suprise me if she's more 5'6.
me said on 23/Mar/08
to leonari dnt know why you make it a big deal if im bull ****tin dats wat my doctor said but w/e i really dont care get all butt hurt welll anyways i belive she5'5.....but can look talller i guess, im 5'6 and i look a bit taller sometimes and yea i mean i am a bit tall im latin and most latin girls dnt groow as much so yea
brapp said on 21/Mar/08
girls don't stop growing at a certain age. they stop growing on average 2 years after the first period. and most girls periods start age 11.

some girls stop growing before their period, some 3 r 4 years after.

so a girl could stop growing at age 10 or age 20.
brother_h said on 20/Mar/08
5'6, 5'8, 5'9 jonas brothers and 6'0 dad

Click Here
TerraceFires said on 19/Mar/08
I seriously think she's stopped growing dudes.
I'm like a month older than she is and I have stopped. So yeah, she's at 5'4" or so for a while. Maybe an inch might come up, but I doubt it. I'm 5'3" and just livin' with it.
glenn said on 17/Mar/08
thanks gsp.i dont exist without you guys.sf and i joke around all the time.
sf said on 17/Mar/08
GSP - Glenn knows I'm joking with him.

And, diana - not sure what you are saying. I was responding to AU's comment that she could be 6 ft tall like her dad. Yes, most girls, at 15 are done growing.
brother_h said on 16/Mar/08
shes a girl, girls today slow down at 15. so she should have like an inch or so in her.
girls completly stop at 18.
diana said on 15/Mar/08
i love how she is still growing and people are still say she stopped growing
she is literally growing before our eyes
and to sf: this picture was taken when she was a mere 14 years old
really old in terms of height and highly unreliable
GSP said on 15/Mar/08
Glenn is 5'7.25-8 depending on time of day.. this is out of his mouth. I trust him although im not sure how he measured himself and the accuracy of his method (wouldnt be off by more than .5" or so anyway). I always assume 5'7.5 for glenn just to be safe.

That being said glenn is then man and thank you for all your contributions to the site.
glenn said on 14/Mar/08
not really a mystery cause im lies or lifts.
sf said on 14/Mar/08
That anonymous was me. My "sf" disappeared.......
Anonymous said on 13/Mar/08
Yes, Glenn - your height is as much as mystery as Stallone's!
glenn said on 13/Mar/08
on this site sf, im 5-6 to 5-11,depending on who you ask.more on the 5-7.
sf said on 12/Mar/08
At 15, she's pretty much done growing, and she's he shortest 5'7" I've ever seen. Glenn - you must be 5'11"...
GSP said on 12/Mar/08

shes 15..shes an estrogen filled female..I think its pretty unlikely she will grow by any significant amount .
AU said on 12/Mar/08
Hannah could take after her dad because she is only 15 so we dont know how tall she will be, so she could turn out to be 6 foot like her dad, but it's still to early to tell.
Destiny Hope "Miley" Cyrus AKA Hannah Montana said on 4/Mar/08
I am 5 foot 2.5 inches. This is me Hannah Montana. Remember, Lifes what you make it...
Emily said on 29/Feb/08
Miley's almost 5'7 if not already 5'7. Look at her height on Jay Leno last night, she wasn't wearing heels (not more than western boots, like her dad) and she's almost as tall as both her dad and Jay
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
billy ray 6ft???? he seemed 5-9,5-10 to me.
t said on 23/Feb/08
This is a picture of her and V. Hudgens. I don't know how much taller she is.
Click Here
Stephanie said on 22/Feb/08
Miley is two inches shorter than her 5' 6" mom. Her dad is 6' 0". Maybe she has genes for later growth? She's 15 so it's hard to tell.
RG said on 19/Feb/08
leonari, anythin is possible, we'll just have to see in a couple of years!
leonari said on 18/Feb/08
RG:Sorry.but I doubt she will hit 5'7"
RG said on 18/Feb/08
leonari no need to swear, although i agree with you, girls usually stop growing around 16, while guys reach their full height around 20-21, in miley cyrus' case i feel she is still growing, and i expect her to reach about 5ft 6 to 5f 7, given that her dad is 6ft there is a chance that she will be above average height around 5ft 7, at the moment i think miley cyrus is around 5ft 5 tall.
me said on 17/Feb/08
miley is 15 so she will stop growing at the age of 18 so if shes 5'4 shell be like 5'7 SHES NOT GOING TO BE TO TALL im 17 about to be 18 and im 5"6 5"7 for like about three years so yea shes not gona grow much which is a goood thing
shammi said on 15/Feb/08
In a recent interview Miley cyrus clearly states that her height is 5'4, if i had the link i would post it, but i've lost it. You'd prob be surprised how tall 5'4 is. I'm 5'6 and a half and only 14 years old, my doctor says I'm still growing (best of all i'm born in Britain-indian, so that shows stereotyping lol), my friend is 5'4 and 2 and a half inches shorter. That is not a big difference. But anyway who really cares bout her height? Its not important.
glenn said on 4/Feb/08
i am leaning in.i think she had sneakers on.
Astrid said on 4/Feb/08
She looks a little taller than 5'4" in the pic, did you catch what footwear Glenn?

To all the people that are saying she still has plenty of growing to do because she's 15, her age doesn't really give any indication as to how much growing she has left.

It's mostly down to genetics and diet. Miley may or may not have much/any growing left to do, though agreeably she does look a bit out of proportion still.
diana said on 31/Jan/08
miley has definitely grown from the petite height of 5'4
she is probably 5'6 now
but probably has a bit more growing to do because now that ive seen recent pictures of her her facial pictures look slightly out of proportion which i think means she is still growing
i mean she's only 15 and her dad's a tall guy
glenn said on 30/Jan/08
she was always sweet to me.and very fan friendy.but nowadays they sneak her in and out of places.
Astrid said on 30/Jan/08
Was Miley nice enough to you Glenn? I've always wondered what kind of a personality she has.
Linds said on 29/Jan/08
I think miley always looks tall! and that photo is kind of old, only because there is no doubt shes still growing. I have grown any where between 1-1.75 inches in 6 months.

The picture is 7 months old. With her parents heights both being above average i think miley will probably hit 5'7". Right now, i would put her at 5'5.75"
Not to be exact or anything =]
Miley Cyrus said on 28/Jan/08
Hello all you Miley Cyrus Fans, Miley Cyrus's height is 5'6, she is still growing and becoming the greatest teen sensation know to television. Remeber The Best of Both World Tours Movie opens on the first of febuary and is ONLY FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. LET ME REPEAT ONE WEEK ONLY.
Anon said on 16/Jan/08
I would say anywhere between 5'4 and 5'7. Her dad is really tall. I think miley still has alot of growing, she looks quite out of proportion and sometimes awkward. I think she will grow to anywhere between 5'7 and 5'9. xox
alexis said on 10/Jan/08
awwe. i want to meet her like, SOOO BAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDD!!!!!! , she is soo funny and pretty , and she is a good singer. BUT i hate how she has to be hannah too. miley, if you read this , i love youuu :) and if i ever stood beside her i would probably be reallllyyyy small. im 12 though , grade seven .. bahah . she is 15 :( and america ;( but oh well . i would do anything to meet her.
maddie said on 8/Jan/08
pictures can be decieveing. whenever i take a picture with me dad (5'7) i always look about 5 or 6 inches shorter than him even though i am Definately 5'4.5.
so yeah pictures can be very decieveing.
RG said on 6/Jan/08
She was most likely 5ft 4 in july when the pic of her and glenn was taken, but due to her age she is most likely to have grown an inch or two, so at the moment it is most likely that she is 5ft 6in now.
holly said on 6/Jan/08
she's taller than 5 ft 4 now i think...she's supposed to be 167cms tall at the moment.

im 161cms, 15 years old but i havn't grown in about a year now :( have i stopped growing? i hope not :(
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/08
shes 5'6 ..its on her website on miley
glenn said on 5/Jan/08
around july.
RG said on 5/Jan/08
Glenn when was that picture of you and miley taken?
brother_h said on 5/Jan/08
maybe if glenn stood up straight u would see the 4 inches.
so ur saying u see 2 inches? and shes 5'4? so u think glenn is 5'6?
wow ur so smart *sarcasm*
Anonymous said on 3/Jan/08
your so stupid traemon..
she doesn't look 4 inches shorter than glenn.. oby about 2 inches shorter..
youmust be blind..
acept it.. shes atleast 5'4..
Traemon said on 31/Dec/07
My friend met her and my friend is ONLY 5'2. Miley towered over her by maybe 2 inches making her 5'4". They both were wearing bascially Ugg boots (measuring maybe 1/2 an inch for the heel). Miley wears heels like 80% of the time, so she usually stands 5'5 - 5'6" most of the time. Emily Osment is 5'3" and looks an inch shorter than Miley when they both stand next to eachother. Emily doesn't wear heels as much as Miley. Besides, Glenn here being 5'8" standing next to Miley, she looks about 4 inches shorter- not 2!
carla said on 27/Dec/07
You guys! This is a pic of Miley and 5"1.5 Vanessa Hudgens.

Click Here

Miley is bending and wearing flat boots. If they stood up perfectly straight, I'd say she would be about 5"5-5'6. She's still growing, however.
Dez said on 20/Dec/07
Miley Is Tall for her age. I Think. I am 16, And I am just about 5 feet tall. But Not Quite.
maddie said on 19/Dec/07
i think miley is more then 5'4 more like 5'6.
cause she's like 3.5 inches taller than emily who you have listed at 5'2.5. miley is definately not only an inch and a half taller than emily. unless emily is shorter than 5'2.5 then i think you need to upgrade miley.
glenn said on 19/Dec/07
height can fluctuate and be mysterious to figure out.celebs like depp and stallone can look 5-8 to 6ft depending on who sees them or what shoes they or rather the hidden lifts they have in shoes.and old age can shrink a its hard to pinpoint why they can vary in height.
sanyo ^_^ said on 17/Dec/07
umm, why do you all care about miley's height?? or any height for that matter lol, it just seems like a waste of time to me to be fixated on a persons physical stature, i mean, my bf is 6'3" and im 5'3" do you think we care about height? NO its about the person,not whether you can reach the top of the ceiling or not lol
xteena said on 15/Dec/07
In the Houston Chronicle(Houston newspaper), it said that Miley Cyrus is 5'6.
brandi said on 10/Dec/07
she may be your friend rachel but she is my lil sister
opjk said on 10/Dec/07
now she's 168cm, im 100% sure.. shes probably gnna stop at 176 or something like that by the time shes an adult, cuz im 15, and im 169, and every month im getting taller
glenn said on 8/Dec/07
thanks mike and amol.unless she grew in 4 months,she was 5-4.
allyson said on 4/Dec/07
and how do you know her rachel?
Rachel said on 1/Dec/07
miley is about 5'5 5'6
i know her
shes been my friend
for a looong time.
diana said on 23/Nov/07
ok i saw her on oprah
1. oprah is 5'6
2. miley is wearing no heels
3. oprah gets 2-3 inches from hair alone
4. and oprah is wearing heels
and miley wasn't that much shorter than her
so im going to say that miley is 5'6
El said on 20/Nov/07
At the AMAs, Miley was presenting Carrie Underwood. Underwood is 5'3" and in heels would have Underwood at 5'5 or 5'6". Miley was also in heels though not as high- probably .5 or 1 inch heels. She looked about 2 inches shorter, placing her at 5'3 or 5'4", and indicating that she's 5'3.5" barefoot. This is all hypothethical, as I don't know exactly how high their heels were.

In an ad for the next Oprah interview, Miley looked about 4 inches shorter than Oprah Winfrey (who is 5'6" and in heels would be 5'8"), indicating that Miley's 5'4".

Click Here
Ashlyn said on 13/Nov/07
She's 5'6". It looks different but they are both leaning in.
Adriana said on 11/Nov/07
she's only 1.63?!! huh?! i thought she was 1.70ish cause in the magazines i've seen her she looks taller than i do and im 1.68-1.69, she's only 14? i thought she was older xD although 2 years ago when i was 14 i was 1.67 and i've only grow 1 centimeter i think i might've stop growing.. o_0 well who knows she might be taller or not if she's lucky of course cause i got unlucky i really thought i was gonna make it to 1.70-1.72
Stephanie said on 10/Nov/07
Based on recent pics, like the HSM2 premiere, Miley is 2" shorter than her mom. Tish is about 5' 6" if you compare her to 6' 0" BRC and subtract the height of her heels. This puts Miley at 5' 4". She appears taller because the other cast members aren't very tall. Jason is 5' 3", Mitchel and Cody look around 5' 6", Emily claims 5' 2.5" but she looks 5' 0" or 5' 1" when compared to her 5' 4" brother. And Rico is tiny.
BIngBong said on 5/Nov/07
Nice picture. But the shirt is kind of..... see through. Should it be shown?
Stephanie said on 21/Oct/07
She was 5' 2" at the beginning, maybe even 5' 1". Jason Earles is 5' 3", not 5' 5.5" like some people think. Miley was shorter than he is. Now she's taller than he is and wears high heels and appears 5' 6" even though she is 5' 4".
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/07
She does look 5'4 in that pic.

I saw her TV show the other day, about 4-5 episodes. I initially thought she was 5'6 or 5'7. The majority of the cast-mates on her show are probably really short.
El said on 19/Oct/07
OK. I just did a kids height predictor thing on webmd. Her mother is reportedly 5'5 or 5'6 and her father is reportedly 6'0 or 6'1. Going by that, she will be 5'6 max. So 5'6 might be right in a few months.
El said on 19/Oct/07
Looks like Miley's max height will be the same as Lindsay Lohan's. Lohan's pic on here with Glenn is almost identical to Miley's. Miley just looks slightly shorter than Lindsay does in her pic and that was when Linds was 16 or 17. So Miley's max will be 5'4.25-5'5". Lindsay even claims she's 5'6" on her driver's license. Miley will likely claim 5'6" as well even when she's not necessarily that. Emma Watson already claims 5'6" even though she's only 5'5".
joe said on 16/Oct/07
ive met her she is 5 '5/5 '6
Isabella said on 12/Oct/07
You can see that miley was leaning, she's was 5'4 when she first was on disney now it's 2007 near the end of the year she's should be 5'5 or 5'6.
Anna said on 9/Oct/07
If Glenn is leaning in, wouldn't that mean the real difference would be closer to 4.5" or 5", thus making Miley 5'3" or 5'3.5"? And I agree with Glenn, how is the above shot too old if it was taken 3 months ago? To be honest, i don't think she'll grow more than 1 or 2 inches, she doesn't look like a child, nevertheless, she seems a bit conceited. At least what I've heard of her. I dunno much about her though, so I may have just misspoke. Forgive me if I have.
myspace celebrity said on 8/Oct/07
even if jason is 5'3, that still can make her about 5'5 i guess...
glenn said on 8/Oct/07
what pic is way too old? the one above is 3 months ago.
diana said on 7/Oct/07
first of all she's just a kid which means she's still growing
this pic is way too old
newer pictures show she is 5'6
Cecilie said on 7/Oct/07
She is not very tall, but she wears these really huge heels so she looks really tall. I think she are wearing to tall heels. She is like only 15 or something...
alex said on 6/Oct/07
she is 5'3".
Stephanie said on 5/Oct/07
Jason Earles is 5' 3", according to his professional data page. Miley is about 5' 4". She looks taller, but she wears HUGE heels. Much taller than I would let my 14-year-old daughter wear.
myspace celebrity said on 4/Oct/07
i agree with amy's comment, she is deffinetly taller than jason earles (he's about 5'5'.5) so this makes me think that shes 5'6 maybe...
amy said on 1/Oct/07
girls actually stop growing when theyre like 17. and incase you didnt notice shes grown a lot. at the beginning of hannah montana she was shorter than jason earles (jackson) and now shes like 2 inches taller.
carla said on 1/Oct/07
I remember, the first Hannah Montana episode Lily asked her shoe size and Miley said "5". Assuming they used her real shoe size..then I'd say she was about this height.
glenn said on 30/Sep/07
im leaning in alot.she was wearing sneakers.
maya said on 29/Sep/07
Was Miley wearing heels in your encounter, she seems to be 2-3" smaller than you? but not 4...
glenn said on 20/Sep/07
alot of celebs are mean like that anna.sometimes it is the record company or movie company telling them not to do for the heights,i have no clue except i saw daniel nearly 2 years ago at 5-4ish.he might be 5-6 now.i never saw the others.i saw the lesser know cast.
glenn said on 20/Sep/07
pamela-in nyc its easy.i know where they are.and or i get tipped forgot two,the biggest and airports.i just ask.any fool can do it.but sometimes its the approach.i know how to get certain ones to stop.
pamela said on 18/Sep/07
Glenn-Tell me(we all wanna know) where do you go to get your picture taken with all these many celebrities that you´ve met throughout the years? movie premieres? restaurants? concerts? is it like a chance encounter or do you know that they are gonna be in a certain place?...I´m obssessed with Hollywood and celebrities, i´ve gone many times to L.A but have never seen any celebrity so what do you do and where do you go to get to meet all these famous people and what do you do to get them to agree to get their picture taken with you?
glenn said on 18/Sep/07
the harry potter cast dont pose with anyone.not just people like me.they avoid fans if they can too.the lesser of the cast pose.the bigger names dont.5-4 for miley sounds right.
Anna said on 17/Sep/07
glenn, so I know you've asked you this before, but I have sort of forgotten - the HP cast (namely the trio) don't take photos with people like you? or what's the deal, it would be so helpful if you could get a picture with any of them...I definitely understand if it's impossible though...and did Miley look 5'4" to you in person?
glenn said on 16/Sep/07
thanks for understanding.
Anna said on 16/Sep/07
Yeah, definitely.
glenn said on 16/Sep/07
anna-just curious.shorter or taller people can differ in opinions sometimes.
Anna said on 15/Sep/07
Oh, but diva, I've learnt never to call 5'6" or 5'7" tall, because when one says it's even remotely on the tall side for a female, they get devoured by the crazy visitors of celebheights. However, is her mum really 5'6" or 5'7"? I've heard she is around 5'4"....anyway, like you lot have said, she probably won't grow more than 2 inches, most likely only 1 inch though. And, pamela, I feel you. I stopped growing when I was 13 and am now 17. To answer your question glenn, I am (somewhat to my surprise, I thought I was at least 5'3") 5'2.5". It's actually not a bad height, I don't mind being short. I quite like it actually. And as long as I stay slender like I am, I won't be stout. Anyway, why do you ask?
diva said on 13/Sep/07
well i dont think miley is gonna make it till 58 coz when she started hananh montana she was 52 and now shes 54 and i think she passed her growth spurt,but then again her mom is 56-7 and dad 6 feet so maybe if shes lucky she may be 56 or 57
pamela said on 12/Sep/07
She probably wont grow anymore, if so maybe just a little bit more cuz she is 14 years old. 14 0r 15 is when most girls stop growing. anyways, 5´4 is a good height for a woman, its normal height. I stopped growing at 12 yrs(5´1) can u believe that? how unfair! if i would have grown until 15 I would have grown like 2 or 3 inches more. how come some people(like me) stop growing so early?
glenn said on 12/Sep/07
how tall are you anna?
JK said on 12/Sep/07
5'11, 6'3'' is a good height although i would like to be 6'4'', my dad is 5'10'' and my mom is 5'7'' and i managed to make it to 6'3'' like my eldest brother
Anna said on 12/Sep/07
I personally like shorter guys, but I guess if you were a tall girl you would be thankful to meet a male who is 6'3"?
Anonymous said on 12/Sep/07
glenn doesn't look as big as i'd had thought with a four inch difference, could she be 5'5? i'm 6'3, i think that's perfect male height
5'11 said on 11/Sep/07
JK 5'9 is possible, but not probable also you are guesstimating 3 different heights, she's probably already near her final height 5 inches seems a little unreasonable. Also wanted to know hows the air up there?
Ciara said on 11/Sep/07
I am 15 years old. My mom is 6'2, my dad is 6'3, my maternal grandma is like 5'9 and my maternal grandfather was 6'3-6'4. And I'm 5'7.

When I was younger I used to be taller than everyone but now everyone is passing me. I've been 5'6-5'7 for the longest and I really don't think I'm gonna grow anymore because it's been awhile, but if so maybe an inch or two.

So since Miley is 14 and 5'4 she probably won't grow about 1-2 inches max. 3 if she's lucky lol!
JK said on 10/Sep/07
Alise theres no need to call me "Dumb", and no im am not 5'9'' i am 6'3'' nearly 6'3.5'', i was 5'9'' when i was 12 to 13 years old, Okay Miley may not be 5'9'' but she can probably be 5'8'' atleast or maybe 5'7''
Anna said on 10/Sep/07
I'm really not buying that Dunken, I think your photo was just an odd angle because look at this photo Click Here she looks easily 2 inches shorter than the 5'5.5" Fergie (being that in her heels, she is 5'2.5" barefoot and that's guessing 3 inch heels, they could very easily be less than that amount, I can't tell) so that would put Miley at 5'3.5" or 5'4", definitely not 5'5" or 5'6". I think you were just looking at an odd-angled photo. And Alise, never mind JK, he is seriously quite touched.
Alise said on 10/Sep/07
JK you're dumb! She's DONE growing! Maybe an inch or two but that's it! And it doesn't matter whether he father's tall! She can still be 5'5" or what not if her father is tall!

JK I really believe your just a huge fan that's 5'9" and you're afraid to be taller than her so you say she can grow to 5'9"
Dunken said on 9/Sep/07
i just want to repeat that she looked close to 5'6 in TRL. here's a picture:

Click Here

she's almost as tall in flat boots as Fergie is with heels on.

to be more precise, i would say 5'5, which is also what she looks like next to Glenn.
Anna said on 9/Sep/07
Yeah, by no means am I saying that you should not have your opinion JK, I just find it odd when she really doesn't seem able to grow 4-5 inches, I've heard her mum is around 5'3" or 5'4", and you usually underestimate every celebrity's height/want to think that every celebrity lies about their height and yet you think that Miley Cyrus will go from 5'4" to 5'9"ish. Do you see why I am a bit confused?
JK said on 9/Sep/07
Thats just my opinion, i know yours will obviously vary, but in my opinion she could probably make it to 5'8.5'' - 5'9'' because her dad is 6'0''
antron said on 9/Sep/07
5'9.5" isn't short Peetie, you probably have a few more years of potential growth though (depends on how tall your parents are though). Miley is unlikely to grow more than 2inches I'd say unless her mom is tall.
Anna said on 8/Sep/07
proportion or anything.
Anna said on 8/Sep/07
Yeah, you lot are right (excepting JK) in the world is someone like Miley going to go from 5'4" at 14/15 (I think she is nearly 15, correct?) to 5'9"? It just seems really unlikely. And, plus, I could understand your argument if she looked like a 10-year-old, but she really doesn't look that young. I mean, she looks relatively mature for a 15-year-old....her body doesn't look really out of prop
l0ck n l0ad said on 8/Sep/07
I doubt she'll make it to 5'9" unless she has one of those Sharapova growth spurts.
Anonymous said on 8/Sep/07
She'll probably he around 5'6" as an adult. This is a good picture of her.
Alex said on 8/Sep/07
Plenty of girls stop growing at 14-15 too.
Franco said on 7/Sep/07
if she's 14, the tallest she can go for someone 163cm is around 166-167cm, so 168cm is about the max for her.
JK said on 7/Sep/07
I think Miley can still make iit to 5'9''
Anna said on 6/Sep/07
Alise, I know, for some reason JK finally wants a celebrity to be tall and as for the reason, I really don't know why because, as you said, the average age for stopping growth is around 14 or 15 (which is the age Miley is), so for her to grow 5 inches is so impossible and for her to grow taller than her 6' dad, that's just laugable. lol, but please don't question their intelligence, I find it doesn't do much to make friends however true it may be. And Jk, sorry mate, I wasn't saying you were taller than me, I was just wondering how you knew she was in the middle of a growth spurt? Right? Because to me she seems like the most she could grow is 1 or 2 inches. And as for a supposed "vendetta" against MIley Cyrus, I would question the wording. Seeing as I've never met her and she has certainly done nothing against me personally, I don't exactly want revenge on her, but I must admit, her voice is bloody annoying and the fact that every guy thinks she is so "hot" is annoying. She's not ugly, but she is by no means pretty. Plus, she is 14 years old and that just disgusts me. Also, I saw this thing where she was on the radio doing an interview and she was saying that she went to the LA premiere of OotP and "like heard that Daniel Radcliffe had a crush on her" which is totally rubbish and that she could "like get him any day" and that just made me laugh. And she just seemed really arrogant and annoying in that interview and gave me the wrong impression about her. But truthfully, I don't think she will grow much more, she is essentially done growing I'd say.
Alise said on 6/Sep/07
OH MY GOD people she will NOT grow to 5'9", and she DEFF. won't grow taller than her dad! She is 14 almost 15 so she is done growing! MY god you people are so uneducated!
JK said on 6/Sep/07
Anna i wasn't even talking to you!? Look at my 2 comments on this page they have absolutley nothing to do with you! so what theck does this mean? "I'm not saying the opposite JK, but why do you say that? Like, how can you draw that, what are the signs? haha." lol
Peetie said on 6/Sep/07
I love Miley but I think girls will stop taller age 17 or 18. If she's 14 now she'll tall around 5'5.5''-5'8.5'' in the future. No more than 174 cm.

To Anna ,
Are you hate Miley ???
Matt Thomas said on 6/Sep/07
Anna Im sorry but do you have a Vendetta against Miley or something?
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/07
If she is like 14 already I doubt she will grow 5 more inches.
Anna said on 5/Sep/07
I'm not saying the opposite JK, but why do you say that? Like, how can you draw that, what are the signs? haha.
JK said on 5/Sep/07
She looks like she is in middle of a growth spurt
E said on 4/Sep/07
tremendous hotty....lucky pic there glenn tell everyone she is your girl.
Anna said on 4/Sep/07
£10 says she won't grow past 5'5".
glenn said on 4/Sep/07
this was 2 or 3 months ago.
Anthony said on 4/Sep/07
Miley looks better in this pic than she does in most photos or tv show I've seen with her.
Sara said on 4/Sep/07
Miley's really tall compared to all the rest of the Disney Channel stars. What are they gonna do? In like a year shell be taller than her dad!
JK said on 4/Sep/07
She is very cute and i think when she is 18 or 19 she will be about 5'9''
Peetie said on 4/Sep/07
Ohhhh!!!!! jesus Glenn met Miley Cyrus. She's very cute !!!!! I love her.
Dunken said on 4/Sep/07
i saw a TRL episode with her and she seemed close to 5'6 nowadays.
glenn said on 4/Sep/07
its my second photo.i have another from thanksgiving.very nice.and she is a celebrity, like her or not.
Qiana said on 4/Sep/07
Wow I always thought she was around 5 ft 6. I think its cause shes so skinny and lanky it makes her look really tall.
stephanie said on 4/Sep/07
yeah that's about right
P.I.M.P said on 3/Sep/07
Oh and yeah the girls got skills alright yeah she be the tallllll later in like 2 or 3 years dhe might top out at 5ft8 or 9 maybe but 5ft 6 seems right for the girl that got skilz P.I.M.P out!
Anthony said on 3/Sep/07
5'4 looks right.
JK said on 3/Sep/07
I guessed her as 5'4'' or 5'5''
Alex said on 3/Sep/07
Looks around 5'4. Shes pretty cute.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.