How tall was Nelsan Ellis

Nelsan Ellis Height

5ft 9 ¼ (175.9 cm)

American actor, best remembered for playing Lafayette on TV series True Blood and appearing in films The Butler, Get on Up and Secretariat. In this photo Nelsan had near 1/3rd inch more shoe than me.

How tall is Nelsan Ellis
Tara Buck, Lauren Bowles, 5ft 8 Rob, Lindsay Pulsipher and Nelsan (age 35) @ Bitten 3, 2012

How tall is Nelsan Ellis
Nelsan Ellis (1978 - 2017)

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Add a Comment17 comments

Average Guess (25 Votes)
5ft 9.37in (176.2cm)
Mohammed-170cm said on 30/Dec/21
@Rob- Who's the second woman from the left? She looks taller than Nelsan, or at least the same height.
Editor Rob

Lauren Bowles. Very big heels that day, a bit more than 3 inches more footwear than me. Looked about myself and Jenny’s height that day.
Ronaldo 185.5cm said on 8/May/20
He is exactly the same height as Eddie Murphy.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Mar/20
@ Rob - It's amazing that you can judge differences of such small amounts!
πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ Maybe I'm getting that way a bit myself after nearly 3-and-a-half years of visiting this thoroughly entertaining website! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
Editor Rob
It does help when somebody is standing near people whose height you know, like seeing Jenny beside Nelsan, I think he seemed near 176cm range, and when I greeted him too, I felt he was around that range.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Mar/20
Nelsan gets 5ft9.25.

Again, a very sad story about the pressures of showbusiness, this time involving alcohol.

RIP Nelsan πŸ•―οΈ XX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Mar/20
@ Rampage Clover - What a terrible way to go. I've heard that Edgar Allan Poe suffered a similar death aged just 40, though it was never proved, probably because not much was known about the DTs back in the 19th Century.
World Citizen said on 31/Dec/18
Flat 5 ft 9
Editor Rob
Nelsan in person looked taller than flat 5ft 9 guys.
khaled taban said on 26/Jun/18
he is 176cm like you said
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 21/Mar/18
I think you're being fooled by the hat if you think this guy is 5'8". His eyes, nose, mouth and chin are all higher than Rob's, and he doesn't appear to be tilting his head.
Bobby said on 16/Jan/18
Not seeing 3cm of differences, he looks 5'8 next to you. Are you sure he was taller than you in person?
Editor Rob
Absolutely, I seen him enough to go with 176cm.
Realist said on 13/Jul/17
Whenever I guessed height I was 75% accurate I had him at 5'9.25
Editor Rob
he did seem over 5ft 9 that weekend from what I saw of him.
blazer said on 10/Jul/17
RIP. One of my favorite actors from true blood.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jul/17
Horrific circumstances surrounding his death. Went cold turkey on alcohol and the withdrawal effects led to him dying of heart failure
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 9/Jan/17
Looks a flat 5ft9.
J.Lee said on 1/Dec/14
Rob who is the lady
Editor Rob
she was on true blood for a bit, called Lindsay Pulsipher
Kourosh177cm said on 20/Sep/13
rob did he look near 5'10 with his shoes on?
Editor Rob
he could look near 177cm, but with shoe advantage I think 176 is a good shout for him.
avi said on 26/Jul/13
Yeah 1 inch difference but no more
Mathew said on 12/Jul/13
The listing looks about right.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.