How tall is Paul Rudd - Page 2

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Average Guess (222 Votes)
5ft 8.52in (174.1cm)
Tee said on 19/May/13
@doc tari I saw him on the daily show as well. He did look slightly taller than Jon. Maybe an inch taller. If Jon Stewart really is 5'6.5" as he's listed on this site that would make Rudd 5'7.5" or 5'8"
Eriy said on 9/Mar/13
I adore Paul Rudd. However, he does not look 5'10".
doc tari said on 5/Mar/13
Just saw rudd on daily show. John stewart is 5'6" and rudd was dead even height wise with him..flat shoes.
Big Bee said on 17/Feb/13
I'm 5'8" I was in the same store as him on Sunset last year and I can guarantee you he's no more than 5'6.75" at the most. Bear in mind this was 10am and we were both wearing flip flops.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Feb/13
Funny but he's got a face more suited to a 6'2 guy. Guys his height with long faces can pull off looking taller.
Charles Flint said on 6/Jan/13
Not including half's to their heights I would label them as

Excelsior said on 2/Jan/13
He claims 5'10" all the time, but Judd Apatow claims he's 5'8.5" and Paul has always looked shorter than him. For that matter, I'm not sure James Franco is 5'11" because he too looked the same height or shorter than Apatow. Maybe Apatow is the most honest man in the world and all of these other guys are just lying through their teeth.
Charles Flint said on 1/Jan/13
In 'This is 40' he had about 3 inches over Leslie Mann,who is listed as 5'6.Both stood next to each other throughout the film,and Rudd was always the taller one. 5'9-5'10 guy for sure.
Silent d said on 19/Dec/12
I remember when he claimed 5 foot 10 somewhere. I never believed it. He doesn't look shorter than 5 foot 8.
Hew said on 13/Dec/12
He mostly strikes me as a 5'6/5'7-man, never looks as tall as 5'9. Most of the 5'8/5'9-guys I know looks MUCH taller than he does. He's got such stubby arms and legs, he generally just looks way shorter than 5'9. He'll probably reach around 5'9.25 in special shoes/boots, but in no way is he that tall barefoot.
Stiffelio said on 4/Nov/12
I think 5'9" is a fair assessment. I stood inches away in front of him, face to face, at the stage door in a NYC theater after seeing "Grace". I'm 5' 8.5' and he seemed just about my size or maybe a bit taller. BTW he's a terrific actor!
Duhon said on 2/Nov/12
upendra says on 1/Nov/12
i think he is under 5 feet 6 coz i saw the movie i love you man and in that movie he seemed really short never could be 5 feet 8 or more

Well his co-star in that movie was 6'4" so pretty much anyone under 6' would look very miniscule.
upendra said on 1/Nov/12
i think he is under 5 feet 6 coz i saw the movie i love you man and in that movie he seemed really short never could be 5 feet 8 or more
Silent D said on 25/Oct/12
I remember when he look 5 foot 8. 5 foot 9 is a stretch
Clay said on 8/Oct/12
One of the few I'm positive Rob has too high. 5'8-5'8.25.
Scott said on 12/Sep/12
He always looked average height to me. Shorther than Seth rogen though. He looks 5'8-9
Hullywood said on 18/Aug/12
He seemed not that tall like other 5foot9ers. In shoes (dress-shoes especially) he can appear like 1.76m.
kaan said on 13/Feb/12
ı think he has between 1.70 -1.73 height .not 1.75
MaskDeMasque said on 13/Feb/12
after watching interviews with him, he def is under 5'9, 5'8 even. i cant even buy 5'8.5. maybe 5'8.25
RICHARD said on 9/Feb/12
5'9"-5'10" is more fair.He was about an inch or two over Courtney Love,who is a tall girl at 5'9",in 200 Cigarettes,and she wore heels.He was taller than her,though.
Alexandre said on 14/Jan/12
more like 174cm. He often wears lifts
steven said on 9/Jan/12
he is 5'7 and probably wore elevator shoe to look 5'9.25 in shoe
Mr. R said on 5/Jan/12
Chris, stars are supposed to be a manly 6 foot, and when they are more than two inches below that, people consider them to be short. Certainly, in terms of national and wordlwide average numbers, 5-8 is closer to average. But our movie stars can't be just average...they have to be strapping big men...Capable of kicking ass.
Chris said on 2/Jan/12
Apparently, here are all 6 footers, describing 5'8 guys "shorts". 5'8 it's the beginning of "average guy" in almost all country. 5'7-5'8 "weak" average. 5'8-5'10 average. 5'10-5'11 "strong" average.
joe said on 1/Jan/12
@ mcgruber, andy's probably not 5-10. he looks about about an inch taller than jon stewart in this video, and jon's what? 5-6 5-7?

Click Here
Jake said on 29/Dec/11
i just watched my idiot brother movie and i have to say , that this guy is hardly 5'7 barefoot.
i think rudd should be downgraded to 171. 175 is insane. if he's 175 then I'm 6ft. Rob, seriously, check out some of the screenshots from the movie - my idiot brother. What do you think?
Silent d said on 25/Dec/11
Actually he looks 5 foot 8. After watching friends he is short.
Rock said on 16/Dec/11
What's up with the centimeters, could you be any more pretentious. Feet and inches is the standard of the good ole USA.
the dude said on 3/Dec/11
Met him in Manhattan while I was walking by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, he was wearing a hat that nearly covered his eyes and nose. I noticed him as we were passing each other and he kinda looked up. He smiled. I had a strong feeling it was him, so I turned around and asked him nicely:
Hey, sorry to bother you and you probably get this a lot but you look like Paul Rudd." He said something like: "Yeah, he's okay." It was the way he said it and his voice, that gave it away. It was him. It was kinda awckward as he obviously doesn't like to stopped by a random stranger but was nice none-the-less. We chatted for about 2 mins and he went on his way. I noticed that he was EXACTLY as tall as me. He even joked that it looks like we're the same height. I'm 5'8.5" w/o shoes, 5'9.5"-5'10" w/ shoes.
Silent d said on 2/Dec/11
I would say 174cm. He is one of those small actors that aren't that short.
SIlent d said on 30/Nov/11
174cm. Shorter than carrel.
Tedh said on 26/Nov/11
Looks 5'8. Deceiving because he has a small boyish frame.
Silent d said on 20/Nov/11
No way he is same height as mark wahlberg, eminem and other actors who are five foot 8 or five foot 7. He always looked 5 foot 9 even in friends next to 5 foot 8 lisa kudrow. After all these comments i think he is 5 foot 8.5.
Eddie said on 19/Nov/11
have you guys watched his new movie " Our idiot brother" ? He looks really short in it, 5'7 max.
mcfan said on 1/Oct/11
He can't be 5'9. the dude has it right at 5'8.5.
mrt said on 27/Sep/11
he is closer to 5.7" look at him next to Seth Rogen walking by the pool in vegas. Rogen was several inches taller.
MR. HEIGHT said on 6/Sep/11
hes 5' 6.75" barefoot. 5' 8.5" to 5' 9" with footwear
the dude said on 4/Sep/11
He's 5'8.5". I met him in 2007 while he was filming in Hawaii.He didn't say what movie he was doing but I later found out that it was Forgetting Sarah Marshall. He was EXACTLY as tall as me. We were both wearing normal jogging-type shoes. He was friendly and even commented on how similar we looked (brown hair, about 150-160 lbs, and obviously the height). Nice guy. No way he is any taller than 5'9" though..
RICHARD said on 22/Aug/11
He does have a big head,a solid build,and weird leg proportions,yet he doesn't appear short,like many male actors like Michael J.Fox,Joe Pesci,Seth Green,etc.. so anything under 1.75m is a joke for him,and anything over 1.80m is laughable.I'd say he's between 5'9-5'10".
dude claims said on 20/Aug/11
he claims 5-10 all the time, must be a solid 5-9, has a solid build too..not stocky..but u know, a manly build
Big T said on 15/Aug/11
I just watched Role Models and I'm gonna have to stop sticking up for this guy, he was 2-3 inches shorter than Sean William Scott and he was wearing the most obvious, godawful enormous boots this side of Robert Downey Jr. He also has terrible proportions- his head must be all of 10 inches long, it is clearly bigger than pretty much every other co-stars. His proportions make him look really short from a distance, but up close he can wear lifts and look taller because he has a tall man's head.
Lazlo said on 31/Jul/11
serious need for a downgrade --check out I COULD NEVER BE YOUR WOMAN in which he stars with Michelle Pfeiffer --he is always wearing big clunky boots and he's never more than in inch tall than her(she at 5'7). DEFINITELY a 5'7.5 WEAK 5'8 guy
hfhdf said on 17/Jul/11
he looks at least 1 inch taller than lisa kudrow and his posture isn't very good. he must be 5'9.5 - 5'10
kevin said on 17/Jul/11
he could be a little shorter. ive never seen him in flat shoes. he always wears these dark big ugly chunky shoes.
Trey said on 30/Jun/11
He is definitly not a full 5´9" barefoot. I honestly think he looks closer to 5´7" barefoot, 5´7.5" maybe.
Dominguez said on 30/Jun/11
I was a statistit in I love you man, and I got to talk to him a couple of times, I am 5´10.5" and even when i was barefoot, and he was in shoes, probably with lifts, I still edged him, so he can´t be more than 5´8".
Tacos said on 25/Jun/11
He is known for wearing heels sometimes, with them, he can seem 5´9" or 5´10", but i don´t think he is taller than 5´8", maybe 5´8.5".
Cameron6ft1in said on 16/Jun/11
Its obvious that this listing can be defended, he is around the same height as Andy Samberg, listed at 5´10", so one of these listings HAS to be wrong!
I think they both are around the 5´8.5" - 5´9" mark, which makes the "almost 6´2" claims of Justin Timberlake even more laughable.
Matt said on 14/Jun/11
I thoght he was taller 6'0" like me. Dose anyone know his shoe size?
5'8 said on 20/May/11
met him once, i can swear right in fron of God's face that he was at least , AT LEAST an inch taller than me......hes a friendly his autograph but by the time i wanna have a picture with him, MY ****ING CAMERA WENT DEAD !!! **** LIFE !!!
McGruber said on 1/May/11
He´s the same height as Andy Samberg, who is listed at 5´10". So one of these are listed wrong. I´d say they are both around the 175-176 cm mark.
DMaN1528 said on 1/Apr/11
i would say 5foot8.75
Mark said on 7/Mar/11
He and Steve Carell, both looks more like 5ft8...
SolidSnake said on 6/Mar/11
Rudd looks to be slouching in the pic. But he could well be 5ft 8
dave said on 27/Feb/11
well look at him in comparisson to jack nicholson Click Here
Nicholson is apparently 5ft 8, he is shorter than him and also look at the footwear comparisson, jack nicholson has flat shoes and he has quite thick heels, i would say he is just under 5ft 8
RICHARD said on 22/Feb/11
He did look 5'9" next to Kenan Thompson on his second hosting of SNL when he stood on stage with only a microphone,and Kenan comes up and starts ranting.
Ezio said on 21/Feb/11
bear says on 17/Feb/11
Listen, I'm about 5'11. I met Paul Rudd at a concert. This man, well he is a short man. He's at least a full head shorter than me. My wife was there and she is 5'6". He was maybe, MAYBE, the same height.

Lol he isn't close to 5'6, don't kid yourself. I think 5'9 is generous, 5'8.5 sounds closer to me.
Sam said on 18/Feb/11
Yes, I saw him in person and (being generous) I though he might be 5'8". I was looking down at him from 6'5" and he was on the lower part of the sloping sidewalk in NYC but his head probably came up to my chest. He rarely looks this short on screen, I must admit.
bear said on 17/Feb/11
Listen, I'm about 5'11. I met Paul Rudd at a concert. This man, well he is a short man. He's at least a full head shorter than me. My wife was there and she is 5'6". He was maybe, MAYBE, the same height.
Chan man said on 5/Feb/11
He always seems the same height as George Clooney, around 5'10" barefoot and 5'11" with shoes on.
Anonymous said on 30/Jan/11
Rudd is 5'9" And I really think Andy Samberg is the same. The SAME height. Steve Carell looks the same height as him. Sometimes even taller. But, mostly the same. But, Rudd IS 5'9" Carell is 5'8". That dumb guy below. What the hell was he watching? No two inches in Anchorman. Maybe one. Anyway, I LOOK at dimensions.
JMS said on 17/Jan/11
looked about 2 inches shorter than Ron Livingston in Dinner for Schmucks. ROn is listed at 5 10.5 so id say 5 8.5 is good for Paul.
RICHARD said on 3/Jan/11
Oddly enough he makes Reese Witherspoon in both Overnight Delivery and How Do You Know look very shorter than she is,and she's 5ft1-5ft2 tops so he's at least 5'9.5-5'10 tops.
Vajayjay said on 2/Jan/11
Paul Rudd is at least 5'8" barefoot.
Jayjay said on 26/Dec/10
All vekene lie about their height or wear lifts. Rudd is 5'7" barefoot.
bk said on 22/Dec/10
sorry, but this listing isn't accurate. jon stewart is 5'6.5" at most. if he were 5'7" he wouldn't say "in the 5'6" to 5'7" range." when someone says that they basically mean they're 5'7" in the morning and 5'6" at night.

and for those of you giving Rudd the benefit of the doubt and saying stewart wears lifts....C'mon...why would he wear lifts on a show where he's sitting down 99% of the time. Rudd is like 5'8.25". I know very well what a full 2.5 inch difference looks like and that ain't it in that daily show clip.
penguin18 said on 21/Dec/10
I am 5'7". I came upon the filming of "How Do You Know" in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of D.C., summer 2009, and he walked right up to us fans during some down time he had. He was my height or shorter, for sure. I about died when he claimed to be 5'10" on Jon Stewart. There is absolutely no way. I would say 5'7".
d said on 20/Dec/10
Funny how him and jon stewart talked about height most of the time when he was on the daily show. In my generous opinion if jon stewart is about 5'7 then he looked 5'9 at most.
Anonymous said on 18/Dec/10
Looks the same height as Steve Carell (5'8") Shorter than Nicholson, a bit shorter than the 5'10" he was. 5'9" I'm always looking up heights..
RICHARD said on 18/Dec/10
IDK,Paul certainly doesn't seem as short as 5'6" - 5'7" to me,hell even 5'8 seems sorta low.I'm sure Stewart was wearing lifts,and Paul is really just 5'10,maybe a max 5'9 guy.Stewart in lifts could be 5'8-5'9,too.
bk said on 18/Dec/10
Whoa, so i just took a look at that Daily Show clip u guys r talking about. I think Rob really needs to take a look at it. Stewart is listed on this site as 5'6.5" I think and claims between 5'6" - 5'7" (probably 5'6" by evening) and Rudd looked 5'8"ish. It's actually pretty clear.

And notice Stewart's hilarious reaction to Rudd's 5'10" claim, "SON OF A B****!!!"
Anonymous said on 18/Dec/10
Seeing as Jon Stewart is 5ft 6.5"-7" tall this guy - from having seen them standing next to each other on the Daily Show, has to be 5ft 7.5 tops. He really wasn't that much taller.

Some people have said Stewart may have been wearing lifts but seeing as he was so open to say he was in the 5ft 6" to 7" range and not even just round his height up to 5ft 7" contradicts this. Or perhaps he wears lifts and then was expecting Paul Rudd to the same and maybe he didn't. Who knows. Lifts can't be that big anyway, can they? and considering jon stewart was wearing 1" smart shoes anyway there's no way in hell Paul Rudd is 5ft10".
Sam said on 17/Dec/10
Also, Paul prodded Jon to said what height he thought Paul was and Jon said he thought close to his own height of 5'6"-5'7"
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/10
Like others have said, last night's The Daily Show cemented him in the 5'8 1/2" range. I wouldn't say Jon was stuck on the issue, but considering 75% of the interview was about height, and Jon likely doesn't wear lifts (or if he did, which doesn't seem to be the case, he would have taken it into account when he sized Paul up), it was clear that he's not the 5'10" he claims. He looked no more than an inch taller than Jon then they shook hands at the beginning of the interview on the same level.
Shomo said on 16/Dec/10
While on the subject of Andy Sambergs height, (Listed at 5"10), you can se on this video Click Here where he`s standing next to 5"8.5 (174cm) listed Fred Armisen you can see that Samberg is about the same height (his curly hair makes him look taller). Samberg is probably 5"9 or 5"9.5 max (175-177cm).
Jockey said on 16/Dec/10
Here' the clip from his appearance on the daily show:
Click Here

Yes, he looks only slightly taller than Jon Stewart, who I believe is an honest 5'6.5". The interview is one of the gems for this site. Paul Rudd both insists that he is 5'10" and short, which makes no sense. He attributes it to carrying himself poorly. He also states that he found Jack Nicholson to be much bigger.

It's almost like Rudd's signed a contract that he cannot admit to anything other than 5'10", while he knows it's incorrect. He's poking fun at how absurd it is (since you can just look at him) without saying anything to breach it. I would say he could be mistaken, but he acknowledges that notion during the show, suggesting he's in on the joke. At first Jon Stewart says he thought they were about the same, so he jokes he must be 5'10". After that Stewart plays along, taking Rudd at his word. But Stewart also plainly states he's between 5'6" and 5'7".

It's funny how these things remain a mystery for people who are so publicly visible. On the other hand, maybe they're both for real. Maybe the camera angle was kind to Jon Stewart, or maybe HE'S wearing lifts. And maybe Rudd is just trying to defend Nicholson, as Stewart appears to be for him. You never know.
JMS said on 16/Dec/10
Ya looked 1-2 inches taller than Stewart when they shook hands. Funny that they talked about height the entire show. If Stewart is is 5'6" to 5'7" like he said on the show last night, then Rudd must be in the 5'8" range, 5'9" max. In the course of the interview he said maybe he has to check his height again.
KJ said on 16/Dec/10
Yes Kugar, he stated 5'10" but at 14:20 of that show, they stand side by side and look about the same height. I'm thinking he's 5'8" and has just been lying. He's awesome tho.
Jim said on 16/Dec/10
He was on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart last night. They talked about height and he claims to be 5ft 10in.
Kugar said on 15/Dec/10
stated 5' 10 on Daily Show
Anonymous said on 12/Dec/10
I saw him @ Karamel Mall in Minneapolis and the guy looks shorter than the height you guys put here. He was buying Dirac for a girl that was with him and she looked much taller than him.
PsychMajor said on 6/Dec/10
He looked 2 or 2 inches taller than Steve Carell in Anchorman.
Mr D said on 20/Nov/10
I ran into Paul Rudd about 12 years ago in Kansas City. My first thought was he was much shorter than he appeared on camera. I'm 6'4" my guess is he was 5'7"
James said on 30/Oct/10
WOW I thought he looked 6'1 with Jason Seagal. Weird.
RICHARD said on 27/Oct/10
Nah,he looked a good 5'9/5'10 next to Lisa Kudrow,and was still taller than her,though some say Kudrow might be 5'7-5'7.5 tops.
Rock Chalk said on 2/Jul/09
I hung out with Paul while he went to KU and lived in KC. Back then he had long shoulder length hair. I'm exactly 5'11 3/4 barefoot. He is about 5'8 3/4 max. I was checking out some heights of other celebs on this site and wondered how accurate they were. I was just watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall and saw Paul and checked what you guys say about his height. Now I know how way off some of you are. Whenever I see him in movies I can figure out how tall the other actors are by comparing them to Paul.
RICHARD said on 25/Jun/09
He had a cameo in Year One and he towered over Jack Black and Michael Cera.
RICHARD said on 24/Jun/09
He's always taller than his female co-stars whether they may be Lisa Kudrow,Michelle Pfeiffer,Alicia Silverstone,Stacey Dash,Charlize Theron,Courtney Love so how do people say he's only 5'7-5'8 when he's clearly taller than them.
micheal said on 23/Jun/09
if sean william scott is a legit 5-11 this guy seems like 5-9.5 to maybe even 5-10, but in many other movies (like Anchorman, even though that movie had a lot of tall guys) he seemed pretty small so 5-9 could be right.
OliTheMan said on 23/Jun/09
guys i just was on this site, where some ppl had commented on seeing Paul Rudd in person. they all said that he was a short guy.
Click Here
Doug said on 22/Jun/09
Just watched Friends. He looks a fraction taller than Matt le Blanc maybe 0.5 inch. He had "hair advantage" but he definately seemd a shade taller than Matt le Blanc. If i was to guess I'd have gone with 176 cm. Definately no lower than 5'9". He can often give a short impression though like a lot of 5'9" men can even though it is average height.
RICHARD said on 21/Jun/09
If he's really 5'8 like you guys are saying then Lisa Kudrow should be downgraded to 5'6-5'7 becuase Paul was taller than her in Friends and she's listed at 5'8 here so he is 5'9-5'10. End of discussion,coprende
RICHARD said on 20/Jun/09
Click Here. He looks 5'11-6' next to Segel. Period
Carlos said on 20/Jun/09
To Richard- Paul is not 5ft 9! He's 5ft 8!
OliTheMan said on 19/Jun/09
well then RICHARD, answer my question? show me ONE picture where he is 6ft
RICHARD said on 19/Jun/09
I'm not trolling,you putz. I'm just tellling it like it is. Paul is definetly not a short guy like this sight has him at.
OliTheMan said on 18/Jun/09
hey Richard, since ur just trolling, take a look at this:
Click Here

if hes 6ft, then he'd be 4 inches shorter... hmmm dont see that. plus, he said he was 5"10", so why would he be anywhere near 6"?
RICHARD said on 17/Jun/09
He looked taller than Seann in Role Models. Seann's 5'11 so that makes Paul 6'0.
OliTheMan said on 15/Jun/09
RICHARD ur SUCH AN IDIOT!!! ur so obviously trolling. everyone knows he was shorter than Sean William Scott PLUS he was wearing heels!

Click Here
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RICHARD said on 15/Jun/09
Well I just watched Role Models and he was taller than Seann William Scott and that McLovin kid; he looked a solid 5'11-6' next to them. Also I watched Over Her Dead Body and he towered 5'8 Lake Bell so he's at least 5'11.
Lucas said on 10/Jun/09
He doesn't look nearly as small beside jason segel as i would imagine. so surely at the very least 5'9
OliTheMan said on 8/Jun/09
ok Richard, u REALLY seem to have a problem with this so please show me a pic or a video that has convinced he is 5"10" or 6ft as u have claimed. I'm dying to see it
josh said on 8/Jun/09
yeah i agree that he cant be as short as 5'6 or 5'7 but to be honest he never looked 5'9 to me i think he is really 5'8 and i hope rob downgrades him to that height
RICHARD said on 8/Jun/09
No way is Paul only 5'6-5'7 !!!!!!!! I can't stress it enough that he's 5'9/5'10 at most.

Why do people have a hard time seeing Paul is a legit 5'9-5'10 guy ??????
Anonymous said on 7/Jun/09
He is only an inch taller than Michelle Pfeiffer who is around 5'5.

I saw his play on Broadway with Julia Roberts and Bradley Cooper and he was considerably shorter than both, but then again, Julia is rather tall.

I would say perhaps 5'6-7 range. He looks taller though on TV and screen. The guy is amazingly talented, very handsome, and incredibly young-looking for his age.

And he has a large head, which makes him look taller maybe.
johnruddfan said on 6/Jun/09
He's shorter than Tobey Maguire in The Cedar House Rules. Tobey is 5ft 7.5 in, so Paul Rudd is 5ft 6in, maybe 5ft 7. But who cares about his height?! He's still sexy as hell!
OliTheMan said on 6/Jun/09
Click Here
look at his shoes there. so thats why u cant take anything from Role Models as a proper height reference for this guy
RICHARD said on 25/May/09
Thank you for agreeing with me Big T. I always knew Paul was above average in height and not under 5'9 like these guys are saying. I mean come on there's estimates as low as 5'5 for this guy and he never looks this short at all.,plus if he was this height then everybody would tower him in all his movies. 5'9-6' sounds fair for Paul.
Big T said on 25/May/09
He was easily taller than Kudrow in Friends, and wasn't short next to the other guys. On the cover of the latest Vanity Fair he is eye-to-eye with Seth Rogen, but Rudd seems to be wearing thick shoes and Rogen has bare feet. I think this listed height is bang on.
yoyo said on 24/May/09
beside jason siegel looks 5ft8.5(173cm).
RICHARD said on 21/May/09
Exactly he looks 5'9 or above yet these people estimate him from 5'5--5'8 !!!! Paul is certainly an actor who looks 5'9 to anywhere as tall as 6'0 because if he was 5'7 or 5'8 he would look around Tom Cruise's height and Paul never looks tiny as that. Paul IS 5'9--6'0 !!!
Dom said on 21/May/09
He never looks under 5'9"
RICHARD said on 17/May/09
If he's only 5'8 then tell me how was he an inch or so over Lisa Kudrow on Friends ??????? He definelty isn't under 175 cm or Lisa is under 5'8. You guys need to check your sources
OliTheMan said on 17/May/09
Rob we're begging you to downgrade this awesome actor to a rightful 5"8"
MD said on 17/May/09
No, you're hysterical.
RICHARD said on 16/May/09
Paul is 5'9-5'11. He looks very tall on screen and what's with everybody saying he's 5'7-5'8 and not 5'9. You can say he's 5'8 but when somebody types in 5'9 they go all crazy and 5'9 isn't that far from 5'8. Paul is more of a 5'10 guy.
Anonymous said on 16/May/09
No way is Paul Rudd 5'9"! More like 5'7". He is a very short man. 5'8" TOPS. 5'9" is hysterical, one of the rare terrible estimates I've seen on this site.
Anonymous said on 4/May/09
I'm 5'7, 5'8 if i were my lift shoes, met Rudd, were from the same town in NJ. were about the same height, I was in sandals. No way he's 5'9. Maybe in shoes
MD said on 30/Apr/09

Can you stop RICHARD from his obvious trolling of this thread? His responses are so ridiculous as to be ignored if there weren't so many of them, and if he wasn't so persistent at typing the crap he does.
OliTheMan said on 30/Apr/09
OK Rob you have to downgrade this guy to 5ft 8.5! Seriously! He wears lifts and still barely makes 5"9". He ALWAYS looks that short in his movies
anonymous said on 29/Apr/09
There is no such thing as morning height. Paul rudd never looked 6 foot 2 in his whole life. All the movies i've seen him in he looks 5 foot 9 max. 6 foot 2 is outrageous. He never looked as tall as ryan reynolds or will smith or ashton kutcher.
RICHARD said on 27/Apr/09
No I'm not crazy but to me Paul looks very tall and could pass for 6'-6'2 guy. He carries his height well and looks 6' in basically every movie he's starred in. Give Paul 6'-6'2 for his height.
JP said on 27/Apr/09
Richard are you mad 6-6'1 thats crazy talk! he's not even taller than Seth Rogen so how could he possibly be even over 5'10-11, and in role models he's a couple of inches shorter than Sean William Scott i think he's 5'9 max, even maybes 5'8.5.
RICHARD said on 26/Apr/09
Paul looks 6'2 to me in some films.
RICHARD said on 24/Apr/09
I really think Paul should be upgraded to 6'-6'1 because in I Love You,Man he didn't look much shorter than Jason Segel. Paul is most definetly 6' or so. 5'9 is too low for him.
LG69 said on 20/Apr/09
Paul has always looked about 5'8" in movies, or as a guest on Leno or Letterman.
Antron said on 20/Apr/09
5'8" seems more like it.
JP said on 17/Apr/09
I found this photo as well, I know Jason Segel is a bad reference because he's 6'4 and gonna dwarf anyone below 5'10" but here and other photos strongly suggest to me that Paul Rudd 5'8 maybes a little bit more but not a lot! 5'9 could possibly be his morning height first thing out of bed but not his height properly.

Click Here
JP said on 17/Apr/09
That photo below MD posted where he's stood next to 6'4" Jason Segel, he looks about 8 inches shorter at least, I don't whether it is just a dodgy photo not in his favour but judging from that he's 5'8.5 MAX more likely 5'8, he looks about three inches shorter than 5'11 Seth Rogen aswell so 5'8 seems to me his actual height, but I could be wrong.
RICHARD said on 10/Apr/09
He looks 6'in Over Her Dead Body. He always looks 6' to me in all his films except Clueless,where he looks 5'9 MAX. If you guys can not give him 6' then give him 5'10-5'11.75. He's already 40 and hasn't aged since Clueless.
OliTheMan said on 9/Apr/09
hey guys, how tall is Steve Buscemi?
cus... Click Here
MD said on 28/Mar/09
With 5'6" Jack Black:

Click Here

With 6'4" Jason Segel:

Click Here

Paul is nothing more than 5'8", though, he can pull off even looking 5'10", at times.
Jeff said on 28/Mar/09
Paul is about 5' 8". Went to high school with him and last saw him in Aug 07 at our 20th high school reunion in KC. That is also with his shoes on. He was a little overweight in hs but now is slim and in very good shape.
OliTheMan said on 28/Mar/09
GLENN! Get this guy so we can settle this once and for all! lol
p.s. ur the man
tedinct said on 27/Mar/09
he looks a bit shorter than Steve Carrell in 40 Year Old Virgin
glenn said on 26/Mar/09
not to my knowledge sam.i mightve saw him and dont remember.i doubt i have a photo with never know.i thought i was on point with these things.i find pictures with celebs i didnt know i had.
Byron T. said on 25/Mar/09
Paul Rudd himself claimed on Craig Ferguson that he's 5'10, but people always assume that he's shorter. While his claim was semi-outrageous, I'd say that he's 5'9 tops, nothing more.
Sam said on 25/Mar/09
Glenn, have you meet Paul Rudd? I saw him briefly in NYC and he looked 5'8", but on screen he's all over the place (estimates below being from 5'7" to 6'0")
Mr. R said on 24/Mar/09
I agree. Rudd is at best 5-8.
RICHARD said on 24/Mar/09
His height is very tricky. He looks 6' to me next to Segel and Segel's 6'4. Paul is 6' MAX
Alex said on 24/Mar/09
He just claimed on Craig Ferguson that he's 5'10". Lol. Sure.
Taylor said on 24/Mar/09
Just saw I Love You, Man... Jason Segel towered over him in most scenes by 8 inches or more. He's 5'8" at the most like I've always seen him as.
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/09
Yea, dude ain't that tall but if Seth Rogen is listed as 5'9", I must look like a giant then cuz he looks over 6'. I'm 5'10" but people swear that I'm taller, looking at least 6', and I'm not a skinny dude. I work out and considered stocky. Some people "wear" their heights differently, that's all.
Realme2008 said on 21/Mar/09
Paul Rudd looks so tiny in his converse shoes. I think he's more 5'8".
Click Here Wow, is this guy adorable!!!
Realme2008 said on 18/Mar/09
Did you see the people in the elevator he was standing next to? The really really tall. Like 6'5" and up tall. Of course they are going to make him look short and average.
5'8.5'' said on 18/Mar/09
seth rogen lists himself at 5'9. he is a giant compared to the rest of the 40 year old virgin cast, which includes carell and rudd. Also watch pineapple express, at the beginning when hes is handing serving ppl, he gets out of an elevator and looks really short. so rudd is about 5'7 to 5'8. worship
BabyPunkRock said on 17/Mar/09
His height is so odd. Like next to Jason Segel, who's 6'4", he doesn't look deathly short like I'd expect him to be. And then, in his movie "I Could Never Be Your Woman", he looks a couple of inches taller than Jon Lovita who's listed as 5'9" here. But he looks likes he has such short legs and short torso?
JEZZZ said on 15/Mar/09
in an article in time magazine it says this " Rudd, who at 5ft.10 somehow projects 5ft.6, has found the perfect expression of his charming, nonthreatening slyness in the buddy comedy." ... 5'6 it is.
colbertnational said on 13/Mar/09
i saw rudd on daily show and he looked like he was the same height as stewart. maybe 0.5 inches taller.
MD said on 12/Mar/09
Paul with Seann William Scott:

Click Here
Hanging upside down said on 12/Mar/09
Alex, I'm sure he was joking. I saw him on Regis&Kelly and he looked about 3 inches taller than Regis. Regis height was up to Paul Rudd's eyes.
Alex said on 12/Mar/09
He was on The Daily Show yesterday and was he same height as Jon Stewart, who's 5'6". Even if they have different height shoes on, Paul would be at best one inch taller than Stewart. No way is he 5'9".
JD said on 9/Mar/09
can't be shorter than 5'9. they never hesitate to show his whole body, he doesn't wear lifts, and they don't pair him with shorter actors, so he tends to look shorter than other actors who claim 5'9.
RICHARD said on 4/Mar/09
I watched I Could Never Be Your Woman this morning and Paul looked over 6' in this. I reckoned him in several scenes to be at least 6'1 or 6'2 even next to Michelle Pfeiffer. He looks taller than 5'9 in these movies
dani said on 3/Mar/09
People who are saying he's 5'10 have to clean up their glasses. I saw Rudd with Conan at late night show like 8 days ago and he looked small, like 5'7-5'6. Conan had like at least 9 inches on Paul. He has to be around 5'7-5'8.
Bo said on 2/Mar/09
yea 5'9 looks exactly right
katie said on 9/Feb/09
he looks shorter
RICHARD said on 4/Feb/09
175 cm is 5'9. You must be thinking of 174 cm which is 5'8 1/2
175 cm Pakistani Guy said on 23/Jan/09
I am fine and when ever some asks for my height I say 5'9" when I'm actually 175cm, and no 175cm is not 5' 9", it is actually 5'8.9". I know its only 0.1 inches but it still means that you're not 5'9", and you're less than it.
Clay said on 18/Jan/09
I agree with 5'9 out of bed and more 5'8-5'8.25 by the evening.
Taylor said on 5/Jan/09
If you look closely on the scene in Anchorman when they're about to go get new suits, there's a wide shot and Paul is wearing rather large heels and still looks about 5 inches shorter than Will Ferrell... though it's hard to be accurate because they're not standing in a line. I'd say Paul Rudd is a strong 5'8", not 5'9".. those shoes probably gave about 2 inches and Will Ferrell is 6'3"
Brent said on 4/Jan/09
5'9 in the morning, 5'8.5 at night
some guy said on 14/Dec/08
i just saw anchorman and he looked about five to six inches shorter than will ferrell.
anonymous said on 26/Nov/08
On th snl skit with justin timberlake, he looked 5 foot 9.
Fardad said on 22/Nov/08
check this out Click Here
MD said on 17/Nov/08
He hosted Saturday Night Live last Saturday, and he was about a half-an-inch or more shorter than Andy Samberg, who I've estimated not to be anything over 5'9".

The best I can tell, now, is that Rudd is somewhere between 5'8" and 5'9", and definitely at the lower end of that scale.
Clay said on 17/Nov/08
He's 5'8''.
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/08
I saw him in Soho not too long ago. He was 5'7" at the max. I am 5'2 and he was not that much taller than me.
Heightgal said on 16/Nov/08
He is 3" shorter than 5f10 Sean Wm Scott so I would have to say 5f7 barefoot.
RICHARD said on 13/Nov/08
He looks so much taller than 5'9 in most films. Give him 5'10-11,at least. Can't believe in 09 he's goin to be 40.
mcfan said on 8/Nov/08
He might even be 5'8.5.
RICHARD said on 30/Oct/08
5'9 is the best estimate for Paul,as he looks it. The 5'5---5'8 listings are complete nonsense,though. Paul is certainly average in height,not short
beatlefan said on 21/Oct/08
This guy was on 'Little Britain goes to America' with David Walliams and an Omaba Barrack lookalike - both close to 6'3". He looked a lot shorter - about 5'9" or maybe even a little under that. He was wearing really flat shoes though unlike most American actors of his height. He was a little taller than lisa kudrow in 'Freinds' but only by half an inch or an inch.
anonymous said on 21/Oct/08
In friends he was same height as lisa kudrow. In forgetting sarah marshell he was shorter than jason segel by at least 18cm. I would say he's 5 foot 9 at most no taller.
Clay said on 28/Aug/08
He's really 5'8. Or then Seth Rogen in 6'0''.
RICHARD said on 18/Aug/08
His height is tricky. He can look average from 5'9 to tall like 6'0. He is definetly above average and I'd guess 5'9/10. He has good posture and a slim body so that makes him look taller. I also couldn't believe he's almost 40 next year. he looks like he's in his early 20s.
Clay said on 7/Aug/08
Further proof Rogen is the 6 feet I think he is.
MD said on 3/Aug/08
Here he is with Seth Rogan, given 5'-10.75", here:

Click Here
Bri said on 3/Aug/08
I ran into him at a bar playing poker a few days ago...I thought he was going to be much taller than me till he stood up and my friends and I all realized he was the same height s me...I am 5'8" and that is rounding up...the camera makes people look taller all the time. Look at James McAvoy and Tom Cruise
Viper said on 11/May/08
There are estimates ranging from 5-5 to 6-0 for this guy. Amazing.
sam said on 9/May/08
I've seen him in New York City and he looks 5'9" tops, but he was on the lower part of the sloping sidewalk.
RICHARD said on 8/May/08
Looks 6' flat in that pic with Segel. I don't see how he gets downgraded past 5'9
Georgy said on 28/Apr/08
Click Here
Doesn't look that short with 6'4" Jason Segel
RICHARD said on 18/Apr/08
Looked 5'11 or 6' in Halloween 6 back in '95
NYC theatregoer said on 30/Mar/08
I'm exactly 5'9" and once stood next to Paul Rudd outside a theatre in New York when he was doing a play called "Last Night of Ballyhoo" and he was at least an inch shorter, I'd say 5'8" at most.
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/08
Nope, he's 5'9" at the very most.

Here he is with Seth Rogan listed at 5'10.75", here, take note about how much higher Rogan's shoulders are since it's not the best picture:

Click Here

Another better shot with Seth Rogan:

Click Here

An even better shot:

Click Here

I don't get why people think he's so much taller than he is.
Elle said on 24/Mar/08
He looks a lot taller than Steve Carrel in Anchorman I noticed. I don't think he was wearing lifts. I think he carries himself well. I'd say 5'9.5-5'10.
Lmeister said on 9/Jan/08
Next to Seth Rogen he looks 5ft8. He isn't really that small, but clearly under average.
bt said on 8/Jan/08
i'd bet on 5'7, 5'7.5 - i just saw him last night - obviously he wears lifts
Mr. T said on 10/Dec/07
He looks barely taller than Carell in Anchorman in magic shoes. I'm still convinced Carell is 5'8"...he himself is a lift-wearer...
E! said on 4/Dec/07
Hmmm! Good estimate
Click Here
Real said on 8/Oct/07
hm, that seems generous
Paul Rudd said on 6/Oct/07
Ok, about 174cm for real!
Drew said on 19/Aug/07
He was on TRL a while ago and he said he was 5'10". Pity he looked a good 5-6 inches shorter than Damian.
xaoxio said on 23/May/07
I guess he's shorter than 5'9". Paul could be 5'8" or 5'8.5" at the very best.
Kathryn said on 12/Apr/07
he is 5'9'' maybe an half inch smaller. in Clueless next to Alicia Silverstone taller than her, not a huge difference but u could see it. and Alicia is 5'5'' maybe taller. in the film she is, she´s got heels on. so he is 5'9''.
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/07
next to 5'2" reese witherspoon he does not look 5'9" at all, 5'6-5'7" tops
sam said on 30/Oct/06
also, paul rudd's nowhere near 6ft whoever here said that. He could be five nine easily though, tell him I got his back.
sam said on 30/Oct/06
mo, if your five three and had heels you could have stood at 5'6. If he was " a couple" of inches taller (let's say two), he'd be five eight.
Riley said on 5/Sep/06
I was on set, Steve wore lifts in the 40 year old virgin. Most scenes you can't see his foot wear but you can tell he's wearing in the scene where he is chewing the guys out for buying him a male prostitute.
D. Ray Morton said on 29/Aug/06
He's not much taller than Rachel Weisz in "The Shape Of Things."
MD said on 27/Aug/06
Editor Rob, come back and check this and bring him to a more realistic height.
Joe said on 25/Aug/06
He's 5'7.75 in my opinion, could be 5'8. 5'6 and below is just taking the piss, unless those opinions are based on the "lifts-factor" then maybe they could be true.
Conner Iannone said on 10/Aug/06
Well, either they gave him 3-4 inch lifts in FRIENDS or you guys are lying. Rudd looked a good 5'9/5'10 and was taller than Lisa Kudrow.
D. Ray Morton said on 30/Jul/06
Wonderful actor, but I have serious doubts about that 5'9".
mo said on 4/May/06
I went to see him in an Off-Broadway play, shook hands and got his autograph. I had heels and was 5'3, he was only a couple of inches taller so I'd say 5'4 or 5'5.
MD said on 21/Apr/06
Rob, his height needs to be significantly downgraded. He's not even taller than Steve Carell, who is either 5'8" or under. At least an inch.
Mike said on 20/Apr/06
Unless he's gotten taller over the last 2 years, he is no more than 5'5" - I'm 5'7", and he's at least 2 inches shorter. I live in NYC and have seen him and stood very close to him.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 17/Mar/06
How tall were the actors who played Jay and Cal in the 40-year old virgin
Joe said on 4/Feb/06
I think rudd is in the 5'7-8 range. I was just watching anchorman and about an hour into the movie when they go to buy new suits they all jump and if you pause the movie you will notice that rudd is wearing heels that are at least two inches while everyone else has standard heels. His footwear can definitely not be trusted.
Buster said on 10/Jan/06
In "The Object Of My Affection," Rudd walks alongside Steve Zahn. They look about the same height.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 30/Dec/05
After watchin the 40 year ols virgin I think Steve Carrell is really like 5'7, and Paul Rudd is 5'7.5 or 5'8 but i wanna kno how tall was the guys who played Jay n Cal
Height Tracker said on 28/Dec/05
This guy looked really short in Anchorman. I thought he was about 5'7" or so.
Mo said on 28/Nov/05
I met him in LA, he is about 5'7"
katie_t said on 24/Oct/05
I had my picture taken with him at a football game once. I'm 5'6" and I thought he was at least the same height as me if not shorter. He always looks taller in his movies and TV shows.
elio said on 12/Oct/05
everytime I see this guy he looks noticeably short. It probably doesn't help matters that he has long hair (something anyone under 6'0 should avoid). I'd guess 5'7-5'8 ... very similar to Carrell, not tiny... but under average.

All female comments on these male stars should be ignored, because of the obvious 'eye-witness' fabrication due to infatuation. Either that... or Jessica's alleged husband 'Jay' is 5'8 and has been telling her he's 6ft.
MD said on 13/Sep/05
Nope, he is not over 5'10". That much is obvious.
Jessica said on 12/Sep/05
i have met paul rudd and i'm 5ft 5 he is the same height as my husband jay who is 6ft so paul's not 5ft 9.
John R said on 5/Sep/05
You should see pics form the new fim "40 year old virgin". Does look the same size as Steve Carrell, whose around 5'8''
mcfan said on 22/Aug/05
I would say he looks 5'8 because he looked the same size as Steve Carell.
sean said on 22/Mar/05
paul rudd looks no bigger than tobey maguire in cider house rules. he also looks very small in anchorman.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.