Viper said on 19/Jun/07
William looks 6-2 and Harry around 6-2 1/2 to me.
MD said on 19/Jun/07
Yes, Harry did look taller than William. It wasn't by a lot, but enough to be noticed. It was odd to see Matt Lauer looking so short.
Mary said on 19/Jun/07
I saw the princes on Dateline last night and agree with those who say Harry is even taller than William now. It's quite obvious in the scene(s) where they're all walking together. Since Laurer is 5"11, I'd put William at 6'2 1/2 or 6'3 and Harry at 6"4. I love tall men.
Tom said on 19/Jun/07
Harry looked visibly taller than Prince William on the interview last night...
Ed said on 19/Jun/07
Royal Watcher, I agree they dwarfed Lauer who I looked up and is listed at 5ft11. Even just sitting on the couch during the interview, you could tell they are both very tall. Harry's legs were stretched out the whole time, and you would have thought he was 6ft5 or more. I though Harry was the shorter one, but at moments when they were walking in the garden with Lauer he looked bigger. 6ft2.5 easy for both, but I'd wager 6ft3 minimum maybe a hair more.
A.T. said on 19/Jun/07
No way, you have it reversed! I watched the Dateline special with Matt Lauer too, and yes, both Princes are quite tall. However at one point they were on either side of Matt (while walking outside), and Prince Harry is visibly the tallest! I'd estimate HE is around 6'3, while his older brother William is around 6'1-ish. Matt Lauer was totally dwarfed by these two - so he's gotta be around 5'10/11. I'm a tall girl (almost 5'10) so I'm very good at guessing the height of most guys. Either way, Prince Harry - or should I say "Ginger"? ;-) is frickin HOT!
Royal Watcher said on 18/Jun/07
I dunno. Seeing them with Matt Lauer, they are TALL dudes... 6'3" for the future king, and the "spare" 6'1"+ .... but height actually can vary a measurable bit considering time of day, etc.... So quibbling over 1/2" here or there doesn't seen to be useful...
Stephanie said on 17/Apr/07
I think he's 6' 3". His ex-girlfriend Kate is said to be 5' 9", so that seems about right.
St Andrews said on 12/Dec/06
I went to St Andrews University at the same time as him and met him on several occasions. My estimate of his height is 6'3".
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
some sites have william at 6,2 or 6,4.his official site says 6,3.i think he is like 6,3(his official site is correct).harry is 6,1.5.charles is 5,10
prince felipe is 6,5
Amanda said on 3/Sep/06
William is listed at 6' 4" on some sites. But he was listed as 6' 2" a while ago (when he was about 19 or 20). Some sites have him at 6' 3", but I don't think he's taller than that. 6' 2.5" is probably correct.
carl said on 3/Sep/06
there are some picture of william and harry together but posting them is very bogus.i think rob should help us out.sorry i wont reply till about 2 weeks time.i will be very busy catch you in 2 weeks time.bye
Gotxo said on 2/Sep/06
I've no problems in accepting what you say. I'm just saying what i thought but maybe i'm not aware of changes. So if you have a good photo of harry wich can be used to compare you can post it here. I don't think is straying to much away because if we nail him down we could compare him now to his brother.
Rob probably won't argue posting a link of Harry here if it helps with his brother too.
carl said on 1/Sep/06
i have always had doubs about harry being 6,2 myself cos he has always looked a lot shorter than his brother until he was 14 when he had his major growth spurt till he was 16.he was about 5,9.5 at 14 but two years later he was just a little over 6 feet.most boys grow a litle from 16 to 18(about an inch).i think he probably grew an inch till he was 18 to be just over 6,1.william was listed at just over 6,3 at the age of 18.(191cm).but these days he is sometimes listed at 192cm{6,3.5]but i think he is more like 191cm.
goxto,how tall do you think maria sharapova is.dont you think she is like 6,1.5(186cm)
Gotxo said on 31/Aug/06
I don't think either harry is small, he could be 184cm or even the 6'1" you give him, but 6'2" sounds too much for him.
carl said on 31/Aug/06
official sites have some element of truth you know.harry isn,t shorter than 6,1.maybe bang on 6,1 but not for william i still stick to 6,3 although sometimes he looks either taller or shorter,like 6,2.5(in the photo he took with all blacks)or 6,4(in the photo he took with princess beatrice and prince andrew)
evanna said on 31/Aug/06
Thanx Glenn. As for British people, Gotxo, I didn't mean to offend anyone, I just wanted to share my impression. Perhaps people in the North-West are shorter than in other parts of England, I don't know. As for London, it's not a good place to judge heights because two thirds of people you meet in streets aren't English at all.
Younger generations do seem to be taller, but we must also consider that older people lose some height in the course of time, so the "generation height gap" might seem even bigger. Still, we must count them all, not only the youngsters, when we estimate the average height. I'd say that average men height in England is 5'8" to 5'10", while women are 5'4" to 5'6". I might be wrong, though.
Gotxo said on 30/Aug/06
I've never said William is under 6'2, my words where "his brother is not over 6'3", prolly an inch or half an inch less"
That renders 6'2" and 6'2 & 1/2", do the math.
And as for Harry i don't care what official media says, i trust more in my guesses.
Harry to me is under 6'1", and a further growth past 16 is not neccessarily a rule for all. His brother might be in the neighborhood of 6'3" but i don't think he's a full one. 6'4" is simply dillusional.
Prince Charles was and still is 5'9".
carl said on 30/Aug/06
comme on gotxo you said harry is 6 feet,but he was 6 when he was was confirmed for william, he was 6,1 at 15.if harry is any smaller than 6,2 i,ll say he is 6,1.5.6,2 doesn,t make sense for william but 6,3 does.he looks it.
prince harry 186-188cm
prince william 191-193cm
prince charles 178-179cm
princess beatrice 173-175cm
camilla parker bowles 173cm
princess eugenie 171-173cm
princess diana(late)178cm
prince philip 188-189cm
queen elizabeth 162-164cm
Ujane,Moscow said on 29/Aug/06
2 Ujane-fake
If you think my concept is too high then please, welcome to Moscow, have a walk around the streets, meet night-clubs, go to museums go can see I tell the only true facts...There is no sense to lie for me, I am not a child, like Will Smith or Walker or clown Willie))) Heh! Kinda silly guys!
Gotxo said on 29/Aug/06
Harry is tall, but not that much, and his brother is not over 6'3", prolly an inch or half an inch less.
carl said on 29/Aug/06
6,2 is about right for harry,as for william, he is 6,4
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
Evanna-we are still considered short sadly.but Im a giant compared to most women and some men.geez,espiacially lately I noticed ALOT of short guys! for years it was TALL guys!
Ujane said on 26/Aug/06
Nope russians are not 5'11" on average, they are 5'9".
The thing is you have a too high concept of your countryfellows, wich is not accurate.
evanna said on 26/Aug/06
Agree with the Moscow guy. I am also of Slavic origin, but I study in Manchester, and with my 173cm (5'8") I usually tower over most girls/women I meet in streets, at Uni etc. Initially I was surprised to see that Brits were shorter than I'd expected. As for guys, most of them are either my height or just slightly taller, and there are many 5'6"-5'7" men around. Therefore I find it weard when Rob, Glenn and other 5'8" guys speak of themselves as short ones, because I'd say that is the average male height in Britain. And I'm only refering to people of British origin, because there are also plenty of Asians in Manchester and they are usually even shorter than that. I guess that being "tall" or "short" only depends on who you compare yourself with. My grandfather is Montenegrian and it's a small country of really tall people - with average male height being more than 6'0", and females are usually 5'9" or taller.
Ujane,Moscow said on 26/Aug/06
Heh! I am Russian and I know that average man in Russia is 5ft 11in so? Have you ever been in Russia! Think the answer is something like "no"))) But I have been in England, it was `bout a year, perhaps a year and a half ago and felt like I am Gulliver at my 186cm...I would like to come and meet Prince now, cuz now I`m 6ft 2.5in as it is claimed on the site...I am sure that the result will be 2 inches against him! Absolutely sure!
JK said on 25/Aug/06
Rob how tall do u think Price Harry is??
Ujane,Moscow said on 24/Aug/06
Trifle...harry is 6ft and willie is 6ft1in max 6ft1.5. most of britains are rather small (average man is about 5ft 9in, average woman is 5ft3-4in) so if there is a person over 6ft in the photo with those small ones he will always look gigantic. So the secret is.
Gotxo said on 24/Aug/06
Harry is not 6'2", but 6', William is like 6'2" maybe a lil up or down.
carl said on 18/Aug/06
harry is about 6,2 in height,if he is shorter than that, he could be no less tha 6,1.5.william is 6,3.5 or 6,4.
JK said on 26/Jul/06
How tall is prince harry?? he looks 6'1'' to me.
MD said on 25/Jul/06
I think he can look taller than 6'2" because he's actually very skinny. I can't imagine hime being anything over 160lbs.
Viper652 said on 24/Jul/06
A guy like Prince William can look 6-4 or taller to some.
stefan said on 23/Jul/06
i saw some pics of him! the guy is HUGE! i mean, i'm 6ft tall and my eye-sight is still great, and i can see a very big man on those pictures! he's 6'5 (1,95m) definitely!
Viper652 said on 21/Jul/06
He looks 6-2 to me.
carl said on 20/Jul/06
i agree with steph.he seems really tall,like 6,4 or 6,3.5. so many sites say he is 6,4 even when he has never claimed he is that tall but he just looks 6,4 and he cant help it.he even looks 2 inches taller than harry who is 6,2.i personally think he is 6,3 or 6,4
Steph said on 6/Jul/06
He seems really tall, like 6'4 or something. But, he could easily be 6'3 in real life. I think 6'2.5 is kinda short
thelasttiger said on 25/Jun/06
I always thought he was 6'2 1/2 thanks Rob for noticing that as well. :)
faiza said on 31/May/06
go easy on him Rob..there's a difference between someone stading casually next to rugby players and standing straight against a measuring tape.
Ujane, Moscow said on 26/Apr/06
carl, boy, if you were a lil bit attentive than you would noticed that Jolene`s William is not that real as you thought! Yeah, it is waxwork! We can`t judge about true man height just looking at the facesake doll..the master of course fudged the characteristics...and height too!))
carl said on 3/Apr/06
i,m the person who said that wills is 6,4 just before jolene,s pictures.sorry for not putting my name.from that picture i can say that wills is 6,2.5 to 6,3.5.he,s definately a foot taller. i dont think anyone will argue about that.he,s a minimum of 6,2 in that pic.add a foot to 5,2.that,s his minimum.his maximum is 6,3.5.were u wearing heels
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/06
wills is 6,4.harry 6,2 and charles 5,10

Editor Rob
if Wills is 6ft 4 I will personally climb out of my window, scamper up to my chimney and raise the flag of England and start singing God Save the Queen!
Horatio said on 16/Mar/06
"just like the queen is 5' 3.5" and they list her at 5' 4"."
The Queen 5'4"? She's tiny. I would be surprised if the Queen ever exceeded 5'2". Sometimes she goes to an even to speak, and can't reach the microphone.
As for Prince William's posture, if the future King of England doesn't stand straight, then who is standing straight? Honestly. These people have professionals around to groom them and making them look all good and proper at all times, to make the English people feel good. Without a medical condition, the royals couldn't slouch if they tried...
Ujane, Moscow said on 11/Mar/06
Perhaps the way I judge his height will seem to somebody kinda rediculous but can see Willie on TV not only near his brother Harry, father Charles but and near...yeah, their lovely SUV, - Range Rover! If u pay attention you`ll see that he is sharply the same height as RRover(1860mm in catalogues) but sometimes 3-4cm taller and both cases he is in a dress-shoes so the conclusion is, - from time to time he wears lifts which gives his that 3-4cm add! I doubt that "Royal" Range Rover has got some Trophy suspension!))) They hardly need it! So he is not more than 185cm! That`s my theory, you can laugh if you want!
Anonymous said on 12/Feb/06
from the link below i would say Wills is 6'1 to 6'1.5, Charles is 5'9 (5'9.5 at his peak)
Annie said on 11/Feb/06
Well... in those pictures William had big hair. It would be interesting to see how tall he looks next to them now with a short haircut.
Ujane,Moscow said on 13/Jan/06
We can see he is 6ft 1in max from those photos from Rob`s link!
Cassie said on 30/Dec/05
Charles is 5' 9.5" or 5' 10". Look at how much taller William is. I think 6' 2.5" to 6' 3" seems about right for him.

Editor Rob
yeah, as mentioned a few days ago, I upgrade him
CelebHeights Editor said on 26/Dec/05
Hmm, you know I've looked at more pictures of Prince and various rugby players (not just all blacks) and I think 189cm is more reasonable. Sometimes his posture isn't at best, so...back up he goes.
Lobo said on 17/Dec/05
Prince william may be 6'3" from those pictures, if the All Blacks are wearing studded shoes, that would give them almost an inch extra height.

Editor Rob
they're in
trainers. The thing is, William sometimes really does look 6ft 3...
is it possible his posture just ain't great that day...
Mika said on 4/Dec/05
He's probably 6' 2.5" and the royal site just rounds up... just like the queen is 5' 3.5" and they list her at 5' 4".

Editor Rob
I'm thinking 189cm is possible...I know the pics of him and rugby players might not suggest 6ft 3, but it is possible posture wise he is 6ft the latest 'official' royal xmas card he does look 189cm easily...
Jason said on 17/Nov/05
I just surfed for pics of Prince Felipe and I agree with 197cm, Gotxo. The only pic I saw that made me wonder was - - he just doesn't look it there. But, that real tall girl on the left could be 6'2'' in her heels...
Yup, I think that's the case. Apart from that pic, he just looks too tall to be anything less than 197cm...
Gotxo said on 16/Nov/05
Can't agree with only 6'4", that's tall, but he really "towers" over people in a way a 6'4" footer doesn't. He could be compared to the husband of his sister
Iñaki Urdangarin, former handball (balonmano) player.
The problem is that he has been also listed anyway from 6'4.5" to 6'6"
Check him agains his 186cm father, by the way he has photos with brosnan too.
He's 197cm
Jason said on 16/Nov/05
I've read 193cm for Prince Felipe, as well. Maybe he really is 197cm and his height is downgraded to something less freaky for publicity reasons, though...
Gotxo said on 16/Nov/05
The prince of Spain is 197cm, it is his publicized height through a lot of sources
and it's obvious that he's well over 6'4". I remember some images in bich he had to slouch to pass through a door in a Hotel. He looks it compared to his 186cm father and he has a lot of photos with sports stars (from basketball & "balonmano" to confirm it)
Christian said on 7/Nov/05
What about Prince Felipe of Spain? He´s 197 or 198 cm
Brett said on 25/Oct/05
Defintely doesnt look 6'3" as Richie McCaw and Umuga look perhaps slightly taller then him, and they are just under 6'2", so doesnt make sense that hes 6'3" although in some photos he looks bigger then 6'3", so its hard one to put a finger on.
J. said on 6/Sep/05
Maybe it's his hair or lankiness, but I think 6'3" is more like it for him. He can look quite tall. So, Rob, in photographic proves him to be under the 6'3" mark?
Mr. R said on 13/Aug/05
As I played around on this story, I discovered that some sites have William at 1.91 meters and others have him at 1.92 meters. Yet many refer to him as 6 foot 3.
Hani said on 15/Jul/05
If william is 6'2 this means that harry is 6'0,5 at best....... it seems that royalties also fudge their heights!!!!!
Smoke said on 16/Apr/05
Ah, no one better than Mr. R to set everything straight! Harry is no more than 2 inches shorter than William, so assuming Will is 6'3", then that makes Harry 6'1", I'm also in full agreance on the 5'9.5" height for Charles, looking closer at pics you really can tell that his footwear is questionable, and he still isn't even that tall in his trusty shoes.
hani said on 16/Apr/05
prince harry is around an inch shorter from his brother that makes him 6'1,5 -6'2 and prince william is 6'3
British Guy said on 14/Apr/05
Really Does Look This Height, Met At The Highland Games, An Amazingly Nice Guy, Also I Noticed Him At The Newsagents Near St Andrews A While Back Eating? A POT NOODLE!! HA! HA! (True) Is He Not Slightly Taller Than This? Maybe Just Me...