OriginalAnon said on 4/Dec/20
Never understood the hype about this woman's looks. 153/154 looks about right. Her husband looks about 183cm. 185cm is a stretch.
The Ash dog said on 18/Sep/18
Phil said on 3/May/17
Typical short woman with a tall husband.
Tiny women love tall guys.
Have you actually got the stats to back this up? Or is it just very noticeable when it happens? I know loads of women of this height who haven't got tall husbands. Mixed bag.
Phil said on 3/May/17
Typical short woman with a tall husband.
Tiny women love tall guys.
qbert said on 25/Nov/16
does every 1/8th inch count as well?
BilboBaggins said on 26/Oct/16
Judging by the chronology of Rachel Stevens' public comments RE: her height, she either can't get herself measured correctly, she suffers from height-related-only memory loss, or she's been shrinking steadily over the last few years! Soon she'll be dwarfed by the equally diminutive likes of Eva Longoria! :-)
Alice said on 21/Dec/15
I've actually seen her in person today, and I'm just under 5"7, and the top of her head comes up to my chest, and she was also wearing trainers with quite a thick sole which would have added some height to her...
littlesue said on 25/Jan/15
Agree with Rob, saw on the Strictly tour last week and about an inch and half smaller than Caroline Flack
Holgersson said on 24/Jan/15
She said in her latest interview:
What would you like to change about your appearance?
I’d add an inch or so — I’m just under 5ft. But as you get older you say, this is me.(Source: Irish Examiner, 24.01.2015)

Editor Rob
I wonder if that quote was really "I'm just under 5ft 1" as I don't think she looks that short with the others in the band.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Dec/14
"Yeah yeah like I said you are really fit. But my gosh don't you just know it. I'm not trying to pull you. Even though I would like to. I think you are really fit. " -that was it, supposedly written about her.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Dec/14
"Fit but my God doesn't she know it". Hehe. Spot on I think.
little sue said on 30/Dec/12
She is modelling in the new NEXT petite catalogue range and she says on one of the pages that she is 5ft 1.
Phil said on 1/Sep/11
She looks like 5 foot 0.
john said on 14/May/11
i met Rachel about 1 year ago she was out shopping with her bf she had flat converse style shoes on my ex gf was about 4.11 and Rachel was a little taller in size about 2 inches taller with the converse shoes off her feet i would say shes about 5.05 inches maybe shorter.
no way she's 5.3 inches
Button said on 3/May/11
She is listed at 5'3" on many websites, which is absurd. I know what 5'3" looks like and Rachel Stevens is not it. My sister is 5'3.5", and her proportions are a lot longer and visually she looks taller. 5'3" range is a bit short but it is not always too noticeably short, and on occasions that height can appear not so far off average. But Rachel never looks near to average height, she just always looks a lot less. 5'3" is out of the question for her, it just is. She seems to appear a lot like Hayden Panettiere in terms of body proportions and lengths. I reckon if they both stood together they would be pretty much the same height or no more than 0.5 inch difference between them. If anything I think Hayden could be the taller of the two, going by what I've seen in pictures and stuff, but of course I might be wrong. They would still be virtually the same height I reckon. For now, I say 5'0.25" (153cm) for Rachel and 5'0.5" (154cm) for Hayden.
Anonymous said on 2/Dec/10
I know where shes coming from, im only barley 5foot1:(
Jasmine said on 16/Nov/10
She has a UK shoe size 2 - I remember reading that in an interview a few years ago. I always remembered that because I'm 4'11" and have a size 3 shoe which everyone thinks is really tiny even for my height. My friend is 4'9" and wears a size 1. I think that to be a size two, she can't be more than 5'0" or 5'1".
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/10
i met in real n she was 5 f n half max !
Doug said on 7/Jun/09
Just goes to show that height means nothing as most guys in the UK consider her "fit". I would have estimated 5'1".
Anonymous said on 28/May/09
She is definitely 5ft 3.
Mee said on 10/Mar/09
Check out this Pic.
Click HereYou can tell the height difference in this picture. What do you think?
DC said on 2/Jan/09
belive me she is that short i haven't seen her face to face but she is so tiny and so sweet you just wanna scoop her up in the palm of your hand
Lawrence said on 23/Nov/08
she is only about 5'-5'1''at most she is a good 2-3''shorter than the new dancer Khristina Rihanoff who said she is 5'3'',on strickly come danceing,
Matt said on 16/Aug/08
That Bradley guy was described as 5'10" in a magazine in the late 90's.
Caleb said on 15/Aug/08
She's Kylie tiny - no question. I think a nudge over 5ft is about right for Rachel. I remember reading an article ages ago that said Rachel had to stand on a box when she was photographed with the sclub juniors (who were about 11 years old at the time) as most of them were already taller than her, and they're no giants themselves!

Editor Rob
I totally forgot, I got a pic with that s club bradley guy, he is in and around 5ft 5 mark so rachel compared to him is around the height I give her I think.
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
IF she keeps lying about her height herself saying she is 5'2" or 5'3" that means she either doesn't know, or that she has a complex for being small. I personally doubt she is even 5'2". She must be 5'1" at the most.
S Clubbers said on 30/Oct/07
Oh also in this video
Click HereIn the beginning where she was telling us about her data, she herself stated she's 1.60 meters which is 5'3". You should change the data now.
S Clubbers said on 30/Oct/07
According to this interview on arena.
{As Rachel draws herself up to her full (5'3") height to jump in that Cyprus-bound cab, she's revealed to the pub at large from our cosy corner. The male inhabitants gawp in barely disguised delight.} Does being this visible ever get to be a pain? You seem a fairly private person deep down, yet on our journey over here we were confronted by a piece in The Mirror declaring that a) you're very proud of your Brazilian wax, and b) you've confessed a lesbian desire to sleep with Angelina Jolie. How do you deal with that?
Oh yeah, I use sign language all the time in pubs now so nobody knows what I'm saying! Seriously though: I've never met Angelina Jolie, but if I was a lesbian then I suppose she would be the one, so it's all fair enough. As for having a Brazilian, do people really want to know about that?
Here's a video of her in her sneakers...
Click HereClick Here [ look around 02:33 ish ]
with the s clubbers. She looks almost the same height as Hannah who's 5'4". I think 10cm would be a big difference.
Rachel Rules said on 25/Aug/07
Click Here
She's 160cm not 154... That's absurd.
RS Fan said on 28/May/07
Viper - I meant compare to Hannah.... Hannah's a stick, people know skinnier people looks taller than fatter, and beside Rachel's a little bit chubby in that video, you can see her arms are like a lil bit big and Hannah's arms are like bony. But even then, you can't really see that much diff with Hannah and Rachel. You can actually see a difference between Tina and Hannah way more than Hannah to Rachel, they're all wearing sneakers there too. So if Tina's 5'6" and Hannah's 5'4" and you can see a big difference yet Rachel is 5'0.5" and that's like 3.5" and you see a lesser difference? Yeah right...
Viper said on 24/May/07
She does look taller than 5-0 1/2. Surprising. And when did Rachel ever get fat? Shes smokin.
RS Fan said on 24/May/07
She's not 5'0.5". This is dumb. Go watch Show Me Your Colors in Hollywood (the first episode with the plane) and even the S Club Seeing Double Movie, they're all with sneakers. Rachel is only slightly shorter than Hannah (1"), you could totally see when she was singing show me your colours and she was next to Hannah. I'm sorry but 3.5" difference would make her up to Hannah's eyebrow or bottom forehead. She was only about an inch shorter than Hannah. I don't believe she is 5'0.5". My cousin is 5'0.5" and she is up to my eyebrow area (I'm 5'4"), so there's no way Rachel is 5'0.5". I think it's cause Rachel is kinda fat, and she always bends when she stands which makes her look shorter. But you could totally see that she is very very close to Hannah.
Nico said on 30/Aug/06
She's a whisker over 5' - I should know, I designed several outfits for her
Rachel Fan said on 1/May/06
She's not 5'1". She's 5'3". Emma is 5'2" and she looked about the same as Rachel. Rachel kinda faced down and Emma faced straight in that pic. If Rachel face straight, they would be the same height and not only that, look at their sandals, It's obvious that Emma's sandals are taller than Rachel's (both front and back).

Editor Rob
only problem...bunton herself has said she's 5ft 1
cute girl said on 18/Apr/06
ive met her face to face. she was wearing 1 or 2 inch heels with jeans and she still looked so tiny! i think she is well proportioned and thats why she can pull off being a few inches taller.
Louise said on 20/Jan/06
i remember on S Clubs official site in the member biogs bit it said Rachels 5ft 3 she doesn't look it though
Liam said on 9/Jan/06
She once said in an interview that she is 5'1 and a quarter.

Editor Rob
every quarter inch counts!
She is tiny said on 29/Dec/05
I would say she is barely 5 ft if she is lucky! Me and my mates saw her walking around london in stilettos which I reckon were 3 or 4 inches and she barely reached 5'4.
lolly said on 29/Dec/05
i think she should actually be listed as 5ft. In all pictures i've seen she looks about that height, plus a friend saw her in concert and said that she was really tiny, and no way over 5ft. In those pictures of her next to Emma Bunton, Emma is leaning slightly, making herself appear shorter, whilst Rachel is standing straight, and Emma still looks slightly taller. Emma has described herself as 5'1, so Rachel muct be slightly less than that.