How tall was Robert Wadlow - Page 11

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Average Guess (292 Votes)
8ft 11.83in (273.9cm)
99mvp said on 22/Jul/07
Although I am not adept at providing direct links of websites to this message board, you can copy and paste this one concerning the 7'7.3" ( 231.9cm ) giant basketball player Uvays Akhtaev ( aka Vasiliy Akhtayev ) who was once listed in Guinness as the tallest basketball player ever. He died in 1978. There are some good pictures of him on this site. Here is the web address: http//

The text is in Russian, but I do see the figure 2m 36cm, which we know to be too tall a height for him. At the end of the page when you scroll down, the last line in blue you can click into to find yet another picture- he is standing next to a car with a woman and a man next to him. That is a nice shot.
99mvp said on 22/Jul/07
Sanchez- I had not seen that picture of Robert before, so good job.
And I am definitely open to the possibility that there were people over 9-feet tall in the past. But we will never know either way.
Neil said on 22/Jul/07
Its weird when you see life size statues of Robert because his legs are in proportion with the size of his body. Yet we all know that his legs where incredibly long, must be somewhere in the region of 5'6 to his belt. I have yet to see a life sized staue of Robert with the long legs.
V.B said on 22/Jul/07
Hello all.
Does anybody here know if there still does exist photographs of the tallest woman ever,Jane Bunford.She could have been an 8footer as I've heard since she is said to have measured "at least" 7 ft 11 inches..Seems quite ridiculous that she may have died as late as in 1922 and still no photos.I can't find very much information of her on the internet either...Another weird thing about her is that she is said to have been a normal child until the accident aged 11 and then measure 6 ft 6 inches at her 13th birthday.if she was a child of average height at the moment of the accident she must have been about 5 feet tall as most 11 year old girls would be.It just can't be possible then to grow 18 inches in less than 2 years..Doesn't anyone here agree with me?That would only be possible for someone between birth and 2 years of age.Not even Robert grew even close to this rate except just after birth...It is very odd that apparently noone seems to know anything about her.Why isn't she more famous when she was such a gigantic woman.What about her bed?what about her clothes?what about her shoes?what about her house?everything must have been specially designed for her and also caused rumours and curiosity??And what about her friends?what about her profession?I can't find ANY such information about her anywhere..I know from a teacher at the medical school of Birmingham that her skeleton was disposed off in 2005 because it had begun to wither apart.But still I can't find any pictures of her skeleton except the small blurry picture on Johnny C's site.There should exist better pictures of her skeleton at least taken in colour only some years ago maybe in comparison to someone else.I think it's time to have a real discussion about her on this thread..Or maybe Rob could create a new thread named Jane Bunford since I think she is the true tallest woman ever :)..The professors at Birmingham medical school doesn't know anything about her physical health for instance and they are seemingly unable to send be any pictures of her skeleton..I think it's time to try and find out the truth about the tallest woman ever and her life.Well let's start by trying to convince editor Rob to start a thread only for her.(Raising my hand)
MykTurk said on 21/Jul/07
Hey all, change the word "answer" to "answers" when you click the Sanchez links and they'll work just fine.
BTW, I am the present owner of the last house Robert lived in before his passing. This would be the same house most of his later pictures were taken in and around, including the picture of Robert standing in front of a staircase, with Harold Jr. peeking around the corner.
Kemble said on 21/Jul/07
Poker portal, what do you mean by "The distant past"? Pre-photography is not the distant past. To me, distant past means hundreds of years. Even then, we may sometimes have forensic evidence. in museums or medical collections. Photography goes back quite a time, to about 1840. We have photos of, for instance, Jean Bihin and "Leah May".
Sanchez said on 21/Jul/07
CORRECTION: To the Board: this is one of the best pictures of Wadlow I have ever seen, I seen it before on a wall in a picture, at a Rileys believe it or not. I strongly
believe this picture was taken in 1940 somtime but I can not absolutely be sure but I will try and find out! If we knew the height of the man standing next to him Arjun,Arj could do a calculation, Wadlow did not like the size of his hands 12.75" so he always curled them up like in the picture, look at the length of his legs off the charts. the height of those cars back then were very high as tall as a grown man. Does anybody still think robert's record will be broken anytime soon , sorry I just had to say that its robert site remenber.

Click Here
99mvp said on 21/Jul/07
Arjun- Your last post was well-written. While I agree that Guinness is the best at being accurate with a height measurement, your statement that "if they say that their tallest measured person in the world is a certain height, then they are that height" is a bit misleading. Certainly Xi Shun was the 7'8.95" height when measured by Guinness. That is clear. And that can represent his peak height. what?? That is of limited usefulness to us here on this meassage board, for two big reasons: 1)As you know, that does not mean he is the tallest person in the world, and 2)we also know that the measurement can be outdated quickly yet Guinness does not care to revisit that particular giant for some reason!! As Bendy posted on July 17: "What's to say that Xi Shun hasn't shrunk a little due to his age and all of the Guinness travelling he has done? He may have been measured by Guinness as being 7'8.95" but that was over 2yrs ago, has he been measured since? Take Radhouane Charbib for instance between 1999-2005 he was listed as being 7'8.9" by Guinness, but in June this year he was found to be only about 7'5.5". Has he shrunk over 3 inches in the last 2 years since Xi Shun has been listed as the tallest man? I doubt it, I believe his shrinking was a gradual process. This is another major flaw in Guinness's work ethic. They should keep track of the record holders- 7'8.9" was correct for Charbib in April 1999, but I doubt he was that height a year later and so on..."

My point is this Arjun- What may appear to be a prudent decision on your part to advise others ( like you advised Big Show ) to "rely" upon the central British edition of Guinness above all others may in fact be BAD advice!!! You told Big Show that regional editions are not to be trusted, but maybe you should re-think your philosophy. Those wayward editions may be MORE accurate in nailing the TRUTH regarding who is the tallest human in the world. We have just seen two examples which show the Asia edition to be MORE ACCURATE than the central British edition! Bottom line: The central British edition, in its over-conservative approach, gets the answer WRONG too many times for my taste. Accuracy and truth are to be valued above methodology. So yes, the Asia edition does list unverified heights but that doesn't mean that at the end of the day they are not right! ( We all see on katsu's site that on the same Japanese tv show Zhang is clearly measured at 242cm and Xi Shun at 236cm ). I don't advocate recklessness in this area, but I want the RIGHT answer, however we get there!!
Arjun said on 21/Jul/07
99mvp - Sorry, I worded my statement wrongly. The regional editions are certainly correct at times, an example being that Myong-Hun was taller than both Allen and Channa, in the same year, as you said in your last post. Which once again leads us to an old topic - the central Guinness authority does indeed measure the claimants to the title very accurately. But, as you have stated many times, this does not mean that they are the tallest person in reality - it simply means that they are the tallest person as measured accurately by the "central" Guinness people. I simply meant that the central Guinness people can be relied upon for one thing - if they say that their tallest measured person in the world is a certain height, then they are that height. The regional editions list unverified heights (was Zhang measured six times a day for 3 days to get his 242 cm?), though that does not mean that that listed person is not the true tallest person in the world (or at least taller than the central Guinness-listed tallest person in the world.)
99mvp said on 21/Jul/07
Mask- Your range on Stadnyk is too wide- judging a giant to be anywhere from 7'4" to 7'8.5" is WAY too imprecise. Because there is a MASSIVE difference between 7'4" giants and 7'8.5" giants, would you not agree?? But at least he is nowhere near 8'4" regardless.
99mvp said on 21/Jul/07
katsu- Thank you for the link to your 1998 paperback Guinness edition.

Sanchez- Please post your link to your hardback 1998 Guinness edition.

Sanchez- As Arjun pointed out, the links you posted to the Robert Wadlow picture are NOT working! The suspense is killing me. PLEASE do whatever you need to do to make this link retrievable!!! Thank you.
99mvp said on 21/Jul/07
Arjun- You just wrote to Big Show that "these regional editions of Guinness are not to be trusted....It's the central Guinness which actually verifies the people they list".
Sounds great. But don't let the FACTS get in the way of the truth, Arjun. I am surprised at you. Are you NOT paying attention here???
Poker Portal's 1998 British edition ( the "central" book to which you refer ) clearly lists Channa and Sandy Allen at both 7'7.25" as being the tallest living humans at the time. First of all, it turns out Channa was taller (7'8"), according to Johnny C's website. ( He suddenly didn't grow, since he died in 1998 ). But more importantly, katsu just posted his link of his 1998 paperback Guinness edition ( from Asia ) and hopefully soon Sanchez will post his 1998 hardback edition which both list Ri Myong-hun as being the tallest living human at 7'8.5". We all KNOW which entry was correct- and it was NOT the central British one, was it?? Myong-hun ( aka Michael Ri ) WAS 7'8.5", as listed by Johnny C, and thus TALLER than Channa ever was.
So, what do you say about THAT, Arjun?????
Also, is there much doubt by the experts on this message board that the Asia edition is ALSO correct rather than the British/American editions in touting Zhang as being the tallest living human, rather than Xi Shun?
Arjun said on 21/Jul/07
Sanchez: The links are'nt working for me.
katsu said on 21/Jul/07
99mvp and Sanchez and Poker Portal:
Here is a link to a scan of my 1998 Guinness(paperback Bantam edition)on page 367 showing Ri Myong-hun as being the tallest person at 7'8.5.
Click Here
Arjun said on 20/Jul/07
Big Show says: "Didn't someone here state once that the Asian edition of Guinness listed Zhang Jun-cai as the tallest man in Asia at 7'11 while they had Xi-Shun as the tallest man in the world at 7'9. If that's true we can completely write Guinness off as an authority on heights as they are not believable anymore."

Big Show, these "regional" editions of Guinness are not to be trusted. They have Stadnyk at 8'4", Andre at 7'4" etc. It seems as though they just copy down heights based on hearsay, without any verification. Zhang has never claimed to be over 242 cm, therefore he was listed at that. It's the "central" Guinness which actually verifies the people they list (Charbib, Xi Shun, etc.)
Sanchez said on 20/Jul/07
To the Board: this is one of the best pictures of Wadlow I have ever seen, I seen it before on a wall in a picture, at a Rileys believe it or not. I strongly
believe this picture was taken in 1940 somtime but I can not absolutely be sure but I will try and find out! If we knew the height of the man standing next to him Arjun,Arj could do a calculation, Wadlow did not like the size of his hands 12.75" so he always curled them up like in the picture, look at the length of his legs off the charts. the height of those cars back then were very high as tall as a grown man. Does anybody still think robert's record will be broken anytime soon , sorry I just had to say that its robert site remenber.

Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob sorry about the long address but this is one of the best of Wadlow
Sanchez said on 20/Jul/07
Bendy: I meant to say what you said on 7/17/07 was right on the money, can it be said any better.

Bendy says on 17/Jul/07
Sanchez: I agree with you about people who reach 8 feet or more, we only know of about a handful of legit 8 footers. These days in giant terms, 7'6"-7'7" is around the norm and what we would call a fairly common height in giants. Since Nashnush died in 1991 there has been no concrete evidence that officially anyone has stood more than 7'8.95", with the exception of Zhang Jun-Cai, Im not 100% convinced by him, he appears taller than Xi Shun, but whats to say Xi Shun hasn't shrunk a little? I.E. due to his age and all of the Guinness travelling he has done he may have been measured by Guinness as being 7'8.95" but that was over 2yrs ago, has he been measured since? Take Radhouane Charbib for instance between 1999-2005 he was listed as being 7'8.9" by Guinness, but in June this year he was found to be only about 7'5.5" has he shrunk over 3 inches in the last 2 years since Xi Shun has been listed as the tallest man? I doubt it, I believe his shrinking was a gradual process, this is another major flaw in Guinness's work ethic, they should keep track of the record holders, 7'8.9" was correct for charbib in april 1999, but I doubt he was that height a year later and so on...

Adding to the oldest giants, Christopher Greener (7'6.25" Peak) is now 64yrs old, Sandy Allen (7'7.25" Peak) is 52yrs old and Xi Shun (7'8.95) is 56yrs old, Im not sure of any others.

Regarding Robert Wadlows record, I feel that with todays advanced medicines and treatments that his record will not be broken, Wadlow has been dead nearly 70yrs and within that time the only tallest person measured standing height is 8'2" Don Koehler thats 9 & 1/10 inches shorter than Wadlow, From what I believe Koehler was slightly taller than Vaino Myllyrinne, people like John Carroll, Zeng Jinlian these heights were calculated if they had normal spinal curvature (which they didnt), 8'2" was Koehlers actual standing height, granted he did shrink in his later years. Also Im not even bringing Grady Patterson into the equation as his story could very well be an urban legend.
Anonymous said on 20/Jul/07
You can't very well disdmiss the claims for someone like Charles Byrne, whose skeleton still exists in a medical collection. As for a list of exaggerated claims, precisely such a list appeared several times in the Guinness book, in the good old days before it was dumbed down to the present pathetic standard.
Sanchez said on 20/Jul/07
Poker Portal: You are reading my mind , "I think that most if not all sories about giants from the distant past are based on myths" well said Poker Portal. Most giants exaggerate now , they exaggerate before, and they exaggerate way way way back then, no change
But I do not think all these giants were bad because they exaggerated ,if a giants says he is 7' 6" the truth, he would be very tall but average and not attract as much attention , but if he put on a big hat and big boots and said he was 8' 4" he could get some attention and make some money, it might be the only way he could make some money because of his size and possible health problems and limited mobility (not all giants suffer from all these problems) finding a job may not be as easy as the average person esssspecially back then.
But when we are talking a long long long time ago, exaggerated Myths I believe.

Your list of exaggerated giant , Guinness says Eddie Carmel 7' 6" he says over 8" I say 7' 2"or 3" John Aasen says 8" I say 7" they are all exaggarating to attract attention and mainly make money

There was a giant who was 7'2" and thought Wadlow was a fake and waited for wadlow to show up at one of wadlows big shoe appearances. I will find this story and get back with more details

99mvp: I will scan 1998 Guinness book over the weekend .

I wish I had more time to write.
Poker Portal said on 20/Jul/07
I think that most if not all stories about giants from the distant past (before photography or in the infant years of photography) are based on myths.

On a slightly other note: We should compile a list of over-exaggarated giants.
Probably a list similar to lists we have seen before about least favourite giants.
A few examples: Eddie Carmel, Clifford Thompson, Leonid Stadnyk, Al Tomaini, The Fishers, Jim Tarver, John Aasen, Willie Camper. All of these became quite famous for their height alone, and most of them claimed to be the tallest person in the world or claimed to be over 8 feet tall. None of them are no way close to 8 feet.

Clifford Thompson even claimed that Robert Wadlow was a fake. Apparantly they met on stage and Robert did what most giants do when their picture is taken: he held out his arm and Thompson easily fitted under it. You can read this on the Clifford Thompson page of the famous online encyclopedia starting with a W. I wish someone who witnessed this meeting (if it ever happended) took a few pictures, because these would be pictures I would like to see.
Eclipse said on 20/Jul/07
To follow somewhat on what 99mvp stated concerning people not being scientifically measured- take Maximinius Thrax and the reports about him being 8-6. He was alive 2000 years ago.. there is no way anyone is going to be able to verify that at all. As hard as 8-6 is to believe, I guess it's possible.....though it is likely that is just an old myth.
Big Show said on 20/Jul/07
99mvp says on 20/Jul/07
This could be educational for anybody who cites Guinness as an authority, since it appears that different editions in the SAME year claim different giants as the tallest!

Didn't someone here state once that the Asian edition of Guinness listed Zhang Jun-cai as the tallest man in Asia at 7'11 while they had Xi-Shun as the tallest man in the world at 7'9. If that's true we can completely write Guinness off as an authority on heights as they are not believable anymore.
99mvp said on 20/Jul/07
Poker Portal- Thank you for the link scan of your 1998 Guinness edition which claimed that Channa and Sandy Allen were the tallest living humans at the time at 7'7.25".
Sanchez- Are you able to send this message board a scan of your 1998 Guinness edition showing Ri Myong-hun as being the tallest at 7'8.5"?
katsu- Can you do the same?

This could be educational for anybody who cites Guinness as an authority, since it appears that different editions in the SAME year claim different giants as the tallest!

Sanchez- While we can disagree over the possibility of a future Robert Wadlow, you should be open to the STRONG possibility that there have been other giants who have been over 9-feet tall but have simply never been scientificially measured, and are now lost to history forever.
Poker Portal said on 20/Jul/07
Even taller tale: Click Here
Poker Portal said on 20/Jul/07
Tall Tale: Click Here
Poker Portal said on 20/Jul/07
99mvp: Here is a link to 2 scans I made of the British 1998 Guinness book of records: Click Here
Highman said on 19/Jul/07
Can someone check with Mike Saylor or Lanky Men Board to see if Vikas Uppal is actually dead?
Sanchez said on 19/Jul/07
Bendy: what you said on 7/18/07 was right on the money concerning wadlow's height record, Modern Medicine treats giants today . If I was a giant and had to make a decision to be treated or not to be treated that would be an easy decision ,who wants all the problems that giants suffer from and how about acromegaly. It would take a giant from a third world country with no access to modern medicine to beat robert's record but that in itself having no access to medicine would kill the giant. I strongly believe robert's record will stand for our lifetime and anybody would thinks that 7foot, 8foot, 9foot no problem is seriously mislead! like you said it would take an astonishing feat to reach Wadlow's record, well said Bendy
wfs said on 19/Jul/07
Click Here
99mvp said on 19/Jul/07
Sanchez and katsu and Poker Portal- I meant to write "1998" Guinness editions.
99mvp said on 19/Jul/07
Sanchez- I agree that there are very few clearly measured 8-footers. And that small group includes many of them getting their heights boosted through assuming normal spinal curvature. So your overall point is certainly valid. But I had to take you to task on your 99.999%/99.9999% figure! Ha ha. And I also agree that from the pictures we have, no way is Nashnush near 8-feet. But neither is John F. Carroll from the pictures.
As for my own list of 8-footers, I defer to Johnny C's list who has done a superb job with his site.

Sanchez and katsu- Can you post links to scans of those 1988 Guinness Book editions where it states Ri Myong-hun is the tallest living person?
Poker Portal- Can you do the same where it states that Channa and Sandy Allen are the tallest?

Kemble and Eclipse- This situation further illustrates the point I have been making all along that Guinness is SEVERELY limited in establishing the TRUTH of the height relations between giants. They are only good at ONE thing regarding the tallest humans- getting an exact height of a particular giant IF they do the measuring. But that is the TOTAL EXTENT of their usefulness in this area. They are not reliable in any conclusions regarding height relationships.
So Highman- Your post inquiring about Guinness's policies and what they are doing about Zhang reflects an understandable frustration level with Guinness, but you should accept that they are hopelessly limited in both ability and frankly ZEAL in uncovering the truth in the height area. That is a harsh indictment of them, but I will defend that statement if challenged by anybody on this board.

Eclipse- The Grady Patterson situation is fascinating and I have to agree with Highman's last post.

Highman- I have not found confirmation about the Vikas Uppal death.
Highman said on 19/Jul/07
Eclipse: I think John F. Carroll and Grady Patterson are in there own unique place. I believe them to both be legit 8 footers however they both were clearly reclusive to a degree and suffering major spinal curviture and 3 deminsional curviture..... I believe them to be just a head of Kohler. But to Kohler's credit he was around a lot and stood erect moreso than they did.
Eclipse said on 19/Jul/07
Kemble- if that's the case, Guinness loses a ton of credibility in my mind.
Kemble said on 19/Jul/07
Regarding those American paperback editions (Bantam), I have an impression that they are not perhaps up-to-date. Each edition Might be a paperback reprint of the previous year's British hardback. Anyone got an opinion on this?
katsu said on 19/Jul/07
I agree with sanchez in the fact that the tallest living man of 1998 is Ri Myong-hun according to the Guinness.
99mvp,Poker Portal:
I also have the 1998 paperback edition of Guinness(Bantan edition/March 1998), and it states on page 367 that Ri Myong-hun(North Korea),the tallest living person,is 7ft.8.5tall.
Eclipse said on 18/Jul/07
I know that Johnny C has Grady Patterson as the second tallest person in the history of the world. I've never seen a thing about Patterson anywhere except for Johnny C's website. What is this board's opinion on where Patterson lies?
Sanchez said on 18/Jul/07
99mvp and board: Sorry that I don't have quicker responses I just work a lot.
"Does anbody want to battle me" that was meant as a joke and all the 99999s was to make a point, not to be taken literally but 999mvp ooppps one too many 9s
99mvp great fighting spirit. 6,602,224,175 people on this earth as of July 2007 and not one ligit Eight-footer since Monjane and Nashnush and both of them were barely over eight feet and does anybody really believe Nashnush was over eight feet tall. By all his pictures he looks only to be 7' 6" max.

99mvp show me your personal list of ligit Eight-footers, is it Fifteen like Johnny C list or is it less

99mvp I have the 1998 Guinness book of world records hardcopy right in my hands and it says on page 166 on the lefthand side Tallest living Man Ri Myong-Hun of North Korea , Tallest living person is 7' 8.5" . Two short sentences . 99mvp I will scan and post the front cover and page 166.
Arjun said on 18/Jul/07
Poker Portal: Colourful stuff!
Poker Portal said on 18/Jul/07
Not sure if this link has been posted yet.

Bao Xi Shun has finally found a bed. There where some pictures on this page I hadn't seen before so I thought I might as well post the link: Click Here

My apologies if this is old news.
Poker Portal said on 18/Jul/07
The Guinness book of records 1998 (British Edition):

Tallest living man
Haji Mohammad Alam Channa (b. 1953) 7ft 7.25 in 231.7 cm.

Sanchez: Do you have a different version than I have? An Asian version perhaps? Although I would be very surprised if they have different people as the tallest living man in the world.
99mvp said on 18/Jul/07
Sanchez- I am CONFUSED. You clearly just stated that your 1998 Guinness Book says "the tallest living man of 1998 is Ri myong-Hun of South Korea at 7'8.5"."
BUT...Poker Portal wrote this on June 21:
Tallest living person in the world according to Guinness:
1998: Haji Mohammad Alam Channa (b. 1953) 7ft 7.25 in 231.7 cm.
Sandy Allen (b. 18 June 1955) 7ft 7.25 in 231.7 cm.

So Poker Portal and Sanchez- What is going on here????

I would like to fine-tune my list of Guinness Official Tallest Living Person title-holder, but how can I do this if I am given contradictory information???
Sanchez said on 18/Jul/07
99mvp: I found my 1998 Guinness book of world records hardcopy and the tallest living man of 1998 is Ri myong-Hun of South Korea at 7'8.5"
Bendy said on 18/Jul/07
I agree with sanchez in the fact that a lot of giants do not reach 8foot, whether it is that they stop growing on their own naturally or stop growing due to treatment, I should have made that more clear, I dont agree with the percentage side of sanchez's statement. On reflection of my comments last night, Nothing is impossible, but it would take an astonishing feat to reach wadlow's record, but as we know wadlow reached that height, so we know its not an impossible record, as people have said some giants have had extraordinary growth rates almost equalling or exceed wadlows growth rate, but they have either passed away or as I said had their growth halted with medical treatment.
99mvp said on 18/Jul/07
katsu- Thank you very much for the information on the Koehler/Mishu meeting and the direct link to the picture.

Bendy- Very valid point concerning the Guinness flaw in the system regarding the lack of tracking the current height of the tallest living person. While for purposes of an all-time list the peak height is locked in for a giant, the tallest living person is a title that is in flux and Guinness is lax in not accounting for that reality.
But I disagree with Bendy and must agree with Arj. I also believe that Robert's record will be broken one day. Except for the Great One's records ( and a few baseball records ), all records are made to be broken.

Sanchez- To clarify the math on your 99.999% figure: If we take the 15 giants listed on Johnny C's website as having been the only 8-footers, then they must be part of a group of 1,500,000 "giants" in order for your assertion to be accurate. Thus, the remaining 1,499,985 giants represent 99.999% of the non-eight footers.
So Bendy- Do you still agree with Sanchez???

Furthermore, Sanchez asks "should I add another 9 to that percentage"? Then I accept the challenge sir- The total of the giants must be 15,000,000 in order for there to be 99.9999% of non-eight footers in that group with only 15 of them being 8-footers.
I take math and numbers very seriously. Don't throw out figures recklessly or you will be squashed. With all due respect.
Highman said on 18/Jul/07
Has anyone contacted Guinness to get a read on Zhang or there policies for annual review of their most treasured record?
Arjun said on 18/Jul/07
Correct Arj, that has been said before on this page as well ... there were a few people who had a growth rate similar to that of Robert. If they had managed to stay alive till mid-20's as you said, they could well have reached or even surpassed the 8'11" - unless their growth slowed down naturally, but then again, it might have continued (like Robert's did) for a long time. BTW, Igor Ladan ( or as he is now known, Vovkoinsky - did I get the spelling right???) is believed to be only 7'5" by most of us here.
Arj said on 18/Jul/07
Personally I think it is only a matter of time before Roberts record is broken. It may be a long time, but it will happen. The important thing to remember is that Robert's rate of growth is not unique, even in the last half century. Zeng Jinlian had a very similar rate of growth before dying at a height of 8'1.75" at the age of 17. Igor Ladan was 6'1" at the age of 7 and 7'5" at 14, however he received treatment at fifteen and eventually topped out at 7'8". If either of those two had 1. not received treatment, and 2. had remained reasonably healthy into their early to mid 20's (as Robert was able to do) they could have come close to Robert's height.
katsu said on 17/Jul/07
99mvp:I have the 1979 edition of Guinness with this picture.
Don Koehler (249cm) met one of the shortest man Mishu (83cm) at the TV show gThe Second David Frost Presents the Guinness Book of World Records,hon April 5, 1974.
This picture is in my website.
Click Here
Arj said on 17/Jul/07
I believe Cecil Boling also lived to the ripe old age of 80.
Bendy said on 17/Jul/07
Sanchez: I agree with you about people who reach 8 feet or more, we only know of about a handful of legit 8 footers. These days in giant terms, 7'6"-7'7" is around the norm and what we would call a fairly common height in giants. Since Nashnush died in 1991 there has been no concrete evidence that officially anyone has stood more than 7'8.95", with the exception of Zhang Jun-Cai, Im not 100% convinced by him, he appears taller than Xi Shun, but whats to say Xi Shun hasn't shrunk a little? I.E. due to his age and all of the Guinness travelling he has done he may have been measured by Guinness as being 7'8.95" but that was over 2yrs ago, has he been measured since? Take Radhouane Charbib for instance between 1999-2005 he was listed as being 7'8.9" by Guinness, but in June this year he was found to be only about 7'5.5" has he shrunk over 3 inches in the last 2 years since Xi Shun has been listed as the tallest man? I doubt it, I believe his shrinking was a gradual process, this is another major flaw in Guinness's work ethic, they should keep track of the record holders, 7'8.9" was correct for charbib in april 1999, but I doubt he was that height a year later and so on...

Adding to the oldest giants, Christopher Greener (7'6.25" Peak) is now 64yrs old, Sandy Allen (7'7.25" Peak) is 52yrs old and Xi Shun (7'8.95) is 56yrs old, Im not sure of any others.

Regarding Robert Wadlows record, I feel that with todays advanced medicines and treatments that his record will not be broken, Wadlow has been dead nearly 70yrs and within that time the only tallest person measured standing height is 8'2" Don Koehler thats 9 & 1/10 inches shorter than Wadlow, From what I believe Koehler was slightly taller than Vaino Myllyrinne, people like John Carroll, Zeng Jinlian these heights were calculated if they had normal spinal curvature (which they didnt), 8'2" was Koehlers actual standing height, granted he did shrink in his later years. Also Im not even bringing Grady Patterson into the equation as his story could very well be an urban legend.
Sanchez said on 17/Jul/07
99.999% of giants do not reach Eight feet tall, should I add another 9 to that percentage. If a giants says he is 8' 4" and does not want to be measured he is a liar 99.999% of the time. 7'8" 7'9" is a true barrier for giants ,the body just can not take it, the taller the giant the more susceptible he is to problems, ever see a old giant? Remenber the movie "My Giant" starring George Muresan it talks about all these problems giants have , overall giants have shorter live than the norm, but just for the record these are the oldest giants I could find
oldest giants Vaino Myllyrinne 54, Don Koehler 55 Johann Petursson 71, Felipe Fernandez 77

And I will say it again 99.999% of giants do not reach eight feet, Maybe I should say 7' 10" anybody want to battle me about this?

Robert Wadlow was special and I feel confident saying that Robert's height record may never be beaten, In my mind robert's record will not be broken in our life time.
Highman said on 17/Jul/07
I am sick of all these doctors meeting with Leonid Stadnik and none of them stating what his height is.... what a joke. Another joke is all these claims by Ajaz, Kosen and Uppal that they are 8 footers too.

Is Uppal dead?
99mvp said on 17/Jul/07
Highman- You ask about the last verified 8-footer. Gabriel Monjane ( 1944-1990 ) at a peak height of 8'0.75" was followed in death a year later by Suleiman Ali Nashnush ( 1943-1991 ) at a peak height of 8'0.4". No one has been measured at 8-feet since then.
MykTurk said on 17/Jul/07
Big Show, the child Robert is holding is not his little sister, but his little brother, Harold Junior.
Big Show said on 17/Jul/07
Click Here

Here's a pic of a giant who I don't see listed on Johnny C's page. His name was William van Droysen (he was married to one of the Van Droysen giants). Certainly not 8'2, but definately over 7 feet tall. By the way he's not Dutch, but German (tallest German soldier ever).
Big Show said on 17/Jul/07
Talking about height differential. Ultimately that record would probably go to Robert Wadlow himself.
Click Here
Here's a pic of Wadlow with his little sister in his hands. Robert is 8'2.5 there and his sister (who's still a toddler) who I reckon is below 3 feet there. How much younger than Robert was she? She looks only 2 or 3 years old there. There are probably pictures out there on the net where a 8'8 or 8'9 Wadlow stands next to little kids who are shorter than 4 feet.
99mvp said on 16/Jul/07
Kemble- That post you wrote about the Robert Wadlow brace in context of his overall health condition was well-written and quite persuasive. So to be intellectually honest, maybe one must conclude that Robert was truly living on borrowed time after all. That dovetails into Arjun's point of view - if it wasn't one thing, it would invariably be another seemingly minor/trivial ( to normal healthy people ) thing that would have caused Robert's death in the near future.
Highman said on 16/Jul/07
So was Gustave Monjane the last verified 8 footer -- nearly 20 years ago???!!??
julio said on 16/Jul/07
Click Here
katsu said on 15/Jul/07
99mvp:I want to add two major height differential meetings in your list.
These pics are in my website.

1. meeting between Mangalsingh Safu (229cm) and Gul Mohammed (57.16cm).Height differential:171.8cm.
Click Here

4.meeting in 1990 on Japanese tv between Gabriel Estevao Monjane (245.7cm) and Peter Rishu (83cm).Height differential 162.7cm.
Click Here
wfs said on 14/Jul/07
Click Here
Kemble said on 14/Jul/07
I don't think Wadlow's death from an apparently trivial mistake is as surprising as it seems at first sight. The important thing is, his poor circulation meant that he couldn't feel the brace rubbing, and as we all know, it takes little time for a nasty blister to develop from ill-fitting footwear. We'd feel it after an hour or so and have a look at our feet, but poor Wadlow would carry on through the day. His poor circulation was a result of his abnormal height, so his blood poisoning was at least partly a consequence of that height. You could even say the initial poor fitting of the brace was not so surprising, because if he couldn't feel his feet, they couldn't just ask "How's that feel?" Too tight?" They'd have to judge it themselves, and just a little tightness can cause a blister.
Highman said on 14/Jul/07

I wonder how concerned Wadlow's family was about his health... not that he was going to die early which is a given...but that his health was of imminent concern for his mortality right then....

Have we gotten corroboration of Vikas Uppal's death? Sunmingming was smart getting the operation..... not sure how many 8 footers we will see in the future.... although if Vikas died I am sure he would have taken his chances if given another chance!!
99mvp said on 14/Jul/07
Arjun- Very interesting philosophical discussion here, without the insane KG's crazy input. Here is the most logical way of looking at this Wadlow situation. If you were his friend and looking on as he celebrates his 21st birthday ( we've all seen him cutting the birthday cake ), at what age would you have thought he was going to die? Let's say you knew all his physical troubles. Would you have given him a mere another year?? Maybe you would have. Another way to look at this- Upon hearing of his sudden death, what would have been your reaction? Surprise? Shock? Or not surprised at all, given his physical limitations. One cannot be naive here. We all know ( especially with Robert's condition ) that an infection can come on suddenly and swiftly. And a heart attack can strike at any moment. So I wonder what the reaction was among his friends? Besides the obvious sadness, were they genuinely surprised or not? I guess you would not have been surprised at all, that you would have stated that he had been living on borrowed time anyway and that he was doomed to death from any number of "minor" problems. That is certainly a legitimate point of view to have. Personally, I would have been surprised that he had died a little too early and my anger would have tripled when I found out the reason, which was an avoidable one if people had been paying attention to that brace. No question there was negligence here.
99mvp said on 14/Jul/07
Kemble- Thanks for reminding me about Sandy Allen meeting Nelson de la Rosa! I found that image on the Google search of images. She is wearing a blue outfit and is wrapping her hands around him. The fact that Sandy is a woman is irrelevant to my height differential listing. The revised list in rankings:

1. meeting in 1990 on Japanese tv between Alexander Sizonenko (239cm) and Nelson de la Rosa (72cm). Height differential: 5'5.75"
2. meeting on Guinness tv show between Don Koehler (248.92cm) and Mishu (83.82cm). Height differential: 5'5"
3. meeting in 2007 between Xi Shun (236.1cm) and He Pingping (73cm). Height differential: 5'4.2"
4. meeting between Sandy Allen (231.78cm) and Nelson de la Rosa (72cm). Height differential: 5'2.9"
Kemble said on 14/Jul/07
99mvp - regarding height differential meetings. There's a picture somewhere of Sandy Allen (in her later, wheelchair days) cuddling Nelson de la Rosa on her lap. He looks cheerful, but I should think it would be a bit scary! Not strictly speaking what you meant, perhaps, as it's not same-sex differential.
Nathan said on 14/Jul/07
The video's already on YouTube if that link don't work.
Nathan said on 14/Jul/07
Bao vs Pingping
This would be more of a spectacle if Bao stood up.
Click Here
5'11.5 guy said on 13/Jul/07
IMO, Sturgess doesn't look quite as big as Yao. Yet.
christian said on 13/Jul/07
Regarding tall teen Paul Sturgess. I taped the program and watched closely as his mother measured him against the living room door when he just arrived home from Florida, when the tape was pulled down to floor level 97' 7" which is 91 inches) appeared to be about two inches along the floor away from the door itself and that gave about 89 inches. No disrespect but this lad is no more than 7' 3.5" barefoot, and the 7' 7" attempt is just another way of trying to get into the record books. He's used his height well however. Also Chris Lister was measured also with his shoes on at the model agency, so about 7' 1.5" for him
99mvp said on 13/Jul/07
Johnny C lists Paul Sturgess at 7'6" ( seems accurate when barefoot ) and Chris Lister at 7'3". Lister claims to be 7'4", but maybe that's not barefoot.
These seem to be excited times in the United Kingdom. With Sturgess and Lister still growing, I think Neil Fingleton's reign as tallest British man may be in jeopardy in the very near future! ( Which would be ironic since Chris Greener held that title for 40 years! ).
Vegas said on 13/Jul/07
that measurement that Sturgess's girlfriend did was very hit and miss alright and he did have his shoes on. Still he looked at least 7'5 walking around during the program and when he was playing basketball. He towered over all of his teammates
99mvp said on 13/Jul/07
Arjun- I would never dream of agreeing with the idiot KG.
But I think that you and I disagree on how to view the Wadlow situation. The Alton Museum director Tom's expert opinion is that Wadlow could have lived to the age of 30 and reached ten feet. Your position is that it would have been fluky to reach that potential since he was deteriorating and that things would have had to break perfectly for him to get to those benchmarks. ( Although there is no evidence to support your stunning contention "that he came close to death on more than one occasion, before he actually died"- admit it, you just made that up! ). I take the opposite tack. Robert was progressing to his natural death when an unfortunate fluky intervening event interrupted his march to his maximum death date.
Frankly, given what we know about his physical condition, I think it is a far more logical conclusion to believe that the age of 22 was the LOW END of Robert's lifeline.
Arjun said on 13/Jul/07
Stadnyk looks around 7'7" next to that 5'10" doc ..... it's pretty much proven that he's mid 7-foot range, nowhere near 8 feet.
Poker Portal said on 13/Jul/07
99mvp: The world was robbed of a 9-foot Robert and maybe even a 10-foot Robert.

We were definitely robbed of a 9-footer. Not too sure about a 10-footer though.
I wish Robert had lived for at least another 6 month so he would be in a different foot-range than everybody else. A leage of his own.
Bendy said on 13/Jul/07
A few pics from the Tallest Teens program.

Click Here Paul Sturgess beside a standard 6'5.5"-6'6" UK door, (I know these are standard as I have the same doors in my house).

Click Here Paul Sturgess at the Florida Tech b'ball court, Im not sure how tall these doors are, my guess is around 7 foot, but some of you guys may know better.

Click Here Chris Lister in front of a UK door 6'5.5"-6'6", please note that Chris has a smaller head than Paul Sturgess.

I watched the show to find out more on Chris Lister, although Sturgess is impressive, he is not 7'7" (yet), he was measured in his trainers (sneakers) which probably give 1-1.5" to his barefoot height.
Poker Portal said on 13/Jul/07
Worlds apart: The moment the tallest man met the shortest:

Click Here
mask said on 13/Jul/07
Paul Sturgess is indeed at least 7'5.5" or 227 cm and 230 or 7'7" in shoes I suppose:
Click Here
Highman said on 13/Jul/07
Man Xi Shun is getting a lot of press..... I hope he is making good cash.
mask said on 13/Jul/07
Click Here
read the two pages and look at the pics
Vegas said on 13/Jul/07
i was watching that last night, very good. The NBA said they would pay him $2million even if he never played a second of pro-basketball. Sturgess said he was just 19 and still growing, yikes. here is his profile at Florida tech Click Here
Highman said on 13/Jul/07
Arjun: There is a video on Lank Men Board of Vikas Uppal. I would like to see more of a confirmation of his passing. I am surprised he wasn't a national treasure in Indian -- a culture that is fascinated with world records. Yet this video seems to indicate he was treated like any other giant....just paid occassionally for publicity appearances that didn't amount to much.... sad

Editor Rob: what program did you see? Was Vickas 7-7 in the program? I would believe anything from 7-6 to 7-8.

Editor Rob
nah, it was just a uk program, it had a part on this guy called Paul Sturgess (florida tech) and he was 7ft 7 in trainers, well his girlfriend measured him against a wall. Guy could still grow...Looked enormous for 7ft 5.5 or whatever he is barefoot.
mask said on 13/Jul/07
Click Here
Arjun said on 12/Jul/07
99mvp: Robert Wadlow was lucky enough to stay alive as long as he did, long enough to reach 8'11". I seriously doubt anyone , even untreated giants, will come close to that height in the near future.
As for Vikas, maybe it is a hoax, but we certainly cannot disprove his death any more than we can prove it. Either way, maybe he finally saw the benefits of going in for the operation - his face looks pretty acromegalic in those 2006 pics we have of him, and he also seems to need help to walk. RIP Vikas Uppal, if you have indeed passed away.
Arj said on 12/Jul/07
99mvp - Would you not be excited about the possibility of Wadlow's record being broken? I don't think it was in any danger from Vikas btw.
Highman said on 12/Jul/07
So Xi Shun got hitched. I gotta give this guy credit.... he is living his life out in the most positive ways. He doesn't seem depressed.....

I still can't believe Vickas Uppal died.... any secondary confirmation? Any autopsy measurements????

Editor Rob
there was some program on tall kids last night here and this guy was 7ft 7 (in trainers). Could still grow I guess...
99mvp said on 12/Jul/07
I forgot to write the word "not"- I am surprised that our people here from England did not tell the board about this meeting between Greener and Fingleton at the Bradley statue unveiling.
I do urge people to check out those Lanky men site postings I listed yesterday which show some good pictures from that meeting. Even allowing for some height shrinkage, the old man Greener certainly is still impressively tall when near Fingleton.

By the way, I did not mean to be insensitive to the possible death of Vikas Uppal. But I am a brutally honest person and I must admit that when I saw mask's post yesterday which Uppal's alleged death, my first reaction was being thrilled that Wadlow's record would stay unchallenged. My second reaction was sadness for Vikas. But maybe this is a hoax and he is still alive.
99mvp said on 12/Jul/07
Highman- I have known about the Lanky Men site for years and am well aware of its agenda. I want links to photos and videos of giants no matter what the source! In fact, I will reveal that I got the picture of Suleiman Nashnush ( outside the hospital with that nurse and others ) that is one of the two known pictures of him, from a posting on the Lanky Men site. So it has been a valuable source. I urge all board contributors here to check it out, especially the specific entries I listed yesterday. That video of Jushbakov was great since I had never seen a picture of him and, as Highman just confirmed, he looks NOWHERE near the 7'10.5" listed by Johnny C.

Johnny C- You should check out that video of Israel Jushbakov on the Lanky men site to see for yourself that you must severely downgrade his height!

And I am surprised that our people here from England did tell the board about this meeting between Greener and Fingleton at the Bradley statue unveiling.

Arjun- That is why I wrote the words "alleged death" for Uppal. I want confirmation. If he did indeed die, then we don't have to worry about him beating Wadlow's height!
Arjun said on 12/Jul/07
Mask, 99mvp, "that encyclopedia" says that Uppal died on June 30th, but I have not found a single other reference to his death so far.
Highman said on 12/Jul/07
RIP Vickas. Gigantism takes another depressed man.... I think he was 7-8 tops.

This Israel Jushbakov as tallest man is a total joke. He looks like 7-2. And people wonder why we need a central authority like Guiness to validate these guys.... what a joke.

I am very sad about Vikas....Should have come to the US for treatment.
Highman said on 12/Jul/07
Lanky Men is a gay
99mvp said on 11/Jul/07
Chris Greener ( 7’6.25” ) is a giant who has met the most other giants in history according to my records. He has appeared with the following giants:
1. Robert Wadlow statue
2. Gabriel Monjane ( 8’0.75” )
3. Alexander Sizonenko ( 7’10” )- in a 1988 German movie
4. William Bradley statue ( 7’9” )
5. Radhouane Charbib ( 7’8.9” )
6. Neil Fingleton ( 7’7.56” )
7. Hussain Bisad ( 7’7.5” )
8. Sandy Allen ( 7’7.25” )
99mvp said on 11/Jul/07
Some more postings on the Lanky Men Board to check out:
1. When you scroll down, there is a June 12 posting by Jamie titled "YouTube of Israel Jushbakov 2.44m". When you click into that and scroll down, you will see the YouTube link of this giant. He certainly does NOT look anywhere near 244cm ( 8'0" ) or even the 240cm ( 7'10.5" ) listing by Johnny C.

2. There are two postings related to the giant Kaliova Seleiwau. Johnny C lists him at 7'5.5". But the postings on the Lanky Men Board have him at 7'8"/7'9". There is a June 3 posting titled "Help a Giant Out?" where you can see a picture of him and there is another link to another picture of him. On May 30, there is a posting by Jamie titled "Is this guy really 7ft8in?" where when you click in and scroll down you will see two links to videos of Kali Selei ( which is the short version of this giant's name ). He looks quite tall in those videos.
99mvp said on 11/Jul/07
While I was searching for news concerning the alleged death of Vikas Uppal, I came across the Lanky Men site. This site links up to Johnny C's various sites. When you scroll down on the Lanky Men message board, there are some good postings. I discovered that on May 27, there was the 12th annual William Bradley Day. In attendance were BOTH Chris Greener and Neil Fingleton at the unveiling of the 7'9" William Bradley oak statue. The Market Weighton Town Crier reported that the 7'6 1/4" Greener had held the title of tallest living person in Britain for 40 years until March when the 7'7 1/2" Fingleton took the title. ( Although I still say that Hussain Bisad should have been bestowed the title of tallest British man before Fingleton's recognition ).

Anyway, if you go to that Lanky Men message board, there is a July 7 posting titled "Neil Fingleton & Chris Greener". Clicking into that and scrolling down, you click into another link which shows many pictures of this event and shows both giants together as well as separately. There is also a June 23 posting titled "Giant Bradley Day Photo" which when you click into it, there is a nice photo of Greener and Fingleton next to the William Bradley statue. The angle of the photo makes Greener look taller!
mask said on 11/Jul/07
Hey guys it seems that Vikas Uppal died on saturday 30th june during a failed brain tumor operation: search for him on "google"
Nippu said on 11/Jul/07
Have to say that i don´t get that "incrediple World" page at all. What was that tallest man list????
Poker Portal said on 10/Jul/07
I am not too sure about Sizonenko. He might or might not have been 7'10". There are not many pictures of him from the 70's or ealry 80's when he was at his peak. He suffered a lot when he got into his 30's and afterwards. I think he wasn't far of 7'10" at his peak and he might even reached that height. He was never recognised by Guinness as the tallest living person in the world, but he sure was taller than Alam Channa.
He is not very well now, can't work, and does not have a lot of income. Have you read this page?: Click Here
it is in German, but if you want a translation, I'll translate it for you.
Big Show said on 10/Jul/07
99mvp says on 9/Jul/07
Big Show- I have also doubted that Sizonenko was ever 7'10", but the camera angles clearly show him to be taller than the 7'8" Channa.

Yeah but that's mostly the result of the camera angles. In the pic where both Channa and Sizonenko are flanking a supposedly 7'5 guy, the pic is shot from Sizonenko's side and there is heavily favouring him. If it was shot from Channa's side he would appear taller than Sizonenko. I wonder how they would match up if it was a straight forwarded camera shot.

In the other pic where Channa and Sizonenko stand side by side Sizonenko appears slightly taller, but Channa is leaning slightly to the left. Plus I can't really make out their footwear, but I'm guessing Sizonenko is wearing dress shoes and Channa is probably wearing some kind of mocassins.
mask said on 10/Jul/07
Click Here
mask said on 10/Jul/07
Click Here
Highman said on 9/Jul/07
That Japanese show is doing a better go of it than Guinness.... should someone contact Guinness that their most prized world record is not being tended to??? Why are they not recognizing Zhang???
99mvp said on 9/Jul/07
wfs- A while ago Mask posted the pictures for me of Greener measuring Charbib on a Guinness television show. At that time, Charbib was his peak height of 7'8.9" and indeed was clearly taller than Greener.

Big Show- I have also doubted that Sizonenko was ever 7'10", but the camera angles clearly show him to be taller than the 7'8" Channa.

Monjane was impressive when you see him next to Channa.

We have katsu to thank for the interesting television show images of various giants being measured as well as appearing with other giants.
wfs said on 7/Jul/07
Wasn't there a picture of Mr. Greener measuring Charbib on a TV show on this format? Could it have been someone else? He was considerably taller than Greener...
Big Show said on 6/Jul/07
Katsu, great pics there on Charbib. So apparently he's only 7'5.5 nowadays. He didn't look nearly as tall next to Georg Wessels as Xi-Shun did. Of course Charbib has traveled accross the globe aswell as Xi-Shun, but Xi-Shun doesn't look to have curvature of the spine.

Arj, I doubt Sizonenko was ever 7'10 in his life. Although the camera angle was tricky to get a good estimation on Sizonenko's height, he doesn't look 3 inches taller than Channa and he also looked 'only' 2 inches taller than 7'6 Christopher Greener. I'd say he was 7'8 tops. Nowadays he indeed only looks 7'3-7'4.
Nippu said on 19/Oct/06
Actually Myllyrinne was 247-251cm (8
mask said on 19/Oct/06
Hey guys after seeing this photo you will say:"what a find mask!"
just look at this:
Click Here
those two giants are Alexander Sizonenko(on the left) and Chris Greener(on the right) close to each other in the only film they have made together in 1988 called "das tapfere schneiderlein" of german production.
I can tell you for sure they are standing up straight because I saw the film that I have at home and to me there is 3-4" differential between them so if Greneer is 7'6 1/4" as longer said and written I'd say Sizonenko could be 7'9 1/4" like in the article 1981 I posted two days ago don't you think so?
Aniway you could read also of Sizonenko at 8'2" or 248 cm but this photo proves that he is not maybe nowadays he is still growing as his website says
he has topped 243 cm but I repeat now maybe!Not in 1988 when he was about 30 years old excuse me if I didn't post this before but my pc has broke up and I had to change it greetings from Italy
Big Show said on 19/Oct/06
Viper, there is a pic somewhere on the net, where Britain's tallest Chris Greener (7'6 barefoot) stands next to the statue of Robert Wadlow. He barely came up to Robert's shoulders.
beyond 1000 said on 18/Oct/06
Just to add to my comments below, In Wikepedia entry for Leonid Stadnik, you'll see that an addendum was added refering to the latest Pravda report claiming that Stadnik grew a few centimeters in the previous year. The writer claims that Stadnik would be at least 8'5 inches tall. I was that writer. Looking back however to many of your comments and analysis, I do not feel that Mr. Stadnik is anywhere near his 8'4 inch height claims. Stadnik is probably around 7'7 inches tall.

BTW, has anybody seen or heard of a photo of Sulieman Ali Nashnush of Libya? I know I haven't. Also, is it accurate to say that Myllyrinne at 8'1, and Koehler and Coyne at 8'2 (with the exception of Wadlow) were that tallest standing men on record? Remember, Carol really stood under 8' due to Kyphoscoliosis and Rogan was totally bedridden anyway.
beyond 1000 said on 18/Oct/06
What I enjoy about this thread is that you guys are really pegging these heights accurately. Too much fakeness going on out there. I believe that the legitimate tallest men out there are Zhang and Kosen with Shun being number 3. I say Kosen is 7'll or so by looking at how close his head is to the basket. You can't know for sure until he gets officially measured but his hand with the ball hits the rim at an angle. Unless proven otherwise I believe the battle for the tallest living human is between Zhang and Kosen. In early 2005, Sun Ming Ming was announced at 7/8.75, just a hair shorter than Shun. Dodge City Legend has him at 7'9. I'm sure the doctors at Dodge City team did some accurate measurements. In the Kimmel show, I think he does look at least as tall as Muresan. I agree the angles in the show are not the best for comparison and also Kimmel is way to short to be effective in verifying Sun's height. I would like to see Sun next to Yao Ming. Incidently Yao Ming, like Muresan and Bradley elected to be measured by team doctors barefoot. Yao Ming is a legitimate barefoot 7'6. Originally Ming came into the league at 7'5.
highman said on 18/Oct/06
Can anyone translate the Kosen video? I hate to say it but he sounded like an angry terroist on the video :)

Zhang is a stud... would love to know his story and whether he and Xi Shun get along... I am sure the must see "eye to eye" on many things!!
Jonathem said on 18/Oct/06
I heard with my grandfather that V.Myllyrinne was measured 248cm (8
Nippu said on 18/Oct/06
Actually Shag is about 7
Viper652 said on 18/Oct/06
A picture of Robert Wadlow with Shaq and Yao Ming would be priceless. Just to see how much Wadlow would dwarf those giants.
highman said on 18/Oct/06
Zas... the website claims that Zhang was certified as the tallest in the world.... I go with Zhang then Xi Shun then ??

In the video Kosen seems angry.... why doesn't he just get measured by doctors, then!! I hear the word "Guiness" Can someone translate that video on Julios 15/OCT/06 post?
Arjun said on 18/Oct/06
Zas: Some pics of Zhang Juncai walking in the street make him look 9ft! I think he's 7'9" barefoot at the absolute least, and could certainly be as tall as 7'11.25". He is without a doubt atleast as tall as Xi Shun, if not a bit taller, making him the world's real tallest man. I'm still not that sure about Sultan Kosen being 7'11" though.
Arjun said on 18/Oct/06
Highman: I saw the Jimmy Kemmel video of Sun Ming Ming. Kimmel is said to be around 5'11". And even though Sun has got dress shoes on, which probably give him an inch extra compared to normal sized dress shoes, look at the difference between him and Kimmel while they shake hands. There's more than 18 inches between the two, and Sun is slouching and looking down. We cannot peg his height accurately from this video. We need a photo of him next to some tall guy like Shaq or Yao. I still think he has to be around 7'7", if not a bit more. 7'4" seems just too low, it's like saying Shaq is 6'9" or something, when we all know he has to be around 7'0".
mytg8 said on 18/Oct/06
highman: I've had no luck with pics of Carroll on the web. Apparently he never joined a circus and kept a low profile. Maybe a pic or two can be found in a medical book somewhere. The second tallest, John Rogan, had picture postcards made which he sold to tourists--maybe somewhere there are century old pics of him.:-)
Big Show said on 18/Oct/06
There are pictures of Wang Fengjun standing next to Yao Defen (who some time ago challenged Sandy Allen's title as being the tallest woman on earth, but turned out to be half an inch shorter. So it's confirmed she's 7'6.75, although she claims to be 7'8.5). One one pic it looks like Wang Fenjun is 3 inches taller than her, but that's because of the camera angle. On all the other pics, Yao Defen is taller, so my guess is Wang Fengjun is only 7'6.
zas said on 17/Oct/06
highman, Zhang Juncai is the real world's tallest man alive. He is 242 cm, or 7'11 1/4". Take a look Click Here and Click Here In the last website you can compare the picture of Zhang with the girls versus Click Here Wang fengjun with a girl. You can see the difference, Wang fengjun is 7'6" or 7'7" max. Also you can read Click Here Finally I think zhang is the tallest, Sultan Kosen the second and Xi shun third.
Emily said on 17/Oct/06
Robert died from a broken ankle that got infected, it's a sad story. I feel so bad for him.
mask said on 17/Oct/06
This is an article on Aleksandr Sizonenko published in 1981:
Click Here
and says he was 7'9 1/4" at the time and I believe that
highman said on 17/Oct/06
Another guy claiming 8-4 Wang Fengjun... not medically measured and doesn't look that tall.

I believe the two chinese guys are the tallest until otherwise documented by doctors....

How tall do you guys think Zang is? He is certainly almost as tall as Xi Shun.
highman said on 17/Oct/06
Sun Mingming on Jimmy Kimmel live. I don't believe he is even close to 7-8. JMHO....

Click Here
highman said on 17/Oct/06
Mytg8: Do you have any photographs of John F. Carroll?
julio said on 17/Oct/06
new article of Wang FengJun : Click Here
mytg8 said on 17/Oct/06
I believe that Wadlow actually exceeded nine feet in height. YMMV. Look at the second photo from JT on 12/Oct/06; it looks like a photo from late in his life. It shows a slight twist in his posture in the torso location. This is a result of kypho-scoliosis, curvature of the spine. John F. Carroll and Eddie Carmel both suffered severe effects from this(Carroll's height was shortened 7 inches. Carmel's was at least as bad,0,0); although they lived longer than Bob Wadlow and it was more severe. However, even in Wadlow's twenties, he showed this shortening effect already; in that photo as well as others taken late in life. I'm guessing that if it was ever measured, and it never was(he just didn't live long enough for any detailed study like Carroll) the addition would put his height past 9 feet, easy.
Arjun said on 17/Oct/06
Nippu: Yeah, I don't buy 8'4" either. As someone else on this site said sometime back "8'4" is the new magic height for giants" there are several men (Stadnik, Ajaz, Leevi, Uppal and 2-3 others whom I can't recall) claiming to be around this height, when none of them are anywhere near it. None of them tower over average guys by even close to what Wadlow did.
Was that pic of Ajaz with Charbib a full length one? And how many inches taller did Ajaz seem? Charbib is a shade under 7'9", some few mm shorter than Xi Shun I think. Obviously Ajaz did'nt tower over Charbib in any case even if he was taller, so it must be a small difference, not too hard to estimate.
Sun Ming Ming only 7'4"? I don't know, we have'nt seen him next to a guy close to his height, like say Yao Ming who is roughly 7'5" - 7'6" barefoot. If Sun Ming Ming is really only 7'4", then Yao should be a bit taller than him? Nope, he may not quite be 7'8.75", but I doubt he's as short (RELATIVE TERM) as 7'4", perhaps he was just in a taller locality in that video. He does'nt seem shorter than 7'7" to me, but I may be wrong.
Highman said on 17/Oct/06
I don't think Doctors lie... All these photos of Stadnyk and Kosen and others with their relatives with measuring tapes claiming 8 feet + is BS. Get to a hospital and have doctors measure you 3 or more times in a day. Otherwise don't claim to be the tallest ever....enuff said.

Lastly, I do wonder how tall Zang is... I found several websites that show Zang's photo and label him as Xi Shun!!! Its funny inasmuch as they look totally different. What is so cool in the photo is that neither was using a walking stick and seemed to standup very strong. Are Xi Shun and Zhang now friends? I would think they would see the world from a unique perspective.
singh said on 17/Oct/06
robert wadlow is without a doubt the tallest ever, one and only rare extreme case that is unprecedanted and most likely will stays that way forever (unless you have someone who grow just as fast as wadlow suffering from gigantism and allow the growth to continue without surgery).

his case was really interesting, as he was the only person who had growth
continued throughout a lifetime (showing no sign of stopping even till the
moment he died) in the likes which we havent seen in any other acromegaly
case, like some guys mentioned before, he might very well reached a height of
10 feet had he lived a few more years.
as you can see, he was still be able to stand straight(look at the pic with him
next to his dad, how straight his back was) and walk despite being 9 feet tall
and was relatively healthy except the little sense he had in his foot as his growth was too fast for the nerve system to catch up with.

the only sad mystery is that we can never really see how tall he couldve
eventually reached, and hopefully we can see someone break his record in the future if not near future (a 10 foot tall human being, can you imagine that ?)
highman said on 16/Oct/06
Did anyone see "Anatomy of A Giant" on the Discovery Channel?? It follows Sun Ming Ming who is supposedly 7-8 3/4 tall. Interesting but man he didn't seem that tall... Maybe 7-3 or 7-4.... certainly not 1/2 an inch off the world record.

Anyone else's thoughts? Anyone else see it?
highman said on 16/Oct/06
The Ajaz photo I had was unique since it had him and Rhabourne Charbib right next to each other... kinda weird really. B

But those videos from Youtube are unbelievable. Those two Chineses Giants... looks like martians from another world wading through the crowd.....
Arjun said on 16/Oct/06
Oh yeah Highman, I found the photo of Ajaz with the average guy and two dwarves. Its a ****ing joke.
Click Here

First of all , THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT THAT DWARF (QAMAR ALI CHANNA) IS ANYWHERE NEAR 2'6". My lower leg from my foot upto the top of my knee is 1'9" long, and I'm a short guy - 5'7.5". So someone really 2'6" would be barely upto my mid-thigh, my pant length are 42" ( 3'6") and you can clearly see that the dwarf is a bit above the average guy's waist, and is therefore no more than 28 odd inches (2'4" ) shorter than the average guy. So if the dwarf is 2'6", then the average guy would be about 4'6" and Ajaz about 6'1" which is obviously impossible.
Realistically,I think the dwarf (Ali Channa) is around 3'7" ( he's about 4 1/2 average heads tall, so taking the average head to be 9.5", you have 9.5 * 4.5 = almost 43" or 3'7"), the average guy is about 5'9", and Ajaz 7'5" to 7'7". What do you think?
Arjun said on 16/Oct/06
Great videos Julio. Sultan Kosen may indeed be 7'11" according to that video, but we still don't know FOR SURE. Zas:- as for Zhang Jun-cai, he looks 5 cm taller than Xi Shun, though the camera angles are'nt the best, and Zhang could have more footwear on.
Highman :- As for Ajaz Ahmed, he did'nt look very tall in a full length photo of him with an average height guy and a few dwarves, including one who claimed to be the shortest man in the world at only 2'6".(He seemed quite a bit TALLER than that though in the pic, he did'nt look 3+ feet shorter than the average guy) Ajaz looked under 2 feet taller than the average guy, so unless the latter was around 6'7", there is no way that Ajaz is 8'4". The pic which you saw of him with Charbib could be at a bad angle, ground could be uneven etc. I doubt that Ajaz is over 7'8". And I have'nt found any pics of Leevi yet.
zas said on 15/Oct/06
Hey Arjun, what do you think about the videos of zhang juncai an xi shun? For me is very clear. Zhang is the real world's tallest man. He is 242 cm.
Highman said on 15/Oct/06
I looked and cannot find the photo...darn it. Now "Tallest Man in the World" returns thousands of answers and it was on some kids personal I cannot find it.

How tall is Zhang then? Has that been announced?
Highman said on 15/Oct/06
Julio... those were some really cool videos.... I think Zhang and Xi Shun are often confused but they obviously are totally different in the face... Both seem to be in the same height range... indeed Zhang actually seems taller but who knows....

The Sultan Kosen video is cool too. How tall does he claim to be in the video? I hear "Guinness" but wonder what they are really discussing... Any translation?
JT said on 15/Oct/06
Not sure if this video of Sun Ming Ming (7'8"??) has been posted yet. (Click Here)
julio said on 15/Oct/06
can you post the photo of ajaz next to Radhouane please ?
julio said on 15/Oct/06

I think that Zhang is a little larger than Xi shun, these video shows it
Click Here

Click Here

I think that Zhang measures between 2,37m and 2,42m. other applicants with the title of the largest man:
- Alexander Sizonenko (7ft 11) but it little to be held right, if he could it he could be larger than xi shun.

- Ghulam Shabbir claims to reach 8ft 4 inches (2,55m) but it reaches approximately 7ft 2 or 7ft 3inches
- according to an article feng jun wang would have grows of 10cm since its operation east would reach 8ft 4 inches (255cm)
- Sultan video kosen:

Click Here
Highman said on 15/Oct/06
Any pictures of this Leevi kid from Finland?
Highman said on 15/Oct/06
You have to believe Guinness Xi Shun is the tallest. My darkhorse would be Ahmed Ajaz. I actually saw a photo of Ajaz next to Radhouane Charbib the previous tallest man in the world and Ajaz seemed several inches taller... I guess they both showed up at a fair in Pakistan and were not aware of each other... Charbib looked confused in the photo. Guinness won't recognize Ajaz because of Ahmed has a bum leg that is shorter than the other...

Lastly, if any of these others were taller they would get measured. I agree Stadnik is about 7-4.... what a joke and Vikas Uppal from India, if he was the tallest he literally would be forced to be measured since the Indians love beating world records....

There is a kid from the Mayo clinic and others around the 7-8 mark so I could see the record moving again.......lots bunched in at the 7-7 to 7-9 range.
Arjun said on 15/Oct/06
JT, Sun Ming Ming is 23 now. And he has had his tumor removed, so he won't grow in height or get any soft tissue enlargement now. And he has improved some in stamina, but is still quite a long way from being drafted from the NBA.
Supes78, I think Xi Shun may really be the tallest living person now. Leonid Stadnik, looks to be in the 7'4" to 7'7" range. In one of his photos, he is about 9.5-10" taller than a doorframe in his house IN SHOES(the door is upto his mouth), and standard doors are usually no more than 6'9". So 6'9" + 10" = 7'7" in shoes, so about 7'5" barefoot (he has huge shoes which have to be giving around two inches). Zhang Jun-cai is nearly but not quite 7'9", not 7'11.5" as listed in some places, as several other articles list him as being shorter than Xi Shun by a few mm, he is'nt growing any more as he's in his late 30's. Wang Feng-Jun is also no more than 7'9"(probably less), and is'nt growing any more either as he's had his tumor removed. Mounir Fourar does'nt look anywhere near 8 ft (he looks just 16 odd inches taller than two average guys in one photo) so is probably around 7'3" or so. Vikas Uppal , as I've explained in my earlier post, is 7'8" max (there's no way the shortest guy in the pic of him is any taller than 5'3", and Uppal looks barely taller compared to him as 7'7" Manute Bol looks compared to 5'3" Muggsy Bogues) so he's probably around 7'6" - 7'7" as well. And there's a giant in Finland , Leevi, who's only 17 and claims to be 8'4" as well, sounds dubious to me. Only one guy may be taller than Xi Shun IMHO - that is Sultan Kosen, who has supposedly been measured to be 7'11 1/4" and may grow another 2 inches!!!
supes78 said on 14/Oct/06
So, who really is the tallest living person right now? I've heard conflicting reports.
sf said on 14/Oct/06
I've read that Wadlow was actually only about 8'8", but wore lifts to come close to the magical 9 feet height.

That's sarcasm.
highman said on 13/Oct/06
Wadlow was a statistically deviation .... we have had what 6 billion people living in the last 3 generations? May 2 or 3 within a half foot of Wadlow and none within 3 inches??? Do the math.
Arjun said on 13/Oct/06
Highman and others:-
Go to this page and scroll down to one photo of Vikas Uppal standing in the middle of a line with some 5 guys around him.
Click Here

See the difference between the second tallest guy in the pic (to Uppal's right) and the shortest guy (to Uppal's left). It is around 7.5 - 8" at best - according to me - the shortest guy is just a tad below the second tallest guys earlobes, and top of head to bottom of ear is usually 6.5, MAX 7" for average-sized guys. Taking this difference as x inches, put the image in any photo editor and see how many times this difference is Uppal taller than the tallest and shortest guys respectively. You will see that Uppal is well under 3x inches taller than the second tallest guy and well under 4x inches taller than the shortest guy. I find Uppal to be about 2.67x taller than the second tallest guy (and therefore 3.67x taller than the shortest guy), so if you take x as 8 inches, then he is 8 * 2.67 = around 21 inches or 1'9" taller than the second tallest guy, and 21 + 8 = around 29 inches or 2'5" taller than the shortest guy.
Now, that shortest guy, trust me, is NOWHERE near 6 foot, that I can tell just by looking at him. I'd say he's about 5'1" to 5'3" at BEST, there are a lot of guys around this height in India. And none of the other guys look very tall either, the tallest is probably 5'10" or so, and the rest all around 5'6 1/2" to 5'8" - the average Indian male height. The guys who take photos of supposedly 8 ft giants never put 6'6" guys next to them - they always put shorties to make the giant look even taller than he is, to make him look as tall as he is billed as.
So if the shortest guy is 5'1" - 5'2", then that makes Uppal 7'6" - 7'7", if he's 5'3" (Muggsy Bogues's height) then Uppal is MAX 7'8". For those who think that I'm underestimating the differences or that it is too large to calculate, scroll below on this very page to the picture of Manute Bol and Muggsy Bogues. The difference between them is about the same or barely 1" less than the difference between Uppal and that shortest guy, and we KNOW FOR A FACT THAT MANUTE WAS 2'4", NO MORE AND NO LESS, TALLER THAN MUGGSY.
Arjun said on 12/Oct/06
The second pic of Wadlow is amazing, the guy next to him isn't a dwarf, he's surely about 5'5" or so, there is an ACTUAL 3 1/2 feet (40 +) inches difference. Anyone who thinks that Wadlow was'nt 8'11" even after looking at this and a few other pics of Wadlow towards the end of his life is either blind or delusional. We often exaggerate that "so and so was barely upto the big man's waist" for various tall people next to short guys, this guy is truly, no joke, below Wadlow's waist. His legs were literally longer than an average man's total height. Just by looking at this one pic, you can tell that Vikas Uppal, Leonid Stadnik, Ajaz Ahmed etc. are nowhere near 8 feet, let alone the 8 feet 3 or 4 or whatever they claim. They are all around 7'4" to 7'8"! None of them tower over average or slightly under average people by even close to what Wadlow did!
None of them would even reach Wadlow's chin!
Danimal said on 12/Oct/06
It actually wasn't the last pic, or one of them taken before his death. He had lost 62 pounds from an ilness towards the end, going from 491 to 439 pounds and I have pics of him at the end and he was VERY thin. Much thinner than that pic of him, I believe that he was 8'7" or 8'8" in that pic.
Big Show said on 11/Oct/06
Nice pics JT. The first pic was actually the first pic I ever saw of Robert in the Guinness Book of Records. I believe it was one of the last pictures taken of him and probably the only one where he's close to his 8'11.1 peak height.
The second pic was taken in 1930 where a 14-year old Robert was 7'5. The guy next to him is 5'10.
Danimal said on 11/Oct/06
Look at Wadlow's shoe size in that first pic JT provided!
JT said on 10/Oct/06
Here are a few pictures of Wadlow that I haven
Nippu said on 10/Oct/06
Yep! I think there is no 8 footer in the world right now. stadnik is maybe 7
highman said on 9/Oct/06
clearly Vaino Myllyrinne was a legit 8 footer... no silly hats or clown sized shoes to create his height.... he was a giant. I believe we have yet to see an 8 footer living.
Nippu said on 9/Oct/06
Myllyrinne was 222cm (7
highman said on 7/Oct/06
Does anyone have anything on Vikas Uppal?
Nippu said on 5/Oct/06
Here is video of Vaino Myllyrinne and also his homepage with lot of pics. He was measured 247cm(8
tall guy said on 4/Oct/06
JT, i did remember that even pituitary giants dont keep on growing forever, its common sense, but given the fact that he was still growing at age 22 that means
he will continue to grow until his body can not tolerate anymore
and collapse.
he was the one and only case in the history i terms of extremity
other pituitary giants dont start grow when their were infant
and didnt grew at a speed wadlow have indicated. other pituitary giant have
showned sign of acromegaly in their late teens to early 20's and the growth
gradually slowed down and stopped, but wadlow showed you that not did he not
stop, he actually he started grew faster again when he was supposed to have show sign of transition from gigantism to acromegaly, his case was/is very strange and there should be a study done for that.
yeah a normal person would have stopped growing at their early 20's and
wadlow was 22 at the time and was growing at a rate of almost 4 inches
per year, what does that tells you ?? is he normal??
his case was completely different as there wasnt any sign of transition from gigantism to acromegaly and given the speed of his growth which is why i say he might possibly grew to 10 feet.
he was already an exception cant you see ?? by his continue growth throughout
adulthood until he died, that showing no sign of stop growing.
at that rate, he would easily reached 9 foot 6 mark at age 24 and thats still
very ver young, so what makes you think he would never gotten the 10 foot mark ?? but if he was 10 feet tall i do think theres a greater chance of him ending
up in a wheel chair
as for health issues, i dont think he was in trouble health before he died
actually he was normal just like you and the difference is he has no sense on
his feet as his body grew to fast for his nerve system to catch up with
and this reason was why he ended up injured his feet without knowing whats going on. and by the time they discovered that it was all too late.
had he not suffered this injury he definately would have lived quite a few more
years and reach the 10 foot mark.
JT said on 3/Oct/06
Tall Guy, remember that even with pituitary giants, they don't keep growing length-wise forever. I'm no expert, but I believe they'll stop growing height-wise in their early 20s as a normal person would. Wadlow was already 22 at his death. If the pituitary gland remains hyperactive, then the bones start to thicken rather than lengthen. Andre the Giant and Big Show are good examples. I'm sure Wadlow would have surpassed the 9 foot mark by several inches though, given his rate of growth at age 22. He could have been the exception to the rule and kept growing a few more years. Who knows.

IIRC, Wadlow had to wear both leg and ankle braces for support, which is why I believe he would have had more health issues the taller he got.
tall guy said on 2/Oct/06
he definately would have lived quite a few more years had he not suffered from that ankle injury, and he actually started to grew faster again since turning 3 inch per year, so lets say if he can live at least 4 years more, dont you think he would have easily gotten the 10 foot mark ?

he was perfectly healthy during his lifetime as the story told about him in his main web page has mentioned and its just he had little sensation on his feet
other than that there isnt any evidence of him having trouble with health.
it was the infection from the blister that kills him not pituitary gigantism
theres not a single sign of him having problem with bone also
as you know see the picture of him taken with his dad
he was able to stand straight without the aid
what would makes you think if he would have all of sudden suffer spinal curvature had he grew taller ??

noticed how he was STILL able to walk without a stick despite being 9 feet tall
and walk fast even though his gesture was really awkward
had he grew to 10 feet tall i would think he can still walk but he would be
much more awkward and in a slower motion with aid of a stick.
mask said on 29/Sep/06
hey guys this is a photo of Gheorghe Muresan taken from a 1996 magazine:
Click Here
you can see that he is in shoes and comes up to the 7'7-8" mark approximately
because I have the impression looking at the photo that he doesn't stand up straight at 100% but is also true y that with shoes on he comes up to 7'7" and so I'd say that maybe in 1996 he wasn't a full 231 cm maybe 228 or even less but I am not sure!
highman said on 28/Sep/06
Ok... so this Igor Vovkovinskiy came out of nowhere yet he has been working at the Mayo Clinic!! Can we assume that he has been measured a legit 7-8?? Not far of from Xi Shun
Danimal said on 27/Sep/06
Well, Robert ALMOST proved everyone wrong!!!
Jason said on 26/Sep/06
I remember reading somewhere that humans aren't physiologically capable (due to limitations placed by the organs I think it was) of getting up above 9 foot no matter what.
mask said on 26/Sep/06
Hey guys this is another giant from Ukraine:
Click Here
Igor Vovkovinskiy 23 years old 7'8"
Anshelm said on 25/Sep/06
There seems to be some confusion on Wadlow's runners-up. Here are the 8' (2.44) or more guys recognized by Guinness (last seen in the 1992 edition). I've used the initial heights; Guinnes later upgraded two of them.

272 cm/8'11" Robert Wadlow (1918
Viper652 said on 25/Sep/06
That video is great, Wadlow is playing basketball!!! Just remember, this dude would have 2 feet on Shaq.
Bendy said on 25/Sep/06
RE: Clifford Thompson, I dont agree with Julio who says he was 7'2, I agree with bigshow at about 7'5.

Click Here

I edited the picture from the link, and if we assume thats a 7 foot door, I reckon he would be about 7'4-7'5" taking in to account the dodgy footwear.

Regarding Wadlow, My guess is if he lived for a couple more years he MAY have reached about 9'3-9'6" Thats if his body would have lasted that long, what with the immense strain on the heart to pump the blood around. I reckon if the foot infection hadnt have killed him, he would have had about 1yr more max, his body was already failing by his death, He couldnt stand or walk without the aid of braces and cane.

Interesting short film about him...

Click Here

JT said on 25/Sep/06
Tall Guy, I doubt Wadlow would have reached 10 feet but he certainly was likely to break the 9 foot mark by several inches given his recent rate of growth (Click Here). I'm just guessing but had he kept living, I bet he'd really start suffering from serious spinal curvature and other bone deformities, including bowing of the legs, the taller he got. He probably would have ended up in a wheelchair too. You can see from this video how much trouble he had moving around. (Click Here) Look how awkward his gait is when he exits the elevator. He'll probably remain the tallest man in our lifetimes, since anyone with a pituitary tumor can have the condition treated fairly easily now with surgery or medications.
highman said on 24/Sep/06
So there really have been very few 8 footers in the history of earth... most probably... and really maybe none medically verified above 8 foot 2inches other than Wadlow??? So Wadlow is numerically an astonishing deviation from the norm....
tall guy said on 24/Sep/06
the question always hidden deep beneath in my mind, just how tall would he have eventually gotten had he lived longer ?? for those who say he definately will die sooner even had he not suffer those injuries was clearly mistaken, he showed no sign of troubling health prior to his ankle brace injuries and had he not suffer that injuries and lived a few more years, i do think he have a good chance of reaching the 10 foot mark if not exceeding it, remember, this guy was growing at a rate of 3 inches per year before he died and showed no indication of ending to his growth......
so the question should be what might be his eventual height ??
my guess would be around 10 feet tall
julio said on 23/Sep/06
I do not think that it is reached 7'5, it appears smaller ( 7'2) on the photographs :
Click Here

Click Here
Big Show said on 23/Sep/06
Clifford Thompson was 7'5.
julio said on 23/Sep/06

Clifford Thomspon is other claimant for the title of the tallest man in the world after the death of Robert Wadlow, Cliff billed as 8 feet 7 inches (2,62m) in circus.
photo : Click Here

I think that his height is very exagerate and it was to reach approximately 7 feet 2 inches

what think about it ?
sorry for my bad english
Big Show said on 22/Sep/06
Kennet pz, Fredrick Kempster was believed to be only 7'8. He was a circus giant and they're always billed taller than they are.

Click Here

Here's a link to him.
kenneth pz said on 21/Sep/06
hes a giant amount all the gaints in world.. no1 could beat this big boy wadlow 272cm huge flame.. most giant who gets reveal and apear in news are around 7ft6(229cm)~7ft9(238cm)is common.. but who will reach wadlow 8ft11?? not even a 5inches(12cm) near his height..not even 8ft2don koehler,bernard coyne near him.. but thats an american giant name fredrick kempster was 256cm when he died.. that was the 16cm nearest to wadlows height.. fredrick was the 2nd world ever tallest men below wadlow..
Big Show said on 20/Sep/06
Indeed that pic confirms it all LMAO.

I would leave my name out as well if I came up with such a statement. But I reckon you're just joking around. I've never heard of a 7'6.5 listing for Manute Bol. He's always been listed as 7'7.
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/06
ill answer that question anonymous this picture confirms 7'6.5"

Click Here

he is only 2'3.5" inches taller then mugsy
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/06
hahahah jason I am just curious where is you evidence that manute is only 7'6.5" opposed to 7'7"?
Jason said on 19/Sep/06
I've read Khan's height referred to as being 7'7'' before. Actually he might not even be quite that mark because he would have been listed as the tallest man residing in the US which went to Manute Bol (7'6 1/2''). I think Calvin Lane is more 7'4''-7'5'' than 7'6''. He's also described as 7'5''.
Big Show said on 18/Sep/06
The article on Alexander Sizonenko states that he's 7'10.5 in a lying position. This doesn't count imo. You're always taller when you're lying down. If he were standing up and was still healthy he would probably be 7'9 or 7'9.5 and therefore shorter than the current record holder, 7'8.95 Xi Shun.
I'm also somewhat suspicious on Alexander. They say his wife is 5'8.5 (according to the ruler next to the pic she indeed is this height. But it also states that Alexander is 7'10.5 (and the same article says that Alexander is 7'6 in a standing position) so that ruler is false. That means this woman is closer to 5'5. Isn't there anyone that can find some info on his basketball days. Perhaps his old team has a height listing for him as well.
Wrestling lover said on 17/Sep/06
Alot of people beleive that over the past 2000 years average height of a full grown man has chande drastically.But It actually didnt.The average height of a Roman soildier(size of a average Roman man) was 5ft 7inches.It is now 5'10"tall.
Bendy said on 17/Sep/06
Good find on Aurangzeb Khan Tad, I did calculate him to be roughly 7'6"-7'7", Regarding Wang Feng-Jun, I found a picture of him with whom I believe is now the tallest woman in the world, Yao Defen.

Click Here

About 5yrs ago Yao Defen challenged Sandy Allen as worlds tallest woman, but when measured by guinness she was 1/2" shorter than sandy allen (Sandy should be removed from guinness as she can no longer stand also her spine is curved and some people believe if she was to stand up she would be about 7'3" due to curve in her spine), So if we go on the basis she is 7'6-7'7" (although there are claims she is 7'8", Then judging by the picture posted Wang Feng-Jun could very well be in the 7'10"+ range but its hard to say as with other pictures of the 2 of them he is either same size or slightly shorter, so either she has grown or he has shrunk...

Also regarding Alexander Sizonenko, I found a website stating that he is 229.6cm (7'6") standing and 240cm (7'10") lying down.

Click Here

If you translate it, like I did you will understand it better...
As for Sultan Kosen, I havent found too much infomation on him so i cannot comment.


JT said on 17/Sep/06
Tad, 7'7" is a pretty good call for Khan. Here's Khan and 7'6" Calvin Lane next to the same guy (Click Here)
(Click Here). If you re-size and compare the photos, Kahn looks an inch or two taller than Lane. Kahn sure isn't 8 feet, as claimed on his website.
Tad said on 17/Sep/06
Hey Bendy, Hey Mask, take a look Click Here
7'6" Yao ming with the former Mayor of Houston Lee Brown, and Aurangzeb khan with the same person in Click Here in the pictures section. Yao has a good posture but Khan slouching a bit. maybe 7'7" for khan?
Tad said on 16/Sep/06
Wadlow was 8'11" without doubt. The tallest man ever. But, who is the tallest living man?. Xi shun was measured by guinness 7ft 8.95 inc. But i'm not sure he is the tallest man. could be the chinese Wan feng hun, he was measured 8ft 0.5 inc. by the doctors before his surgery 4 years ago; maybe the russian Alexander Sizonenko, german doctors measured him 7ft 11 inc. , and don't forget Sultan Kosen.
JT said on 16/Sep/06
Wadlow grew three inches in the the last year of his life (Click Here). It's reasonable to assume that he would have grown another inch to reach 9 feet tall had he not died at 22.
Jason said on 16/Sep/06
7'4''? I knew Viktor Zabolotny was nowhere near that 7'10'' stuff. 222cm (his basketball listing on your link) is actually 7'3 1/2''.
mask said on 15/Sep/06
But he is actually 7'4" he was a basketball player look at this any:
Click Here
he played basketball and now works in the traveling circus because of he comes from a poor family and he need money to help his parents and himself too
Anonymous said on 14/Sep/06
what about viktor zabolotny?. He claims 7'10''
highman said on 12/Sep/06
Amazing that there appears to be ZERO photos of John F. Carroll out there... how do you all know so much about him though?
Dan J. said on 11/Sep/06
I've been looking through NFL guides for the past year and I have yet to find any proof that any players named Daniel Bosoms (re: the 6'11" safety) or Bob Bobinghanger (7'7") played pro football. If anyone has proof (ie: photos, etc...) let me know. From all indications, Richard Sligh, the Oakland Raider reserve defensive tackle of the late 1960's was the tallest at 7-foot even.
TheMan said on 11/Sep/06
Yeah like bigshow said highman. Umm maybe they didnt add him becuase it wasnt standing height i don't know. Probably never got a chance to find out how tall he was stretching so that may of been a guess. Who knows he may have been over 9 foot even.
Danimal said on 9/Sep/06
He wasn't a boy when he died. He was in his early 20's and he was still growing at the time of his death.
keren said on 8/Sep/06
according to his height last mearsure at after his death 272cm was closer to 9ft tall.. he is a very huge boy.. lets say if he last mearsure which he stand a straight posture without abit hunches.. he could be a good 9ft(275cm)tall..
Big Show said on 30/Aug/06
Nice find Mask, never believed this kid being the 8'3 that he claimed to be. I think most people who claim to be over 8 feet tall are really somewhere around the 7'6 mark. It's the same as 50 years ago, when people of 7'5 claimed to be 8'6 or even taller.
Highman, I don't believe there are any pics of John F. Carroll. But John wasn't 8'9 in reality. This would be his height, if his spine was normal. But in reality he was only 7'10.5 (standing height).
Highman said on 29/Aug/06
I think the tallest are Xi Shun and Ajaz Ahmed.... Leonid doesn't look any taller than Georghe Mureasan (sp?)..... I don't think there is an 8 footer on the planet....
Highman said on 29/Aug/06
I also have found nothing, I mean nothing on John F. Carroll in terms of photos. What gives?!!?? How could Guiness not have one yet quietly and consistently list him as the 2nd tallest human of all time? Anyone?
Jim said on 25/Aug/06
Robert was the tallest man known to medical records.
In ancient Palestine or Greece, men had a median stature of 5'4 (3 1/2 cubits)and if Wadlow had lived in those days, he'd have surely seemed twice as tall as a man, and probably would've been recorded as something like 8 cubits and a span ,(seemingly 12 ft tall). Ancient measurements were fairly vague probably rounded up to something like this:

5'3-5'6 = 3 cubits and a span
5'10-6'0 = 4 cubits
6'4-6'6 = 4 cubits and a span
6'8-6'10 = 5 cubits
7'0-7'2 = 5 cubits and a span
7'4-7'6 = 6 cubits
7'8-7'10 = 6 cubits and a span
8'0-8'2 = 7 cubits
8'4-8'6 = 7 cubits and a span
8'8-8'10= 8 cubits
9'0-9'2 = 8 cubits and a span
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
BTW, this Ijaz Ahmed who claims he is 8'4" is also claiming he only ways 287 pounds. Do you know how thin that is? That like a 6'0" claiming he weighs 65 pounds.
Danimal said on 24/Aug/06
Are you claiming that you ARE Ijaz Ahmed???
Big Show said on 24/Aug/06
If Stadnik is still growing why is he still claiming to be 8'4. This height claims dates from 2 years back. He should be 8'7 or even taller by now if he's still growing.
To me it looks like 8'4 is the new magic number for Giants. There are at least 3 people in the world claiming to be this height.
Gotxo said on 24/Aug/06
Mask -Obviously they site is under construction so they can keep up with that's large guy growth :). Still growing at 35 is possible and reveals an hormonal disbalance.
mask said on 23/Aug/06
Hey guys the site Click Here is under construction!
mask said on 18/Aug/06
Ijaz you are this one:
Click Here
are you sure you are 8'4" tall? What's tha problem whit your right leg?
Ijaz Ahmed said on 18/Aug/06
Name : Ijaz Ahmed
Age : 26 Years Old
Height : 256 Cm (8
Larry said on 16/Aug/06
Gravity would only vary with huge variations in over-all mass, So, gravity would be close. But many other factors vary TREMENDOUSLY: rainfall, volcanic activity, the Earth's magnetism, temperature, sea levels, etc. Anything that effects the availability of food effects animal size. Like, Kodiak bears are SO large because of the abundance of salmon on their island. The buoyancy of water alows for greater mobile mass.
The Man - Yes and that animal was related to the rhinoserous, NOT elephants!
Massimo - Large sauropods are found that STRETCH the ASSUMED terrestrial size limit all the time! Superposidonosaurus stood 60 feet tall!
TheMan said on 15/Aug/06
The biggest ever land mammel Baluchitherium was said to have stood at around the shoulders 26foot and nearly 40 foot long. Some animals are obviously built to reach bigger sizes with no problems. But i wander seeing how much smaller things are now if the gravity was diffrent then somehow aswell.

Click Here

for a picture.
Massimo said on 15/Aug/06
Ultrasaurus stood at least 18 m tall and weighted at least 136 t.
Larry said on 15/Aug/06
Gotxo - Thanks man! :-) Some sauropods held their heads very erect, based on neck vertebrae. But they had relatively small heads & probably had a series/valve system kind of like giraffes. Brachiosaurs had longer front legs and strut-like bones in their cervial structures. Also, there is evidence they had very large hearts. But some sauropods DID hold their necks pretty much parellel to the ground. And there were "in between species". The tallest discovered biped (so far) is the 17 foot tall Giganotosaurus. T. rex stood about 16 feet tall.
I believe there ARE statistics showing tall subjects ARE more susceptable to some maladies (but less susceptible to others).
TheMan said on 14/Aug/06
Those guys who died young like scott clien. You don't just drop down dead in peak condition you do if you take steriods though so most of these bodybuilders are ridiclous with their steroid intake their just dead men walking. Yeah youre in amazing shape for a few years but i don't see the point when youre dead after. Its just sad they throw their lives away. Sorry bit off subject but i had to rant their lol.
Gotxo said on 14/Aug/06
Ah Larry get better!
We bet on you!
Gotxo said on 14/Aug/06
Great post friend! yeah, the stats show that people over 184cm have a greater chances to suffer of problems derivated of blood pressure, as say cataracts in
the eyes. Can't remeber the proportion, but it was much bigger when you past that height, and it is only slightly over 6'.
On that of giraffes and such, it is suppossed that long necked dinosaurs as diplodocus, brontosaurus...etc, wheren't able to raise their heads above their
shoulders height, because the lack of generating needed blood pressure.
They would faint if doing so, or if not they should have a car sized hear, wich implies a lot of overpresure problems in brain, lungs and other organs.
When the Spaniards conquered what is now argentina (XV century) we met there what for the century where giants (5'11" on average) and called them patagones
(Big Footed ones).
In other parts of south america where suppossed to duel some guys averaging near 2 meters. But that's controversial, i'll check it and post here.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 13/Aug/06
Big Show you are right about one thing they will never confirm Goliath`s real height because even if they did find his skeleton it would be hard to know for shure how tall he was because David cut his head off.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 13/Aug/06
Do any of you guys know who Giant Angus Macaskill was?He was possibly the strongest man who ever lived and was the tallest non Acromegalic giant in history. He once threw a 300lb fisherman over a ten foot pile of wood.You should go to and learn more about big Angus.And there was an ancient land known as Atlantis I am sure most of you guys are farmiliar with.These people were said to of averaged 10'0" or taller possibly 11'0".
ancient Aztec Guy said on 13/Aug/06
Danimal I was just kidding about Robert being 7'10".Hahahah
Big Show said on 11/Aug/06
What was actually the cause of death for both Scott Klein and Noah Steere? Heart faillure?
Akiharu Murase said on 8/Aug/06
I think so sad... tragic death at young... blond-haired guys.

1. Robert Pershing Wadlow (February 22, 1918 - July 15, 1940)
The tallest man ever lived.
2. Big Scott Klein (February 11, 1973 - May 22, 2003)
6' tall, 285lbs, 7% bodyfat, 55" chest, 32" waist, 22" arms (biceps), 30" thighs (quards), 19" calves and blond hair.
3. Noah Steere (1969 - May, 2003)
6'6" tall, 335lbs of muscle, 55" chest, 32" waist, 24" arms (biceps), 30" thighs (quards), 19" calves and blond hair.
Rest in Peace.

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Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Ancient Aztec guy, you're now stating that you believe that robert Wadlow was 8'11.1", but only a few days ago you said he was only 7'10"-7'11". Dude, you changed your mind by a foot??? That's a bit extreme.
TheMan said on 7/Aug/06
Onto Goliaths height i seriously doubt he was 9,9. I personally think there wasnt anyone taller than Wadlow. He was an extreme case of how tall humans can get and he could barly walk. I doubt Goliath was that tall for that reason. He might of been 7,6 or something even maybe 8 foot but nowhere near 9 foot.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
79 kg (174 pounds) ar 8'6'? That's scary. Manute Boll is 7'6 3/4" and he weighs 225 pounds and is as thin as a rake. Imagine him a foot taller and 50 pounds less? Wow.
Big Show said on 7/Aug/06
Aztec, Goliath's height will probably never be confirmed because he lived 3000 years ago. Unless they find a tomb with his skeleton inside, they might verify his height.
I don't put much trust in the Bible's claim (I don't believe that Moses split the Red Sea and Noach saved the world with his Arc either). It's far more spectacular to say Goliath is 9'9 than to say his real height, which probably was the 6'10 claim. 6'10 in that time was gigantic. The average male in that area would probably be only 4'10.

ancient Aztec Guy says on 5/Aug/06
Goliath`s height of over 9ft tall has never yet been confirmed.The Bible claims that he was 9`9``.There are some that say he was neither of those heights.Here are some heights others beleive he really was.9'0",7'9",7'2",and even 6'10".His brothers were shorter than him too.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 6/Aug/06
I really do beleive Robert Was 8'11.1".
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
Who's Scott Klein and what does that have to do with the tallest men who ever lived?
Akiharu Murase said on 6/Aug/06
Big Scott Klein was 6' tall, weighed 285lbs, with 7% bodyfat, 55" chest, 32" waist, 30" thighs, 19" calves and blond hair, but he died only 30 years of age in 2003.
Rest in Peace.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
His wing span was 9'6" Viper. He probably would have hit that height if he didn't die. Again, could they have saved him today?
TheMan said on 5/Aug/06
I dont think anyone in history was taller than Wadlow probably never will as gigantism can be halted. And i doubt anyone will ever want to be near 9 foot. if Wadlow in the modern era had these kinds of problems then a person in a past era would have had it more difficult. The chances of anyone being taller than Wadlow is highley unlikely IMO they would probably need braces just to walk which then of course they woudlent have. To Danimals question yes Wadlow could of been saved but he never would of reached 8,11 not in this era. Anyone with gigantism can have it halted. Wadlow would of died even if he hadnt died there i think he would of died shortly anyway probably wouldent of got past 23. Hes height growth needed to be stopped to have him live.
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
Think of the Standing Reach this guy had at 8-11. If he had any athletic ability whatsoever he would have played in the NBA right away.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 5/Aug/06
HEY VIPER652!!!!!!I never onece said that Andre was 7'5".Just so you know;)
ancient Aztec Guy said on 5/Aug/06
Goliath`s height of over 9ft tall has never yet been confirmed.The Bible claims that he was 9`9``.There are some that say he was neither of those heights.Here are some heights others beleive he really was.9'0",7'9",7'2",and even 6'10".His brothers were shorter than him too.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
If Robert was alive today, could medical advancements have saved him?
Larry said on 4/Aug/06
Robert Wadlow was measured at 8'11.1" not long before his death (due to giantism).
Danimal said on 4/Aug/06
My first gf ever when I was in grade 3, suffered from scoliosis (sorry about the spelling) and she had an operation to straighten out her spine. After the operation, she was 9" taller!!!
Danimal said on 4/Aug/06
I believe that Robert would have grown to his arm span (alsmot 9'6" if he had not died.

There are also interesting accounts for some of those tallest men in history having experience a growth spurt later in life (in their 30's or later). Bizarre, isn't it?
Big Show said on 4/Aug/06
Schnappi, the case with John F. Caroll is that he was 'only' 7'10.5. He suffered from hard, 2-dimensional back bending (Kyphoscoliosis). Type this in Google Images, and you'll see some images of how someone with this condition looks like. Technically John F. Caroll was 7'10.5. If his back would have been normal he would have been 8'7.75, I repeat 'would have been'.
It's the same case as if a guy who doesn't have any legs could be 9 feet if he had legs. But he doesn't have legs so he's not 9 feet (can you follow me). If John F. Caroll stould next to Wadlow, he still would be dwarfed by him.
Danimal said on 4/Aug/06
Ancient Aztec Guy, you amaze me. You believe that Andre was AT LEAST 7'4", when the evidence proves otherwise, YET, you believe that Robert Wadlow was only 7'10", when it's been verified that the man was just shy of 9'0". Just amazing.
Schnappi said on 3/Aug/06
Last measured of John F.Caroll was on his 17th birthday, so maybe he grew taller but wasn't measured in later years? At that enormous height 5-7cm(2-3inch)difference isn't large. I think that he may grew to around 267-270cm(8'9-8'10)or even a bit taller. He may stopped growing about 17years with height of 8'7,75(263,5cm)howewer, of course. I didn't find no more information, no photos of him to may estimate his height. He possibly was a second tallest man in history and no information, no pics...very, very strange....
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
Aztec says Andre the Giant was 7-5 and Wadlow was only 7-10, LOL. Just looking at one picture of Wadlow will tell you he was close to 9-0.
Big Show said on 30/Jul/06
John F. Carrol was born in Buffalo, New York in 1932. He suffered from hard, 2-dimensional back bending (Kyphoscoliosis). He measured 7'10.75 while standing up but his height would have been 8'7.75 if he had a normally straight back (that's the reason why Guiness never confirmed him as the tallest man in the world, that title went to Don Koehler who was 8'2. He was born in Buffalo, New York.

Big Show said on 30/Jul/06
Ancient Aztec Guy, Robert Wadlow's height has been confirmed by doctor's, Guiness Book of Records, etc. The proof is undeniable. Robert is 8'11 and not 7'10 like you say. His height is not exagerated.
ancient Aztec Guy said on 29/Jul/06
Hey Big Show!Every source I found was claiming that Anna Swan and Captain Bates were supposed to be the exact same height.I don`t know why there are some sources saying they were 7`11`,7`11.5`,7`2.5,7`6`,7`5.5`,7`4` and even 8`1`.Every source I have found so far say there were the same height.It is never safe to say they were a certain height because every source says somethin different.HEH...HEH...HEH...HEH!
ancient Aztec Guy said on 29/Jul/06
I think Robert Wadlow`s height was greatly exagerrated.He was probobly more like 7`10`` or 7`11``
Jeremy said on 29/Jul/06
John F. Carroll is often listed as the second tallest person after Wadlow, but their doesn`t seem to be any information about him. Does anybody have any links to articles about him, or are their any pictures? He seems a bit of a mystery man.
Big Show said on 28/Jul/06
Ancient Aztec Guy, the couple you're referring to are Anna Swan & Captain Bates who were around 7'5.5 and 7'2.5, not the exact same height as Anna was taller. Here's a her website: Click Here
ancient Aztec Guy said on 26/Jul/06
Did any of you Fellers/Guys ever hear tell of the actress Reese Witherspoon.She played June Carter on the movie WALK THE LINE.She is pretty short.She stands 5`1``.Johnny Cash was 6`2``.Did anyone hear tell of the Kentucky Giant who stood over 7 1/2 feet tall.She got married to a female giantess in N.S. Canada.They were the exact same height.They had 2 or 3 children that died shortly after birth.All their children weighd over 20lbs at birth.If they had lived they may have been 9 or 10ft tall.
Jimmy Strouse said on 26/Jul/06
I agree. with an estimate 6.5 billion people in the world, it wouldn't surprise me if there were several men 8ft or more in stature but have not been verified by guinness book, or wish not to be.
TheMan said on 26/Jul/06
I guess it must be possible if you have really tall parents. But i think when it's random like to even reach 6,10 there must of been some overactive P glands somewhere along the lines maybe.
Anonymous said on 26/Jul/06
Viper652, there have been many people in the past who claimed to be over 8 feet tall, but where mostly considerably below the 8 foot mark. You use to have people like Jack Earle (claimed 8'6, real height 7'7.5), John Aasen (claimed 8'6, was measured at just over 7'), Jan van Albert (claimed 8'6, was 7'9), Loushkin (claimed 8'5, was 7'10.5), Al Tomaini (claimed 8'5, was 7'4).
Now we have people like Leonid Stadnik, who claims to be 8 feet 4, but is probably around 7'8. Aurangzeb Khan claims to be 8 feet, but is probably 7'6. Vikas Uppal, claims 8'3, but is probably only around 7' tall (he didn't look that tall next to a bunch of kids). These guys are all very tall, but put them next to other tall men and see if they still look the height they claim to be (somehow I doubt they will).
Xishun is the tallest man in the world according to Guiness. However it could very well be that there are people in the world who could be taller. Radhouane Charbib was the tallest man according to Guinness for many years, but wasn't the tallest because Xishun must've been taller back then aswell.
Jimmy Strouse said on 25/Jul/06
Yao Ming is a legit 7'6" and his parents are very tall aswell: His mom is 6'3", and his dad is 6'10". When Yao was a child, Doctors calculated that he would grow to be over seven feet tall. His height is certainly genetic, and not acromegalic. Therefore it is possible for people to achieve a height of 7 1/2 ft through normal genetics. Just look at the Masai, Dinka, Nuer, Anuak, and Tutsi tribes of Africa who often averaged between 6' and 6'5" for males within different clans, and they often produce men who greatly exceed 7ft in height, such as Manute Bol, or a guy like Mutombo.
TheMan said on 20/Jul/06
You guys are right there must be a limit to what people can grow to normally and it's nowhere near 7foot. It is amazing though how people do reach it through genitics that to me is a mystery, people like xi shun. IMO they must have had overactive piltary glands anyway. I don't belive you can reach 7,8 through genitics alone what do you guys think. I think it was still slightly overactive (P) glands it's got to be possible for the brain to make an error. But as we see this is not alot. Thats one theory i have for people being so tall without any reason eg short parents. It doesnt mean it's gigantism etc but could simply be the brain overestimating the height it should.
Larry said on 20/Jul/06
Big Show - Lucky guy. But THAT tall is VERY VERY rare to not be accompanied by acromegaly.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.