How tall is Sam Robertson

Sam Robertson's Height

6ft 0 (182.9 cm)

Scottish actor best known for playing Adam Barlow on Coronation Street. As a model he was listed 6ft tall.

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Average Guess (24 Votes)
5ft 11.5in (181.6cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Mar/23
Sam’s Adam Barlow tends to come over as a wee bit taller than his half-brother, Daniel, and it can’t have anything to do with the little chignon-style bun he’s now sporting….. or can it?

Both guys have been given 6ft by Rob, and ironically they have exactly the same average of 5ft11.78.


Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jul/22
Where Adam Barlow gets his height from, I’ll never know….

Baldwin was 5ft6 and the Barlow family average out at WAY below 6ft!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jul/22
Poor little sausage, Adam, to have lost his Soap Mum at just 12.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/May/22
Sam seems to have had a perm, so consequently looks taller. I do like curly locks on a guy and this probably dates back to my teens, when I had a crush on Roger Daltrey. It has nothing to do with the ‘looking taller’ bit!

Still 6ft.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Mar/22
Ha ha, Sakz! I’m just watching the omnibus of last week’s Coronation Street, when there was yet ANOTHER attack on the poor guy, and I missed the episode. His poor, battered body can’t take much more, 6 feet or not!

Right, it’s just happened and it’s EXACTLY the bunny 🐇 boiler I expected it to be. How can anybody hold a grudge for so long? It beats me! How very bad for one’s mental health, and even worse for the victim of the said grudge. 😝

Yes, I do think that Adam reaches 6ft. I decided that when I saw Adam standing with Mary, who is 5ft4 or just under. Daniel is 6ft as well, though I fully agree that both guys’ footwear/camera angles chop and change things from time to time.

Weak 6ft. A tiny bit below, but nothing significant.
Sakz said on 23/Dec/20
@Sandy Hey just saw your response now. I would still put Adam at just under 6'0, since Daniel generally seems to edge him out based on my observations. Of course you do have to take posture and footwear into account so there is margin for error. Who do you think attacked Adam?
Andy5'93/4 said on 21/Dec/20
Is he really near 5 inches taller than Mikey North? I think he could be nearer to the 5’11 1/2 range maybe even closer to 5’11
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Dec/20
@ Sakz - Hi Sakz! I've just finished watching the repeat of last Friday's double, and there was a family row, with Ken trying to take the lead in sorting things out for the Barlows. To my eyes, Sam continues to look 6ft. There was a lovely opportunity to compare him to the new character, Ray Crosby, who stands 6ft2.5, but Sam's Adam immediately sat down and started drowning his sorrows. The programme ended up with Adam slumped over the bar!

Cheers, Sakz! I bid you an enjoyable Festive Season! XXX

Sakz said on 4/Oct/20
@Sandy I agree. He's also slimmer so gives the impression of being taller. Definitely a 6 footer, whereas Sam looks more 5'11.5 I would say. I liked the telling off Carla gave him, and it's something that holds true in real life. Good to see the writers acknowledging it.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Oct/20
@ Sakz - I have the best opportunity to compare him to his younger 'uncle', Daniel Osbourne, now as I'm watching the omnibus. My money is on Daniel being taller!

Sam's Adam Barlow plays quite a stinker; he's been two timing his new wife, Sarah. The girl with whom he's cheating with says to him, "I see you haven't changed then!" 😝

Adam must take after his grandfather, Ken Barlow!

5ft11.75. 😁👍
Sakz said on 19/Aug/20
@Sandy The relations are indeed quite complex, much like the Dingles in Emmerdale. I don't even begin to guess them!

@Rob When I searched 'Sam Robertson Celebheights' for a quick search he was written up at a precise 5'11.75 (182cm). I think that might be more accurate for him.
Nik Ashton said on 16/Aug/20
It’s great to find out how tall he is!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Aug/20
@ Sakz - Ha ha ha! How right you are! Adam's Mum was Ken's late daughter, who was killed in an RTA. So Sam's character, Adam, has one appropriately-aged uncle, in Peter Barlow, and another who is much the same age. I find it rather amusing how men can produce kids well into old age - Ken was merely middle-aged, but look at Charlie Chaplin 😲 - resulting in half-siblings who are old enough to be their parents or even grandparents!

I think Sam and Rob Mallard (Daniel) are much the same age in real life, but Sam looks older. It could be the confidence that goes with his high-flying career. So self-assured is Sam that it could even add a bit to his height. It's worth checking out their ages though....

Cheers Sakz and have a great weekend,

Sandy XXX 😁👍
Sakz said on 13/Aug/20
@Sandy I imagine they just rounded up, for the reason you mentioned. He doesn't strike me as a 6 footer but still comfortably taller than the majority. He's actually Daniel's nephew which I tend to forget, so not surprised you missed that too.

As for the episode I was referring to previously, it was actually Shayne Ward and not Chris Gascoyne as I corrected below. The episode was from a few years ago so I couldn't quite remember at first. Oh tell me about it. Height and ego boosts come hand in hand haha. Take care and hope to hear from you soon!
CD said on 13/Aug/20
Tough one. He looks a bit shorter than 6ft Rob Mallard, but I remember when he returned to Corrie a few years ago and stood toe to toe with Tristan Gemmill (who played Robert), he definitely looked taller by at least half an inch... Tristan always looked taller than (IMO 5’10.5) Ben Price too. So I’m inclined to say in Sam’s case he clears the 5’11 mark no doubt, just whether he is that full 6ft is the question.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Aug/20
😝 Correction Time! 😝

In my comment dated 8th August, I should have written '...and I've KNOWN...' instead of 'and I've know', which makes no sense whatsoever!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Aug/20
@ Rob and Sakz - Hi! I don't remember Sam's Adam shouting that he's 6ft to Chris Gascoyne. 😕 Five whole inches is a big chunk of height. Perhaps I wasn't concentrating, exactly the way I'm doing now with 'Classic Coronation Street'. I haven't a clue what's going on as I missed yesterday's. Blah! 👅

Sam can have 6ft again, but having read the comments below, I'm going to scrutinize Sam with his half-brother, Daniel, to see if there is a slight difference. Perhaps it's only an eighth of an inch, but I feel it would be well worthwhile to find out. Oh, the fights we used to have as kids as to who was taller. Even half-an-inch would boost someone's ego no end. "I'm taller than you! Ner-ner-ner-ner-ner!" 😝 Then a raspberry would be blown, or a rude grunting noise 🐗🐽 emitted from the taller little brat!

6ft, maybe for the last time. 🤔🔍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Aug/20
@ Sakz - I know exactly what you mean! I'm assuming that Sam was written up as 6ft to help his modelling career. Many has been the time when I've been comparing him to other cast members and I thought, "Isn't he tall? Far out..."

I'm going to take a particularly keen interest in comparing him with his half- brother now and I will report back as to my findings.

I missed C Street yesterday. Too busy playing music. Cheers to you Sakz! Even my phone knows your name! 🤔📱
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Aug/20
Watch a few of his show. Just can't see him taller than 5'11 1/2.
Sakz said on 9/Aug/20
@Rob Correction. It was actually Shayne Ward and he called him 'a little boy'. Not the tallest man going around so the point still stands haha. I don't think Sam got it either way!
Sakz said on 9/Aug/20
@Rob Hahaha he was called a 'small man' by a 5'7 Chris Gascoyne of all people! Can you imagine reaching the big golden height of 6'0 and still being called small? And by a short man at that. He would have been better off yelling 'I'm 6 foot and a half!' at him. Every little helps after all...

@Sandy Hi hope you're well! It's interesting you mentioned those points, especially about height. Soaps tend to sacrifice realism for the storyline they're trying to portray and the narrative they want to push. I found that particular scene with Sam interesting since height is rarely mentioned in soaps as you said, and it got me thinking about his own height. I still think he's slightly under 6'0 since Rob Mallard (Daniel) seems to edge him out. Can't fault him for rounding up though. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Editor Rob
I can see why he shouted "SIX FOOT" back to a guy a few inches smaller!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Aug/20
@ Rob and Sakz: Hi guys! I often wonder why:

a) Height isn't brought up far more in day-to-day conversation in Soap land the way it is in real life, 📏🤔 It's always been one of the first questions I ask someone and I've know PLENTY like me. It's part of 'breaking the ice',

b) Women don't remark more on each other's new hairstyles and 👩👱‍♀️

c) There is only one person per name in each and every Soap. Now that's not at all realistic! 🤪

Here's to a good weekend to you all.
😁👌 Including Sam, of course....📏🍀
Sakz said on 7/Aug/20
@Rob Always thought he might be a weak 6 footer. I remember him yelling 'I'm 6'0' in Corrie during one episode so that was an accurate claim.
Editor Rob
Why was he yelling six foot 😆

I'm sure some celebs after seeing their listing on this site have thrown pots and pans about their kitchen shouting "I'm five f***** eleven" 😤
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Aug/20
Oh,thank you Rob - THANK YOU! 😁👍

Sam, as Scottish solicitor Adam Barlow, has been playing such a brazen part in 'Coronation Street' for ages now that he deserves to be here. He has married Sarah Louise Platt as well, combining the Barlow and the Platt families, and whenever I've see a shorter person whose height I wonder about, I've been using him as a 6ft basal measuring stick!!!! Ha ha ha - I simply HAD to find out sooner or later if my 'stick' was an accurate one, and he seems to be. Sam does look the full 6ft, I must say, despite the fact that his hair is often fulsome up top, but then, we can check out his shoulder area too and he matches the height of his recently widowed half-brother, played by Rob Mallard, who is a 6-footer as well. If Sam looks taller sometimes, it's the bouncy hair. 🤔

6ft for Sam Robertson. 🧔👍 Another huge 'Thank You' for Big Rob! 🧔👏...😉

I look forward to writing on Sam's page in the future.
Editor Rob
He can look pretty close in height to Rob Mallard...enough that they may be within 1/4 inch of each other.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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