How tall is Seann William Scott - Page 2

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Average Guess (68 Votes)
5ft 10.85in (180cm)
Height detective said on 28/Apr/06
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The Horse of FUNK said on 24/Apr/06
Yeah, this guy is hard to get down. I've stated my height before on here; I'm a little under 6', like 5'11.75, maybe 5'11.5. So, I can kind of understand Seann's case. Seann likes to wear big boots a lot. I like to wear leather combat boots a lot (I have a weird leather boot fetish I guess), which add about 1.5" to my height. Not sure what Seann wears though, but his heels look big almost all the time. Anyway, I have a friend who's 6'0.5" (like Johnny) and likes to wear a lot of thin-soled shoes, especially chucks (again, just like Johnny), and sometimes I'm just a little over him or exactly the same height (his posture is sometimes a factor).

So, yeah, 5'11 or 5'11.25 seems about right.
Alex said on 5/Apr/06
He's a good 2 inches shorter than 6'0 Johnny Knoxville. So hes 5'10, 5'10.5 tops.
Mr. Awesome said on 16/Mar/06
good observation, MD. it looks like lift city there, to me. the only reason why he would wear hideous combad boots like that in combination with a sport coat would be to give him more height, cause they sure look ridiculous with those clothes.
MD said on 14/Mar/06
Of course he can look 6-foot. Many averaged heighted persons can. Sean particularly looked the height when filming with Johhny for the sole fact that he had on cowboy boots almost all of the time. Couple that with the fact that even when not in cowboy boots, he was always in some kind of thicker heeled shoe/boot than Johnny who's always in very flat tennis shoes. Here's a pic to show what I mean in terms of footwear:

1. Click Here

2. Click Here

3. Click Here

Also, Johnny may very well be 6'0" only in shoes. That is definitely not out of the question.
dmeyer said on 13/Mar/06
i agree that he looks 6 feet sometimes
Glenn said on 13/Mar/06
Ewan? the photo is on me all the time.Ill resend it.
Glenn said on 12/Mar/06
I never sent you this photo? He looked 6 feet to me.him and knoxville are both unbelievably nice.

Editor Rob
no, never seen any sean pic, yes this guy can come across 6ft in many pics...

did you ever find the mcgregor pick. I think you thought you had sent it, but I swear never to have seen it. Hope it isn't lost???
dmeyer said on 20/Feb/06
compare to will ferrell he looks 6' you right rob he cant be under 181 possibly 182
Height Detective said on 5/Feb/06

You can see the different footwear between johnny and Sean , that explains why they look the same height sometimes.
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/06
scott is almost knoxville height 1"diferance max also knoxville wear cowboy boots in the movie
Glenn said on 26/Jan/06
no way is scott 5-10.he looks 6 feet.ive seen him,you? so he is 5-11 and knoxville is 6-1.
seannlover said on 10/Jan/06
u no how johnny is listed as 6' on this website, well that has 2 b wrong. on the dukes of hazard, Johnny is wearing cow-boy boots with 1-2 inch heel! i no this 4 a fact coz i hav the dvd. seann wears pretty flat shoes, nowhere near the same as johnny and they r the same height in the movie. so either seann is taller, or johnny is shorter. and just 2 add, jessica simpson cannot b lyk 5'3 or 5'2 coz shez a head shorter then seann and johnny even with 3-4 inch heels.
CoolJ said on 4/Jan/06
If Scott is 5'10.. then Timberlake is under 5'11 then... and you can go ahead take Biggs down 2" as well..
MD said on 3/Jan/06
Yeah, he'd always been listed at 5'10" until the last year or so. I think he even said his height in an interview or two, stating he was 5'10"
Viper652 said on 3/Jan/06
He also looks a good 3 inches shorter then 6-1 Chris Klein in American Pie. He is in the 5-10 range.
Marc said on 2/Jan/06
In the Rundwn I realized he was wearing BOOTS!!!!!! No wonder he was up to the Rock's eyebrows!
MD said on 2/Jan/06
I really think he's 5'10.5-5'11". But Sean, when comparing heights it helps to compare people to other's of similar height. Comparing him with 6'0"ish Johnny Knoxville is a much better comparison, and it's obvious Sean's under 6'
Viper652 said on 2/Jan/06
Sean, you got to be kidding me. Hes never looked close to 6-0 in his life. Honestly he looks no taller then 5-10.5 in every movie Ive seen of him
seanlover said on 2/Jan/06
hmm seann is really difficult to figure out isnt he? lol. well next to the 6'3.5-6'4 Rock, he look only about 2-3 inches smaller, which means he is 6'. although he does look smaller. bit 5'11. 6' sounds right. and to viper652, do u really think he would be wearing lifts all the time? no.
Marc said on 1/Jan/06
elio, you are correct, my eyes have fooled my since the top of my head actually comes up to the middle of his nose (i just couldn't see it).
elio said on 1/Jan/06

I think most people have a gap of about 4 inches between their eyebrows and the very top of their head.

I've just measured the distance from the bottom of my nose to the top of my head and the gap is about 7 inches! Quite a big difference to the 5 inches you think your friend has between the top of his head / bottom of nose.

My forehead seems to be slightly longer than average... but i don't think drastically so. My nose is a fraction over 2 inches long.

So my guess is one or more of the following could be true :

a) you come up slightly higher on your 6'3" friend's nose than you realise. (e.g the very top of your head is just under his eyes)

b) you're friend is more like 6'4"?

d) I have an unusually gigantic head.

e) Your friend has an unusually tiny head.
Viper652 said on 13/Dec/05
He would be 6-0 If he wore lifts :) He is around 5-10.5
Anshelm said on 20/Nov/05
Um, you're missing an n on the guy's first name (it's Seann, not Sean) :P
kennethz,sg said on 19/Nov/05
sws is about 9cm shorter than the rock,the rock is 6''2.5(189cm)tall at most while i see him 4years ago in singapore..
sianna said on 13/Nov/05
in all sites i hav visited, i hav read that he is 6". he does sem tall. there is an old picture of him with Jamie King, and she is 5'9. she had heels on, around three inch and was the same height as seann. so i still think he is 6" mayb even taller
316 said on 28/Oct/05
Dunno how much this guys height is for sure, but definately looked 2 inches shorter than the presumably 6'3 1/2inch tall Rock in the movie "Welcome to the jungle".
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/05
I've met SWS twice but his height was different. American Pie 2 was shot at my best friend's house (the lesbian house), so I got to meet the cast. He seemed to be 5'11 (same height as my friend). I met him again like 3 months ago and he was same height as me 6'2. I was kinda surprised so I made sure to check and he was wearing running shoes and I was wearing sandals. But can you really get 3" w/ running shoes? Weird!
BRuce said on 21/Aug/05
if ashton is 6' 1" 6' 1.5" then SWS is def 5' 10"
Anonymous said on 11/Aug/05
I watched an episode of the tonight show with Jay Leno 8-11-05, and I know for a fact that Jay Leno is 5'10, he recently did a stand up at my university. And when S.W.S went to shake his hand they practically "shoes taken into a factor" the same height. He is 5'10, 5'10.5 tops!
Anonyous said on 11/Aug/05
I watched an episode of the tonight show with Jay Leno, and I know for a fact that Jay Leno is 5'10. And when S.W.S when to shake his hand they were exactly the same height. He is 5'10, 5'10.5 tops!
sas said on 25/Jul/05
i dunno he didnt look that tall with ashton kutcher when he was on the set of dude wheres my car. and ashton like around 6ft.
Issheuhboy said on 14/Apr/05
Any chance you could get a measure of Chow Yun-Fat? He's officially listed as 6'1, but seems the same height as SWS. I'd bet CYF is 5'11 from the pictures I've seen of the two together.
joeyb said on 26/Feb/05
His official site reads.."Seann's height is: 5'10"...i definately think this is wrong ...on yahoo movies there are pics of him right next to justin timberlake...and he is taller than justin

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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