Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Oct/19
I just woke up to discover that the film 'A Dark Song' is on! I can catch it on Film Four plus One. As interesting scaries go, it's the Bee's Knees!
Steve gets 5ft10.75.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Aug/19
🎂🎈🎉🕯️ Happy Birthday Steve! 🕯️🎉🎈🎂
Just recently when my telly packed up, I was without anything to watch for quite a few days. When I had my TV delivered, the first thing I decided to watch was Steve's film 'A Dark Song' - that's how good it is!
Today is Steve's 46th Birthday. I hope he has a great, present-loaded, fun-packed time!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/18
I saw Steve in 'The World's End' yesterday - playing a policeman, just like he did in 'The Canal'; mind you in the latter of these films, he's more on the lines of detective, whereas in the former, he's a traffic cop....
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Dec/18
I saw 'The Canal' again yesterday, and it is a far better film for judging Steve's height. He has what I call 'a chilled-out slouch' and often appears shorter than the main star, Rupert Evans, 5ft10, who has an excellent posture. I think it would be well worth adding to his film credits, as the height observation opportunities are many!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/18
.... especially when you don't know what you're doing!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Dec/18
@ Rob - Neither had I heard of the film 'A Dark Song', but I noticed it was showing at 5 to 2 in the morning on Film Four. It was written up as a 'psychological horror' and it appealed to me. It turned out to be far, far more; in fact I'd call it an occult thriller, and a darn good and realistic one at that. As it was on Film Four, it's bound to show again.
It wasn't until I was watching it for the third time that it dawned on me that yes, it isn't exactly a high budget film, but the special effects take some beating.
I might as well mention that back when I was 21, I read a book on the occult. In the last chapter, it said, "Don't worry, if you are interested, you don't have to go and look for it. It will find you." Within weeks, a serious occultist walked into my life. His house was never warm and there was no expression in his face. He had practised on his own, and although he said that he was into grey magic, I think otherwise. He once left an Alistair Crowley book in my place, white with gold lettering called 'Knox Om Pax' and what I read was terrible. I put it in my spare room and I had a weird dream that a fair-haired little girl ambled slowly out of the room (adjoining mine), over to my record player, which was playing Genesis' 'Seconds Out'. Then she lifted the needle and slammed it down over and over again. Of course, I woke up, and when I checked the record, there was zero wrong with it!
This is something that I'd rather leave alone! It is dangerous.
Cheers Rob!
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Dec/18
What a sensational addition to Celebheights Steve Oram is! Thanks so much Rob! I have seen his film 'A Dark Song' three times in the past three days, and if that doesn't speak volumes for this guy's acting abilities, then nothing does!
Steve stars as an experienced occultist, who is approached by a bereaved mother because, she claims, she wants to speak to her dead child. Steve plays the appropriately-named Mr Solomon, because his knowledge and his wisdom is staggering. What threw me was how a sweary, chain-smoking alcoholic ended up to be so clever! It just goes to show that first impressions don't always account for much at all!
Because the cast in this film is so limited, it isn't easy to gage Steve's height, but last night I definitely thought he was nearer to 6ft than I previously thought. In fact, Rob's 5ft10.5 seems as fine an estimate as I'm going to find - so I shall stick with it!
The plot of the film is interesting in the extreme, often gruelling to watch and also downright shocking. There are, thankfully, a few comical moments thrown in, which offer some much-needed light relief! I don't want to go into details about the actual plot because it will spoil it, but I WILL tell you one thing: don't EVER lie to an occultist, for there are consequences....😨
I can confidently say this is one of the best occult films I have ever seen.

Editor Rob
I had never heard of Dark Song, only watched a trailer just now. There's loads of smaller films out there which can end up being more enjoyable than some of the $100 million+ budget films.
As for steve, I think 5ft 10 is too low and over 5ft 11 too much, anywhere in 5ft 10 to 11 I thought he could look...5ft 10.5-11 might be a bit more possible than say nearer 5ft 10.