Barber boy said on 15/Nov/19
Watch him in lords of Flatbush he’s about a inch taller than the tiny Henry Winkler! 5 8” tops
Bradley said on 14/Nov/19
Easy 3" added in Sly wedged whoppers with Mike. He just won't stop.
Caldonio said on 13/Nov/19
@Big T. Mikes probably south of 5-10 today. Sly with the magic footwear will easy be taller. Estimated help of 3” in those boots.
Jack Carter said on 13/Nov/19
I believe him at 5’10.5”...
Give him cowboy boots and a half inch of medium hair and he’ll pull it off
Bradley said on 12/Nov/19
Because he wore lifts with Iron Mike. At 5' 8" flat he'd be eaten up by Mike in socks.
Big T said on 11/Nov/19
Click Here has Sly managed to pull off still looking over 5'11" with Mike Tyson!
Pierre said on 11/Oct/19
Sly 5"9' peak means for example Eusebio was around 5"10.5' peak which is a non sense to me,Sly was a weak 5"8' and lost only a fraction by the years now he's something like 5"7.5' imo.
Bradley said on 10/Oct/19
Vin is the top clown. Vin wears monsters more than Sly. Sly is 5' 8" (weak) today and Vin a 5-10. Sly's hair is a mystery.
TheBat said on 9/Oct/19
Sly was 5'9" peak, now is 5'8" flat.
Caldoni said on 8/Oct/19
It’s actually comical to think he claimed 5-10.75 once. Him,arnie,vin Diesel are top tier height clowns.
Dmeyer said on 8/Oct/19
in the movie backtrace standing by himself he realy looks on the short side like 5'7-7,75 type guy
Caldoni said on 6/Oct/19
He’s 5-8 or under today absolutely. On a side note his hair line continues to get lower and lower. Some heavy transplant or some substantial hair system wig work.
Pierre said on 5/Oct/19
Comparisons Arnold /Sly =
Click Here = here is a pic with Arnold at only 47 .Max 6"0' Tom Hanks slouching on him is always around Arnold's height.Arnold 6"2' barefoot means Arnold around 6"3' in shoes means Tom Cruise around 6"1' in shoes.....Sly was " 5"10' " like Arnold was " 6"2' ".....= Arnold peak a bit under 6"0' barefoot = Sly peak a bit under 5"8' barefoot.
Caldoni said on 5/Oct/19
@Bradley. No his peak claim was 6-2. Slys was 5-10. Both totally bull.
Bradley said on 4/Oct/19
Arnie says 6-2 in '19? Whatta fibber. Crenna was a solid 6 foot. Sly ramped his Rambo boots with Crenna. Sly would say 5-10 even today.
Caldoni said on 3/Oct/19
Too many people who are legit claim he’s 5-8 max. Probably under by 1/2 inch today. His shoes and boots have always given him anything from 2 to 3 inches. So he’s obviously going to use a 5-9 or 5-10 claim. Arnie also has been generous with his 6-2 claim which is also false.
Jtm said on 3/Oct/19
Frank2 and crenna's daughter both claimed crenna's was closer to 6'0.
Bradley said on 2/Oct/19
Imagine showing Sly the Duran footage 5 seconds after his 5' 10.75" laughter claim. Gee Sly, I didn't know Roberto was so tall, they need to change the program height for every fight.
FromSpain with love said on 30/Sep/19
More or less 175—176 cm in peak
And I think he is 173 cm nowadays
He is a bit shorter than Richard Crenna ( 185 cm)in Rambo Movies when sly was young.
pov said on 30/Sep/19
He wore heeled boots and elevator shoes consistently always had the footwear advantage, I cant see him being 5”9 peak. Maybe 5”8. Realistically I think he was 5”8 on the nose peak, I dont think he’s lost much height. His posture is good for a man his age.
viper said on 29/Sep/19
Sly is 5-7
Pierre said on 28/Sep/19
@BBZ8800 = But in the video with Roberto Duran =by considering postures Sly is not looking really taller than Roberto here.And next to Kurt Russell Sly is always closer to the camera then you have to take this parameter in consideration.Kurt Russel is clearly not in 5"11' range to me.Read old comments i posted here with pics ,maybe you will get an idea on the real peak height of Sly .
BBZ8800 said on 28/Sep/19
@Pierre, yes I agree that with Sly, shoes can make it difficult to guess. This vid should help! It's an extra from Rocky II in which he's sparring with 5'7 Roberto Duran and they're both wearing boxing shoes
Click Here That's at least a 10cm advantage to Sly.
And then, there's also the Tango & Cash shower scene where he is at least 1 full inch taller than 5ft 9 ¼ listed Kurt Russel
Click Here You don't see it in the clip but they were both bare feet! You could see it as there was a full butt shot a minute earlier but YT wouldn't allow the up.
And bare in mind, Kurt himself who played a 5ft 11 ¾ Elvis claims he is 1.80m or 5feet 11inches. Tbh, he's probably over-claiming as this would put sly in the 6' club.
Point is, many people think Sly is small because his built like a tank and it adds to his stockiness. Kinda like the
Matt Damon effect (but also worse with Damon due to his really really really short arms and legs and a torso that goes on forever till the end of time OMG!!! _ I mean he's got like T-Rex appendages )
Anyways, like I was saying, once they meet the Stallion in person, they're actually quite surprised of how tall he is!!! oh my dayz! He looked like the Storbergsmasten next to Dolly Parton in Rhinestone!!!
Canson said on 27/Sep/19
I doubt he’s under 5’8”
Frankie68 said on 27/Sep/19
There is a pic of Scarlet & Sly on the Stallonegirls instagram- Sly in a black suit & Scarlet in a black dress & she is much taller than him - she is listed at 5’7 but probably closer to 5’6 - Scarlet is in heels & Sly’s shoes are not shown ,but what can be taken from the pic is she is probably 5’9 -5’9 1/2 with heels & Sly does not look 5’8 -5’9 range at all , infact he looks very short with his dress shoes on that are probably boosted to some degree - can some please find the pic & post it - it’s excellent proof he is not 5’8 or 5’9 or his famous (lol) 5’10 claim —
Pierre said on 27/Sep/19
@BBZ8800 = I think you overestimate Sylvester's height because you don't take in consideration his
advantageous shoes.Young Sly was probably a weak 5"8' and now about a strong 5"7' imo
Bradley said on 26/Sep/19
In 15 years he'll be 5' 7". He's 5' 8" right now. I hope he doesn't go the Wayne Newton way of stopping aging.
BBZ8800 said on 26/Sep/19
Sly looks different facially to his brother and uncle and he's been able to maintain his youthful complexion, muscle tone and dark hair instead of the more commonplace sagging pecs and wrinkles men his age typically show. But he certainly has lost a great deal of his height!
In Cobra, he was King! So confident he wasn't even intimated by the tall statuesque Nielsen.
I haven't seen him look that tall in any movie other than Judge Dredd where he was listed as 202cm and he actually made it believable.
Though it's possible he might still lose a bit more height due to his numerous injuries, years of horse back riding and bull fighting, in my opinion, he will be able to maintain a 5'10" vibe for at least the next 15 years. At which point, he will probably switch from pure action top dog to romcoms or drama. I know for a fact he's keen on doing a serie noire True Detective type project but spanning multiple years.
About his facial characteristics, he's opted to steer clear from lifts and fillers, he prefers acupuncture and ear kindling. This way, he stays a looker and gets to keep his expressiveness.
He's also doing more yoga and Tai Chi these days. Jacky introduced him to a grand master a few years back. Combined with his intermittent fasting, juicing programs and eating only veggies and fruits during the Ramadhan, I can see him easily surpassing Schwarzie and perhaps even Dolph in a few years time.
I go along with 5'10" for now as the consensus here seems much lower otherwise, I'd have guessed 5'11"
A lot of you guys underestimate his height because of the pics with Brigitte, Sly fighting Hulk, Sly fighting Draco, etc. but you forget these were giants and for the purpose of the plot, it was necessary for his character to look smaller than he really is. Even in Cobra, he could've been taller but the director estimated it would make Nielsen seem even hotter if she appeared as an extra tall stiletto wearing damsel in mistress!
And it worked! She was the hottest thing since slice bread O.M.G.!!!
Caldoni said on 25/Sep/19
Looks 5-7.5 in Rocky 3.
Bradley said on 22/Sep/19
I did. All those liberal left-wing reviewers hated it. I've been to Juarez...Rambo needs to set up shop there. Bring it on with arrows,knives and guns.
Caldoni said on 21/Sep/19
Realistically I struggle to see him over 5-8. Peak might be 1/2 over it
burby said on 20/Sep/19
Anyone see Home I mean Last Blood yet? Geez, that rocking chair....
Pierre said on 16/Sep/19
Nice shoes!I didn't know Hogan's sneakers.
It's very difficult to guess the real height of people sometimes.
Andrea said on 15/Sep/19
Is that what classic Hogans generally add or just a particularly thick model? I mean, I knew that Hogans were quite thick, but 2 inches??? That's a hell of a boost!
Do you think that Bova could be wearing a similar model in that famous pic with Butler?
Click Here

Editor Rob
It's hard to tell exactly, but I think they might be an older interactive from 2005.
The Interactive's are the biggest (mens) model Hogan have. You can see
The old photo of Sly wearing them.
The insoles are 1.1-1.2cm. Hogan themselves describe it as 2cm, but they are measuring the high point - it's concave, so the actual gain from the insole is basically near half inch.
Editor Rob said on 15/Sep/19
Some folk might remember Sly wearing Hogan Interactive's years ago.
I did a video showing how much height they add:
Click Here
Caldoni said on 14/Sep/19
Rambo 2 is the smoking gun on his height. 2” under 6-0 crenna with smart boots. You them both full body walking together. Definitely not over 5-8.5 peak.
Canson said on 14/Sep/19
@Rising: I feel he’s around that mark too. Prob minimum Rob’s listing for him
Pierre said on 13/Sep/19
@Rising =
i have answer you in Dolph's page your comparisons is false if my memory is good = it's not me who repeatedly attempted to mislead people .... = your comparison with lines is false=
Barack is more distant to the camera than Stephen Colbert and slouch /Dolph is standing in an exaggerated military posture then of course with this comparison you can always argue Dolph is easily taller than Barack....Good try...
Bradley said on 13/Sep/19
Pathetic. Still saying 5' 10".....even the G would laugh.
Barry Fl said on 13/Sep/19
At a recent event in Manchester, Stallone (after an introductory montage of his films) made a joke about watching his hairline recede. Was he watching it in reverse?? And later on he made a passing comment about being 5'10. Bless him.
Bradley said on 12/Sep/19
His custom boots with Crenna were ramped big time.....even 6 foots like Crenna needed to be addressed by the Slyster. Looked 5' 11" ramped with him.
Caldoni said on 12/Sep/19
Doubt he’s over 5-8 now. Peak 5-8.5. Massive boot enhancement.
Rising174cm said on 11/Sep/19
@Rob: I obviously agree Jamie is taller since he's at least 5'9", possibly 176 cm, while I have Sly at 174 cm currently and he could be your listing as well, but it's definitely interesting to see Sly looking as tall in a series of full pics and video with sneakers you thought looked comparable. I think this suggests a full 174 cm is still a good possibility. Much like the Pitt comparisons or Statham last year, Sly seems to be holding on to his height quite well.
@Parker: Thank you. This sort of thing gets repetitive, but there's full video for anyone to see with Sly in 0.6" Converse clearly about an inch taller than Burt yet this is repeatedly overlooked. It's impossible for me to think that's all in good faith.
@Robby Harris: Yeah, that is pretty funny that merely posting a few pics and video with comments directed at nothing other than the heights of the two actors being compared qualifies as "drama." I really have no desire whatsoever to talk to Frankie so I'll leave it at that.
@Pierre: You've repeatedly attempted to mislead people by cherrypicking a shot of Dolph slouching even though you've been corrected repeatedly. Dolph had 4"+ on Colbert while Obama was close to 2" shorter than Dolph was next to Colbert:
Click Here Dolph is anywhere from 6'2.5" to 6'3" nowadays, but was at least a solid 6'4" peak and I've literally posted dozens of pics and videos to demonstrate this. Obama is nowhere near as tall as even a current shrunken Dolph and it's a mystery to me why you destroy your own argument by bringing it up.
@Hopping hopper: Crenna is listed here at 6'1". I agree Sly was never over 5'9", but I do think he was closer to 5'9" than 5'8" and he still looks about 5'8.5" to me.
@burby: You get a lot of variation, but interestingly, I asked First Blood author David Morrell about 10 years ago and Morrell told me that Sly struck me as being his height(5'9.5" at the time), but that Sly's "sturdy" Rambo boots made him look taller in their picture:
Click Here Brigitte Nielsen has said 5'9" and I think she's by far the best source we have, but in fairness, she said 174-175 cm when she said Sly's height in metric so you could just as easily say 5'8.5" and say that indicates more of a weak 5'9". Imo, he looks more 5'9" than 5'8.5", but I think his peak had to be somewhere in that range with very little chance he was even somewhat shorter or taller.
Pierre said on 11/Sep/19
Sly never looks as tall as 5"9' Eusebio next to Pelé even with his long hairs.5"8' peak is even probably a little bit rounded up .
Johan 185 cm said on 11/Sep/19
5'9 peak and 5'8" today give or take a 1/4.
Hopping hopper said on 11/Sep/19
The problem here he looked 2” shorter than Richard crenna in Rambo 2. And his boots are using wedges as confirmed. So with those boots he’s still 2” shorter than 6-0 crenna. 5-8 guy never over 5-9 peak.
burby said on 10/Sep/19
The people I asked who worked on the First Blood set with Sly never said 5'9".
Dmeyer said on 10/Sep/19
sly at 5'8,5-9,25 peak now 5'8-8,25 is more realistic
Bradley said on 9/Sep/19
5' 9.5" peak is off by 1/2", best wishes, the way today at 5' 9" is correct.
Shubhang Sharma said on 8/Sep/19
Sly stands 5'9 now. 5'9.5 in his peak
Bradley said on 6/Sep/19
Peak 5' 8.5"/Now 5' 8". G '06 astronaut/postman Sly peak 5' 10", now 5' 9.5". Sal, mo mustad, I'm due with the Scot in an hour.
Pierre said on 5/Sep/19
peak around 5"7.75' now 5"7.5'
Hopping hopper said on 1/Sep/19
Yeah I’m totally seeing him under 5-8. The wig and 3” enhancement in footwear is definitely a factor.
Frankie68 said on 30/Aug/19
@Johan , I got him at 5’7 as well / with his footwear he can still appear 5’9 5’10 depending on how high his shoes are LOL !! & now how high the wig is !!
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Aug/19
Looks 5'8" next to 5'9" Foxx in the 3rd and 4th pics Rising posted. He is still a master in knowing where the camera is and how to get advantage. Still not under 5'8" though, finally lost an inch in his 70's.
Pierre said on 29/Aug/19
@Franckie = David Soul listed 6"0.5' and Dolph Lundgren =
Click Here =do pauses /very low speed at around 9:45 =by this comparison Dolph is never 6"5' and even maybe closer to 6"3' than to 6"4' to my eyes.
Dolph this days next to Stephen Colbert =
Click Here Click Here
6"0.75' Barack and Stephen Colbert =
Click Here Click Here To my eyes Dolph is probably not even an inch taller than Barack by this comparisons
Frankie68 said on 28/Aug/19
There’s a pic of Dolph Lundgren with Carl Weathers on Dolph’s instagram where he only appears 1 inch taller than Carl who is a solid 6 footer , which brings me to 2 points - 1 Dolph is a liar of his height as well as Sly as Dolph always claimed he is 6’5 6’6 & 2 - if Dolph is only 6’2 according to this pic ,, ( both look to be standing straight) leads me to wonder if Sly is even 5’7 as I always claim ,, maybe he’s shorter lol— u never know — Dolph looks nowhere near 6’5 6’6 or even 6’4 !!!
Hopping hopper said on 28/Aug/19
I actually think he might be under 5-8 now. Next to harrison ford last year and he’s at least 3 inches shorter. Could be under 5-8.
Pierre said on 27/Aug/19
@Parker = Burt constantly slouch in your video he has one of the badest posture that i ever seen as if wanted constantly watch his own boots(maybe the productor asked him...) and maybe Sly is hiding something in his sneakers.... He can play football in giant heels ,then he can eventually walk with something in his sneakers....
Click Here= when this time Sylvester slouch then Burt looks taller than him ....
Click Here =here apparently onather pic behind the scenes then this time too no special angle of cameras= Burt slouch Sly standing relatively straighter than him = by counting Sly has long hairs, is Sly really taller than Burt.....Hum...i wouldn't bet one dollar....
Bradley said on 26/Aug/19
He's 5' 8.5" in the high-top Chuck Taylors with Burt. Rare "catch me if you can" shot, like Vin or Bieber on their boards, you can get kill shots if you search.
Parker said on 26/Aug/19
Pierre said on 24/Aug/19
Here probably the only pic Burt Young is standing straight,it's a pic "behind the scènes"
Better watching the video clip Pierre - with pics the angles can be deceptive
Click Here
Stallone has about an inch on Burt even though Burt has more footwear as you can see from your pic.
Pierre said on 25/Aug/19
@Parker= but in your pic "Escape to Victory" Sly wear very probably lifts!
Even when he was playing football with his partners he was wearing massive heels =
Click Here = watch with very slow speed since 18:17 you will understand .... Imagine =Sly was playing with this type of shoes in hard scenes for his ankles,the probability he wear only classic shoes in sweeter scenes....and in a group photo.... = Probability 5"9' = 0% and nothing over 5"8' .
Watch again the pics out of scenes i posted recently Pelé /Sly and compare with Pelé/5"9' Eusebio (who has short hairs in all the pics and Sly long hairs over his head)= never 5"9' for Sly and nothing over 5"8'
Pierre said on 24/Aug/19
he was not 5"9' more a very weak 5"8' at his peak how can he touch the 5"8.5' mark now?Probably some little helps in his shoes.
Here probably the only pic Burt Young is standing straight,it's a pic "behind the scènes",i don't know if this time Sly has some help with his sneakers but here very hard to me to see him 5"9' =
Click Here
Bradley said on 24/Aug/19
He's never seen 5-9 in his life. G's measure was hours after sleeping the back of a Volvo. Sal, napkins for the Nathan's, bitta mustad too, I'm due upstairs soon.
Parker said on 24/Aug/19
Pierre said on 22/Aug/19
Remember this pic = for one time,in this pic Burt Young is standing straight=i know the angle of the camera etc but= how can Sly touch the 5"9' mark here ?How many probabilities?For me 0% .
We can all dig out photographs to prove a point Pierre.How about the team photograph from ETV with solid 5'10 Mike Summerbee stood on Stallone's right?
Click Here
Mike with 5'9 Denis Law.
Click Here
Denis with Rob
Click Here
How can Sly touch the 5"9' mark in the team photo? How many probabilities?For me 100%
Canson said on 23/Aug/19
@Rising: did Rob downgrade him? I thought he was listed 5’8.5 before for his current

Editor Rob
Quite a few months ago.
Parker said on 23/Aug/19
Frankie68 said on 20/Aug/19
Oh please !! Sly’s shoes are so chunky looking compared to Foxx & he still shorter !!
I think these sort of comments make this site so interesting to me - makes me realise how we all of our own opinions. On the contrary to yours Frankie, I think Rising is one of the best posters on this site. I think his comments are always constructive and balanced with photographic, evidence, but have to confess his estimate for Sly's height is one I don't agree with. IMO, I still believe Sly could hold 5'9 at midday. In those photo's with Jamie Foxx their heights look equivalent, and again contrary to your opinion Frankie, Jamie looks to have a slight footwear advantage to me.
Different opinions make the site what it is. I remember Glenn getting measured by Rob and visitors could still not agree on his height.......brilliant!
Pierre said on 22/Aug/19
Remember this pic = for one time,in this pic Burt Young is standing straight=i know the angle of the camera etc but= how can Sly touch the 5"9' mark here ?How many probabilities?For me 0% .
Sly and Pelé = around the same posture,Pelé flex his knee =
Click Here
5"9' Eusebio with short hairs and Pelé =
Click Here
Eusebio next to 5"11' Geoff hurst
Click Here Geoff Hurst and Rob =
Click Here
Others Sly Pelé Eusebio Eusebio always with short hairs Sly long hairs =
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here this last doesn't really count Eusebio is very probably in classic sneakers and Pelé in football shoes =
Click Here some guys will explain the ground isn't regular,let's say Sly is never lucky then...This pics Sly Pelé are pics out of the scenes,in the movie Sly was wearing massive heels even when he was playing football(the scene =training with his partners) he had this =
Click Here .
Robby Harris said on 22/Aug/19
@Frankie68: LOL, Rising isn't starting any drama. He posted some good evidence Sly can still look a weak 5'9" today. His footwear doesn't look particularly big, but it's not impossible he has a small lift. He's definitely in the 5'8" range, but 5'8.5" would be the absolute max for today. It's not an unreasonable estimate. 5'8.25" is very realistic. Jamie's footwear looks to give about the same as Sly's. And 2-3 inch inserts??? What an exaggeration.
Here's Sly looking no more than 2" shorter than 5'10.5" Matthew Morrison in 2016:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
His shoes look pretty normal and there's no indication he's wearing lifts here, much less big ones. Sly was still able to pull off near 5'9" with Morrison making below 5'8.5" unlikely back then. It's not unreasonable to think Sly could still currently be nearer 174. 173-174 today and 174-175 peak is the most realistic.
Barry Fl said on 21/Aug/19
Bigwig up top, lifts in his shoes. The answer to the riddle of his height lies between those two extremes.
Frankie68 said on 20/Aug/19
Oh please !! Sly’s shoes are so chunky looking compared to Foxx & he still shorter !! Gimme a break on 5’8 1/2 — Sly getting 2-3 inches outta those bad boy inserts !! 5’7 if he’s lucky !! There’s been no drama here lately, let’s keep it that way !
Bradley said on 20/Aug/19
The hopping one is correct.
Hopping hopper said on 20/Aug/19
5-8.5 in his hair piece. Without it 5-8.
Rising174cm said on 18/Aug/19
I can still buy 5'8.5" since Sly was still looking about the same height as solid 5'9" Jamie Foxx a few days ago:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Sometimes I have to try the tinyurl links 2 or 3 times before they work so just in case, I'll use a different source for a couple of those photos:
Click Here Click Here
And there's pretty good video footage as well that shows them close at this premiere:
Click Here
Sly's shoes look like fairly normal sneakers so while he could have small lifts, I doubt we're talking about anything major. Remember, Sly in Hogan sneakers or something similar was pulling off almost as tall as Brad Pitt this year and exactly a year ago, Sly pulled off around 1.5" taller than Statham at The Meg premiere so I have a hard time believing Sly is shorter than Statham. His height loss has really been pretty slow and minimal the last 5 years so he's holding up quite well at this point.

Editor Rob
Most folk agree Foxx is a decent 5ft 9, I would still say Sly is a bit smaller. Both their sneakers might be similar.
Bradley said on 9/Aug/19
G had Willis at 6 feet and Sly at 5-10. "I met them many times...who have you met, your postman?". Lovitz: "Yea, dats right". Head up and down like Angus onstage. Miss S had to act barefoot with Bruce on Moonlighting, at 6-1 and a 2" add she'd be in shoes.
Barry Fl said on 9/Aug/19
Trouble with Sly is he takes himself waaaay too seriously - he's not just satisfied with all the fame and fans and riches. He wants critical praise, he wants an Oscar, he wants the world to believe he's a serious actor, great director, renowned painter, and significant writer. He wants the world to believe he's 5'10. Every so often he'll say 'no more Rambo, no more Rocky, no more action movies', and then he tries to do something serious and fails, so rushes back to Rocky and Rambo and the action movies. I think he should just know what he's good at, what the fans want, and stick to it. And lighten up, for heaven's sake.
burby said on 8/Aug/19
If it's 20 mill each, the Sly one REALLY needs to lower those photo costs. The real Willis stinker: 6'1" barefoot official site. You can almost see the Lovitz face smiling, nodding up and down...
Barry Fl said on 8/Aug/19
@ Hopping hopper
No way, that wig is minimum 3.125".
Bradley said on 7/Aug/19
He complains about poor pictures he made in the 90's but doesn't admit he has a 100% confirmed 20 million deal on each like all of his pictures. I'd be like Willis and make the stinkers and pocket the loot.
Hopping hopper said on 7/Aug/19
Wig is around 3 inches. He’s around 5-8 now. Not over.
Barry Fl said on 6/Aug/19
That wig is so big, it needs its own page here.
Bradley said on 5/Aug/19
He'll not own it to...he's lied about his height for decades. 5' 10.75".
Barry Fl said on 4/Aug/19
There's no way he'd own up to that mighty helmet not being real.
burby said on 2/Aug/19
With Instagram posts like that, you gotta wonder if the Sly one has/had paid
trolls/shills on this site....
Bradley said on 2/Aug/19
I wonder if he'd pull a Playboy 1978 5' 10.75" fib and do the hair thing "All mine" in 2019?. I met my astronaut.
Barry Fl said on 2/Aug/19
Anybody else see the pictures that were leaked from the original 'Creed' set, where Rocky lost all his hair? I often wonder if they were Sly without the wig, and that's why the scene never appeared in the film. Either that or it was too close for comfort and his vanity wouldn't allow it.
Hopping hopper said on 1/Aug/19
No way over 5-9 peak. Now 5-8. And what is he using on his head? Wig? Transplant?? In demolition man his hair was receding badly!! Now it’s an inch lower!! What the hell?
Barry Fl said on 1/Aug/19
Sly's getting out of hand. The lifts, the superwig, the cries of poverty... Now he's out to prove he's actually taller than Arnold. I can actually imagine he's semi-serious about this.
Click Here
Bradley said on 31/Jul/19
Gravas with some ice cold meat lockah facts, however; peak was 5' 8.5". 20019: still not under 5-8. I wonder why he flipped his wig.
triplemagnum said on 31/Jul/19
@Rob I agree Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Jul/19
Sly would never have been stigmatized as being a super tiny pygmy if he were really 5'9" peak height. A lot of actors has told quotes like: "Is easy to be taller and bigger than Stallone". "Stallone is 5'6" but he says he is 5'10.5". " Everyone is taller than Stallone"
The truth is Stallone wa about 5'8.25- 5'8.5 and he has been a lift user. Nowdays he is 5'8 on the nose.
triplemagnum said on 31/Jul/19
@Rob I agree Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Jul/19
Sly would never have been stigmatized as being a super tiny pygmy if he were really 5'9" peak height. A lot of actors has told quotes like: "Is easy to be taller and bigger than Stallone". "Stallone is 5'6" but he says he is 5'10.5". " Everyone is taller tha allone"
The truth is Stallone wa about 5'8.25- 5'8.5 and he has been a lift user. Nowdays he is 5'8 on the nose.

Editor Rob
Knowing how much lifts and elevators really give, Sly did well during his career at times to appear comfortably over 5ft 10 range in some situations, but I just can't see him less than 5ft 9 peak.
Pierre said on 31/Jul/19
Behind the scènes,exceptionally Burt does not slouch here ... =
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Jul/19
Just a reminder:
Sly w/ 5'7.5" Burt Young in "Rocky"...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Shoulder level of both men the same...
Click Here ,
Click Here Keep in mind, Young leans forward and slouches, making him look shorter.
Seen here, they are exactly the same height...
Click Here ,
Click Here
While I give Sly max 5'8" peak height, he may have only been 5'7.5".
No way he was ever 5'9" barefoot peak. ZERO chance.
Young and Talia Shire...
Click Here
Sly and Shire...
Click Here
Sly would never have been stigmatized as being a super tiny pygmy if he were really 5'9" peak height. Think about it.
@Barry That "superwig" comment had me dying of laughter.
Barry Fl said on 25/Jul/19
Yeah, those 'Rocky' money rants sit badly. Much as Sly likes to portray himself as an everyman, he's got a dark side and an endlessly egotistical one. Obviously that lucky break 40-something years ago that led to fame and fortune beyond his wildest dreams just isn't enough anymore. Still, what do we know? When you get to that point, you're not even in the real world anymore - hence the superwig.
Bradley said on 24/Jul/19
Why would he wear such a bad wig? Fonz: "Woah!". His recent rants about Rocky money are priceless. He's worth a few hundred million and he has to "look out for his family". Tell that to a net worth $80Ker.
BarryFl said on 22/Jul/19
Frankie68 said on 15/Jul/19
Anyone see Escape Plan 3 !!Besides that the movie is horrible, Sly’s wig is getting worse
I spotted that, Frankie. Could hardly miss it, though I did wonder if I'd had one too many drinks and was hallucinating. The wig is crazy there. And then the very next week I read a review of the movie that went on about how weird his face and hairline looked, and I felt reassured.
Pierre said on 19/Jul/19
@Sandy Ok then you live at the opposite of Rob,you're more in the South of England and he's more in the North if my memory is good.The taxi driver was friendly.
Kartikeya Mishra said on 19/Jul/19
I am 5.10 inchs tall . And my favourite bodybuilder Sylvester Stallone is 5.10 inch
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Jul/19
@Miss Sandy Cowell Just so you know, 8 has almost always been my favorite number. Thanks for the heads-up on "Videodrome." I remember hearing about it a long time ago, but never actually saw it. Growing up, I was madly in love w/ Debbie Harry. Despite James Woods' political leanings being diametrically opposed to my own, I can separate the artist from the art and always thought he had some good acting chops. Should watch "Against All Odds" again. A shame Phil Collins isn't on the radio all the time like he used to (loved that song). Woods is even a voice actor who lent his talents to animation -- where he played Lex Luthor -- Superman's archnemesis, which gets a thumbs-up from this comic-book nerd. When I was young, I liked wearing suits for fancy occasions so that I could look more like Clark Kent. Boy, was I surprised when I saw Christopher Reeve passionately kissing Michael Caine and not Lois Lane in "Death Trap" (1982). My younger self thought it might be similar to "Superman." It wasn't. Good movie, though. Being a fan of time travel (and Superman), I always loved the movie "Somewhere in Time" (1980). This time, Reeve didn't have to resort to turning back time the hard way...
Click Here
I'm sure Stallone fans are thrilled we've hijacked the conversation away from Sly's height. Editor Rob might not be overly enthused, either.
Anyways, take care, and be on the lookout for time travelers. They're a sneaky bunch. (So is Sly, hence the name.)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jul/19
@ Sotiris Gravas - I have around 8 nationalities in me myself! I was born looking Chinese, but then my hair turned blonde and curly!
I saw Sylvester's 'Cobra' at the cinema when it first came out. It's a really good watch, even to this day. As for the 'Superman' movies, I didn't see them at the pictures, but come Christmas, they were being shown on TV - and still are. I can't help but remember loads of kids 'flying around' like Superman when it first came out, and for many years to follow. When I say kids, I mean proper kids and even people of my own age! (I was in my early 20's and I DIDN'T join in!) 😂😂😂
Oh, yes - the 'Death Wish' movies! I JUST HAD to see the second one because one of my musical heroes Jimmy Page wrote the music to it. I believe he did for the third one too. I saw Led Zeppelin in 1979, the week after I left school, and then I saw Page and Plant at the Shepherd's Bush Empire in 1998. They were brilliant!
I didn't see 'The Exorcist' until I was grown up. Only one kid in my class managed to get in, and we were all trying desperately! May I recommend that you see the Stellan Skarsgard movie 'Exorcist - The Beginning'. I always love to watch Stellan and he doesn't disappoint in this one either!
I must admit that I have laughed my way through 'The Exorcist', probably because it was Christmas and the drink was flowing. One moment, I was screaming and the next, I was laughing, but I was watching it with two big burly geezers, who were laughing too! It's probably just as well that I didn't see it in my youth. Many of the films I did see gave me nightmares, so this would have been most unsuitable. I even read about a person who had PTSD from seeing this film for many years to come. Now that is not even remotely funny.
I liked 'The Fly' as well! Given the David Cronenberg treatment, it was unbeatable! I'd love to see Sylvester star in one of his films some day. I also have 'Dead Ringers' and many more of David's films. Have you tried 'Videodrome'? I saw it at the pictures and sat through it twice. Those days, they didn't chuck you out! 😁
Well, it's been lovely chatting to you Sotiris Gravas. All of 6ft7? Well, I had a hairdresser who was that height! Even when he sat down, he had to bend down to speak to me....
All the very best!
Sandy xxx 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jul/19
@ Pierre - You are doing very well! By associating yourself with the English language, your grasp on the subject will only get better.
I live about 10 miles from London. I remember one Christmas having to walk from the East End of London (almost) all the way home, or my Mum wouldn't have got any presents! They were all wrapped up in two bags either side of me. By the time I arrived in Bromley, I went to a cab office. The cab driver was so touched that he gave me a free journey home, which was about three miles.
My Mum, God rest her soul, never forgot that Boxing Day either.
Cheers Pierre! xxx 😁👍
Frankie68 said on 15/Jul/19
Anyone see Escape Plan 3 !!Besides that the movie is horrible, Sly’s wig is getting worse & he is owned by 5,8 1/2 Lydia Hull !!
Nik said on 14/Jul/19
@ Sandy Cowell - I like your emojis! (🎁💪🎂 ........ 🎂💪🎁!)
😁🙃😂 .......... 😂🙃😁!
The average guess for his current height is 5'8.05" (346 votes!) and the average guess for his peak height is 5'8.9"! (346 votes!)
Pierre said on 12/Jul/19
@Sandy=And you where do you live if this is not indiscreet ?At Bordeaux we have red and white wine(i personnaly drink rarely wine only when family meeting i prefer fruit juice!).Sorry but my english is very approximative and i have to use "reverso traduction" lots of time to "try" to understand the other comments and myself to write comments
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Jul/19
@Miss Sandy Cowell I love movies, new and old, but for whatever reason, don't watch as many as I should. My favorite movie of all time is "Superman: The Movie" (1978), which I saw in a theater when it came out, at the age of 6. Also saw "Star Wars: A New Hope" when it hit theaters a year earlier, that being my 3rd fave.
I'm actually in the mood to see Sly again in the shoot-'em-up action film "Cobra" (1986), which was written by Stallone, co-starring Brigitte Nielsen. I recommend you see it anew, too, or see it for the first time if you missed it. I always looked up to Sly, metaphorically speaking (I'm 6'7"), still do. (Should probably check out Charles Bronson "Death Wish" movies again. It's been a long while.)
I enjoy all movie genres, horror included, but don't scare easy as an adult. I remember thinking a psychological horror film like David Cronenberg's "Dead Ringers" was disturbing when I first saw it. Loved "The Fly" -- in my Top 10. That said, "The Exorcist" scared the hell out of my younger self.
While Cronenberg is a Canadian filmmaker, I was born close to where he was-- though I'm of Greek descent. As for my current whereabouts, let's just say it's "Parts Unknown," akin to The Ultimate Warrior.
Nice chatting w/ you, Sandy.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jul/19
@ Pierre - Thanks for getting back! So you're from Bordeaux, are you, famous for its wine-growing - I think it's mainly red, but I could be wrong. You might be able to correct me...
I did French at school and enjoyed it. We went for a day trip to Bologne with the school, but it hardly improved our French. That was down to hard slog!
To think that Sylvester was even making films when I was at school in the 70's! I left in 79 and started seeking out rock bands, while continuing - ALWAYS! - to keep an eye open for any good films that were going round the cinemas.
How very pleasant to meet you Pierre!
Sandy 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Jul/19
@ Sotiris Gravas - I read on the General Height page that you are extremely tall. How tall exactly, if you don't mind my asking? 😁
Pierre said on 10/Jul/19
@Sandy = I'm french and live next to Bordeaux ,and you? Yes it was his anniversary and i think he was shorter than 5"9' peak probably a little bit closer to 5"7' mark than to 5"9' mark 😉,i think he has not lost lots of height by the years,something like a fraction.I think he's a very good actor.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jul/19
@ Pierre - Well, possibly, but it was his Birthday! 😉
By the way, I was just wondering where are you from, Pierre? Is it France or possibly Canada? Perhaps I am completely out, but I am genuinely interested because you have a French name. Thanks, Pierre! 😁👍
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Jul/19
@Miss Sandy Cowell I gather you're somewhat of a cinephile. My 2nd favorite movie of all time is "Rocky," and am very much looking forward to the 5th installment of the Rambo franchise, which is pretty much a very bloody version of "Home Alone" for grown-ups.
Bradley said on 7/Jul/19
I like how Burt Young is checking out Sly's heeled and wedged customs. Those things are sick.
Pierre said on 6/Jul/19
@Miss Sandy=Hum imo your guess is a little bit generous
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jul/19
🎁💪🎂 Happy Birthday Sylvester! 🎂💪🎁
Hey man! It's Birthday time again for you and time to reflect on your past... and your future.
You've done so much in your lifetime and have so much more to give. Have a great Birthday and the best of New Years, you fantastic fellow!
5ft9 Peak and 5ft8.25 now.
Pedro Rocha said on 3/Jul/19
Sly didnt need to struggle for being taller in his movies. He would seen badass anyway. What do you think why he do It?
Pierre said on 3/Jul/19
@Pedro = I ask me if Talia Shire was really 1,62 m = Here Julian Sands next to Rob=
Click Here And now Talia next to Julian
Click Here ....
Pedro Rocha said on 1/Jul/19
He is 1,72cm. In rocky 1 it is visible when he is standing with Talia Shire(1,62cm).
Jimbo hopper said on 29/Jun/19
Hard to imagine him over 5-9 peak. Looks 5-8 max today
cmillzz said on 28/Jun/19
I’m really not sure on his height...
TheBat said on 26/Jun/19
Good listings. Stallone has always appeared to be tall in several movies, but I later realize he was average in his peak.
Bradley said on 22/Jun/19
I met my postman and astronaut and a chimpanzee doing the Batusi in a ballet outfit with Stallone Munsters on. Remember the G: "He's 5' 10", I've met him tons of times...who have you met, your postman?". Somebody must going to get his 500 dollah signature, ask him how tall he is. "What do ya think?" "5 foot 8 without those customs on". "Get outta here".
Caruso Victor said on 22/Jun/19
Ok you’re right, Burby. 5’6.5 is pushing it. Maybe 5’6! Haha! He’s a shorty! Open your eyes! And my postman says “hi” He’s short too...but taller than Sly
burby said on 21/Jun/19
5'6.5" for Sly in 2019? You're thinking of somebody else, and you need to meet your postman.
Bradley said on 20/Jun/19
B-list TV actors get $40 now for signatures at shows.
Caruso Victor said on 20/Jun/19
Sly is always wearing lifts. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wears them in bed! He was peak 5’7.5. He’s no more than 5’6.5 now I reckon...if he ever takes off his lifts that is!
cmillzz said on 20/Jun/19
Rob, how likely is 5’7 range today?

Editor Rob
Seems hard to imagine he's less than 5ft 8
John barrett said on 19/Jun/19
Why can't he greet and meet his fans without asking for $500 - it's not like he needs the money.
Bradley said on 18/Jun/19
Sly isn't 5' 7". He's weak 5-8 in '19. I'm sure if you asked him in '19 he'd say 5-10.
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 18/Jun/19
Met this dude almost couple years ago somewhere in LA as I was in some of Broadway Musical theater places for meeting my broadway musical friends gurus... All I can say is that he is NOTHING taller than me like you listed here almost similar range with Tom Cruise.. looked like he is inch shorter than me but I am definitely heavier and stocky than he is........
PS. Sorry, I haven't posted my guess of celebrity height for awhile due to my hectic schedules...
Bradley said on 17/Jun/19
He looked tall in Rocky through gigantic heeled and wedged boot, wedged custom boxing footwear and nice up camera shots and clever casting. At 5' 8.5" he had to.
Shortkid said on 9/Jun/19
Peak 174 cm now 172 cm he looked tall in rocky
burby said on 31/May/19
$500 for a photo? Does it come with a pair of magic sandals?

Editor Rob
Comes with a smile!
Jimbo hopper said on 31/May/19
Hard to say who’s using the worse wedge shoes between him and vin Diesel. I’d honestly say diesel. Both are 3-4” add ons sly is probably 5-8.5 peak. Now 5-8 or just under
Bradley said on 30/May/19
Anybody going to the Keystone Con with Stallone?. $500 for a photograph with him. Watch out for the customs.
Bradley said on 24/May/19
In the Rocky movies he had custom boxing shoes with wedge and terrific camera angles in the ring. The Cuban heeled boots were massive customs. In the Rambo films he had ramped up Rambo boots, massive wedge. A 5' 8.5" lead action star, A-lister, next to a 6 footer in the same footwear would look ridiculous to Sly. Rampo not Rambo.
Pierre said on 24/May/19
@Sotiris=I wouldn't bet one dollar Sly's golf shoes are not advantageous 😏
Johan 185 cm said on 23/May/19
Click Here
I always find it funny to compare Stallone with
Jason Statham who is a weak 5'9". There are times when they look similar or jason has an edge but then the red carpet comes out and Stallone can look up to 2 inches taller. What is most bizarre is he doesn't always do it.
Click Here
Click Here
Jason getting schooled in whopper shoes.
Man in Black said on 23/May/19
Caught a rerun of the original Rocky movie and he's wearing a cuban heel style boot for a lot of the movie.
viper said on 23/May/19
He's not even that.
He's 5-7
Nikokk said on 21/May/19
is he really 5'8 to 5'9?? What the hell man, he always looked like 6 foot in his movies. That's crazy, I'm 5'8 and I'd be the same height as him if I met him? Of course he's lost a little height but still.
Dmeyer said on 18/May/19
Duvall at max 5'8,5 looks same as Arnold looks near caan
tree said on 18/May/19
With Michael Schumaher
Click Here
Pierre said on 18/May/19
Pelé and 5"9' Eusebio in different angles =
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Pelé and Sly in different angles(pics behind the scenes so very probably with same shoes) =
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Here make a pause at 18:17 / 18:18 =
Click Here = you can watch the type of massive heels he wear even to play football with his partners.Rising say in others scenes he has no helps but it doesn't makes sense to me= why in the hard scenes (like my example) he has to wear massive heels and not in softer scènes?Here is another pic behind the scenes "Escape to Victory"=
Click Here .In others scenes he wear this type of shoes=
Click Here some guys will say he has no helps here.You can see this shoes are high...Maybe,maybe not...In this shoes he looks easily taller than Pelé in some scènes of the movie like here =
Click Here at around 0:20 / 0:21 .And here "behind the scenes" the difference seems to be slimmer =
Click Here .
Sotiris Gravas said on 17/May/19
@Parker I had noticed the guy's foot placement. Even if you tilt your head to compensate for a slope, Leonard is still taller if he stands straight. The 2009 pic w/ Leonard is more even ground and bears this out. The pic w/ max 5'8" Sharon Stone from 2006 shows that Sly is not taller than her IMO.
My contention was that Sly was not wearing lifts when he went golfing. Keep in mind that I may be wrong. I honestly don't believe so many ppl would describe him as 5'7" if he were really 5'9" peak. I posit that he was 5'8" peak height.
Here's another pic of Sly and James Caan from 2004...
Click Here (I've already posted a pic of Robert Duvall being taller than Caan in 2005.)
That being said, as for Caan, all I can say is...
Click Here
Parker said on 16/May/19
gain, Sly, Waldstein, and Sugar Ray Leonard from 2006... Click Here Leonard isn't even standing straight and is clearly the taller man.
@Sotiris. Look at the guy in the middle's foot placement,
Click Here. The picture is clearly taken on a slope with Sugar Ray having significant ground advantage over Sly in that pic. Not a good pic for height comparison IMO
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/May/19
Remember, boys and girls... this is Sly not wearing lifts w/ Sugar Ray Leonard (5'9" peak height):
Click Here , (2009)
Click Here As opposed to this...
Click Here ,
Click Here
@Rising The only thing I've destroyed is what's left of your pride. Again. Feels good.
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/May/19
Another look at 65-year-old James Caan, and 59-year-old Sly from 2005 that our good friend Rising submitted...
Click Here You can tell by the shoulders who's clearly taller and Caan isn't even standing straight. The guy on Caan's right is a man by the name of Dr. Peter Waldstein. Here he is from 2002 w/ 5'5" Scott Caan...
Click Here
Editor Rob lists both James Duvall and Caan as 5'9.5" peak height. This was Duvall w. Caan in 2005:
Click Here Seen here in 2010...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Caan w/ 62-year-old Paul Michael Glaser (5'10" peak height) from 2005...
Click Here ,
Click Here
As for Sly in a "cast"... He was wearing a medical walking boot. Depending on what you pick, these things can definitely give you a height boost...
Click Here And if someone wants to add a lift to go w/ the lift in the shoe they're wearing... they can, quite easily.
Again, Sly, Waldstein, and Sugar Ray Leonard from 2006...
Click Here Leonard isn't even standing straight and is clearly the taller man.
Annonymous said on 14/May/19
Several people have told me "he's tiny" based on real life encounters. 5'8" really is an unimpressive height to people.
Frankie68 said on 13/May/19
The picture posted here of Sly golfing with Sharon Stone only proves that Sly is under 5’8 — Sharon Stone isn’t 5’8 ,, more like 5’6 -5’7 range & Sly is wearing chunky ass golf shoes with a probable insole & there the same size or Sly is shorter !! Gimme a break !! If Sly was 5’8 1/2 + those golf shoes he would be over 5’9 1/2 which would make him appear taller than her — End of story !!
Pierre said on 13/May/19
James Caan is standing in a poor posture in this video like he had back's problems and it's very possible he lost height by the years,he was born in 1940.Is Sly in classics heels?Maybe...
Bradley said on 12/May/19
Caan is 5' 8.5" in that video, just like Stallone, you know the guy who said he was 5' 10.75" in '78.
Pierre said on 12/May/19
@Rising=Strange like you never see Sly in advantageous or even massive heels ,i posted lots of pics/video with pauses of that inwhich we can clearly see his shoes are not classic shoes.
Rising174cm said on 11/May/19
Sly didn't wear lifts in Cop Land. That's a completely new excuse that's only come about when it was clear he looked 5'9" in the film and on set as opposed to the 5'10.5"-5'11" he usually looked on screen. Here's one golf photo of Sly and 5'8" Sharon Stone at the aforementioned event:
Click Here There's a better one of them standing posed that used to be online that shows Sly was very easily taller at that event, which is why I find it hilarious that Sotiris proclaimed Sly liftless at that event since in addition to the Don Johnson photo -- where they're actually on solid ground as opposed to a grassy hill -- since it completely destroys the case for Sly being under 5'8.5" peak. Hence, Sotiris destroys his own argument...again.
Speaking of a liftless Sly, here he is with normal looking golf shoes AND a cast on his foot making lifts extremely doubtful yet he looks as tall as James Caan on video:
Click Here Click Here Caan is listed at 5'9.5" peak and 5'8.5" current so 5'9" is more than fair for a then 65 year old Caan. Actually, I think today's 78 year old Caan is about 5'8" flat, but he consistently looked about 5'9" 14 years ago. Much like my video of Sly liftless in shorts and sneakers with former L.A. Mayor James Hahn showed Sly looking at least 5'9".
The Pele thing has already been destroyed. Once again, here's full video footage of Sly and Pele side by side on solid ground and in the same footwear so the heels thing is irrelevant here:
Click Here That's easily around a 1.5" difference and I'd say it's literally impossible from that video that Sly was the same height as Pele. Notice the vast majority of the evidence I post is full pics and videos on solid ground. I also have to chuckle at the suggestion Sly paid Brigitte to say he was 5'9" and 174-175 cm. That makes zero sense considering she'd have said Sly was at least the 5'10" or 5'10.5" he claims if that had been the case. In fact, Brigitte did say Sly was 5'10"-5'10.5" while they were married and it was only long after they divorced that she told the truth that he's really 174-175 cm or 5'9". Again, if he was going to pay her, he certainly wouldn't have her say he's an inch or two shorter than he claims to be.
And there's more than enough evidence to prove Dolph was a bare minimum 6'4" in the 80's and 90's.
Pierre said on 10/May/19
Here is a picture Pelé/Eusebio 5"9' in around the same angle than the pic behind the scènes Pelé /Sly =
Click Here Click Here
Pierre said on 7/May/19
If Eusebio was really 5"9'(that's what he looks next to 5"11' Geoffrey Hurst by this pic
Click Here ) i think Pelé was more in 5"6.5' range than 5"7.75'
Click Here and Sylvester looks maybe one inch taller than him in the pics "behind the scènes"
Pierre said on 7/May/19
Here another pic "behind the scènes",Sly is probably in classic shoes this time too,both in relaxed posture =
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/May/19
@Pierre Great pics of Pele and 5'9" Eusebio. Guess Sly's peak height wasn't 5'9", lol. Of course, fanboys don't like to look at things like hard evidence.
RichardSpain said on 5/May/19
@johnson yes! I think so too. I am a good guru because I have seen all movies of sly less his first erotic movies. I'm thinking you are a good fan of mr stallone, like me.
Pierre said on 4/May/19
@Johan =Escape to Victory = pics behind the scenes Pelé /Sly(in the scenes of this movie he was wearing massive heels even when he was playing football with his partners) =here i think he was in classic shoes =
Click Here Click Here .Pelé and 5"9' Eusebio =
Click Here Click Here
Eusebio and 5"11' Geoffrey Hurst =
Click Here Click Here
H? Th?nh said on 1/May/19
his peak height is 176 never 175
Johan 185 cm said on 1/May/19
Pierre said on 1/May/19
@Johan if sly was 5"10' or even 5"9' barefoot why Sly wear elevator shoes in Copland,Escape to Victory,The Specialist....
5'9" barefoot max at peak. He wore lifts because of having a height complex. Now in later years he is not wearing them as much, he looks more than 2" under a old arnie for instance as well who I think is down to 5'10.5" himself.
Pierre said on 1/May/19
@Johan if sly was 5"10' or even 5"9' barefoot why Sly wear elevator shoes in Copland,Escape to Victory,The Specialist....
Bradley said on 30/Apr/19
How can he walk in the customs with Weathers? Like Frankenstein. Vin and Sly need to have a battle of customs. Vin used Rock Boards, a division of Bieber Board Inc. Sly ramps up in Rambo wedge and heel or Rocky Balboa premiere Munsters, now used as weights in his garage.
Johnson said on 30/Apr/19
@Richardspain yes you are a good guru!
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Apr/19
Pierre said on 29/Apr/19
Johan 185 cm said on 26/Apr/19
Click Here
Here is what happens Pierre when he has funny shoes.
Johan,imo this pic prove one thing = Carl Weathers is clearly not 6"1' because if Sylvester can look around the same height as him....
Camera advantage and huge footwear, Sly could pull off his 5'10.5" claim alot in the 80's/90's. 5'9" guy with 3 inches of boot/thick shoe ( The italian shoemaker claimed he crafted him 4.5 in shoes for years but as we know thats impossible.
The boots Rob had that gave 4 inches of height were massive he never wore that kind of footwear.
RichardSpain said on 29/Apr/19
Peak in Rocky and John Rambo he was 176cm barefoot, and now I think he is 174cm barefoot.
Pierre said on 29/Apr/19
Johan 185 cm said on 26/Apr/19
Click Here
Here is what happens Pierre when he has funny shoes.
Johan,imo this pic prove one thing = Carl Weathers is clearly not 6"1' because if Sylvester can look around the same height as him....
burby said on 27/Apr/19
Weak 5'8" in those "road rage" over a parking spot photos...yikes....
Johan 185 cm said on 26/Apr/19
Click Here
Here is what happens Pierre when he has funny shoes.
Bradley said on 25/Apr/19
He's still 5-8 in '19.
Pierre said on 25/Apr/19
@Johan = but you don't take in consideration his shoes.And Dolph 6"4' peak is debatable imo = here David Soul listed 6"0.5' next to Dolph (at around 9:46) =
Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 25/Apr/19
Click Here
Carl weathers still a very strong 6' today. I would say solid 5'8" is a good shout even still.
Click Here
Click Here
Has always been 4" difference. Stallone sometimes wore lifts and the gap was only 2 inches.
Click Here
Lundgren 6'4" peak /7 inches on a 5'9" peak Stallone.
7 inches on Stallone and 3 on peak Weathers.
All adds up 6'4"/6'1"/5'9".
Frankie68 said on 24/Apr/19
@mojo - I agree — have you ever watched his old videos or interviews— He was so full of himself it’s disgusting!! To be that full of yourself while standing on 4inch munsters is pretty hilarious!!
mojo said on 23/Apr/19
Stallone's ego is 7 ft tall. That's all what matters in Hollywood.
Pierre said on 21/Apr/19
@Cesar = The Specialist 1994 =
Click Here Click Here = shoe very high just after the toes
Cesar said on 20/Apr/19
I saw The Specialist (1994) last night. Stalone with masive lifts (8 to 10 cms, as you see in the beginning with a cat), was shorter than Sharon Stone (173 cm, in this site) in heels. So he can’t be 175 peak.
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Apr/19
This was Don Johnson's footwear that day w/ Sly:
Click Here
And this...
Click Here
Bradley said on 17/Apr/19
I've met Glaser twice, he's 5-10. Golf shoes with Sly: Sly is 5' 8.5" in that shot.
Bradley said on 16/Apr/19
Sean Penn has never been 5-8 in his the G.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Apr/19
Here's footage of Sly (no lifts) w/ Sugar Ray Leonard (5'9" peak height), and Paul Michael Glaser (5'10" peak) in 2006...
Click Here
Here's Sly (sans lifts) and Leonard from another angle...
Click Here
Sly (no lifts) and 5'8" Sharon Stone (2006)...
Click Here
Here's Sly magically taller than Stone (2006)...
Click Here , even though she might be in heels...
Click Here (In the movie "The Specialist," Stallone is made to look taller than Stone while taking a shower together, all thanks to movie magic.)
Sly (closer to the camera) and Don Johnson (5'9" peak)...
Click Here (Johnson was 57 when this pic was taken in 2006. Sly was 60, meaning he was shorter than his peak height of maybe 5'8".)
Sly in elevator shoes and Don Johnson (1993)...
Click Here (Notice the difference, LOL.)
Just for fun, Sly and max 5'7.5" Justin Bieber (2016)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Bieber footwear that day...
Click Here
mohammad said on 16/Apr/19
Age 25 = 175 cm
age 73 = 172 cm
Pierre said on 16/Apr/19
@Rising=Yeah... Or Sean Penn was not exactly 5"8' peak....
Click Here =here Gary Oldman listed 5"8.5' peak and Sean....If Gary was really 5"8.5' Sean looks 5"7' at most here .Other=
Click Here Click Here .With Georges harrison listed 5"10' =
Click Here .With Madonna listed 5"4' peak =
Click Here
Frankie68 said on 16/Apr/19
@sotiris — good pics of Serena with Laila Ali which back up your claim perfectly — serena isn’t close to 5’9 & is clearly taller than Sly !! Even Sly’s dress shoes that appear to look normal give him a boost — a decent heel of an 1’ or 1 1/2 inch plus a small lift inside —boom your 2 + inches taller and not that noticeable to the eye —
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Apr/19
@Rising No. My best advice: cut back on the caffeine and that smug Little Lord Fauntleroy act of yours. You're like a bad rash that won't go away. You lost. Full stop. Comprende? No...? Don't care.
Newsflash: Even if Serena Williams were 5'9", Stallone still could have been sporting lifts, you nauseating simp.
Serena Willimas w/ 5'10" online-listing Laila Ali (2014)...
Click Here , both in sneakers, footwear visible...
Click Here
Laila Ali and her father (2005)...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Serena next to 5'10" Mary Pierce (wearing flats, not tennis shoes), and max 6'1" Sharapova:
Click Here ,
Click Here
Max 6'1" Sharapova and Nadal...
Click Here
Nadal and McEnroe... (2009)
Click Here ,
Click Here , (2018)
Click Here,
Click Here
Pierre said on 16/Apr/19
Rising=No they are not classic shoes here!
Rising174cm said on 15/Apr/19
Sly didn't wear lifts in Cop Land. You can see he has completely flat flip flops at the beginning of the film next to 5'11.5" Ray Liotta and is still a maximum of 3" shorter even at a footwear disadvantage. Robin Williams was never taller than 5'7", though. The man even claimed 5'7" and eventually 5'6" at the end of his life, which is accurate. 5'7" peak and shrunk down to 5'6" by his late 50's/early 60's. But De Niro was a minimum 5'8.5", if not 5'9". Just look at De Niro with 5'8" Sean Penn:
Click Here Click Here Not only did Sly edge out the still 5'8.5" minimum 53 year old De Niro, but he looked a solid 1.5" taller than a 70 year old De Niro:
Click Here Needless to say, De Niro was no less than the 5'7.5" Rob currently lists him at when this was taken and Sly was wearing normal dress shoes once again, just as he did during literally every promo appearance for Grudge Match. And Liotta was about 60 with Pitt and may have shrunk to 5'11" flat by then.
And here's what Serena looks like with an actual 5'7" person, Angelique Kerber:
Click Here She's a bit taller than 5'9" listed Caroline Wozniacki as well:
Click Here Click Here And here you can see Serena with 5'11" John McEnroe:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Now you can see why McEnroe is convinced Serena is taller than 5'9", which is a common opinion in Tennis with quite a few guessing her 5'10" or even 5'11". In reality, she's just over 5'9", imo or about 5'9.25", but definitely not under 5'9".
@Sotiris: I find it funny that you think I care about how "relevant" you think I am. I couldn't possibly value your opinion on every subject less than I already do. I do appreciate the nice words I receive from posters like Parker, Real Anonymous, Canson, viper, Christian, CDS, Andrea and others, but considering you seem intent on confirming my first impression of you, I'm pleased to hear you don't like me since that's about the best endorsement I could get. Seems you're quite the sore loser. Here's Sly that same day with 5'9" range(Rob has him 5'9.5") Don Johnson:
Click Here Notice they're actually standing right next to each other and on bricks. Btw, look up photos of Sly and 5'8" Sharon Stone on that same day. Too bad you proclaimed Sly liftless that day. If Sly is shorter than Sugar Ray then how does he pull off 2" or more taller in a full body shot on solid indoor ground?
Click Here Let me guess, you think those are 4"? Hahaha. And regarding your RDJ comparison, in the words of the late John McLaughlin, WRONG (again). Sly wore normal dress shoes to the Iron Man 2 premiere:
Click Here This is what they looked like when both wore lifts in 2008:
Click Here Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Apr/19
@Bradley De Niro had to wear those platform shoes b/c he's playing 6'4" Frank Sheeran in the soon-to-be released "The Irishman."
Bradley said on 11/Apr/19
Incredible shot of DeNiro in Munsters! Wow!. It is up there with Vin on the board with The Rock or Bieber on his Bieber Board. Shades of Bogart stuff. I wonder who else used Munster footwear on films besides horror actors. I wonder if it was DeNiro's call to use them or the studio.
Mister lennon said on 11/Apr/19
Williams was more a weak 5'8 peak. De niro 5'9 peak. And de niro's posture is normally bad. And in that movie, he was playing a phisichally ill person. So his posture had to be bad and he was slouching the most part of the movie.
Google more recent pictures of de niro and williams toghether and you will se the real height diference.
Sotiris Gravas said on 10/Apr/19
@Pierre Nice pics, dude.
Pierre said on 10/Apr/19
Sly in Copland=And i doubt Robert de Niro's peak was as tall as 5"9' = here next to robin Williams listed 5"7(1990) =
Click Here Click Here Click Here = here standing straighter than Robin(feet) .Robin Williams next to Bob Hoskins(listed 5"4')and Dustin Hoffman =
Click Here Click Here
Bradley said on 9/Apr/19
Customs in Copland. You can tell by the weird bottoms. They look like bricks you see on a wooden figure. Not much lift but enough for some gain on Bobby D.
Frankie68 said on 9/Apr/19
@pierre — great shots of Sly’s copland shoes —I knew he has lifts in them which would clearly make him shorter than DeNiro(since they looked close in height in the movie) & prob very similar in height to keitel & keitel wouldn’t be 5’7 or 5’8 if he stood on a box !!
Pierre said on 9/Apr/19
Sly/Harvey Keitel = If Ray Liotta is 5"11.5' Harvey looks max 5"7' here =
Click Here Click Here and even i doubt Ray liotta is really 5"11.5' because Sly in shoes looks at least his height here or here
Click Here Click Here .Ray Liotta and Kurt Russel =
Click Here here=
Click Here looks shorter next to Brad Pitt listed 5"11' and who is very probably under 5"11' and here his shoes are not looking massive heels
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 9/Apr/19
@Parker Here's Neymar and Messi...
Click Here (Some ppl think Messi is as low as 5'6".)
Neymar and Lewis Hamilton (Rob has at 5'7.5")...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Rob has Justin Bieber at 5'7.5", but might be closer to 5'7".
Here's Bieber w/ Lewis Hamilton...
Click Here
Bieber w/ Neymar...
Click Here
Neymar w/ Floyd Mayweather -- who may be as low as 5'6.5"...
Click Here
So, no... I'm not convinced Neymar's 5'8". I liked the pic you posted w/ Serena, though.
People, when Sly does a movie, he doesn't wear something as obvious as Robert De Niro is wearing here:
Click Here , but he still wears lifts/elevator shoes. Trying to prove his real height from movies is an exercise in futility, not to mention a complete and utter waste of time. Movie execs want their vertically-challenged leading man to appear taller than supporting characters. Think about it.
That said... I love this pic of my two favorite lift-wearers. Look at the euphoria on their faces that only comes from wearing monster elevator shoes...
Click Here God love 'em!
Pierre said on 8/Apr/19
Sylvester in Copland =
Click Here Click Here Click Here = here are his shoes in copland= when he's standing straight you can see only comfortably external heels ,and here =
Click Here or here too
Click Here when his left pant is high you can see a little bit his white socks and so you can see his black shoes are high under his pant ,not like classic shoes.They look elevator shoes.
Bradley said on 8/Apr/19
Golf shoes shot with Sugar Ray is great. James Caan? Wow, he's lost height. 3" on Keitel, oh please, lifts.
Bradley said on 8/Apr/19
Gravas with killer shots of Sly and Weathers. Sly wore monster customs with huge wedge. He hated being 5' 8.5".
Rising174cm said on 7/Apr/19
lol, Keitel and Stallone were not the same height. Here they are in costume on the set of Cop Land and Keitel is even noticeably closer to the camera:
Click Here Not only is Sly taller than Keitel, but you can see he's also slightly taller than De Niro, who was at least 5'8.5" himself back then. Also, I don't know where Keitel at 5'6" comes from. Rob lists him at 5'8" peak and while I don't believe he was that tall myself, Keitel was 5'7" at the very least and likely 5'7.5". At one point in the film, Stallone's character is looking through photos and comes across one he took with Keitel and it once again shows Sly very clearly taller as you can see here:
Click Here
Pierre said on 7/Apr/19
@Rising=Serena bent her knees in your pic and Sly has probably more heels,Serena's heels are looking very slim
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Apr/19
@Rising Your posts are irrelevant. You're irrelevant. Newsflash: this was Sly w/o lifts next to Sugar Ray Leonard (5'9" peak height) back in 2006, which I already posted...
Click Here I don't know who you think you are, nor do I care. It's over. You lost.
Jimhopper said on 7/Apr/19
Unless you post pictures of full body shots barefoot slys height is impossible to say. He’s known for very very suspicious shoes which can add 3 to 4” increase. I’d say he was 5-8.5 peak. Now 5-8 or just under
burby said on 7/Apr/19
Weak 5'8" with Serena.
Parker said on 7/Apr/19
Neymar has had several measurements taken at Barcelona to confirm a solid 5'8 as listed by Rob. Serena is clearly dropping height in this pic. IMO she isn't under 5'9, although she has claimed as high as 5'10, I think 5'9 is a good shout.
Click Here
I think Sly's pics with Serena confirm the average user guess 5'8-5'9.
Frankie68 said on 6/Apr/19
@sotiris — the said thing is that in your second pic of Sly with Carl he still probably has some kind of shoe advantage/ lift !!
Rising174cm said on 6/Apr/19
@Sotiris: Wrong yet again. Sly with Serena actually proves he's still about 5'8.5":
Click Here That's by far from the best picture from this event. Serena is a strong 5'9", definitely not under 5'9". Even if she's just 5'9" flat, that still makes her 5'9.25" in her roughly 1/4" flats. Sly is the same height(actually he's edging her there, but Serena's posture is worse so about the same considering that) in small-heeled dress shoes that are flat with virtually no angle so probably about 0.8" meaning Sly is still 176 cm in just 2 cm dress shoes meaning about 2 cm without them. Even if you argue Sly's dress shoes are a full inch -- and they look thinner/flatter -- it's very likely Serena is 176 cm herself just as the average guess is on her page, so she'd be 5'9.5" in those flats and Sly the same in dress shoes, so still right around 5'8.5" barefoot. You downgrading her to 5'8.5" is typical. Having established Sly at roughly 5'8.5" or Rob's 5'8.25" listing at the absolute worst, here's a pic of Sly from that same event with Miguel Cotto:
Click Here Now Cotto himself is near 5'7" as we can see face to face with 5'7" Mayweather:
Click Here As with Bruckheimer, we see how much taller Sly is than actual 5'7" men. Fortunately, we're also in position to compare Sly at this event to how 5'7.5" Don Cheadle looked with the same people. Cheadle:
Click Here and now Sly:
Click Here Again, Cheadle:
Click Here and Sly:
Click Here Note, Sly is again pictured with the same man with glasses who was much taller than Cheadle yet not that much taller than Sly. Only someone with an agenda would argue Sly is the same height as Cheadle, much less shorter. There can't be any less than an inch between them, even today. This quite easily establishes Sly as 5'8"(more likely 5'8.5") at this event beyond any reasonable doubt.
Again, I was hoping to keep this a lot more friendly, but considering how obnoxious you've been, I'm more than happy to point out the absurdity of your posts on this page. Ignoring full pics and even wide shots on video, always indoors and on solid ground in favor of shots taken from the waist up on stairs or rough dirt/grass, often with dodgy angles to boot is simply hilarious and exposes your agenda. It's really remarkable to me that you've become this arrogant all while failing to post a single piece of evidence showing Sly under 5'8".
Boring is a good word because while I've posted mountains of evidence, you've failed to find any to support your position, but I do get a good laugh every time you post something that destroys your own position, so keep it up!
Mightyman said on 6/Apr/19
if you watch the directors cut of Copland from 1997 at 46 min and 37 sec, you will see Harvey kietel who is 5'6 and Stallone walking together during a furneral scene. Harvey and Stallone are exactly the same height with Harvey actually looking physically wider than Stallone. this is proof that Stallone is no more than 5'6-5'7 flat.
Sotiris Gravas said on 5/Apr/19
Some ppl seem to think that a drastic height boost isn't possible w/ elevator shoes... Here's Sly looking WAY taller than he should next to 6'1" Carl Weathers back in 2003:
Click Here And yes, he was able to walk in those monster elevator shoes, despite what some ppl seem to think is impossible.
Compare that pic to this 2015 pic...
Click Here See the difference...? I do.
Frankie68 said on 4/Apr/19
@sotiris — those Serena pics with her in the flattest of flats really do him in -Sly in that pic with those skinny legs & dress shoes with insoles is laughable — theres no way he’s 5’8 — might not be 5’7 lol— Sly should start a shoe line called “supercharged” shoes by Sly Stallone !!
Bradley said on 4/Apr/19
I'd pay to see the monsters he's wearing owning his brother with ease. They have to be so built up he must need to balance himself.
Johan 185cm said on 4/Apr/19
Hijoputamus said on 29/Mar/19
Sly looks 6ft with Sugar Ray Leonard 2004 pic.
He cant be 5ft8 and walk 3-4 inches taller, even with monsters.
Looks more 2 inches so walking around close to how a 5'11" guy looks. Thats why Sly was 5'9" peak, a guy who was 5'8" would need huge boots w/lifts to pull that off. He was rocking 3 inch custom whoppers for years.
Pierre said on 4/Apr/19
@Sotiris=good finds, in your first pic Sly is standing closer to the the camera than Sugar Ray Leonard (see the feet and the line of the pic with the floor)
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Apr/19
I love this pic of Sly looking like a GIANT next to his brother, all thanks to elevator shoes (2003):
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 2/Apr/19
Here's another pic of maybe 5'8.5" Sugar Ray Leonard w/ Sly (no lifts) back in 2009...
Click Here , as opposed to Leonard and Sly w/ lifts...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Here's a pic I haven't seen before, Sly and Harley Race (circa 1978)...
Click Here
Race and Nick Bockwinkel (billed 5'10")...
Click Here What's laughable is that Race was billed as 6'1".
Again, Sly and Bockwinkel...
Click Here
@Frankie68 Here's Sly w/o monster lifts w/ Serena Williams in flats:
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here I'm not sure as to Serena's exact height, but 5'8.5" is very possible.
Serena and 6'0.5" Venus...
Click Here
Venus (in flats) and 6'0" Nadal...
Click Here
This was the Burt Young/Sly cheek-to-cheek pic you mentioned...
Click Here , but we don't know if both men are standing straight... If you ever want to upload pics here, you can do so using Imgur.
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Mar/19
Good thing Sly never had to wear anything as obvious as this...
Click Here -- the platform shoes worn by Humphrey Bogart during the filming of "Casablanca." Bogart was described as a "cinematic dwarf" by many, being around 5'8", perhaps as low as 5'7.5".
Pierre said on 30/Mar/19
Hijoputamus said on 29/Mar/19
Sly looks 6ft with Sugar Ray Leonard 2004 pic.
He cant be 5ft8 and walk 3-4 inches taller, even with monsters.
Picture Sly /Sugar Ray /Frank Stallone 2004(posted by Sotiris Gravas 29/Mar/19 picture number 4) = Sly and his brother are looking around the same height here.Here is pics of Frank and Tom Sizemore 5"10' range (
Click Here )=here the shoes(Tom classic heels and Frank advantageous cow boy boots) =
Click Here Click Here Click Here .Frank very straight =
Click Here Click Here = both in around the same posture...Frank for me is 5"9' range.And i doubt Sugar Ray is 5"9'range,next to Rob he looks max the same height as him by considering he wear a cap =
Click Here
Hijoputamus said on 29/Mar/19
Sly looks 6ft with Sugar Ray Leonard 2004 pic.
He cant be 5ft8 and walk 3-4 inches taller, even with monsters.
Frankie68 said on 27/Mar/19
@sotiris- your welcome - im with you on Sly’s height, I always said he’ Under 5’8 prime or not , givin his known footwear in combination with him looking very similar to men in the 5’8 5’9 range - then he must be under 5’8 flat - particularly when you see pics or videos of him PRE -FAME —or things like pics with Burt Young & malinda dillon (5’8) saying she is taller than him or in recent yrs where pics of Sly & Serena Williams (5’8) surfaced where she is in flats & taller than him / also if you can post a pic from Burts instagram of him cheek to cheek with Sly & Burt is taller — thanks & Stand tall Sly lol
Bradley said on 26/Mar/19
Leonard is 5-9, just what kind of custom built up monsters was Sly wearing there?
Sotiris Gravas said on 24/Mar/19
@Frankie68 Thanks, dude, but don't forget that a 67-year-old Duran is now 5'5" w/o lifts, but was taller in his prime.
Boxing heights are often fake. Sugar Ray Leonard was listed as 5'10", but he was 5'9" peak height and currently looks to be maybe 5'7.5", same height as 5'7.5" Usher (2016)...
Click Here
Here's Usher w/ Duran (2016)...
Click Here
Here's Duran tiptoeing as a joke to look the same height as Usher...
Click Here
Here's Sly in lifts w/ Leonard in 2004...
Click Here
Now, sometimes Sly makes the mistake of not wearing lifts, like here w/ Leonard back in 2006:
Click Here He probably didn't wanna ruin his golf game by wearing lifts... And no, Leonard is not on higher ground like Pele in the movie "Victory," or this guy...
Click Here , an argument I'm sure some other posters would love to make.
Here's another pic of Sly (no lifts) w/ Leonard back in 2009...
Click Here
Today, Sly looks to be 5'7" barefoot. W/ lifts, he's any height he wants to be.
To be fair, When Hulk Hogan said Sly looked to be as low as 5'6", it was probably to make himself look taller. Hogan is an inveterate liar about almost everything, including his own height -- wanting ppl to actually believe that he was once 6'7", when he was never more than 6'5" peak height... maybe as low as 6'4.5".
K.A 188 said on 24/Mar/19
I knew he wore lifts in Rocky 6 thats why he looked taller than Milo Ventimiglia in the scene where he talkes motivational stuff.
Frankie68 said on 23/Mar/19
@sotiris - again great pics - those Duran pics with Hatton don’t make Sly look good that’s for sure — Duran wasn’t in the rocky movies until Rocky 2 so sly had his vamped up boxing shoes on as we all know ,, and yet didn’t appear that much taller than a 5’5 duran , Sly’s height is getting scarier by the second !!
Bradley said on 22/Mar/19
RawdyShaq has it correct but he's still 5' 8", not under.
rawdshaq said on 21/Mar/19
5'8 1/2" peak, 5'7" now
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Mar/19
I didn't realize that Duran is also a lift-wearer. Here are pics where he's not in lifts... (Rob has Duran at 5'6.5" now. I beg to differ.)
Here's Roberto Duran (no lifts) w/ 5'5.5" Ricky Hatton (2013)...
Click Here
W/ Hatton (2014)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ Hatton (2018)...
Click Here
Duran and max 5'5" Gael Garcia Bernal...
Click Here
Duran and 5'6.75" Floyd Mayweather...
Click Here
Here's Duran pretending he's 5'7" next to 5'9" (not 5'9.75") Edgar Ramirez...
Click Here
He and Sly are more alike than I thought. Duran is now a 5'5" guy who wears lifts.
Sly, Duran, and Mosley (2007)...
Click Here
Frankie68 said on 20/Mar/19
@sotiris — i agree with you ,, in this forum some only want there side to be believed (lol) everyone else is wrong & there pics or evidence is all that matters - its beyond hilarious—
Jimhopper said on 20/Mar/19
Doubt he was over 5-8 peak imo. Those shoes he wears are 4inch helpers.
Bradley said on 20/Mar/19
Frankie68 nailed it. Common in entertainment circles in divorce papers: do not tell a lot. The millions paid off work. He was in massive customs with her during the marriage. I'm sure she could tell laughable tales of him telling her to lay off the heels much like Bieber with Gomez.
Pierre said on 20/Mar/19
Click Here = here Roberto Duran (with Mike not very straight and very probably wearing bath sandals)
Click Here = here is Roberto Duran(right guy) next to Jeff Fenech (and 5"10' Mike Tyson slouching a lot).And now Jeff Fenech next to Jeff harding listed 5"11.75' or 6"0' =
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Mar/19
5'9" peak height (not 5'10") Joe Weider and 5'11" Joe Piscopo (1997)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Weider and max 5'10" peak height (not 5'10.75") Telly Savalas...
Click Here
Weider and Stallone...
Click Here
Savalas and Stallone (1973)...
Click Here
Stallone looks to have been 5'8" peak, but of course, he could have been wearing lifts.
Frankie68 said on 20/Mar/19
Sly’s ex wife is also in the best position to lie for him since was paid millions & millions in hush money not to devalue or devulge anything about him , since he was always in those 4 inches when married to her !!
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Mar/19
@Rising Yes! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were Sly's publicist, w/ a vested interest in propagating Stallone's inflated height. Newsflash: not everyone here is buying what you're selling. Give your self-satisfied attitude a rest. As for "inappropriately hostile," I didn't realize I was dealing w/ a delicate flower. My humble apologies. Let's see, what should I believe, prevailing evidence, or Rising and his overt agenda...? Hmmm... I've had enough of you; you bore me.
Rising174cm said on 19/Mar/19
Posted this about 6 months ago, but only Real Anonymous commented it so I'll post it again. Good video of Sly in 2004 with then-Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn:
Click Here I only see 3.5"-4" between them and I don't see much of a chance Sly managed to hide any significant lift while running with shorts and sneakers:
Click Here Btw, Hahn claimed to be 6'2" and Mr. R actually thought he was at least that tall in person, but all I'm claiming is Hahn was likely at least 6'1" meaning Sly looked a full 5'9" with him. For reference, here's Hahn with Arnold in July 2002:
Click Here If that was before Arnold's hip replacement then Arnie may have still been 6'0.5"-6'1" range. Here's 2003 pics when Arnold was definitely still at least 6'0", possibly 6'0.5":
Click Here Click Here And here's Hahn with Arnold in 2008 when Arnold still generally looked at least 6'0" and was still listed that here:
Click Here Hahn also didn't look more than 6" shorter than 6'7"-6'7.5" Magic Johnson despite a bit of a camera disadvantage:
Click Here Certainly, a solid 6'1" in the early 2000's is fair for Hahn and I doubt Mr. R would have been off by more than that.
As for Jennifer, here's 1997 photos with 6'0.25" John Travolta and 5'5.5" Kelly Preston:
Click Here Click Here Click Here And Jennifer still towers over Kelly to this day with both in heels:
Click Here She was always listed at either 5'9" or 5'9.5" and while I use the 5'9" flat figure, it certainly doesn't look like she's less in these photos.
Btw, even conceding Sly's flip flops in Rocky 3 look thicker than average, that's really besides the point. If we say they're twice as thick as normal flip flops then that'd be an inch instead of half an inch. The important point is that we can see without any doubt that Sly doesn't have lifts so it's no different than if he had normal 1" shoes, which will be close to Carl's sneakers(somewhere between 3/4" and 1") yet as with Hahn, Sly definitely looked like he could be a full 5'9" and at worst, couldn't be far from it.
Frankie68 said on 19/Mar/19
@sotiris- nice pics again — plus Sly in the pic with Arguello probably has his 4inch lifts on ( those were rocky 3 times)
Rising174cm said on 19/Mar/19
@Sotiris: No. What's nonsensical is using a pic of Sly and Burt on stairs when we have multiple VIDEO and FULL PICS of them wearing the exact same clothes and shoes that show Sly at least an inch taller with half an inch less footwear. This isn't the only time full pics/video have been ignored in favor of comparisons where ground/feet aren't visible, with Pele being another example. A wide shot on video showing Sly minimum 1.5" taller and you ignore that for a still pic taken on grass/dirt with neither the feet nor ground visible. Normally I'd avoid pointing out how obvious this makes it that you have an agenda, but because you're getting inappropriately hostile, I'm happy to point this out because these 2 examples among others have made it painfully obvious. Weathers is no less than 6'0.5" and Rob actually still lists him at 6'1", but 6'0.5" may be more accurate these days in part because he's no more than 4" taller than Sly.
Here's video of Sly and Roberto Duran:
Click Here You can see at the end around 26 seconds that Sly has a couple of inches on Duran. Here's a pic of Duran where they're not hunching so much:
Click Here
You're hypothetical where Sly says he's shorter than 5'8.5"-5'9" is funny because we have Sly's own ex-wife Brigitte Nielsen who has confirmed he's 174-175 cm or 5'9" plus I've posted dozens and dozens of full pics and videos which confirm this yet you've ignored not only all this evidence despite posting no evidence to bring this into question yet you've ignored Sly's ex-wife who was certainly in the best position to judge his height and is a good judge of height as evidenced by her 5'9"-5'9.5" estimate for Eddie Murphy, which lines up perfectly with Rob's 5'9.25" listing.
burby said on 19/Mar/19
The camera tilt is in favor of Sly, just look at the artwork in the background. A weak 5'8"er in big ones.
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Mar/19
There were times when Roberto Duran actually looked more 5'6.5" than 5'7" peak height w/ 5'9" Sugar Ray Leonard (1980)...
Click Here . Both men in 2014...
Click Here.
I think 5'8" for Sly is more than fair, but he could have been 5'7.5", given that Burt Young was around the same height. That said, we'll never truly know b/c the guy was almost always wearing lifts. Way too many ppl have described him as 5'7"... Hulk Hogan probably saw him sans lifts and opined that he was around 5'6"/5'7"... not even 5'8". I think that's very telling. He very well could have been as low as 5'7".
Jtm said on 19/Mar/19
the problem is pitt is 5'9.5 max.
Frankie68 said on 19/Mar/19
If u use your iphone to measure the sotiris pic of Sly & Burt in the meat house , Burt’s body length is longer than Sly’s .. so any rebuttal is a joke - Burt is taller.. end of story - Sly is not 5’8 or 5’9 in his prime -cause Burt was 5’8 in his prime - Sly 5’7 — max —
billionaireslayer said on 19/Mar/19
5'7, weak 5'8 prime, every actor thats worked with him describes him around 5'6, I believe he was a tad taller around weak 5'8 prime. When I read his book Sly moves he was only 155lbs in Rocky 3 playing a heavyweight. also first blood.
Bradley said on 18/Mar/19
Those things Sly has on with Pitt are sick. Pitt is just over 5' 10" and he's getting owned by Sly in wedged customs.
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Mar/19
5'8" Sly w/ 5'7" Roberto Duran (1979)...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ max 5'4" Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini (1983)...
Click Here
W/ around 5'8", (not 5'9" or 5'10") Alexis Arguello (1978)...
Click Here
Mancini and Arguello (1981)...
Click Here
Boxers are not always listed by their real height...
Sotiris Gravas said on 18/Mar/19
@Rising The pics I posted of Stallone w/ Franco Columbu is just further proof that Stallone was not as tall as you think. Everything I've posted here proves that you're wrong. Obviously Stallone looked taller than Bruckheimer -- he's wearing elevator shoes, or haven't you noticed that...? Obviously Flavin is taller than Bruckheimer -- she's wearing heels, or haven't you noticed that either? You point out nonsensical things that don't mean anything... just like the pic of Stallone and Burt Young on those stairs... where you felt you had to point out that they were on stairs, even though that didn't matter b/c they were both standing on the same step. I could get a sworn statement from Stallone himself stating that you're wrong and you'd still say otherwise. To reiterate: you're wrong. Is it beginning to sink in? If not, give it time. As for Weathers, I forgot to add on that 0.5" to his height... but I wouldn't be surprised if he's not that tall anymore. What exactly were you trying to prove w/ those Pitt pics? Say Pitt is around 5'10.5" now, who's clearly taller than another guy in elevator shoes... So what? And another thing, your tired excuse for Pele always being on higher ground to justify him looking taller than Stallone is very annoying. Try harder next time, dude. Or better yet, don't.
Jac239177 said on 17/Mar/19
My guess is 172cm, 174cm at peak
Rising174cm said on 16/Mar/19
The recent photos of Sly and Brad Pitt support my opinion that Sly is still 5'8.5" at 72 years old:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here As Rob pointed out, Sly looks to be wearing Hogan sneakers or something similar. Incidentally, the type of Hogan sneakers Sly wore were advertised as having a 3.5 cm outersole and a 2 cm insole.
Um, Jennifer is CLEARLY bending her knee with Bruckheimer and still easily taller. Notice how much taller Sly still is than the actual 5'7" man Bruckheimer. That's because Sly is 5'8.5". Sotiris, you often post evidence that destroys your own case for Sly being 5'7" or even a mm under 5'8". Since when is Carl Weathers a flat 6'? He's a minimum 6'0.5" as he looked with Rob and as Rob will attest to after meeting Carl 3 times in person. Jennifer is much closer to 5'9" as can be seen in 90's photos with John Travolta and Kelly Preston.
Bradley said on 15/Mar/19
Munsters with Studd...he knew he'd look like a fool after saying he was 5' 10.75". He could have used them as bricks behind his SUV tires.