How tall is Tamzin Merchant

Tamzin Merchant's Height

5ft 5 (165.1 cm)

English actress best known for roles in films such as Jane Eyre, Pride & Predujice and Red Faction: Origins. On television she can be seen in The Tudors. On twitter she mentioned her height, saying "I'm 5ft 6 but my hair's not actually red", although in 2005 she listed herself as 5ft 5 in the Spotlight casting directory.

How tall is Tamzin Merchant
Photo by PR Photos

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Add a Comment4 comments

Average Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 5.82in (167.2cm)
Ashly sammoud said on 25/Dec/19
Io l'ho vista con mia madre ed è 1 cm più bassa di lei.
Mia madre è alta 170/171 cm , Tamzin è alta 169/170
Nik said on 1/Aug/19
It's interesting that 4 voters think that she underlisted herself in 2005!

Average guess = 5'6.06"!
Littlelee168cm said on 15/Nov/18
She looks 5ft 6 here she's not much more than an inch shorter than Freddie fox in what looks like just under 3 inch heels and he'd be just around 5ft 10 in those shoes
Nik said on 12/Nov/18
She does look a convincing 5 ft 5 er!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.