How tall is The Undertaker - Page 20

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Average Guess (950 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Logan said on 14/Dec/17
Undertaker is about 6'7" about the same height as Baron Corbin.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 13/Dec/17
Undertaker looked taller than 6.7 he claimed 6ft8 1/4 barefoot peak rob list him 6ft6.5 199.4cm he is taller than that
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Dec/17
Dicko said on 11/Dec/17
Click Here
Still looks 6.7 to me 👍🏻

Another Heightfaker... Claims 6´2" and is shorter than CM Punk and Samoa Joe in his pics .... annoying... embarrassing...
Dicko said on 11/Dec/17
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Still looks 6.7 to me 👍🏻
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 11/Dec/17
Kevin nash 6ft10 taker was 1.5inches shorter so undertaker was 6ft8 1/4 kevin nash was never 5.5inches taller than mark calaway.
Canson said on 11/Dec/17
@Ricky: Christian didn’t say flat 6’6 he said closer to 6’6 than 6’6.5. Ali Baba said the guy is 6’6” range as well. You’re more optimistic with some of these heights than Christian is
Kane said on 10/Dec/17
Post pics of taker and corbin
Anonymous said on 9/Dec/17
Kane: 6'6.5"

Taker: 6'5.5"

The Rock: 6'2"

Stone Cold: 6'0"

Triple H: 6'0"

Orton: 6'3"

Batista: 6'2"

Mic Foley: 6'1.5"

Brock Lesnar: 6'2"

Hulk: 6'4"

HBK: 5'11"

Bret: 5'11.5"

Razor: 6'5"

Diesel: 6'10"

Seth: 6'0"

Roman: 6'2"

Dean: 6'0"

Big E: 5'10"

Braun: 6'7"

Flair: 5'10"

Bray Wyatt: 6'0"

Big Show: 6'11"

my guesses
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 7/Dec/17
Taker 6ft8 203cm peak today 6ft6.75 200cm looked 3cm taller than baron corbyn so baron is 6ft5.5 197cm barefoot
Ricky said on 6/Dec/17

Not that short as flat 6'6".
Still edging Baron Corbin
Phenom! said on 5/Dec/17
Looked taller than Corbin to me, and Corbin is a strong 6’6.” Taker might be just as tall as strowman though.
Canson said on 4/Dec/17
I remember a poster here once said that he was “almost” 6’6” in shoes and that Taker was max 3” taller peak. My guess is he was 201-202 peak barefoot and mid 6’8 range in regular shoes
Canson said on 4/Dec/17
This guy hasn’t been 6’4” range since high school. Agree with Christian anything 6’6” range to 6’6.25. Also note he has poor posture in a lot of pics and with Ali Baba even does a tad
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 3/Dec/17
Taker calimed 204 205cm barefoot back in 2001
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 2/Dec/17
Closer to 6'6" than 6'6.5" today but no less than 6'6" either.
Anonymous said on 2/Dec/17
I think nowadays he's not more than 6'4".

Peak might be 6'4.25" but no more than that.

I don't why he is listed too high.

He was never more than 6'4.25"
Kane said on 1/Dec/17
Well Erik, look back at early stare downs when Glenn Jacobs faces off against undertaker. Every gimmick Glenn ever had, he was taller than undertaker.
Canson said on 1/Dec/17
@Erik: i believe Taker is still 6’6” range. He looked it with Ali Baba. He has notoriously poor posture. I can’t see him as low as 6’5.75. Prob 198-199 still. But no higher
Erik said on 1/Dec/17
It's probably correct that today Kane edges the Undertaker out by half an inch without a footwear advantage. Not a chance in my opinion in prime though. And as far as Kane being towered over by Big Show in certain images and being closer to the Big Show on other images. Did anybody think that maybe rather than Kane using footwear to his advantage in these images that Big Show is in fact the one who is using footwear advantage? I mean, I'm currently convinced that Big Show is 6'9 barefoot and in wrestling gear, if thick enough, could increase him about 2.75 - 3in. So in gear when he's shown towering over Big show he might be 6'11.5 - 7'0.5 which makes him tower of Kane occasionally. The Undertaker nowadays is probably a good 6'5.75 and Kane edges him out probably at 6'6.5. And when Big Show stands in gear, he's probably nearly 5.5-6 inches taller than him. And remember, Big Show has an ENORMOUS forehead, creating an illusion supposedly. So without footwear, I'd say Big Show nowadays is as little as 3 inches taller than Kane.


Kane 6'6.5
Undertaker 6'5.75
Big Show 6'9.5
Tarinator 6'0.5 said on 30/Nov/17
I would still go with my claim that he was 6’8” or 203 cm tall at his peak. Maybe even 204 cm and he’s lost 2 or 3 cms throughout the years. So now he might be 6’7.25” or 201 cm. Probably looks about the same height as someone like Lebron James or Braun Strowman. Kevin Nash was only 2 inches taller than the Undertaker in the 90s so 6’10” and 6’8” are perfect listings for them. They both lost an inch or so which makes them 6’9” and 6’7” then at current. The lowest figure I would go for Undertaker then and now is 203 cm and 201 cm. Kane has always been a bit taller. I would guess him at 6’8.25” peak (204 cm) and 6’7.75” (203 cm) current. Big Show on the other hand has lost a bit of height from his 213 cm peak. Maybe 3 cm or so. So 210 cm seems just about right for Paul Wight at current as he looks just 3 inches or 7-8 cm taller than Kane. Some people who have actually met Kane said he was around 204 cm. I would definitely agree with them because he looks the same height as Matt Morgan (6’8.75” or 205 cm). Anyways, here is my height listing for WWE superstars;

Kane: 6’8.25” (204 cm)

Undertaker: 6’8” (203 cm)

Big Show: 7’0” (213 cm)

Big E Langston: 5’10” (178 cm)

Kofi Kingston: 5’11” (180 cm)

John Cena: 6’0.5” (184 cm)

Jack Swagger: 6’4.5” (194 cm)

Kevin Nash: 6’10” (208 cm)

Scott Hall: 6’5” (196 cm)

Shawn Michaels: 5’11.5” (182 cm)

Dolph Ziggler: 5’11” (180 cm)

Triple H: 6’2” (188 cm)

The Miz: 6’1” (185 cm)

AJ Styles: 5’8” (173 cm)

Roman Reigns: 6’2.5” (189 cm)

Seth Rollins: 6’1” (185 cm)
mike m said on 28/Nov/17
Taker is the same height as Braun Strowman 6'7",Strowman his billed height is 6'8" Takers Billed height has always been 6'10".Wrestlers are billed taller than what they actually are.
Erik said on 28/Nov/17
In his prime without any boot advantages, there is NO way that the Undertaker was shorter than Kane in his prime. Undertaker's career began quite a bit before Kane's. And even than he can still stand head to head with him earlier on. So I would guess that in his absolute prime it is indeed possible that he could've been 6'6.75 - 6'7ft. And nowadays he's probably more like 6'5.75 - 6'6.5. I give him a really strong 6'6.
Ricky said on 27/Nov/17

The Undertaker is comfortably weak 6'7" at present.

Baron Corbin is 6'6" and he was shorter than The Undertaker.
Ricky said on 27/Nov/17

Your are hypocrite AF.

Get something inside your brain crystal clear,Kane was not taller than The Undertaker when both were in there prime.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 26/Nov/17
Sid 6ft6 1/4 taker 6ft7.25 kane 6ft7 1/2 nash 6ft8.75 big show 6ft11 peak
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Nov/17
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Click Here
tane said on 23/Nov/17
Thats the biggest 1.5 inch gap ive ever seen dewey. Lol sid was about 2.5-3 inches shorter tham nash. Taker isn an inch over sid, unless theres a footwear advantage. Theyre roughly the same height sid and taker. when sid aint trying to put his head back as far as itd go...
Logan said on 23/Nov/17
Undertaker today is 6,7.75, looking at him beside Kevin Hart which is 6,9-6,10 Taker looks 3 inches shorter. Even considering Taker what wearing boots and a hat, plus Taker is 52 years old and that photo was taken 6-7 years ago.

Undertaker '91 is probaly 6,8.75........ Undertaker now is 6,7.75 at the most. I would even argue 6,6.5.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 23/Nov/17
Triston thompsom is 6ft9 206cm taker looked 3inches shorter 6ft6 198cm kevin love 2inches taller 6ft7.75 barefoot height mark calaway peak 6ft7.25 today 6ft6.
Chris said on 23/Nov/17
I think Rob's estimates are the closest we'll get.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 23/Nov/17

He can look 6'5.5" today due to bad posture, but with better posture he's a decent 6'6"
Danimal said on 22/Nov/17
Everyone on here is overbilling the Undertaker. During his prime (up until around 2000) he was at least 6'7". Since then, he has lost a lot of height. He can be as low as 6'5.5" barefoot, but nothing over a flat 6'6".
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 22/Nov/17
Taker was 1.5inches shorter than 6ft9 2.06m nash so undertakers peak height was 6ft7 1/2 2.02m
tane said on 22/Nov/17
He was a little over two inches shorter than diesel/nash. Wrestlemania 13 his boots were thicker than sids. Id have to say he is either the same height as sid or just a tad shorter than sid. Go watch sid in memphis from either 94 or 95. Taker looked shorter. Im talking about tops of their heads too not just eyeline. I remember when todd pettengill or however u spell it was promoting sycho sid vs diesel, he refered to them as the two tallest in wwf. U can just look at kane and see hes taller than taker and sid. Hes gotta be 2 inches max shorter than nash.
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
@Ricky: he may have been an easy 204 out of bed to tell you the truth. A guy his size can lose an inch in a day and come down to 201 6’7.25 at night.
Ricky said on 19/Nov/17
Either he was full 6'8" or weak 6'8".
Any guy who is more than 6'7.5" can claim himself 6'8" round figured.

In Wrestlemania 13,Sid was 6'7" and Taker was an inch taller than him.

In Wrestlemania 12,was 1.5" shorter than Diesel.
Canson said on 17/Nov/17
@Phenom: i see sort of the same. 6’7” peak minimum maybe 6’7.25. As far as today it’s rrally hard to say other than that i see him measuring between 6’6-6’7. Really would just be a strong 6’6” like 6’6-6’6.5. One thing to take into account is his posture prob isn’t very good. My guess would be right around 199 or 198.5-199 worst case maybe similar in height with Carmelo Anthony
Kane said on 16/Nov/17
My branch manager use to wrestle with Jerry Lawler in Memphis and knew Mark. We have a guy that works with us, who claims 6’7 and is every bit of it bc he has to duck to walk through the door. I asked my boss how tall Mark was and he said about the same height as our 6’7 guy.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 16/Nov/17

You're right, I'd put Taker 6'7.25" peak and 6'6" or 6'6.25" today.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 16/Nov/17
Yes taker is taller 6ft8 1/4 kane 6ft7 1/2 barefoot
Phenom! said on 16/Nov/17
@Canson well according to most people undertaker was 6’7” in his prime, however, I always believed him to be a bit higher, cuz sycho sid seemed 6’7” or at the very least close to 6’7” I always considered undertaker a half inch taller than sid, and kane to be half inch taller than undertaker. I believe undertaker was at least 6’7.25”, and ended up 6’8” in shoes or tad taller. Today, waking up, undertaker can’t be past 6’7”, he has lost at least an inch, I’d say a quarter inch more. By the night time, he’s gotta be 6’6.” To keep it realistic he’s not shorter than 6’6”, not even on a bad day, regularly he’d be 6’6.25-6.5”
Ray Rocker said on 15/Nov/17
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Stare down at 1:35 Not only did Taker look to just edge out Kane in height during this time(like I believe he always did, except for maybe present time today) but he looks to outweigh him here as well. Also notice how high/big Undertaker’s traps and shoulders are.
tane said on 15/Nov/17
His 6ft8 6ft9 billing could be from a barefoot listing of 6ft6 1/2 to 6ft7. Then depending on boots, give estimate. Still very tall. im still not sure about he and big sid. At one time sid justice was billed 6ft9 and taker 6ft8. Ill just say in spring of 92 til beginning of 93, taker was the tallest on the wwf roster. Then came gonzalez then diesel. Rob just some suggestions for height pages, charles wright aka godfather, matt bloom aka albert, randy savage, gene snitsky, chris masters
Shuvayu said on 15/Nov/17
Not an inch more or less than 6'7"today
Canson said on 12/Nov/17
@phenom: I’d say Taker wakes higher than 6’7 slightly. Maybe 6’7.25-.5 and dip to 199 afternoon. I’m not ruling out him being 6’8 peak out of bed and 6’7 at his lowest.
Myself said on 11/Nov/17
Does he have a huge skull? If he had, let's say a head average sized for a 6'3 or 6'4 man, what do you think his height would be, Rob?
Editor Rob
yeah he has a pretty big head size, and would not look out of place on a 7ft 3 man.
Chad said on 10/Nov/17
@Jim Hopper. While I agree the billed height for Undertaker and Kane were overhype, I'm pretty sure everyone wouldn't have minded if Undertaker was billed at 6'9 and 328 pounds. That is still a huge giant. And I'm pretty sure that if Kane was billed at 6'10 326 pounds, no one would have minded.

The truth is, Undertake was always 6'7, while Kane was 6'7.5. Undertaker wore internal lifts to make him 6'8 (+ the 2 inches that wrestlers usually get overbilled = 6'10). Kane wore outer lifts on his boots and went from 6'7.5 to 6'9.25 in them, + 2 inches wrestling overbill = 6'11.25. At that point, it was better for them just to say 7 feet tall as it is more catchy than saying 6'11.
Jim Hopper said on 7/Nov/17
Billed at 6-10 in wwe while Kane was billed at 7ft.... Utter bullcrap. Non are over 6-8"!!!!
Sacred said on 6/Nov/17
He is look 208 cm in WWE
Canson said on 5/Nov/17
Peak 201-202 max or maybe just 201. That makes him 6’8 out of bed which he could’ve gotten a morning height and rounded or could’ve been a shoe height when he said 6’8-6’9 previously
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Nov/17
Ricky said on 2/Nov/17
Rob,can we argue on 6'8" peak?

Hard to imagine he was ever as tall as Kevin Love, can´t see him there.

peak 201cm and 204cm in solid footwear, he had pretty big soles compared to Hogan during early nineties.
Good to see in JT´s Wrestlemania9 comparison Click Here
Hogan is slightly hunched forward and looks 2.5" taller than Taker.

If we consider Hogans posture and compare the thickness of their soles than Taker is barefooted maybe 2" taller and Hogan wasn´t taller than 6´5" in 1993.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 4/Nov/17
Rob taker 200cm kevin love 204cm current barefoot height
Chad said on 3/Nov/17
If you compare Lebron James (6'8) to Kevin Love (6'9.5), then Taker comes out to be around 6'6.25 today
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 2/Nov/17
6ft10 in 5centemeter boots 6ft8 in barefoot peak today 6ft6.75
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Ceej: Rob doesn’t make every person 2” shorter. I’d say 70-80% of the celebs are overlisted vs under. And if everyone were “around” what they claimed to be, it would mean that the Rock was “really” around 6’5” peak when he was never even more than 6’3” peak if even that
A Man said on 2/Nov/17
Yeah you're way off the mark Ceej. People in general exaggerate their height, and wrestlers are the absolute worst at it as they like to / have to try and preserve kayfabe.
Ricky said on 2/Nov/17
Rob,can we argue on 6'8" peak?
Editor Rob
I still think he didn't quite make a full 6ft 8 in the 80's, but of course he didn't look that far off it, especially in costume he was a big intimidating figure.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Nov/17
Click Here

9min onwards

He didn´t have an inch on 6´6.5"-6´6.75" Sid, 6´7" or 6´7.25" was his height.
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Dewie: a peak Ali Baba was 6’6” flat. The 6’6.75 was out of bed.
Swag123 said on 31/Oct/17
Kane is 7' and Undertaker is 7' 1"
Phenom! said on 31/Oct/17
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
@Rob: yea out of bed 6’6.75 is what he mentioned (on Tyler Mane’s page) as his max but said 6’6” at his lowest

That would make sense. I guess undertaker would be 6’7” outta bed then. And by bedtime he can go down to 6’6.25” or 6’6” depending on good vs bad days.
NCL said on 31/Oct/17
Thanks for your feedback on the picture guys.

Rob, what are your thoughts on the height chart of the undertaker I posted?
Editor Rob
they are probably giving him 6ft 10 in shoes
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 30/Oct/17
Peak ali 6ft6.75 200cm peak undertaker 6ft7.6 202.2cm today ali 6ft6 198cm taker 199.4 out of bed
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
@Rob: yea out of bed 6’6.75 is what he mentioned (on Tyler Mane’s page) as his max but said 6’6” at his lowest
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
@Rob: yea out of bed 6’6.75 is what he mentioned as his max but said 6’6” at his lowest
LesYkk said on 27/Oct/17
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Canson said on 27/Oct/17
Ali Baba was never 6’7” he was peak 6’6” flat
Editor Rob
out of bed I am sure he was near 6ft 7...
Jordan87 said on 27/Oct/17

Not sure if the poster is accurate But I see him more 6'8 with His Shoes on to be honest.

Taker is my top 5 fav wrestlers of all times, He is basically the Darth Vader of the WWE. But I doubt he really passed over 6'8 in his prime. Maybe a solid 6'7. He has a pretty big head and at times his eye level wasn't more than 4.5 to 5" above HHH's who is 6'2 tops.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 26/Oct/17
Ali baba 6ft7 taker 6ft7.4 current barefoot height
Ricky said on 25/Oct/17
What was the year when you met him for the first time?
NCL said on 25/Oct/17
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/17
A Man said on 22/Oct/17
@ NCL, that poster will be completely inaccurate as WWE will be preserving his kayfabe height with it. The feet won't be as large as real feet, inches not as large as real inches. It's a complete fabrication.

Definitely possible. I'd like to buy one. I'm a huge Undertaker fan and I'd like to see if the feet and inches are accurate.

A general note to everyone, I'm looking for this to purchase but I haven't been able to find it yet. If anyone comes across a website, let me know.

That was me who wrote that
Swag123 said on 24/Oct/17
This is so funny! Undertaker is 7' 1".
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/17
If anyone saw the video of Undertaker backstage at UFC 42, he looked taller than 6'8 Tim Sylvia
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/17
A Man said on 22/Oct/17
@ NCL, that poster will be completely inaccurate as WWE will be preserving his kayfabe height with it. The feet won't be as large as real feet, inches not as large as real inches. It's a complete fabrication.

Definitely possible. I'd like to buy one. I'm a huge Undertaker fan and I'd like to see if the feet and inches are accurate.

A general note to everyone, I'm looking for this to purchase but I haven't been able to find it yet. If anyone comes across a website, let me know.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 23/Oct/17
Rob how tall is ali baba in the morning barefoot
Editor Rob
6ft 7
Canson said on 23/Oct/17
@62B: I agree. My estimate for taker is similar to yours. Maybe 6’7” peak at absolute most maybe he was 201-202 6’7” and change. Today he doesn’t look anything over 199 with Ali Baba I agree and Ali gets all the way down to 6’5.5-.75 or 6’5 7/8 depending on the day so if Taker is taller it’s maybe a cm or half inch. I can see Taker realistically being about 6’6-6’6.5 range maybe as tall as Carmelo Anthony who is (I’ve seen him in person and stood next to him 6’6” and change). I would put Love however max his draft height 6’7.75. Maybe 6’7.5. I’ve seen online where a couple people one of which 6’8” said he was taller than love. Looking at love with Melo he looks 3-4cm taller tops
A Man said on 22/Oct/17
@ NCL, that poster will be completely inaccurate as WWE will be preserving his kayfabe height with it. The feet won't be as large as real feet, inches not as large as real inches. It's a complete fabrication.
62B. said on 22/Oct/17
Canson said on 21/Oct/17
@62B: that almost closes the door on him being 6’8.5 peak like Jimx says. He wouldn’t have lost 1.5 by then. My guess is peak he’s exactly how rob has him 6’7.5 maybe even just 6’7.25 (201). He wasn’t over the 1/2 tho and today he’s 199 max
I think when you take the picture with Ali Babba its clear that Taker is not much over 6'6", if any at all Today. Then you can take the pictures with Kevin Love who is a real 6'8" it shows just how much taller 2" really is. And actually I see more of a 2.5" difference between Love and Taker. For me its not realistic that Taker would have lost more than 1" at this point in his life, which makes me think my estimate of 6'7" in the early 90's was pretty close.
Canson said on 21/Oct/17
@62B: that almost closes the door on him being 6’8.5 peak like Jimx says. He wouldn’t have lost 1.5 by then. My guess is peak he’s exactly how rob has him 6’7.5 maybe even just 6’7.25 (201). He wasn’t over the 1/2 tho and today he’s 199 max
Ricky said on 21/Oct/17
Sycho Sid was 6'7" when he faced The Undertaker in Wrestlemania 13.
They both came close and I saw that Mark was an inch taller than Sid.

Which means he was 6'8" that time.
But never 6'10".

I will go with 6'8" peak and 6'6.5" present.
NCL said on 21/Oct/17
I've been looking for this forever - a height chart poster of the undertaker made by WWE I'm guessing around 2003 or 2004:

Click Here

I'd really like to purchase one but I don't know where. He's a little under 6'10" in this picture, so if you take away his shoes he probably be around the 6'7.5"-6'8" mark.

Of course that's only if this poster is accurate in terms of camera angle, if they stretched him out, etc. This is peak undertaker by the way, IMO.

IMO I think he's somewhere between 6'6" and 6'6.5" now, but I think he was 6'8" at peak.
Canson said on 21/Oct/17
@Christian: well said. Because I called Jinx out about his persistent upgrading. It’s funny that on Lesnar’s page the others such as Anon2 sweep what Jinx says under the rug or flat out ignore his posts of 6’3” but when you said 6’1.75 which is a hell of a lot closer, they are ready to raise the Cain
Canson said on 20/Oct/17
@Jinx: no I didn’t go to Taker’s house with a tape measure. Did you? You believe the man was 6’8”. And 62B met him below and said he’s 6’7” peak so if I have to choose between someone who makes up fabricated stories about people breaking their back and losing height vs someone who posts logically and doesn’t bs I’d have to choose the latter and believe 62B. You honestly have no credibility and now just make a complete fool of yourself with your posts
Canson said on 20/Oct/17
@Jinx: that’s fine if you believe that. But stop saying Taker “was” 6’8” say you think he was at least because you’ve never met the guy. You inflate every wrestler and almost every celeb you post about making up wild outlandish and very asanine theories about Brock Lesnar breaking his back etc. that’s fine if you believe it but eventually you have to realize that you are seriously in denial and delusional with your comments
Kane said on 20/Oct/17
Don’t be a jack ass... it’s much easier to misinterpret someone’s height when they are 4-5” taller than you! But when a guy looks dead even with a 6’6” guy.... hard to argue that he could be much taller... geez.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 20/Oct/17

Well Rob has Taker listed at 6'7.5" peak as well, so why aren't you complaining to Rob about it, why only complain to Canson?
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 20/Oct/17
Peak sid 201 202 kane 203 204 taker 204 205 nash 208 209 big show 213.5 214.5 khali 216 217 barefoot heights
Jinx said on 20/Oct/17

Peak was no shorter than 6'8",why don't you just consider that for a while!

Big Show was completely 7' in 1999 but I say he was 6'11.5" just to explain you.
They were tag team partners.
Both weared boots with same amount of lifts.

Taker was at most 3.5 inches shorter than Big Show then how the hell you're stuck with your 6'7.5" thing huh!!!!

I'm sick with your 6'7.5" thing,just tell me how the hell you're so sure about your 6'7.5" song,did you go to taker's house with a meter tape in your hand huh?

Even The Great Khali who is 7'1" wasn't taller more than 5 inches from Taker in 2006.

But okay,be stuck on your opinion but I just wanna let you know that I disagree from you!!
62B. said on 20/Oct/17
@ Canson. I don't remember the exact year but it was early/mid 90's. Dibiase was tag teaming with Rotundo at the time as the million dollar man and IRS who was also there. Brian Adams was there too, at the time his character was Crush
Canson said on 20/Oct/17
@Jinx: when you make a comment like be easy on him it shows that you are simply trying to inflate the guy’s height. Be realistic nobody is gonna lose 2” that easy in life at that stage. He was 6’7-6’7.5 peak and 6’6.5 today. Chris saying that isn’t anything offensive toward Taker it’s the truth about a characteristic about him
Canson said on 19/Oct/17
@62B: was that Taker at his peak or maybe years in? I always thought the same that he was never 6’9/6’10 but figured he was 6’7.5 prob. So if he was only maybe 201 max he really didn’t lose all that much height. Maybe it’s his body and the way he carries himself that makes it appear that way.

As far as what Jinx said Kevin Love is actually more like 6’7.5. Not 6’8.5. That would make love as tall as Chris Webber just about when he’s not even close. Webber always calls himself 6’9” but is more 6’8.5-.75 prob as he is referred to by guys such as Mo Cheeks and Spencer Hayward as 6’8/6’9. Likely Webber rounded up a tad. That would also make Love near Deandre Jordan who is 6’9.75. Nowhere near him. Dan Majerle has an article out where he calls him 6’7 and only an inch taller than he is. This is when he was an assistant with Phoenix. Now Majerle to me was never 6’6” either. I’d have said 6’5-6’5.5 range and prob 2” shorter but love isn’t even as tall as Tristan Thompson in some pics. Thompson I can see maybe a full 6’8” he may have grown
Canson said on 19/Oct/17
Well said Insomniak. He looked shorter with a few others when not standing upright but looking at him his body is badly beaten or at least he gives the impression it is. I think 199cm is where he is today. Peak prob a good 6’7” and change tho
enlargeit4fun said on 19/Oct/17
Tarinator 6'0.5" said on 16/Oct/17
Easily 203-204 cm with a 208 cm Kevin Nash, a 216 cm Khali and a 213 cm Paul Wight. Looking at his statedowns with the likes of Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels, he had about 22-25 cm on them so 203 cm is the lowest I’ll go for the Undertaker’s peak height. Kane was 1 cm taller than him so I would Kane would have been 204-205 cm tall. Their respective current heights are 201 cm and 203 cm as they lost 2 to 3 cm of height.


Almost right. What you think of this. Kevin nash 206m/207m
Undertaker 203m/204m
Kane 204m/205m
Khali 214m
Big Show 210m
Kane(without the big boots advantage) and undertaker have the same height.
Ebis said on 19/Oct/17
@Rob why did sid always look taller than taker if he was really shorter than taker?
enlargeit4fun said on 17/Oct/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft thanks for the answer. Yep undertaker had a height loss due to his age and multiple surgeries. But for is Still taller than that. In the pic with kevin love taker is slighlty shorter than him and kevin is supposed to be a legit 208m. In the end the thing is if you don't have undertaker in person next to you, you can't know exactly how tall he is.
Tarinator 6'0.5" said on 16/Oct/17
Easily 203-204 cm with a 208 cm Kevin Nash, a 216 cm Khali and a 213 cm Paul Wight. Looking at his statedowns with the likes of Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels, he had about 22-25 cm on them so 203 cm is the lowest I’ll go for the Undertaker’s peak height. Kane was 1 cm taller than him so I would Kane would have been 204-205 cm tall. Their respective current heights are 201 cm and 203 cm as they lost 2 to 3 cm of height.
Kane said on 16/Oct/17
Heidenreich was billed 6’9
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Oct/17
199-200cm today is fine.
insomniak said on 16/Oct/17
With Ali baba if he stood straight I think 6'6.5 is a fair shout. Although, when he has bad posture at times he can only look around 6'5.
enlargeit4fun said on 16/Oct/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Oct/17
Oh i forgot to mention this. It's just an opinion. There are hidden lifts inside the boots that can make you taller. The outside lifts can be short so you can think one wrestler is for example 7 foot barefoot. In the end the thing is if you don't have undertaker in person next to you you can't know exactly how tall it is.
62B. said on 16/Oct/17
Jinx said on 16/Oct/17

Why don't you understand the bottomline of what I want to say.

You said Kane was the only wrestler on the history of wrestling to have their height exaggerated more than three inches. I pointed out others that have been exaggerated by as much as 6". I saw Taker in the early 90's from across the gym. He didn't look over 6'7" compared to Dibiase who I stood right next to and was at the gym at the same time. I have seen plenty of guys in the 6'6" to 6'10" range, even one guy over 7' know Taker wasn't 6'8.5". Not to mention I also stood right next to Andre
enlargeit4fun said on 16/Oct/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Oct/17
Thanks for the answer
Yep undertaker has lost height due to his age and multiple surgeries. In the pic with kevin love taker is slighlty shorter than him and kevin is supposed to be 208 m tall. In the end the thing is that if you don't have undertaker next to you, you can't mesaure his real height. 199/200 m now and Peak 201 m can be right but for me is slighlty taller than that.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 16/Oct/17

The "Except Kane nobody in the history of pro wrestling has been exaggerated more than 3 inches" you said is total bull. You forgot Andre The Giant, Batista, Dean Ambrose, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus (listed 6'6" before), Kurt Angle (listed 6'2" at one point), Giant Gonzalez, Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles, and many many more that I can name, but I'm afraid my comment's gonna be too long, lol.
Jinx said on 16/Oct/17

Why don't you understand the bottomline of what I want to say.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Oct/17
enlargeit4fun said on 15/Oct/17
Guys for me( and you can shoot me if you disagree) taker is 205 cm with Good posture and the footware advantage. How he could be 199/200 m if is even toller than heidenreich Who is supposed to be a legit 201 m. Sycho sid was really big but due to his huge lift on his boots.

Shot ;)
Taker with possibility of footwear advantage was only slightly taller than legit 6´6" visitor AliBaba.
Click Here

Heidenreich claims 6´7", but wasn´t much taller than 6´5" Gene Snitsky Click Here
Taker had solid soles during the Heidenreich feud and looked 3cm taller.

Sid had clearly no lifts in the 1989 Memphis stardown with Taker, Taker was only slightly taller because of his long head.
Taker clearly gets billed at 6´8" there... that´s usually at least the in ring gear height
Click Here

Bruce Pritchard who was his first manager in WWF, widely traveled with peak Taker and repeatedly described him 6´7".
Buce Pritchad is very deep into the Business and would claim the kayfabe 6´10" if he wanted.

Taker for sure lost height after all he did, peak 201cm, today 198-199cm evening

He looked even less than that next to the cavs and on Jimmy Fallon Click Here
dicksock said on 15/Oct/17
JR is on record saying that Kane/Glenn Jacobs was 6'7"-6'8" when he recruited him into WWE. Undertaker was never taller than him and was barely taller than 6'7" billed Sid. Seems pretty clear to me than Undertaker was 6'7"/6'7.5" in his prime and has probably lost an inch or so due to old age and injuries. He's probably 6'6"/6'6.5" now.
enlargeit4fun said on 15/Oct/17
Guys for me( and you can shoot me if you disagree) taker is 205 cm with Good posture and the footware advantage. How he could be 199/200 m if is even toller than heidenreich Who is supposed to be a legit 201 m. Sycho sid was really big but due to his huge lift on his boots. With this Tricks you can grow even 2 inches an episode of smackdown where taker chokeslam jbl even jbl seemed taller than taker due to big boot advantage.undertaker had always wear boots with short lift. See a stare down beetween UT and Khali, taker's head reaches khali's eyes.
62B. said on 15/Oct/17
Jinx said on 13/Oct/17
I'm not inflating anyone but I don't know why you're getting so self-righteous.

I don't know why nobody is accepting The Undertaker's peak height of 6'8.5".
Except Kane nobody in the history of pro wrestling has been exaggerated more than 3 inches

Andre in 1987 at WMIII was listed at 7'5" and was really between 6'10" and 6'11" depending on time of day. Kamala was listed at 6'9" at one time but was probably in the 6'4" to 6'5" range. Big show when debuting as Andre's son was supposed to be taller than Andre's listed 7'4"-7'5". Giant Gonzalez was a legit 7'6" but list as tall as 8'. I'm sure the list goes on
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 14/Oct/17
Khali 7ft1 2.16m taker 6ft8.5 2.04m barefoot khali 4.5 inches taller
HMD said on 14/Oct/17
Undertaker looks between 6'6" to 6'6.5" today. Considering his bad posture he may be a strong 6'6.5" if stands for measurement. Peak was a strong 6'7" and a week 6'8" So Rob listings for Taker is accurate. However I think Kane's peak was taller it should be 6'8".
Jinx said on 13/Oct/17
I'm not inflating anyone but I don't know why you're getting so self-righteous.

I don't know why nobody is accepting The Undertaker's peak height of 6'8.5".
Except Kane nobody in the history of pro wrestling has been exaggerated more than 3 inches.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/Oct/17

Why do you gotta inflate Love like that to make Undertaker taller? What proof do you have that Love grew to 6'8.5"? It's quite rare for males to grow anything beyond 19 yrs old.
Friendly neighbourhood Baldywise said on 11/Oct/17
Undertaker has one of most legit heights
going on the company. You do realize the man is in his fifties so atleast an inch there. Then consider all of his injuries another 1.5-1.75 inch there and his posture isn't great so another 1.5 inch there.So that would put him at 6'6.75-6'7 nowadays.
Jinx said on 10/Oct/17
Kevin Love is listed at 6'10" not 6'7.75" and his real height is 6'8.5".
He was measured at 6'7.75" when he was 19 and now he's 28
Lebron James is 6'7.5" and listed at 6'8".

These all things are 100% correct and if don't agree then stand with them and tell me.

The Undertaker!!!

He is 6'7" at present and 6'8.5" in his prime.
Big Show was 6'11.5" in his prime and The Undertaker was 3 inches shorter than him.

Sycho Sid was always shorter than The Undertaker.
robot77 said on 8/Oct/17
heightcrazyred photo has got it about right-if you have only watched undertakers matches in the last 7 yrs you dont have the full idea of how much taller he used to be in the early 90s and early 2000s-he was taller than 6ft5 and 6ft6 guys he wrestled by few inches -he was nearly as tall as nathan jones at one point -big show always had about 4 inches on him. The current undertaker is no taller than 6ft6 door -he still looks tall becasue he is around 6ft6 -but he was really tall before his multiple minor hip surgeries.
AKBAR VALI SHAIK said on 7/Oct/17
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 6/Oct/17
Taker isn't over 6'6" these days. Look at him with 6'7.75" measured Kevin Love, there's a 2 inch difference, and Taker might've had an advantage due to his wrestling boots Click Here
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 5/Oct/17
Sid taker both looked 6ft8
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Oct/17
Taker and Sid at their peak in EQUAL footwear. Click Here
Maybe a half inch to Taker if Sid cuts his hair. Click Here
Sid at 6´6.5" means Taker 6´7"

Sid 6´6.75" and Taker 6´7.25"
Jid lid said on 2/Oct/17
Doesn't look huge next to 5.11 Jimmy Fallon
Kane said on 2/Oct/17
62B I agree. Know how many people think my 6'7 co worker is taller than what he really is? Just about everyone. All of those promotional guys back in the day talking about taker saying he is 6'7 pretty much proves... and the picture with him and love? Yeah.... he's gotta be 6'6 MAX today.
Height Sky said on 2/Oct/17

Kevin Love has 3/4 of inch on 6'7.5 Lebron James, The Dead Man still in 6'6.5" and not shorter than James in his prime.
Markus said on 1/Oct/17

In the pics with Kevin Love Undertaker leaned on one leg, tilted to the side!
I've tried it: about one inch hight loss during my measurement (5-8,75 and 5-9,75)
Taker is taller than Ali Baba who is 6-6! Taker cant´t be shorter than 6-6.
62B. said on 30/Sep/17
Kane said on 25/Sep/17
If kevin love is 6'7.75 then taker is below 6'6
I agree. Looking at all of the pictures with Taker and Love, I think Taker is about 2.5" shorter. If Love is 6'7.75", then there is a good chance that Taker is now 6'5.25". I did get to see Taker from a distance at the gym in the early 90's. At the time I thought he was around 6'7". I doubt Taker lost 1.75" since the 90's, so its either the pictures or maybe I was off with my guess and he was really closer to 6'6"/6'6.5"
2K20 said on 29/Sep/17
Undertaker peak 6’7.75 - 6’8 max kane 6’8.25 - 6’8.5 max peak height
Undertake now 6’6.5 - 6’7 max kane now 6’7.25-6’7.5 max
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 29/Sep/17
Kane said he is about 6ft8 305 pounds 2inches bigger boots than taker undertaker 6ft8 290 pounds nash 6ft9.5 big show 7ft0.25 barefoot
tane said on 28/Sep/17
His mom cant be 5'7" there. Paul bearer was 5'10 or 11 and was at chin level or a smidge higher
tane said on 28/Sep/17
Ok chad. If nash was 2 to 2.5 on taker, which go lool at their staredown on google. Someone was kind enough to mark the lines. It appears to be 2 inches to 2.5 MAYBE a tad more! Not quite 3, and if Glen was .25 .5 over taker, at least 1.75 is what nash would have over glen and 2.25 max. Just look at taker and kane measured next to big show, then nash and show. Kane and taker were both measured 6'8 when they played basketball, Nash was measured 6 feet 10 when he played basketball, Big Show measured at 7'1 I don't know how legit that is tho. but show had four in on Taker and Kane. and show back in the day had two on Nash and it looked to be less today.
Guanzo said on 27/Sep/17
Kevin Love is 6'10'' Taker is 6'8.25''
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Sep/17
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/17
Kevin Love is 6'8.75" barefoot and 6'9.5" with shoes he wear while playing.


I guess all NBA Players are taller than their listed height in your dreamworld

Click Here

Lebron James for sure didn´t grow after the draft and usually it´s a morning measurement.
Click Here
Cavs said on 26/Sep/17
Undertaker peak close to 6'8 now 6'6.5
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/17
Kevin Love is 6'8.75" barefoot and 6'9.5" with shoes he wear while playing.

The picture you attached with your comment is of the time when The Undertaker is in his 50s and is less than his peak height.

He is 6'7.5" at present

See WWE Judgement Day 2006,he was 4 to 4.5 inches shorter than legit 7'1" The Great Khali.

That clearly shows he was 6'9" or 6'8.5" at 41 years of age!!!

But when he was 25(1990),he was 6'9.25".

That's truth,he was 6'9.25" barefoot!!!

Click Here

Go to this link or open it to see his picture with his 5'7" mother!!!!
Ebis said on 25/Sep/17
I don't think Taker had ever been 6 10 and a half but 6 6 is ridiculous for Taker if khaki is 7 ft 1. Taker is still around 6 8 if not 6 10 or 9
Kane said on 25/Sep/17
If kevin love is 6'7.75 then taker is below 6'6
2K19 said on 24/Sep/17
Undertaker peak height 6’7.75-6’8 max. current height 6’6.5-6’7 maybe on a good day!
Philip McMullin said on 24/Sep/17
@Danimal rowan ISNT taller than Taker
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Sep/17
Taker was never 6´9" barfoot.

Peak he was between 6´7"-6´7.5" and 6´8.25"-6´8.75" depending on footwear.

Today max 6´6.25" next to 6´7.75" measured Kevin Love Click Here
Danimal said on 21/Sep/17
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/17
In his prime he was a bit tall from 6'9" and used to refer himself as 6'10"
This is a normal thing,people who are a bit more than 5'9" refer themselves as 5'10" so its fine!!!!

He was 2 inches taller than 6'7" tall Sycho Sid and Razor Ramon and he was a bit short from 6'9.5" tall Diesel(Kevin Nash)

Now he's 6'7.5" tall due to aging and a number of injuries in his wrestling career

But trust me what I mentioned in 1000% true!!!!

He is not 6'6.5",he's 6'7.5"!!!
He is a bit shorter than 6'8" Erick Rowan at present

In his prime he was 6'9"+ but not 6'10"!!

Anonymous said on 19/Sep/17
In his prime he was a bit tall from 6'9" and used to refer himself as 6'10"
This is a normal thing,people who are a bit more than 5'9" refer themselves as 5'10" so its fine!!!!

He was 2 inches taller than 6'7" tall Sycho Sid and Razor Ramon and he was a bit short from 6'9.5" tall Diesel(Kevin Nash)

Now he's 6'7.5" tall due to aging and a number of injuries in his wrestling career

But trust me what I mentioned in 1000% true!!!!

He is not 6'6.5",he's 6'7.5"!!!
He is a bit shorter than 6'8" Erick Rowan at present

In his prime he was 6'9"+ but not 6'10"!!
Chad said on 18/Sep/17
Tane, I agree. Glen had .5 on Taker back then, but I don't know if Nash would be roughly 2 inches taller than Glen. I think in his prime, Glen on a good day was 6'8.25, on a bad day 6'7.75. Nash on a good day 6'9.25, on a bad day 6'9.

And with human beings this tall, it's not uncommon for their height to fluctuate around. I have a friend who is 6'6. I am 6'4. Sometimes he looks like a good 2 inches taller, other times he looks maybe .75 of an inch taller.
JT said on 17/Sep/17
Roadblock looked around 6’6” with Tugboat Click Here and with Luger
Click Here Reis was at that same WCW event and would have Luger by at least a full head size standing tall. Wouldn’t surprise me if Reis was a little taller than Khali and Silva.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 14/Sep/17
1inche is 2.54cm so if taker is 2.5inches taller than 198cm tenda that makes taker 203.2cm peak
tane said on 13/Sep/17
Id say glen had .25 .5 on taker back then. Nash would be "roughly" 2 inches taller than kane...
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Sep/17
****sock said on 12/Sep/17

Red, if Reese is 7'1" and was only 7" taller than Roadblock, wouldn't that make Roadblock about 6'6 and therefore 2" taller than Ottman? Beyond the 40 second mark I told you to re-watch, Roadblock just has a noticeably taller frame than Ottman. It immediately stood out to me. The first thing I thought when watching that video was that Ottman looks short next to this guy. Then I thought about your comment that he was only 1 cm taller and thought there is no way that is possible. He looks about 3" taller than 6'2.5" peak Goldberg if he stood straight. I'll say he was about 6'5.5". He looked about 7.5" shorter than 7'1"ish Reese.


Yeah, my point is that Ron wasn´t a full 7´1" barefoot, more like 7´0-0.25" evening and 7´1" in normal wrestlingboots.
Big Show was around 6´11" in WCW and Ron said something like if Paul wears his bigboots, Ron isn´t taller but barefoot.
Paul in WCW had a bit less than 2" footwear, ~1.75". So if Ron was a legit 7´1", he would still be taller in normal wrestlingboots.
Big Show was in cowboyboots in his first staredown with 7´0.25" Shaq and still 1" smaller, Reis didn´t look as tall as Shaq next to Big Show in WCW

Big Show 6´11" and 7´0.75" in his WCW boots
Ron Reis 7´0" and 7´0.75" in low normal wrestling boots

Ron Reis, Shaq and Great Khali show how tall a legit 7footer looks in Wrestling, neither of them was as tall as 7´1" barefoot evening.

Goldberg had also a 6´2" draft listing.
Roadblock, I could see at 6´5", imo he didnt´look as tall as 6´5.75"John Tenta next to 6´4" Ottmann Click Here
Markus said on 13/Sep/17
6-3 for Ottman is nonsense. He was about 1" shorter than 6-6 Tenta: Click Here
and max. 2,5" shorter than a 6-7,5 Undertaker in´90/´91: Click Here
dicksock said on 12/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Sep/17
****sock said on 7/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Sep/17
Regarding Ron Reis aka Big Ron Studd aka Yeti aka Giant Ninja Warrior aka Ron Reese...
Believed by some heightaware wrestling fans as full 7´1"

Click Here Roadblock looks as tall as 6´4" Fred Ottman, mabe a cm taller.


Red, you need to re-watch that match. I've never seen this off on an estimate. Roadblock was more like 2" taller than Ottman. Look at the 40 second more for a good comparison. Roadblock looked more like 6'6" next to Ottman. He did look about 8" shorter than Reese though. But, he was definitely 2" taller than Tugboat.


They´re not in line at 40s, that´s what high camera-angle advantage looks like. Roadblock has higher shoulders and eyelevel, but look at Ottman pics with short hair, he has a pretty big forehead.

I could see Roadblock maybe an inch taller, nothing more.

I doubt this is 8", 7"maybe Click Here


Red, if Reese is 7'1" and was only 7" taller than Roadblock, wouldn't that make Roadblock about 6'6 and therefore 2" taller than Ottman? Beyond the 40 second mark I told you to re-watch, Roadblock just has a noticeably taller frame than Ottman. It immediately stood out to me. The first thing I thought when watching that video was that Ottman looks short next to this guy. Then I thought about your comment that he was only 1 cm taller and thought there is no way that is possible. He looks about 3" taller than 6'2.5" peak Goldberg if he stood straight. I'll say he was about 6'5.5". He looked about 7.5" shorter than 7'1"ish Reese.
Canson said on 12/Sep/17
I can't see a 6'8" Taker even peak but an Easy 201-202 for sure peak. A strong 6'7". He has certainly lost height looking at his posture he has horrendous posture. He for sure was taller than the 6'5/6'6 he gets here from some.
Undertaker Frank said on 11/Sep/17
I believe Ottman was listed @ 6ft 3
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Sep/17
Click Here

Roadblock doesn´t look 6´6" facing Goldberg.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Sep/17
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Sep/17
****sock said on 7/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Sep/17
Regarding Ron Reis aka Big Ron Studd aka Yeti aka Giant Ninja Warrior aka Ron Reese...
Believed by some heightaware wrestling fans as full 7´1"

Click Here Roadblock looks as tall as 6´4" Fred Ottman, mabe a cm taller.


Red, you need to re-watch that match. I've never seen this off on an estimate. Roadblock was more like 2" taller than Ottman. Look at the 40 second more for a good comparison. Roadblock looked more like 6'6" next to Ottman. He did look about 8" shorter than Reese though. But, he was definitely 2" taller than Tugboat.


They´re not in line at 40s, that´s what high camera-angle advantage looks like. Roadblock has higher shoulders and eyelevel, but look at Ottman pics with short hair, he has a pretty big forehead.

I could see Roadblock maybe an inch taller, nothing more.

I doubt this is 8", 7"maybe Click Here
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 10/Sep/17
Nash 6ft10 kane 6ft8.5 taker 6ft8 barefoot
JT said on 10/Sep/17
****sock said on 7/Sep/17
.... Roadblock was more like 2" taller than Ottman. Look at the 40 second more for a good comparison. Roadblock looked more like 6'6" next to Ottman. He did look about 8" shorter than Reese though. But, he was definitely 2" taller than Tugboat.

Agreed - Roadblock was a big dude, probably at least 6’6” and 350 lbs. Click Here IIRC he was billed at 6’10”.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 8/Sep/17
Taker was 6ft8 barefoot in boots 6ft9 he towered
Chris said on 8/Sep/17

If you look at the staredowns between Nash and Taker, there's easily a 2 inch difference, if not more. Kane always wore lifts. His Isaac Yankem staredown with Taker puts them at about a half inch apart at most. If Nash is taller than Taker by that much, he's certainly taller than Kane.
dicksock said on 7/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Sep/17
Regarding Ron Reis aka Big Ron Studd aka Yeti aka Giant Ninja Warrior aka Ron Reese...
Believed by some heightaware wrestling fans as full 7´1"

Click Here Roadblock looks as tall as 6´4" Fred Ottman, mabe a cm taller.


Red, you need to re-watch that match. I've never seen this off on an estimate. Roadblock was more like 2" taller than Ottman. Look at the 40 second more for a good comparison. Roadblock looked more like 6'6" next to Ottman. He did look about 8" shorter than Reese though. But, he was definitely 2" taller than Tugboat.
Guanzo said on 4/Sep/17
Undertaker: 6'7 1/2"
Kane: 6'7 1/2"
Sid: 6'7"
Kevin Nash: 6'9.5"
Show: 6'11''
Great Khali: 7'0.5"
Hulk Hogan: 6'4.5"
Jake Roberts: 6'5"
Scott Hall: 6'5"
Dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 4/Sep/17
Peak 6ft8.25in 203.2cm today 6ft6.75in 200cm
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Sep/17
Kane said on 2/Sep/17
My grandfather has always eaten healthy and he's lost 2" in height. Pretty sure taker has lost at least that....


Check the heightloss page from Rob :)

I doubt he lost more than a full inch, wich is a lot for mid 50...

Peak 6´7-7.25"
Today 6´6.25"max
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Sep/17
Regarding Ron Reis aka Big Ron Studd aka Yeti aka Giant Ninja Warrior aka Ron Reese...
Believed by some heightaware wrestling fans as full 7´1"

Click Here Roadblock looks as tall as 6´4" Fred Ottman, mabe a cm taller.

Click Here Roadblock sizing up to Ron Reis @ 0:37s

Looks like Reis is just over 7ft evening, if that.
Kane said on 2/Sep/17
My grandfather has always eaten healthy and he's lost 2" in height. Pretty sure taker has lost at least that....
Canson said on 2/Sep/17
6'7-6'7.5 peak
6'6-6'6.5 today
A Man said on 1/Sep/17
I don't buy that he's lost a massive amount of height, maybe half an inch absolute max.

6,6.5" peak
6,6" today
Chris said on 31/Aug/17
Peak Heights IMO

Undertaker: 6'7 1/2"
Kane: 6'7 1/2"
Sid: 6'7"
Kevin Nash: 6'10"
Show: 7'
Great Khali: 7'1"
Hulk Hogan: 6'5"
Jake Roberts: 6'5"
Scott Hall: 6'5"
robot77 said on 31/Aug/17
various back problems ,multiple minor hip surgery ,knee problems and years of taking hard bumps from top ropes,steal cages and from top of ladders has no doubt reduced the undertakers height .Back in 2003 he was nearly as tall as nathan jones who is at least 6ft9 minimum. Theres no way today he would be near the same height as nathan jones as he is barley the same height as any of the nba cavaliers he met .Also the last 6 or 7 yrs of his matches arent good reflection of how tall he used to be much earlier. he used to be taller than 6ft5 and 6ft6 wrestlers by few inches regardless of footwear.Today he is shorter than kane who isnt as tall as he used to be either at least 6ft7. His meeting with the nba cavaliers really expose his height as most of them are taller than him. Click Here
Click Here
Mj said on 30/Aug/17
Vegas, I think miz is exactly 6 ft..kane looks 6 inches he is 6'6 now...what's ur take
Kane said on 30/Aug/17
Well Vegas, the camera is high up looking down, and show is much much further up and closer to the camera than Kane is.... it's so very confusing with other photos and videos we've seen in the past. It shouldnt be this big of a margin shouldn't it be?
Mark Yeaton said on 30/Aug/17
Undertaker was 6'7.75 in his prime. Kane was just a little taller, 6'8 to 6'8.5 probably if you were to measure him. Sycho Sid was 6'7.5. Kevin Nash was almost 6'10, he was around a little more than an inch taller than Glenn. Also The Harris Boys were a bunch of big guys, one standing 6'6.5 and the other 6'6.75. Paul Wight was between 6'11 and 7 foot at one point. Now, probably around 6'10ish. Another big guy from the Attitude era was Kurgan who stood 6'10.5 at that time. Mable was another one that stood out. He was almost 6'7.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Aug/17
peak eveningheights imo:

Undertaker 201-202cm
Hulk Hogan 196-197cm
Sid Vicious199-200cm
John Tenta 197-198cm
Scott Hall 195-196cm
Jake Roberts 195-196cm
Big Bossman 193-194cm
Kane 201-202cm
Big Show 209-210cm
Andre 209-210cm
OMG 196-197cm
Giant Haystacks 200-201cm
Big John Studd 198-199cm
King Kong Bundy 191-192cm
Kevin Nash 205-206cm
Giant Baba 202-203cm
Great Khali 213-214cm

Rob, what do you think about this listings?
Vegas said on 28/Aug/17
Kane said on 28/Aug/17
Well, Big Show does look 6'8 with shaq

So how tall does Kane look here?

Click Here
Kane said on 28/Aug/17
Well, Big Show does look 6'8 with shaq
miko said on 28/Aug/17
Someone on here thinks Big Show was 7'0.5 and is now 6'8.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Aug/17
Danimal said on 27/Aug/17
dewie said on 17/Aug/17
Peak heights sid 6ft6 330 pounds taker 6ft7 300 pounds kane 6ft7.5 328 pounds nash 6ft9 310 pounds big show 6ft11 450 pounds

Sid was 6'6"
Taker was 6'7"
Kane was 6'7"
Nash was 6'10"
Big Show was 7'0.5"


Sid was 6'6.75"
Taker was 6'7.25"
Kane was 6'7.25"
Nash was 6'9"
Big Show was 6'10.75"
Barefoot Big Show was never near Shaqs height - impossible to lose 2.5" at his health and age
Danimal said on 27/Aug/17
dewie said on 17/Aug/17
Peak heights sid 6ft6 330 pounds taker 6ft7 300 pounds kane 6ft7.5 328 pounds nash 6ft9 310 pounds big show 6ft11 450 pounds

Sid was 6'6"
Taker was 6'7"
Kane was 6'7"
Nash was 6'10"
Big Show was 7'0.5"
Danimal said on 27/Aug/17
robot77 said on 23/Aug/17
look if you have been watching raw 1000 -the episode were the undertaker and kane returns its clear he isnt the size he used to be-back in the early 2000s he was only slightly shorter than nathan jones-also as a viewer of years of wwe wrestling espically the big show undertaker kane rikishi visera and other big guys iv watched alot of his matches twice and his hip surgery many times along with back problems knee problems have reduced his height greatly-if the undertaker of today stood beside the undertaker of the early 2000s he would be clearly shorter-theres photos that show him the same height as kane and strowman -and the photos when he met the nba caviliers expose his real height as these guys were nearly all taller than him-

While I agree with you about Taker's height loss, you really need to work on using punctuation to separate your thoughts, as well as trying to improve your spelling.
robot77 said on 23/Aug/17
look if you have been watching raw 1000 -the episode were the undertaker and kane returns its clear he isnt the size he used to be-back in the early 2000s he was only slightly shorter than nathan jones-also as a viewer of years of wwe wrestling espically the big show undertaker kane rikishi visera and other big guys iv watched alot of his matches twice and his hip surgery many times along with back problems knee problems have reduced his height greatly-if the undertaker of today stood beside the undertaker of the early 2000s he would be clearly shorter-theres photos that show him the same height as kane and strowman -and the photos when he met the nba caviliers expose his real height as these guys were nearly all taller than him-
Phenom! said on 18/Aug/17
The undertaker is still a weak 6'6.5" and a strong 6'6." But peak is still 6'7.5" for me. That makes my height for Kane to be 6'8" peak and a 6'7" today. Trust me Kane was always taller than the undertaker even without the footwear advantage, Kane was always a sloucher as well.
tree said on 17/Aug/17
Around 5:57 is also a good compairson
tree said on 17/Aug/17
Here at 5:59 is a good comparison between the Great Khali and Undertaker,if you watch in in slow motion you can see it better Click Here
If Taker was 202cm than Khali was 215cm ,top of his head reaches till Khali eyes.
dewie said on 17/Aug/17
Peak heights sid 6ft6 330 pounds taker 6ft7 300 pounds kane 6ft7.5 328 pounds nash 6ft9 310 pounds big show 6ft11 450 pounds
James B said on 16/Aug/17
Canson I am 5'7 so maybe it's harder for me to tell the difference between 7ft and 6'7?
Undertaker Frank said on 16/Aug/17
For the People who say Braun Strowman is 6ft 7 i seen on tv he looked shorter than Yankee Aaron Judge listed @ 6ft 7 by an inch or so Big Cass looked about 2 or so inches on Judge
Chad said on 16/Aug/17
I think the heights are as follows:

Undertaker - 6'6.99 - (peak)
Kane - 6'7.5 (Peak) - Could stretch to about 6'7.75 if need be.
Kevin Nash - 6'8.75 (peak)
The Giant - 6'10.88 (peak)
Canson said on 15/Aug/17
@James B: I actually agree with Vegas. It's easy for me being 6'4 and change but even a guy who is 5'10 isn't going to make someone 6'7" 7'0" unless they aren't good at estimating. They look way different. 7'0" is five inches above. But yes a legit 6'7" is extremely tall

@Tane: I totally believe at his peak he was a little above 6'7". He's likely just lost some height today. But him saying that about Taker means he is pretty honest because not all would do that some would inflate him just to make him his listed 6'9" or make themselves taller
Canson said on 15/Aug/17
@James B: I actually agree with Vegas. It's easy for me being 6'4 and change but even a guy who is 5'10 isn't going to make someone 6'7" 7'0" unless they aren't good at estimating. They look way different. 7'0" is five inches above. But yes a legit 6'7" is extremely tall
Kane said on 14/Aug/17
Well vegas I work with several ppl over 6'5 and In the real world most ppl can't tell how tall they are. Seems to be that way on this site too.
Detailed Heights said on 14/Aug/17
Mark Calloway - 6'6.54
Glenn Jacobs - 6'7.22 - almost 6'9 in boots (6'8.75 to be exact)
Kevin Nash - 6'8.65
Big Show - 6'10.88 - about 7 foot in boots.
(1999 heights) ^^

Mark Calaway - 6'5.5
Glen Jacobs - 6'6.75
Kevin Nash - 6'7.5
Big Show - 6'9.25
James B said on 13/Aug/17
Vegas no offense but 6'7 is more than just 'very tall' it's like going into giant territory. Ok maybe in the Netherlands or Denmark it's just considered very tall but I'd say in the U.S. or UK its at the very upper end of the very tall range.

Your concept of height is slightly of if you ask me.
tane said on 11/Aug/17
trips refers to taker as 6'7" as well.
Vegas said on 11/Aug/17
Anyone who mistakes 6'7 and 7 foot has no true concept of height. 6'7 is very tall but 7 foot legit is so rare that its noticeable from quite a distance
Dangle Wangle said on 10/Aug/17
He used to be a look bigger... But 6ft 7.5 sounds right.
Canson said on 8/Aug/17
@kane: wow!
dewie said on 8/Aug/17
Sid 200cm taker 203cm kane 203cm peak
Kane said on 7/Aug/17
Most of the guys on here can't tell a 6'7 guy from 7'. Trust me... my co worker is 6'7 and even 6'4 guys thinks he's 7'
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 7/Aug/17
both Taker and Kane were about the same at peak 201-202cm. Kane just had thicker boots so he looked taller.
Canson said on 7/Aug/17
Yea this guy for sure was a strong 6'7" maybe even 6'7.5 tops peak. Had to have been at least near that to get a 6'10 listing he got. Remember that almost all of these heights was inflated Hulk was listed 6'7 and 6'8. Peak was 6'5" in reality without any shoes
Vegas said on 6/Aug/17
tane said on 5/Aug/17
bruce pritchard in the interview referred to taker as 6'7" and brian christopher as 5'3"

I met Scott taylor, Christopher's former partner and he wasn't that short, strong 5'8. I don't remember Christopher being that much shorter than him or indeed his dad Jerry Lawler who was ~5'10 when I met him back in 2002

Not sure why there is so much debate over taker and kane. Both didn't top 6'7. We met Kane in the middle of the day coming down from his room and he wasn't over 6'7 and that was over 13 years ago
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Aug/17
Click Here

Look at the gap at WM14 and at Kanes footwearadvantage, can´t see him taller than Taker barfoot.

Both were between 6´7"-6´7.5" evening peak
Today Kane is 6´6.5" and Taker 6´6" evening
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Aug/17
If Taker was 202cm then Kane was 203cm for sure. He always looked the taller of the 2.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Aug/17
Shuvayu said on 3/Aug/17
@undertaker Frank .... where is the interview ... Show me one instance where a 3rd person referred to undertaker in an interview below 6.8


Something to wrestle Episode 39
1:16´50 onwards
2:43´00 onwards

Click Here
tane said on 5/Aug/17
bruce pritchard in the interview referred to taker as 6'7" and brian christopher as 5'3"
Undertaker Frank said on 4/Aug/17
Its on Bruce Prichard shoots on Brian Christopher Click Here
Shuvayu said on 3/Aug/17
@undertaker Frank .... where is the interview ... Show me one instance where a 3rd person referred to undertaker in an interview below 6.8
Undertaker Frank said on 1/Aug/17
I was listening to a Shoot Interview with Bruce Pritchard ( Brother Love) he said The Undertaker is 6ft 7 which is believable
dewie said on 30/Jul/17
Sid 6ft7 201m taker 6ft8 203m barefoot
Shuvayu said on 28/Jul/17
@johan sid was 6.7 .... there was this scissors incident with Arn, where many people accused sid of being a 6.7 bully ...
Shuvayu said on 27/Jul/17
Click Here check this out and decide
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 27/Jul/17
201-202cm in his younger days
A Man said on 27/Jul/17
Austin always over-does it with people's heights on his podcast if you listen to him.
Undertaker Frank said on 25/Jul/17
Austin one time was interviewing Kamala and said your 6ft 7 to Kamala and Kamala said no im 6ft 4 !!!!
even said on 25/Jul/17
hello josey wales , your right , but there is one thing , he was always 1 inch shorter than kane , that's why i said that he never was over 6 foot 7 . apreciate you for commenting , if im ever wrong again i will be more than happy to be informed or even be told off thanks
even said on 25/Jul/17
listen boys , the key to knowing his height is in the palm of my hands , your going to have to use a formula to get correct results , the formula : 6'0" + 11 inches = 6'11" - 5 inches = undertaker's current height which is 6'6" . so there you have it , it was quite easy and understandable to everyone wasn't it ?
Johan said on 24/Jul/17
He isn't over 6'6.5" today, in no way was he an inch taller than 6'6" Ali baba. I am going with 6'7.25" peak since Big Sid is still listed at 6'6.5" peak. There wasn't an inch between those two guys.

I agree with Jim Hopper, I heard on Austin's podcast with Paul Wight that Austin described Mark as 6'10"-6'11", Paul was silent which is telling. Austin even repeated himself but Paul didn't say a thing, there was always at least 3 inches between him and Taker and Paul claims to be 7'.
Canson said on 23/Jul/17
Peak height:

204-205 out of bed
202 before bed

Today 199cm
Tarinato 6'0.5" said on 22/Jul/17
@Rob Paul: Doesn't look shorter than 6'7.5" now.

Peak: 6'8.5" (204 cm)

Current: 6'7.5"

He always was within 3.5" of the Big Show. Show was throughout his life in the 211 to 213 cm range so Undertaker must be 6'7.5" now.
Josey wales said on 20/Jul/17
Hello even and you know this how ? You said you guarantee this.. i think robs estimation of 202 peak is very fair
Mean said on 19/Jul/17
he was almost 203(6'8) peak.
even said on 18/Jul/17
undertaker was never ever over 2 meters guaranteed 200 percent .
Sean said on 17/Jul/17
He's 52 now. He probably lost height. Peak 6'8 range. He still looks 6'7 at least
dewie said on 11/Jul/17
Peak taker 6ft8.5 2.04m khali 7ft1 2.16m
Moheez said on 11/Jul/17
Undertaker peak height was around 6'7.75-6'8.25 maybe 6'8.5 Kevin Nash is like 6'9.5/6'10 peak height. Right now undertaker is 6'6.75 and 6'7 maybe in the morning!
day day said on 10/Jul/17
Khali had bigger soles putting him over 7'2 so theres still not 16cm in the difference taker cant be 200cm period there was a bigger height difference between andre to hogan than khali to taker
dewie said on 8/Jul/17
Real height 6ft6.75 2.00m
even said on 7/Jul/17
if you want to know his real height you have to ask me this guy is six feet and a half at 50 years old he never grew to over 200 cm never
even said on 7/Jul/17
if you want to know his real height you have to ask me this guy is six feet and a half at 50 years old he never grow to over 200 cm never
chris said on 2/Jul/17
Undertaker is at least 6'8 next to Baron Corbin in the Royal Rumble. Corbin is 6'6 according to his football stats.
Tarinator 6'0.5" said on 2/Jul/17
Looks 6'7" now. He may be 6'6.5 in 10 years or so but until then, he is still pulling off 6'7" really well. Saw his stare downs with Reigns and Strowman and he looked 6'7.5"ish with them. He for sure was at least 6'8" in his thirties but lost an inch over the past decade.
real said on 30/Jun/17
Albert/A-Train peak was 6'5.5

in 2001, (both at their peak), Taker looked about inch taller than A-Train (depending on footwear), I'd say Taker was a weak 6'7 in 2001.
dewie said on 28/Jun/17
Taker was 5inches shorter 6ft8 203cm khali 7ft1 216cm khali 13cm taller
Heightcrazyred6ft said on 28/Jun/17
Khali wasn't full 7'1". He was 7'0.25"-7'0.5" and 7'1.5"-7'1.75" in footwear. He had Taker by 5.5", so Taker was 6'8"-6'8.25" in boots, wich makes him about 6'7.25" barefoot.

Taker clearly lost height and is between 6'6"-6'6.5" today.
day day said on 27/Jun/17
What about when he fought khali in 2006 no way could he be 6'6 unless the great khali was 6'10. khali had bigger soles and he seems a legit 7'1 216cm so takers meant to be 16-18cm shorter come on
Jim Hopper said on 24/Jun/17
I even heard once 6-11". Total wrestler B/S as per.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 23/Jun/17

I remember Neville being billed 5'10" at one point, which is preposterous. It had to be one of the worst billed heights in wrestling, along with Andre The Giant and Kane, both at some point in their careers exaggerated 5 inches as well.
ma said on 22/Jun/17

Here is Neville and Seth rollins. I think that the maximum that one can argue for Neville is 5 ft 5.75 in... With Rollins he looks 5 ft 5

Click Here:
Canson said on 21/Jun/17
Rob has him listed correctly on both ends. Peak was 202 or at worst maybe 201.5-202 range today a flat199 cm approximately
Slim said on 20/Jun/17
Albert is over 6'5. He's at least 6'6
Mamed said on 20/Jun/17
Peak close to 6'8, now 6'6.5 is right
Canson said on 20/Jun/17
I highly doubt Taker is under 6'6.5 let alone a solid 6'6 if he stand straighter. He has horrendous posture and still looked at least Ali Babas height If not talles
Undertaker Frank said on 20/Jun/17
Real, Albert is listed @ 6ft 6 whether he is ?
dewie said on 20/Jun/17
Taker peak 201cm today 198cm agreed. Barefoot
real said on 19/Jun/17
Taker - peak height 6'7. Today: 6'5.5 Here's a link of him vs 6'5 Albert in 2001.

Click Here
Fugu-san said on 19/Jun/17
One thing is sure, those guys, I mean WWE competators have so height mania, they are usually already very tall, not mention their muscles but it's not enough for them.First case their all heights must be measured boots included which are mostly even 2 inches adding and another one inch "aaa nah who probably will recognize?"That gives us even 3 inches more than "bare" truth is.So....yes, in his peak and with heavy towering boots Undertaker could have been 6'9-6'10.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 18/Jun/17

I doubt Neville's even 5'7". He looks very short compared to most wrestlers.
ma said on 15/Jun/17
I forgot Ambrose with 3.25 inc overbilled
ma said on 15/Jun/17
My opinion of the 6 most accurate billings currently in WWE:

6'1" Seth Rollins as listed
6'5" Luke Harper as listed
7' Big Show as listed (peak)
6'0.5" John Cena listed at 6'1"
6'2" Lesnar/Reigns listed at 6'3"
6'4" Orton listed at 6'5"

Top increasing :
1. Kane at 7 foot (4 inc overbilled)
2. Samoa Joe at 6 ft 2 (3.25 inc overbilled)
3. Jericho at 6 ft (2.75 inc overbilled)
4. Neville at 5 ft 8 (2.5 inc overbilled)
Canson said on 9/Jun/17
@Undertaker Frank: if your definition is an inch or within yes. Ali when he stood next to him still measured a full 6'6" and mane has now claimed (see his page) 6'7. Ali also had 1/2" footwear advantage and claiming 6'7" for him could be a roundup however I don't believe Mane is less than maybe (at his lowest) 6'6.75 and I'd not hesitate to give Mane the full 6'7" but nothing higher only because Ali had more footwear on him
Undertaker Frank said on 7/Jun/17
Ali Baba Taker appeared close to Tyler Manes height would you say that was accurate ?
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 7/Jun/17
My opinion of the 6 most accurate billings currently in WWE:

6'1" Seth Rollins as listed
6'5" Luke Harper as listed
6'0.5" John Cena listed at 6'1"
6'1.25" Shinsuke Nakamura listed at 6'2"
6'2" Lesnar/Reigns listed at 6'3"
6'4" Orton listed at 6'5"

All the rest of the wreslters seems like are billed at least 1 1/2" taller than what they actually are.
Ali Baba said on 6/Jun/17
As I said before he's in the 6'6" range. Not under that though even though I'm pretty sure he had about 1/2" of shoe on me. But not as tall as 6'7". So anywhere between 6'6" and 6'7" is a decent listing I think. Rob's listing is safe.
Phenom! said on 2/Jun/17
Finally some comments that make sense. Undertaker is not in the 6'7" range anymore, and he sure as hell isn't in the 6'5" range either, that's wade Barrett and jack swagger range. Undertaker is at least an inch above them.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.