How tall is The Undertaker - Page 7

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Average Guess (950 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Canson said on 18/Oct/20
@ Canson
Yeah and if I claimed to meet Undertaker and said he was 6'9" because I'm 6'7" and he's 2" taller than me then I'm sure you'd ask for a photo of both of us too, so don't have double standards.

This one still has me chuckling. No I wouldn’t ask for anything. I wouldn’t believe you met him seeing your credibility as a poster here. I’m not even convinced that you actually talked to Brosofdestruction. You knew how tall he was all along being you found his pictures with Taker on the same page where he mentioned his height. You probably assumed no one else would actually verify it
Canson said on 17/Oct/20
brosofdestruction said on 4/Mar/19
I found it. For anyone else, it’s (wwe legend mark calaway, the undertaker, makes special appearance in Knoxville)
Again, I’m 6’3.5 flat, so you can clearly see he is 6’6 Max flat now. And I weigh 230, and I say he is 265-270 max.
As for Kane’s height with footwear, my brother is slightly shorter than me at 6’3” and was wearing the thickest footwear (wolverine work boots), so he would be above 6’4.5” in the video, but Kane is much closer to camera.

brosofdestruction said on 10/Feb/19
- Again, if I’m going to lie about my height I would say I’m taller since my posture looks better than Takers! So chill on the doubts people. He isn’t above 6’6 flat. So if that crushes people’s image of him, it is what it is.
- Also, there are a lot of pictures of just the two of them from the campaign event last March and you can clearly see Taker’s head higher than Kane, but Kane’s shoulders are higher. Just because WWE advertised them to be 6’10.5 doesn’t make me shorter or them as big as you want them to be in real life!
- I also went to the vip dinner afterwards limited to 40 people and talked to them, which didn’t allow private photos (but my brother did snap a quick one in the distance), we are not side by side in it so it’s irrelevant here.
- One last thing, it was a photographer with a wide angle lens. If you actually know photography, the lenses choice actually makes him look bigger than he actually is in reality due to being on the edge of the frame. (My brother is to the right of me and then Kane not shown for his privacy for now). I weight 230, Taker is not 295!

I don’t know why a guy who is really 6’4” would claim to be 6’3.5”. That’s silly. He is 6’3.5 and rounded to 6’4 more than likely

brosofdestruction said on 7/Feb/19
- I don’t really lose anything throughout the day, so I’m a strong 6’3.5 all the time. I watch my posture and keep active.
Canson said on 17/Oct/20
brosofdestruction said on 4/Mar/19
I found it. For anyone else, it’s (wwe legend mark calaway, the undertaker, makes special appearance in Knoxville)
Again, I’m 6’3.5 flat, so you can clearly see he is 6’6 Max flat now. And I weigh 230, and I say he is 265-270 max.
As for Kane’s height with footwear, my brother is slightly shorter than me at 6’3” and was wearing the thickest footwear (wolverine work boots), so he would be above 6’4.5” in the video, but Kane is much closer to camera.

I don’t know why a guy who is really 6’4” would claim to be 6’3.5”. That’s silly. He is 6’3.5 and rounded to 6’4 more than likely
Canson said on 17/Oct/20
Bros is Destruction said he was 6’3.5” here so that’s what I’m gonna believe he is. As for Dan Trojan posting or not posting a picture, I’m sure that wouldn’t have even been a topic if he said Taker still looked 6’6.5 or 6’7”
Resurrection of Edward said on 16/Oct/20
there is no guarantee that michelle mccool is even 5’9.she looks exactly similar to aj styles who is 5’8 range and cant say who is taller.taker definitely dosent have a full head on 5’9 range ric flair.mccool i doubt is tall as 5’9.
Canson said on 16/Oct/20
@Edward: yea we all point out his bad posture along with Hogan’s and Big Show’s but you’re right. It wouldn’t make the difference with him still being near 6’7”. The poor posture can make him look 6’5 perhaps and even less on occasion but you’re right that he could probably get to 6’6 or slightly under (like Dan Trojan and Bros of Destruction both said). I remember last year around this time we all predicted that he would eventually be listed at 6’6”
Canson said on 16/Oct/20
Dan Trojan said on 14/Oct/20
I know I haven't posted here in a while but I've still been watching and boy is this battery guy annoying hey battery I'm one of the few people here who actually met the undertaker and I can tell you for certain he isn't over 6'6" maybe even slightly under of course that was last year after he lost some height but I have to agree with his peak height likely being 6'7" even show a little respect you don't need to insult people just because they disagree with you

Great to have you back, Dan!
Canson said on 16/Oct/20
@Big Lul: yea Ali Baba mentioned somewhere between 6’6-6’7 in 2013/14 so yea 199 seems reasonable. But I doubt he’s as low as 6’5.5/.75 today. I would say 6’5.75 is probably the worst case for his afternoon height today with 6’6” being a possibility. I think the difference is in his posture. However it’s fair to say he’s probably not over 6’6” today
Canson said on 15/Oct/20
@Edward: what’s even worse is he’s taking what others say (valid criticisms such as what Julian said) and turning it around. Putting it in someone’s mouth smh. Can’t say I haven’t said worse on the site but I’m also not an antagonist. If I say something back it’s in retaliation which is exactly what happened here with not just me but every other poster
Big Lul said on 15/Oct/20
@edward and @canson

I find it very weird that in 2013/2014 taker was 6’6.25-6’6.5 and then 2-3 years later he’s no taller than 6’5.5-6’5.75 max maybe 6’6 max with perfect posture nowadays. I don’t what surgeries he had but it had to be major during the 2013-2017 timeframe.
Skippy Justice said on 15/Oct/20
I watched Texas Red vs The Spoiler. Now in that match, they referred to Texas Red as 6'6". They used to have a Brian Crush Adams bio on YouTube that they had taken down. They referred to him as 6'4". There is also an interview with Nash where he was talking about getting into wrestlin. He went to an event and saw Hulk Hogan. He said Hogan was a lot smaller than the program had him. he said Hogan was 6'4". he said I got it now! meaning Kayfabe. Sid stating he was 6'6" or a little over would mean that barefoot taker was around that as well or 6'6 3/4" which is the most I could give him. Even look at the confrontation between Undertaker and nailz from 92. Bret Hart stated nails was a big guy at 6'4" 6'5" and Taker didn't have a great deal of height over him. Nailz did appear shorter than Crush Adams by at least an inch or so. I believe most heights are boot/shoe heights. in wrestling, 6'6" would be 6'8-6'11". Sid and taker both have been billed between 6'8" and 6'11". This is just my honest opinion, not factual.
Dan Trojan said on 14/Oct/20
I know I haven't posted here in a while but I've still been watching and boy is this battery guy annoying hey battery I'm one of the few people here who actually met the undertaker and I can tell you for certain he isn't over 6'6" maybe even slightly under of course that was last year after he lost some height but I have to agree with his peak height likely being 6'7" even show a little respect you don't need to insult people just because they disagree with you
Szanki11 said on 13/Oct/20
Undertaker was easily over 1 inch taller than Sid.
if Sid was hair over 6'6, like 6'6.25 or maybe even 6'6.5, so Taker was strong 6'7 range, like i was saying he sure can touch 6'7.5 at his peak.
Click Here
Canson said on 12/Oct/20
Rob has the Rock listed at 6’2.5” today not 6’3”.

Click Here
Canson said on 12/Oct/20
6'3 Julian said on 11/Oct/20
@Battery you remind me of me when I first started here, just somehow more insufferable

You were never even in the same zip code
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Oct/20
undertaker’s bad posture has been extremely exaggerated in the site just to make excuses by some of the folk’s.i’m not saying that he doesn’t have a bad posture but then again i’d doubt that he has that bad posture that probably drops 2-3 inches.he had bad posture compared to guys of his height range like kane,strowman or corbin but not that like some of the folks are talking about.
Canson said on 12/Oct/20
@Editor Rob: if anyone has thrown insults back at Battery it is someone defending himself against him. You can see here the way he is behaving with everyone who doesn’t support a 6’8 peak Taker or 6’6.5+ today. Lol Hogan is 6’6 and Rock is 6’3 so it’s convenient fodder to inflate and right size Taker else. Not to mention, what Julian said below with putting words in people’s mouths
Editor Rob
I'd ask all contributors to argue without resorting to insults.
Canson said on 12/Oct/20
@Edward: yea in 2013/14, I could still see a 199 cm Undertaker. Ali admitted he was slightly shorter than Taker back then.
Canson said on 12/Oct/20
@Christian: I agree wholeheartedly. Julian and I had a disagreement once or twice but he’s Very cool in my book too and it was more a misunderstanding than anything.
Vegas' said on 12/Oct/20
@Harry Sachs so your argument is that Undertaker was what, 6'5 peak?

I met Taker in person out of gear a number of times between 2000-2010 and he was 100% taller than 6'5 range and I had 6'4 and 6'2 guys to compare with..

Also Takers boots don't look like thicker soles at least circa 92 Click Here

That video has been posted dozens of times, we can't see stance, we can't see what's inside boots etc
Kan said on 12/Oct/20
Sid eudy doesn’t look much shorter than taker in every staredown. The difference still between 0.5 - 1 inch. Do you think is even possible a 6ft7 flat list for peak taker and near the same for Kane ?
After i watch this video when nitron (Tyler mane) debut, sid eudy is in the ring and looked clearly shorter than him, i really doubt peak taker or kane were near the same height of Tyler mane
Click Here
Editor Rob
A flat 6ft 7 for Taker would always be the absolute lowest I feel I'd attempt to argue, but over it I still feel is possible
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Oct/20
Kan said on 10/Oct/20
Poor poor @battery
You are very funny 😂
Click Here
Undertaker tilted his head up you stupid idiot. Obviously lesnar is under his eyelevel. If you tilted your head up like taker probably the end of your nose becomes on the same eyelevel level.
Click Here
Undertaker doesn’t look 6ft7, looks about 6ft6 1/2 in this case, but if you see the whole segment... how much difference there is in terms of footwear ? 😉

I destroy you again 🙊

before reposting the same photos shut up, undertaker isn’t teller than 6ft6 today and Rob never upgrade him.If you tilted your head up like taker probably the end of your nose becomes on the same eyelevel level.

agreed. If you tilted your head up like taker probably the end of your nose becomes on the same eyelevel level”
Harry Sachs said on 11/Oct/20
It is funny how these people will try to use the Undertaker looked taller than Sid in the WWE to try to justify their point. Mark as the Undertaker wore thicker sole boots than he did when he was Texas Red. The 6'6 Sid is clearly taller than Mark and it wasn't because of how he lifted his head. Click Here 2:34 time stamp.
Szanki11 said on 11/Oct/20
6'7 range(6'7.5) was possible, in 2002 he 37 years old(he probably lost fraction by then) and he looked huge with good posture(unlike recent days) with 6'2 Triple H.
Click Here 8:10
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Oct/20
Don't ever compare yourself to Battery like that. You were never insufferable at all to begin with. You've always been respectful and courteous to others, even if you didn't agree with them on a height at times. You're a cool dude, much like Canson and Edward.
6'3 Julian said on 11/Oct/20
@Battery you put words in people’s mouths. You lie and make up numbers with awful cherry picked photos as evidence
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Oct/20
ali baba pegged him at 6’6.5 and it was 2013/14.
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Oct/20
@big lul

i agree with everything you said dude.🙏
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Oct/20

agreed with everything you said dude.i don’t care if the guy post million of his cherrypicked photos.i have stopped taking this guy know that we have stand by dudes who get called out including sotiris.people who have estimation under rob’s listing gets called out but not the folks who have estimation over rob listing.this has been proven several times and sadly this is reality in celebs height.i agree with your friend encounter with the rock. Rob has him listed at 6’2.5” today and your friend who has stood next to him who is 6’3 and was an inch taller. Also Rock next to Barkley or Ndamukong.dont forget how short rock looked next to 6’5.75/6’6 baron corbin.rock looked easily 4” inch shorter than corbin and some ridiculous troll are saying that rock is 6’3.rock being 6’3 would place baron corbin on 6’7 territory.corbin who is max 6’6 is easily 4 inch taller than supposed 6’3 rock.

if corbin is 6’6 then that automatically place rock around 6’2.Click Here

then the guy cherrypicked photo where taker is looking taller.that video is of 2014 and not to forget that @ali baba met taker around same time and said taker was half inch taller then him and at the same time had footwear advantage over baba.baba did said that taker was 6’6.5 around 7 years that video battery posted,taker is in wrestling boot that might give him around 1.5/2 inches where as lesnar is in sneaker type shoes that might barely give him an inch.

@Editor rob

i am struggling to see 5” difference between lesnar and taker in 2015.not to forget that ali baba met undertaker in 2013/14 and it was the same year undertaker faced brock lesnar.baba admitted of being 6’6 and undertaker was about 1/2 or half inch taller than ali baba and at the same time had footwear advantage over baba.undertaker is in wrestling boot that might give him around 1.5 to 2 inch whereas lesnar is in sneaker that might barely give him an inch.i strongly disagree.
pause@3:4 and undertaker is in military posture.Click Here

it was same year baba met taker and pegged him at 6’6.
6'3 Julian said on 11/Oct/20
@Battery you remind me of me when I first started here, just somehow more insufferable
Kan said on 10/Oct/20
Poor poor @battery
You are very funny 😂
Click Here
Undertaker tilted his head up you stupid idiot. Obviously lesnar is under his eyelevel. If you tilted your head up like taker probably the end of your nose becomes on the same eyelevel level.
Click Here
Undertaker doesn’t look 6ft7, looks about 6ft6 1/2 in this case, but if you see the whole segment... how much difference there is in terms of footwear ? 😉

I destroy you again 🙊

before reposting the same photos shut up, undertaker isn’t teller than 6ft6 today and Rob never upgrade him.
Szanki11 said on 10/Oct/20
Taker was even over 6'8 but at his peak, in the morning.
His afternoon/evening height was 6'7.25 to 6'7.5(202 cm). I wouldn't be surprised if Sid was wearing lifts to appear taller to guys like Taker/Hogan/Nash...
Riky said on 10/Oct/20
I don't know how tall is Callaway, I think 197cm or 6'5"1/2.
Could be 6'6"?

Here he shakes hands with 6'6"(?) Rodman. Click Here.
Here Taker is closer to the camera but there is something wrong.
Click Here.

BTW Jimmy Fallon with 5'9" Foxx
Click Here

5'10.5/5'11" Fallon with Rodman.
Click Here.
Weird angle. Click Here.

Fallon with Taker.
Click Here

6ft(?)Post Malone and Fallon.
Click Here.
Click Here.

Now Post Malone with Rodman.
Click Here.
Click Here.

Post Malone with Undertaker.
Click Here.

Click Here.

Rodman/Cena. Click Here.
Taker/Cena. Click Here.
6'3 Julian said on 10/Oct/20
@Battery I swear I’m gonna fracture my skull facepalming at your claims. Taker was never 6’8
Canson said on 10/Oct/20
Do you not see Catcher wearing boots with Taker? See what we say about supporting narratives?
Canson said on 10/Oct/20
@Edward: of course because he can use the other guys’ listings as an excuse why Taker is under listed which is his agenda of course. Taker is only listed 6’6. He really just said that the Rock is 6’3”. Rob has him listed at 6’2.5” today and I have a friend who has stood next to him (he’s 6’3) and was an inch taller. Also see Rock next to Barkley or Ndamukong Suh. He’s 6’2 next to them
Big Lul said on 9/Oct/20
@edward do you think that it’s something to do with taker’s massive forehead and or it’s just he posture is bad there that’s him pre second hip surgery? But I do still think it’s like this nowadays

Taker: 6’5.5-6’5.75 (peak 6’7)
Kane: 6’6-6’6.25 (peak 6’7.25)
Braun Strowman: 6’6-6’6.25 (6’6.5 max w/ footwear advantage)
6'3 Julian said on 9/Oct/20
@Battery you forgot to mention that Viscera is morbidly obese and slouching. If you actually watched any of his matches you be well aware of this.
Kan said on 8/Oct/20
I see the video of @szanki11 posted.
Click Here
Undertaker doesn’t look over 6ft6 😉
6'3 Julian said on 8/Oct/20
@Battery by the Lesnar fight he’d been wrestling 25 years. Stop spreading misinformation
Kan said on 8/Oct/20
Disrespect tilted his head down and taker up. You are blind or you are stupid
Click Here
Plus dr. Isn’t standing straight, look at his legs 😂

Undertaker and cena
Click Here

Poor poor battery i destroy every pic and video you posted!
Go ahead 😉
JT said on 8/Oct/20
Click Here Both ~ 1995. Taker does look taller than 6’6” John Studd did next to Bundy.
Click Here
Canson said on 8/Oct/20
Taker with Sid is the clincher. Sid admitted to being a bit over 6’6”. We’ll use Rob’s listing of 6’6.25”. Taker was maximum 1” taller than Sid in his prime. 62B, a poster here also says he met Taker in his prime at a YMCA and that he wasn’t over 6’7” then
Resurrection of Edward said on 7/Oct/20
@Editor rob

strowman looks easily an inch taller than undertaker in different angles.i found this video.pause@3;44 and strowman easily looks an inch taller.strowman is looking down to undertaker and undertaker is looking upto braun strowman.Click Here

@big lul

strowman easily looked 1 inch taller than undertaker in different angles.pause st 3:44

strowman easily looked an in
Editor Rob
It's a tricky angle when you go into the high seats and look down at a wrestling/boxing ring, heights can vary quite a lot.
Kan said on 7/Oct/20
and for all the people who say that between Peak taker and peak nash the difference was less than 2 inch
Click Here
It’s clearly 2 inch at least, but if you are not convinced...
This is kane in big boots next to undertaker
Click Here
This is kane in those boots next to peak big show comparing Him with nash in normal boots
Click Here
No chance for taker being over 6ft7 1/2 Who is the most and i repeat THE MOST who can argue for him
6'3 Julian said on 7/Oct/20
Here’s my list
Peak Taker 6’7.25, current Taker 6’6 (may dip under it I’m the evening)
Peak Hogan 6’5.5
Peak Sid 6’6
Viscera may have scraped 6’6 standing straight but almost never did
Meat said on 6/Oct/20
Wow. This listing is exciting these days! I wont get as passionate, however, I believe Undertaker peak is taller than this listing. Closer to 6'8" than 6'7". I stayed at a hotel way up here in Canada where all the wrestlers were at. This was 1994. Undertaker had IRS by 2-3".At this time Taker was the biggest man I had seen, only to be eclipsed by Big Show a few years later around 1999. Yokozuna was the widest man I have ever seen and had to go in the elevator alone lol. Viscera wore huge lifts back in the day plus mohawk to look 6'6" +. Not a great comparison to make. Cheers all.
6'3 Julian said on 6/Oct/20
@Battery Viscera has been billed as 6’6 before as Mabel, that’s his height. Also he’s clearly not standing straight
Canson said on 6/Oct/20
@Edward: yea to be honest, if Sid was 6’6.25, I don’t see Taker being over 6’7” flat. That doesn’t even look a full inch. I could settle on 2cm perhaps and 62B met him and said he looked 6’7”
Kan said on 6/Oct/20
Let me correct you again, because your IQ it’s similar to a table.
A cherrypicked photo 😉
Video 1:
The difference is less than an inch even Also in the pic posted by you. but after that segment unfortunately for you the camera zooms in on them.
Click Here
Undertaker tilted his head up and the differece still probably less than ah inch.

In that angle when the camera is over taker and sid head, taker looks about an inch on sid, but what he looks when sid approaches him ?
Click Here
Very very similar and less than an inch, and i do think is clearly better than your pic, because in mine are face to face 😉

If the angle is in favour to taker= taker taller
If the angle is in favour to sid= Click Here SID taller (no comment lol)

Video:4 Click Here
You see 2 inch? Lol

No question about @battery
Low iq, cherrypicked photo when taker is in favour of the camera, cringe
Kan said on 5/Oct/20
Big @battery
When viscera stayed in the same position of taket the difference was clearly less than an inch
Click Here
Click Here
when the viscera moves, his knees and his neck go down. He clearly drop an inch at least
Click Here
Came on battery go ahead 😂
Szanki11 said on 5/Oct/20
Kan: You're funny dude, you put all those guys(Lesnar,HHH,Rock,Reigns) with Taker, and he's not even standing straight with them, he's looking down at them,
Click Here
With Lesnar(good posture around 4:18-4:23).

You are posting Taker with shorter guys than him, and he's looking down at them, he's not even standing straight.

6'7.25 peak
6'6 right now.
Kan said on 5/Oct/20
However if big @battery see between sid and taker near 2 inch... probably between this two

Click Here

he will see 3 inches at least 😂
Canson said on 5/Oct/20
@Edward, Big Lul, Riky, Julian: The best evidence and judge of Taker’s height is not only looking at him next to Sid but also Hulk Hogan. Sid’s admission to being a hair over 6’6” makes it impossible for Taker to have been much over 6’7”. That’s maximum 1” between them. Not to mention he looked about 1.5” or 2” taller than a peak Hogan. Most people here have Hogan at his peak height in the 6’5-6’6” range, more specifically 6’5-6’5.5 range. I can see 6’7.25 as a slim possibility but 6’8” afternoon height is impossible. He would be that height out of bed however
Kan said on 5/Oct/20
Chin and eyelevel equal between disrespect and undertaker? but did you see that taker tilted his head up and disrespect down or you are blind ? Undertaker is even near the camera 😂
You are crazy, complitly crazy
You are funny because if someone tilt his head up next to taker the photo isn’t good, instead if taker tilt his head up then the photo is very veryyyyyyy good
Kan said on 5/Oct/20
That stupid photo like you Said were taken from still images of the original videos.
Do You want videos ?
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Click Here
Click Here

Came on do you argue 6ft8 now. You are a joke . Ah by the way, like Chris jericho said ‘you stupid idiot’ 😉 even if sid tilted his head up, the gain in terms of cm is practically nothing.
This is big Rob who explain what is added if someone tilt his head up.
Click Here

I repeat you, if you see 6ft8 next to sycho sid you have a big biiiiiiiiig problems !
Go ahead, keep posting the same stupid pictures until christmas 😉
6'3 Julian said on 4/Oct/20
@Battery Taker ain’t 55 in that video, that was taken in the 90s. You can tell because it features Viscera. So that was how 6’7-6’7.25 prime Undertaker looked next to a 6’6, morbidly obese, clearly slouching guy
Riky said on 4/Oct/20
Big Lul said on 2/Oct/20
@Canson, @edward and @riky do y’all think these are close to these big men heights.

Yeah, I think those are the real heights barefoot.
The picture that I saw between Taker and viscera proves to me that Big V could have been maybe sub 6'6" or it was just posture
Kan said on 4/Oct/20
Lesnar top head is over your line, goldberg was walking in that segment and triple h and undertaker angle doesn’t make any sense.
Let me correct you one more time 😉

With hhh, golderg, lesnar and roman reigns:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Clearly over taker eyelevel even we don’t rise the head up !
Go ahead you are very funny 😂

If in that pic with 6ft6 1/4 Sycho sid you think that taker is near 6ft8, you have a big problem !!!
6'3 Julian said on 4/Oct/20
@Battery you have a wonderful gift for finding extremely biased pictures that support your claims. It’s highly likely Show was standing in lower ground, or had a huge footwear disadvantage plus you can’t tell where Takers head ends in that hat. In the Viscera stare down Vis had extremely sloppy posture (as you’d expect from a man over 35 stone) and Taker has all the camera advantage in the world
Kan said on 4/Oct/20
Even thanks for this pic. Every 6ft2 guy like hhh,goldberg, lesnar are over undertaker eyelevel easily, who you wan’t to remember is about 5 inch
Click Here
Many thanks 😂😂
Kan said on 4/Oct/20
Taker is taller than Him but probably no more than an inch.
Viscera can look even 6ft6 flat or less, his posture isn’t great like sid or undertaker so even sid looks taller than him most of the times. But if you watch a 6ft6 Guy like sid in perfect posture and taker in the same posture is clearly impossible 6ft8 peak for taker

Click Here

Sorry battery but after sid was measured 6ft6 you are in loosing argument eveeeeeer.
Continue as long as you want but I think that after this pic you have come to an end of this debate 😉
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Oct/20
It's not necessarily even about height/weight alone. It has more to do with the gimmicks, the wrestling style, and the overall aura that defines them as "big men". Sure, guys like Orton and Drew are tall and relatively big, but their gimmicks aren't centered around on their size or strength, neither do they give off that "freakish" aura, unlike the other wrestlers that Big Lul listed. WWE got it right when they uploaded a compilation of Orton wrestling big wrestlers. Every one of them fits the criteria that I mentioned. Notice how Drew wasn't included in the video. Click Here
Kan said on 4/Oct/20
Editor Rob: Sid was raising his eyelevel in that staredown. If you threw a camera in the ring and swung it around you'd see them look similar, taker taller, even sometimes Sid a bit taller, but overall I still think Taker seems taller than Eudy.

Editor Rob: Well since Sid did come out with the 'hair over' quote to back up the 6.25, Taker at 6ft 7 that moment is arguable, assuming same posture and neither lost height through injury.

Big battery, you are in loosing argument I think. if sid was a ‘hair over’ 6ft6, then undertaker was never neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever near 6ft8. that's why you can insist as much as you want
but nothing will change this list 😉
I’m not sure was only 6ft6 1/2 peak, but it is certainly more realistic than your position.
of all the people who have met undertaker recently, no one said he was taller than 6ft6, But do you think We should trust you more than them? you are crazy
6'3 Julian said on 3/Oct/20
@Battery what did I say that means I should recheck Sid’s listing? Nothing. Stop putting words in my mouth just because it’s supports your narrative
Big Lul said on 3/Oct/20
@christian eh I guess your right but there build to be big guys so that’s why I said that lol
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 3/Oct/20
Kevin nash peak was 6ft9 1/2 taker was 2inches shorter 6ft7.5 ate best lowest 6ft7.25 peak taker.
Canson said on 3/Oct/20
@Christian: I would classify them as that either. I don’t consider someone my height or smaller as that in a wrestling world of 6’6” plus guys. You would even be borderline being guys were larger and esp with Kane or Big Show
Canson said on 3/Oct/20
Big Lul said on 2/Oct/20

All are good estimates

Maybe to expand range some:

Kane 6’6.25-.5 worst case. 6’6.5 afternoon best case
Strowman 6’6-6’6.25 I would say similar to Kane maybe a small fraction shorter
Corbin 6’5.75-6’6 agreed 6’6 max
Undertaker 6’5.5-6’5.75 (6’7 max peak) 6’5.75/6’6 max Today 6’7 peak maybe a touch over best case
Orton 6’3.5 maybe 6’3.5-.75 range
Drew McIntyre 6’4.25 (6’4-6’4.5 range) so right on the money perhaps!
Sid 6’5-6’5.25 (peak 6’6.25) Agreed
Big show 6’9-6’9.5 (peak 6’11) I would go less than 6’9.5”.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Oct/20
@Big Lul
Sorry if it's unrelated, but I don't really know if I'd categorize Mcintyre and Orton as legit "big men".
Resurrection of Edward said on 3/Oct/20
if someone’s respectful towards me then its always reciprocal.i give height estimation that i genuinely believe people to be and never deliberately downgrade everyone.anyone can see my post from the past,i have always said peak taker 6’7/6’7.25 and 6’5.75/6’6 currently.i’m sure when i eventually stop posting here as i actively do it now,some guys will be very happy and might jump with excitement.lets keep it civil.
Canson said on 3/Oct/20
@Christian: well said!
Resurrection of Edward said on 2/Oct/20
i respectfully disagree on peak taker being 6’8.25 in the morning.given that sid is hair over 6’6 like listed,he might have measured that in morning,who knows.i cant see peak taker waking up at 6’8.25.sid might wakeup at 6’7 then again i’ll give taker a inch edge over sid.i can see 6’8 in the morning but not over it.

morning 6’8
afternoon 6’7.25/6’7
evening 6’7
that’s my personal opinion and no offense to anyone.
Big Lul said on 2/Oct/20
@Canson, @edward and @riky do y’all think these are close to these big men heights.

Kane 6’6-6’6.25 (peak 6’7.25)
Strowman 6’6-6’6.25
Corbin 6’5.75-6’6
Undertaker 6’5.5-6’5.75 (6’7 max peak)
Orton 6’3.5
Drew McIntyre 6’4.25
Sid 6’5-6’5.25 (peak 6’6.25)
Big show 6’9-6’9.5 (peak 6’11)
JT said on 2/Oct/20
1997 Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

A few years later, Taker looked at least 6’8” barefoot….
Click Here
Click Here
I'm guessing the boots are built up on the inside but would need to see more evidence.
Resurrection of Edward said on 1/Oct/20

that’s exactly the same mark @ali baba gave him when he met taker in the same year you met taker.i believe that undertaker was 6’6.5 in 2013/14.ali baba also said the same what you said.
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 1/Oct/20
I've also noticed that the ones who call for people to be Banned over estimates, are also the ones who typically advocate for listings that are higher than Rob's. Never seen the so-called "downgrader" types like Viper or Pierre call for people to be Banned.
Editor Rob

I know only a minority fully read terms on websites, but there are a few key tips to keeping comment privileges:

1. Stick to same name, or if changing do a variant, or let me know you are changing.
2. Avoid throwing insults around.
3. Resist spamming and self-promotion, be it the comment, your username, outbound links etc.
4. Avoid repetitive voting attempts, especially persistent low and high-balling.
Resurrection of Edward said on 1/Oct/20
@ canson

i can buy 6’7 flat peak and 6’5.75 today.if taker was 6’7 at peak than its very very unlikely that taker is 6’6 now because i doubt taker has lost only inch since peak.he has lost probably 1.25 inch but i wouldn’t be suprised if he has lost 1.5 inch.he looks noticeably shorter since peak.
my personal estimation is 6’7 peak snd 6’5.75 today afternoon height.
Riky said on 1/Oct/20
@Ben Bell

I agree on the possibility that he was 6'6.5 peak barefoot.

6'6.5 to 6'7" sounds more fair, he looked in that range in his prime.
Today he has been pictured in many occasions looking 6'5" range.
Now I don't want to fall in conversations with poster like battery, so I only say that Taker isn't taller than Rob list him today and peak. Possibly half inch shorter both peak current.
Canson said on 1/Oct/20
Public Enemy said on 29/Sep/20
Editor Rob has Undertaker’s peak height pretty much spot on. See 24 second mark with 5’10 peak Heyman
Click Here

First thing in the morning was over 6’8 probably 6’8.25 range.

Big Lul said on 1/Oct/20
I’m just going to say this mark calaway was max 6’7 peak height he was a solid inch taller than 6’6 king Mabel and was .5-.75 taller than 6’6.25 Sid. And now no taller than 6’5.5-6’6 max now. He looks noticeably shorter than 6’7 guys so the 6’6.5 claims can be put to rest at this point. And the taker and Braun situation can be put to rest as well cause taker looked a max .5 shorter than 6’6-6’6.5 max Braun Strowman at MSG and in the last ride documentary. Undertaker isn’t as tall as people thought he was.
Kan said on 1/Oct/20
However dr.disrespect is clearly taller than undertaker but like rob Said isn’t impossible only 6ft7 flat for disrespect.
I do not take into consideration the pic with Rodman, because taker is
an inch from the camera and rodman probably 3 meters. I remeber him with Kevin love from the same distance and taker looks at least 2 inch shorter
Click Here
Resurrection of Edwards said on 30/Sep/20
@ canson
agreed with everything you said dude.

@ben bell

thanks for response dude.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 30/Sep/20
Not only entitled, but also unable to take criticism and opposition.
Canson said on 30/Sep/20
@Ben Bell: is give him the full 6’7 peak maybe up to what Rob lists him and up to the list today. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s 6’5.75 now either
Szanki11 said on 30/Sep/20
Ben Bell: 6'6.5 peak barefoot? LOL, i saw him in UK in 2013, im 6'3, and he was easily over 3 inches taller than me, he was 6'6.5 when he was almost 50, with 25 years of wrestling back then, and multiple hip/back/knees problems. No way he was lower than 6'7 peak.
FriedChicken said on 29/Sep/20
Wouldn't be surprised if current Undertaker would look the same as Anthony Joshua.
Public Enemy said on 29/Sep/20
Editor Rob has Undertaker’s peak height pretty much spot on. See 24 second mark with 5’10 peak Heyman
Click Here

First thing in the morning was over 6’8 probably 6’8.25 range.
6'3 Julian said on 29/Sep/20
@Battery yeah you’re right. A right imbecile! Seriously Taker was never 6’8
Canson said on 29/Sep/20
Well said JT
Canson said on 29/Sep/20
@Christian: I love comments like that. People who feel they are entitled
Canson said on 29/Sep/20
@Resurrection of Edward: agreed!
Ben Bell said on 29/Sep/20
We’ve seen taker in the last few years in video standing next to 6’7 measured basket ball players and he’s noticeably shorter.
We have Sid giving a peak height of 6’6 or most recently a hair over 6’6.
Peak taker was either the same height as Sid or 0.5” taller at most.
I’ve met taker twice and had photos with him, 94 and last year.

The peak height on here of 6’7.7 is wrong. He had nowhere near 2” on Sid. Sid has no reason to downgrade his height.

Peak Taker 6’6.5 max bare foot. Today he’s 1” or more shorter.
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Sep/20

agreed with everything you said dude!
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Sep/20
@ canson

agreed with everything you said dude.i’ve been guessed as 6’2 myself usually given that i’m only 183 cm which i have said even few years ago.guessing and measuring is two different things.a 5’8 lean guy can look taller in photo’s than than a heavy build 6 feet guy.but in the end,at the end of the day i know that i am 183 cm or 6 feet.i’ve even have been guessed as insane high as 6’3 by a 5’1 girl.i was wearing a bigger boot that gave me around 5 i mean to say,looking certain height and measuring that height is different.also if undertaker was 6’8,he should have been 6 inches or possibly even higher than that, taller taller than guy’s like brock lesnar and triple h,8 inch taller than guys john cena.i dont see that.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Sep/20
So Rob should start banning people just because you disagree with their opinion on a particular celeb's height?
6'3 Julian said on 28/Sep/20
Also if Taker in his peak had 6’6 Sid by 1.25”, then he’s 6’7.25 right
Big Lul said on 28/Sep/20
@Battery in that face off taker looked a max inch taller so I’ll give you that but nowadays I do think that taker is taller by no more than .5-.75 of an inch max.

Sid peak: 6’6-6’6.25 and now 6’5-6’5.25 max
Undertaker peak: 6’7 and now 6’5.5-6’6 max
Big Lul said on 28/Sep/20
@resurrection of Edward, Is it weird how drew McIntyre and undertaker went face to face taker looked a 1-1.25 max taller than drew then backstage in the documentary taker looked a max 1.5 taller than drew. So I do think in some cases that taker could sometimes pull of a max 6’6. But usually will look like a 6’5.5-6’5.75 max guy nowadays. So I guess your right on that you could never judge a wrestlers height in ring that much.
JT said on 28/Sep/20
Battery, simply straightening out Big Show so he has the same posture as Undertaker is a heck of a lot more accurate than continually relying on a "staredown" where he is leaning forward significantly. Measure Big Show – he’s the same length in the leaning and straightened version and standing in the same spot in the ring. It’s not rocket science.

You can look at the edge of the foot pressing against the side of the boot to tell whose footwear gives a bigger boost there (i.e., Undertaker). Those are the flattest shoes I can recall seeing Big Show wear in the ring.

This is about the best point in the video to compare heights Click Here and this would never be good evidence to try to figure out what their heights are.

Here, they are standing in the identical spot in the ring at different points in that video. Click Here That’s about a 3 inch difference and Big Show would easily gain more than one inch if he straightened up. Undertaker’s posture is impeccable.

Here there’s about a 6 inch difference. Click Here We should use this to downgrade Undertaker’s height then, right? No b/c the camera angle slightly favors Undertaker but he’s not standing as straight as Big Show

Not sure what your posting a video of Kane and Big Show was trying to accomplish Click Here That’s similar to this Click Here Kane would be ~ 6’9.5” in those boots and looked over an inch taller than Undertaker early on until the latter started wearing bigger footwear (as my previous post showed).
Canson said on 28/Sep/20
@Julian: yea I’ve been guessed at 6’7” a few times and even 6’8” (although that wasn’t a serious guess) and regularly 6’5” and 6’6”. Some people are in shock when I tell them I’m only 6’4” but it’s because Im a hair over 6’4” I tend to wear thicker footwear at times like Jordan’s or Timbs, and I have lean muscle build with broad shoulders. May also be timing being some guys my size who get the early morning physical and aren’t aware it varies would get a 6’4.5/.75 measurement or simply be rounded to 6’5 and claim it
Canson said on 28/Sep/20
@Julian: yea I’ve been guessed at 6’7” a few times and even 6’8” (although that wasn’t a serious guess) and regularly 6’5” and 6’6”. Some people are in shock when I tell them I’m only 6’4” but it’s because Im a hair over 6’4” I tend to wear thicker footwear at times like Jordan’s or Timbs, and I have lean muscle build with broad shoulders.
6'3 Julian said on 28/Sep/20
@Battery so what if they called him 6’10? Doesn’t mean he was ever close. I got guessed as 6’5 once
Annonymous said on 27/Sep/20
whoever said Ike Catcher is 6'7" and used that to downgrade other people should be Banned.
Kan said on 27/Sep/20
In his prime big show always looked near 5 inch taller than taker in every pic, video segment etc. Of course of big show stayed in perfect posture.
Click Here
Click Here
I repeat you time and time again
Strowman is taller even outside the ring
Click Here
You are funny man
You say in this pic goldberg tilted his head up and undertaker down
Click Here
but you show these pictures
Click Here
Click Here
You are very funny 😂

you can insist, but the only thing you will get is wasting your time. This list for taker is right and rob won't change this list even if you Will write unti 2030 😉
Good luck kid!
6'3 Julian said on 27/Sep/20
@Battery 6’6.5 is at least somewhat believable for Taker. Also he’s not been wrestling 36 years. 33 at most. You are proving yourself unable to do basic research
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Sep/20
You're right on Goldberg. He can even seem as being the same height as 6'1"-ish Bray Wyatt nowadays.
Big Lul said on 27/Sep/20
@Edwards I 100% agree with you, taker was at best 6’7 peak height barefoot and now he’s 6’5.5-6’5.75 max nowadays and he does struggle to look a max 6’6 most the time

@ Editor rob do you think that Goldberg has some sort of footwear advantage with taker with they faced off at Super showdown 2019 Click Here

Compared to with they faced off at the royal rumble and the smackdown before SSD 2019 Click Here and this too Click Here
Big Lul said on 27/Sep/20
@Edwards I 100% agree with you, taker was at best 6’7 peak height barefoot and now he’s 6’5.5-6’5.75 max nowadays and he does struggle to look a max 6’6 most the time

@ Editor rob do you think that Goldberg has some sort of footwear advantage with taker with they faced off at Super showdown 2019 Click Here

Compared to with they faced off at the royal rumble and the smackdown before SSD 2019 Click Here and this too Click Here
Editor Rob
Goldberg at that moment held up well with Undertaker. Maybe more that Bill stood with better posture for once.
Canson said on 27/Sep/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 26/Sep/20
@ Editor rob

quite interesting,you must see this video.a commentator describes mark calaway aka texas red as 6’6 range guy.intresting should highlight and mention this
listen from 1:32 to 1:40
the commentator describes texas red(a prime mark calaway) at 6’6 range and 315 lbs.
Click Here

this might put all those 6’8 or over claims at rest.
Editor Rob
It would be interesting to see what figure Taker was actually billed at when wrestling under his earlier name...

I know in Hogan's case he definitely was called 6ft 6 before moving to WWF 6ft 8 listing, but Taker I'm not sure.

I agree Edward being Ali Baba and 62B met him along with Dan Trojan and Bros of Destruction!. According to 62B, Taker looked 6’7” max and he saw him in the morning and next to Ali Baba 7 years ago he looked 199ish then with the others 198. I agree with your estimate 6’7 peak and 6’6” today is fair. Anything higher we can rule out but I’d leave the door open for what Christian said 6’5.75 range perhaps
Canson said on 27/Sep/20
@Resurrection of Edward: I appreciate all of your support, as always! You’re a great guy in my book!
Vegas' said on 26/Sep/20
Battery, Wight is not even close to straight in that photo you posted

He is straight for most of this clip and it's easy 4 inches difference Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 26/Sep/20
@ Editor rob

quite interesting,you must see this video.a commentator describes mark calaway aka texas red as 6’6 range guy.intresting should highlight and mention this
listen from 1:32 to 1:40
the commentator describes texas red(a prime mark calaway) at 6’6 range and 315 lbs.
Click Here

this might put all those 6’8 or over claims at rest.
Editor Rob
It would be interesting to see what figure Taker was actually billed at when wrestling under his earlier name...

I know in Hogan's case he definitely was called 6ft 6 before moving to WWF 6ft 8 listing, but Taker I'm not sure.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 26/Sep/20
Will if sid was 6ft6.25 peak taker was 6ft7.25 or taller 6ft7 1/4.
Canson said on 26/Sep/20
Height loss is very real when you get older. I’m almost 39 and have noticed that I’m down to 6’4.25” now on a daily basis without even going to the gym
Canson said on 26/Sep/20
Goldberg is slouching and he is not a solid 6’2” today.
6'3 Julian said on 26/Sep/20
@Battery if there’s a 4.5 inch advantage over 6’2 Goldberg, that makes Taker 6’6.5. Who’s providing evidence against themselves now?
Resurrection of Edward said on 26/Sep/20
@ editor rob

and also there is photo of undertaker and ben bell,bell claims to be 6 feet and taker doesnt looked more than 5” taller than ben bell.the photo have been already posted.there is one in bell’s instagram and bell claim to be 6.undertaker struggles to look more than 5 inch taller than bell.a 6 feet bell was near undertaker eyebrows.taker looked 6’5.5 “at most” next to ben bell.there is ben bell’s friend who claimed to be 6’2 and i dont see a 4” different between bell’s friend and taker.ben’s friend who claimed 6’2 is easily over takers eyebrow.even in that photo,takers struggle’s to look 4 inch taller.there has been enough smoke gun photo’s to prove that mark calaway the guy isnt even a solid 6’6,i can see calaway fraction under 6’6.people need to realize that these guys looks taller due to help from their boot/ is absolutely absurd to compare these guys inside the ring as footwear could be factor.its laughable and absurd to compare one wrestler with another inside the ring.
Kan said on 25/Sep/20
Big show wasn’t in perfect posture like underaker does in this pic and taker is closer to the camera.
Click Here
Nathan jones was listed 6ft9 in K1.
Undertaker in his peak was 6ft7 - 6ft7 1/2 at most obviously not 6ft8.
You have to ask if nathan jones is really near 6ft10 or if big show was a full 7ft, because these heights are more uncertain than undertaker height.

Today isn’t over 6ft6 and probably he is under than that
Click Here

For his peak like i said he was 6ft7 - 6ft7 1/2
Here next to 6ft5 jake roberts
Click Here
6ft5 brian adams (crush)
Click Here

Is probably more 6ft7 flat here 😉

Strowman today is taller
Undertaker top head is where strowman hair begins
Click Here

Instead strowman top head is over undertaker hair
Click Here

go ahead and zoom in the pic 😉
6'3 Julian said on 25/Sep/20
@Battery I said Khali’s head was easily the same as Taker’s. That means it could conceivably be larger. Just face the facts that Undertaker isn’t as tall as you want him to be
Riky said on 25/Sep/20
And for the love of God even if sid was a hair over 6'6" this doesn't put Taker above 6'7". 1 inch between the 2 its possible but is absolutely the most I would guess. It was more 0.5 than an inch.
Let's be serious a bit here come on
Riky said on 25/Sep/20
Harry Sachs

Hmmm Ali Baba isn't listed somewhere I guess, and no one claims he was 6'5".
He said about 6'6" probably 6'5.75 and undertaker edged him out, with slightly footwear advantage for Taker. Ergo Taker there, in 2013, actually was slightly over 6'6".

Battery 6565

I never said Taker was peak 6'5", sure he can't be over 6'7" peak. It's impossible.
It's not what you guess, but the way you share your thoughts that is really stupid. Also Im pretty sure about the fact that no one really insulted you, I'm not English but I can read your lenguage and I don't find insults.
Most of all you are the aggressive one here sometimes.
And again Ike Catcher isn't 6'9" absolutely not! Check him next to 6'4.5 Ibrahimovic and you can see the truth.
Canson said on 25/Sep/20
6'3 Julian said on 24/Sep/20
@Battery I don’t often call out trolls, but c’mon, in those photos with Scott Hall you can’t see footwear and they’re slouching in two of them. As for Khali, he’s easily got the same forehead size as Taker and Kane looks taller in photos next to Khali. But hey, I know you’re just gonna call me a downgrader for ignoring bad photos so why bother?

Yes anyone with an alternative opinion he will either accuse of throwing insults at him or call them out and force them to throw insults back at him.
Canson said on 25/Sep/20
@Editor Rob: that’s certainly possible. He could have been what you list him here 6’6.25” but also no guarantee he was measured at or near an afternoon height. Judging by how he looked with Taker, 6’6.25 is ok but if he were 6’6.5” he likely would’ve rounded up or claimed the half. Either way, it’s funny and sad how conveniently the poster below has to make him 6’6.5 or insinuate he’s rounding down half inch just to make Taker a certain height.
Resurrection of Edward said on 25/Sep/20
Kan said on 24/Sep/20
Rob in your opinion There are more chance that undertaker was near 6ft8 or 6ft7 ?
so we (me, Battery) close this conversation
Editor Rob
Look at the amount of pages on Taker, I've probably read nearly every comment...I am not convinced a full 6ft 8, but then a flat 6ft 7 peak? Maybe that's why he's sat right in the middle for so long!

@editor rob

if undertaker was 6’8 like some of the posters claims then he should have been 1.75 to 2 inch taller than syco sid.i dont even see an inch between these guys.attimes,taker has looked only half inch taller than sid.sid might have been hair over 6’6,maybe 6’6.25 or even 6’6.5 but then again,that would put taker at 6’7.25 even if sid is hair over 6’6.i don’t see an inch different between sid and taker but ofcource i could be wrong.6’6.25 or a 6’6.25 sid would put taker at 6’7 flat or 6’7.25 at “ABSOLUTE MOST”.taker only looked at most half inch taller than @ali baba who was 6’6 but again that was around 6-7 years ago and taker was in his 40s.ali baba also admitted that taker had footwear advantage over the guy and still looked only 1/2 taller.people dosent want to accept the smoking gun photos where a 6’7 range kevin love “TOWERED” over the undertaker.undertaker has 0.75 or 3/4 footwear advantage over love and still looked 2” shorter and rob,even you have said in kevin love page that there looked even 3 inch different between taker and love in certain photos.i have hard time seeing mark calaway the guy over 6’7 barefoot.
Editor Rob
6ft 7 is a figure many might argue for Taker and with Sid of course if he didn't lose height by that stage, you could say he seemed no more than that.
Canson said on 24/Sep/20
Harry Sachs said on 26/Aug/20
@Canson I rarely ever read anything you type because I can't take anything you type seriously. I put up a factual video. Both Sid and a young Mark and clearly Sid was taller.

Also @Riky juts because Ali Baba is listed or claims to be 6'5 doesn't mean he is.

Something else to the person typed well Sid had puffy hair so that is why he looked taller. Or from certain angles The Undertaker looked taller. At 2:35 in this video I will put up again Sid and the Undertaker are standing face to face. If Sid was 6'6 then there is no way that the Undertaker is even 6'6. Years after this when the Undertaker became big, Mark started to wear thicker sole shoes to make him look taller like all "monsters" in wrestling do. Click Here

Gee Harry Sachs, Do you really think I care what you think about my guesses or my posts? Lol you think this site revolves around you or something. Not surprising because everyone here is well aware of that. Well I guess you have to behave that way just as you do toward others being nobody else here takes you seriously. 😂 😂 😂. This coming from someone who has asked Rob several times to find a way to “ignore” posts if he doesn’t like them. Sounds to me like you needed to post to someone just to get attention because your boys on the other pages don’t give it to you. They ridicule you instead.

By the way, learn how to read. For the record, I was the one who brought up Ali Baba and his height, not Riky. And Ali Baba said he was 6’6” which I also said. Not 6’5”. And Ali was shorter than Taker back in 2013 so that means Taker was clearly over 6’6” back then. Ali has himself next to Tyler Mane and in pics walking under a 7’ doorway and he clearly looked 6’6”. Next time you want to argue, argue facts.

I’ve looked at many pics of the two and Taker is not 1.5” taller than Sid was. Sid was about 1” shorter. Sid tilting his head up to influence the height difference shouldn’t be taken into account. Rob has a 1” difference between them at their peaks for a reason

Click Here
6'3 Julian said on 24/Sep/20
@Battery I don’t often call out trolls, but c’mon, in those photos with Scott Hall you can’t see footwear and they’re slouching in two of them. As for Khali, he’s easily got the same forehead size as Taker and Kane looks taller in photos next to Khali. But hey, I know you’re just gonna call me a downgrader for ignoring bad photos so why bother?
Kan said on 24/Sep/20
Rob in your opinion There are more chance that undertaker was near 6ft8 or 6ft7 ?
so we (me, Battery) close this conversation
Editor Rob
Look at the amount of pages on Taker, I've probably read nearly every comment...I am not convinced a full 6ft 8, but then a flat 6ft 7 peak? Maybe that's why he's sat right in the middle for so long!
Resurrection of Edward said on 24/Sep/20
it would be great help if poster’s like @dan trojan,@bros of destruction,@ben bell and his friend and @ali baba come out and prove this @battery guy wrong that taker isn’t tall as he thinks.can you guys post again because y’all probably got photo with taker that clears everyone’s doubt.

i still believe that peak taker was 6’7/6’7.25 peak and 6’5.75/6’6 currey like i said few years ago.
TheDon1528 said on 24/Sep/20
He wears cowboy boots in person to try and make himself look taller, I spotted him in a Florida airport over 10 years ago and he wasn't that much taller then my 6'5.5" step father.
Big Lul said on 24/Sep/20
When drew McIntyre whose a 6’4.5 inch guy imo when face to face with the undertaker, taker looked a max 1.25 inches taller which would put him at 6’5.75. And was only 4-4.25 inches taller than 6’1.5 inch Goldberg. Or how he was 1.25-1.5 inch shorter than 6’7-6’7.25 Ike catcher. Taker is 6’5.5-6’5.75 max 6’6. And Kane is about the same height as Braun Strowman 6’6-6’6.5 max. So which proves my point that these big guys aren’t as tall as we thought they were.

Just me believe people like Edward, Canson, riky and Christian.
YordanDamyanov said on 24/Sep/20
Taker was 6'7 and a half in his prime. 7 foot Big show always had at least 4, 4 and a half inches over him. Now he might dropped to 6'6 and a half.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 24/Sep/20
If taker is 6ft4 khali is now more thane 6ft9 big show 6ft8 kane 6ft4.5 look back in 2006 khali taker staredown 7ft1 taker 6ft8.
Resurrection of Edward said on 24/Sep/20

for canson’s defence.i interracted with canson for the last three years and dosent have any problems.he dosent retaliate,thats just canson expressiing his opinion.if you think that’s retaliation then i cant help.everybody is sticking with their personal opinions and no body can insist and put words in someone’s mouth.i also disagree with your estimation respectfully like you disagree with my estimation.
6'3 Julian said on 23/Sep/20
@Battery a weak 6’8 (like 6’7.5) may have been measured in the morning.
Canson said on 23/Sep/20
Kan said on 23/Sep/20

Don’t forget this
Click Here

We understand your position on undertaker, but if you see that nobody believes in what you say, I would ask myself many questions. there are people who saw him recently and there are people who saw him when he was young and no one of this guy gave him 6ft8 peak and 6ft6 1/2 now. after sid admitted to being 6ft6 I think even rob never upgrade undertaker peak over 6ft7 1/4.
it doesn't matter if he looks taller in a video, because there are 1000 factors that can affect for superstar height. the camera angle, if a superstar is closer to the camera etc.

Big Lul said on 23/Sep/20
Yea camera angles makes a huge difference to someone’s height. Jeez I didn’t know taker forehead was that big. So yea taker isn’t as tall as Braun Strowman. Taker is about a half inch shorter than Braun and Kane.

Taker and Corbin :6’5.75-6’6 max
Kane and Braun Strowman: 6’6.25-6’6.5
Big show: 6’9-6’9.5 max
Canson said on 23/Sep/20
@Christian: maybe a straw man?
6'3 Julian said on 23/Sep/20
@HADS185 Giant Haystacks was 6’8 at his peak, Test was never billed 6’7
Kan said on 23/Sep/20

Don’t forget this
Click Here

We understand your position on undertaker, but if you see that nobody believes in what you say, I would ask myself many questions. there are people who saw him recently and there are people who saw him when he was young and no one of this guy gave him 6ft8 peak and 6ft6 1/2 now. after sid admitted to being 6ft6 I think even rob never upgrade undertaker peak over 6ft7 1/4.
it doesn't matter if he looks taller in a video, because there are 1000 factors that can affect for superstar height. the camera angle, if a superstar is closer to the camera etc.

otherwise I can tell you that here the undertaker is 6ft4 and no one would tell me anything 😉
Click Here
Big Lul said on 22/Sep/20
@Canson and @Edward I 100% agree with you on everything you said taker was at best 6’7 cause he was only a inch taller than king Mabel and .75- an inch taller than Sid. And now I do think that he’s very similar in height with Baron Corbin which is 6’5.75-6’6 max now. And about .5 shorter than 6’6.25-6’6.5 max Kane and Braun Strowman. People gotta realize that people like taker, Kane, and even Kevin Nash and big show aren’t as tall as they think.
big11 said on 22/Sep/20
Kan Big show used huge boots, without them he was never taller 5 inch than Taker. 4` max. Also Nash is closer to the camera in that pic with Taker. He was like 1.75 inches taller than UT.
Show 6'11 At best peak.
Nash 6,9
Taker 6'7.25
Big Lul said on 22/Sep/20
I personally think that taker is in between 6’5.75-6’6 with Baron Corbin and Kane around the same height as Braun Strowman 6’6-6’6.5 max now nowadays it could be .25- .5 inch difference between all four guys. Also I do think that taker a .5 inch shorter than Braun when we saw them in the documentary together. Also Taker could noticeably shorter because of that massive forehead just like Braun Strowman imo.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Sep/20
I've yet to see a "troll" here claim that Taker was 6'6" peak though.
Canson said on 22/Sep/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 21/Sep/20
@Editor rob

Welcome back!
Kan said on 22/Sep/20
You are funny 😂😂😂
Undertaker is clearly shorter even if strowman tilt his head down and taker up
Click Here
HADS185 said on 22/Sep/20
I am unsure of how many of the so called big men (not giants) have ever seen the legit 6´7" number, barefoot.

Here is what I think (in no special order and without the very obvious ones)

Shorter, but billed at or over:
John Studd
Dan Spivey
David Von Erich
Don Leo Jonathan
Killer Kowalski
Blackjack Mulligan
Hulk Hogan
Braun Strowman
Brian Adams
Jake Hager
Luke Harper
Bunkhouse Buck
Jake Roberts
Hillbilly Jim
Scott Hall

Brodus Clay
Sid Eudy
Giant Haystacks
Giant Baba
Erick Rowan

Over or at 6´7":
Taker (barely)
Ernie Ladd
Ron Fuller
Tyler Mane
Jeff Bearden
Stan Frazier
Matt Morgan
Nathan Jones
Big Cass
Robert Maillet
Kevin Nash

Disagree? Did I miss anybody?
Resurrection of Edward said on 21/Sep/20
@Editor rob

its been a while,do you think kane could be an inch taller than taker in 2020.i personally think that.i personally think it could 6’5.75 for mark calaway and 6’6.75 for glen jacobs(kane) or it could be 6’6 for taker and 6’7 for a solid military posture.kane is still pulling 6’7 easily.i am beginning to think that jacobs could still be 6’7 and taker at absolute most 6’ a military poster,kane still looks towering compared to guys like taker,corbin or strowman.even at peak i used to believe that both of these guys were similar but i’m slightly leaning to got to listen bruce pitchard “brother love” who was manager to taker and kane snd he said undertaker wore internal lift while kane wore outer and both guys were similar at peak with kane being fraction or smidge taller.and attimes,kane has pulled of looking 6’ can see jacobs in the 90s snd i’m hard pressed to believed he was only 6’7/6’7.5 as he always looked near 6’8 in my eyes.i personally think taker was 6’7.25 and kane at 6’7.75 which could cover “6’8” claims.i don’t think there us sny problem when kane claimed 6’8.he really has looked that mark at times.i would either put taker at 6’7 and kane at 6’7.5 or if taker 6’7.25 then kane 6’7.75.

here,howmuch difference do you find between taker and kane in 2020,i personally think it could be inch or almost inch in 2020.hopefully,you’ll give your honest opinion.pause at 5:10 or you can watch from 5:9 to 5:12 in this video.4 seconds to watch.

Click Here
Kan said on 21/Sep/20
I repeat you again. Big show in his prime and in perfect posture is clearly 5 inch taller than undertaker
Click Here
And if nash in his prime was 6ft9 1/2, obviously taker was not 6ft8
Click Here
At least 2 inch of difference
Big Lul said on 21/Sep/20
People gotta realize that Taker isn’t as tall or taller than Braun Strowman but he’s very similar in height with Baron Corbin and sometimes Kane. That should show how much camera angles make a huge difference to someone’s height.

Undertaker and Baron Corbin :6’5.75-6’6 max
Braun Strowman and Kane: 6’6.25-6’6.5 max
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 21/Sep/20
Peak taker 6ft8 203.2cm current 6ft63/4 200cm.
Meat said on 19/Sep/20
Danimal. In the 2 more recent pics; the one where Taker has a black eye is cropped. The full picture clearly shows Hall on his tip toes.
James B 172cm said on 19/Sep/20
Scott Hall looks closer to 6’4 than 6’5 in those young photos with undertaker
Resurrection of Edward said on 19/Sep/20
after seeing much of bull ,i have to step here.undertaker has never looked taller than strowman.its just camera angle can play great role in making someone taller/ is the same clip in different angle.the undertaker ever looked taller than strowman and i say neveeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr.the reason was the camera angles were heavily focused on taker not is clip from different angle.
Click Here.
Kan said on 19/Sep/20
Came on my friend
You said taker is taller than strowman just because you've seen a video where the camera is lower than the subjects and undertaker is closer to the camera 😂
This is the real difference between strowman and undertaker in that Moment
Click Here
Click Here

you can finally shut up now 😉
Strowman is taller
big11 said on 19/Sep/20
I give him 6'7.5 peak, 6'6 max right now. Also that picture with hall and taker(cap), hall is standing on his toes.
Big Lul said on 19/Sep/20
Undertaker was build anywhere from 6’8-6’11.5 in wwe which is comical cause we all know that he was a best 6’7 peak and now no taller than 6’5.75-6’6 max nowadays.

But at least it wasn’t as comical as Kane build 7’0 tall height cause we definitely know that he was 6’7-6’7.5 max peak height and now no taller than 6’6-6’6.5 max nowadays.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 18/Sep/20
Undertaker and Scott Hall in the late 80's:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Undertaker and Scott Hall today:
Click Here
Click Here
Riky said on 18/Sep/20
Billed at 6'10.5, probably the classic 3 to 4 inches exaggeration
Meat said on 18/Sep/20
Can someone please post the video of Strowman looking taller than Taker? Several of us have posted multiple times the MSG video where clearly 100% definitely definitively Taker is taller. No tricks, no angles. Two men face to face. Taker edged Strowman.
Mo Obeidallah said on 17/Sep/20
What is the real weight of Mark Calaway though? 270-300 lbs? What about Kevin Nash?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Sep/20
There are quite a few who inflate 3 inches though. Especially with Undertaker being a wrestler, his 6'10" claim doesn't seem all that unexpected. Plenty of other wrestlers inflate 2-3 inches easily. It's not uncommon.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 17/Sep/20
Sid climed 6ft7 280 pounds back in 1990s.
Canson said on 16/Sep/20
The big lul said on 14/Sep/20
@Canson my money would be on C) for Takers peak and B) for taker nowadays seems more likely maybe A) for taker nowadays with perfect posture which would go with the most likely estimates for Undertaker heights

Peak:6’7 max
Now: 6’5.75-6’6 max (maybe with bad posture 6’5.5-6’5.75)

That’s as good a guess as any just like Julian’s guess is!
Canson said on 16/Sep/20
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Sep/20
Taker: "I used to be 6-foot-10 but I got dropped on my head a few times so I'm 6-foot-9 now."

Solid 6'7 peak claiming 6'10 that was really a huge inflation. In reality some parts of america people are mostly claiming near two inches taller and that is already a big lies, i do respect more of people claiming an inch in shoe height that was more of a proper claim because people are walking out with shoes on so that is fine for claiming average footwear height with an inch. I wouldn't dare to claim 6'7 1/2 as a strong 6'5 1/2 guy. Three inch is way off.

Yea His 6’10” claim was a joke but The 6’8/6’9” that he claimed later is a believable shoe height for him. He would be that range even in a 1” shoe in his prime earlier in the day. I don’t see him under 6’7” prime. Lol even for me at a very strong 6’4.25” is too much. I don’t even claim 6’5” let alone 6’6””.
Kan said on 16/Sep/20
First of all nash is 2 inch easily taller than taker in his prime
Click Here
Click Here
Even big rob said in the past at least 2 inch, but seems even a bit over 😉

sid was measured around 6ft6, this means he didn't measure over 6ft6 1/2, otherwise he said about 6ft7, and even if he was 6ft6 1/2 I never see taker over an inch taller than him.
the difference between sid and undertaker were from half inch to an inch at most in every staredown 😉

6ft6 3/4 for taker back to 2013 ??????
The person who took the picture with taker said 1/4 of an inch between taker and him, at most half inch 😂
Big Lul said on 16/Sep/20
@Canson yea I would go with B and C for undertaker peak and A and B for taker nowadays
Canson said on 15/Sep/20
@Julian: B or C look good for his peak and current B or A to me
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Sep/20
Taker: "I used to be 6-foot-10 but I got dropped on my head a few times so I'm 6-foot-9 now."

Solid 6'7 peak claiming 6'10 that was really a huge inflation. In reality some parts of america people are mostly claiming near two inches taller and that is already a big lies, i do respect more of people claiming an inch in shoe height that was more of a proper claim because people are walking out with shoes on so that is fine for claiming average footwear height with an inch. I wouldn't dare to claim 6'7 1/2 as a strong 6'5 1/2 guy. Three inch is way off.
Vegas' said on 15/Sep/20

There is no staredown at Wrestlemania 12 between Nash and Undertaker and Kane wasn't 2 inches taller than Taker at Wrestlemania 14.
ced said on 14/Sep/20
Hmm.. If you take a look at WM12, Diesel and Taker staredown, Taker was about 1.75 inches shorter than Diesel, not more.

If Diesel was 6'9 at the time, Taker would have been 6'7.25 at his very peak.

Kane - 2 years later at WM14, had a full 2 inches on Taker in their staredown (Due to lifts).

Kevin Nash - 6'9
Undertaker - 6'7.25
Kane - 6'7.5 - With 2 inch lifts - 6'9.5 in gear
Sid - 6'6.75

Kevin Nash: 6'7.75
Undertaker - 6'6.25
Kane 6'6.75-6'7
Sid - 6'5.75
Braun Strowman - 6'6
Big Show - 6'8.75-6'9
6'3 Julian said on 14/Sep/20
Canson I’ll go with B for both
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Sep/20
@The big lul
Can't see Show as low as 6'9" today. Maybe 6'9.25" at the very worst though. He might drop to a flat 6'9" within the next 5 years though.
The big lul said on 14/Sep/20
@Canson my money would be on C) for Takers peak and B) for taker nowadays seems more likely maybe A) for taker nowadays with perfect posture which would go with the most likely estimates for Undertaker heights

Peak:6’7 max
Now: 6’5.75-6’6 max (maybe with bad posture 6’5.5-6’5.75)
Kan said on 14/Sep/20
First of all if taker was about 6ft6 back to 2013 I don't know what makes you think he is taller today 😂
Second if taker was 6ft8 peak height
Click Here
How tall was sycho sid ? He was measured just 6ft6 flat, according to himself.
Canson said on 13/Sep/20
I’d say the possibilities are:


A) 6’8.5 out of bed/ 6’7.5 afternoon
B) 6’8.25 out of bed/ 6’7.25 afternoon
C) 6’8” out of bed/ 6’7 afternoon


A) 6’7 out of bed/ 6’6 afternoon
B) 6’6.75/ 6’5.75
C) 6’6.5/6’5.5
The big lul said on 13/Sep/20
Also to note that if undertaker was still 6’6.5 which his not he would look taller next to someone like drew mcintyre who I think is 6’4.5 and 6’1.5 - 6’1.75 Goldberg. But does look 3-3.25 inches shorter than big show.

Drew McIntyre: 6’4.5-6’4.75 maybe With perfect posture
Undertaker: 6’5.5-6’6 max
Baron Corbin: 6’5.75-6’6
Kane and Braun Strowman: 6’6-6’6.5 max
Kevin Nash: 6’8-6’8.5 max
Big show: 6’9-6’9.25 max now
The big lul said on 13/Sep/20
@Riky also that’s I good observation maybe Sid was just a 6’6 flat who wore lifts in his wrestling gear to closer in height with people like undertaker and Kevin Nash. But I do think that taker was a legit 6’7 max at his peak seeing how he was 2-2.25 inches shorter than 6’9-6’9.25 max Kevin Nash and was obviously 4 inches shorter than the big show who was about 6’11- maybe 6’11.5 max. Nowadays he could anywhere from 6’5.5 to 6’6 max seeing him with people like Drew, Strowman, Ike catcher, Kane, and Goldberg even. But I do think that taker and Corbin are very similar in height with each other.
Kan said on 13/Sep/20
6 inch eyelevel for taker puts his head as near 12 inch, because his eye-chin range is very similar. It’s insane. Puts big show head over 13 inch . He has a head lenght similar to triple h and randy orton, Who can himself have a 10 inch long head. Hafthor has a 5 inch eyelevel
Hafthor-Julius-Bjornsson-48697.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Click Here
If taker eyelvel is longer it’s probably a very small fraction my men.

However even in this photo
Click Here
The rock is clearly over taker eyelevel.
In his prime Triple h stands about taker eyelevel
Click Here
And the rock is clearly taller
Click Here

Came on man even after sid admitted to being 6ft6 measured you insist to say undertaker was 6ft8 😂
Canson said on 12/Sep/20
@Christian: yep and the bigger forehead is why people think he’s taller than Strowman when he’s not. Strowman has about as much height difference with him as he does with Corbin
Riky said on 11/Sep/20
The big lul said on 10/Sep/20
@riky: thanks for helping cause I always knew that Ike catcher was around that 6’7-6’7.5 range and taker looked and best 1.25-1.5 shorter which would put him at 6’5.5-6’6 max now. And yep I agree with you on the picture with big show and Ike catcher which proves that big show is not 6’10 anymore unfortunately. People gotta come to the fact that these guys ain’t as tall as they used to be.

When The Undertaker, in gear, is 2 inches shorter than someone who is considered max 6'7.25/5 i have some problems believing he is 6'6".
And not even at his peak he used to be close to some guesses.
Remember Sid was 6'6" and Taker likely wasn't an inch taller. Maybe 0.5

With Ike he isn't in gear but he looks 6'5".5
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Sep/20
It's a combination of both. His receding hair accentuates his already bigger than average forehead.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 11/Sep/20
Taker climed 6ft8 1/2 back in 2001
Brock11 said on 10/Sep/20
Click Here
Imo that's Easily over 4 inches between Taker and The Rock back in 1999(The Rock and Taker at thier Peaks i think). He was easily over 6'7 peak, 6'7.25-6.7.5(201-202 cm) was his peak.
The big lul said on 10/Sep/20
@riky: thanks for helping cause I always knew that Ike catcher was around that 6’7-6’7.5 range and taker looked and best 1.25-1.5 shorter which would put him at 6’5.5-6’6 max now. And yep I agree with you on the picture with big show and Ike catcher which proves that big show is not 6’10 anymore unfortunately. People gotta come to the fact that these guys ain’t as tall as they used to be.
The big lul said on 10/Sep/20
Ok buddy 😂😂😂
Kan said on 10/Sep/20
First of all if ike don’t tilt his head looks 6ft8 😉
Click Here
In boots of course
The camera is lower than his head, this probably adds some height and those boots give more than half inch.
this means he is not much taller than 6ft7 barefoot 😉

Came on my friend 😎
Kan said on 10/Sep/20
Taker eyelevel probably looks 5.2 inch but of course not over than that. A 6ft2 guy like lesnar and reigns are over his eyelevel clearly, over taker eyebrowns very easiily, so taker is 6ft6 at very best.
I Said the rock was about 4 inch smaller than taker in his prime. The rock top head was clearly over taker eyelevel, therefore taker wasn’t for sure as tall as 6ft8.
With big show looks over 5 inch shorter.
Click Here
Click Here

I don’t know if you trolling, but you're insisting on something that doesn't make sense. there are various people who have met undertaker, including a legit 6ft6 guy who took a picture with taker that you can also find here and taker looks barely taller, and this appaned back to 2013.

6'3 Julian said on 10/Sep/20
@Battery we question his height cause he’s been taking bumps that might shrink him for 30 years, is a big man in a sport where they often claim the lads are bigger, and he’s a really big name so people will think he’s bigger than he is
mrtguy said on 9/Sep/20
Rob, you really think Taker has receding hairline or is his forehead that huge??
Editor Rob
He did have a high hairline which accentuates his forehead length.
NCL said on 8/Sep/20
The big lul said on 7/Sep/20
Undertaker and Ike catcher: Click Here

Big show and Ike catcher: Click Here

I wonder, if Ike catcher is a legit 6’9 then taker looks 6’7.5-6’8 here and we all know that it’s false. Most knowledgeable people here all say that taker is 6’5.5-6’6 max nowadays which would mean the Ike catcher looks about an inch to 1.5 taller than taker which would put him around 6’7-6’7.5 max

As for big show he’s no taller than 6’9.25 nowadays and it looks like big show is maybe raising himself to look a bit taller which makes it look like a 2.5-3 inch difference. I personally think that if big show was barefoot it’ll be a 1.75-2 inch difference between them. But I guess imma need help on that picture specifically.

Ike Catcher measured. Not sure if this is a good camera angle though.

Click Here
Alex17 said on 7/Sep/20
Not sure why Taker and other wrestlers listed so low in her compared to other tall athletes. Anything below a weak 6’8 peak is out of the question, guaranteed. He was 5” Max shorter than 7’1” Khali back in 2008. And still likely around a weak 6’7 today. Would put all my bank on it.
6'3 Julian said on 7/Sep/20
Plassey what are you talking about? Strowman and Taker are both fine at 6’6. Drew is 6’4.5 or so
The big lul said on 7/Sep/20
Undertaker and Ike catcher: Click Here

Big show and Ike catcher: Click Here

I wonder, if Ike catcher is a legit 6’9 then taker looks 6’7.5-6’8 here and we all know that it’s false. Most knowledgeable people here all say that taker is 6’5.5-6’6 max nowadays which would mean the Ike catcher looks about an inch to 1.5 taller than taker which would put him around 6’7-6’7.5 max

As for big show he’s no taller than 6’9.25 nowadays and it looks like big show is maybe raising himself to look a bit taller which makes it look like a 2.5-3 inch difference. I personally think that if big show was barefoot it’ll be a 1.75-2 inch difference between them. But I guess imma need help on that picture specifically.
Plassey said on 7/Sep/20
I’m telling ya I met Drew McIntyre in 2017 he was at most 6’3 - 6’3 and a half - and Braun is 6’5 and taker is a little over 6’5 . Braun wears these huge boots in the ring go look at photos of him with Tyson fury in the ring and photos of them two out side the ring Braun drops at least 2 inches in height. They are all a lot shorter then we all think and we know this but when meeting them in the flesh it shocks you lol
JT said on 6/Sep/20
Here’s a recent pic of Undertaker with Godfather and Tracy Murray. I saw Murray up close about 25 years ago and he looked around 6’6”. Click Here

IMO Undertaker was at least 6’7” peak although his height can look anywhere from 6’6” to 6’8” or more – probably dependent on his posture and his or the other wrestler’s footwear.

Click Here
Click Here

Beginning in the late 1990s, he did wear some suspect footwear as he arguably looked 6’8” or even taller in the ring many occasions.

He initially was clearly shorter than Kane (in big heeled boots)
Click Here
Click Here
but then seemed to close the gap even though Kane kept wearing those boots
Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here

He also looked over 6’8” with the McMahons although no one here seriously believes he ever hit that height:
Click Here
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Click Here
Kan said on 6/Sep/20
Are you trolling ? First of all taker eyelevel is in 5.25 inch range so if a 6ft2 Guy like reigns, golbderg, Brock lesnar go face to face with taker, he is 6ft7 if the top of this guys head are about the eyes of undertaker.
Click Here
Click Here
Every of this Guy are clearly over is eyelevel by an inch easily and taker was always in thick boots sole.

With the rock looked about 4 inch taller in his prime and next to big show (1999) taker looked even under his eyelevel this means there are at least 5 inches of difference
Click Here
Probably even 5.5 inch

Strowman is clearly taller than taker today.
There is no point to showing a photo where the camera is much lower than the subjects and taker is at least an inch closer to the camera lens 😉

Came on man don't embarrassing yourself !
Riky said on 6/Sep/20
Mazhar Malim said on 5/Sep/20
One of my most favourite wrestlers of all time! Atleast 1.94-1.95m today lucky to see him in person I am 1.98m and he was not that much shorter than me

He was shorter??
Mazhar Malim said on 5/Sep/20
One of my most favourite wrestlers of all time! Atleast 1.94-1.95m today lucky to see him in person I am 1.98m and he was not that much shorter than me
Josey Wales said on 5/Sep/20
The broken skull interview with stone cold was entertaining and interesting. When asked abt when he replaced Sid Viscious in his WCW stint he said well yeah there weren't too many 6'8" guys around.. This us clearly his peak days and Robs listing for peak 6'7" and change could be on the money.
Josey Wales said on 5/Sep/20
The broken skull interview with stone cold was entertaining and interesting. When asked abt when he replaced Sid Viscious in his WCW stint he said well yeah there weren't too many 6'8" guys around.. This us clearly his peak days and Robs listing for peak 6'7" and change could be on the money.
6'3 Julian said on 5/Sep/20
Hmmm, why might a 55 year old man who’s spent the last 30+ years taking dangerous bumps and participating in a sport where physical stats are often exaggerated, especially for very tall people. Why might his height come into question?
Canson said on 4/Sep/20
Just because Rob lists someone at a certain height doesn’t mean it’s 100% accurate. There are a lot of celebs who are overlisted here if going off the site’s standards. Then there Is a case like Bo Burnham where almost everyone agrees that he doesn’t look as low as 6’5” flat which he was initially listed (maybe it was 6’5 1/8”). But he was pushed up to 6’5.25” then 6’5.5”. Whether he is that high is debatable but very possible. Some Even believe he’s higher.
JT said on 4/Sep/20
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 4/Sep/20
Peak taker 6ft8 currend 6ft7.25 barefoot
The big lul said on 3/Sep/20
Taker nowadays is only 3-3.5 inches shorter than 6’9-6’9.25 max big show which would put him in the 6’5.5-6’6 max range now. And I don’t think that he’s much shorter than Braun and Kane nowadays but I do think that him and Corbin are in the same height range
Canson said on 2/Sep/20
Big Show still being the full 6’10” afternoon height is debatable. If he’s lower than that it’s a weak 6’10 meaning 6’9.5-.75 range more than likely. But Taker being over 6’6.5 or 6’7” today is not. He’s max 6’6”. He was only maybe 1/2” taller than Ali Baba when he posted a pic of them 6 years ago or so and Ali was 198 or 197.5-198 by that stage. Peak height he may have been 6’7.5 afternoon and definitely was 6’8” out of bed or very close to it. He didn’t dip under 6’7” in the afternoon in his prime
The big lul said on 2/Sep/20
Taker was 6’7 peak now 6’5.5-6’6 and big show was only 4 inches which would put him at 6’11 peak and now no taller than 6’9-6’9.25
Vegas' said on 1/Sep/20
Those photos are not good evidence. There was 4 inches easy between Taker and Show back in day, met both guys out of gear a number of times.
4 inches there Click Here
More there Click Here

Last photo suggests Taker and Show are roughly sane height right now, that's highly unlikely considering how much height Show had in Kane out of gear on video not that long ago Click Here
Kan said on 1/Sep/20
Undertaker today isn’t taller than strowman.
Click Here
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Strowman is a good half inch teller even if taker stand in a good posture.
For is peak isn’t impossible 6ft7 1/2 but if sid wasn’t much over 6ft6, probably taker wasn’t over 6ft7. For Me peak height 6ft7 - 6ft7 1/2 at most and today about 6ft6 flat but not over than that
Brock11 said on 1/Sep/20
There is no way Taker is 4 inches shorter right now than Big Show, and there is no way, that he was 6'6 range peak, he was 6'7 or even bit taller, Nash was 6'9 peak also, and Nathan Jones weak 6'9, there is no way that Nathan Jones was 3 inches taller than Taker in 2003. Sid said he was about 6'6, so he can easily be like 6'6.5 or 6'6.25 at his peak, also he was using lifts. Outside the ring he looked over 1 inch shorter than Taker.
The big lul said on 1/Sep/20
@6’3 Julian: Big show isn’t 6’10 barefoot anymore he’s at best 6’9-6’9.25 max now and in wrestling gear he’s a max 6’9.5-6’10 inch guy and with taker we all agree that taker is 6’5.5-6’6 max now and his peak is no taller than 6’7. And big show peak was 6’11 cause he only looked an 3.75 - 4 inches taller than the undertaker. Nowadays it’ll probably an 3-3.5 inch difference now between the two men.
lopo said on 1/Sep/20
max 1.95cm he walked pass me im 1.90cm 5cm taller
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Aug/20
@Ben Bell
Cool, I also happen to have a cousin who's 6'7"-6'7.5" range, but he claims 6'9".
Riky said on 28/Aug/20
DarkM said on 27/Aug/20

Silva isn't 6'8 or 6'7'.
Harry Sachs said on 26/Aug/20
@Canson I rarely ever read anything you type because I can't take anything you type seriously. I put up a factual video. Both Sid and a young Mark and clearly Sid was taller.

Also @Riky juts because Ali Baba is listed or claims to be 6'5 doesn't mean he is.

Something else to the person typed well Sid had puffy hair so that is why he looked taller. Or from certain angles The Undertaker looked taller. At 2:35 in this video I will put up again Sid and the Undertaker are standing face to face. If Sid was 6'6 then there is no way that the Undertaker is even 6'6. Years after this when the Undertaker became big, Mark started to wear thicker sole shoes to make him look taller like all "monsters" in wrestling do. Click Here
Canson said on 26/Aug/20
He doesn’t need an upgrade. See him in front of 6’6.25 Sid and that’s not an inch between them in their primes which is why Rob lowered Taker’s prime. It can’t be “Well Sid is 6’6.5”. He said himself he’s 6’6”. Since we can’t seem to agree, let’s just use Rob’s listing of 6’6.25” being that’s the best possibility. Saying he’s rounding down 1/2” is even more speculative than someone saying he’s 6’6.25” as opposed to 6’6”. I used to believe 6’7.5” before which was what he was listed. And next to Brothers of Destruction he looked max 6’6”. With Dan Trojan’s encounter he also looked 6’6”. He looked slightly over 6’6” when Ali Baba met him in 2013ish but he isn’t that tall now. His current listing is fine because if he dips below it it’s prob just to 6’5.75” which is just being he could lose a full inch in a day
6'3 Julian said on 26/Aug/20
I agree but Jones is slouching in one of those pictures
Riky said on 25/Aug/20
The smoking gun pictures with Clevelands showed the evidence that Taker isn't in any way above 6'5.5 back then. Just impossible. It was 2017.
How much he lost is hard to say, but I don't see how he is supposed to be 6'7.5 peak like someone keep saying.
He was 6'6.5 peak, maybe 6'6.75 but maxxxx barefoot.
6'8" in shoes that's why he still claims this height today.
Canson said on 25/Aug/20
I agree with Big Lul
oliver d said on 24/Aug/20
Peak Taker and also Kane
6foot7 1/2
kane a tad bigger shoulder height
but taker has an bigger forehead
very difficult
The big lul said on 23/Aug/20
People need to come to realization that undertaker was only 6’7 at his peak and or a max 6’7 in his peak. If he was 6’7.5 he would look taller and closer to the 6’8 side. Taker was a max 4 inches shorter than 6’11 inch peak big show and 1.75-2.25 inches shorter than 6’9-6’9.25 peak Kevin Nash. Same goes for Kane. Kane was probably 6’7 max 6’7.25 and now Kane barely stand 6’6.5 and taker barely stands 6’6 nowadays
Undertaker peak:6’7
Undertaker now: 6’5.5-6’5.75 (6’6 max with perfect posture)
Kane peak: 6’7-6’7.25
Kane now: 6’6-6’6.25 (6’6.5 max with perfect posture)
Big show peak 6’11-6’11.25
Big show now: 6’9-6’9.25
Kevin Nash now: 6’8 -6’8.5
DarkM said on 23/Aug/20
I doubt Taker could walk the top rope wearing lifts, he wore flat footwear.
Canson said on 20/Aug/20
Brock11 said on 19/Aug/20
Harry Sachs, stop trolling. He was like 6'6.5 when he met Alibaba in 2014, at 49 years old.
6'7.25 peak is fine, now maybe barely 6'6. Sid had lifts.

I will say 6’7” barefoot in his prime is pretty reasonable. 6’7” flat but I’m not sure about 6’7.25 now a days being Sid came out with his 6’6” claim.
Meat said on 20/Aug/20
Same old Sid-Taker video posted again for the millionth time on here. Wearing a mask with puffy curly hair. In EVERY Sid-Taker stare down, Mark has a relaxed posture while Sid is posturing on his toes, puffing his chest up and tilting his chin into Takers' face. Sid is about 1/2" shorter peak heights in their younger years. Funny how many people want to discredit Mark's height.
6'3 Julian said on 20/Aug/20
“The Undertaker was never 6’7. He was probably never even 6’6”
Is this guy joking? You’ve gotta be joking. What’s next? The Rock is 5’10? Orton is 6’1? Bret Hart is 5’8? Those all sound ridiculous but that’s the sense of scale you have
Riky said on 19/Aug/20
Harry Sachs said on 18/Aug/20

Well that video is probably the only moment in Wich Sid did look taller.
For few reasons...

1) He was taller.

2) the mask he was wearing and his hair played an important part in it plus footwear advantage over 6'6.5/75 Texas Red for make him looks huge in his debut.

3) Undertaker had footwear advantage over Sid after that first face off and for all his career after.

As you can read I don't exactly inflate height as in my opinion Taker was maybe even just 6'6.5 peak but (I give more chances to 200cm)
But less than that is really hard to imagine.
He was taller (with slightly footwear advantage) of 6'5.5/6'6" AliBaba in 2014 , a poster who did claim that height.
So at his peak he was closer to 6'7".

Today he is comfortably 197cm range barefoot, as we are talking about afternoon barefoot heights.
Brock11 said on 19/Aug/20
Harry Sachs, stop trolling. He was like 6'6.5 when he met Alibaba in 2014, at 49 years old.
6'7.25 peak is fine, now maybe barely 6'6. Sid had lifts.
Canson said on 19/Aug/20
Harry Sachs said on 18/Aug/20
Here is a video of Sid and the Undertaker back when The Undertaker was Texas Red I believe. Go to 2:35 in the video. If Sid Vicious is 6'6 then again how is the Undertaker 6'7 plus in his prime? The way you people constantly inflate peoples height to fit your motive always cracked me up. Click Here

The Undertaker was never 6'7. He was probably not even 6'6. Also something else you people fail to realize. If a wrestler is suppose to be this monster in the ring, they will tend to wear really thick sole shoes to make them look taller The Undertaker, Braun Strowman, Kane ect wore thick shoes. Even though Baron Corbin is tall he doesn't wear thick soles because he isn't portrayed as being a monster.

Ali Baba posted pics with him back in 2013 or 2014 and estimated him to be slightly taller than he was. Ali Baba was a peak 6’6” flat afternoon height and guessed him to be 6’6-6’7 range so even if he wasn’t 6’7” peak he was at least 6’6.5 then.
6'3 Julian said on 18/Aug/20
You list Taker about the same as Viscera. There are two inches between those guys. No way peak Taker was under 6’8. As for now I think 6’7, the 5’9 (I think) AJ Styles was a head shorter than him and Takers head is probably 10 inches cause his forehead is huge.
Harry Sachs said on 18/Aug/20
Here is a video of Sid and the Undertaker back when The Undertaker was Texas Red I believe. Go to 2:35 in the video. If Sid Vicious is 6'6 then again how is the Undertaker 6'7 plus in his prime? The way you people constantly inflate peoples height to fit your motive always cracked me up. Click Here

The Undertaker was never 6'7. He was probably not even 6'6. Also something else you people fail to realize. If a wrestler is suppose to be this monster in the ring, they will tend to wear really thick sole shoes to make them look taller The Undertaker, Braun Strowman, Kane ect wore thick shoes. Even though Baron Corbin is tall he doesn't wear thick soles because he isn't portrayed as being a monster.
Canson said on 18/Aug/20
The big lul said on 17/Aug/20
Who said I claimed taker to be only 6’5. I said that he’s no taller than 6’5.5-6’6 maybe 6’5.75. Peak he was legit 6’7 cause he was 4 inches shorter than 6’11 big show and 2 to maybe 2.25 shorter than 6’9-6’9.25 peak height Kevin Nash.

He may be talking about another person here who may have claimed it in the past but not recently. Or he’s being petty by exaggerating what you said. Last I checked 6’5.5-.75” is not 6’5”. That’s 6’5 plus of course but not 6’5” flat. The majority of the posters who comment here have him max 6’6” many of them 6’5.75”
Alex3 said on 17/Aug/20
This new listing is way too low, the average guess is spot on IMO, he was 4/5" max. shorter than 7'1 Khali back in 2006.
Canson said on 17/Aug/20
Click Here

Knock 1” or close to 1” off both guys and you have their peak barefoot heights
The big lul said on 17/Aug/20
Who said I claimed taker to be only 6’5. I said that he’s no taller than 6’5.5-6’6 maybe 6’5.75. Peak he was legit 6’7 cause he was 4 inches shorter than 6’11 big show and 2 to maybe 2.25 shorter than 6’9-6’9.25 peak height Kevin Nash.
Creeper said on 15/Aug/20
Thank you Taker 1990-2020!
Riky said on 15/Aug/20
The big lul said on 13/Aug/20

Man I agree with you obviously, but I want to share a thought.
Undertaker shows, with McIntyre for example, such an amazing posture......
Jesus he drop height and tryes to be same height with almost everyone.
It seems that he does that on purpose, for make the other guy bigger I think for the storyline, or that btw he wants to be eye to eye with everyone.
This make more difficult judge his height, but in the end in my opinion he isn't taller than 6'5.5 and strowman max 6'6"1/4
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 14/Aug/20
Both taker and kane claimed 6ft8 203cm taker was not even standing straight with drew drew is 6ft5 196cm taker is 2inches 2.5inches taller 6ft7.25 201cm 6ft7.5 202cm.
The big lul said on 13/Aug/20
First of all Goldberg is not 6’2.5 now, he’s at best 6’1.5 - 6’1.75 max now. He’s 4 inches shorter than 6’5.5-6’5.75 max undertaker. And as for Ike catcher. He’s not 6’9, he was 2 inches shorter than 6’9-6’9.25 max big show now and was 1.25-1.5 inches taller than undertaker which would make him 6’7. Also imma double down on what a said. Taker was only an 1-1.25 inch taller than a legit 6’4.5 drew mcintyre. Taker is not as tall as Braun today it's the truth . He’s identical in height with 6’5.75 to 6’6 Baron Corbin, if not he gets edged out by a fraction.
Canson said on 11/Aug/20
The big lul said on 10/Aug/20

Kane at 6’6-6’6.5 is certainly possible but I’d narrow that margin to 6’6.25-.5 range being a worst case for him. I would really say he’s somewhere around what Rob lists him maybe 6’6.5 but doubt less than that. I can’t see him as low as 6’6”
The big lul said on 11/Aug/20
Taker is probably at best 6’5.5-6’5.75 max now and his peak was a legit 6’7.
Also I don’t see a full inch different between him and Braun nowadays. It’s probably a .5 inch to max .75 inch. So basically I think it’ll probably go like this nowadays.

Drew mcintyre: 6’4.5
Sid: 6’5-6’5.25 max.
Taker:6’5.5-6’5.75 max
Baron Corbin: 6’5.75-6’6
Braun Strowman: 6’6.25- 6’6.5
Big show:6’9-6’9.25 max
Roderick said on 11/Aug/20
I really don't buy more than 6'5.5" for Taker. He would look taller if he was 6'6".
The big lul said on 10/Aug/20
@Canson I say Sid is 6’5- 6’5.25 max cause he barely looks taller than 6’4.75 to 6’5 Shad Gaspard. Click Here
Vegas' said on 10/Aug/20
Strowman and Taker video isn't good evidence. Each guy looks taller than the other depending on how close to the camera they stand.

Strowman is ~6'8 in wrestling gear comparing him to Kanter and Tyson Fury. I doubt Undertaker is taller than 6'8 in gear in 2020
The big lul said on 9/Aug/20
Both Taker, Kane , Corbin and Strowman look very similar in height with each other in the documentary strowman probably had him by .25 to .5 max cause taker in the first two to three episodes taker looked a max 6’5.5 to 6’5.75. Then in the last two looked at max 6’6 maybe 6’5.75 . It’s probably like this now

Taker and Corbin : 6’5.75- 6’6
Kane 6’6- 6’6.5
Strowman: 6’6.25 - 6’6.5
And just for the heck of it
Big show: 6’9-6’9.25 max
Canson said on 9/Aug/20
@Big Lul: id give Sid 6’5.25-,5 range still. He doesn’t look a solid 6’5”
Riky said on 8/Aug/20

There undertaker looks taller or BTW sane height, not shorter. You're right but in other occasions, in the documentary for example, the situation looks different so I don't know.
When someone is 6'6"and the other 6'5.5 probably footwear are the factor that change constantly the taller man of the two.
Just my idea
The big lul said on 8/Aug/20
Harry Sachs: Sid always tried to maximize his height by standing straight and tall with his head tilted up while undertaker always stands relaxed cause he knows he’s the taller guy by .75 to 1 inch. Taker today even might have .5-.75
of an inch on him today. It’s was probably like this in there prime

Taker peak: 6’7
Taker now: 6’5.75 to 6’6 max

Sid peak 6’6
Sid now: 6’5-6’5.25 max
Brock11 said on 7/Aug/20
Harry Sachs: This picture is tricky, cause Sid is closer to the camera, and His Head looks longer than Undertaker, in reality it is otherwise. Undertaker was always taller than Sid, and still is.
Undertaker Frank said on 6/Aug/20
Meat I fully Agree Taker is Taller by atleast an inch I do believe Strowman is 6ft 5 & change !!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.