How tall is Tom Berenger

Tom Berenger's Height

5ft 11 (180.3 cm)

American actor best known for roles in films such as Platoon, Sniper, Inception, The Big Chill, Shattered, Training Day and Major League.

How tall is Tom Berenger
Photos by PR Photos

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Add a Comment39 comments

Average Guess (25 Votes)
5ft 10.71in (179.6cm)
Terry said on 10/Apr/23
Wow I thought he were around 6'1!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Mar/23
181cm can’t be ruled out peak
berta said on 4/Jan/23
one of these 5Β΄11 guys that could pull of 6 foot in the 80s. 181 cm is very possible.
Sinclair said on 5/May/22
What a real 5’11” looks like. Well put, Rob.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 4/Apr/21
Tom is the prototype of how tall a legit 5'11 guy ( at night ) looks like.
Always solid and never looks short.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jun/20
πŸŽπŸŽ‚ A belated 'Happy Birthday' to Tom Berenger, who celebrated his 71st Birthday on Sunday, 31st May. πŸŽ‚πŸŽ

5ft11 πŸ˜πŸ‘
Jtm said on 21/Apr/20
this is really confusing. he was shorter than omar epps in major league 2 but he had 1 inch on corbin bernsen. epps must have been wearing big heels.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jul/17
179-180cm today
RichardSpain said on 1/Jul/17
Between 180-181cm when he was young.

Nowadays we unknow how is his height.
berta said on 20/May/17
he could look like a big guy in the 80Β΄s if i just was going on platoon and some other old movies i would rally have thought he was 6 foot ore a fraction taller. but in later movies we can clearly see that he was not. But i believe he can have been closer to 181,5 peak and 179 today maybe. havent seen him in any recent movie
Richardspain said on 27/Apr/17
Classic and strong 180cm (5'11) and with footwear 182cm not more not less
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/16
I thought he could look a strong 5ft11 in Platoon and Major League beside Sheen...
Dingus said on 22/Mar/16
In Platoon he only looked about 5'10.25" to me. He was not that much bigger than the 5'09.00" Charlie Sheen.
ILSanto said on 4/Nov/15
Now is 1 meter and 72 Cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Oct/14
"Peak height was 5ft 11.25in (181cm)"
"Tom Berenger's height is 5ft 10.75in (180cm)"

Maybe 5ft10.5/179cm at worst
ILSanto said on 15/Aug/14
Tom berenger when he was young (35 years old), he was high at most 1 meter and 75 cm / 1 meter and 77 cm. Now at age 65, he is high 1 meter and 72 cm. Average height
Twinkie said on 16/Mar/14
You lose an inch or so as time goes on; but loss is generally not all that noticable. Height used to be generally in 2" heels. Now, the so-called "super" models wear 6" heels and list their heights at "five-ten or five-eleven".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Dec/13
I originally thought he was a 6ft2+ guy after seeing Platoon. He just gives off that presence.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Nov/13
He was noticeably shorter than Billy Zane in Sniper
Arch Stanton said on 2/Oct/13
Yeah he does look around 6 ft in Platoon.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Aug/13
About 5ft11.5in/182cm range peak. Passed for 6ft in Platoon.
Today still looks 180cm, maybe 179cm at worst.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/12
Looks closer to 5ft10 now at 66.
But easily 5ft11-5ft11.5 at peak
Funga said on 1/Dec/12
Met him a couple years ago say 2010 and he could not of been over 5ft 9 and the tallest. Real nice guy though.
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 20/Nov/11
5ft 11.25 peak and 5ft 10.5 now maybe?
Johan Cruyff said on 14/Sep/11
this time i'm agree with rob. Tom Berenger's heights are:

Morning (out of bed)= 5'11.80" (1.82,4 m)
After 1,5-3 hrs= 5'11.35" (1.81,2 m)
After 5-10 hrs= 5'11" (1.80,3 m)


REAL HEIGHT= 5'11.80" (1.82 m)
ROB'S HEIGHT= 5'11" (1.80 m)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Apr/11
181/182cm peak...about 2 inches taller than Charlie Sheen in Platoon

Today he looks just below 5"11
thebad7 said on 14/Apr/11
Solid actor--I always wished his career would have taken off, but he settled well into a good role as a character actor. Just watched him this past Sunday evening in 1987's SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME. Standing next to 6'1 1/2" Jerry Orbach in multiple scenes, he looked to be 1.5"-2" shorter than Orbach. At the time it was filmed, Berenger was about 38; he looked to be 6'0" flat. In recent work, however, he looks to be below 6'0". I believe injuries over the years have taken their toll on him.

Rob is correct: 5'11" today for Berenger.

Eddy said on 19/Jan/09
Sheen is 5.8 tops, ive talked to him face to face a couple times at a party and he was wasted...he may even be 5.7.5... anyway they made Tom B. look pretty tall in Big Chill.
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/08
I'm not sure he was taller than sheen in major league they look pretty close in height, so if sheen is 5'9 then he must be shorter, unless sheen is actually 5'10.
edd said on 7/Sep/08
he is a tall 5.11 or seems to be his films like Big Chill and Shoot to Kill he was with much taller actors, Kevin Kline, Jeff Goldblum, William Hurt, Sidney Poitier....but in his scenes with them he didnt appear to be all that much shorter, maybe an inch or two. Could be lifts, but dont look like it.
James W. said on 12/Jun/08
He's definitely taller than Sheen in Platoon though.
Hugh said on 28/Mar/08
Billy Zane is 6ft2. Berenger was never 6ft. 5ft11 tops.
glenn said on 25/Jan/08
i never saw tom.but zane walked by me a year ago and looked an insane your right.
Marcelo C. said on 24/Jan/08
Glenn: Billy Zane
AshnarLynx said on 20/Oct/07
He does look taller than Charlie Sheen in Major League. He was 6' back then, but not anymore.
ben said on 22/Jan/07
5'11-6' and heavy at it. 200lbs+?
frank p said on 24/Apr/06
Another guy that appears shorter to me.
Bean said on 10/May/05
5'11" is about right. Watch the Substitute, he's about 4-5" taller than both Luiz Guzman and Raymond Cruz (both 5'7") and an inch or two shorter than Ernie Hudson (6'1"ish).
Palladium said on 3/May/05
Yes, I'll go for 5'11" just he doesn't looks tall at all even early. I think 5'10"-5'11" range sounds more right.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.