Patrick said on 17/Jul/07
You always keep me amazed DaMan! A real American pro! Even so, and without here voicing the slightest doubt regarding how serious and reliable are your observations, I (ouch!) still see them "matching".
Are or is, there someone else who would have seen "as you or me" besides harey and...I cannot remember who?
In advance "thanks". Maybe Ed. Rob ?
Da Man said on 16/Jul/07
Patrick, I've analyzed that video many times over, I've paused it (full screen on a 21" monitor) at every conceivable point. In fact, I have it paused and enlarged on my screen and refer back to it as I type this reply. At the 00:14 mark, late 00:14 mark, Tom stands perfectly straight in front of Batista and looks a solid 1.5" shorter. Disregard Tom's hair (which is abundant) and notice where his face, etc. lines up with Batista. Even including hair Tom is still clearly shorter, but the hair makes the difference look more along the lines of 1" as opposed to the 1.5" (or more) that's really there. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Patrick said on 16/Jul/07
Ah, ah DaMan, I was sure you would find hard to see them alike but I do not blame you at all. I respect you far too much for that!
As I myself did with he "Jared clip", I ask you to do the same with this one.
I swear to you that if you enlarge the pic AT THE VERY LAST MOMENT, when Tom does not bend his knees any more, SO, you will as clearly as you read me now, that Tom is EXACTLY as tall as the nice Batista...despite his stilt-boots!
Besides, I agree with you about the Hartley statement I found interesting to put here; what do you think?
Da Man said on 16/Jul/07
Patrick, I think it all makes perfect sense. Most people who aren't sticklers for height will offer their in-shoe height, that's probably even more likely for actors and some professional athletes. If Rob's account of Hartley looking a flat 6-2 in person is correct, then Hartley's height of 6'3" is an in-shoe figure. If Tom is 6'2.5" - 6'2.75" barefoot then he is for all intents and purposes basically 6'3", and taller than Justin Hartley. That would explain why some would consider Tom to be 6'4", it's an in-shoe estimate.
I still find it hard to believe you see Tom and Batista the same height in the behind the scenes video. At the 00:14 mark Batista is at least 1.5" taller than Welling, although it's probably due mostly to his Frankenstein footwear advantage.
Patrick said on 15/Jul/07
For what is worth here is the exact (copy) of the Justin interview about Tom- after all, Justin Hartley worked a lot with Tom and,as far as I feel more than I know, Justin seems rather proud of what he is without being braggart at all. So, unless I or he am/are stupid, could anybody tell me why Justin would praise the Tom's height and weight so much?
"In a new interview with Smallville's Green Arrow, Justin Hartley, at the Northwest Indiana Times, Justin speaks about something I've noticed myself - that when he and Tom are together in a scene, they're always positioned in such a way that it's very difficult to determine who is the bigger of the two. However, Justin doesn't seem to mind admitting that Tom, to quote the article, "outguns him on every level":
"Tom's got me by about an inch (and) outweighs me by about 35 pounds. The way they shoot it, they try not to make me look too small next to him, which is good."
If only the article had noted how much Justin weighs. Still, the article did mention that Justin is 6'3", so this is another source stating that Tom is at least 6'4". Maybe they're exaggerating. I selflessly volunteer to go to Vancouver, armed with a tape measure, and find out."
Patrick said on 15/Jul/07
Well said Saga.
Alas, harey, meeting someone in person turns out to be not enough since there will always be people to nevertheless see things not as they are but as they would to be. Not mention the false impression AAAA and I have often talked about in this site: facing a man (or a woman: even more deceptive) you in turn will find him taller or shorter depending a "certain" factor I would be hard to explain!
So, even if someone claims here to have met Tom, that won't be a proof for all that.
TheJerk said on 15/Jul/07
Im starting to believe Tom. Why would he lie about his height, just b/c others do doesnt mean he does. Patrick knows what he is talking about his analysis' are quite elaborate and he seems to have an extensive knowledge of the height subject matter. I think I was lowballing him at first b/c I saw only Cheaper By the Dozen.
saga said on 15/Jul/07
I'm convinced that Welling is 189.5-190cm (like i am) this explains that "i'm almost" he's not a full 6'3 to say that but he's very closer.
Usually when people ask me i say the same thing (i'm almost 6'3..)!
harey said on 15/Jul/07
I'm new to the site, so this question may have already been asked. But has anyone met Tom or seen him in person? An eye-witness account, if credible, may help clarify the debate about plus or minus 2 inches. It seems from the posts that opinions about Tom's height vary from barely 6'1" to over 6'3".
luna said on 14/Jul/07
i'm latin and have american friends , so one of them had the oportunity to meet tom welling ...tom welling was on vancouver and my friend too , so my friend asked for an autograph and he gently gave it to him my friend is 1.88 and he says that tom welling was taller than him i think he is 1.91 or maybe 1.92 ...........
Patrick said on 14/Jul/07
Vegas, please : it is not enough in this particular intelligent site, to state "HE is taller or smaller or I feel so just "because".
This site is particularly clever because people here, try to expose thorughly and honestly their arguments, based upon facts.
Saying Tom looked short next to anyone is useless, not to say something else.
Saying he is smaller should be enough in my view, provided that is your opinion.
I would add that Harey, Olivier, AAAA and myself, have displayed very valid arguments you are entitled to refute as DaMan does or even Viper.
This site deserves the best. I am quite sure many of those I am referring to will agree, at least, I really hope.
Vegas said on 14/Jul/07
in that video batista looks about 1.5" taller than Welling.
I have met Batista in person (along with the rock and orton) and he is between 6'2.5-6'3. I think Welling could easily be under 6'2, he has looked short next to kane and batista.
Patrick said on 13/Jul/07
Thanks for answering Harey and for being agreed with us!
Viper, I do not see the Rock as being under 6'3 but, even so, if Tom looks as tall as Batista (what I am sure of) with his 4 inch heels(minimum) stilt-boots on, that means Tom is clearly taller than him, so taller than 6'2 by at least an inch; Mr Spock speaking! (logical). All of that is so obvious!
Now,if you permit me, I would like add what I wrote on the Pidgeon and Wayne pages because that really can interests all of you (at any rate, I suggest those who can do it to check it in seing the movie):
"I am watching "dark command" (1940): Walter Pidgeon and John Wayne indeed, appear alike, especially when Wayne is caught and invited by Walter BUT, in the very SAME scene, no cut, and JUST after that, the Duke does not look but really IS clearly taller than W.Pidgeon by at least one inch.
That, once more, should lead everybody to think twice before peremptorily claim "this "or "that".
Frankly, even me, convinced that Walter is about 6'3 or so and J.Wayne more than 6'4 when young, (6'4 after 45-50), I was about to change my mind about the Duke. BUT, I know howaturally, by design, tricky mowies are and I waited for "the rest": the same room, the same shoes since the same scene and yet, not the same height at all! I invite anybody to check that out: that happens all the time and here is why I still am so circumspective regarding all that height stuff!
Nothing is more deceptive, I would say illusional hence misleading, than cinema industry!
I repeat: I would have have sworn this time they were the same height and yet, they were not!
Actually, the perfect example for this site!"
No matter how tall are the guys here, what counts here is they are "seemingly" shot next to each other and under the same angle and then, while NOTHING has apparently changed, they are so different, Wayne being taller and much more imposing than the already imposing Walter Pidgeon.
Sorry for being so and to all intents and purposes, too long!
harey said on 13/Jul/07
I agree with both Patrick and Olivier.
Viper said on 13/Jul/07
Batista looked the same height as the Rock. Both of those guys are around 6-2 really. Orton is around 6-3, maybe a little over it. If Welling truly is the same height as Batista then he is not under 6-2.
Olivier said on 13/Jul/07
I agree with Patrick agreeing with me (pun intended!). Between 00:13 - 00:15 Batista looks taller than Tom (barely, mind) when Tom's knees are bent, whereas Batista is standing straight. When Tom straightens you can see that they are the same height.
Patrick, I'm not quite sure how tall Batista is. Having watched my share of WWE, I always thought he was about 6'3, but maybe that could have been the combination of his big shoulders and his boots. Then I saw him standing with Randy Orton, who I believe is about 6'4 (this from seeing him standing taller than the Rock who is 6'3), and there was a quite visible difference between Batista and Randy Orton. And the fact that in that clip he wears bigger shoes and yet looks the same height as Tom makes me think that my 6'3 estimation was wrong. He could be 6'2, or maybe just a shade above, it's hard to tell.
Viper said on 11/Jul/07
Batista is a flat 6-2 really.
Da Man said on 11/Jul/07
Harey, are you saying Tom and Batista are comparable height sans footwear or are you saying that they are the same height IN footwear at the 00:14 second mark? Batista obviously had a footwear advantage, however he was at the very minimum 1.5" taller than Welling. They were not even close to the same height in that video, something which was impossible to tell from watching the actual episode.
Batista is under 6'3" as well.
Patrick said on 11/Jul/07
In that show as previously in Smallville, Jensen seems always taking care of not looking short in relation to his co stars. That is at least, how I feel it without saying he is "obsessed" with his height, just that..."it matters" which is not the case of Tom nor Jared. Jared really seems not doing care at all about how tall he is or looks! He is always more or less slouching and his modest attitude let me think this guy is very simple; I think the fact he is very tall bolsters that conduct. A 6'4 man has nothing to prove!
In that excerpt, he furthermore, looks sad and disheartened while Jensen is proudly facing up. I bet my bottom dollar Jared is not standing up straight at all. Whatever angles they could use, I do not see here, anything different than I usually see: mug shots are a very common scene in series as well as feature films. I do not noticed a particular angle which could have distort the reality far Jared is very close to the chart. I definitely trust that pic.
DaMan, sorry, opening you Etube about Batista causes windows closed. Too bad! Thanks anyway.
SO, in A word (for a change), AAAA, once more, you are right , in my view.
Olivier said on 11/Jul/07
I only watched very few episodes of Supernatural (not because I'm not interested, never had time to do it); and I can only agree with AAAA. I'll stress again that I'm no expert in judging heights, but Jared looked solidly 6'4, possibly more, and for all it's worth, this is not to accomodate Tom being 6'3. He literally towered over Jensen, and all the other people in the show.
Watching that clip from Cheaper by the dozen, you can see Hilary Duff clearly stepping down from the raised ground Jared stood on. Had he been standing where Tom was, they would have been at least almost eye to eye. I find it very hard to buy Jared being just 6'3. I concur with harey, Tom and Babtista look pretty much the same height in that clip.
harey said on 11/Jul/07
Hey, thanks for posting Da Man. Batista and Tom look pretty even to me at 00:13 to 00:15, and also at 00:41. At 00:37 you can see Batista is definitely wearing thick soled boots, and at 00:44 you can see Tom is also wearing thick soles but not platforms by any means. IMO, the reports are accurate they are both right at 6'3" or close to it.
AAAA said on 10/Jul/07
Da man.
The top of ackles hair was about 6'2.75, not quite 6'3. BUT, HE had military posture, he has brushed back, semi spikey hair, similar ti Ryan secrest or soom Pitt hairstyles, and his head was staring almost above the camera.
Padaleki was slouching major, his hair is brushed down flat to the top of his head, and his head was tilted foward with the slouch. He was at 6'5.5 I remember seeing. If he had Jensens posture and hair, he would have been 6'7, maybe .25 more. So fatcor out 3 in for height on jensens part and the line of site would have revelaed jensen as a weak 6', padalecki as a legit 6'4 guy.
Padalecki has always seemed a 6'4 guy to me. He has just added a fair amount of muscle since early GG days. His thin frame made him seem super tall early on.

Editor Rob
it is just shoes+hair + a beneficial angle - i.e. the camera not being 6ft high makes him appear a bit taller.
Da Man said on 10/Jul/07
I'm not saying Hartley is taller (or even as tall as) Welling, only what appeared in those photos linked by 316. In one of the cast shots (not linked here in a good while) Tom seemed a bit taller than Hartley, but not a full inch taller IMO. The entire explosion sequence from "Justice" is a spliced together sequence, I've read the producers commenting about creating that sequence.
As for those Supernatural mug-shots, totally bogus. I believe Ackles looked something like 6'3" (or near it) in his, if I remember correctly.
Batista behind-the-scenes trailer:
Click Here Pay attention to the 00:13 to 00:15 second mark. Batista actually looked more along the lines of 2" taller than Welling there IMO.

Editor Rob
Mugshots in supernatural were accurate. In that, the board was correct height. The explanation for why he might appear taller is in the photos/perspective, the part about line of sight.
Patrick said on 10/Jul/07
I am backing the harey's request because I just never could open it!
In advance, thanks DaMan.As for me, I repeat "I" saw always but a few secens, Hartley being shorter, what Hartley himself claim anyway. I do not see why he would lie about that!
Why on earth, Batista would have to wear so "thick" and as result high heels fancy shoes, just to not even look taller than Tom in that episode? This means nothing! If only he clearly towered over him as...precisely the monster of Frankenstein, but no.
I once wore that kind of odd "stage shoes" and I grew so much I felt tall for the first time in my life!
AAAA, so good to read of you again! Once again, I appreciate your accuracy, so professional! I do not see anyone else but DaMan to be able to gauge so precisely the brand, type and heel height of their respective shoes!
Did you see the Jared photos posted here from his show (in jail or so)?
Jared is way above 6'4 and that cannot be explained just only by the boots he is wearing...because he is lowering his head and does not stand up straight, as usual anyway.
"Many happy returns AAAA"!
AAAA said on 9/Jul/07
I'll never give up on you Patrick. You and i havebeen fighting here together for a long time now. Work keeps me from posting as much as I would like to. But I still read all the comments. You again bring up an excelent point and mystery " How tall is Jared Padalecki really. He and tom are impossible to precisely nail down. As for the Tom jared clip, I think that is definite proff that Jared is 1.25-1.5 inches taller. But I think he looked 2in taller in the clip and here is why
I would like to see the shoes. Jared had on a pair of frye harness style boots with about a 1.5in heel, though it is billed as 2 in. ( I have measured BTW, it only give max 1.6 in brand new). Tom was wearing some kinda Gucci style black loafer if I remember correctly. THESE ARE NOT DRESS SHOES, EVEN THOUGH THE APPEAR TO BE. Most loafers give 1 in to height, if that, especially designer loafers. I think this may have lead to a .5 advantagein jareds favor.
I still say.... Jared is 6'4 and Tom is 6'3 or 6'2.75
harey said on 9/Jul/07
Da Man, could you repost the Batista/Welling behind the scenes footage? I read that Batista is also about 6'3", but couldn't get a clear comparison from watching the episode.
Da Man said on 9/Jul/07
On that "Justice" pic, Hartley most certainly DOES appear to be taller than Tom taking into account distance from the camera. However, that image was spliced together. They were filmed independently and their images superimposed over the explosion background.
Just look at the relationship with the Flash/Impulse-kid and Hartley there, that whole image is WAY off. Hartley may also look taller than Tom in the group shot in the barn, but Hartley looks to have some pretty sizeable heels there and the different distances from the camera makes it impossible to say for sure.
Once again, you have to really watch Smallville, height comparisons on that show are extremely hard, if not impossible, to make. Too much smoke and mirrors. Patrick, on the Batista/Welling height, I agree there were some shots in the episode that it could have lead one to believe Tom may have been taller, but that was not the case in the behind the scenes footage I have posted here in the past. Batista looked to have a good inch or more over Tom in his stilted boots.
Patrick said on 9/Jul/07
Very nice words Olivier!
I read the sixth season will come out in september.
I felt exactly the same about Hartley: in his first appearnce in the show, he really looks very tall and broad but when passing by Tom in following episodes, they compelled Tom to stay legs way apart (that "shrinks" him) or according to special angles; Yet, even though they used all those tricks, Tom still looks taller.
I rewatched the phantom episode with Batista last week and I should be ready to bet my week salary on Tom being taller, despite the stilt Frankestein style Batista's boots! Everybody around me saw it likewise!
I wish I could see again Tom JUST next to Jared this time even if I still think Jared is taller, the point being still: "how really tall is Jared?"
Happy to get another guy "in my team" because since that "Jared-Tom clip" was posted, the others, but AAAA (but you henceforth are so rare AAAA!)seem to have given up!
Hi to your small brother from me Olivier!
Is it not the nicest site ever?
Olivier said on 9/Jul/07
Hey Patrick,
Nice to hear from you.
My name indeed is French, but I sometimes use Oliver; for some reason English-speaking people tend to mispronounce Olivier, and I'm beginning to get touchy about it, lol.
I checked out that picture from the Justice episode, and "really", I don't see how Hartley can be taller than Tom. One thing to take into account is that they are all walking, not standing straight (not to mention camera angles and tricks), but even so, Tom is clearly taller than the others.
Hartley is definitely a tall guy, the first time I saw him on Smallville I thought he was no less than 6'2, and there was a possibility he could be as tall as Tom (I honestly thought so). It was only when they were together that I realized that Tom is taller. I would understand if someone thought Hartley is as tall as Tom, but taller? No way.
I read the interview where Hartley comments that Tom is 6'4 or something. He may be a bad judge when it comes to height, and maybe he doesn't know his exact height, but still, a 6'3 man has better chances to pass off as a 6'4 one than a 6'2 man.
The funny thing is, I watched the episode Aquaman appears in first, and I was under the impression that he was a bit larger than in that Justice picture, but Tom makes him look slender. What has been Tom eating? I've just finished re-watching season 3, and in no way does he look that big.
I agree with you Patrick, about the John Schneider thing, you just have to look at Annette O'Toole next to him (or Tom) to realize it.
I have a small brother called Patrick by the way...
Has season 6 come out on DVD?
Patrick said on 8/Jul/07
316, you really, I mean "really" see Tom shorter than Hartley in that pic?
Sure? Firts he is definitely not and second, that photo could not be used as a proof in either way ("for" Tom or the others!).
Tom always, I repeat, alaways looked taller than all the other members of the Justice League, including "Oliver"; So Hartley describes Tom, as taller and bigger than himself; That does not proves Tom is 6'3 but at least, that put him at more than 6'2.
As for the heels, EVERYBODY wearings shoes on this show as in any other one, that means nothing at all.
Besides, "camera angles" are used in that show not to make Tom look taller but rather not to make the others looking too short. Just in case you did not notice it, they did the same with John Schneider because he was the tallest of the cast apart from Tom. Directors and producers do that all the time in order that a too big difference be so obvious that they would be ridiculous.
Unless a director needs to insist on how a person is taller (as R. Aldrich did in the dirty dozen with Clint Walker or in Mission Impossible - the "real one", TV show, not the awful movies)with Peter Lupus).
DaMan "speaks right" as always; After all, we are diverging just by a 1/2 inch and that means not much!
I still think, yet, that John Schneider, at least as he appears in the show, is a bit shorter than Tom; Point already tackled many times here.
Otherwise, I agree with the Olivier point of view and I would like to know where comes your first name which sounds "French".
Da Man said on 6/Jul/07
Olivier, I don't think the "so tall" comments mean much. How one can infer they spell out the difference between a 6'1" man and a 6'3" man I do not know? Really, are comments about Welling being "so tall" from sub-5'6" castmates Sam Jones III, Allison Mack, Kristen Kruek and Annette O'Toole really meaningful in any quantifiable way? I do not see how one can draw from these rather ambiguous comments anything concrete whatsoever.
I also think the example of a 5'10" Laura Prepon being directed to go barefoot in scenes with her 5'3" cast-mate is a great example of exactly WHY one can't infer anything meaningful from the barefoot comments (or trenches) from the Smallville producers. If it's required from a 5-10 actress why do you think it wouldn't be required from a 6'1" actor?
Now, keep in mind I do NOT think Tom Welling is 6'1" tall. I think Welling is just under 6'3" -- or 6'2.5" to 6'2.75" -- just like he has claimed in the past.
Olivier said on 6/Jul/07
Da Man, in no way did I intend to infer that going barefoot is proof that Tom is 6'3'', I just wanted to point out that for his co-stars to describe him as 'so tall' most likely means that he is well above 6'1''. And to be honest, I don't see a 6'1'' man (as some here seem to think), and to some extent even a 6'2'' one eliciting such a comment (he's so tall). But maybe that's just me or because I'm used to being around tall people.
It doesn't take a smart person to see that Tom doesn't tower over John Schneider; by that comment I simply wanted to convey Smallville co-creators' impressions about Tom's height. I would say that Tom and John are about the same height.
AAAA said on 4/Jul/07
Well Viper I think gauging his weight also depends on his height. I am sorry to say I have forgotten your exact answer on what Tom's height is. If you think he is only 6'1, then your 205-210 sounds right. If you believe like I do, that he is at least 6'2.5 if not 6'3, then I think he is closer to 220.
Da Man said on 4/Jul/07
Olivier, going barefoot with shorter co-stars is nothing unusual on TV Shows. 5'10" Laura Prepon (Donna) was said to go barefoot in shots with an in-heels 5'3" Mila Kunis (Jackie) on That 70's Show.
I don't see how the director forcing Welling to go barefoot in scenes with 5-4 and 5-3 costars is proof he is over 6-1. I do believe Welling is well over 6-1 but I just don't see how that is any sort of proof.
Tom also most certainly did not tower John Schnieder.
Olivier said on 4/Jul/07
I'm re-watching the second season, and there is an episode that the two co-creators (If I'm not wrong, Gough and Milles) are commenting. One of them clearly mentions that Tom towered over everybody, and so they started filming him without shoes in scenes with the likes of Kristin and Allison.
I have a hard (very hard) time seeing a 6'1'' man towering over people, and 6'2'' is not that much higher.
Tom looks to me like a 6'3'' guy. I'm from a country (Rwanda) where a fair share of men reach the 6'6''-6'7'' range, and I think I can make approximate (but understandably not necessarily accurate) judgements about men over 6'4''. Tom looks to be slightly under that mark.
I see a difference of 3in between Clark and Lionel; if Lionel is only 6' (and he looks more than that to me) that would make Tom 6'3''.
Besides, as Patrick mentioned, Tom looks tall, irrespective of whether there is anyone beside him to compare to.
Da Man said on 3/Jul/07
Patrick, you have to realize most of the newest diesel tech I mentioned is new, only seen in cars in the last year or so. Diesel technology didn't really start to take off until the 2010 emission regs were made known a couple of years ago, they are strict. They are still plenty of dirty diesels on the road.
Da Man said on 3/Jul/07
I tend to agree with Viper here, I think Welling is more along the lines of 210 (maybe 215) lbs. You have to remember that the camera adds 10 lbs!
In the beginning of the series I suspect Tom was under 200 lbs. There were 190 lb. figures floating around for him and I think that is about when that figure popped up. Tom was surprisingly skinny when you see pics from his modeling days or the 1st season of Smallville, not big like he is now.
Viper said on 2/Jul/07
220? At most he looks 205-210 to me. 225 is getting close to linebacker size.
AAAA said on 2/Jul/07
225 sounds right for the present actually. He was a bit leaner earlier in the series, or to put it more precisley, in the first episode ever he was absolutely ripped up on that scarcrow pole.
I remember him saying he doesn't have as much time to workout anymore. So he has probably got 10% bodyfat now, instead of 5% or below, like in the beginnig of the series. I mean, early on you could see his serratus ab muscles clearly. You can't physically see that unless your bodyfat is sub 6%. And at 6'3 or so 225 seems fit for his build
Patrick said on 2/Jul/07
I would say a bit over 220 for Tom. I rather see him at 225. He really looks bulky and at 6'2.5 it is a little "just" but I admit that is possible. He has big bones,the difference between his height and this weight does not seem enough to me regarding how he is built.
Admittedly, that is nevertheless quite possible.
They said that Chris Reeve was 225 lbs and I am agreed but Tom looks even “bulkier” than Chris was; no more muscled but “thicker” if you know what I mean.
As for diesel, and to finish about it, let’s say that what Viper wrote is true and that “you”, DaMan, do not know what really is to live in the midst of “diesel engines”! It is hell above all within big cities!
I share my life between Europe and the US and, please, believe me, no doubt it is much more comfortable to live in the States AT ANY POINT OF VIEW!
However, concerning the pollution issue, I would say that living in New York, what I am accustomed to do is not comparable with living in, Paris for example.
You do not know what this is about because you do not live there, so, I just would ask you to trust me...once more!
Theorically, all what you say happens to be true but, in “real life”, wow, it is completely different: a perfect example of what distinguishes theory from pracice!
Viper, just to precise your words, I would add that American cars, “all engine power being equal”, are today and for many years now, less, even much less greedy in fuel than any European car I REPEAT of the same category.
Juts remember that a luxury car in Europe is a normal one in the States, whether it is about power or size.
A $20000 Chevy Impala, for example, offers what you can eventually expect from a 40000 euros European car.
So, know that any 200 +HP European gas car will use between 15 to 25% more than its American match.
A BMW or a Mercedes, probably the most overrated car ever, use the double (and so cost!) of gas than any (modern) American big engine. I am used to driving both!
harey said on 1/Jul/07
Thanks, AAAA. That's about what I was guessing, 220.
AAAA said on 30/Jun/07
I'd put Tom at 210-220 pounds. I remember hartley saying tom out weighs him by like 40 pounds and I think hartley said he was 185 or so.
harey said on 30/Jun/07
Any guess on how much Tom Welling weighs?
Viper said on 30/Jun/07
Da Man, whats interesting is that cars and SUV's in general have been getting bigger and bigger over the years since the years after the 70s oil crisis. The late 70s and early 80s cars got so much smaller. Most interstates were downgraded to 55mph. But with all of this "saving the environent" movment going on, I still see a ton of larger and larger SUV's on the road. Plus you factor in that gas prices are at its highest level ever, and it really doesnt make any sense when you get right down to it. The newest cars today are pushing bigger and bigger engines, with more horsepower over its previous generation. So it seems like the car companies are giving a big middle finger to the environmental people in a way. AND the people that buy them. If anybody owns a huge SUV or big powerful car, and your arguing about gas prices or the environment, then you need to be kicked in the stomach :)
Da Man said on 28/Jun/07
Yea, Viper, I remember them. Incredible mileage, but those were one of the cars (along the horrible Oldsmobile diesel 350) that gave we Americans such a bad impression of diesel cars. Ingrained stereotypes suck.
Da Man said on 28/Jun/07
Patrick, are you from Europe? If so you should be aware of modern diesel technology firsthand. Modern diesels are remarkably quiet, and with low sulphur diesel fuels, urea injection (like Mercdes-Benz AdBlue) and particulate filters EXTREMELY clean burning. In diesels that employ this tech you can take a white cotton glove and run your finger inside of the tailpipe and not have any soot on your glove! A well sorted out diesel will easily get better real world mileage than your typical gasoline/electric hybrid like the Pruis, not pollute the enviroment with battery disposal, and have the potential to turn to biodiesel to move away from petroleum in case of emergency I don't see how anyone can say diesel isn't superior. Plus, turbodiesels have awesome torque curves, which is great for anyone who like speed. Audi competed and won Le Mans last year with a diesel powered race car, now Ferrari is talking about trying out a diesel in Formula One!
So, Tom is 6-2.5. :)
Viper said on 28/Jun/07
Remember the old turbo diesel Mercedes cars? That was the car to have back during the oil crisis of the 70s.
patrick said on 28/Jun/07
DaMan, could you please be more accurate about what you think of diesel technology. Personally, I do not like it because it is noisy as well as very, very polluting even poisoning.
In America, almost only trucks, big ones, are Diesel fuelled and they have huge catalysers that cars could not get under their tiny body!
So, even if we are way far from our “height topic”, I can say that Diesel is the worst solution ever and should only be dedicated to pro trucks, regarding their lifetime duration.
Otherwise, remember that diesel has been chosen in some countries for arbitrary governmental reasons: Japanese nor Americans would not make diesel cars, so, Europeans and especially French opted for diesel just because they were the only one to built engines working with it!
There was no other reason! So, they reduced the tax on that basic product, giving so, a stupid but efficient advantage on the foreigner makes.
My old Chevy runs very well thanks to gas and I pollute as a small car does. I did not know about Toyota! Very interesting and instructive indeed! You seem to know quite a lot about mechanic DaMan. I am impressed.
Tom’s height is nevertheless, perhaps “a bit” too far from all of that stuff.
So…“Tom is 6’3!” ah, ah, ah! I will spend the next three weeks between Canada and North NY State but I will keep on writing in this so nice site!
Viper said on 28/Jun/07
That new Tundra is just unreal in person. Such a monster. Its really too big.
Da Man said on 27/Jun/07
I'll have to watch the video, Patrick. But I recall all-in-all in the scene Tom looking marginally below the Tundra went taking into account distance from camera and camera angles. I really wish I could find that wide-shot from "Combat" that I know was in the original airing.
Toyota is anything but an ecological automobile builder. I've seen projected lifetime pollution figures (including manufacturing and disposal, not just emissions) and the "eco-friendly" Prius is actually worse than a Hummer H3 thanks to it's batteries. Toyota has been building gas guzzling trucks (Land Cruiser) for decades, not to mention the newer gas-guzzling V8 Seqouia and V8 Tundra. The V6 Tacomas barely get better mileage than your typical full-size V8 truck. The 07 Tundra with the 5.7L gets worse gas mileage than comparable Ford F150s and Chevrolet Silverados. If you want to call anybody eco-friendly it would have to be Honda, but that's only because they don't build body-on-frame pickups.
I think smaller displacement direct injected turbodiesels is where it's at, personally. Diesel technology is coming along in leaps-and-bounds.
patrick said on 27/Jun/07
Yes, yes, yes Dear DaMan but, there is always a “but” with me (!), Tom, as I already said, passes just before that part of the truck because he has to! He twists and turns round in order to go down that monstrous car! Check that out if you can. Everybody but a 7’5 tall man would have to do it.
So, Tom is at a moment, in profile, slouching and exactly in front of the rear of the truck’s cabin, and he is not smaller.
But I suggest not insist any more about that point which is probably starting to bother eventual other readers!!!
By the way, what the hell had they in mind when designing such a monster! I mean “nowadays”!
The worst is that is Toyota, the GM winner, the (so-called) ecological car builder, which did it!
Never a car deserved the designation of “truck” than this one!
Unless being rich, at $ 3 + per gallon, fuelling a car which is to be refilled every 100 miles or so must lead you to keep it in dream only after a couple of months!
Not mentioning the ecological aspect!
Da Man said on 26/Jun/07
Patrick, the Tundra measures 76.2" at MAXIMUM height. When Tom stands next to the truck by the driver's door, he is NOT standing next to a 76.2" high object. The roof is nearly an inch shorter in an unloaded '07 Tundra near the driver's door than it is at the roof above the rear window. That is what I've been trying to get across.
patrick said on 25/Jun/07
At 6'2 hewould be much more smaller DaMan; sorry, I do not invent the picture I do have just before my eyes!
DaMan: do you have the video available as I do? Knowing you, frankly, I doubt you would keep that point of view; I repeat: I don't say that thanks to that clip "he is 6'3", I just say he doesn't look shorter than 6'3, nuance!
Besides, once more, a listed 6' actor (as so many others in SV !) is clearly much shorter than Tom, I mean "too shorter" just to be 6'2": I talk about Philip Morris who is Manhunter inSV.
By the way, in the last episode (so moving: that scene with Chloe's tear making Loïs coming back to life, wow!), Morris, Glover and Tom are respectively from the right to the left and so, Tom looks about 2 inches taller than them THEN, they change position and Tomm appears 3 inches taller without being closer to the camera: just an inversion.
Even being next to each other is not enough to compare two people almost the same height! What to say of all these pics all more suspicious than the other !
Da Man said on 22/Jun/07
Well, I wasn't nailing down Welling's height to half an inch, notice I said 6-2.5 or thereabouts. I actually think he looked more 6-2 than 6-3 in that clip.
patrick said on 21/Jun/07
No dear DaMan, I did not forget that detail! otherwise I could not be Sherlocolumbo! Tom is exactly at the same level than the Tundra since ...he gets out of it! Furthermore, the front of the car is a bit oblique, if my memory serves me right.
Neither I nor you are able to gauge Tom from that scene anyway and certainly not to a ½ inch!
As for the car part I was referring, it was the highest because Tom turns around it to get “down” as you would do yourself!
Nevertheless DaMan, I repeat that picture cannot be used as a proof in any way.
You know, I am still amazed how people changed all the time of height: in “due south” (“the” Canadian police officer) Paul Cross is shorter then taller then again shorter than his partner (third and fourth season).
That is really strange: they are seemingly exactly at the same distance from each other, during the same scene, on the same even ground and it suffices they change position to reverse the ratio!
I notice that with others actors like Jerry Orback in Law & Order!
I noticed that, as I already wrote it, in looking at myself next to someone else!
So strange phenomenon!
To say the truth, I would not be surprised to see sometime Tom beside Jared and being alike!
When people are only one inch apart, it really proves to be hard to determine who is taller.
Da Man said on 20/Jun/07
Only the far rear of the Tundras cab measures 76.2".
Da Man said on 20/Jun/07
Patrick, I think you are forgetting to calculate in that fact that Tom is closer to the camera than the truck. Tom was also marginally shorter than the Tundra's roof, and you also have to realize only the very REAR of the Tundra's measures 76.2" high.
Tom looks 6-2.5 or thereabouts in the scene.
patrick said on 20/Jun/07
Yes AAAA, good to talk to you too!
I "refroze" the moment Tom gets off the car and let it go picture by picture, several times and very thoroughly, without any prejudice: I am in a position to state without the slightest hesitation that Tom, in "that" scene, is at least as tall as the Tundra.
Unless being blind, that is a fact, not a subjective feeling.
In that picture, Tom is ALWAYS, very slouching as anyone getting "down" from such a high vehicle. His legs are bent and apart and he never gets his real height prior to standing beside his mother.
Actually, as long as it is worth, Tom appears a bit taller since, when just getting out of the car he is as tall as it WHILE being very slouching and bending his legs. So, as would have said Sherlock Columbo, he must to be taller once STRETCHED AND STANDING UP STRAIGHT, bearing in mind all of that is nothing but a shot.
That is why I love this site: that allows me to meet up with very nice guys and to lead an inquiry, which helps me to make my brain work about nothing important and consequenceless.
Not a day off for one month so, thanks a lot for that break!
patrick said on 19/Jun/07
Thank you Kal-El! You definitely deserve your pseudo!
So if the Tundra is such a high car, according the own Viper's words, that puts Tom not under 6'3. But I recognize it is not a proof, not because Tom wears shoes (if the Tundra is taller than 6'4) but because of the angle and the lines of perspective which can distort the perception.
I think yet, Tom looks 6'3 (minimum) in that specific shot.
By the way, Viper, I checked out the Tundra's height: according to Toyota,exactly 76.4 inches which is 6'4 and /5 inch or 194cm and half(cm).
Now, whether how you inflate your tires, you perhaps change a bit that height!
Anyway, if Tom wears 1.5 inch heels, it is normal him to be as tall as the car while being 6'3; If he wears higher heels, that would put him at 6'2.5, assuming he is as tall as the Tundra.
Kal-El said on 18/Jun/07
Yes patrick i agree with you, he doesn't look smaller than the Tundra.
patrick said on 18/Jun/07
Viper, you hit home: Cherokee is exactly the Native type I would linked Tom. It sounds that that tribe gave birth to many "crossing genes"!
DaMan, the other episode Tom is CLEARLY just beside the Tundra is the "Nemesis" episode when he got off the car to see what happened. There, it is easy to see them (car and him) together.
So, in that precise shot, Tom is apparently as tall as the car or almost; In any way, he looks smaller than an inch, I froze the picture until breaking down my player! I repeat, he does not look smaller and if ever, not by a lot!
You will be able to chech that out on the future DVD, in next september.
I thought he was a much smaller after what I read here!
Da Man said on 15/Jun/07
Viper, it is taller but just barely. 6-4.2" for the 4 wheel drive version, slightly less for the 2 wheel drive.
Patrick, I'd have to watch the episode again. In the original airing here I'm 99% positive that a height comparison could be drawn between Allison, the Tundra and Tom. I made a mental note of it because of this board.
patrick said on 15/Jun/07
Thanks Viper.
DaMan: I repeat, make sure that never Tom is seen as Allison is, it's to say "just beside" the Tundra. I re froze the picture once more and unless I do have a "fake take", Tom is in front of the car and, furthermore, walking all the time! Impossible to use that excerpt to gauge him.
About his Native part: I am sorry to repeat “again” but it is mainly visible in his nose (not in profile: his profile is completely different than what I could expect from his face) (do not forget I practiced human drawing for thirty years!).
He also has a hair very thick and when Superman like done, it looks like an Indian one.
Look at Dean Cain or Robert Mitchum and of course, Clint Walker: very thick, solid and brown hair. So Cain is not Indian but in big part Japanese.
But do not look for too long those roots in Tom: what matters is who he is thanks to that “mixture”!
I see it and apparently, Viper too.
The fact is he has also something Irish in him as Robert Mitchum had since he was “perfect American” as being the fruit of Irish, Scottish and Native genes!
To finish about that, Tom has probably a small part of Indian blood but just enough to make him “special”!
Guys, I have got to tell you I feel very happy to talk to all of you and I am very sincere.
See you !
Viper said on 15/Jun/07
Da Man, I just saw a brand new Tundra in person. That thing is 6-4 tall? It looks taller actually. The truck is just an absolute beast though. Almost too large. And Patrick is dead right about Toms face. His whole face and nose is shaped closely to a cherokee indian.
Da Man said on 14/Jun/07
Weird, I can distinctly remember a wide-pan that showed both Tom and Allison stepping out of the Tundra. I remember it distinctly.
Tom looks black-Irish to me. If Tom looks Native-American then so do I and so does Elijah Wood, Chris Cornell, etc.
I'd be curious to see just how Tom is part Native American.
Viper said on 14/Jun/07
Now that I realize it I see a lot of indian in Tom. Funny how I never made the connection.
patrick said on 14/Jun/07
DaMan, thanks for the explanations and, about “Tundra vs Tom”, the episode you are referring to is the “Kane” one. I can assure you that Tom never is beside the car; we can see Allison getting “down” it and putting her feet into that mud and then, Tom being in front of the car, not beside it.
I froze the image many times to check it out.
The jerk, thanks too but I just guess sometimes, I am not “only funny”! I try to use that site to “go beyond” the simple “height point”, you know.
What I tried to say about “EL” of Kal-El, for instance, was supposed to aim you towards something a bit “profound” because all what I wrote about it, is true.
AAAA do you know that I guessed Tom was presumably part Indian (Natives NEVER call themselves otherwise than “Indians”; I met them so many times. They seem to love that name, far more magic and beautiful than “Native” which means nothing. We always are “the native” of somewhere!) BEFORE I read it.
Yes, like Clint Walker, the one who could have played Superman as anybody else (easy to check: re watch “the dirty dozens” for example) , he has that famous glint in the eye, that hair and something which is the characteristic of that wonderful “blend”: white people and Natives.
Many other great stars are or were so whose Robert Mitchum was one my favorites!
I could bet that John Wayne had, somewhere, Indian blood too: look at him! It was allegedly easy to make him up to Genghis Khan! His nose, his cheeks, even his eyes. What a superb Indian Chief he would have made! Instead, he fought them quite often!
Tommy Lee Jones has Cherokee blood from his grand father too.
I do not mention Kevin Costner because…I am not particularly impressed with him, the least I can say! (but he has Indian blood too and showed it a bit too much at the “Danse with wolves” time.
To finish, about Indians size, as far as I know, they were quite tall for Asian origins people.
However, they were rather smaller than white men; Those I met were often around 5’11 or 6’.
Some were very tall and I met some of them: big and huge as “one flew over the Cuckoo’s nest”s 6’7 Will Sampson!
But I think that the most important in the White-Indians crossing remains in something else than just “a physical point”. Those had to mix up and, do you know that there are nowadays, very few Natives being “pure” Indians any more? I even read a few years ago, that the last one had just died.
Americans are by design, a “mixture”; let’s say that in this case, it is particularly successful!
Look at his nose: a perfect AQUILINE nose! (Look at his nostrils and the very recognizable shape of the nose wings).
That’s it: The Jerk will definitely judge me as…I prefer not to know!
See you guys!
AAAA said on 13/Jun/07
Hey Patrick, I just read that Welling, similar to one of your favs clint walker, is part native american.
On a side note, does anyone know if Native americans were particularly tall, or if certain tribes were? just wondering
TheJerk said on 13/Jun/07
Patrick, your posts are too funny. Dont stop regardless of silences. AAAA, I already asked patrick that question.
Da Man said on 13/Jun/07
Patrick, I don't remember which episodes Tom can be seen next to the Tundra, there were really only 2 scenes (2 different episodes) I can remember where any kind of height comparison can be drawn. The scene I referred to the most was a shot of Tom and Allison stepping out of the Tundra on a muddy field. The scene was a wide angle shot - shot directly at the grill of the Tundra that showed Tom getting out of the driver side door and Allison getting out of the passenger side door simultaneously.
I asked what happened to the page because when I signed on yesterday every piece of text on this page was garbled beyond all recognition.
AAAA said on 13/Jun/07
Wrestling is all a hoax, but some of them have begun to move to MMA, so a few are legit fighters. Kane is massive guy, so is kevin Nash, that dude from the punisher. Both are freaks of nature that some how managed to pack pounds and pounds of muscle onto 6'8+ frames. that is what makes them so rare. GUys who are that big and that musclar rarely exist as the longer muscles are on taller people, the more resistant they are to continual growth.
BTW Patrick, where are you from and what is your schooling background. Your speech seems like it comes from a really flamboyant and flowery language background, and you seem to be fond of grammar and literary devices. WHere you a writing major in college, or have you just always been a voracious reader of sorts. Because you definitly have a destinctive writing style and personal voice.
patrick said on 13/Jun/07
AAAA, thanks first because I agree with you as you know and then because of that "silence"; Maybe is it what wanted mean DaMan ?
I did my work in thoroughly bothering you with nebulous considerations butI think I have been too far that time!
I hope that is not the explanation of that "silence" but I know myself !
I happen to have that super power to make people asleep with non sense speehs of my own. My speciality.
So, DaMan, as I could not see all the episodes of that sixth season, could you tell me whether Tom will be seen beside a Tundra later ? I can watch them now and then on recorded DVDs so I will be able to freeze the picture and check he difference out "professionally".
Anyway, that man, Tom, has something which prevents him to ever appear "feable" or puny; I remember Paul Newman in "cool hand Luck", shown in shabby night dress, a chamber pot in the right hand and NEVER, never he looked ridiculous or diminished because of that so humiliating situation. Do you know what I mean?
Some men are princes whatever their height. Was Jesus diminished though being treated worse than any beast ever was ?
What matters is what is inside oneself. Tom has that so rare nobility and I am not sure that so many people are aware of it. I wish they were but I am not convinced.
As for Kane, he definitely is not human if only his head, his face! Probably a nice guy (I hope!). I know nothing about wrestling: could you tell me how good he is?
Da Man said on 12/Jun/07
WTH happened to this page?!
AAAA said on 12/Jun/07
well even though kane is enormous, i didn't think tom looked puny or dimunitive next to kane... I just thought kane was inhumanly big, which i supposed was the point
patrick said on 11/Jun/07
Wow! I was too long and made all of you run away! SORRY!
DaMan, I finaly could watch the "Kane" episode and, frankly, I was unable to see what their difference really was.
Kane IS a monster: look at his arms and his articulate (elbow) and evaluate how big he naturally is ! Yet, Tom never looks "frail" or small. Sure, he is not the Kane type but he never shows himself unworthy of this fight.
In that episode, he never appears just next to the famous Tundra enough to allow me to gauge him.
By the way, a fight between two people of that ilk should have cause a disaster, just because of the powerful of their punches!
And, to finish, who on earth, would have been able to fight Titan! Even the Lex's 33.1 kryptomonsters would have been destroyed by him just in snapping his fingers before them!
That is perhaps, the limit of the show: showing a real fight of supermen like those ones needs financial means they visibly have not!
Superman MUST control himself all the time, even in wearing his outfit, just not to hurt or destroy all which is around him!
I hope to find you here again quickly guys!
patrick said on 8/Jun/07
Right Kal-El,that cannot serve as reference; Anyway, I remember having seen a "law & order CI" episode with V. D'Onofrio (NOT LESS than 6’3) and 6’6 Tom Noonan: so, Noonan really dwarfed Vincent D’Onofrio! I was shocked!
And, please, do not tell me D’Onofrio is 6’2 or so, please!
The same with 6’3.5 Craig T Nelson visibly much shorter than 6’5 John Corbett.
What I mean is a 6’8 or even 6’7 man makes anybody look “small” compared to him.
I noticed that the difference is far less obvious between a 6’2 and a 6’4 man, above all if the 6’2 is slender and well proportioned and high shouldered.
Alan Ritchson looks taller than many other 6’2 men for example.
Besides, do not forget the proportions of head, trunk and legs: Tom is well proportioned: not short nor long face, trunk or legs or arms.
He is not like Steven Seagal for instance, who has a narrow long but “square” face AND long legs AND high shoulders. That can lead you to mistake.
Tom is absolutely “normal” concerning proportions; that’s why he was model !
Justin Hartley is more slender and even if very well proportioned, he can appear taller than he is thanks to that.
Tom, NO. Look at him walking alone: he looks tall; that is not common after all.
Everybody is telling me that around me without knowing the series!
By the way Kal El, do you ever think of the meaning of your pseudonym, where does it come from?
All Superman characters are “X El”: Jor El, Kal El etc. Do not forget that their creators were jewish and thus, impregnated with Biblical education.
“El” means God in many countries; God “defines” things of this world as being “His” by linking them to Him thanks to an “article” (articulate): “El”.
In Latin languages (Spanish, Italian, French etc.), the article “the” is “el” or “il” or “better, “le” which is the inverse of “el”: all mean God!
Besides, “Kal El” is almost “Voice of God” in Hebrew!
And do not forget that Jewish are still waiting for their Messiah : I have always thought that, probably unconsciously, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster “created” their own one in the person of Kal El a “super man”.
Last point: at the very beginning, do you know who their hero was? The future Lex Luthor! They made up a super villain with super powers and finally found that morally unbearable and turned him into his absolute contrary.
From Lucifer to more than an angel!
That’s all folks! Have a nice week end!
Kal-El said on 7/Jun/07
There are so many elements,(photos, videos, interviews)that can prove Welling could be 6'3, and now the encounter of Editor Rob and Justin Hartley a while ago(Tom's a little taller than Justin Harley).
And, of course Welling has to looked shorter than 6'8 Kane, plus that picture of both of them is horrible, you can´t see their feets and legs and the camera angle doesn't help much either, i wouldn't take that photo as a point of reference for Tom's height.
Alex said on 7/Jun/07
Welling looked shorter in a picture with WWE wrestler Kane because Kane is big to begin with so thats why but other than that Welling looks 6'2 but not more than that.
patrick said on 7/Jun/07
Bravo, both AAAA and "honest" DaMan; I say honest because DaMan was not among those who defended the "6'3" cause! So, what he says has a peculiar meaning to me. His arguments are worthy of "ours".
I wish more people, in many others domains, would be so and able to discuss without fighting and sticking (freezing) to their guns whatever happens, even when reason and common sense show “another way” to tackle such and such a topic.
Sure Smallville was not the first or the last show to use tricks and angles of many sorts!
I often mentioned here, that wonderful western “Shane” where 5’6 Alan Ladd was confronted with 6’1 to 6’3 costars as Jack Palance or Ben Johnson, without height difference being embarrassing nor even really visible.
Imagine what that means: Al Pacino or Peter Falk having to face and fight such a mountain as Jack Palance was!
Now with “small” stars as Tom Cruise or even Clooney, Pitt or Damon, it doesn’t really matter but at the time...
Do not forget that Ladd was what Wayne or Mitchum were so: a handsome and tough hero!
Bogey and Cagney did not need to be tall; that is not what people expected of them, so they could be short like E.G. Robinson was or even Mickey Rooney.
I have had occasion already to say that actors like Adam Baldwin, 6’4 (even for Viper!) met a lot of difficulties in finding roles other than “muscled” ones! He NEVER, according to him and his wife, officially claimed to be 6’4 but rather 6’2 “or so”; You can check that out.
The same for Vince Vaughn and Jeff Goldblum, very fine actors, better than so many big stars, what Vaughn and Goldblum are NOT, and full of charisma just for being too tall.
Even, as I wrote it many times, at the “John Wayne” era, a man as charismatic as Clint Walker was, could not find roles at the “height” of his talent.
By and large "they" finally found TV roles for a while, at best…
So called big tough guys of yesterday would look like dinosaurs ready to eat our so called nowadays stars raw!
In first Smallville seasons, it is true that Tom sometimes, appeared much smaller than he is after for the good reasons Da Man explained.
AAAA, I trust Rob 100% too; I am quite sure Justin is a good inch smaller than Tom, as I think Jared is taller than claimed.
Endless debate!
Viper said on 6/Jun/07
So Patrick, you say Im wrong yet the last 2 posters agree with me. :)
Alex said on 6/Jun/07
He can look 6'2 on Smallville.
Da Man said on 6/Jun/07
Tom really only looks 6-1 in scenes with Kristen, Allison or in the older seasons with Pete Ross. Going barefoot or walking in trenches tends to have that effect. In the vast majority of the scenes he comes across as a solid 6-2 or weak 6-3, or 6-2.75 - 6-2.25 in my opinion.
I watched a special on That 70's Show yesterday and they said in close-up scenes with 5-3 Mila Kunis (Jackie) and 5-10 Laura Prepon (Donna) Mila would wear 4" heels and Laura would go barefoot so they would fit into the same frame. So camera and footwear tricks aren't just limited to Smallville.
patrick said on 6/Jun/07
"You are 100 percent wrong Alex. On Smallville he looks 6-2.5 or 6-3 to me."
Viper, Alex, did you really ever see a 6'1 guy on screen ? I doubt because a 6'1 guy NEVER looks so, never.
I could eventually accept 6'2 MINIMUM with a real proof in support but what you stated is ridiculous.
Here is a guy everybody sees as tall, whether it is as audience or as co star, and you cannot help shrinking this guy; WHY on earth ?
I fhe looks 6'1, what about the others and particularly John Schneider or Justin hartley?
Always the same argument: all are either taller than Tom which is there again, ridiculous, or they are themselves "small".
Glover in this case, would be 5'10, Marsters 5'7 or even less since he is like dwarf next to Tom and J. Schneider 6'1 MAX.
Not mentioned the costars as Rutger Hauer who, though he appears 6' in this site next to Glenn, should be reduced to 5'9 or 10!
What do you think AAAA and DaMan? Where the hell have gone "the others" !
TheFary said on 5/Jun/07
I would say 6'2.75, he's well built,but in 5 and 6 season he looks too bulky. I think superman is the paradigma of a human being, so that he should be something similiar to brad pitt in troy.
Viper said on 5/Jun/07
You are 100 percent correct Alex. On Smallville he looks 6-1 or 6-2 to me.
patrick said on 5/Jun/07
Yeah AAAA! Kirk Douglas really looked like a sailor in that so great timeless movie!
This man was a very tough and unbearable wrestler; in “the last sunset”, it was perfectly credible him to fight Rock Hudson; I am sure he would have beaten him in real life!
About “my” own experience: I was much more chiselled before I reached 50; I did not need to work out to have and keep my measurements, on the contrary! After my motorbike accident, I noticed my arms were “thicker”! Yet, I was immobilized in a wheel armchair for weeks! Very strange, indeed.
But, after having undergone many accidents (mountain falls, serious shoulders tears with ligaments and tendons pulled out, broken bones etc, etc.) and getting on in age as anyone else, I cannot contract my biceps as I did so easily before, making appear like a round “bump” !
You will see that, unless you are like John Glover or even Kirk Douglas, after 50 or often far before, your metabolism changes. You loose some hormones and get fat instead!
Not a fatality, above all nowadays, since special treatments are available, not mentioned surgery but I am not very fond of all that stuff!
A guy like John Schneider was fat being young after what he says himself. Difficult to believe it!
Tom Welling, I am pretty sure of that, will have to take care of not getting too much weight eventually; He is not a “fat nature” at all but is not like John Glover for instance!
Did you not notice Tom was a bit “fatter” in the fifth season than the 6th one?
Look at his face and in the first “Aquaman” episode!
This guy could be a power lifter; he has the ability to become very strong; It is in his genes!
He is massive and I think he will stay so after Smallville while Christopher Reeve had lost a big part of his impressive muscles between and after Superman movies.
He NEVER kept his arms while Tom has deep muscles;
Many actors look very muscled for a while: Charlie Sheen or even better, Edward Norton!
Look “after” how they became! They returned to their real nature!
I must go now but It is a real pleasure to “talk” to you !
AAAA said on 4/Jun/07
Well patrick, in your defense I do work out 5-7 days a week, I would probably be a bit thinner if I went on natural muscle, still broad, but my arms would thin out. I work pretty hard to tack on muscle and stay fit. Those greek proportions we discussed about 2-3 months ago relating to height, I have been trying to close in on attaining mine.
And, yes, mine are muscles cold, as well. Measured in the morning along with my height and before I go to bed.
I will make these measurements once every three or so months to check to see my improvements or if I have grown. Measuring after an exercise section, your muscles are engorged with blood an additionaly swollen. And you height could be compressed of extended depending
yes, I have elongated my spine after doing yoga and a back session that include weighted pullups, I was actually .3in taller afterwards. I was curious and took before and after measurements.
Speaking of Douglas, I was watching 20,000 leagues under the sea last night on TMC, and I was suprised how big he was. He truly looked like a sailor
Alex said on 4/Jun/07
On Smallville he does look 6'2, but can look as short as 6'1 too.
patrick said on 4/Jun/07
Wow, guys! I had no idea in writing about “me”, that I feel a bit embarrassing (boasting), of how interesting it could be!!! (joke)
The point is I do not feel as “an impressive” guy! I am sure, sure, you, both Da Man and AAAA are much more than I.
By the way, AAAA, 17’.25 arms, it is bigger than mine! I am between 16’something when tired and 16.8 to be precise, when I am in good shape, all measurements taken “muscle being cold” of course!
The other measurements are to be figured out as “MAX” breathing in ore else …that doesn’t make a big difference after all!
Look at a man as Kirk Douglas! He was so broad! And yet, not that tall! His chest was one of these monkey ones! So was Chuck Heston! I do not mention guys like John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Charles Bronson, Anthony Quinn or George Kennedy (Clint Walker being “apart” by design!).
Those guys were naturally very broad as Clark Gable was: massive, strong and tough.
Tom has always looked to me very well built; This young man had just to “blossoming”; He was a teenager with a good constitution and muscles “at their place”, I mean well distributed and constituted.
A good sinewy body frame, big hands and good bones and nothing “meagre”;
He is indeed bigger now but not that much: probably 25 lbs gained maximum.
Remember in the very first episode when “crucified”: he didn’t appear lean at all, on the contrary!
I think Tom has about “ten years” in advance on his age; At 30, he looks like a (very solid) 20 years guy I was like this (without bragging: no one guesses I am more than 40 or 42; My genes! It runs in the family!)) and I saw my body developing and changing until 30 even 35!
Tom has a juvenile constitution as Tyrone Power or Cary Grant or nowadays, Leonardo Di Caprio, had.
For example, guys like Bogey, Wayne, Quinn, Bronson or Gable had at 20, a adult face; Some like EG Robinson or closer, Tommy Lee Jones were “born mature”!
If you work out, you know what I mean: a biceps has or does not have a good insertion
About relation between height and measurements, do not forget men like Rod Steiger Bob Hoskin who had gorilla arms and Popeye forearms! They, indeed, were (nor are, Bob being still alive!) not slender but wrists, forearms and hands have nothing to do with thickness of waist!
It’s over ! Hope to read you soon fellows!
patrick said on 1/Jun/07
AAAA the same for you! Like meeting up with a friend ! I love this site!
I am not that strapping (47' chest, 56 shoulders, 17.5 neck, 16/17 arms: not that bulky!)I noticed that tall guys (from 6'1)are always pretty broad shouldered without being very muscled as yet; Look at a guy like Jimmy Stewart or even Henry Fonda: they were rather skinny when young (above all Jimmy!) but did not look that much because over 6'1; The same as Jimmy Stewart but only 5'7 would have appeared as a "fly", a tiny puny guy!
By the way, did you notice in "the promise" episode (wedding)Tom's arms literally "burst" out his sleeves! It was like tights, frankly! This guy has columlike arms! Even when in my best shape, i just couldn't be able to get that! His neck is wide too and it needs only to look at him and then at let's say, Justin to see how Tom is solidly built; He is a tank; I am not!
Thomas: very nice posted; very “fresh” and sincere; hope to read you again eventually !
You know what says The Jerk is true; Tom is a birth name but Tom Welling happens to have Thomas Patrick as forename!
Have a nice week end fellows!
TheJerk said on 31/May/07
IMO 6-2 is a really great height for a guy. 6-2.5 might almost be better, if I was 6-2.5-6-3 I would claim 6-2 anyway. Yes Tom is short for Thomas, but he could have been born as "Tom"
AAAA said on 31/May/07
Thanks for the kind words Patrick, always good to hear from you as well. I have heard you describe your stature on several ocassions, so I can only imagine how annoying airplane seats are for you as well, not made for "built" guys at all.
Thomas said on 31/May/07
Hello. I'm from Denmark by the way. I am only 172 cm (no idea what that is in inches) and i would love to be as tall as Tom. Just turned 17 exactly two weeks ago so I can still grow some more?! Well, enough about me. Hehe (danish expression for Haha). Can't believe that Tom is 30 years old. He seriously looks like a big boy. Just hit me that we have the same name. Hehe. Tom is short for Thomas, right?
patrick said on 30/May/07
Perhaps, DaMan but i invite you to watching them in fifth season and 6th one too; John is under Tom's eyes line; I froze the pics many times and no doubt about it; On the other hand, I must admit that Aquaman looks always taller than 6'2, i mean, in relation to Justin Hartley who is supposed to be 6'3 but presumably just only 6'2; This guy Alan Ritchson, seems so "straight"! Tom has a much more "cool" posture; I was at a pary the other day and my 5'11 friends were by turns towered with 6'3 other friend and then, "not that much" ; Because of that site, I from now on have "another way to watch people"! I can't help comparing them and I am starting to wonder whether I wouldn't be a little "sick"! Nevertheless, I noticed remarkable "different differences" between them without being able to explain them! In fact, even in real life, it is not that easy to evaluate the right height of a person; At a moment he looks like a giant and thereafter just tall! I would go further: I feel the same (you'll find me crazy!) about me and others more or less as tall (or short ought I to say)as I am. What i mean is deep and goes beyond that height stuff; I mean, it is about subjectivity and the relativity that governs us; Call me a fool but for me, all of that comes down to the basic physical phenomenon studied in the quantum mechanic; That's it! You think I am crazy; I knew it...I just have a cold you know and fever sometimes...must burn more neurons than expected in a day!
What I mean is NOTHING is ever fixed, frozen in a rigid system; Frankly, how many times did you notice an actor was shorter or taller than you thought or even previously saw him? As for me, that happens all the time; Yesterday I watched a movie starring Clint (6'4 in 80) and Pat. Mc Goohan (6'2 at the time); Depending the scenes, Clint towered over him of was just barely taller by two inches max. Yet, nothing significant seemed justify such a difference; It suffices an invisible or insensitive little difference of angle while you think everything, everybody is "on the same line" to make one looking taller or bigger than another; I talked about that interesting relative phenomenon too many times but that is precisely "the" point and why it is so interesting, at least for me!
Da Man said on 29/May/07
Patrick, now I may need to go back and review some images to be 100% positive but I've never seen 4 inches between Tom Welling and John Glover. It always looked more like a 2" to 3"(max) gap between them. I do not believe John Glover is a legit, barefoot 6-1 guy. He's never looked like a tall guy to me -- even in older stuff like Robocop -- I really can't buy anything over 6-0 for Glover.
patrick said on 29/May/07
Actually, all relies on that clip where Jared looks so tall, thus on Jared's real height.
About John Glover, he is clearly 3 inches taller than 5'10 Zach Galligan (who looks a bit more)and the same Picardo; He looks tall in that movie and never less than 6'1; I saw him in many other films and never lokked smaller yet, there are visibly 4inches between him and Tom; The one who would deny it would be either blind or dishonest. The last two seasons showed them (Tom and him) very often "face to face"; Tom seems being able to crush him just with his shadow! He is like a tower and John has to tilt his head backwards to be able to stare at Tom's eyes! That can be possible just for two reasons: either John Glover is 5'10 max, what is untrue or Tom is 6'3 or so. Why denying that Jared is over 6'3 by an inch ? You will tell me that, even so, it is not enough to make Tom 6'2.5 but i insist on not considering that clip as unique reference.
6'3'' JK said on 26/May/07
Welling looks nearly a 6'3'' guy
Da Man said on 24/May/07
Patrick, you must be built like a tank!
patrick said on 24/May/07
I didn't open the Jared "site" for a moment so, i couldn't know the "
Mugshots" where Jared looks far above 6'4 shoes in profile! So, I know how trusty can this be but, you must admit that compells to put Jared at 6'4 even a bit more rather than the contrary, no?
Why, all what could be in favor of "one" should have been as a matter of course, in disfavor of the "other"?
You know what? I feel, as probably some others, as an attorney compelled to fight ten DAs! OK, Jared is taller; no doubt but Jared is very tall; no need to dwarf Jensen just to prove that "he cannot be 6'4" just because if so, that could put Tom at 6'3 and that is unacceptable "in that court!"
patrick said on 24/May/07
DaMan: indeed, it's a good reason not to know Simmons!
About my weight: i am 188/189 with clothes on; i forgot to precise; i am not fat at all but not as i used to be when 40 or even 48; i mean, i am 185 or so with nothing on and wear 32 to 34 max pants (34 is so loose and comfortable for me!); I am not the man of steel! i am 17 and half (neck)and naturally 16.5 to 17 (depends on form) for my arms; not interesting at all but i'll add 56''shoulder and 48'' chest; My bones did not grow up as they should because of childhood disease "rachitis"! Doctors say i should have been 5'11 or so.
i am between 5'7 and 5'8, i don't know dpending on who takes measurements!!
I am able to make without special training, 7 to 900 push up in less than 5 minutes, feet at 40'' up and "on my fingers" or on my fist, over any surface; the most hard is the surface the most strong i feel! strange no? but i can assure you it's true! I don't make any "power lifting" or so but just stretch my body, in many ways PLUS push ups! That's all!
as for where i am from, i let you guess!
About the last messages, i would say they reinforce my opinion about the "mystery of Tom"; It is clear he is taller than Justin who probably is 6'2 as says Editor Rob; As yet, I still get in mind that clip with Jared which is not 100% convincing but …a lot anyway!
It still remains that Tom, except in that clip, looks very tall all the time, I mean taller than he is supposed to be just in watching SV!
Although I repeat that in the two last seasons, he makes John Glover look small many times.
Even James Marsters is not that “small”; I mean, not 5’7 and he is yet a small boy next to Tom.
Tom always looks taller but in that clip! I still see him as being 6’3 anyway and not less than 6’2.5.
Good to share opinions with all of you guys!
Da Man said on 23/May/07
I don't think most people realize just how useless quotes like that are. It's also interesting that Hartley goes from saying he is just a shade under Welling to now "about an inch" under Welling. Is an inch just a shade?
FWIW, John Schneider has also said that he is shorter than Welling despite the fact that there are non-Smallville associated shots that depict differently. What are we to make of that?
bobfrez said on 23/May/07
In a new interview one of the former writer and producers of Smallville DeKnight had this to say about Tom;
"Also…Tom's actually bigger than he looks on television. He's a big, big man. I need [to stand on] a few boxes myself when I'm talking to him."
"Tom's got me by about an inch (and) outweighs me by about 35 pounds. The way they shoot it, they try not to make me look too small next to him, which is good." - Actor Justin Hartley
I know that doesn't prove anything but my point is that most people look taller on tv then they really are but with Welling it is seems to be the other way around. I'd say he's 6'3"
Also look at this clip from "Regis and Kelly" Again they are suprised about his hight.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Hartley in person is a solid 6ft 2 man. He's said it a couple times welling is taller.
Anonymous said on 23/May/07
Patrick.....your 5'8 and 190 without being fat.....YOU must be pretty freakin muscular naturally( as you always seem to appreciate in actors, natural strength) or you have got steel for bones?
TheJerk said on 23/May/07
Where are you fom Patrick? Your writing style is quite unique.
Da Man said on 23/May/07
I guess that explains why I don't know who Henry Simmons is, I never watched NYPD Blue.
Da Man said on 23/May/07
Patrick, I'm 6'2.5" at about 1:00 PM. Never measured myself right out of bed, but I'm sure I'd be marginally above 6'2.5". I get down to about to 6'2.375" by 8:00 - 9:00 PM. I answer 6-3 when asked about my height in person.
patrick said on 23/May/07
Da Man: Simmons is, sorry Viper, "the (black) giant" who played a detective in NYPD Blue, last seasons; He is very impressive, physically as well as mentally; He looks strong both ways and has something very "angelic" also in his face; I am sure this guy is nice; I wish he will get other roles fitting him; He deserves it for he has charisma and is as broad as a tank! If he's not 6'4, he was surrounded with 5'7 range actors in NYPD!
John Wayne wore lifts after 45; it is known; He just wanted to keep his heroic stature ! John Glover looks more than simply 6' but, who knows? Straighten up, stretch your back and ,hop! You gain two inches easily! Tom has a very casual and natural posture; he very rarely stands absolutely "right" as often massive men seeming wearing heavy burdens;
How tall are you DaMan? I guess Viper is 6'3 or so, isn't he?
I feel really small in comparison (barely 5'8) though I look taller thanks to my posture and my eternal cow boy boots! The fact i waigh nearly 190lbs without being fat at all maybe, contributes to make me look taller!
Be taht as it may, those guys, all of those mentioned here, are great and give us a lot of pleasure! Thanks to them!
Viper said on 22/May/07
I do think Henry Simmons is 6-3.
glenn said on 22/May/07
i dont even know who welling is.i think i heard the name.i havnt watched tv in 22 years.its garbage.oh,i didnt know that was his name.i dont hear about him.
Da Man said on 22/May/07
I'm pretty certain John Wayne wasn't a legit 6-4. I've seen most of his movies and consider myself a fan but never saw him as a legitmate 6-4 guy like the guys listed below. I think that 6-4 figure is sustained by his legend. Wayne, in my opinion, looked to be more in the 6-3 region and was known to wear big lifts. It in no way dimishes my view of the Duke, I just don't see him as a solid 6-4 guy. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out he was 6-2 in his socks. It just wouldn't -- but keep in mind I'm not trying to make the case for a 6-2 Wayne -- it just wouldn't surprise me. Eastwood and Sutherland 6-4? I just don't think they physically look like 6-4 guys. Just look at current Eastwood - the guy is barely 6-1 today - am I supposed to believe that Eastwood has lost 3"? His posture isn't THAT bad. In my view he was never 6-4, same goes for Donald Sutherland.
I'm not familiar with Simmons. Who is that? I don't think John Glover is much over 6-0 if he is at all, I think his officially listed 6-1 figure is his in shoe height as it is for so many people.
I still think Welling is 6-2 and change.
patrick said on 22/May/07
Thanks for answering fellows; I agree with you and i would add Simmons, Morse for sure. Clint, neither D. Sutherland are no more 6'4 for long but they are old men now even in great shape anyway!
That's bizarre about the Duke: I always saw him very tall! I am quite sure he was 6'4 at least up to 47 or 48.
As for Tom he is definitely much taller than the great John Glover who is 6'1; I say that because i always saw him quite tall even beside Charlton Heston! This man hasn't shrunk for he's so "young" despite his age! Look at him and at how he moves, walks, jumps or even fights! Few people are like him at 40! But Tom is MINIMUM, 2 inches taller and probably a bit more but NO LESS than 2 UNLESS they put him (Tom) upon...a soap box!!!
SMalLVille 4 sur (what a pseudo!!!)is not exagerating if you look at an 5th season episode (where Tom tells his Mom: "HE knows about me"); At a moment, Tom and Lionel are so close that they could count their hair each other! And there, Lionel is dwarfed and 4 inches shorter; He literally looks up to Tom and raises his head up to be able to look him in his eyes.
I suppose both Viper and you DaMan, consider John as being smaller than 6'1 but i don't. I do not still understand what's up here;I have been surprised many times in seeing movies, how a really uncontroversially tall actor could appear by turns shorter and then taller than a other one! That happens all the time even with 6'4 guys! The difference of height is ONLY possible between similar people (6'3 / 6'4) WHEN they are "face to face", very close to each other like Charlton Heston and Vincent Price in the ten commandments for instance. Otherwise, they will appear similar, taller or shorter, depending...actually, i don't know what ! Sometimes, the angles, the level of the camera doesn't seem being advantageous to one or the other. I often saw me on a family movie or a picture, quite different (about height) than i was expecting (most often looking taller!)

Editor Rob
it would be great if Glenn ever managed to get Welling. Glenn, have you ever seen Tom or you think he'll ever be in NY.
Viper said on 22/May/07
Yeah, guys like Goldblum, Selleck, Hasselhoff, look to be real 6-4 guys.
Da Man said on 21/May/07
Tom did not have 4 - 4.25" on Glover in the season finale. Not even close, more like 2.
Da Man said on 21/May/07
Patrick, 6-4 actors? I don't know of many who I would consider to be legit 6-4 guys. I personally never really saw 6-4 for John Wayne despite the listings (notorious lift wearer as well), I don't think Christopher Reeve was a solid 6-4 either (I think he was very close though and taller than the others I mention here), no way do I buy 6-4 for Clint Eastwood or Donald Sutherland. David Morse has looked 6-4 alot but he has looked 6-3 (or less) recently.
Actors who I see as legit 6-4 guys?
Tom Selleck, Jeff Goldblum, Adam Baldwin, maybe Hasselhoff. Hard to say.
SMalLVille 4 sur said on 21/May/07
I think that tom is taller than 6'4. In the season finale he towered lionel by 4 or 4.25 inches & John Glover is listed as 6'1
patrick said on 21/May/07
Viper, i think you estimate Henry Simmons being only 6'3 ; How do you explain how such a man can tower over anybody else in the show, turning them into something ridiculous! I think this guy is at least as tall as Jared unless Jared acts with big guys and J. Simmons on the contrary, plays with less than 5'11 actors, ONLY.
I definitely do not trust TV shows or movies or clips or photos to evaluate anybody's height; deceived too many times. Something doesn't add up about Tom and i just cannot point it out!
Viper, who are the REAL, for you, 6'4 actors those who were so when "young" as well as those being still that height; please, i would be interested in your answer; DaMan, you are of course, welcome to answer as well!
patrick said on 18/May/07
Bravo Da Man!It is very clear and, as usual, honest; That's the case in point: Tom is tall, whatever thinks Viper and often taller than many other tall people; So, how can he be so of how shorter than Jared? That put s either Jared much taller than claimed (what i doubt) or ALL the others much shorter; It is to become crazy! Frankly, all of this is "over me"!
Besides, i find this last season excellent and particularly the ten last episodes! some of them are really very good and typically "Smallville type" while seeing relationship going towards unexpected directions! These guys are very talented and able to make us laugh, almost cry and scare in the same episode! My favorite show, by far!
Da Man said on 16/May/07
I admit if Padalecki is really 6-3 then Welling is 6-1.5. Padalecki looks taller than 6-3 to me. I guess the next step is to try to nail down Padalecki.
Viper said on 16/May/07
You said yourself Da Man, Jared is 1.5 inches taller than Welling, with Tom having a slight shoes advantage. Jared has admitted to being 6-3 before and thats what I see for him as well. You could even argue a flat 6-1 for Welling with Jared.
Da Man said on 16/May/07
I agree 100% with Editor Rob's estimates below.
This one: "[Editor Rob: the lowest - and by that I'm talking about 7pm height - I would argue for welling would be 6ft 2 flat, with erica/maggie and ian somerhalder, I could argue anywhere from 6ft 2-2.75 actually, probably equally...]"
I seriously, seriously doubt Welling is under 6-2. I still agree with the 6-2.5 listing. There are photographs out there that could spell out a 6-1.5 Welling, but if we only look at extremes we can build a case to prove anything.
patrick said on 16/May/07
If what syas KreK is the concern of pure non sense (Tom's very high heels shoes !) I must admit that, even I cannot understand it, Tom is indeed, in the most of that clip, 4 cm shorter than Jared. As for seeing him at 6'1, I prefer not comment it. Why am I the only one among "defender" of a "high Tom" to go on on this site? DaMan, you're right about youtube got a momentous importance in that debate! I don't scare to face the reality. I was wrong and that's all!
But there is a weird truth behind the (not DaMan) comments now: like of a scent of revenge; now, Tom is not only shorter than 6'3 but not even 6'2, BARELY 6'1; Probably tomorrow, 5'11 with lifts and, why not, wearing a wig or green contact lenses?
It is not really sane to play that game, that reveals obscur faces at some of the current commentators. I am quite sure Da Man understands perfectly what I mean. Tom would laugh at reading us , don't you think ?
Da Man said on 15/May/07
Anonymous, if you can't see at least 1.5" (~4 cm) between Welling and Padalecki in that video freeze it at the 00:34 second mark, you should see the ~1.5" there. There is no doubt more than an inch between them. It was obvious to me throughout the video.
KreK said on 15/May/07
Steve Martin looks 2 or 3 cm shoter than Welling in the movie Cheaper by the Dozen. Steve Martin is listed like almost 6', I mean Welling without shoes height could be 6'1, maybe a little more, but not 6'2. The MTV video shows that Jared is wearing very low shoes while Welling is wering a very hight shoes, it makes them looking almost the same height. You can see it clearly!!!.
Da Man said on 15/May/07
It's pretty funny how a height debate popped up on youtube.
Viper said on 15/May/07
Jared looks to have over an inch on Tom. Tom is 6-1-6-1 1/2 If Jared is 6-3.
anonymous said on 15/May/07
"Da Man says on 14/May/07
Anonymous, there is more than inch difference between Tom and Jared in that video. That's the video I originally linked."
Didn't really look it to me, though could of been because they were standing beside Jensen.
To bad Jarreds height is on debate aswell, Jared says he is 6'3 but others have stated taller. My bet that if Jared is 6'3 then Tom would be 6'2ish though Jared does seem taller then 6'3.
TheJerk said on 14/May/07
What's funny is all those youtube posters are discussing the guys height in the last video. They are just as height centered as we are here. Unless it was someone here who started that..
Da Man said on 14/May/07
Anonymous, there is more than inch difference between Tom and Jared in that video. That's the video I originally linked.
Viper said on 14/May/07
Im really not sure how tall Rosenbaum is.
anonymous said on 14/May/07
6-1 with shoes. I don't think jensen is 6-1 without. Either way I peg him at around 6-0.
Viper how tall do you think Rosenbaum is?
Viper said on 13/May/07
Jensen is no way in any shape or form close to 6-1. That guy looks 5-11 max. Personally I peg him at just a hair under 5-11, more 5-10 1/2. I guess you could argue closer to 6-0 If you like, but no way is he anything close to 6-1.
Anonymous said on 13/May/07
Well if he is then he certainly doesn't look, 6-1 seems closer to Jensens height, but hey, I'm only going by my height and the heights of friends and relatives and their proportions. I'll go ahead and say 6-1 at the absolute minimum, thats at night after doing activity all day with no shoes on. I'll say 6-2.5 in the mornings.
Viper said on 12/May/07
I still believe Tom could be 186-187, so no, 6-1 is not crazy for Tom.
Anonymous said on 11/May/07
Click Here
There, there is only a small difference between them and Jensen ain't far behind. Foot ware might be a factor but an inch at most between Tom and Jared. Watching again there is a bit of a difference, but unless your looking, you wouldn't notice. Also, claims that Tom is 6'1 is rediculous. I also don't know why i said MTV, I meant New CW.
Patrick said on 11/May/07
Da Man, thanks for LOL explaination; I knew what that means but my PC failed (or me!)for what i wanted to say is "using LOL needs to be very sure of oneself and having very good arguments; It seems that is "too easy" to ridiculize other's words just in saying "LOL".
Besides, am I the only one to tell "KreK" how fancy are his arguments?
So, you never saw Tom beside Michael in SV ? Are you sure you are talking about the same show? Not only there are many shots, scenes in SV but also many photos and reports, briefly, a thousand of occasions to see them;
BY THE WAY, have you seen the TV Guide's Ausiello report? WHEN INTERVIEWING Tom, he is like a child but WHEN DOING IT WITH M Rosenbaum, he is ABSOLUTELY normal; Even beside Justin Hartley: Justin appears taller of course BUT NOT LIKE WITH TOM!!!
I trust Da Man in that "quest" for truth because i won't be able to reply before four long days! Good bye nice fellows!
KreK said on 11/May/07
I had commented here that Welling and Rosenbaum have almost the same height and showed you the youtube video, Now only pay attention on the sizes of their heads, they have the same height. And more!!! First: We never saw Welling and Rosenbaum side by side on Smallville. Second: The cameras always have some angles that makes Welling looking pretty tall than Rosenbaum. Third: Why Weeling was not chosen to play Superman Returns? this is a good question, Many people think he is best actor than Brandon Routh. Fourth: In the picture with Jared, Welling apears at least 8 cm or 3 pounds less than Jared.
Kal-El said on 11/May/07
Justin Hartley interview
Click Here . You can hear it on iTunes or download it. It's a long interview about 28min, but on the last part of it, you can hear Justin talking about Welling's height.
Da Man said on 11/May/07
Where is that MTV clip, Anonymous? I have a hard time believing there was less than 1 inch between Tom and Jared. A really hard time. The CW video I posted below was good because they were all on level ground and the same distance from the camera with no odd camera tilts or angles. There was more than an inch between them, *possibly* 1.5 (or more) inches inch depending on footwear variables.
Patrick, "LOL" stands for Laugh Out Loud. Some other examples of internet slang or abbreviations are "BWL" - Bursting With Laughter, "LMAO" - Laughing My Ass Off, "ROFL" - Rolling On the Floor Laughter, "IIRC" - If I Remember Correctly, "FWIW" - For What It's Worth, "IMO" - In My Opinion, "IMHO" - In My Honest (or Humble) Opinion, "FYI" - For Your Information, "TTYL" - Talk To You Later, "IDK" - I Don't Know, and so on...
Viper said on 11/May/07
Jared looks no taller than 6-3 to me.
Patrick said on 11/May/07
But everybody knows, it just needs after all, a good common sense, that Jared is NOT 6'3 but more; And i repeat that, even if it does not mean a significant difference, they wear very different shoes; Tm is certainly shorter but not that much;
Please: is "here" the same "Anonymous" than below there? Because that doesn't sounds so! Viper, come on...M.Rosenbaum is A LOT SHORTER than Tom and so is John Glover;
Anonymous said on 10/May/07
I saw an MTV clip where Tom, Jensen and Jarred were promoting the New CW, well Tom only looked to be about 1-2cm's shorter then Jarred and at times looked the same height. They both have about 2-3 inches over Jensen. I'd pick him at 188cm if Jarred is a solid 190cm.
Viper said on 10/May/07
Looks like both Tom and Roesenbaum were standing on the same box.
Patrick said on 10/May/07
Da Man, "ouch!": I must confess I don't know even it looked very recent and "new", it could be not ; 2006 is not that far away from today!
It seemed to be huge and in this current ecological time, when gas is getting up every day, I find a bit odd to built such monsters which made GM switch from the first to the second place.
I'll try to do it again with a 2007 model but it still remains that all what i said is right.
Somebody could explain to me what Anonymous tried to mean; Frankly, i must be stupid for I don't!
Using LOL needs to have VERY
Anonymous said on 10/May/07
You guys do know that in that clip made in Season 1 both Rosey and Kreuk were standing on a box right? lol
Da Man said on 10/May/07
Patrick was it the newest model 2007 model Tundra? They are much, much larger than the 2006 and older models.
Da Man said on 10/May/07
That Rosenbaum/Welling clip doesn't jive with pretty much anything else. The height disparity is greater than that between the two even at premieres and launches where the Smallville camera tricks and footwear advantages/disadvantages are nowhere to be found. I can't buy anything less than 6-2 for Welling.
Patrick said on 10/May/07
By the way, I just had fun in filming myself, 5'8 beside a Tundra; I chose angles myself; i know how to do; Ok, I in turn appeared almost as tall as (very close) the Tundra top (cabin) and a lot shorter and i can assure that it was only by changing a LITTLE BIT the angle; It is actually so easy to do!
Try yourself! You know i am honest and do not lie; So, as long as you lower or lift if only one half inch your camera or put your "actor" a bit on the left or the right, you obtain completely different results;
A simple fact: filming people from below the shoulder line ALWAYS equalize them or so; So H. Hawks did with Monty Cliff first (great) movie with the much taller and bigger Duke, "The Red River" and with A. Ladd's movies; But they use that trick wich could deceive anyone, ANYONE even me, though knowing it.
Believe me, why I take into consideration the Jared Jensen Tom clip it's because they look almost in line;
Nobody, reasonably and without any prejudice, as Da Man has always been, could explained why and how he could look so tall in many shots and a shde shorter than Jred if this one is only 6'3: that doesn't make sense and I am quite serious; that really took me aback!
Thanks for trying to find a GOOD explaination, as "a new challenge"!
Patrick said on 10/May/07
Please give us a break fellow: that clip doesn't mean anything! WHO CAN SEE WHAT THEY BOTH ARE UPON ?
Even you Viper, you know that M Rosenbaum, besides a fantastic guy, cannot be as he appears here! Once more, let's be serious! It is like questioning all the time again and again the fact the earth is rotating around the sun!
Do we have to repeat all the time or forgetting what EVERYBODY watched if only on Smallville or what said all the SV co and guest stars?
It's as if the point was brand new ! I ACCEPT AND ADMIT HE IS NOT MORE than what is claimed here, 6'2.5 but, please, for Tom's sake, stop putting him at least than 6'2: that is ridiculous and unworthy of this honorable site.
If that goes on this way, he will compete with Danny de Vito!
By the way M. Rosenbaum always looked 6' for me and not only on Smallville; he did many other films!
Viper said on 9/May/07
Well what do you know, after I say its impossible hes below 6-1, hes looking below 6-1 with Rosenbaum in that clip!!
Elisabeth said on 9/May/07
I agree with Welling.but,not quite.I say he is at least 6'3".
Anonymous said on 9/May/07
Tom Welling is the almost the same height of Michael Rosenbaum...Welling has 1 or 2 cm more. Look at this youtube video:
Click Here
Viper said on 8/May/07
Yet Tom has looked shorter than Schneider as well. Now Patrick, I said it was impossible that Tom is below 6-1.

Editor Rob
the lowest - and by that I'm talking about 7pm height - I would argue for welling would be 6ft 2 flat, with erica/maggie and ian somerhalder, I could argue anywhere from 6ft 2-2.75 actually, probably equally...
Anonymous said on 8/May/07
Click Here
too bad you can't see their feet and ground level.
Patrick said on 8/May/07
I just want to precise that the photo i refer to is the one posted 29 april by Seb where Tom looks how i always saw him: much taller than everybody in the show!Even if you put Annette O'Toole at 5'3 (she can't be less and was more if only 15 years ago), that puts Tom at 6'3 MINIMUM, deal.Was he "once more" upon stilts ?Very strange affair, really!
Patrick said on 8/May/07
Guys, that is why i find this site so interesting beyond that « height stuff » ;
I recognize that that video puts me out and represents a challenge to me!
I checked out the video and the fact is Jared is visibly taller despite the “heels” i could wear John Schneider can appear so often (like in the picture previoulsy shown) shorter than Tom, not mentioned the “other actors” always much shrter, even those listed at 6’3 (i know, “they are not but...”).
So, i must confess my incompetency about “all of that” ; i am “on stand by” and i wish ‘id understand and for example, see other “tall guys” as John Schneider or Justin Hartley who, in my opinion, would so only be 6’2 MAX.
Nevertheless, Viper, how buying Tom being 6’1.5 or, as you of late, wrote, LESS THAN 6’1 !! Let’s be serious or i can assure you, this world comes to fantasy one where” everything’s possible” but not goodly!
I hope you’ll keep on writing fellows; too bad to leave the point as is now, no?

Editor Rob
there's a picture of Padalecki beside John Schneider on wireimage, although its possible jared is slightly closer, but still he's appearing bigger than john schneider
Da Man said on 7/May/07
Which is exactly what he is listed at.
ER. said on 7/May/07
Even if Hauer is only 6-0 now, it would make Tom 6-2 1/2 in that pic. Tom's even leaning a fraction there.
Kal-El said on 7/May/07
Click Here Smallville Nemesis Episode, check the 00:02:51, and there, you can see Tom next to the Toyota Tundra(6'4.2)
In my opinion Tom looks like a solid 190cms guy(almost six-foot-three).
tom welling is not 6'2 said on 6/May/07
batista is 6'4 or 6'5 with huge wrestling lifets on so welling is about 6'1 next to a 6'2 batista end of story.
i hate how actors and wrestlers that like to exagerate their height thats y in proffessional sports like bball and soccer there are actually real statistics over height
Patrick said on 6/May/07
sorry guys! my pc failed...ok, i'll be back tomorrow!
Viper said on 6/May/07
There are some posters over on Kane's board who think Welling doesnt even reach 6-1. Mostly comparing him with Kane. If he is then it would shock the hell out of me.
Patrick said on 6/May/07
DaMan, i agree with you about heel difference but i still think is 6'3 and not less; there is still something i do not u
get in all that height stuff but ...
Kal-El said on 5/May/07
I don't know exactly how tall is Tom, but he is no less than 186 that's for sure.
Patrick said on 4/May/07
DaMan, i would have done (comment about video) IF i had been able to do; It happens i am on vacation (Washington and NY state)and do not have the oportunity to get on Internet as easily as i wish; I barely and very quickly read and watched this video and i must confess it is perturbing (ouch!);
the fact is it sounds Welling being a bit shorter than Jared at least in some moment; Actually, i could not resort to my "usual" calculations you know, these stupide things i waste my time in doing it !!!
Yet, i need to watch it again : done now and on this video it is obvious that Jared is taller by not an inch but probably one to two cm; difficult to say because Tom is always moving but he's shorter, sure.
Jared could also wear significantly higher heels tha Tom's "spruced up" shoes; I am sure he is wearing his Yves St Laurent wedding suit and one do not know wear Timbs with it! The fact is i bet my bottom dollar Jared's mountain boots are at least one inch heeled more than MAX one inch heeled Tom's elegant shoes;
i think that could not be enough to put him as high as Jared but that is a point you can't takt into account;
I don't want to be rigth at all cost but, Jared looks so tall whoever he can be next to; I see him him at 6'4 and not less; about the John Schneider photo, that is as the other one with Annette O Toole: he is much taller and here, something doesn't add up! either John is much shorter (impossible) or Jared is much taller! Even you Viper will admit that as it is so logical!
i will reply about Tundra when i see it!
Aniway, good to meet up with you again fellows!
Viper said on 4/May/07
Well, If Jenson is really 5-11, or 5-10 1/2 that I peg him at exactly then Jared does look 6-3 and not 6-4.
Viper652 said on 4/May/07
Da Man, whats really bizarre is there is a win a Toyota Tundra contest at the top of this page!!
Da Man said on 4/May/07
Jared looks taller than 6-3 IMO. He comes across as a genuinely tall guy in stuff like House of Wax. I'd say Padalecki is no less than 6-3.5, which could also explain the 6-3 to 6-4 stated height fluctuations. Ackles 6-5 claims for Padalecki are just BS, that guy is obviously insecure about his height unlike Padalecki or Welling.
Anonymous said on 4/May/07
Not that I don't respect your opinion's Viper, and you have pointed out mistakes I myself have made once or twice (ie Barry Bonds) But what proof do you have to support your opinion. What picture or clip has you so hell bent on him being 6'3 max?
AAAA said on 3/May/07
well, he could only be 6'2.5. And as I have said before, with his proportions, he would always looks tall. He is perfectly built to portray a hero
Viper said on 3/May/07
I really do think Jared is 6-3 max. That would put Welling at 6-1 1/2 in the video.
tfa said on 3/May/07
padalecki is wearing big heels fyi.
Da Man said on 3/May/07
The Tundra is 6'4.2" tall at the rear of the cab (max height). Welling is looking a bit shorter than the cab height by the driver's door (which is a bit lower than the rear of the cab
Click Here ) and that's in his Clark Kent workboots. It seems to confirm Welling's own comments about his height. I figured Patrick would have commented on the Padalecki, Ackles, Welling video I linked below.
Viper said on 3/May/07
Didnt you say the Tundra is just shy of 6-3?
bikagyura said on 2/May/07
He's A LOT taller than Rutger Hauer in that pic. A couple of inches at least I bet!
Da Man said on 2/May/07
Well, found a decent clip with Welling, Ackles and Padalecki. Welling is looking a good 1.5" shorter than Padalecki here.
Click Here
Da Man said on 2/May/07
Tom looked shorter than the Tundra again on last week's episode, and he was closer to the camera. The page is dead again.
Viper said on 1/May/07
Tom looks no taller than 6-2 with Rutger.
Da Man said on 30/Apr/07
Rutger Hauer is more 6-0. He may have been 6-1 in his prime, but not today.
Ben said on 30/Apr/07
annette o'toole looks really really small next to these to giants...hehehe
Da Man said on 28/Apr/07
For some reason now two of my comments now haven't made it up. I've read interviews with Reeve where he claimed to have "sandy blondish" hair and dyed it black for Superman. His hair does look brown in most stuff though, your right. For the actual "Superman do" I've heard it was a wig, not for Clark Kent.
AAAA said on 28/Apr/07
I don't think reeves had blonde hair Daman. I could see brown that was dyed black, but in every movie I have seen him in, he had dark hair. I doubt they would have always changed it.
Da Man said on 27/Apr/07
No, Singer was determined to cast an unknown. Brett Ratner -- when he was still attached to a Superman film -- was interesting in having Welling play Superman and they actually had a few sit-downs IIRC.
Ben said on 27/Apr/07
hey guys, is it true that welling turned down the role for superman returns ??...
Ben said on 26/Apr/07
Da Man...are you sure that Reeve wore a wig in the orignal movies...because if you see him auditioning for the role in about 1976 he seemed to really have black hair...and the producers and co cast member have said severak times: "there he was tall, black haired and blue eyed"...
Here is the link for his audition...and also another one for the making of superman 4...i dont think he wore a wig...he might wore in a few scenes...but in overall i don't think so...i might be wrong da man...but i'm just saying what i believe...but one thing is for sure he did not wear a wig in the superman 4 movie...just doesnt look like it...
Click Here
Click Here
Da Man said on 26/Apr/07
I think Brett Ratner (when he was still attached to the Superman project) actually wanted Tom to play Superman and had some meetings with him. But as we know the WB went with Bryan Singer, and Singer was determined to cast an unknown as Superman. I'm glad the they went with Singer, because if you would have read some of Ratner's ideas for the script, well, it would have been a decent Matrix movie but not a Superman movie. I think Welling could have pulled the acting off, especially if directed by Singer. Just my opinion.
Viper said on 26/Apr/07
"But for most of the film Routh just didn't come across as Superman in my opinion. I thought Routh looked more like Reeve than he looked like Superman. Welling looks like Superman but not so much Reeve. I know that sounds contradictory but I think it really does make sense."
Yeah, I kinda agree with that. Tom has the experience to play this type of character since 2001. But didnt they offer Tom the role but he wouldnt except it?
Da Man said on 26/Apr/07
Reeve had blondish hair and wore a black wig in the original Superman movies. Routh did wear contacts in the Superman Returns, he actually has brown eyes. To me Routh was decent in the role, I thought he knocked the "father becomes the son" speech to his son at the end out of the park. I actually thought that was probably the best scene in the entire movie and it was due to Routh's acting there. But for most of the film Routh just didn't come across as Superman in my opinion. I thought Routh looked more like Reeve than he looked like Superman. Welling looks like Superman but not so much Reeve. I know that sounds contradictory but I think it really does make sense.
patrick said on 26/Apr/07
VIPER I appreciate what you say; very well posted; The fact Brandon had something after Chris Reeve counts in his choice but i trust Bryan Singer enough, that I take as a very clever man, not to have done it just for that.
Brandon is special but what I wanted to underline is that (sorry for repeating myself!) the costume makes “half of the job” * as would say Chris Reeve (very modest!) and Brandon too; He declared he felt much stronger after putting it on, though it was so hard to do (too tight).
AND, regarding Tom, I repeat he makes us feeling he is already Superman and has this so incredible nobility suited to this unique character while being "just" Clark Kent.
DO NOT FORGET that usually Clark is not shown so, whether it is in comics or movies.
I insist on inviting you to look at him alone, just walking, and being superman without suit.
The “classic” C. Kent is a gentle guy, intellectual, delicate and a bit suave and also funny.
This Clark Kent is BOTH a human being searching WHO he is and WHAT he is to do, he has to do, AND by the same time, already Superman.
*I agree with you about how ridiculous most people including myself, would sooo ridiculous wearing that suit!
AAAA said on 25/Apr/07
Yeah, Routh looked like Reeves son.
Reeves was superman though. He stood a legit 6'4, he was between 225-235 of solid muscle and was actually ripped beyond belief without the suit, I wish I could find some pictures. he was built exactly like superman. Plus he had naturally black hair and piercing blue eyes. and he had the million dollar grin of superman. I think they gave routh contacts to make his eyes that blue. But routh was good, no doubt, and i think Tom would have been really intresting to see.
I also think it is how you wear the suit. There is some type of confidence you need to pull it off. Most people would look ridiciolus in it. But Reeves and routh looked so natural. I only wish that the reeves film had the effects of the new superman. That would have been EPIC.
Viper said on 25/Apr/07
Tom in the new Superman movie would have been interesting to say the least. Im not quite sure who is the better actor though. Tom sure has the experience with that type of character, and I thought it was pretty logical that they would go with him. Seems like a no brainer really. But Routh was solid in it, though I do think they casted him more because of his similar looks to Christopher Reeves.
AAAA said on 24/Apr/07
Tom has a great hero face, just a really chiseled bone structure. He also has a piercing stare and that all american glint in his eye that can light up a whole room
Ben said on 24/Apr/07
i agree with daman...routh did a very good job in superman returns but honestly if it was welling instead it would have been SUPER GOOD...i mean i enjoyed the movie superman returns and think that routh was very good...but he doesn't have "that" thing...i dont know how do explain it...
Da Man said on 24/Apr/07
Patrick, I do actually think Welling is a tall guy. The difference between 6-2.5" - 6.2.75" and 6-3 is only .5" - .25" after all. I think he could possibly be 190cm, honestly I could buy anywhere from 6'2.25" - 6-2.75" for Welling, which is tall for for the real world and taller the acting world. Welling really does come across as a down to earth and humble guy in interviews which is admirable. I have nothing against Welling whatsoever, in fact I've been watching Smallville since the beginning. I think Welling would have made an excellent big-screen Superman, he certainly comes across as a more imposing figure than Routh in my humble opinion.
patrick said on 24/Apr/07
DaMan: thanks for all of those so precise and accurate details!
Frankly I couldn't imagine that a 70ies truck or even an 80ies one could have ever been shorter than a modern one!
Wow! They still build monsters!
I am disapointed in "Marcus" trick; I am by nature a trustful guy, without what it would be impossible to live in this world!
Too bad!
DaMan, besides that question of height, are you agreed about Tom being a great guy if not a tall one? Frankly, his presence is terrific and with no match whether it's in movies or TV shows, for me at least.
Furthermore, as a real amateur in fims and movi making from direction to photography, set decorators etc., i repeat Tom is a veyr clever and subtle director through only two episodes whose last is a great one.
Kristin Kreuk and him make from SV something "different" which has that magic touch so missing in our cynical world (and cynical shows and movies!)
Thanks for giving me your way of thinking of all of this: that matters a lot to me.
Da Man said on 23/Apr/07
Patrick, the Kent's have had two farm pickups that I can recall, a mid-late 70's model bright red Ford F-100 regular cab 2wd (the one in the pilot episode) and for most of the series a late 80's model bright red Dodge Ram 150 regular cab 2wd pickup. Both of those trucks are significantly shorter and smaller than the new 2007 Tundra.
Patrick, Editor Rob confirmed in a now deleted post that "Marcus" was really Ben posting a fictitious Welling encounter.
Viper, there was a wide angle shot that showed both Chloe and Clark stepping out of the '07 Tundra at the same time, I couldn't see any obvious camera tricks there.
patrick said on 23/Apr/07
First, I don't thinks Jared is only 6'3 but it's personal and above all, I don't see Jensen as less than 6'; That changes things a bit.
Second: I also wish Marcus would answer if only to confirm his words.
Third: I don't know how high are the good old fashioned trucks the Kent family enjoys tearing down as the show goes along! Those trucks are BIG and very high: "that", I know it; i look like a dwarf next to them when passing by; TOM always towers over those trucks, blue or red; DaMan, ARE YOU SURE the truck you’re talking about is even taller than those ones? I doubt they are because they used to make bigger ones 20-30 years ago;
Besides, I agree with Viper about how deceptive can be shots of a man getting out of a car or truck in a commercial.
BEN, Ben, why ask you me “what about me”? Do I have said something leading you to understand …I don’t know? Be sure I do not have change my mind at all, not because I am stubborn but because I believe in my, YOUR, opinions!
I couldn’t see Progeny yet but I’ll do very soon!
By the way, nobody writes a single word about the Tom’s ability to direct a show: the episode “hydro”; this guy has multiple talents because this one is even better than the very touching 5th season’s one!
Several plots in one single episode! Both grave and fun and leading towards what will become the Superman and Loïs characters in Superman! And what to say about the so complex relationship between Lana and Tom ANS Lex! So ambiguous and finally, credible and evolving! No music in the Lana and Tom scene: great!
Finally, Lana Lang and Clark Kent are kind of angels, and it is well know, angles cannot find happiness in this world...
Viper said on 22/Apr/07
Da Man, keep in mind a certain camera shot at an angle could exagerrate or even reduce what Tom would really look like besides the truck I would think.
Da Man said on 22/Apr/07
Viper, that pickup IS badass.
Da Man said on 22/Apr/07
Click Here Clark's 2007 Toyota Tundra DoubleCab 4x4 is 76.2" (193.55 cm) in overall height. If Welling is 6-3 (190.5 cm) in barefeet in his boots he should stand roughly 6'4.4" (194.1 cm). I wasn't able to find any pics of Clark and Chloe stepping out of the pickup but I recall Welling looking marginally shorter than the pickup when he first stepped out. Had I known beforehand about the Tundra scene I would have recorded the episode.
Ben said on 22/Apr/07
Well Daman to be honest as i've said before it sometimes feels that we get very different impressions of Tom Welling...don't know why hehehe
Viper said on 21/Apr/07
5.7 V8 381 horespower in a regular pickup? Thats badass.
Ben said on 21/Apr/07
hey patrick, what about you then, have you seen the latest episode of Smallville "Progeny"...if not please look up that scene when clark and chloe steps out of their red Toyota Jeep...
Da Man said on 21/Apr/07
Ben, I got exactly the opposite impression from the scene with the red 2007 Toyota Tundra. I just recently test drove a 2007 Tundra (5.7L V8 - 381 horsepower) and in the scene Welling appeared, once again, very similar to my own mid-day 6-2.5" height in relation to the Tundra. I actually payed very close attention to that scene because I had a recent, personal point of reference with which to compare to.
I thought the Marcus post was fishy.
AAAA said on 20/Apr/07
I've heard Padalecki claim 6'3 as well as 6'4 so anyone's guees is as good as the next.
I think he topped out at a strong, honest 6'4, and he looked taller till he finally bulked up a bit, since leaving gilmore girls and starting supernatural. He is just too much taller than everyone else around him, and he was only MAX one inch shorter than ed hermmann in his last season on gilmore girls.
Tom is another story. He is always gonna be a mystery until someone gets a great pic with him. There are too many shorter people, most notably the women, on smallville to ever trust a shot
Viper said on 20/Apr/07
It seems to me that Jared is 6-3 and Tom is 1.5-2 inches shorter than him. Also Jared doesnt look 6-4 next to Jenson who is 5-11 tops, more 5-10 1/2 I think.
Da Man said on 20/Apr/07
I personally think 190 cm is in the realm of possibility for Welling, but nothing over. Welling's own statements (numerous) and the photos bear that out for me. But as most regular posters know I tend to agree with the listing.
Da Man said on 20/Apr/07
In CBTD Padalecki was definitely on a platform, it was mentioned on the DVD extras. They didn't want someone who was just taller than Welling, they wanted Welling towered in the scene for whatever reason. BTW, Padalecki has also claimed 6-3 on a few occasions which seriously throws a wrench into the 6-3 claims for Welling and Hartley as Padalecki is visibly taller than either.
As for Marcus' comment, what was Welling doing in LA, doesn't he live in Vancouver?
AAAA said on 20/Apr/07
Patrick, for a more accurate estimate, I think he is 191-192 cm. I honestly can't see below 6'3 or above 6'4, but 6'3-6'3.5 seems reasonable.
patrick said on 20/Apr/07
First: WELCOME MARCUS ! It is nice to read you and not only because you have just confirmed what Ben, Kal El, and some others (among: AAAA who doesn't see him at 193cm: 6'4). No, i find refreshing to read such enthusiastic message; I am a big fan of Smallville too, Marcus and yet, I am 54. I find this is a beautiful show, filmed as movies were ages ago, with a real “photography” (the way to light actors and set), often great or at least, nice screenplays and actors far away from what we generally find at the movies now.
All the cast is perfect (except Erica Durance, very nice and good but not really Lois Lane) : everybody is at his place and what actors! All great and touched by the Gough and Miller magic!
But, BUT Tom is the greatest for the simple reason he is what only old time actors used to be and even…more.
Who has ever been so, in the same time, handsome, friendly, and strong, so strong in his soul and his heart; what is the impression he gives to me; Very rare because he is a kind of mixture of Monty Cliff and John Wayne; Think it over; you will see what I mean;
My wife (who incredibly looks like K. Kreuk) agrees with me and told me that “this man just could have been “that” but in addition, is physically big, tall and strong!”
That is the reason why everybody is so impressed with Tom when meeting him or acting with him: modest, always very gentle and clever. Everybody says that about him which is very rare too, isn’t it?
That show will be rediscovered long after its airing and respected as it deserves. Actually, it suffers from just one think: being considered as “teen age show”. Many people do not watch it just because of that without knowing it!
They pass by a real drama, constructed as a tragedy (I am expert in it) and to say the truth, has nothing to do with “a Buffy type” series!
Sorry to be too long: DaMan, you know how I respect you and I am sorry to repeat myself: On the pic you sent twice, Kane is visibly not in a “regular” position; I don’t want to be right just for being right but I swear he is not; Believe me, if any of you had been accustomed to drawing and using photo and movie cameras, I do not doubt how that would “jump” to your eyes!
DANIUS, sorry but the thousandth time…Jared was UPON A PLATFORM although Viper, our nice opponent, can claim.
If not, Tom would have to be less than 6’1 or Jared minimum 6’5 and half.
Danius said on 19/Apr/07
jared padelacki claims 6'4, he was 1.5" to 2" taller than tom in cheaper by da dozen. he might be 6'5 so tom is atleast 6'2 maximum 6'3.5
Kal-El said on 19/Apr/07
You can't judge Tom's height based on those pics, we need a picture where we can see the whole body of them.
Da Man said on 19/Apr/07
I guess 6-11 is possible Viper, I just think he is 7-0 or at least 6-11.5.
Viper said on 19/Apr/07
I think Big Show is 6-11 tops Da Man.
Da Man said on 19/Apr/07
4 - 4.5" based on the show or the photos?
Click Here Based on that there is absolutely no less than 5.5" difference there. Remember, Welling's height does not include hair.
Da Man said on 19/Apr/07
BTW Patrick, the wrestler next to Kane in most of those photos is Paul Wight (The Big Show) and he is a legit ~7-0 guy. He's about as big and tall as is currently gets in the world of professional wrestling with about two exceptions.
Da Man said on 19/Apr/07
Who's discussing 6-4 Ben? That's 100% out of the question for Welling based on every single photo we have yet seen of him. As for Hartley, he doesn't seem to know how tall he himself OR Tom Welling is. In the two interviews he comes across as the Jensen Ackles-type who either exaggerates or just really isn't sure his co-stars are. Jensen Ackles has claimed that he is 6-1 and Padalecki is 6-5, Ackles doesn't even look 6-0 but more 5-11.
Patrick, due to Smallville camera angles and such I doubt we'll never get a good comparison shot of Welling with a co-star of known height from the show. Kane was obviously much taller than Welling, EASILY 4+ inches, but I don't believe the actual episode was shot to emphasize Kane's height at all. If it was we would have gotten the classic professional wrestling-style stare down -- which we didn't -- and they wouldn't have given Welling big boots of his own. I find it very interesting the only pics we have of Kane standing next to -- and TOWERING -- Welling was a photo taken on set and not a Smallville-shot screen still. Once again, just my honest opinion.
patrick said on 19/Apr/07
Interesting clue Da Man and i can't nor don't want anyway, to dissuade you but, i can assure you and Viper, it is not far fetched because it's not here only matter of arms length. That is not enough to explain such a difference; That reminds me how "they" did many times with two stars films where one of them was so shorter than the other that they were compelled to badly cheat as with Kirk Douglas and Rock Hudson in "the last sunset". Make sure that Kane's waist would never reach that height in relation to Tom's. No way; But if you admit Kane is "up", that becomes possible;
Take "rocky 4" for instance where Dolph Lungreen is supposedly taller than Sly for being "more than seven" or so; we all know that it was made to justify the real height difference without dwarfing Sly; the same in Rocky 3 with Hulk Hogan (put at a giant size!); they didn't need any trick to make Sly looking small relation to them, HE SIMPLY AND DEFINITELY WAS !!!
NOW, what i am aiming at, it's you NEVER have that odd impression in looking them (rocky 3 & 4) while you really got it in Smallville "Kane's episode";
Sure Kane is much taller than Tom but by 4 even 45 inches tops! Not more, never; Thanks for reading me fellows!
By the way, this guy Kane, really looks huge and tall notably in the sent pics; I heard that other fighters were even taller and bigger: dinosaurs?
Viper said on 18/Apr/07
I think both their heights were neutralized with the boots.
Da Man said on 18/Apr/07
Kane has longish legs and a shorter torso
Click Here and well, Welling has longish arms for his height. I don't think the fact that Welling's arms are hanging lower in that pic is evidence of Welling going barefoot, frankly I find that pretty far fetched. Every other shot (these are not Smallville screen caps, the are photos taken on set) has Welling with big boots on also, if they were trying to "emphasize" Kane's height why give Welling larger than his normal boots to wear for the episode? I'll admit that it may be a possibility, I just don't buy it.
patrick said on 18/Apr/07
Kal El: thanks in turn: your interventions are always exciting and so are AAAA’s. I am the most sincere and less paranoiac or susceptible person you can meet; I find very interesting to debate about a VERY SUBJECTIVE topic which, IN ANY WAY can lead us to a “bad direction” (read my lips…what is happening in the world now).
Da Man: do you know about proportions and human anatomy ? it's just a question not an mockery; because if you look at the pictures you sent (thanks a lot), you will notice without a big difficulty, that Kane is visibly "up"; i don't know whether it is big boots ot something but, the proportions of his arms and ABOVE ALL, his trunk show with any doubt what I am assuming.
There is the same proportion between the Kane and Tom’s shoulders AND their respective waist, WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE if there was such a difference as claimed.
(That reminds me exactly what I felt in “the green mile”)
I recognize those photos are questioning, even disturbing.
VEGAS: figure out that I have no other way to know a man’s height than finding it on Internet! So, I admit Kane may be 6’7/5 if you are sure of it but please; don’t blame me just to repeat what I read 50 times ! (I know you don’t)
BEN and AAAA: you are right because your arguments are so and absolutely reasonable!
I assure you, either Tom is barefoot (slippers) or the other is with “stilt boots” on, anyway: there is a trick.
Once more, they don’t care about shortening Tom because they are to make their enemies looking monsters (green mile effect) and (I am sure of that, sure) to manage his future career;
Tom is movie star looking and nothing would be more damaging to him to be listed “too tall”; Stars are barely tall now: Cruise, Clooney, Pitt, Whalberg etc etc.Vince Vaughn explained how embarrassing his height was and still is.
D’Onofrio, Adam Baldwin, Goldblum yet much better actors than the head list stars told many times, the same thing.
V.D’Onofrio is the Pacino or De Niro range (as actor) and even better for me BUT he’s tall, so…
Vince Vaughn is the only very tall actor with Tim Robbins standing out but they rarely star a film though being great comedians, not only “good actors” if you get the difference.
I am fond of cinema since I was a little boy and know more or less everything about it, directors and actors; I wrote many studies about it and, trust me, I am not foolish in assuming that.
AAAA said on 17/Apr/07
as is said, if they shot tom without his boots to make Kane seem even more monstrous( why, I couldn't begin to guess) then he really would only be about 4.5 in shorter, that would lead him to be 6'3
Vegas said on 17/Apr/07
I have never seen Welling and kane together outside of shots on tv. I don't take any tv or movie shots seriously because directors can make actors as big or as small as the want on screen (e.g lord of the rings, green mile)
I am not on here to debate Wellings true height because I don't have an opinion on Wellings height (yet) but based on the photos that i have seen of Welling and Kane and the photo of my 6'4 friend and kane plus the photo 6'5 NFL star Big Ben and Kane then Welling only looks 6'1.5", correct. But again there may have been camera effects involved etc, the objective in that episode is to make Kane "look" as tall as possible imo.
AAAA said on 17/Apr/07
He rob, where is that interview with Hartley. I want to read it

Editor Rob
TheJerk said on 17/Apr/07
OK Vegas, let's take your 6-7.5 claim for Kane seriously. Then taking Da Man's word that there are 6 inches between him and Welling, would make Welling 6-1.5. I agree with that, because he meant to say "I'm almost six-foot-two."
Vegas said on 17/Apr/07
Patrick; kane at 6'10???? I have met him and he is 6'7.5" max. Photos of Kane with my friends are on this site and a video has been uploaded to youtube.
Editor Rob said on 17/Apr/07
This hartley guy - sorry, I don't know if someone already quoted it...
"And Tom’s like, what, 6-foot-4 or something? I’m just a shade under him and then everyone else is pretty big"
Now I ain't buying tom at 6ft 4, or hartley at a shade under...6ft 3.5? Hmm...
Kal-El said on 17/Apr/07
I think Justin Hartley(Green Arrow)is 6ft2.5. In the interview with Justin he said "He's bigger than me", so Tom in my opinion is probably 6'3 maybe 6'3.5. On the Regis and Kelly show, she said and i quote again"you´re very tall, actually you look taller in person". So Tom is taller in person than on TV.
I think in Smallville he can looked like 6ft2, but based on that quote he could be taller in real life.
patrick thanks for appreciate my humble contribution to this site, and thank you for all your comments.
Da Man said on 16/Apr/07
Sorry, Ben RoethlIsberger. Don't know why I misspelled his name twice.
Da Man said on 16/Apr/07
Kane and Welling, photos from the set:
Click Here Click Here
Kane with 6'4.8" Ben Roethlesberger:
Click Here
Welling looks at least 2" shorter than Roethlesberger there. At least.
Da Man said on 16/Apr/07
Patrick, you are correct that in the actual episode with Batista there wasn't a single shot with which to compare the two. There was a WWE/Smallville behind-the-scenes trailer that showed some non-Smallville-filmed clips between the two and Batista had about 1.5" over Welling. I provided the link a while back and it was pretty obvious even though Ben denied it. Batista wore custom made boots on the the show though that looked to have a SOLID 2" inch heel, so Batista is probably less than 1" taller than Welling in reality.
Kane isn't over 6-8. I've seen and found numerous pics with Kane in and out of wrestling attire and he is in the 6-8 vicinity. Personally I'd put Kane as no less than 6-7.5" and no more than 6-8.25". Kane has been listed as 6-8 by numerous sources including his college football team. As Isaac Yankem DDS (his previous wrestling gimmick) he was billed at 6-9 by the WWE.
Also, there was only ONE photo with Welling and Kane actually standing upright and Kane had 6 inches on Welling, and they appeared to have comparable footwear.
AAAA said on 16/Apr/07
Well, Hartley could be 6'2.5 and Welling close to 6'3.5, I can't see Tom as a full 6'4, but it is really hard to tell. And I agree that Hartley is really well built, but he is more of a "swimmer" or Yoga build to me. Tom looks like a weightlifter and a boxer. He reminds me a bit of the Klitchko's or a later career lennox lewis. I just think that he has got at least 15-20 lbs on hartley. Hartley is chisled but lacking Tom's bulk in the chest, back and legs. STill in great shape though.
patrick said on 16/Apr/07
Once more "thanks KalEl for the excerpt of Justin interview.
Ben and AAAA, even i think Tom is up 6'3, anyway, we are in the same boat and you will see that sometime, eventually, we'll get the proof!
I studied very well (as usual) the "Batista" episode; i worn my recorder out in freezing and slowing pic etc. Once again, NO ONE "normal" shot! diagonal camera moves, Tom being grabbed up etc. BUT, Tom never, never looks smaller, i am terribly sorry for those who saw he was; i cannot say he is taller but the show doesn't "show" he is shorter, in any case; On the contrary, all the more since you take into consideration the incredible Batista's Frankenstein boots!
Except for one gigantic (very fugitive) extra seaport (with a helmet), Tom literally towers over everybody on the wharfs.
Thus, unless they are all 5’7 men…And you know why he so appears? Because, those people are not important, not recurring, swiftly seen and they don’t care about how they look next to Tom!
Good Lord! Open your eyes and stop judging him in advance once and for all! This guy looks big and very tall to everybody as Ben says; read again the Kal El interview once again! Would you imply he lies in writing it? Or maybe that this is Justin who would lie? But, WHY on earth would they do such a stupid thing?
As for Justin Hartley, he definitely looks SMALLER by an inch, sorry, not an half of, than Tom. In “Rage” episode, there is no possible confusion anymore, if ever! Yet, Justin is very tall and well built; look at his arms! Tom is indeed “beefier” and taller; Now, if you want to keep on discussing about it, welcome !
Last thing: I got several photos of Kane with and without Tom (sorry I cannot put them on this site: impossible) .
This guy is HUGE and evidently more than 6’7 as claim our dear Viper; (the simple fact “he” claims that proves he is much more !)
If Kane is not 7 as often listed, he still stands at 6’10, that is sure!
In addition, all the sites devoted to him say so.
SO, in the “with Tom” pictures, that one, Tom, doesn’t appear small at all: in each of them he never looks 3,5 inches smaller, let’s say 4 or even 5 (what I NEVER notice in any way in those pictures) to please my opponent friends! That puts Tom at far beyond 6’2/5 which as I write and read and watch (the series) along, appears as more and more ridiculous.
I am eager to read all what my dear DaMan and others will retort, turning down piece by piece my arguments!
AAAA said on 15/Apr/07
I was anonoymous below, with the welling hartley size comparsion. My internet is sucking again
James said on 15/Apr/07
Tom's a pretty cool guy, I'll nail him as just a lil under 6'3 as he says. He seems modest as well, like height doesn't bother him. He has no reason to lie.
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/07
I don't think he is a full 6'4. I am sticking with a solid 6'3, and hartley looks tall as well. I really don't think welling has more than a .5 inches on hartley. Maybye hartley is the 6'2.75 guy and looks taller sometimes cause he is lean and welling the 6'3.25. But Tom is definitly BIGGER.
The more i look at it, the more convinced I am that he has put on a lot of muscle since season 2-3 on. I mean, he was much more chiseled early on, and had better torso and ab definition, but he looks a lot more hulking now.
I guess he doesn't have as much time to keep up on all the cardio or something. And he doesn't seem like a naturally thin guy. Well built, but he is too thick to have natural 5% bodyfat like a Hartley or padalecki
Kal-El said on 13/Apr/07
In a recent interview with Justin Hartley he said:
JH: ...It's all right; [Tom's] a big dude. I was surprised when I first met him; I didn't realize he was that big - he's a big man.
Q: He's a tall guy. He's like six four, isn't he?
JH: Yeah. He's bigger than me, and he's a lot beefier than me too - his arms are probably twice as big as mine...
DaMan said on 13/Apr/07
Just for clarification, when I say "solid" 6-3 to me that would mean that they would not be under ~6-2 3/4" at the end of the day and should be 6-3 or a bit over in the morning. Hartley looks like a tall guy, but as you know the guy has a fairly lanky build. Sure, he's in shape but he isn't heavily or thickly built. And once again I'm just comparing these guys to my mid-day 6-2.5" self. Hartley doesn't come across as any taller than I do in pics with 5-4 to 5-6 women so I'm not convinced he is a legitmate, solid 6-3. I don't even think Brandon Routh is a *solid* 6-3 and I think Routh is currently a bit taller than Schneider, Hartley or Welling.
patrick said on 13/Apr/07
Wow! Happy to have made this site bounce again! DaMan, you are very honest and it's really appreciable; Ben, you are like me: not ready to give up like that! I do appreciate as well! Matt, your opinion is interesting and has been evoked right here many times; I just think on the contrary, (as do Ben and "the others") they do their utmost to make him appear not "that tall"; He is tall enough to embody a super character as Supi is; The point is "how to make him look “superman sized” without dwarfing the others, especially the girls.
The fact is DaMan is right about Tom looking shorter in “out SV” films, but not TV shows; That is the reason why such a site exists and you, I, we write in!
Matt, Jared looks really thinner than Tom; not the same category; Tom could have been a very good bodybuilder if wanting.
DaMan, frankly, it is visible that John Schneider and J. Hartley are 6’3, unless they wear lifts, what would be ridulous to assume!
I claim “they” do all what they want on a set and would be able to make appear 5 inches different actors almost alike whether they would do!
BEN, Ben, I don’t forget you: WHAT YOU SAY IS VERY CLEVER about “our” ways of considering, the ones Tom as much smaller than listed and the others, as sometimes “a giant”!
THAT IS EXCATLY what I read MANY times in fan or specialized sites!!!
So, we are not alone in our way of looking that very special man!
I personally am sure, sure, they on purpose cloud the issue, making him look taller than J.Schneider, then the same or even a bit smaller, for one or two seconds, just enough to make us wondering and doubting!
Now that J.Kent has gone away, they have introduced Green arrow…ask yourself “why” besides the heroe in himself.
All of that plays on our psychology and that is why it is so interesting to debate, almost “to compete”!
Hi fellows!
DaMan said on 12/Apr/07
I think Padalecki is about 1.5" taller than Welling. Even at the CW network premiere with Padalecki in the background he looked noticeably taller than Welling in my opinion. Also, if you watch House of Wax Padalecki just plain looks taller than Welling does outside of CW/WB TV shows. To me, for the most part Welling looks taller on Smallville than he does outside of it. Smallville is next to useless for comparing heights because they DO use so many tricks, just because Welling may look taller than Hartley or Schneider on the show doesn't mean that he actually is in reality. I'm also not convinced Hartley or Schneider are solid 6-3 guys either.
DaMan said on 12/Apr/07
Patrick, yes I agree 100% with everything you said about discussing our differing opinions. If everybody agreed this website would be pretty boring.
patrick said on 12/Apr/07
Dear DaMan (i hope you are agreed about what i previously said because i am anxious to be appreciated by someone like you even though we do not necessarily have the same opinion!)
So, you know I do not know very well Jared; I think he is 6’4 , not 6’3; he really looks tall as Tom Selleck or such huys do.
He besides, really is much thinner than Tom Welling and even perhaps a bit thicker than the great Jimmy Stewart, give the same impression of appearing taller because of thinner.
Jensen Ackles is evidently better built than him; so, I never saw Tom and Jared (please, you are of them who mention CBTD 1 !!!) but ina short film sent here by a “member” which showed many young TV stars applauding on a stage; Jared was just behind Tom but the shot being taken from very very far thanks to a teleobjective, hi looked a little bit “bigger” and barely taller (1 cm MAXIMUM);
His head was (not looked: I measured each of them) was ONE inch longer and wider than Tom’s BECAUSE OF not the angle but of the enhancing teleobjective phenomenon.
That is why people are deceived with photos!
So I frankly think he is as tall as Jared but I cannot prove it of course; I see in advance what Viper will say !
Moreover, Jensen seems to me exactly as tall next to Jared as he is beside Tom.
If not, why would have they go to so much of trouble in putting Jared upon a platform with his “pals” in CBTD ? But I do not even need that to see what I see and you don’t;
I still say that the Tom’s height is the most mysterious think I met in watching a film or a TV show;
So many tricks, questions, angles, words about how tall is the guy, how TALLER he is when met in reality; That is a fact and it needs to read ALL the costars or collaborators interviews to check that out!
To finish: I swear that all what I say about measuring and checking pictures, shots on DVD or else, are very thoroughly made. What I say about Tom standing legs apart, shortening him by at least one inch, in episode 5 (6th season) and STILL taller by an inch than Justin Hartley…I don’t invent it; I am so honest (if only you knew me !) that I couldn’t lie or try to convince myself just “to be right” at all cost!
Thanks for believing me and for keeping writing here!
DaMan said on 11/Apr/07
Patrick, do you think Welling and Padalecki are the same height?
patrick said on 11/Apr/07
JZ: judge others as you would have others do unto you.
"We", including DaMan, AAAA, Ben, Viper and so many others enjoy sharing their different opinions, points of "view" (that is the case here) ; We disagree BUT we try to expose what WE think. I DEFEND ALL OF THEM, all, even if it means they say the exact opposite of me. Here is precisely what LINKS us !
Otherwise, we would have give up for a long long time!
Nobody can tell another "he talks too much"; I yet agree with your point of view but where would be the interest in just saying "TOM IS 6'3" dot.
The most important remains to respect eachother despite our divergences.
I rewatched the season 5 episode with Aquaman: this actor is an "American label" ! He cannot be anything else than American, with his dazzling square chined 40ies 50ies face! Looking taller than he is (but yet tall !) thanks to his shape, his incredible sinewy body and the determination of his look make him a real heroe. Tom is once more, taller in any way you look at them but what a guy!
Let’s pay tribute to the Alfred Gough and Mile Millar team to always find actors being the comic’s character match! Even Erica Durance who was a bit “apart”, finally by sheer force of endeavouring, got her place in the show;
Smallville, the ONLY dramatic show, the only tragedy enrooted in a real and modern mythology that even young people can watch. The creators and all the crew seems to in “state of grace” in making the show; you can disagree with me but I am a “classic culture” fan (Shakespeare, Dante, Racine, Corneille, Virgile, Homer etc.: I know what’s what and I mean it, assuming this show is touched by “something”; So was the last “film superman returns” but so few saw it!
I bet my month pay that both will be recognized as great art works later; You’ll see!
JZ said on 10/Apr/07
every one on this site talks to much, but I belive he is a solid 6-3. Steve martins 6 ft tom had at least 3 inches on him, steves head barley rose above toms chin in the movie and tom was barefoot. So screw you all, especially anyone who thought he was 6-1, you need to get your eyes checked
patrick said on 10/Apr/07
Sorry guys, Viper and DaMan but you obviously do not know anything about photography; I happened to be a good photographer and drawer; that typically the kind of thing nobody can use because it's a VERY WIDE angle lense which has been used here! We talked about it few months ago! With that kind of lense a difference of if only an inch at left or right causes a gap and distorts both shapes and sizes; Using it to claim this or that is not honest i must say; IF TOM HAD BEEN AT LEFT I WOULD BE THE FIRST TO DECLARE IT "OUT";
Let's be serious gentlemen; In the CBTD 2 pic, Tom is visibly a step behind and furthermore, they are all on a uneven ground which we need is unacceptable in either way! I do have the CBTD2 and Smallville DVDs and frankly, bad faith is necessary here to claim that Bennett is Tom alike.
At last, I froze two pictures with Tom and Hartley in the 5th episode (6th season) of SV:
Once, Tom looks the same BUT the camera is once more clearly 10° tilted in order to make them alike.
In the second shot, Hartley passes by Tom: this one is legs widely apart, a very strange position (he had not in the previous shot) and though, Tom is one inch minimum taller. You can repeat the experience because that just needs to slow down the film or freeze it!
Everybody I showed it, told me there was no hesitation. I am absolutely sure that Hartley is about one inch smaller than Tom while he is already very tall himself.
DaMan said on 8/Apr/07
Jared is marginally closer and Tom appears to be leaning back, but the difference looks huge there. Still a strange pic.
Viper said on 7/Apr/07
Its quite simple. Jared is closer to the camera at a low angle. Put Welling closer to Jared and the height difference wouldnt be as much. Though I would still see 1-2 inches between Jared and Tom there regardless.
AAAA said on 6/Apr/07
That pic is a great example of why photos can decieve. he is set the farthest back, as well as the camera angle being really low. Low cameras,( shot looking up from lets say that ladies chin level, which is over a foot below the rest of them.) Plus look how big Ackles head looks. Padalelekis head looks too big as well, but he is closer to welling. Also notie the distortion of how big the two shorter guys seem. Another good reason not to always trust cameras.
DaMan said on 6/Apr/07
Oldie but goody:
Click Here This pic actually jives perfectly with that other Welling/Schneider that used to be on this page. Who has a link to that Welling/Schneider pic? It's a photo from a party or a premiere with Welling and Scheider side-by-side...