penguinboy25 said on 10/Oct/13
Looks as listed with 6'1 Colin Hanks. Appears to have him by an inch and some change.
Click Here
CelebLifts said on 7/Oct/13
Lol cause he's met him and guessed his height everybody supposed to believe that? It seems this editor doesn't like the truth.
Gambit said on 7/Oct/13
Welling was hardly taller than Alan Ritchson (6ft2in) in Smallville. Just a little bit. And Welling was in his usual boots, Ritchson on flip-flops. This listing of 6ft2.75in is an early morning height, imo.
Lorne?$! said on 5/Oct/13
Right on, Lo. They're really wasn't a good chance to compare them, and Batista had boots. I think Welling would prob edge him out, certainly not shorter, Orton looks taller with Rock+Batista than J Padelacki looks with Tom. But about Schneider, to be fair, Tom wears big Timberland styles a lot that give a good 1.5in, while Schnieder has work boots that give like 1.3in range. I'm not convinced Schneider is really 6-7mm taller than Tom, much less a strong 6'3, but really they look identical. Just a night or 2 ago, Welling Barefoot and Jon in work boots, he was comfortably taller, and with both in dress shoes at Prom, looked IDENTICAL, like I said, I don't really think he's taller, they should both be listed the same, but I wouldn't be SHOCKED if Schnieder was a few mn taller evening, but really they are just same height.
CelebLifts said on 5/Oct/13
Lo sgozzatore - Batista was wearing lifts? What about Tom's giant boots he wears in Smallville hey? Face it your idol isn't the tallest. You don't buy Schneider to be taller? Watch Smallville on a big tv if that helps you.
Lorne - Batista was also taller than Tom at that live award show thing. The one with Martha Kent dancing wild. How would you know Schneider isn't more than 6'3? You measured him? I didn't think so. Rob just meets and makes estimates not facts. It would be virtually impossible to guess somebody at 6'3.25 on meeting them. Half of his estimates are incorrect, he downgrades alot of the actors I think. I think it's funny Rob has Schneider taller than Tom which ruins what you're saying:) Fact is Tom himself as said IN BLACK AND WHITE he is "almost 6'3" so that means he's under and Schneider himself has always said either 6.3.5 or 6'4. The fact is Schneider is still at least 6'3 in Smallville so "like I said" he's a tad taller.
The Rock looks around 6'3.5 next to 6'2 Paul Walker in Fast 5 & 6. You going to say Paul Walker is shorter than 6'2 cause rob says so.
In the WWE heights vary each week. They come down with different bill heights and weights and different lifts too. So That day Randy who knows what boots or whats inside them on that day, sorry, you just can't use WWE as a "back up" since they always change their heights depending on role of character, e.g wear bigger lifts or flat types. Look at Kane for instance, he's 6'7, but wears huge lifts to make him 7'0 cause he plays a monster. The Rock isn't playing a tall monster, so no huge lifts. He was billed at 6'5 and I believe 6'4 was close in his prime since he was quite abit taller than 6'3.5 Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania when they faced. The fact is, The Rock is taller than Tom since Tom is under 6'3 (said so himself) and no way is Rock under 6'3. It's up to you if you want to stay in denial.
Lorne said on 4/Oct/13
Batista had big boots in small ville, and camera angles made him to look bigger. He's the same as Welling, (maybe?) a tad shorter. Schneider is NOT more than a flat 6ft3, Rob has met him and says 6'3 max. Rock is similar to Schnieder and Tom, but they would prob edge them out( peak Schneider, of course) And Jon really does look 6ft3 on early seasons of Smallville. Rock certainly looked 6'3 when younger, but always wore big boots. Like I said, Conan had an easy inch on him. And even in boots, Rock looked a good 3cm under Randy Ortin, in DRESS SHOES that gave max 1 inch, I posted the vid on. ortolans page. If Irtin is flat 6'4, how could Rock reach 181?(and it was 10 years ago.) I 'm just saying, peak Schneider would prob edge out peak Rock.
Lo sgozzatore said on 3/Oct/13
CelebLifts, there werent some good scenes with Welling and Batista to compare them in height, come on, be honest! And Batista was wearing lifts in those scenes, you can see clearly see that! If anything, Welling would be taller than Batista! And i just dont buy Schneider being taller than Welling. If you want to believe that, you're free to do ;)
CelebLifts said on 1/Oct/13
No no There's noway Schneider is under 6'3 if Tom is just under it. I have Schneider at 6'3.25inch in season 1 Smallville. There is a clear difference in many scenes when he's showing good posture.
The Rock is taller than Tom because Dave Batista was taller than Tom in Smallville and Dave Batista was shorter than the Rock in WWE.
Balrog said on 30/Sep/13
I think Welling would edge out The Rock by half inch.
Lo sgozzatore said on 30/Sep/13
Lorne, i admit i havent seen many pics or stuff of him but for what ive seen he looks about 189 to me, no more! Was he a bit taller when he was younger? I dont know... Maybe he was really 6'3 and now a bit under it... I think Welling might edge him out. He for sure is more honest than The Rock, since i doubt The Rock ever hit 6'4 in his life!
Lorne said on 28/Sep/13
Lo SG: Do you think Welling would be taller than the Rock? I think it's possible, esp. now!
Lorne said on 28/Sep/13
Schneider isn't more than 6'3 flat, actually I think he's a fraction under. He was only 43 when smallville started, he wouldn't have list anything, except maybe a small fraction by the time he left. It's possible Schneider would measure a tad taller than Tom, but that's all. They're both 190cm guys, IMO. And they'd be within a few mm of each other.
CelebLifts said on 17/Sep/13
He says on dvd that Tom is as tall as him, he didn't say he was taller. Schneider is a lot older in Smallville and still was a tad taller. He was about 6'4 in dukes in his prime where Tom prime height was 6'2.75 max so Schneider is the taller man.
Lo sgozzatore said on 16/Sep/13
Naa, Welling is taller than Schneider... Schneider himself admitted that and he does look a bit shorter than Welling!
CelebLifts said on 15/Sep/13
Yeah the more I hear what you guys are saying I reckon this listing is close... I think 6'2.75 could be Tom's bare foot height and he's over 6'3 with shoes on. On Smallville Tom looks a tad shorter than Schneider who I believe is just over 6'3 and cause of the boot type shoes they wear on the show they're both near 6'4 so that explains why Tom looks so tall on Smallville.
Ud191cm said on 14/Sep/13
Maybe you're right, the more I see him the more I think he's 6'2.5 slightly shorter than Schneider.And also that 5'7 guy reaches till his mouth which makes him a 6'2.5 guy.
Lorne said on 13/Sep/13
Yeah, no way he is measuring less than 189.5cm, NEVER. And I still don't think Schneider is taller, think they'd both measure within a few mm of 190cm, just hair under 6ft3.
Gambit said on 12/Sep/13
I'm pretty sure a strong 6ft3in is entirely out of the question. See Smallville, last episode of first season: Tom Welling hasn't much on Eric Johnson (Whitney) and he's only 6ft2in or even 6ft1.5in. Still thinking at the end of the day Welling is closer to 6ft2in than 6ft3in.
Lo sgozzatore said on 11/Sep/13
Yeah, i know there's no way he's 6'2 flat, guys like Alan Ritchson or Justin Hartley would be 6'1 range... I asked it for people who try to say he's just 6'2! I dont think he has twitter and, even if he had, i doubt he'd measure for me xD
Anyway, i agree with you, he can look a big 6'3+ guy. Whether he is or not, that's the point! He himself claims to be almost 6'3, maybe he really measured himself just under that. But who knows how that measurement was done? I mean, you cant be 100% sure he's really "almost 6'3". This listing could be ok, i think that's what he could be at worst, not under that for sure. In the pic with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, there's a bad angle for mr Welling. I mean, look at Jensen. He looks just a couple inches shorter when he's at least 3 inches shorter than Welling in reality and one inch at most under Jared Padalecki...
CelebLifts said on 10/Sep/13
@ Lo sgozzatore There's noway Tom is 6'2 flat. He looks bigger than any other 6'2 actor I can think of. He gives the impression of a 6'3+ guy. Why don't you tweet him and ask him to measure himself and upload the picture .
Balrog said on 10/Sep/13
He looks the full 6'3" to me of course he could be a fraction over or under.
KROC said on 9/Sep/13
Solid 6'2 for sure.
Lo sgozzatore said on 9/Sep/13
Rob, how much would you bet on him being 6'2 flat?

Editor Rob
on Tom being flat 6ft 2, I wouldn't put a bet on it.
CelebLifts said on 8/Sep/13
Does it really matter if he's 6'2 or 6'3. It's still tall and the perfect height IMO.
Gambit said on 5/Sep/13
Ah, didn't know that! Thanks for the heads up. How about this picture?
Click Here
Doesn't anyone agree that Welling never appears 'super tall'? Just doesn't seem so close to a full 6ft3 stature. It should be mentioned btw that the Smallville cast (often recurring characters weren't that tall, except for Schneider). And Welling is constantly in boots.
Lo sgozzatore said on 4/Sep/13
Yeah, in that pic tom doesnt even look 6'2 but we already explained that! Jared was made taller on purpose! Tom himself asked for Jared to play that part because he needed a big guy to "bully" him but he actually is just a bit shorter than him, so they made him bigger than he is! Rob, i know you are 100% sure he is under 6'3 but, seriously, you think there's even a chance he could be 6'2 flat?
Gambit said on 4/Sep/13
Click Here
That's more than one inch difference. I'd say 6ft2.5in for Welling, but only out of bed. Welling has a tall appearance, but I see him more like a tall 6ft2in dude. Never seems to have the 'towering' appearance like 6ft3in actors can have (e.g. Chris or Liam Hemsworth). What's your opinion, Rob ?
Lo sgozzatore said on 1/Sep/13
Ok, you're free to believe it :)
I think that this listing he's what Welling could be at worst! And there's a good chance that Schneider is more 6'2.5 than a full 6'3...
Btw, Rob, i heard that Welling is here in Italy, in Venice, to present his new tv movie. And from what i've read, he'll probably be in London too, in October. Maybe you could catch him. Or you just go to cons?
Scott said on 31/Aug/13
He's 6'2.5" at night tops.
Rey said on 31/Aug/13
I believe outside of Hollywood reality that Schneider is actually taller.
Lo sgozzatore said on 30/Aug/13
I repeat it, Schneider did say Tom is taller than him and he actually is! Then you're free to believe what you want :)
Lorne said on 30/Aug/13
LMFAO! Remind me to never make a bet with Rob Paul, he'd find a way to make Christopher Reeve measure 6ft3.9!!!
Rey said on 29/Aug/13
I believe Schneider to edge out Welling by .5" whether Welling is 6'2.75" or 6'3" even.
Lo sgozzatore said on 29/Aug/13
Wow, is the first time you are sure about someone's height! You always say you cant be sure on someone's height until you measure him! In this case you're sure he's under 6'3. I'll tell you what: i bet all my money on Will Smith being under 6'1.5, Pitt being under 5'11, Clooney being under 5'10.75, Damon being under 5'10, Carrey being under 6'1.5, Affleck being under 6'2.5, Kutcher being under 6'2.5, etc.
Lo sgozzatore said on 29/Aug/13
Yeah, Rob and in some cases it could even be 3 inches (see Justin Timberlake) :) Anyway, i was saying 6'2.99 because he always look over 6'3 (even considering the boots). Would it be so strange that he measured himself like at 17 and grew a little after that? I mean, not every guy measures himself every time of the day like some users on here... Or maybe he just mismeasured a little. Who knows? Would you really bet all your money on him being under 6'3 by night time? I wouldnt :)

Editor Rob
I would ask him to hold a couple of crates of beer for 5 minutes, then quickly put him under my stadiometer, that'd win me the bet ;)
Ud191cm said on 28/Aug/13
I guess you can say almost 6ft 3 could also be just an 1/8th inch shy of the mark, and hence he says 6ft 3 aswell. I believe the almost part comes from a time he was measured. People usually don't come up with almost/just over - like in Kevin sorbo case, he usually goes with 6ft 3 but mentioned he was a little over 6ft 3.]
So Rob what you're saying is that if he was measured 1/8th of an inch under at not his lowest but probably in the afternoon and could go below that mark as well? If he was measured at the lowest height at this mark, he would have gotten away with 6'3?

Editor Rob
yes, he might be a 1/4 inch shy of that mark at his lowest, maybe on other days he could be barely less than 6ft 3, it depends on time of measurement and how much exertion on the spine.
Lo sgozzatore said on 28/Aug/13
Rob, you wanna cover his "almost" claim? Give him 6'2.99? :)

Editor Rob
an almost for one man might be 1/2 inch under, for another an 1/8th inch. It's up to you to decide what you think he can go with the 1-2mm if you want!
Lorne said on 27/Aug/13
Rob, I agree completely on Wellings height, he is 190 legit, just shy of 6'3. But IF YOU HAD to choose between 6ft2.5 or 6ft3 for Tom, which would you go with? I believe his claim, but can't see him 189cm flat, so would go with 6'3, but just curious what you think since you say Jon Schneider is proba ly taller?

Editor Rob
schneider goes with 6ft 3 or 3.5 as his own claim, I think both are actually very close if you measured them barefoot.
I guess you can say almost 6ft 3 could also be just an 1/8th inch shy of the mark, and hence he says 6ft 3 aswell. I believe the almost part comes from a time he was measured. People usually don't come up with almost/just over - like in Kevin sorbo case, he usually goes with 6ft 3 but mentioned he was a little over 6ft 3.
Lorne said on 27/Aug/13
Lol, I mentioned his massive boots I saw, prior to the Rob's lift joke. Hehe your gonna give him a heart attack man! But why does everybody think Welling is taller than he is? Apperantly the man is harassed about is height, I completely trust his "about 6'3" and "almost 6ft3 claims". And in normal footwear, he does NOT look over 6'3. He's a big guy, but come on. If he was 192-193cm he wouldn't have told Sam Jones III he was "6'2 or 6'3". He is completely honest with his claim, and you should accept his word:).
Lo sgozzatore said on 26/Aug/13
Ok, if you're joking you would agree that Lee Thompson Young was noway a 5'9 guy like you said! If you see Smallville, Lee did wear something which seemed lifts! I dont know if that was because he didnt want to appear short next to Welling, Ritchson or Hartley but i can post you photos! :)
So, even if Welling was wearing 1.5 boots, Lee for sure had shoe advantage. This time you failed, Rob :P
And i repeat that even if yeah he has those big boots on, there are a lot of scenes (where you dont see his feet) where Welling wears birkenstocks! I remember those photos with James Marsters, with Justin Hartley, even with John Schneider :)

Editor Rob
I said 'possibly 5ft 9'
Lo sgozzatore said on 25/Aug/13
Yeah, Yaspaa! The funny thing is that Rob is trying to say that Welling does wear lifts on Smallville when they try in every way to make him look shorter! So let me understand, Welling is wearing lifts but then Callum does wear lifts (and that pic shows he really does), so its like a war between who has the bigger shoes?

Editor Rob
I'm joking about lifts of course...Welling wore timberland styled boots and a brand called Redbacks, both in the 1.5 inch range.
Lorne said on 24/Aug/13
I say this listing is spot on. Remember, he wears some big boots on Smallville at times. Just watch the season 3 premiere with him and Rutger Hauer. In an early scene, Tom puts his boots on the table, and you can clearly see, they are BIG! Not only is the heel large, but the entire bottom is thick as well. So those boots we're giving a solid 4cm of height. I'm just saying, legit 190cm will have no pronlblem pulling off a solid 6'3 at times; and it's no wonder he can look a big 6' 3 guy with his boots. Tom is a big guy, might even hit 6'4 after a full nights sleep, but I think just a fraction under evening time.
Yaspaa said on 23/Aug/13
6'1, Callum, wearing some nifty and plentifully heeled footwear. Always believed his claim. Superman never lies.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 22/Aug/13
Sam Winchester tried to bully him, but Tom was having none of it. :D
Rey said on 28/Jul/13
PepsiCola--it was a behind the scenes when filming Cheaper by the Dozen. There was also a scene where Tom puts a liplock on Bonnie Hunt. Yes, there is a cut scene with him wearing socks as the camera pans back.
Balrog said on 27/Jul/13
Who would have thought that Superman got bullyied by Sam Winchester.
Lo sgozzatore said on 27/Jul/13
In fact, Pepsi, he did mention it in an interview. If i find it, i'll post it! Anyway just lookst the cw vid with Jared, Jensen and Tom Welling! There's much less difference there that in this photo! Just ask yourself why. The real difference is one inch at most and more likely 2-3 cms. I think Tom might be in the 6'3-6'4 range and Jared a good 6'4...
PepsiCola said on 26/Jul/13
I watched Jared Padalecki in Bonnie hunt show and he never mentioned tom welling took off his shoes.
SID said on 25/Jul/13
I saw Tom Welling here in Vancouver shooting Smallville he is a 6'2 guy well thats my guess, he couls be 6'3 Im usually got in guessing heights
Lo sgozzatore said on 25/Jul/13
In that pic Tom does look a weak 6'2 max! But Jared himself said he was standing on something or anyway he was made taller because of his role. Tom asked Jared to play that part because he's pretty tall and it's hard to find someone taller than him (than Tom i mean).
Askany said on 25/Jul/13
moe's picture could be an actual proof if his own height is close to 6'3" (and an additional proof would be needed) and the picture includes the ground (even ground) and they wear similar shoes. This could give a 1/2 inch accuracy, of course we couldn't get any more than that in any case.
Yaspaa said on 24/Jul/13
That shot, Tom is on slightly lower ground, when he steps closer he gets a little taller, he looks more 6'2 max there, definitely taller when he stands closer though.
Rey said on 24/Jul/13
I heard that Tom Welling took off his shoes in that scene to appear shorter. I believe Bonnie Hunt had mentioned that on her show when Padalecki was a guest.
PepsiCola said on 24/Jul/13
190 cm for Tom welling is spot on picture with Jared padalecki
Click Here He is a little under 6'3 maybe hes 6'3 just maybe
Lorne said on 22/Jul/13
Balrog said on 12/Jul/13
Crews I think is a solid 6'2'' guy maybe over so Welling should be around an inch taller than him if he is the full 6'3'' that I think he is.
Lo sgozzatore said on 11/Jul/13
DaMan, if they have some scenes together it would be interesting, yeah. He'd for sure be taller than all of them...
DaMan said on 10/Jul/13
Welling is cast in Draft Day, along with Terry Crews, Sam Elliot, and Kevin Costner. It will be interesting to see how much height he has on Crews.
penguinboy25 said on 7/Jul/13
I don't understand what the argument here is. 6'2.75 is likely his height most of the day. Might he be over that in the morning? Yes. Might he be under that in the evening? Yes. Arguments are being made over .5 cm's here?? Wow. IMO this is an accurate listing.
Rey said on 3/Jul/13
Moe's observations are sound and very reasonable. I did hear Erica Durance on two different talk shows (Howard Stern and Bonnie Hunt) that "Tom is 6'4" or 6'5")these statements serve many purposes--especially while under contract with the CW. It serves Erica who claims to be 5'8", it serves Tom who want to be 6'3" and may be close, but it also projects and serves Smallville and the mythos of Clark Kent. Most people know Brandon Routh is an approachable and engaging man--who appears to care about the well being of others. Tom Welling is a very reserved person and would prefer to be left alone. I would even say Tom is a very moody person at times. I was stunned when on the Jimmy Fallon show that Tom said he did care for a friend of his wife on national tv-I am sure he was exhausted of the season finale interviews, etc, but I thought it was uncalled for. I have seen both and it appears Brandon seems to be more comfortable in his own skin. I like them both and don't wish ill on anybody, but the illusion of Hollywood is very powerful--and we have all heard the phrase--believing your own press.
moe said on 29/Jun/13
Ok,clearly the Tom Welling obsession has gone to your head. I guess there's no talking to you.
moe said on 27/Jun/13
I stand a decent chance of running into him again soon. I agree that a picture is in order to prove this claim. I certainly spent years thinking he was 6'3 until I met him, and different cast members at Comi-cons. On Smallville he was surrounded by dwarves. I will do my best to procure a picture and put any naysayers to rest.
Lo sgozzatore said on 27/Jun/13
Maio, he'd be taller than all those guys! :)
Lo sgozzatore said on 26/Jun/13
If Welling is just 6'2, then all the people of Smallville that Rob met are upgrade by at least an inch
Askany said on 25/Jun/13
moe you could even be Tom's wife, but what people need here are proofs.
I'm with you guessing Tom is "just" 6'2" but still it's my opinion I can't provide any proof, as well as you.
Lo sgozzatore said on 24/Jun/13
Moe, i repeat that 6'2 for Tom is crazy. Just think about a Justin Hartley, who's a legit 6'2 guy. He does look at least an inch shorter than Tom. He said it too. Gabriel Aubry did look at least 188-189 with Bruce Willis but still was like 1.5 inches shorter than Tom. AT LEAST!! You're obviously
trolling ;)
Balrog said on 23/Jun/13
6'3.5'' is a little bit to high I'd say but 6'3.25'' is a chance and most of the time he looks the full 6'3'' not under.
moe said on 23/Jun/13
The fact Tom has said 6'2 before he said 6'3 means he's 6-2 but wishes he's 6'3. Otherwise he wouldn't say "almost" and "about" on multiple occasions. Having seen him in West Hollywood, he is a good solid six two. I've seen plenty of tall celebrities. I've seen Joe Manganiello, Josh Duhamel, Tim Robbins, Zachary Levi, and Ryan Mcpartlin. They're all taller then Tom. Some are not as tall as they claim. Jason Segel is more 6'3 then 6'4. I saw him on the set of the Muppets. When they used a stand in for Segel, the stand in was six two. Joe Manganiello is definitely six five, and could pass for six six. I saw Kevin Sorbo at the Grove doing a reading of his book "True Strength". He could pass for six four. Tom Welling is not as tall as Sorbo. This only blows your mind, because you have never stood on sets like me watching guys walking around with elevator shoes. Don't get me started on LL Cool J. Celebrities abound in West Hollywood. One sees them around, if one's in West Hollywood long enough. Again, Tom Welling is six two. I have no agenda, no reason to lie to you, I'm not getting paid a million dollars for saying this, no evil organization is forcing me to say this in exchange for the safety of my family. I'm saying it because it's the truth. I once briefly saw Rosenbaum who struck me as being five eleven, but I didn't get a great look at him. I saw Sam Witwer and Sam Huntington at comi-con 2011 walking around with a publicist. Sam Witwer is five ten. He claims six one for himself. He also has claimed six five for Tom Welling, in order to booster his claims of six one for himself. Those claims are not for the interviewer who can tell Witwer is lying, but wont say anything on camera. The claims are for viewers at home who cant see the apple boxes and are likely never to meet most of these celebrities in their lives. In Sam's fib however, there is truth in the claim that Welling is four inches taller then him. After all...just like 6'5 is four inches taller then 6'1, 6'2 is four inches taller then 5'10. Look at any photo with Witwer and Huntington. They are the same height.
Click Here
Also look at Tom and Callum at 3:00 in this clip. Ive never met Callum, but I was an extra on Welcome to People with Chris Pine who is the same height as Callum.
Click Here Pine is maybe six one. Callum is not that much shorter then Welling. I would rather use a picture of Tom and I as an example then these clips, but like I said before Tom was standoffish in person.
moe said on 22/Jun/13
Dude, I don't care if you don't believe me. The fact is I've met them both and you haven't (as far as I'm aware). Routh is taller then Welling. That doesn't mean Welling is short. He's obviously not. But Routh is taller.
Lo sgozzatore said on 22/Jun/13
Yeah, Rob. I know what you thinks! That he can look taller just because he has boots or at least you say that! But who tells you he's not wearing those birkenstocks in the scenes where he looks 5 inches taller than an Aaron Ashmore? I repeat, I looked at some backstage photos and he often wears those things! Even when he's on the street! You still think they wanna make him taller? Dont think so. Maybe it's the opposite! In all the scenes with Michael Rosenbaum, they always use low camera angles to favour Rosenbaum! Always! My question is why? Shouldnt do they make Superman look imposing? They do the opposite with Welling.
@Moe, no way Routh is 6'3 and Welling is 6'2. That's funny! Rob met both Routh and John Schneider and said Schneider looked similar to Routh in person. The same Schneider is shorter than Welling, he said it himself.
moe said on 21/Jun/13
Tom goes clubbing a lot in West Hollywood. Extremely shy in person. I've met both him and Brandon Routh. Routh attends a lot of Scott Pilgrim screenings. I met Routh at a signing in Amoeba. Routh is a clear cut six foot three. Welling is six two. That's just the way it is. If you have to talk to one of them, Routh is friendlier.
Lo sgozzatore said on 21/Jun/13
Rob, so when you say he can look taller than he is just because he wears 1.5 boots, who tells you he's not in shoe disadvantage? Those birkenstocks are pretty thin and i saw a lot of backstage photos where he is in these shoes. Even when he's outside! I'd say he's the opposite of Robert Downey Jr, that, when not filmed on his feets, is probably in 5 inches heels!

Editor Rob
as I've said before even with guys like Aaron, if he's in his boots he may be 1.5 inches, and if the other guy is in converse suddenly a difference can look nearer 5 inches.
I watched some episodes with other guys like justin/alan/callum and near enough 6ft 3 I still think is reasonable, over 6ft 3 like 6ft 3.5 I am not as convinced he would be.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Jun/13
Rob, maybe even the full 6"3"?
Lo sgozzatore said on 20/Jun/13
To those who say he looks taller just because he wears big shoes. As his costars said, he often wears birkenstocks, which are pretty thin.
Click Here
@Balrog, yeah. I think he'd be similar to Liam. Both could be in the 6'3-6'4 zone
Balrog said on 18/Jun/13
It would be interesting to see a guy like Tom next to Liam Hemsworth. I think both are a little over 6'3''
Larc 74in said on 18/Jun/13
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover:'re to funny, height has nothing to do with an actor performance, even Bale at just 6'0 wasn't tall enough for the "perfect" 6'2 Bruce Wayne\Batman but he still managed to get the work done.
Cavill is tall enough at 184 and his face totally looks like Clark Kent\Superman.
And Tom Welling is at least 190cm (more chances on a full 191cm), he's always a bit taller than 189 Schneider on Smallville and almost towers Rosenbaum all the time.
Sam said on 17/Jun/13
Just because those guys would fill out the suit better in your opinion...I think getting a better actor in the role is more important than stature IMO. I haven't seen Man of Steel so I'm not necessarily defending Cavill's performance, but from what I've seen these other mentioned guys, they range from just ok to pretty dull in other performances.
Lo sgozzatore said on 17/Jun/13
Ahahaha 6'2 o yeah. There's more probability he's 6'4 than 6'2 flat! I've just seen the episode with Alan Ritchson and he can look 1.5-2 inches taller than him but he has shoe advantage, so he's probably only 1-1.5 inch taller. I repeat he can look anything in the 6'3-6'4 range, he said this "almost" 6'3 thing but he could have measured him wrong. Who knows? Anyway, this listing is what he could be at worst. He never looks under 190, never! He looks huge next to James Marsters and he makes Rosenbaum, Glover look shortish. He's taller than John Schneider, who's not under 189.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jun/13
The real Man of Steel, IMO. Henry Cavill is quite disappointing I must say. This guy, Brandon Routh, Jerry O'Connell, Alan Ritchson or Brandon Molale should've gotten the part. They all stand between 6ft2-6ft4 and have big, muscular builds.
moe said on 13/Jun/13
I've met him. He's in West Hollywood all the time. He's 6'2.
Lo sgozzatore said on 10/Jun/13
When they dont use tricks to make Rosenbaum taller, Welling can easily look near the 6'4 mark, but then again he has near 0.5 footwear advantage, so yeah. He's not a big 6'4 guy, but he generally looks taller than 6'3 flat...
Yaspaa said on 8/Jun/13
His word, and the listing looks good. 3cm under Padalecki.
Lo sgozzatore said on 5/Jun/13
6'3 maximum in the morning? O yeah, in the morning he's for sure close to 6'4. This listing is, at worst, is low. He can look nearly 4 inches taller than John Glover, who's a legit 6'.
Balrog said on 26/May/13
Looks full 6'3'' to me.
penguinboy25 said on 24/Apr/13
Eeasily more than an inch shorter than Padalecki. Stop with the close to 6'4 remarks. 6'3 maximum in the early morning.
Lenad said on 23/Apr/13
I always knew 190cm was closer to the truth than 189.
Balrog said on 10/Apr/13
After looking him next to Aubry, Somerhalder, Buckley, Hartley and Ritchson my guess would be solid 191 cm for Welling or 6'3.25''.
jgdomino said on 5/Apr/13
He looks over 6'4 with Gabrial Aubry. Unless Aubry is shorter than 6'2.
gian92 said on 4/Apr/13
he is taller than justin hurtley ! Tom is at least one 6'3 !
5ft10guy(Not GrowingAnymore) said on 15/Mar/13
This guy's height is ideal strong 6ft2 almost 6ft3 and he looks like superman.
Jay said on 25/Feb/13
Dude should be listed as 6'3. He is huge!
Lo sgozzatore said on 10/Feb/13
He' standing straight here, Rob. And this is not last few years, i mean its ten years ago and you still havent downgraded Martin, even if you think he was a weak 5'11 10 years ago!
Lo sgozzatore said on 8/Feb/13
Rob, honestly, how much difference you see with Steve Martin?
Click Here
Considering Martin is also closer to the camera, Welling really looks about 6'4, if Martin is really 5'11.5 (is he really that tall)?

Editor Rob
he can at times look around 4 inches taller than martin...who at times himself can look a weak 5ft 11 last few years
Lo sgozzatore said on 4/Feb/13
Balrog, there are few bad pics of Jared and Welling together... There's that famous video, with Ackles too, but that's not much a proof since they're standing on a stage with high camera angle... They look very similar, i agree that Jared Padalecki is taller but less than you think. He himself said Tom is as big as him, his own words... For sure Jared is no less than 6'4! Tom is a bit shorter than him and i think he's between 6'3 and 6'4, looks a big 6'5 guy in those shoes he wears in the first seasons. They give about 1.5 inches over barefoot height so i think 6'3.5 is not impossible at all...
Balrog said on 4/Feb/13
Lo sgozzatore. Welling constantly looks around 1in taller than Hartley and 1in shorter than Padalecki. If you put him at 192 then Hartley should be 189-190 and Padalecki 194-195.
I'll give him Tom the full 6'3'' because he looks more genuine than a lot if guys who claim the same height.
Lo sgozzatore said on 31/Jan/13
Rob, another shot where Welling is standing between the door frames and if anything he's standing a bit behind the height chart... Do your conclusions...
Click Here
Lo sgozzatore said on 31/Jan/13
I think too he got measured that height but that doesnt mean he really is that low. I repeat it could be a lot of things: maybe he measured wrong, maybe he measured when he was like 18 and thought he didnt grow anymore and did not measure himself again. I mean, he's not
Obsessed With Height, like a lot of guys on this site who measure themself 100 times a day. He probably measured almost 6'3 once and always went with that measurement...
Lo sgozzatore said on 30/Jan/13
I've just seen another scene and he really looks no less than 6'5, if that chart is ok. Ok, he's probably wearing big 1.5 inches shoes, but i doubt he looks under 6'3.5... So that makes sense when all the people that worked with him have said he's 6'5... He's probably 6'5 in those shoes, about 6'3.5 barefoot, which is what i always said, between 6'3 and 6'4. Rob, are you still of the idea he doesnt touch 6'3? I know he's said that, but what if he got a wrong measurement? I think it can happen...

Editor Rob
my belief is welling got measured close to 6ft 3, else he wouldn't have come out with the almost part. He could shrink a solid inch and be 6ft 4 out of bed and got measured at his lowest I guess.
Lo sgozzatore said on 30/Jan/13
Rob, i just found this by rewatching first season of Smallville:
Click Here
You think that's a reliable height chart? How tall does he look to you? 6'5?
If it helps, this is another scene with Allison Mack, that you met...
Click Here

Editor Rob
if he was standing directly between the door frames it might be interesting but it's a tough shot to really say
penguinboy25 said on 26/Jan/13
I don't think it's out of the question that others guess him at 6'4 or more. People way overestimate other peoples height because they overestimate their own height. This guy I know says he 5'11 but in reality hes probably 5'9 barefoot. The other day he goes dang your pretty tall what are you 6 or 6'1? I'm like no I'm 5'11 and change. Point is I've had various people guess my height as 6 to 6'1 range. I have measured many times and am actually 181.5 cm. It is believable that he is 6'2.75 and people guess him at 6'4.
Balrog said on 25/Jan/13
Hartley claimed that: "Tom's got me by a little bit" Hartley we know is 6'2'' range then Welling at 6'3'' is fine.
Lo sgozzatore said on 25/Jan/13
Yeah, Nils, that's strange. You say "it's the footwear". But a lot of his costars said he wears birkenstocks in a lot of scenes where you dont see his body. So, even if they have shoe advantage, dont they see he's not a 6'5 guy? He's a tricky guy, everybody and i mean everybody always talks about his big height, no matter if people are tall or short but they always see this thing. I'm rewatching the season one and there are some scenes with Allison Mack where he looks almost a foot taller, but she's also wearing heels. I dont know... Maybe he really got measured "almost 6'3" but didnt measure well. It can happen, if someone is not obsessed by height (unlikely many guys on here) is not gonna do measurements everyday, i think he just doesnt care about being tall.
Nils said on 24/Jan/13
If Tom is 6'3 it's not wierd that people guess him 6'4-6'5
But if he's under 6'3 it is abit wierd that so many said 6'5
I would guess him a good 6'3 but yeah i guess he knows his own height
Why would someone who plays superman downgrade their own height? it must be the footwear. Most likely he does measure 6'3 a good part of the day but has been
measured a shade under aswell that's the only sense i see.
Lo sgozzatore said on 23/Jan/13
Rob, here's an interview with Aaron Ashmore:
Click Here
He also comments on Tom's big height and he's not short, he really looks around 5'11.5 with you.
Patrick said on 11/Jan/13
Well posted Balrog. I agree with both of you. Tom is so decent that...he just doesn't have any job in Hollywood. What a shame...when i see the current pimply weak - in any meaning - young movies or tv stars. Tom the only young...'old fashioned' built, physically and spiritually.
Balrog said on 10/Jan/13
Patrick, I already posted a reason and Nils agree with it. Welling always looked a decent 6'3'' guy to me, and one of the few honest in Hollywood.
Patrick said on 9/Jan/13
Lo sgozzatore says on 28/Dec/12
"I just read an interview of Eric Marstolf, who played Booster in the last Season... He gets listed at 6'2 and he describes his first meeting with Tom Welling, saying he's a big 6'5 guy..."
Why a 6'2 guy would say a lie and how could he be so wrong after having shared so may hours with Tom...Strange, all the actors - male and female - say the same thing, never the opposite, never, ever. I repeat WHY?
Nils said on 9/Jan/13
I agree Balrog
I'm 6'1 people have guessed me to be 6'2-6'3 often even 6'4 once.
Alot of times new people comment on my height that im tall, and i think to myself that im only 6'1 but in reality i guess average 6'1 or whatever height claimed is much shorter.
Anyway tom can be a good 6'3 he looked that last time spotted with justin.
Ash Navarre said on 9/Jan/13
Assuming that Jared Padalecki is 6'4" (he looks a REAL 6'4", and a strong one - he could easily be 6'4.25") and taking a look at the pictures and videos posted here, my money would be on a full, very strong 6'3" for Tom (let's just say 192cm. There's less than 1" difference between the two IMO - although they body proportions and frame is pretty different..
Balrog said on 5/Jan/13
I think he's a legit 6'3'' and legit 6'3'' people is very tall. People who tends overestimate others height is because they inflate their height's aswell. For example I got measured at 186.2 cms at 2 pm, so a strong 6'1'' myself and people always think I'm six two "at least"
Lo sgozzatore said on 29/Dec/12
So he always gets described as 6'5 or 6'4... Does this happens with other 6'3 guys, like Zachary Levi? Dont think so... I dont think he's a big 6'5, nor 6'4 but he's gotta be bigger than this mark. The only guy who i think could be as tall as him is Sacha Baron Cohen, who always looks very tall.
Lo sgozzatore said on 28/Dec/12
I just read an interview of Eric Marstolf, who played Booster in the last Season... He gets listed at 6'2 and he describes his first meeting with Tom Welling, saying he's a big 6'5 guy...
Arch Stanton said on 28/Dec/12
Anybody know his weight? Dean Cain estimates him at 240 pounds which I think is rather extreme, a bulked Manganiello would barely be that. I think he looks near 220 pounds, even a bit less.
Arch Stanton said on 28/Dec/12
ANDREA[ITA] says on 12/Sep/12
He's more 6'3 than many actors listed at 6'3 here! Only few guys on here are 6'3 and look all that tall: Hemsworth's brothers, Sacha Baron Cohen. I think they'd be about the same height of Tom!
Agreed, but some clown on the Hemsworth brothers pages thinks they're 6'1.5" max!!!
PepsiCola said on 4/Dec/12
Tom welling wearing Redback boots,
Click Here and
Click Here
,even mentions that smallville used Redback boots in,(Proof)
Click Here
patrick said on 2/Nov/12
Larc. you speak 'gold'...exactly the prefect measure in commenting.Should Tom finally be proven to be taller than 6'3, i certainly would not be surprised but effectively, the real absolute lowest could be 6'2.75. To me he is taller and not only in height. He does not act anymore, so far, and that shows how our world has become. In the 50ies he would have been a star for sure. No doubt about that.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 28/Oct/12
A big 6'3 is what he is, maybe he drops to a small fraction under that at his worst (who knows?), but he still looks big.
6'2.75 is his lowest.
Lars said on 25/Oct/12
Really, I've always thought he was 6'1" and something, never looked bigger than that! Seriously, he really is 6'3"???
Nils said on 22/Oct/12
He sure gives the impression of a good 6'3..
i saw pics in cheaper by the dozen behind the scenes
and he were either barefoot or in sandals and still looked close to 6'3?
Aragorn 5'11 said on 22/Oct/12
I think I know what Rob is trying to say here. Sure, Tom Welling can be 6'3, 6'4, or even 6'5 in shoes. But barefoot he is 6'2.75. He just needs to wear 1 inch shoes and he'll be 6'3.75, basically 6'4. And if he wears 2 inch shoes which is normal, then he''ll be 6'4.75, basically 6'5! That's why many of the Smallville cast members like Erica Durance, Sam Witwer, and many others said he looks 6'4 or 6'5 to them. But he was probably wearing 1 to 2 inch shoes at the time. And if we say at the least he wears only half an inch of footwear the he'll be 6'3.25 just 3 quarters away from 6'4! And in the morning he's definitely a very strong 6'3 but throughout the day it's very likely that he could be a little less than that like 6'2.75. And he even said that he's almost 6'3 because he's probably that barefoot. But, if we were to say his height wearing shoes then it would definitely be over 6'3!
balrog said on 22/Oct/12
I watched Smallville since first season and Welling has always looked 6'3'', a 6'3'' man is very tall and has 5-6 in on average people so he always is going to look big. If he were 6'4'' then why is he shorter than Jared Padalecki and why he would claim "about six three". Higher I can see Tom is 6'3.25'' and lowest is as listed, anything under 190 cms it's difficult to believe, in fact I don't know why they don't just give the full 6'3'', he looks that and has claimed several times, maybe the almost six foot three was only a one time measure.
Lo sgozzatore said on 21/Oct/12
Patrick, we know rob is not gonna change the listing for any reason! We gave lots of proofs that he's likely taller than his listing but i think that the only thing which could change his thought is to meet him, which is highly improbable...
patrick said on 20/Oct/12
I once more invite you to re-watch the first season of SV and especially the first episodes. I heard that they then did not give their full attention to the height differences but concerning the relation father-son. They then wanted Johnathan look a tad taller or as tall as his son Clark. Tom then always looked immense. That is exactly what said the crew members i met in 2008. 6 foot heigh is a minimum.
Aragorn 5'11 said on 20/Oct/12
He's almost 6'3, like 6'2.75 (as listed here). In shoes he can look 6'4 or more.
balrog said on 14/Oct/12
To me he is a full 6'3''.
penguinboy25 said on 29/Sep/12
Below 6'3.75 should read 6'2.75
penguinboy25 said on 27/Sep/12
Too often Have I seen pics of him (I know there just pics) next to a 6'0 flat type guy where there is just no way he is 3 inches taller. I believe he is between 6'2.5 and 6'3.75. He didn't look that much taller than 185 Carson Daly, and does not look 3 inches taller than 6'0 speed skater Dan Jensen. Def. tall guy and one of my favorite actors but 190 morning height max.
patrick said on 24/Sep/12
Welcome back my dear british friend! I missed you. As i miss DaMan and...6'3...or more Tom!
Yaspaa said on 21/Sep/12
Hey Patrick, you doin' Ok. :)
patrick said on 20/Sep/12
zero, i was not defensive at all, on the contrary. Tom incidentally does not do anything else since his last SV episode. I find that quite sad when i see who are the current so-called stars...Tom is of Wayne, Flynn, Grant descent. Not the 2012 fashion...
Lenad said on 18/Sep/12
i would not rule out a full 6'3 for tom. No more than that though
ANDREA[ITA] said on 12/Sep/12
He's more 6'3 than many actors listed at 6'3 here! Only few guys on here are 6'3 and look all that tall: Hemsworth's brothers, Sacha Baron Cohen. I think they'd be about the same height of Tom!
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 11/Sep/12
I've always read 6'3 for him almost everywhere, he also claimed to be that height.
zero said on 9/Sep/12
Patrick, why so defensive? I'm not talking to you. Like I said before Andrea, that is just people opinion, Welling is an honest guy and looks 6'3, the listing is okay if he really claimed "almost six foot three". He looks this height next to Justin Hartley and also next to Alan Ritchson who I think is just under 6'2''.
patrick said on 4/Sep/12
Voila! At last civilzed tone. I exactly feel the same thing, word by word Andrea...''why?''. Many guest stars were about 6'3 in SV,,,and Tom always looked taller and bigger. That is a fact.
zero said on 3/Sep/12
I understand your point but that's people's opinion, i'm 6'2 out of bed, and just over 6'1 before go to sleep, so 6'1.25 and 187 pounds and all my friends describe me like the "big guy". I'm sure that a 6'3 man and over 200 pounds like Welling looks bigger than me.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 3/Sep/12
Im not obsessed with him! I usually write in pages of celebs i see in tv shows or movies! For example, i rarely write in pages of "big" celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Stallone,... Just because i saw few things of them and im not much interested about how tall they are! I saw all Smallville, all Lost, all Prison Break, and i'm kinda stuck into Welling because everybody says he's huge, enormous, too tall, etc. I know many 6'3 guys but i dont think they are that extraordinary tall, just tall people! The question is: why does Tom get all those comments, if he's just 190? When you see him next to legit tall guys, you understand why! But Rob doesnt want him taller than this mark, so, unless new photos come out, i've stopped commenting him ;)
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 3/Sep/12
We all know that he's shorter than Padalecki, the real question is, "By how much?"
He isn't for sure under 189 or over 191, so 190 seems good.
He has the height of Superman.
patrick said on 3/Sep/12
So, i confess i did not know that you were a man Andrea and that doesn't change anything for me. You will just admit how strange those anonymous comments can create an image of people writting a bit like novel's heroes or radio guys...Nice to meet you again Andrea and sorry. As for m. zero, defending once point of view, any opinion of one's own does not make you an obssesed person. If so, you can be considered as obssesed in the revers position whether it Andrea's or mine or many ithers who alas, have disappeared since the comment-site-issues. Tom is obviously 6'3 minimum but at least for me and taht doesn't make me a mad guy for all that.
zero said on 1/Sep/12
I know everyone has his own opinion and in my opinion ANDREA is obssesed with Tom, ok maybe it wasn't cool what I said before, I apologize but the guy has claimed 6'3 several times, why he would downgrade himself?
And I knew that ANDREA is a common male name in Italy, like Andrea Pirlo or Andrea Bocelli.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 30/Aug/12
I repeat for the last time, i'm a guy (not a girl)! Here in italy its pretty common male name!
patrick said on 29/Aug/12
By the way, the birdenstock have often been simple slippers as the people of the crew told us. Their characteristic sound is easy to hear in off-shot takes. For sure, Andrea did not refer here to ths heroic shoes Clark wore as pre-superman blur.
patrick said on 29/Aug/12
Mr Zero...who do you think you are to look down on people who disagree with you. One more keyboard-brave man. I insist on that because you visibly despise Andrea for defending her point of view which, as an aside, is alike. The CW clip doesn't prove anything about the famous inch more.Taller Jared, yes by half an inch or so. The Jared's head is not balanced and his front head is huge. I preferably refer to the eyes line.Notice how tall Tom looks in the make-up and run-pics. For sure, people beside him should be very short...Tom is tall, very tall and everybody can see it but those who do not want it. He is tall as everybody says he is, everybody including other very tall actors or the crew members i personally met in 2008. Everyine his own opinion and please, no lack of respect anymore from anyone, ok?
ANDREA[ITA] said on 28/Aug/12
Welcome back, mr bond! ;)
zero said on 27/Aug/12
How do you u know he wears birkenstock? Yeah like this:
Click HereClick HerePadalecki has easy an inch over him,
Click HereClick HereStop your obsession with this guy, I've seen your posts seems that Tom is like your boyfriend or something. The guy claims 6'3, and looks 6'3, in fact claimed almost 6'3, so he's one of the few honest guy in hollywood.
Sammy derrick said on 27/Aug/12
After watching smallville for about 7 YEARS I NEVER SAW AN ACTOR EXPECT WWE SUPERSTAR KANE WHO IS 6,8 and doomsday who are taller than Tom everyone else whether it,s JUSTIN HARTLEY 6,2.5 OR BATISTA 6,2.5 ARE SHORTER THAN TOM SO I BELIEVE HE IS 6,3
ANDREA[ITA] said on 27/Aug/12
Boots? You probably dunno that in a lots of scenes, where hes not filmed full-body, he wears birkenstocks! Padalecki has less than an inch over tom, he himself claimed tom has his same body "bigness"... Now im still sure jared is taller, but by a bit! If you look the famous cw vid, you got tom and jared who make jensen ackles look quite short! And jared is a bit taller than Tom, not a solid inch as you say...
zero said on 27/Aug/12
Padalecki has a solid inch over him. Welling can't be over 6 3, he has always claimed that. He wears boots and has good posture and a 6 3 guy is very tall so I think this is okay for him.
patrick said on 25/Aug/12
Totally agree Andrea. Tom effectively doesn't that shorter than Kane while, in old Gunsmoke episodes, the legit 6'2.5 late Dennis Weaver looks like a child beside the 6'7 James Arness listed here erroneously 6'6.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 24/Aug/12
Yeah, its not impossible he got a wrong measurement! Rob listed some celebrities even one inch taller than their claim! The funny thing is that he keeps some celebrities at their heights, even if they clearly look shorter than their listing, when you compare them with Tom!
patrick said on 24/Aug/12
Because Tom is obviously very modest and doesn't care being tall or not. Saying that is as saying 'i am not that tall and that doesn't matter' while i repeat for the hundredth time that the smallville crew near Vancouver told us first and prior to anything else, how tall tom was. I imagine him thinking about what he would prefer to be noticed, and that certainly not for his height. Very well said Andrea and Nils too. Nothing to add.
Nils said on 23/Aug/12
Looked around an inch taller then Justin hartley in a recent video.
I wonder why he said almost 6'3, at times he can even look like a strong 6'3
ANDREA[ITA] said on 22/Aug/12
Rob, i repeat: if you say he's just 190 you gotta be coerent and downgrade many listings: jensen ackles looks pretty small next to him, the ashmore twins look way shorter (noway one of them is 182!), jessica alba doesnt look 169 at all, cassidy freeman used apple boxes (its hard to believe she's 175, a pair of high heels would have been enough!), rosenbaum looks about 4 inches shorter, erica durance in big heels looks pretty small next to him, john schneider admitted he's shorter than tom (i think he knows tom a bit more than you), didnt look that much shorter than kane, tony todd was just a bit taller, chris carmack, who's gotta be 5'11-6' as you said,was much shorter than him, johnny depp looked like a child next to him,phil morris was at least 2 inches shorter than him, aubry, who can look 6'3 most of the time, was noticeably shorter! Now, do a "work" like this with a Jason Segel, who's supposed to be 6'4! :)
patrick said on 21/Aug/12
One thing is sure, Tom changes height from one episode or show to another. Generally before a public audience he looks very tall. John Wayne was another who could change height...the common point is they both do not care how tall they look. Andrea is rigth about her conclusion regarding Aubry and Tom. Nothing to add. I just miss Daman and the others...they probably do not know the site has opened again...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 21/Aug/12
Rob, i gave you lots of proofs, i think... I think that commenting exists also to have a discussion about various heights! Ok, you already said thousands of times you dont think he's over 190, but all these proofs, all those photos makes a sense when you talk with people that worked with him! Even a John Schneider admitted Tom is taller but you still have him 6'3 and Tom 6'2.75! If you believe Tom is really just 6'2.75, you should downgrade Schneider... I think i'm not a guy who just talks but i give photos and vids. Have you looked him next Jessica Alba in heels? I saw some photos of Alba and Ashton Kutcher, the last one doesnt look much taller than Jessica, Tom does! You got several actors (Jim Carrey, Will Smith, Jason Segel just to name a few) that rarely look their listed height and guys like Welling that look over this mark most of the time (even with birkenstock, the boots you always talk about doesnt make him a Tom Cruise, if you know what i mean)...

Editor Rob
from seeing him with people I've met, almost 6ft 3 still seems an honest height, maybe he is a guy who loses more height from waking till evening though so has more variation
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Aug/12
Rob, a guy who often wears birkenstock during most of the scenes doesnt care about height and doesnt wear lift! I was ironic... He's not Tom Cruise! How do you explain all the pics? He brought his boots from the set of Smallville?
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Aug/12
Rob, here's Aubry with Mchale:
Click Here
There are other pics on getty if you search... I hope you gonna agree with me that he looks no less than 6'3, if Mchale is a legit 6'4 (i actually dunno Mchale and never saw something of him but you have him at 6'4)! Same with Willis, Aubry looks about 4 inches taller! With Halle Berry he's at least a full head taller than her! With Welling, he looks noticeably shorter (there's more difference with Welling than with Mchale)! You think he wears lifts? There arent other explanations!

Editor Rob
it would seem bizarre for someone over 6ft to wear lifts, but maybe there's a few out there who want sometimes even more height
ANDREA[ITA] said on 19/Aug/12
So Rob, what about aubry? He really doesnt look over 6'1 next to welling!

Editor Rob
with some people he can look 6ft 2.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 14/Aug/12
Look at this vid:
Click Here
Tom looks like a mountain next to Jessica Alba with heels on!
Here some photos of Alba from that event (you clearly can see she has quite high heels):
Click Here
Rob, what do you think? Welling must be wearing his big 1.5 boots, like he does in Smallville, right?
patrick said on 9/Aug/12
I forgot something. in the last season, in the episode where Clark is dual again, tom is long enough before and beside Justin to see how real the height difference is...the same as with the same episode, with a decayed johnathan kent, tom looks real taller than J.S.
patrick said on 9/Aug/12
ok, the only time i saw jared taller was durin yhe cw presentation show, if that...on the first picture, it is so anamorphic that it is out of the question to use it as any reference. the other one, both do not stand upright at all, jared slouching and tom swaying on his right . Anyway, i don't see any real difference but at the level of the hair. look at the eye line. but admittedly, jared may be taller but by less than an inch for sure. In cheaper btd, way before opening this site it appeared to me as an evidence that the shot was not normal...for sure jared is on something, whether it is the curb or a box...but it is obvious and even then, tom looks more imposing because so he is. But please, stop splitting hairs...
ray 6' 158 lbs said on 8/Aug/12
i think he is 190.5 cm in mourning and 188 at night he seemsed 9 cm taller than ackles and 3-4 cm smaller than padalecki he usually seems 200-220 lbs he is a good actor and defenetly a tall guy
ANDREA[ITA] said on 7/Aug/12
You've seen the commentary? I read in a forum this thing, lots of people said the director talked about this thing. Anyway, the CW video is enough... Tom looks slightly shorter than Jared and much taller than Jensen.
Truth said on 6/Aug/12
Andrea, it doesn't say anything in the Cheaper By The Dozen commentary that Jared had to stand on a box to look taller then Tom. The producers of Cheaper By The Dozen actually said that they had a hard time finding individuals who were taller then Tom was and they thought of Jared because Jared had auditioned before and they remembered him for his height. Tom actually says that Jared is taller then he is and that Jared is one of the few people he knows that is taller then him and looks like he can bully him, which is why he thought was great for the role because it made the scene believable.
Here are some pictures of the two of them and Jared is taller in both of them even when he is slouched and hunched over.
Click Here Click Here
ANDREA[ITA] said on 6/Aug/12
The funny thing is that the site has guys like this, who's supposed to be 6'4, who doesnt look so much bigger than a 5'9 guy (who could be even less from the comments i read):
Click Here Click Here Click Here
And then you got guys like Tom that are supposed to be less than 6'3 and completely destroy LEGIT (this one is for sure) 5'9 guys like this one:
Click Here Click Here ...
and just to be clear Rob, he has shoe DISADVANTAGE and he isnt wearing those boots you always talk about!
Maybe you're right, maybe Tom is just honest but then you cant have guys like Jason Segel listed that height just because they claim it but never look it!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 6/Aug/12
In Cheaper by the Dozen's commentary, the director said that Jared Padalecki had to stay on a box, i mean a legit 6'4 had to stay on a box to appear phisically imposing next to Tom because he said that Jared is less than an inch taller than Tom... And that was a Tom's idea...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 6/Aug/12
Schneider is listed 6'3 by Rob, not .25 but he himself said that tom is taller than him... I think he's a better judge than Rob, because John worked with Tom many years so he knows what he says... Anyway, Rob still has Schenider taller than Tom. Mysteries...
Hob said on 6/Aug/12
tom was not shorter than 6'3.25 listed john schneider.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 5/Aug/12
Anyway, the almost 6'3 quote is from a journal... There isnt a vid where he says almost. There's a video where he says about 6'3. I found a guy that claimed 5'10 but was listed by rob at 5'11 because he said it could have been a transcription mistake. Same for Tom Welling, maybe he said almost 6'4 and he's over 6'3 but less than 6'4 which is actually what he looks!
patrick said on 4/Aug/12
very clever commet Truth, indeed. I still think that people acting are in a higher range than common population. According to what i can see here, in Arizona, people are tall for the half and very tall for about 10%. Average actually means nothing. There are many more tall and very tall and broad-shouldered men here in the us than in France where youngsters are way taller than they used to be two decades ago. Though as i already wrote it, stars are henceforth way shorter than they used to be decades ago, in the golden age, a lot of common actors still are quite tall and very rarely under 5'11 and even 6'. People in Smallvile are for most of them taller than the average. 6' is very common there and many are above including extras. I have been there, where it has been shot, and everyone confirmed it. Everybody also said how tall Tom was, what i swear they didn't say about anyone else. That even was the first thing they told us...prior to anything else.The guy in charge of security or so, along with a nice woman, was about 6'2 and told us the same. I unfortunately could see Tom in person that very day and i regretted and still do if only because i find him so great, but that was enough for me, what people working every day along with him could say. In thfor examplee 10the season, many shots show him way taller than AC and even Justin. Anyway, he cannot be less than 6'3 and presumably a bit more. As an aside, i find that last season way better than the two previous ones and with some very deep moments with real philosophical as well as psychological questions which had long been the essence of that very good show. The way they are bringing Clark to his destiny-choice is very subtle and the same for how Lex as welle Lionel are evolving with so many changes due to what life is made of. Not to mention the political 'black list' denunciation regarding the anti-heroes league. i just regret it is the last one. What they do with superman myth doesn't please me as twhat they are doing of star trek.
Truth said on 4/Aug/12
Lots of fan comments here. I definitely think he fits the role of being somewhere around 6'2 or 6'3. As to him being unbelievably huge in real life a height of 6'2.5 is enough to be taller then 95% of the human population, the average male is 5'10. If Tom is 6'2 or 6'3 that would easily make him 4-5 inches taller then the average male height which would be enough for a "he is huge" declaration from his co-stars. 6'2 men do look tall to relatively smaller people. These men would probably look huge compared to the average female height of 5'3 or 5'4 as well.
patrick said on 2/Aug/12
...the question is settled. end of the previous comment! As for claiming being 6'3 or so, Tom is allegedly of a very modest nature and as often said here, it is not good nowdays to claim being too tall unless being also wrestler. Tall actors are not in fashion for long since the 70ies - pacino, hoffman, de niro etc. Vince Vaughn a remarkable actor just as david morse or even adam baldwin do not have the career they deserved. Even the great and tall liam neeson despite his huge talent far above the cruise or depp or pitt. Tom has what jhon wayne had above all when young...the american glint and the goodness in the eye mixed up with a real and clam strength. it is over now and it is a pity they chose someone else to embody the man of steel, a british 6'1 actor who never will get what tom brings to the role...never ever.
patrick said on 2/Aug/12
Tom is over 6'3''. In the episode with AC who is listed and visibly no less than 6'2, at the end, when they are saying goodbye, they shake hands and are just facing each other and...gosh, the difference is huge, about 2 inches or so. when they do not care about making other actors not looking too short compared to Tom, the question
avi said on 1/Aug/12
@ANDREA[ITA] says on 8/Feb/12
i think its obvious he isnt over 6'3. Plus many of the pics you have have people bending down losing many a inches of height
ANDREA[ITA] said on 31/Jul/12
Hi Patrick! "Welcome Back" :)
I still think that Tom would be taller than 90% of people listed here at 6'3...
In my opinion, he looks just 2 cms shorter than Jared Padalecki, who's no less than 6'4! He's at least 2 inches taller than Phil Morris, listed at 6'1.5! He's like 3-4 cms taller than Alan Ritchson, a legit 6'2! The thing that "stops" me from giving him 6'3-6'4 range is that he himself claimed to be "almost 6'3". I dont see the point to claim something lower than his real height! Maybe he's just honest and everybody needs a downgrade...
patrick said on 30/Jul/12
I agree with you Andrea as usual; I didn't even know that the site had reopen again! great.
I am watching the last season since now living in Arizona, I got 'everything' which was hard in France. Tom looks huge and tall and real superman.
Hope to read you soon and to be able to to write again and again!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 24/Jul/12
Ok! But even if he has, lets say 0.5 inches advantage over carmack, it still doesnt explain why he looks so much taller! Anything less than 6'4 is impossible in that pic!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 24/Jul/12
Rob, you said Chris Carmack is about 5'11-6' and that confirmed what i thought! I guessed something like 5'11.5!
But please just look at this and tell me what you think:
Click Here
No way, Tom looks under 5 inches taller! How do you explain that if he's only 190? Is he wearing heels? :)

Editor Rob
I still believe welling is as he claims, just about 6ft 3. He has worn 1.5 inch boots on the series a lot aswell
Patrick said on 12/Jun/12
Hi Andrea! The « others » do not sound be aware « it » has come back! I am good and am about to move to Arizona; From Paris to "the West"...not bad, isn't it? Yes Phil Morris is tall. I repeat you have just to re-watch Mission Impossible 89 version; he "is" tall. The same for Seinfeld as the Kramer's lawyer. "Kramer" (Michael Richards) is real tall as a good 6'3. Tom seems clearly taller than Morris than Michael does and I can compare it easily since I got both series on DVD! When watching him as the Martian I used to think he was 6' tops beside Clark. Both he and John Glover look short; they, besides, seem similar in height. As for the Flash – as an aside, "Kyle Gallner" is definitely NOT Flash! – he looks in the Pete-Sam Jones range: 5'7. Richardson is really tall too but clearly shorter than Tom though they play on angles as they always do with Tom, even on this picture, completely askew. People moreover are scattered about in a way which doesn't enable us to positively evaluate their respective height. Not a good reference-photograph. As for Allison Mack, she is from behind and looks "big" and taller than she is. Everything comes from the way the picture has been shot. When freezing the picture on DVD that is even more evident.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 10/Jun/12
Rob, how tall you think Kyle Gallner (the boy who plays Flash in Smallville) is? He's listed everywhere at 174 but i think he's more like around the 5'7 mark...
Look at him next to Tom and Alan Ritchson:
Click Here
He looks very short!

Editor Rob
it's likely he is nearer five seven
ANDREA[ITA] said on 9/Jun/12
Hey Patrick, how are u doin? That's just what i wanted to say! I neither knew that Philip Morris had a page and when i saw the listing at 6'1.5 i was shocked because he looks noticeably shorter than Tom! I'd say at least 2-2.5 inches!
Patrick said on 8/Jun/12
He's definitely taller than that, i mean 189cm. Any 6'2.5 guy deosn't look as "he" does. Philip Morris is noticeably shorter than Tom. Watching him in other shows as Seinfeld, beside the legit 6'3 Michael Richards, Philip is not less than 186cm, about 6'1.
Penguinboy25 said on 7/Jun/12
182cm Ackles with his usual .5 inch footwear advantage stands a little more than 2 inches shorter than Welling in this photo. Ackles with 1.5 inch shoes is about 6'1.25" in this photo. With 1 inch shoes Welling is about 6'3.25 in this photo. Minus Welling's footwear he is somewhere between 6'2.25 and 6'2.5 range. I'd say for most of the day he walks around at 189 cm. Check out this photo here.
Click Here
Patrick said on 6/Jun/12
HI THERE!! Anybody here? I am. Long "winterization" if any. I hope to read you soon guys! I am about to buy the tenth season you all have watched about 50 years ago now! I'll keep in touch.
Patrick said on 14/Feb/12
Andrea, as I already written here, I see a minimum of 6'3 for Tom who perfectly could be as tall as 6'4 without feeling puzzled by that. I was more sure before watching the CW clip in 2007 but you know, I experience the situation consisting in gauging a height every time I watch a movie or a TV show. It is amazing how perception is subject to too many factors to be listed here! In many Columbo episodes, a good example since the late Peter Falk was undoubtedly quite short at 5'6, the latter looks more or less tall or short second by second, in the same scene, the same angle just by "actors-repositioning". We know that the actor as well as the character here are "height-questionable". They "both" are short and yet, not depending on any tricks or so since it is useless, "he" changes of stature all the time and what is true for him is so for anyone. What is remarkable is how important can the difference be between actors in the same shot! Another bizarre thing is that some actors never look short while being not tall at all as Ernest Borgnine. If you take 6'4 guys as Liam Neeson or David Morse, they practically always dwarf other actors more than legit other 6'4 guys like Robert Ryan. Why? I just don't know but it is a fact and the same is true with Henry Simmons. I have the same feeling with Tom being shot from a certain distance; whether he is alone or along with someone, he always looks very tall. DaMan, I appreciate once more your comment as I do with Rampage one even though 6'2 is definitely too short for Tom.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Feb/12
6ft2-6ft4 really is a great and ideal
height range. Tall enough to stand out
without looking or feeling awkward...
Da Man said on 11/Feb/12
Justin rarely if ever looks taller than Tom, though they can sometimes look the same height or with Tom clearly edging him by roughly 1/2-inch or so, disregarding the blatantly bad photo comparisons.
Even though I'm not Patrick, I'd say Tom's possible range is between 6'2-1/4" - 6'3-1/4", even though I personally think he is between 6'2-1/2" & 6'2-7/8" legit, barefoot, mid-day. I'm also of the opinion that Zachary Levi is not taller than Welling. From what I saw, Levi looked almost exactly the same height as Hartley on Chuck.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 9/Feb/12
Yeah, Patrick... What height would you list Tom? Give a min and a max...
Patrick said on 9/Feb/12
Andreata, perfect demo if any! I have no real quote but what told me the crew he was working with on Smallville in April 2008. I said many times here that they all, I mean each of them, said first, prior to anything else, any other consideration regarding his handsomeness, his talent or so: "How tall he is in reality!". I repeat...all of them. That is also what report those you quoted yourself. Why doing it for a 6'2 or just 6'3 actor, it has always been my question. Now, once again, there is also that CW clip with Padalecki. Old repetitive story! I therefore agree with you Andreata, at 100%. I like DaMan very much for years because he is not only very honest but also very insightful and intelligent and I am inclined to agree with his argument, notably about how actors are overrated regarding their height. Still, I strangely noticed that generally, actors finally looked what they were listed but even for one inch, give or take, which sounds contradictory, I know. If that gauging job were easy, there would be no site as this one! Besides, I repeat that today's actors are very rarely tall but some like the Rock, defined as kind of super hero in himself or others restricted to supporting roles or being a foil for "the" star of the movie or series. If so, why on earth, they would be wanting so badly, going as far as to lie, be listed taller than they actually are? Who cares about height now? Since the70ies, stars are mostly short or not tall, a 6'1 Nick Nolte looking tall in the 80ies. Don't mention Vince Vaughn who is no more star as David Morse while both being very good actors! Jeff Goldblum didn't last long as a "star" either. I repeat that time as come for about 35 years height is of no importance. I quote here again what claimed Adam Baldwin about the disadvantage of being too tall t 6'4. Only TV stars are sometimes above 6'1 or 6'2 tops as Matthew Fox. Tom whatever height he is, looks as a giant nowadays! As for Justin looking taller than Tom, just two words: no way! Anyway, I see that my remark has been fruitful! Thanks guys!
sony21 said on 9/Feb/12
I just rewatch smallville finale, at weding scene, Tom looks only 2-3 in taller than Erica,whereas Tom supposed to be 8 in taller than erica. And at that scene Justin looks taller than Tom. I am just curious how hey minimized the height difference between them.
Nils said on 8/Feb/12
Andrea how do u explain John schneiders height
if you think Tom is over 6'3
There's a good chance John is just 6'2.5 and they are very close.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 8/Feb/12
Anyway, I also agree that he's not 6'4 or over that mark because he looks shorter than Jared. But the difference is much smaller than you can think, in my opinion. To make an example, on this site you have a guy like Jim Parrack, listed at 6'4! He wouldnt be taller than Tom in my opinion... Same thing with Zachary Levi, listed at 6'3.25...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 8/Feb/12
See the pics of Jessica Alba and Ashton Kutcher... He's not so much taller than her, as Tom is! And Ashton, according to Rob, is supposed to be very close to Tom in height! I wouldn't surprise if Ashton would be 2 inches shorter than Tom, like Gabriel Aubry!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 8/Feb/12
Yeah, that could be right, Da Man... I have the same thought when you say that "this is why it kills me when guy like..."! I mean, this site is full of actors listed at 6'3 but they probably just inflate their height and they'd get owned by Tom, who is just honest. I dunno... Think about Gabriel Aubry, he looks no less than 6'2 with Halle Berry and Bruce Willis but clearly is 2 inches shorter than Tom, if not more, no excuses. And this has a sense when you think that everybody always gets wondered by Tom's height. Justin Hartley would surely edge Hugh Jackman, who is more like 6'1.5 (see him next to legit 6'2.5 Brandon Routh).
ANDREA[ITA] said on 7/Feb/12
Take a guy like Channing Tatum, who's supposed to be 6'1 (so not much shorter than Tom) on this site:
Click Here
Here he is next to Jessica Alba...
Now see the "little" difference of Tom Welling and Jessica Alba together:
Click Here and
Click Here
Come on, he looks taller than 6'3 in any case. Rob doesnt want to see the proofs, same thing he does with Jim Carrey, Will Smith and other celebrities (even if he does the contrary with them, he upgrades them with no reason, just because they're more important and popular). Ok, he claims almost 6'3 but i remember that Rob put Darius Danesh at 6'4, even if he claimed 6'2.75, and not only him!
mr medium said on 7/Feb/12
bombastic job Andrea[ITA] !
Patrick said on 6/Feb/12
Anybody there? Tom is perhaps 6'8. Maybe that will trigger some reaction, who knows?
Patrick said on 28/Jan/12
Sure he's taller than Hugh Jackman! Just right Andrea!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 25/Jan/12
You heard he's taller than hugh? He would have 2 inches on him for sure, if not more!
SIlent d said on 24/Jan/12
190cm is right on. I heard he's taller than hugh jackman. He had more than 30cm on hilary duff.
Neo said on 16/Jan/12
If Tom is 6'3 for real, then he's indeed a tall guy. I'm just 5'9/5'10 but, my chest is 2ft wide. Well I'm still 18 and I'm sure I'm still growing.
Patrick said on 13/Jan/12
I am just sure "like taht", Tom is at least as tall as The Rock. Besides, i just found a set photo of him beside Marsters, and he looks like a dwarf outside the fact Tom looks twice Marster's width.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 13/Jan/12
Ok but my question was different! You think Tom is shorter than the Rock, since he's listed 0.25 taller, right?

Editor Rob
yes it's possible, or they could measure very similar
ANDREA[ITA] said on 11/Jan/12
Rob, do you think that Tom would be shorter than The Rock, listed here at 6'3?

Editor Rob
tom's got a more real height claim than 6ft 4 rock I believe, in that his low might be the 'almost 6ft 3' he said
Patrick said on 11/Jan/12
I just re-watched Columbo episodes with Robert Culp who was always stood straight-up and was about 6'2. Peter Falk, always swaying, slouching and just 5'6 reached nevertheless about the same level as Michael Rosenbaum facing Tom Welling. Nothing to do with James Marsters in relation to Tom since Peter Falk top-of-head was just at the Robert Culp mid-nose level. Somebody explain to me how someone, three inches shorter than Marsters, can be way taller in comparison to a man supposedly being only one inch shorter (Culp 6'2 vs. Welling 6'3). Since Culp and Falk have played four times together, it is easy to check out.
steven said on 11/Jan/12
if he say almost 6'3. which most people are counted 6'3 as 190cm so that would probably put him measure as 6'2.5(morning/afternoon) and he could be just 6'2 in the evening or 6'2 before bed.
Patrick said on 10/Jan/12
To me Tom is minimum 6'3 and, considering the CW TV Show with Jared in 2007, I would be inclined not to see him as tall as I see him when alone. I honestly thought he could be 6'4 and so he still looks in many scenes. When on an "objective" ground as pavement, he looks huge, very, very tall and taller than anyone else. When on his own, he looks very, very tall which is not the case of all tall men. It's a bit like with David Morse who looks taller than he probably is. The point is that CW TV report which, for not being conclusive at 100%, is however real and I can't deny what I see from some distance in addition. In other pictures along with Jared, the difference often is not even detectable. He towers actors who, elsewhere, look reasonably tall as John Glover. He is taller than 6'3 guest-stars and people listed generally around 6' look all small despite the tricks. There is a scene in the season 4 taking place in the hospital corridor (the natural second Lana's home – joke!) and that is so funny because everybody looks as dwarfs. That is almost ridiculous, as if, for such a short scene, they had been tired of doing special angles or so. Unless hiring very, very short people, I don't see how Tom can look so tall if being less than 6'3. Sometimes, as I read it even before the show was aired, from the time of his other series Judge Amy, "he looks as a giant" and others, he looks just tall. Having travelled until the filming location, I repeat for the hundredth time that everybody there told the same thing in the first place: "how tall Tom is" and yet, they had been used to see John Schneider and other tall guys as Justin everyday. They all told me as an evidence that Justin was shorter and way narrower. Let's say between 6'3 to 6'4 which is not impossible at all. One thing is sure, his height is probably the most disputed and questionable in this site. It is as if Tom never had to be known for his real height, a bit, in the opposite, as for Alan Ladd in his time.
Nils said on 5/Jan/12
haha yeah i know he is more then 6-7 cm taller but he have looked it just as he have looked 10? cm taller so it's hard to be 100% sure
Often though he looks 8~ cm taller in my opinion.
I used to think tom could be over 6'3 but since i saw schneider with rob and saw hartley claim just 6'2, i think he could go below 6'3 in my opinion which also fits his claim ;) 189-190 as this listing i think is the best guess if you havent met him! Then ofcourse why so many talked about his height will be a mysteri for now :)
ANDREA[ITA] said on 5/Jan/12
Yeah, i totally agree with you, Patrick! How tall you think Tom is? Give a range (min, max). Tom is way taller than Michael Rosenbaum, not only 6-7 cms! It can happen that Tom looks only 6-7 cms taller but the difference is bigger! You can also see some shots or videos where Jensen Ackles is just a bit shorter than Jared Padalecki, but in reality Jared has at least 4 inches on him!
Patrick said on 4/Jan/12
ANDREA is right at all points, notably regarding her last comments about "the tallest actor". Strange that all of his co-stars say exactly the same thing, whether they were starring or being guest-starring in the show. About Michael Ironside, I know each episode of the series by heart including the ones he appears and I never could find one telling enough about their difference of height. The only way to feel how different actors really are is not to see them face to face but from a certain distance, full-length, feet visible on an even and flat ground and then, Tom, since it is question of him here, always appears taller than anyone.What aaronious says about Tom's natural modesty is quite subtle and insightfully right. Nils, Beside Rosenbaum when from farther than regular close-up shots, Tom looks much more than 6 or 7cm taller. Michael always played on a bow in close-ups and always according to certain equalizing angles in the others.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 3/Jan/12
Tom Welling has been defined by Allison Mack the tallest living actor. He's been defined one of the tallest actors by Bonnie Hunt. That's why it seems strange he's just 190! I mean, you see this site and you see it's full of 6'3+ actors...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 3/Jan/12
Yeah but you said that Zachary Levi doesnt drop under 190.5 and that Tom is honest saying almost 6'3, so you must be 100% sure that Tom IS shorter than Zachary :) (I think the opposite)

Editor Rob
there are degrees of sureness.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 2/Jan/12
Rob, be honest, if he said to be just 6'3, without the "almost", you would have put him at 6'2.75? or 6'3?
And you are 100% sure than a Zachary Levi, for example, would be taller than him?

Editor Rob
when people are close in height you can't be 100% sure.
I just watched an ep the other day where Michael ironside was with Tom and I think the near 6ft 3 looked fair.
aaronious said on 1/Jan/12
when i met Tom back in the late 90's, i personally thought he was a solid 6'3", but no taller. i know this because i am 6'2". AND, if you new Tom, you would know that he "underestimates" alot of things, because he doesn't like to brag. He's an understated person who actually doesn't really like his celebrity very much.
That's admirable Rob for you to take him at his word, but when Tom says 'almost 6'3" ', what he really means, is, "I'm 6'3", but i don't like to talk about it, since everyone seems obsessed with my height".
Nils said on 31/Dec/11
Andrea why would he bother with the almost 6'3 if he is not?
And 190cm guys with the boots he wear on smallville can often be described as "huge" ;) I agree sometimes he can look a full 6'3 but he can also look below it. I can link an interview where he only looks 6-7 cm taller then rosenbaum.
I think this is why Rob lists him to his claim, its hard to be sure with Tom if u havent met him.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 30/Dec/11
Ok, Rob! But ask yourself why everybody says he's huge when he's "just" 190! You have 6'4 actors that dont look much tall! I posted a lot of pics where he look well over 6'3! That's not only 15 cms between him and James Marsters. What about Gabriel Aubry? He looks over 6'2 next to Halle Berry and Bruce Willis and he looks at least 2 inches shorter than Tom in every picture you find on the net!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 30/Dec/11
Yeah, what i'm saying is that on this site there a lot of 6'3 and more listed actors that probably wouldnt measure at least 190.5 before bed but that get listed at those heights! And Rob tries to be "precise" with Tom! Even 190.4 would be almost :) Take a Will Ferrell, Rob, you say you think he's 6'3 on the dot :) You think he would measure 190.5 before bed? 190.4 is not a legit 6'3 :) that's what you're trying to do with Tom

Editor Rob
what I'm doing with Tom is giving him the almost 6ft 3 claim as it's one of the few times an actor comes out and says something like that
Patrick said on 30/Dec/11
Very accurate Jenny "again here"!
jenny again here. said on 29/Dec/11
tom does look 6'3" in the evening! at least he's pushing 6'3.5" in the morning. try to meet him and you'll be shock how tall he is!
Patrick said on 29/Dec/11
But it's too bad DaMan. Metropolis would have been a great idea as long as it was directed by the creator of Smallville. I don't worry about Tom's money and livelihoods but about his opportunity to play again, especially in a movie, worthy of that name. He's way too handsome as says my female friends and tall and angelic to be accepted. New stars, even when good as actors, have a very common face as Sam Worthington whom I much more appreciate than the inexpressive and overrated Clooney or Pitt. Tom has the "touch" old stars had as Gary Cooper, Errol Flynn or Tyrone Power to take "handsome" ones. What to say about Mitchum or Wayne, Douglas, Lancaster or Gable! Tom would have been a star in those days and I am even already surprised he was cast "nowadays". It was on TV but even there, now, people are either standard or cynical or even cold, as many character traits which are the obvious opposite of Tom playing Clark. Taking years as respite can be very dangerous unless you are sure people want you and make it know to studio managers! When I see that "Bad Trip" movies (or so) are what Ben Hur was in its time, at the risk of looking stupidly square and old fashioned, that makes me thrill. As the "stardomisation" of Johnny Depp or worse, it gives me the creeps even more in considering that Tom Welling is not used because of his qualities. Ray Milland used to say that with "the Method", actors wanted to play as real people are while real people are thousands at the next street corner". We are in world where extraordinary - strict sense - people are rejected. That began with the DeNiro, Pacino and Hoffman who at least, were great actors but very common regarding their personality unless other apparently normal and short guys as James Cagney or Humphrey Bogart and even Peter Falk later, were. I repeat, the real big old time stars would work anywhere but in the movie industry today. Anyway, if you are over 30 now, you are nothing; and even then, you have to "look" 25 or less. It's a mad world but until recently, TV still had wonderful Smallville (7 first seasons), Monk, Seinfeld, Lost and Malcolm. When I see Tom Cruise looking 35 at 50 (as Pitt does) or so and wearing a hood like a street boy to look "in", i cry and immediately re-watch The real Mission Impossible, the 60ies one! I was saying the same when I was 15 because damages began approximately in the mid-sixties, above all in the movies.
BTW, I have been interested in the mr. medium remarks and I'll check that out soon.
Da Man said on 28/Dec/11
I'm sure Tom made enough money off of the last few seasons of Smallville to be comfortable for the rest of his life, if I was him I'd take a year or two off also. Regarding Metropolis, I was hoping we would at least get a real Superman appearance in the last episode of Smallville, but it wasn't meant to be. I don't think Welling will put the Supersuit on.
mr medium said on 28/Dec/11
i think i see something weird with the photo of tom and kane. kane seems like standing ont he apple box.lets check. his heel like too high. and check tom's feet too.
Patrick said on 28/Dec/11
Thank you DaMan and the same for you! I am back from a moment now. I missed tis site too much! Nobody answered me about what they thought of the Metropolis false news. I regret it is untrue all th emore since Tom seems not having anything planned! What a shame. Such a 6'3 or whatever wonderful actor and obviously nice man without work. What a world! Today John Wayne would work a clerk in an anonymous entreprise while some Johnny Depp or so would be starring. I am too old for such a world!
maio said on 28/Dec/11
he's a strong 6 ft 2.5 in/189 cm, i'd say. He's a good 8 cm taller than a legit 5 ft 11.25 in/181 cm Michael Rosenbaum.
Da Man said on 27/Dec/11
Patrick! Welcome back!
Patrick said on 27/Dec/11
Rambo, I think Dolph was minimum 6'4 in the 80ies for having seen him in a LA night club where he towered everybody and looked as a giant (in 1991). Now, he doesn't seem being real shorter; watch the expendables. The rest, as comapting Tom with him, is just "imagination".
ANDREA[ITA] said on 25/Dec/11
Im not much informed about Dolph Lundgren, i mean... i havent seen too many pics about him but i think that at peak he surely was around 6'4! Today he doesnt look over 6'2 in lots of pics, but maybe he's not got good posture! I dunno... I think Tom could be taller than him but im not sure :)
Rambo said on 24/Dec/11
Andrea, could you see Tom taller then Dolph today?
And how tall do you think dolph was at peak?
Patrick said on 23/Dec/11
Truth, such a picture - which incidentally show Tom taller or I am blind - is anything but a right tool to use in order to gauge heights. It is already hard enough to estimate them when having them at the same level. For the rest, I agree once more 100% Andrea and think also more and more kind of bad faith about Tom's height, as if they absolutely wish see him definitely under his height, whatever it is. I am also surprised by the pic with Justin Rob sent; even those tending to prove "my" opinion are not good, notably with Michael. Some I just couldn't open them. All in all, I "feel" a curious impression I didn't do with DaMan or AAA or now, Andrea. That impresses me how people want to adapt reality to their opinion. I see Tom taller than 6'2,75 and that's it. So I feel it without real proof. If I had one, I'd put it here. Just be honest and carefully watch episodes in taking into account all the changes caused by if only one camera or actor move. It is enough that one actor turns around another, in the same shot, to alternately look smaller and then taller. How many scenes in so many movies, show two actors seen walking from behind, one looking clearly taller and then appearing shorter (or the opposite) once shot from face, it is the other who looks taller. That happens all the time.
Merry Christmas for all!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 22/Dec/11
Finally a full-lenght shot!
Click Here
Rob met Alan and said he's a legit 6'2, Tom has nearly 2 inches on him, but maybe he has little shoe advantage, anyway looks over 6'3! Come on, i gave enough proofs!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 22/Dec/11
Click Here
And what about this? I dont see 12 cm of difference! :)
ANDREA[ITA] said on 22/Dec/11
Click Here
Another talking picture! Here's him with Bonnie Hunt, she's listed at 170 on this site, he's wearing sandals, she's wearing heels plus she has floor advantage and he looks no less than 20 cms taller! He looks 6'5 here!
Truth said on 21/Dec/11
Justin and Tom are very close in height. Just take a look at this image.
Click Here They are pretty much identical in terms of size.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 21/Dec/11
Aahahhah Rob you got offended? I'm just trying to let you understand that Tom is probably over 190 flat! Now he's bending down! It's funny how you keep people upgraded like Will Smith at 6'1.5 and legit tall people like Tom downgraded!
But you're actually the admin on here, so you decide! If you're happy thinking Tom is max 190, do it! :)
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Dec/11
Rob, you surprise me! You post that pic that is clearly bad to judge heights! Justin is closer to the camera, the camera is from low and they're also on 2-3 steps so he appears even bigger! Althought you can still see tom's shoulders are higher and he's taller! Its not fair to say he looks smaller since he has camera advantage!
And since you say Tom is closer to the camera in that pic, i give you another pic of Michael and Tom where Michael is closer to the camera but still looks serveral inches shorter than Tom :)
Click Here
what's the next excuse, Rob? If Michael is really 181, no way Tom is only 9 cms taller, maybe Michael is more 178?

Editor Rob
Michael is bending down, sorry but I'm finished replying to all your questions :)
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Dec/11
and in that pic you can see how short allison mack is! she's about a foot shorter than tom! if she really is 5'4, tom is about 6'4...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 20/Dec/11
yeah yaspaa but that's not a good pic :)
i mean hes closer to the camera! see justin hartley, for example... and the guy on the right: i saw a pic of the guy on the right with tom welling where he looked way shorter than tom!
d wade said on 19/Dec/11
188 cm max
ANDREA[ITA] said on 19/Dec/11
Rob, what about this?
Click Here

Editor Rob
well there's a much bigger difference in how far michael is away. Welling can as I say
Look smaller than Justin, it of course doesn't mean he actually is.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 19/Dec/11
Nothing rob? :)
Yaspaa said on 19/Dec/11
Here's a pic of Tom looking under 6'3 with 6'0 Callum Blue. There's tons of pics of him looking under this height, however there a plenty of pics to suggest otherwise which is where all the debate comes from.
Click Here
ANDREA[ITA] said on 18/Dec/11
Rob, do please photos where he looks under 6'3! I'm gonna post photos of Will Smith, where he looks under 6'1.5, thousands of those! :) just to show that you're not objective with most "important" celebrities :)
ANDREA[ITA] said on 18/Dec/11
o yeah... 6'1 hahaha
he towers over 6'1 guys, sean...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 17/Dec/11
Yeah Tom can look under 6'3 (in Smallville where they use any camera trick possible)... Give me a photo where you can see ground and shoes like i did, where he looks under 6'3 -.- How the hell did he look close to Tony Todd's height, for example? And how he looks so tall next to James Marsters? And why should everybody say he's a giant, when this site is plenty of 6'3 actors?
Sean said on 17/Dec/11
LOL, better chance hes 6'1
ANDREA[ITA] said on 16/Dec/11
Rob, to end it, you gotta admit that he looks over 6'3 with james marsters, michael rosenbaum, gabriel aubry, jensen ackles, erica durance,...

Editor Rob
he can look 6ft 3 range with people for sure, anybody can look with a lot of photos over a range. You could find photos where Tom looks over or under 6ft 3.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 16/Dec/11
And here Tom with Johnny Depp!
Click Here
I'd say is Tom is just a bit taller! ahahahahahah
ANDREA[ITA] said on 16/Dec/11
And this?
Click Here
Tom is clearly at least 0.5 inches taller than John Schneider but you keep him at 6'3 while Tom is at 6'2.75, when everybody, including Jonh, claimed he's an inch taller! He wouldnt be shorter than a guy like Zachary Levi, he'd be taller! See the difference between Zachary and Jared, and that between Tom and Jared -.- If he were a more important star, i'm sure you would have listed him at 6'4, like you did with Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp...
Even Jared Padalecki said in an interview that he Tom has the same body of him...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 16/Dec/11
So Tom is more than 190! Come on! Here is Eric Johnson with Tom!
Click Here
I see no less than 1.75 inches here, maybe also 2 but if Eric is really 6'2, Tom is no less than 6'3.75! And he looked that also with Tony Todd...
ANDREA[ITA] said on 16/Dec/11
Rob, i saw an episode with Tony Todd that you listed at 6'5 and i gotta say that tom and him look very similar in height! I dont think there was more than one inch between them! Could Tony Todd be 6'3.75 or 6'4?

Editor Rob
Todd looks 6ft 5 in person.