Yaspaa said on 28/Apr/09
There is 2" between them in the pics so how can jared be on a curb?
sid said on 27/Apr/09
Yaspaa Theres 2 inches between jared and Tom..Tom was on grount.. jared was on the curb
Yaspaa said on 24/Apr/09
A bit of a silly episode at times this week however development in the Lois Clark department takes a new turn which is interesting yet Chloe's dumbness is confounding.
Yaspaa said on 24/Apr/09
6'4.5 for Jared and 6'2.5 for Tom.
Click Here Click Here Jared looks pretty gangly there. I think it was the guys in the background who were standing on platforms to make them appear more intimidating.
As for the anonymous comment Hugh,I completely agree :O :)
Patrick said on 24/Apr/09
LOL is probably the most pathetic argument I (too commonly) read here. It has become kind of habit "LOL". We are far from DaMan or AAAA's accurate and sophisticated explanations or the wonderfully funny unforgiving Yaspaa
Hugh said on 23/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 22/Apr/09
If Tom said "I'm almost six-foot-three", its obvious... He is definitely 190cm.
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/09
If Tom said "I'm almost six-foot-three", its obvious... He is definitely 190cm.
Da Man said on 21/Apr/09
Tom and John are very close in height. Tom's chin, eyes and traps are a bit higher than John's, but the top of his head doesn't enjoy the same advantage. That one pic I've been looking for shows this perfectly. The pic is of Tom and John Schneider shoulder-to-shoulder from the same as the cast pics I put up below. I think the two of them are within 1/4".
Alex says on 21/Apr/09 said on 21/Apr/09
Tom Welling looks about 6 cm taller than 6,1 Carson Daly (Carson
Anonymous says on 21/Apr/09 said on 21/Apr/09
Has someone pictures of Tom Welling
Patrick said on 21/Apr/09
Ah, AAAA, how refreshing it is to read you! Not that DaMan or Yaspaa had ever shown themselves unworthy of being qualified as cultured but AAAA, you definitely give another dimension to this site.
I happen to see things like you but what matters here is the accuracy and the level of the examples you are referring to.
Vitruvius was a perfect architect using the famous golden number according the Fibonacci sequence: he knew what he was talking about!
The same with Donizetti regarding perspective laws. In the DaMan old off Smallvile pic with Tom and John, the apparently insignificant differences of position of both men and the
Da Man said on 20/Apr/09
Rob page...sorry, meant the John Schneider page as there's a photo with Rob.
AAAA said on 20/Apr/09
Padalecki made John look tiny in some pics I found a while back, even accounting for perspective. With the short head, if someone is legit taller than most, then their head is higher up. 6'3 is 6'3 with a foot long head or a normal head. with a smaller head, the features will be higher up, causing the perception that they are taller than they are because their eyes are higher up realative o their overall height. that is why a 6 foot woman will appear taller than a 6' man. Her head is smaller so her eyes will sit higher, as with the chin and such, despite the top of the heads being even. Think of it this way. A small head seems farther away, farther away in terms of height means taller. Also their body is bigger in comparison to their head than someone with a normal or big head
Click Heretom and john, the top of thier heads seem within an inch or less, I see tom as taller. Look at thier eyes. Tom looks to have close to an 1.5 in eye difference
I know the heads are tilted and the perspective isn't perfect, but you see my point. He has greek proportinons, or Virtuvan proportions if you prefer the rennisance
Da Man said on 20/Apr/09
John Schneider isn't even close to 6'4". Look on the Rob page. Solid 6'4" (maybe 6'4.25"-6'4.5") Jared Padalecki also has some pics with John Schneider and the difference looks pretty much like it does with Welling, around 2".
Anonymous says on 20/Apr/09 said on 20/Apr/09
Has someone pictures of Tom Welling with another 6,2 or 6,3 guys? Because i am not really sure if John Schneider is 6,3 i think he is really 6,4.
Da Man said on 20/Apr/09
I've never seen the CBTD DVD extras, which is why I've never brought it up.
Good to hear from you AAAA, as usual spot on with the explanation of proportions.
Patrick said on 20/Apr/09
Gad to read you again AAAA! I think to read you any more and I am sure the others as Yaspaa, share that feeling. So, you as usual, very cleverly are arguing when mentioning proportions of head and even parts of the face which, admittedly, advantage Tom.
Nickie said on 19/Apr/09
patrick, Tom has said himself that Jared was 2 inches taller than him. Go watch CBTD, you'll see it. And also I thought a smaller head made you look shorter.
Yaspaa said on 19/Apr/09
AAAA! "Heroic build"......Fantastic,nice to 'hear' from you again.
sid said on 18/Apr/09
Da Man patrick, looks 2 inches to me,not 1'5
AAAA said on 18/Apr/09
Hey guys, haven't posted in month. Nice pics Da Man, I remebr you posting those a WHILE back. Thought they were lost forever. As for the people who think Tom is at least 6'4, again I would argue that it is his proportions. He has got a very heroic build, specifically his head is on the smaller side which makes him appear even taller, coupled with the fact that he is already quite tall. He is over 7 of his own "heads" tall, closer to 8. and with a smaller head his features( eyes, nose, chin) sit higher than most who are of equal height.
Glad to talk to you all again.
Da Man said on 16/Apr/09
I found some of those old premiere pics:
Click Here Click Here Click HereStill looking for that pic of Tom and John shoulder-to-shoulder from the same event though.
Hugh 190cm said on 15/Apr/09
Maybe a weak 6ft3. 190cm. He's a pretty built guy.
Patrick said on 15/Apr/09
With all due respect Sid, and i mean "respect", Jared is not 2 inches taller than Tom. Perhaps "one" or "3cm";no more. There are a lot of shots where Tom looks really tall and taller than anyone else in teh show and all of them where Tom is filmed outside, on a "non-set" ground, he towers over anybody. Unless they are using Munchkins to play the other parts, I still don't see how a less than 6'3 man can cause such a difference, not simply an "impression".
Anomymous says on 12/Apr/09 said on 12/Apr/09
Is there any picture of Tom Welling with Glenn or Rob?
Anonymous says on 12/Apr/09 said on 12/Apr/09
i think Tom Welling is at least 6,3 barefoot because in the episode "Recruit" (4th season)he has some scenes with the actor Chris Carmack ,that i think he is 6,1 and Tom nearly towers him so Tom must be 6,3.
sid said on 12/Apr/09
patrick..it looks like jared had 2 inches then tom.. i'd say tom is 6'2 jared is 6'4 makes more sense to me.. I sent buddy a email.. he hasn't gotten back to me.. about the picture it saids 2008 so it was recent, since super natural and smallvile shot here in vancouver.. they probably hang out.
Da Man said on 11/Apr/09
Witwer adding inches to Welling, by default, adds inches to himself. I know this phenomenon well.
Anonymous said on 11/Apr/09
There's plenty of people out there with severely lacking observation skills. Im assuming back in the day they were the folk that thought Electricity was majic. Over the years whats happened is we've managed to evolve into two different species... one aware and the other blissfully ignorant
Yaspaa said on 11/Apr/09
Actually Rob I was just referring to the pic of you pulling a face lol.
Katrina said on 11/Apr/09
Since Tom has said himself hes 6'3 or about there Im gonna believe it, he definately looks between 6'2 and 6'3 so its good enough. Whats funny is that I saw an interview with Sam Witwer who plays Davis Bloome and he was like Tom is like 6'4 or 6'5 so they need a bigger guy than himself to intimidate Clark Kent. I was like LMAO...either the guy was exaggerating or has really bad estimation skills
Anonymous said on 10/Apr/09
I'd probably go with 6ft2.5". Though I did see a fairly recent clip on the net from season 8 I believe. He's looking like hes ready for the suit, if he gets any older he'll be retiring before he even starts.
I think they really should have either got new writers for the show seasons ago or ended it after season 4, there was so much that could have been done by paying more emphasis on the development of his powers then with the constant teenage angst that ruined the series for me.
Yaspaa said on 10/Apr/09
Well we finally get to see Rob's face on the Glenn page. It's amazing to see just what someone's eyes can do to change a face. Rob you like like a really sound lad and going from the pic with glen;a wee bit crazy,love it.
Da man has been scratching his funny bone also,inner blonde...yeahhh!

Editor Rob
I wasn't crazy saying glenn was taller in a photo, ok I was trying to lighten the mood a bit saying that.
Da Man said on 10/Apr/09
I agree with Yaspaa. This season started out really strong, there were a couple mediocre episodes mid-season, and now there is some tension building. Chloe has made some really questionable decisions this season, her inner blonde might be coming out. Maybe all that brain scrambling dropped they've done to her this season messed up her common sense or something. Oh well...
Alex says on 10/Apr/09 said on 10/Apr/09
Has someone a picture with Tom Welling and Kevin Sorbo at a premiere or something like that? Because i would like to see if they both have the same height
Alex says on 9/Apr/09 said on 10/Apr/09
Has someone a picture with Tom Welling and Kevin Sorbo at a premiere or something like that? Because i would like to see if they both have the same height
Alex says on 9/Apr/09 said on 10/Apr/09
Someone has a picture with Tom Welling and Kevin Sorbo
Patrick said on 10/Apr/09
I wait for it Sid but frankly I doubt that proves anything because a picture in a bar is anything but "scinetific"! Anyway, we all admit Tom is shorter than Jared who certainly, I say "possibly", can be taller than "just" 6'4.
sid said on 10/Apr/09
Someone has a picture with Tom welling and Jared padeleci side by side at a bar or some sort...Jared looks 2 inches... on tom..so jared is 6'4 tom is 6'2..he had them signed I'm gonna ask him if I can get a copy....
Patrick said on 9/Apr/09
Chloe, "naive"...OK. Silly and "sucker", you sure? That simply destroys the character!
DaMan, if you're still "online", what do you think?
As for Tom, 6'2 is simply impossible to m and for all those I met one year ago and working with him day after day, for then 7 years.
Yaspaa said on 8/Apr/09
New season is still excellent. A great start,solid middle and the tension is really building now towards the finale. Why is Chloe being such a gullible dope?,that is the question.
Doug said on 7/Apr/09
Tall guy but never looked near 6'4" to be thats silly. I think he's is a legit 6'2"er barefoot, around 189 maybe 190cm MAX. I'd be interested to see whether Brendan Fraser would be much taller than him.
Patrick said on 7/Apr/09
Dear Yaspaa, don
Yaspaa said on 2/Apr/09
Patrick I am seriously blushing from your comments,you are faaaar too nice. The positive energy you put out in one comment I put out in a year ..and a good year at that. As for the 'British' way...soon it wont exist. "The government are amazing" said the insane man! I'm also starting to think that season 1-2ish he was more 190lbs and now more 205lbs (on set).He doesn't look as thickly built as other 220lb guys of his height I can think of,yeah he has some size but he is still slim and also...er...today at 23:03 GMT he is 189.3cm.
Patrick said on 31/Mar/09
Hugh says on 3/Mar/09
snap said on 31/Mar/09
he looks 188cm. or max 189, NOT more.
Yaspaa said on 27/Mar/09
The Watchtower in the Hizouse! Setting the next season up,you reckon? I believe Tom directs the next episode.
They are making him seem less tall also or less prominently tall I should say; then again he has been with Lois for a while and she is a fair bit taller than Lana making him appear lesser in stature.
I watched Unforgiven the other night and realised that it is almost impossible to judge someone's height from a movie,you can be convinced one moment and then confounded a few minutes later when the guy who was 2" taller is now 2" shorter with what looks like a similar angle shot. It's quite frustrating in a funny way .
Da Man said on 24/Mar/09
I would agree that Tom is 215-220 lbs. nowadays, but I admit I am not the best at guessing weight.
linebacker40 said on 24/Mar/09
Yeah you're right about him being lean...in season 1. But take a good look at him through seasons 5 to 7. That doesn't look lean. That's very built and muscular. Sure, I overestimated his weight by about 5-10 lbs.: that would mean in season 1 he was about 190-195 lbs., seasons 5-7 a solid 220, and right now about 210 lbs. Sounds good.
Yaspaa said on 22/Mar/09
Toot that horn sid.
sid said on 22/Mar/09
linebacker40 He was never 230.. hes just lean no size. Im much bigger then he is.His top weight would be 215 to 220
Yaspaa said on 20/Mar/09
He's never looked that weight in Smallville.
linebacker40 said on 19/Mar/09
6'3" flat and by the way, has anyone noticed that he's looking leaner recently? He looks about 215 lbs. instead of his usual 225-230 lbs.
ChucktheSchmuck said on 16/Mar/09
Looks like it due to his proportions.
Da Man said on 15/Mar/09
The previews made it look like Clark is finally going to take flight next week. A tease I'm sure, but he really should be flying by this point. ;)
Yaspaa said on 14/Mar/09
An outstanding episode of Smallville this week,a little contrived at times but a fresh and exciting episode,whuhoooo!! :D,:) I'm so thrilled I've had a stroke :/
Da Man said on 8/Mar/09
:D = grin
:) = smile
:( = frown
;) = wink
:p = sticking out your tongue
Uh, that's all I've got for now...
Yaspaa said on 7/Mar/09
Ooh,I had to look up :D,it's confused me in the past,so it means smiling or something. Are there any more I should know about?
Da Man said on 6/Mar/09
I left the :D off...
"Arrogance is my forte", that cracked me up.
Yaspaa said on 6/Mar/09
Great fun,right Hugh.
Da Man said on 5/Mar/09
So, I take it you two don't get along?
Hugh said on 4/Mar/09
"How could I possibly know that the other Hugh isn't you". Yaspaa you are astonishing me, I think I have overrated your understanding/attention ability...
Yaspaa said on 4/Mar/09
What question?
Hugh said on 4/Mar/09
I already answered your question:you have to pay attention. We both mentioned our height and he is 2 inches taller than me.
Yaspaa said on 4/Mar/09
But Hugh arrogance is my forte and you make such an easy target and you assuming that I didn't take the 'perspective' into account is arrogant of you. Without taking the 'perspective' into account it looks like 3.5" so with 'perspective'... 2.5"...voil
Hugh said on 4/Mar/09
Yaspaa everyone knows that your "clearly" is just your personal expression to say "to me", but can you be less arrogant, please? Fraser's Hugh is not me, paying attention you would realize it. Oh right, sorry, you don't pay attention on this site. My fault.
sid said on 3/Mar/09
Yaspaa Tom in that picture is closer the to the camera, he's probably 2inches on 6 scott patterson. camera angle makes it look like he has 2'5. I still think Tom shay under 6'3 6'2 to 6'2'5
Yaspaa said on 3/Mar/09
It's one of the better pics and shows clearly Tom being 2.5" taller regardless of Hugh's patronising perspective lesson. By the way Hugh have you commented on the Brendan fraser page?
Hugh said on 3/Mar/09
Selma Blair is 5'2.5". Everybody is 6'4" to her.
Hugh said on 3/Mar/09
That's a misleading picture, because of perspective: the camera is 30 cm below Tom's eye level and Tom is closer to the camera (
Click Here).
Tom looks just 5 cm more than Scott, Patrick, this is "reasonable".
Patrick said on 2/Mar/09
Yaspaa, you - once more! - make my day: Selma says 6
Yaspaa said on 28/Feb/09
Here is Selma Blair talking about how dreamy Tom is,she mentions his height.
Click Here
Yaspaa said on 28/Feb/09
Tom pictured with 6'0 Scott Patterson from The Gilmore Girls.
Click Here
Lex said on 27/Feb/09
189 cm is perfect!
Yaspaa said on 26/Feb/09
There are far too many teenage girls,that is the only explanation. I actually watched half the first season thinking it was about basketball and it is initially until it becomes horrendous,that Peyton is a whiney biaatch.
Da Man said on 26/Feb/09
I've never seen One Tree Hill, or really any CW show outside of Smallille/Supernatural for that matter.
Most CW shows are geared toward teenage girls.
Yaspaa said on 26/Feb/09
Does anyone on this site watch 'One Tree Hill'? and if they do...WHY!? I really need to know.
Patrick said on 25/Feb/09
Thank you Mr. Yaspaa!!!
One year more to dispute about Tom 6'2 or 6'3! Great news!
I agree with Tyson about both actors.
Yaspaa said on 25/Feb/09
Click Here surely not 'One Tree Hill' though...please!
Patrick said on 23/Feb/09
I agree with everybody today! Am I sick, Yaspaa, tell me!
So, Tom at 6'3 and looking more in the first season and beside his "father" in the street (4th season), what has that so surprising if Jared gets a i/5 to 1 inch upgrade? Why everybody mentions first, after meeting him or acting or working with him, "how tall" Tom is. How tall is a "supposedly 6'2 guy"!
Patrick said on 23/Feb/09
I agree with everybody today! Am I sick, Yaspaa, tell me!
So, Tom at 6'3 and looking more in the fisrt season and beside his "father" in the street (4th season), what has that so surprising if Jared gets a i/5 to 1 inch upgrade? Why everybody mentions first, after meeting him or acting or worlking with him, "how tall" Tom is. How tall is a "supposedly 6'2 guy"!
Laura said on 23/Feb/09
I'm astonished to read here he is 189cm!! I've always thought he was 185! He doesn't look that tall, wearing always those boots..
Tyson said on 22/Feb/09
Tom looks 6'3" to me. I think Jared is 6'4.5" or so, definitely close to 6'5".
john said on 19/Feb/09
Yaspaa, I couldn't agree more!
Da Man said on 19/Feb/09
A strong 6'4/weak 6'5" Jared makes for a strong 6'2"/weak 6'3" Tom, IMO. If either one needs a slight upgrade on this site, I think it's Jared.
Yaspaa said on 19/Feb/09
With the new Padalecki evidence suggesting that he is between 6'4 and 6'5 or a strong 6'4 whichever way you want to look at it,that puts Tom at a very strong 6'2 or 6'3 out of bed. What do you reckon fella's?
Da Man said on 11/Feb/09
Patrick, I recall Batista wearing a set of custom made Munsters in his Smallville appearance. He probably needed them because he and Tom are relatively close in height.
Kane appeared to be in a normal boot, albeit a combat boot with thick soles. I will say his boot's soles looked no thicker than a set of Steel Toe Doc Martins I have (in size 14)
Click Here and those only boost my height by about 1.5" over barefoot. Tom looked to be in a pair of large heeled logging boots, not his normal pair of Redbacks. A pair similar to these:
Click HereI read an interview with Kane regarding this appearance a while back. Apparently during their scene, Tom actually connected with a punch to Kane's face. Kane was joking that he hopes Tom never joins the WWE because he didn't really feel it.
Da Man said on 11/Feb/09
Hugh says,
"Hugh says on 11/Feb/09
Oh, come on DaMan, look at Kane posture, please! How can you tell just 1/2"?? If I had that posture I would be a whole inch (or something more) shorter than straight! Making the right proportion from 6'1" to 6'8" it would be 1.1" at least."
Kane's spine and head are straight, he is just leaned forward slightly.
Patrick said on 11/Feb/09
I agree with Yaspaa about those pics and sustain DaMan. I don
Yaspaa said on 11/Feb/09
Dudes the pictures are just a point of interest,they are not supposed to prove anything.
Hugh said on 11/Feb/09
Oh, come on DaMan, look at Kane posture, please! How can you tell just 1/2"?? If I had that posture I would be a whole inch (or something more) shorter than straight! Making the right proportion from 6'1" to 6'8" it would be 1.1" at least.
sid said on 10/Feb/09
Kane in that that photo with Tom is he looks 6'9, probably with the boots he is wearing, barefeet 6'8, he dwarfs tom easily, height and weight..
sid said on 10/Feb/09
Anonymous DA MAN, Carson is 6'1 tom is maybe 6'2'5 there we go shay under 6'3
sid said on 10/Feb/09
Da Man said on 10/Feb/09
Kane might eek out a another 1/2" in posture, but no way 1-1/2" to 2", Hugh. Kane is max 6.5" taller there. And that's mainly because I think Kane has 5" from his eyeline to top of his head rather than the normal 4.5".
If Kane had a normal 9.5" head (which he doesn't, more like 10.5"), Kane would be about 5.75" taller there as Tom is above Kane's nostrils.
Kane has also claimed to a couple board members here to actually be 6'8.5".
Hugh said on 9/Feb/09
If they have same shoes thickness than Kane cannot be 6'8, otherwise Tom is 6'...
Da Man said on 9/Feb/09
Hugh, I wasn't trying to say anything really with the Kane pics. I just posted them as "take of it what you will."
I just thought it was interesting, but I will say Tom and Erica stacked up to each other correctly using Kane as the constant, so take that as you will.
We do know the shoes they were wearing there. Kane is in a combat boot, Tom is in some kind of black logging boot so footwear is pretty much a wash. I also don't think Tom was barefoot or anything based on how he and Erica stacked up. Erica was in a combat style boot as well which had a bit more heel than either Tom or Kane.
Click HereClick Here
Hugh said on 9/Feb/09
DaMan I don't understand what are you trying to say in the Kane post.
We can see Kane's back is bent. If Kane has a normal size head then Tom is about 6" (15.5 cm = 13 from top of head to eye level + 2.5) shorter than Kane. This makes Tom 6'2" without any consideration on:
1) Kane backbone is bent, Tom's backbone is straight.
2) We don't see what shoes they wear.
Because of (1) I think we can give Kane 1.5 - 2 inches more.
I remember Kane shoes were very thick, 1 or 1.5 in more than Tom's.
Because of (1) plus (2) Tom's is 6'1.5" or 6'2". Is this what you tried to say DaMan?
I think there are too many doubtful variables here..
Hugh said on 9/Feb/09
I don't know why I can't see my previous post... DaMan is right. I'd say from 1.5" to 2" taller. But I also said that we cannot see Carson shoes, Tom wears boots [...mumbling...] and Carson seems to be 5'11 or 6' in that clip, I'm judging on his proportions. I've read he is 6'1", but can't tell anything more than that, I don't know him I have to look some Carson pics first.
Da Man said on 9/Feb/09
Patrick, Rob has a Carson Daly page here and has him listed at 6'1".
From reading the page, the case for a 6'1" Carson looked fairly solid.
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/09
Sid, frankly, I repsect you as you know but how can you say that Tom and Carson look the same in this video clip? Honestly, I don't figure out how you can say that! It's very clear that Tom is between 1/5 or perhaps two inches taller! Eyes line just gets just Tom's nose! I'm sure you are sincere all the more since you are the one who posted this clip!
DaMan are you sure Carson being listed 6'1? I saw 6'2 everywhere and sincerely, that how tall he looks to me.
Da Man said on 8/Feb/09
And interestingly enough, I just checked and Rob has Carson at 6'1".
Hugh said on 8/Feb/09
I agree with you DaMan. I don't know what shoes they have, and I don't really know how tall carson daly is (his proportions make me think 5'11 or 6'). I read here he is listed as 6'1. I don't know.
Da Man said on 8/Feb/09
Actually, Tom looks around 1.5" taller than Carson there.
sid said on 7/Feb/09
Heres Tom welling with 6'2 carson daily, they looked about the same height, tom does look 6'2 or maybe little more, not quite 6'3
Click Here
Da Man said on 7/Feb/09
I thought I'd revisit "Combat" with the behind the scene photos of Tom, Kane, and Erica:
Click Here then click again for the larger, clearer version.
I thought it was pretty interesting using 6'8"-ish Kane as the constant.
Da Man said on 6/Feb/09
Center of knuckle to tip is just under 2.5" for me.
Hugh said on 6/Feb/09
So, i've measured it not including the knuckle. If I measure it including the whole knuckle it is 2'5".
Yaspaa said on 6/Feb/09
Well I forgot that inches on a ruler are split into sixteenths not tenths so I was getting 2.8 inches but it's more like 2.55 inches,thats pressing the finger flat into my palm so that it is flush with the forearm.....rivating stuff.
Da Man said on 5/Feb/09
My hand is average size for my size, I fluctuate between L and XL in gloves, but I would not say I have big hands. Knuckle to tip is just under 2.5" for me.
Yaspaa said on 5/Feb/09
Hugh,that's tiny I get 2.8 inches thats bending my fingers into my palm and measuring down.
Hugh said on 5/Feb/09
Yaspaa my hand is a quite big hand. My fourth finger, the ring finger (
Click Here), is exactly 2" from the tip to the center knuckle. I'm 6'1" so probably his hand is a little smaller than mine.
Yaspaa said on 4/Feb/09
Thanks dude. That pic of jensen, if you look at the finger next to his pinky it's about 2.5" from tip to centre knuckle. The heel looks even more. Not a science I know lol.
Ed(1) said on 4/Feb/09
Yaspaa I don't know what kind of boots they are brand wise, but they are definitely logger boots, the heel gives that away. Loggers tend to have a solid 1.75" heel, and it's not entirely possible those have a bit more going for them.
Da Man,
Yeah I watched last week's episode and saw the same thing, a solid 4.5-5" difference between Ackles and Padalecki. Because he always seems to be either wearing boots or trainers like
Nike Shox, I really think Ackles is more in the 5ft11 range, and gets a good 1.5-1.75" boost from his footwear. The 6ft1 listing is a with shoes height in my opinion, which makes sense if Padalecki is 6ft4ish barefoot and 6ft5+ in shoes.
As for Welling I'd say a solid 6ft2-6ft2.5. Rob has him at a pretty safe estimate, but maybe he's a bit less?
Yaspaa said on 3/Feb/09
Does anyone know of the boots jensen wears? Are they specially made or just off the rack? Does that mean you think jensens heel is smaller Hugh?
Hugh said on 3/Feb/09
That's a good picture Yaspaa. I think that heel is 4 cm (1.6") but the shoe seems to be lifted a lot inside. I've just visited a lifted-shoes site, it looks like one of them...
sid said on 3/Feb/09
Patrick Ok man
Da Man said on 2/Feb/09
Speaking of Jensen's normal heel, if you saw the last episode of Supernatural there was an extended scene with Jensen in normal sneakers walking shoulder-to-shoulder with Jared down a high school hallway. The difference looked almost exactly like it did in the CW premiere video, Jared had what appeared to be a solid 4.5" on Jensen. No way is Jared under a legit 6'4", I actually think he is taller than most of the claimed 6'4" actors, including Adam Baldwin.
Patrick said on 2/Feb/09
Sid, I don't claim Tom is 6'4, I just notice how tall he undoubtedly appears in the first season, especially at the beginning. I admit that some 6
Hugh said on 1/Feb/09
It is a widescreen shot but it is stretched too, look at his head and arm, they are deformed.
Yaspaa said on 30/Jan/09
It's a widescreen shot,not stretched,the show is filmed in widescreen. If we all agreed this site would be pretty boring ,so keep it up.
Hugh said on 29/Jan/09
Yaspaa that picture is stretched horizontally...
I think we will never agree upon Tom Welling height.
Rob, you have to hurry shooting a picture of you next to him! :)
Yaspaa said on 29/Jan/09
Hugh this is more like a 2" heel.
Click Here
sid said on 28/Jan/09
Patrick Thats absurbed tom 6'4 nope. he looked 6'2 to 6'2'5 when I aaw him..Justin looked taller in season 6 and 7. maybe cause of the cam angles.. I can assure you Tom didn't look 6'4 when I saw him.. perhaps justin 6'2. tom is 6'2'5 that would make more sense. tom looking a tad taller, mabye with shoes he's 6'3, thats not his real height.
Hugh said on 28/Jan/09
That's it Yaspaa, thank you. I see at least a 4 cm heel. I have similar boots, 3.5 cm heels + 1 cm inside the boot. 4.5 cm = 1.8 in. His boots seems the same.
Patrick said on 28/Jan/09
DaMan, I repeat: watching all the episodes one after the other confirmed to me that John was a bit shorter, I mean more than four times. I watch all the seasons they appear together and admit that in some they appear equal and in a couple of others Tom looks a bit shorter, if that.
All in all, there are more shots Tom is visibly taller by one to sometimes more than that, inches as he does in the picture
Yaspaa said on 28/Jan/09
Sorry DM not me,funny thought though.
Da Man said on 27/Jan/09
The heels may be 1-3/4", but he's only getting 1/4" - 3/8" advantage versus your average dress shoe or sneaker.
Nike Shox sneakers give a comparable height to those Timbs/Redbacks.
Hugh said on 27/Jan/09
Just watch episode 7x14 Traveler, you can see his boots heels between the 36th and the 37th minutes. Perhaps they're not 2 in but at least 1.8", I say.
Yaspaa said on 26/Jan/09
Ackles in 2" boots ,yes; Welling in 2" boots...no.
Da Man said on 26/Jan/09
Boots of that style do generally give a bit more height than a dress shoe or sneaker, about 1.25"-1.4" versus roughly 1".
I'm guessing Chessnuts is Yaspaa?
Hugh said on 26/Jan/09
I have to agree with DaMan: that picture isn't a real picture, it's just a collage.
I've noticed in 7th season (I've just finished to watch it), Tom wears boots that make him at least 2 inches taller than his real height. Those heels are really huge! There is a scene in Lionel office, where we can see boots heels from the back, a close up shot.
sid said on 25/Jan/09
Da Man said on 23/Jan/09
Chessnuts says on 23/Jan/09
"Meanwhile, there are also head-to-toe photos like this which show Tom as taller (but could be edited):
Tom Welling taller: Click Here"
I can say with about 99% confidence that photo isn't realistic. I think that is a spliced-together pic, each was photographed separately and then placed into that background. The "justice" cast shot was the same, and was also unrealistic in proportioning.
Da Man said on 23/Jan/09
Chessnuts, I also do not agree that Tom looks taller in season 8. The camera angles have changed, there are more straight-on, head height shots as opposed to the old upward-angled "looking up to Clark" shots. They don't seem to be trying to emphasize his height as much anymore.
Da Man said on 22/Jan/09
Patrick, I can recall a few scenes where Tom looked taller than John, AND vice versa. It just seems like every time I've seen them together, where it is apparent neither has an advantage it seems like their height is identical.
The party pics were the best evidence I've seen of this so far. It's unfortunate I can no longer find them.
Patrick said on 19/Jan/09
Thanks Yaspaa, I
Da Man said on 18/Jan/09
Where in the world did you find a listing for Jamie White? Did you find the *correct* Jamie White?
Hugh said on 16/Jan/09
Jamie White, Welling wife, is listed everywhere as 5'7". Here
Click Here they are together wearing same shoes. I think there is a difference of about 15 cm, 16 cm max. Judge yourself.
Da Man said on 16/Jan/09
I remained unconvinced that Welling is really any taller than Schneider.
Click HereClick HereClick HereI still can't find the best pieces of evidence regarding these two, there were two different pictures from the same event. It appeared to be an early season of Smallville premiere, maybe even season 1. One was a shot of the entire cast outdoors (IIRC next to a limo), and the other was a shoulder to shoulder shot of Tom and John indoors. They appeared to be the same height in both.
Da Man said on 16/Jan/09
Patrick, yes I think the quality is still way up. A new episode aired last night for the first time in over a month, and it was really good. They are moving this story along really well now, characters are developing like never before. Clark is finally becoming more like Superman.
Yaspaa said on 15/Jan/09
Good to have you back healthy Patrick.
Click Here
Patrick said on 13/Jan/09
Hi guys, I
sid said on 9/Jan/09
aaron I smell liar..your bulling all the way. yasspaa I heard Tom welling might came to a deal, there dealing out the minor stuff, so looks like there might be a 9th season of smallville, which I didn't really want, personally it should end this season with a bang.
aaron said on 8/Jan/09
I used to model back in '96-'01, I met Tom Welling on a couple of different A&F shoots, and he's 6'3", legitimate, barefoot. I am 6'2" legitimate barefoot, and he was a solid inch taller than me, maybe even 1.25 inches taller. Modelling agencies don't list guys who are 6'3" at their real height, because they would get overlooked for being too tall. In general 6'2" is the maximum height a male model wants to be on his comp card, and no shorter than 6'1", otherwise you get overlooked for ALOT of jobs.
Yaspaa said on 8/Jan/09
Woh,I've just read an article about a very possible ninth season with talks going on now,apparently it is down to a recent jump in quality and more Justice League.
sid said on 6/Jan/09
linebacker40 Maybe he's wearing shoes to make him a inch taller to become 6'3, to me he's barefeet 6'2, 6'3 in his timbers
Hugh said on 6/Jan/09
I've just seen Rob and John Schneider picture and there i can guess Schneider max 6'2" (everything -shoes and posture- considered). Perhaps it was a schneider bad day, and i can give him another 0.5" because i'm feeling generous. This puts welling on 6'2" max max max.
sid said on 6/Jan/09
Linebacker40 you need your eyes check, tom welling and rousbuam tom has 2 inches max on him.. u the scenes, tom's looks atleast 2 inches up , rosenbaum supposly 6, when i saw him he looked 5'10
linebacker40 said on 6/Jan/09
This is odd: after seeing a few of episodes of Tom in season 1 of Smallville, he looked 6'2", but when I watch him now in season 8 he looks like a legitimate 6'3". Obviously he's filled out now, but he must have snagged a little height between now and then. Maybe it's just that he's much bigger now that makes him look taller, but I still think he's a flat 6'3".
Settit said on 5/Jan/09
6'3 out of MY bed
Yaspaa said on 5/Jan/09
6'3 out of bed.
sid said on 5/Jan/09
Lenad i agree he looks 6,2 max 6'2'5
Linebacker40 said on 5/Jan/09
Welling is difficult to judge. Against 6'4" Schneider, he looks 6'3" strong. But when paired with 6'0" Rosenbaum, he looks 6'4" or bigger. I'm just not 100% sure on it, but my best estimate is 6'3" flat.
Lenad said on 4/Jan/09
I think 189cm is bang on. To me he doesnt look under 6'2 but not quite 6'3.
Yaspaa said on 4/Jan/09
Oh sid,that was a nicer reply than I was hoping for. Lenad dont take offence to anything,it's all just fun.
It's my 1 year anniversary commenting on this site,I am no longer a newbee,yipeee!
Lenad said on 3/Jan/09
Hey Sid what rattled your cage buddy? I just said he doesnt look a full 6'3 so hence why I said his claim is believable. I'm just going by what I see in photos and movies. Dont tell me to keep my mouth shut when I give my opinion.
Da Man said on 2/Jan/09
Where are you Patrick? When are you going to be able to watch season 8?
sid said on 31/Dec/08
Yaspaa I just can't see tom at 6'3, i give him 6'2 min ok, maybe 6'2'5 max when i saw him he looked the same height as my friend, judging in person in height is easier then judging a person in pic.
sid said on 31/Dec/08
Yaspaa Ya I know for a fact he's 6'2 my friend, if a modelling agency wanted to lie, they would of said 6'3, I do know my friend is 6'2 we been friends since 78 I measured my friend like maybe 2002 i don't remember when he was 6'2 he would usually tower of people who we hung with, but i always beat the crap out of him i was bigger lol.
Yaspaa said on 29/Dec/08
A little aggressive for this seasonal time sid. For a start you dont know your mate is 6'2 for sure and modelling portfolios are not written in stone so pipe down. It must be lonely in the corner of wrongness.
sid said on 28/Dec/08
Lenad you ever seen tom welling in person.??? no, then keep your mouth shut... photo isn't a good judgement, his modelling profile said 6'2 he looked no more taller then my friend who is 6'2, he can look 6'2'5 sometimes in pic depends on on the ground he's on other time he can look shorter, thats going by pics, when i saw him he looked 6'2
Da Man said on 28/Dec/08
Sid, because I think there is a good bulk of evidence that shows Tom is indeed over a flat 6'2". The guy is a really strong 6'2" and/or a weak 6'3" in my book.
sid said on 28/Dec/08
Da Man No man why, he look like a straight 6'2 to me he looked the same height as my friend who models who is 6'2.
Lenad said on 28/Dec/08
Doesnt look a full 6'3. His claim is believable
Yaspaa said on 26/Dec/08
Astounding logic.
Da Man said on 26/Dec/08
Sid, you don't think Tom could be 6'2.25-6'2.75" and they just rounded down on the portfolio?
sid said on 25/Dec/08
Da Man modelling portfolio doesnt lie, my ex gf bf modells he's 6'2 he put that down on his portfolio, tom looks the same height as my ex gf bf
Da Man said on 23/Dec/08
The modeling portfolio could have rounded down instead of up though...
Patrick said on 23/Dec/08
Since I can tape a couple of words (very hard!) I wish you all a Merry Xmas and a happy new year!
Yaspaa, DaMan adn AAAA/ I'm looking forward to write here back again! I am rewatching the first season of SV andTom looks terribly tall in the first four episodes. He's exactly one full head (so with a part of the neck) taller than 5'7 Sam Jones. Taller than John Schneider except in a scene at the hopsital. I did not read what you wrote for weeks but i was anxious to "put my word" at least once before this year comes to an end!
Hope you all are fine fellas! Good to write to you!
Yaspaa said on 23/Dec/08
Model agency height requirements for males is 5'11- 6'2,exceptions are made but why take the risk,just put 6'2. When his portfolio was made up I bet there wasn't a stadiometer in sight.
sid said on 22/Dec/08
Da Man so his modelling portfilo said 6'2, as I thought when I saw him he looked shorter in person, he looked about 6'2 to me, modelling portfilo doesnt lie, if they where to lie they would of saif 6'3 6'4. so reality he's 6'2 maybe in shoes he wears he's 6'3 thats not his true height
Da Man said on 20/Dec/08
Does that trump all the times he has claimed 6'2" or 6'3", almost 6'3" and about 6'3"?
What do you make of this?
Click Here
kay21 said on 19/Dec/08
Here is a link of Tom saying that he is actually 6'3 u heard it from his own mouth. and Jared is still 6'5.
Click Here
Da Man said on 19/Dec/08
Haha, now we're talking, Yaspaa!
Hugh, "pc" as in politically correct.
Hugh said on 19/Dec/08
What do you mean Da Man? I don't understand... Define PC..
Yaspaa said on 18/Dec/08
Lol,lol,I had a similar dilemma DM and you are right; merry ****ing christmas everyone.
Da Man said on 17/Dec/08
Can't bring myself to be PC...
Merry Christmas to all!
Hugh said on 17/Dec/08
Thank you Yaspaa, happy Holidays and new year to you too... And to everybody here!
Yaspaa said on 16/Dec/08
Alphabetically speaking , AAAA,Da Man,Hugh,John,Josh,sid and Viper ; Happy holidays guys and all the best for the new year. Thanks also to Rob for a great site and who could forget Patrick who is currently benched due to injury,get well soon buddy.
Yaspaa said on 16/Dec/08
6.275 inches,thats tiny.
Da Man said on 15/Dec/08
Well, thanks for setting us straight. LOL
kay21 said on 15/Dec/08
Tom is about 6.275 inches very close to 6'3 and Jared in 6'5 not 63 like some of you are saying.
Josh said on 6/Dec/08
6'1.5-6'2 is pretty much the same.
sid said on 2/Dec/08
Again lowest Tom can be is 6'2 max 6'2'5
sid said on 30/Nov/08
Yaspaa Tom looks 6'2 max 6'2'5 perhaps. Micheal looks 5'10 max 5'11 perhaps
Da Man said on 30/Nov/08
I have never seen Yaspaa say 6'3", he's always maintained that Tom is just under 6'3" (like Tom himself) from what I have seen.
Yaspaa said on 30/Nov/08
I have never said 6'3,please show me when. I have said maybe 6'2.75
sid said on 29/Nov/08
Yaspaa Yes you did.. you said he was 6'3. I said 6'2 to maybe 6'2'5
sid said on 29/Nov/08
Yaspaa Yes you did.. you said was 6'3. I said 6'2 to maybe 6'2'5
Yaspaa said on 29/Nov/08
I've never said 6'3.
sid said on 28/Nov/08
Yaspaa Now you say Tom 6'2'5 rather then 6'3 I still believe 6'2
Yaspaa said on 28/Nov/08
No more Smallville until January,aarrgh.
Yaspaa said on 28/Nov/08
Yeah but like DM said that second pic is no good but in the first pic it's more like 3.25" in fact I think Tom maybe 6'2.5 on the button.
sid said on 27/Nov/08
Hugh Tom in that pic looks only 2 inches on micheal R.. Micheal 5'11 if that.perhaps micheal was wearing bigger shoes to boost him to look 6ft.. tom looks 2 inches on micheal. he looks 6'2 thats 2 inches on M
Yaspaa said on 26/Nov/08
He certainly is.
Nicole said on 26/Nov/08
Thought Tom is a strong 6ft2.5inch man.
Da Man said on 25/Nov/08
I tend to think the pic Yaspaa posted is more accurate, as both seem to have decent posture. It's hard to draw much from the 2nd pic.
Hugh said on 25/Nov/08
Click Hereit looks different, isn't it?
Yaspaa said on 24/Nov/08
Ahh I see lol,I have suckers on my palms though so I stick.
Hugh said on 24/Nov/08
:D, can you climb a mirror, Yaspaa? There is no grip on them. Your thesis about Derek Mears 6'5 has no grip on your explanation..It just slides down...
Hugh said on 24/Nov/08
:D, can you climb a mirror, Yaspaa? There is no grip on them. Your thesis about Derek Mears 6'5 has no grip on your explanation..It just slide down...
Yaspaa said on 22/Nov/08
Hugh,please explain 'climbing the mirrors' it's an intriguing phrase.
Yaspaa said on 20/Nov/08
sid look at the feet they are standing next to each other,mears is standing straighter though and I don't think Jared looks taller. Amanda is listed at 5'8 everywhere else I have looked. Chyler Leigh 2nd from right in the pic is listed at 5'6 with Amanda 3rd from left.
Click Here
Hugh said on 20/Nov/08
Yaspaa you're "climbing the mirrors"... I just said that's not accurate enough. Edward Herrmann is a closed issue, we're talking about other people.
Amanda Righetti is listed 174 cm, then I can see she wears "about" 4 cm heels making her about 178 cm. I can see about 17..18 cm difference and I can guess Padalecki 196 cm with 2 cm shoes-> 194 cm...But I think this is a not accurate measure. So we turn back to 0.
Da Man said on 19/Nov/08
Based on that picture, I seriously doubt Amanda Righetti is really 5'8"...
sid said on 19/Nov/08
Yaspaa padeleai is closer to the came.. thats why he looks taller
Yaspaa said on 19/Nov/08
Also Hugh, the gorgeous Amanda Righetti in the middle of that shot is on this site at 5'8.5,even in heels he really towers her.
Yaspaa said on 19/Nov/08
Hugh,Edward Herrmann is listed on this site at 6'5 but that wasn't good enough for you either.
Yaspaa said on 19/Nov/08
Mears always plays big goons or monster types he's a huge dude.
Hugh said on 19/Nov/08
Yaspaa Derek Mears is not listed here... 6'5 is not a reliable measure.
Viper said on 19/Nov/08
6-1 1/2 max for Tom and 6-3 1/2 max for Jared makes the most sense to me.
Josh said on 19/Nov/08
Well Hugh lets compare him with Jared 6'4 (193cm) Jared is easily 2 inches taller than him so hes not over 6'2 , Jared might be around 6'3.5 (192cm) and Tom 6'1.5 (187cm) Jared at 6'3.5 looks 6'5 with sneakers and Tom at 6'1.5 looks 190cm with sneakers , He can look about 6'3 with any footwaear thats why people usually think hes taller than he actually is .
Shawn said on 19/Nov/08
To me tom welling looks exactly 6'2 1/2 as he looks a little taller then justin hartley (who's a legit 6'2) in smallville. Also Da Man's 100% right as welling did look a bit taller then bennett in the film. By the way Jared Padalecki looks atleast 6'4 1/2 in that picture with 6'5 Derek Mears!
Da Man said on 18/Nov/08
Tom was a bit taller than Bennett in a few scenes, he is in flip-flops with non-existent soles in those pics while Bennett is in Sperry-type boat shoe IIRC.
Yaspaa said on 18/Nov/08
Padalecki with 6'5 Derek Mears
Click Here
sid said on 18/Nov/08
Da Man thats odd tom does look shorter then the 6'2 guy.. i still say tom's 6'2. maybe the pic angle is diff.
Hugh said on 18/Nov/08
Da Man Tom seems to be shorter than the guy on the left in the 2nd pic (you can see them in the 1st too)...If that one is really 6'2" then Tom seems to be 6'1 or 6'1.5 and this is strange..
6'1 said on 17/Nov/08
Viper...no, you are just digging your hole deeper.
Viper said on 17/Nov/08
6-1 1/2 for Tom and 6-3 1/2 for Jared I can buy.
Yaspaa said on 17/Nov/08
Viper you have never made any sense, refusing to face facts and trust what numerous pics have shown of Tom and Jared,it's starting to get boring,stubborness doesn't become you.
Viper said on 16/Nov/08
I think Josh makes the most sense. 6-1.5 can pass off as 6-3 with his frame.
Georgie said on 16/Nov/08
I agree he is about 6 ft 3 nearly, he cant be taller than jared
Yaspaa said on 15/Nov/08
Smallville,season 8 episode 9,sweeeeeet!
Da Man said on 15/Nov/08
I will agree that Tom looked a bit shorter on CBTD2 than he normally does in Smallville. I attribute that to the fact he was either barefoot, in flip-flops or in running shoes for most of that movie as opposed to his normal workboots.
Like here:
Click Hereand here:
Click HereThe guy on the left in the 2nd pic is 6'2" listed Jonathan Bennett.
Yaspaa said on 14/Nov/08
How can he look exactly 6'1.5 without any reference and Padalecki is more like 194cm a plethora of pics confirms this.
Hugh said on 14/Nov/08
Josh you can do it better than this. How can you evaluate his height in that movie?What was your point of reference? "he looks exactly" is not enough, we are talking about 1 or 2 cm, we need more accuracy...
Josh said on 13/Nov/08
I say it Hugh cause in Cheaper by the Dozen 2 hes barefoot in one scene and he looks exactly 6'1.5 (187cm) hes model agency listed him at 6'2 they were just rounding up also Jared Padalecki who is a bit under 6'4 (192cm) has 2 inches on him , at 6'1.5 with shoes on he can easily look 6'3.
sid said on 12/Nov/08
Tom is 6'2 to 6'2'5 thats final
Hugh said on 12/Nov/08
How do you say that, Josh?
Josh said on 10/Nov/08
He is 6'1.5 (187cm) rounded up 6'2.
Hugh said on 10/Nov/08
"Patrick says on 4/Nov/08
Yaspaa, in this already seen, clip, Tom is taller - not the same height - than Jared, because of the background effect. "
AAAA said on 6/Nov/08
Patrick, I needed a user name and just hit AAAA. It is pretty distincitve but I just never bothered to change it. My real name is Garett if you're curious.
sid said on 6/Nov/08
Da Man If jared is 6'4 on tom.. that would put tom at 6'2...your saying he has 2 1'5 to inches on tom. 2 inches would make tom 6'2. .. seems about right... maybe i guess it wrong in that video
Yaspaa said on 5/Nov/08
Just to reinforce DM's positive opinions on the new season of Smallville,he's absolutely right it makes the last couple of seasons seem stale in comparison,loving it.
Yaspaa said on 4/Nov/08
Patrick,Yaspaa is just something I heard Kevin James say on an episode of 'King Of Queens',it doesn't mean anything,I chose it because I was pretty sure there wouldn't be another one out there.
Da Man said on 4/Nov/08
AAAA says on 3/Nov/08
"Da Man...what is your opinion on the diff in your pics between jensen and tom and jensen and Jared."
I see roughly 2.5" between Jensen and Tom and just over 4" between Jensen and Jared.
Click HereIf Jensen is 6'0", I would say Tom is roughly 6'2.5" and Padalecki is just over 6'4", let's say 6'4.25"...
Yanke said on 4/Nov/08
1 inch taller than Michael, 2 inches shorter than Jared...
Click Here
Da Man said on 4/Nov/08
sid says on 3/Nov/08
"Da Man in those photos.. tom was standing for aside.. if there shoulder to shoulder... maybe jared would have a inch.. i see no diff"
Sid, watch the video. I chose those frames because they are fair to both Tom and Jared (not concerned with Jensen). That's the difference between them, Jared is 1.5" to 2" taller than Tom. It's pretty much a stone cold fact at this point.
Patrick said on 4/Nov/08
Yaspaa, in this already seen, clip, Tom is taller - not the same height - than Jared, because of the background effect.
BTW, Yaspaa, could you tell me what your pseudo means? I think
sid said on 4/Nov/08
Yaspaa It's true called common sense.. thats something you dont have... I got a friend who is 5'5 she thinks I'm tall... his son is 5'3 he thinks 5'8 tall... of course shorter people are gonna think tall person look taller.. that 5'6 chick met tom. saying she thought he was the tallest guy she ever seen.. that blows... cause tom is only 6'2 to 6'2'5. the name aint billy bob.. its sid.. buddy...
AAAA said on 3/Nov/08
Da Man...what is your opinion on the diff in your pics between jensen and tom and jensen and Jared.
Yaspaa said on 3/Nov/08
'Patrick Da Man shorter people are gonna think tall people look taller'..... Just one of sid's many hernia inducing anecdotes from the past week,keep it up billy bob.
sid said on 3/Nov/08
Da Man in those photos.. tom was standing for aside.. if there shoulder to shoulder... maybe jared would have a inch.. i see no diff
sid said on 3/Nov/08
Yaspaa there about the same height... you need to get your eyes checked... jared stood next to tom...not in the back