Lee said on 4/Dec/15
Rob how tall would you say suzannah is if trinny is 5ft 10 my estimate is 5'8.5"

Editor Rob
I think they could look near 2 inches difference. Funnily I saw Trinny once being described 5ft 7 and nine stone! That's a bit low. You probably wouldn't expect suzannah to be near 5ft 8, but she can look tallish at times...
Arch Stanton said on 29/Nov/12
Lisa looks taller than Trinny I think, but I think is possible Trinny could be a little higher than this still.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Nov/12
Yeah me too, I was thinking 5'11" range too.
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Now those are attractive ladies! Not sure how tall that half Greek Linda is, I've seen her on This Morning and some other shows though, lovely face.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Nov/12
Rob do you think Lisa Butcher looks a legit 6 ft? Beautiful woman, unusually looks hotter with short hair than longer hair, reminds me of Princess Diana, pure class. Seems to have had too much botox of late though, her face is looking too shiny.

Editor Rob
I think she's near her claim, although if I hadn't seen her say 6ft I might have guessed 5ft 11
Shaun said on 19/Oct/12
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Rob pause at 0:20. She looks almost as tall as Jeremy Clarkson.
Shaun said on 3/Oct/12
If anything I'd be tempted to shrink Slash down to 5 ft 9 or 5'9.5", I don't think he looks a legit 5 ft 10, not seen enough comparisons of him with others but I get a 5 ft 9 impression with him, could be wrong.
Shaun said on 3/Oct/12
Good call Rob. She was definitely the tallest 5 ft 9 I've seen. I wouldn't be surprised if she was even taller than this and nearer 5 ft 11 but I'll attribute to the fact she can often look that tall due to her build. I'm pretty sure I saw her on What not to wear a few years back and I'm 99% sure she mentioned being 5 ft 11. Yes I think it was an episode which featured obese people and they were trying to make them look the best, might have been a spin off series. She does look near it but she does often wear heels which with her built can make her look very tall.
Shaun said on 2/Oct/12
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Proportionally I think she looks near 5 ft 11. I know she's stick thin which can make her look taller but I think she looks at least 5 ft 10?
Shaun said on 2/Oct/12
Rob she actually looks like Elle McPherson in the lower pics, facially and body frame wise. What made you think she was as low as 5 ft 9?

Editor Rob
from articles around 10 years back "[Trinny Woodall] is 38 years old, 5ft 9ins, skinny, flat-stomached" etc, although it is possible she's a bit taller of course, I'll have a look and see.
Shaun said on 2/Oct/12
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5'9? I'd have guessed 5 ft 11 minimum. See the lower pics. She looks very tall range for a woman. Didn't she herself claim 5 ft 11??
Harry said on 14/May/11
Literally just walked into my shop, wasn't sure if it was her or not. After some research it definitely was her. I'm 5'10 and she was around my height.
G-MANN said on 13/Jan/09
Look at the size of the heels she's wearing, Big King!
Big King said on 20/Sep/08
Excuse me??? Trinny looks at least four inches taller than Hurley on this photo
Click HereNo way Trinny is 5'9"!!! Even not 5'10!!! Trinny looks more 6 ft tall!!!
emily said on 3/Jun/08
i think it's really good she wears heels, im 5'9 and hate it but im glad theres tall people out there too :D
brapp said on 21/Mar/08
I read she's 5'10" but I think she's an inch or so taller
anon said on 1/Jan/08
says in 'What you wear can change your life' that she is 5'10''
Kim said on 18/Nov/07
Trinny is inspiring to all tall girls - I am 5 10, and always feel silly in high heels - but it's great seeing her wear them with confidence. It gives me the confidence to give them a go!
Kudozs said on 30/Sep/07
Trinny was a bit freakish in person as she's painfully thin. She always wears ridiculously high shoes so she has to sit down a lot (!) but I agree, she's got to be at least 5'9"
johnny5 said on 2/May/06
Sophie Raworth is the same height as trinny and Sophie is 5ft8 + she trinny has short legs long body has wedged shoes on all the time to make legs look longer.
admirer of tall women said on 27/Mar/06
Man, she's tall. I would look well small next to her, then. She would tower over me.