Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 12/Jun/17
Vin is at least 2 inches taller than Chuck Norris. I believe Norris was the one who wore lifts when he met Vin, who was wearing normal shoes.
Click Here If Norris wasn't wearing lifts, that would put Vin at 5'9", which is way too low.
ma said on 12/Jun/17
Vin is the only man that can looks close to the Rock and close to Chuck Norris height. Unbelivable lol
Btw, I'm seeking for the user name that Vin uses on this site. Anyone who makes comment of him over 6 ft is very suspiocious ( Hello Vin)
Guanzo said on 10/Jun/17
cepinac said on 8/Jun/17
177,5 with bad posture 1.78-1.79 better
Spencer said on 6/Jun/17
Looks 5'11
Private Caparzo said on 5/Jun/17
Vin diesel- 181
The rock- 191 (peak)
Truth said on 4/Jun/17
Always appear to look 5ft 10.75-11. I would prefer 5ft.11
RisingForce said on 3/Jun/17
There are surprisingly few good pics of Vin and Ice Cube, but here's the decent ones:
Click Here Click Here Click Here It's not that easy to gauge the difference because of posture, raised eye levels and position, but in the pics it looks 3.5"-4" give or take, imo.
Here's video:
Click Here Not a great angle, but you do see Samuel L Jackson and you can tell from about the 40 second mark that he's taller than Vin in sneakers similar to what Cube is wearing, but slouches a lot for photos.
Vin's boots look a bit different, but he still has a pretty thick heel and to me, there seems a good chance Vin has near 5 cm elevators with Cube in flat 2 cm type shoes. Here's one more good shot pretty close with a decent side view of Vin's boot:
Click Here
RisingForce said on 1/Jun/17
Christian, I still believe Vin is 5'11.5", although I don't mean at his low. I definitely believe he drops to 181 cm at his low. Right now, I see anywhere from 5'11" to 5'11.5" as a fairly likely midday measurement. I can't say 5'10.5" is impossible because we've rarely seen Vin in normal shoes. As for Russell, I'm fine with taking his measured height, but I'd say for simplicity and a middle ground, lets say he's 6'3" on the nose. As I said, I'm not reading too much into the pic where Vin looks shorter because it's only one pic and not a full one, but it does certainly bring into doubt Vin passing for 6'1" with him. It's really difficult to tell if someone has a smaller lift in a boot, but I have said I think Vin wears boots both with and without lifts considering he can go from looking like a 5'11" range guy in them then look near his claim at 184-185 cm at other times.
Canson said on 1/Jun/17
I agree with Christian Vin isn't more than maybe 5'10.5/5'11
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Jun/17
Guanzo said on 31/May/17
Anything over 2 inches is broken ankle territory Vin Diesel's shoes are max 2'' inches
That´s why woman always wear max 2" footwear - nonsense!
RisingForce said on 1/Jun/17
You don't need boots like that for 2 inches max and 2 inches or less don't make you look like you're standing on a box like Vin in New York recently.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 31/May/17
D'Angelo was officially measured at 6'3 1/4" without shoes in 2015
Click Here so that shouldn't put Vin at anything above 5'11", considering that he had footwear advantage over D'Angelo. And his measurement likely took place very early in the day, so he's only probably like 6'2.75" at his low, making Vin 5ft10.5, the height I guessed him at for a long time. I don't think he was wearing any lifts though, as his boots didn't look odd.
RisingForce said on 31/May/17
Here's what I'm talking about with 6'3.25" measured D'Angelo Russell.
He looks his 6'1" claim here, but Russell is losing height with his posture
Click Here
This photo may suggest how much height Russell was losing, even with the camera advantage he doesn't look over 181 cm here:
Click Here
It's not proof of anything since the pic he looks shorter in isn't full, but it may have been more of a posture advantage that helped him pass for his 6'1" claim with Russell.
Guanzo said on 31/May/17
Anything over 2 inches is broken ankle territory Vin Diesel's shoes are max 2'' inches
RisingForce said on 30/May/17
Christian, it depends on how much height he wants to gain. High tops will conceal enough so your foot doesn't fall out, but if Vin wants a bigger 3"+ or 3.5" boost, he's going to need a thick boot. Of course, high tops can become obvious as well if you stuff big enough lifts in them, particularly if you don't buy the right size or adjust your pant length and cut. Just look at Robert Downey Jr. A longer than usual boot cut jean would be best, though I'm not sure it's his style, but at least he wouldn't look so much like he was standing on a box. Funny enough, usually baggy pants make your legs look shorter and can mask abnormally high knees, but it doesn't always work with Vin. If you go with sneakers, though, you definitely need high tops. Sly Stallone's favorite shoes were Hogan sneakers for a few years, but because they were just a big sneaker and not high tops, you could see his high ankle position when he sat down and when you put 1"+ insert lifts into regular shoes as opposed to custom elevators, you need to wear at least 1 full size bigger so all this made drew more attention to them and made the sneakers seem even bigger. Tom Cruise's big mistake is when he wears a thick boot with a big internal lift, he wears particularly tight jeans along with it and the jeans aren't long enough to begin with so then they end up looking way too short highlighting the bulky boots and lifts as well as high knees. The opposite of Cruise would be Antonio Banderas and Simon Cowell. They'll wear big heels and supplement them with internal lifts, but overcompensate with boot cut jeans too long, which draws attention, particularly with Cowell who looks in danger of tripping and because it's all covered, it can look like they're wearing ladies 3" high heels as opposed to a men's cuban heel + an internal lift. I've seen photos where you could be fooled into thinking it was a woman in jeans from the waist down.
For Vin, I think there are options. The 2" elevator shoes he wore to the 2013 Grammys with Tyrese are much better with a suit since his big Frankenstein boots look quite conspicuous with a suit, same thing with Sam Worthington. But I think your idea would be worth building off of for Vin. Maybe get custom high tops in that style with built in lifts. Then for a boot look, as I said on the Kane Hodder page about Kane's Frankenstein boots, there are fashionable and thick Timberland type styles many wear which give about 1.5" even without lifts so getting a custom designed pair like that with reasonable lifts inside doesn't sound too hard, or even putting a reasonable insert in Timberland or Caterpillar boots. Actually, if you look at the pic with D'Angelo Russell, Vin's boots blend in as pretty normal, but while Vin looks his 6'1" claim in the full pic, seeing the other pic, I now think a lot of that is D'Angelo's posture since he stands straight in the other pic and looks about 4 inches taller instead of 2 even with Vin closer to the camera.
But back to the main point, the only real reason Vin's boots would need to be even close to that obvious is wanting a 3"+ boost. I'm not completely convinced that's what he gets, but maybe it is on occasion. There are some guys who do a genuinely good job hiding lifts since there are a number I suspect, but aren't sure of. In Vin's case, cowboy boots wouldn't really be his style, but those are an easy way to hide an additional lift, plus, even without lifts, you're going to be getting 1.6"-1.7" over barefoot height anyway. Take
Mel Gibson for instance, I don't think he was ever any taller than 5'9" barefoot, but I think he's fooled a lot of people because he's usually appeared in cowboy boots both on and off screen for 30 years since Lethal Weapon. I believe he's worn lifts a fair amount, but it's always hard to tell if someone has an extra lift inside a cowboy boot. Most people won't think twice and just assume someone is getting a bit extra boost from the bigger heel of that style.
Edge said on 30/May/17
Just a 5'11 guy trying to look over 6 feet. I really can't believe how far he tries to go with this crap it's just ridiculous.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/May/17
ma said on 30/May/17
And btw I m not saying that he is always 191 cm...
I said that in his maximum lifts + extreme boots he can reach 191 cm as absolute top
Noway, maximum 188cm with big sole and inside lift.
6'1-6'1.5 Guy said on 30/May/17
Friends, I found something.
My God, this is some kind of horror, just look at the walk of Wine 1:05:
Click Here
P.S. He barely moves in this shoe (God ...)
ma said on 30/May/17
And btw I m not saying that he is always 191 cm...
I said that in his maximum lifts + extreme boots he can reach 191 cm as absolute top
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 29/May/17
The second photo you posted was the most obvious. Even the average person can see that he's either wearing built-in elevator boots or normal boots with lifts stuffed inside it. I mean, look at how his feet has a sloping angle, and how the lift is buldging out of the boot, creating a visible crease.
Click Here If he wants to make his footwear less suspicious, he should stop wearing his custom boots and start wearing high top sneakers, like Jordans or something, and then add lifts. His massive boots let the cat out of the bag everytime.
ma said on 29/May/17
@Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8)
Most of you guys think Vin is around 179-180. I believe he is 181-182 cm.
Everybody agrees that with lifts + boots he could gain 8-9 cm.
So that's why for me he could be 190 cm with his maximum internal lifts + extreme boots like these
Click Here
RisingForce said on 28/May/17
Christian, that's because Jensen Ackles edited Jared's page!
I think I remember Vin being on a box for that, funny enough, that reminded me of this Jonathan Ross interview:
Click Here At 6:38 Jonathan Ross asks how much bigger Rock is than Vin and Vin replies 2-3 inches, but Ross doesn't buy it and says "No. More than that", which Vin replies "don't push it." Of course, Vin probably buys at least Rock's 6'4" claim, so Vin would almost definitely maintain his 6'1" claim and he might even try 6'2". Now Vin in his Frankenstein boots does pull off similar height to 6'1" Jonathan Ross at 3:55 in that video, but a few years earlier, you see Vin was noticeably shorter than Ross without his boots at 1:28 in this video:
Click Here You see good side shots of Vin's shoes throughout the interview, such as 1:42, but I'd need higher quality to guess whether they're normal dress shoes or possibly 2" elevator shoes again. Without knowing about footwear, Vin definitely seems 5'11.5" max this time.
While I'm here, I might as well post a few more good shot of Vin's black elevator boots in Washington Heights recently:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Well those boots will take him to heights for sure. And a good shot from the premiere:
Click Here You see from the back that the heels are bigger than a lot of boots that style.
Johan said on 28/May/17
lol Pics of Dwayne and Vin from the fast movies. You do realise that Vin was standing on a ramp? haha. They showed it in the "making of". Search for clips on youtube of them walking around set.
Vin looks about 4 inches shorter.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 27/May/17
The picture you posted was probably taken when Vin was standing on higher ground level. Because there's obviously way more than a 2cm difference with him and The Rock in that picture Guanzo posted.
Guanzo said on 26/May/17
ma said on 25/May/17
Look at this.. Vin is shorter than Rock with 1.5 or 2 inches With lifts!!
Click Here
RisingForce said on 26/May/17
We can't see Vin or Rock's feet there and Rock slouches terribly. In fact, Rock was visibly taller than Paul Walker, yet his slouch could make him seem a bit shorter at times. Look at Vin here:
Click Here Nowhere near 6'3" in monster lifts and perfect posture. I have doubts Tyrese is close to 5'11", but even so, let's give him 5'11.5" in those fairly thin shoes with relaxed posture. Vin looks 2" taller max. Paul Walker looks to have less than 2 cm sneakers and relaxed posture, so if he give him about 187 cm, he's probably 189 cm max in them, but he's still at least an inch taller than Vin. Now if Rock is 6'4" in those boots, I could see Vin at 187 cm, but with Rock's slouch, he's definitely less. Vin doesn't look over 186 cm in footwear in that photo. Walker still edges out Vin in boots and lifts back to back:
Click Here Somewhere around a half inch minimum and 2 cm max depending on posture and possible tilt. I'd say Vin might hit about 187 cm there. But if you go by photos where you can't see feet, then I can find pics of Sly Stallone anywhere from 6'1" to 6'2.5" on days he had lifts in thick sneakers rather than boots like Vin. So you really have to take photos where feet aren't visible with a grain of salt, especially with one man slouching. In fairness, Rob does list Walker 6'2", so if you agree then you could argue Vin hits 188-189 cm in boots and lifts, but usually he looks 186-187 cm to me in boots and lifts. He looked that range with D'Angelo Russell and then if you consider Vin looked a bit over 6 feet with Ludacris in those full premiere pics I posted, maybe 184 cm max, then he'd likely be about 186 cm in those boots, assuming of course, Ludacris is around the 5'8" he claims.
ma said on 26/May/17
@Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8)
The Rock in those pics has huge military boots that can give him around 1.75 inc...
He is today 6 ft 2.5 and can be easily over 6 ft 4 with those on.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 26/May/17
If Rock was 6ft4 in shoes, that means he has to be 6ft3 barefoot, which I believe is too high for him. He's more like 6ft2.25 barefoot and 6ft3.25 in normal shoes. The most I can give for Vin is 6ft2 wearing lifts + boots.
ma said on 25/May/17
@ Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8)
In lots of picture he could be around 191 cm with lifts plus boots plus perfect posture.
Look at these pictures
Click Here:
Click Here:
Consider that Rock could be 6 ft 4 in his shoes and could be 6 ft 4.5 in boots. That's why vin could looks 191 cm
ma said on 25/May/17
@ 6'1-6'1.5 Guy s
I' m also sure Vin repeatedly visits (Hello Vin,
height liar).
He comes here every hour and give a 6 ft 1.5 as guesses height in order to increase the average guessed height, to look taller.
MichaelR said on 25/May/17
5'10" in the morning is the max. One can only imagine how insecure our "wanna-be-tough" Vin is. Started from being skinny and short-sighted which lead to roids, and ended up in obsession with average height.
Guanzo said on 23/May/17
I think many people are over exaggerating the thickness of Diesel's boots/lifts.
Here we go;
Vin Diesel with women heel shoes = 7 feet tall
NFL nerd said on 23/May/17
I think he's 5'11 flat. He doesn't look a full 6'1 with sneakers, timberlands, dress shoes etc. He needs his custom boots to look the full 6'1.
RisingForce said on 23/May/17
Yeah, heightcrazy, he's definitely wearing lifts there looking at the angle and his stance. He just about looks eye to eye with her. It's certainly possible he is a 181 cm guy who drops to 180 cm evening. Maybe Vin follows the site and knows you'll bust him if he wears Dons, Rob. Then again, he's already been busted! He often stands and walks like a 2003-2008 Stallone, but his legs look odder. It will be interesting if we find celebs wearing Dons.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 23/May/17
ma said on 19/May/17
Vin D barefoot - 180 cm
Vin D flat shoes - 182 cm
Vin D elevator shoes - 187 cm
Vin D flat shoes + lifts - 186 cm
Vin D elevator shoes + lifts - 191 cm
No way Vin's 191cm even in his biggest footwear. At that point he would pull off looking over 6'2" next to people, which he never does.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/May/17
Great RisingForce, he definitly has more than just a big heel with some of his footwear!
He looked just a smidge taller than Charlize @ 0:47
Click Here
Charlize should be ~6´1" in her shoes, so vin ~6´1.25" in his specialboots.
Yeah in my opinion he wears inside lifts with this red boots, unusual shape at the outside and at the back of the heel.
180cm evening maximum for Vin
RisingForce said on 23/May/17
That's true, Rob, but in general I think he wears custom boots while with Stallone and Cruise, I often see them in shoes you can identify and buy yourself. I'm sure Vin has sported some Timberlands as well, but it'd be interesting to find our who his shoemaker is.

Editor Rob
certainly not Dons 😏
RisingForce said on 22/May/17
Thanks, Rob. I started to suspect the same thing when I came across the side view. They're definitely not the regular dress shoes Vin wore with his girlfriend a few years back. It makes me more certain he's a lift guy if he'd have elevators outside of those boots. Btw, I'm thinking Vin's usual boots may be custom. He seems to have similar ones in many different colors.
Red boots for Fate of the Furious Berlin premiere:
Click Here Click Here Click Here
A couple of good shots from the opening of the Supercharged ride:
Click Here Click Here
If Vin didn't wear lifts, then Tyrese would get a similar boost in Timberlands, but I don't really believe that:
Click Here Click Here
Video from that event shows not that big of a height difference:
Click Here
I feel confident removing Vin from the Brad Pitt category of "maybe he wears lifts, maybe he doesn't." He seems to be among the worst offenders. Nobody would doubt it if it were Stallone or Cruise. Of course, it doesn't mean he's short. I bet Vin wants to look the 6'1" he claimed or even the 6'2" he was regularly listed at, such as this 2002 article:
Click Here Vin simply has "Reynolds syndrome."

Editor Rob
the black boots look like they are a little bit different style than the red ones...the black look thicker in the heel area.
Cobra said on 21/May/17
Joe, there's a million things that can be influencing the way that photo looks. Although here are the shoes he's likely wearing which have huge heels:
Click Here
Click Here
RisingForce said on 21/May/17
Vin without his usual Frankenstein boots at the 2013 Grammys with Tyrese:
Click Here
I see about an inch difference there, though it could be more 3 cm that night seeing other pics and video, but Tyrese has looser posture and lifts or not, Vin does have a bigger heel while Tyrese has noticeably thinner shoes overall as well. I still think 5'11.5" is spot on for Vin, and while I think Tyrese is closer to 5'10" than 5'11", Rob's two listings of 5'11.5" and 5'10.75" can add up. We can safely rule out lifts for Tyrese, though seeing Vin's shoes from the side angle, I don't rule out lifts for him at all:
Click Here
Btw, if I had any doubts Vin wears lifts, the New York Fate of the Furious premiere has erased all doubt for me:
Click Here Click Here Click Here It looks to me like Vin is standing on something or up on his toes. He winds up looking out of proportion. It's tough to imagine those are just thick boots without anything else. I've seen other times where I thought Vin may just have boots and nothing else, but this looks ridiculous.

Editor Rob
Rising, there is still a decent chance they are elevators, though certainly not expensive ones, I would say they seem to be a shape I'd expect from a 2-inch model!
Sammy Derrick said on 20/May/17
In the Fast and Furious 8 they are plenty of bios of different characters,and his character is listed as
AGE: 40
It's really difficult to tell cause sometimes he looks 6'1 next to certain actors while next to some he looks 5'10.I'll give him 5'11.25(181cm).
ma said on 19/May/17
Vin D barefoot - 180 cm
Vin D flat shoes - 182 cm
Vin D elevator shoes - 187 cm
Vin D flat shoes + lifts - 186 cm
Vin D elevator shoes + lifts - 191 cm
HonestSlovene said on 14/May/17
@Peterson188cm This guy is probably 5'11.75" morning, 5'11.5" during the day and close to a flat 5'11" before bed. I don't buy under 5'11" but also nothing over 5'11.5".
Kourosh 5'9.5 (176cm-177cm) said on 13/May/17
@Joe that pic is photo shopped.
ma said on 11/May/17
I would like to know what his wife think about his height fluctuating from 178 cm to 189 cm with special shoes.
She is probably 177 cm and with 12cm of heels is still shorter than elevated Vin
ma said on 11/May/17
I ve just seen the new fast and furious. In every scene he had big boots even on the beach or while sleeping in his bed. He was In some segment more than 10 cm on Charlie Theron, which brings him atleast 188-189 cm. I think that if he had the possibility, he would put even his gr
If Vin is 188-189 cm in special boots he could be barefoot around 178-179 cmandma inside his boots.
Rob you made a video with elevator boots right? you were around 183 cm so 10 cm taller....
Peterson188cm said on 9/May/17
Vin Diesel Height: (179.5cm - 181.5cm)
out of bed/morning: 5'11.5
afternoon/evening: 5'11
before bed: 5'10.75 - 5'11
Angus said on 8/May/17
I met Vin in person and he is no more than 5' 10". If you click the Paul Walker link above, you can easily see it. Vin is being photographed at an angle that would make him appear closer in height to Paul, yet we're looking at a 3" deficit even with the angle advantage.
Darren510 said on 7/May/17
Diesel wears lifts sometimes I'm convinced, but not elevators. He looked just about the same height next to 6'1.5-6'2 PAul Walker at times, but at other times looked 2 inches shorter. He is really no that much shorter than 6'2.5-6'3 Dwayne Johnson either. I would bet anything he is 5'11.5, but I could buy either 5'11 or 6'0 as well. 5'10 or less seems to be really pushing it
ma said on 6/May/17
Barefoot 180cm
Elevator boots + internal lifts 188cm
Flat footwear 182cm
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 5/May/17
In tune with my previous thoughts, purely and simply, Vin is a very stocky 5'10 guy barefoot, maybe a smidge over that in the morn. Add to that the two inch heel on those clogs he wears as well as the alleged lifts residing inside them it is highly likely that that is the reason why he pulls off looking tallish beside naturally loftier guys such as Walker (RIP dear friend) and The Rock. NEWS FLASH: 5'10 is NOT short...It's a decent height. The only area of the world a 5'10 man would be deemed short (or shortish) at that height would be in Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and perhaps Holland.
berta said on 5/May/17
i would like to know what S.J.H think about vin disels height? and mister_lennon
berta said on 5/May/17
i think his shoes give him total of about 6,5 cm everything up to 4 cm is hard to spot. 5 cm then people walk different and 6-7 cm that when you look like vin diesel. 181 guy that makes it up to 187,5 in shoes and look 185 to people who meets him. But at the same time he neer look taller than 184 even in thoose shoes. He really can be 180 cm but we really dont know how mutch his shoes give. if he really dont uses lifts he could be 6 foot. In that old breakdance video when he was 17 years old he looked like 177-178 cm most guys grow about 2 cm after that.
Richardspain said on 1/May/17
I agree with you Christian
Elevator boots according the heel of inside boots give more or less centimetres.
I only said an esteemed number.
SS said on 1/May/17
182cm is alright! Making him lower as that is unrealistic!
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 30/Apr/17
Richardspain said on 30/Apr/17
Remember he wears elevator boots or heels always, so I give him max 180cm barefoot
Barefoot 179/180cm
Elevator boots 184cm
Flat footwear 182cm
No more no less
Elevator boots give more than just 4-5cm. I think they can take him up to 188.
Richardspain said on 30/Apr/17
Remember he wears elevator boots or heels always, so I give him max 180cm barefoot
Barefoot 179/180cm
Elevator boots 184cm
Flat footwear 182cm
No more no less
Dmeyer said on 29/Apr/17
@ rising force , some hogan including insole give 1,6-1,8in even having à 1,25in lifts that will give in reality 0,75-0,8in you get near 2,5in
Canson said on 29/Apr/17
@Honest Slovene: maybe I underestimated but I'd say Allen Iverson David Beckham height like Christian said 179-180 or 178-179 weak 5'11/strong 5'10. My previous was based on a poster who made the comment previously saying he knew him. I'll try to find it as it may have been on his page or Rocks
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 28/Apr/17
HonestSlovene said on 28/Apr/17
@Canson 5'9"-5'10" range is laughable for Vin, but so is his 6'1" claim. He looks like a decent 5'11" guy that goes well over 6'0" wearing lifts.
Good estimate. 179-180cm's most probable.
HonestSlovene said on 28/Apr/17
@Canson 5'9"-5'10" range is laughable for Vin, but so is his 6'1" claim. He looks like a decent 5'11" guy that goes well over 6'0" wearing lifts.
Mike said on 28/Apr/17
I doubt he is as low as 5ft 9 or 5ft 10, but he really looks more like a 5ft 11 guy, maybe 181 cm.
Cobra said on 28/Apr/17
He can at times look close to 6-2 in height(Sometimes with Walker and the Rock). Now, there's OBVIOUSLY NO WAY he's that tall(wearing thick boots maybe some form of lifts) but there's also no way he's wearing 5 or 6 inch lifts.
Let's get real and disregard what some random is claiming by "having met him".
RisingForce said on 27/Apr/17
Dmeyer, if you have the money, you should get some of the Hogan sneakers Sly wore a lot and see how much lifts you can fit in them. As for Vin, I still believe 5'11.5" is perfect and 5'11" absolute minimum, but I am pretty sure he often puts lifts in his boots, particularly the rooftop photo, but perhaps not always.
Canson said on 27/Apr/17
@Christian: not sure. He said he was 5'9" but also mentioned he's friends with other celebs. Don't remember what page it was on. I wouldn't go below 5'9.5 but maybe not above 5'10". He never struck me as being all that tall imho
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 27/Apr/17
Canson said on 26/Apr/17
Not sure Christian. One guy here said he has met Vin and is friends with him and said he has ridiculous lifts on said he's 5'9-5'10 too
Did that guy ever saw Vin without his lifts? If not, I'm still not convinced that he's only 5'9". (Guessing someone's height when they're wearing hidden lifts isn't a good idea, because you never know how much height they're hiding.) On the rare occasions without wearing lifts and boots he looks at least 5'10.5"
NFL nerd said on 26/Apr/17
Remember actors are a product. Its very likely his camp requires him to claim/appear 6'1, and they dress him accordingly(like his signature boots for example). When he's "off duty" he seems to be comfortable in nikes.
Canson said on 26/Apr/17
Not sure Christian. One guy here said he has met Vin and is friends with him and said he has ridiculous lifts on said he's 5'9-5'10 too
Dmeyer said on 26/Apr/17
Rob i would like to buy boots similar to Vin Diesel , does someone know brand

Editor Rob
I really do not know the exact model/make he wears unfortunately.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 26/Apr/17
Canson said on 25/Apr/17
5'9-5'10 and wears lifts
Sorry Canson. He can't be that short. Many people overestimate how much his footwear is boosting his height. 5'10.5"-5'11" barefoot would be the best call.
Canson said on 25/Apr/17
5'9-5'10 and wears lifts
6'1-6'1.5 Guy said on 24/Apr/17
Cobra said on 23/Apr/17
"As for the video, Cobra. Well I posted a video a below where Vin looks a shocking 4 inches shorter walking beside Rock."
That's not a 4 inch difference. More like 3. Which would be accurate. We also can't see footwear. That's from the set of fast five where the Rock is likely wearing combat boots.
In the video, provided by RisingForce, the difference between Rock and Diesel is not less than 3.5 inches, because the eye level of Vin is lower than that of Dwayne, so the sound is 3.5-4 inches more believable.
Please, watch the video again.
By the way, if you are interested in Vin shoes in this video, then think for yourself what this person is wearing if he is 24/7 in the same shoes for about 20 years.
P.S. Thanks!
RisingForce said on 24/Apr/17
Cobra, I think he actually probably is 3" shorter at 5'11.5" while Rock at 6'2.5" seems about right, but I see more than just 3" in that video since Vin's head doesn't seem much above Rock's eyes. I remember Rob saying Vin only looked about 5'11" in that video too. As for footwear, it'd make sense Rock had more because I don't think the difference is that big, but it's not exactly unlikely Vin had boots as well since he wears them almost 24/7. I give almost no chance of under 5'11", but in that one video ge's really not looking over it, imo.
Arthur said on 23/Apr/17
Have even more ego than Sly...))
Cobra said on 23/Apr/17
"As for the video, Cobra. Well I posted a video a below where Vin looks a shocking 4 inches shorter walking beside Rock."
That's not a 4 inch difference. More like 3. Which would be accurate. We also can't see footwear. That's from the set of fast five where the Rock is likely wearing combat boots.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 22/Apr/17
delancey said on 20/Apr/17
Never understood why a 5'10 or 5'11 guy like Vin would be so overly conscious of his height.
Such a big difference to 174/175 cm guys like Statham/Hardy yet both those actors seem secure about their own heights.
I wouldn't put Statham up there. He claimed 5ft11 during his diving days, despite only being around 174cm my opinion.
RisingForce said on 22/Apr/17
Brad, other than Marky Mark's ridiculous repeated 5'10" claims, why do you think he's "height paranoid"? He doesn't seem to wear lifts when he's out of movies and even appeared in socks with Will Ferrell. Anyway back to Vin, as for why a guy above average would be height conscious, he has Burt Reynolds syndrome. Burt always wanted to be a towering figure like Clint Eastwood. Telly Savalas was another. Solidly somewhere 5'10"-5'11", but got listed at 6'1" and wore big heels and likely lifts to try to achieve that. Vin is similar in that he clearly wants to be a big 6'1"-6'2" guy. Many would agree that's an ideal height, especially with Vin's image. Brad Pitt is another. A solid height, but falls short of the 6 feet mark and seems to wear a bit extra heel and sometimes lift to reach it. Besides, everyone is an individual who wants different things. We had a 6'2" guy on this site who wore lifts all the time since he wanted to be 6'5" or 6'6". Meanwhile Brad on this site is that height and hates it. As for the video, Cobra. Well I posted a video a below where Vin looks a shocking 4 inches shorter walking beside Rock. I definitely agree with 5'11.5", but he honestly looked 5'11" max in this video. If you can't find it below, I'll repost it.
Cobra said on 21/Apr/17
"Never understood why a 5'10 or 5'11 guy like Vin would be so overly conscious of his height."
It's just like a lot of movie stars. There's pressure to look and feel "larger than life". Especially being a macho action star who's persona is built around looking big and tough.
delancey said on 20/Apr/17
Never understood why a 5'10 or 5'11 guy like Vin would be so overly conscious of his height.
Such a big difference to 174/175 cm guys like Statham/Hardy yet both those actors seem secure about their own heights.
6'1-6'1.5 Guy said on 20/Apr/17
It seems to me that almost all people know that the growth of Vin Diesel is 5'11 (180 cm).
General Statistics:
85% of people claim 5'11 (180 cm).
10% of people claim that it is between 5'10.5 to 5'11.5 (179-182 cm).
2.5% of people claim that he is 5'10 or less.
2.5% of people claim that he is 5'11.5 and over.
The result is: The growth of Diesel Wine is in the range from 5'10.5 to 5'11.25 (179-181 cm).
Evaluation of 180 cm. Shows his sensible.
Thomas Veil said on 20/Apr/17
5'11 sounds fair
Alex2401 said on 19/Apr/17
180cm max not a cm taller
shiva 181 cms said on 19/Apr/17
Well everybody's got different estimate on vin ,I'd say he's decent 5'11 and no more
berta said on 19/Apr/17
strange that he is shorter than christpfher hjuvje (182-183) in lifts. and as i had sad before chroistopher worked with a swedish guy who is 184 and looked atleast 2 cm shorter. i christopher is barely 182 then diesel could be 180 .
Cobra said on 19/Apr/17
Ok, short of him standing barefoot I may have found the holy grail:
Click Here
Go to the 9:02 mark. Even with thick boots and lifts there's no way he's looking like that next to the Rock if he's anything under than what's listed here.
Brad said on 18/Apr/17
He's 5' 10". In those huge wedged customs he'd be owning Theron huge and about up to the Rock at 5-11.5. He's a height paranoid individual like Burt and Sly and Marky Mark.
RisingForce said on 17/Apr/17
Vin pulls off near his 6'1" claim with Russell, though he of course has much better posture and you never know what's in Vin's boots. But good pics, Cobra. 5'11.5" is indeed spot on. I wouldn't go any higher, but I certainly wouldn't go below 5'11" either.
Rhodes said on 17/Apr/17
5ft 11.75 Kristofer Hivju edged him out by a fraction during their first confrontation scene in Fast 8, which was a full body shot and both were wearing black combat boots. Would say Vin is definitely this measurement and no higher.
Brad said on 16/Apr/17
Never over 5-10 in his life. He's even with Theron with no the film I'm sure she's in ballet slippers and Vin rockin in his 3" custom wedged boots.
Dmeyer said on 16/Apr/17
I think he just wears 1,5-2in shoes thats it , and with posture CAN look à 6 FT 0,5-0,75in Guy so 5 FT 11,5 not less
Bard said on 16/Apr/17
Looks around 5'11.
Cobra said on 13/Apr/17
I'm going to agree on 5-11.5
He might be a little more or a little less somewhere in between 5-11 and 6, and uses thick boots to give himself another 1.5 to 2 inches.
Lovi Sarwara said on 13/Apr/17
I watched fast 8 last night and Vin was listed 6'1 in the movie..
Cobra said on 12/Apr/17
With Morgan Freeman:
Click Here
Cobra said on 12/Apr/17
With Denzel Washington:
Click Here
Cobra said on 12/Apr/17
With Terry Crews:
Click Here
Cobra said on 12/Apr/17
With D'angelo Russell who was measured a shade over 6-3(barefoot) at the NBA pre-draft combine:
Click Here

Editor Rob
he holds up quite well with Russell there, even if he might have a bit more footwear...the other guy's sneakers aren't exactly thin.
XistenZ said on 9/Apr/17
You can clearly see he wears lifts by how his posture looks like. It's almost like a forced straight back.
RichardSpain said on 6/Apr/17
Maybe 180cm or 181cm not more . He wears boots, so ..with boots, 185cm. That is the trick my friends!
berta said on 4/Apr/17
danimal i think you can be right that arnold is shorter then what he is listed today. he usually dont look taller than 180-181 if he not have boots on. by the way vin diesel was on jimmy fallon som day ago and he did edge out fallon with 1 cm with huge shoes on. he could hardly walk. i think fallon have 3 cm on him. if his shoes did give him about 4 cm more than fallons. i can really belive he have shoes on that give him about 6,5-7 cm from barefoot height.
Faisal said on 3/Apr/17
He's got a voice to kill for. Right, fellas? Here's something we all can agree on!
Original said on 3/Apr/17
5'11. He is not 5'10. I can see even 5'11.5" before 5'10. 5'11 or 5'11.25 IMO.
RisingForce said on 2/Apr/17
I think Rob has both Vin and Arnold perfect at 5'11.5", unless Arnold has shrunk more in the past couple years. Vin is more likely to look taller than he is due to thick boots, lifts and chest out posture, but did look a surprising 5'11" max in the video I posted with the Rock and while I'll assume he didn't have lifts, he almost always at least wears thick boots. Arnold did look a weak 5'11" with St-Pierre at best, more like 5'10.75", but then he was not much shorter than guys apparently around or near the 6'1" mark like Jai Courtney and Jason Clarke at the Terminator Genisys premiere. He also generally looked 182 cm wearing normal shoes with Manganiello the year before and could again look like a 6 footer when he had a thicker heel or cowboy type boot. I'm with Rob, I think Arnold could likely stand taller than he looks at his shorter moments, but barefoot I do think he and Vin are the same height.
Wrs567 said on 2/Apr/17
Danimal, I think Vin is 5'11.5'' without shoes. I think that's his real height.
I do agree with you on Arnie though, not over 5'11'' flat today
Ibracadabra said on 1/Apr/17
Rob, don't you think he needs a downgrade ? He looks at least an inch shorter barefoot.
Danimal said on 31/Mar/17
Revisionist said on 17/Mar/17
The push to get Vinnie dropped down to 180cm has begun.
By 2018, he'll hit 180.
I hope Arnold will as well.
Danimal said on 31/Mar/17
Danimal said on 24/Mar/17
Funny how you have both Vin Diesel and Arnold at 5'11.5", yet both are at least 1" shorter than that.
Editor Rob: that is your estimate danimal, it may be right or wrong 😎
I just don't understand how you have Jimmy Fallon and Arnold at the same height, yet Jimmy has significant height on Arnold. Arnold is as tall as 5'11" bodybuilders who are barefoot today and barely edges out George St-Pierre. I'm a huge Arnold fan Rob, but to me, he looks to be max 5'10.5" today.

Editor Rob
danimal, Arnie today might be nearer 5ft 11, but he may still
Bust a Gut to look taller.
Danimal said on 31/Mar/17
Wrs567 said on 31/Mar/17
Vin can look about 6'0'' to me.
"LOOK" being the operative word. He can LOOK that height, but that's thanks to his footwear, not his actual height.
Wrs567 said on 31/Mar/17
Vin can look about 6'0'' to me.
5'11.5'' is fair for him too
jay said on 30/Mar/17
lol 182? you got that wrong for sure. there is sound evidence that proves he is no more than 180. very height conscious guy. tries his best to look taller. normal dude trying look tall. its pathetic
Canson said on 25/Mar/17
Agree with Chris 5'10"
Johan said on 25/Mar/17
I think Vin would edge Arnold nowadays, for me he is a solid 5'11" - 181 cm , while Arnie could be on the weaker side - 180 cm.
Aza said on 25/Mar/17
I believe that the current listing is fair.
Danimal said on 24/Mar/17
Funny how you have both Vin Diesel and Arnold at 5'11.5", yet both are at least 1" shorter than that.

Editor Rob
that is your estimate danimal, it may be right or wrong 😎
berta said on 24/Mar/17
i saw his movie babylon and he was barefoot in a scene. i must say i dont think he is only 180 flat anymore he looked to tall for that. i guess the listing is good now he is a hard one.
RisingForce said on 23/Mar/17
Steve, I think Vin's actual boots on the rooftop are more in the range of 1.5" with the outside heel, but lifts can give the illusion of a bigger outside heel, especially from a distance. There's no doubt he's getting between 2-3 inches there including lifts. I truly believe Rob's listing is the best, I've thought Vin was 5'11.5" for years, although he should look taller there next to Tyrese who I have 5'10" and Walker who I have 6'1.5" and is slouching in flat footwear.
Chris said on 23/Mar/17
179cm. Typical solid 5"10 ranger with a stocky build but with bigger footwear can appear tallish. He is just trying to make himself more like the rock when he is just a normal sized dude who is muscular in build.
franklin said on 22/Mar/17
For Pete sake, the man wears boots that give him an extra 3.5 inches. It is so obvious that he is not 6'1" because his body is not portioned to be that height.
Easily a 5'10" no more no less.
Don't know what to claim(5'11 said on 19/Mar/17
If he really was 5'11.5 I don't think he'd go through so much of the effort that he does. I think he'd try and make it more natural. For me he is 5'10.5
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Mar/17
Click Here
This is what I got out of this pic, I´m 100% sure Vin has no lifts there - but still the biggest heel by far.
in this pic it looks like this for barefoot height:
Paul 187cm / 6´1.5"
Vin 180cm / 5´11"
Tyrese 177cm / 5´9.5"
Measuring the lines its a solid 5cm between Paul and Vin and about 6.2cm between Vin and Tyrese.
But the angle gives Paul 1cm advantage over Vin and Vin 1cm over Tyrese, wich to me is confirmed by the vid Rising Force has posted.
Rob, do you agree, especially with the footwearheight and Diesel not wearing lifts?
6'1-6'1.5 Guy said on 19/Mar/17
Friends, and now try to introduce Vin Diesel in keds Converse or Vans ...
Perhaps, it is 98% impossible. He will always be in shoes with 5 cm (2 inch) soles and 1.5 cm (0.6 inch) lifts.
Vin Diesel Height:
181 cm; 5'11.25 – Morning.
179 cm; 5'10.5 – Night.
Steve said on 19/Mar/17
@RisingForce Yea, definitely agree with you that sometimes it's boots+lifts combo and other times it's just the boots. I've seen that picture you posted of them on that rooftop quite a few times and Vin is definitely wearing some pretty hefty lifts there. As you said - it looks like he's on his tiptoes inside the boots. The boots themselves Are very very thick ones too, even for Vin's standards... zoom in on the heel at the back it looks to be a good 2/3inches thick.
It's funny because even with the massive boots, perfect posture and lifts, he's still not quite as tall as Paul Walker who's standing there with casual as hell posture and wearing just a pair of Vans!! That's why I struggle to put Vin at anything over 5'10.5 because if he was close to 6ft like the listing says it wouldn't take all of that to make him almost the same height as Paul.
Guest66 said on 18/Mar/17
Rob cut off that quarter, but nothing really changed, he's still listed at 182cm
RisingForce said on 18/Mar/17
Steve, that premiere is strange because the difference between each of the 3 is big. Tyrese is at least 5'10", but doesn't look anywhere near it there, so I looked up video of that premiere, but it showed the same thing:
Click Here (@ 8:41) All I can think of is the ground was tilted from left to right. But the difference between Vin and Tyrese isn't as big as it should be here with Vin's posture advantage:
Click Here That's actually one of the pics that convinced me he sometimes has lifts in his boots though looking at his stance and how he seems to be on his toes. This also convinced me, not because I could tell he had lifts from looking this time, but because he looks so much taller than other times he wore similar boots:
Click Here Nearly as tall as Walker there so the only explanation I have is sometimes he just wears thick boots which give him almost 1.5" over barefoot while other times he has lifts in those boots, how big is anyone's guess. I think 5'11.5" is right, but as long as Vin wears boots 24/7 he'll be impossible to pinpoint.
FT said on 17/Mar/17
He's a strong 5 ft 10
Revisionist said on 17/Mar/17
The push to get Vinnie dropped down to 180cm has begun.
By 2018, he'll hit 180.
GP said on 14/Mar/17
He is between 5'10"-5'11". He looked shorter than Timothy Olyphant and he had his usual boots. The guy is a generic lift wearer.
Steve said on 14/Mar/17
Nice to see a downgrade for Vin! Even if it is only 0.25inch!
It's definitely harder than most people to get an angle on Vin's exact height.
I think anywhere between 5ft10 and 5ft11.5 is possible, probably closer to 5ft10 in my opinion.
A big question is: How much height does he gain with his special boots?? Without lifts I'd say they look to add 2inches minimum but from seeing how he stands and walks in them I'm 99% sure they have lifts in them so I'd say 3inches at least.
He usually looks to be standing around 6ft1 when he's wearing them, which would make him 5ft10 if they give an extra 3inch or 5ft11 if they only add 2inch.
Click Here
There's an example of why I'd conclude that he stands around 6ft1 with the boots - he looks about 1.5inches shorter than Paul Walker who would be standing no less than 6ft2.5 in those shoes.
Canson said on 13/Mar/17
@Capetownjazzy: Russell is overlosted on his pre draft tho prob because of his long hair. He is 6'2" not 6'3. Adam silver is 6'3" and has him by an inch and he's almost 3" shorter than Kobe was
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/17
If Ludacris is 5'8" as he claims to be then Vin is passing for a solid 6 feet:
Click Here His foot position and posture do suggest lifts to me, but his footwear are thicker regardless. Until we see more of Vin without boots, anywhere in the 5'11" range is a reasonable guess.
Peterson188cm said on 12/Mar/17
Paul Walker: 187.5cm
Vin Disel: 180cm
The Rock: 189.5cm
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 11/Mar/17
Stands tall in those boots, and he's no slouch posture wise, but I am imagining him barefoot, and can see only 5'10 and some small change. A shade over 5'10 upon awakening.
Capetownjazzy said on 11/Mar/17
He's quite tall next to D'Angelo Russell. A good 5'11"5 I think
GP said on 9/Mar/17
What? It's strange Rob, I had posted here about week ago which was showing it but now it's gone. Are deleting my posts Rob?

Editor Rob
I don't know what comment you are referring too, you can always try remembering and posting again...but if it had an error (like a malformed url) that is potentially a reason.
anthony said on 8/Mar/17
With the boots he wears, besides the position he has, he reaches 6.1 (1.85), without boots, he is 1.79 max. That can be seen in the photos he has with Michael Caine.
Sam said on 7/Mar/17
I don't see over 5'11 personally but its harder than normal to gauge his height within the cm because his lifts/boots throw things off, and his stocky build make his proportions look stumpier than normal for a man of his height so people could indeed estimate him shorter and why many have said 5'10. But on the other side of the coin many people have routinely thought 6'0-6'1 before which is too much and obviously because of his lifts and I'm not even going anywhere near that 6'4 estimate.
berta said on 6/Mar/17
good update its getting closer :D
RisingForce said on 4/Mar/17
Perfect listing, Rob.
Johan said on 4/Mar/17
I can live with this new listing, I am 100% sure big vin measures this out of bed.
Mike said on 4/Mar/17
Rob, if you're saying you can argue 180 for him, then why is he listed at 182?!

Editor Rob
I'm saying I can understand the argument for 5ft 11, overall from the years of watching and seeing him, I think I will go bang on 5ft 11.5.
RisingForce said on 28/Feb/17
I agree, 180 cm is at least possible since he didn't look over it in the video with Rock and we rarely see him without boots so there's more guesswork with Vin than usual. If his GF rounded up from 5'9.5" to 5'10", which wouldn't be unlikely then Vin would look about 180 cm there as well. I'd guess more 181-182 cm range, though.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Feb/17
Imo chances are:
182cm - 0%
181cm - 10%
180cm - 50%
179cm - 40%
178cm - 0%
Can´t see 5´10" flat, can´t see him 182cm either. He has some heavy lifted footwear at times about 3inches and never looked close to 6´3".
He looked strong 6`1 weak 6´2" in BIG footwear
In solid heeled dressshoes I see him between 6´0" and 6´0.25"
Average guess is pretty spot on with 180cm.
Rob do you agree?

Editor Rob
I can see a 180cm estimate, it's not outrageous.
James B said on 25/Feb/17
Rob surely vin must be 6'6 if Tyler mane was 6'8?
6'1-6'1.5 Guy said on 25/Feb/17
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/17
This is another video I was talking about where Vin looks much shorter than usual, I remember when it was last posted, everyone agreed he looked closer to 5'11" than 6': Click Here
Friend, this is a great video that shows us that between 4 inches difference. Therefore, Vin Diesel can not be more than 5'11.
His real height: 5'10.5 (179 cm).
RisingForce said on 22/Feb/17
Johan, I agree he COULD be 5'11" as well, he looks it on the video I posted with a 6'2.5"-6'3" Rock since he looks a good 4 inches shorter, but I've always thought 5'11.5" is the most probable, but also the max. He's in normal shoes with his gf. There simply isn't enough barefoot evidence to judge him exclusively off that. You can never determine someone's height from just one or 2 pics, but I agree there's a better chance of 5'11" than 6', but no way he's under 5'11", imo. I'm sure he's at least 6'1" in some of his boots.
Ramualdo said on 22/Feb/17
About 179 cm
Johan said on 20/Feb/17
Vin standing again in military while his 5'10"? ( She is a model after all) partner has in one pic a bent leg and in the other isn't even standing straight.
I will be generous and say he is 6' in shoes and 5'11" barefoot.
@Rising force
I would much rather go with the barefoot evidence. Tony Jaa is a self claimed 5'6" -168 cm guy and Vin isn't more than 5 inches taller barefoot.
RisingForce said on 18/Feb/17
This is another video I was talking about where Vin looks much shorter than usual, I remember when it was last posted, everyone agreed he looked closer to 5'11" than 6':
Click Here
RisingForce said on 17/Feb/17
So then Vin at roughly 6'0.5" in dress shoes and his girlfriend at 6'1" in heels would add up? It appears to firmly dispute any of the under 5'11" stuff, which I've never believed anyway and 5'11.5" would seem a better guess than 5'11" flat unless someone comes up with reason to doubt his girlfriend is 5'10" barefoot.

Editor Rob
those figures would add up...
RisingForce said on 15/Feb/17
Rob, how tall do you think Vin looks here considering footwear and posture if his girlfriend is 5'10"?
Click Here Click Here I think that rules out the 5'10" stuff, but at the same time, 5'11.5" is certainly the most I can see him at without boots.

Editor Rob
for once he has on what looks a normal shoe, she has at least 2 inches more footwear than him, yet I doubt would look much taller side by side with same posture.
Lovi Sarwara said on 13/Feb/17
He is 5'10 barefoot and 6'1 in his monster boots. Always looked about 1 or 1.5 inch shorter than 6'2 Paul Walker
Revisionist said on 12/Feb/17
I agree with most here that he's likely 178-180cm.
It's difficult to imagine a guy who's actually well above average height be this so insecure, but that's Hollywood for you.
Riddickfan said on 6/Feb/17
Thanks for your previous answer Rob.
I am also curious about this...take a man like Vin who is clearly conscious about his height wearing these lifts etc, why with his money do you think he wouldn't get limb lengthening surgery? and then he could really be his 6ft1 claim. It's an extreme measure yes but his complex also seems to be in the extreme.

Editor Rob
Riddick, I don't know his psyche exactly, but it would require probably a year out of your life. Then are your legs going to be as strong, what about roles, insurance and reputation...
Riddickfan said on 5/Feb/17
How big are normal shoe soles, like converse for example?

Editor Rob
a converse is usually somewhere in the 0.6-0.65 range, a typical shoe might be anywhere from 2-3cm, a solid boot maybe 4cm, a big logger boot or cowboy heel near 5cm.
ryan said on 3/Feb/17
solid 6 foot
Nik said on 3/Feb/17
I think a lot of people have lost all sense of what is normal height wise. I think it is a sad state of affairs when men who are close to 6'0" are insecure about their height, this height is clearly around 3 niches above average even in western countries like the USA. I am not saying it is the fault of the individual person, which in this case is Vin Diesel, it's society that should take the blame for putting so many expectations on people. There's too much of the attitude that you have got to have a certain image and that you have got to be have certain attributes, and/or that your life has got to be lead a certain way to fit in within certain areas of society, One thing people should bear in mind is that Steve McFadden, who I would say is about 5'7"', plays the role of hard man Phil Mitchell in English soap Eastenders very well indeed.
berta said on 31/Jan/17
vin disel is probably 4 cm taller than stallone was at peak.
HonestSlovene said on 30/Jan/17
lol at Danimal getting upset when his man crush gets justifiably critisized.

Editor Rob
I doubt danimal has a crush on Vin, it's just being a bit realistic.
HonestSlovene said on 30/Jan/17
Lets be fair though he must have some serious issues to be wearing lifts at an slightly above average height. I think he must be about 5'11", no shorter and no taller, this listing is slightly too high for him IMHO.
RisingForce said on 28/Jan/17
Without his boots, I'd imagine, if anything, he's closer to 5'11" than 6 feet and I've seen him look closer to 5'11" on a few occasions where he must have forgot those boots. Certainly not short, but I doubt he's a hair over 5'11.5", especially since The Rock has been downgraded. There was one video of him walking at some event some years back, where he only looked about 5'11", same thing when he appeared with his girlfriend in dress shoes. Remember, Jonathan Ross noted the height difference between Vin and the Rock and didn't believe it was only a "couple of inches" as Vin had claimed.
Danimal said on 28/Jan/17
Nik said on 22/Jan/17
It's so pathetic that this guy is insecure about his height, he is a little bit tall.
You try being known as one of the toughest guys in Hollywood and then talk to us about being pathetic about being insecure about his height. He has an image to portray. Besides, you're on a site for HEIGHTS, meaning you must clearly have your own obsession with it as well. What does that say about you?
Johnny said on 27/Jan/17
Here is the screenshot from Fast Five which everyone is talking about...which has the 5'9" listing for Diesel's character.
Click Here
Realist said on 26/Jan/17
I am 5'10.6 in some tennies and with my 1 cm of hair. My how being muscular and good posture can boost assumed height. I am 177 cms after stretching vicariously in barefeet.
Nik said on 26/Jan/17
Yes I understand what you meant concerning everything that you said in this posting. I agree with much of what you are saying as I don't think that 5'11.5" is "very tall" either, for me 5'11" could be a weak tall or at a push tall and 5'11.5 is the start of tall or maybe a fraction above the start of tall. However I don't think that 5'6.5" is any more short than 5'11.5" is tall, if it is I think it is very negligible.
berta said on 25/Jan/17
he managed to look about 3, 5 cm taller in a photo with michael bisping (183,5 range) i think the most funny photo yet. you can clearly see that he is standing on his toes in the shoes. his lift must be atleast 5,5 cm in that shoot. could have shoes that give about 7 cm in height. dont understand how he can feel so bad about his height at barely 180. i mean it is nomral height and he is well built. many people would love to look like that. instend stand on his toes in every photo. i mean my grandmother could see that he wears lift in photos like that. :p
ma said on 24/Jan/17
I would pay vin diesel 1000 dollars if he measured himself barefoot. He is one of the few that would be really funny to know his real height just to see how big his lifts are. I guess 4 inches;the man is between 5 ft10 and 11
berta said on 23/Jan/17
i would pay vin diesel 100 dollar if he measured himself barefoot. he is one of the few that would be really funny to know his real height just to see how big his lifts are
Danimal said on 22/Jan/17
Your DaDdi said on 18/Jan/17
Who cares if he is 5"11 or 5'9 whats the big deal in this??? If he wears boots like those kiss memebers that make him Shack size let him! lol I am 6'3 flat footed.. whats is the big deal how people make height an issue?? So i got some height and he is alittle shorter no big deal, I judge people in there brains then there height.
You judge people in there brains then there height? You realize that your sentence should read as follows: You judge people BY (not in) THEIR (not there) BRAIN (not brains), RATHER THAN (not then) THEIR (not there) height.
sumdude said on 22/Jan/17
Vin Diesel reminds me of Jensen Ackles. Very hard to gauge how tall they are when they wear giant boots 24/7, in the few pictures of them wearing normal shoes in public they look below 6 ft.
Michael said on 22/Jan/17
About Dom in Fast Five (2011).
Movie is a fiction, but.. I find it funny when Dom's FBI file says "HT 5'9". "
Timeline is ~1:10:48
Kourosh 5'9.5 (176cm-177cm) said on 21/Jan/17
insecure pathetic man. i used to be just like that, but i let it go. Who cares how tall i am and i dont care if people picking on my height. Hes got a fame, money and luxury life and yet go around with his funky boots just to appear taller.
5'11 or 181cm no more
Kaneff said on 19/Jan/17
@Your DaDdi
It's because he's so blatantly insecure about his height. Claims 6'1" (nowhere NEAR his real height) and stalks about in 2-3" elevators w/ soldier posture at all times. It's silly.
Steve said on 19/Jan/17
@YourDaDi You come to a website for debating people's heights... and then you complain that people are debating someone's height... lol
And obviously there's going to be a lot more of a 'big deal' about someone who wears 3inch elevator boots than someone who wears normal shoes... WHEN YOU'RE ON A WEBSITE WHICH DISCUSSES PEOPLE'S HEIGHTS!!
Your DaDdi said on 18/Jan/17
Who cares if he is 5"11 or 5'9 whats the big deal in this??? If he wears boots like those kiss memebers that make him Shack size let him! lol I am 6'3 flat footed.. whats is the big deal how people make height an issue?? So i got some height and he is alittle shorter no big deal, I judge people in there brains then there height. its better! lol! Just be glad you can stand at all and be proud of your height weather you are 4'11 or 7 ft tall...people make a big deal out of this bagoogle..LMAO
Kaneff said on 11/Jan/17
181cm. I doubt this guy has ever seen 6ft in his life.
berta said on 10/Jan/17
looks 182-183 in huge elevator shoes and with a posture that is extreme and without it maybe 180 on the dot
Joe said on 8/Jan/17
Insecure about his height, wears boots and lifts
Dave said on 6/Jan/17
Huuuuge shoes
A 171cm male said on 2/Jan/17
Looks 5'11" to me as I view alot of his movies. ..
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 29/Dec/16
"Vin Diesel's Height is 5ft 11in (180.3 cm)"
He isn't as short as 5ft10, neither is he as tall as 5ft11.75 He wears boots with a 2 inch heel, with an inch of lift inside them.
Xdan said on 29/Dec/16
I've met him several years ago in Italy and I can confirm is around 1.80 without boots (we were both barefoot, at the beach).
Edimar1.82cm said on 26/Dec/16
Vin Diesel has 1.78 solid, maybe 1.79.
MDV said on 25/Dec/16
Firstly, The Rock is not 6 ft 5. Today he is a 6 ft 2.5 guy. In shoes he can be around 6 ft 3.5-4.
Vin looked only 1.5 inc shorter in movies and Rock has even big boots. Vin Diesel's boots probably are thicker but I said max 1 inc because Rock has big boots too.
In normal life : The rock with shoes 6 ft 3.5 without shoes 6 ft 2.5
Vin diesel with his (special) shoes 6 ft 2.5 without shoes 5ft 11.5 in
On set of fast and furious
The Rock 6 ft 4.5inc
Vin Diesel 6 ft 3
Guest66 said on 24/Dec/16
daniel92, Rock in nowhere near 6'5", and a lot of people here would agree that he has always been 6'2" range guy.
Johan said on 24/Dec/16
The Rock is nowhere near 6'5". He WAS 6'3" peak and is now in the 6'2" range barefoot.
He reaches 6'4" probably in thick sneakers/boots.
So yes Vin does reach 6'2" at times in boots. However if you care to try it yourself, you can easily get a 3 inch boost in total with boots/lifts.
I don't think Vin is sub 5'11" but neither do I think he is pushing 6'.
5'11"-5'11.25" has been my guess going by all the evidence I have seen.
Look at the clip on this page when he is standing barefoot next to 5'6" Tony Jaa.
Clip was posted May/2015.
daniel92 said on 24/Dec/16
he wears really thick boots I reckon they give him about 2 inches+ 1 inch lift that then gives him a couple of inches on the average 1 inch footwear that most people have
daniel92 said on 23/Dec/16
if he is a couple inches below the rock who is like 6'5" then he has to be 5'11 1/2" bare minimum, the boots yes they obviously give him a nice advantage, you could argue a 3 inch advantage sure, but a 4 inch advantage is pushing it
daniel92 said on 19/Dec/16
6'0" barefoot 6'2"- 6'3" in his special boots, a couple inches below the rock
XXX 20022017 said on 17/Dec/16
There are sources say he was born in California and then there are other sources that say he was born in New York City . Which one is it? Speaking of NYC and Los Angeles, CA. which is better?
Aza said on 16/Dec/16
Thanks Rob
He is over 6' first thing in the morning. He's a big dude so perhaps looks smaller than he is.
MDV said on 13/Dec/16
I think that the guesses height are over estimating the thickness of his boots. He generally looks a guy in the 6 ft 1 zone with 1 inc of extra heel than other shoes. He probably wear internal lift, but at max I d say 0.5 in; So I can see him only at 5 ft 11.5in at the lowest case.
6 and 6+ foot is unbelievable
5 ft 11.75 is close to reality
5 ft 11.5 is close to the reality
5 ft 11.25 is unlikely but still possible
5 ft 11 or lower is unbelievable
Tristan said on 12/Dec/16
Met Vin Diesel at the beach when holidaying in the States. He's 5ft10 barefoot. Everyone is right he wears huge boots with probable lifts. I couldn't believe how average height he was compared what you see on TV!
Vinny said on 12/Dec/16
Looks about 5'8". You can't be serious with this listing.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 9/Dec/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Dec/16
Danimal, why have you wasted 12 years of your life harassing Rob over listings?
And excuse me you think Tim Robbins is 6ft7 so don't you accuse me of embellishing heights...get a life, loser
Sorry, but you're no better than Danimal yourself. I've noticed that you try to make just about every celebrity taller than they really are, often estimating them to be a half inch taller than Rob's official listings. And you've been doing this for years and years. And unlike you did to Danimal, I'm not calling you any names or insulting you. Just stating the facts. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
James said on 8/Dec/16
@Danimal No, 6' 0.5" for Will Smith is ridicoulous and simply wrong. But I agree he should be downgraded. He is in the 6'1"-6'1.25" zone.
Peterson188cm said on 7/Dec/16
Vin Diesel Height: 5'10 (178cm)
Out of bed: 180cm
Morning: 179.5cm
afternoon: 178.5cm
Night: 178cm
Perfect listing for Vin Diesel.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Dec/16
Danimal, why have you wasted 12 years of your life harassing Rob over listings?
And excuse me you think Tim Robbins is 6ft7 so don't you accuse me of embellishing heights...get a life, loser

Editor Rob
Rampage, I think it's best we refrain from name-calling!
Everybody on here probably has estimates that others will raise eyes at, but don't lose any sleep over it. I certainly don't!
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 6/Dec/16
I think many people are over exaggerating the thickness of Diesel's boots/lifts. The vast majority of boots don't have much more than 2 inches of sole (which would give a person 1 inch footwear advantage since most dress shoes/sneakers give about 1 inch of height). And I strongly doubt that Diesel wears anything more than 1 inch of lift inside his boots, otherwise he would struggle to walk and would trip over. So 1+1=2, so that means he has a 2 inch footwear advantage over a dress shoe/sneaker-wearing person and he looks about 6ft1, so 5ft11 barefoot I would estimate for him.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 6/Dec/16
Danimal said on 6/Dec/16
berta said on 11/Oct/16
i think guys that need to be lowered on this site is vin diesel 1-2 cm, paul walker 1 cm, harrison ford 1 cm
There are many:
Will Smith - He's max 6'0.5"-6'1"
Arnold Schwarzenegger - He's max 5'10.5" today
Sylvester Stallone - He's max 5'7.5" today
Tom Cruise - He's max 5'6 3/4"
Robert Deniro - He's max 5'6.5"-5'7" today
Big Show - He's under 6'10" today
Harrison Ford - He's max 5'10" today
Clint Eastwood - He's max 5'11" today
Don't forget Sam Coleman (I know his fame is nowhere near the level of the guys you mentioned).
Danimal said on 6/Dec/16
berta said on 11/Oct/16
i think guys that need to be lowered on this site is vin diesel 1-2 cm, paul walker 1 cm, harrison ford 1 cm
There are many:
Will Smith - He's max 6'0.5"-6'1"
Arnold Schwarzenegger - He's max 5'10.5" today
Sylvester Stallone - He's max 5'7.5" today
Tom Cruise - He's max 5'6 3/4"
Robert Deniro - He's max 5'6.5"-5'7" today
Big Show - He's under 6'10" today
Harrison Ford - He's max 5'10" today
Clint Eastwood - He's max 5'11" today
Danimal said on 6/Dec/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Dec/16
Out of bed: 184-185cm
Before bed: 182-183cm
He's nowhere near 6'1" out of bed and 6'0" before bed. He wears huge lifts and still is shorter than 6'2" Rock today. Why is it that you still continue to add 1-2" over everyone else's estimates?
Dennis5ft9 said on 5/Dec/16
Such a blatant 5ft10 guy. I'm not one of these people who claim a ridiculously low height for the sake of it, but from photos of him that I've seen it's obvious that he's 5t10ish and wears thick thick boots to make him look about 184cm.
Bard said on 4/Dec/16
About 5'11
James said on 4/Dec/16
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover You are too optimistic. He is not even 184 cm out of bed, and you claiming he could wake up as 185 cm. Unbelievable. Diesel is a solid 185 cm in the morning... in his boots.
More like 182 cm out of bed and 180.5 cm before go to bed. Needs a downgrade to 181 cm.
NFL nerd said on 4/Dec/16
Vin is your typical 5'10 guy. 5'11 in sneakers. Which is why he has to wear thick boots(with possible lift) to appear 6'0-6'1. His big frame helps sell the big guy image.
Imo there's just no way he's almost 6'0. This would mean he'd be pushing 6'1 in sneakers, and pushing 6'2-6'3 in his boot/lift combo.
Johan said on 4/Dec/16
Steve said on 2/Dec/16
Click Here and Click Here
2 pictures there of Vin Diesel and his 5ft9/5ft10 wife. Took me a while to find a photo of him without 3inch boots on but it's clear from those pictures that he is around 5ft10. He's wearing easily 1.5inch more footwear and yet only clears her by about an inch. She'd have to be about 6ft1 if Vin really was around 6ft.
Surely these photos are downgrade worthy?!
Good post Steve, he has shox types on there which give 1.4 inches approx. She is wearing slip ons which give around 0.5 in tops. I have seen his wife regularly listed at 5'10" so even factoring in that he is losing some height there it seems impossible that he could be pushing 6'.
Johan said on 4/Dec/16
The average guess is only 5'11" because many are catching on to his boots with lifts. Try it yourself a thick boot with those lift packs you can buy in the shops.
You can get 3 inches over your barefoot height if you buy the boots a size bigger. Its legit, I have a co-worker who is 5'8" and yet passes for 5'10" at work.
He gets to 5'11" with boots.
Now Vin is 5'11" and reaches 6'2" with the same tricks, so passes for a 6'1" guy.
Richie28 said on 3/Dec/16
I've seen so many videos of Vin walking with his boots on and he looks so awkward like he's struggling to walk properly - easily adds 3 inches on to his height. 5ft10 guy barefoot with 3inch boots to make him 6ft1. 100%
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Dec/16
Out of bed: 184-185cm
Before bed: 182-183cm
Gaza2121 said on 2/Dec/16
He is 5'11" at best. The consensus is right.
TJE said on 2/Dec/16
I can understand how he can only look 5'11, but he can also look near 6'0 even accounting lifts.
Rob, would 5'11.5 be a better fit?
Steve said on 2/Dec/16
Click Here and
Click Here
2 pictures there of Vin Diesel and his 5ft9/5ft10 wife. Took me a while to find a photo of him without 3inch boots on but it's clear from those pictures that he is around 5ft10. He's wearing easily 1.5inch more footwear and yet only clears her by about an inch. She'd have to be about 6ft1 if Vin really was around 6ft.
Surely these photos are downgrade worthy?!
MDV said on 2/Dec/16
Rob, why the average guess height is only 5 ft 11? He looks 6 ft 1 on the screen for most of time....And he uses big boots to look taller

Editor Rob
MDV, I'm not sure I'd only guess 5ft 11....I do understand the reasoning, that he might be wearing lifts in boots.
David777 said on 2/Dec/16
I've actually seen Vin Diesel at an event for one of his films years ago.. I did notice that he was A LOT shorter than most people would think - definitely no more than 5ft10 without shoes!
wingwalker said on 2/Dec/16
"He'd have to be wearing unbelievable lifts/footwear to look as tall as he does next to guys like Walker and Dwayne Johnson if he was significantly shorter than that. "
Well, huge heels with lifts is exactly what he is wearing. Plus he stands super straight in all the pictures, search for "Fast and Furious 6 Vin Diesel y The Rock en Tenerife, Octubre 2012" on youtube, it's a video of The Rock and Vin walking next to each other on the set of F&F 6, the height difference is way, way bigger than in the pictures or in the film it self.
As many other posters here, I don't buy almost 6' for a guy who looks 6'1 in pictures, trying as hard as possible to stand straight with huge boots with lifts.
cobra said on 1/Dec/16
Pretty massive heels here:
Click Here
Click Here
That's because he's a 5-11/6 ft guy trying to portray an action hero who's 6-2 to 6-4
186cm said on 28/Nov/16
Needs a major downgrade. 'No way would a pushing 6ft (like grant gustin) would feel the need to wear huge elevator boots
Arthur said on 25/Nov/16
One of the funniest lift wearers in hollywood history. Putting 2inch lifts in 4cm heeled bulky shoes. What a creation .)))
He can create a elevator shoe compony with Robert Downey. I guess they will make very quality and luxury style of red army boots with a 6inch lift.
Sam said on 24/Nov/16
He needs a downgrade.
berta said on 24/Nov/16
i think 181 would be a good listing he never looks taller than 183 even in extreme lifts. 181 i very close to the truth i think he could be just 180 but almost pushing 183 is to mutch
Daniel said on 23/Nov/16
He's definitely insecure about his height which is odd because he's anything but short. He's definitely 5'11 barefoot
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Nov/16
He wears lifts that bring him to 6ft1+
cobra said on 11/Nov/16
There's no way he's 5-9 or some of these claims on the shorter end. Let's stop wasting everyone's time with that nonsense.
5-11 to 6 foot is believable, Maybe even between 5-10 and 5-11. He'd have to be wearing unbelievable lifts/footwear to look as tall as he does next to guys like Walker and Dwayne Johnson if he was significantly shorter than that.
what!!!?!!! said on 5/Nov/16
rob this is the first time i disagree with you. This guy cant be more than 1.79 barefoot, for real.
Yusei said on 1/Nov/16
Analysing someone by 1-2cm difference is'nt really a smart suggestion as people are taller by 2cm when having a good rest,good posture and well stretched.
Steve said on 21/Oct/16
Categorical evidence that Vin is actually around 7ft5... seeing as footwear doesn't seem to be taken into consideration for Vin...
Click Here
Brandon said on 19/Oct/16
Still waiting on this downgrade Rob. Not being rude just honest. Vin is no more than 5'11" flat. Its clearly evident just by looking at photos of him, just look at the massive boots he wears. Also look how awkward he looks, like everyone else pointed out he looks disproportionate and like someone else said it looks like he is on stilts. Some could argue that he just has a stocky build combined with the fact that he's jacked with muscle but that doesn't change the FACT that his BOOTS ARE LIKE BRICKS. Even if he doesn't wear lifts he definitely wears really thick boots. If you look through the comments most people agree with this and even the average user guess has him at 5'11" flat...
A downgrade to 5'11" is the most logical and honest thing to do.
Steve said on 18/Oct/16
@Brad haha I know, I've never seen a photo of him without them on!! He looks soo awkward when he walks, it's like he's on stilts.
I'm really surprised he's listed as basically 6ft. It's blatant that he's 5ft10ish
Csimpson 6ft said on 17/Oct/16
@theduckface i agree
theduckface said on 16/Oct/16
Doesnt look 5'11.75.
Brad said on 15/Oct/16
@Steve I bet if he had the option to wear his 3 inch boots whilst training with Tony jaa he would hahaha
He looks like the kind of bloke who would wear his big boots to the beach or a swimming pool lol. I would say a weak 5'10 and strong 5'9, his body proportions don't match and he looks so awkward when he tries to straighten himself to appear taller.
I don't think he realises how obvious his height increasing boots are to the viewer
Steve said on 13/Oct/16
Click Here Vin looking 5'10ish with 5'6ish Tony Jaa...
Barefoot so no footwear difference and in an MMA ring so even ground. Postures not quite even but if Vin was circa 6ft like his listing he would be towering over him. Definitely not a 5.5inch difference as the listings would suggest
Csimpson 6ft said on 13/Oct/16
Id say more 5ft 11.25 than 5ft 11.75 for Vin
berta said on 11/Oct/16
i think guys that need to be lowered on this site is vin diesel 1-2 cm, paul walker 1 cm, harrison ford 1 cm
josh jeffords said on 11/Oct/16
Yep he is a big average guy wearing lifts to be kinda tall this guy must spend two fortunes on shrinks.
He has developed decent acting abilities over the years but still favors the lug..
I dont get it but psychology is mot my game I do buy his bench press claim he looks strong.
In photos even with his obvious lifts he is a couple under rock so 510 .5 max 5 9 min.
Habib said on 10/Oct/16
Looks 5'10 or possibly 5'9.5 to me. The guy cannot walk anywhere without those custom boots lol. Just waiting for the day someone tells him to take them off and go barefoot in front of a camera. With lifts he can pull of looking 6' +
Most insecure guy ever along with Stallone
ken-c said on 8/Oct/16
That picture says it all.
Rock is wearing boots (footwear advantage)...has walker by 2"
Say Paul is 6'2"..Rock is still an inch taller...
Vin clearly has cloggers on + lifts...
and is still not taller then Paul & Rock
The Man said on 11/Aug/16
If you look closely you can often tell that Vin isn't a legit tall guy by the length of his torso. This man is an obvious lift wearer. Click Here Here he is barely shorter than Paul Walker, but Vin's torso is way shorter. And Paul's torso isn't disproportionately long either.
TJE said on 3/Oct/16
Yea, I'd say a 5'11.5 listing would better address the ambiguity, but he could be just 11.25 too.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Oct/16
Right justbringit
Its clear to see how short his legs are and how small and flat his feet are.
Imo no doubt hes a Stalloneclass liftwearer and max. 5'10.5" barefoot.
justbringit said on 29/Sep/16
Click Here vin doesnt look so tall without his huge boots i think that he is definately below 6ft even 5ft 11.75in seems a little high tbh i would settle with something like 5ft 11.25in or maybe 5'11.5" but i don't think i would go higher than this
Aza said on 18/Sep/16
I do think he hits 6' at his most erect first thing morning.... That is a realistic claim don't you think?

Editor Rob
anywhere from 5ft 11 up to nearly 6ft is arguable for Vin. Whether he really wears a lift in his boots is a big question.
D said on 17/Sep/16
And the rock is never 1.96. Please stop talking nonsense, do a little research. Rob had put him at 1.91 and that is what he is. Probably before bed 1.90
D said on 17/Sep/16
Lol.. This guy is max 1.79
Aza said on 7/Sep/16
Am sure vin is 6'0 fully erect and stretched out first thing in the morning.
Canson said on 1/Sep/16
@John: Barkley is my height (6'4 1/2ish) and has him by over 2"
Click Here
Canson said on 1/Sep/16
@John: doubt it. My 6'3 friend is honest. And I saw a pic of the two. Not the greatest angle as my buddy was favored more than he should've been (looked more than an inch like 2 or so) but my buddy was honest and said an inch. I do, however, agree with you that he was 6'3 or close in his prime. He met him last year and he has lost height with the life he lives
John said on 31/Aug/16
Canson said on 26/Aug/16
I concur with Danimal. My 6'3 friend has Dwayne by about an inch. Maybe height loss but he's no more than 6'2. He has been known to wear lifts
Dwayne is as solid as you can get to 6'3", contrary to popular belief. He just doesn't look that tall because of his horrible posture. If he gets an out of bed + shoe measurement, I believe he can reach 6'5".
Lynx said on 31/Aug/16
@Ice literally on just 6 countries of the world the average height for men is 6ft or over, so do you sugest that 70%+ of all men should be insecure just because of their height? lol
He may use heels but 5'11.75 is not even close to short range for anyone.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Aug/16
Generally looks 3-4in below The Rock …