lsu alum said on 20/Apr/08
shaq is 7'1",quit posting about oneal on this page loser.wilt is 2 inches taller than oneal.everyone who looks at the issue objectivly knows that.of course the only thing thats for certain is that your a loser.go back to your job at mcdonalds,and leave us alone.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 17/Apr/08
I've provided all of the possible proof.
1.Multiple links to Shaq's own claims
2.Pre-Draft Articles
3.A ton of pictures.
You haven't even posted any kind of evidence much less proof!! I doubt you even went to LSU. Post some kind of evidence about Shaq being 6'11.5" or just stop posting because you are a joke. In case you didn't notice multiple posters on the Shaq page gave me credit for providing a ton of evidence/proof.
lsu alum said on 17/Apr/08
Shaq is 7'1" said on 16/Apr/08
Funny because I posted a picture of Shaq and Wilt that showed Shaq taller.
lsu alum I don't know what kind of people you usually associate with but if you are 6'3" and they are guessing 6'0" or 6'7" then they obviously aren't seeing straight.
Hakeem Olajuwon is an intelligent player and consider his height I highly doubt his estimate was that off.
Some pictures of Wilt
with 6'9.5" Bill Russell
Click HereClick HereWith 7-1 5/8 Kareem
Click HereMaybe the 1984 measurement of 7'0.5" was later in the day?
lsu alum said on 16/Apr/08
yea lets keep this about wilt,he's,almost 2 inches taller than shaq.anyone can see that.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 15/Apr/08
Hakeem is near 7 foot himself. Within an inch or 2. I think he'd be able to notice if Shaq was under 7 feet. Hakeem said he was surprised at how much taller and heavier Shaq was than him. I am not saying Shaq is 7'2" like Hakeem thought because that was just after his 7'1" measurement in Chicago but Shaq often does give the illusion of someone 7'2".
6-9 1/4 Amare Stoudemire said he felt like a point guard next to Shaq. Denver Nuggets broadcasters said similar things about how Shaq dwarfed their power forward 6-9 1/4 Nene. Joe Dumars during the 2004 Finals mentioned how 7'0" listed Elden Campbell looked like a small forward next to Shaq.
Aside from all of that how are the 5 articles that mention is pre-draft measurement and Shaq's 3 height claims that contradict that 6'11.5" claim bogus?
After that just keep this page for talk about Wilt Chamberlain's height. There is already a page for Shaq.
lsu alum said on 15/Apr/08
im not going to insult you this time shaq is 7'1",just make a height was estimated by one person as 6',and by another as 6'6",or 6'7".im 6'3".as even you can see thats a huge difference,different people see the same thing different,so hakeems estimation is worthless.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 14/Apr/08
lsu alum how are 3 height claims by Shaq himself "bogus"?
How are 5 articles about his measurements from the Chicago Pre-Draft Camp bogus
How is a quote by Hakeem Olajuwon estimating Shaq at 7'2" bogus?
lsu alum said on 13/Apr/08
shaq and wilt do not have similar peak heights.wilt is taller by almost 2 inches.dont beleive anything shaq is 7'1" says about shaq.he post a lot of bogus proof that oneal is 7'1",but oneal is 6'11.5"..period.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 6/Apr/08
Shaq and Wilt have very similar peak heighrs which is part of the reason Shaq has been compared to Wilt so often.
lsu alum said on 5/Apr/08
again the full picture is worthless,as it shows shaq wearing his elevator basketball shoes,and wilts wearing low heeled dress his peak wilt had at leastan inch,and a half on shaq
lsu alum said on 4/Apr/08
i hate to have to point this out,but to use that photo of wilt & shaq as proof is insane.its a head shot for christ sake.shaq is 7'1" is in need of help.soon he will try to make us beleive shaq is as tall or taller than yao.he needs some prozac,with a zoloft chaser.
Anonymous said on 2/Apr/08
The line shows Shaq's head a bit above Wilt. Wilt was probably about 7-0 1/2 but Shaq may have had a footwear advantage so Shaq is 7-0 1/2 or 7-1 while Wilt is 7-0 1/2.
lsu alum said on 30/Mar/08
look to me like wilt is a little taller than shaq,and wilt was in his 50s by that time
Shaq is 7'1" said on 30/Mar/08
I actually now think Wilt probably peaked at 7'0.5" after seeing him in the late 50's with 6'9.5" Bill Russell.
the shredder said on 27/Mar/08
Ha , just measured myself ... its 2:00 pm over here ! ... Im right between 5'6.25 and 5'6.5 ... right in the middle !
sf said on 27/Mar/08
the shredder wins...and I'll bet he's not even 7'1"!
Shaq is 7'1" said on 26/Mar/08
Rob you should make 7-1 1/16 his peak height listing because I'm pretty sure he was 7-0 1/2 in the 80's and 90's based on this evidence.
Read the text below the picture it states Wilt was measured 7-0 1/2 and that picture is from 1984
Click HereWilt clearly shorter than 7'1" Shaq
Click Here7-1 5/8 Kareem has about an inch on Wilt
Click HereWilt looks closer to 7'0.5" next to 6'9.5" Bill Russell even though this picture is from Wilt's prime
Click HereClick Here
the shredder said on 18/Mar/08
I had around 100,000,000 ... I have 3 in my lap right now as im posting !!!
sf said on 14/Mar/08
Sorry, I have to brag here. I've had sex with at LEAST 3 women. Yes, I know - hard to grasp...
the shredder said on 13/Mar/08
Yep , men lie about that too ! ... Im willing to bet Brad Pitt himself only had around 25 !
GSP said on 12/Mar/08
lol...similar to many women you have banged is also one of those lies most guys tell.
They say you should apply the rule of 3.. well with wilt and gene its probably more like the rule of 30 or 300 lol.
the shredder said on 12/Mar/08
Yea sf , thats about right ! lol ... Gene Simmoms claimed 45,000 and Marlon Brando was rumored as around 1500 ! ... I can see 200 -300 , but 20,000 ? ... That would be like 18 women a weak for like 40 years !
sf said on 11/Mar/08
That's the guy...which means he had to have sex with a different woman, on average, every day for 55 years....nice try, Wilt....
the shredder said on 10/Mar/08
Wilt Chamberlain ... Is this the Basketballer that claimed he had sex with like 20,000 women ?
Josh said on 5/Feb/08
LOOK out Josh Staten is goin 2 be the next NBA playa
Anonymous said on 23/Jan/08
Shaq is 7'1" Wilt is 7'0.5" case closed.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 19/Jan/08
Editor: Rob maybe you want to put 7'1.06" as his peak height because he was 7'0.5" in his later years(read the text below in this picture).
Click HereAlso in about 92' or 93' he was clearly shorter than 7'1" Shaq in a picture of the 2 of them.
sheesh said on 27/Dec/07
Some of the people who say Wilt was not 7'1" based on pics of him next to Kareem are forgetting that people get shorter as they get older... Also, posture makes a tremendous difference and it isn't always obvious in a casual picture whether someone is actually standing fully straight.
Will F said on 16/Nov/07
Where are these pictures of Wilt and kareem together?
Gene C said on 26/Oct/07
Thank heavens Ali and Wilt never went ahead with that fight. I loved them both. Wilt was a tremendously well-rounded total athlete -- something many folks forget, but a boxer is a boxer and Ali was the best big man boxer in history.
JT said on 25/Oct/07
Kareem has Mamun by two head sizes easily. He does look taller than 7'2" in that pic. I'd still give him a peak height of 7'2" though. Mamun, what footwear did Kareem have on that day?
Editor Rob, at what age was Kareem measured at 217 cm? Kareem was more than 1 cm taller that Wilt.
Click HereClick HereHere
Anonymous said on 23/Oct/07
By 1993 Shaq was taller than Wilt who was 57 at the time.
Click Here7'1" Shaq, 7'0.5" Wilt(At the time he was 7'0.5" but he was 7'1.06 in his prime)
Duhon said on 4/Sep/07
First of all there is no picture where andre appears exactly wilt's height. Even in the colour photo where andre appears closer to the camera he still looks shorter than wilt.
ip said on 3/Sep/07
Unless there are some people who are absolutely ignorant concerning height, how can you look at the picture with Wilt and Andre and come to the conclusion that Andre was shorter than Wilt. All of you who have over anlyzed point to who's standing closer to the camera and so forth. A camrea angle unless it is below the people being shot is not going to give a person 3 or 4 inches in height. There is no way that Andre is any less than 7-1.
Lloyd Banks said on 19/Aug/07
I remember reading in a book that Wilt Chamberlain finished a 100 meter race in a little over 10 seconds. BTW, he was in high school when he did that. He was a 7'1 beast. It also said on TV that he was so powerful that he could shoot free throws from halfcourt.
benjaminfzba said on 15/Aug/07
With Jabbar being 7'1 5/8" barefooted he was about 7'2 1/2" in his converse basketball sneakers for the 1970 season, the common practice is for players to be measured in there shoes. what ever height a player is listed as you can subtract about 3/4 of an inch and that would be there actual barefoot height.
benjaminfzba said on 14/Aug/07
In Kareem's second season with the buck's he was measured at 7'1 5/8''
barefooted at training camp according to the book i have from 1970
Viper said on 7/Aug/07
It would be amazing If Glenn got a picture of Calvin.
Massimo said on 7/Aug/07
Oh Calvin Lane, he is a bit of a hero for (or to) me! He is 7'5" 1/2, 425 pounds with a black belt in karate. He also fought several fights (in the heavyweight division, I guess)as an amateur and won all of them by KO. He should be a wrestler, not a bouncer. He would beat anybody's ass in the street. He would scare the hell out of Mitch " Blood" Green!
Viper said on 6/Aug/07
Jason, what about Calvin Lane, the world biggest bouncer.
Dunken said on 6/Aug/07
any basketball player, regardless of size, would get eaten alive by a professional boxer.
they couldn't even use their reach advantage, since it would be negated by the boxer superior footwork and head movement.
Ali by brutal KO, round 1.
Jason said on 6/Aug/07
I wouldn't write Wilt off too easily. He was 290lbs and a tough mutha. He could also beat some football speedsters in a foot race.
Anonymous said on 6/Aug/07
Massimo, Wilt would not have lasted a few rounds. He wouldn't have been able to land a glove on Ali and the first punch Ali landed would have sent Wilt into orbit. A basketball player no matter how big would have as much chance aganist a heavyweight champion as would a chess grandmaster. If you look at youtube there is a film of the pair of them being interviewed as a promotion for the proposed fight. Wilt is much taller but while Ali is playful and keen to get things on Wilt appears terrified. At one point Wilt sets his hands up to get ready to throw a punch but Ali knocks them aside with ease and with lightning speed.
Massimo said on 5/Aug/07
I think against Wilt Ali's jab would have been ineffective and Cassius Marcellus was not a huge puncher, so probably Chamberlain would have lasted a few rounds. But Muhammad was just too good and fast and would have easily outboxed Wilt and eventually stopped him. Anyway I heard that Wilt was very strong, so he probably could punch pretty hard. Of course Ali' could take one hell of a punch. I don't know how good Wilt's chin was (probably Wilt himself didn't know that!). However George Foreman would have taken Wilt's head off in about 40s!
Anonymous said on 5/Aug/07
The funniest story about this guy was the time he was supposed to fight Muhammad Ali. Chamberlain may have been bigger but it would have been a kamaikaze mission. Who dou you think would win a fight? Basketball player or the greatest heavyweight champion of all time. It would be like a matchup between a tiger and a sheep. It was serious as well with contracts about to be signed before Chamberlain came to his senses and realised the insanity of what he was about to get himself into.
Massimo said on 2/Jul/07
Wilt used to say he was 7'1" 1/16 but I have some doubt that he was a full 7'1". Jabbar always looked taller than him ( and I have sometimes seen Kareem listed as 7'1".
Theboyfromoldtown said on 26/Jun/07
In the photo you can see that Wilt is standing on a slight raised platform. Take a look at the level of his feet compared to Andre and Arnie. No doubting though that these where two very tall men. I'd say Arnie is 6ft right on. stars always add 2" or so to their heights. Arnie is one of my hero's as I body build, but I have never seen him look so small, I had to take a double look at the photo!
pop said on 12/May/07
Wilt is the most powerful basketball center who ever lived.
Arjun said on 8/May/07
AHHHHH .... memories of a couple months ago when I still believed in a 7 foot peak Andre.
lillo thomas said on 4/May/07
gonzalo any 7'1 guy is freaking tall in the pic below looks like 11-12 inch
Gramps said on 3/May/07
Gonzalo: not a great photo of Ali and Foreman back then, but the best I could find:
Click Here
Gramps said on 3/May/07
Yes, 6'3". George Foreman was listed as 6'4" in the 1970s but Ali looked virtually the same height during their "Rumble in the Jungle."
Gonzalo said on 2/May/07
Gramps, I am shocked. wilt looks freaking tall. how tall was Ali? 6`3?
Arjun said on 1/May/07
Yeah Halb. I'm now starting to doubt Wilt's full 7'1". Kareem was 7'2" max (actually Vegas brought out a 7'1 3/8" measurement from someplace) , so Wilt could be more 7'0.5" or even closer to 7'0" in 1984, as Kareem looks clearly taller, more than an inch in that pic. I can't see him under 7'0" though.
Gramps said on 1/May/07
If both were standing straight, back to back, how much taller would Wilt be? 11"? 12" ???
Click Here
Halb said on 1/May/07
Only an inch Arjun? There wa a pic posted on Andre's page where Kareem looked more than 1 inch taller than Wilt.
Viper said on 29/Apr/07
So the "strong 6-9" that Ewing said maybe right after all.
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/07
Mutombo is 7'1 whic would put Ewing around 6'9-6'10
Viper said on 25/Mar/07
Ewing admits to being a strong 6-9 Ed. I know that may be hard to beleive but, why would he lie?
Aussie Bloke said on 24/Mar/07
I love that pic with Arnie, it really makes you go WOW!!!! those guys are FRIGHTENINGLY TALL, living in Aus the average height of a bloke is bout 5ft9, so when you see any bloke thats 6ft4 you are stunned. TO actually be 7ft1, quite amusing actually, isn't it!
Ed said on 14/Mar/07
Arjun, it's funny you mentioned Ewing because when I met the guy it felt like the way Arnold looks in the photo. I was wearing trainers and was probably 6ft0.5 maybe a bit more, and I'm pretty sure my head was below his shoulders, which by the way were massively wide. I'm not sure of Ewing's height, but I want to say 7ft. Anyways, 7ft1.06 which is very near to 7ft2 would make sense. This would put Andre at or around the 6ft11 mark.
Arjun said on 13/Mar/07
I think the Wilt pic definitely proves that Andre was taller than 6'9", as there is no way in the world that Wilt could have 4 inches on him even after accounting for shoes, camera etc. Andre was very close to 6'11" in this pic I'd say, and I believe he may have just scraped 7'0" at peak, in his younger days when he was much lighter.
Arjun said on 13/Mar/07
Wilt was legit 7'1" peak though, I don't think many will argue with that. I don't think he downgraded himself though, Kareem Abdul Jabbar always looked a solid inch taller than him. Kareem was 7'2" or thereabouts at peak.
Arjun said on 13/Mar/07
Ed, Andre's head is much bigger than Wilt's, so you can't compare shoulders there. Wilt's head is barely 10 inches (he has a tiny head for his height, in the pic with Shaq and Ewing, his head looks even smaller than Shaq's) while Andre's is easily 12 inches. Even taking into account camera angles, I still think Andre is max 1.5" or so shorter than Wilt, so maybe 2.5" or 3" after taking into account footwear. Andre was likely wearing boots so that he would look taller next to a guy like Wilt. But Wilt does'nt look over 7'1" to me, he is barely taller than Shaq in their pic, and Shaq himself is only 7'0" max according to me. Also, since the pic is taken from such a high level, it disfavours Arnold making him look shorter. Arnie was taller than 6' at peak, I think around 6'1" definitely. Wilt is supposed to be a foot taller, you can't expect Arnold to not look dwarfed compared to those two.
Ed said on 22/Feb/07
Arjun in the b&w pic, to me Andre looks considerably closer to the camera than Wilt, as opposed to the color photo in which he looks a little closer, it looks like they shifted a bit. Arnold looks to me to come to Andre's shoulder line, as opposed to Wilt where he's below it. I think Andre was at least 2-3inches shorter than wilt in these pics. I see Andre at 6ft11-7ft, and Wilt at 7ft2 at least. And possibly Arnold was only 6ft making Wilt about 14inches taller, and Andre 11-12. By the way I'm curious where do you get 2.5" shoes for Andre, I saw some mention of cowboy boots is that why?
Arjun said on 20/Feb/07
Ed, look at the black and white pic where Andre has his head raised instead of looking down at Arnie. 4 inches shorter than Wilt??? Not even an inch, barely a half inch, and the camera does'nt significantly favour either. If Wilt was 7'3" or more then Andre was easily 7'1"+ even though his footwear is likely bigger. Nope, Andre 6'11" and Wilt 7'1" looks right if you assume that Andre has (say) 2.5" boots and Wilt standard 1" shoes. And not everyone agrees on 6'11" for Andre at this point in time. And Arnie looks about 12 inches ( one foot exactly) shorter than Wilt to me. Don't make the common mistake of inflating already large height differences. How? Andre and Wilt look basically the same height, Arnie makes it just past Andre's chin, and Andre's head was around 12" or just over so, about 12 inches difference. Why does'nt Arnie make it to Wilt's chin? Because Wilt's head is TINY compared to Andre's! Arnie is only maybe a couple inches below Wilt's chin. And Wilt's head is only 10 inches, that can be verified by the fact that his head looks no bigger than Shaq's or Kareem's. So Wilt 7'1", Andre 6'11" (assuming bigger footwear) and Arnie 6'1" (assuming same footwear as Wilt).
lillo thomas said on 20/Feb/07
wow in the pic with wilt arnold look very short 5'10 -5'11.
that pic proves that arnold was never a tall guy
. When people see him taller is with lifts.
6'1 and 6'2 is the most probable that arnold is wearing lifts.
Viper652 said on 20/Feb/07
Arnold looks 5-11 in that pic Ed. Its actually great evidence for people who beleive Arnold is 5-10.
Ed said on 19/Feb/07
That pic of Arnie,Andre,and Wilt is hysterical! I can't see how Arnold was 6ft2 then and Wilt only 11 inches taller. He honestly looks 7ft3 or more to me, and Andre is looking 6ft11-7ft. I don't know his exact height, but wouldn't arnold have to be like 6ft for Chamberlain to be even close to 7ft1, even then it seems too short for him. I think Arnold was close to 6ft1 in his hey day, but that pic really throws me off. What do you think Rob, could Wilt have been 7ft3 or more? He sure looks that tall if not more in Conan!
asfasf said on 9/Jan/07
wilt and kareem almost same eight for me: i'd say 217cm for wilt 218/219cm kareem
this is more accurate...
Anshelm said on 22/Nov/06
When Conan O'Brien once asked how tall he was, he said "Five eleven and a half. But it's a LONG half".
Cantstop25 said on 4/Oct/06
haha great pic forensicNYC It si ridiculous how long wilts limbs are!
Danimal said on 19/Jul/06
Rob whatever happened to Jason and Cyclops? Have they been missing for a long time? Not that I actually miss
Editor Rob said on 17/Jul/06
From Robert Allen Cherry book 'Larger than Life'
According to wilt's doctor and one of his closest friends:
"Wilt was exactly 7ft 1 and 1/16th. We had a special apparatus built by a scientific team at Temple University Hospital to measure him and all subsequent players....luke jackson was 6ft 9. Wilt made Luke look like nothing."
ForensicNYC said on 21/May/06
Wilt Chamberlain 7'1" and Willie Shoemaker 4'11"
Click Here
30 something and no girlfriend said on 4/May/06
then wilt is 7 feet even? i m not saying it's impossible but unlikely...but mark eaton i am sure is 7-4 or very close to it, like 7-3.75 or something.
Jason said on 26/Apr/06
Anonymous there with the Mark Eaton comment was me, my ID got left out for some reason. Sing, maybe Kareem really was around 7'1''. There's 7'1'' listings for him.
Cobra said on 17/Apr/06
That sounds funny. "Mark Eaton was actually only 7ft3 minus shoes".
LOL, I wouldn`t know what to do if I would be that short! ;)
Chamberlain`s height is legit, I think. Why should he lie?
sing said on 16/Apr/06
no, he was 7-4, unless Kareem was 7-1.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/06
Mark Eaton was actually only 7'3'' minus shoes. 7'4'' was his listed height in the NBA.
Click Here
sing said on 14/Apr/06
Not true, once Eaton stood next to 7-5 Chuck Nevitt, guess what, he was shorter. Now his nickname is the Mountain Man, he weighed 295lbs, which enhances his height, but he is no taller than 7-4.
JT said on 14/Apr/06
Sing, I would venture to guess that Eaton is closer to 7'5" or even 7'6". There was a considerable height difference between him and Kareem, who was no less than 7'2". Like Bill Walton, I think Eaton didn't want to be listed at his true height.
sing said on 12/Apr/06
kareem was definitely not 7-3, there was a pic of him on the cover of sports illustrated next to 7-4 mark eaton and kareem looked at least 2 inches shorter. wilt is 7-1 and kareem 7-2, mark eaton, a legit 7-4!
Xhavier said on 26/Mar/06
Having read Wilt Chamberlain's biography, he like many tall people, is very particular about his height, he says he was 7'1 1/16" technically, but 7'1" is good enough. He found that it is a personal question that nobody realizes may bother an invidual to ask.
gregor said on 23/Mar/06
Somewhere there is a photo (I can't find it now!) of Arnold in the middle being lifted off the ground at either side under the arms by Andre and Wilt. Arnold's smiling/laughing while Andre and Wilt are "flexing" their free arms. Does anyone have this or know where to find it???
Danimal said on 3/Mar/06
It's been stated that Andre was actually 7'1.5" at his peak.
zadeh79 said on 2/Mar/06
Kareem's listed at 7'1 and 3/8..........on one page. That measurement should have been taken when he made was in the pro's. This also helps to confirm suspicions of Bruce Lee standing closer to 66.5 -- maybe in the mornings walking around at 67.25.
Kingbg said on 13/Feb/06
I was looking at the photo and come to one conclusion, Andre has to be closer to 7'1 or 7'2. One he slouches a lot more then Wilt and two their shoulders are on even levels with each other.My brother who is 6'3 said that Andre had to duck under a seven foot doorway at the old Charlotte Colisum. So I would give Andre about 7'1 or even as high as 7'3.
Mike said on 11/Feb/06
Apparently Andre at his tallest was only about 6'11". Kareem was always suspected of being at least 7'3".
ColinG said on 25/Jan/06
In "Conan the Destroyer" there are very few shots where you can make a direct comparison with Arnie. There is a long shot of the whole bunch of people on the quest, and Chamberlain absolutely towers over them all. Remember the scene where Arnie fights an ape-man? He was played by a British actor named Pat Roach, who is supposed to have been six five. He was the German who fights Harrison Ford in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and gets decapitated by the plane prop. Anyway, he does look distinctly bigger than Arnie, but nowhere near as much so as Chamberlain does.
Mikex said on 22/Dec/05
Apparently Wilt was supposed to fight Ali at one point. However Wilt realised the insanity of this at the last moment and pulled out. Taking on the heavyweight champion of the world in your first ever fight maybe isn't a good idea. That's why they are pictured together I think.
Gramps said on 14/Dec/05
There is such a disparity between the heights of Arnold and the other guys, plus the effects of camera angle, hair and boots, that you can't peg Arnold's height from that picture closer than +/- 2".
Xhavier said on 13/Dec/05
Chamberlain- 7'1 1/16" barefoot. Arnie based on that picture- 5'11"
Gramps said on 6/Dec/05
In that Wilt/Kareem picture, Wilt is 48 and Kareen 37, so perhaps the extra eleven years took some toll.
Viper652 said on 5/Dec/05
Andre looks 6-9 to me.
Jason said on 5/Dec/05
It's probably just because Wilt is in bare feet. It stated in that story I posted that Wilt hadn't lost a single bit of height as far as he knew (in 1986), and given he knew his height to a fraction of an inch, it's probably true.
CoolJ said on 5/Dec/05
Theres no doubt Wilt might have lost an inch in that pic with Kareem.. I mean after all the years of b-ball... it has to bring a 7'1 man down a little bit. I also don't see a full 2 inches of difference there in Charles' pic.. and I'm guessing they would've been close to the same height 15 years before that.
Gramps said on 4/Dec/05
You know guys, with most people on this site you can argue 2-4 inches (like Arnold, for example). But with Wilt's height being recorded at over 7'1" more than 45 years ago, and photos of him sometimes looking even taller, he's one guy that it's hard to quibble more than 1-2cm.
FASULO said on 4/Dec/05
I knew Jabbar is 216..chamberlain at the same height.but in that photo i see 2 inches of difference..
Jason said on 3/Dec/05
Wilt's bending somewhat and looking down there. I realize Wilt wore a rather thick wig in the movie, but there was at least 14 inches between him and Arnold.
Texas Tom said on 3/Dec/05
Would someone please repost the pic with Andre and Wilt? I can't find it here and I've been dying to see it.
Cobra said on 3/Dec/05
Here is also another Pic of Arnie & Wilt:
Wilt was for sure 7ft1. There`s no reason in hell for him to say anything instead of the truth.
Andre seemed to be between 6ft11 and 7ft, Arnold a strong 6ft1.
You have also to recognize that the hairstyle of Wilt and Andre make them even bigger against Arnold.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 3/Dec/05
That pic charles got shows Jabbar got like 2 inches on Wilt. So maybe Kareem was really 7'3 or jus 7'2.5
CoolJ said on 3/Dec/05
Kareem was listed at 7'2
Jason said on 3/Dec/05
So, how tall was Kareem really? He's also listed at 7'1''! *puzzled*
Viper652 said on 3/Dec/05
He was always a good deal taller then 6-10 Bill Russell.
Gramps said on 3/Dec/05
No, Kareem was always 7'2" as a pro. Charles' photo below of Wilt and Kareem confirms the slight advantage in height to Abdul-Jabbar.
Gramps said on 2/Dec/05
Here's Wilt "boxing" with the 6'3" Muhammad Ali, and looking about two feet taller than the Lip! ;-)
Ball-A-Hallic said on 2/Dec/05
I b-leave wilt was 7'1 but was kareem abdul jabbar really 7'2 or 7'3 i didnt think he was taller than wilt Jabbar looks more 6'11-7'0.
Charles said on 2/Dec/05
Here's a pic of Wilt Next to Kareem Abdul Jabbar
Jason said on 2/Dec/05
It was taken in 1983/1984 ... the movie was released in the US in June 1984. So, just before his major shrinking began. Andre could even be closer to 6'9'' there - Wilt's head is tilted lower and he's standing in a wide stance. I've never seen Arnold look so small lol ... those were two gigantic men.
J. said on 2/Dec/05
Wow, that picture is something! Arnold looks like a tiny action figure between Wilt and Andre!

Editor Rob
Arnie is forcing that smile...andre looks like he could pick Arnie up, pass to Wilt and slam dunk him
MEK said on 2/Dec/05
He was a true 7'1" giant, I believe that.
Jason said on 2/Dec/05
Yikes, I forgot to say where in that story the quote is for anyone else wanting to see it - it's in the second paragraph.
Wilt's head looks small next to Andre's (but to be fair, he was a friggin' acromegalic giant), but it seems much bigger than Arnie's ... and any 7-footer's head's gonna be big compared to a normal person's. You'd be looking at 11 1/2 - 12 inches at least just for Wilt's head ... and Arnie looks like he'd fall a few inches short of Wilt's chin.
I think Wilt is telling the truth about his height ... he wasn't the kind of guy to undercut himself lol ... and 7'1 1/16'' sounds pretty sure. Have you seen the movie Conan the Destroyer? It's amazing what they do with camera angles etc. ... I was kinda stunned when I saw how short Arnold was next to Wilt there because there sure wasn't THAT much difference between them in the film!
Bob said on 2/Dec/05
The Governator is probably wearing lifts in that picture, but if he is really only 5'10 then Chamberlain was 6'11.
CoolJ said on 2/Dec/05
WOW Rob.. Nice pic. Wilt easily has a foot on Arnold