How tall is Woody Harrelson - Page 2

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Average Guess (96 Votes)
5ft 9.21in (175.8cm)
TELLEM said on 10/Jan/09
RisingForce says on 8/Jan/09
Tellem, they both were mid-stride and had their heads down barefoot.

exactly, which leads me to believe there'd be a 2 inch difference if they both stood straight...because according to that pic, owen wilson looked nearly 4 inches taller than woody
glenn said on 10/Jan/09
im tiptoeing,where im possibly 5-7,in the 1991 pic on the make things more confusing.not the left.
glenn said on 10/Jan/09
oh,you never met sheldon? hard to describe.hmmm.picture ralph kramden(hooneymooners,did i mess up name?),with glasses,fatter,rounder face,also 5-10,5-11 like gleason,slower in speech,always picking up his pants,and would say things like"mister rock star,could you sign for me?",mister celebrity....,mister actor... same he asked me to sign too! swear it! and i did.i explained i wasnt anybody.had me on an index.i have him on an index and 2 lost photos with i must find and post here for burns me is i bumped into him a year ago and didnt take another photo with him after a 10 year sabbatical of not seeing him.he does days only.and usually regis.i caught him at a hotel,which is not his thing.these guys index collections are sick.i think i know the chimp with glove your talking about.some of those names you mentioned sound scary.
RisingForce said on 9/Jan/09
I'm not sure that Woody had much more height on Glenn than Sly did though Danimal.

In each picture Woody looks like he'd be 5-11 if he stood straight
Click Here
Click Here

On the left with 5-8 Glenn Sly looks about 5-10.5 and on the right with 5-7 Glenn Sly looks about 5-11. Glenn was tip toeing in the picture on the left a bit actually.
Click Here

It's great that Glenn has pictures with both in sandals. I don't doubt Woody's 5-11. I don't see why so many people doubt Glenn's estimates when he has pictures to back them up.
Brad said on 9/Jan/09
I bet Sheldon had buck teeth and a moustache and had a yiddish accent. Here I was, a blonde WASP Greenwich blue blood and with these ugly doofusses like Cromag, Hagatha, Fester, Blub Betty, etc.. Gary Lee Boas' book has a great chapter on the wack pack from the early 70's. They were out patients from institutions. Thank god I only showed up to people I wanted meet once a week. I'd go to O'Hurleys and hide. Farrah Fawcett told me 2 guys waited for her everyday for 3 months. "Brad, they were nice, but that's not normal".
RisingForce said on 8/Jan/09
Tellem, they both were mid-stride and had their heads down barefoot.

Brad, Rob never confirmed that Woody visited the site. He said Owen Wilson may have though.

As far as I know Woody hasn't claimed 5-9, that was just his height on his drivers license which he could have written down in his teens. He was always listed at 5-10 or 5-11 in the 90's which leads me to believe he claimed one of those heights.
Danimal said on 8/Jan/09
It's weird, but Woody has more height on you Glenn than Sly Stallone does.
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
and bounce it off his head.
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
ill take the ball and give it to sheldon.
TELLEM said on 7/Jan/09
whats interesting is that next to owen wilson (both barefoot) he looks 2 inches shorter than him...isn't wilson 5'11 max?
Brad said on 7/Jan/09
Danson is a big guy and wore a hairpiece on the rear of his head on "Cheers". He and SL hated each other. I'll bet you the Hannah Montana beach ball I'm staring at in my pool right now. You can play with it on the elevated or give it to Sheldon or get Miley to sign it. He's 5' 9". License & mug shot: 5' 9". Didn't he come on this site saying he was 5' 9"? Why would he lie? He doesn't give a $hit, he's worth 50 mil and is getting married....but then we have Wahlberg.
Danimal said on 6/Jan/09
glenn says on 6/Jan/09
did he look 5-9 on cheers? i never watched it.i heard he looked 5-10 on movies he looks pics above if im 5-7 prove 5-10.if im 5-8,then 5-11.ill settle for 5-10 if im way is he lower.i can bet my peanuts on it.danson owns everyone except you brad.he is a big dude.

You missed out on a great show Glenn. Ted Danson had at least 5" on Woody back then. Woody was taller than both Cliff and Norm on the show. Not sure their heights. What I do know is that Woody ONLY wore running/jogging shoes back then on the show. I don't see Woody at over 5'10". He's probably close to 5'10" and just rounds down because he is so humble.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
did he look 5-9 on cheers? i never watched it.i heard he looked 5-10 on movies he looks pics above if im 5-7 prove 5-10.if im 5-8,then 5-11.ill settle for 5-10 if im way is he lower.i can bet my peanuts on it.danson owns everyone except you brad.he is a big dude.
Brad said on 6/Jan/09
The police don't downgrade. 5' 11" is a joke. 911 is a joke Flav. That would make Woody over 6' on Cheers. It doesn't add. Danson owns him.
RisingForce said on 3/Jan/09
He looks 5-11 with you Glenn. I think he's 5-10.5 minimum but more like 5-11.
glenn said on 27/Dec/08
he isnt 5-9.that would mean im 5-6 on top.
Danimal said on 27/Dec/08
He's probably close to 5'10" and downgrades himself to 5'9". That's how modest Woody is.
RisingForce said on 27/Dec/08
Dural, he's half an inch shorter than Owen max there.
Brad said on 26/Dec/08
His 21 year age mug shot lists him at 5' 9"
glenn said on 24/Dec/08
woody was not nice at all forever.on the top pic he was the nicest guy in the world walking in the same sandals for a week.i then realised he doesnt care about his height.i kept bumping into him at events or concerts.
glenn said on 24/Dec/08
no boots brad.i admit really thick sneakers on top.and black no height giving adidas on bottom.and him in dress boots.evens out.
Brad said on 24/Dec/08
No boots? Geezus. Oh my god.
Nate said on 23/Dec/08
was he a nice guy glenn? he seems pretty chill
Dural said on 23/Dec/08
Owen is taller, doesn't matter if Woody's head is down or not. 5'9" mugshot + driving licence.
Click Here
glenn said on 23/Dec/08 wearing sneakers.both,ok,chunky sneakers,bottom pic,flat sneakers.
RisingForce said on 23/Dec/08
Woody's head was down in the picture with Owen, he wasn't even close to standing straight.
Brad said on 23/Dec/08
Rising with another inflate. He's getting owned by Owen "5' 10" Wilson both in bare feet. I never knew Owen was 6 feet. Sandals are 1", Glenn's boots are 2" and Glenn's height is X. Add, fits.
glenn said on 22/Dec/08
even if he verbally stated 5-9,i still wouldnt believe him.
RisingForce said on 20/Dec/08
It's ridiculous. I know plenty of people who have an outdated height on their drivers license and plenty of other people that don't know their height.

If he made a specific claim in an intervew then that would be different but he didn't. He was always listed as 5-10 or 5-11, that's what he looks and that's what he is.
glenn said on 17/Dec/08
what amazes me is that people here still post the drivers license here like its gonna make me feel dumb or know my eyes well.he isnt a hair under 5-10.and could be 5-11.proof on top boys.and im not 5-7 flat.a hair under 5-8 maybe.
RisingForce said on 17/Dec/08
I have also seen Woody described as 5-11. With all of the 5-10, 5-11 listings I assume he claims one of those heights.

The 5-9 height on his drivers license is most likely an outdated height he grew past from when he was 16 or he wrote it when he didn't know his height.

He's 5-11 or just under it. 5-10 at worst.
glenn said on 16/Dec/08
woody is taller than how much im not clear.i agree wesley is 5-9ish.but im certain woody is 5-10ish,5-11.
Danimal said on 16/Dec/08
Woody once said on Cheers that he was in his early 20's, blonde hair and around 6'0" tall. I remember this episode. I thought back then that NO WAY was he 6'0" if Ted Danson was 6'2"-6'3". Ted had at least 4-5" on Woody back then. I say Woody is a strong 5'9" to a weak 5'10".
Mr. R said on 16/Dec/08
When White Men Can't Jump came out, both he and Wesley were listed at 5-11 I believe in Parade Magazine. Elsewhere, I saw that Woody was 5-10. However, I have seen Wesley Snipes and he is not over 5-9. I sense that Woody is pretty close.
Danimal said on 15/Dec/08
TELLEM says on 10/Dec/08
tim robbins has a whole head on woody in this full body shot pic...
Click Here

Tim is an easy 6'6" there. 6'7" in his younger days.
TJ said on 15/Dec/08
TELLEM, Robbins doesn't have a whole head on Woody in that pic. The top of Woody's head actually comes to Robbin's mouth. Plus, it's a terrible angle to judge as Robbins is nearer the camera.
glenn said on 15/Dec/08
in sandals top comments not the only one that sees woody at 5-10 min.
Brad said on 14/Dec/08
He's getting owned by Owen Wilson both in bare feet....and Glenn's getting owned by Woody. Owen is a weak 5' 10". Add those heights.
TELLEM said on 10/Dec/08
tim robbins has a whole head on woody in this full body shot pic...
Click Here

w/ edward norton, dennis hopper, adrien brody and tim robbins Click Here
Martin said on 8/Dec/08
He actually looks about 5'10 to 5'11.
Jay said on 5/Dec/08
He looks closer to 6 foot. Have you guys seen White Men Can't Jump?
TELLEM said on 3/Dec/08
woody looks 5'9 next to owen wilson barefoot Click Here
glenn said on 3/Dec/08
well james,i suspected lifts on the bottom at first.but above i hit a goldmine when i saw him in sandals.
RisingForce said on 2/Dec/08
Yeah, no problem.
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
shortest woody can be is 5-10.tallest 5-11.can you go to the i believe its the owen wilson,oh,wait is it oscar de la hoya,to defend me about woody to vaj.thanks.
RisingForce said on 2/Dec/08
Glenn, what's the shortest and tallest you think Woody could be?

He always seemed 5-11, 6-0 on Cheers.
Jan said on 16/Nov/08
There is a mugshot telling us he is 5-9
Click Here
glenn said on 24/Oct/08
brah is correct.saw him again last week myself.close to 5-11,if not that.
Ange said on 19/Oct/08
What stevo said, except I *am* girl! He's quite foxy! 5'10 seems legit.
Brah said on 16/Oct/08
I walked by Woody Harrelson in the middle of the street (flat street, not an uneven sidewalk). At first, I thought maybe it was just a look-alike, but several other people said that it was Woody who just walked by.
He was wearing regular sneakers, blue track suit, baseball cap, and jeans. Surprisingly, he looked 5'10" to 5'11"! I am around 5'9" and he was noticeably taller (unless he wears lifts).
Leung said on 6/Oct/08
I disagree Stevo, I thought that he looked like a regular 5
stevo said on 5/Oct/08
Watching Kingpin. He looks to me to be 5'8" or 5'9" at the most 5'10". He is a handsome man. If I were a girl I'd do him.
RICHARD said on 2/Oct/08
Looks around the same height as Matthew McConaughey in Surfer,Dude. McConaughey is listed here as 5'10.5 so Woody is either 5'10-5'11. Like I said before let's quit saying Woody is under 5'9. He looks like a genuinely tall,or at least average guy. McConaughey is also and built,above-average guy,too.
Viper said on 24/Sep/08
The dude is 5-9. You're way wrong King. But then again you think the Rock is 6-4, LOL!!
TELLEM said on 24/Sep/08
Big King says on 24/Sep/08
Yes, Harrelson is around 5'11", maybe 5'10 1/2" but he's over 5'10".

then why did his license have him at 5'9? then why was he 2 or more inches shorter than owen wilson who 5'11?
Big King said on 24/Sep/08
Yes, Harrelson is around 5'11", maybe 5'10 1/2" but he's over 5'10".
JP said on 4/Sep/08
I worked at a bar in Lexington, Ky. Woody came in after hours one night and I promise you, he is tiny. I'm personally 5'10 and he barely reached my nose. By the way, I'm glad to know that others share this strange obsession with me.
Brad said on 19/Aug/08
Go to the Jan. 5th post with picture with Owen Wilson who is 5' 11". Owen has him by 2".
Paul 178cm said on 19/Aug/08
I think woody was 176 in his prime, nowadays a solid 5'9". (Afternoon, Barefoot). He seemed to have about 2cm on wesley in White Men Can't Jump, perhaps a solid inch. Possibly a lift wearer in these pics. If Wesley is really 175cm then this listed height is accurate... but if it was up to me I'd downgrade both wesley and woody
Viper said on 17/Aug/08
It didnt make sense that his license said 5-9 If he was taller.
Brad said on 16/Aug/08
5' 9". Glenn fit his 5' 7" day height.
sf said on 21/Jul/08
Yes, Woody IS 6'4"...
beatlefan said on 17/Jul/08
I have just read Michael J Foxs book 'Lucky Man' and he is good friends with Woody, he also mentions that Woody is about a foot taller than him! That would make Woody well over six foot, or he could have been exaggerating.
TELLEM said on 16/Jul/08
after seeing his driver license it states 5'9...most likely dude is 5'9-5'10
chris175 said on 13/Jul/08
in semi pro, will ferrel describes him as 5-10
Brad said on 6/Jul/08
Both his mug shot & driver's license say 5' 9". Look at him with a 5' 8" Snipes. Don't bother with the above photos, we don't know the guy on the right's height or if he is wearing big boots which I'm sure Woody doesn't wear at a film festival. Owen 5' 11" Wilson was taller than him by 2".
RICHARD said on 3/Jun/08
I've read many websites with these random people saying that Woody is 5'5 or 5'6,but come on he's not that short. I will give him 5'10/5'11 because he looks tall,and not under 5'10. I'm like him,as well because i'm 5'9 or 5'10 and people peg me as 5'7 when they see me,and I'm certainly taller than that and it gets on my nerves. I'm 18 now and I should grow an inch or two,I HOPE !!!!!! Woody is a solid 5'10-11 guy.
Lmeister said on 27/May/08
One interesting thing is that Woody is bit shorter than Owen Wilson who is 5ft11, but Woody is also taller than Sean Bean who is usually reported as 5ft10. My guess is that Owen is 5ft11, Woody 5ft10 and Sean Bean 5ft9ish.
TELLEM said on 17/May/08
watch woody next to snipes in "white men can't jump"...i'll believe woody's height being 5'11 or 5'10
jonny said on 23/Apr/08
he looked 5'9 when he was barefoot next to mcchonaghey in EDtv...strange..mmm
maybe a lift wearer?
RedMax said on 15/Apr/08
Yes, Woody looks two and a half inches taller than Glenn. I would also agree to describe Woody as 5'11".
Matt said on 1/Mar/08
Hi Guys, I was definitely struck by surprise to see Woody here Click Here he looks freaking short, no more than 5.9 barefooted What do you guys think?
tim said on 30/Jan/08
5'11 thats 3 inches not 2
glenn said on 26/Jan/08
thanks here for you guys.
chris175 said on 25/Jan/08
no glenn, just from pictures and videos, im from northern ireland, dont get many celebrities here, thats why its good to have people like you who can meet the celebs and give us good height estimates, thanks
anonymous said on 24/Jan/08
he looks far closer to 5`11 in the bottom pick. i dont know why he would claim 5`9.
glenn said on 18/Jan/08
you mean in person?
chris175 said on 16/Jan/08
ive seen woody harrelson look 5-11, i think he slouches a lot, 5-10 is as good an estimate as any
glenn said on 10/Jan/08
exactly lmeister.
Lmeister said on 10/Jan/08
Woody is around 5ft10 and Owen is 5ft11 both guys have a terrible posture that is the reason why at least myself thought that they are around 5ft9.
krobertp said on 5/Jan/08
Here's a picture of Woody with Owen Wilson both barefeet:
Click Here

Woody's listed at 5'10" on here and Owen 5'10.25" but i think we can agree there's more of a difference between the two than that.

My guess is that Woody is 5'9" - 5'9.5" and Owen is 5'11" - 5'11.5"
setro said on 29/Oct/07
he look like 6 footer in Natural born Killer
Vinny said on 11/Oct/07
Has the body proportions of a 5 11 guy but it might be because hes rail thin.
Victorian said on 3/Oct/07
Was frequently just as tall or slightly shorter than Eric McCormack on Will & Grace (though he often was barefooted or just wore slippers due to his 'close-to-being-a-bum' role.). McCormack's 5ft10, I'd say that's the max height one could give Harrelson.
glenn said on 1/Oct/07
interesting danimal.i thought they were the same.only saw the movie once.
Danimal said on 30/Sep/07
Snipes was shorter than Woody. Watch White Men Can't Jump. They are both in sneakers and Woody has height on Snipes. Snipes has also been listed at 5'8", so go figure.
nick said on 30/Sep/07
clearly 3 inches taller than glenn, glenn you would agree to that. There are numerous pictures of even 6 footers looking like that against glenn. If the footware is reasonable, he is a 5'11. now tell me that you woulnt say that if glenn was 6 feet tall woody wouldnt be 6'3?, i think he would be
sleuth said on 29/Sep/07
Clearly 5-11. Woody leans a little bacause he thinks the top of his head will be cut off by the camera if he doesn't! A natural impulse for a guy with 3 inches on somebody.
glenn said on 25/Sep/07
not the first time there was 2 least the 3rd or 4th or 2 was a hoaxer.
AshnarLynx said on 25/Sep/07
He looks about the same height as Snipes in "Money Train". Snipes is most frequently listed as 5'10.
Danimal said on 24/Sep/07
2 Glenns!!!!
glenn said on 24/Sep/07
can you put glenn2 please.thanks.
Glenn said on 24/Sep/07
hmm on second thoughts.does look posibly 179. altho i guess his pavement was better.
Kevin Durant said on 24/Sep/07
I think Woody Harrelson can look at least a solid 5'11 in this picture if he straigtened up his posture.
glenn said on 24/Sep/07
oh,now its asics gel,and nike impax(sp),adidas in a sky blue suede color.and some other 80s sneakers i forget name to.all mega cheap in prices.i find the craziest deals.
Catsman said on 24/Sep/07
Hi looks like he'd be a good three inches taller than Glenn if he stood straight.
Danius said on 24/Sep/07
nm solid, 5'10-5'10.5
Leung said on 24/Sep/07
yes clearly at least 5'10", and looks like he would be close to 5'11" if had correct posture.

Glenn, next time you see Woody you might give him some helpful advice and tell him to stand up straight.
dmeyer said on 23/Sep/07
looks about 6 cm over glenn does look legit 5'10er
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/07
Looks atleast 5'11"
Franco said on 23/Sep/07
he does look 180-181cm with you so 177-178cm is right.
Original said on 23/Sep/07
He Look 5'10.5 - 5'11
glenn said on 23/Sep/07
he was mega cool too.i was gonna ask him his height,didnt get a chance.i almost had a 3rd pic but he was rushed into a patti smith show.this pic here was a willie nelson concert.
leonari said on 23/Sep/07
Strong 5'10" like I always suspected.
glenn said on 23/Sep/07
yes,sandals all week long.the man isnt insecure of his height.his pavement was better and my sneakers were to gauge again.evens out i guess.he did look 5-9 at first.but indeed 5-10.5-11? nah.but its a small possibilty.once again i bring solid proof my boys!

Editor Rob
you gaven up on the superstars? What is your current sneaker?
Jack Daniels said on 23/Sep/07
Good job Glenn! Mr. Harrelson appears at least 5'10", maybe 5'11".
Anthony said on 23/Sep/07
Hey, you got him to look this time! He is indeed at least 5'10. That pic also more or less proves that dumbass posing as Woody a few months ago claiming 5'9 wasn't really him.
Danius said on 23/Sep/07
looks solid 5'11
Danimal said on 23/Sep/07
The man could be 5'11".
Stiffelio said on 23/Sep/07
He actually seems almost 3 inches taller than Glenn. Glenn, did you say he was wearing sandals? What kind of footwear did you have on? With this consistent evidence, Harrelson is at least 5'10" (and 5'11" is not out of the question).
maximus said on 23/Sep/07
Obviously at least 5'10"......never seemed real short to me......In anger management he did look 5'10.
Lynn said on 23/Sep/07
are you sure? I thought 5-9 too.
OutBenchThis said on 23/Sep/07
looks a couple of inches bigger than you in both pics glenn..definately in the 5'10" - 5'10.5" range..where was your latest pic with Woody at Glenn?
glenn said on 14/Sep/07
the woody mystery is over.ive been examining him all week in his sandals.initially i thought 5-9.he is indeed 5-10.managed another pic.and maybe another to come.
Viper said on 8/Jul/07
Woody always gives a taller impression than Owen in movies.
Anthony said on 7/Jul/07
You;re welcome, Glenn. Anytime.
glenn said on 7/Jul/07
thank you speak sense.
Anthony said on 7/Jul/07
I saw barefoot photos of Woody and Owen on the beach. Woody looked a bit taller than Owne actually. I really do think he's a legit 5'11.
Mr. R said on 10/Jun/07
By the way Drew, I saw Sean Hayes at a festival last year, and he ie barely 5-9 which jibes with the 5-9 Woody sightings.
Mr. R said on 10/Jun/07
As a card carrying member of the Screen Actors' Guild, I can confirm the existence of the Sag-Aftra Credit Union at that same address in Burbank. I have been there many times. Also, there is a Kinko's next door. I can also confirm that Warner Brothers, Universal, NBC, ABC, and Disney are all within 5 minutes of this site, and many actors shooting at these studios are spotted at this credit union.

That said, Woody was described at "5'10" in Parade Magazine when "White Men" came out, and he was also described as "5'11" in another interview. However, Wesley Snipes was also listed at 5'11", and I have seen him, and he is barely 5'9". I think that Woody is between 5'9" and 5'10".
glenn said on 9/Jun/07
oh yeah.i forgot about that.what did he say?
Viper said on 6/Jun/07
And supposedly the real Owen Wilson has posted on his page.
glenn said on 5/Jun/07
its a small possibilty it was him,sure.but he made the biggest fool of himself.ask.
Brad said on 5/Jun/07
Has he worked at Warner? Disney-ABC recently? Minutes away. Confusing area where the freeway and 5 major streets intersect. Fester would have loved staying in the lot with index cards for a week. "Mam, are you somebody?". I'll ask a Kinko manager in it if Woody came in in a few weeks.
glenn said on 3/Jun/07
i think brad said alot of actors are near there.not sure about woody,though im sure he is there at times too.
Drew said on 3/Jun/07
Yeah true Glenn. But since Brad said he's there often, I thought maybe it could be him. But yeah, you're right.

Some people don't have anything better to do.
glenn said on 2/Jun/07
drew-are you for real? plenty of people on this site were imposters.woody was at that location at that moment? when did anyone say that? im sure he was plenty of times.maybe not then.and so has millions of people.celebs and passerbys.and why mention the imfamous license that has come into play of many a argument with me? sounds fishy to me.
Drew said on 2/Jun/07
I think that guy is really Woody, especially after what Brad said. Why would anyone waste time pretending to be him? And what are the oods that this person happened to be in the same location as Woody?

Rob, is there anyone who posts on this page and has the same IP address?
glenn said on 1/Jun/07
TheJerk said on 31/May/07
LOL, there is no way of knowing if that was Woody or not. Too bad - b/c I could picture him saying these things. Yer all jumpin on Woody's case either way. He seems an alright guy.
dmeyer said on 31/May/07
5'10 seems right for this guy he was a bit taller than wesley
Brad said on 31/May/07
Is Sherry Lansing taller than you Woody? I met her, she is...ya big dummy. Get Ted a drink.
Viper said on 31/May/07
At first I thought that post looked pretty credible, but I cant see Woody admitting to lifts like that.
glenn said on 31/May/07
funny,now that i remember it,he did look short from the distance until i got up next to him.maybe thats when he put his foot in place correctly on the lifts.
glenn said on 31/May/07
if that was him, this has got to make history as -the dummy who got caught with lifts, the most dumb way imaginable foxx-whyyy youuu biiggg dummyyyyy?
Brad said on 31/May/07
He's wearing blatant lifts. Hey Woody, you big dummy. What's the matter at Tribeca, ya need height? You were owned side by side with Luke Wilson in Vegas. Red Foxx: ya big dummy. You steal any glasses at Paramount?

Editor Rob
he wore sandals at one scanner darkly screening with keanu, but you can't be sure from those pics of height comparison beside reeves.
glenn said on 30/May/07
he put his foot in his mouth with that one.if that was him.big dummy.blatant lifts.
Brad said on 30/May/07
Sounds like Woody was being honest. I think he wears custom lifts.
glenn said on 30/May/07
lol he has time too.brad,i have a bridge to sell you.woody,if thats you,you do know your considered a dick dont you? since the early 90s youve been a pleaure to deal with.remember kennedy airport visits? that was me and my friends.i believe we cursed you out once and embarresed you.maybe you changed.maybe not.or maybe im wasting my time writing to an imaginary woody.
glenn said on 30/May/07
and furthermore,when would a celeb ever downgrade their height? he has been mentioned at 5-10,5-11 many times and can look the top of the page and the posts brad.not just my thinking.wouldnt he be happy being mentioned at 5-10? only an inch more? or 5-11? so that makes me 5-6 in the photo? boy, you are dumb brad.that or woody is the dumbest celeb on earth.
glenn said on 30/May/07
is brad that supid? if that was woody,he let the cat out of the bag that he wears lifts and why mention the license? sounds reaching to me.
Brad said on 29/May/07
I would think so....would you want your email address left with a site? It is like famous people using public phones. My friend phoned up and said that if you want autographs, hang in that parking lot, but, they have a guard.
sf said on 29/May/07
I gotta think That Woody isn't going to RUN next door to respond. But, you never know.
Brad said on 29/May/07
I asked my friend in L.A. about that location. Indeed the Screeen Actors Guild has a bank at that intersection with ATM's, loan officers, etc. He said the lot is full of actors getting money and getting paperwork done.He steals a spot weekly to go to Bob's Big Boy. It is 1 minute from the big Warner Bros. Studios & 5 minutes from Disney & NBC. Kinko's shares the building. I'm sure to not have his personal email thingy used, he ran into the Kinko's. I knew he wouldn't BS on his driver's license. Hey Woody, how much you save living in Costa Rica?
sf said on 28/May/07
Wow - Woody showed you, Glenn!! Although I doubt Woody Harrelson would run next door to respond...
glenn said on 28/May/07
come on d-ray.obviously a crock.why mention the license? and why does he look 5-11 in my photo? then he is admitting to lifts.
D. Ray Morton said on 28/May/07
If that was really Woody, then it's very cool and real of him to contribute like that. He may be 5'9", but to me he's always appeared taller. So Woody, ya look taller than you are (a good thing).
glenn said on 28/May/07
wow woody.prooved me ya been? will you look in my camera next time? ill make sure to say your 5-9.
Woody said on 27/May/07
I'm not 5' 10" people. I was told of this site at the AFTRA-SAG office at Pass & Riverside in Burbank. I ran next door to Kinko's to respond. This Glenn guy is seriously WRONG. He is NOT 5' 8" nor am I (or have been) 5' 10". I'm 5' 9" as my DL says and as I have said in print. Peace, Woody.

Editor Rob
the only certainty is this message did come from a Kinko's...
glenn said on 18/May/07
irshgrl-i wish i can give you a hug.your very sweet.i was having a bad week personally as bad timing for the losers know,someone on the sly page who i personally call the police or mayor in my head,did make some sense that im a semi celebrity of sorts.and that i needed to cool it for being heard around the world with that status.which is true.but even jon bon jovi over a year ago,maybe 2,went into a f-word tirade to a few autograph dealers in the street.even he,cant control himself.and a dick he always is,but he is always civil.and never mind mel gibson. thanks irshgrl500. oxox
Irshgrl500 said on 17/May/07
Hey Glenn, I am sorry for replying on Woody's section. I don't know how to email you, personally. It has been just a week since I asked you to stay, and I can see there are many others just like me who love you and your work! Don't feel bad for having a bad day or week. You were rightfully angry at those who were constantly giving you a hard time. I was thinking about it. The Internet is a perfect place for unhappy people to simply "vent" and act like fools. Normally, they don't know the person they're taking their anger out on, they don't have to go "face-to-face" with those they pick fights with, therefore, don't have to face bigger consequences.
Think about that the next time someone wants to be nothing but combative with you.
You're GREAT Glenn!
glenn said on 17/May/07
thanks bobbe.wish you guys would post that on the stallone page.people dont believe me about woody on there.
Bobbe said on 17/May/07
Woody is average about 180 cm. Met him many times and he is for sure not short at 178 cm. 180 cm he is atleast.
glenn said on 16/May/07
thank you mcfan.
mcfan said on 15/May/07
I take back my claim that he is 5'10 with sneakers on...more like 5'11 with sneakers. If you look closely at his photos, he has terrible posture. 5'10 barefoot sounds right.
glenn said on 14/May/07
thanks for the words sf.i appreciate it.but you arnt peanut gallery.some here are.
Viper said on 14/May/07
Woody looks taller than Owen. Granted hes closer to the camera but Id still think he would be marginally taller.
sf said on 13/May/07
Glenn - you add a lot to the site, so I guess I'm just saying maybe you wouldn't get so frustrated when dealing with all of us, "Peanut Gallery", if you just accepted the fact that we're all going to challenge you! Screw us!

I'm laughing..
glenn said on 13/May/07
i understand sf.thank can blab all you want.its a forum.people here blab crap dont.
sf said on 13/May/07
No, Glenn - what I'm trying to point out, is that because you are all over the site - you're going to be the one who is usually questioned/attacked/talked to/doubted/believed, etc.

You occupy a central place on this site, so just try to handle it with a little more cool, just like Rob, who lets thing roll off his back pretty good, usually.

I'm not saying it's easy, and just because it does happen in forums, it doesn't have to happen in this one all the time. I don't know - yes, I'm sure I'd get tired of people doubting me too, but that's going to happen and I wouldn't expect everyone to just take my word as the end-all, because we all know that people's perceptions can vary. I remember a friend of mine I used to work with describing our boss as a "tall guy". I said, "tall guy? he's only 5'9"!" Seriously - people are going to doubt. And, people are going to have different perceptions.

Anyway, I'll shut up now, as I have a tendency to just keep blathering...
Drew said on 13/May/07
With Own Wilson: Click Here
With Charlize Theron: Click Here

Ok he looks 5'10", but definitely not under that.
Brad said on 13/May/07
If Woody stands straight, he'd be 5' 11" with Glenn. He's wearing monster lifts because it is the Tribeca Film Festival.
glenn said on 12/May/07
your right sf,but put yourself in my place,you or maybe not you,or others would handle it the same way.maye theyl handle it better or only human.and this happens in forums.sometimes way remember sf,in the end,it is a forum.and in posts people do get ugly.not just here.again you leave out im the only one mouthing off on the internet.
sf said on 12/May/07
Glenn - I'm not saying you're shorter, I'm not attacking your height, or you personally. So, I'm not blind to anything. Don't lump me in with anyone.

Yes, maybe sometimes you are being attacked, but you put yourself out there. It's going to happen since you are all over these pages. Just let it roll off of your back, man. Cuss words, getting angy with people, attacking people, is just going to lessen the site. Agan, just don't take it personally if people don't agree with you;sure, if they attack YOU, then I understand why you take it personally.

But, again, just let it roll off of your back.
glenn said on 11/May/07
oh,and sf, heres another form of attack presented to me-to say that i havnt provided proof of my height cause im hiding something,is disrespectful and calling me a not here to decieve.your one sided like the rest,but in a different non malicious way.your just blind to the offence sf.
Brad said on 11/May/07
Glenn on April 30, 2006: "Cleary the man is 5' 9"". I agree. So does his mug shot, license, his own word. Check out "White Men Can't Jump". He's on a par with 5' 9" Snipes. If he stands straight he'd be 5' 11" with Glenn.
glenn said on 11/May/07
i wasnt refering to you sf.people can disagree all they again,you leave out another crucial point.disagree with me is fine.dont make me out to be dillusional,pill popping and 5-7 to cater your needs.i am being ****ing attacked.what part dont you understand about that? you think my rage is out of the blue for no reason? this is what surprises me about you sometimes take the easy approach out to find an answer,whether it be my rage or stallones height.dont get upset about it,but its amazingly didnt realise i was literally getting attacked? and if you didnt know,shouldnt it be best to be silent and not get involved with your 2 cents ala joe on the sly page who almost made me leave? im not being hostile here to you sf.joe did the same thing.except he pegged me at are 5-6.5 and be proud of it.dont say your 5-6.just my personal opinion outside this discussion we are having.
sf said on 11/May/07
No, Glenn, I didn't forget that. Have YOU forgotten I've backed you up regarding your Stallone sightings after personally speaking with you? I realized how much you truly believe in what you see, still doesn't mean I have to agree with it. But...

Don't take everything so personally. Because we don't all agree with you, or feel that your height sightings are the end-all, be-all, doesn't mean we are attacking you. Many others present a lot of evidence to the contrary. Seriously - stop taking everything as a personal attack if everyone doesn't agree with you.

And, I am PROUD to be member of the Peanut Gallery.
Drew said on 11/May/07
The guy is 5'11". I saw him on Will and Grace and he looks as tall as Sean Hayes and he was BAREFOOT in one episode. Glenn is right.
glenn said on 11/May/07
exactly anthony.its as plain as day.
glenn said on 11/May/07
its a ****ty photo sf.he has a habit of not looking in.i need to get another.your right on what you applies to all photos though sf.and you forgot one huge important personal accounts and gauging along with the backup of my peers and friends.along with paparrazi, hotel doorman and security at events all agreeing with me on my gauing.sorry,nothing against you sf,but that overpowers comments from the peanut my peers say,you clowns never meet these celebs,so you dont know.
sf said on 10/May/07
Brad, as many others have, makes good points. We can't just go by one picture standing next to Glenn to judge ANYBODY'S height. Brad tells us to look at other pictures of Woody or Matt Damon, etc, next to OTHER stars where Woody is clearly shorter. Look at all the evidence before you decide Woody is 5'11". If someone is sometimes taller, sometimes shorter, clearly shorter than celebs who this very site claim are only 5'10" or 5'11", then something must be up - like Woody's height with lifts.

Glenn - I'm not attacking you, just trying to bring up some logic to judge these peoples' heights. BTW- I'm glad you finally got Woody...mmmmm...that doesn't sound so good...
Anthony said on 10/May/07
Woody never looked less than 5'10 to me. Not sure if he's a legit 5'11, but 5'10 minimum for sure. And Glenn, **** em. I think a lot of it has to with jealousy and ego. Their belief is challenged and is potentially disproven and they can't accept it, so they attack their challenger with every last straw they can grasp at. Best let them give dig their own graves rather than give them what they want.
dmeyer said on 10/May/07
look a good 5'10 in that pic
Viper said on 10/May/07
Supposedly there is a picture of Woody and Owen Wilson. Who was taller?
Brad said on 10/May/07
Go to the April 5th MD photo post of Luke Wilson & Woody. Luke is 5' 11". Add. Woody wears the big ones at certain events....and some others, he's like his driver's license and mug shot state: 5' 9", like with Wilson in Vegas.
Chris said on 10/May/07
Yes, Glenn you are the man:)
leonari said on 10/May/07
OutBenchThis said on 10/May/07
Top stuff Glenn! Stick around mate!

PS - Woody looks more like 5'11.5" as he appears to be leaning
glenn said on 10/May/07
irshgrl- thanks so much for your kind words.i feel like a jerk now for doing that to my supporters.i meant it at the time.i meant it for 24 hours.rob calmed me down in a subtle but ingenious method.probably didnt know he was doing it.leaving would be selfish and i apoligize temper got the best of me.but alot of you would probably snap least at the moment.some hate me here.but much more love me.and you guys are family and i love you too pete.
Pete said on 10/May/07
To 'Irshgrl500'

How do you know Glenn'll leave this site.

I can't see anything about Glenn'll leave, but why everyone know ? or this site have any advertisement ? why I'm not see it ?

If Glenn'll leave.

I can't believe it , I don't want him to leave. Why do you leave?
Irshgrl500 said on 9/May/07
Glenn, there are so many people here on this site that LOVE your work. if you are seriously going to leave, I swear, I'll get a "We LOVE Glenn" Petition going and I will collect scores of signatures! About a week ago, I had "had it" with some bigmouth on one of the message boards I belong to and was rightfully angry. The board's administrator was behind me all the way but he chose not to ban the bigmouth from the board. (I didn't dare ask him to, either). I in turn, left the board because I couldn't stand reading one person's idiotic posts. I now regret leaving and wish I had stayed and simply chosen to block the bigmouth's posts. I realize Glenn, that you are contending with more than one annoying person but can't you stay for the rest of us, who enjoy all your great work? Can't you choose to simply not post (or reply) the replies by those few who can't appreciate your work?
Hang in there!
Irshgrl500 said on 9/May/07
Hey Glenn, Please DON'T BAIL! OMG - You're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cool! Part of the reason I LOVE this site is because of you. DON'T LEAVE!
Viper said on 9/May/07
You bring Woody closer to the camera and standing straight hes 5-11, easily. Maybe even over 5-11. But, the picture of Woody with 5-11.5 Luke Wilson is hard to ignore. Good chance Woody is wearing lifts there with Glenn.
Brad said on 9/May/07
He's got Glenn beat by 3" if he stands straight.Wears big time lifts. Look at the photo of Luke 5' 11" Wilson destroying him in the height dept. in Vegas. Depends on his customs. At an event like that, he'd be in the big ones.
Viper said on 9/May/07
"got arrested about 3 times at the ages 16-17. The first time at 16 (being 6'1.5") they commented to me at the police station "you're a tall one, what are you 6'3"?""

Same here. I got arrested once at 6-1 and the cops thought I was 6-2-6-3. Im not a criminal, it was a misunderstanding, I swear!
The Horse of FUNK said on 9/May/07
He might be 5'11", the angle throws you off a bit in Glenn's pic. But, if he's 5'11", then why doesn't he look it next to Snipes? I agree though he generally seems 5'11" or close to it in everything else. Take Natural Born Killers, for example.
glenn said on 9/May/07
frank-its not what you believe,its what you acheived nothing on this site but hot like that should come from someone who is qualified to.everyone can sit in the peanut gallery and throw things.your vote isnt valid.its only valid from someone who has acheived something.then you can say,from his or my experience,thats not the truth.
msn87 said on 9/May/07
lol... many people i have met have said/asked me things/questions like that too. I remember once, i was talking with a 5'11 guy on a hospital and he was asking "how tall are you?, aren't you 1'90 or something(higher)". and i'm only 6'1.5(1'87).

last time my grandmother came by, she said "oh man, he's definetly not getting smaller!" and i said i was the given height. she replied "no he's/you're definetly these 1'90 meters".

I don't know...must be the shoe-factor, although i did not wear shoes(ADIDAS superstar)at the time. height is a weird thing XD...
The Horse of FUNK said on 9/May/07
I say 5'10.5". Perhaps 5'11" is too much, but 5'10" is too low.
Frank said on 9/May/07
I believe Woody is 5ft 10 but i believe ....... (sorry Glenn)
l0ck n l0ad said on 9/May/07
I got arrested about 3 times at the ages 16-17. The first time at 16 (being 6'1.5") they commented to me at the police station "you're a tall one, what are you 6'3"?", I don't recall my height was next to the chart, didn't even notice. Second time I got arrested (still 6.1'5") at 17, I stood next to the height chart, they took a photo and the cop wrote for me 195cm (almost 6'5", with shoes!!!) for my height, they must have had a messed up height chart. The 3rd time at 17, I remember seeing the picture and I was about 191cm there (with shoes), that must have been quite right I thought. But I guess you can't always trust police height charts.

Woody's looking around 5'10" in the photo...
Viper said on 9/May/07
Im surprised people are saying they cant see Woody at 5-11, even Rob himself? He always looks that to me in movies at the bare minimum, and he sure looks it in Glenn's pic. Though the photo with 5-11.5 Luke Wilson gives strong evidence the other way that hes shorter.

Editor Rob
well, in glenn's pic if he had same posture 5ft 10, up to 5ft 11 if he is losing an inch in his stance, although I just superskimmed this thread and noticed in press junket r said he was given 5ft 10...I won't mention f2 though
Viper said on 9/May/07
Woody is looking 5-11 in this pic to me. Hes slouching and glenn is closer to the camera.
msn87 said on 9/May/07
and btw Woody looks 5'10 on the spot.
TheJerk said on 9/May/07
I also dont think hes a full 5-10. He can look 5-10 as a max. height.
Chris said on 9/May/07
DonĀ“t bail the site Glenn, I among many others appreciate your work here.
the shredder said on 9/May/07
looks 5'10 to me with Glenn ! ... Rob is right , he does not look 5'9 or 5'11 ! ... Id say 5'10 unless he pulls out the lifts !!
sf said on 8/May/07
Yes, I'm a little confused why he's getting 5'10". Rob - which do you believe - a mug shot hopefully taken of someone in their socks, or pictures with Glenn or ANYBODY for that matter when Harrelson could EVERY time be wearing lifts? Even Harrelson has said 5'9"....I don't get it....
Brad said on 8/May/07
5' 11" means he wears lifts 24/7 and 365. He's 5' 9". He's 2-3 inches shorter than 5' 11" Wilson. 3" taller than Glenn would make Glenn 5-6 inches shorter than Luke Wilson who is 5' 11". His mug shot is 5' 9".
glenn said on 8/May/07
he is 5-10 to 5-11.he is 3 inches taller than me in the least.i saw him in sneakers look that height alot in the early 90s.i doubt lifts are the answer to everything.sure,he might not be 5-11.but he isnt 5-9.rob,wasnt brad not to discuss my height in any shape or form? thanks to brad and joe,im serious this time about bailing the site.
Brad said on 8/May/07
MD plants the knock out photo. Woody being owned by Luke by 2"-3". Anybody who thinks Woody is over 5' 9" is seriously mistaken. Glenn on July 23: "Wheres (sic) lifts". He wears them for a reason. He's 5' 9".

Editor Rob
I just seen glenn's pic with woody, the only way to argue 5ft 9 would be to be 100% certain he is a permanent lift every single event out there...
MD said on 5/Apr/07
Oops, forgot this one:

Click Here
MD said on 5/Apr/07
Woody and Luke:

Click Here
Viper said on 4/Apr/07
Its amazing that Woody might only be 5-9. He's one tall looking 5-9 guy.
Brad said on 3/Apr/07
Luke Wilson (5' 11.5") is 2-3 inches taller than him in a photo taken together in Vegas a few days ago.
glenn said on 22/Mar/07
thank you viper.
MD said on 21/Mar/07
With 5'10" Greg Germann:

Click Here
Viper said on 21/Mar/07
I agree that his license saying 5-9 is not 100 percent proof he really is 5-9.
glenn said on 21/Mar/07
me too.he gives such a large the hell his license can say 5-9 is beyond me.he is stating an old height is my guess and just doesnt care or know.5-10 minimum for him.5-11 max.though i think its closer to 5-10.
Viper said on 21/Mar/07
I thought Woody was 6-2 way back in the day on Cheers.
glenn said on 20/Mar/07
jon could you post this on the stallone page.nobody believes me that i saw woody at 5-10,5-11 years ago.
jon said on 19/Mar/07
WOW! I saw him in The Big White next to Robbin Williams, who is 5'7" or 8", and I thought this guy must have been somewhere around 6'4". Same in Anger Management. I always thought this guy was HUGE.
Brad said on 16/Mar/07
Look at the mug shot posted on the Stallone board: he's listed 5' 9". Anybody know if they measure you at a booking?
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
you met him funky?. i what rob has him at.thats what i least.
Brad said on 14/Mar/07
5' 9" max.
funkysmell said on 27/Feb/07
No way us he 5'10". Look at the pic with him and Bono. Same height.
My guess 5'9"
Glenn said on 12/Jan/07
Thank you are correct.
P. Smith said on 11/Jan/07
Reguarding his license: My dad's license says 5-8, and he has been measured at 5-10. Why he said 5-8 I don't know. So you can't always rely on a drivers license.

Woody always looked 5-11 to me, but i've never met him. I do recall an episode of Cheers where he was describing himself to someone on the phone, and he said "i'm about six feet."
Glenn said on 10/Dec/06
Frank2 left the site long ago.Ed could you post what you said about Owen on the Stallone page please.some there dont believe me he is 5-11.yes,Ed,it a habit I formed long ago standing straight with celebs.
dmeyer said on 1/Nov/06
he did look close to mccormak and hayes in his barefeet i dont think he is less than 5'10 possibly a hair more
Glenn said on 31/Jul/06
It was bizzare.unless it was a stunt double,which I doubt 99%,cause he had a wall of security with him.
Viper652 said on 30/Jul/06
I know, its hard to beleive that he appeared as tall as 6-0. Must have been wearing some massive lifts with boots or something.
glenn said on 30/Jul/06
I didnt say he was 6ft,I said he looked it.I have witnesses.they were baffaled too.saw him a year ago.5-9.that time in 1996 obviosly he had lifts.combat boot near up his knee.easy to conceal bigger lifts.
Viper652 said on 29/Jul/06
That is hard to beleive Glenn, but Ill take your word for it.
Glenn said on 28/Jul/06
I saw Snipes look 6ft one time on a movie set.
Danimal said on 28/Jul/06
Thing is, Snipes is 5'8", not 5'9". Why would they list him at 5'8" in Blade Trinity, he was taller? That's damaging to the actor's credibility.
thelasttiger said on 28/Jul/06
No I don't think Harrelson is 5'9" he was about an inch taller than snipes who was
5'9". They both looked short compared to all the basketball players in White Men Can't Jump.
Glenn said on 23/Jul/06
Small possibility he is 5-9 and wheres lifts.lets not forget,he looks no more than 5-10 next to 5-9ers Antonio Banderas and Wesley Snipes.
Danimal said on 22/Jul/06
A good person to we can use as a measuring stick is Kelsey Grammer, who was 6'1"-6'2" in his Cheers days and I don't think he had 4-5" on Woody back then.
Glenn said on 22/Jul/06
Theres a mug shot at 5-9.I hear reports of 5-8,5-9,but he always looked 5-11 to me when I saw him.he towered over Rodney Dangerfield(5-8 to 5-10) in that Born Killers.however Dangerfield was in socks,slippers or barefoot.Woody was in boots.
Danimal said on 21/Jul/06
On a Cheers episode, he stated that he around (or about) 6'0". He never did appear short next to Ted Danson come to think of it. He could have grown since he was 16 years old. I know I did.
Lmeister said on 20/Jul/06
Woody with Bono:
Click Here
Lmeister said on 20/Jul/06
I know that the angle sucks in the pic that I sent, but still there is no way that Woody would be more than 5'9''. Time to downgrade this guy.

Editor Rob
just give him the height he's always had on his license...possibly, he could wear enhanced cowboy boots. I haven't really bothered with this guy since last year
Glenn said on 1/May/06
Now Woody on the other hand I suspect is truly 5-9 and has houdini in his shoes.
Glenn said on 1/May/06
Your right about that Frank.I have 4 friends like that.2 skinny,2 stocky.both looking 5-9.streched out to my dumbfoundness,they were 5-11.Spacey told me he was something like 5-10,and to amazement,when he streched out,he was.maybe there was lifts involved?
Frank2 said on 1/May/06
I once had a friend who never looked more than 5'9". Then one day after many years he suddenly stood as erect as he could and was my height! I didn't say anything to let him know I was surprised. Then after that he always appeared to be 5'9". He wasn't wearing lifts that day. Now I was just standing there not trying to elevate myself so had I stood up straight as possible I'd have most likely ended up being once again taller by two inches which was the usual case. My wife tells me I have terrible posture, that if I stood up straight I'd easilly be a six footer. But that's cheating. A person's height is accurate only when the measurement is taken when the person is not straining to gain height, but relexed yet standing as straight as possible. I think many folks get measured wrong because they strain to add as much as possible.
Glenn said on 30/Apr/06
I believe you Frank.but obviously Im not the only one who thinks his height varies.
Frank2 said on 30/Apr/06
I've never seen Harrelson look any taller than 5'9". And I've seen him plenty of times at awards, premiers, on the lot, etc.
Glenn said on 30/Apr/06
here we go again.Im not under 5-7.Im 5-8.I know that wasnt directed at me,but Im making a point on his tallness,and I have seen Woody look 5-11 plenty of times.clearly,the man is 5-9,wearing lifts.believe me I was mystified when I saw him looking that tall.he is in the SLY GUY club.and Rob always gives a fair guess.never shaving off too much.always in the middle,which is usually right.
Frank2 said on 29/Apr/06
He can look 5'11" when everyone around him is under 5'7".
frank p said on 28/Apr/06
I agree depending on the role he can look 5"11, but Woody? I'll go with 5"9 for the ceiling. On Cheers he was shorter than just about every guy on the show. Danson's tall, but I don't think they were ALL over 6 feet tall.
Glenn said on 6/Mar/06
Can Look 5-11.
Frank2 said on 5/Mar/06
He's five nine max.
Lsprech said on 4/Mar/06
I met him in person as well, I am 5'9" and Woody was atleast 2 inches shorter than me, for certain. He taught a yoga class at the University of Pittsburgh while filming kingpin, so when I met him he was in his socks
carp said on 14/Nov/05
I've met him and he's maybe 5'9", possibly shorter.
mcfan said on 17/Sep/05
I think he's every bit his 5'10 claim...with sneakers on.
Iron Ranger said on 14/May/05
I think that I did see him or at least it looked like him and the more I see of him the more I am sure it was him and I belive he is 5'10"
Bill said on 5/May/05
camers, shoes, holes, boxes and CGI all make it impossible to judge his(or anyone elses) height from films in this case his driving licence says 5-9 but people arn't measured for it, its up to them to tell the truth.
Lmeister said on 16/Mar/05
Mr.R U are right about the heights U listed below, Now we can start questionizing the height of Wesley Snipes. He does appear taller than Woody in White men can't jump, except few scenes where he really looks shorter ain't that weird or did Wesley wear lifts. I'd bet my money on the fact that he is from 5'7.5'' to 5'9'' not taller.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.