
Avg M: 5ft 10.6in (179.4cm), F: 5ft 5.9in (167.3cm)
Height of DB Woodside
Jeff Malone
DB Woodside
6ft 2 (188 cm)
Avg Guess (27 Votes)
6ft 2.27in
Height of Gabriel Macht
Harvey Specter
Gabriel Macht
6ft ¼ in (184 cm)
Avg Guess (73 Votes)
6ft 0.43in
Height of Neal McDonough
Sean Cahill
Neal McDonough
5ft 11 ¾ (182 cm)
Avg Guess (68 Votes)
5ft 11.55in
Height of Patrick J. Adams
Mike Ross
Patrick J. Adams
5ft 11 ½ (182 cm)
Avg Guess (64 Votes)
5ft 11.64in
Height of Gina Torres
Jessica Pearson
Gina Torres
5ft 10 ¼ (178 cm)
Avg Guess (27 Votes)
5ft 10.18in
Height of Dule Hill
Alex Williams
Dule Hill
5ft 10 (178 cm)
Avg Guess (12 Votes)
5ft 9.46in
Height of Eric Roberts
Charles Forstman
Eric Roberts
5ft 9 ½ (177 cm)
Avg Guess (44 Votes)
Pk: 5ft 9.51in, Cr: 5ft 8.68in
Height of Sarah Rafferty
Donna Paulsen
Sarah Rafferty
5ft 8 ¾ (175 cm)
Avg Guess (31 Votes)
5ft 8.91in
Height of Katherine Heigl
Samantha Wheeler
Katherine Heigl
5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)
Avg Guess (48 Votes)
5ft 8.68in
Height of Wendell Pierce
Robert Zane
Wendell Pierce
5ft 8 ¼ (173 cm)
Avg Guess (12 Votes)
5ft 8.42in
Height of Rick Hoffman
Louis Litt
Rick Hoffman
5ft 7 ¾ (172 cm)
Avg Guess (24 Votes)
5ft 7.5in
Height of Carly Pope
Tara Messer
Carly Pope
5ft 5 ½ (166 cm)
Avg Guess (5 Votes)
5ft 5.55in
Height of Christina Cole
Dr. Paula Agard
Christina Cole
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (8 Votes)
5ft 4.09in
Height of Meghan Markle
Rachel Zane
Meghan Markle
5ft 5 (165 cm)
Avg Guess (125 Votes)
5ft 4.3in
Height of Amanda Schull
Katrina Bennett
Amanda Schull
5ft 4 ¾ (164 cm)
Avg Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 4.36in
Height of Abigail Spencer
Dana "Scottie" Scott
Abigail Spencer
5ft 4 ½ (164 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
5ft 4.03in
Height of Rachael Harris
Sheila Sazs
Rachael Harris
5ft ½ in (154 cm)
Avg Guess (8 Votes)
5ft 0.31in

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.