Shortest Men

Average: 4ft 2.7in (128.9cm)
Height of Nhut Le
Nhut Le
5ft 0 (152 cm)
Avg Guess (14 Votes)
5ft 0.09in
Height of Matthew Moy
Matthew Moy
5ft 0 (152 cm)
Avg Guess (17 Votes)
4ft 11.47in
Height of Shaobo Qin
Shaobo Qin
5ft 0 (152 cm)
Avg Guess (16 Votes)
5ft 0.09in
Height of Ronnie Corbett
Ronnie Corbett
4ft 11 ½ (151 cm)
Avg Guess (27 Votes)
4ft 11.72in
Height of Moisés Arias
Moisés Arias
4ft 11 (150 cm)
Avg Guess (49 Votes)
4ft 11in
Height of Aron Eisenberg
Aron Eisenberg
4ft 11 (150 cm)
Avg Guess (21 Votes)
4ft 10.92in
Height of Leslie Jordan
Leslie Jordan
4ft 11 (150 cm)
Avg Guess (19 Votes)
4ft 10.88in
Height of Robert Reich
Robert Reich
4ft 10 ½ (149 cm)
Avg Guess (14 Votes)
4ft 10.66in
Height of Danny DeVito
Danny DeVito
4ft 10 (147 cm)
Avg Guess (71 Votes)
Pk: 4ft 10.16in, Cr: 4ft 8.87in
Height of Gary Coleman
Gary Coleman
4ft 7 (140 cm)
Avg Guess (8 Votes)
4ft 7.31in
Height of Atticus Shaffer
Atticus Shaffer
4ft 7 (140 cm)
Avg Guess (30 Votes)
4ft 7.37in
Height of Rick Howland
Rick Howland
4ft 6 (137 cm)
Avg Guess (17 Votes)
4ft 6.1in
Height of Peter Dinklage
Peter Dinklage
4ft 4 (132 cm)
Avg Guess (110 Votes)
4ft 4.2in
Avg Guess (51 Votes)
4ft 3.52in
Height of Deep Roy
Deep Roy
4ft 4 (132 cm)
Avg Guess (18 Votes)
4ft 3.76in
Height of Jason Acuña
Jason Acuña
4ft 3 ½ (131 cm)
Avg Guess (11 Votes)
4ft 3.66in
Height of  Beetlejuice
4ft 3 (130 cm)
Avg Guess (26 Votes)
4ft 3.26in
Height of Rusty Goffe
Rusty Goffe
4ft 2 (127 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
4ft 1.73in
Height of Sam Humphrey
Sam Humphrey
4ft 2 (127 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
4ft 1.75in
Height of Matthew Jeffers
Matthew Jeffers
4ft 2 (127 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
4ft 1.83in
Height of Kiran Shah
Kiran Shah
4ft 1 ½ (126 cm)
Avg Guess (12 Votes)
4ft 1.85in
Height of Leigh Gill
Leigh Gill
4ft 0 (122 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
4ft 0in
Height of Martin Klebba
Martin Klebba
4ft 0 (122 cm)
Avg Guess (26 Votes)
3ft 11.56in
Height of David Rappaport
David Rappaport
3ft 11 (119 cm)
Avg Guess (6 Votes)
3ft 10.96in
Height of Danny Woodburn
Danny Woodburn
3ft 11 (119 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
3ft 11.19in
Height of Herve Villechaize
Herve Villechaize
3ft 10 (117 cm)
Avg Guess (11 Votes)
3ft 9.68in
Height of Billy Barty
Billy Barty
3ft 9 (114 cm)
Avg Guess (4 Votes)
3ft 9.5in
Height of Kenny Baker
Kenny Baker
3ft 8 (112 cm)
Avg Guess (19 Votes)
3ft 8.45in
Height of Jimmy Vee
Jimmy Vee
3ft 8 (112 cm)
Avg Guess (3 Votes)
3ft 8in
Height of Michael J Anderson
Michael J Anderson
3ft 7 (109 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
3ft 7.53in
Height of Tony Cox
Tony Cox
3ft 6 (107 cm)
Avg Guess (9 Votes)
3ft 6.08in
Height of Warwick Davis
Warwick Davis
3ft 6 (107 cm)
Avg Guess (46 Votes)
3ft 5.67in
Height of Phil Fondacaro
Phil Fondacaro
3ft 6 (107 cm)
Avg Guess (10 Votes)
3ft 6.33in
Height of Verne Troyer
Verne Troyer
2ft 8 (81 cm)
Avg Guess (25 Votes)
2ft 7.91in

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.