samson said on 13/Apr/18
That pic with kane and nash, seems to be 1'5 inches not 2 inches. So makes nash 6'9, kane 6'7'5
Slim said on 13/Apr/18
Who cares what the currents heights are??? Many factors have reduced their height. Why did kane always look taller than Nash did with the big show?
Slim said on 13/Apr/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft you really try to bury kane don’t you? How about you push Nash and Terry BACK. Your edit brings them both closer to the “camera”. WHY would they bill a 6’3 man (Titus) as 7ft? He’s taller than 6’3. Goldust was billed 6’6”. So 2” shy of that is typical.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Apr/18
Slim said on 11/Apr/18
Lol Titus at 6’3? He was once billed at 7ft. Goldust is 6,4” and thats been proven time after time.
??? Fail to see logic sense there...
Goldust was 6´4" peak but lost noticable height and "thats been proven time after time."
viper said on 13/Apr/18
Titus was listed at 6-3 in college. He's not taller than that. He may be as low as 6-2.5 since 6-3 Vernon Davis edges him out in a couple of pics
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Apr/18
MIR said on 9/Apr/18
This photo was posted before but ill upload it now.
Click Here Kane and Nash at the same event with Terry Runnels in the same footwear, definitely not 2 inches of difference between them.
Always tricky to compare pics with different cameraangles
Click Here
Omid said on 12/Apr/18
Why stop there dude?
Cena 5’10.5
Orton 6’2.75
Jericho 5’7
Khali 6’10
Totally reasonable....right?
Slim said on 11/Apr/18
Lol Titus at 6’3? He was once billed at 7ft. Goldust is 6,4” and thats been proven time after time.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Apr/18
Click Here
Rob, you´ve met Ted. Big Show is clearly under 6´10" and he has better posture than Ted.
To me it looks like
Big Show 6´9"-6´9.5
Kane ... 6´6.5"-6´7"
Titus... 6´3"-6´3.5"
Goldust. 6´2"-6´2.5"
Cass is to close to the camera but it´s still clear, he would´ve about an inch on Kane so 6´7.5-6´8"
MIR said on 9/Apr/18
Kane is against standing behind in that video with Big Show. There's a photo from that event where Kane is much closer to Big Shows height
This photo was posted before but ill upload it now.
Click Here Kane and Nash at the same event with Terry Runnels in the same footwear, definitely not 2 inches of difference between them.
miko said on 9/Apr/18
In past pics, in and out of the ring Show is about 2.5' taller than Cass.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Apr/18
Click Here
Both in equal footwear ~3.5-4" between Big Show and Kane
Click Here
Nash has 1" less footwear than Big Show, so the gap goes from 2.5" to 1.5" barefoot.
Studd was 0.5-0.75" taller than peak Hogan so peak 6´7.5" is out of question.
Click Here
caden said on 6/Apr/18 King of the Ring 99, there's EXACTLY 2 inches between Show and Kane in the face off.
Only in the closeup with Big Shows neck slouching to Kane.
Click Here
Big Show at this point wasn´t allowed as WCW guy to wear his big boots against Vinces Creation Kane
Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 9/Apr/18
Yet youre still failing to see how much further forward in the pic Cass is than Show and kane! Someone pull cass back in the pic or pull kane and show forward a bit?!
MIR said on 9/Apr/18
Cass is standing closer to the camera so it's hard to compare him to Show/Kane but the positive there is Kane looks close to 4 inches taller than Titus who i believe is in the 6'3.5-6'4 range which would have Kane still around 6'7
Click Here
Here's Titus with 6'2
Mark Henry Click Here
6'2 Flo Rida
Click Here
6'4 measured Jameis Winston
Click Here
and with Chris Jericho
Click Here .
bam said on 8/Apr/18
big cass looks taller than the big show in that pic but its just camera angles i would take them pics lightly
A Man said on 8/Apr/18
Cass looks like he would come out the same height as Show there. Yet more proof of Show struggling for height out of his ring boots.
Suprised how much taller Cass looks than Kane as well. Can see 2+ inches there.
Hog said on 8/Apr/18
You can't really go off that picture, Cass is noticeably taller than even the Big show because of the fact he's standing a lot closer to the camera than everybody else there
Philip McMullin said on 8/Apr/18
@DFens again kane is behind everyone possibly losing 2 to 3 inches. Can someone re-upload these with kane standing DIRECTLY side by side with cass and show!? I wouldn't use these pics to determine who's taller than who
DFens said on 8/Apr/18
Some interesting pics with Kane, Big Show and Big Cass.
Kane 2,00cm
Show 2,06cm
Cass 2,03cm
Click Here
Click Here
caden said on 6/Apr/18
Re: Heightcrazy, can you go back somewhere and pull up a picture of Show and Nash, and then Show and Kane. Kane was always close to Show's height in face offs than Nash was. While I do agree with you on everyone else's height you posted on your list, I think Big John Studd was 6'7.5 and Kane was definitely 6'8/6'8.25. There's now way at his peak he can be anything under that. If Taker was 6'7.5, Kane HAD to be 6'8. With his 2.25 inch boots, he would have been 6'10.25 roughly, Big Show in his boots was 7'0.5, at King of the Ring 99, there's EXACTLY 2 inches between Show and Kane in the face off.
Slim said on 6/Apr/18
Remember when kane had his half mask? He wore flats. Prove me wrong. Even shortly after he unmasked, he still had flats. I’ve seen the face to face vid with kane. He still had flats.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Apr/18
Caden said on 4/Apr/18
Re: Heightcrazy, don’t forget in the Big Daddy V days, Viscera wore HUGE boots..
Philip McMullin said on 3/Apr/18
@HeightcrazyRed6ft youre so far wrong its untrue! you have no idea btw what was in big daddy v's footwear, kane is NOT THAT much shorter than nash!!! youre blind if you think youre right!
Slim said on 2/Apr/18
That photo with kane face to face with big daddy v is kane in his flats. I’ve seen the video.
Don´t know what the Kane fanboys around here are smoking... Definitly the WRONG stuff
Kanes boots ar still about 0.5" thicker than BDV´s big boots, barefoot Nash could even have 2.5" on Kane regarding Nashs flat soles.
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Apr/18
Caden said on 4/Apr/18
Re: Heightcrazy, don’t forget in the Big Daddy V days, Viscera wore HUGE boots.. almost if not the same as Kane in ‘97. There wasn’t much difference between Nash and Kane at their peaks. Nash was 6’9, and Kane was 6’8.25 at his peak.
Don´t forgett Mabel had also big soles, clearly bigger than Nashs sole...
Rob has them at a 2" gap, it could´ve been a bit more barefoot.
Kane was never ever within an inch of Nashs height. Nash in flat standard boots had about 2" on Taker, Kane in his biggest 2.25" munsterboots had 1.25" on Taker.
peak evening heights
Big Show 6´10.75"
Nash 6´9"
Kane and Taker 6´7"
Sycho Sid 6´6.75"
Hogan 6´5.5"
Studd 6´6.25"
Andre 6´10.75"
Great Khali 7ft
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Apr/18
Slim said on 2/Apr/18
That photo with kane face to face with big daddy v is kane in his flats. I’ve seen the video.
WRONG, Kane has same heelheight as BDV, only one wearing "flats" is Nash
MIR said on 4/Apr/18
Al Snow was barely shorter than a prime Mick Foley
Click Here and Kane most of the time looked 8 inches taller than Al, so 6'7 prime is too short Kane IMO
Click Here Click Here
Caden said on 4/Apr/18
Re: Heightcrazy, don’t forget in the Big Daddy V days, Viscera wore HUGE boots.. almost if not the same as Kane in ‘97. There wasn’t much difference between Nash and Kane at their peaks. Nash was 6’9, and Kane was 6’8.25 at his peak.
Philip McMullin said on 3/Apr/18
@HeightcrazyRed6ft youre so far wrong its untrue! you have no idea btw what was in big daddy v's footwear, kane is NOT THAT much shorter than nash!!! youre blind if you think youre right!
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 3/Apr/18
Nash 6ft9 taker was 1.5inches shorter 6ft7 1/2 kane 2inches 6ft7 barefoot.
Slim said on 2/Apr/18
That photo with kane face to face with big daddy v is kane in his flats. I’ve seen the video.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Apr/18
Click Here
Nash, was 6´9" - Kane is easy 2" shorter and had more footwear.
Kane was 6´7"peak, 6´8" in normal footwear and 6´9" in his munsters. Give or take 0.25"
MIR said on 1/Apr/18
A rare picture i found from 20+ years ago where Kane looks to be 8 inches taller than 6'0 Al Snow in regular clothes outside the ring.
Click Here i think he definitely measured at 6'8 at his tallest
bam said on 31/Mar/18
Babatunde Aiyegbusi is billed at 6ft10 while kane is billed at 7ft in the wwe, but i think they are both 6ft9 as kane inches out strowman
Slim said on 30/Mar/18
@Martin6’2” only .5” taller peak? Lol I lose more than that by the end of the day and I’m 25. My father was 6’2 barefoot and now at 42 he’s a little taller that 6’. Kane has taken much abuse over the years. Take away height from knees and back, it’s more than .5”. He’s probably 2” shorter than his prime.
Philip McMullin said on 30/Mar/18
@Danimal kane in no way shape of form is under 6'7 today, he was 6ft8.5 to 9 peak! No questions asked!
Martin 6'2" said on 30/Mar/18
Personally, after studying numerous photos myself, I would say that Kane in normal footwear today, is about 6'6" and his peak would've been about 6'6.5" as he's not in his 80s or 90s, so he wouldn't have shrunk a hell of a lot.
I feel in his boots he had on at WM14, he probably stood about 6'8"-6'8.5"
Danimal said on 29/Mar/18
Murtuza said on 25/Mar/18
Kane in his peak (1997-2004) was about 6'9-6'10 but now (March 2018) I would say he's 6'7.75 and Undertaker is 6'6.5
No. At his peak he was 6'7". Now he's under that.
Lyle1 said on 29/Mar/18
@Slim, I believe he was 6'8 barefoot in his peak , 6'9 in shoes hence why he stated that, and 6'9.5-6'10 in prime gear, I believe now he's no less than 6'7
Slim said on 28/Mar/18
Good find @Lyle1. He really looked 6’10-11 in his big boots.
Murt said on 28/Mar/18
Kane in his peak was 6'10 but nowadays he's 6'7.5
Lyle1 said on 27/Mar/18
If you listen to the jericho podcast with Kane, at around 1 hour 10 minutes, he states 'I'm legitimately 6"8 6"9 with hair half way down my back'. They were talking about if fans ever recognised him without his mask back in the day.
Murtuza said on 25/Mar/18
Kane in his peak (1997-2004) was about 6'9-6'10 but now (March 2018) I would say he's 6'7.75 and Undertaker is 6'6.5
Philip McMullin said on 23/Mar/18
@Vegas hes done nothing though, he'll be released soon. I mean as part of the active roster.
Vegas said on 22/Mar/18
Babatunde Aiyegbusi is tallest person currently under contract to wwe.
Philip McMullin said on 22/Mar/18
@Jay kane still claims 6ft8. Kane isn't the type of person to lie about himself. He's too much of a classy guy to boost his own ego. I think Kane and Cass are JOIN the second tallest in WWE even today! I mean if Big show has no interest in signing another WWE contract, then Kane and Cass are joint THE TALLEST in WWE.
Jay said on 21/Mar/18
@Crane That’s too low for Kane. He’s taller than Strowman.
Crane said on 21/Mar/18
Prime Kane: 6'7, could be 6'7.25 on a good day.
Today Kane: 6'6
MIR said on 21/Mar/18
Kane looks 7 to 7.5 inches taller than Steve Austin here and i think he's in very flat footwear?
Click Here Click Here
Slim said on 18/Mar/18
Lol no? Taker still doesn’t look taller. Idk where you see that.
NM89 said on 17/Mar/18
Jacobs is taller than Taker in that photo.
Kane 6'7. Taker 6'6.5 is perfect listings for current height. I think both were 6'8 when young, with Kane edging him out slightly
Old gregg said on 17/Mar/18
Niceguy82 Kane still looks taller there and he's standing like a foot behind Undertaker in that picture with much worse posture.
niceguy82 said on 16/Mar/18
"MIR said on 12/Mar/18
I found 2 unposted pictures of Kane's recent event with Taker that show Kane is still taller. Click Here Click Here
When u look at 99% of all the pictures taken u realise that they always put Taker a few inches in front of Kane to make him look bigger but he isn't"
Nice mirror image there, i guess Glenn likes to wear his wedding ring on his right hand :D
Here is the original, and somehow taker again looks taller than in your edited picture.
Click Here
Even so, those are from poor angles. Majority of pics from that event Taker looks taller i was suprised to see that even today when he's really lost height from all the operations done to him and age.
MIR said on 14/Mar/18
Here's a comparison I found online that somebody else did of Kane and the 7'0 "Tiny Ron" which shows Kane less than 4 inches shorter. Credit to whoever made this
Click Here
Alex2 said on 13/Mar/18
Danimal said on 12/Mar/18
His peak height was 6'7" and today he's under that.
6'7" PEAK?! Really?!
Click Here
Danimal said on 12/Mar/18
His peak height was 6'7" and today he's under that.
MIR said on 12/Mar/18
I found 2 unposted pictures of Kane's recent event with Taker that show Kane is still taller.
Click Here Click Here
When u look at 99% of all the pictures taken u realise that they always put Taker a few inches in front of Kane to make him look bigger but he isn't
Height downgraders said on 10/Mar/18
Kane is clearly taller.... you guys always downgrade his height.
Alex2 said on 9/Mar/18
6’8” peak for certain, never looked more than 4” shorter than Khali.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 9/Mar/18
Peak kane 6ft8 taker peak 6ft8.25 barefoot.
Lyle2 said on 8/Mar/18
That pic Bozmoz has shared, clearly shows Glen taller, not by much, but in other pics at the same event, Taker has the footwear advantage
Omid said on 8/Mar/18
MIR in all of the pictures posted here, Taker is standing some distance in front Kane, folks can just go and take a look at Rob’s height articles and see for themselves how he demonstrates that gives a pretty significant advantage to the guy closer to the camera.
It’s fairly obvious people, at no point Taker has been taller than Kane, I don’t claim Kane’s got a full inch on him or anything like that but I’d bet if you were to go back in time and measure the two of them out of their ring gear Taker would measure anywhere from 6’7.5 to 6’7.75 and Kane would measure anywhere from 6’7.75 to 6’8.
Every single one of the people involved with them say that Glenn was a little bit bigger and taller than Mark and Jacobs has been on the record saying around 6’8 while Taker has claimed 6’9 and 6’10.
Kane’s clearly not exaggerating his height like wrestlers tend to do.
Lkk said on 7/Mar/18
Peak was definitely 6'8
Rick Roll said on 7/Mar/18
We already saw them both fully stretched on this same event, and Taker looked easily one inch taller than Kane.
Undertaker got a long Neck, so standing good he looks taller than Kane.
MIR said on 7/Mar/18
If Kane was "Standing tall" and Taker wasn't wearing a beanie and sun glasses on his head, he would of been taller
Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 6/Mar/18
Mark is not taller than glenn
Bozmoz said on 6/Mar/18
Kane looks slightly taller in this shot with Taker taken a few days ago
Click Here . Very close but
luedo78 said on 6/Mar/18
I think it is clear now.Kane in his outfit is taller than the Undertaker. But in real life Mark Calaway is taller than Glenn Jacobs.
Omid said on 5/Mar/18
Why are you talking as if Taker wrestles barefeet?
Click Here
That’s at least one inch, more like 1.25 if I had to guess so however big is Kane’s boots nowadays, say 1.5, that means a half an inch advantage for Kane.
Except guess what? Kane’s nearly an inch taller than a 2010 undertaker
Click Here
juggernaut said on 5/Mar/18
@Rick Roll Kane indeed had bigger boots compared to Taker in his entire career that is why maybe Kane always looked taller by almost an inch compared to Taker.
Lyle2 said on 4/Mar/18
Just look at the footwear, Taker clearly has the advantage, wearing basketball type trainers whilst Kane just wearing normal trainers with a worse posture than taker
Rick Roll said on 4/Mar/18
Why Are you choosing Taker and Kane pics from WWE, when obviously Kane got way bigger sole than Taker?
Outside the Ring Taker looked Taller.
Philip McMullin said on 4/Mar/18
@MIR thankyou a more accurate comparison, kane IS taller than taker by over an inch here.
Omid said on 4/Mar/18
In all of the pictures presented so far, they are either not standing next to each other or even on the same line as each other or the camera is titled and the picture isn’t taken from roughly the same distance from both of them, not even taking into account the fact that Taker is wearing a beanie going up against a very short haired Kane.
If I was to choose photos and pictures with parameters that you’ve used in choosing your pictures, instead of choosing the pictures that I had I would have chosen these:
Click Here
Click Here
You should only post face to face and side by side pictures of the two without anyone tilting one way or the other and with roughly the same distance from the camera. one party standing half a foot behind the other one doesn’t produce pictures from which you can accurately compare their heights.
MIR said on 4/Mar/18
Another picture of Kane and Taker's recent event
Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 4/Mar/18
@DFens come onnnn, you cant possibly use your second image as proof, i think we'd get a true measuring is taker took off his shaed and his stupid dennis the menace beanie hahahaha that pic of taker and masked kane awards the taller award to kane,
Rick Roll said on 4/Mar/18
Still Undertaker looks taller than Kane, so either Taker is still 6'7 or Kane is 6.6'5 only right now, because i don't see Kane taller.
MIR said on 3/Mar/18
Another recent picture of Kane and Taker that shows Kane being taller despite Takers beanie
Click Here it's interesting to see them now but
luedo78 said on 3/Mar/18
I think the last pictures says a lot. We dont the see the footwear, but Undertaker have more than 1 inch against kane.
Philip McMullin said on 3/Mar/18
@Rick Roll both were standing tilted, kane was the more relaxed of the two, takers shades were at the top of his head, and his hat didnt look fully on. like there an inch of hat material sticking up
JoeyT said on 3/Mar/18
That photo is reversed and has been tilted to favour Taker. Here is a normal version of it
Click Here. And Remember that Taker is wearing a beanie and sunglasses on his head. IMO The listings on this site are exactly right with Kane 6'7. Taker 6'6.5. In their peak they both may of been an inch taller
Omid said on 3/Mar/18
That’s a mirrored image.
ChrisNt said on 3/Mar/18
Kane’s shoulders have always appeared higher than understakers -
undertakers head is bigger
There has never been a real clear picture who is genuinely taller between the 2. One is always slouching etc.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 3/Mar/18
Taker is taller takers bio said he is 6ft8 310 pounds kanes bio said he is 6ft7 320 pounds.
Rick Roll said on 2/Mar/18
Click Here
Undertaker looks taller than Kane.
Kane isn't taller than Undertaker.
MIR said on 2/Mar/18
An edited version of that recent Taker/Kane photo that shows if Kane wasn't standing a few feet behind him
Click Here
MIR said on 2/Mar/18
That recent picture shows the guy up to the top of Takers shoulder and up to the middle of Kane's chest so I think Taker is an inch shorter now
Omid said on 2/Mar/18
Another shot:
Click Here
Just look at the shoulders, and Taker’s wearing a trench coat next to Kane’s exposed shoulders.
Find me a picture of the two with decent angle in which Taker DOESN’T look shorter than Kane.
DFens said on 1/Mar/18
The angle is poor but it seems that Kane is taller.
Click Here
Omid said on 28/Feb/18
Oh btw, 2001 onwards Kane has been wearing the same boots as Bigshow, I don’t claim to exactly know how big everybody’s boots are in the WWE but everyone from Big E to Big show has about the same boots from the looks of it.
Now Taker’s boots don’t look similar to them but given his status in the WWE and how they present him, it would be naive to think they sent him to the ring without any enhancements....obvious or not.
Omid said on 28/Feb/18
I think Enough evidence has been provided to demonstrate Kane and Taker’s heights on this page, he is taller, not by a full inch perhaps but definitely taller.
Slim said on 26/Feb/18
Niceguy82 that vid shows no staredown. Kane’s boots are basically the height of cowboy boot heels. No matter what footwear kane had on in his career, he always looked taller than taker.
niceguy82 said on 25/Feb/18
"Slim said on 24/Feb/18
And for those who say taker didn’t have lifts, well... do more research and look closer at his boots. Idk how he went from looking a good inch shorter than sid, to dead even with him or slightly taller at times. I’ve seen takers boots range from internal lifts, to curved shape up style therapeutic type lifts, all the way up to big show and Kane’s style boots."
Sure but everybody in the WWE wears lifts, except those few who wrestled barefoot, that's how it is with ring gear.
The biggest and thickest boots with obvious lifts that come to my mind belong to Jericho, Steiner (when he was big poppa pump) and Kane, and even Big show sometimes clearly had bigger boots on.
As for Sid, well he also wore different size boots time to time as well no?
Click Here
Im looking closer here too and guess who has the bigger boots here? @ 0:09 Let's say kane is 1 inch taller barefoot there...and those boots sure as hell give him 1-2 inches over takers...and im still not seeing a 3" difference there sorry.
Prime Kane and prime Taker = impossible to say who's taller.
luedo78 said on 24/Feb/18
The difference in your pick is all but not clear. I think the buttom of the heads are the same and Kane have more footwear
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 24/Feb/18
Taker 6ft8 kane 6ft8.25 barefoot.
Slim said on 24/Feb/18
And for those who say taker didn’t have lifts, well... do more research and look closer at his boots. Idk how he went from looking a good inch shorter than sid, to dead even with him or slightly taller at times. I’ve seen takers boots range from internal lifts, to curved shape up style therapeutic type lifts, all the way up to big show and Kane’s style boots.
Omid said on 24/Feb/18
Another paused video screenshot face to face comparision of Taker and Kane:
Click Here
The difference is very clear.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Feb/18
Click Here
Click Here
Both in equal big footwear, so please stop this Kane 6´8" fanboy nonsense.
Rob has BDV listed 6´6.5" and he didn´t look any taller than 6´5.5"-6´6" OMG during their match.
For the Kane-Nash comparisons... here´s Nash with less footwear facing BDV
Click Here
Nash is even taller than BDV with 2" mohawk, so the gap is ~2.5"
Agree with Rob, Nash was overall the taller guy.
Here´s Kane with ben roethlisberger who measured just under 6´5", wich normally isn´t an evening measurement.
Kane´s still closer to the cam and probably in his wrestlingboots, so he´s not taller than 6´7" there.
Click Here
Shivam said on 23/Feb/18
How tall do you think Kane was in late 1990's and 2000's . Compared to what have you assumed his peak 203 ( 6'8) he looked too tall for 6'8 so just in my opinion his peak would have been either 6'10 or 6'9.5 and his current, as you have assumed, 6'7 would be accurate
MIR said on 23/Feb/18
Kane and Goldust recently with fans. He looks a strong 6'7 if Goldust is still over 6'3. (I think Goldust is 6'3.25 now with a 6'4 Peak)
Click Here
Click Here
Omid said on 20/Feb/18
Hey man I agree that the wig gives Kane some advatage here, I also agree that he might have an extra 1/4 inch of footwear advantage here as well but look at the chin, the nose and the eye level, that’s nearly 2 inches worth of difference that we’re observing here.
In the end I really think that that a prime Taker would’ve measured around the 6’7.5 mark but a prime Kane I’d bet would measure much closer to 6’8 than would 6’7 if you ask me.
Slim said on 19/Feb/18
MIR great comparison and find. Also, I believe there never was much of a difference if hardly any between them in the past. The reason Kanes character had the “Lifts” was bc Mr McMahon wanted him to be EVEN TALLER and thought the “Munster Boots” looked better for the character. He liked the Frankenstein aspect. Read that in an article myself.
Dicko said on 18/Feb/18
Omid that’s a good picture and no doubt accurate but that’s not a peak height Undertaker and Kane is wearing a wig which gives him extra height.I would say peak Undertaker was 6.7.5 and Kane 6.75 and now Taker 6.6.5 and Kane a flat 6.7.Add an inch to both in footwear.
MIR said on 18/Feb/18
A comparison of Kane and Kevin Nash both in dress shoes at the same exact event recently with TerribRunnels.
Click Here Doesn't look to be much of a difference between them now
Conquer said on 18/Feb/18
Sorry rob but a young kane when he was the ring name of unabomb (1995) he face to face with undertaker and at that time kane and undertaker had the same height of the boot sole and kane(unanomb) was slightly taller.
Young kane was about 203 cm for me, it’s possibile ??
Click Here
abdun noor said on 17/Feb/18
Rob, how would a prime young Kane look next to Peter Crouch?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Feb/18
I can't see him as tall as Nash. Still bewilders me that WWE billed both guys at 7ft.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Feb/18
Canson said on 13/Feb/18
I highly doubt he was ever 6’8”. But someone his size could easily vary an inch in a day esp at that weight
Regarding evening height, I would rather buy 6´8.5" for peak Nash... Kane was never that tall... Taker also not
Kane & Taker peak about 6´7" and 6´8" in normal footwear, Nash was near 6´10" in normal footwear, Kane was about 6´9" in his biggest platform-boots...
Omid said on 16/Feb/18
So after pausing and adjusting different scenes for a while, I think I’ve managed to produce a very accurate still photo of Taker and Kane in front of each other:
Click Here
That’s definitely more than a mere one inch.
Just look at the jaws, the noses and the eye level.
Moheez Iqbal said on 15/Feb/18
Rob, do you think kane was the same height as Kevin Nash during their peak height?

Editor Rob
I've not seen evidence to say Kane was ever as tall as peak Nash...who seemed overall a taller guy.
abdun noor said on 15/Feb/18
Peak - 203cm
Now - 201-201.5
Canson said on 13/Feb/18
I highly doubt he was ever 6’8”. But someone his size could easily vary an inch in a day esp at that weight
MIR said on 12/Feb/18
That photo with Lee Smith is tilted towards Lee (My Iphone autocorrected it and straightened it up when i tried to crop the image down a bit) and also look at Kane's tilted head and posture compared to Lee.
Click Here
I can't see Kane under 6'7 today. If his head was straight up like Lee's, the difference would be more
Click Here
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 11/Feb/18
Peak 203.2cm today 200.7cm barefoot.
niceguy82 said on 11/Feb/18
Kane with 6'6 listed Lee Smith @ 3:38
Click Here
Definetly not 6'8 there.
Shivam said on 10/Feb/18
He must have been 6'10 when he was younger but now he's a strong 200 cm
Slim said on 8/Feb/18
Nobody can say Matt Morgan is taller than Kane, @3:51 MM and AT are the same height face to face. Kane always looked 2” taller than AT
Click Here
Omid said on 8/Feb/18
This clip is from 2007:
Click Here
niceguy82 said on 8/Feb/18
Taker has clearly lost height from his younger days.
Id say today (or even 2010) Kane is taller, how much?hard to tell.
BUT a prime taker from 90's to early 2000's is a fraction taller than kane in my book.
However impossible to say 100% so their peak listings here should be about right.
MIR said on 7/Feb/18
@Niceguy82. Kane and Taker wore the exact same footwear (Taker's boots might even be slightly bigger) in their 2010 program and Kane still edged Taker out
Click Here
Slim said on 7/Feb/18
Kane’s boots were only huge in the early days when he debuted. Pay more attention and watch more matches. Wrestlers such and Nash and JBL have entered the ring in cowboy boots and the heels on those looked bigger than kanes did. It’s bc there is no chunk missing where the foot arches. Makes his boots look bigger when in reality that’s just about 2” of help.
Omid said on 7/Feb/18
I’ve posted a picture with a decent enough angle and posture of the two of them down there, Kane is clearly taller than’s it again in case you missed it:
Click Here
This is Taker’s footwear from that time:
Click Here
This is Kane’s footwear from 2001 onwards:
Click Here
which is nearly identical to what Taker had, a little bigger on the heel and equally shorter on the welt.
Even though I think the shorter welt would’ve cancelled out the slightly taller heel, let’s give Kane an extra cm for the heck of it, ok?
Refer back to the first picture, do you honestly think Kane’s “just” one cm taller than Taker in that picture?
niceguy82 said on 7/Feb/18
Well of course taker was always in disadvantage when comparing due to footwear, but one interesting note is when he was disguised as kane and wore his attire including the same boots here:
Click Here
Look @ 3:15 how easily he steps over the top rope and looks clearly taller than usual when in that ring gear, so obviously real Kane got a big boost there as well, and he's supposed to be taller already right?
Too bad we're never going to find a picture where they both are in similar footwear, or even off the ring gear.
Omid said on 7/Feb/18
@Niceguy82 nobody is claiming he didn’t wear huge boots between 98 and 2001.
We do however like to point that while Kane’s boots were huge, it’s not like he was going up against people who wrestled barefeet.
Pictures from Kane 2001 onwards are a much better comparision for his real height and even then he has looked slightly taller than Taker on numerous occasions, I can’t say the same about Taker though, find me an image with decent camera angle and posture with those two together in which Taker looks taller......
niceguy82 said on 6/Feb/18
Another shot at both standing side by side, and a younger taker here really looking strong.
Look @ 5:30 here and look at the footwear, and tell me Kane's boots arent huge.
Click Here
Omid said on 6/Feb/18
Kane isn’t a full inch taller than Taker, he’s just not.
He is a fraction to half an inch taller though, when people are exactly the same height you can find numerous examples of one being taller than the other and vice versa, with these two, I can’t off the top of my head find any instance of Taker appearing taller, they either look the same or Kane’s slightly taller.
niceguy82 said on 6/Feb/18
Slim said on 5/Feb/18
nicegy82 dude.... those comparisons are aweful. @7:40 kane is huntching the whole time. You’re going to take that one vid you find and claim he’s shorter than taker?? Did you see Kane’s soles???? They are VERY small in that match. There has absolutely never been a time where taker was taller than Glenn whether he was in big boots or flats. Show me otherwise.
He sure as hell is not hunching @7:45 mark when they both raise their arms up in that video, that was the point there.
Very small soles?? Seems like you don't believe what you see here...Everyone whos been watching kane since the early days knows he wore big boots until 2002 after returning with half mask and clearly looking shorter that's so clear as day look at how high angle his foot is in those big boots, clear giveaway when theyre sloping like that.
Nobody but themselves know their exact height of course, but to say kane is like 2" taller barefoot is insane. They are really close and that everyone surely agrees...
Click Here
Just look at 1:53 how close they are walking down the ramp...Virtually the same don't you agree?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Feb/18
Gazz said on 5/Feb/18
We have to remember that it is documented that Taker wore lifts as well, as quoted by Bruce Prichard on his podcast
Lifts change the shape of the boot dramatically, show proof!
Slim said on 5/Feb/18
nicegy82 dude.... those comparisons are aweful. @7:40 kane is huntching the whole time. You’re going to take that one vid you find and claim he’s shorter than taker?? Did you see Kane’s soles???? They are VERY small in that match. There has absolutely never been a time where taker was taller than Glenn whether he was in big boots or flats. Show me otherwise.
Gazz said on 5/Feb/18
We have to remember that it is documented that Taker wore lifts as well, as quoted by Bruce Prichard on his podcast
Omid said on 5/Feb/18
This is 4 inches:
Click Here
Say Bigshow’s 6’10.5 in the following picture, which would be the absolute lowest possibility for him at the time.
Click Here
That’s 3.5 inches at most.
Which would be 6’7 at the lowest for Kane.
We know that 6’10.5 is low for Bigshow then, so 6’11 and lets give Bigshow and extra half as well for slightly slouching, still 6’7 at the lowest...
I don’t know Jacob’s exact height for sure but I’m pretty confident at no point in his career, even now has he been sub 6’7 at the lowest.
I bet if he was to be measured by Rob, you’d have anywhere from 6’7.75 to 6’8 as his peak and 6’7 on the mark today.
Omid said on 5/Feb/18
No monster boots, standard big man boots.
Click Here
Wanna recant that @HeighcrazyRed6ft?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Feb/18
Click Here
Kane with monsterboots full stretched 1" taller, so noway Kane was barefoot taller.
niceguy82 said on 4/Feb/18
Slim said on 2/Feb/18
Click Here Here we see kane and taker face to face in a RARE backstage segment. Kane’s a good 2” taller. Looks just like Nathan Jones did when he and taker where in the hallway talking. Kane looks slightly taller than Jones did. Like I said. Kane always stacked up taller to big show than ANYONE did.
Well how about this one? @ 7:40 mark and both raise their heads up
Click Here
Looks like the 2" difference dissappeared here same time period, kane with those thick boots on. In backstage he's just standing on one spot on who know what...easy tricks when not standing in ring.
In reality they are so close in height, at least peak height. That's why Kane needed them thicker's very clear.
Slim said on 3/Feb/18
The royal rumble vid where they are standing next to each other is LAUGHABLE. Kane has his knees bent and is slouching. Jesus he’s out of breath for heavens sake. That’s a horrible comparison.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Feb/18
MIR said on 1/Feb/18
Undertaker being taller than Kane at any point of their careers is simply laughable IMO.
This 2 pics aren´t comparable, do you really think Glenn has 3" higher waist than Taker ... noway.
Click Here 3min onwards look close, RARE case of Kane in normal ( maybe even 1.25-1.4" not max 1") size wrestlingboots next to Taker.
Click Here
Slim said on 2/Feb/18
Click Here Here we see kane and taker face to face in a RARE backstage segment. Kane’s a good 2” taller. Looks just like Nathan Jones did when he and taker where in the hallway talking. Kane looks slightly taller than Jones did. Like I said. Kane always stacked up taller to big show than ANYONE did.
Chris N1 said on 2/Feb/18
MIR said on 1/Feb/18
Undertaker being taller than Kane at any point of their careers is simply laughable IMO. Here they are in the 90's with Dutch Mantell, both in standard wrestling boots and Kane is easily taller than Taker despite his poor posture Click Here. Click Here
If you take all that gear and accessories off Glens head then there’s probably only 0.5”-1” difference. He’s still taller yep
MIR said on 1/Feb/18
Undertaker being taller than Kane at any point of their careers is simply laughable IMO. Here they are in the 90's with Dutch Mantell, both in standard wrestling boots and Kane is easily taller than Taker despite his poor posture
Click Here.
Click Here
Frederick said on 1/Feb/18
Kane is almost 51 years old now. He def lost some height. He looked taller in the 1990's. Peak 6'8"/203cm is possible
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Feb/18
niceguy82 said on 29/Jan/18
Here kane next to Undertaker without big boots @ 3:09 Click Here
Yes, Kane is clearly in max 1" footwear instead of his munsters and Taker is slightly taller.
Taker was 6´7.25" so 6´7" seems right for peak Kane too.
The reason they put Kane in 2"+ boots was not to bill him 7ft, it was to make him taller than Taker - fact.
Taker used to wrestle in solid 1.25"+ soles during his first years, fighting Kane at WM14 he was in very flat footwear and Kane in 2"+ munsterheels.
Kane still looked only 1.5" taller.
Peak Kane 6´7" today 6´6.5"
6´9.25" in his biggest boots - wich makes Big Show in 1999 between 6´11.5" and 7ft in at least 1" boots, so 6´10.5-6´11" barefoot.
Vegas said on 31/Jan/18
Philip McMullin said on 28/Jan/18
@MIR I dont trust that virtual measuring chart! Kane is at least 6ft8 today
Big show is what height then?
Click Here
Kane wasn't 6'8 when I met him first time 14 years ago.
Omid said on 31/Jan/18
The Big Show was 7’0 right? This is how a 98 boot Kane looks infront him.
Click Here
2.5 inches shorter right? That would make Kane in his gear 6’9.5 right?
Let’s pretend that Bigshow wrestled barefoot, meaning absolutely no footwear whatsoever, that means 2.5 inches of advantage for Kane that would make him 6’7 barefoot correct?
Now we know that Show didn’t wrestle barefoot:
Click Here
He had the standard 1 boots that everybody had, so that would knock down Kane’s advantage from 2.5 to 1.5 inches right?
6’7 + 0’1 = 6’8
Philip McMullin said on 31/Jan/18
@Videos aren't helpful, images and stills are better
niceguy82 said on 30/Jan/18
Well peak Kane here is listed 2" shorter than peak Nash, and you can really see it when you watch Undertaker vs Diesel here
Click Here
And then Undertaker vs fake Diesel (kane) here
Click Here
Difference is clear as day. You can easily see the 1.5-2" between them Diesels
Only way they are almost identical is when kane is wearing those thick soled boots. He needed them to edge out Taker, right from the time when he debuted as Kane in 1997.
Just my observation, 97 is when i started watching wrestling and Taker and Kane were my favourites back then and still are :)
bam said on 30/Jan/18
I can tell you niceguy82 that comparison is so bad because kane looks taller than test than nash does in what you pointed out :/ i am sure nash is just slightly taller but nothing much in it and same with the kane and undertaker post, they looked identical when kane stood straight for the few secs that he did, understand was never taller than kane, kane has always been taller even other people in the wwe have said it in a podcast, where they mention kane and undertaker. i have to say undertaker in the theme where he had a motorbike did look very close to kane in height, almost the same but other than that, never.
Philip McMullin said on 29/Jan/18
Rob, do an abyss page!
niceguy82 said on 29/Jan/18
Nash has always been clearly taller than kane. Kane needed big wrestling boots to look taller than the Undertaker, and Nash never ever wore big boots, that's what people seem to forget, he was already really tall.
When kane returned 2002 he wore smaller boots, and barely looks taller than test @ 3:25
Click Here
Here Nash and Test @ 2:39
Click Here
Here kane next to Undertaker without big boots @ 3:09
Click Here
bam said on 29/Jan/18
kane looks almost identical in height to kevin nash, his nowhere near 1.5 inch shorter are you crazy or dont know how much a inch is lol, lets talk about strowmen, he was standing with another strong man who is 6ft8 and they are the exact same height, later he stood next to the mountain who is 6ft9 who edges him out... just like kane does, so from that you decide, kane was and always be a little taller than the understand aswel, kane stands the tallest next to the big show out of everyone in the current wwe roster
Philip McMullin said on 28/Jan/18
@MIR I dont trust that virtual measuring chart! Kane is at least 6ft8 today
Gazz said on 28/Jan/18
An easy 6'8 going off Miz photo, he could straighten up a bit more as well.
I've always thought peak 6'8.5 and now 6'7.5 - 6'8.
MIR said on 27/Jan/18
Kane's very close to 6'8 in dress shoes here with the Miz from last year or the year before. I think he's still over 6'7
Click Here
niceguy82 said on 26/Jan/18
Click Here @0:56 mark, that tells it's ridiculous when they billed Kane 7ft..i'd say 6'6 max these days.
Philip McMullin said on 18/Jan/18
@Marty I'd say about 6ft5 5ft51/2
JoshL said on 17/Jan/18
Here's a comparison of Kane and Undertaker with Dutch Mantell in the early to mid 1990's,Before they became stars.
Kane (on the right side) looks noticeably taller
Click Here
Marty said on 17/Jan/18
Rob, how tall gene snitsky ???
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 16/Jan/18
Lowest peak nash 6ft9.5 207cm kane 6ft8 203.2cm taker 6ft7.6 202.2cm barefoot
Chris N1 said on 15/Jan/18
Nash will always be a minimum of 0.5” taller than Kane. Always has been, always will be!
Kane’s current height is 6’7 - 6’7.5
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Jan/18
Kane at 6'8"-6'9" is too high for him, especially nowadays. That's Kevin Nash territory honestly. I swear, some folks here are quite bad at guessing height.
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 13/Jan/18
Nash 6ft10 208cm kane 6ft8.75 205cm taker 6ft8.25 204cm barefoot peak.
Philip McMullin said on 12/Jan/18
Kane and nash are the same height
Tarinator 6'1.75 said on 12/Jan/18
He would definitely look 1.5” shorter than Kevin Nash who is 6’10”. Some of the wrestlers here are underlisted in terms of their height. Kevin Nash really does look 6’10” in his prime and the Undertaker and Kane were 1.5”-1.75” shorter. I saw height comparison charts with him and the Big Show and I only saw 3 inches approximately between them. Even in Big Show’s prime he was 6’11.5” so Kane must’ve been 6’8.5”. I find it hard to believe you still think he is 6’7” when now he edges out Strowman by an inch and looks around 6’8” at least.
Tarinator 6'2 said on 11/Jan/18
I’d still say he is around 6’8” (203.2 cm) now and 6’8.5” (204.5 cm) in his peak. He was taller in his peak than he is now and edged out Strowman by a decent amount. Maybe by 2 centimetres or so. I would say that he was 1.5” inches shorter than Nash (6’10”), 3.5” shorter than Big Show, and 0.5” taller than the Undertaker (or even less). The Undertaker may be even taller than 6’8” by a small fraction. That would make his current height at around 6’7.25” (201.3 cm). He looked it 7 years ago with Triple H (Undertaker was 6’7.5”-6’8” range in 2011). This listing is a bit off I feel he is about an inch taller than 6’7.5”. Even his current height is taller than 202 cm maybe by a fraction. Otherwise, I don’t think he has lost any height. Like I said, he was significantly taller than Strowman on Raw and pulls of the 6’8”-6’9” range quite nicely.
Philip McMullin said on 10/Jan/18
@JoshL You reckon you could get them face to face in those three pics man?
Philip McMullin said on 10/Jan/18
judging by those pics with comparison with nash by josh, time for kane to be re-upgraded.
Sean said on 9/Jan/18
Current/Peak heights of basketball players turned pro wrestlers:
Giant Gonzalez: Peak 7’6”
Ron Reis: Peak 7’0.5”
Big Show: Peak 7’0”, current 6’10.5”
Kevin Nash: Peak 6’9.5”, current 6’8.5”
Matt Morgan: Peak 6’8.5”, current 6’8”
Kane: Peak 6’7.75”, current 6’7”
Undertaker: Peak 6’7.25”, current 6’6.25”
Chad said on 9/Jan/18
Wow, thanks JoshL.. It actually looks like Kane MIGHT be the same height as Nash jusdging from the pictures..
Chad said on 9/Jan/18
I've seen that match, and it's really hard to tell. They never have a face off like Undertaker and Diesel at WM12.. There was a perfect opportunity for a face off at the SmackDown where it was n W o Vs Hogan, Kane and The Rock but they never did it.
I know Taker and Diesel had 1.5 inches between them. And if Kane was .05 taller than Taker, then there should only be 1 inch between Nash and Kane.
Eric said on 9/Jan/18
Here is Isaac Yankem vs Kevin Nash. Maybe one of you can get some shots of them from the video to compare their heights)
Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 7/Jan/18
@sid, hard to tell, someone needs to create a height comparison pic of them
Guy B said on 7/Jan/18
I would say both Undertaker and Kane were closer to 6’8” in their prime, maybe a shade under. Kane clearly stands at a solid 6’7” now, maybe a little over, while Undertaker is roughly the same, although Undertaker now slouches more for comfort and age, which makes him look shorter.
sid said on 5/Jan/18
Chad, when kevin was diseal and kane was issac yankem they had a match, there where only a inch between them
Omid said on 4/Jan/18
Kane has never worn internal lifts in his career, he had very big visible heels for a while though and we haven’t let him get away with it.
What Kane wears today is basically the samething that Bigshow wears, the fact that Braun’s boots seem “different” and given how they’re presenting him, bigger internal soles aren’t out of question for Braun if you ask me.
I think his current listing is spot on but I’m not convinced peak Kane was as low as 6’7.5, at least a 6’7.75 at peak.
Chad said on 3/Jan/18
JoshL, any chance you can make a photo comparison of Kane and Kevin Nash? They never had a staredown in WWE, and after all, Kane was the Fake Diesel.
I would think there isn't more than 0.5 - 1 inch between them.
Shuvayu said on 3/Jan/18
Editor Rob - Lots of people estimating him taller than shorter ... why not increase his height
Kane said on 2/Jan/18
JoshL good job man. Shows that a prime kane was in fact taller by a good way
Shuvayu said on 2/Jan/18
Check yesterdays raw, strowman kane f2f ... kane inspite of not getting close to strowman and the camera's trying to make strowman big, still cant help ...clearly an inch difference
JoshL said on 1/Jan/18
Looks similar to Big Cass. I think it would be very close between them.
Click Here Click Here
sid said on 1/Jan/18
Chad, kane didnt wear internal lifts with the tank top attire. He just had soles, which where about 5cm
Kane said on 31/Dec/17
Chad where does it ever look like he’s wearing lifts INSIDE his boots? And rob, that looks more like 4” with Cesaro.
JoshL said on 31/Dec/17
He still Looks 6'8 here with Alberto Del Rio and Michelle Beadle? Beadle looks like she's in 2 inch heels because she's only 4 inches shorter than Del Rio
Click Here
Chad said on 30/Dec/17
Sid, go back and watch the match, Kane indeed had the lifts on his boots in that attire as well..
Venom said on 30/Dec/17
I always thought kane was 6.9 when he was isaac yankem and fake diesel even the Christmas creature he was an inch taller than undertaker in their staredowns and even today an inch taller than strowman
Omid said on 30/Dec/17
What you think about this one Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
maybe a big 3 inches taller
Omid said on 30/Dec/17
6’7.75 wouldn’t be out of question if you ask me.
I think he looks closer to 6’8 than 6’7 .
sid said on 29/Dec/17
Hey kane, thats what I said to. His soles was about 5cm.
Kane said on 29/Dec/17
Kane was 6’8 6’9 barefoot prime. In his biggest soles (basically cowboy boot height) he had to be close if not 7 feet. Granted his soles got smaller as the years went on. He was way too close to shows height than any other wrestler except Khali.
Shivam said on 29/Dec/17
Kane claimed on a interviews that he is 6'8
Shuvayu said on 29/Dec/17
How in the hell is his height decreasing regularly here

Editor Rob
maybe some folk estimating him shorter...
sid said on 28/Dec/17
Mark, kane didnt wear lifts inside his boots at that point. Only his soles which was about 5cm. He only had 5 inches on 6'3 rock and hogan which would make him 6'8 with the soles 5cm so 6'8'5
Kane said on 28/Dec/17
Kane didn’t wear lifts in his sleeveless attire
Mark said on 27/Dec/17
Kane was 6'7.75 early in his WWE career. Today he is 6'7. Undertaker was 6'7.25, today is 6'6.25.
In the vid with Rock and Hogan, don't forget, Kane wore lifts in his boots that would have added 1.75 inches. So 6'7.75 + 1.75 = 6'9.5 he was in his gear.
Later that night, they had the 6 man tag team with the n W o, and you can see that Kane in his lifts was just about the same height as Nash.
sid said on 25/Dec/17
Kane. Kane was 6'8 in his prime, he looked 6'8 with 6'3 rock and hogan. Kane had 5 inches on both of them
Kane said on 23/Dec/17
Kane didnt wear lifts in that attire with rock. He looks 6’10. He is TOWERING rock and hogan and rock is looking way up to kane.
Randolph said on 23/Dec/17
In that pic Josh L the Rock looks about two inches shorter than Joshua. As for Kane still 6’7 today.
Omid said on 23/Dec/17
Yeah I don’t know where does the 6’7 Yankem myth come from either.
JoshL said on 23/Dec/17
Kane looks a lot more impressive next to Rock here than Anthony Joshua does with him.
Click Here Click Here
Da Man said on 23/Dec/17
Yankem was never billed @ 6'7".
Complete myth, he has never had a 6'7" billing in his career.
iqqy said on 22/Dec/17
Billed 6'7 as Yankem. Compare the rock next to Anthony Joshua and next to Kane with lifts. 6'6 tops nowadays
sid said on 22/Dec/17
Anonymous Kane's taller by a inch.
Chad said on 22/Dec/17
Anonymous, thanks for the video.. You can see Kane is trying to look as down as possible so he makes Strowman appear taller but then then camera zooms out and it's clear that Kane has 1.25-1.5 inches on Strowman
Kane said on 22/Dec/17
Good find. There is no discussion that Kane is obviously taller than Braun.
Shuvayu said on 22/Dec/17
kane clearly taller ... nothing short of 6.7.5 today if strowman is a weak 6.7
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/17
here at 1:07
Click Here
Chad said on 21/Dec/17
All the recent RAWs in which Kane and Strowman were in the ring, Kane clearly edges him out by an inch. Thats why they never make them face off so that they “appear” to be the same exact height
Peter said on 20/Dec/17
Kane is as tall as Strowman. But he was taller at his prime.(even though Strowman looks bigger for his body shape,what a mountain !!!!!)
Gaz said on 19/Dec/17
Last night on Raw the conclusion was clear in the staredown - Kane had Braun by a good 1+ inches and Kane was slouching.
At 1:05 -
Click Here
Hikane said on 15/Dec/17
Strowman was standing next to the mountain who is 6ft9 and edges him out just like kane does, so kane is about 6ft9 you lot dont know how to judge height
mike655 said on 14/Dec/17
if you have only been watching undertakers recent matches over the last 6 to 8 yrs then you wouldnt remember when he was taller than kane in the the years 2000-2004-iv watched nearly all of his matches on smackdown and raw sometimes twice espically against other big guys -albert -rikishi-mark henry -big show-test-great khali-sometimes twice -either way there no way either him or kane are the size they used to be in the early 2000s. just look at there matches from that time -they were taller and physically larger and it wasnt just the footwear -
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Dec/17
6'6.5" for him today just like Strowman.
Shuvayu said on 14/Dec/17
Check out Raw kane vs strowman ... kane edges him out clear
Kane said on 13/Dec/17
Rob included Yankem was billed at 6’7 so I want to see proof of that.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 13/Dec/17
Taker was not standing straight in that pics the fan 6ft2 taker 6ft8 kane 6ft8.25 barefoot.
sid said on 12/Dec/17
Hey kane, he was listed 6'8 playing basketball, I never heard he was listed as 6'7 it was usually 6'8 or 6'9 as yankem
JoshL said on 12/Dec/17
Kane and Taker with the same fan this year.
Click Here Click Here
Taker looks 4.5 inches taller than him while Kane looks close to 7 inches taller despite standing an inch or 2 behind the fan. The fan claims 6'2 but is probably under that.
Has Undertaker lost that much height? Him and Kane were near identical in height 15-20 years ago
Doink said on 12/Dec/17
No mention of Kane and Vince Vaughn's photo together?
Click Here
Chris said on 11/Dec/17
This man is 201.38cm tall
Kane said on 10/Dec/17
Still would like to see where he was ever called 6’7
JoshL said on 9/Dec/17
Good 6'8 in prime. Maybe a fraction under currently
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 8/Dec/17
Taker 6ft8 2.03m kane 6ft8 1/4 2.04m peak today taker 6ft6.75 2.00m kane 6ft7.25 2.01m barefoot.
Shuvayu said on 8/Dec/17
Why is kane's height decreasing daily ... who uses instagram here ... follow a handle called kane_wwe ... check out the video he posted yesterday with some diva (Mostly Bailey, these days no one follows divas so excuse me) , he looks like a giant compared to all in the studio
Chad said on 6/Dec/17
@Ricky, Kane was ALWAYS taller than Taker. If Taker was 6'7.5 prime, Kane was 6'7.75-6'8 prime. In EVERY staredown with Taker before he was Kane (Isaac Yankem, Unabomb, Diesel) he edged Taker out by .25-.5 inches.
Kane said on 5/Dec/17
@Vegas can you not tell Morgan has internal lifts or are you in denial? Look at Nash’s boots then look at Morgan’s. People on here and Morgan’s page have proven several times that he has huge internal lifts. There are photos of him and Nash in dress shoes and he’s clearly much shorter than Nash.
Ricky said on 5/Dec/17
Kane was never taller than The Undertaker.
I believe not even today.
Chad said on 4/Dec/17
Nash never looked more than 1.5 inches taller than Taker. Go back to their backstage segment in preparation for WM12. They were backstage and stood eye to eye. Nash had 1.5 inches on Taker nothing more, nothing less. I Think Nash at that time was 6'9. Taker was 6'7.5.
ee said on 4/Dec/17
Kevin Nash in 2011 was 6'8.75 with shoes based on his mugshot. Realistically he would have been 6'9 or slightly more than that barefoot in his prime.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 3/Dec/17
Taker 6ft8.25 204cm nash 6ft10.25 209cm peak kevin nash was 2inches taller not 3inches
Canson said on 3/Dec/17
@Swag: all the guys you mentioned are nowhere near those heights. Kane would be a gift if he’s above 6’7”
Erik said on 2/Dec/17
@Swag123 I'm not sure if Kevin Nash was ever 6'11 barefoot. I've seen him stand next to the Undertaker in the late 1990s/early 2000s and he looks about 3 inches taller than him. And if at that time the Undertaker was 6.6.5 - 6'7 he was probably anywhere from 6'9 - 6'10. Probably nothing more. He's still easily 6'9 and 6'10 I'd say in prime would've have been acceptable.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 2/Dec/17
I hope you're joking
Swag123 said on 1/Dec/17
Kevin Nash is a flat 6’ 11” Barefoot. Kane is not 6’ 8” He’s 7’. Braun Strowman is 6’ 8” So it’s impossible for Kane to be that short.
Swag123 said on 1/Dec/17
Kevin Nash is a flat 6’ 11” Barefoot. Kane is not 6’ 8” He’s 7’.
Philip McMullin said on 1/Dec/17
kane is 6ft8, end of strowmans 6'7
Shuvayu said on 29/Nov/17
@christain ...see the entire episode ...raw right after Survivor Series 2015 ...Strowman and kane were never that close ...
Chad said on 28/Nov/17
I agree with Erik. Kane never really came off as 6'8. He was 6'7.5 prime, and today either 6'6.5 or 6'6.75. Just like Big Show was never over 6'10.5. I think Show today hovers around 6'9.5. Show wears lifts in the ring just like Kane. Undertaker was 6'7. Today he's a weak 6'6. I want to say even 6'5.75. Strowman is 6'6. No way he's anything above that, and anyone who thinks that's a downgrade doesn't realize how huge of a person is someone who is 6'6. With his lifts, I believe he's a solid 6'7.5.
Juggernaut said on 28/Nov/17
Kane is atleast half an inch taller than Strowman,only way Strowman can be taller is by wearing lifts...
Gaz said on 28/Nov/17
@Christian if you draw a straight line in that video between taker and strowman then taker actually comes out a fraction taller or even level. The pic posted with strowman in boots is definitely morphed, the original photo is on either Kane's or Braun's celeb heights page.
Shuvayu said on 28/Nov/17
I guess the segment where strowman comes f2f with kane on yesterday's raw (27th Nov'17), sees kane gaining a better height posture .... anyone who argues this over has got to be blind
Erik said on 28/Nov/17
Peak was most likely no more than 6'7. As ppl can easily add an inch claim to their height. He almost certainly was never 6'8. I give a very very weak 6'7.5 peak and nowadays 6'6.5.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 27/Nov/17
I doubt it's morphed. Strowman (in lifts of course) actually does look way taller than both Kane and Undertaker
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Shuvayu said on 27/Nov/17
@anonymous - The pic that christain promoted is morphed .... check the actual episode ... also check out strowman's boots then vs now
Alex 6'3 said on 25/Nov/17
201 cm, he could have lost a little fraction today, probably for his job extremely stressful.
Kane said on 24/Nov/17
Vegas, are YOU blind? Gotta be smarter than what you’re messing with man. The new thing is to make the sole on the outside look small and give help inside the boot so it appears they are taller without big soles. They aren’t making the obviously huge soles anymore bc well, it’s obvious. And yes, the top of Strowmans foot distance to where the bottom of his foot should be is HUGE! Kane’s isn’t! Looks like a foot inside a boot! Strowmans has AT LEAST an inch of help inside his boots. It’s obvious. Look.
Anonymous said on 24/Nov/17
Shuvayu I see what you mean now. Seeing Kane and Strowman beside each other at TLC, I am certain that Kane is either 0.5 inches taller or there the same height. Sorry for bugging you.
BUT seeing Christain-6,5 3/8 picture Braun is way taller. But Braun is holding his head up but even if Braun was holding his head straight I still can see that Braun Strowman is slightly taller than Kane.
Logan said on 23/Nov/17
Kane today (since he is 50) is probaly 6,8-6,8.5. Looking at him beside Strowman, Kane wich is wearing a mask and known for wearing lifts is at the most 1 inch shorter. Maybe a half an inch, let's move on to the Big Show.
When they squared of in 1999 and 2000 Show looked like he only had 2 inches on The Big Red Monster. But at the time he was also wearing a mask, he was younger and was wearing 2 inch lifts. As we know Big Show at the time of the "Attitude Era" was 7,0. So concluding all of Kane's things to make him look taller, Kane was atleast 3-4 inches shorter.
How about Randy Orton who is 6,4. Kane in 2005 probaly stopped wearing 2 inch lifts and in 2003 stopped wearing a mask so this is the most accurate whe can get with Kane. In the picture Kane looks only 3 inches taller. Maybe the camera angle was off and Randy Orton was trying to make him self look tall, I still would put my chips on if somebody put a gun to my head THAT KANE IS NO MORE THAN 6 foot 8 inches.
tree said on 23/Nov/17
Kane looked 6ft7 with Shaq and with 6ft1 Ryback
And there is no proof Braun wears lifts i can tell you it is harder to wrestle in lifts there is a chance that you daamge your ankles especially when you are a big 300lbs+
Vegas said on 23/Nov/17
Kane said on 19/Nov/17
@ Vegas if someone loses their boot that doesn’t mean you can tell what’s inside! Lol wow. Do some research and look at photos of big shows boots from anytime all the way up to now. Even Kevin Nash said big show wore platforms. Take a look at the bottom of Brauns boot just before the sole starts, then look how tall it is to the top of his foot. THAT is an internal lift!
You guys must have x-ray vision. That's a boot, I can't see where the top of his foot is inside the boot
Click Here explain to me how strowmans foot is higher there than Jacobs is here
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If the whole purpose is to make strowman taller why give him boots with practically no sole? Wouldn't it be smarter to put him in big soles and lifts given little sole and lifts would just accomplish the same thing as big soles on their own...
As for big show yes he wore boots with decent sized sole but they were no bigger than what kane sports today and nowhere near what kane was wearing during the attitude era
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