How tall is Kane - Page 12

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Average Guess (670 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.86in (202.9cm)
Current: 6ft 6.91in (200.4cm)
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 23/Nov/17

This is the pic when Strowman did wear lifts, as you can see he's way taller than Kane Click Here and now this is when he doesn't wear them Click Here So you're wrong when you said that even in lifts he's still shorter than Kane.
Kane said on 23/Nov/17
Kane’s always been a legit 6’7 6’8 at LEAST barefoot. He was 6’7 in high school so. Just look at him with jbl.
A Man said on 23/Nov/17
What video? Show us
Shuvayu said on 23/Nov/17
@anonymous - Shaq and khali does measure between 7.0.5 - 7.1 & true kane looks 4-5 inches shorter ... which makes him a legit 6.8 ... you think strowman billed at 6.8 is really taller than kane ???? No idea where this argument is going ...
Kane said on 22/Nov/17
Strowman DOES have internal lifts. Just look at his boots. (Pause a video) kane still edges him out.
Philip McMullin said on 22/Nov/17
@Annonymous Kane is NOT shorter than Strowman!
Chad said on 22/Nov/17
Guys, go back to the WWE SS pay-per-view, when Randy Orton and Strowman were in the ring together. Orton was almost as tall as Strowman. Now, I am 6 ft 4 and have been next to Randy Orton, and he is the EXACT height as me. Strowman can't be over 6'6. And I think Kane is 6'6.75 today.
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/17
Kane is slightly shorter than Braun Strowman, but Kane has often Ben billed as 7 ft witch we all now is a lie look at him beside Shaquille O'neal and the Great Khali who are 7,1. Kane is atleast 5 inches shorter I say Kane is 6,8.
Philip McMullin said on 22/Nov/17
But you cant rule out the HEAVY possibility that Strow Strow has INternal lifts.
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
@Omid: very true statement in that a lot of wrestlers wear some type of thicker footwear or “lifts”. You don’t see many of them that list themselves honestly out there really. Other than Swagger and Cena i did see Tyler Mane admit he’s 6’7” this year and Hulk Hogan from what i do remember said once that he was 6’5” in the 90s but that is something i vaguely remember. If that’s correct he was being honest for his peak but he had begun to lose height and was likely only 6’4” range by then
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
@Christian: yea i didn’t word that right! But In a stare down with he and Strowman and i believe Taker he definitely had some very thick Boots on!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 21/Nov/17

I'm not accusing Kane of wearing lifts, I just said that the sole of his boots appear to be thicker than Strowman's. Kane wore lifts back in the 90's, but I doubt he does today.
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
I’m not so sure i can see a 6’8” peak for this guy like people are saying. Like Christian said he does wear lifts
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
@Christian: Your estimate for Strowman seems on point. Some of these bigger wrestlers are listed all over the place. As a kid i heard Taker was 6’10 but as i got older even before i knew how much height was exaggerated i never though He was that tall. He didn’t even look as tall as Someone like Chris Webber who was 6’8/6’9 let alone Big Show lol who is 6’10 range. I’ve never been able to truly pinpoint Kane over the years. I guessed 6’7” previously
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 20/Nov/17

Take a close look at Kane's boots. His soles are thicker than Strowman's Click Here
A Man said on 19/Nov/17
@ Omid, I think you're overthinking this a bit...
Omid said on 19/Nov/17
@Vegas, I think your proof argument is arguably flawed, neither of us here are industry experts and all we have are speculations, with that out of the head from everything I know from Wrestling, boots with “bigger than average” soles and heels are some what of an staple in Pro Wrestling than a rarity.

They’ve been frequently enhancing the height of the guys the wanted to present as big powerful threats, look at the early Kane for example, the guy used to jump from the rope rope like every night and those huge heels didn’t appear to stop him or cause him injury now, did they?

Looking at Strowman, the way they are presenting him and the way they want him to look in front of someone like Kane, it would be typical if not logical on behalf of WWE to make sure Strowman looks good in front of Kane and given the amount of publicity given to the size of Kane’s boots for example, I wouldn’t be shocked if I were to discover more “stealthy” choices were undertaken for Strowman.
Kane said on 19/Nov/17
@ Vegas if someone loses their boot that doesn’t mean you can tell what’s inside! Lol wow. Do some research and look at photos of big shows boots from anytime all the way up to now. Even Kevin Nash said big show wore platforms. Take a look at the bottom of Brauns boot just before the sole starts, then look how tall it is to the top of his foot. THAT is an internal lift!
Vegas said on 19/Nov/17
Kane said on 17/Nov/17
Vegas, really? You can’t tell that braun has internal lifts??? Those are custom boots. Painfully obvious.

Omid said on 18/Nov/17
@Vegas everyone in wrestling has lifts, some are visible some are not, he definitely has lifts, they all do.

The onus is on you guys to prove it. Saying he has custom boots or everyone in wrestling wears lifts doesn't prove it. Most wrestlers do get custom boots made and I would imagine a guy as big as strowman wouldn't just walk in and be able to order a normal one size fits all boot off the shelf but that doesn't prove there are lifts inside.

As for everyone in wrestling has lifts, thats patently not true. Many wrestlers today wrestle in normal sporting footwear with kickpads covering them, some like Rusev wrestled barefoot. Big show had a match barefoot and didn't look 2-3 inches taller than he did next to Akebono with his boots on. A few wrestlers have lost their boot during a match and it was clear nothing was I know a few independent wrestlers personally.

Also why would wwe risk the health of their new monster maineventer by having him wear something like lifts inside his boots and possibly twist an ankle? I mean the big advantage strowman has over guys his size is his movement and how quick he runs from a standing start putting lifts inside his boots would totally hinder his movement and make him just another big lumbering guy!

Christian that photo needs to be rotated about 1 degree
Omid said on 18/Nov/17
@Vegas everyone in wrestling has lifts, some are visible some are not, he definitely has lifts, they all do.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 18/Nov/17
Kane looks taller than Strowman due to Kane's footwear advantage. Click Here
DFens said on 17/Nov/17
Vegas, you never know whats inside those Strowman's boots.
Kane said on 17/Nov/17
Like I said. A Prime Kane was bigger in every way especially taller than Braun OR Cass. Just look at the staredowns or backstage segments kane has with a prime big show. Nobody stacked up as tall with big show as kane did.
Kane said on 17/Nov/17
Vegas, really? You can’t tell that braun has internal lifts??? Those are custom boots. Painfully obvious.
Philip McMullin said on 17/Nov/17
Kanes taller, end of!
tree said on 17/Nov/17
U folks need a glass?Kane is not taller than strowman xdd
And Strowman is much larger than Kane ever was in his life.
juggernaut said on 17/Nov/17
Kane is taller than Strowman if not an inch atleast by half an every recent faceoffs Strowman has looked up to Kane standing as upright as possible..Strowman imo is 6'6'5 if Kane measures nothing more over 6'7' I'd say a little over 6'7'for Kane..6'8' absolute prime..Man is a true monster size wise not just height..
Vegas said on 16/Nov/17
Yes practically same height.

Jacobs footwear is about 1.5 inches Click Here

Strowmans is quite flat with very little heel Click Here
Shuvayu said on 16/Nov/17
@tree kane anytime is taller least by half an inch ...also kane is still not being upright trying his best to sell strowman
Kane said on 15/Nov/17
Kane looked AT LEAST an inch taller than Strowman on Monday night raw 11/13/17
tree said on 15/Nov/17
Philip McMullin said on 15/Nov/17
@tree I still see Kane looking taller than Strowman
The hair of the mask is not part of his head..
Philip McMullin said on 15/Nov/17
@tree I still see Kane looking taller than Strowman
tree said on 14/Nov/17
Same as 6ft7 Strowman Click Here
Lyle said on 14/Nov/17
@Takerfan, that photo is photoshopped, the original is with Jack Swagger, search Kane and Jack Swagger on Google, but Kane has always been taller than Taker
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 13/Nov/17
Kane 6ft8 2.03m taker 6ft7.25 2.01m barefoot
Shuvayu said on 13/Nov/17
Also strowman wears small lifts when facing the likes of calisto, zayn etc ... when it comes to TBS, kane, taker, reigns the lifts increase
Takerfan said on 12/Nov/17
Minimum 6'8 for Kane peak. Has about an inch here on Taker. Probably the best photo you'll see of the 2 side by side

Click Here
Daniel Howe said on 12/Nov/17
Kane's bigger than Taker, moreso in his prime, he's lost a LOT of height, like at LEAST 2 inches.
Kane said on 11/Nov/17
@ A Man Kane’s taller.
A Man said on 11/Nov/17
@ Kane..."usually", not always

@ Omid, Strowman's boots in that photo very obviously have smaller heels than Kane's. I really don't understand what you're getting at.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 11/Nov/17
Looks around 6'5" next to Ric Flair Click Here I highly doubt Kane is as low as 6'5", but it goes to show you that some pics don't do justice.
Omid said on 10/Nov/17
@A Man

Proves that he is wearing your standard big man type boots, look up Big E, Look up Sheamus and ect, nearly all big men wear that type of boots, including Strowman:
Click Here

Enough visual evidence is provided now.
Kane said on 10/Nov/17
A Man you are indeed correct. Guess what, when someone’s shoulders AND eye level is higher, the top of their head is too, usually.
Philip McMullin said on 10/Nov/17
Click Here click think to silence all your doubts, kane is taller, kanes wig is not THAT thick, in fact his wig that night was pretty flat to the top of his head maybe a but puffed up by about half an inch to an inch but kane has at least an inch on strowman, even if ya took his mask and wig off!
Chad said on 10/Nov/17
In the video that Strat posted below, you can CLEARLY see Braun looking up at Kane. If Kane is 6'7.5, then Braun is 6'6.75. If Kane is 6'7.25, then Braun is 6'6.5. Not to mention Kane is trying his hardest not to stand straight up so he doesn't appear taller than Strowman. Glen Jacobs is there to put Braun over as the new monster. So he himself definitely is not trying to look taller than Braun, it's just that it's not working.

Kane is taller by .75 of an inch. Prime Kane would have been taller by 1.25-1.5 inches than Strowman.
A Man said on 10/Nov/17
@Kane, height is judged on the top of someone's head, not their shoulder or eye level.

@ Omid, a picture of Kane with some massive boots on standing next to Big Show with some massive boots on proves what?
Shuvayu said on 10/Nov/17
This kane currently is out of shape (Been so since 2004), imagine if this was the 2001 royal rumble kane ... strowman would have been dwarfed
Shuvayu said on 10/Nov/17
Strowman currently uses the highest lifts
Omid said on 10/Nov/17
I just provided visual evidence that Kane’s boots aren’t anything special, and we’re still back to the typical “but Kane has huge boots” comment.
Kane said on 9/Nov/17
Yep once again kane looks taller. Take away the wig if you want. That’s not what edges him out. His shoulders are higher, and Braun slightly looks up to Kane’s eyes. Stop arguing about this.
Philip McMullin said on 9/Nov/17
@A Man We don't need to, you're just too lazy to do thorough browsing!
Strat said on 9/Nov/17
Jump to 8.33 Click Here
A Man said on 9/Nov/17
Show me a picture, draw a line between the top of their two heads. Kane's wig doesn't count.
Chris said on 8/Nov/17
I believe A Man is correct. Kane has a footwear advantage in any Braun/Kane staredowns. they're likely dead even in height.
Shuvayu said on 8/Nov/17
@A Man when did you last visit an optic ???
Philip McMullin said on 7/Nov/17
@A Man, I think it's time you gave up your nuisance comments now!
Chad said on 7/Nov/17
@ A Man, ok, try to edit the photo where you only count the top of Kan'e head without the wig. Kane is 6'7.5, Braun is 6'6.75
A Man said on 7/Nov/17
I'm not trolling or looking for abuse, I'm saying what I see and what anybody with a pair of working eyes should be able to see.

Kane has not come out conclusively taller in any pictures or videos. He may look a touch taller at a glance but that's because he's got a huge wig on top of his head. Saying Strowman has a footwear advantage is pure speculation as well, no proof of it anywhere. If anything Kane's boots look thicker.
Shuvayu said on 7/Nov/17
@A MAN CHECK YESTERDAY'S raw .... not to to forget the huge lifets strowman wears .... strowman 6'6.5. Kane an inch taller
DFens said on 6/Nov/17
This should put and end on Braun vs Kane height.

Click Here
DFens said on 6/Nov/17
A man. Kane is taller. Stop pretend being blind.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Sacred said on 6/Nov/17
Kane looks taller than Undertaker, 212-213 cm for him
Philip McMullin said on 6/Nov/17
@A Man You're just looking for online abuse , quit it being a nuisance!
A Man said on 6/Nov/17
Still no conclusive evidence in any of those videos or pictures that Kane is taller.
Omid said on 5/Nov/17
I’m telling you guys, don’t judge the after 2000 Kane height with the boots he used to wear between 97 and 2000, yes his boots at the time were massive but he’s been wearing the same boots as all other big guys for like a decade now.

Click Here

See? Precisely the same as the Bigshow’s or most of other big guys.
DFens said on 4/Nov/17
Another angle.

Click Here
DFens said on 3/Nov/17
Kane and Braun face to face. Kane looked a bit taller.

Click Here
Chad said on 3/Nov/17
Rick Bogner was 6'5 tops. Jacobs at that time was a solid 6'8, maybe even 6'8.25
Shuvayu said on 3/Nov/17
Kane is at least an inch or more taller than strowman ...
Trochi said on 1/Nov/17
What's the point on who is taller?
Braun who is taller than Brock and got his ass whipped
Shuvayu said on 1/Nov/17
Thats a jolly good 4 inches taller than rick bogner
Phenom! said on 31/Oct/17
Kane is definitely taller than strowman, but it’s not an inch difference. Kane’s hair make it seem so. Kane is only a half inch taller, if even that. Strowman is a strong 6’6.5” maybe a weak 6’7” as well.
Sidd said on 31/Oct/17
Kane, in the brief moments where he's standing straight in that video with Fake Razor Ramon, looks a good 3-4 inches taller than him
Click Here
Click Here
Kane said on 30/Oct/17
Vegas you’re telling me in that video, he isn’t AT LEAST 2” taller than fake razor? Wow dude.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 30/Oct/17
Takers bio 6ft8 kanes bio 6ft7 taker is 2cm taller
miko said on 29/Oct/17
Kane would edge out Strowman barefoot if both were standing in military posture IMO.

I still think Kane is a full 6'7 guy when he stands at his tallest, probably down a small fraction on his peak as he is 50, Strowman is more of a weak 6'7 guy and could be more 6'6.75 range, I'm not sure if he's used lifts at any point as his height can fluctuate.
Vegas said on 29/Oct/17
Zero chance a peak Kane had two inches on a peak strowman. Strowman was listed 6'8 in strongman, Kane 6'8 in college basketball. Jacobs at his peak wasn't 2 inches taller than Rick Bognar who played fake razor and was billed 6'6 Click Here

I met Kane on flat ground inside a hotel in March 2004 and he wasn't taller than 6'7. Met him a couple of times years later like 2010, 14 and he didn't seem any shorter.
Kane said on 28/Oct/17
Yeah its pretty clear, well, painfully clear that kane is taller than Strowman. A prime kane would’ve had a good 2” on a prime Strowman at least, remember that.
Vegas said on 28/Oct/17
I have seen strowman and Rowan standing together out of gear and strowman is taller
Chad said on 27/Oct/17
@ A Man, ok, I tried to post a link up here of a youtube video where it was Kane, Erik Rowan and Stroman in a match.. The video clearly shows that Kane is tallest, then Rowan, and THEN Strowman.

Kane - 6'7.75
Rowan - 6'7.5
Stroman - 6'6.75
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 27/Oct/17
Kane 6ft8 2.03m strowman 6ft7 200.7cm barefoot
Omid said on 27/Oct/17
Watch the backstage segment with the Miz's tea, at TLC, Kane is clearly edging Strowman out.
Kane said on 26/Oct/17
lowest Glenn Jacobs was ever billed was 6’9
A Man said on 26/Oct/17
I've seen the TLC video. Kane doesn't look taller on that either.
Philip McMullin said on 26/Oct/17
@A Man, you're frigging blind then! Kane is taller than Strowman, accept it PAL and move on!
Joey34 said on 26/Oct/17
Here's a few shots of Kane/Strowman from the last couple of weeks. I think Kane edges him out still.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Shuvayu said on 26/Oct/17
Cant see what ??? See the video where Miz's team gather before TLC on raw ... Also when on earth was isaac yankeem billed 6.7 ... would love to see a video
A Man said on 25/Oct/17
Nope, can't see it.
Chad said on 24/Oct/17
@ A Man, ok. If you have enough time, please go to the network and look up the backstage segment from WWE TLC this past Sunday in where Kane, Miz, Strowman, Cesaro, and Sheamus are standing next to each other. It is clear that Kane has AT LEAST 1 inch on Stroman, if not 1.5 inches
Shuvayu said on 24/Oct/17
Kane is clearly taller than strowman .... even with the huge lifts that braun has, he falls an inch shorter
A Man said on 21/Oct/17
@ Chad, so people's heights are judged on their shoulders now yeah...?

Honestly some people just see what they wanna see
Ricky said on 21/Oct/17
Peak height was arguably 6'8".
Gaz said on 20/Oct/17
@A Man

Check out this video/screen grab which clearly shows Braun looking up to Kane and the top of Kane's head is easily 1 inch above Braun's.

Click Here

Also Braun is closer to the camera in that video ^
Vegas said on 20/Oct/17
Being closer to the camera is a disadvantage as camera is set high in the stands..

Just compare top ropes during that segment, the one closer to the camera looks lower
A Man said on 20/Oct/17
Someone please link to a video or a screengrab of Kane looking taller. I've looked myself but Strowman looks taller in all of them.
Gaz said on 20/Oct/17
without a doubt Kane looked taller. Braun was closer to the camera and Kane's posture was worse. During their first meeting Braun blatantly had lifts and kane relaxed his posture to sell Brauns height.
Chad said on 19/Oct/17
@A Man - Just look at their shoulder heights. Kane's shoulders had 1 inch of height on Braun's. Last time they had faced off, they had Strowman wear 2.5 inch lifts to appear taller than Kane. Kane is absolutely taller than Strowman.
A Man said on 18/Oct/17
Don't know what people are seeing if they think Kane edged out Strowman this week. He only edges him out if you count the 2 inches of fake hair on top of his hair.

Strowman looks slightly taller, just as he did last time they went face to face.
Chad said on 18/Oct/17
Yes - Kane did edge Strowman by an inch. It was funny because they had Strowman stand closer to the camera so that they would pull some camera trickery for them to be the "same size" but it wasn't working. You can tell Kane was taller and it didn't look like he had lifts on, nor did Strowman look like he had lifts on.

Strowman - 6'6.5
Kane - 6'7.5
Venom said on 18/Oct/17
Kane just edged out strowman by an inch
Venom said on 17/Oct/17
Kane did edge out strowman by an inch think kane's about 6.8 n strowman 6.7 but 2 big dudes
Shuvayu said on 17/Oct/17
Check out yesterday's raw ... kane does edge out strowman
Chad said on 13/Oct/17
@Swag123 - Sir, with all due respect, wrestling heights are always kayfabed to make the superstar getting the billing appear larger than life. In no point in time was Undertaker taller than Kane. I hate to break it to you, but - most wrestlers are about 2 inches shorter than their announced height. Big Show was 6'11.5 in his prime. Kevin Nash was 6'9 in his prime. Kane was roughly 6'8 in his prime and Undertaker was 6'7.5 in his prime.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 12/Oct/17
Taker 6ft7.5 kane 6ft8.25 barefoot
Swag123 said on 11/Oct/17
This is so funny! Kane is 7' and Undertaker is 7' 1" and Big Show is 7' 2" and the Great Khali is 7' 3". At no point in the WWE History was Kane was 6' 7". Undertaker is also not 6' 6.5", Taker is actually about an inch taller than Kane making him 7' 1" and when comparing Kane and Big Show, Big Show is about 2 inches taller than Kane making him 7' 2". (All of these guys are 7 feet or above) (None of them are in the 6 foot range)
Chad said on 9/Oct/17
Listen to Bruce Prichard's latest podcast talking about Badd Blood '97 and the debut of Kane. He says that BOTH Kane and Undertaker wore lifts, Undertaker's were probably internal. When Conrad asks Bruce if it so that Kane would be eye to eye with Taker, he says "no, I actually think he was bigger than Taker". So that means that Taker had internal lifts, and Kane had external lifts.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 8/Oct/17
I am 69.5 inches tall my cousin is 79 inches tall kane looked 10 inches taller 6ft7 201cm
Kane said on 7/Oct/17
Anyone seen table for 3 where Mark Henry said Kane was “6’7-6’10 somewhere in there” ?
Philip McMullin said on 7/Oct/17
@SiddThis pic proves without any reasonable doubt that Kane is still 6ft 8 minimum.
Gaz said on 7/Oct/17
On Bruce Pritchard's latest podcast on Badd Blood 1997, he stated that both Kane and Undertaker both wore lifts but that Kane was taller.
Editor Rob
if 6ft 7 guys can wear lifts, anybody can!

I think some might have simply had thicker soles and a half to 1 inch insert, but you wouldn't want to wrestle in higher than about 2-2.3 inches as the risks of ankle/leg damage might increase greatly.
Height Sky said on 7/Oct/17
A photo of Masked Kane looks cool for the page
Sidd said on 6/Oct/17
Kane and 5'9 Erik Estrada Click Here
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 5/Oct/17
Lowest peak heights sid 6ft6.75 200cm taker 6ft7.25 201cm kane 6ft7.6 202cm nash 6ft8.5 204cm big show 6ft10 208cm barefoot
Shuvayu said on 4/Oct/17
Dude sid was playing a character that had to make him look tall, big and indispensable
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Oct/17
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 30/Sep/17
Peak sid 6ft6.75 taker 6ft7.75

Taker and Sid at their peak in EQUAL footwear. Click Here
Maybe a half inch to Taker if Sid cuts his hair.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 30/Sep/17
Peak sid 6ft6.75 taker 6ft7.75 kane 6ft8.5 nash 6ft9.5 big show 6ft11.5 barefoot
Vegas said on 22/Sep/17
No evidence to suggest Sid was wearing lifts in Memphis. His boots were normal and of similar type to the ones worn by Callaway
Height Sky said on 21/Sep/17
Between Undertaker and Kane the range of difference is between the same height to 1/2 inch

If Kane was 6'7.5, I should say Taker was 6'7.25
Shuvayu said on 19/Sep/17
Taker is definitely taller than sid.... Sid in 91-92 had huge lifts ...even as lord humungous he had too, coz taker was a newbie and sid was playing a character ... best check out kane with spivey, sid with spivey, taker with spivey ...taker edged sid by .5 inches
Chad said on 18/Sep/17
Dewie, I don't think that Sid or Taker were ever 6'8. Even Bruce Prichard said that Taker was 6'7 on his podcast. Although, I have heard several people refer to Kane as 6'8, I think that Kane is just a smidge under 6'8, thus the 6'7.75 that I always thought he was.

Sid is a difficult one. In some staredowns with Taker, he looks taller, in others he looks shorter, and in most of them, they look the same height.

Then in WCW, Sid and Nash had a stare down, Nash looked 2 inches taller, but when Taker fought Nash at WM12, Nash looked taller than Taker by 1.5 inches.
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 14/Sep/17
Chad I disagree takers bio said he is 6ft8 barefoot thats if sid is 6ft8.25 look at you tube sid versus taker versus kane taker is taller than sid 1inche
Chad said on 13/Sep/17
Dewie, i agree with you on everything but Sid was actually taller than Undertaker. Go watch the episode of Raw where Sid and Taker took on Mankind and Vader. It was their first "Titan Tron" episode - Taker and Sid are in the ring together and Sid has him by about .25 inches and it doesnt look like Sid is on lifts. (Begining of episode Taker Sid in ring segment)

Taker - 6'7.25
Sid - 6'7.5
Kane - 6'7.75
Nash - 6'9
Big Show - 6'11
dewie 5ft9.5 177cm said on 8/Sep/17
Sid 6ft7 taker 6ft8 kane 6ft8.5 nash 6ft9.5 big show 6ft11.5 barefoot
Vegas said on 8/Sep/17
Chad if Kane was 2.25 inches taller than taker at mania and Kane stood 6'9.5-6'9.75 in his footwear wouldn't that put taker at 6'7.25-6'7.5 in his wrestling boots back in 1998 so sub 6'7 barefoot...
Chad said on 7/Sep/17
Anonymous, I am really sorry but I have to disagree with you. Kane was never struggling to go over the top rope. Ever. And at WrestleMania 14, Kane was TALLER than The Undertaker by 2.25 INCHES. Please go back and take a look at their staredown. Ofourse, it had a lot to do with the lifts, without the lifts, Kane would have been .75 of an inch taller. The lifts gave him another 1.5 inches of height.

They wanted to make Kane look GIGANTIC. Which they pulled off very well.

Undertaker at that time was 6'7.5. Kane was about 6'8.25.

Nash always looked shorter in staredowns with Big Show than Kane did. ALWAYS. Nash WAS taller than Kane, but Kane with his lifts was taller than Nash.

Nash - 6'9 | Kane in lifts - 6'9.5 - 6'9.75
Kane said on 7/Sep/17
I've seen Nash struggle to step over the ropes. I've even seen Nash get caught in them bc he couldn't step over them all the way. You obviously haven't seen many vids of Glenn in any of his gimmicks where he steps over the ropes. Sometimes he does it very easily. I've seen a 6'4 guy step over them so don't use that as an excuse to say Nash is taller.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/17
I wouldn't criticize Kane for wearing lifts, but just watching back old stuff from 96/97 it's weird to see how much they pushed the lifts on him. At WM14 Taker didn't wear lifts, and Kane's are huge in order to make him look the same size. Just a year prior he was brought in as Fake Diesel and he could barely step over the top rope without those lifts (one of the main reasons I know Nash is really taller).
Shuvayu said on 6/Sep/17
Click Here check this to deduce heights .... nash, show wcw
Anonymous said on 4/Sep/17
Peak height 6'8" today 6'7"
Taker peak height 6'7.5" Today between 6'6" - 6'6.5"
Kane said on 21/Aug/17
Sheamus wears huge inner lifts. Kane wore MAX 2" thicker boots that's all.... big show and viscera wore the exact same ones. Randy Orton and hhh wear inner lifts also.
dewie said on 21/Aug/17
Jim ross said taker was 6ft9 300 pounds
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 19/Aug/17

Sheamus is one of the biggest lift wearers in wrestling history, along with Kane. But I don't know why everyone calls out Kane for wearing lifts, yet very few people have ever called out Sheamus for wearing them. Click Here
Phenom! said on 18/Aug/17
I still think Kane's peak was 6'8" and undertaker's being 6'7.5." But it seems that people are now downplaying kane by half an inch. I wouldn't be surprised if Kane and undertaker were the same height. Kane still seems taller to me.
dicksock said on 16/Aug/17
Here is Jim Ross talking with Kane about getting him started in WWE: Click Here

Ross described Jacobs as 6'7 or 6'8" and close to 300 lbs when he tried to get him signed. Sounds legit.
TheGrump said on 15/Aug/17
Sidd,ı think you should watch the match between them. kane looks 2 or 3 inches taller in the match
Markus said on 15/Aug/17
This line is nonsense. Sheamus´ top of the head is over that line and Kane wears bigger lifts than Sheamus.
So, 4 inches between the two is more likely.
Sidd said on 14/Aug/17
Kane and Sheamus.. Kane looks 5 inches taller IMO Click Here Click Here
Chad said on 14/Aug/17
Sidd, I agree, I think Kane might even be taller if he wasn't slouching BY .25-.5 inches, you can cearly see Kane is trying to sell Gallows' height in the ring but it was almost like when The Undertaker and Underfaker stood toe-to-toe. You could see that Mark Calaway had 2 inches on Brian Lee and it just didn't work. I think Kane was definitely a 6'8 peak. No way he was anything under that. Kevin Nash might have had him by 1.25 inches in their match back with Isaac Yankem vs Diesel
Sidd said on 13/Aug/17
A Kane and Matt Morgan comparison. Kane's slouching in his picture but still not much of a difference between them for mine Click Here
Kane said on 12/Aug/17
You know what.... regardless of all the pics we've seen and bad photo/video angles, the real one that proves he was at least 6'8 barefoot a while back was Kane and Tomko face to face recorded backstage. He towered Tomko and he was at least 6'6 barefoot.
Chad said on 12/Aug/17
Kane peak was 6'8, with the lifts he was 6'9 1/2. Undertaker was 6'7.5 in his boots 6'8. Big Show had about 2.25 inches on Kane in the lifts in '99 (both ar their peak). Show had Undertaker by about 3.75 in 99.
Kane said on 11/Aug/17
Look up The undertaker and Kane backstage, it's a 25 second video. Kane has at least 2" on taker. Looks just like the diesel v taker stare down back stage.
dewie said on 11/Aug/17
Kane was billed 6ft9 and later 7ft0 real height was 6ft8 barefoot
Sean said on 11/Aug/17
Hi Rob - A lot of going back and forth here recently on who is/was taller: Kane or Matt Morgan, in your opinion who is taller?

On this site you have Morgan 1 inch taller, which I agree with. You could even make the case that both were 1/2 inch taller at peak:
Kane: Peak 6'8", Current 6'7.25"?
Morgan: Peak 6'9", Current 6'8.25"?
Editor Rob
the question with kane is if he was 6ft 7.5 or 8 I feel...6ft 7 flat? I'm not sure he was that short.
ReturnofG said on 9/Aug/17
I agree if Nash and Morgan had same footwear, Nash would have an inch on Morgan. A peak Nash would have closer to two inches on Morgan.
Shuvayu said on 8/Aug/17
Yankeem was never billed as 6.7 ... its a lie ...
Kane said on 7/Aug/17
Like I said look at Matt morgans page and take a gander at the pic where he's wearing huge internal lifts. They draw a line where the bottom of his foot should be. Can you not tell how Kane is slouching big time to sell gallows height? Gallows is even wearing kanes big boots with that suit and Kane is STILL taller while slouching. Matt and Kane looked even in height when they went toe to toe so I think a prime Kane was taller. Final, there should be no debate about this. Kane was always closer to big shows height than Nash or Morgan.
Shuvayu said on 7/Aug/17
@vegas gallows as fake kane had possibly a 3.5 inch sole ... why dont you check kane vs gallows instead
Vegas said on 6/Aug/17
Kane said on 2/Aug/17
Still no proof where Morgan is taller. Have you not noticed the HUGE internal lifts inside his boots? Especially when he went against Kane. They looked even. He never was eye to eye with Nash oh and please provide proof where they said Yankem was 6'7.

There is Nash and Morgan face to face at 14 minutes 30 seconds onward Click Here

Second it's next to impossible to determine 100% if someone is wearing internal lifts, you can speculate but you can't prove it unless you see the inside of the boot. There were people on here claiming Mike Tyson boxed in lifts which was ridiculous

Morgan moves quite well for a tall guy wearing something inside his footwear too, better than Nash ever did. Kane (post attitude era) and Morgan's wrestling boots look similar too..

Kane and Luke gallows (fake kane) Click Here
Morgan and gallows at 13 minutes 30 seconds Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Aug/17
Rob, is 6ft8 peak arguable?
Kane said on 5/Aug/17
Let's take a look at when Nash returned 2002 and him getting big shows face. Now go look when Kane got in big shoes face in 2002.... Kane was taller.
Wrath said on 3/Aug/17
PEAK - 6'8.5, today he is 6'7.5
Undertaker peak 6'7.75, today he is 6'6
Braun Stroman - 6'7.25
Big Show peak - 6'11, today 6'9.75
Kevin Nash - Peak - 6'9.5, today 6'8
Sycho Sid - Peak 6'7.75, today 6'6.75
Matt Morgan - Peak 6'8.5, today - 6'7.75
Brian Adams (CRUSH) 6'5.5
Test - 6'5.75
Dallas (Lance Hoyt) - 6'7.5
dewie said on 3/Aug/17
Taker was 3.5 inches shorter than show kane 2.75 inches shorter big show 7ft0.5 kane 6ft8.75 taker 6ft8 barefoot
Gazz said on 3/Aug/17
There's no way I can see Kane being any less than 6'8 barefoot in his peak just from evidence I have seen here. I think it is easy to skew camera advantages and footwear in your favour if you want a wrestler to be taller than he is. I wouldn't be surprised if he is still 6'8 going from the recent photos of him with big show and of him with Braun Strowman in a match in Europe where he is clearly taller by at least an inch - Braun is currently listed at 6'7 on here making Glenn around 6'8.
Kane said on 2/Aug/17
Go look at matts page on this site and see his pics of his huge inside lifts. WAY bigger than Kane's lifts ever were and he's still shorter than Nash! So stop going back and forth with me bc that is proof enough. Kane measured up taller to big show than all of them and STILL does and that's that.
Kane said on 2/Aug/17
Still no proof where Morgan is taller. Have you not noticed the HUGE internal lifts inside his boots? Especially when he went against Kane. They looked even. He never was eye to eye with Nash oh and please provide proof where they said Yankem was 6'7.
Shuvayu said on 2/Aug/17
@vegas I would say jones would inch kane by an inch but not morgan
miko said on 2/Aug/17
Kane barefoot peak anything between 6'7 and 6'8 is debatable.

Morgan looked 6'8.5 range. He was eye to eye with Nash over 10 years ago.
Sean said on 1/Aug/17
Great find Vegas! At 2:12 of the video Vegas attached, there is a staredown between Show and Morgan which shows maybe 1.5", 2" difference? Both looked to be in the same size footwear also. This is from 2005 and both have lost height since then. If Show was 6'11" range by this time where does that put Matt - 6'9"?
Rob - Maybe perhaps we change Matt peak 6'9", current 6'8.5"???

Total agreement with Vegas with Morgan being taller than Kane.
Chad said on 1/Aug/17
Vegas, Matt Morgan seems 2.5 inches under Big Show there.. The same as Kane at KOTR 99 in his lifts.. I don't know if Morgan is wearing internal lifts, but it he might. I see Morgan at about 6'8, the same as Kane. Kane being 6'7.75-6'8 at his peak. No way was Kane more than an inch shorter than Kevin Nash. Nash was taller than Taker about 1.75 inches, I'd peg him at 6'9.25.

Taker - 6'7.5
Kane - 6'8 (peak)
Matt Morgan - 6'8-6'8.25
Big Show - 6'10.75 - 6'11 (peak).. Now around 6'10
Vegas said on 1/Aug/17
Slim said on 12/Jul/17
Vegas Kane and Matt Morgan have wrestled each other. Kane was slightly taller. And everyone knows Matt wears those huge hidden lifts.

I met both Morgan and kane out of gear in the Hilton NYC lobby back in March 2004 within minutes of each other during mania 20 weekend and Morgan is taller. Morgan was listed taller in college basketball than Jacobs too, not that that really matters but still.

Kane even in his huge attitude era platforms didn't look that tall next to wight Click Here

As for Isaac Yankeem WWF billed him 6'9 but pwi continually listed him at 6'7 throughout the late 1990s.
dewie said on 30/Jul/17
Taker 6ft8 2.03m kane 6ft8.75 205m barefoot
Sidd said on 29/Jul/17
Kane with Andrew Napolitano, Who is listed 5'10 Click Here Click Here
Shuvayu said on 27/Jul/17
Click Here check this out and decide
Chad said on 25/Jul/17
Shuvayu, I agree too. There was one instance where Taker and Kane went face to face when Glenn was Isaac Yankem, and Glenn appeared about an inch taller than Taker. I can guarantee that Kane was always taller than Taker and they wanted him to wear the lifts so that he appears even more gigantic in stare downs with Undertaker. Taker had to have been 6'8 as he never came off as a guy who is 6'7 (mind you that a 6'7 man is still a giant). Kane looked a good .5 inches taller than Taker in stare downs. And in 1999 - KOTR ppv, when Kane and Big Show went toe-to-toe, Show was 6'10.75 he did wear lifts so I would guess in his boots he was 7 feet on the dot, and Kane was 6'8.5. + his 1.5 inch lifts, he would have been 6'10 in them.
Shuvayu said on 25/Jul/17
Some idiot said that as Isaac Yankeem he was billed 6.7. Can anyone show me that clip where JR or Vince or Lawler states that ... There was a steel cage match with Bret in 95 where Yankeem was billed 6.10 ... Listen to the commentary in the early part of the match ... As Yankeem Vince termed him a behemoth
Chad said on 24/Jul/17
DFENS, great find. Maybe Kane is still 6'8. If Big Show is 6'10, there hardly looks to be a 2 inch difference in that photo.
Slim said on 22/Jul/17
Great find of show and Kane! I told y'all Kane was close to shows height!!!! Most of you guys can't tell when someone is wearing lifts!
Tarinato 6'0.5 said on 22/Jul/17
Peak: 204.4 cm (6'8.5")

Current: 202.5 cm (6'7.75")
DFENS said on 21/Jul/17
The "Little" Show

Click Here
Chad said on 21/Jul/17
No problem Martin. Show does i deed wear lifts to the ring. There's a reason Show looked closer to Shaq's height in the ring and then when they were filming outside of the Awards show, Big Show looked 3 inches smaller than Shaq. Shaq is 7'1. Big Show today is 6'10. Kane today being at about 6'7.5 explains why he is close to Show's height. That's only a 2.5 inch difference. Kane in his prime was definitely between almost 6'8. Maybe not on the dot 6'8, but a strong 6'7.75. You can look back when 6'5.75 Luke Gallows (peak) played the fake Kane. No matter how much Glen tried to hunch to try and make Luke Gallows appear taller, it just wasn't working.

Then in '98, 2 big guys who were in the WWF who were a legit 6'6.5 each were the Harris Twins. Kane in his lifts always appeared a good 2 inches taller than the Harris twins. Haris Brothers in boots- 6'7, Kane (real height 6'7.75) in his boots - 6'9.25.
Martin 6'2 said on 21/Jul/17
Thank you Chad, something I didn't know.
And about Kane and Show looking a similar height in normal clothes, perhaps Show has also been wearing lifts in the ring, not sure.
Shuvayu said on 20/Jul/17
@slim yes hardly any difference ...both of them in formals
Slim said on 19/Jul/17
Shuvayu thanks! Also, have you seen Kane in his business suit with big show? He's almost even with him! Backstage.
Ustaad988 said on 17/Jul/17
He may have been 6'8" peak and 6'7" now though he is notorious to have worn lifts his entire career but before he was kane Isaac Yankem did look about 6'8" and taker looked just about as tall back in the day but 33 years of wrestling and hip surgeries and the bumps taker has taken through all these years play a vital role in losing about 1.75" or atleast 1.5" of height but in his staredown with roman and braun and against Corbin in the Royal Rumble he easily pulled off 6'6.5" according to me
Shuvayu said on 17/Jul/17
Yes that was royal rumble 2004, morgan tries to powerbomb kane but receives a chokeslam ... Kane is no way less than 6.8 today, considering TBS would be 6.11 ... kane at worst 3 inches shorter than TBS ....
Slim said on 16/Jul/17
Kane wrestles Matt Morgan in a royal rumble type match I've seen it on YouTube. One of the commentators said " 2 seven footers going at it!" Kane choke slams him I believe. Also, just look at Matt with Kevin Nash, he's shorter. Look at him with big show. He's WAY shorter. Now add Kane in there. Kane stacks up closer to big show.
Chad said on 15/Jul/17
Martin, yes - Kane looked 2 inches taller than Taker at WM14, but without the lifts, he would have still been taller than Taker vy .5 inches. Taker then was 6'7.25 and Kane was 6'7.75. Taker in boots was 6'7.75 (same height was Kane), Kane had 1.5 inches in his lifts - he was 6'9.25 in the lifts.
Sean said on 14/Jul/17
Kane I don't believe was taller than Matt Morgan. Peak Matt was about 6'8.75", Kane around 6'7.75".
Martin 6'2 said on 14/Jul/17
Guys please remember, although Kane looked a couple inches taller than Taker, back at WrestleMania 14, Kane was infact wearing a 1.5 - 2 inch sole.
So whatever their legit heights,(my guess being 6'6.5") they're probably both the same in bare feet.
Shuvayu said on 14/Jul/17
@slim please post the url where kane wrestles morgan
Takerfan said on 14/Jul/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Jul/17
Takerfan said on 13/Jul/17
Still a good 6 foot 7 in my eyes

Click Here


Flair is nothing more than 5´9" flat today, Kane would need a full head on him to be a good 6´7".

Kane had 2-2.5" on Swagger looking through different pics, between 6´6.25 and 6´6.75" is Kanes height today, with a peak of 6´7"-6´7.5".

I reckon Flair even these days with good posture would push 5'10 today, with his peak around 5'11. Kane's peak is around 6'8 and the days around 6'7. Just my opinion. I can't see Kane 6 inches shorter than Khali, who's definitely in the 7ft range
Chad said on 13/Jul/17
Tane, I think Kane was 3 inches taller than the Harris Brother in his lifts. Which were 1.5 inches. I think the Harris Brothers were around 6'6.25-6'6.5 and Kane's real height was 6'7.75 + 1.5 inch in lifts = 6'9.25.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Jul/17
Takerfan said on 13/Jul/17
Still a good 6 foot 7 in my eyes

Click Here


Flair is nothing more than 5´9" flat today, Kane would need a full head on him to be a good 6´7".

Kane had 2-2.5" on Swagger looking through different pics, between 6´6.25 and 6´6.75" is Kanes height today, with a peak of 6´7"-6´7.5".
tane said on 13/Jul/17
I got news for ya! kane isnt 3 inches taller than harris twins. guarantee those guys are around takers height.could even be taller. taker at most was 2 inches taller thsn crush. they were about the same. my guess taker 6'6 1/4 harris twins 6'6" to 6'6 1/2" crush 6'4" kane 6'6 3/4" to 6'7". rob? what you think?
Takerfan said on 13/Jul/17
Still a good 6 foot 7 in my eyes

Click Here
Slim said on 12/Jul/17
Vegas Kane and Matt Morgan have wrestled each other. Kane was slightly taller. And everyone knows Matt wears those huge hidden lifts. Look into it. It's painfully obvious. Please show me wear anyone stacks up to Show closer than Kane does. Matt and Nathan looked WAY shorter than Show compared to Kane. Just look it up on YouTube and you'll see the comparisons.
Shuvayu said on 12/Jul/17
I would still say he might edge big cass in height today on F2F stand off .... Just saw the F2F between cass and show
Vegas said on 12/Jul/17
Slim said on 10/Jul/17
He's always stacked up taller to big show than any wrestler on the roster except khali. Idc what ppl say about his lifts.... you CANNOT wrestle like he did or anything for that matter in anything above 2" he was at least 6'10 in his boots.

Numerous people stacked up better next to big show like matt morgan, Nathan jones, Nash and none of them were wearing platforms.

Speaking of platforms, nobody is arguing Kane wore lifts but you can clearly wrestle in platforms given tiny lister (Zeus) worked shots in no holds barred and velvet sky does here and glen is a far more coordinated that those two

Click Here
Slim said on 10/Jul/17
He's always stacked up taller to big show than any wrestler on the roster except khali. Idc what ppl say about his lifts.... you CANNOT wrestle like he did or anything for that matter in anything above 2" he was at least 6'10 in his boots.
Sidd said on 9/Jul/17
Kane with Swagger Click Here . He looks a good 3 inches taller and he is standing behind Swagger so could be 4 inches
James B said on 8/Jul/17
Rob I remember Vegas said there was no more than 2 inches between Kane and Jack swagger when they stood next to each other

Maybe Kane is not as tall as we think he is?
Mark said on 7/Jul/17
Kane peak 6'7.25 (could maybe extend to 6'7.5) & Undertaker peak 6'7. Kane in the 2 inch lifts was 6'9.25, Undertaker in boots was almost 6'8. Today Kane is 6'6.5 with shoes almost 6'7, with boots probably 6'8. Taker is 6'5.5 today. Big Show's peak is 6'11. He always had boots that maybe him bigger. Probably 7 ft in them, but 7'1 no way. Today he's 6'10 and he sometimes wears those giant boots to look bigger. Nash was 6'8.75 at his peak. Today around 6'7.5. Tyler Mane was 6'7.5 and Nash had him by about an inch maybe a little more. Sid flustered between 6'6.75 and 6'7.25. There is a pic of him being taller than Taker in one match, then the WrestleMania match, he was identical in height with Taker, with Taker being slightly taller. Kurgan was 6'9, today 6'8.
even said on 7/Jul/17
peak = 201 cm
right now = 200 cm
Chad said on 29/Jun/17
Lyle, I tried to post the link but it didn't let me. You can look it up on youtube if you type in "the destruction of Kane"..

Either he was 6'8.5 or 6'8 in 97, with 1.5 inch boots.. if he was 6'8.5, that would bring him to 6'10 in the boots. If he was 6'8, that would bring him to 6'9.5 in the boots, which I'm leaning more towards.
James B said on 28/Jun/17
More 6'6 if Jack Swagger is 6'4
Lyle said on 27/Jun/17
@Chad Link?
Chad said on 26/Jun/17
The more I review videos from 1997-1998, the more I want to say that Kane might have been 6'8.5. While the lifts would bring him up to about 6'10. When he destroyed Crush, Crush was 6'6, and Kane definitely looked about 4 inches taller. Then there was the instance when the DOA (Brian Lee, 8-ball, Skull and a bunch of other jobbers called Kane out) he came down to the ring. I know that the Harris brothers were both 6'7. And Brian Lee was 6'5. Kane had the Harris Brothers by 3 inches. What do you guys think?
Shuvayu said on 21/Jun/17
Do you have a face off between Kane & Corbn or Cass & Korbin .... Today Kane looks just 2.5 inches shorter TBS ...something cass recently looked like ... @marcus ... kane is taller than corbin, not sure of cass though
dewie said on 20/Jun/17
Kane billed 7ft 6ft8 barefoot
Shuvayu said on 20/Jun/17
To me today Kane - 6.7.5, taker 6.7, show 6.10.5 nash 6.9
Markus said on 20/Jun/17

man...not I but u got to be kidding! Kane has bigger boots than Corbin: Click Here
and: Click Here Kane here (Kane leaning his head slightly to the side but he has a little camera
advantage) with 6-6 Lee Smith (Oakland Riders): Click Here

"clearly an inch or more shorter than kane" - you are absolutely wrong.
S.J.H said on 19/Jun/17
@Markus said on 13/Jun/17

Kane is more like 6'7 at peak and 6'6.5 now
Shuvayu said on 19/Jun/17
Markus ... Kane 6.6.5 ... u got to be kidding ... Baron corbin a legitimate 6.6 (bileed as 6.8 by wwe) was clearly an inch or more shorter than kane when they had their in ring match
Chad said on 15/Jun/17
Abe, I also read that on Jr's Q and A. But, he also claimed that Undertaker was 6'9. Sorry, Undertaker was never 6'9. Kane was taller than Undertaker as Isaac Yankem (no lifts). Also he was taller than Taker as fake Diesel.
Slim said on 14/Jun/17
Post where JR said that
Big Poppa Pump said on 14/Jun/17
He was clearly taller when he faced the undertaker as isaak Yankem.
Abe said on 13/Jun/17
Chad, Um no. In 2001 as well, when Kane wasn't wearing those giant lifts Taker was taller. Even then he still had the footwear advantage. JR himself said on twitter that Taker was taller.
HMD said on 11/Jun/17
Peak 6'8" Current 6'7"
Slim said on 10/Jun/17
Test was billed at 6'8 very often
Height Collector said on 9/Jun/17
I don't remember Randy ever being billed at 6'6. He was build 6'4, and on occasion 6'5. Test was a legitimate 6'6 on the dot, but surprisingly was never billed more than that. I do remember on occasion when they would bill him at 6'7, but if Kane was billed at 7'0, I would have billed Test at 6'9. Randy Orton was no more than 6'3.5.
Shuvayu said on 7/Jun/17
Randy and test were both billed at 6.6 .... there is a match between them in 2002, where test clearly looks taller
Slim said on 5/Jun/17
Even tho I'm probably his biggest fan on this site lol I will admit that I think he is 6'6.... and for big show? Geez just look at him with 7'0 7'1 Shaq. Way shorter...
Sidd said on 5/Jun/17
There's no way Kane's only 275 pounds. Maybe he was in 2002 when he came back from the torn biceps and was lean as hell but currently, he's got to be comfortably over 300pounds and for most of his adult life, especially now that he isn't wrestling. I think he's at least 6'7 now, probably 6'8 in his prime
Height Collector said on 5/Jun/17
Thomas, i also read that article. It seems like they were trying to humanize him more for the article and just randomly put about 6 inches shy of 7 feet, and 50 pounds shy of 300. I am 6'4 myself. I have met Randy Orton and Kane, i was taller than Orton by about .5 inches. When i met Kane, he seemed to have had me by atleast a good 3 inches, this was in 2014. I still think he's 6'7.5 today. There is another article that recently claimed he was 6 ft 9. I believe someone posted it here. It said something along the lines of "the 6-9 300 pound behemoth".. His peak definitely was 6'8, but he didnt lose much height since his peak.
dewie said on 4/Jun/17
Taker peak 6ft7.5 202cm kane peak 6ft8 203.2cm barefoot today taker 6ft6.75 200cm kane 6ft7.23 201.2cm
Thomas Thomas said on 3/Jun/17
Click Here

Article says he is about 6'6" and 275 lbs
Height Collector said on 31/May/17
Undertaker: 6'6.73
Kane: 6'7.5
Nash: 6'7.95
Big Show: 6'10.6
--- These are their current exact heights.

Peak Heights:
Undertaker: 6'7.4
Kane: 6'8 - college height | Wore 1.75 inch lifts to be 6'9.75
Nash: 6'9 | With boots: 6'9.5
Big Show: 6'11 - With boots - 7'0.5

Reading below, someone mentioned Kane always appearing closer to Big Show's height than Nash in staredowns, in this instance, Kane's mega boots in 1997-2000 would have him at 6'9.75. When dealing with men of this size, everyone has to remember that just .25 inches can make a huge difference in how tall someone appears. Nash never wore thick boots. Nash was taller, but with Kane having a .25 inch advantage in his boots over Nash's height in boots, Kane always appeared taller to Show's height than Nash did in staredowns, but Nash was taller in reality.

An email to a former certain creative team member confirmed that Kane was indeed taller than Undertaker, (wont mention the creative team member's name as he is well liked by some but well hated by others :), back in 1997, the debut of Kane was rehearsed starting a mlnth in advanced, with Kane in full ring gear, but he did not have the massive boots at the time. He remebers the instance in which Vince McMahon and Bruce Prichard had been rehearsing with Kane and Taker, and Mcmahon wanted them to get closer, as they needed Kane to be taller than The Undertaker. Kane was SLIGHTLY taller than The Undertaker, but McMahon felt that Kane needed to be "more gigantic" and not have Taker looking straight at him, but looking "up" at Kane. The decision was then made to order Kane 1.75 inch platform boots and another pair that had 2 inches, and bill him at 7 feet tall, as they were billing Undertaker at 6'10 at the time. Kane stuck with the 1.75 inch platform boots as the 2 inch platform had felt "wobbly".
dewie said on 30/May/17
Shuvayu I saw the Undertakers bio on the sid verses taker versus Kane the height on YouTube.
Shuvayu said on 30/May/17
@dewie where di you get takers bio .... Scot hall's mugshot in 2009-10 says he is 6.5 , taker was always a good 3 inches taller than him in their prime ... way before they came to wwe ...
Logan said on 29/May/17
Kane is 6,8 maybe 6,7 great Khali said Kane was 4-5 inches shorter than him and Khali is 7,1 they said in wwe Kane was 7,0 and Big show was 7,0 but no way they are not they same height Big Show is a good 4 inches taller than Kane.
Chad said on 24/May/17
I think Taker was under 6'8 at his peak, probably 6'7.75. Kane was 6'8-6'8.25. Nash i would peg an inch taller than Kane. So 6'9.25. Big Show was 6'11-6'11.25 at his peak. There is a picture of Shaq and Show recently, and Shaq is 7'0.5 barefoot. He looked a good 3 inches taller than Show.

Today: Taker: 6'6.5 | Kane: 6'7.5 | Nash: 6'7.75 | Show: 6'10.5
dewie said on 23/May/17
Takers bio said he is 6ft8 barefoot chad so kane 6ft8.5 nash 6ft9 big show 6ft11 more accurate peak heights what do you think chad
Chad said on 22/May/17
Dewie, I think you're spot on. I would put Kane and Nash a little closer. Kane 203, Nash 205. I don't think Big Show was ever exactly 7 feet tall. I would say 6'11.5 at his peak, and today 6'10.5. There is a match between Isaac Yankem and Diesel that I had posted a link to not too long ago on here, Nash and Kane were very very close in height.
phil said on 21/May/17
he look 6'4 -6'5
dewie said on 18/May/17
Peak heights sid 199cm taker 202cm kane 203cm nash 207cm big show 213.5cm
Chad said on 16/May/17
Abe, I think you're talking about Royal Rumble 2003. Which is the only time Taker looked slightly taller than Kane as Kane was hunched while Taker was standing straight. Reason - Taker's footwear was noticeably bigger than Kane's boots. In 2003, Kane didn't wear the 2 inch heels. Kane was always .5 inches taller than Taker. I said this before and Ill say it again, I think the reason they had Kane wear lifts when he became Kane was to have him appear NOT slightly taller than Taker, but noticeably taller than Taker. The WCW had The Giant and Kevin Nash at the time, who were being promoted as 7'4 and 7'1. The WWE had to have a giant that was at least 7'0 too, which is probably why the gave Kane that billing. Taker was 6'7, with boots around 6'7.5. Kane was 6'7.5, with the 2 inch heels 6'9.5.
Chad said on 15/May/17
Listen to the recent E&C Podcast w Kane.. Edge tells Christian to watch his mouth because he's speaking to a "6 foot 8, 320 pound human being".. I think Kane is 6'7.5 now and was 6'8 at his peak.. In college, he was listed as 6'8 on his Basketball team.
Lyle said on 15/May/17
Kane has always been taller than Taker. Its as simple as that
dewie said on 13/May/17
Taker was 3cm taller then 6ft7 sid so taker 6ft8.5 peak kane 3inches padded boots kane was never taller than undertaker kane peak 6ft7.5.
Chad said on 12/May/17
I myself am 6'4.5 and I met Kane in 2014. When I stood next to him, he definitely seemed taller than when I stand next to my friend who is 6'7 on the dot. Not much taller, but if I had to guess, I would think that Kane is probably 6'7.5 now, and was 6'8 prime. I did meet Kevin Nash in 2013 with my 6'7 friend, Nash was taller by about an inch and called him a big boy, I want to say that Kane might have been taller by exactly as much as Nash was than him. I'm not sure, but, maybe Nash has lost some height since he was Diesel as I thought he would have been 6'10, but was only an inch taller than my 6'7 friend.
Shuvayu said on 12/May/17
WWE screws up in height every now and then .... When glen wrestled as diesel he had a match with taker .... Taker as usual was billed as 6'10.5", while glen was billed as 6'9" ..... On a very honest note kane has really looked tall, but not taker .... In the early years taker looked small compared to Sid, but things changed in 97
dewie said on 11/May/17
Taker 6ft6.5 199cm kane looked 1cm shorter than lee smit so kane is 6ft5.75 197cm barefoot today
Slim said on 11/May/17
Ive seen Kane duck for an elevator, and multiple door frames so idk where you've seen him under one. 7 foot doorframes are very common here so that's probably where you've seen him walk under one.
dicksock said on 10/May/17
Chris said on 5/May/17
(****sock said on 3/May/17
There is enough evidence to drop Kane's height to 6'6". The picture of him with 6'6" Lee Smith pretty much confirms he's about 6'6" these days. I don't see any other way of looking at it. Here is the picture:
Click Here

He was maybe 6'6.5"/6'7" peak, but looked like a solid 6'8" in his big heels with his big hair. Now he is about 6'6".)



Trust me, I looked closely. They are identical in height in that picture. Kane's posture is only slightly worse. If Kane stood at his tallest, he would maybe have .5" on him. I would go as high as 6'6.5" for Kane, but no more. He was probably 6'7" at his peak, but is now about 6'6.5".
Martin 6'2" said on 9/May/17
I'm a huge Kane fan, but I always knew he wasn't really 7 feet, it was to obvious when he stood next to other people, or more importantly doorframes, here in England an average doorframe is 6'6.25" I hear that in America they're around 6'8" Kane is never quite at the doorframe, close but not quite there.
Canson said on 7/May/17
@Benzac: agreed Kane is 6'7" like listed
Patrick said on 5/May/17
Dewey said earlier that Taker was taller than Kane. That's wrong, Sid Vicious was a STRONG 6'7" tall guy and I mean 'maxxed'. Kane is 6'7 1/2 tall PRIME and now hasn't lost that much height. Him standing next to Vince and them being equal is because we can't see footwear and also, Vince is not 6'5", he's actually 6'5" 3/4, possibly a very weak 6'6" guy. Kane was in his prime, taller than Taker and Sid Vicious, clear and simple.
Chris said on 5/May/17
(****sock said on 3/May/17
There is enough evidence to drop Kane's height to 6'6". The picture of him with 6'6" Lee Smith pretty much confirms he's about 6'6" these days. I don't see any other way of looking at it. Here is the picture:
Click Here

He was maybe 6'6.5"/6'7" peak, but looked like a solid 6'8" in his big heels with his big hair. Now he is about 6'6".)

Kane and Abel said on 5/May/17
Kane could be shorter Than Taker Right now, you only see Kane and Taker in Ring, where Kane got always thicker boots. Barefoot id say he isn't taller than Taker.
Shuvayu said on 5/May/17
TBS will be 6'8.5" then,
BennZac said on 4/May/17
If Kane is only 6'6 then Taker is struggling to be 6'5, Randy Orton is 6'2. Etc.
u would have to downgrade everyone a couple inches if Kane is only 6 foot 6, He's got to be taller than that, he slouches 95% of the time.
dicksock said on 3/May/17
There is enough evidence to drop Kane's height to 6'6". The picture of him with 6'6" Lee Smith pretty much confirms he's about 6'6" these days. I don't see any other way of looking at it. Here is the picture:
Click Here

He was maybe 6'6.5"/6'7" peak, but looked like a solid 6'8" in his big heels with his big hair. Now he is about 6'6".
dewie said on 25/Apr/17
Kane said he is about 6ft8 barefoot taker said he is about 6ft8.5 6ft8.75 barefoot kane 2inches thicker boots
Tatjhana Saphira said on 24/Apr/17
I don't know which was true because someone said 6'8 and when i search it was like 7 f
Omid said on 22/Apr/17
It' seems that no matter how many times I've posted this evidence on this page here, people simply refuse to believe that the gigantic boots he wore wasn't the same boots he wore after 2000 or 2001

You are free to search, the footwear Kane has been using since around 2000 is virtually identical to what Bigshow uses and has used to this day.
Slim said on 21/Apr/17
Can someone tell me how to post pics on here with my iPhone? I work with a 6'7 and 6'9 guy and they will gladly stand with a tape measure. Kane is a legit 6'8.
Joey34 said on 20/Apr/17
Kane and Jack Swagger with a man that looks 6'3 with Nathan Fillion Click Here Click Here
Thomas Veil said on 20/Apr/17
Kanes a big dude, definetly bigger than Taker. Id say he's about 6'7
Dave said on 15/Apr/17
A recent article calls Kane a "6'9, 300 pound behemoth" Click Here

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.