How tall is Alan Ritchson

Alan Ritchson's Height

6ft 2 ¼ (188.6 cm)

American Actor and Singer best known for TV series Reacher, Blue Mountain State and for his portrayal of Aquaman in Smallville. On his website he was asked, 'how tall are you', to which he replied: "I am 6'2". In 2022 he said "Barefoot, I'm Six Three", "for some reason the internet thinks I'm 6'2, and that's way off" and also "[Reacher] He's 6'5", 220. I'm 6'3.5" and I was 235 when we started filming." In this convention photo Alan had a slight edge in footwear. On his imdbResume he listed his Weight as "205 lbs".

How tall is Alan Ritchson
5ft 8 Rob and Alan @ Asylum 1, 2007
I'd convinced myself I was 6ft 2in to downplay my height and Reacher's 6ft 5in so I thought, "I'll have to exaggerate my height for this." But when I measured myself I was 6ft 3½in - add the boots and I'm pretty much there.

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Average Guess (146 Votes)
6ft 2.2in (188.5cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Dec/24
Rob, you should add Reacher to the line above......

I think 6ft2 and change is possible and in those boots he usually wears on the show easily clears 6ft3......
shaneminton said on 2/Dec/24
Def more than flat 6ft 2.
Ben - 186cm said on 26/Sep/23
I mean, even an average height like 5’10 would be a massive improvement from Tom 😂
popyou004 said on 25/Sep/23
3 inch difference can make the other person look short imo. Would you agree tho. It’s quite a big difference. The eyes of a a person 3 inch shorter looks at the mouth of someone.
Darksol64 said on 24/Sep/23

Yeah man I mean he's still a tall guy only an inch and a half or so from the very tall range. Has a great looking body frame/mass with wide shoulders. Can definitely play an imposing character even barefoot, but wearing a good 2-3 inch boot is definitely more than enough to play the part and look good doing it.

No need for him to exaggerate his height and lie about the steroids...I mean it is what it is plenty of people do steroids just be open about it and all's good.

FWIW he looks much taller than most 6'2 listed guys next to Rob and has less than 1/4 inch footwear advantage...but he's still likely much closer to 6'2 than 6'3.
Duhon said on 20/Sep/23
I'm sure he does know his height 6'2", but it seems like he was worried about fan backlash as he's not actually 6'5" like the character he's playing. So he tried to play it off like he 6'5" "in boots". He's likely the 6'3.5" he claims in boots. As I mentioned going from Tom Cruise any actor over 6'1" would be seen as massive improvement from the fans perspective.
Canson said on 15/Sep/23
Does he not know how tall he is? Wow. 6’3 and 6’3.5?
Andrea said on 14/Sep/23
With a 6'2 measured (on the dot) Darius Leonard Click Here , yes... he can look under this.
Hyper said on 13/Sep/23
I really like him as Jack Reacher. He’s far closer to the books than Tom Cruise ever was.

I think he could be 6’2 1/8” at least. Never looks under this listing.
Duhon said on 12/Sep/23
@Jay37 with the camera angles, boots and his bulked up frame he really does give the impression of looking 6'5" on the show. Either way yeah no need to lie, 6'2" is much closer to Reacher than 5'7.75" Tom Cruise was.
Jay37 said on 11/Sep/23
He is in no way above 188cm.Not sure why he's lying about his height since he got the Reacher role. The perfect actor for Reacher (before the controversy surrounding him) would have been Armie Hammer who's a legit 6'5". Has the right look and build too.
Robbe said on 2/Sep/23
Alan with 180cm measured Nick Chubb Click Here
itsmoe!!! said on 29/Aug/23
Alan Ritchson next to his 6'3 stunt double...who is clearly at least an inch taller than him.
Click Here
Darksol64 said on 28/Aug/23
6'2 and a quarter isn't impossible as he is quite towering next to Rob but given a slight footwear advantage I'd lean closer to the flat 6'2 mark at a low honestly. Maybe 6'2 5/8 up to 6'2 3/4 first thing in the morning.

I'm really close to this height range (solid 187 at my normal low) and my shoulder bone is 5'2 and a half on the dot in a totally relaxed normal standing posture. So Rob would only be looking a little bit over that mark with his eyeline being just short of 5'4. That's about what I see in the pic with Alan - Rob is looking about 1.25 inches over his shoulder bone.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Aug/23
6ft3 first thing I suppose isn't that unrealistic
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Aug/23
Rob, maybe 6ft2¼ isn't impossible?

From there, he'd easily be 6ft3+ in most shoes. Still don't understand his claim of rounding down, extremely bizarre and obviously doesn't hold any water when you compare him to guys in that range who you've met. I love his Jack Reacher though....totally blows Cruise out of the water
Editor Rob
I suppose there's a decent chance of it.
Malcolm Oliver said on 10/Jun/23

Nice joke. Gaining 60 lbs in that timeframe is only feasible on gear or excessive weight gain

Ritchson’s definitely juicing, but this is nothing new in his line of work. A problem, to say the least
Arch Stanton said on 31/May/23
Hilarious post Sean, you can't go from 165 lbs to 223 lbs of pure muscle in 6 months, impossible. Building muscle and mass takes a lot of time and patience, it would take many years to do that and keeping body fat low. I have 25 inch THIGHS and lift reasonably, I'd sure love to see your 25 inch pythons brother bahahaha!!!
Darksol64 said on 30/May/23

Poor attempt at trolling dude.

It's obvious he's around 6'2 in the pic with Rob and if you look at natural lifters that have been at it hardcore for 15+ years the difference is night and day. Alan is not natural.

As far as your claims, those are ridiculous too. I'm not sure if anyone has a legit upper arm measurement of 24.75 inches without drugs. If it's even possible, it wouldn't be from a guy that started out at 165 lbs at 5'10. You'd of had to start out with a huge, big-boned frame (like, 10+ inch wrist) for which 5'10 and 165 lbs wouldn't even be possible.

And it's possible such a gigantic-framed 5'10 guy doesn't even exist with drugs. You'd probably have to be like 7 ft tall with insanely good genetics to hit a legit 24+ inch arms without drugs. Plenty of 5'10-6'0 bodybuilders out there that openly admit to using drugs, and their arms usually get no bigger than 19-22"
Sean young said on 29/May/23
I've met Alan. Very nice young man. 6ft 3.5 he is every bit of barefoot. In the shoes he was wearing when we met he was probably 6'4.5. As far as steroids goes....why is it there's always a bunch of wussies who think just because they are too lazy or can't achieve good body mass that those who can are on human growth hormones. I started working out with a good friend of mine back in March of '96. I weighed 165lbs at 5' October of that same year I was 223lbs had a leg press max of 2432lbs a bench max at 465lbs and a free arm curl max of 135lbs. My biceps circumference was 24.75 inches. All done naturally with a strict eating diet. So Alan did not use growth hormones he was just dedicated to his workout!! You boys believe anyone that gets big quick does boosters only to sooth your wimpy little egos. Grow up!
grizz said on 21/May/23
He looked just a tiny bit shorter than 192-193 cm Momoa in Fast X. Granted, Momoa was probably wearing some casual loafers and Ritchson was with military boots. No way he is below 188. I'd even argue 189 for him.
Duhon said on 20/Apr/23
Just over 6'2", the 6'3.5" is actually probably him measuring in shoes/boots.
5'7 and a fraction said on 26/Mar/23
6'0.5 is laughable. 6'2 guy.
184guy2 said on 24/Feb/23
Tall and big dude
berta said on 29/Dec/22
Yeah Darksol64 this guy is 100 proicent on steroids and probably growth hormone too. Being his size is not impossbile natural but its almost impossible to be that size wsith that low bodyfat. You always loose alot of strenght and size if you go from lets say 14 procent in bodyfat down to lets say 9 ( i think he is about 9 procent bodyfat from that photo) But good light so its hard to guess from one photo.Heres how my strenght went down with bodyfat. I was at my heaviest 131 kg and on that day i benched 202,5 kg i think my bodyfat was around 18 procent( at best 16,5 or at most 19). Average. I then went from powerlifting to bosybuilding and slowly cut down the bodyfat ( you need to do it veeeery slow if you are natural because if you do it fast and lets say run avery day then you will loose alot of muscles) I think it took me 1 year to get ripped at around 9 procent bodyfat at that time. I was still training as hard but my strenght went down alot when i lost 9 procent in bodyfat and the bench went down to around 180-185 kg just from that. then the periods when i didnt care about the bodyfat and it got up to closer to 13-14 procent, then the bench wenth back to closer to 200 again. Thats why a fat guy is almost always stronger than a skinny guy with decent muscles. Take a guy and let him benchpress, lets say he take 85 kg ish if he doesnt workout. then put him on pizza and hamber non stop for 3 monthc so he put on 10 kg of fat. I can promise you that he will take around 90 kg after that just from putting on alot of fat.
Darksol64 said on 17/Dec/22
@ Duhon that's definitely steroids. 100%

Go look up legit natural lifters that have been at it for 10-15 years; one guy that comes to mind is AlphaDestiny (Alex Leonidas) who makes videos on YT.

He's almost as huge muscle wise (though he's only 5'5) but his physique looks SO much better and more natural. The difference is night and day.

So I guess he lies about that and his height with a ridiculous 6'3 1/2 claim. Sorry man but no you're not natural and you're 6'2 max if you were to go on a 5 hour walk/hike and measure with a stadio.
viper said on 14/Dec/22
Definitely 6-2 with Rob
Andrey200 said on 13/Dec/22
IceCold2 said on 11/Oct/22
Doesn't look even 6'2 there. Shorter than Hartley

Check his eye level, definitely at least 188 cm in the photo with Rob
IceCold2 said on 11/Oct/22
Doesn't look even 6'2 there. Shorter than Hartley
Dauphine said on 29/Sep/22
I think he is comfortably heavier than Welling now.
Duhon said on 27/Sep/22
Don't know if he's 240 lbs but he looks almost comically massive now Click Here
Dauphine said on 26/Sep/22
Alan Ritchson posted on instagram that he is 240 lbs now.
berta said on 31/Jul/22
we should not take his height claim that serious. He have claimed in a few interview that he is natiral and did not take steroids for his new role. A guy that have been traingin hard his whole life suddenly when he is pushing 40 years old is putting on 40 pounds of muscles in a couple of months when that took me many years to achieve. I think he is lying about a lot of things. But his height is probably closer to 189. It will be interesting so see if he will be this size and be like dwayne johnson from now and have a heart attack at 55 or if he will loose 30 pounds of muscle in a year.
MaximusPrime2004 said on 30/Jul/22
I feel like he could be 6’2 1/2 stretched out. He might have gotten 6’3 in the morning
Dmeyer said on 27/Jul/22
Well over 6-2 on reacher near 6-4 probably angle and thik shoes
Ian C. said on 23/Jul/22
When you think about it, a lot of average-sized successful leading men (like Paul Newman) habitually play play characters that are taller than the actors are in real life, and three inches worth of difference is not unheard of.

How tall is Yul Brynner's gunfighter character supposed to be in The Magnificent Seven? Well, taller than five foot eight, surely. It's the same variety of standard leeway you see with leading men in their forties with 25 year-old girlfriends.
Andrea said on 10/Jul/22
As I've said before, I could understand the bumped-up claims in relation to his Jack Reacher role, but with the new quotes, he's definitely pushing things too far! 😝
Not a chance he's 6'3.5 barefoot of course, at the very most a fraction over 6'2, although he never looked much over 6'2 to me, not even in Jack Reacher.
Duhon said on 5/Jul/22
@Heat said on 2/Jul/22
People here are really daft sometimes.
The OWNER of this site clearly took a picture with him and knows his real size.
You can stop your guessing name now.


I believe the "owner of this site" is more than happy for people to play the guessing game on height, as he literally has an average guess feature on the site you may have noticed or not.
Editor Rob
Yeah, folk can guess Alan at 6ft 3.5 if they want.
Unless he grew somehow, I personally can't see it. In sneakers though, it's possible.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jul/22
I could see an argument for 6ft2 and change but 6ft3½ barefoot, no way...

"for some reason the internet thinks I'm 6'2, and that's way off"

Incredible nerve....
Heat said on 2/Jul/22
People here are really daft sometimes.
The OWNER of this site clearly took a picture with him and knows his real size.
You can stop your guessing name now.
Rifle/Trooper said on 3/Jun/22
6'2.5" remains a possibility in my humble opinion.
Dmeyer said on 11/May/22
On screen looks Much taller than arnie AT Peak ,
Gian 181cm said on 7/May/22
He's tall and imposing in Reacher.
Classic 6'2.

6'2 - 6'2 1/4 easy
6'4" Leprechaun said on 27/Apr/22
He's honest. Hartley is an inch shorter than him yet claims 6'3". I found out last week I'm not the full 6'4", but I'm 6'3.75".
Duhon said on 22/Apr/22
I wonder if people who only know him from the show think he looks small when when they see him in person as he's not really 6'5"? However 6'2", 235 lbs would still dwarf almost everyone in size.
Chaos's Throwaway said on 21/Apr/22
Google maintaining his 1.88m listing is surprising, you’d have thought they’d put him at 1.92 to match his claim by now
Editor Rob
He is confident of being near 6ft 3.
Vincent Caleb said on 20/Apr/22
As listed
Jonus said on 1/Apr/22
He looks taller than just 6'2 for me; 6'2.25-6'2.5 range. Just 188cm implies he falls in to that 187cm range at a low which he doesn't imo. 190.5cm in the morning and 188.5 at night - I'd give him 6'2.5 or 189cm
Heir of Darkness said on 26/Mar/22

I think Ritchson is fine as Reacher, but I guess if you want someone that's close to Reacher's build and height, then Pablo Schreiber might be a decent casting, considering he's also starring as Master Chief in the Halo TV series, who's canonically 6'10 without his armor. However, him playing Master Chief might be the reason why they didn't choose him to play as Reacher because he's already busy with a role.
Tall Sam said on 19/Mar/22
So Ritchson might’ve packed on 25 pounds or so, I think there is a chance Cena might still outweigh him just slightly but Cena has certainly lost a noticeable amount from his wrestling days when he (no offense) straight up look like Steroid Man.
ChristianPerkins said on 17/Mar/22
Yeah, Cena in 2021-2022 is nowhere near as big as he used to be when he was still a full-time wrestler.
Dauphine said on 16/Mar/22
I agree that Orton, Cena and Ritchson are all very close weight wise. I imagine that Orton is currently the heaviest of the three by a slight amount.
Dauphine said on 12/Mar/22
Would you also say that Ritchson and Randy Orton are close in weight?
Editor Rob
With Reacher physique, Alan might be much closer to Orton's range now.
Dauphine said on 10/Mar/22
Considering Alan Ritchson has gained a few pounds and Cena has lost weight, would you say John Cena and Alan Ritchson would weigh the same now?
Editor Rob
They are now very close in weight terms.
ChaosControl2 said on 5/Mar/22
Google still has him at 188cm hope is not lost
Editor Rob
Wait for it...
Duhon said on 4/Mar/22
@Chrish his character wears combat styled boots mostly and I think the surrounding cast are not that tall. Plus camera angles.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Mar/22
Rob, I guess Kevin Sorbo can now claim 6ft5 and Joe Mangeniello can claim 6ft7!
Editor Rob
Sorbo certainly looks a big 6ft 3 guy and taller than Alan in person, although he might have shrunk a fraction now.
Chrish said on 2/Mar/22

In reacher do they give him lifts and have short actors? cause he looks more than 6'2 in that.
Editor Rob
Thicker than normal footwear and a solid 6ft 2 guy will pass for 6ft 3 easy.

Lifts though? This seems unlikely...
OriginalAnon said on 28/Feb/22
His fridge must look a lot like The Rock's these days - a pharmacy. Looks 188cm
ChaosControl2 said on 28/Feb/22
Yeah that’s the issue, people who are legit 6’5 and not athletes tend to have lankier builds. If it matters so much to have a guy the right height and build why not just cast a wrestler, tall bodybuilder or NFL player and then get someone do a voiceover?
Tall Sam said on 27/Feb/22
I personally wouldn’t recast him even if he doesn’t strike as quite 6’5” in the role, as I said it didn’t really bug me that he fudged up his height in the recent quote as previous commenters had said.

Most actual 6’5” range actors wouldn’t look right, many are too slender of build like myself. Ryan Hurst (if he he’d shorn off his unkempt hair and beard) or Joe Manganiello might be alright but but maybe it’s hard to picture them doing as well as the role (Hurst is less handsome and jacked, just naturally big/Manganiello doesn’t seem to have as much quiet intelligence on screen as Ritchson).
berta said on 27/Feb/22
yeah i agree if one of him and welling is taller then its probably welling. But at the same time, in samllville welling always had thick boots on and perfect posture and this guy was on flatter shoes or barefoot in alot of scenes. I think if you measure them at lets say 2:30 in the afternoon i guess welling would be around 189,3 ish. very legit 198 guy and this guy maybe 188,7 ish. very weak 189 guy. So basically welling could be maybe half cm taller. Thats how i think. Picture yourself this guy and arnold back to back at peak. there could be 1 inch difference.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Feb/22
Definitely strong 6ft2 is likelier than weak. I can see him measuring similar to Hartley or Jack Coleman, not sure about Welling and Routh though...I think they'd still edge him....Brandon also cheekily claims 6ft3½ as well
berta said on 27/Feb/22
Rob maye he should have the small upgrader that most of us have talked about over the years?this guy cant be only half inch taller than will smith, jim carrey and others. I have always thought closer to 189 for him but not a mm more. 6 2 1/4 Ben affleck wont egde this guy out.
Editor Rob
There's a chance of over 6ft 2, but is he really same as Welling barefoot? I'd have given Tom a slight edge.
Hyper said on 27/Feb/22

Tom Hopper. JJ Watt.
Duhon said on 24/Feb/22
@TallSam if not for Ritchson what present day actor would have been a good fit in the Reacher role?
Tall Sam said on 20/Feb/22
I don’t really feel that bugged about him claiming what is likely his booted height for some reason, maybe for the purposes of appeasing Reacher fans. I saw Ritchson mention in interviews being concerned when bidding for the part that he’d not be considered big enough. He seems pretty different from Reacher in life, seeming pretty funny and self deprecating.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Feb/22
That's a fair point, Rob.

I will say this...he is definitely a massive step up from Tom Cruise as Reacher!
Ian C. said on 18/Feb/22
Actually, if I hadn't known that Ritchson was a paltry six foot two (by visiting Celebrity Heights) I could have easily believed that he was six foot five. You can fake up the missing three inches with tricks that aren't immediately obvious.

But it's more than just height, because Ritchson has the right personality. I suppose you could have cast a young Jeff Goldblum (six foot four and change) as Reacher, but he would have been worse than Cruise. Even if Cruise had been six foot five, he would still have been wrong as Reacher, because he just doesn't have the right amount of masculine authority.

Now and then you can cast an excellent actor in a part, even though he bears very little resemblance to the character as he has been played so far, and the actor will still succeed. Daniel Craig as Bond is a good example. Craig was not even close in physical appearance to the book Bond, but perfectly expressed Bond's tough, sharp, upperclass vibe
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Feb/22
He's gone down a bit in my estimation with that 6ft3½ claim...that's kind of out there with Vin Diesel claiming 6ft1...wreaks of inauthenticity...prior to that, he was a true 6ft2 guy that would put other claimers of that height to he just looks foolish standing next to Rob when you think of real 6ft3+ dudes that have also posed with Rob...

It's a sad day, Rob
Editor Rob
Well some actors between 6ft 2 and 3 could round down to 6ft 2 when younger...

Then, after becoming more famous and realising Height isn't as much of an issue as they were led to believe, round up.

Or from a different angle - if playing a character who is 6ft 5, a 6ft 3.5 (in shoes) claim is a lot closer to matching that and the fans expectation of what Reacher is - a huge, imposing and domineering presence.
Duhon said on 16/Feb/22
It seems the "real" Jack Reacher would be built and sized like a Rob Gronkowski or a JJ Watt and very few serious actors have that build. However with the muscle mass Alan put on for the role and the generous camera angles and footwear he's probably as good as you can get even at only 6'2".
viper said on 16/Feb/22
Was Lillard wearing lifts in that show
Tall Sam said on 15/Feb/22
Having watched Reacher, they obviously picked mostly short costars but IMO Ritchson still didn’t look that much like an actual 6’5” guy a lot. He’s intimidating and quite good in the role but his frame doesn’t seem tall enough for every other scene to have characters talk about him constantly as a “giant”.,

Notice him in the prison scenes made me think of Matthew Lillard in Twin Peaks where he had to duck under the bars going through a gate Ritchson doesn’t stand out like that. Then there’s Maria Sten’s character on Reacher who looks scarcely shorter in shoes, the actress is listed elsewhere as 5’10” but I’d guess her character is supposed to 6’1” or something.
viper said on 15/Feb/22
He looks shorter than 6-2 Darius Leonard which is interesting. Leonard barely measured 6-2 twice
ChaosControl1 said on 14/Feb/22
He could certainly pass for a strong 6’2
ChaosControl1 said on 14/Feb/22
I’m pretty positive that if not for the older 6’2 claims he’s be listed as 6’2.25 or 6’2 3/8 on here
Duhon said on 11/Feb/22
It helps that the last guy to play Jack Reach was under 5'8", so he doesn't have particularly big shoes to fill non-metaphorically.
houss said on 11/Feb/22
@rob any chance of him being 6'3 , i'm watching reacher i can't believe that Chris Hemsworth is taller than this guy!!
Editor Rob
Barefoot at lunch I'd be surprised if he were that tall.
Rifle/Trooper said on 11/Feb/22
Do you think there is a chance he wears lifts in Reacher?

Editor Rob

Maybe thicker footwear than normal, but running and fighting in lifts is best left to guys like Stallone.
Big dave said on 11/Feb/22
They made him look like a giant in reacher, would've guessed 6'4"-6-5"
slothee said on 11/Feb/22
The most I could believe would be 6'2.5". He does look a solid 6 inches taller than 5'8.25ish" Rob, so from this photo I'd think Alan's at least 6'2.25". Perhaps he got an early measurement around 6'3", maybe 6'2.75", and thus claims he's 6'3" now. 6'3.5" is a stretch though, sounds more like an in-shoes height.
Robbe said on 11/Feb/22
Click Here
Andrea said on 10/Feb/22
If you want to add other quotes, here he claims 6'3 barefoot Click Here and here 6'3-6'3.5 Click Here ...
The old 6'2 was an honest enough claim from him, but I can understand him trying to push it a bit to sound closer to the character he's playing. I have seen the first episode out of curiosity and he's really treated as a sort of a giant on the show (besides the fact that he emphasizes he is 6'5 from the beginning), so height definitely seems an important factor for it.
Editor Rob
I'll mention the barefoot 6ft 3.
Ian C. said on 8/Feb/22
That's a good point, Walter, about the Tom Cruise Reacher movies. Those are good, entertaining movies, although Tom Cruise just played somebody whose name happened to be Jack Reacher, even though that Reacher was nothing like the iconic character of the books. It's as if somebody had decided to make a Sherlock Holmes movie, using the plot of one of the original stories, and the name, Sherlock Holmes, but made Holmes a short, gregarious fat man.

In the Cruise films, Reacher is an expert driver. In the books, Reacher does not have a driver's license, and hates to drive. Cruise's Reacher seems to have no sense of humour. Reacher of the books has a sly, sarcastic wit. Stuff like that. The only Reacher-like quality Cruise's Reacher displays is the ability to beat up five assailants at once. And that's where Ritchson's Reacher really shines, in the prison shower room battle. That really is one of the best fight scenes I've seen in a movie, and it took a giant-sized actor (as Ritchson is made to seem) to carry it off.
:D said on 8/Feb/22
He definitely has lifts in Reacher.
Duhon said on 7/Feb/22
His Jack Reacher corrects another character on the show who called him 6'4" that's he's actually 6'5". Looks it in the show. Wonder if they have him in lifts? 6'2" is tall but he looks like a near giant in the show.
Tall Sam said on 7/Feb/22
I don’t think Ritchson only got big for Reacher, he’s been filled out for a bit as you can see hilariously aa a young Scully in Brooklyn 99. Think he is claiming his booted height to get him closer to the Reacher of the novels.
viper said on 7/Feb/22
Lawrence Taylor is 6-2

He wasn't even listed at 6-4
Kayt said on 7/Feb/22
I have watched both Reachers with Cruise and Ritchison and I am a huge fan of Ritchison- he is spot on for this complex role! Loved the JR series on Amazon Prime! Thanks for such great entertainment, we have waiting for this!!!
Darksol64 said on 7/Feb/22
Here's a good technique to estimate height with people next to Rob: If you're using a PC pull out the built in "On-Screen Keyboard" which gives you a nice straight line to work with.

For this instance I put it on Rob's eyeline and leveled across. Alan's Eyeline to chin is maximum 4.5 inches, and from there it looks like there's around a inch below his chin to Rob's eyeline. That's 5.5" between the two I'm seeing in the pic, putting him at around 6'1.75 or so. I think Rob is standing slightly straighter (But not much) so there ya go, there's 6'2. Solid listing.

That's one way to know that he's nowhere near 6'3.5 people mentioned. Rob's eyes would be nearly 3 inches below his chin.

With a solid pair of sublte platforms though, he can absolutely play the role of a 6'5 dude and no one would question it.
Walter Kiefer said on 7/Feb/22
He is a tall 6'2" for sure. I think they hired shorter actors for the rest of the cast and used flatter footware for them and gave Alan lifts in his boots to boost him up a few inches. In the scene in jail when he takes off his boot he makes a noticeable dropdown. Still, as a fan of the books, Alan is about 95% what I imagined Jack Reacher to be. Cruise is about 4% (despite the movies being entertaining regardless).
Ben Bell said on 6/Feb/22
Amazing in Reacher. Does a great job of looking 6’5. Insane how much weight he’s gained since the photo with Rob. Those Hollywood supplements really do work wonders!
Ian C. said on 6/Feb/22
Young Mr. Ritchson here denies having taken steroids to get his Reacher body. Well, he certainly took something, because his body is freaky big in a way that could not have been achieved without some kind of chemical enhancement.

There are real people who are as big as Reacher, and got that way with their own DNA. Lawrence Taylor of the New York Giants in the eighties was six foot four and played at 240 pounds. Merlin Olsen was six foot five and played at about 270 pounds. These were natural supermen. They're rare but they exist. And none of the football supermen look like bodybuilders, whose muscles have a horrible, inflated look. I can see why Ritchson had to bulk up to play Reacher, but the effect is (to my eye) grotesque and ugly.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Feb/22
An improvement from Tom Cruise!
Ian C. said on 4/Feb/22
I have seen the first episode of Reacher and Ritchson really does seem to be six foot five. I have DVD sets of Clint Walker in Cheyenne, so I can compare how a real giant (Walker) looked on screen to how a fake giant (Ritchson as Reacher) looks and the illusion is quite good. I suspect that it was mostly a matter of hiring shortish actors for all the supporting roles. If you look closely, the female lead (whose name is Willa Fitzgerald) looks to be about the same height as most of the men in the movie.

Incidentally, if you're a Reacher fan, Ritchson's Reacher is bang on perfect. Even if Tom Cruise had been tall he would still have been wrong as Reacher, because he doesn't have Reacher's natural authority and strength, as Ritchson does.
Hong said on 4/Feb/22
RTE news : New Jack Reacher series gets the right man for the job

Click Here Here he claims 6ft3.5?
Editor Rob
A big jump in a claim!
6ft 3.5 in shoes isn't hard to believe for him.
Dauphine said on 28/Jan/22
With Alan as Jack Reacher, what do you think the weight difference is between Alan and Tom Welling?
Editor Rob
I think current Tom and Alan aren't that far apart in weight
Andrey200 said on 28/Dec/21
Wouldn't be surprised at 189.2 tbh
Ian C. said on 17/Dec/21
In the trailer it does look as if Ritchson may be be standing on a platform of some kind in a few scenes to make him seem taller, and I suspect that he took steroids to get that muscularity But a perfect choice for Reacher. Just as I imagined Reacher when I read all the books, not only physically but emotionally and intellectually as well.
Ian C. said on 17/Dec/21
The new and very much improved cinematic Jack Reacher. Perfectly cast, if you go by the trailers for the Prime series. They have made Ritchson look Reacher's six foot five, maybe by casting smaller actors to fiddle with the scale, but it's a well done illusion. If you can make a five foot five inch man look like a three foot six inch hobbit, you can make a six foot two inch man look like a six foot five inch giant.
Editor Rob
Yeah in the trailer he looks an imposing guy, if I hadn't met him would think 6ft 3-4 from those clips!
Wehrmacht180 said on 29/Nov/21
188 cm
Chaoscontrol. said on 1/Nov/21
If not for the 6’2 claims would you still list him as this?
Editor Rob
He could have had a chance at 1/4 over 6ft 2. In person, really it is very close with justin hartley.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Oct/21
I was watching Smallville recently. I hadn't seen it since 2003 or so...I was massively into it when it first aired but then slowly drifted away from it...went back recently and started binging it...don't know what I was thinking back then by stopping as it's bloody awesome! It's more character-driven and complex then these garbage movies that Marvel shove down our throats nowadays

Anyway it's quite hard to pick apart Welling, Hartley and Ritchson apart...they all seem to edge each other out at times....John Schneider would be taller than all of them though
Editor Rob
If you measured them at same time, I doubt the 3 of them would fall outwith a 3/8th to 1/2 inch range.
Tall Sam said on 4/Oct/21
This article claims Ritchson as 6’4” but the AV club tends to be rubbish when bringing up height, like giving Dave Bautista and Dwayne Johnson 6’4” before.
Click Here
Vincent Caleb said on 2/Oct/21
This is the most honest height claimer on the website.

6’2” no less
ChaosControl said on 13/Sep/21
@Yhrnamman he looks believably either side of 200, 10lbs is a realistic fluctuation over the course of a year with changeable stuff like hydration and workouts so 205 and 195 are both easily possible
Yharnamman said on 13/Sep/21
@Dauphine We are debating how much he weighed when he met Rob. Nowadays hes likely 210-220 lbs, but I don't think hes natural anymore. Likely hopped on some gear(like TRT).

Anyways, Rob said in 2010 that he thought he was 200 lbs(when he met him), based on my own research that seems to be very accurate(he weighed 195 lbs in May 2004). He likely wrote "205 lbs" on his resume in 2011 or 2012.
Dauphine said on 9/Sep/21
Those pictures are from a decade ago. He has bulked up since then. I could see 210-220.
Click Here
ChaosControl said on 3/Sep/21
@Yharnamman I can see him being around the 200 mark. It’s possible that with something like water weight he could have just made 205
Yharnamman said on 1/Sep/21
Ok now its time for some pictures.

Here he is in 2005, age 22. This is not 205 lbs, no questions asked. However this is 2 years before Rob met him so he could've gained some muscle.

#1:Click Here
#2:Click Here
#3:Click Here
#4:Click Here
#5:Click Here
#6:Click Here
#7:Click Here
#8:Click Here

(Rob I really hope these links don't trigger your spam filter)

Now heres the main deal. I found a picture of Alan in May 2004 where it says his weight is 195 lbs. It literally says it:Click Here

Thats why I said "This is not 205 lbs, no questions asked"

So if he was 195 lbs in May 2004, that means he wasn't 195 lbs when he met Rob. However on the other side, hes not gonna gain 10 lbs in 3 years if hes already been working out for a couple years. So this gives him an estimated weight of 198-202 lbs when he met Rob.

Anyways, if I was only off by 5 lbs with my first guess, I'll take it.
Yharnamman said on 31/Aug/21
@Dauphine Yea 6'4" and 235 lbs, not worth a response.

@ChaosControl That picture of Arnold was taken in the mid 1970s when he was a late 20s man. Also Rob had to pay a bit for this convention photo, they're gonna have good lighting.
ChaosControl said on 28/Aug/21
The only way Alan could get 6’4 and 235 is wearing studs with bricks in his pockets
viper said on 27/Aug/21
I think both Alan and Tom Welling could be exactly the same

6-2 1/4
viper said on 27/Aug/21
Caleb is listed as 6-2 on his college roster

He's certainly no taller than that
Dolphin said on 27/Aug/21
I do believe however, that Ritchson has 10-15 lbs on Justin Hartley though.
Dauphine said on 27/Aug/21
Amazon studios described Ritchson at 6'4 and 235 lbs. There is no way he is 6'4 considering that's taller than Welling who is around 6'3. I also have a hard time believing he is 235, the most I see is 225. Here is the link:
Click Here
ChaosControl said on 27/Aug/21
Something that didn’t even occur to me was that not only is Alan wearing a colour known to make you look slimmer, but Arnold is probably photographed in good lighting to make him look bigger whereas Alan has no access to such lighting in the convention photo. Also I didn’t see the 200 guess but I saw the 210 one hence why I brought it up
Yharnamman said on 27/Aug/21
@Dauphine Yes he does look pretty big, unless hes videoshopped he looks low 210s.

@ChaosControl You have to go near the bottom of this page, he said it in 2010 which is only a couple years after this picture was taken.

The black shirt makes him look slimmer, I don't know if thats the case or not but we could look at other pictures of him when he was a mid 20s guy.

The context of that picture of Arnold at 209 lbs, is that he had to slim down for a movie role. So he was off his favourite gear(test and dianabol).

Although its good you do seem to agree Arnold is a lot bigger in that picture than Alan.

@viper A lot of sources say hes 6'3", that has to be sorted out.
viper said on 16/Aug/21
Olympic swimmer Caleb Dressel is 6-2 195 and looks pretty similar to Alan in the above pic
ChaosControl said on 14/Aug/21
Dauphine said on 13/Aug/21
I don't have a picture, but I do have a video. Maybe start at perhaps 1:15 in the video.

Click Here

I agree that he is ordinarily 205, but I think he bulked up for the role.

He looks too lean for 6’2 220 there. Unless he bulked up and obscene amounts then did a massive cut I’d struggle to believe 220
ChaosControl said on 13/Aug/21
@Yharnamman Rob said he weighed what exactly?
Balrog said on 10/Jul/13
Rob what about weight of Ritchson and Hartley? I agree Justin is just a hair taller and Ritchson seems a legit 6'2''. Welling an inch taller because he's a legit 6'3''
Editor Rob
210 range possibly

I agree 6’2 220 is very big but there’s a few things to consider that make me think 200-205 is possible for Alan
1.Arnold was ,in his peak, at most 6’1.25, probably just 6’1. So that’s pretty much an inch difference
2. Alan in the main photo has a black t-shirt on, a colour famous for making you looks slimmer
3. Arnold is a steroid user, Alan probably isn’t and if he is then nowhere near as much as Arnold
4. Rob guessed Alan at 210 not 200
Dauphine said on 13/Aug/21
I don't have a picture, but I do have a video. Maybe start at perhaps 1:15 in the video.

Click Here

I agree that he is ordinarily 205, but I think he bulked up for the role.
Yharnamman said on 13/Aug/21
@Dauphine Show us a picture, even ChaosControl will say 6'2" and 220 lbs is very big.

@ChaosControl Its 6'1 3/8th", 209 lbs, 11% body fat vs 6'2", 205 lbs, 11.5% body fat. So slightly shorter, slightly heavier, very slightly leaner, yet a huge difference in muscle mass. Alan likely has around 16.25"-16.5" arms where as Arnold is 18" flat.

Also ironically if you go to the bottom of this page, Rob said he looks around 200 lbs. So even he didn't think he was 205+ lbs.

I might be able to believe hes in the late 190s standing with Rob.

Though someone did say he might be as low as 185 lbs, thats like someone whos been working out for 1 year.
Dauphine said on 12/Aug/21
Alan looks like he is at least 220 lbs in the new season of Titans.
ChaosControl said on 7/Aug/21
@Yharnamman Arnold is an inch shorter than Alan though, and heavier. So it’s 6’1-6’1.25 209lbs vs 6’2 205lbs
ChaosControl said on 7/Aug/21
@Yharnamman black t-shirts have a tendency to make you look slimmer, it’s possible it makes him look smaller than he is
Yharnamman said on 6/Aug/21
@ChaosControl I know a good example. Look at this picture of Arnold at 209 lbs, he makes Alan barely look like he lifts. Like 18" arms, 48" chest, 28" quads. If someone is 6'1"-6'2" and in the 200s while lean, they're gonna look pretty big. Click Here
Yharnamman said on 6/Aug/21
@ChaosControl I could claim to be 210 lbs, and most people would believe it even though I'm really 200 lbs.

But heres the thing. In this picture he doesn't even look 200 lbs, but if you look at his Instagram he does now look 205-210 lbs as a late 30s man. So it likely depends when he claimed to be 205 lbs, was it recent or as a mid 20s guy.
ChaosControl said on 26/Jul/21
Yharnamman said on 8/Apr/21
With his height in the goldilocks range, hes also lean and muscular, has facial aesthetics. Women must view him as a 10/10.

Yes he looks a flat 6'2", weight in the mid-190s, 11.5% body fat.

He claimed to weigh 205, it’s entirely possible that a well-built legit 6’2 guy can be 200+ and look muscular. I’m fractionally taller (6’2.5) and usually around 205 and pretty muscular, I put my biceps on General a week or two ago. He certainly looks bigger than my mate who’s 6’2 198-200 (though my mate is skinnyfat to be fair)
AlexJau said on 23/Jun/21
He's a good height 6.2ft bare foot and 6.3ft in a good shoe.
Ian C. said on 2/Jun/21
Could be cast in a tv series as Jack Reacher. If so, he would certainly be an improvement over Tom Cruise, although, at six foot two, he is still too short to play Reacher of the books. It is ironic that the most appealing thing about Jack Reacher the character is his immense size and strength, but this makes it hard to find an actor who can play him on the screen.
viper said on 2/Jun/21
It's possible both Welling and Alan are 6-2 1/4
184guy2 said on 31/May/21
he certainly LOOKS taller than Welling with Rob ..not saying he is IRL
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/May/21
He looks taller than Welling and Routh do with Rob
viper said on 13/Apr/21
He claims 6-2 and looks no taller than that with Rob
Chowdhury Quaseed said on 11/Apr/21
In Titans he looks much taller than everyone else. Look like 6-3 to sometimes even 6-4 because of his physique. I think he would not be below 6-2.5 at any time of day..maybe even 6-3.
Yharnamman said on 8/Apr/21
With his height in the goldilocks range, hes also lean and muscular, has facial aesthetics. Women must view him as a 10/10.

Yes he looks a flat 6'2", weight in the mid-190s, 11.5% body fat.
RJT said on 14/Mar/21
Tallest looking flat 6'2 on CH,maybe cause he had slight footwear advantage.

Is he noticeably shorter than Routh/Welling in person?
Editor Rob
Very close in height to those guys in person, but I would say they both have a greater chance of measuring taller than Alan.
winkler91 said on 21/Dec/20
188 flat afternoon is a good listing. I think he is 6'2.75 out of bed and 6'2 1/4 after 3-4 hours.
Vincent Caleb said on 30/Oct/20
This is his 6-2 flat looks. Fantastic listing.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Oct/20
This guy looks 188cm at a low.
berta said on 21/Sep/20
this guy looks to be 188-189 most of the time. i guess 188,5 is about right
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/May/20
At times it seem the mid day height of Alan could be cross between 6'2 1/8 to 6'2 1/4, Justin 6'2 3/8 and Welling 6'2 5/8. Given the low i can say Rob is pretty accurate with 6'2 range guys. Maybe because Rob have met more 6'2 guys than those 6'1 and under. Many 5'11-6'1 listing were still over listed 0.25-0.5".
Nik said on 28/Jan/20
I can see why the average guess exceeds 6'2"!
Bobby 5ft 10in (178cm) said on 13/Dec/19
That's basically how I look with 6'4 guys.
Nik said on 7/Oct/19
He's at least 6'2"!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/19
Welling overall has the best chance of 189cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/19
Rob, is Welling really taller than this guy up close?

Looking at both photos with you back to back Alan seems to have the edge
Editor Rob
Hartley edges out Richston I feel...Welling I feel can edge both of them out, but they really all could measure within 1cm. You could make a case for them measuring: 6ft 2 1/8th, 2 3/8ths and 2.5

I do feel Welling out of the three gave me a taller impression, but really without measuring there is always the chance they are closer than the listing.

Whilst the floor is generally quite level in that Olympia Centre, it isn't totally level everywhere - may well be slight variations that can account for fractions.
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 18/Aug/19
Looks less than half inch taller than solid 6ft 2!!!
Redwing said on 25/Jul/19
Hey rob, how tall is he in this picture? Cm wise
Editor Rob
A solid 188 range
K.A 188 said on 19/Jul/19
188 as listed looked almost identical to welling who always wore timbs while he was on flip flops
Nik said on 17/Apr/19
The average vote is 6'2.01" after 35 votes! I like his teeth!
Nik said on 28/Mar/19
This is what 6'2" looks like!
Nik123 said on 29/Jan/19
Rob, since you're the height expert, can you answer me this? Why do people always think I'm shorter than I am? When I go to the doctor I'm always measured in 5'8/5'9 range. People think I'm like 5'6/5'7 though. I am hefty right now, could that be it?
Editor Rob
It could be your body shape, posture, eyelevel that is effecting other people's guessing abilities.
TheBat said on 13/Nov/18
A spot on 6'2" guy!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 13/Oct/18
Ritchson may end up leveled with Justin Hartley. Both in the 6'2 1/8 lo range. 1/4 shorter than Hartley i don't think so now. Hartley might have more hair advantage to make Rob think he is fraction taller.
berta said on 24/Aug/18
he always look legit 188 guy. i dont think he is a mm under it. could be 188,5 and with good posture look 189
Dream(5'9.5") said on 22/Jul/18
187.96 is literally 6'2" flat. 187 cm is not far off 6'2".

I agree with Junior. I think this guy could be 6'2 1/8".
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 11/Jul/18
I'm not surprise if Rob will measure Ritchson between 188.2-188.4cm .
Nik said on 7/Jul/18
At least 6'2"! I like his teeth!
Nik said on 28/May/18
He is above his listing!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/May/18
I can see 6'2 1/8 is possible.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Apr/18
Not true Thunderfin.
Dream(5'9.5 said on 15/Apr/18

2-3 cms is actually an inch. 1 cm isn't much.
Thunderfin said on 10/Apr/18
Tarinator 6'2 said on 10/Jan/18
Looks a perfect 6’2”. Maybe a quarter inch taller! Would probably edge me out by 1 cm or so.

If he's an exact 6'2'' and 1 cm taller, then you're 6'1'', not 6'2''.
Tarinator 6'2 said on 10/Jan/18
Looks a perfect 6’2”. Maybe a quarter inch taller! Would probably edge me out by 1 cm or so.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 13/Nov/17
Basically, there is more of a chance of 6’2” 1/8th for Ritchson.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 12/Nov/17
Rob, how would ‘Ray Fisher’ compared to Alan Ritchson?
Editor Rob
not much difference really, I think ritchson at times could probably look over 6ft 2 flat to people.
Junior said on 17/Oct/17
More like 6'2 and 190 lbs now in Blood Drive.
Anonymous said on 30/Sep/17
legit 6 foot 2 , 185 lbs ( minimum )
Sammy Derrick said on 4/Sep/17
In SMALLVILLE season 9 episode 11 he was listed as 6'2 and 213 lbs with green eyes... Click Here the only thing that seems inaccurate was his eye color.He looks like a guy whose never naturally below 200lbs(heavy set) he was a late he ended up being a big guy...Click Here
Mark(5'9.5 said on 17/Aug/17
Rob, is 6'2.25" possible or Ritchson or 6'1.75" is more likely?
Mark said on 2/Aug/17

everything about that his spot on for the stats in the movie except his weight. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime at the heaviest was 245lbs and looked twice as big with twice the arm size. my guess for his weight would be around 215lbs-225lbs. no where near 250lbs.
Andrea said on 25/Jul/17
Rob, how much difference here? Click Here
No less than a good inch (3 cms range) shorter than Tom, I'd say!
It's a shame that you cannot see their footwear, though. I mean, it's natural to suppose that Tom has bigger footwear and Timbs on like most of the time but you can never be sure. I've seen more than one backstage photo where Tom was in Birkenstock sandals in the past...
Editor Rob
an inch or thereabouts, but yeah we don't know exactly what footwear
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jun/17
Ritchson: 188.2cm
Hartley: 188.8cm
Welling: 190.4cm
berta said on 10/Jun/17
i think this guy is 188 ore 3 mm under it ( have great posture)
Justin Hartley could be closer to 189 like 188,7
Tom welling is pretty mutch bang on 190 i think
Flash173cm said on 20/May/17
Click Here from 0:47=1:21
@Sammy Derrick said on 11/Feb/17
In the movie The Wedding Ringer,his character's stats are:
6'2 seems pretty believable.
S.J.H said on 13/Feb/17
Don't fool by picture above. Shorter head 9.1-2" and shorter nose (16.5-16.7cm from lower tip of nose to head) plus bonus slight footwear makes him look near 6'2.5 with big rob. I can assurd he is only strong 187cm at 6'1.6-6'1.7 precisely and justin hartley more like 6'1.8 to 6'2 max
Tarinator said on 12/Feb/17
Yep. He has an eye line of 5'9.5" and looks 6 inches taller than you. So 6'2" it is.
Sammy Derrick said on 11/Feb/17
In the movie The Wedding Ringer,his character's stats are:
When asked he says 'I'm 6'4' and later says 6'3 which he manages to pull it off.This is great considering that he is appearing in Hollywood movies.6'2 is a great height especially for someone who plays a superhero e.g.Aquaman/Arthur Curry and Raphael In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Victor Surratt said on 10/Feb/17
Looks like a solid 1.88-1.89.
S.J.H said on 9/Feb/17

Just overall proportion look 6'1 in that image. But probably 6'1.5 and 6'2 i"ll think of mehcad brooks not ritchson
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Dec/16
@S.J.H: I don't know how you gauge 6ft1 based off that one photo...I doubt he's that low. Looks a solid 6ft2 most of the time and some times a bit over even
S.J.H said on 14/Nov/16
He can look like a 6'1 guy

Click Here
Booker said on 12/Nov/16
188 cm flat
Josh said on 7/Sep/16
He's a proper 6'2. No more no less. Big dude.
184guy said on 7/Sep/16
Very very solid 6'2
The Man said on 22/Jul/16
@Alex I don't get your post, did you mean that Alan is 188 with shoes?
shiva 181 cms said on 9/Jul/16
He looks a solid 6'2 w/h a slight advantage 6'1.75 barefoot is a good guess
Alex said on 27/Jun/16
188 cm for sure. Around 186 cm barefoot.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Apr/16
Damien, that is too high for him. I'm that range myself and a legit 5ft8 person is comfortably below nose level...
Damian said on 10/Apr/16
Looks 6ft3.75
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/16
Hartley and Ritchson are both 188-189cm.
S.J.H said on 31/Jan/16
Much likely to be his short head give impression of more height and assume with footwear advantage. His eye level was not 5inch or 4.8-4.9 if check more of his picture and he don't look over 6'1.25 with 6'2 Mehcad Brooks who was more like 6'2.25
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Oct/15
His high shoulders give the impression of more height.
Grant said on 10/Oct/15
He seems to be standing up a lot straighter compared to Justin Hartley
Rey said on 15/Sep/15
In this photo his posture looks taller than Hartley. Rob is at his nose level, but near Hartley's eyes.
Jim Hopper said on 12/Aug/15
Rob looks over 6-2" imo.
Andrea said on 23/Apr/15
Only in some scenes with Erica Durance and he's in slippers with Tom in his first episode... In the others he's wearing shoes which are not much thinner than Tom's ones! Still he looks clearly shorter than him, i think it would be no less than an inch if measured barefoot... 0.75 is really the minimum difference i can buy! You yourself said that he's no different than the weak 6'2 plumber!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Apr/15
He looks taller than Hartley
Andrea said on 22/Apr/15
Rob, could he be more 187? He doesn't look a big 6'2 on Smallville next to people like Tom Welling or Erica Durance...
Editor Rob
isn't he barefoot at times, I think he looked 6ft 2 from what I recall. In person I think he is right about 6ft 2.
6 said on 16/Mar/15
I give him a flat 6'2. Probably 6'3 almost 6'4 in boots
tyler said on 18/Feb/15
On a good day he is a solid 6'3. especially when he stands next to Darin who is 5'10. And because he is so big and muscular I give him 205-215
joe 192 said on 12/Jan/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Dec/14
More of a strong 6ft2 than a weak one
KROC said on 13/Oct/14
Weak 6'2. Justin Hartley is the full 6'2 though.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Oct/14
Out of bed height could be 6ft3
Dane said on 21/Jun/14
I think Darin Brooks is the listed 1.78 cm.
A 5'10'er can look 5'9 and 5'11 in different angles and so. So i think a legit 5'10 is a fair shout for him.
cole said on 18/Jun/14
6'1.75 I'd say is better, certainly nothing over 6'2.
afg2nvy said on 6/Jun/14
Rob, how tall would someone with a 175cm eye level be???
Editor Rob
probably close to being 187cm
Tommo said on 1/Jun/14
Do you think then there's a chance he might not measure 6'2 at his low, end of the day Rob? I have to say by the pic I thought he was bang on.
Editor Rob
I think he's probably still around 6ft 2 mark by teatime, if he dipped under it wouldn't be much. Could wake up close to 6ft 3 mark.
Andrea said on 26/May/14
Rob, if he's not much different than the 6'1.5 guy, why listing him at 6'2? I do believe that's a fair listing, i mean he's gotta be quite close to the mark but would you be surprised if he turned out to be 187 at his lowest?
Editor Rob
the 6ft 1.5 guy can look 6ft 2, especially if he turned up to do a job at 9-10am
person said on 24/Apr/14
He only looks around 6'0-6'1 to mate is 6'2 and he looks taller than Alan.
sss said on 1/Apr/14

The thing is that Brooks looks 5'11 range with Ritchson but more like 5'9 range with 5'7 Sam Jones III
sss said on 28/Mar/14
Rob, what do you think about his co-star from BMS, Darin Brooks ? 5'11 range probably ?
Editor Rob
yeah he can look about that mark
SAMMY DERRICK said on 19/Mar/14
Robbin said on 27/Feb/14
I had met Alan Ritchson in Detroit 3years back. I'm 6'2.5 and he had an inch below i am and i had similar footwear as Alan when i met him. Look near to 6'1.5 and maybe 6'2 morning.
176,2Tunman said on 22/Feb/14
Rob,how tall is Jenny's head if 5.9in leads slightly under her nose,I'm guessing something like 8.3.Please give me an idea of what is considered small,average,and big head for a woman at Jenny's height, this would be useful.
Editor Rob
it is not much more than 8 inches last I checked, which isn't really small, it is within 8-8.5 average range. A women with a 9.5 inch head would have a very long can get 7.5-8 inch range which are smaller end of the scale.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Feb/14
I felt like doing a Rampage for a day that's why. He's 189!!!! :-] I'm not going to argue over 0.25 of an inch...
avi said on 14/Feb/14
@Arch Stanton
Where do you come to the 6'2.25-.5 conclusion?? Mugshots are bad indicators . Plus he could be in boots. I've seen many 5'10 guys look over 6'0 in them . Check out mark David Chapman.
Also I think 5.8 inch difference in the pic with Rob considering his footwear advantage.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Feb/14
I'd go with 6'2.25, although Welling at a supposed 6'2.75" might contradict it.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Feb/14
Rob don't you think 6'2.25-6'2.5 might be more likely from that mug shot? I'd probably list him at 189 personally.
Editor Rob
188 is fine for him.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Feb/14
Here's a mug shot. Click Here Looks about 6'3.25 in footwear. 6'2.25" I think would be spot on.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/14
189cm isn't impossible but that would probably put Justin Hartley at 6ft2.75 and Tom Welling at a strong 6ft3
Lenad said on 28/Dec/13
genuinely looks his claim. I could also buy 189cm
Banner said on 28/Nov/13
I had already said that usually people over estimate taller people heights. It happen always with me, I'm given always one inch more than my real height, sometimes two. Once even three from a collegue who is much shorter than me. That is normal. We can make good guess only if we stand in front of a person near our own height, otherwise our perspective is not a good point of reference.

In this picture, Alan Ritchson eyeline seems 2 cm over Rob's headtop, this would mean 173+2=175cm. If Alan's eyeline-headtop distance is same as the average (11 cm), it would make him 175+11=186cm. Rob says Alan has a slight edge in footwear, let's cut 1 cm then, so my guess after this picture is 185cm (±1cm) for Alan Ritchson. And it appears to be quite consistent with my estimation of Justin Hartley's height.
Gabriele said on 27/Nov/13
no. he said 6'2" in an interview so i tought he would've said the same if i asked... anyway he's about 187 (186-188 range). 185 or 189 are out of discussion, i think it's a fact. even thought rob says justin is 189 i think that if someone says 6'2" he means 6'2" or less. why downgrading his height in public? and he doesn't look that tall... he's more of a 6'1.5" in my opinion which is tall actually!! :D i'm 6'1.25" and people always tell me that i'm tall and sometimes very tall. it's like anything under 6'2" it's considered to be bad or not enough but it's not. if you're not a full 6'2" (and this guys are not in my opinion) you're not. even if you could pass for that... and it's not the end of the world, really!:D
Banner said on 26/Nov/13
Gabriele did you ask him his heigth by chance?
Gabriele said on 19/Nov/13
he looks like 6'1" and i don't think he weights more than 195. justin weights 187 (i asked him on twitter a couple of weeks ago)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Oct/13
He's 189-90cm in the above pic. But he's got an advantage.
Sam said on 18/Oct/13
He does look like he could be a tad over 6'2" to me.
Rusty said on 12/Oct/13
Strong 6'2" for certain. He has to weigh 210 with muscle. He is what you would call a big 6'2"
Rusty said on 17/Sep/13
Easily looks 6'2.5" here but if he has an extra quarter inch footwear or so, a 6'2.25" listing would be good. I doubt this guy can dip under 6'2"
Rusty said on 9/Sep/13
Looks as tall as many of the guys rob gives 6'3" to on here
Cent said on 4/Sep/13
Rob, how tall do you think Darin Brooks is? He played Alex Moran in Blue Mountain State.
Lo sgozzatore said on 7/Aug/13
Thats why you realize that a Will Smith cant be 6'1.5! You think a will smith could be as tall as the plumber? I doubt it
Lo sgozzatore said on 6/Aug/13
Rob, did Alan look taller than the 187 challenger guy? You said that guy can easily pass for 6'2. You'd be surprised if Ritchson actually measured about the same at his lowest?
Editor Rob

Ritchson looks 6ft 2 in person aswell, I don't know if he dips below, but there's always a surprise, I didn't think the challenger would have been nearer 6ft 1.5 than 2.

the challenger can certainly look a solid 6ft 2 in person, I believe if he shrinks 1 inch then that's why I remember him more as a 6ft 2 guy than 1.5 range, because I saw him a lot in the morning/early afternoon rather than his 6pm height, which turned out to be a solid 6ft 1.5.
Balrog said on 13/Jul/13
210 both Hartley and Ritchson? Thanks for answering.
Balrog said on 10/Jul/13
Rob what about weight of Ritchson and Hartley? I agree Justin is just a hair taller and Ritchson seems a legit 6'2''. Welling an inch taller because he's a legit 6'3''
Editor Rob
210 range possibly
emily said on 9/Jul/13
That is look a big gap,taller man looks handsome,I want to grow taller,but I am 25,maybe this is impossible for me...ooooo
Emily said on 9/Jul/13
How long is his head, Rob? The same range as yours? Around 9,5 range? He doesn't look straight ahead in the picture though unlike you.
Editor Rob
in almost 10 inch range I'd think
Lo sgozzatore said on 9/Jul/13
Rampage, one thing is sure. Both look at least an inch shorter than Tom Welling... They made Jensen look a weak 6ft because he really is?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/13
Rob, you've met Ritchson and Hartley. Who struck you as taller?
Editor Rob
they were very similar, big 6ft 2 guys, I could see Justin as a fraction more, but they may well be so close there's mm's in it.

They certainly made Jensen look a weak 6ft on stage that weekend.
Gabriele said on 27/Jun/13
i look about the same height as alan next to my mom (5ft 8) and i'm 186. maybe he's got 0.25 inches on me but rob says he had an edge in footwear. i think that all the smallville "tall cast" is 0.5 inches less than what is said here.

alan ritchson: 186
justin hartley: 187-188
tom welling: 188-189
Lo sgozzatore said on 20/Jun/13
I've seen the first episode of Alan Ritchson in Smallville and he does look 1.5-2 inches shorter than Welling, but i repeat, Welling does have like 0.5 inches of advantage over him so he's like only 1-1.5 inches taller than Ritchson. Noway is this guy over 6'2...
Brandon said on 19/Jun/13
Actually they are pretty close in height.
Look it up.
Brandon said on 17/Jun/13
I think 6'2.5 is better.
Elijah said on 4/May/13
Great teeth. Good listing.
Sean J said on 25/Mar/13
Saw this guy several times when they shot scenes for Blue mountain State at McGill University. I'm 189cm and he always seemed to have at least a good half inch on me. And I was wearing steel toed big boots every time, too.
Aragorn 5'11 said on 16/Jan/13
Legit 6'2. Welling had about an inch on him in Smallville.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.