62B said on 15/Jan/17
Rob, are you listing Andre 7'0" peak at evening, mid day or morning? Just curious.

Editor Rob
I'd say afternoon he could hold that mark, whether he dipped under a tiny bit is debatable, I think the 7ft listing is still a reasonable guess.
62B said on 14/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Jan/17
dicksock said on 13/Jan/17
That comparison looks good, but my point about the first one was that you had Sid looking 6'5.5" in boots and I found that odd
Yeah, it was not meant to scale Sid correctly to Andre.
It was to show how Sid would end up, putting Duggan at the 6ft2in flat... I can not see Duggan any shorter than Lex Luger next to Sid.
Lugar looked slightly shorter than me. I was on the outside seat by the aisle and he had to lean towards me to stiff arm my buddy as he was walking past. My buddy was trying to get over and around me to pat Lugar on the shoulder. Lugar was probably 6'2.5"-6'2.75".
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Jan/17
dicksock said on 13/Jan/17
That comparison looks good, but my point about the first one was that you had Sid looking 6'5.5" in boots and I found that odd
Yeah, it was not meant to scale Sid correctly to Andre.
It was to show how Sid would end up, putting Duggan at the 6ft2in flat... I can not see Duggan any shorter than Lex Luger next to Sid.
I don´t think Duggan was his 6ft3 claim, maybe out of bed. He was a solid 6ft2-6ft2.5in peak and with his wrestlingboots and his puffy Hair he usually made a 6ft4 IMPRESSION.
He was pretty similar to HHH, so I made this comparisons years ago
Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 13/Jan/17
JT said on 11/Jan/17
Boss, the bottom of Andre’s chin was well below the bottom of the back of his collar Click Here especially from probably the mid to late 1970s forward when his jaw had fully elongated.
The position of Andres chin is far from a constant and depends entirely on his posture and head tilt.
Click Here
Boss said on 13/Jan/17
er4smiths said on 13/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft in your comparison pic, looks like Andre is standing on a box next to Mene Gene.
It shows how much taller Andre can look with good posture. Good job Red.
dicksock said on 13/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Jan/17
dicksock said on 10/Jan/17
I don't really understand the use of Sid there.
Just what I wrote, to show how big duggan looked with hair.
Andre late eighties, early nineties was 2-2.5in taller than Mane, so he would come out ~1.5in taller than Nash and 4in taller than Sid.
We have no pic with Andre standing as straight as possible next to Hogan...
Click Here
JT´s comparisons have no standing straight Andre, so it looks only 3in.
That comparison looks good, but my point about the first one was that you had Sid looking 6'5.5" in boots and I found that odd. But, this most recent comparison seems better. Andre would definitely be more than 3" taller than Sid. Sid was probably 6'6.5"-6'7" and Andre was around 6'11". There are videos of Andre standing as straight as possible next to Hogan. He was around 6" taller when standing to his full height. Hogan was 6'5"/6'5.5".
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Jan/17
er4smiths said on 13/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft in your comparison pic, looks like Andre is standing on a box next to Mene Gene.
no box, just standing straight, look at his shoulderheight, it would be much higher standing on a box.
er4smiths said on 13/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft in your comparison pic, looks like Andre is standing on a box next to Mene Gene.
Boss said on 13/Jan/17
Chaz said on 13/Jan/17
Boss said on 11/Jan/17
Andre's head is well above the bottom of his shirt collar here in 1970's as well.
Click Here
Click Here
yes so the very young Andre never had a 12'' face about 10.5'' the chin got longer has the Acromegaly got worse.
Chaz, I posted pics from the late 1980's as well where Andre's chin was well above the bottom of his shirt collar.
Chaz said on 13/Jan/17
Boss said on 11/Jan/17
Andre's head is well above the bottom of his shirt collar here in 1970's as well.
Click Here
Click Here
yes so the very young Andre never had a 12'' face about 10.5'' the chin got longer has the Acromegaly got worse.
Guanzo said on 12/Jan/17
7'4'' peak i don't lie lol
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Jan/17
dicksock said on 10/Jan/17
I don't really understand the use of Sid there.
Just what I wrote, to show how big duggan looked with hair.
Andre late eighties, early nineties was 2-2.5in taller than Mane, so he would come out ~1.5in taller than Nash and 4in taller than Sid.
We have no pic with Andre standing as straight as possible next to Hogan...
Click Here
JT´s comparisons have no standing straight Andre, so it looks only 3in.
JT said on 11/Jan/17
Sid would have been no more than 3 inches shorter than Andre.
Click Here
Boss said on 11/Jan/17
Andre's head is well above the bottom of his shirt collar here in 1970's as well.
Click Here
Click Here
Boss said on 11/Jan/17
Also, we are talking early 70's with the tailor measurements so mid seventies on is irrelevant to what we are talking about.
Boss said on 11/Jan/17
JT said on 11/Jan/17
Boss, the bottom of Andre’s chin was well below the bottom of the back of his collar Click Here especially from probably the mid to late 1970s forward when his jaw had fully elongated.
Andre's head probably weighed so much that it was more comfortable to tilt it forward. We are talking about him being measured and he could still lift his head up normal here in the late 1980's when he wanted too. His chin is well above the bottom of his shirt collar here for sure with head up.
Click Here
Click Here
JT said on 11/Jan/17
Boss, the bottom of Andre’s chin was well below the bottom of the back of his collar
Click Here especially from probably the mid to late 1970s forward when his jaw had fully elongated.
dicksock said on 10/Jan/17
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Jan/17
Click Here
If Duggan was a flat 6ft2, he was at least 6ft3 in footwear and no less than 6ft4 with his puffy hair.
Thats the absolute lowest, comparing Duggan standing next to 6ft6-6ft7Sid, its hard to believe the top of Duggans hair was only 6ft4 flat or lower.
Andre is still 6ft11.25in wearing half the sole Duggan has, so absolute lowest would be 6ft10.75in barefoot facing Duggan in 1988.
I don't really understand the use of Sid there. Andre would not have been that tall or big next to Sid. You have Sid looking under 6'6" in his boots. Andre didn't even look that tall or big next to Hogan and Sid was at least 1.5" taller than Hogan.
Mark said on 10/Jan/17
It's hard to say how tall he was...height varies a lot during the day and it's easy to lose height due to size and weight when you are very tall...anyway I think he was 7 ft (213 cm) at peak and then lost height down to 6 ft 10.75 (210 cm)...just take a look at him vs Hogan at WM3...he was about 5 inches taller and Hogan was 6 ft 5.75 at max by that time (197 cm).
62B said on 10/Jan/17
If Duggan was a flat 6ft2, he was at least 6ft3 in footwear and no less than 6ft4 with his puffy hair.
Thats the absolute lowest, comparing Duggan standing next to 6ft6-6ft7Sid, its hard to believe the top of Duggans hair was only 6ft4 flat or lower.
Andre is still 6ft11.25in wearing half the sole Duggan has, so absolute lowest would be 6ft10.75in barefoot facing Duggan in 1988.
Duggan is another one I stood right next to. I was directly behind him in line at the Alexandria air ort in Louisiana. He also looked about my height but was wearing hiking boots to my tennis shoes. 6'2 1/2" is what I would put him barefoot.
berta said on 10/Jan/17
i never thought he looked this height
Chaz said on 10/Jan/17
Boss said on 8/Jan/17
Click Here
Where do you see his chin below his back length which is the bottom purtroding bone in the neck with his head up for a measurement?
You add his entire head which includes face and a portion of neck to the back measurement minus shoes and spine curve.
Andre's back length was 74" plus add about 14" for his neck and whole head which includes face and then you minus for shoes and spine curve about 3" and you are in the 7'1" range for a peak Andre.
Now we know Jt said his back length was 69" and his head is around 10" plus portion of neck 1" for grand total of 80" minus shoes and spine curve 2.5" and he comes out around 77.5" or 6'5.5" which is about right because Jt has said he is just over 6'5".
you post a photo were he's head is up, and don't see the reason I posted this
Click Here you can see the bend at the back were they measure to it's 2'' higher than he's chin,
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Jan/17
Click Here
If Duggan was a flat 6ft2, he was at least 6ft3 in footwear and no less than 6ft4 with his puffy hair.
Thats the absolute lowest, comparing Duggan standing next to 6ft6-6ft7Sid, its hard to believe the top of Duggans hair was only 6ft4 flat or lower.
Andre is still 6ft11.25in wearing half the sole Duggan has, so absolute lowest would be 6ft10.75in barefoot facing Duggan in 1988.
NCL said on 9/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Jan/17
I'm famous on celebheights!! :)
62B said on 9/Jan/17
184guy said on 8/Jan/17
Do you remember if his shoes were bigger than yours ? If you were about his mouth,he certain could have been 6'11 range when you met him since his head was at least 12inches long .
Yes his shoes were a lot bigger than mine. I'm guessing you are asking if he had a height advantage over me with them? I don't think it would be unreasonable to think he had as much as a 1/4" footwear advantage. I was in tennis shoes and he was in a more casual dress shoe.
Boss said on 8/Jan/17
Click Here
Where do you see his chin below his back length which is the bottom purtroding bone in the neck with his head up for a measurement?
You add his entire head which includes face and a portion of neck to the back measurement minus shoes and spine curve.
Andre's back length was 74" plus add about 14" for his neck and whole head which includes face and then you minus for shoes and spine curve about 3" and you are in the 7'1" range for a peak Andre.
Now we know Jt said his back length was 69" and his head is around 10" plus portion of neck 1" for grand total of 80" minus shoes and spine curve 2.5" and he comes out around 77.5" or 6'5.5" which is about right because Jt has said he is just over 6'5".
Boss said on 8/Jan/17
@ Chaz. Andre's whole head including his face is way above the 74" back length measurement. Plus you still have some of his neck to measure. Look how far his face as you say is above the bottom of his neck with his head up to be measured and then you still have to measure the upper part of his neck.
Click Here
62B said on 8/Jan/17
62B said on 7/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Jan/17
62B said on 6/Jan/17
JT said on 5/Jan/17
Click Here if Andre (in shoes) raises his head, he’ll probably get his eyebrows to the 6’6” level, maybe a bit more. His eyebrows would have to be at least at the 6'8" level to hit 7'1" in shoes, which ain't happening. This is 1969 (age 23) so he's not going to get any taller.
I was the same distance from Andre as the kid in your photo is. At 6'3.25" I felt the top of my head would have been about mouth level to Andre. I'm not sure how that compares to your scaled ruler if Andre's head was lifted, but if I am right how tall do you think Andre would have been?
easy between 7ft1-7ft1.5 in the footwear he had.
I was also the same distance from Ted Dibiase at the YMCA around the same time and I felt we were the same height
Click Here Click Here
Chaz said on 8/Jan/17
mrtguy said on 6/Jan/17
Chaz said on 5/Jan/17
Boss,for the 1000 time he's head was not 12-13'' it's he's face was 12'' he's head at the back is about 10''he's head is not connected he's chin,Click Here
Well then Chaz learn to use proper Grammar, I'd don't want to start argument, but your comments were just misleading me.
That is because people keep saying he had a 12''head,it's he's face that was 12'' the back of he's head is much shorter.Boss thinks you add the face to the,6'2''back and get 7'2''you don't you got to take off the chin,the boots and the curve in the back,
184guy said on 8/Jan/17
Do you remember if his shoes were bigger than yours ? If you were about his mouth,he certain could have been 6'11 range when you met him since his head was at least 12inches long .
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Jan/17
62B said on 7/Jan/17
When I saw Andre he was wearing black shoes. I'm not convinced they were his orthopedics, but I can't say for sure that they weren't.
You seem not far off with your headlevel estimation.
Here is what I think about what Andre would have measured:
Standing with straight back and neck, without raising the chin, peak Andres mouth level looks between 6ft2 and 6ft3 barefoot.
His eyeline in this straight position would be about 6ft6.5in.
With his head tilted back he could raise his eyeline to 6ft8-8.5 range.
He would not have measured taller than 7ft1in right out of bed and not under 6ft11in evening.
Early nineties - I do not think he lost more than ~1.5inches from his peak, if he looked 6ft8-6ft9ish it was posture related,
btw for the same reason he could give a 6ft10-6ft10.5in impression at his peak.
62B said on 7/Jan/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Jan/17
62B said on 6/Jan/17
JT said on 5/Jan/17
Click Here if Andre (in shoes) raises his head, he’ll probably get his eyebrows to the 6’6” level, maybe a bit more. His eyebrows would have to be at least at the 6'8" level to hit 7'1" in shoes, which ain't happening. This is 1969 (age 23) so he's not going to get any taller.
I was the same distance from Andre as the kid in your photo is. At 6'3.25" I felt the top of my head would have been about mouth level to Andre. I'm not sure how that compares to your scaled ruler if Andre's head was lifted, but if I am right how tall do you think Andre would have been?
easy between 7ft1-7ft1.5 in the footwear he had.
When I saw Andre he was wearing black shoes. I'm not convinced they were his orthopedics, but I can't say for sure that they weren't.
JT said on 7/Jan/17
62B said on 6/Jan/17
JT said on 5/Jan/17
Click Here if Andre (in shoes) raises his head, he’ll probably get his eyebrows to the 6’6” level, maybe a bit more. His eyebrows would have to be at least at the 6'8" level to hit 7'1" in shoes, which ain't happening. This is 1969 (age 23) so he's not going to get any taller.
I was the same distance from Andre as the kid in your photo is. At 6'3.25" I felt the top of my head would have been about mouth level to Andre. I'm not sure how that compares to your scaled ruler if Andre's head was lifted, but if I am right how tall do you think Andre would have been?
At your height, 62B, the top of your head would have been well above Andre’s mouth level. It's hard for anyone to estimate where the top of one's head really is next to someone else w/o a photograph or video.
~6’1” Ultimate Warrior came up to around Andre’s mouth in 1989.
Click Here The top of 6’2” Jim Duggan’s head was above Andre’s mouth in 1988.
Click Here
The top of Roddy Piper’s head even came up to around the level of Andre’s mouth (Andre is 38 here).
Click Here Compare that to Piper standing on a big platform next to a probably strong 7’2” Kareem Abdul-Jabbar that same year.
Click Here
Mark(5'9.25 said on 7/Jan/17
I can understand how everyone would mistake Andre at a higher height than this listing. I wouldn't say this isn't the worst listing because whenever someone is well over 7'0" barefoot, it's easy to mistake that person much taller because that 7 footer hasn't really met anyone taller than that same 7 footer. It's really uncommon to see a real 7 footer.
mrtguy said on 6/Jan/17
Chaz said on 5/Jan/17
Boss,for the 1000 time he's head was not 12-13'' it's he's face was 12'' he's head at the back is about 10''he's head is not connected he's chin,Click Here
Well then Chaz learn to use proper Grammar, I'd don't want to start argument, but your comments were just misleading me.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Jan/17
Rob, Big Show and Andre both claimed a little over 7ft / 2,14m, if you had to give one a tad or two over the other, how would you decide?
And do you think their heightloss over the day was pretty equal?

Editor Rob
CrazyRed, it would be a toss up for me, very hard to decide...both I think unarguably out of bed would clear that 7ft mark, but how much and in their prime, who would fall to the lowest...10 years later and I still couldn't say 😁 😆
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Jan/17
62B said on 6/Jan/17
JT said on 5/Jan/17
Click Here if Andre (in shoes) raises his head, he’ll probably get his eyebrows to the 6’6” level, maybe a bit more. His eyebrows would have to be at least at the 6'8" level to hit 7'1" in shoes, which ain't happening. This is 1969 (age 23) so he's not going to get any taller.
I was the same distance from Andre as the kid in your photo is. At 6'3.25" I felt the top of my head would have been about mouth level to Andre. I'm not sure how that compares to your scaled ruler if Andre's head was lifted, but if I am right how tall do you think Andre would have been?
easy between 7ft1-7ft1.5 in the footwear he had.
Boss said on 6/Jan/17
62B said on 6/Jan/17
JT said on 5/Jan/17
Click Here if Andre (in shoes) raises his head, he’ll probably get his eyebrows to the 6’6” level, maybe a bit more. His eyebrows would have to be at least at the 6'8" level to hit 7'1" in shoes, which ain't happening. This is 1969 (age 23) so he's not going to get any taller.
I was the same distance from Andre as the kid in your photo is. At 6'3.25" I felt the top of my head would have been about mouth level to Andre. I'm not sure how that compares to your scaled ruler if Andre's head was lifted, but if I am right how tall do you think Andre would have been?
Just count the inches on the ruler from his mouth up and it's between 10-11" in Jt's comparison.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Jan/17
JT said on 5/Jan/17
Click Here if Andre (in shoes) raises his head, he’ll probably get his eyebrows to the 6’6” level, maybe a bit more. His eyebrows would have to be at least at the 6'8" level to hit 7'1" in shoes, which ain't happening. This is 1969 (age 23) so he's not going to get any taller.
Another JT-Magic Andre Attack.... We do not need your biased eyebrowheight ...
Even in thin soled wrestlingboots and head not full straight Andres eyeline is 6ft6in flat. Old shrunken Andre had still 6ft5in+ eyeline...
Click Here
Rare case of Andre standing straight in ring, even after heavy back surgerie he cleared 7ft in normal wrestlingboots
Click Here
At about 7ft middayheight peak, Andre would easy measure just over 7ft1in in the 1.25-1.35heels he had during his first years in north america...
62B said on 6/Jan/17
JT said on 5/Jan/17
Click Here if Andre (in shoes) raises his head, he’ll probably get his eyebrows to the 6’6” level, maybe a bit more. His eyebrows would have to be at least at the 6'8" level to hit 7'1" in shoes, which ain't happening. This is 1969 (age 23) so he's not going to get any taller.
I was the same distance from Andre as the kid in your photo is. At 6'3.25" I felt the top of my head would have been about mouth level to Andre. I'm not sure how that compares to your scaled ruler if Andre's head was lifted, but if I am right how tall do you think Andre would have been?
62B said on 6/Jan/17
RYAN11 said on 5/Jan/17
Dicksock, have you ever seen Andre in person up close? Pictures lie all the time, I had one with my son who is 6'2", I am just under 5'9" and in the picture I was at a very similar stance and distance from him and te camera to where Wilt was to Andre in this picture you all keep using. I look like I am barely under 6 feet tall in the picture standing across from my son on level ground and similar footwear, so Wilt looked taller and I bet anything it's like with our picture that he was actually closer to the camera than Andre. I unlike you saw him up close and in person in 1988 and I can assure you he was still well over 7 feet tall. I at the time worked with a guy who was just under 6'9" and Andre was not a little but a lot taller than him.
I have seen Andre up close in 1988 and I can assure you that he most definitely was not 7' at the time. Dicksocks estimates are pretty much in line with mine.
62B said on 5/Jan/17
Boss said on 4/Jan/17
I believe Andre was the 7'1" he was measured at rather than people's guessing here. Possible it was earlier in Andre's day though.
Click Here
That sounds an awful lot like a wrestling gimmick. 7' peak is fine, anything over is unrealistic.
RYAN11 said on 5/Jan/17
Dicksock, have you ever seen Andre in person up close? Pictures lie all the time, I had one with my son who is 6'2", I am just under 5'9" and in the picture I was at a very similar stance and distance from him and te camera to where Wilt was to Andre in this picture you all keep using. I look like I am barely under 6 feet tall in the picture standing across from my son on level ground and similar footwear, so Wilt looked taller and I bet anything it's like with our picture that he was actually closer to the camera than Andre. I unlike you saw him up close and in person in 1988 and I can assure you he was still well over 7 feet tall. I at the time worked with a guy who was just under 6'9" and Andre was not a little but a lot taller than him.
Boss said on 5/Jan/17
Most heights listed here are from 1 single measurement so quit the average daily height stuff. If you can measure a height you are that height no matter what time of day it is. It's that simple.
Boss said on 5/Jan/17
Also, Chaz. Andre's head is leaning forward and pointing down with Hogan. So its good to show the size of Andre's head but not for what you are trying to say. With his head up to be measured you would still have to measure part of his neck and his whole head length as well.
Boss said on 5/Jan/17
Andre gains several inches when his head is all the way up and you can see his neck.
Click Here
With Wilt his head is never all the way up.
Chaz said on 5/Jan/17
mrtguy said on 4/Jan/17
Chaz said on 4/Jan/17
Boss,for the 1000 time he's head was not 12-13'' it's he's face was 12'' he's head at the back is about 10''he's head is not connected he's chin,Click Here
Substantial head length is from the top of the head to the chin not the back you idiot
Your the idiot.that is the point the tailor measurements are 74" from the back,then you add on the back of the head.not the longer 12''face,that is what boss is doing ,the chin gos down past the point of the measurements,KEEP UP I know your brain is a bit slow,but not 2 weeks behind every ones else.
JT said on 5/Jan/17
Click Here if Andre (in shoes) raises his head, he’ll probably get his eyebrows to the 6’6” level, maybe a bit more. His eyebrows would have to be at least at the 6'8" level to hit 7'1" in shoes, which ain't happening. This is 1969 (age 23) so he's not going to get any taller.
mrtguy said on 4/Jan/17
Chaz said on 4/Jan/17
Boss,for the 1000 time he's head was not 12-13'' it's he's face was 12'' he's head at the back is about 10''he's head is not connected he's chin,Click Here
Substantial head length is from the top of the head to the chin not the back you idiot
dicksock said on 4/Jan/17
Takerfan said on 4/Jan/17
dicksock said on 2/Jan/17
Boss said on 1/Jan/17
Hacksaw never worked with Andre till the late 80's and Andre was past peak. By the time he met a peak Khali then Hacksaw had lost some height of his own. You are trying to ignore the actual tailor measurements which are fact and not guessing or wishful thinking. You provide some fun insight and I provide actual facts.
Not true. Duggan worked with Andre in Mid South in the late 70s/early 80s. Also, stop acting like you know Andre was over 7' when you don't know. He never looked over 7' next to anyone. You even use the clearly tilted pic with Andre and Wilt and bogus measurement claims like the Hamilton one. Again, Andre claimed to be 7'0.25" in the middle of 1971. Let's stop there. He obviously wasn't above that. All the photographic and video evidence in the world shows he was never over 7'. He looked in the 6'11" range pretty much all the time. He could even look in the 6'10" range in his prime. But, I've never seen him look over 7' in wrestling gear. I like Andre, but if he was ever a true 7', it was out of bed. He was likely less.
Out of bed still made him 7ft, even in your quote you said Andre claimed 7'0.25", so if he claims that, doesn't that make him over 7ft?? I'm pretty sure he knew his own height. Rob has his height pretty much spot on.. only under 7ft in his later years
Yes, 7'0.25 is technically over 7'. But, I meant 7'1+, not just a tiny fraction of an inch. Again, Andre could have been 7'0.25" out of bed at his tallest and down to around 6'11.25" at night. He also gave the 7'0.25" (214cm) in a wrestling promo. In other words, he was billed at 214 cm after he stopped growing in height. He could have been less. Based on what we know about wrestling billings, he was likely shorter than his billed height. He never ever looked over 7' in his wrestling boots. I'm fine with his 7' listing here, but anything above that is just ridiculous. I've said for many years that he was somewhere between 6'11"-7' at his tallest and probably still near 6'11" towards the end of his life.
Chaz said on 4/Jan/17
Boss said on 4/Jan/17
Funny Chaz, cause in the pic you posted Andre's head comes out 13" if Hogan's is 10.5" as you guys have stated here.
The head is at the back the face is at the front, measurement made by a tailor is at the back,you can see the hump put I line though it,and the face has 2 inch more chin,if you don't know a face from the head,no wonder you think he was 7'1''.
Boss said on 4/Jan/17
I believe Andre was the 7'1" he was measured at rather than people's guessing here. Possible it was earlier in Andre's day though.
Click Here
Andre's tailor measurements are 74" back minus 1" for shoes which is 6'1". Plus a portion of his neck and head to still be measured minus any curves puts him in the 7'1" range again. This measurement as I've posted many times does say to be done barefoot but we'll say he had on shoes for argument sake.
Then we have Andre's claim of 2.14m which likely would have been at night before match which would still put him 7'1" earlier in the day. Rob said Andre would lose in the 2" range from day to night because of his enormous size. So by match time at night he had already lost 2".
62B said on 4/Jan/17
Boss said on 3/Jan/17
Average Guess (129 Votes)
7ft 0.22in (213.9cm)
Proof your word means nothing on this page. Just plain biased because you don't like Andre.
@ dicksock you like to reference the 2.14m height of Andre an awful lot so is he 6'10-6'11" or 2 14m.
The average guess also takes into consideration all the votes of Andre being 7'4". If Andre said he was 7'.25" then maybe it is true, but you certainly cant say he was taller than that. We also wouldn't know if he was wearing shoes or not, or the time of day. If you want to over analyze and assume that the 7'.25" measurement was barefoot then it would also be safe to assume it would have been done in the morning. With a long spine and an abnormally heavy noggin we could also assume that by bed time Andre could have been very easily down to 6'11.25" by bed time. So even if he did measure a fraction of an inch over 7' in the morning, he most likely spent most of the time between lunch and dinner between 6'11.5" and 7'.
Boss said on 4/Jan/17
Funny Chaz, cause in the pic you posted Andre's head comes out 13" if Hogan's is 10.5" as you guys have stated here.
Boss said on 4/Jan/17
Scroll down to 15 for proper back length measurement.
Click Here
Chaz said on 4/Jan/17
Boss,for the 1000 time he's head was not 12-13'' it's he's face was 12'' he's head at the back is about 10''he's head is not connected he's chin,
Click Here
Takerfan said on 4/Jan/17
dicksock said on 2/Jan/17
Boss said on 1/Jan/17
Hacksaw never worked with Andre till the late 80's and Andre was past peak. By the time he met a peak Khali then Hacksaw had lost some height of his own. You are trying to ignore the actual tailor measurements which are fact and not guessing or wishful thinking. You provide some fun insight and I provide actual facts.
Not true. Duggan worked with Andre in Mid South in the late 70s/early 80s. Also, stop acting like you know Andre was over 7' when you don't know. He never looked over 7' next to anyone. You even use the clearly tilted pic with Andre and Wilt and bogus measurement claims like the Hamilton one. Again, Andre claimed to be 7'0.25" in the middle of 1971. Let's stop there. He obviously wasn't above that. All the photographic and video evidence in the world shows he was never over 7'. He looked in the 6'11" range pretty much all the time. He could even look in the 6'10" range in his prime. But, I've never seen him look over 7' in wrestling gear. I like Andre, but if he was ever a true 7', it was out of bed. He was likely less.
Out of bed still made him 7ft, even in your quote you said Andre claimed 7'0.25", so if he claims that, doesn't that make him over 7ft?? I'm pretty sure he knew his own height. Rob has his height pretty much spot on.. only under 7ft in his later years
62B said on 3/Jan/17
Boss said on 3/Jan/17
Well we know Andre's head was somewhere between 12-13".
The neck does not go straight up from the base to the skull, it is on an angle. Its doubtful you would be able to add the entire length of Andre's face from the base of the neck and be accurate for his total height. This is especially true if the tailor did follow the contours of Andre's spine rather than a straight measurement.
Boss said on 3/Jan/17
Average Guess (129 Votes)
7ft 0.22in (213.9cm)
Proof your word means nothing on this page. Just plain biased because you don't like Andre.
@ dicksock you like to reference the 2.14m height of Andre an awful lot so is he 6'10-6'11" or 2 14m.
Boss said on 3/Jan/17
Here is how you measure back length from base of neck to floor.
Click Here
Boss said on 3/Jan/17
Well we know Andre's head was somewhere between 12-13".
Chaz said on 3/Jan/17
62B said on 2/Jan/17
Also Boss, even if the 6'2" measurement to the base of Andre's neck is correct, you are still guessing at what the measurement to the top of his head would be.
Yes and the back of he's head is much shorter than he's 12''face .even on my Head it's only 8'' from there to the top of me head,yet my face is 9.25'' and I have not got a acromegalic chin.going down way below my coller.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 3/Jan/17
Andre was a big 7 footer. While the 7'4" list from other sources are bogus, his proportions are rather that of 7'4" or 7'5". Also, when someone gets to 7'0" or much higher, it's really easy to mistaken them taller then what they are measured.
Think of it this way. The wrestling bill heights of real 7 footers or above can easily be mistaken as taller.
dicksock said on 2/Jan/17
Boss said on 1/Jan/17
Hacksaw never worked with Andre till the late 80's and Andre was past peak. By the time he met a peak Khali then Hacksaw had lost some height of his own. You are trying to ignore the actual tailor measurements which are fact and not guessing or wishful thinking. You provide some fun insight and I provide actual facts.
Not true. Duggan worked with Andre in Mid South in the late 70s/early 80s. Also, stop acting like you know Andre was over 7' when you don't know. He never looked over 7' next to anyone. You even use the clearly tilted pic with Andre and Wilt and bogus measurement claims like the Hamilton one. Again, Andre claimed to be 7'0.25" in the middle of 1971. Let's stop there. He obviously wasn't above that. All the photographic and video evidence in the world shows he was never over 7'. He looked in the 6'11" range pretty much all the time. He could even look in the 6'10" range in his prime. But, I've never seen him look over 7' in wrestling gear. I like Andre, but if he was ever a true 7', it was out of bed. He was likely less.
RoelC said on 2/Jan/17
Boss said on 1/Jan/17
Hacksaw never worked with Andre till the late 80's and Andre was past peak. By the time he met a peak Khali then Hacksaw had lost some height of his own. You are trying to ignore the actual tailor measurements which are fact and not guessing or wishful thinking. You provide some fun insight and I provide actual facts.
Hacksaw worked with Andre well before they had their infamous feud in the late 80's. Here straight from the horse's mouth, Duggan claims he first met Andre back in 1979 when Duggan had a short stint over there as “The Convict”. Duggan also said he worked with Andre in Japan. So it’s definitely not like Duggan never saw Andre until the late 80’s.
Click Here
We might not be able to argue with the tailor measurements, but we can easily argue the conclusions you're drawing from those measurements. You're basically claiming Andre would have a full head and change on a 6'2" guy, which no photographic proof of him confirms.
Considering you also stated numerous times that Andre's head is around 13 inches long, according to your "facts" Andre would be around 7'3" in shoes (74 + 13 inches = 87 inches).
Besides a full back measurement made by a tailor is not the same as a straight measurement from the base of Andre's neck to the floor. You're ignoring the fact that a tailor takes into account the shape of the body, such as the curvature of the upper back.
Click Here
JT said on 2/Jan/17
chaz said on 28/Dec/16
….he's in boots,so the drop of the jacket and pants are right,so you need to take at least 2'' off.
74 inches sounds about right for andre. It’s not a straight line from the bottom of the collar to the ground since there’s a natural roundness in the upper back leading down from the base of the neck due to the shape of the spine in that region. It looks like Andre was wearing dress shoes when measured. I don’t think he had discovered the magic of cowboy boots yet. The same measurement for me is 69 inches (in tennis shoes) and I guarantee you Andre in the early 1970s had more muscle and fat (and more resulting roundness) in the upper back than I do.
Vegas said on 2/Jan/17
Boss said on 1/Jan/17
Hacksaw never worked with Andre till the late 80's and Andre was past peak.
Dugan and Andre both worked for mid-south on the same cards together in 1982
Not sure if they worked in same company previous to that but it's possible
Danimal said on 2/Jan/17
day day said on 26/Dec/16
Thats whats wrong with posters on this page Boss shows measurements of andre and the response is did you ever meet andre were trying to work out his height thats what the page is about so 74" +13" is 87" boots are probably closer to 2" so that leaves 85" or 7'1 good post boss
Punctuation is your friend.
62B said on 2/Jan/17
Also Boss, even if the 6'2" measurement to the base of Andre's neck is correct, you are still guessing at what the measurement to the top of his head would be.
62B said on 2/Jan/17
Boss, believe what you want. If I remember correctly in the picture of Andre being measured by the Taylor he is laying down. I saw with my own eyes just how big Andre was, and he was massive. Just nowhere near a 7'3" guy in height and not likely ever over 7' peak. I think it is unrealistic to believe Andre would have lost the 2" or 3" needed to put him in the 7'1" range peak by age 40.
dicksock said on 1/Jan/17
62B said on 30/Dec/16
Dicksock, you are probably right about my friend misjudging HHH height as my friend is only 5'6", but I doubt he is completely wrong. I'd bet money that I am noticeably taller than HHH based on what he told me, by how much I don't know. I was still closer to 6'3" at the time than I am today so HHH certainly could have been close to 6'2". I will have to ask my friend if he still has the picture.
Here is HHH in his prime with a solid 6'2" (near 6'3") Goldberg and Goldberg had a footwear advantage:
Click Here
They look roughly the same height. The absolute lowest I'd go for HHH in his prime is 6'2". No way in the world was he under that unless he wore lifts at all times on camera.
Boss said on 1/Jan/17
Hacksaw never worked with Andre till the late 80's and Andre was past peak. By the time he met a peak Khali then Hacksaw had lost some height of his own. You are trying to ignore the actual tailor measurements which are fact and not guessing or wishful thinking. You provide some fun insight and I provide actual facts.
62B said on 1/Jan/17
Boss, now you are grasping at straws. Hacksaw wasn't guessing heights, he is simply saying one was taller than the other. He worked with Andre a lot so to say he was guessing Khali was taller is a little bit of wishful thinking on your part. I argue that Andre was never over 7' because I know he wasn't 7' when I saw him and I just don't believe he lost more than 3/4"-1" of true height by the time I had seen him. The gap between Andre and a true 7'3" guy was way to much for me to believe that he was ever over 7'. If I am wrong and Andre did break the 7' mark then it would have only been by a fraction of an inch and most likely he would have lost that fraction by noon.
62B said on 30/Dec/16
Dicksock, you are probably right about my friend misjudging HHH height as my friend is only 5'6", but I doubt he is completely wrong. I'd bet money that I am noticeably taller than HHH based on what he told me, by how much I don't know. I was still closer to 6'3" at the time than I am today so HHH certainly could have been close to 6'2". I will have to ask my friend if he still has the picture.
Boss said on 30/Dec/16
I posted his actual tailor measurements and still with the guessing. Hacksaw is guessing as well and he is using a past peak Andre vs a peak Khali. Here Andre and Khali with Bill Andersen.
Click Here
Andre matches up quite well to Khali and is much better than guessing. Bill may of lost some height by the time of pic with Khali though.
Andre was 74" or 6'2" minus dress shoes without part if his neck and whole head to be measured at his peak. I don't know how you argue this when we have the proof right in front of your eyes with real tailor measurements of a young Andre.
62B said on 30/Dec/16
aaronious said on 29/Dec/16
you can't use a 1988 Andre as a point of reference, this is post back surgery Andre, and far from his peak. he was probably around 6'10" in 1988, 'maybe' 6'11" on a good day
i too saw him in 1988 wrestling Big John Studd, in Lakeland FL. I got to meet both men and got Andre's signature. i was a young kid though, about 10, so the only point of reference i have is my father, who was legit 6'4" at the time. Studd was about 2.5" inches taller, 'maybe'3" if he stood up straight. Andre was about 6"-7" taller than my Dad, but both men were hard to pinpoint their full standing height, because they were both wearing wrestling boots, and my father wore work boots, and both men also would never stand fully erect.
Studd was a real nice man, he talked about his children's vitamin line and gave us free samples:). Andre wasn't very nice, he was sweating profusely and was obviously very fatigued, but we did get to meet him and get his signature.
Looks like you and I are on the same page as far as Andre's height in 1988. Andre did stand straight for me though. I do believe Andre at some point was probably 7'. I just don't think he was ever over 7'.
dicksock said on 30/Dec/16
62B said on 30/Dec/16
aaronious said on 29/Dec/16
that mugshot is confusing, because he actually tapes out closer to 5'9" 69"....my best guess at this point, was that Scott was wearing lifts when i met him.
you are right about HHH, hes 6'2"-6'2.5". i met him and was virtually eye to eye with him, but it was hard to determine who had the taller footwear, since i was wearing sneakers, and he had dress shoes on
That is odd that you say HHH is 6'2"- 6'2.5". Its not that I don't necessarily believe you, but one of my best friends had his picture taken with HHH over seas a few years back. I am 6'2.5" and my buddy said HHH was short compared to me.
It's simple. Your friend is wrong. HHH was at least 6'2" in his prime. I would literally bet my life on that. I've had friends of mine exaggerate about wrestlers too. I've had a friend say that Scott Steiner was 6'2" and another that said Maryse is also 6'2". I've had a friend who said Jeff and Matt Hardy were taller than the Big Boss Man in person. Most people are completely ignorant when it comes to height. Again, I would bet my life and even my mom's life that HHH was at least 6'2" in his prime. He likely still is at least 6'2".
62B said on 30/Dec/16
aaronious said on 29/Dec/16
that mugshot is confusing, because he actually tapes out closer to 5'9" 69"....my best guess at this point, was that Scott was wearing lifts when i met him.
you are right about HHH, hes 6'2"-6'2.5". i met him and was virtually eye to eye with him, but it was hard to determine who had the taller footwear, since i was wearing sneakers, and he had dress shoes on
That is odd that you say HHH is 6'2"- 6'2.5". Its not that I don't necessarily believe you, but one of my best friends had his picture taken with HHH over seas a few years back. I am 6'2.5" and my buddy said HHH was short compared to me.
aaronious said on 29/Dec/16
that mugshot is confusing, because he actually tapes out closer to 5'9" 69"....my best guess at this point, was that Scott was wearing lifts when i met him.
you are right about HHH, hes 6'2"-6'2.5". i met him and was virtually eye to eye with him, but it was hard to determine who had the taller footwear, since i was wearing sneakers, and he had dress shoes on
aaronious said on 29/Dec/16
Danimal, if thats the case, then Scott mustve been wearing lifts or something. I was measured at my last physical, 6'2 1/4", BAREFOOT. he was almost eye level to me.
based on that musgshot, 69" would put him at 5'9"... I swear he was no more than an inch shorter than me. lifts and dress shoes can't make up 4" bro, thats absurd, there must be something wrong with that picture or the angle, or Scott is leaning down or something.
aaronious said on 29/Dec/16
you can't use a 1988 Andre as a point of reference, this is post back surgery Andre, and far from his peak. he was probably around 6'10" in 1988, 'maybe' 6'11" on a good day
i too saw him in 1988 wrestling Big John Studd, in Lakeland FL. I got to meet both men and got Andre's signature. i was a young kid though, about 10, so the only point of reference i have is my father, who was legit 6'4" at the time. Studd was about 2.5" inches taller, 'maybe'3" if he stood up straight. Andre was about 6"-7" taller than my Dad, but both men were hard to pinpoint their full standing height, because they were both wearing wrestling boots, and my father wore work boots, and both men also would never stand fully erect.
Studd was a real nice man, he talked about his children's vitamin line and gave us free samples:). Andre wasn't very nice, he was sweating profusely and was obviously very fatigued, but we did get to meet him and get his signature.
aaronious said on 29/Dec/16
most dress shoes from that era may add an inch
62B said on 29/Dec/16
@Boss, and you also have Hacksaw Duggan saying that Andre was not as tall as Khali who was barely over 7'
62B said on 29/Dec/16
Boss, Andre was simply to far away in height from Rik Smits to have been the full 7' in 1988 and its doubtful he would have lost more than an inch of true height by the time he was 40.
Boss said on 28/Dec/16
Andre is wearing normal dress boots not cowboy boots and those dress boots are not 2". You still have a portion of his neck and his whole head to be measured. There is no way around him not being over 7' from his tailor measurements unless your just hating. 74" or 6'2" plus portion of his neck and his whole head minus those dress boots.
Chaz said on 28/Dec/16
oss said on 26/Dec/16
Average Guess (122 Votes)
7ft 0.22in (213.9cm)
This goes right in line with Andre's claim of 2.14m. So most people here agree with 2.14m.
Andre's actual tailor measurements put him easily over the 7' mark as well. It reads back 74" or 6'2" which is from bottom of shirt collar to floor. This is actual proof and not just people's guesses and opinions.
Andre was also said to be measured at 7'1" on TV for a show in Vancouver. Jody Hamilton wrote about it in his book and was adamant about what he saw when questioned by JT and company on Kayfabe Memories. If this TV footage surfaces it should end this height discussion.
Click Here
he's in boots,so the drop of the jacket and pants are right,so you need to take at least 2'' off.
Knoichi said on 27/Dec/16
I also posted it before,once Bill Eadie told about Andre's height in 2011 Japanese wrestling magazine.
Andre said his height is 7'1 now in the previous year when he died.
Jordan87 said on 27/Dec/16
Wilt is looking down in that pic you posted. Thats easily visible. Straiten Wilt up and he is easily taller than Andre, C'mon man.
dicksock said on 27/Dec/16
Boss said on 26/Dec/16
@ 62b Must have been awesome to meet Andre. There is no possible way of being able to pinpoint Andre's peak height by just looking at him in 1988. Your saying you can tell the difference between 6'11" and 7' by just looking at him. You can't compare Andre with basketball players because their proportions are totally different. The basketball player will always seem taller because of the longer legs and higher visual height points. Andre's upper torso and head were much larger so that's where he makes up his height like with Wilt. We have actual tailor measurements which are much more accurate then guessing.
If he guessed 6'11" in 1988, he guessed about right. Andre was 6'10.5"-6'11" tops in 1988. He was no more than 1' taller than 5'11" tops Bobby Heenan. He also only looked 8" at the most taller than 6'3" Rick Roode. Andre claimed 7'0.25" in 1971, so we know he wasn't taller than that. He never looked over 7' next to anybody in his wrestling boots. He looked in the 6'11" range every single time in his prime. 7'0.25" is the absolute highest I would go for a peak morning measurement, 6'11.5" for peak midday, and a bit above 6'11" by match time. Deduct about .5"-.75" from those peak figures by the late 80s.
62B said on 27/Dec/16
Boss said on 26/Dec/16
@ 62b Must have been awesome to meet Andre. There is no possible way of being able to pinpoint Andre's peak height by just looking at him in 1988. Your saying you can tell the difference between 6'11" and 7' by just looking at him. You can't compare Andre with basketball players because their proportions are totally different. The basketball player will always seem taller because of the longer legs and higher visual height points. Andre's upper torso and head were much larger so that's where he makes up his height like with Wilt. We have actual tailor measurements which are much more accurate then guessing.
The only problem I have with the tailors measurements is that in the picture Andre was laying down. Based on what I saw with my eyes, I know Andre was not the full 7' in 1988, and he was standing as tall as he could once I stood up and he saw that I was a pretty tall guy myself
Boss said on 26/Dec/16
@ 62b Must have been awesome to meet Andre. There is no possible way of being able to pinpoint Andre's peak height by just looking at him in 1988. Your saying you can tell the difference between 6'11" and 7' by just looking at him. You can't compare Andre with basketball players because their proportions are totally different. The basketball player will always seem taller because of the longer legs and higher visual height points. Andre's upper torso and head were much larger so that's where he makes up his height like with Wilt. We have actual tailor measurements which are much more accurate then guessing.
Boss said on 26/Dec/16
Average Guess (122 Votes)
7ft 0.22in (213.9cm)
This goes right in line with Andre's claim of 2.14m. So most people here agree with 2.14m.
Andre's actual tailor measurements put him easily over the 7' mark as well. It reads back 74" or 6'2" which is from bottom of shirt collar to floor. This is actual proof and not just people's guesses and opinions.
Andre was also said to be measured at 7'1" on TV for a show in Vancouver. Jody Hamilton wrote about it in his book and was adamant about what he saw when questioned by JT and company on Kayfabe Memories. If this TV footage surfaces it should end this height discussion.
Click Here
62B said on 26/Dec/16
day day said on 26/Dec/16
Thats whats wrong with posters on this page Boss shows measurements of andre and the response is did you ever meet andre were trying to work out his height thats what the page is about so 74" +13" is 87" boots are probably closer to 2" so that leaves 85" or 7'1 good post boss
I asked him because in 1988 I bounced off of Andre in the Milwaukee airport. I was able to seize him up pretty good. I also stood right next to 7'2"-7'3" Rik Smits. Andre was at best 6'11" in 1988 during early afternoon and probably dropped to 6'10.5" by late evening. Its very doubtful he was ever over 7', and peak evening probably not more than 6'11.5".
day day said on 26/Dec/16
Thats whats wrong with posters on this page Boss shows measurements of andre and the response is did you ever meet andre were trying to work out his height thats what the page is about so 74" +13" is 87" boots are probably closer to 2" so that leaves 85" or 7'1 good post boss
dicksock said on 24/Dec/16
62B said on 24/Dec/16
Boss said on 22/Dec/16
Here Andre's actual measurements from a trip to the tailor. Scroll down to 15 on the list for how to on back measurement.Click Here
So as you can see Andre's back measurement was 74" or 6'2" from bottom of shirt collar to floor. Even if he is wearing those 1" boots which it states he shouldn't be for this type of measurement he would be 6'1" without a portion of his neck and head to be still measured. This would easily put Andre over the 7' mark peak without any guesstimating from anyone. These aren't any billed numbers as they weren't probably even meant to be seen cause you have to zoom in quite a bit too even see numbers on sheet and there was no zoom back then unless maybe a magnifing glass.
Click Here
Have you ever seen Andre in person? I just can't see him ever being over 7'. Largest overall person I have ever seen. Close, but not 7'in 1988, at best 7'0 peak. Huge, crazy huge guy, but not over 7'peak.
Yes, it's very obvious he wouldn't have been any taller than a peak Paul Wight. Like I have been saying for many years, Andre was likely 6'11"-6'11.5" barefoot at his peak and around 7'1" in cowboy boots. He may have been down to about 6'10.5" by 1987. Even at the very end, I don't think he ever got below a solid 6'10".
62B said on 24/Dec/16
Boss said on 22/Dec/16
Here Andre's actual measurements from a trip to the tailor. Scroll down to 15 on the list for how to on back measurement.Click Here
So as you can see Andre's back measurement was 74" or 6'2" from bottom of shirt collar to floor. Even if he is wearing those 1" boots which it states he shouldn't be for this type of measurement he would be 6'1" without a portion of his neck and head to be still measured. This would easily put Andre over the 7' mark peak without any guesstimating from anyone. These aren't any billed numbers as they weren't probably even meant to be seen cause you have to zoom in quite a bit too even see numbers on sheet and there was no zoom back then unless maybe a magnifing glass.
Click Here
Have you ever seen Andre in person? I just can't see him ever being over 7'. Largest overall person I have ever seen. Close, but not 7'in 1988, at best 7'0 peak. Huge, crazy huge guy, but not over 7'peak.
Boss said on 23/Dec/16
Merry Christmas Everyone :)
Boss said on 22/Dec/16
Here Andre's actual measurements from a trip to the tailor. Scroll down to 15 on the list for how to on back measurement.
Click Here
So as you can see Andre's back measurement was 74" or 6'2" from bottom of shirt collar to floor. Even if he is wearing those 1" boots which it states he shouldn't be for this type of measurement he would be 6'1" without a portion of his neck and head to be still measured. This would easily put Andre over the 7' mark peak without any guesstimating from anyone. These aren't any billed numbers as they weren't probably even meant to be seen cause you have to zoom in quite a bit too even see numbers on sheet and there was no zoom back then unless maybe a magnifing glass.
Click Here
Boss said on 22/Dec/16
Andre in cowboy boots would have edged Shaq in sneakers in height. Barefoot they would be close at peaks. Here using Arnold as reference. Arnold had lost height by the time the pic with Shaq was taken.
Click Here
Boss said on 21/Dec/16
Guanzo said on 17/Dec/16
Click Here
That guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Undertaker Frank said on 20/Dec/16
I have a Friend who met & Took a picture with Andre in the 70's and he also met Shaq he said Shaq was definitely taller
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Dec/16
Knoichi said on 12/Dec/16
Another example
With Mr. Takahashi's height as 170 cm, André's height WAS 211.4 cm.
Click Here
With David's height as 196cm , Andre's height wsa 212.3cm.
Click Here
With Backlund's height as 184cm,Andre'height was 212.3cm.
Click Here
211cm-212cm peak evening is the most realistic estimation after all evidence I´ve seen over the last decade, add 4-5cm heightloss for his right out of bed height and a 7ft listing for average is reasonable.
I go with evening height and have him at peak 6ft11.25in in my book, same as Paul Wight.
Chaz said on 13/Dec/16
Knoichi said on 12/Dec/16
Another example
With Mr. Takahashi's height as 170 cm, André's height WAS 211.4 cm.
Click Here
With David's height as 196cm , Andre's height wsa 212.3cm.
Click Here
With Backlund's height as 184cm,Andre'height was 212.3cm.
Click Here.
The Line is too far over he's head,that would make he's forehead 6'' he's got a flat head,look at the photos with shorter hair,he's forhead is not over 4.5''.
JT said on 12/Dec/16
Knoichi said on 11/Dec/16
If Mr. Takahashi's height was between 170 and 172 cm, Andre's height can be seen around 210 cm.Both of them are the height of the shoes.
Click Here
Click Here
Takahashi looks closer to 168 cm (5 ft. 6).
Click Here
Click Here
mrtguy said on 12/Dec/16
Rob, when you hear Sultan talking doesn't he have the voice of Andre The Giant??
Knoichi said on 12/Dec/16
Another example
With Mr. Takahashi's height as 170 cm, André's height WAS 211.4 cm.
Click Here
With David's height as 196cm , Andre's height wsa 212.3cm.
Click Here
With Backlund's height as 184cm,Andre'height was 212.3cm.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Dec/16
Knoichi said on 11/Dec/16
If Mr. Takahashi's height was between 170 and 172 cm, Andre's height can be seen around 210 cm.Both of them are the height of the shoes.
Hard to nail it with the measuring lines in such a pic. I got 213cm for Andre and he´s not standing straigth.
210cm in shoes is to short for Andre,, in the Wilt Chamberlain pics it´s pretty clear that Andre was around 218cm in his cowboyboots. So the cowboy boots would need to give him 10cm height if he was 210cm in ordinary footwear.
Knoichi said on 11/Dec/16
If Mr. Takahashi's height was between 170 and 172 cm, Andre's height can be seen around 210 cm.Both of them are the height of the shoes.
Click Here
Click Here
Me said on 8/Dec/16
Wow less and less comments being made. Maybe we have finally put this height to bed. After all of it 7'.25" seems to be the number. A little low for my estimate.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Dec/16
Boss said on 6/Dec/16
Big Show is a lift wearer in ring and has huge soled boots. Ron Reese says Big Show wore lifts in boots when asked who was taller back in WCW.
Click Here
17:40 onwards :)
Chaz said on 6/Dec/16
Boss said on 6/Dec/16
Big Show is a lift wearer in ring and has huge soled boots. Ron Reese says Big Show wore lifts in boots when asked who was taller back in WCW.
Click Here
Yes and he said Gonzalez Dwarf them both.and I have never had Big Show over 6'11.5' he was 7'1''in boots,and big soled BBall trainers.
Boss said on 6/Dec/16
Big Show is a lift wearer in ring and has huge soled boots. Ron Reese says Big Show wore lifts in boots when asked who was taller back in WCW.
Click Here
62B said on 6/Dec/16
Click Here I think this picture helps show just how much bigger Andre was compared to gigantic men like Studd
RP said on 30/Nov/16
Physical Prime Scott Steiner: 5'11.5" barefoot !! 6'1" in his wrestling boots! FACT! 265 true legit pounds at his largest! Also FACT! I've also met Rick, he's about 5'10.5" barefoot now! Probably was 5'11" peak. Rick still looks really healthy & Strong age. Scott is still big, but he's body has changed a lot, looks about 240-ish at best now & showing his age...his arms are still huge...his chest & legs suck now...as of a few months ago. Scotty is weird as crap too! Never takes his sunglasses off. Scotty looks 5'11" now...5'11.5" peak.
RP said on 30/Nov/16
Physical Prime Scott Steiner: 5'11.5" barefoot !! 6'1" in his wrestling boots! FACT! 265 true legit pounds at his largest! Also FACT! I've also met Rick, he's about 5'10.5" barefoot now! Probably was 5'11" peak. Rick still looks really healthy & Strong age. Scott is still big, but he's body has changed a lot, looks about 240-ish at best now & showing his age...his arms are still huge...his chest & legs suck now...as of a few months ago. Scotty is weird as crap too! Never takes his sunglasses off.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Nov/16
Imo Scott Steiner was maximum 5ft11in barefoot, he had bigger footwear than 5ft10in Kurt Angle and was under 1in taller...
Im sure 5ft10.75in for peak Kurt was a morning measurement.
Danimal said on 29/Nov/16
aaronious said on 28/Nov/16
I like you man, so please don't take offense to this. Your estimate of Scott Steiner's height is considerably off. I am 6'2.25" in the morning, and about 6'2" in the afternoon( confirmed at my most recent physical )... i took my son to Scott Steiner's grand opening of his Shoney's franchise here in GA, and he was in standard dress shoes, so was I, and he was no more than an inch shorter than me. putting him at about 6'1". I was actually surprised, as i had been told by others that he was shorter. He's also about 2"-2.5" shorter than Goldberg when they did a faceoff, and Goldberg is at least 6'3", if not 6'4" at his peak.
Goldberg was NOT 6'4" at his peak. You seem to have a tendency to exagerrate things. He was given both 6'2" and 6'3" at his listings in football. He was MAX 6'3". Scott Steiner was not 6'1". He was at best between 5'11" and 6'0".
With HHH:
Click Here
With Goldberg who is tilting way down:
Click Here
Against a measurement (barely above the 69" mark):
Click Here
dicksock said on 29/Nov/16
aaronious said on 28/Nov/16
I like you man, so please don't take offense to this. Your estimate of Scott Steiner's height is considerably off. I am 6'2.25" in the morning, and about 6'2" in the afternoon( confirmed at my most recent physical )... i took my son to Scott Steiner's grand opening of his Shoney's franchise here in GA, and he was in standard dress shoes, so was I, and he was no more than an inch shorter than me. putting him at about 6'1". I was actually surprised, as i had been told by others that he was shorter. He's also about 2"-2.5" shorter than Goldberg when they did a faceoff, and Goldberg is at least 6'3", if not 6'4" at his peak.
now, does Scott wear lifts? its possible, but he would have been wearing them next to Show in the pics youa re talking about, so for all intense purposes, he is 6'1"
I based my estimate off of a mugshot of his where he was about 5'11" and from other comparisons. Here he is with 5'10" Kurt Angle in 2007:
Click Here Look at 3:34 for a great comparison. Steiner is only about 1" taller. Kurt was listed at about 5'10.75" the 1996 Olympics and had lost some height by 2007 as he had tons of health problems since. Steiner was also easily 3-4" shorter than 6'2"/6'2.5" HHH in 2004. I can easily tell by his frame that he was never above 6' and was likely closer to 5'11".
Boss said on 29/Nov/16
Halb said on 27/Nov/16
Some great pics there, JT.
They are absolutely horrible pics. Big Show and Khali are the same height which is wrong as we know from seeing them together and Khali is noticably taller. Andre looks like he was shrunken down and he is definitely not to scale.
aaronious said on 28/Nov/16
Click Here

Editor Rob
It is believeable Andre measured that tall, but for me it is in shoes.
62B said on 28/Nov/16
Halb said on 27/Nov/16
Some great pics there, JT.
In the shopped picture with all the Giants it is easy for me to see JT has Andre scaled down. Unless Khali is 7'2 3/4" and Bigshow has bigger feet than Andre
aaronious said on 28/Nov/16
I like you man, so please don't take offense to this. Your estimate of Scott Steiner's height is considerably off. I am 6'2.25" in the morning, and about 6'2" in the afternoon( confirmed at my most recent physical )... i took my son to Scott Steiner's grand opening of his Shoney's franchise here in GA, and he was in standard dress shoes, so was I, and he was no more than an inch shorter than me. putting him at about 6'1". I was actually surprised, as i had been told by others that he was shorter. He's also about 2"-2.5" shorter than Goldberg when they did a faceoff, and Goldberg is at least 6'3", if not 6'4" at his peak.
now, does Scott wear lifts? its possible, but he would have been wearing them next to Show in the pics youa re talking about, so for all intense purposes, he is 6'1"
Halb said on 27/Nov/16
Some great pics there, JT.
Kunoichi said on 26/Nov/16
Although bad composition,Karl Gotch, young Andre and Billy Robbinson IN 1971.
Click Here
Boss said on 26/Nov/16
Estimate this one ya biased Big Show mark.
Click Here
JT said on 25/Nov/16
Hogan wore a size 12 wrestling boot
Click Here (I think he claimed around size 15) so you can get an idea what size Andre's boot really was by finding video where his boot is right next to Hogan's.
Chaz said on 19/Nov/16
....Yes you are right in width, but not in gurth or legs, turn them both side ways,he's much wider,much bigger Chest and waist
Hard to say since Haystacks never wrestled in shorts or in the singlet outfit like Andre did. Haystacks' waist was definitely larger though
Click Here Andre had some pretty large legs.
Click Here They tended to look ~skinny in proportion to the rest of his body when he was drinking heavily and had the big overhanging gut.
Click Here (if that was Rob next to Andre we'd be having 6-8 or 6-9 estimates for andre)
Ryan11 said on 25/Nov/16
Dicksock, do you not know that Andres head hands and feet kept growing at an accelerated rate right up till his death?? That's scientific and medical fact, so if his shoe size was 22, then years later they were easily 24. Same reason his weight kept going up fast as well.
dicksock said on 25/Nov/16
Boss said on 24/Nov/16
Here Andre's cowboy boots are Size 24 US and they have the heel being measured by an actual real measuring tape at 2" which would give a 1.8" height boost. Captain compared them with the boots he wore with Wilt and they have exact same size heel.
Click Here
We know Andre didn't have a US size 24 cowboy boot or wrestling boot. We have heard from his own mouth in 1984 on David Letterman that he wore a size 20 cowboy boot. During an interview from 1980 in Australia, Andre said he wore a size 22 wrestling boot. Obviously, Andre knew his own shoe size more than any of us. If anything, he was overstating his size like he did his height and weight. But, I will say there is a pretty good chance he wore a size 20 cowboy boot and sneaker. He did have some gigantic feet.
Click Here
dicksock said on 24/Nov/16
Chaz: For the millionth time, I never said Gonzalez was small. I said while he was very wide, he didn't have the overall mass that Andre, Show, or Khali had at their biggest. Even in my first comment, I said he looked skinny at times and that he looked bigger in that Hogan pic than he ever did in the ring. Also, OMG was about 100 lbs lighter with Gonzalez than he was in the 80s as Akeem.
As far as Andre compared to Nash, Andre was obviously taller. Nash looked the same height as 6'8"/6'8.5" Tyler Mane in WCW. Even in 1990, Andre was clearly at least 2" taller than Tyler Mane. Even though Nash could look very tall at times, he was at least 2" shorter than a peak Andre. In other words, Andre next to Mane was the equivalent of Andre next to Nash because Nash and Mane were virtually indistinguishable in height.
Boss said on 24/Nov/16
Here Andre's cowboy boots are Size 24 US and they have the heel being measured by an actual real measuring tape at 2" which would give a 1.8" height boost. Captain compared them with the boots he wore with Wilt and they have exact same size heel.
Click Here
Chaz said on 24/Nov/16
62B said on 24/Nov/16
Chaz, you like to go on about Andre having a size 18 shoe like its a proven fact based off of one picture. Big show is supposed to have a size 18 and yet Terry Todd who has met both Show and Andre several times says Andre's feet were bigger and longer of the two. Andre himself claimed size 20 on Letterman, and JT posted a picture of one of his cowboy boots that said it was a 22 I believe in the caption. I would think with all the Andre boots on display his real shoe size would be easy to figure out.
Yes and if you look at Haystacks and Big Show their feet look similar in size,I think Big Show and Andre US size 18,Haystacks 17US,and you have to be careful with these hand made over size shoes,they make up the size they are,we had this on the Wadlow page,he was ment to take a size 37aaa,but someone that new about shoe sizes said it's imposible the shoe was too short useing the barleycorn per size they were size 27,then JT worked out the lengh of the shoe,and showed the guy was right they could not be over 28,and cowboy boots are much longer then a work boot,mine are 1.25'' longer,that would be 3 size from the outside.
62B said on 24/Nov/16
Chaz, you like to go on about Andre having a size 18 shoe like its a proven fact based off of one picture. Big show is supposed to have a size 18 and yet Terry Todd who has met both Show and Andre several times says Andre's feet were bigger and longer of the two. Andre himself claimed size 20 on Letterman, and JT posted a picture of one of his cowboy boots that said it was a 22 I believe in the caption. I would think with all the Andre boots on display his real shoe size would be easy to figure out
day day said on 24/Nov/16
I agree in alot what your saying chaz but think your height estimation of 6'10 for andre is on the low side theres a pic on youtube of survivor series 87 its a ken patera shoot really good quality photo of all 10 particiaments and 2 refs can someone put it up here i dont know how but it really shows the major contrasts between the average sizes refs and wrestlers also andre looks huge the other 2 things to notice is hogan next to don morocco whos about 6'2 and omg altough slooched next to 6'3 rick rude patera seems drunk in the interview but refers andre to 7'2
Chaz said on 24/Nov/16
day day said on 22/Nov/16
Chaz god you really have it in for andre did he snub you at an event years ago or something anyway most people here are just tryin to give an honest opinion why compare him with gonzalez hes 7'7 in hes own catergry then andre show khali in their range then nash kane taker sid studd so on as far as mass goes nearly every wrestler that met andre or actors aswel said he was true giant so i would belive what there saying i think anyone in the range of 7ft tall 380lbs-500lbs a 12-13 inch head 11-12 " hands and size 18-20 in shoe is a giant.
I have never said he was not a real giant,I like Andre,better than the crap wrestling you get now,just a lot of talk and 6 packs leaping about the ring,
And I posted the Gonzalez Sid and OMG to show how those big guys look like Dwarfs and he's bigger in size, than he looks,it was dicksock,say he's small that started this off,
it's all this exaggeration about him.and you are doing the same thing,he's face was 12'' and he's hands were just under 10''.11'' is more than Sultan Kosen's hands,and he's 8'3'' and 12'' is the size of Robert wadlow's lol have you seen he's hands?they cover a A4 book, 11-12'' would be Andre's hand span. and he's feet are 18 .they are not much longer than Giant Haystacks.
62B said on 23/Nov/16
Boss said on 23/Nov/16
Chaz said on 21/Nov/16
Capt.Nobody.there is nothing fishy about anything to do with Gonzalez,just the tallest Wrestler of all time,Nash was the best part of 6'10''Click Here
Well if Nash is 6'10" as you say then Andre is over 7'. Andre is barefoot so no excuses.
Click Here
I agree, at some point Andre was probably 7' or really close to it. I doubt he was ever over 7'. He definitely wasn't in 1988
Chaz said on 23/Nov/16
Boss said on 23/Nov/16
Chaz said on 21/Nov/16
Capt.Nobody.there is nothing fishy about anything to do with Gonzalez,just the tallest Wrestler of all time,Nash was the best part of 6'10''Click Here
Well if Nash is 6'10" as you say then Andre is over 7'. Andre is barefoot so no excuses.
Click Here
That is a old Nash at best 6'9''and Bret comes up to the same place on both there face, and the Andre one is closer to the camara,look at the size of Bret's face? so it's out of scale.and that is a old Andre to,so could not be 7'
Capt. Nobody said on 23/Nov/16
Chaz said on 21/Nov/16
Capt.Nobody.there is nothing fishy about anything to do with Gonzalez,just the tallest Wrestler of all time,Nash was the best part of 6'10''Click Here
I never said there was, but the argument still stands, his work boot style footwear is not the same as the wrestling boots shown in the picture JT made of him next to Andre. There is more of a pronounced heel on one pair as opposed to the other.
Boss said on 23/Nov/16
Chaz said on 21/Nov/16
Capt.Nobody.there is nothing fishy about anything to do with Gonzalez,just the tallest Wrestler of all time,Nash was the best part of 6'10''Click Here
Well if Nash is 6'10" as you say then Andre is over 7'. Andre is barefoot so no excuses.
Click Here
day day said on 22/Nov/16
Chaz god you really have it in for andre did he snub you at an event years ago or something anyway most people here are just tryin to give an honest opinion why compare him with gonzalez hes 7'7 in hes own catergry then andre show khali in their range then nash kane taker sid studd so on as far as mass goes nearly every wrestler that met andre or actors aswel said he was true giant so i would belive what there saying i think anyone in the range of 7ft tall 380lbs-500lbs a 12-13 inch head 11-12 " hands and size 18-20 in shoe is a giant
Boss said on 22/Nov/16
Here in a Ron Reis shoot interview he says Big Show wore lifts in WCW. This explains why Show seems to have lost so much height. Andre wore .5" ring boots. Andre would be taller peak barefoot in light of the fact Big Show wore lifts and this isn't the first time I've heard of Big Show wearing lifts. Now he just wears huge heeled boots.
Click Here
Boss said on 21/Nov/16
Andre's head is clearly longer than Big Show's head who Jt has at 12".
Click Here
JT said on 21/Nov/16
Click Here
Click Here Gene was never any shorter next to Andre (unless Andre had cowboy boots on or was backstage where you could not see the footwear or platform) so the scaling should be pretty close.
Click Here
Boss said on 21/Nov/16
Andre's head is over 12" in total head length. This has been proven here many times.
Chaz said on 21/Nov/16
Click Here that should end the Rubish,look how far he comes down Gonzalez body,he's up to the shoulders on the other two,and Silver is close to the camara,and we know they are taller than both Andre or Big Show.
Chaz said on 21/Nov/16
Capt.Nobody.there is nothing fishy about anything to do with Gonzalez,just the tallest Wrestler of all time,Nash was the best part of 6'10''
Click Here
NCL said on 21/Nov/16
Here are good shots of Giant Gonzalez's shoes: 0:07 and 3:01
Click Here
Regardless, I'd see he was easily 7'6" if not 7'7" barefoot. I support a 6'8" peak Undertaker (I think he's around 6'6" now).
In regards to what is a true giant, I think that depends on perspective. I'm about 5'10", so even if Andre was "only" 6'10" and "only" somewhere around 500lbs, that's still a giant to me!
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Nov/16
Chaz said on 19/Nov/16
Capt. Nobody said on 18/Nov/16 Look at his heel in the shot with Taker vs. the photoshopped one with Andre. They are two different styles of foot wear. There were times where he did wear that relatively flat wrestling style boot.
From what I've seen so far, Gonzalez wore at least three different styles of boot/shoe when in the WWF.
Here's an example of the heel on what looks to be the same shoes he wore at Wrestlemania 9:
Click Here
He seems to come out a bit taller at WM 9 than against the Taker in these boots which still have a heel, but not nearly as noticeable:
Click Here
It can be hard to for sure pin down a comparison depending the circumstances unless there was an evenly shot staredown because Gonzalez tended to slouch while trying to appear menacing in his matches.
Lol that is not were the heel is on those rap round soles,your feet go down inside,they make work boots and trainers like it,they were made like it so they go over and up to keep water out,they are just the style now,they have less height than my Reebok Classic,because your feet are down inside.
these are my work boots.the first part at the bottom is the heel the then you have some insoles,my old Dr Martins gave me more height,same with Gonzalez boots it' the small bit at the bottom,that is the heel.about 2cm .and more crap are you going to come out with? like a 7'6'' plus man needs lifts.
Click Here
That's exactly my point, they are like work boots and you can clearly see the thickness in the Taker staredown shot from WM 9. I have a similar pair to those you posted and they give me nearly a 2 inch boost. You can see the sole thickness rather easily on the Gonzalez shot I posted and if his feet are going down into the shoe, then he has one of the longest heels in history. It's the same thing as when it was said Wilt was wearing moccasins with Andre and it turned out to be boots. The heel area wasn't nearly as form fitting like it should have been if that were the case. You can see the natural heel shape in the shot JT posted of Andre and Gonzalez since Gonzalez is wearing form fitting wrestling boots. It's extremely unlikely Gonzalez is getting the same lift out of his "work boots" and his wrestling boots unless something fishy is going on inside those wrestling boots.
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Nov/16
Vegas said on 19/Nov/16
Gonzales is wearing same boots in both pictures..there is just a leather covering to match the suit in the second shot
Wrestlers tend to wear the same boots over and over
They are very similar and could be the same boots, or may be the same boots augmented, but I've seen him wear these same types of boots where the laces attach to the side of the boot a bit differently and where there is more of a pronounced area where the sole and bottom of the boot meets the leg on one as opposed to some others I've seen. Also when he eventually went the muscle suit w/o the fur, he had the same looking footwear but it didn't look like there was the same length going up over the top of the calf.
Also, even if they are the same boots, he also wore more of a traditional wrestling boot at times that had nowhere near the same heel.
62B said on 20/Nov/16
Chaz said on 19/Nov/16
The thing with Andre was not really he's Height or weight,it's those Acromegalic features,he looked like a giant Neanderthal man,you could imagine him in a animal skin,and a big wooden club over he's shoulder,and with that wild hair blowing in the wind,just about to grab you by the throat and bang you on the head lol,
All this exaggeration about he's height and weight is pointless,it's clear he was never anywhere nere Gonzales Height or Haystacks weight,but what he had was he's own uniqueness.what you are not likely to see in again the ring any time soon.
That's a pretty good description Chaz, but, I don't think anyone was trying to say Andre was as tall as Gonzales or as obese as Haystacks was. I was able to size Andre up pretty good. My impression is that he was so large he would need at least two seats in a comercial airliner to fit, but probably would need all three to be semi comfortable. I wasn't sure he would even fit through the door on a "puddle jumper" and if he did he would have felt like a sardine. He gave the impression of just over 7' tall and over 600lbs, even though he was really just under 7' and probably around 525-550 lbs. his head , hands, feet and general frame were so exaggerated due to his acromegaly that he looked like a live cartoon or CGI character.
Chaz said on 19/Nov/16
The thing with Andre was not really he's Height or weight,it's those Acromegalic features,he looked like a giant Neanderthal man,you could imagine him in a animal skin,and a big wooden club over he's shoulder,and with that wild hair blowing in the wind,just about to grab you by the throat and bang you on the head lol,
All this exaggeration about he's height and weight is pointless,it's clear he was never anywhere nere Gonzales Height or Haystacks weight,but what he had was he's own uniqueness.what you are not likely to see in again the ring any time soon.
Chaz said on 19/Nov/16
JT said on 18/Nov/16
Chaz, Haystacks was probably 150 lbs. heavier than Andre but Andre still would have measured up well to him size-wise, at least in width (but not profile). Click Here Haystacksí¢â‚¬â„¢ outfit makes him look larger as well. Haystacks was a tall guy with a good-sized frame who was extremely obese whereas Andreí¢â‚¬â„¢s size was mostly due to his humongous acromegalic frame.
Yes you are right in width, but not in gurth or legs, turn them both side ways,he's much wider,much bigger Chest and waist,
Chaz said on 19/Nov/16
Capt. Nobody said on 18/Nov/16 Look at his heel in the shot with Taker vs. the photoshopped one with Andre. They are two different styles of foot wear. There were times where he did wear that relatively flat wrestling style boot.
From what I've seen so far, Gonzalez wore at least three different styles of boot/shoe when in the WWF.
Here's an example of the heel on what looks to be the same shoes he wore at Wrestlemania 9:
Click Here
He seems to come out a bit taller at WM 9 than against the Taker in these boots which still have a heel, but not nearly as noticeable:
Click Here
It can be hard to for sure pin down a comparison depending the circumstances unless there was an evenly shot staredown because Gonzalez tended to slouch while trying to appear menacing in his matches.
Lol that is not were the heel is on those rap round soles,your feet go down inside,they make work boots and trainers like it,they were made like it so they go over and up to keep water out,they are just the style now,they have less height than my Reebok Classic,because your feet are down inside.
these are my work boots.the first part at the bottom is the heel the then you have some insoles,my old Dr Martins gave me more height,same with Gonzalez boots it' the small bit at the bottom,that is the heel.about 2cm .and more crap are you going to come out with? like a 7'6'' plus man needs lifts.
Click Here
Vegas said on 19/Nov/16
Gonzales is wearing same boots in both pictures..there is just a leather covering to match the suit in the second shot
Wrestlers tend to wear the same boots over and over
dicksock said on 18/Nov/16
haz said on 18/Nov/16
dicksock said on 17/Nov/16,if Haystacks went on a diet he would lose almost all of this mass that you find so impressive. If he were fit, he would have looked like John Studd or Undertaker. He was no giant, just a tall fat guy.
You do talk some rubish,for a start Haystacks was already 26st when he was spoted,and asked if he wanted to wrestle,more than Andre was and more than Studd Taker ever was,and if anybody went on a Diet they would lose weight,and Andre was not a natural Giant he's size is from a pathological illness,
What a load of crap. The fact is that if Haystacks was not overweight, he wouldn't have been remarkable except for his height, and he was only about 6'7" at his peak. Andre is a natural giant in the sense that there were no external factors (eating habits, weightlifting) that contributed to his size. Yes he had Acromegaly/Giantism, but so have most of the biggest giants in history including Big Show, Khali, and Gonzalez. Haystacks may have been 26 stone (364 lbs) at his start, but I'm sure at least 50 lbs of it was fat. His healthy weight would have probably been around 300 lbs tops considering he had no muscle from weightlifting. He was a big man, but his size and overall appearance was not as impressive as Andre's. If John Studd would have spent his whole life eating cupcakes and cheeseburgers, I'm sure he could have gotten about as big as Haystacks.
JT said on 18/Nov/16
Chaz, Haystacks was probably 150 lbs. heavier than Andre but Andre still would have measured up well to him size-wise, at least in width (but not profile).
Click Here Haystacks' outfit makes him look larger as well. Haystacks was a tall guy with a good-sized frame who was extremely obese whereas Andre's size was mostly due to his humongous acromegalic frame.
Chaz said on 18/Nov/16
mrtguy said on 18/Nov/16
Andre and Big Show are HUGE, but not Obese,
yes you are right Andre looks just like Marius Pudzianowski here those love handels big belly and flabby back are really riped 7% body fat muscle, even here with huge hair and boots on,he don't really tower over the barefoot bald 6'4''Kamala A real 7' guy with those,should dwarf him,
And look how small he's legs are under he's body lol we should call him lucky legs.
Click Here
Chaz said on 18/Nov/16
Boss said on 18/Nov/16 Gonzales wore some pretty chunky boots so he would have the advantage over Andre in comparisons.
lol yes and the 8''of extra height would of been an advantage in making Andre look like a short ass next to Gonzales,it's like a 6' man next to a 6'8'' man.
Boss said on 18/Nov/16
Gonzales has longer legs but Andre's upper body is just as long or longer and much more massive. Gonzales wore some pretty chunky boots so he would have the advantage over Andre in comparisons. Ron Reese said Big Show wore lifts when asked who was taller back in WCW. A lift wearing Big Show might explain alot of his height loss and I've heard he wore lifts before Reese ever mentioned it. It would make a peak Andre taller than a peak Show as Big Show states on his page here himself. Look at the Average Guess here just over 7' and Rob has him at 7' so who's story really checks out.
mrtguy said on 18/Nov/16
Andre and Big Show are HUGE, but not Obese
Chaz said on 18/Nov/16
dicksock said on 17/Nov/16,if Haystacks went on a diet he would lose almost all of this mass that you find so impressive. If he were fit, he would have looked like John Studd or Undertaker. He was no giant, just a tall fat guy.
You do talk some rubish,for a start Haystacks was already 26st when he was spoted,and asked if he wanted to wrestle,more than Andre was and more than Studd Taker ever was,and if anybody went on a Diet they would lose weight,and Andre was not a natural Giant he's size is from a pathological illness,he's body was producing 100s of times the GH and IGF1 of a normal person,that is were the size comes from,he would of more than likely been no begger than he's brother.and has for anything else being bigger only he's face and hands are bigger,then Haystacks, their feet are about the same size,about 17-18 US size,you can see then next to each other,and has for he's legs look at those trousers he's got on,do you think Haystacks could get he's legs in those thin things? one leg in both maybe,and he's calves and forearms are in a league of there own.at he's biggest never seen anything like them.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Nov/16
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Nov/16
He also had some pretty decent lifts going on there in the stare down with Taker.
I really doubt Gonzalez had lifts, Taker had 1.25-1.5in heel at WM9 and Gonzalez looked around 11in taller.
Gonzalez 7ft6-7ft6.5, Taker 6ft7.25in
Click Here
Chaz said on 18/Nov/16
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Nov/16 He also had some pretty decent lifts going on there in the stare down with Taker. You have Andre and Undertaker at about the same height BTW.
Click Here
Lifts lol have you seen the photo of the Asian Guy that had he's photo taken with Gonzalez,Khali and Siver,?at differant times, both who are Taller than Andre or Big Show and they look short,when the photos are put together,CAN ANY ONE FIND IT AND POST IT? and stop the rubish about Gonzalez being small,they are just jelous he's a real giant.
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Nov/16
JT said on 17/Nov/16
Click Here Assuming Gonzalez is 7-6 He could have been a little taller as he looked to have at least a full head size on Undertaker when standing straight Click Here
Click Here
He also had some pretty decent lifts going on there in the stare down with Taker. You have Andre and Undertaker at about the same height BTW.
Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Nov/16
I think the difference between giants like Show and Andre vs. the rest is most certainly the power and strength. Yeah, I would agree Gonzalez was probably a bit too tall for wrestling because when you get to a certain height you are sure to lose a bit not only strength wise but coordination wise as well. That pic of Andre and Gigante IconJJ did of them on the apron of a NJPW ring showed that the torsos of both were about the same length, the difference was Gonzalez had longer limbs. From the standpoint of pure physical science it could explain why he didn't have the strength of more compact and massive giants like Andre or Big Show.
JT said on 17/Nov/16
Click Here Assuming Gonzalez is 7-6 He could have been a little taller as he looked to have at least a full head size on Undertaker when standing straight
Click Here
Click Here
dicksock said on 17/Nov/16
JT said on 16/Nov/16
Remove the afro and Gonzalezí¢â‚¬â„¢ height differential over Andre really stands out Click Here Andre was not more than 6-10, especially when part of the Machines Click Here Fairly recent pic of Big Show so I assumed no more than 6-11
Andre and Big Show appear very similar from the neck down. Andreí¢â‚¬â„¢s acromegaly really took a toll on his facial features, whereas Big Show was spared following pituitary gland surgery. Andre will always stand out from other giants given the wild afro and facial features.
Seems to me Big Show has a pretty noticeable footwear advantage in that pic. If you took away that advantage, they was be just about equal in height.
dicksock said on 17/Nov/16
Chaz said on 17/Nov/16
dickshock,your the delusional one,first you say Gonzalez is small,when he was huge,and big,now you have the cheak to say Andre was bigger than Giant Haystacks,even here when he was only 35-6 stone he's bigger,look at the body legs and forarms,he makes him look thin.and in that video were he's 45stone you would not See Andre's body if he was in front,Click Here lol and Andre was just hydro blote bone and flab,I can't see any muscle at all,
I never said Gonzalez was small. I said he is skinny compared to guys like Andre, Show, and Khali. While he was very wide and a huge guy, he did not have the mass of those guys. But, I can see why someone would be more impressed with him than Andre. But, I don't get what was so impressive about Haystacks. Andre had bigger arms, feet, hands, head, and a much bigger overall bone structure than Haystacks. Andre was about 3-4" taller and had much more natural muscularity in his prime than Haystacks. Again, if Haystacks went on a diet he would lose almost all of this mass that you find so impressive. If he were fit, he would have looked like John Studd or Undertaker. He was no giant, just a tall fat guy.
Here is a Andre with very little body fat:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Here is a young Haystacks as an adult before he gained 300lbs of pure blubber:
Click Here
When the two were at a healthy body weight, Andre was infinitely more impressive. Even Haystacks at his fattest didn't come across as impressive because he was only about 6'7" tops with no muscle or uniquely large features other than his midsection.
Chaz said on 17/Nov/16
Boss said on 17/Nov/16
Gonzales has better posture here than Andre and a footwear advantage over Andre.
Click Here
Stop fooling yourself.Studd come over Andre's eyes at best 3.5''4 taller,Sid Come under Gonzales chin,about 12'' shorter.and he was taller than Studd.and Taker come only up to he's chin.Depending on who you believe Gonzalas was at least 7'6'' more likly 230cm or 7'6.5''or if you believe the Argentina office of the Guinness Book of Records say they measured him at 231.6cm or 7'7.25''.so he was at least 8'' taller and could have been 9.25'' taller.
Boss said on 17/Nov/16
Gonzales has better posture here than Andre and a footwear advantage over Andre.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Nov/16
JT said on 16/Nov/16
Remove the afro and Gonzalez height differential over Andre really stands out Click Here Andre was not more than 6-10,
Your usual BS magic to make Andre as low as possible, you'll never stop bashing on Andre...
The Andre pic you took had a complete different camera angle wich makes his upperbody shorter but you for sure know that...
Chaz said on 17/Nov/16
dickshock,your the delusional one,first you say Gonzalez is small,when he was huge,and big,now you have the cheak to say Andre was bigger than Giant Haystacks,even here when he was only 35-6 stone he's bigger,look at the body legs and forarms,he makes him look thin.and in that video were he's 45stone you would not See Andre's body if he was in front,
Click Here lol and Andre was just hydro blote bone and flab,I can't see any muscle at all,
62B said on 17/Nov/16
Here is a picture of Rik Smits and his son
Click Here Andre would have been slightly taller than Smits son in 1988
62B said on 17/Nov/16
A 1988 Andre would have been up to a 7'2 1/2" to 7'3" Ric Smits eyes. Fact
62B said on 17/Nov/16
JT said on 16/Nov/16
Remove the afro and Gonzalezí¢â‚¬â„¢ height differential over Andre really stands out Click Here Andre was not more than 6-10, especially when part of the Machines Click Here Fairly recent pic of Big Show so I assumed no more than 6-11
Andre and Big Show appear very similar from the neck down. Andreí¢â‚¬â„¢s acromegaly really took a toll on his facial features, whereas Big Show was spared following pituitary gland surgery. Andre will always stand out from other giants given the wild afro and facial features.
JT Big show is scaled way up in your comparison. You have Big Shows feet just huge compared to Andres, Of course you know this already. Troll
JT said on 16/Nov/16
Remove the afro and Gonzalez' height differential over Andre really stands out
Click Here Andre was not more than 6-10, especially when part of the Machines
Click Here Fairly recent pic of Big Show so I assumed no more than 6-11
Andre and Big Show appear very similar from the neck down. Andre's acromegaly really took a toll on his facial features, whereas Big Show was spared following pituitary gland surgery. Andre will always stand out from other giants given the wild afro and facial features.
62B said on 16/Nov/16
Chaz said on 16/Nov/16
dicksock,as you have never seen anyone more massive,from the back,I better show you someone with a bigger chest,waist,legs arms.and gerth,and at least 120lbs more weight. Click Here
Chaz, its blatantly obvious that you have never seen Andre in person up close. You have absolutely no clue how massive Andre was in person.
dicksock said on 16/Nov/16
Chaz said on 16/Nov/16
dicksock,as you have never seen anyone more massive,from the back,I better show you someone with a bigger chest,waist,legs arms.and gerth,and at least 120lbs more weight. Click Here
What a joke. Haystacks was nothing compared to Andre. He was just a tall fat guy. Essentially John Studd plus about 250lbs of fat. If you think Haystacks was even close to the physical specimen that Andre was, you are beyond delusional.
day day said on 16/Nov/16
Andre had the posture that would seriously affect his true height whereas gonzalez looked his 7'6-7 same as nash at 6'9-10
Boss said on 16/Nov/16
Andre was the natural strongest of all giants. No weight lifting in gym but look how easy he picks up cars. The front end of the one car is dead weight and cars weighed more then than they do today. He also benched 505 pounds on an incline for a set for a rib on TV in 1992. Andre used to move people's cars all over the place for a rib just to see their reaction and laugh his ass off about it. Then we have Jaques Rougeau telling of the time Andre completely flipped a car over with 4 guys in it in Quebec and they also told this story in the A&E biography.
Click Here
Click Here
Chaz said on 16/Nov/16
dicksock,as you have never seen anyone more massive,from the back,I better show you someone with a bigger chest,waist,legs arms.and gerth,and at least 120lbs more weight.
Click Here
Chaz said on 16/Nov/16
Can anyone find the photo of the Asian guy,that had he's photo taken with Gonzalez,Khali and Siver and it was put together?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Nov/16
RoelC said on 15/Nov/16
A fantasy pose, but this is what I think it might look like if Andre & Gonzalez ever posed in the same pic. Click Here
Great work, I don't think Andre would measure taller than this next to Gonzalez.
It clearly shows how much height Gonzalez had from his legs, if Andre had those legs...
Click Here
Andres upperbody was not at his peak there, imo he was wider and bigger around the chest in 1987.
It also shows that Andres head was clearly bigger than Gonzalez head.
RoelC said on 15/Nov/16
JT said on 10/Nov/16
Dicksock, according to his tailor, Gonzalez had a 64 inch chest, which is obviously enormous and probably not much smaller than Andreí¢â‚¬â„¢s when he was at his heaviest. Click Here
Andre also had a 64-inch chest according to the measurements made by a tailor back in 1972.
Click Here
In this Tale-of-the-tape from 1976 Andre's chest is described as being 60 inches normal and 65 inches when expanded
Click Here
I've seen Andre's chest being described as 65-inches several times back in the 70's. In a Japanese biography from 1983 they also claimed his chest measured 165cm (65 inches). In the Tale-of-the-tape from Wrestlemania 3 they claimed his chest measured 71 inches.
Both Big Show & Great Khali were also credited with a 65-inch chest. Big Show back in 2003
Click Here and Gonzalez during his bodybuilding career
Click Here
Jorge Gonzalez was obviously a true giant and certainly not skinny in any way. He was simply huge.
He dwarfs his team mates here
Click Here
Next to a beanpole like Fernando Borcel truly shows how big Gonzalez was
Click Here
A promopic from WCW
Click Here This truly shows he was a real giant. He should've maintained this look. In WWF for some reason they gave him a stupid Sasquatch costume. Who ever thought that was a good idea?
But as big as Gonzalez was, he wasn't in the same league as guys like Andre or Big Show. Those guys were tanks during their primes.
A fantasy pose, but this is what I think it might look like if Andre & Gonzalez ever posed in the same pic.
Click Here
Andre is "the giant" of pro-wrestling. That's not even open to debate. No other giant is even close of having the same level of impact on pro-wrestling the way Andre did. But Andre didn't achieve this by simply being the biggest. In my opinion there were a few reasons Andre made a mark in pro-wrestling that guys like Gonzalez, Big Show, Great Khali or Giant Silva never did.
1) Andre had the looks of a giant. Due to his acromegaly he was simply huge. Huge hands, a huge head, a deep voice. And then there was that Afro. Love it or hate, but it made him look unique. Unlike Big Show with his bald head and goatee, which is a pretty common look in pro-wrestling.
2) Andre could actually wrestle. Most giants move as stiff as a board. Andre could move around quite well when he was still in his prime.
3) He had the passion. I can't think of a single wrestler who traveled the world as much as Andre did. He certainly never took it easy.
4) He was at the right place and the right time. Back in the 70's they could still maintain the aura of giant, by having him move from territory to territory. That way he was never over-exposed. Plus he was managed by the right promoter: Vince McMahon Sr. He knew how to properly bill a giant.
Chaz said on 15/Nov/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Nov/16
Chaz said on 15/Nov/16
Big Show was not at Andres level of being a giant, they have comparable size 6ft11in peak and 6ft10in age 40 but overall Look of a giant is Andre-not only in wrestling , princess pride world wide alltime- Andre is the giant.
That is just from the Acromegalic features,the face and thick fingers,if Big Show never had treatment like Andre.they would of looked the same. all Andre did was play the giant more,Show wanted really just to be a athlete,Use speed and power,one of the most impressive things I have seen was Big show,press a 250lbs wrestler over head like he was nothing outside the ring,then throw him up over and in the ring,from a good 9' from were he was standing.
dicksock said on 15/Nov/16
Andre was about a head taller than 5'11" Heenan in the late 80s when he stood to his full height. Here is a great video that proves this point:
Click Here Look at the 26 second mark or the 42 second mark. Andre stands to his full height, and he is a head taller. That means he was about a foot taller than 5'11" Bobby Heenan in 1988. At the 42 sec mark, he looks a little more than a head taller. Heenan was probably 5'11" and Andre was about 6'11" or a tad more when standing his tallest.
Regarding Andre and Gonzalez. Yes, Gonzalez was about 7" taller, but he was not as big overall. He may have been about as wide, but his overall mass was not like Andre's. Chaz, you can claim Big Show was more impressive than Andre, but I will trust Terry Todd because unlike you, he spent a considerable amount of time with both men. He says that Andre was bigger. Lex Luger and Joe Theismann (former NFL players) claimed Andre was the biggest person they'd ever seen.
Just look at Andre walking backstage here:
Click Here
Look at how massive he looked from behind. I've never seen anybody that big, including Wight and Gonzalez.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Nov/16
Chaz said on 15/Nov/16
"maybe not as tall" lol try 8''shorter and Andre was not as impressive as a Peak Big Show,he had much more muscle,and bigger legs and sholders.when he was hiting the Iron,and way stronger.
Andre Haters rise again? Looooollllll near ten years and still the same BS.
Peak Gonzalez had for sure 7in on peak Andre, but still looks more like a tall person than a giant.
Big Show was not at Andres level of being a giant, they have comparable size 6ft11in peak and 6ft10in age 40 but overall Look of a giant is Andre-not only in wrestling , princess pride world wide alltime- Andre is the giant.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Nov/16
Click Here
Rob, can you give Meane Gene a page?
He´s such a usefull height next to generations of wrestlers.
IMO Heenan looked always ~3.25in taller and I don't think Heenan was more than 5ft10.5in.
Chaz said on 15/Nov/16
Boss said on 15/Nov/16
Andre was much more impressive than Gonzales. Andre was much larger than Gonzales maybe not as tall but much bigger overall. Andre is the real giant of wrestling and it's not even close.
5'11" Bobby Heenan never came to Andre's chin. Andre was past his peak with Heenan and still had over a full head on him.
Click Here
"maybe not as tall" lol try 8''shorter and Andre was not as impressive as a Peak Big Show,he had much more muscle,and bigger legs and sholders.when he was hiting the Iron,and way stronger.
Boss said on 15/Nov/16
Andre was much more impressive than Gonzales. Andre was much larger than Gonzales maybe not as tall but much bigger overall. Andre is the real giant of wrestling and it's not even close.
5'11" Bobby Heenan never came to Andre's chin. Andre was past his peak with Heenan and still had over a full head on him.
Click Here
Chaz said on 14/Nov/16
JT said on 13/Nov/16
Click Here Gonzalez and Bobby Heenan standing in the same spot on the same Monday Night Raw. For comparison, 5-11 guys like Heenan were above the bottom of Andre's chin. Gonzalez stunk as a wrestler but IMO he was actually too large for pro wrestling if that's possible.
You only have to look at him next to Sid or Taker,then look at Andre next to the shorter Studd,to see Andre would look nothing next to him.and he's wider across the shoulders,than Andre or Big Show.
JT said on 13/Nov/16
Click Here Gonzalez and Bobby Heenan standing in the same spot on the same Monday Night Raw. For comparison, 5-11 guys like Heenan were above the bottom of Andre's chin. Gonzalez stunk as a wrestler but IMO he was actually too large for pro wrestling if that's possible.
Chaz said on 11/Nov/16
dicksock said on 8/Nov/16 yes,he is wide,but he's sholders,arms,chest,and even he's legs are not that big,yes they are he's legs are by far the biggest of everyone here look when he is next to them same with he's arms they are just has big,it's just he looks slim, because he is so long,he is the only person that can get over the top rope without it bedding 12 '' like Andre makes it
Click Here
JT said on 10/Nov/16
Dicksock, according to his tailor, Gonzalez had a 64 inch chest, which is obviously enormous and probably not much smaller than Andre's when he was at his heaviest.
Click Here
This is probably the jacket the tailor made for Gonzalez
Click Here Click Here
Vader is probably 375 lbs. here and Gonzalez makes him look small
Click Here
Realist said on 9/Nov/16
He's 7 foot.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Nov/16
GS1981 said on 9/Nov/16
I think he was never taller than 6ft 10, if you look at his height comparison with Hogan at Wrestlemania 3
The WM 3 staredown pics favour Hogan to much and it´s a after heavey Back-Surgery Andre.
Hogan was a tad or 2 taller than 6ft5in, peak Andre had about 5.5in-6in on him.
Hogan in most of the matches had 0.5in more footwear, sometimes they were in equal boots.
Andre at peak wasn't under 6ft11in for sure and a 214cm morning measurement is pretty believable.
GS1981 said on 9/Nov/16
I think he was never taller than 6ft 10, if you look at his height comparison with Hogan at Wrestlemania 3 he was about 5" taller, just much bigger in mass, Hogan was never taller than 6ft 5.
day day said on 9/Nov/16
Andre was 214cm when he was wrestling as monster rouismoff he claims his height stopped at 24 altough his head hands and feet did not stop due to acromegaly so its possible he grew to 216cm atmost 218cm
dicksock said on 8/Nov/16
Chaz said on 8/Nov/16
dicksock said on 8/Nov/16Gonzalez looked significantly bigger in that picture with Hogan than he ever did in WCW or WWE. To me, he looked pretty skinny. Look at him on Baywatch.
That is because you don't know what you are looking at,he's wider here than anyone across the sholders and chest even OMG it's only he's waist that is bigger,same with PN News,it's he's total body length that makes him look thin,look at the size of he's legs next to the others? and there are some juice heads in that ring.
Click Here
Yes, he is very wide, but his shoulders, arms, chest, and even his legs are not that big.
Chaz said on 8/Nov/16
dicksock said on 8/Nov/16Gonzalez looked significantly bigger in that picture with Hogan than he ever did in WCW or WWE. To me, he looked pretty skinny. Look at him on Baywatch.
That is because you don't know what you are looking at,he's wider here than anyone across the sholders and chest even OMG it's only he's waist that is bigger,same with PN News,it's he's total body length that makes him look thin,look at the size of he's legs next to the others? and there are some juice heads in that ring.
Click Here
dicksock said on 8/Nov/16
Chaz said on 8/Nov/16
Leonardo 1.73m said on 6/Nov/16
Giant Gonzalez with Hulk Hogan
Click Here
OMG! Hogan is really like a dwarf with that monster.
Gonzales had a wide body,you look at him with Sid he looks like a skiny runt,and realy big legs.it's because he's so much taller than anyone else that he seems slim in photos of himself,I think the 460lbs is more or less right.just look at him standing round the ring,he's got so much body over the top rope.
Gonzalez looked significantly bigger in that picture with Hogan than he ever did in WCW or WWE. To me, he looked pretty skinny. Look at him on Baywatch.
Chaz said on 8/Nov/16
Leonardo 1.73m said on 6/Nov/16
Giant Gonzalez with Hulk Hogan
Click Here
OMG! Hogan is really like a dwarf with that monster.
Gonzales had a wide body,you look at him with Sid he looks like a skiny runt,and realy big legs.it's because he's so much taller than anyone else that he seems slim in photos of himself,I think the 460lbs is more or less right.just look at him standing round the ring,he's got so much body over the top rope.
62B said on 7/Nov/16
Smits by my estimation had Andre by 3 or 4 inches. Even if I say 4" for arguments sake, Smits listed at 7'4" was probably 7'2 1/2"-7'2 3/4" barefoot, making Andre in 1988 at worst 6'10 1/2" barefoot
Captain YG said on 7/Nov/16
Rob, do you think Andre's proportions have not made him quite as tall as you think, next to Wilt Chamberlain he look close in height but Wilt's shoulders were higher and has smaller head??

Editor Rob
yes Captain, his proportions have probably meant at times he simply does not appear like he'd measure 7ft.
62B said on 6/Nov/16
So I finally found out the name of the basket ball player I stood next to in the mid 90's. Rick Smits. Not that I wasn't sure before, but now I know Andre was not shorter than 6'11" when I saw him
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Nov/16
andre said on 2/Nov/16
The only true legit 7ft was the great kali
I asume in wrestling
Giant Gonzales 7´6.5"-7´7"
Silo Sam 7´2"-7´3"
Ron Reis 7´0"-7´1"
Max Palmer ~ 7´6"
Giant Silva 7´0"-7´1"
Andre and Big Show were equal 6´11" peak guys, 6´10" ~ age 40
I think like Duggan said, Princess Bride, there are taller man, there are heavier man, but the real Giant was Andre.
He only has the overall The Giant look all around the World.
Chaz said on 3/Nov/16
Click Here that is a real giant,Sid and OMG look like Dwarfs,easy 12" taller than Sid.and he was 2" taller than Hogan.who was only 5''Shorter than Andre.
Iconjj said on 2/Nov/16
Andre, you sir are a
troll. You say these things as if they are fact. Hence forth I will no longer pay any attention to you or the other
trolls that claim anything like 6'9 or 6'7.5.
andre said on 2/Nov/16
The only true legit 7ft was the great kali same size as shaquile onneil
andre the giant was 6ft9.5 barefoot prime not so sure about the end
drummer7777 said on 2/Nov/16
True that is photo shop and it would seem to prove accurate according to "DraftExpress" showing Shaq to be 7'0 feet without shoes and that photoshop picture showing Shaq in the 7'1 range with shoes on..... heights will vary with shoes...
Boss said on 31/Oct/16
Andre and Khali with Bill Anderson with both pics at similar camera angles and posture. Bill had probably lost height from his peak with Khali.
Click Here
Logic said on 28/Oct/16
There was a fairly recent article in the Montreal Gazette about retired wrestler Dennis Baldock (Bobby Bass). And showed a photo of Bass and Andre standing side by side. Bobby Bass seems have have been billed around 6' tall but in that Gazette article they said that he was 5'11".
I can't make out Andre's footwear clearly but it doesn't look like he is wearing cowboy boots but Bass is wearing some fairly thick soled wrestling boots. Both Bass and Andre looked fairly young then.
Click Here
Here is a 2013 photo of Bass standing with Jake Roberts
Click Here
Oanh said on 27/Oct/16
Chaz said on 24/Oct/16
Oanh said on 22/Oct/16
David Banner said on 10/Oct/16
I've spoken to people "in the know" and they all say Andre's peak height was 6'9.5"-6'10"
I couldn't care less if people don't believe that. if you take the blinders off, it's as obvious as snow.
End of the career was around 6'7.5"
However, all the evidence that is available says something else. I believe what I see.
Show me the evidence,I have yet to see any evening pics of film of him looking over 6'10''
How about just one photo of a near prime Andre. I'm sure you've seen Andre and Bob Backlund's photo next to the 8" mortar blocks. Andre is wearing wrestling shoes, and he is right at 10.5 blocks or slightly over it(not counting hair). There is no way a prime/peak Andre was not 7'0. Later in life, yeah, I can see he was down to 6'10" or so.
Chaz said on 27/Oct/16
even in 1975 Andre had a wide fit instep,no way could he get he's feet in those thin boots in 1984
Click Here
Ray Rocker said on 26/Oct/16
In my opinion, Andre The Giant was 7' tall during his prime, around 6'11" during his later active years, and closer to 6'10" around his last days.
Theseagal said on 26/Oct/16
Yes you have chaz, but you make Loads of excuses or try to be in Denial, Loads of pictures showing him over 6'10, you just refuse to accept it And Will never be open to The idea of an over 6'10 andre, nobody quite as biased on here as you except Maybe JT
Chaz said on 26/Oct/16
RoelC said on 23/Oct/16
Boss said on 22/Oct/16
They are the same boots. They are exact same design and color. The heels look identical in both pics.
They're not the same boots. They don't even remotely look alike.
Click Here
The boots you posted have a crocodile leather design, whereas the boots Andre was wearing with Wilt have a smooth surface. The colour doesn't match either, and the colour of the sole is the same colour as the rest of the boot. That's not the case with your boots. Also the nose of your boots is much pointier than the boots Andre was wearing with Wilt.
which the boots that Andre is wearing with Wilt clearly don't have. Those boots have a smooth surface. The nose is also less pointy and the sole is the
Also those boots look too thin and pointed to get Andre's feet in. they are only 16''long,my size 11 uk size about 12 US are 13.5'' long.my feet are 12''long your feet dont go right down the end and there is a thick pad on the heel,Acromegalics feet are not just long they are think and wide.the instep is much too low to get he's feet in.look at the ones next to Mean Gean they have a huge instep and much bigger heel.or they are a old pair when he was younger.
Hardy Dudley said on 25/Oct/16
Andre was 6'10 1/4 peak
Capt. Nobody said on 25/Oct/16
JT said on 23/Oct/16
Dicksock, I was in high school and around 6í¢â‚¬â„¢3í¢â‚¬ when I saw JYD back in the mid-1980s. This was at the LA sports arena, where the wrestlers would walk right past the food stand. I also stood next to Nikolai Volkoff, who was around 6í¢â‚¬â„¢2í¢â‚¬ Click Here 6í¢â‚¬â„¢0í¢â‚¬ is a fair estimate for Boesch. However, it looks like Andre is getting a small boost b/c his right foot is standing at a higher level of the platform. Click Here
If Andre were getting a boost his left foot couldn't be completely planted on the floor. Leave one foot flat and lift the heel of your other foot slightly and see how much height you gain.
JT said on 25/Oct/16
RoelC said on 23/Oct/16
Boss said on 22/Oct/16
They are the same boots. They are exact same design and color. The heels look identical in both pics.
They're not the same boots. They don't even remotely look alike.
Click Here
The boots you posted have a crocodile leather design, whereas the boots Andre was wearing with Wilt have a smooth surface. The colour doesn't match either, and the colour of the sole is the same colour as the rest of the boot. That's not the case with your boots. Also the nose of your boots is much pointier than the boots Andre was wearing with Wilt.
which the boots that Andre is wearing with Wilt clearly don't have. Those boots have a smooth surface. The nose is also less pointy and the sole is the
Leaving aside the difference in appearance, I've never seen Andre wearing cowboy boots with heels that small. IIRC that boot measured around 15.5", which seems a little short for a size 18 or more boot with a pointed toe, so they may not even be Andre's.
Andre wore these smooth brown boots in January 1984, or probably within a few months of the pics with Wilt.
Click Here
Boss said on 25/Oct/16
Captain already did the comparisons to show the boots with Wilt where the same sized heel as the ones measured so where is the argument. We have proof of Andre's heels being measured so I'll take that over any opinions on here.
Chaz said on 24/Oct/16
Oanh said on 22/Oct/16
David Banner said on 10/Oct/16
I've spoken to people "in the know" and they all say Andre's peak height was 6'9.5"-6'10"
I couldn't care less if people don't believe that. if you take the blinders off, it's as obvious as snow.
End of the career was around 6'7.5"
However, all the evidence that is available says something else. I believe what I see.
Show me the evidence,I have yet to see any evening pics of film of him looking over 6'10''
RoelC said on 23/Oct/16
Boss said on 22/Oct/16
They are the same boots. They are exact same design and color. The heels look identical in both pics.
They're not the same boots. They don't even remotely look alike.
Click Here
The boots you posted have a crocodile leather design, whereas the boots Andre was wearing with Wilt have a smooth surface. The colour doesn't match either, and the colour of the sole is the same colour as the rest of the boot. That's not the case with your boots. Also the nose of your boots is much pointier than the boots Andre was wearing with Wilt.
which the boots that Andre is wearing with Wilt clearly don't have. Those boots have a smooth surface. The nose is also less pointy and the sole is the
JT said on 23/Oct/16
Dicksock, I was in high school and around 6'3" when I saw JYD back in the mid-1980s. This was at the LA sports arena, where the wrestlers would walk right past the food stand. I also stood next to Nikolai Volkoff, who was around 6'2"
Click Here 6'0" is a fair estimate for Boesch. However, it looks like Andre is getting a small boost b/c his right foot is standing at a higher level of the platform.
Click Here
62B said on 22/Oct/16
dicksock said on 22/Oct/16
JT said on 21/Oct/16
Aren't you like 6'5"? Don't you think it's possible you could have just underestimated JYD's height by a little
I seriously doubt JT is even my height. He probably measures himself in shoes
Oanh said on 22/Oct/16
David Banner said on 10/Oct/16
I've spoken to people "in the know" and they all say Andre's peak height was 6'9.5"-6'10"
I couldn't care less if people don't believe that. if you take the blinders off, it's as obvious as snow.
End of the career was around 6'7.5"
However, all the evidence that is available says something else. I believe what I see.
Oanh said on 22/Oct/16
Hunterhelmsley88 said on 21/Oct/16
SHOW - 6'9.5
Shaq - 7
khali - 6'11.5
gonzalez - 7'3
taker - 6'5.5
kane - 6'6
andre - 6'7
orton - 6'3.5
hhh - 5'11.5
dwayne - 6'1.5
snoop - 6'4.5
nash - 6'7.5
Andre at 6'7" is truly laughable. His lowest height after back surgery put him at around 6'10."
dicksock said on 22/Oct/16
JT said on 21/Oct/16
At 1:23:24 of that video you can see Boesch standing next to 5'10" Jim Ross and he was clearly at least 2" taller. Paul was not under 6' from what I can tell. A 5'11" guy would never stack up that well next to 6'2" guy like a prime Jim Duggan or a 6'4" guy like Slick. Aren't you like 6'5"? Don't you think it's possible you could have just underestimated JYD's height by a little? I've had tall guys do that to me. It's not like you measured him. Also, if you take away JYD's afro and take Boesch's age and horrible posture into consideration, JYD looked maybe 1-1.5" taller. The fact is that Boesch looked about 6' with every single person he was interviewing despite his bad posture and old age. In the 70s, he was probably a little taller and once again, he had a footwear advantage over Andre.
Boss said on 22/Oct/16
They are the same boots. They are exact same design and color. The heels look identical in both pics.
JT said on 21/Oct/16
Dicksock, Paul Boesch was probably 5'11" to 6'0". This clip has a number of interviews with Boesch and wrestlers
Click Here I stood right next to JYD in 1986 and he was not more than 6'1". Andre actually does not look very tall with Boesch. He was no more than 5 inches taller than 6'5" Chuck Wepner the previous year and he certainly didn't grow anymore over the next year.
Hunterhelmsley88 said on 21/Oct/16
SHOW - 6'9.5
Shaq - 7
khali - 6'11.5
gonzalez - 7'3
taker - 6'5.5
kane - 6'6
andre - 6'7
orton - 6'3.5
hhh - 5'11.5
dwayne - 6'1.5
snoop - 6'4.5
nash - 6'7.5
dicksock said on 20/Oct/16
Boss said on 18/Oct/16
Click Here
It's not like those were his only pair of cowboy boots. I know have seen him in boots with larger heels than that.
Boss said on 20/Oct/16
The tilt in the black and white pic is in Wilt's favor so when corrected Andre gets taller. The most corrected pic is still titled slightly in Wilt's favor.
Click Here
dicksock said on 19/Oct/16
I have just come across an interview from 1977 with Andre and Paul Boesch. To me, this is absolute proof Andre was at least 6'11". Both men are perfectly lined up. Paul actually has a slight footwear advantage and the camera even zooms in on their footwear so there is no disputing this. Paul was over 6' legit and would have been at least the equivalent of 6'1" in this interview considering his footwear advantage. At the start of the interview, you can see Andre has about 10" on Boesch. This clip really shows how bad Andre's posture was and how he rarely tried to look tall, especially in the 70s.
Click Here
Here is an older Paul Boesch with pretty bad posture next to 6'2.5" Jim Duggan:
Click Here
Judge for yourselves, but I think this is pretty great evidence that shows a prime Andre was at least 6'11". Unlike like some here, I think he would have been this exact height in the mid 80s.
andre said on 19/Oct/16
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tell me rob write me here why andre looks taller then wilt in this picture see it ?

Editor Rob
I think it is tough to say...the footwear I never believe is equal, there is a bit of tilt in the photo...I would have said they appear quite close in height, but Andre has more footwear.
dicksock said on 18/Oct/16
Boss said on 17/Oct/16
Andre was is in 2" boots as has been shown here many times Click Here. They are measured here 2" at heel which is really a 1.8" actual height boost. They look like the exact same boots he has on with Wilt. This is actual proof of his heel size right in front of your eyes. WILT has boots of his own on here as well. Andre isn't closer to the camara lol in the black and white original pic and still taller than Wilt.
I would say he is the same height as Wilt in the B&W pic when the tilt is corrected. I have said it a million times, but I think Andre was, as Dave Meltzer wrote, about 6'11.5" barefoot in the daytime and 7'1.5" or so in his cowboy boots.
dicksock said on 17/Oct/16
This clip doesn't prove Andre's height one way or another, but it is a cool clip that I don't know if many here have seen:
Click Here
I would say that if I didn't know who Andre was or what his billed height was, I would guess he was legit over 7' based on this clip. When I look at his figure here, I just can't imagine Big Show being taller than him. I don't know that I've seen footage of him where he comes across as taller than he did here. That being said, I still have him pegged at somewhere in the 6'11" range for his peak.
Boss said on 17/Oct/16
Andre was is in 2" boots as has been shown here many times
Click Here. They are measured here 2" at heel which is really a 1.8" actual height boost. They look like the exact same boots he has on with Wilt. This is actual proof of his heel size right in front of your eyes. WILT has boots of his own on here as well. Andre isn't closer to the camara lol in the black and white original pic and still taller than Wilt.
Chaz said on 17/Oct/16
Boss said on 16/Oct/16
Andre with around 1" footware advantage is taller than Wilt in the black and white photo with Wilt as well. Andre is not fully streched out in any of these pics and could have already been losing height at least posture wise for sure. Wilt has better posture than Andre at this point in Andre's career.
Click Here
Click Here
When are you going to stop flogging this dead horse? 1000s of photos and films of Andre looking 6'10''.and all you can find is one Photo.were he is in 2.5''cowboy boots,side on and over the camara side looking the same height has 7'.5''Wilt,I wonder why Einstein?
dicksock said on 16/Oct/16
Here is an interesting comparison of Paul Wight in his prime and Andre from 1987:
Click Here
Click Here
It's Andre with ~5'11" Bobby Heenan and Wight with ~5'11" Scott Steiner. I think this alone would prove to any unbiased person that both men were very very close in height. Unlike many people on this site, I don't think that Andre lost very much, if any, height by 1987. Someone like heightcrazyred should do a ruler comparison using those two pics.
Boss said on 16/Oct/16
Andre with around 1" footware advantage is taller than Wilt in the black and white photo with Wilt as well. Andre is not fully streched out in any of these pics and could have already been losing height at least posture wise for sure. Wilt has better posture than Andre at this point in Andre's career.
Click Here
Click Here
Boss said on 16/Oct/16
Andre measurement with full story to back it.
Click Here