How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 15

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Aug/16
And Shoemaker is standing more infront of Andre than Bach infront of Kiel, because of Andre being much thicker.

Shoemakers height should also be more reliable than Bach´s listing, although shes coming out a solid 5´7", she could be a bit under it back then.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Aug/16
JT said on 20/Aug/16
Click Here Andre’s in cowboy boots but they had a pretty modest heel

Thats no cowboyboots, look at your 2. pic, his pants wouldn´t fall like this at his left leg.
Kiels shoes look pretty comparable looking at the heel.

And thank you for killing your 6´10" bashing once and for all - by yourself - or do yu think anyone with a brain believes Andres head was 11.5" including chinfat???

Click Here

Chaz said on 20/Aug/16
I have been saying the same thing for 7 years now,only I think Kiel was 3'' taller than Andre because you never see Andre in anything less than a 2'' heel and Kiel's feet are wide apart.

JT just proved that Andre was in normal dressshoe-like heel so don´t claim he was in his 2"+ monster-cowboyboots. So no full 3" for Kiel.

Kiels feet are about shoulderwide and his legs look like knock knees so he would´nt gain anything noticeable putting them closer.

Rob did a test on height with different stances so nothing to argue about this.
Chaz said on 21/Aug/16
Boss said on 20/Aug/16
Willie Shoemaker has to be the worst possible person to compare with and he is standing in front of Andre. It's over a 2' gap and Andre it's hard to tell if the ground is level in the pic. Andre stood side by side with 7'1" Wilt which would be the best height judging photos we have and they are very close to the same height barefoot.

You mean the worse for you, and your Andre the same height as Wilt rubbish,there is nothing wrong with the ground you can see it in the other photo,were Andre is holding him up,and Bach is in front of Kiel and she comes out about right,so those two excuses,can be layed to rest. and I add 0.5" to take that in to account,even tho they are in contact and Shoemaker is so thin to matter, try again,if he was 7'1'' there he would be at least 7'4'' to the top of he's hair next to Shoemaker and 7'3'' if he was 7'.he's
3'' too short.and if you think Wilt and Andre are side by side,you can not have been in the Army lol.
mrtguy said on 21/Aug/16
Assuming Kingma is 6'9.5'' I really wonder if he would come up to peak Big Show like this?? Click Here
Nobody said on 21/Aug/16
Here is a rare Andre match from 1972, here he is in much better shape so it might be easier to judge his height, how much does he look to weigh here would you guys say?

Click Here
JT said on 20/Aug/16
Click Here Andre’s in cowboy boots but they had a pretty modest heel compared to his usual whoppers Click Here Kiel looks like he’s in dress shoes. Click Here
Boss said on 20/Aug/16
Willie Shoemaker has to be the worst possible person to compare with and he is standing in front of Andre. It's over a 2' gap and Andre it's hard to tell if the ground is level in the pic. Andre stood side by side with 7'1" Wilt which would be the best height judging photos we have and they are very close to the same height barefoot.
Chaz said on 20/Aug/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Aug/16
Click Here

Putting Andres head at a minimum 12.5" including chinfat, Kiel comes out about 2.5" taller. Both look to be in equal dressshoes.
Andres eyeline is at Kiels mouth.

This pretty much looks like the gap between todays Big Show and Shaq, both in equal dressshoes,
Big Show is stretching out and his eyelevel is at Shaqs mouth Click Here

Kiel at 7´1.5"-7´1.75" is a full inch taller than Shaq. So peak Andre is about an inch taller than todays Big Show.

I have been saying the same thing for 7 years now,only I think Kiel was 3'' taller than Andre because you never see Andre in anything less than a 2'' heel and Kiel's feet are wide apart.

Peak Heights

Andre 6'11'' morning 6'10'' evening, should be listed 6'10.5''

Big Show 7' morning 6'11'' evening,should be listed 6'11.5''

Kiel 7'2'' morning 7'1'' evening,should be listed 7'1.5'' IMO
Chaz said on 20/Aug/16
mrtguy said on 19/Aug/16
JT Click Here

how tall would you say Big Show looks in comparison to Michael Kingma (6'9.5'') ??

The problem you have there is Haystacks come up to the same place on Big Show's nose,if that guy is 6'9.5'' he should be up were Nash was on Big Show in the middle of the forhead, so something is out.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Aug/16
mrtguy said on 19/Aug/16
JT Click Here

how tall would you say Big Show looks in comparison to Michael Kingma (6'9.5'') ??

Now Meane Gene is as tall as Rob?? How tall does that make Charles Barkley next to Meane Gene???


How tall is Kingma standing next to Rob? barely 6´8" Fact.

Big Show is in his ~1.75" giant boots of course next to Meane Gene.

Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Aug/16
Danimal said on 20/Aug/16

Thing is, when Big Show had a face off with Shaq, he was no longer the height he had been in the WCW. Imo, he had already lost at least 1.5-2" by then. Had a 1995-1999 Big Show stood next to Shaq, they would have been the same height.

Thats rubbish nonsense, it´s proved he wasn´t much over 6´11" flat without his giant boots.
Now he lost up to 2" because the giant fanboys can´t stand they were fooled with the 7ft+ hype and JT´s Big Show had Andre by 2"+ agenda....

Big Show was a solid 6´11" guy peak and now is 6´10"
Andre was solid 6´11"peak and ~6´10" at the end.
Shaq is no less than 7´0.5" today

No need to bring storys up about an unrealistic heightloss to replace reality with fanboyhype...

You move in the same circle 12yrs now?!! same as JT´s Andre peak 6´10" bashing.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Aug/16
Chaz said on 19/Aug/16
Total Rubish why are you putting the line at the top of Andre's hair for?

Total Rubbish??? YOU didn´t even get it...
The line shows where Kiels skull is under his hair and how Andre stacks up to...

Kiel gave his height as 7´1.75" and was between 7´2.5" and 7´3" in his special made giant sneakers, did you understand this or is it rubbish too, to your brain.
Danimal said on 20/Aug/16
Boss said on 18/Aug/16
This fits perfectly with Captain's Letterman show comparison with Andre and Richard Kiel. Andre in cowboy boots was taller than 7'1" men in their footwear. Wilt was an inch taller than Shaq and Shaq has Big Show by at least 2" yet Jt has Big Show 2" taller than Andre which doesn't make any sense. Big Show would need a step ladder to match up to Wilt the way Andre did.

Thing is, when Big Show had a face off with Shaq, he was no longer the height he had been in the WCW. Imo, he had already lost at least 1.5-2" by then. Had a 1995-1999 Big Show stood next to Shaq, they would have been the same height.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Aug/16
Click Here

Putting Andres head at a minimum 12.5" including chinfat, Kiel comes out about 2.5" taller. Both look to be in equal dressshoes.
Andres eyeline is at Kiels mouth.

This pretty much looks like the gap between todays Big Show and Shaq, both in equal dressshoes,
Big Show is stretching out and his eyelevel is at Shaqs mouth Click Here

Kiel at 7´1.5"-7´1.75" is a full inch taller than Shaq. So peak Andre is about an inch taller than todays Big Show.
Chaz said on 19/Aug/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Aug/16 just hit 7´0" in cowboyboots????? He would be under 6´10" barefoot then - YOUR agenda....

What´s Kiel then, 7´0.5-7´0.75" in sneakers putting them at the same level with their feet???
Click Here

Kiel was 7´2.5"-7´3" in sneakers and Andre 7´1.5"-7´2" in cowboyboots, every nonbiased person can see that.

Total Rubish why are you putting the line at the top of Andre's hair for? And Kiel's sneekers don't even look 1" let alone 1.5" they are like Rebook classic about 3/4" and you can work out from the desk how much taller Kiel was even Kiel's jacket is much longer,the total height of Andre in the Shoemaker photo was 7'1" with hair and boots,You try prove me wrong? unless Andre was only getting 1" from the hair and shoes you can forget 7' everything you need to work out Andre's height is in the photo,
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Aug/16
JT said on 18/Aug/16
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Aug/16

OK, now how much height would Andre's boots on Letterman have to be giving him for your shot to come out remotely correct knowing this?:

Click Here

This is Andre and Kiel in literally the same spot, next to the same objects….

But Andre and Kiel were walking out and the camera does not pick up how straight their lower bodies were. Here, they are standing next to the same desk
Click Here There’s no reason to believe those aren’t the same brown boots he wore with Wilt a few months earlier.

JT said on 18/Aug/16

You won’t find any full body picture or video of Andre looking even close to 7’0” barefoot when he was in regular shoes or wrestling boots. He might have hit 7’0” in his cowboy boots but that’s it.


just hit 7´0" in cowboyboots????? He would be under 6´10" barefoot then - YOUR agenda....

What´s Kiel then, 7´0.5-7´0.75" in sneakers putting them at the same level with their feet???
Click Here

Kiel was 7´2.5"-7´3" in sneakers and Andre 7´1.5"-7´2" in cowboyboots, every nonbiased person can see that.
mrtguy said on 19/Aug/16
JT Click Here

how tall would you say Big Show looks in comparison to Michael Kingma (6'9.5'') ??
JT said on 18/Aug/16
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Aug/16

OK, now how much height would Andre's boots on Letterman have to be giving him for your shot to come out remotely correct knowing this?:

Click Here

This is Andre and Kiel in literally the same spot, next to the same objects….

But Andre and Kiel were walking out and the camera does not pick up how straight their lower bodies were. Here, they are standing next to the same desk
Click Here There’s no reason to believe those aren’t the same brown boots he wore with Wilt a few months earlier.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Aug/16
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Aug/16
JT said on 17/Aug/16
....That’s about how a peak Big Show would have measured up to a peak Andre and Richard Kiel.


OK, now how much height would Andre's boots on Letterman have to be giving him for your shot to come out remotely correct knowing this?:

Click Here

This is Andre and Kiel in literally the same spot, next to the same objects. Everyone here can make their own judgement, but don't necessarily assume people believing their own eyes for the reality in front of them as being nothing more than "fan boys".


Yeah, and it fits pefectly with my version of Andre next to Wilt.
Andre was 2,18m in Cowboyboots, the height he gave his familymembers if asked. Maybe down to 2,17m for eveningheight but that´s it.
peak 2,14m early morning, 2,11-2,12m evening.

Click Here
RoelC said on 18/Aug/16
Boss said on 17/Aug/16
Thanks Roel C. Here is the new pic from Roel C with the other Andre photos all lined up. Everything fits perfectly.
Except that Wilt appears shorter in the left pic compared to the right pic, despite the fact that he raises his head a litte bit more. How can he lose height by raising his head?

Boss said on 17/Aug/16
Here it is with Jt's version of Roel C's new photo. Arnold and Andre both come out too short.
That's because the left pic is slightly tilted, while the right pic isn't. Look at the floor marking in front of Schwarzenegger. In Jt's version of your pic that floor marking was level, as it was in the original pic I've posted. If the floor markings are level in both pics, the results are just fine.
Click Here
JT said on 18/Aug/16
dicksock said on 17/Aug/16
….Wilt is not clearly taller in this pic. The two are the same height. Andre could stretch out to become equal with Wilt in that pic….


Andre’s standing erect and Wilt could gain a little height by raising his head. The fact that Wilt’s eye level is above Andre’s even though he’s looking down shows that he’s taller (remember that the distance from Andre’s eyes to the top of his head was relatively average)

dicksock said on 17/Aug/16
….No offense, but if you think a current Big Show would be 2" taller than a prime Andre, you are crazy….

I wrote “peak” Big Show, not current Big Show, which likely means that the girl is under 5’2”.

You won’t find any full body picture or video of Andre looking even close to 7’0” barefoot when he was in regular shoes or wrestling boots. He might have hit 7’0” in his cowboy boots but that’s it.
Boss said on 18/Aug/16
This fits perfectly with Captain's Letterman show comparison with Andre and Richard Kiel. Andre in cowboy boots was taller than 7'1" men in their footwear. Wilt was an inch taller than Shaq and Shaq has Big Show by at least 2" yet Jt has Big Show 2" taller than Andre which doesn't make any sense. Big Show would need a step ladder to match up to Wilt the way Andre did.
Boss said on 18/Aug/16
This is about as close to the truth as we're going to get. It is very clear to see Andre in 2" cowboy boots is taller than Wilt in his boots.
Click Here
Boss said on 18/Aug/16
Here are the 2 photos together unedited.

Click Here
Chaz said on 18/Aug/16
Andre is nearest the camara,in the Wilt photo any fool can see it,Andre's left Arm is hitting the camara first,Wilt's back is behide both of them,and he's less side on and thiner in the body, Andre is gaining 1" .
dicksock said on 17/Aug/16
JT said on 17/Aug/16
Wilt’s clearly taller in the pic despite Andre’s footwear advantage Click Here and is so in every picture out there of the two. Wilt's 7'0.5" measurement in 1983 could have been done at night but it's still time for at least a 2 inch downgrade, especially given the 6'10" billings at age 23 and the photos of an early 20s Andre in regular footwear with his 5'11" aunt, the Mini Cooper, etc.


While I do agree that this picture does represent the truth because the tilt is gone, Wilt is not clearly taller in this pic. The two are the same height. Andre could stretch out to become equal with Wilt in that pic. To me, it is clear that Wilt was 7'1" legit and about 7'1.5" in his boots while Andre was about 6'11.5" legit and 7'1.5" in his boots. Keep in mind this picture was taken in the day. Andre was probably around 7' out of bed at his tallest and around 6'11" at night. I really doubt he was under 6'11" during the day at his peak or even past it.

JT said on 17/Aug/16
mrtguy said on 16/Aug/16
Rob, the girl infornt of Big Show is 5'2'', how could he only be 6'10.5'' he's got be more or at least with shoes Click Here

Click Here What proof do you have that she’s really 5’2” (I assumed no shoes on here)? That’s about how a peak Big Show would have measured up to a peak Andre and Richard Kiel. Barbara Bach is listed everywhere at 5’7” and Willie Shoemaker 4’11” (I gave him 5’0” in his boots but I doubt his size 2 ½ child’s boots are going to have a one inch heel).


No offense, but if you think a current Big Show would be 2" taller than a prime Andre, you are crazy. You have a current Big Show stacking up better next to Richard Kiel than he did next to Shaq (and no Kiel is not losing any real height with his slightly wide stance). I really think you need to let go of the idea that Show was ever noticeably taller than Andre; especially a current Big Show. By all accounts, Andre was a naturally bigger, more impressive looking man, and both were nearly 7' in their primes. Also, it seems to me like Show's big heels on his boots are only a little smaller than most of Andre's cowboy boots.
Boss said on 17/Aug/16
Here are the original photos together unedited.
Click Here
Boss said on 17/Aug/16
Thanks Roel C. Here is the new pic from Roel C with the other Andre photos all lined up. Everything fits perfectly.
Click Here

Here it is with Jt's version of Roel C's new photo. Arnold and Andre both come out too short.

Click Here

Wilt's left foot is slightly closer to the camera than Andre's and Wilt's right foot is way closer to the camera than Andre's right foot.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Aug/16
JT said on 17/Aug/16
There’s nothing to debate ....


Yeah for sure because the Andrehater said so lol.

JT said on 17/Aug/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Aug/16
….JT overtilted with his "correction" to fit his agenda
Click Here
look at the lines I

Wrong – everyone is still leaning too far to the left in your version. Plus, look at the markings on the arch in the background, the level of the floor beneath Wilt’s and Andre’s feet and how straight their bodies are. There’s about a 5 degree camera tilt, corrected here
Click Here


Still lol about all that nonsense, the set is now acurate build with a water bubble, it´s set in the late Bronze Age ....
Since the camera is a bit more on the right site compared to the markings your lines can´t fit even if its waterlevel.

As I said you´ll come up with everything you can use to lower Andre.

Boss Photo made one thing clear and dicksock already mentioned it:

"dicksock said on 13/Aug/16
It's not the front foot that matters, it's the back. They are pretty much lined up with each other"

They´re both pretty much in line/ same distance to the camera with the back foot, so the only right thing to do is tilt them at the same level with the back foot and measure them up to each other. If you overtilt one way or the other, you can´t compare them because they don´t stand at the same level

Click Here

But I don´t need to tell you whats wrong in your tilted pic, you know what you do to downgrade Andre...
Chaz said on 17/Aug/16
JT said on 17/Aug/16 Click Here What proof do you have that she’s really 5’2” (I assumed no shoes on here)? That’s about how a peak Big Show would have measured up to a peak Andre and Richard Kiel. Barbara Bach is listed everywhere at 5’7” and Willie Shoemaker 4’11” (I gave him 5’0” in his boots but I doubt his size 2 ½ child’s boots are going to have a one inch heel

kiel looks 18" taller than Bach but he's in boots so take 1'' off but she is closer to the camara and Kiel's feet are wide apart so add back 1" and you get just what you expect from a 7'1.5'' man next to a 5'7'' person give or take 0.5''.

Now do the same with Andre using he's 12" face and with boots and hair he's 7'1''.and there is no bad posture or 500lbs of old Andre or any other excuse we keep getting.and we know 100% Shoemakers height,
JT said on 17/Aug/16
mrtguy said on 16/Aug/16
Rob, the girl infornt of Big Show is 5'2'', how could he only be 6'10.5'' he's got be more or at least with shoes Click Here

Click Here What proof do you have that she’s really 5’2” (I assumed no shoes on here)? That’s about how a peak Big Show would have measured up to a peak Andre and Richard Kiel. Barbara Bach is listed everywhere at 5’7” and Willie Shoemaker 4’11” (I gave him 5’0” in his boots but I doubt his size 2 ½ child’s boots are going to have a one inch heel).
JT said on 17/Aug/16
There’s nothing to debate – both indoor color photos were taken by the same person within a few moments of each other and at a very similar high camera level Click Here No one’s picture is “fake.” The movie stills database photo Boss and other fan boys have latched on to was either scanned in crookedly or it’s the photographer’s fault.

@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Aug/16
….JT overtilted with his "correction" to fit his agenda
Click Here
look at the lines I

Wrong – everyone is still leaning too far to the left in your version. Plus, look at the markings on the arch in the background, the level of the floor beneath Wilt’s and Andre’s feet and how straight their bodies are. There’s about a 5 degree camera tilt, corrected here
Click Here

Wilt’s clearly taller in the pic despite Andre’s footwear advantage Click Here and is so in every picture out there of the two. Wilt's 7'0.5" measurement in 1983 could have been done at night but it's still time for at least a 2 inch downgrade, especially given the 6'10" billings at age 23 and the photos of an early 20s Andre in regular footwear with his 5'11" aunt, the Mini Cooper, etc.
aaronrius said on 17/Aug/16
BOSS, you did an awesome job of proving JT's bias in his photos.. he has always used photoshop to alter his photos, using tilt and zoom to make Andre look smaller.. and from your exmaples, it is BLANTANTLY obvious that he tilted those pics 5+ degress negative in WIlt's favor.

Yes, we know that Wilt was a legit 7'1.125", and yes, we know that andre had 2inch soles, but Wilt's footwear were still boots. i think Andre had a maximum of an inch advantage in his shoes. after you corrected the angle on those photos, the top of Andre's skull actually appears slightly taller than Wilt, by MAYBE a half inch..after accouting for each person's footwear, this is putting Andre around 7'0.5", which is EXACTLY where i estimated him to be based on the barefoot weight scale picture analysis i did years ago, using pixel counts and the known height of an existing object to determine Andre was 7'0.5" barefoot:

Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 16/Aug/16
Halb said on 14/Aug/16
When you take the line of the stone blocks in the corridor between the two giants, it looks like Wilt has significant height on André, and that's with André in his boots.


The line on the floor would be the best comparison marker since it's likely the floor is fairly level and they are all very closely situated around it.
Chaz said on 16/Aug/16
Can we stop with this Rubish now,the photo is tilted,you can see from the arch,it's a fake to make Andre look taller,we are back to the same old useless photos,Wilt at he's shortest because we know he was measured at 7'.5'' laying down that would make him 7' standing up at the time, Andre is in 2.5'' cowboy boots,and the camara is over he's side and because he's much bigger .making him look taller than he is,and still looks Shoter, than wilt .END Of STORY if this is the best Best you can come up with to make
Andre 7' foot,then you need to keep looking.
Boss said on 16/Aug/16
@ ROELC . That was taken from a pic a magazine. The new original has not been altered so we have to take it into consideration. If the color pic is original it really just demonstrates how much height Andre can loose by titling his head down that far and not fully straightening his back. We do have 4 pics of them.
Click Here
Boss said on 16/Aug/16
Andre would gain height by lifting his head up all the way in any of the Wilt and Arnold photos.
mrtguy said on 16/Aug/16
Rob, the girl infornt of Big Show is 5'2'', how could he only be 6'10.5'' he's got be more or at least with shoes Click Here
Editor Rob
hard to spot the type of shoes the lady might have there.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Aug/16
dicksock said on 13/Aug/16

It's not the front foot that matters, it's the back. They are pretty much lined up with each other. Really, JT's photo just corrects the unbelievably obvious camera tilt in Boss's original picture.


1. Tilt - JT overtilted with his "correction" to fit his agenda
Click Here
look at the lines I draw at their feet - he has Wilt on a 3cm higher stand with his tilt, he couldn´t stand that Andre in cowboyboots was taller than Wilt by ~0.5"

2. Position - Andre and Wilt are lined up,
but the camera is more to the right, so Andres site, making it impossible for Wilt to be closer, but no real disadvantage in height to Wilt since the camera is very high.

3. Footwear - It´s around 1.4", not 1" not 2".
Danimal said on 15/Aug/16
dicksock said on 13/Aug/16

It's not the front foot that matters, it's the back. They are pretty much lined up with each other. Really, JT's photo just corrects the unbelievably obvious camera tilt in Boss's original picture. Andre is really about the same height as Wilt in cowboy boots that give him about a 1.5" footwear advantage. All the evidence in the world points to Andre having been 6'11"-7' at his tallest, losing minimal height throughout his career. I don't know anyone can actually think Andre was the same height or taller than Wilt. Just look at Wilt and Andre next to Mohammad Ali. If the original pic is even remotely accurate, then Andre must have been a legit 7'4" in cowboy boots because he looks several inches taller than 7'1" Wilt Chamberlain who was probably about 7'1.5" in his shoes. This is all nonsense. Again, we even have a fully grown Andre claiming to be 214cm or 7'0.25", so there is no way anyone with any form of common sense could think he was ever taller than that. Honestly, that may have been his morning height at his tallest and he would have been about 1" shorter max by the evening. He likely wasn't even quite that tall though.

I tend to agree with your assessment dicksock. After having been on this site for almost 12 years now, my opinion (unbiased one) is that Andre stood somewhere between 6'11.5" and 7'0.25" at his absolute peak height (slightly under Big Show's 7'0.5" peak) and like the Big Show, Andre began to lose height starting in his 30's (around 35) due to being very heavy and through surgeries on his spinal column and knees. Andre at times looked as short as 6'9"-6'9.5" towards the end, but was probably able to still reach 6'10"-6'10.5" if he stood fully straight, which seemed impossible for him to do by that time. It looks like 500 pound giants are meant to lose height especially when they are wrestlers (Big Show appears to look in the 6'10" region today imo and he's the same age that Andre was towards the end of his career).
Boss said on 14/Aug/16
The new pic with tilt fixed correctly fits with the other Andre, Wilt and Arnold pic fine. That last color altered photo Arnold is too short with his best posture in all the photos next to Wilt. Wilt is pretty close but Arnold and of course Andre don't fit.
Click Here
Halb said on 14/Aug/16
When you take the line of the stone blocks in the corridor between the two giants, it looks like Wilt has significant height on André, and that's with André in his boots.
Capt. Nobody said on 14/Aug/16
dicksock said on 13/Aug/16

It's not the front foot that matters, it's the back. They are pretty much lined up with each other. Really, JT's photo just corrects the unbelievably obvious camera tilt in Boss's original picture. Andre is really about the same height as Wilt in cowboy boots that give him about a 1.5" footwear advantage. All the evidence in the world points to Andre having been 6'11"-7' at his tallest, losing minimal height throughout his career. I don't know anyone can actually think Andre was the same height or taller than Wilt. Just look at Wilt and Andre next to Mohammad Ali. If the original pic is even remotely accurate, then Andre must have been a legit 7'4" in cowboy boots because he looks several inches taller than 7'1" Wilt Chamberlain who was probably about 7'1.5" in his shoes. This is all nonsense. Again, we even have a fully grown Andre claiming to be 214cm or 7'0.25", so there is no way anyone with any form of common sense could think he was ever taller than that. Honestly, that may have been his morning height at his tallest and he would have been about 1" shorter max by the evening. He likely wasn't even quite that tall though.


Which is what I had been stating the whole time. This is just to put to rest that somehow Andre is in front of Wilt. In fact, his body isn't even turned much more towards the camera than Wilts. It's just that his body is quite a bit wider than Wilts so his left side is technically closer to the camera, but as I've illustrated in the past, even his back shoulder lines up scale wise with Andre gaining no height advantage from it.

This and the Kiel shots from Letterman show that Andre, in his boots, is around both Wilt (and yes, appears to be a bit taller than Wilt in a few shots unless the top of Wilts head literally goes up to the top of that wig) and Kiels height level while both were in moderate footwear. Nothing from a photo can be totally conclusive when you are playing a game of millimeters but it's getting closer.

So... back to the same two things: boot heel and Andre standing his tallest.
JT said on 14/Aug/16
Boss’s pic with the 5 degree camera tilt corrected. Click Here
Boss said on 14/Aug/16
Andre was 7'1" range in the morning but by night be under 7' because of his enormous size. These are daytime photos with Wilt so Andre would be taller than he would at a wrestling show at night. His posture played a huge role because he could stretch out in almost every photo we have of him including with Wild and Arnold.
Click Here
Click Here
Also, Andre almost always has his head titled down and the other person is at their tallest looking up at Andre. Wilt and Arnold have better posture with Andre. So you would have to add 1" for Andre's posture disadvantage to get their true measured heights. Also, Jt overly exaggerated his Andre , Wilt comparison too much with the new photo. Andre is taller than Wilt in the black and white pic that is titled in Wilt's favor.
Click Here
With the tilt corrected properly.
Click Here
Here is Jt's correction of the same photo which is clearly under tilted in Wilt's favor but Andre is still taller though.
Click Here

Andre looked bigger in 1972 than he did in that 1971 video. Just his head alone would could make up .5" or time of day he was measured. His head never stopped growing.
Click Here 1972
Andre always claimed a height of 2.18m when asked by his family or friends how tall he really was as told by his nephew Boris Roussimoff. Boris could have just said 7'4".

Here us Andre's back length as measured by his tailor. These measurements are done in socks as shown. Andre's back length you can see his 74" or 6'2" from the bottom of his shirt collar to the floor. Then you have his 12"+ head. If this measurement was done in the shoes he is wearing there then Andre would be 7'1" range barefoot.
Click Here
Click Here
184guy said on 14/Aug/16
Rob , maybe a slight downgrade to 6'11.5 ?
All the evidences points to Andre somewhere in the 6'11 range
Maybe a 211 would be a better listing.The 7ft probably an early in day measurument
Editor Rob
he was under it many years ago, then I thought I'd seen enough to go with the 7ft mark.
Steve said on 14/Aug/16
Capt. Nobody you are correct Andre is not in front, neither is Wilt. They are both in the same line, making their positions redundant when arguing Andres height. In the photo you posted, Andre clearly has a clear footware advantage over Wilt. His cowboy boots give him at least a 1 inch advantage. Andre does look around 213cm in the photos, Wilt looks around 215cm. No new evidence has been posted in here in years, so unless more photos of Andre and Wilt come up, these arguments are going around in circles. Andre certainly wasn't over 213cm barefoot ever.
Telamonas said on 14/Aug/16
Nice job Boss. You made it clear that 6'10'' peak Andre is nonsense. He is clearly over 7' without shoes. He is easily taller than Wilt (counting footwear) but even barefoot he doesn't seem shorter.
dicksock said on 13/Aug/16
Capt. Nobody said on 12/Aug/16
dicksock said on 11/Aug/16
So now Wilt is closer to the camera and Andre has only 1" of footwear advantage? Ah well, some people only see what they want to see. To help this page regain some semblance of reality, here is Andre at his tallest in equal footwear next to 6'2" Tony Atlas:
Click Here


Look at the feet, it's literally that easy. At the very least he's right in a straight line, no doubts now. His front foot is clearly in front of Andres.


It's not the front foot that matters, it's the back. They are pretty much lined up with each other. Really, JT's photo just corrects the unbelievably obvious camera tilt in Boss's original picture. Andre is really about the same height as Wilt in cowboy boots that give him about a 1.5" footwear advantage. All the evidence in the world points to Andre having been 6'11"-7' at his tallest, losing minimal height throughout his career. I don't know anyone can actually think Andre was the same height or taller than Wilt. Just look at Wilt and Andre next to Mohammad Ali. If the original pic is even remotely accurate, then Andre must have been a legit 7'4" in cowboy boots because he looks several inches taller than 7'1" Wilt Chamberlain who was probably about 7'1.5" in his shoes. This is all nonsense. Again, we even have a fully grown Andre claiming to be 214cm or 7'0.25", so there is no way anyone with any form of common sense could think he was ever taller than that. Honestly, that may have been his morning height at his tallest and he would have been about 1" shorter max by the evening. He likely wasn't even quite that tall though.
Boss said on 12/Aug/16
Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 12/Aug/16
dicksock said on 11/Aug/16
So now Wilt is closer to the camera and Andre has only 1" of footwear advantage? Ah well, some people only see what they want to see. To help this page regain some semblance of reality, here is Andre at his tallest in equal footwear next to 6'2" Tony Atlas:
Click Here


Look at the feet, it's literally that easy. At the very least he's right in a straight line, no doubts now. His front foot is clearly in front of Andres.
Boss said on 12/Aug/16
Wilt looks a couple inches shorter than Andre in the photo. Where are you getting Wilt looks 1/2" taller in this photo ?

Click Here
dicksock said on 12/Aug/16
Here is a picture that I'm surprised that more people have not talked about this pic:
Click Here

That is Andre with 6'7" listed David Von Erich. David was probably more in the 6'5"-6'6" range as he was about 3.5" taller than his 6'2" brother, Kerry. Kerry was a little shorter than 6'3" max Michael Richards in Problem Child. Richards was also probably under 6'3" as he was 6'3" in shoes on a episode of Seinfeld were he was in a police lineup. Kerry could also look under 6'2" with guys like Mr. T and Brittish Bulldog.
Click Here

I would put David at about 6'5.5" and Andre was definitely about 6" taller in equal footwear in his prime.
Boss said on 12/Aug/16
Again I didn't measure Andre boots but here they are the same boots as he was wearing with Wilt being measured. They are the same color and look identical. I don't know how you can argue this point. Talk about real proof here it is.
Click Here
Boss said on 12/Aug/16
Here are the original photos and can you spot the fake. It's supposed to be from the same angle as the new original but it has clearly been altered, repositioned and zoomed in. The color and choppyness are a dead give away that it has been photoshopped. The new original photo falls right in line with the other 2 original photos not someone's photoshop fantasy. So there is still 1 original photo to be found but Andre has his head down almost to the point of his chin touching his chest so not a good photo to judge a peak height in the first place. The black and white original is titled in Wilt's favor yet Andre in cowboy boots is visually taller. The other original pic from a low camera angle and they are on a downward slope so the person farthest from camera gains the height which is Wilt not the person closer to the camera which is Andre. It all fits together perfectly so Andre in cowboy boots was defintley taller than Wilt Chamberlain in his boots.
Click Here
Boss said on 12/Aug/16
@ Me, Captain, Red and 62B thanks.

Here is the original photo from the original site so sorry but your wrong. Jt and Meltzer altered this very photo.
Click Here
Boss said on 12/Aug/16
@Jt. You may as well just leave this page with your tail tucked between your legs because the 7 foot camp rules this page with evidence to back it. Your comparisons are altered and biased as proven again by the new photos of Andre and Wilt. You have 0 credibility on Andre's page and you have been proven wrong so many times here. I guess you must think Rob is stupid too for giving Andre a 7' listing here. You and Roel C and your buddy Chaz are ignorant, straight up mean to people here and talk to posters like their stupid or their opinions don't matter and I've been teaching lessons to bullies my whole life so bring it. I've spoken to a few posters who posted here and will not return just because you made them feel like idiots which is not cool at all. Does that make you feel good? You wouldn't call me a 5 year old to my face I guarantee you so don't be a coward behind a keyboard cause that ain't cool either. All because I post the real original pics of Andre and Wilt and not your altered fantasy pics.
We are all apart of each other's lives here and should show the respect to each other that we all deserve.

We should take a poll to have see if you have any credibility when it comes to Andre's peak height and I'll start with a NO.
Chaz said on 12/Aug/16
Boss said on 10/Aug/16
I bring evidence that JT and Meltzer's photos are fake and the other color shot same. You can tell that from the difference in angles and the color. Plus Andre's head is down all the way to his chest so how is that good for judging height ? Plus what about the other black and white pic anlgeled in Wilt's favor yet Andre is still visually taller. People can believe what they want but I'll take the actual photos over fake altered pics any day. Andre and Wilt would be very close in height barefoot .

All you have done is altered the photo yourself,and tried to make out Meltzer did it,and been found out,the photo is useless not only is Andre in 2.5'' boots the photo is taken over the right side,and Andre is more side on,so gaining 1'' from that,and Wilt still looks 1/2 taller.
dicksock said on 11/Aug/16
So now Wilt is closer to the camera and Andre has only 1" of footwear advantage? Ah well, some people only see what they want to see. To help this page regain some semblance of reality, here is Andre at his tallest in equal footwear next to 6'2" Tony Atlas:
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Aug/16
Yeah, sry Boss, thanks for the great pics, destroying the peak 6´10"bashing Andre haters
62B said on 11/Aug/16
Boss said on 9/Aug/16
So we have 3 original photos. The color pic with Andre with his head down is not the original and has been photo shopped just like the Meltzer black and white pic. It looks just like the Meltzer version all repositioned and zoomed in and overly in Wilt's favor than it should actually be.
Andre is visually taller than Wilt in the other black and white book pic even though it's tilted in Wilt's favor.
The other original color photo you can see they are on a downward slope and the camera angle would make the person farther away appear taller. So if Andre steps back next to Wilt, Andre would become taller or if Wilt steps forward Wilt would appear shorter.
Andre may have the advantage in the new original pic but there is no denying Andre is alot taller than Wilt in the pic visually.
Click Here

I have never seen those pictures o Wilt and Andre. Actually pretty good evidence that Andre was 7'.
Boss said on 10/Aug/16
Here the new pic with Andre Wilt with the tilt fixed. You can't over tilt and zoom in because Wilt is quite a bit closer to the camera than Andre and your just distorting reality at that point as you can clearly tell by the color and choppyness of their photos.
Click Here

And these look like the same boots Andre was wearing Wilt actually being measured at 2" by the guy which would be a 1.8" height boost. For arguments sake lets go with 2.25" heel for a 2" height boost. Wilt is wearing 1" boots himself.
Click Here

Here JT has Andre's boots at 2" as well just thought to show.
Click Here
Boss said on 10/Aug/16
The New Andre Wilt pic angle is in Andre's favor but Wilt is the closer man to the camera which is made clear by switching their positions in the photo. Click Here
JT said on 10/Aug/16
Boss said on 8/Aug/16
Let the excuses fly. Lol
Click Here

That’s right, let them fly Click Here Either you need glasses, your head is permanently tilted at a 10 degree angle, or we're dealing with a 5 year old.

The two indoor color photos were taken by the same person and the same angle.
Click Here The only difference is Andre lifts his head up and gains height; Wilt does not.
Boss said on 10/Aug/16
I bring evidence that JT and Meltzer's photos are fake and the other color shot same. You can tell that from the difference in angles and the color. Plus Andre's head is down all the way to his chest so how is that good for judging height ? Plus what about the other black and white pic anlgeled in Wilt's favor yet Andre is still visually taller. People can believe what they want but I'll take the actual photos over fake altered pics any day. Andre and Wilt would be very close in height barefoot .
Boss said on 10/Aug/16
@ ROELC . Andre does have a camera advantage but I didn't take the picture. Jt copied Meltzer's version of picture so no big shock there. You are ignorant and errogant and wrong. That other pic is clearly photo shopped like JT and Meltzer's version of the actual original and was probably released by Meltzer as well You can't see the full doorway in that pic cause it's been repositioned and zoomed in. Alot of you need to learn some manners and should be saying thanks for the awesome new pic Boss.
mrtguy said on 9/Aug/16
Click Here
Boss said on 9/Aug/16
So we have 3 original photos. The color pic with Andre with his head down is not the original and has been photo shopped just like the Meltzer black and white pic. It looks just like the Meltzer version all repositioned and zoomed in and overly in Wilt's favor than it should actually be.
Andre is visually taller than Wilt in the other black and white book pic even though it's tilted in Wilt's favor.
The other original color photo you can see they are on a downward slope and the camera angle would make the person farther away appear taller. So if Andre steps back next to Wilt, Andre would become taller or if Wilt steps forward Wilt would appear shorter.
Andre may have the advantage in the new original pic but there is no denying Andre is alot taller than Wilt in the pic visually.
Click Here
RoelC said on 9/Aug/16
Boss said on 7/Aug/16
The first photo is the original actual photo. Followed by JT's altered version of the photo and Meltzer's altered version. We have been arguing with that black and white photo for years and turns out it is an altered version of the original photo that is set in Wilt's favor instead of Andre's as the original clearly shows. Yes, Andre has a footwear advantage but this changes things for sure. There are only 4 original photos and Andre is taller in 2 of them. In the others Andre has his head down with chin almost touching his chest and the one where they are holding Arnold up and they are on a downward slope that favors Wilt the farthest from the camera not Andre.
Click Here

You can't be serious! Anyone over the age of 5 can see that picture of yours is clearly tilted in Andre's favour.

Unfortunately for you there's also that other picture of Andre, Arnold & Wilt, shot on the same set during the same photo set.
If you compare that picture next to the version JT or Meltzer posted I see no difference in stance there. Comparing it with your pic is a different story though.
Click Here
Seriously that picture looks like it was shot in the tower of Pisa. What are trying to prove here, that Andre was 7'4" in his boots?
dicksock said on 9/Aug/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Aug/16
dicksock said on 8/Aug/16
Why for sure? Do you have any real proof or common sense explanation? There is no rational explanation or visual evidence that proves Hogan lost more than a marginal amount of height (.25") by 1996.

What do you think about this:

comparison at the top asmues Hogan hasn´t lost any height from peak to early WCW years, so Vader is a half inch taller than peak KKB?!?

Second comparison puts Vader at 6´2.5" and KKB at 6´3", Hogan is a full inch shorter in WCW compared to peak height in WWF

Click Here

Imo peak Hogan was 6´5.5" max and 6´4.5" in WCW


Yes, Vader could have been .5" taller than Bundy depending on his footwear. I don't think Bundy was above 6'3"/6'3.5" and Vader was around 6'3" himself and probably wore thicker soled boots. You are also assuming you're comparison is 100% spot on. I think Hogan's posture is slightly worse in the WCW pic as well. I will say this again: There is no way a perfectly healthy man in his early 40s can shrink a full inch. It just can't happen without serious health problems having occurred. There are men their early 80s who don't lose that much height.
Boss said on 9/Aug/16
Andre is taller than Wilt in the new actual original pic with Wilt even when you factor footwear and camera angles they are right around the same height barefoot . The Meltzer black and white pic is over compensating the difference and why didn't he just release the original photo instead of his version of what he thought the pic should look like. Andre and Wilt are close to same height barefoot in light of the new actual real pics. Andre could actually stand a little taller there as well and lift his head all the way back.
Click Here
Boss said on 9/Aug/16
The Meltzer pic is just a black and white photo shopped version of the actual original pic I posted so technically there is no Meltzer shot. Only what he thought they should look like together and that ain't what the original picture shows.
Chaz said on 9/Aug/16
RoelC said on 8/Aug/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Aug/16
JT said on 7/Aug/16
You’re obviously biased, Red, but you can’t even believe what you’re posting now.
Hogan on the A-Team has low-heeled cowboy boots on? What are those blocks under his feet? Click Here

He clearly wore different boots with Mr. T, so what are you talking about????

He wore the exact same boots with Mr. T Click Here

And he must be the only man dressed for the gym with belt weightraing gloves,in cowboy boots lol I would like to see him do some deadlifts or overhead lifts in them lol, this must be why he had so meny Surgeries from breaking he's legs in the gym with those on. it's clear he's got them on to make himself look taller,Just the same as he gets listed as a full 6'6'' I don't know,he was the same height as John Quinn in 1980,not much taller than a bearfoot 6'4''ish Kamala.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Aug/16
RoelC said on 8/Aug/16

He wore the exact same boots with Mr. T Click Here


Smarty you didn´t get it.

For you: peak Hogan wore different footwear during the 80´s next to Mr. T and the gap was about the same.
So any footwear advantage of Hogan is not in their gap because Hogan has less posture.
Again, both in sportshoes Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 8/Aug/16
Boss said on 7/Aug/16
The first photo is the original actual photo. Followed by JT's altered version of the photo and Meltzer's altered version. We have been arguing with that black and white photo for years and turns out it is an altered version of the original photo that is set in Wilt's favor instead of Andre's as the original clearly shows. Yes, Andre has a footwear advantage but this changes things for sure. There are only 4 original photos and Andre is taller in 2 of them. In the others Andre has his head down with chin almost touching his chest and the one where they are holding Arnold up and they are on a downward slope that favors Wilt the farthest from the camera not Andre.
Click Here


Wow, nice find. The thing is though, the shot, just like the other father black and white one in Wilts favor are a bit angled, so the Meltzer shot is a better comparison shot.

The one thing that shot does show however is that there is no doubt, Wilts front foot is in front of Andres, so the idea that Andre is in any way in front of Wilt is out the window. In fact, Wilt is slightly in front of Andre as it appears his back foot is a little lower in the frame as well. Andre is a bit more angled towards the camera but if Andre were facing the camera directly in the same relative position to his right side it would have no effect on his height in comparison to Wilt.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Aug/16
JT said on 7/Aug/16
You’re obviously biased, Red....
Yet you also believe Big Show’s WCW boots gave him 2+ inches….. Click Here


LOL I´m now the biased?? ;)

Why do you compare such a crappy Pic from the Giant??? Why not just do fair comparisons?

Click Here

And show me were I said 2+inches.

I said 1.8" boost.
They for sure give 2" or a bit more at the back of the heel
Boss said on 8/Aug/16
Here is the book that other black and white pic of Andre, Wilt and Arnold came from. Notice again the photo is titled in Wilt's favor on the book page.
Click Here
Boss said on 8/Aug/16
After looking at the 4 original photos Click Here that last one is edited just like the black and white photo. I always thought it was bad lighting but it's distorted because it was repositioned, resized and color added. If it was original it would have same color then the actual pic and at least look similar. Someone went to great lengths to alter photos to make Andre look shorter than he actually was hmmm wonder who would have something to gain by blowing Andre's Kayfabe. I'm sure it helped greatly in selling 2 books just saying . Same guy who altered the black and white photo and then released the edited version instead of the original so people couldn't make their own assumptions on the pic.
Click Here
RoelC said on 8/Aug/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Aug/16
JT said on 7/Aug/16
You’re obviously biased, Red, but you can’t even believe what you’re posting now.
Hogan on the A-Team has low-heeled cowboy boots on? What are those blocks under his feet? Click Here

He clearly wore different boots with Mr. T, so what are you talking about????

He wore the exact same boots with Mr. T Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Aug/16
Boss said on 5/Aug/16
Peak Andre was at least 2.14m.


Visiting doctor after ~1hours out of bed 2.14m I agree and going down to 2.11m evening,
so passing 2.15m straight out of bed if you say peak is the highest he ever measured barefoot.

Rob, whats your opinion here, if you want to nail a estimation?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Aug/16
Boss said on 7/Aug/16
The first photo is the original actual photo. Followed by JT's altered version of the photo and Meltzer's altered version. We have been arguing with that black and white photo for years and turns out it is an altered version of the original photo that is set in Wilt's favor instead of Andre's as the original clearly shows.

Yeah, there´s a tilt to Andres favour but imo JT was a bit over the line with his "correction" because it´s Andre....
He will for sure find some excuses why cowboybootet Big Show isn´t as tall as Shaq, or try to make it loke so....

Click Here

the middle pic has a disadvantage for Big Show ~ 1", he´s 1-1.25" shorter in his cowboyboots than Shaq in his dressshoes not 2-2.25" like it looks in the middlepic.

So,regarding the heights in THIS comparison:

Andre in ~2.4" (6cm or a tad more, no less, really) cowboyboots, equal or a tad taller than Wilt in ~ 0.75 soled footwear
Regarding eveningheight I have Wilt at 7´0.5" wich he was measured on the table...., no lower, possible he was a tad or two taller with Andre.

Shaq in normal 1.25" dressshoes minimum 1" taller than cowboybootet Big Show, Big Shows heels look about Andres heelsize there...., no more so.

Wilt at minimum estimation would be 7´1.25" in footwear there
Andre was equal or a tad taller, so 7´1.25"-7´1.5" in big cowboyboots minimum, means ~6´11" barefoot minimum
Putting Shaq at Wilts height in footwear, makes him Robs 7´0" listing barefoot evening...
Big Show minimum 1" shorter than Shaq(7´1.25" in footwear there) = 7´0.25" - cowboyboots ~6´10" barefoot there


That shows imo that Shaq should be at least 7´0.5" barefoot not 7ft wich puts Big Show higher at 6´10.5" wich fits with Robs Big Show listing today.
I doubt Big Show was at his peak facing Shaq the first time, so 6´11" legit seems right for WCW as The Giant wich puts him between 7´0.5" and 7´1" in his big soled "The Giant wrestlingboots"

So here my general estimations for them (eveningheight):

Andre peak 6´11", ~6´10" 1989-1993
Shaq 7´0.5"-7´0.75", doesn´t look to have lost height
Wilt 7´0.5"-7´0.75" during the princess pride
Big Show peak 6´11", today 6´10" to max 6´10.5"
62B said on 8/Aug/16
dicksock said on 8/Aug/16
62B said on 6/Aug/16
This picture clearly shows Hogan's crazy height loss throughout the years:
Click Here

What a joke.

Honestly it looks like someone went through a lot to make it look like Hogan didn't loose any height. Peak Hogan was between 6'5 and 6'5.5". By the mid 90's he for sure had lost a little bit. Overall from peak to today probably 2", possibly a smidge more.


Why for sure? Do you have any real proof or common sense explanation? There is no rational explanation or visual evidence that proves Hogan lost more than a marginal amount of height (.25") by 1996. By your own account, he was 6'5"-6'5.5" in his prime. He was still about 6'5" in the mid 90s. He was about 6'4" by the early 2000s and is about 6'3.5" now. His body didn't really start to break down until the early 2000s. Andre and Big Show were both about 6'11"-7' in their primes and Hogan was about 6.5.5" at the absolute most.

I think you and I are on the same page when it comes to Hogan and Andre's heights. I was lucky enough to see a peak Hogan up close and have my 6'4 1/2" grandfather there to compare. And I've told it enough times that Andre knocked me on my butt in 1988. I don't think he lost as much real height at that time as people think. His posture was worse and I'm sure through out the day he probably slouched more, but standing tall like he did when I stood up, he still looked around 7'. He was likely 6'11", and I'm sure by the end of the day he would have lost some height, add in bad posture that's what gets people.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Aug/16
dicksock said on 8/Aug/16
Why for sure? Do you have any real proof or common sense explanation? There is no rational explanation or visual evidence that proves Hogan lost more than a marginal amount of height (.25") by 1996.

What do you think about this:

comparison at the top asmues Hogan hasn´t lost any height from peak to early WCW years, so Vader is a half inch taller than peak KKB?!?

Second comparison puts Vader at 6´2.5" and KKB at 6´3", Hogan is a full inch shorter in WCW compared to peak height in WWF

Click Here

Imo peak Hogan was 6´5.5" max and 6´4.5" in WCW
Boss said on 8/Aug/16
Let the excuses fly. Lol
Click Here
Logic said on 8/Aug/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Aug/16

You’re obviously biased, Red

:)) Really?! Click Here

When you look at the TOP of the wooden frame work in the full camera shot of Hulk Hogan's wedding photo the photo appears to have a rather significant tilt that would favor Hogan and Inoki. Though if you look at the bottom of the frame work it doesn't appear that way. Is that due to camera angle and who is actually loosing and gaining height in that photo?

Click Here
62B said on 8/Aug/16
dicksock said on 8/Aug/16
62B said on 6/Aug/16
This picture clearly shows Hogan's crazy height loss throughout the years:
Click Here

What a joke.

Honestly it looks like someone went through a lot to make it look like Hogan didn't loose any height. Peak Hogan was between 6'5 and 6'5.5". By the mid 90's he for sure had lost a little bit. Overall from peak to today probably 2", possibly a smidge more.


Why for sure? Do you have any real proof or common sense explanation? There is no rational explanation or visual evidence that proves Hogan lost more than a marginal amount of height (.25") by 1996. By your own account, he was 6'5"-6'5.5" in his prime. He was still about 6'5" in the mid 90s. He was about 6'4" by the early 2000s and is about 6'3.5" now. His body didn't really start to break down until the early 2000s. Andre and Big Show were both about 6'11"-7' in their primes and Hogan was about 6.5.5" at the absolute most.

I feel Hogan would have lost something by 40 mainly because I did, and I hadn't done a few decades of leg drops, pile drivers, ect. I Doubt he lost anything substantial by then, but something.
dicksock said on 8/Aug/16
62B said on 6/Aug/16
This picture clearly shows Hogan's crazy height loss throughout the years:
Click Here

What a joke.

Honestly it looks like someone went through a lot to make it look like Hogan didn't loose any height. Peak Hogan was between 6'5 and 6'5.5". By the mid 90's he for sure had lost a little bit. Overall from peak to today probably 2", possibly a smidge more.


Why for sure? Do you have any real proof or common sense explanation? There is no rational explanation or visual evidence that proves Hogan lost more than a marginal amount of height (.25") by 1996. By your own account, he was 6'5"-6'5.5" in his prime. He was still about 6'5" in the mid 90s. He was about 6'4" by the early 2000s and is about 6'3.5" now. His body didn't really start to break down until the early 2000s. Andre and Big Show were both about 6'11"-7' in their primes and Hogan was about 6.5.5" at the absolute most.
Boss said on 7/Aug/16
The new photo blew my mind. Looking at the edited version of this photo all these years is going to hard to forget but we have the actual photo now to compare with. It was hard to argue an over 7' Andre because of that black and white Meltzer pic which is an edited copy of the original pic I posted. Wilt is taller in the black and white photo when you add Andre's footwear advantage but Wilt is noticably shorter in the original pic hmmm. This is a game changer for Andre's height. Wilt has got to be around 7'2" in those boots and wig. Andre has several inches on Wilt. Even with footwear and camera angles then Andre would have to be gaining over 4" to be under 7' and over 3" to be around Wilt's actual height.
Me said on 7/Aug/16
Hogan has always claimed 6'7" as his peak height. He has also claimed that when he first met Andre that his reaction was that Andre had a good 6" on him.
Boss said on 7/Aug/16
Here are the actual 4 original photos of Andre, Wilt and Arnold.
Click Here
Boss said on 7/Aug/16
The first photo is the original actual photo. Followed by JT's altered version of the photo and Meltzer's altered version. We have been arguing with that black and white photo for years and turns out it is an altered version of the original photo that is set in Wilt's favor instead of Andre's as the original clearly shows. Yes, Andre has a footwear advantage but this changes things for sure. There are only 4 original photos and Andre is taller in 2 of them. In the others Andre has his head down with chin almost touching his chest and the one where they are holding Arnold up and they are on a downward slope that favors Wilt the farthest from the camera not Andre.
Click Here
Boss said on 7/Aug/16
JT said on 19/Jun/16
Here’s the color photo of the black and white where Andre was standing tallest Click Here

Here’s about where wilt’s head is under the wig Click Here
Click Here Wilt’s still taller despite the slight camera disadvantage, big footwear disadvantage and his looking down a bit.

Funny you did not mention the fact that you altered the photo big time to make Wilt appear taller than he actually looked in the pic.

Here is the original photo and Andre comes out quite a bit taller than Wilt. Wonder how many of the other ones you altered to your story before you posted here. Anyway this one is hard to argue.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Aug/16
JT said on 7/Aug/16
You’re obviously biased, Red, but you can’t even believe what you’re posting now.
Hogan on the A-Team has low-heeled cowboy boots on? What are those blocks under his feet? Click Here

He clearly wore different boots with Mr. T, so what are you talking about???? What about the pic of Hogan and Mr.T both in sport shoes???

JT said on 7/Aug/16
Andre’s in cowboy boots in the Hogan wedding pic....
Proof of Andres supposed footwearadvantage??? Why has he the same gap over Hogan like in the 1979 staredown were Andre had less footwear????

JT said on 7/Aug/16
You’re obviously biased, Red

:)) Really?! Click Here
JT said on 7/Aug/16
You’re obviously biased, Red, but you can’t even believe what you’re posting now.
Hogan on the A-Team has low-heeled cowboy boots on? What are those blocks under his feet? Click Here

Yet you also believe Big Show’s WCW boots gave him 2+ inches….. Click Here

Andre’s in cowboy boots in the Hogan wedding pic and Hogan’s in cowboy boots in the pic with Big Show. That’s essentially up to a 2 inch advantage for Andre yet Big Show still comes out taller. Andre looks sub-7’0” next to Inoki even though he’s in cowboy boots. When scaled properly Click Here That pic with Big Show is probably from 1994, or before he got into wrestling. There’s no medical reason why Hogan would have lost height by his early 40s.
62B said on 6/Aug/16
This picture clearly shows Hogan's crazy height loss throughout the years:
Click Here

What a joke.

Honestly it looks like someone went through a lot to make it look like Hogan didn't loose any height. Peak Hogan was between 6'5 and 6'5.5". By the mid 90's he for sure had lost a little bit. Overall from peak to today probably 2", possibly a smidge more.
dicksock said on 6/Aug/16
This picture clearly shows Hogan's crazy height loss throughout the years:
Click Here

What a joke.
Boss said on 5/Aug/16
Peak Andre was at least 2.14m.
Boss said on 5/Aug/16
Wow Andres head looks at least an inch longer and much bigger than Big Show's head in Red's new comparisons. Also, Andre could lift his head up to the same level as Show and would come out taller.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Aug/16
Dub said on 29/Jul/16
Andre had a slightly bigger head but Big Show at peak was taller than a peak Andre the Giant.

In this photo comparison their peak heights are as follows; Mr T was 5ft 10in, Antonio Inoki was 6ft 1in, Hulk Hogan was 6ft 4.5 in, Andre the Giant was 6ft 10in and Big Show Paul Wight was 6ft 11.5 in Click Here


Peak Hogan in low heeled Cowboyboots, Mr. T in military Boots Click Here

Peak Hogan and Mr.T both in low sport shoes Click Here

Asuming Mr. T didn´t lose any height since then Click Here If Mr.T lost height, things get worse for Big Show.

Hogan definitly lost height from his peak to mid nineties, so the 6´4.5" estimation is right for his WCW Days.
dicksock said on 3/Aug/16
RP said on 2/Aug/16
Dub, 1983/84 Hulk Hogan was over an inch taller than 1995/96 Hulk Hogan.


How would Hogan have lost any height, much less over an inch? He was only in his early 40s by that point. The average human loses .25"-.5" by age 50 with men generally shrinking less than women. Hogan looked to be in amazing shape in the mid 90s. He was very lean and muscular and hadn't suffered any serious health problems. He did sometimes look shorter as Hollywood Hogan, but that could have been because of changes in footwear. There is no way in the world Hogan lost more than .25" by age 43 (August 1996).
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Aug/16
RP said on 2/Aug/16
Dub, 1983/84 Hulk Hogan was over an inch taller than 1995/96 Hulk Hogan. You can't have the two the exact same height. Hogan lost a solid 1" inch in height, possibly even 1.5" from 1984-1996. However, I'll give you this...if you're saying Hogan in Cowboy boots in '95-'96 ...


Problem with cowboyboots is that Hogan has less height on Mr. T than he had during their peak in equal or more footwear on the road to Wrestlemania 1. The Andre pic has a much higher camera angle and what is Big Show wearing on his feet?

Big Show is still looking his usual height with other Wrestlers so he won´t have lost more than an inch. He was easy 2-2.5" in dress maybe even more shorter than Shaq, who was downgraded by Rob to 7´0".

I still think todays Shaq is closer to his 7´0.63" and 7´0.88" measurement than just 7´0" and Big Show is now 6´10"-6´10.5" and was 6´11"-6´11.5" peak
RP said on 2/Aug/16
Dub, 1983/84 Hulk Hogan was over an inch taller than 1995/96 Hulk Hogan. You can't have the two the exact same height. Hogan lost a solid 1" inch in height, possibly even 1.5" from 1984-1996. However, I'll give you this...if you're saying Hogan in Cowboy boots in '95-'96 would be about the same height as Hogan in dress shoes in '83-'84?? Well, could have a valid argument. But, that's assuming Hogan does indeed have a 1" footwear advantage in '95 vs '83??
Dub said on 29/Jul/16
Andre had a slightly bigger head but Big Show at peak was taller than a peak Andre the Giant.

In this photo comparison their peak heights are as follows; Mr T was 5ft 10in, Antonio Inoki was 6ft 1in, Hulk Hogan was 6ft 4.5 in, Andre the Giant was 6ft 10in and Big Show Paul Wight was 6ft 11.5 in Click Here
dicksock said on 28/Jul/16
Logic: Whoops. My bad. I guess I should have read more carefully. Even though Todd didn't say it, I'll say it: Khali is definitely the tallest of the three. It is pretty obvious, and yes I have seen the comparison of him and Andre with Big Bill Anderson.
Boss said on 28/Jul/16
Terry Todd never mentioned anything about Khali. That was JT talking about KhalI. Khali has his head titled a bit with Shaq and still edges Shaq in height but Shaq probably has a footwear advantage over Khali in their pic together so Khali is a little taller than Shaq.
Logic said on 27/Jul/16
dicksock said on 24/Jul/16

I noticed you have ignored the fact that Todd claimed Khali was the tallest of the three. Although Khali is listed as 7'1" on this site, he is the exact same height as Shaq, who is listed as 7' on this site. So according to Todd, Andre was noticeably shorter than a 7'-7'1" man. Once again, this shows that Andre was 6'11"-7'. Funny how that works isn't it?

Terry Todd did not say that Khali was the tallest of the three. JT was the one that said that in his question to Todd. Todd did not even mention Khali's name in his response to JT. But what Todd did say in his response to JT was, "As for Andre’s height, he was a good 7′ early in his career, and maybe a bit more, but age, a terrible back, and gravity brought him “down” a peg or two."

So, Todd said that he thought that Andre was about 7' or so early in his career. As for me, I personally feel that Andre's peak height was between 6'11"-7'. And more precisely I would say that he looked a tad over 6' 11" in the late 1970' early 1980's. But since I have not seen enough photos of Andre in his early 20's standing beside other tall people I cannot say for sure if he ever reached the 7' mark. But I feel that he did reach the 6'11" mark and he may have possibly been 7' out of bed in his early 20's.

Here is Terry Todd's response to JT question.


Terry Todd said on July 12, 2010:


I just became aware of your post and thought I’d respond. I agree that the Big Show of ten years ago would be very close to Mark in shoulder breadth. I saw him many times during that period and he was truly broad–and also very strong in his shoulders even though he didn’t push it in the gym even then. Regarding his hand size relative to Andre’s, having been around both quite often I have to disagree as I believe Andre’s hands were significantly wider than Big Show’s–just as
Andre’s feet were much larger in both length and width than Show’s.

I agree with your general points about Howard, although he’s so much wider than almost all of the other NBA big men that his measurement would be interesting to see–although not up in the Henry, Williams, and Show category. As for Andre’s height, he was a good 7′ early in his career, and maybe a bit more, but age, a terrible back, and gravity brought him “down” a peg or two. I saw him on several occasions when he weighed over 500 pounds, but I also saw him in Georgia shortly after he cam down from Canada and I suspect he was within 15 pounds of 400, one way or the other. This was about 40 years ago; I went backstage to meet him, interview him, and take a few photos with him. I still recall how “inhuman” he looked and how amazingly agile he was. For example, at one point in the match he ran across the ring, jumped over the top rope, caught the top rope in one hand for control as he went over, and landed on the floor just outside the ring.
dicksock said on 25/Jul/16
Chaz said on 24/Jul/16
Boss said on 23/Jul/16
Here is Andre's head 24.35% larger than Hogan's. They are face to face and equal distance from camera. Best picture out there for determining head size.
Click Here

Lol that line is in the middle of Andre's hair,try moving it down 3/4''. And I would not take too much notice of what Terry Todd said ,he said Billy Graham looked 6'4'' in the 1980 WSM when in the line up Geoff Capes looked 3'' taller.


Terry Todd was a very large man himself and was well above 6'. If he claimed that Graham looked about 6'4", I believe him. Graham always looked around 6'3" in his prime. Who knows, he could have been in the 6'3"-6'4" range; especially in certain footwear. It's just like Andre. I'm sure Todd thought Andre looked like a legit 7' or more in his cowboy boots because he WAS over 7' in his cowboy boots. His head, hands, and feet were also a little bit bigger than Show's.
Iconjj said on 24/Jul/16
The reason Big Shows "looks" so much taller is their faces are built completely different. Where their overall height difference may only be an inch or so, Show can look as much as 3 inches taller due to the fact that Andres neck is more compressed, he hunched more often, and his facial features were totally different. The sheer size of his head/face made up for the difference; Andres eyes level would come right below a prime Show eye level despite a minimal overall diffence. This also explains why Hogan was well below Shows eye level but up to Andres. Footwear plays a factor as well. We all know Show wore the thick boots. When Andre wore cowboy boots Hogan was below his eye level as well.
I'm not implying Andre was taller. Just saying the huge height difference at times was more due to a structural illusion than any real difference.
Boss said on 24/Jul/16
@Dicksock . I believe Andre's head is at least 12.5" and as high as 13". I used some ruler comparison shots done by other posters here and Andre's head comes out 13" in all of them. Even at 12.5" Andre would have a 1' on guys that come up a little past his chin. This is why someone like Wilt would have higher visual height reference points at the legs, hips, chest, shoulders and eyes but Andre's head is almost 3" longer so he makes up for it by the time we reach the top if his head. Andre's posture can add several inches as was shown here by just lifting his head to where you can fully see his neck and straightening his back.
Chaz said on 24/Jul/16
Boss said on 23/Jul/16
Here is Andre's head 24.35% larger than Hogan's. They are face to face and equal distance from camera. Best picture out there for determining head size.
Click Here

Lol that line is in the middle of Andre's hair,try moving it down 3/4''. And I would not take too much notice of what Terry Todd said ,he said Billy Graham looked 6'4'' in the 1980 WSM when in the line up Geoff Capes looked 3'' taller.
Mincer said on 24/Jul/16
Rob, who do you think would of been taller in their prime Andre or Big Show?
dicksock said on 24/Jul/16
If you have the opportunity, your getting some shoulder, wrist and hand measurements of Paul Wight (wrestler Big Show) could be revealing. He’s probably close to Mark Henry’s width.
Wight back in 1999-2000 was arguably wider than he is now. His hands are also about as wide as Andre the Giant’s were but not as long. Like Wight and Andre, Dalip Singh (wrestler Great Khali) has a huge frame and hands as well due to acromegaly/gigantism and is the tallest of the three.


I noticed you have ignored the fact that Todd claimed Khali was the tallest of the three. Although Khali is listed as 7'1" on this site, he is the exact same height as Shaq, who is listed as 7' on this site. So according to Todd, Andre was noticeably shorter than a 7'-7'1" man. Once again, this shows that Andre was 6'11"-7'. Funny how that works isn't it?
dicksock said on 23/Jul/16
Boss said on 23/Jul/16
Here is Andre's head 24.35% larger than Hogan's. They are face to face and equal distance from camera. Best picture out there for determining head size.
Click Here

Andre's head is clearly larger than Big Show's head.
Click Here


I wouldn't say Andre's head is clearly bigger than Show's according to that pic. If anything, the difference is marginal. Their chins pretty much line up, and if you take away Andre's hair, his head may be was .5" longer at best. The pic with Hogan does prove Andre's head was over 12". I would say the line is a little too high in that pic for Andre. It's probably more like 12.75". Again, this is also making the assumption that Hogan's head was 10.5". But, even if it were 10", it still shows Andre's head was in the 12" range. I think Andre's head was about 12.5" and Show's is about 12". I still think that from the bridge of Andre's nose to the top of his head was about 5". The extra size was coming from the lower half of his face.
Boss said on 23/Jul/16
Here is Andre's head 24.35% larger than Hogan's. They are face to face and equal distance from camera. Best picture out there for determining head size.
Click Here

Andre's head is clearly larger than Big Show's head.
Click Here

Terry Todd who spent time with both Andre, Big Show and sports figures his whole life. Terry Todd was 6'2" himself. Here in direct response to JT he clearly states Andre was bigger in every way possible.

JT, May 29, 2010:
Dr. Todd,

If you have the opportunity, your getting some shoulder, wrist and hand measurements of Paul Wight (wrestler Big Show) could be revealing. He’s probably close to Mark Henry’s width.
Wight back in 1999-2000 was arguably wider than he is now. His hands are also about as wide as Andre the Giant’s were but not as long. Like Wight and Andre, Dalip Singh (wrestler Great Khali) has a huge frame and hands as well due to acromegaly/gigantism and is the tallest of the three.

A shoulder measurement of Dwight Howard sounds interesting but would probably be disappointing. With television screens now in the 16:9 format, everyone looks wider than they really are. If you switch the screen to the old 4:3 format, Howard still looks wide but not quite as impressive. His square (rather than sloped) shoulders and narrow waist also add to the illusion of width. At a legit 6’10”, he’s still a remarkable athlete.

I really enjoyed your SI article about Andre the Giant. As Andre has since passed away, can you share some insight on his real height and overall size? After factoring in the afro and cowboy boots that he almost always wore outside the ring, my best guess is that he was actually closer to 6’10” and probably around 425-450 lbs. when you interviewed him. Wight is roughly 7’0” (he was listed as 7’1” as a center for Wichita State) and generally looks at least 2 inches taller when standing next to the same people that Andre did (or when standing next to persons of the same height that Andre did). Thanks!

terry todd, July 12, 2010:

I just became aware of your post and thought I’d respond. I agree that the Big Show of ten years ago would be very close to Mark in shoulder breadth. I saw him many times during that period and he was truly broad–and also very strong in his shoulders even though he didn’t push it in the gym even then. Regarding his hand size relative to Andre’s, having been around both quite often I have to disagree as I believe Andre’s hands were significantly wider than Big Show’s–just as
Andre’s feet were much larger in both length and width than Show’s.

I agree with your general points about Howard, although he’s so much wider than almost all of the other NBA big men that his measurement would be interesting to see–although not up in the Henry, Williams, and Show category. As for Andre’s height, he was a good 7′ early in his career, and maybe a bit more, but age, a terrible back, and gravity brought him “down” a peg or two. I saw him on several occasions when he weighed over 500 pounds, but I also saw him in Georgia shortly after he cam down from Canada and I suspect he was within 15 pounds of 400, one way or the other. This was about 40 years ago; I went backstage to meet him, interview him, and take a few photos with him. I still recall how “inhuman” he looked and how amazingly agile he was. For example, at one point in the match he ran across the ring, jumped over the top rope, caught the top rope in one hand for contril as he went over, and landed on the floor just outside the ring.
dicksock said on 23/Jul/16
Boss said on 22/Jul/16
We are talking about Andre's total head length from bottom of his acromegalic chin to the top of his head. Andre's head length is closer to 13" range than 12" range. Andre's head is 24+% larger than Hogan's. Hogan's head was 10.5" range as I thought was agreed upon here which puts Andre's head at 13". They are face to face and equal dIstance from the camera which is the best picture we have to measure their head length. It comes out 13" in alot of peoples comparison pics. Also if you are saying Big Show has a 12" head and we know Andre's head was larger and longer then how is it possible for Andre's head to be only 12" cause it don't add up. At very least 12.5" but more likely 13".


1. Post your evidence that proves Andre's head was longer than Big Show's.
2. Post the pic of Andre's head being 24+% larger than Hogan's.
Mightyt said on 22/Jul/16
Sure Jt, its so clear your agenda, shaq looks Loads taller than big show And you make Loads of excuses, andre looks tall in Any picture And you make Tons of excuses. Its clear you're a big show fan who hates The idea of andre as Tall or taller than big show, your bias is laughably obvious
Capt. Nobody said on 22/Jul/16
Chaz said on 21/Jul/16
Capt. Nobody,it's about time you and Boss leaned the difference between face length.and head size.if you want anyone to take what you say seriously,head size is measured in circumference,( hat size) or from the nape of the neck to the top of the head,what you keep talking about is face size( with manbible) because that is the only part that can still grow with Acromegaly,once the long bones fuse,because of the fact it's not connected to the face by bone and the gums are soft tisues, so it can carry on with some elongation,even the tongue can get longer and the nose can get wider.

Andre's 12'' face is made up of 2-2.5'' of extra jaw length,from just over the tip of he's nose,to the top of he's head is 6'' because he's forhead is short for he's size, a 5'11.5'' man like Bret Heart in the same foot wear would be under he's chin if he was 7'.and a 6'5'' man with the same footwear would be about .75'' under he's nose.


So, we've come back to that huh? It doesn't matter, it's an issue with SCALING. From bottom of chin to top of head, if Andre's head is coming out to less than a certain length compared to most shots, it's wrong.
dicksock said on 22/Jul/16
JT said on 21/Jul/16
Click Here At 6’5” tops, Mulligan’s footwear is not big enough to get Andre to 7’0” or even 6’11” barefoot.

Rulermania is running wild in that pic. But in all seriousness, when I don't look at the rulers and just use common sense. Andre looks about 5" taller in that pic if he stood straight. Mulligan's boots are giving him over an inch of boost. It's funny that there are people who think Andre's cowboy boots gave him 2.5", but Mulligan's boots were only giving him 1". That is just does not make any sense based on my observations. If Mulligan was 6'6.5" max in those boots, and Andre had about 5" on him. Andre was about 6'11.5" tops in his footwear. That would make him about 6'11"-6'11.25" barefoot. It's not that hard to see. This is consistent with what many credible people have said. Andre was about 6'11"-6'11.5" at his tallest. He never really looked taller than that without cowboy boots. I would have to agree at this point that anything above 7' is just pure fantasy land stuff.
Boss said on 22/Jul/16
We are talking about Andre's total head length from bottom of his acromegalic chin to the top of his head. Andre's head length is closer to 13" range than 12" range. Andre's head is 24+% larger than Hogan's. Hogan's head was 10.5" range as I thought was agreed upon here which puts Andre's head at 13". They are face to face and equal dIstance from the camera which is the best picture we have to measure their head length. It comes out 13" in alot of peoples comparison pics. Also if you are saying Big Show has a 12" head and we know Andre's head was larger and longer then how is it possible for Andre's head to be only 12" cause it don't add up. At very least 12.5" but more likely 13".
JT said on 21/Jul/16
Click Here At 6’5” tops, Mulligan’s footwear is not big enough to get Andre to 7’0” or even 6’11” barefoot.
Chaz said on 21/Jul/16
Capt. Nobody,it's about time you and Boss leaned the difference between face length.and head size.if you want anyone to take what you say seriously,head size is measured in circumference,( hat size) or from the nape of the neck to the top of the head,what you keep talking about is face size( with manbible) because that is the only part that can still grow with Acromegaly,once the long bones fuse,because of the fact it's not connected to the face by bone and the gums are soft tisues, so it can carry on with some elongation,even the tongue can get longer and the nose can get wider.

Andre's 12'' face is made up of 2-2.5'' of extra jaw length,from just over the tip of he's nose,to the top of he's head is 6'' because he's forhead is short for he's size, a 5'11.5'' man like Bret Heart in the same foot wear would be under he's chin if he was 7'.and a 6'5'' man with the same footwear would be about .75'' under he's nose.
heightchecker34 said on 20/Jul/16
Andre the Giant for the sake of history and what he meant to the business was 7 ft 0 in (213cm). If he was a strong 6'11, i'm not going to argue it for half an inch. It would have been interesting to compare Andre and Big Show in their respective primes. I believe they would measure within 1/2 inch of each other. I am going to give them both 7 ft listings... sometime even though I believe prime Big Show might have been 7'1. A true giant!
dicksock said on 20/Jul/16
I don't know if this has been posted here, but here is football legend, Joe Theismann, talking about meeting Andre:
Click Here

He says he met Shaq, Wilt, and Kareem, and none of them were close to as big as Andre. Cool video.
dicksock said on 20/Jul/16
Captain: I would say Andre's head was probably about 12". I mean it's pretty hard to definitively how long it was, but around 12" seems to be realistic to me. In the Mulligan pic, JT has Andre's head go from about the 5'10.5" mark to just under 6'11". So a little over 12.25". Seems fair to me.
62B said on 20/Jul/16
This match I believe was in 1988 Click Here That happens to be the same year I both got knocked on my butt by Andre at the Milwaukee airport and stood directly behind Jim Duggan at the Alexandria Louisiana airport. Duggan was exactly my height. I was at the time a solid 6'3" and sometimes measured 6'3 1/4". I know some people on this site say Duggan was only 6'2". I just don't agree. If he had a footwear advantage on me it couldn't have been more than a half inch. At the very least in this picture Duggan is 6'2 1/2" and is lucky to be at Andres bottom lip. Duggan's head is tilted up so really he is probably mid chin level. Andre looks to still be 6'11" in 1988 to me.
Capt. Nobody said on 19/Jul/16
Logic said on 18/Jul/16
JT said on 16/Jul/16

Andre’s heels were very small compared to most wrestlers from the 1970s onward but he certainly wasn’t walking around nearly barefoot. Click Here Mulligan maybe has a 0.75” footwear advantage or a little more.

Here's a side view of Mulligan's white and black wrestling boots that he was wearing with Andre.

Click Here

You may be able to use Mulligan's right index finger as a judge on how thick those boot heels were.

My index finger is nearly 1" thick and since Mulligan is a much larger man than me I am going to assume that his index finger is at least 1" thick as well. So, in my opinion Mulligan's boot heel is close to 1.5" thick and possibly a little more. And he is probably getting about 1"-1.25" of height boost over Andre in that photo.

Personally, I would be willing to bet that Blackjack probably stood around 6'5.5" to 6'6" in those particular boots.


Very interesting find. I think they are a bit thicker than previously thought if those are the same boots.
Capt. Nobody said on 19/Jul/16
dicksock said on 19/Jul/16
Captain Nobody: I would argue that the top of Mulligan's head was a tiny bit above where his forehead ended in that pic. He may have been at the 6'5.9" mark, but he's pretty darn close to 6'6". Regardless, he should not be put above the 6'6.5" mark because his heels were not giving him more than about 1.5", and he was listed at 6'5" as a grown man in football. I don't get why Andre's head length is so important. It's pretty clear that the top half of his head was pretty normal in length. If someone came up the bridge of his nose, he'd be maybe 4-5" taller. Again, even if we boosted Andre to 6'11.5" in the Mulligan pic and added another .5" for account for his posture, you'd still have to take away a bare minimum of .25" to account for his boots. That leaves you with a 6'11.75" max Andre according to that picture. This brings me back to my main point that Andre almost always looked 6'11"-7'.


It's important for the exact reasons shown in that photo compared to earlier shots next to the ruler: scaling. The loss in height in JT's shots always seems to come at the expense of Andre's head size which has been downgraded to as low as 10.5-11 inches in some shots. I've fairly consistently pointed out in the past. By scaling the ruler down to his head size, he picks up height compared to it. This is why any shot with Andres head next to a ruler that doesn't have his head coming out to that certain length compared to the ruler is incorrect relative to the few things remotely agreed to on this board. It's also why some on the board have gone back on certain measurements, like a 12.5 inch head for Andre, because it drastically alters the results to being unfavorable depending on which side of the argument you are on.
dicksock said on 19/Jul/16
Captain Nobody: I would argue that the top of Mulligan's head was a tiny bit above where his forehead ended in that pic. He may have been at the 6'5.9" mark, but he's pretty darn close to 6'6". Regardless, he should not be put above the 6'6.5" mark because his heels were not giving him more than about 1.5", and he was listed at 6'5" as a grown man in football. I don't get why Andre's head length is so important. It's pretty clear that the top half of his head was pretty normal in length. If someone came up the bridge of his nose, he'd be maybe 4-5" taller. Again, even if we boosted Andre to 6'11.5" in the Mulligan pic and added another .5" for account for his posture, you'd still have to take away a bare minimum of .25" to account for his boots. That leaves you with a 6'11.75" max Andre according to that picture. This brings me back to my main point that Andre almost always looked 6'11"-7'.
Boss said on 19/Jul/16
Andre's head was larger than 12". Andre's head in the best shot we have for measuring head size with Hogan is almost 25% larger. They are face to face and equal distance from the camera. Hogan's head was agreed upon at around 10.5" which makes Andre's head 13" long. Big Show has a 12" head and Andre's is larger and longer than Show's.
Logic said on 18/Jul/16
JT said on 16/Jul/16

Andre’s heels were very small compared to most wrestlers from the 1970s onward but he certainly wasn’t walking around nearly barefoot. Click Here Mulligan maybe has a 0.75” footwear advantage or a little more.

Here's a side view of Mulligan's white and black wrestling boots that he was wearing with Andre.

Click Here

You may be able to use Mulligan's right index finger as a judge on how thick those boot heels were.

My index finger is nearly 1" thick and since Mulligan is a much larger man than me I am going to assume that his index finger is at least 1" thick as well. So, in my opinion Mulligan's boot heel is close to 1.5" thick and possibly a little more. And he is probably getting about 1"-1.25" of height boost over Andre in that photo.

Personally, I would be willing to bet that Blackjack probably stood around 6'5.5" to 6'6" in those particular boots.
Chaz said on 18/Jul/16
184guy said on 17/Jul/16
Mulligan could look similar to Hogan, 6'5 and change
197 maybe be closer . He was taller than his son 6'4.5-6'5 Barry Windham

lol now not only are he's 1-1.25'' heels 1.5-2'',but he's the same height has John Tenta,will the will the rubish ever stop?
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Jul/16
dicksock said on 16/Jul/16
Capt. Nobody: You need to look closer at JT's Mulligan/Andre comparison. He did put Mulligan at 6'6". Let's say he was 6'6.5" in that footwear. That would boost Andre up to just a tiny bit under 6'11.5" in his boots and 6'11.25" max barefoot. Now add another .5" to Andre to make up for his posture. That makes Andre about 6'11.75" max barefoot assuming Mulligan was a full 6'5" and he was getting a 1.5" boost from his footwear. If he was more like 6'4.75" and he was getting 1.25" from his boots, that would bring Andre back down to 6'11.25". These variables are why the most accurate estimate for Andre is just 6'11"-7'.


Not really, he's a bit under. With his head up like that the very top of his head would be the top of his forehead that is showing and it comes in a little under the 6'6" mark. If his boots are around 1.5 inches then that would put him over that mark easily if he were truly 6'5".

Yeah, regardless, this shot shows Andre at around or over 6'11"-7' if the numbers are correct. See what a difference a 12 inch head makes? Now Andre goes from 6'9" to 6'10" in some of the "ruler" shots to this. The boot heels and head size are still the key factors.
Logic said on 17/Jul/16
Here is a photo of Andre and Blackjack Mulligan that some of you may have not seen before. There is a slight tilt favoring Mulligan. You can't see either man's footwear but Mulligan often wore cowboy boots when he was wearing regular clothing. So, Mulligan may have be wearing his cowboy boots in that photo. I am not sure about Andre's footwear.

Click Here

Andre no longer had his afro. So, this photo must have been taken after late 1984.
184guy said on 17/Jul/16
Mulligan could look similar to Hogan, 6'5 and change
197 maybe be closer . He was taller than his son 6'4.5-6'5 Barry Windham
JT said on 16/Jul/16
Mulligan’s boots weren’t close to 2” heels or probably even 1.5". These are Kane’s boots from the late 1990s, which gave a 2 inch boost, maybe a little more. Click Here His boots in recent years are still big but not as large as they used to be. Click Here

Andre’s heels were very small compared to most wrestlers from the 1970s onward but he certainly wasn’t walking around nearly barefoot. Click Here Mulligan maybe has a 0.75” footwear advantage or a little more. Of course, Mulligan’s leaning in more than Andre and also had the 6’4” football listings although I don’t think he was quite that short.
62B said on 16/Jul/16
JT said on 12/Jul/16
With Morley Safer from 60 Minutes in 1985 Click Here

Click Here

The pic with Mulligan is the kiss of death for a 7’0” Andre Click Here Mulligan was referred to as 6’5” in 1963 (age 20) when he transferred to a junior college Click Here 6’4” in 1966 (age 23) and 1967 (age 24) when he played in the Texas minor league football Click Here and 6’5” (age 24) when he tried out for the NY Jets Click Here Click Here so 6’5” is the maximum he could have been.

Click Here Click Here Click Here

I agree with what pretty much everyone else noticed in your picture with Blackjack and Andre. That Mulligan had a pretty good footwear advantage, combine that with Mulligan standing tall and Andre leaning down slightly with his arm around Mulligan puts Andre somewhere between 6'11" and 7'0" barefoot. Probably the full 7'0" standing tall.
dicksock said on 16/Jul/16
Capt. Nobody: You need to look closer at JT's Mulligan/Andre comparison. He did put Mulligan at 6'6". Let's say he was 6'6.5" in that footwear. That would boost Andre up to just a tiny bit under 6'11.5" in his boots and 6'11.25" max barefoot. Now add another .5" to Andre to make up for his posture. That makes Andre about 6'11.75" max barefoot assuming Mulligan was a full 6'5" and he was getting a 1.5" boost from his footwear. If he was more like 6'4.75" and he was getting 1.25" from his boots, that would bring Andre back down to 6'11.25". These variables are why the most accurate estimate for Andre is just 6'11"-7'.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Jul/16
Old Mulligan was still an inch taller than his son Barry Windham in same boots.

Peak Barry isn´t under 6´4" flat and I doubt Bob didn´t lose any height after decades of wrestling Click Here

Point is I don´t think Bob was only 6´5"flat peak. He claimed the tallest he ever measured was 6´6" and that he was billed up to 6´9"...

6´5.5" + 1.5" footwear is 6´7" and JT has him at 6´6" flat at the ruler (hair doesn´t count).

If anything, the Andre Mulligan pic is the Kiss of Death for a sub 6´11" peak Andre.
Boss said on 16/Jul/16
So Big Show at age 44 is 6'10" max and Andre was probably around 6'11" range at age 44 at least he looked it with John Tenta in 1991. Big Show may be right when he said he was 7' peak and Andre was around 7'1-2" peak. Andre was defintley taller than Show peak. Andre at age 44 was in a much worse physical state than Big Show.
RP said on 15/Jul/16
Big Show only looks 6'10" now with Shaq...both men in equal footwear.
Boss said on 15/Jul/16
Funny and Wilt at age 40 in dress shoes was taller than a 20's Shaq in his basketball shoes.
Andre with worse posture was taller compared to Wilt than a peak Shaq. Both Andre and Shaq had the footwear advantage and both looked 7' range with 7'1" Wilt.
The stories of Big Show wearing lifts in WCW are probably true and now he wears 1.5" ring boots. If Shaq is now only 7' then Show is only 6'10" range max. Andre's condition was untreated and he had more surgeries, spinal problems, and Andre was bigger and heavier than Show. Andre stopped growing in height at I believe he said at age 25 but his head, hands, feet, bones and organs continued to grow throughout his entire life. I think Andre's height loss would be more than Show's and looks like at least a 2" for Wight in height loss.
Andre in Japan in 1992 still looked over 6'10 with Mane and Baba and Jeff Bearden.
Singer5 said on 15/Jul/16
Thanks Jt; with that picture with Morley Safer, you have convinced me that Andre was 7 Feet tall!
ReturnofG said on 15/Jul/16
Click Here
Nice little find of Blackjack Mulligan and Andre the Giant.
dicksock said on 14/Jul/16
This isn't about Andre, but I just found a new video of Big Show and Shaq. It is really crazy to see how much taller the 7'1" MAX Shaq is than Big Show.
Click Here

Pause at 19 seconds in for a really good comparison. Shaq is probably more like 7'0.5" now, and he is clearly about 3" taller than Show. Based on this evidence, there is no way Show is more than 6'10".
dicksock said on 14/Jul/16
JT said on 12/Jul/16
With Morley Safer from 60 Minutes in 1985 Click Here

Click Here

The pic with Mulligan is the kiss of death for a 7’0” Andre Click Here Mulligan was referred to as 6’5” in 1963 (age 20) when he transferred to a junior college Click Here 6’4” in 1966 (age 23) and 1967 (age 24) when he played in the Texas minor league football Click Here and 6’5” (age 24) when he tried out for the NY Jets Click Here Click Here so 6’5” is the maximum he could have been.

Click Here Click Here Click Here


Good comparison between Andre and Blackjack. I noticed you accounted for Mulligan's footwear. He may have have been getting a tad more than an inch though. I would argue that Andre could straighten out to about 6'11.25"-6'11.5" in your comparison. That would put him at about 6'11"-6'11.25" barefoot, especially Mulligan's footwear gave him a little more than an inch. Andre appears to be getting almost no boost whatsoever from those boots; like .25". Again, I think Andre with perfect military posture was about 6'11" or maybe a touch over.
Candyman said on 14/Jul/16
"JT said on 12/Jul/16
The pic with Mulligan is the kiss of death for a 7’0” Andre Click Here Mulligan was referred to as 6’5” in 1963 (age 20) when he transferred to a junior college"

Yeah, Mulligan is tall enough to death kiss Andre's height with those 4 inch heel boot lifts he is wearing...just saying.
Heightcrazyred6ft said on 14/Jul/16
JT, please count Mulligans 3-4cm footwearadvantage before Kiss of death ;)
Iconjj said on 13/Jul/16
Here's my opinion on this matter... Andre was taller than 6'9.
I ran into a guy today whilst payin my electric bill and was astounded by the guys size. He didn't have giantism or anything just a big burly guy. What caught my attention was how close to 7' he came to the height measurement thing on the door. (I'm 6' so its accurate) so I asked the guy how tall he was to which he is that replied 6'10. When I informed this guy that the general belief is that Andre was the same height he was VERY quick to reply "oh no i met Andre in the late 70s in knoxville and he had at least an inch or two on me and twice as wide". Take it for what's its worth and yes I asked him about footwear he said it was right after a match. The guys is in his mid 60s and was dead serious real nice fella. Thought I would share.
Boss said on 13/Jul/16
Mulligan has the equivalent of cowboy boots on with Andre and has much better posture than Andre so try again.
Chaz said on 13/Jul/16
Boss stop with all your guess work and fantasy land stories of what so and so said about this and that, 90% of which is BS like most about wrestling, if we take your height loss of 2'' lets use some one much taller and about the same weight's height loss over the day 470lbs Muhammad Alam Channa, measured by Guinness at 7'8'' morning 7'6.75''evening that is 1.25''.height loss,that is why later when Monjane died he was listed as 7'7.33''.and around the same height has Sandy you can forget any 2'' loss for a 6'10-7'1'' man.
dicksock said on 13/Jul/16
Boss said on 11/Jul/16
Andre claimed 2.14m in 1971. That doesn't mean he never measured over that in ring gear in 1968-69 since he already had 2.14m billings in Europe around that time. Add 2cm which is roughly 3/4" for footwear and Andre could have measured the 7'1.25" or 2.16m like Jody Hamilton stated in his book and on a message board. French Bernard also stated that Andre was measured at 7'0.5" at age 22 while being diagnosed for his condition.


Boss, who are you trying to bs? I've been on this site for a very long time. There is no Frenchy Bernard claim. That was a rumor that started probably 8 years ago that you have been called on numerous times. I find it very hard to believe Andre was 7'1.25", even in wrestling boots, in 1968-1969. Not only did he never look that height, but most of his billings were 208cm-211cm. You are also forgetting the comments made by his friend, Adrian Street, who claimed Andre was 6'11" when he wrestled in the UK. Guess when Andre was wrestling in the UK? 1969! Yet you claim it was when he was a teenager. Here is my source:
Click Here

His last recorded match in the UK was on October 4, 1969. The official bio on Stampede Wrestling also claims Andre was 6'11" when he came to North America. Even at his healthiest, Andre never really looked more than 6" taller than 6'5" guys like Chuck Wepner, Seiji Sakaguchi, Hulk Hogan, Chris Taylor, and others.
JT said on 12/Jul/16
With Morley Safer from 60 Minutes in 1985 Click Here

Click Here

The pic with Mulligan is the kiss of death for a 7’0” Andre Click Here Mulligan was referred to as 6’5” in 1963 (age 20) when he transferred to a junior college Click Here 6’4” in 1966 (age 23) and 1967 (age 24) when he played in the Texas minor league football Click Here and 6’5” (age 24) when he tried out for the NY Jets Click Here Click Here so 6’5” is the maximum he could have been.

Click Here Click Here Click Here
Boss said on 11/Jul/16
Andre claimed 2.14m in 1971. That doesn't mean he never measured over that in ring gear in 1968-69 since he already had 2.14m billings in Europe around that time. Add 2cm which is roughly 3/4" for footwear and Andre could have measured the 7'1.25" or 2.16m like Jody Hamilton stated in his book and on a message board. French Bernard also stated that Andre was measured at 7'0.5" at age 22 while being diagnosed for his condition.
Boss said on 11/Jul/16
Adrain Street claimed Andre was 6'11" as teenager before he had an afro and stated he was probably still growing at the time.

Rob what do you think for Andre's daily height loss for some of the new posters here thanks?

Jody Hamilton was adamant about what he saw and said Kayfabe had died 15 years ago and he wasn't Fabing anyone when asked about it on a message board a few years back. There would be video footage somewhere because it was aired on TV across Canada by BCTV. This is as legit as any other of the Andre height claims and should at least be considered.
Anyone can post youtube videos of bad camera angles and questionable footwear and posture so how about doing some real research.
Andre would claim 2.18m when asked by family members and friends says his newphew Boris.
He was likely 7'1" out of bed and 7' afternoon and around 6'11-11.5" at night peak. He also lost height over his life.
His head was somewhere in the 12.5"-13" range in total length as has been proven here many times. Also his posture and overall enormus size is a huge deal in judging Andre's measured peak height.
That's why he gets the 7 ft listing here.
Chaz said on 11/Jul/16
Boss said on 9/Jul/16
I'm one of the most knowledgeable posters here there Dicksock. You haven't provided anything worth talking about to this site. Andre's posture is the key since he rarely stood straight as to be measured and his enormous head size as well. Rob with all the evidence has Andre at 7' which is an average height like all heights here and would make him 7'1" range out of bed peak and maybe as low as 6'11" range at night. Andre's daily height loss would be 2" range for a man his size. Funny that 7'1.25" is the number gave by Assasin Jody Hamilton who watched Andre being measured on BCTV Allstar Wresting in Vancouver on live TV which aired across Canada and Haystacks Calhoun was weighed at 558 pounds. This was a pre North America tour in 1968-69 and he wrote about it in his book and was adamant about exactly what he saw. You should read the book.

Calhoun being 558lbs is even more ridiculous than Andre being taller than Wilt,with those punny legs and ass,he was lucky if he was Tenta's weight,you need more than a big waist to be that weight,those that do move slow and waddle when they walk,like Giant Haystacks or Yokozuna.
dicksock said on 10/Jul/16
Boss said on 9/Jul/16
I'm one of the most knowledgeable posters here there Dicksock. You haven't provided anything worth talking about to this site. Andre's posture is the key since he rarely stood straight as to be measured and his enormous head size as well. Rob with all the evidence has Andre at 7' which is an average height like all heights here and would make him 7'1" range out of bed peak and maybe as low as 6'11" range at night. Andre's daily height loss would be 2" range for a man his size. Funny that 7'1.25" is the number gave by Assasin Jody Hamilton who watched Andre being measured on BCTV Allstar Wresting in Vancouver on live TV which aired across Canada and Haystacks Calhoun was weighed at 558 pounds. This was a pre North America tour in 1968-69 and he wrote about it in his book and was adamant about exactly what he saw. You should read the book.


You're one of the most knowledgeable posters? According to who? Yourself? Have fun with that. You can't even be honest with yourself. The fact that you think Andre was 7'1.25 in 1969 before he even stopped growing is a joke. Yeah, real knowledgeable... Andre is on film claiming to be 7'0.25 in 1971, but let me guess; he started shrinking in 1971. Why would Andre have been measured on TV before he was a star in Canada anyway? Is there any proof this "measurement" took place? The fact is Andre looked no more than 6'11" 99% of the time. Just look at him with 6'2" Tony Atlas:
Click Here

He looks no more than 9" taller to me. What are the excuses? Height loss at age 36? Footwear disadvantage? Posture issues? His head was 19" long? Also, the idea that he would shrink 2" from morning to night is at best an unrealistic assumption and really more like a total fantasy. Even guys like Adrian Street and Sam Muchnick (former owner of NWA) claim that Andre was 6'11". The obvious truth is that Andre was no more than 7', and was likely closer to 6'11".
Boss said on 9/Jul/16
I'm one of the most knowledgeable posters here there Dicksock. You haven't provided anything worth talking about to this site. Andre's posture is the key since he rarely stood straight as to be measured and his enormous head size as well. Rob with all the evidence has Andre at 7' which is an average height like all heights here and would make him 7'1" range out of bed peak and maybe as low as 6'11" range at night. Andre's daily height loss would be 2" range for a man his size. Funny that 7'1.25" is the number gave by Assasin Jody Hamilton who watched Andre being measured on BCTV Allstar Wresting in Vancouver on live TV which aired across Canada and Haystacks Calhoun was weighed at 558 pounds. This was a pre North America tour in 1968-69 and he wrote about it in his book and was adamant about exactly what he saw. You should read the book.
Boss said on 9/Jul/16
In 1980 is what I'm talking about and Hogan has a good footwear advantage in 1980. Andre looks like his posture was bad in that 1986 video.
Boss said on 8/Jul/16
Well in the book Sex, Lies and Headlocks it says Hogan was given a pair of boots with lifts in them and a 1000 dollar sequence robe by McMahon Sr so they could bill him taller than he was. Sounds pretty specific to me. This would be right around the time of Hogan and Andre's first fued.
dicksock said on 8/Jul/16
Boss said on 6/Jul/16
Hogan is wearing his yellowboots which have at least 1.25" heels and 1980 with Andre. Andre is wearing his .5" heels. That's a 3/4" advantage to Hulk there alone. Andre could gain more height by lifting his head all the way up. Which would make an easy 7" difference in 1980 all factors considered. I don't know how you cant see this but it's probably cause you don't want to see the truth if it makes you wrong.


Have fun thinking that. You're clearly wrong about this, and anyone with working eyes can see that. You're probably one of the most stubborn posters on here whereas my opinions have changed over the years as I've seen new evidence.
6'2 said on 8/Jul/16
its funny how no one questions wilts height or alis height to make andre shorter but just because ernie ladd wrestled yous think he cant be a legit 6'9 that was he height before he came into wrestling he was 6'9 and thats it and.andre was a few inches taller. andre was measured on numerous occasions by docors someone knows hes legit height the rest of us are all estimators some are terrible judges of height here i honestly think some people think 3" is 1" seriously there was 5-6" between hogan and andre in the 80s and hogan was 6'5.5"' cant judge footwear on every picture with the 2 together anyway it puts andre at 6'11-7ft tall at wrestlemania 3 70s he may have been 1-2" taller
dicksock said on 8/Jul/16
Here is a video of Andre from 1985. During his entrance, you can see him coming out of a door in MSG. Assuming the doorway is around 7', he looked about 7' in his footwear give or take about .5". Once again, this fits the 6'11-7' peak theory.

Click Here

Pay close attention right at the start of Andre's entrance.
dicksock said on 7/Jul/16
Here is a great picture of Andre and Hogan's footwear from 1986:
Click Here

Where is Hogan's advantage? To me, it looks like both have about a .5" heel.
Chaz said on 6/Jul/16
dicksock said on 4/Jul/16 1980 again. Pay close attention to Hogan's heels. They are about as thin as Andre's.

your right they have the same heels there,and no way has Hogan ever had any 1.5'' heels if they were Kane,OMG,and Visara must of had 2.25'' heels their heels are much thinker,Big Shows heels are only about 1.5''.
Boss said on 6/Jul/16
Hogan is wearing his yellowboots which have at least 1.25" heels and 1980 with Andre. Andre is wearing his .5" heels. That's a 3/4" advantage to Hulk there alone. Andre could gain more height by lifting his head all the way up. Which would make an easy 7" difference in 1980 all factors considered. I don't know how you cant see this but it's probably cause you don't want to see the truth if it makes you wrong.
62B said on 5/Jul/16
Obviously the argument will never end. Based on personal experiences with both a peak Hogan and an out of peak Andre, and looking at everyone's evidence. Peak Andre was between 6'11 and 7'0". He was not the tallest man I have ever seen, and possibly not the heaviest, but close. He was however the over all largest person I have ever seen up close hands down.
dicksock said on 4/Jul/16
Boss said on 2/Jul/16
Here Hogan and Andre from 1980. Andre could gain 1" by lifting his head all the way up and Hogan has military straight posture here. Hogan comes below Andre's eyes and has around 1" footwear advantage over Andre in 1980. A peak Andre would have at least 7" on a peak Hogan.
Click Here


No offense, but you are flat out wrong here. I have seen the match that took place after this interview. Andre and Hogan's footwear are very similar (unless you believe Hogan had internal lifts). Regarding the image you posted, Andre is absolutely standing straight. His posture is no worse than Hogan's. Hogan came up to just below the bridge of Andre's nose. That would be about 5.5" from the top. Again, Hogan had minimal, if any footwear or posture advantage in that clip. Also, you pretty much screencapped the one part of that segment where Andre looks the tallest next to Hogan. For most of the interview, Hogan pretty much came up to Andre's eye level or a fraction above or below it. Even if Andre had 6" on Hogan in 1980, it still consistent with what I've been saying this whole time. Andre had 6" on Hogan in January 1986. He absolutely did not look taller in 1980. Really, his posture was better in 1980, and he still actually looked a little shorter next to Hogan than he did in early 1986. This alone, should prove he did not lose any height by then. Andre had his back surgery about one year after January 1986. Depending on the nature of the surgery, he could have lost some height after the operation. I think you need to watch the match from 1980 again. Pay close attention to Hogan's heels. They are about as thin as Andre's.

Click Here
Boss said on 4/Jul/16
Hogan in the 1980 pic is under Andre's eyes which is over 6" to top of his . You still have to account for Hogan's footwear advantage. Hogan's boots are minimal 1.25" which is about industry standard and Andre is wearing his thin red .5" soled boots. Andre could gain height by lifting his head up all the way and Hogan has perfect posture. 7" at least all factors considered in the 1980 pic which is the best pic we have of Andre and Hogan for height judging.
Chaz said on 4/Jul/16
Boss said on 1/Jul/16
Hogan always had a footwear advantage in ring gear over Andre. Andre was wrestling for over 20 years by 1986 and his posture wasn't as good as in the 1970's and his body was already breaking down. People here forget he wasn't supposed to live long past 40. Andre was taller in 1980 than in that video. Andre had around 7" on Hogan if you count Hogan's footwear advantage in 1980 and Andre was wearing his .5" soled boots compared to Hogan's 1.25"-1.5" soled boots. Paul Wight by age 40 had lost an inch or more and Andre's condition was much worse than Wight's.

Hogans boots 1.5'' lol.they are 1'' and there is no 7'' differance try 5'' he's up by the eyes he would need to be under the nose to be 7''.
Singer5 said on 3/Jul/16
Right on Boss with your comparison of Andre and Big show. Keep in mind, Show had his acromegaly treated early and Andre never did. If you see Andre's early matches in wwe classics, Andre 's wrestling s boots weren't very thick. Such a massive person would stumble in the ring wearing thick soles.
dicksock said on 3/Jul/16
Boss said on 1/Jul/16
Hogan always had a footwear advantage in ring gear over Andre. Andre was wrestling for over 20 years by 1986 and his posture wasn't as good as in the 1970's and his body was already breaking down. People here forget he wasn't supposed to live long past 40. Andre was taller in 1980 than in that video. Andre had around 7" on Hogan if you count Hogan's footwear advantage in 1980 and Andre was wearing his .5" soled boots compared to Hogan's 1.25"-1.5" soled boots. Paul Wight by age 40 had lost an inch or more and Andre's condition was much worse than Wight's.


Where are you seeing a 7" difference? Hogan was not getting any 1.5" from his boots in 1980. They had very similar footwear, Hogan looked about 5" shorter throughout 99% of the encounter. I am not seeing this significant footwear advantage you keep mentioning. Again, there is no real proof of Andre losing height by January 1986. Regarding Paul Wight, do you know he lost an inch by 40? No. It is just your guess based on your interpretation of your observations. Regardless, Paul's possible height loss is not proof that Andre lost height by the mid 80s. Again, he never looked taller next to Hogan than he did in that match from January 1986 without cowboy boots.
Boss said on 2/Jul/16
Here Hogan and Andre from 1980. Andre could gain 1" by lifting his head all the way up and Hogan has military straight posture here. Hogan comes below Andre's eyes and has around 1" footwear advantage over Andre in 1980. A peak Andre would have at least 7" on a peak Hogan.
Click Here

He looks taller with Hogan in 1980 than 1987 as well.
Click Here

Here the between Andre's head down or head up all the way. It's at least 2". Andre's head was massive.
Click Here
Boss said on 1/Jul/16
Hogan always had a footwear advantage in ring gear over Andre. Andre was wrestling for over 20 years by 1986 and his posture wasn't as good as in the 1970's and his body was already breaking down. People here forget he wasn't supposed to live long past 40. Andre was taller in 1980 than in that video. Andre had around 7" on Hogan if you count Hogan's footwear advantage in 1980 and Andre was wearing his .5" soled boots compared to Hogan's 1.25"-1.5" soled boots. Paul Wight by age 40 had lost an inch or more and Andre's condition was much worse than Wight's.
mrtguy said on 1/Jul/16
Rob, do you think Ernie Ladd looks 6'9'' facing Andre?? Click Here
Editor Rob
yeah he could look near it there.
6'2 said on 1/Jul/16
andre did loose height after surgery however in 1990 he was still taller than jeff bearden who still says hes 7ft tall giant baba was 6'8 tyler mane was also in this match and wore big boots hes close to 6'9 barefoot so was closse to 6'11 in his boots and andre wore thin soled boots plus was well passed his prime. but if you see jim powers to andre in a hadicap match with tito santana andre appears to be a head and a bit taller than jim powers in 1989 who is around 5'116ft tall but jim powers is dwarfed by giant gonzalez in a 1993 match now i know gonzalez in wrestling boots was probably 7'8 or 9 but jim powers barely comes up to his chest.
dicksock said on 1/Jul/16
Boss said on 30/Jun/16
Hogan has a footwear advantage over Andre. Andre would not be standing his tallest in 1986 after over 20 years of wrestling. Just look at Big Show's height loss.


Where is the footwear advantage? Also, your math and logic is wrong. Andre may have started wrestling in the mid 60s, but according to him, he didn't finish growing in height until 1970. There is no evidence whatsoever that he shrunk at all by January 1986. None. He looked taller in that match next to Hogan than he did in their first encounter from 1980 or any other time. His height never looked more impressive in the 1970s than it did in the early to mid 80s. If you're going to make the claim that Andre lost height by early 1986, you will need to provide proof. Keep in mind that Andre was only 39 in Jan 1986. Go watch footage of Andre next to guys like Antonio Inoki in the 70s and then go watch them in the mid 80s. There is no proof of height loss by the mid 80s.
Boss said on 30/Jun/16
Hogan has a footwear advantage over Andre. Andre would not be standing his tallest in 1986 after over 20 years of wrestling. Just look at Big Show's height loss.
dicksock said on 28/Jun/16
Here is a match from January, 1986 where Andre looks legit 6" taller than Hogan in equal footwear:
Click Here

When watching this, keeping Andre's posture in mind. If he straightened up, it is very obvious he would be about 6" taller. This was before Andre's back surgery, and I think he was still at his peak height. If Hogan was ~6'5.5", Andre was clearly around 6'11.5" here. Bottom line is that Hogan was 6'5"-6'6" and Andre was 6'11"-7". I think that is about as accurate as it will get.
Telamon said on 27/Jun/16
The tallest American Igor Vovkovinskiy (7 feet 8.33 inches) and 6.'11 Wolves center Nikola Pekovic: Click Here So how big is Igor's head? All I am trying to say is that we can't draw conclusion from just 1 picture. Maybe a peak Andre just out of bed was easily 7'1 but who knows? Anyway many people that met him (e.g. Terry Todd, Ernie Ladd) claim or implying that he was 7' or little more in his prime, not just 6'10.
Boss said on 27/Jun/16
Franks friend claimed 6'2" and assume 1" footwear. Andre has .5" footware. Andre would only have to be 9.5" taller to clear 7' and Andre has more than 9.5" on the man in photo.
mrtguy said on 26/Jun/16
Click Here

Click Here

Big Show and Andre have a very large head I think it's bigger than those of Sultan Kosen
Boss said on 26/Jun/16
Well we have wrestler Jody Hamilton of The Assassin's who was adamant that he watched Andre the Giant being measured in 1968-69 on BCTV Allstar wresting program and Haystacks Calhoun was weighed. It was a pre North America tour before he ever wrestled in North America and was televised in Canada. Andre measured 7' 1.25" and Haystacks weighed 558 pounds. We need to find this tape.
berta said on 26/Jun/16
i think he was 6 foot 11 maybe 7 foot is the absolute talest i can see him
tj said on 25/Jun/16
I met Andre in person in 1980. I am 6'8 and Andre was at least 5 inches shorter than me. He was maybe 6'1 at best. He was a tiny man.
dicksock said on 24/Jun/16
Here is an interesting video of Hogan and Studd from 1984. It's strange because Hogan looks taller than him. Maybe Studd forgot his lifts or something?
Click Here
6'2 said on 23/Jun/16
if he was billed 7'4 in the 70s he was most likely 7'2 then
The Ben said on 23/Jun/16
Some very cool height comparisons here from the legendary Mamun who used to be a regular. I miss that guy. Some interesting perspectives. Click Here
mrtguy said on 22/Jun/16
Rob, you think a guy like Kevin Garnett would edge out Big Show EASILY today??
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Jun/16
Rob, after some nice comparisons pics around here and Big Shows and Shaqs site, would you agree to Andre at his peak edging peak Big Show 0.5"-1" ?
Editor Rob
even after all 10 years of Andre, I still think at times you could make a 6ft 11, 7ft or even 7ft 1 argument.

I'm still going with around 7ft range peak.
mrtguy said on 22/Jun/16
JT said on 21/Jun/16
Capt.Nobody, Wilt’s head definitely goes up that far in the wig. Click Here Your pic has Wilt’s head at the wrong angle and too low.

Wilt’s head seems small b/c the wig is pulled down so far on his forehead. His head is probably 10.25” to 10.5” long, with the gap from the eyes up every bit as long as Andre’s. Wilt’s eye level is above Andre’s eye level even though he’s looking downward somewhat.
Click Here Given Wilt Andre’s narrower stance and level out his chin and he’s may be more than an inch taller in that pic notwithstanding Andre’s big footwear advantage and slight camera advantage.

The only reason I can think of why Arnold looks so short is b/c the camera level is really high and almost at the level of Andre’s and Wilt’s head or b/c he’s really well under ~ 6’1”.

Click Here a comparison of Big Show and Wilt next to Conan O'brien looks no different compared with Andre and Wilt
dicksock said on 22/Jun/16
The picture of Andre and Uecker clearly shows Andre to be at least 13" taller. Uecker's listing in baseball is 6'1". Even if you downgrade him to 5'10", Andre comes out to 6'11" minimum. He was more than likely at least 7' in that shot. Is it possible that that interview was done early in the morning or early in the afternoon on the day of Wrestlemania? Andre could have easily been 7' out of bed and 6'11" by match time. Even in 1988. 6'11.5" in the morning and 6'10.5" in the evening is also possible. I highly doubt he lost more than 1" throughout the day. The average man only loses about .5" or so.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Jun/16
JT said on 21/Jun/16
The only reason I can think of why Arnold looks so short is b/c the camera level is really high and almost at the level of Andre’s and Wilt’s head or b/c he’s really well under ~ 6’1”.

Arnie imo couldn´t stand any taller than in this pic, Andre with a hunched neck looks at least 12" taller. Arnie was in footwear too, so lets do some math:
Only based on Arnie, not Wilt:

Arnie 6´1" + 0.75" to 1" footwear + 12"gap = 7´1.75"-7´2" Andre in 2.25"-2.5" cowboyboots = Andre with not fully stretched neck at least 6´11.25" + posture-disadvantage = ~ 7´0"

If Andre was 6´10" standing straight at this point: 7´0.25"-7´0.5"max in cowboyboots minus posture = ~6´11.5" in cowboyboots -12" gap=
5´11.5" - Arnies footwear 0.75"-1" = Arnie 5´10.5"-5´10.75" mid eighties.


Comparing Andre to Wilt:
I agree with the possibility of Wilt looking max ~1cm taller there w/o the wig. But Andre has worse posture regarding his neck so I doubt he would measure shorter in cowboyboots.

Wilt was solid 7´1", ~ 7´2" in footwear, Andre was the same height ~7´2" there standing military straight in 2.25"-2.5" cowboyboots Click Here
Boss said on 22/Jun/16
Andre's posture and head size is why he looks shorter than he actually was. When he stands fully straight he gains inches in height. His head is always a couple to several inches longer than the person he is being compared to. The bottom of his chin is still 12.5-13" to the top of his head.
dicksock said on 22/Jun/16
JT said on 21/Jun/16
Capt.Nobody, Wilt’s head definitely goes up that far in the wig. Click Here Your pic has Wilt’s head at the wrong angle and too low.

Wilt’s head seems small b/c the wig is pulled down so far on his forehead. His head is probably 10.25” to 10.5” long, with the gap from the eyes up every bit as long as Andre’s. Wilt’s eye level is above Andre’s eye level even though he’s looking downward somewhat.
Click Here Given Wilt Andre’s narrower stance and level out his chin and he’s may be more than an inch taller in that pic notwithstanding Andre’s big footwear advantage and slight camera advantage.

The only reason I can think of why Arnold looks so short is b/c the camera level is really high and almost at the level of Andre’s and Wilt’s head or b/c he’s really well under ~ 6’1”.


JT, you are so full of **** it is laughable. If you honestly believe Wilt's head goes up that high, you are crazy. Also, can't you see that Andre is not standing to his full height either? His head is tilted down somewhat, and he could easily straighten his back out. Face it, Andre was 6'11-6'11.5" barefoot and 7'1-7'1.5" in cowboy boots. What about that is so hard for you to grasp?
Capt. Nobody said on 21/Jun/16
JT said on 21/Jun/16
Capt.Nobody, Wilt’s head definitely goes up that far in the wig. Click Here Your pic has Wilt’s head at the wrong angle and too low.

Wilt’s head seems small b/c the wig is pulled down so far on his forehead. His head is probably 10.25” to 10.5” long, with the gap from the eyes up every bit as long as Andre’s. Wilt’s eye level is above Andre’s eye level even though he’s looking downward somewhat.
Click Here Given Wilt Andre’s narrower stance and level out his chin and he’s may be more than an inch taller in that pic notwithstanding Andre’s big footwear advantage and slight camera advantage.

The only reason I can think of why Arnold looks so short is b/c the camera level is really high and almost at the level of Andre’s and Wilt’s head or b/c he’s really well under ~ 6’1”.


My pic, is actually your pic brought in line horizontally. You can see that the original head you used doesn't match up with Wilt in the wig. However, the bald head at the level I brought it to scales up perfectly vertically and horizontally.

The shot is a higher angle shot so one individual being slightly in back of, or in front of won't do to much in the way increasing height. If anything the person farther back would have an advantage vertically, much like an in ring shot from the main camera at a WWF match. The color photo is interesting because it clearly shows Andre and Wilt are about as close to in line as possible so any increase or decrease height wise is not happening. Andre being wider in the body still has no effect because their shoulders show they are still relative in terms of height on either side.
Boss said on 21/Jun/16
Andre's head was defintley longer than Wilt's from the eyes up and is a couple or more inches longer in total than Wilt's. Wilt's head looks like a peanut next to Andre's.
andre said on 21/Jun/16
at his tallest he was 6ft9.5 barefoot
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jun/16
I seen him in the Princes Bride and I really didn't think he looked even close to 7 ft in all honestly. I could see 6 ft 10 but not 7'.
JT said on 21/Jun/16
Capt.Nobody, Wilt’s head definitely goes up that far in the wig. Click Here Your pic has Wilt’s head at the wrong angle and too low.

Wilt’s head seems small b/c the wig is pulled down so far on his forehead. His head is probably 10.25” to 10.5” long, with the gap from the eyes up every bit as long as Andre’s. Wilt’s eye level is above Andre’s eye level even though he’s looking downward somewhat.
Click Here Given Wilt Andre’s narrower stance and level out his chin and he’s may be more than an inch taller in that pic notwithstanding Andre’s big footwear advantage and slight camera advantage.

The only reason I can think of why Arnold looks so short is b/c the camera level is really high and almost at the level of Andre’s and Wilt’s head or b/c he’s really well under ~ 6’1”.
mrtguy said on 21/Jun/16
Big Show : Click Here
Wilt : Click Here

This is just a comparison between the two next to Conan O'Brien
mrtguy said on 21/Jun/16
Rob, who looks taller Big Show or Chamberlain in your eyes??
Click Here
Editor Rob
Chamberlain visually can look taller.
Boss said on 21/Jun/16
So Franks friend actually claims 6'2" so how tall would that make Andre? Nice work Captain on the comparisons. They are much more accurate than anything JT ever posted here. Wilt's head was way smaller than Andre's.
Gretz said on 21/Jun/16
I used to post here 10 years ago and we had a vote to get Andre listed at 7 foot even. And he even looks 7 foot in that wilt pic from 1984.They are nearly the same height yet the amazing thing is Andre is built so much different than Wilt(he is built like a guy 5'6")while Wilt is all legs.It makes Andre look much more impressive and giant like next to these guys that are mearly tall.
Frank said on 20/Jun/16
Thanks Rob for posting the Picture My friend says hes 6ft 2 but i believe 6ft 1 is more accurate He did say Andre over all wast the Biggest guy he ever seen !!!
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 20/Jun/16
6'2 said on 18/Jun/16
andre died at 6'10 and lost a considerable amount of height compared to a 1974 andre id say 3-4"' id say he was 430lbs in the late 70s and by the 90s the 540-560 mark

Imo a peak Andre was around 7'0" give or take .5" in either direction. Like Big Show, he had lost a considerable amount of height (starting in 1981 or so and steadily increasing until his death a dozen years later). I have no idea what he was down to, but a probably guess was somewhere between 6'9" and 6'10".
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Jun/16
Boss said on 20/Jun/16
The top of Andre's head is taller than Wilt's and Andre would gain more height than Wilt by lifting his head which was way bigger than Wilt's.
Click Here


I think it's time for some Shaq/Show/Wilt/Andre comparisons.
Slon said on 20/Jun/16
Rob, you believe prime Big Show was close or as tall as Chamberlain??
Editor Rob
I have my doubts
Boss said on 20/Jun/16
The top of Andre's head is taller than Wilt's and Andre would gain more height than Wilt by lifting his head which was way bigger than Wilt's.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Jun/16
Editor Rob said on 20/Jun/16
Frank sent this photo of a 6ft 1 friend with andre in the 70's:
Click Here

Great Pic,
If this guy is legit 6´1", he would be 6´2" in footwear and Andre in his thin soled wrestling shoes gains only few mm.
the guy barely reaches Andres mouth, so flat or near 7ft is what Andre looks there
Boss said on 19/Jun/16
I post a pic of Andrés boots being measured and people here still deny it. It's a joke. Everything that I post I back up and I have more knowledge on Andre than anyone here. Anyone who actually believes the stuff that come from some posters here over the overwhelming evidence of a 7' Andre peak then go ahead. Rob raised his height to 7' because of everything that was brought to this site. Why is Andre not listed as 6'10" peak if you know all because you don't know anything but what you read in your Meltzer newsletter you pay for every week. Add the money you spent on his books and now you can't even have an unbiased opinion on Andre or you were ripped off your money by what you thought was inside information LOL.
JT said on 19/Jun/16
Here’s the color photo of the black and white where Andre was standing tallest Click Here

Here’s about where wilt’s head is under the wig Click Here
Click Here Wilt’s still taller despite the slight camera disadvantage, big footwear disadvantage and his looking down a bit.
Boss said on 19/Jun/16
You are welcome @ Me.
Boss said on 19/Jun/16
Here Andre has 6" on Hogan and Andre could still gain height by lifting his head up. Hogan has a 1" footwear advantage over Andre here. Hogan gets a 6'6" peak listing here and even a 6'5" Hogan with his 1" footwear advantage would equal a 7' Andre and considering Andre could still stand taller.
Click Here
Click Here

Andre will lose 2" in height just by have his massive head tilted down. So if you can't see his neck then he would be 2" taller when you can see his full neck.
Click Here
Click Here

Andre's height loss was apparent and has been stated by many. He lost at least 2" or more through his condition, surgeries and posture. At no time did he ever appear under 6'10".
Click Here
Click Here

Andre's head was least 12.5" long and comes out 13" range in all these comparisons.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

A peak Andre woke up at 7'1" range and went to bed 6'11" range which is an average of 7'. Andre could stand at least 1" or more taller here by lifting his head and closing his legs. His posture wasn't good by this point of his career.
Click Here
Click Here
Chaz said on 19/Jun/16
the 7 foot Andre boys can dream on,that Letterman Show proves to have a 7' Andre you need a 7'3.5-4'' Kiel not only are they next to the same host but the same desk,look how much more height Kiel has over the desk? and even worse Andre is in much much thicker heels and still 3'' shorter lol lets see Boss and Capt talk there way out of that,
Me said on 18/Jun/16
Boss said on 17/Jun/16
Here a prime Andre and Wilt comparison. Andre always looks 7' range with Wilt Chamberlain.

Andre has a head size on 6'1.5" who is 6'2"-6'2.5" in his boots and has better posture than Andre. If Andre straightens up he would be taller again. So Andre has 12-13" on Arnold with worse posture.

Andre has 2" boots and Arnold around 1" boots. So even by going with 2.5" boots vs Arnold's 1" then Andre would have 1.5" advantage. Then assuming his head is only 12" it's actually more but let's go with 12". That would mean with worse posture Andre is still 10.5" taller barefoot than 6'1.5" Arnold so 7' for Andre. Wilt was measured 7'1 daytime by a doctor with real measuring tools rather than the 7'0.5" night measurement which was done with 2 measuring tapes and Rob has stated would probably not be as accurate. Which would make Wilt 1" taller than Andre all factors considered in 1984 which was past Andre's peak at least posture wise.

What more can someone say. This is perfect even with Boss using a smaller size head for Andre he still comes out at 7' barefoot. Thanks Boss.
Boss said on 18/Jun/16
Here Ernie Ladd states he was measured at 6'9 3/4" young.
Click Here

Ernie Ladd shoot interview on Andre.
Click Here

Meltzer also said Ladd was 6'9 1/2" and that Ladd and Andre were the same height which Ladd shoots down right away.
Click Here

Ladd was every bit of 6'9" peak.
6'2 said on 18/Jun/16
andre died at 6'10 and lost a considerable amount of height compared to a 1974 andre id say 3-4"' id say he was 430lbs in the late 70s and by the 90s the 540-560 mark
JT said on 18/Jun/16
Click Here Tenta's leaning in but Baba should be at least an inch taller.

Andre’s appearance on Letterman was within a few months of the photos with Wilt. He’s wearing dark brown boots in both so they may be the same footwear.
The heel under the pivot point is really big – easily 2.5” or more considering how large the overall boot is Click Here If he knew he’d be around Wilt there’s no reason why he wouldn’t choose these boots
Boss said on 17/Jun/16
Here a prime Andre and Wilt comparison. Andre always looks 7' range with Wilt Chamberlain.
Click Here

Andre has a head size on 6'1.5" who is 6'2"-6'2.5" in his boots and has better posture than Andre. If Andre straightens up he would be taller again. So Andre has 12-13" on Arnold with worse posture.
Click Here
Click Here

Andre has 2" boots and Arnold around 1" boots. So even by going with 2.5" boots vs Arnold's 1" then Andre would have 1.5" advantage. Then assuming his head is only 12" it's actually more but let's go with 12". That would mean with worse posture Andre is still 10.5" taller barefoot than 6'1.5" Arnold so 7' for Andre. Wilt was measured 7'1 daytime by a doctor with real measuring tools rather than the 7'0.5" night measurement which was done with 2 measuring tapes and Rob has stated would probably not be as accurate. Which would make Wilt 1" taller than Andre all factors considered in 1984 which was past Andre's peak at least posture wise.
Click Here
Kunoichi said on 17/Jun/16
Baba became a professional baseball player in 1955. His height was 192cm at that time.
Baba had surgery of the brain tumor removed in 1957.Baba was listed his height at 200cm in 1959,he is the tallest still as a Japanese professional baseball player.
When Baba was once the expedition to the United States, he had said Ernie Ladd's eye level was taller than Baba's eye level.
Baba has claimed his regit height at 209cm from 202cm,.
Touluca said on 16/Jun/16
I used to meet Andre after shows here in LA back in the late 70s/early 80s. He was 6ft 10 in.

Definitely not 7 foot tall
ohmike said on 16/Jun/16
How high is the 3 rd rope of a wwe/wwf Ring?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Jun/16
Dub said on 14/Jun/16
Tyler Mane looks 6ft 7 inch max with Ali Baba.
Giant Baba was listed 200cm in pro-baseball so his true height was nowhere near 6ft 9 in
Ernie Ladd was described as standing 6ft 6 in tall by Ben Davidson

Mane was to close to peak Nash to be only 6´7" 20+years ago.
Ben Davidson said "Ladd was 6´6" or so", not an exact estimation. Ladd looked solid 6´7" pretty often.

Baba at his peak was way taller than 200cm. Second tallest guy is Anton Geesink who´s normally listed at 6´6" and noway under 6´5" flat legit.
Baba had 3 inches on him.
Click Here

Baba had 3inches on also 6´5"range peak Hogan
Click Here

Baba was about 6´8.5"peak and up to an inch shorter in 1992 when facing Tyler Mane
Boss said on 16/Jun/16
Giant Baba was 6'8.5" peak. He got the 6'6" listing in baseball at age 17 so he was still growing. Ernie Ladd was taller then 6'8" Ben Davidson so maybe he was jealous of Ladd being taller .
Boss said on 16/Jun/16
It's 2 " plain and simple . They are measured right before our eyes. Just because his boots are much bigger looking doesn't mean the heel is any taller. They do look alot the boots he was wearing with Wilt.
Capt. Nobody said on 16/Jun/16
Dub said on 14/Jun/16
Tyler Mane looks 6ft 7 inch max with Ali Baba.
Giant Baba was listed 200cm in pro-baseball so his true height was nowhere near 6ft 9 in
Ernie Ladd was described as standing 6ft 6 in tall by Ben Davidson


How tall is Raja Lion, real name Muhammad Riaz? has him listed at 7'3". There is no way Baba is 8 inches or more shorter than him.

Click Here
Dub said on 14/Jun/16
Tyler Mane looks 6ft 7 inch max with Ali Baba.
Giant Baba was listed 200cm in pro-baseball so his true height was nowhere near 6ft 9 in
Ernie Ladd was described as standing 6ft 6 in tall by Ben Davidson
Chaz said on 14/Jun/16
JT said on 13/Jun/16
Click Here

Boss said on 7/Jun/16
Andre has a 2" heel on his cowboy boots which give him a 1.8" height boost. So 1 3/4" for Andre in cowboy boots.

Assuming those are Andre’s boots, those aren’t the ones he wore with Wilt or almost everywhere else from the late 1970s forward. His usual boots had a larger heel Click Here Click Here

2 '' lol look at the size of the heel on those brown and tan boots,she has got 2 fingers on the heels and still room for 2 more fingers

and I have been saying it for years Andre was never within 3'' of kiel's height at any age,anyone that thinks so needs help in the head,
JT said on 13/Jun/16
Click Here

Boss said on 7/Jun/16
Andre has a 2" heel on his cowboy boots which give him a 1.8" height boost. So 1 3/4" for Andre in cowboy boots.

Assuming those are Andre’s boots, those aren’t the ones he wore with Wilt or almost everywhere else from the late 1970s forward. His usual boots had a larger heel Click Here Click Here

Bill Russell would have measured up well with Andre when he was not in his cowboy boots Click Here
Sam said on 13/Jun/16
Rewatched The Princess Bride for the first time in years and noticed how hunched he could look, even not standing out as much as you'd expect from a giant in crowd scenes between his spine and terrain. His size really stands out when he straightens up next to another actor between his massive hands and head, which appears nearly twice that of Cary Elwes.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Jun/16
Boss said on 9/Jun/16
Here are Andre's boot heels being measured by an actual measuring tape. Looks like a 2" heel to me which give a 1.8" height boost.
Click Here

To me it looks like 2.5" at the back of the heel, wich results in more than 2" boost, with normal insoles 2.25".
I´m pretty sure the 2,18m Andre told his family members was his height in this big cowboyboots.
Boss said on 9/Jun/16
Here are Andre's boot heels being measured by an actual measuring tape. Looks like a 2" heel to me which give a 1.8" height boost.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Jun/16
I imagine in some wrestling boots he could get up to 7ft3 range.
Chaz said on 9/Jun/16
Boss said on 7/Jun/16
Andre has a 2" heel on his cowboy boots which give him a 1.8" height boost. So 1 3/4" for Andre in cowboy boots.

they are at least 2'5'' my size 12 have 2.25'' heel and that is without the inside I am allmost 6'1'' in them 5'10.5'' barefoot,I only got them because my ex was 5'9'' 6' in heels.and she did not like looking taller than me.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Jun/16
Rob, wich range do you think is right (right out of bed to late evening) for peak Andre?
I assume a 1.75" shrinkage

a) 7´0.75" - 6´11"
b) 7´0.25"- 6´10.5"
c) 6´11.5"-6´9.75"
d) 7´1.75"-7´0"
Editor Rob
between a or d
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 9/Jun/16
Boss said on 7/Jun/16
Andre has a 2" heel on his cowboy boots which give him a 1.8" height boost. So 1 3/4" for Andre in cowboy boots.

Naaah, I have cowboyboots that give 1 3/4, Andres heel is clearly bigger. I don´t think they give under 2.25" but no more than 2.5".
me said on 8/Jun/16
Giant Baba is COMPARABLE in height to Bill Russell. I never said they were the exact same height. Tyler Mane 6'9" an old bent knee Andre had 2.5-3" on. Baba who was truly somewhere between 6'8.5" & 6'9" was basically the same in height as Mane when they wrestled, Russell has listings of 6'9" & 10". When you see Andre in the ring with 6'9" people like Mane/Baba/Ladd the height difference is obvious . There is no way Andre could possibly have a PEAK height under 7' when he had a few inches on known 6'9" people when he was at the end of his life all bent knee and broken down.
Boss said on 7/Jun/16
Andre has a 2" heel on his cowboy boots which give him a 1.8" height boost. So 1 3/4" for Andre in cowboy boots.
Chaz said on 7/Jun/16
me said on 6/Jun/16
Claiming Andre as 6'10" means that he would be comparable height to Bill Russell. Now that is rubbish. Look at Russell/Wilt and Andre/Wilt photos it is impossible for Andre to be 6'10" or 11" peak height. Even at the end of his career with Giant Baba, who is comparable in height with Russell, Andre has a few inches on him. Just like Big Show Andre will be remembered for his girth/overall size more than his height.

Lol so Giant Baba was nere 6'10'' now
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 6/Jun/16
Boss said on 26/May/16
@ JT what have you disproven here. Look at the top of the page it says Andre the Giant's height is 7ft 0in 213cm and with proof was raised to this number despite your constant Andre bashing.

He's been on here daily for over 11 years. It's not going to change. It's an obsession. Just move on as I've done.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Jun/16
JT said on 4/Jun/16
Andre’s in cowboy boots in that wedding pic with Hogan...


Whatever Andre had on his feet, Hogans footwear wasn´t much less.
Its still the same gap as here with Hogan in thicker wrestlingboots
Click Here

It would be very nice to have clear footwear pics of Hogans wedding because it´s not possible that Andre had a noticable footwear advantage there:

Rare pretty much same angle pics:
Click Here

Andre for sure was in his 6cm Big boots next to Wilt and Arnie, if Andre had the same big heel at the wedding, Hogan comes out legit 6´6.25" and Inoki at 6´3".

The only reasonable explanation is that Andre was in comparable footwear to Hogan and Inoki Click Here

Inoki must have been very close to 6´2" or he was in lifts because Hogan struggles to look much more than 3" taller.

I say in the wedding pic it looks like

Andre 2,11m
Hogan 1,96m
Inoki 1,88m
me said on 6/Jun/16
Claiming Andre as 6'10" means that he would be comparable height to Bill Russell. Now that is rubbish. Look at Russell/Wilt and Andre/Wilt photos it is impossible for Andre to be 6'10" or 11" peak height. Even at the end of his career with Giant Baba, who is comparable in height with Russell, Andre has a few inches on him. Just like Big Show Andre will be remembered for his girth/overall size more than his height.
Capt. Nobody said on 5/Jun/16
JT said on 4/Jun/16

Capt.Nobody, there isn’t one pic of Andre and Wilt together where both have their heads up (except reportedly in the photo seen by poster Frank when both were in street clothes and Wilt appeared several inches taller) Regardless Wilt is TALLER than Andre in every pic except the outdoor one where Andre is significantly closer to the camera. There also isn’t a good full body pic of Shaq and Wilt either, not even this one Click Here

You really think Andre w/o custom made cowboy boots was within three inches of Shaq, let alone the same height or only one inch shorter? Impossible
Click Here Hogan in cowboy boots
Click Here Hogan in basketball shoes, Shaq in sandals
Click Here
Click Here


The shot I just posted that you did which I brought into scale shows that Andre was slightly taller with both in more of a relaxed posture. Yes, Andre had a heel advantage. But how much? My question is how much lift are they giving him in your opinion?

Another viable question would be who exactly would benefit more from having their head up. I think we've already seen some evidence by both Icon and Boss that might tilt towards Andre winning that battle.

If Big Show was within 3 inches of Shaq, then Andre was as well. Hey, I told you I saw an interview where Shaq described meeting Andre in an airport, maybe he met Kiel instead? Maybe Andre was wearing his cowboy boots? But then again, they'd have to give him what, like 3+ inches of lift to be anywhere close right?

Wilt is taller than Shaq, Andre was technically taller than Wilt in 2 of the shots. So.... how much lift? I personally have no idea, I'm just interested to see what everyone thinks because that's also one of the only things that can potentially be verified with some degree of certainty.
Capt. Nobody said on 5/Jun/16
straightahead said on 3/Jun/16
@Boss said on 27/May/16
Here is OMG and John Tenta. Tenta has camera advantage as it's a low camera angle and he is slightly closer which will make Tenta appear slightly taller than he actually is. OMG is 6'6" range peak whether it's from boots or lifts or genentics this is what he appears in his prime.
Click Here
Omg was always several inches taller than 6'3" King Kong Bundy and a couple inches taller than 6'4" Slick peak and 6'4" Boss Man Click Here
. There are pics now where he is shorter than Slick so he lost height. Ottoman was probably wearing lifts or tip toeing it with OMG peak but they may be close to same height now. Ottoman looked taller than Edge who is 6'4" range in a recent episode of Edge and Christian's show so it's hard to peg his actual height.
Captain is very knowledgeable and he is right in this argument. OMG at 6'3" peak is ridiculous.
Except Bossman was nothing more than 6'3 if even that, i would go 6'2 1/2 for him (he didnt have a full 1 inch on Sting, and he was edged out by Rock). Do you have a link to that episode of Edge and Christian where Ottman looked taller? thats maybe worth looking closer at, how much taller. Because Edge isnt more than 6'2 range today, since he looked to be a solid 3 inch shorter than Swagger and Barrett.

So now we should accept 6'6 peak for OMG "even if he ha lifts"? seriously? truth is, we have to face the fact that our childhood heroes maybe werent as tall we wanted them to be, yes 6'3 for OMG does sounds ridiulous iknow but its not impossible, after all Tenta has been listed as short as 6'4 and Ottman has been listed 6'3 (but yes, they looks taller)

Yes, you can accept the hypothetical lifts if he's being used mostly as a measure of comparison, as he is on the ANDRE board. Lifts are always a questionable part of the discussion because unless he comes out and directly says anything about the possibility then it's all just assumption anyway.

OMG is still around, maybe someone should try and get a hold of him and ask.
Iconjj said on 5/Jun/16
ANDRE its nice to know you have all the answers, what would we do without you and Meltzer to guide us in our lives. Meltzer also gave us the 6'11.5 measurement as well. I don't think Andre was under 6'10. Wwf may have inflated his height by as much as 6 inches which explains the 6'10-7'4 and later the 7'4 .5 and 7'5 billings (6'10.5 and 6'11 respectively)
Iconjj said on 5/Jun/16
ANDRE its nice to know you have all the answers, what would we do without you and Meltzer to guide us in our lives. Meltzer also gave us the 6'11.5 measurement as well. I don't think Andre was under 6'10. Wwf may have inflated his heoght by as
andre said on 4/Jun/16
Hogan was 6ft4.5 barefoot peak and andre was 6ft9.7 peak barefoot height

time to change andre the giant height there is now way he ever was 7ft
JT said on 4/Jun/16
Andre’s in cowboy boots in that wedding pic with Hogan Click Here and closer to the camera in the pic from Japan Click Here
Click Here Inoki’s maybe 6’1” and Rob has Van Dyke at 6’.5” and Fallon at 5’11.5”.

Capt.Nobody, there isn’t one pic of Andre and Wilt together where both have their heads up (except reportedly in the photo seen by poster Frank when both were in street clothes and Wilt appeared several inches taller) Regardless Wilt is TALLER than Andre in every pic except the outdoor one where Andre is significantly closer to the camera. There also isn’t a good full body pic of Shaq and Wilt either, not even this one Click Here

You really think Andre w/o custom made cowboy boots was within three inches of Shaq, let alone the same height or only one inch shorter? Impossible
Click Here Hogan in cowboy boots
Click Here Hogan in basketball shoes, Shaq in sandals
Click Here
Click Here
Chaz said on 4/Jun/16
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Jun/16
Assuming peak Hogan and Barkley were the same height 6´5"-6´5.5"

Please stop with the rubish,look how far Hogan and Inoki come up Andre's face? for Andre to be 7'' Hogan should be under the Nose,and Inoki just over the chin,unless Hogan was around 6'7.5'' and Inoki around 6'4'' you can forget anything over 6'10''.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Jun/16
Assuming peak Hogan and Barkley were the same height 6´5"-6´5.5"

Click Here

Andre comes out closer to Shaq than Big Show did today. Shaq looks about 1.5" taller,
so Andre was 6´11.25"-6´11.5" there wich makes him over 7ft measuring right out of bed.

Andre had no footwear advantage over Hogan there,
because with Andre in cowboyboots there was a much bigger gap Click Here

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.