How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 19

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
Vegas said on 27/Aug/12
speaking of feats of strength, lesnar even after all his health issues over the past 2 years is still a horse Click Here
RoelC said on 26/Aug/12
JT says on 24/Aug/12
That looks worse than the first one. The two girls in the middle are literally floating. Big Show also supposedly held up 4 women Click Here Looks more realistic although there's probably some trickery here as well.

Here's a pic of Big Show carrying The Bella Twins, Eve & Kelly Kelly
Click Here

This pic looks to be fixed aswell.
RoelC said on 26/Aug/12
dicksock says on 24/Aug/12
To be fair, I'm sure he could handle the weight even if the picture is "fake."
They probably just didn't want to take the chance of those girls falling or Andre hurting them by squeezing them too hard to keep them in place. But all together those girls wouldn't have weighed more than 520lbs. I'm sure a healthy Andre could've handled that if only for a few seconds.

Here's are 2 pics of Andre lifting up 3 people.
Click Here
Click Here

In the first pic you see him carrying 2 women, with 1 woman hanging on to his neck.
In the second pic he's carrying 3 men (although they don't seem like very big men).
Andre doesn't seem to have a problem with carrying the weight of 3 people. I'm sure if you added a 4th person he could still carry it easily. But those pics of Andre carrying 4 women were made for promotional purposes. God knows how long he had to carry them up there before they shot a decent pic. That's why they propably had 2 women sitting on a ledge, rather than Andre's shoulders.
dicksock said on 25/Aug/12
homer says on 24/Aug/12
Click Here

That is what 6'11'', 500lbs looks like.


Is that supposed to be impressive? I could be 500lbs at 5'10" if I just ate uncontrollably and let myself look like a fat tub of goo. That guy SHOULD be under 300lbs. He is nothing compared to Andre, Big Show, Khali, Gonzalez, ect. He's probably not even a legit 6'11" either. The Rock was listed at 6'5" in high school and even college football...
Duhon said on 25/Aug/12
homer says on 24/Aug/12
Click Here

That is what 6'11'', 500lbs looks like.

And this is what a legit 7'4" 500lbs looks like
Click Here
dicksock said on 24/Aug/12
JT says on 24/Aug/12
Iconjj says on 22/Aug/12
...For those who think the pic of Andre holding up some girls was a prop, that they were sitting on a brace of some kind, well here is another one. Let's put that nonsense to rest...
Click Here

That looks worse than the first one. The two girls in the middle are literally floating. Big Show also supposedly held up 4 women Click Here Looks more realistic although there's probably some trickery here as well.


To be fair, I'm sure he could handle the weight even if the picture is "fake."
They probably just didn't want to take the chance of those girls falling or Andre hurting them by squeezing them too hard to keep them in place. But all together those girls wouldn't have weighed more than 520lbs. I'm sure a healthy Andre could've handled that if only for a few seconds.
homer said on 24/Aug/12
Click Here

That is what 6'11'', 500lbs looks like.
JT said on 24/Aug/12
Iconjj says on 22/Aug/12
...For those who think the pic of Andre holding up some girls was a prop, that they were sitting on a brace of some kind, well here is another one. Let's put that nonsense to rest...
Click Here

That looks worse than the first one. The two girls in the middle are literally floating. Big Show also supposedly held up 4 women Click Here Looks more realistic although there's probably some trickery here as well.
logan noll 1996 said on 23/Aug/12
I think a peak height Andre and a peak height Big Show would have been the same height.
Iconjj said on 22/Aug/12
Yeah my link didn't work, RoelC has the before mentioned pic in his post...
JT said on 22/Aug/12
I always thought Mulligan was at least 6’5”. He is leaning more than Andre is in that pic so in fairness he could probably stand a little taller.

Mulligan looks at least an inch taller than Barry Windham here although the camera angle favors Mulligan Click Here

Mulligan does not look so tall here though with Studd and Heenan (with an appearance by Andre at the end). Click Here Heenan was a little shorter than Paul Orndorff, who IIRC was listed at 5’11’ in college football. Mulligan looks like he has tennis shoes on. In watching matches between Studd and the Machines, Studd did look taller than Mulligan.
Vegas said on 22/Aug/12
richard, mulligan in interviews has claimed his real height was 6'6, looking at him with his son in the early 80s (when he was still in his 30s) he looks quite a bit shorter than sid eudy did next to windham jr
Iconjj said on 22/Aug/12
Pretty good there JT...
For those who think the pic of Andre holding up some girls was a prop, that they were sitting on a brace of some kind, well here is another one. Let's put that nonsense to rest...
Click Here
Steve said on 22/Aug/12
I still put Andre at 6'11 peak height or 211cm as per the poster that JT posted recently of Andres billing. I dont believe he lost much if any height by his death. He did not lost more than 1 inch by 1992. The shortest he ever could have been is 6'10 in 1992.

You can tell by the recent photos of Kareem and Piper that Andre would have been around 4 inches shorter than Kareem. Andres trainers claims and all other measurements above 6'11 I believe were of Andre with Cowboy boots with big fluffy hair. They probably billed Andre his measured height with large cowboy boot heels and a big afro.
JT said on 21/Aug/12
Click Here
Iconjj said on 21/Aug/12
Andre's height was guesstimated in front of a door in Canada I do believe....From what many said, the doors in Canada measure at 6'6.....Now a lot of the so called experts here, tried to claim the door was a standard American 6'8...I disagree.
Click Here
Put Kevin Nash in that same position with his mug show
Click Here
Andre would have stood up to Big Show very well i think.
Click Here
k said on 21/Aug/12
Andre 6 10 max barefoot

7 ft with big heels, or wrestling boots
Richard said on 20/Aug/12
john says on 5/Aug/12
Yep you right André

Click Here!

In this video with legit 6ft5 guy André looks like 6ft8 max

downgrade André height too 6ft8 please

Also please measure the door in is house in france and you can get bit how tall he was when 18/21 please


Well, I don't agree with 6'8 for him, but I guess exaggerations on one end require some from the other to get balanced lol.

You're out of luck with the door because most people here seem content with debating rather than finding out the truth. I found an old pair of Andre boots in a US store which had pictures of them online. I got the address and even opening hours and asked that anyone living in the US would go there and measure them. Just to get an accurate measurement of his shoe size. There could even be a good imprint in the boot from his foot to measure.
Did any one respond to that? Nope... people were just as happy to base his shoe size off a T-shirt print!!! Why, because it looked right compared to a similar shirt Andre wore...(pure guessing). So instead of hunting down hard evidence of something he ACTUALLY put his foot in and wore, people opt for guessing and speculation.
No one will probably measure that door, because we're having so much fun chatting here, right?
Richard said on 20/Aug/12
Good picture of Andre and Mulligan Click Here

Mulligan was billed 6'9 but has also been billed 6'7 which means he certainly wasn't over 6'7.
Again the evidence is there. Any unbiased person can clearly see that Andre looks his usual 6'10 in this one. But I'm sure the deniers of truth and reason will simply make up some nonsensical height for Mulligan to get back on track.
JT said on 16/Aug/12
Chris posted a few screen caps from this show a while back Click Here Piper is standing on what looks like at least an 8 inch high platform with Kareem. Click Here For what it’s worth, Nash was taller next to Kareem than Piper on the platform is here.

The Andre-Bigelow pic has around a 2 degree tilt in favor of Andre. Click Here Given Andre’s slouch and Bigelow's feet being closer to the camera but his leaning back towards Andre, it’s pretty difficult to peg Andre’s height from this pic. Bigelow looked a couple inches shorter than King Kong Bundy, who in turn was around 3 inches shorter than John Studd. 6'1" would be a good estimate for Bigelow IMO.
dicksock said on 15/Aug/12
The Ben says on 14/Aug/12
RoelC says on 9/Aug/12
Nice pics there JT, some of them I've never seen before.

Click Here
Here's another pic I haven't seen being posted here. It's from 1992 where Andre was frequently teaming up with Bam Bam Bigelow. No idea who the middle guy is, probably a Japanese wrestler as it looks like he has a NJPW-logo printed on his jacket. Andre is in bad shape there (in no condition to wrestle anymore).

Thats interesting, I met Bam Bam in 94 and i'd say he was a very strong 6'1, Maybe 6'2. Andre is old there and looks huge.


That is because Andre didn't lose very much height. He was never above 7' and he was still ~6'11" in the early 90s.
The Ben said on 14/Aug/12
RoelC says on 9/Aug/12
Nice pics there JT, some of them I've never seen before.

Click Here
Here's another pic I haven't seen being posted here. It's from 1992 where Andre was frequently teaming up with Bam Bam Bigelow. No idea who the middle guy is, probably a Japanese wrestler as it looks like he has a NJPW-logo printed on his jacket. Andre is in bad shape there (in no condition to wrestle anymore).

Thats interesting, I met Bam Bam in 94 and i'd say he was a very strong 6'1, Maybe 6'2. Andre is old there and looks huge.
Boss said on 13/Aug/12
Here Andre with 6'3 masked Canadian wrestler. Also the same guy looking every bit of 6'3 in his 60's with 6'4 Slick and 6'4 DDP. Andre is leaning in both pics
but one is better than the other and they both are wearing cowboy
boots and the canadian wrestler has better posture in both pics. This also shows the height Andre gains with better posture and by lifting his head up as he looks taller in the pic with better posture with the same guy in the same footware.

Click Here
Iconjj said on 11/Aug/12
dicksock says on 11/Aug/12
Iconjj says on 10/Aug/12
JT, looks like an average school bus to me, not too much has changed, but I'll make sure...


Shows how much you know. That is not just any old school bus. It's the Magic School Bus!
LMAO @ Dicksock
dicksock said on 11/Aug/12
Iconjj says on 10/Aug/12
JT, looks like an average school bus to me, not too much has changed, but I'll make sure...


Shows how much you know. That is not just any old school bus. It's the Magic School Bus!
Danimal said on 10/Aug/12
RoelC says on 9/Aug/12
Nice pics there JT, some of them I've never seen before.

Click Here

Bam Bam was about 6'1" and this is Andre only a few months before his death. His legs are buckled and his stomach is hanging out. He still looks to be at least 6'9"-6'10" here..
Iconjj said on 10/Aug/12
JT, looks like an average school bus to me, not too much has changed, but I'll make sure...the trick will be taking a photo of a similar bus, from a similar vantage point, and using a marker of some sort to judge the height at where Andre would be standing....if anything we can get a rough estimate.
Iconjj said on 10/Aug/12
Boss pointed that out Logan, good point too. Here's one that might lay credibility to that.... Click Here
Chris said on 10/Aug/12
A couple of follow up notes:

1. The "school bus" photo came from a Bruce Hart book that I bought and scanned in. Andre would tour Calgary every July during the Calgary Stampede week. That photo came from a charity softball game (1977) that featured people from Stu Hart's promotion. I have several other photos from that day but I can't confirm if Andre actually played in the game or not. BTW, the busty blonde and Andre were,err, "friends" when Andre would visit that area.

2. The 6'5" Philly announcer Dick Graham was a local celebrity as he was a well respected radio DJ for years in the Philadelphia area. WWF used him as the fans in the Philadelphia obviously knew who he was. I'm not sure if he is still alive but it might be worth someone's efforts to try and track him down on the internet to ask questions.
logan noll 1996 said on 9/Aug/12
Iconjj I respect you as I too am an Andre fan but have you considered Andre's posture and Paul's footwear?
JT said on 9/Aug/12
Iconjj says on 9/Aug/12
Hey, JT, notice that Andre is about same height as the top of that school bus window? Just go out and measure to the top of a bus window..... actually I have an idea and i know where some buses are, I'll put my theory to the test..

One big problem though, Iconjj - the camera is below the level of Andre's head, making him look taller vis-a-vis objects behind him. Therefore while the top of his head may appear to be reaching the top part of the bus window, it is actually below it. Kudos if you can at least figure out the manufacturer and model of that bus though....
Iconjj said on 9/Aug/12
Hey, JT, notice that Andre is about same height as the top of that school bus window? Just go out and measure to the top of a bus window..... actually I have an idea and i know where some buses are, I'll put my theory to the test...
Tuga said on 9/Aug/12
Great pics JT, the more I see young andre´s pics the more I believe he peaked at around 7´, its really a big difference to the older bad shape overweight andre who still was close to 7´.
RoelC said on 9/Aug/12
Nice pics there JT, some of them I've never seen before.

Click Here
Here's another pic I haven't seen being posted here. It's from 1992 where Andre was frequently teaming up with Bam Bam Bigelow. No idea who the middle guy is, probably a Japanese wrestler as it looks like he has a NJPW-logo printed on his jacket. Andre is in bad shape there (in no condition to wrestle anymore).
Danimal said on 9/Aug/12
The 7'1.5"-7'2" height listing for Andre was most likely in his shoes and of course, in his PRIME.
Danimal said on 9/Aug/12
Boss says on 7/Aug/12
Danimal says on 7/Aug/12
Boss says on 6/Aug/12
bifftannen says on 4/Aug/12
hey just found and lost a clip with andre where he says it himself 2,18 2,20 cm just before a japanese battle, and now i cant find the link but i'm looking it's on youtube and it's in japan

Andre when asked his height would say 2.18m as we learned from Andre's nephew. His trainer also claimed to have measured Andre at this height in his prime.

NO, his trainer claimed to measure Andre at 7'1.5" or 7'2". Can't recall which of the two it was.

2.18m = 7'1.5.

You are correct sir.
JT said on 9/Aug/12
A few pics of Andre that may not have been posted here before:
Andre and Bruce Hart, who was around Dynamite Kid’s height
Click Here
Andre and Steve Taylor, the brother of Dave Taylor Click Here Dave Taylor looked around 6’3” when I saw him up close a few years back. I'm 5 inches taller than my brother so don't read too much into that.
Andre and Frankie Lane Click Here No idea of his true height either.
A young Andre
Click Here
Click Here

This poster has Andre at age 20 being billed at 211 cm. (~ 6’11”) Click Here

Back to John Studd, here’s a decent screen cap of him looking virtually the same height as OMG/Akeem. Click Here

Regarding Dick Graham, this guy was a virtual unknown outside of doing WWF Spectrum wrestling. No one knows his actual height or his preferred choice of footwear.

Iconn, Andre’s closer to the camera than Bruno which is why his head and body end up too large in that comparison pic Try matching these as they are straight-on shots from roughly the same low angle Click Here Click Here
Iconjj said on 8/Aug/12
Boss, that's true on the posture, I've never seen Paul hunched over until recently whereas Andre was always hunched over. Good observation there.
Boss said on 8/Aug/12
Iconjj says on 7/Aug/12
Okay guys, here's the best example of Andre Big Show and Bruno, which gives you a good idea of their height. Click Here
Okay you say the interviewer was 6'5, well the guy in the photo with Show is also 6'5 here goes: Click Here

There's only about an inch or so height difference......Looks like Duggan called it spot on. Man, wish Capt. Nobody was here to back me up, lol.

Nice work but Big Show has a footware advantage in both comparisons. Big Show as always has much better posture in both comparisons. Also Andre has the larger head of the 2 men. Andre's head at somewhere between 12.25 - 13in which makes others in comparison look taller until you reach the tops of their heads such as Wilt who has probably around 9in head which makes Andre's head over 3in longer than Wilt's. This alone makes a huge difference when comparing Andre to anyone as Andre's head was bigger than anyone he's being compared to. Andre rarely showed good posture and always has head which is where alot of his extra height(3-4+in on most people) comes from is tilted down and back, knees bent. Also Jim Duggan stated that Big Show was big and tall guy but Andre was a true giant.
LG69 said on 7/Aug/12
The other misleading thing about the 6'5" interviewer and Andre is that the interviewer likely had dress shoes/boots. Standard dress shoes would give him a full 1", boots 1.5". Andre had on wrestling shoes, which essentially give very little height...maybe 1/2"...if that. All things considered, Andre was 6-7" taller than the interviewer.
LG69 said on 7/Aug/12
@John, you need corrective eyewear! NO WAY is Andre only 3" taller than the 6'5" interviewer. He is just below Andre's eye level, which is roughly 6". My 5'4" coworker comes to my eye level, and I'm 5'9 1/2". Even if you count the interviewers hair it is only at Andre's eyes. No Andre wasn't 7'4", of course not, but he was clearly more than 3" taller. Come on now!
Boss said on 7/Aug/12
Danimal says on 7/Aug/12
Boss says on 6/Aug/12
bifftannen says on 4/Aug/12
hey just found and lost a clip with andre where he says it himself 2,18 2,20 cm just before a japanese battle, and now i cant find the link but i'm looking it's on youtube and it's in japan

Andre when asked his height would say 2.18m as we learned from Andre's nephew. His trainer also claimed to have measured Andre at this height in his prime.

NO, his trainer claimed to measure Andre at 7'1.5" or 7'2". Can't recall which of the two it was.

2.18m = 7'1.5.
Iconjj said on 7/Aug/12
logan noll 1996 says on 29/Jul/12

I'm pretty sure Andre was taller than Big Show. Big Show stated himself as 7 foot and said that Andre was 7 foot 1 or 7 foot 2(according to Big Show's claim on his Celebheights page) so Big Show was probally sure he was shorter than a peak height Andre.
Logan, Big Show never met Andre face to face, and even stated himself that he was shocked at how short Hogan was when first meeting him. Show probably stated this because:
1. As a Giant, he's keeping Andre's position as THE Giant secure, out of respect.
2. He's as worked as the fans, by "workers" such as Hogan, who respected Andre's gimmick.

I'm not trying to bag on ya Logan, but there is tons of photographic evidence to support that Paul has a slight height advantage. I'm an Andre fanboy, and nothing would please me more than to find evidence to the contrary. It's just not there.
Iconjj said on 7/Aug/12
Okay guys, here's the best example of Andre Big Show and Bruno, which gives you a good idea of their height. Click Here
Okay you say the interviewer was 6'5, well the guy in the photo with Show is also 6'5 here goes: Click Here

There's only about an inch or so height difference......Looks like Duggan called it spot on. Man, wish Capt. Nobody was here to back me up, lol.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/12
Boss says on 6/Aug/12
bifftannen says on 4/Aug/12
hey just found and lost a clip with andre where he says it himself 2,18 2,20 cm just before a japanese battle, and now i cant find the link but i'm looking it's on youtube and it's in japan

Andre when asked his height would say 2.18m as we learned from Andre's nephew. His trainer also claimed to have measured Andre at this height in his prime.

NO, his trainer claimed to measure Andre at 7'1.5" or 7'2". Can't recall which of the two it was.
Boss said on 6/Aug/12
bifftannen says on 4/Aug/12
hey just found and lost a clip with andre where he says it himself 2,18 2,20 cm just before a japanese battle, and now i cant find the link but i'm looking it's on youtube and it's in japan

Andre when asked his height would say 2.18m as we learned from Andre's nephew. His trainer also claimed to have measured Andre at this height in his prime.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/12
Metric says on 2/Aug/12
Danimal says on 1/Aug/12

Still on your mission after what? Almost 8 years of daily posts to get Andre down to 6'10" JT? Is it really that important to you to prove to people on here that he was only 6'10". We're talking about almost 8 years JT. That's a long time my friend.

And YOU have been here for just as long time spewing hatred towards posters and pretending you know about bodybuilding...

Hey stalker Metric, I wasn't addressing you. Do you do this in real life too? Interrupt other men's conversations and butt in? Go back to your Arnold page and speak only when spoken to.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/12
So, John and Tiago Silva are the same user, right Rob?
GST said on 5/Aug/12
@John - Andre was definitely more than 3 or 4 inches taller than the announces. Lets not forget Andre was very likely in wrestling boots while the announcer could have had sneakers or cowboy boots on - we really don't know. If the announcer was a legit 6'5 wearing sneakers that would make Andre appear to be very close to 7'0 a few times when he stood up straight in that video. Andre appeared around the 6'10 to 7'0.5 mark throughout his career. It was hard to tell exactly how tall he was due to poor posture.
Tiago Silva said on 5/Aug/12
For sure American avarage height is not 6ft1 hahahahahahahahaha

Its more like 5ft8 people from Europe are more taller then americans

michael jackson was 5ft7 and he was taller then some americans like silvester stalone also and others

André the giant was 6ft9 guys please yes measure André the giant Door in france please
andre said on 4/Aug/12
1963-1978 - 6ft9
1978-1988 - 6ft8
1989-1993 - 6ft8 with shoes on

hulk hogan was always 6ft4 now with 59 years he is 6ft2/6ft3

this is the truth and only truth please

you guys never measured him if american avarage height is 5ft8 why guys says is 6ft1 stop with the lie

hate when you american lie about height when you guys are already taller
just because some guys are 6ft7 not all are this

im sure most 70% americans are only 5ft8-5ft9 30% are over 5ft10
and the rest are giants

Rob have legit avarage height 5ft8 there are people with only 5ft height

andre the giant was always 6ft8 stop it guys stop with huge abuse of height
KingNick said on 4/Aug/12
Some fun Andre notes and opinions for you guys:

I teach English as a Second Language for adults and my students are primarily Japanese. To help them with their English, we're watching The Princess Bride. I teach 4 students separately in this particular program, 3 men and 1 woman. The 3 guys, each time they saw Andre said something along the lines of, "Oh my God! That's Andre the Giant! He was very popular in Japan!" Even to this day Andre's legend lives on in Japanese pro wrestling.

And speaking of the movie, there are a few shots in it that I think are great cases for Andre's height. Take a look at the shot right before they climb the cliffs of insanity at the beginning of the movie. As they're putting the harness on Andre, they're on pretty flat ground. Andre may have a slight camera advantage but it's not much and it's just a great shot of how he towers over everyone, including Mandy Patakin who played Inigo Montoya who I believe was between 5'11" and 6'.

There's another great shot shortly after when they're atop the cliff when Andre says, "You be careful, people in masks cannot be trusted." Where again they're on flat ground

I can't find the latter on youtube, but here's the first at :40 sec in: Click Here

And here's a cool Andre story in regards to it:

Click Here

My personal opinion - I think he was a full 7' at one point in his life and slowly receded to 6'10" by the time he passed. True legend.
bifftannen said on 4/Aug/12
there you have the link he says it himself.....

Click Here
bifftannen said on 4/Aug/12
hey just found and lost a clip with andre where he says it himself 2,18 2,20 cm just before a japanese battle, and now i cant find the link but i'm looking it's on youtube and it's in japan
KingNick said on 3/Aug/12
Red says on 31/Jul/12
Halb says on 28/Jul/12
6'8 for Kurgan seems reasonable.

If so than Taker is really 6´6"range cause Maillet is about 2inches taller and has a much wider body
Click Here

Nice find!

RoelC says on 1/Aug/12
gollum says on 25/Jul/12
RoelC and Vegas if you see Kurrgan at 6'8 now then does that make Kevin Nash about 6'6.5 at best? If you watch the movie Monster Brawl they both have a stare down with Kurrgan being nearly 2 inches taller than Nash. Plus if you see the special features in street cloths he is still around 1.5-2.0 inches taller. Rob has Nash at 6'9 so my estimation is Kurrgan is a good 6'10.5-6'11.

Kurrgan only looks 2 inches taller in the movie itself
Click Here

In the backstage segments Nash is clearly the taller one
Click Here
Click Here

If Kurrgan would have the amount of height on Nash as he did in the movie, he would've been close to 7ft, or as you say Nash is really only 6'6" (which we know he isn't). So something in the movie must be off. He's playing Frankenstein, and I can't think of a single Frankenstein actor who's height in the movie hasn't been increased by several inches.

If you think Kurrgan is 6'10.5-6'11", what's your estimation on Peter Mayhew & Ian Whyte (who Rob has at 6'10" and 7'1").

I didn't know that movie existed I gotta see it!! :>)
Gollum said on 3/Aug/12
I guess it is time to call it quits. I have learned a few things since I came here a few years back.
Andre was not 7'4-5 morelike 7'1.5 peak
Kevin Nash was not 7 feet morelike 6'9-10peak
Big John Studd was closer to 6'7 not 6'8-10
Big Show was neither 7'2-4 closer to 7 feet even
Khali and Reis are both a peaked at around 7'1
Silva closer to 7'2
Kurrgan around 6'10-11 an inch or so taller than Nash
Elmer and Haystacks, Baba, Undertaker and Kane around 6'8
Hogan a weak 6'6 peak
Kamala close to 6'6 too
OMG and Viscera close to 6'7 Gang being abit taller
Morgan surprised me being a strong 6'8 - a weak 6'9
Jones around 6'9-10
Gonzales 7'6-7
Silo Sam 7'4
Ladd 6'9
Crush a good 6'5-6
Sid 6'7-8
Brody 6'5
Beserker, Atrain, Gallows 6'6.5-7
Tenta close to 6'6
Hall 6'5
and so on and so on.
I thank everyone who I have encountered and especially Rob for letting me express my ideas and views. Even thought I disagree with several on here or more I do hold respect for all of you from Vegas, Topdweeb, JT, Danimal, Chaz, Roelc, dicksock and who ever else I left out. Goodtimes and all of you good journey! Thanks for all your insight!
Chaz said on 3/Aug/12
how can Kurgan be over 6'10''if he's 4''shorter than a old Peter Mayhew? even if Mayhew is still 7'that make's Kurgan no more than 6.8''one things for sure a yng Mayhew was about 7'2'
Danimal said on 2/Aug/12
I'd give Kurgan at least 6'9". He was taller than a PEAK Undertaker, who was at least 6'7" at that time.
Metric said on 2/Aug/12
Danimal says on 1/Aug/12

Still on your mission after what? Almost 8 years of daily posts to get Andre down to 6'10" JT? Is it really that important to you to prove to people on here that he was only 6'10". We're talking about almost 8 years JT. That's a long time my friend.

And YOU have been here for just as long time spewing hatred towards posters and pretending you know about bodybuilding...
RoelC said on 2/Aug/12
Gollum says on 2/Aug/12
Roel one you picked the behind the scenes pics that make them look either the same height or Nash Taller. In street cloths he was no less than an inch taller than Nash. Also, Silva was taller than a confirmed 7'1 Khali. So silva is a weak 7'2 imo. Plus Kurrgan comes up to the top of Silvas eye brows. Kurrgan was also taller than Taker by a few inches and was taller than kane with giant boots. You seen in the movie Kurrgan with his wrestling boots and not big giant heeled lifts. Heck Nash was the one wearing the giant army boots that I bet gave him alot more lift than Kurrgans boots. One of those pics btw gave Nash a huge advantage over Kurrgan. Kurrgan is no Big Show height but he is obviously taller than people like Kevin Nash, Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan.

I picked the scenes where they were either standing side by side or directly opposite of one another. I could’ve picked scenes where Kurrgan was standing closer to the camera and thus appearing taller, but that’s not how it works. When you look at the behind the scenes pics where Nash & Kurrgan are standing opposite of one another, Kurrgan has magically lost several inches, indicating that they made him taller in that moviescene with Nash. There are more ways to make Kurrgan taller in that movie than just putting larger boots on him. Again if you think Kurrgan is that tall compared to Nash, than Kurrgan is around Big Show’s height. You can’t have it both ways. And I doubt Big Show would look that short if he stood in-between Peter Mayhew & Ian Whyte (the way Kurrgan did). If Khali is a confirmed 7’1”, than he’s around the same height as Ian Whyte. We’ve seen Big Show stand next to Khali and he isn’t that much shorter.
Kurrgan being shorter than Nash adds up to the pics with Mayhew & Whyte. Kurrgan being taller than Nash however doesn’t.
Gollum said on 2/Aug/12
Roel one you picked the behind the scenes pics that make them look either the same height or Nash Taller. In street cloths he was no less than an inch taller than Nash. Also, Silva was taller than a confirmed 7'1 Khali. So silva is a weak 7'2 imo. Plus Kurrgan comes up to the top of Silvas eye brows. Kurrgan was also taller than Taker by a few inches and was taller than kane with giant boots. You seen in the movie Kurrgan with his wrestling boots and not big giant heeled lifts. Heck Nash was the one wearing the giant army boots that I bet gave him alot more lift than Kurrgans boots. One of those pics btw gave Nash a huge advantage over Kurrgan. Kurrgan is no Big Show height but he is obviously taller than people like Kevin Nash, Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan.
dicksock said on 1/Aug/12
Red says on 31/Jul/12
Halb says on 28/Jul/12
6'8 for Kurgan seems reasonable.

If so than Taker is really 6´6"range cause Maillet is about 2inches taller and has a much wider body
Click Here


At what point can you compare their heights? The part where Taker gives him a choke slam is the best part that I found and that is basically useless. The Undertaker is about 6'7.5" and Kurrgan is a solid 6'8"; maybe very close to 6'9". I don't think Kurrgan is much bigger either. Again, Silva is 7'1" and was several inches taller than Kurggan when they were together in the WWF.

Here you can see Kurrgan is only a few inches taller than 6'5.75" John Tenta and at least 4" shorter than 7'1" Silva:

Click Here

Based on how he stacked up next to Tenta, Kurrgan would have been much smaller and shorter than a broken down Andre circa 1991.

Click Here

Tenta was much bigger in 1991 as well.
RoelC said on 1/Aug/12
gollum says on 25/Jul/12
RoelC and Vegas if you see Kurrgan at 6'8 now then does that make Kevin Nash about 6'6.5 at best? If you watch the movie Monster Brawl they both have a stare down with Kurrgan being nearly 2 inches taller than Nash. Plus if you see the special features in street cloths he is still around 1.5-2.0 inches taller. Rob has Nash at 6'9 so my estimation is Kurrgan is a good 6'10.5-6'11.

Kurrgan only looks 2 inches taller in the movie itself
Click Here

In the backstage segments Nash is clearly the taller one
Click Here
Click Here

If Kurrgan would have the amount of height on Nash as he did in the movie, he would've been close to 7ft, or as you say Nash is really only 6'6" (which we know he isn't). So something in the movie must be off. He's playing Frankenstein, and I can't think of a single Frankenstein actor who's height in the movie hasn't been increased by several inches.

If you think Kurrgan is 6'10.5-6'11", what's your estimation on Peter Mayhew & Ian Whyte (who Rob has at 6'10" and 7'1").
andre said on 1/Aug/12
1963-1978 - 6ft9
1978-1988 - 6ft8
1989-1993 - 6ft8 with shoes on

hulk hogan was always 6ft4 now with 59 years he is 6ft2/6ft3
Danimal said on 1/Aug/12
JT says on 31/Jul/12

Still on your mission after what? Almost 8 years of daily posts to get Andre down to 6'10" JT? Is it really that important to you to prove to people on here that he was only 6'10". We're talking about almost 8 years JT. That's a long time my friend.
dicksock said on 31/Jul/12
I think it should be clear by now that Studd was 6'6"-6'7" and Andre was around 4"-5" taller. I think Studd was ~6'6.5" and Andre was ~6'11".
Red said on 31/Jul/12
Halb says on 28/Jul/12
6'8 for Kurgan seems reasonable.

If so than Taker is really 6´6"range cause Maillet is about 2inches taller and has a much wider body
Click Here
logan noll 1996 said on 29/Jul/12

I'm pretty sure Andre was taller than Big Show. Big Show stated himself as 7 foot and said that Andre was 7 foot 1 or 7 foot 2(according to Big Show's claim on his Celebheights page) so Big Show was probally sure he was shorter than a peak height Andre.
Danimal said on 28/Jul/12
dicksock says on 28/Jul/12
In this match Vince McMahon actually refers to Big John Studd as 6'6"-6'7" and nearly 300lbs. Of course, this was when he was in the Executioners. Listen at 1:55.

Click Here

Vince McMahon was 6'1"-6'2" in his prime.
Halb said on 28/Jul/12
Probably Studd's most accurate listing.:D

6'8 for Kurgan seems reasonable.
Click Here
dicksock said on 28/Jul/12
In this match Vince McMahon actually refers to Big John Studd as 6'6"-6'7" and nearly 300lbs. Of course, this was when he was in the Executioners. Listen at 1:55.

Click Here
LG69 said on 27/Jul/12
@getit, Wilt was not 3" taller than Andre! He was about 1" taller...i'll even give you 1.25". Btw, Wilt was 7'1 1/16, not 7'0.5". I know Andre wasn't 7'4" but he was at his peak 7'.
gollum said on 25/Jul/12
RoelC and Vegas if you see Kurrgan at 6'8 now then does that make Kevin Nash about 6'6.5 at best? If you watch the movie Monster Brawl they both have a stare down with Kurrgan being nearly 2 inches taller than Nash. Plus if you see the special features in street cloths he is still around 1.5-2.0 inches taller. Rob has Nash at 6'9 so my estimation is Kurrgan is a good 6'10.5-6'11.
dicksock said on 24/Jul/12
Here it is, at long last; It's Andre the Giant on David Letterman:
Click Here
RoelC said on 16/Jun/12
Vegas says on 15/Jun/12
kurrgan got a few 6'11 estimates on this page, robs got ian whyte on left at 7'1 and peter mayhew at 6'10 which is too low (though he had him at 6'9) Click Here

Some more pics of Kurrgan with Whyte & Mayhew
Click Here
Click Here

Mayhew is about 3 inches taller than Kurrgan & Whyte looks about 4 inches taller.

For comparison, Mayhew & Ross Sambridge (picture is slightly tilted in Sambridge favour). Mayhew looks about 1 inch taller.
Click Here
Ross Sambridge was measured at 6'10" (watch at 5:38)
Click Here

6'8" seems to be a more accurate estimation of Kurrgan's height. Must admit I thought he was around 6'9", but that seems a bit generous.

Btw I used to post here as Big Show, but thought now is an appropriate time to change my user name
Iconjj said on 16/Jun/12
Andre, maybe I need to whip out some of my old comparison photos. Andre was no LESS than 6'10 at any time in his adult life. Out of the four KNOWN Wilt photos, Andre stacks up in three of them, the only exception being the one where Andre is looking down at Arnie, and I've already established why that is as well. I think the general consensus is Big Show 7', Andre 6'11. Jim Duggan confirmed something along those lines a while back, saying Paul had Andre by an "inch or so".
Aaronious said on 16/Jun/12
I am reposting this from back in February to start thinsg up again:
Everybody here who is using Andre'e early billings from France as evidence of a fully grown sub-7 foot height, need to realize one thing: At the time, there were NO giants. 210cm+ was huge back then, so there was no need to overinflate his height, and no need to remeasure over his early career. His billings started in the 210-211cm range and stayed around there probably until he was remeasured years later. Measurement in feet and inches meant nothing to most of Europe. You guys are trying to look at things as if they are billing him at "sub 7 feet", but its not like that.. 7 feet meant NOTHING to promoters, so they had no need to overinflate his height early in his career, whether he had grown from his last measurement or not. The fact that his billed height in CENTIMETERS increased when he went to japan is very big evidence in my book that he had in fact, grown, because again, they did not care about any measurements in feet and inches, they only cared about the metric measurement.

so anyways, here's my photos analysis again of Andre being measured by Ed carpantier, and my pixel analysis to extract his REAL height. he is barefoot in this pic, so their should be NO DOUBT here. I have yet to see guys like JT refute this one, those who consistently subtract 1-2 inches from everyone's height, because for some reason they perhaps got spat on by a tall wrestler last time they went to a wrestling event in the 70's

Click Here
Aaronious said on 16/Jun/12
FormlessOne, I was simply trying to make a point that back in the day, 210cm, 211,cm 212cm, all of Andre's billings, were extremely tall for the time, a time when most wrestlers were not over 6'6". Not withstanding the Max Palmers of the day( who was waaaay before Andre's time ), Andre was pretty much the largest wrestler around, save for a few fatties:)

and yes, we are in agreement that a Peak Andre was 7ft +
Aaronious said on 16/Jun/12
tukkergrip, your source for the 69 3/4 measurement of andre is Dave Meltzer, who is a known Andre hater, a wrestling journalist who has been known to stretch the facts of a situation in almost a hyperbolic fashion to suit his mood. In other photos, he claimed 6'11.5" for Andre. ANYthing that Melzter claims must be taken with a grain of salt and analyzed.
Aaronious said on 16/Jun/12
i admire your pinash Danimal, but doing a ronnie-bigshow, anrold andre compariosn, is a bit of a stretch and unnecessary. you wont get an accurate billing that way, too many angles to deal with
Jay said on 14/Jun/12
I know that's why you also need a Ronnie/Arnold comparison. Arnold actually looks 3 or 4 inches taller than Ronnie when they are together. My crude photoshopping points to Andre being a couple of inches taller than Paul. Andre has as much height over Arnold as Paul has over Ronnie.
Danimal said on 13/Jun/12
Jay says on 8/Jun/12
Can someone do a comparison with Ronnie colman and big show vs Andre and Arnold. There are several pics of Arnold and Ronnie floating around. A good non biased comparison should give a true reference to who was taller me thinks.

WHY? Ronnie is 5'10" at most and Arnold was minimum 6'1" in his pic with Wilt and Andre. No need to draw any comparisons. Would make no sense.
Danimal said on 13/Jun/12
andre says on 12/Jun/12
you guys need to see that american wrestlers from andré time are about 5ft7 to 6ft2 max there where some huge giants too

Think you guys are not sure how big guy with 6ft5 is

my teacher of karate who is legit 6ft1 223pounds without gym muscles told me undertaker is only 6ft6 at most and told him but wwe claims he is 6ft10 and in celebheights they tell undertaker is 6ft7

my teacher was just little more short then triple h with hells shoes this make triple h legit 186cm today so undertaker is max 6ft6 (198cm)

this make andre the giant 6ft8(208cm) and 6ft7(203cm/204cm) at time of dead


andre the giant was 6ft8(208) with wilt and wilt was 7ft(213cm) :D

Wrong. Andre was around 6'10" (or just under that) at the time of his death. In his healthier years, he was at least 6'11.5".
andre said on 12/Jun/12
you guys need to see that american wrestlers from andré time are about 5ft7 to 6ft2 max there where some huge giants too

Think you guys are not sure how big guy with 6ft5 is

my teacher of karate who is legit 6ft1 223pounds without gym muscles told me undertaker is only 6ft6 at most and told him but wwe claims he is 6ft10 and in celebheights they tell undertaker is 6ft7

my teacher was just little more short then triple h with hells shoes this make triple h legit 186cm today so undertaker is max 6ft6 (198cm)

this make andre the giant 6ft8(208cm) and 6ft7(203cm/204cm) at time of dead


andre the giant was 6ft8(208) with wilt and wilt was 7ft(213cm) :D
andre said on 12/Jun/12
André the giant was 6ft9 (208cm) wrestlemania 3 6ft8(205cm)

at time of dead 1989 1993 6ft7(203cm)

This makes the legit hulk hogan 6ft4 and 6ft5 with wrestling shoes

at wrestlemania hulk hogan was 6ft5 so andre was 6ft8
Iconjj said on 12/Jun/12
Tukkergrip, 6'9 3/4 may be a well known fact to you, but it is not a fact. That's more Meltzer crap, whose even gone back on it himself, when estimating Andre in the Wilt pic at 6'11.5.
tukkergrip said on 11/Jun/12
o yeah btw why dont you guys give giant haystacks his own page? he seems pretty debated on here?

(and maybe haystacks calhoun (my favorite :P) the first real ''giant''/fat man in wrestling) who laid the bricks for the other big man!
tukkergrip said on 11/Jun/12
Just debating weight and allround size,

First of all, I think it has been proven now that haystacks was at least 652 pounds as weighed on the show record breakers. To me he also looked at least 600 pounds a lot of times. I know for once that on a normal basis at his wrestling peak he weighed 260kg = 580 pounds a lot of times, but in wcw as loch ness he was billed ultimately as 699, he was to my estimation around the 650 pounds then (yews he really was that big). As for his height i think he was around 6'11 when he first started. He was around the same height as andre (even taller actually, his legs also seemed longer) however he was so heavy and bad in posture that his spine really caved in making him around 6'8 after a while, but he could strecht it out.

Also, i have no clue about the 80inch chest claim that is huge I know haystacks calhoun had the biggest claimed chest for a while i knew @ 74 inches and andre also at 72 or 74 i believe for a while and for stacks they also had claimed 67Inches. (ofcourse for haystacks when they claimed 74chest he was bigger heavier than at 67inch chest.... But i dont know if any of these are accurate.

Andre the giant was Measured at 6''9 3/4 @ age 24.... a well known fact to me. Its unlikely that he grew but it could be 1,2 or 3 inches due to his acromegaly. Probably not however so still 6'10 peak...... Anyway andre was a late bloomer who got acromegalty in his late teens. Unlike haystacks calhoun for instance, who to my knowledge was a very quick grower

For a fact haystacks who whas around 6foot 6'1 really, was already 300+ as a sophomore... and he had been huge always.... and healthy.... With a scayry big huge face lol probably bigger and scarier than andres. but his hands wehre smallish...

so andre might have reached 6'11 or 7 feet. and for a fact his hands where not 12inch + long like claimed somehwere here........ I believe his hands where around the size of cleve dean that just over 10 inches... His hands where very thick however. even thicker than cleves.

So to you guys whos the real giant of the big 3??? Andre the giant/haystacks calhoun or giant haystacks?

To me the real giant still is andre even if hes ''only'' 6'10. he was wider built and his growth hormone levels wherre much higher. (hands face wrists chest etcetera)

Haystacks calhoun and giant haystacks are just animals to me. Big huge monsters, who grew real quick real soon.. like animals... Andre was still the real man and not a monster at all in my opinion.....
Iconjj said on 9/Jun/12
.....And let the debating resume......
Jay said on 8/Jun/12
Can someone do a comparison with Ronnie colman and big show vs Andre and Arnold. There are several pics of Arnold and Ronnie floating around. A good non biased comparison should give a true reference to who was taller me thinks.
dicksock said on 8/Jun/12
Dicksock is back! And Andre is still 6'11"-7'.
Danimal said on 5/Jun/12
Red says on 4/Jun/12

Btw sitting down doesn´t exclude heightloss

It actually speeds it up.
Red said on 4/Jun/12
getit says on 4/Jun/12
He was clearly 3 inches shorter than the 7'0-1/2 meaasured WILT

Lol, comments allowed - trolls are back

Can you prove YOUR estimation, like we did all the years?

Wilt was also measured at 7´1 1/16", at best (giving all the doubt´s to Wilt) he had 1.5 inches on Andre.

Andre would lose height faster and more over the day due to much shorter legs- longer back and much more weight.

I still have no doubt that peak Andre hit or slightly passed the 7´ mark on a good day. I also have no doubt that he lost 1.5-2 inches over the day.

Btw sitting down doesn´t exclude heightloss
getit said on 4/Jun/12
He was clearly 3 inches shorter than the 7'0-1/2 meaasured WILT
FormlessOne said on 14/Feb/12
@aaronius: And what do you want want to tell us by your post ? First things first, there were giants, even in the wrestling world and some of them even taller than Andre. Kurt Zehe was at least 214 cm, Max Palmer was over 220 cm. There were not many over 6´6", but there were. 7 feet would not mean anything to european promoters back then, but 200 cm, 210 cm and 220 cm certainly did and does. Those are the numbers you have to crack. I am with you Andre most certainly did grow well into his 20's and may have reached 213cm or 7 feet some time.
Freddy said on 14/Feb/12
aaronious says on 12/Feb/12
Everybody here who is using Andre'e early billings from France as evidence of a fully grown sub-7 foot height, need to realize one thing: At the time, there were NO giants. 210cm+ was huge back then, so there was no need to overinflate his height, and no need to remeasure over his early career. His billings started in the 210-211cm range and stayed around there probably until he was remeasured years later. Measurement in feet and inches meant nothing to most of Europe. You guys are trying to look at things as if they are billing him at "sub 7 feet", but its not like that.. 7 feet meant NOTHING to promoters, so they had no need to overinflate his height early in his career, whether he had grown from his last measurement or not. The fact that his billed height in CENTIMETERS increased when he went to japan is very big evidence in my book that he had in fact, grown, because again, they did not care about any measurements in feet and inches, they only cared about the metric measurement.

No giants back then??The tallest man of all time Robert Waldow was back in the 1920s, how can you say there were no giants back then??
Boss said on 13/Feb/12
dicksock says on 12/Feb/12
Boss says on 12/Feb/12
Rob, in your opinion, how much height would someone of Andre's size and condition lose from morning to night? thanks


I remember certain posters on this site that would talk about the Guinness Book of Records and how they would only document the average height of the giants in their book. So some people on this site can answer that question. I don't think anyone would shrink more than 1.5" throughout the day. Keep in mind that Andre didn't spend most of his days on his feet. He spent a lot of time sitting down in cars and planes or backstage playing cards. People lose the most height when they are up and about. Plus, there is a great Andre/Wilt photo (the one where they're both lifting up Arnold) that was taken sometime during the day. Andre still only looks the same height as 7'1" Wilt despite having at least an inch of footware advantage and being closer to the camera.

I`m sure Wilt would lose close to 2 inches in the run of a day himself. Maybe not as much as Andre but probably close to double of someone of normal height. These guys are in the top 99.99% of height which is pretty rare. Their height loss would be much greater as well because they are much taller and in this case heavier than the average person. Andre would have stood 1 inch taller in his prime as 1984 was past Andre`s peak height. Also you didn`t mention the fact Wilt has better posture than Andre and was wearing a wig which makes his head look bigger than it actually is. All factors considered Andre looks between 6`11.5 - 7` with 7`1 Wilt in 1984.
KingNick said on 13/Feb/12
Richard says on 12/Feb/12
Boss says on 2/Feb/12
"...Rob runs a the most popular website on height of celebs and he seen it fit to upgrade Andre from 6'11.5 to 7' based on his own information and his perception of Andre. To me that says more than anything as he is unbiased and spends more of his time at the height game than all of us combined. Andre lost height over his life."

Controversy generates more discussion.

True. But there was it plenty of controversy on this page well before he upgraded Andre .5". Could it be Rob actually thinks that Andre was 7' at peak? :>)
aaronious said on 12/Feb/12
Everybody here who is using Andre'e early billings from France as evidence of a fully grown sub-7 foot height, need to realize one thing: At the time, there were NO giants. 210cm+ was huge back then, so there was no need to overinflate his height, and no need to remeasure over his early career. His billings started in the 210-211cm range and stayed around there probably until he was remeasured years later. Measurement in feet and inches meant nothing to most of Europe. You guys are trying to look at things as if they are billing him at "sub 7 feet", but its not like that.. 7 feet meant NOTHING to promoters, so they had no need to overinflate his height early in his career, whether he had grown from his last measurement or not. The fact that his billed height in CENTIMETERS increased when he went to japan is very big evidence in my book that he had in fact, grown, because again, they did not care about any measurements in feet and inches, they only cared about the metric measurement.
dicksock said on 12/Feb/12
Boss says on 12/Feb/12
Rob, in your opinion, how much height would someone of Andre's size and condition lose from morning to night? thanks


I remember certain posters on this site that would talk about the Guinness Book of Records and how they would only document the average height of the giants in their book. So some people on this site can answer that question. I don't think anyone would shrink more than 1.5" throughout the day. Keep in mind that Andre didn't spend most of his days on his feet. He spent a lot of time sitting down in cars and planes or backstage playing cards. People lose the most height when they are up and about. Plus, there is a great Andre/Wilt photo (the one where they're both lifting up Arnold) that was taken sometime during the day. Andre still only looks the same height as 7'1" Wilt despite having at least an inch of footware advantage and being closer to the camera.
Boss said on 12/Feb/12
Boss says on 12/Feb/12
Rob, in your opinion, how much height would someone of Andre's size and condition lose from morning to night? thanks
[Editor Rob: my guess would be a bit over 2 inches]

This is huge factor in judging photos and videos of Andre. If Andre measured 7'0.5 morning he would have been down to 6'10ish at night. Andre lived a night life as we know and more events take place at night. Andre would lose height by more than double the rate of an average person. So the person we are comparing Andre with would have lost 3/4 - 1 inch by the time Andre had lost a bit over 2 inches. This by itself would explain most of the arguments on here. Andre also suffered from some actual height loss over his life as well due to surgeries, his spine took alot of damage over his career and his overall condition was devastating on his body.
Boss said on 12/Feb/12
Rob, in your opinion, how much height would someone of Andre's size and condition lose from morning to night? thanks
Editor Rob
my guess would be a bit over 2 inches
Richard said on 12/Feb/12
Boss says on 2/Feb/12
"...Rob runs a the most popular website on height of celebs and he seen it fit to upgrade Andre from 6'11.5 to 7' based on his own information and his perception of Andre. To me that says more than anything as he is unbiased and spends more of his time at the height game than all of us combined. Andre lost height over his life."

Controversy generates more discussion.
mike m said on 11/Feb/12
captain andre and hogan always had the same 5-5.5 inch height difference.even in the early 80's andre looked the same height next to hogan as he always has.andre never lost height but at the very end he did look shorter cause he couldnt stand straight
Captain Spaulding said on 11/Feb/12
Something that I think a lot of people are forgetting, that when you compare late 80s Andre to late 80s Hogan... Its Andre after losing a couple inches of hight and Hogan who is at his peak hight... At his peak hight, Andre was around 2 inches taller then he was in his match at wm 3. Back surgeries and his immense weight bearing down on his spine caused this.
Big Show said on 8/Feb/12
Chaz says on 20/Jan/12
Big Show I have not got a copy of 1989 or 1990,but I dont think you will find him lested in there because,there was a man fownd in he's house,that weighd over 58st,and they had to take a wall down to get him out,and after that Guinnes used to say that in recent years the heaviest man in Britain was so and so,and he's peck weight was 58st,but is now down to 49st,and Haystacks over the years he was listed in the book,lost the record a few times in 1984 a guy called Terry Thomas was listed at 41st,and in 1987,Jack Taylor was listed at 49st,in fact that 1988,Record Breakers was soposed to be a Taylor and Haystacks weighd,but Taylor said he was to ill to get there.

I’ve got a mail from a guy who owns all UK-edition of Guinness. He said the following about the heaviest man listings:
1988 Edition (released October 1987), Arthur Armitage was the heaviest man. He weighed 48st in October 1986
1989 Edition (released October 1988), Arthur Armitage was down to 30st by May 1988. Norman Smith weighted 47st 11lbs in March 1988, but 41st 10lbs nine weeks later.
Martin Ruane was said to be between 45 and 46st.
1990 Edition (released October 1989) as well as the 1991 Edition (released in October 1990) said the same thing as the 1989 edition.
If Haystacks was properly weighed at Record Breakers by Norris McWhirter why didn’t they mention this in the Guinness Book of Records? If it’s true and he was weighed at 46st8lbs, he should’ve been listed as the heaviest man in the UK at a confirmed weight, but he isn’t. They have him at an unconfirmed weight of 45-46st. With the other guys they mention the exact weight + the period they were weighed.
Neither Jack Taylor nor Terry Thomas were listed in any of the UK editions of Guinness between 1987 and 1989.
Boss said on 6/Feb/12
Hogan & 6'3.5 James Buster Douglas.
Click Here

Hogan with Jake Roberts. Roberts has footware advantage.
Click Here

Hogan and 6'1 Richard Beltzer. Hogan has footware advantage but Beltzer has better posture.
Click Here
JT said on 6/Feb/12
Big Show, that probably is Dory Funk given the outfit but for some reason does not look like him, especially in the face and since that guy looks completely bald on top.
mike m said on 6/Feb/12
Hogan was never 6'7 at peak nor was he 6'6 more like 6'5 and thats being generous.andre never ever had hogan by 7" in his whole career dating back to the early 80's.hogan 6'5 would put andre at no taller then 6'10 1/2.bigman andre always had the same height advantage over hogan 5-5 1/2 inches.Not sure how anyone could think hogan was 6'7 at peak considering he always had the same height advantage over mean gene even at the end of his career and hogan is under 6'4 today.knowway did hogan lose 3 1/2" in height even with his surgeries.seems you guys are inflating hogans height so you get a 7 ft andre
Big Show said on 5/Feb/12
JT says on 2/Feb/12
Don’t know who this guy is but he looks pretty tall given the camera angle favoring Andre

Pretty sure that's Dory Funk Jr considering he's sporting the exact same outfit Dory was wearing around that time, which would've been 1975-1976 judging by the jacket Andre was wearing (he wore that jacket in his match with Ernie Ladd aswell).

Here are a few screencaps of Dory from 1975. The outfit is the same as in the pic with Andre.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Here's a pic of Dory wrestling Andre in 1975. And Dory is sporting a beard there.
Click Here

The pic you posted gives a skewed result, cause Dory never measured up that well next to Andre. Even in the early 90's Andre was towering over the Funks.
bigman said on 5/Feb/12
wrestlemania 3 hogan and andre but who is the middle man joe marella and he was dwarfed by hogan, now being monsoons son geneticly hes not going to be short id give him above average slightly maybe 5'10"-11" so hogans 6'7" can be true but certainly 6'6" so andre was around 5" taller than hogan and that wasnt even hes peak height a young andre could have been as tall as 7'2.5" but certainly not under 7ft tall by wm3 maybe 6'11.5".
JT said on 2/Feb/12
Click Here

Andre and Don Leo Jonathan
Click Here

Don’t know who this guy is but he looks pretty tall given the camera angle favoring Andre
Click Here

Not Andre-related but Giant Silva with Manny Yarbrough, who’s probably in the 6’6” to 6’7” range.
Click Here

The Ben says on 30/Jan/12
Quite a good hogan Andre comparison pic Click Here I presume they where actually stood next to each other.

Andre’s feet are at a higher level than Hogan’s. This is them at the same level. Click Here I doubt they were standing side by side for that shot. If they were, Andre was given a little boost by the photo editor.
Boss said on 2/Feb/12
dicksock says on 1/Feb/12
Boss: Rob isn't "fighting" here. Chaz is referring to the posters on this site. The majority of them think Andre was 6'10"-7'. Even Red just stated that he thinks Andre was a minimum of 6'10.5". Also, if you read Chaz's post carefully, he says the 7'+ guys need help. Rob has Andre listed at 7', not 7'+.

Andre was somewhere between 6'11 - 7' peak. By the time you factor his afro, footware, head size, posture and the fact that we are going by photos and video footage with factors such as, angles and positioning we will never know for sure within an inch. Andre could have measured 7' out of bed and been 6'10.5 by evening and night. Rob measured almost an inch more out of bed than in the night and Andre's situation is much more drastic than Rob's. Also, Rob runs a the most popular website on height of celebs and he seen it fit to upgrade Andre from 6'11.5 to 7' based on his own information and his perception of Andre. To me that says more than anything as he is unbiased and spends more of his time at the height game than all of us combined. Andre lost height over his life.
dicksock said on 1/Feb/12
Boss: Rob isn't "fighting" here. Chaz is referring to the posters on this site. The majority of them think Andre was 6'10"-7'. Even Red just stated that he thinks Andre was a minimum of 6'10.5". Also, if you read Chaz's post carefully, he says the 7'+ guys need help. Rob has Andre listed at 7', not 7'+.
Boss said on 31/Jan/12
Chaz says on 31/Jan/12
I think Mamun,had a problem with something on a differant page and was asking if this was the end of Supermaun,to Rob,but I cannot remmber who's height page I see it on,or what he was going on about,come back Mamun,the 7'+ Andre boys need your help.the 6'10-11'' one's are winning fight.

Are you blind. Look at the top of the page and it will tell you who's winning the fight.
Iconjj said on 31/Jan/12
Danimal says on 30/Jan/12
Iconjj says on 29/Jan/12
I've been giving this some thought. Is it possible that Andre's barefoot height was 6'10, considering that a lot of his early matches he competed barefoot? That would explain away the billing. Andre in wrestling boots would have been 6'11, and his cowboy boots would have made him an easy 7'.5, maybe 7'1 which would explain the photos with Wilt. Let's remember if the McMahons used 6 inches as an inflation point, that would explain the 7'4, and the wrestling boots giving him an inch would explain the 7'5 billings.

You're WAYYYYYYYY over thinking this.
This is probably true, lol.
Chaz said on 31/Jan/12
I think Mamun,had a problem with something on a differant page and was asking if this was the end of Supermaun,to Rob,but I cannot remmber who's height page I see it on,or what he was going on about,come back Mamun,the 7'+ Andre boys need your help.the 6'10-11'' one's are winning fight.
Big Show said on 31/Jan/12
dicksock says on 29/Jan/12
Here's my take on what you're saying: I think that there are a couple of factors people need to take into consideration. Andre's 6'10" billing started when he was around 18. One can assume that either Andre was measured at 6'10", believed himself to be about 6'10", or his early promoters thought he was around this height. The problem is that Andre had untreated Acromelagy and would have likely grown in height past the age of 18. When I graduated high school, I was just under 5'9" according to a doctor's measurement. At the age of 22 I was measured again. This time I was 5'10". I had no idea that I had gotten any taller because in reality an inch is nothing. If a short guy like me didn't notice a change in height, how would a giant like Andre or his promoters. In other words, Andre could have went from 6'10" to 6'11" and nobody would have noticed. I think Andre could have peaked at anywhere between 6'10.5" and 7'. I would bet that he was around 6'11" at his tallest. Finally, don't forget that when Andre went to Japan in 1970 and was told he had Acromelagy, his billing went up to 7'2".

Yeah but the difference between you and Andre is that you’re not a wrestler who’s size was his mealticket. Just look at the way Andre was promoted throughout his career. His size played an eminent part in his life. Nearly all his wrestling bills included his height & weight. Promoters were very aware of his size and did their best to amplify it during his matches as well as Andre’s promotion to the public, especially in his early days. I doubt any promoter would’ve just guessed his height. It’s extremely rare to have a wrestler that size and I think any promoter would be as anxious to know how tall Andre really was, just as much as we are.
His billings during the 60’s fluctuated a bit. In France between 1965-1969 he was generally billed at 208-211cm (6’10-6’11”) and between 135-148kg (298-326lbs). In the UK he was billed 6’10” and referred to as 6’11” in wrestling mags. He was credited with a weight of 24st (336lbs).
Andre was probably measured when he started his wrestling career, because he would probably need a wrestling license before he could compete. And for that he would have to have had a physical examination. I don’t believe such licenses are valid for 5 years or more, so he might’ve had several physical examinations during those years.
Danimal said on 30/Jan/12
Iconjj says on 29/Jan/12
I've been giving this some thought. Is it possible that Andre's barefoot height was 6'10, considering that a lot of his early matches he competed barefoot? That would explain away the billing. Andre in wrestling boots would have been 6'11, and his cowboy boots would have made him an easy 7'.5, maybe 7'1 which would explain the photos with Wilt. Let's remember if the McMahons used 6 inches as an inflation point, that would explain the 7'4, and the wrestling boots giving him an inch would explain the 7'5 billings.

You're WAYYYYYYYY over thinking this.
The Ben said on 30/Jan/12
Quite a good hogan Andre comparison pic Click Here I presume they where actually stood next to each other.
Big Show said on 30/Jan/12
Btw, what happened to Mamun. Has he left celebheights?
Big Show said on 30/Jan/12
Iconjj says on 29/Jan/12
I've been giving this some thought. Is it possible that Andre's barefoot height was 6'10, considering that a lot of his early matches he competed barefoot? That would explain away the billing. Andre in wrestling boots would have been 6'11, and his cowboy boots would have made him an easy 7'.5, maybe 7'1 which would explain the photos with Wilt. Let's remember if the McMahons used 6 inches as an inflation point, that would explain the 7'4, and the wrestling boots giving him an inch would explain the 7'5 billings.

Iconjj, Andre wrestled barefoot against Don Leo Jonathan in Japan 1972, during an IWA tournament. Andre was billed 222cm (~7’3 ½ ”) and 200kg (441 lbs) during that tour, so it’s not like he wrestled barefoot because there was no need to exaggerate his height. I can’t recall any other match where he wrestled barefoot, though he might’ve wrestled barefoot more than once.
It’s been said before, but I’ll say it again: don’t look for any patterns in wrestling billings, cause there aren’t any. What a wrestler is billed at, mostly depends on the promoter and how they want to portray a wrestler. The real height of the wrestler more than often barely plays a part in this.
aaronious said on 29/Jan/12
Danimal, under normal circumstances i would agree with you, but i think camera tricks and lifts have assisted hogan most of his career. i dont think he was over 6'6" peak.
dicksock said on 29/Jan/12
mike m says on 29/Jan/12
Boss i tend to agree with a what his wrestling billing was and it states 6'10 and there is knowway id believe he was being underbilled by a wrestling alliance.Newspapers have a tendancy of rounding off heights.I could be wrong maybe he was 7'.I wont even pretend to know i can accuratley measure someones height in a pic and be within 2 inches of being accurate.I just think its weird that he was being billed at 6'10 in his peak.


Here's my take on what you're saying: I think that there are a couple of factors people need to take into consideration. Andre's 6'10" billing started when he was around 18. One can assume that either Andre was measured at 6'10", believed himself to be about 6'10", or his early promoters thought he was around this height. The problem is that Andre had untreated Acromelagy and would have likely grown in height past the age of 18. When I graduated high school, I was just under 5'9" according to a doctor's measurement. At the age of 22 I was measured again. This time I was 5'10". I had no idea that I had gotten any taller because in reality an inch is nothing. If a short guy like me didn't notice a change in height, how would a giant like Andre or his promoters. In other words, Andre could have went from 6'10" to 6'11" and nobody would have noticed. I think Andre could have peaked at anywhere between 6'10.5" and 7'. I would bet that he was around 6'11" at his tallest. Finally, don't forget that when Andre went to Japan in 1970 and was told he had Acromelagy, his billing went up to 7'2".
Boss said on 29/Jan/12
mike m says on 29/Jan/12
Boss i tend to agree with a what his wrestling billing was and it states 6'10 and there is knowway id believe he was being underbilled by a wrestling alliance.Newspapers have a tendancy of rounding off heights.I could be wrong maybe he was 7'.I wont even pretend to know i can accuratley measure someones height in a pic and be within 2 inches of being accurate.I just think its weird that he was being billed at 6'10 in his peak.

Andre was being billed at 2.10 m which is 6'10.7 at age 18 which closer to 6'11 than 6'10. Adult men can grow into their early 20's. Some giants are know to grow in height through their 20's. It depends on when the long bones of the body actually fuse stopping vertical height. Having a constant secretion of HGH running through your body can alter the normal time lines of vertical growth. I'm not saying this is the case with Andre but he grew into is early 20's for sure .

Here is a 1968 billing of Andre in France of 2.14m. Some promoters may have used older program billings of Andre as he was constantly growing at this point of his life.
Click Here

Here is Japan 1974 a 217cm billing.
Click Here

For the first few years Andre grew in height and the last few years his height decreased. A&E stated that on the day Andre left for France he was 7'.

Here is Andre being measured by his trainer. These height scales measure up to 6'10 and his trainer has the height rod removed from it's place by a couple inches. He comes out right around 7'. If you do it by using the megapixels in the pic he comes out around 7'0.5 as shown. His trainer claimed 7'1.5 for the measurement and this was the height Andre would use this when asked his height when asked by family and friends as we learned from Andre's nephew.
Click Here
Red said on 29/Jan/12
Went throught my album today and compared quite a bit pics, this is the outcome
Click Here

Therefore my MINIMUM peak estimations:

Haystacks 6´6"
Studd 6´5.75"
Hogan 6´5"
Undertaker 6´7"
Sid 6´7"
Andre 6´10.5"
Big Show 6´11.5"

For a normal peak I have all of them a half inch taller. Only Andre could´ve been a little more than that, maybe...
Iconjj said on 29/Jan/12
I've been giving this some thought. Is it possible that Andre's barefoot height was 6'10, considering that a lot of his early matches he competed barefoot? That would explain away the billing. Andre in wrestling boots would have been 6'11, and his cowboy boots would have made him an easy 7'.5, maybe 7'1 which would explain the photos with Wilt. Let's remember if the McMahons used 6 inches as an inflation point, that would explain the 7'4, and the wrestling boots giving him an inch would explain the 7'5 billings.
mike m said on 29/Jan/12
Boss i tend to agree with a what his wrestling billing was and it states 6'10 and there is knowway id believe he was being underbilled by a wrestling alliance.Newspapers have a tendancy of rounding off heights.I could be wrong maybe he was 7'.I wont even pretend to know i can accuratley measure someones height in a pic and be within 2 inches of being accurate.I just think its weird that he was being billed at 6'10 in his peak.
Boss said on 28/Jan/12
mike m says on 28/Jan/12
I just dont see how andre could have been 7 ft when he was being billed 6'10 and that was when he looked his tallest.I feel him and kevin nash were about the same height maybe andre had him by an inch.I guess everyone can argue about heights but knowone will ever know how tall andre really was unless theres some documents hidden away somewhere knowone knows about.I dont buy 7 ft andre but who knows?Sometimes he looks it but more times then not he doesnt

Here is Andre at age 19 in a UK newspaper being reffered to as 7'.
Click Here
mike m said on 28/Jan/12
I just dont see how andre could have been 7 ft when he was being billed 6'10 and that was when he looked his tallest.I feel him and kevin nash were about the same height maybe andre had him by an inch.I guess everyone can argue about heights but knowone will ever know how tall andre really was unless theres some documents hidden away somewhere knowone knows about.I dont buy 7 ft andre but who knows?Sometimes he looks it but more times then not he doesnt
The Ben said on 27/Jan/12
I met Beefcake in 08 and I would say 6'2 if he stood tall, I did have a photo with him.. May still have it somewhere.
Danimal said on 27/Jan/12
dicksock says on 22/Jan/12
JT: Ed Leslie is taller than 6'1". He's more like 6'3". Here he is next to a prime Vince McMahon and they both have the same footware:

Vince McMahon was 6'2" kid.
Danimal said on 27/Jan/12
aaronious says on 22/Jan/12
JT, Ed Leslie, AKA Brutus beefcake is WELL over 6'1".. he's at LEAST 6'3" if not 6'4". this is widely known fact. I have seen him in a strip club in clearwater shaking hands with and standing next to my 6'2" friend kris, and he was taller than kris somewhere between 1-2".

If that's the case, Hogan really was 6'7"-6'8" in 1979, seeing he had 3-4" on Ed Leslie at THAT time.. Ed Leslie was 6'2"..
JT said on 26/Jan/12
Some b-ball photos of Bill Engesser
Click Here
The guy (Warnell Jones) guarding Engesser was listed at 6’11” at UCLA.

It looks like Kiel and Engesser also appeared in a 1975 episode of Switch with Robert Wagner and Eddie Albert.
bigman said on 26/Jan/12
stop smoking the heroin andre was at very least 7ft wasnt he like 8 or 9" above a 6'6" door frame
Big Show said on 26/Jan/12
JT says on 24/Jan/12
Click Here Based on the railing, Kiel is closer to the camera.
Wasn’t there also a clip of them coming through that doorway? Given his weight at a young age and the size of his hands, Engesser looks like he has acromegaly/gigantism as well. Click Here

I haven't seen the entire movie and only fast-forwarded through it, but that was the only scene I saw with Kiel & Engesser. If there's another scene I must've missed it.

Rikashiku, it's the same door in both pics I showed. I don't need to know the height of the door. What I asked for is a comparison between Kiel & Engesser, to see who's the taller one.
JMac11 said on 25/Jan/12
Richard Kiel states in his autobiography that Engesser was taller. He also says that in his pre actor bouncer days he was approached about wrestling at the LA office, idicates he was taller than Andre but did not call him out by name.
dicksock said on 25/Jan/12
JT: What do you make of the Vince/Beefcake video I posted? Both men are in sneakers and Beefcake is 2-3" taller for sure. If you think he is 6'1-6'2", does that make a prime Vince McMahon ~5'11"? I don't think that footage should be ignored. If you're right and Beefcake is only 6'2" max, then how on earth can Rob justify having 6'1.5" for Vince McMahon on this site? He would have to lower him to 5'11" or 6' max.
Chaz said on 25/Jan/12
If them two other basketball players are 6'and 5'10''then Engesser,is well over 7',he's got 15''on them at least.
Rikashiku said on 24/Jan/12
@bigshow, I'm not sure a Door comparison will work because we don't know the height of either doors. Then again, we could use the shorter actors height to figure out that doors height but we won't know bigshows door height. Most doors are normally 198cm in height, some 200cm and 208cm.
Iconjj said on 24/Jan/12
Good point FormlessOne, I also noticed Hogan may be in a more relaxed posture in the Canadian Giant pic, looks to me like he's leaned up against something.
JT said on 24/Jan/12
Click Here Camera advantage for Andre but we don’t know what footwear Garry Robbins and Hogan are wearing in their pic.
JT said on 24/Jan/12
Click Here Based on the railing, Kiel is closer to the camera.
Wasn’t there also a clip of them coming through that doorway? Given his weight at a young age and the size of his hands, Engesser looks like he has acromegaly/gigantism as well. Click Here

The highest I would go for Ed Leslie is 6’2” and it would be a weak 6’2”.
I stood next to Greg Valentine in 1986 and he’s no more than 5’10”
Click Here
Click Here

Leslie does not look even 6’2” here with Big Show and 6’5” Brian Adams
Click Here
Leslie has cowboy boots on here with Kevin Nash
Click Here

In the pic with Garry Robbins/Canadian Giant, Hogan is closer to the camera and is also wearing leather pants, meaning he could have cowboy boots on. Inoki is around 6’1” and should not be coming out taller than Leslie in any comparison photo unless he wore cowboy boots to Hogan’s wedding like Andre did.
FormlessOne said on 24/Jan/12
Yeah Iconjj, but also keep in mind that Hogan is probably in dress shoes at his wedding an in sports shoes or even cowboys in the other picture
Chaz said on 24/Jan/12
Vegas,you are better off useing the other guy next to Haystacks,Rory McGtath he's in a better position,and I have looked up he's height he's listed from 6'-6'2''well he is not 6'2''but he's taller than Lineker,even if he's only 5'11.5''he's below Haystacks nose,and Haystacks as got them flat brown boots on he had in the WCW,and he's got he's head down so he's 7''or 8''taller he is about 6'7'' there and was about 6'8''in the 1970s maybe 6'9''out of bed.
Kunoiti said on 24/Jan/12
Gally Robbins says, "We plan to implement programs in the United States and three in the back than Andre the Giant and Eruhigante, I have the most high.
From one angry Higante rode, did every single defeat. "
This is japanese a professional wrestling magazine rode comment.
I would once in a joke. I saw him the impression that his height about 6'11" seemed.
Iconjj said on 23/Jan/12
I don't see any difference here
Click Here
Could be where Andre is in his boots, but there's no more than an inch either way. Similar to Big Show.
Big Show said on 23/Jan/12
JT says on 21/Jan/12
Big Show, not sure if this was ever figured out, but this is the guy Click Here who was in your clip from the Nutty Professor with Richard Kiel and Jerry Lewis. There is a 7’0.5” reference to him but that was in high school. He did look Kiel’s height so the 7’3” claim could be close to reality.

Thanks, here are some stills from The Nutty Professor movie.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Maybe someone can make a comparison of the two by using the door as a reference (or the weight lifting rack). To me it appears that William Engesser edges out Richard Kiel in height.
dicksock said on 23/Jan/12
Vegas says on 23/Jan/12
aaronious says on 22/Jan/12
JT, Ed Leslie, AKA Brutus beefcake is WELL over 6'1".. he's at LEAST 6'3" if not 6'4".

well he wasn't 6'4 because during his last run with wwf he was billed 6'3, looks more ~6'2 with roberts Click Her


There are pretty good odds that Jake was in cowboy boots with that outfit. A 6'2" Brutus makes a prime Vince McMahon ~5'11.5". Vince was at least a solid 6' and Brutus was 6'3". I feel like the evidence I posted a link to is pretty solid. There were no trick angles, footware issues, posture issues, ect...
Boss said on 23/Jan/12
aaronious says on 22/Jan/12
Boss, what page number is that on?

Also, this was McMahon Sr.

Just scroll down the page a bit.
Boss said on 23/Jan/12
aaronious says on 22/Jan/12
Boss, what page number is that on?

Just scroll down the page a bit.
Red said on 23/Jan/12
I don´t see Haystacks over 6´7"peak, 6´6"range with Wight in WCW.
Vegas said on 23/Jan/12
speaking of haystacks as he has been mentioned so much recently, this is from his appearance on the bbc gameshow they think its all over which was originally broadcast september 1995 (but probably filmed months earlier), robs got gary lineker (on the right) at 177cm

Click Here
haystacks was in his wrestling boots Click Here

i was hoping dvd would have full clip of him on that show but it was shortened version
Vegas said on 23/Jan/12
aaronious says on 22/Jan/12
JT, Ed Leslie, AKA Brutus beefcake is WELL over 6'1".. he's at LEAST 6'3" if not 6'4".

well he wasn't 6'4 because during his last run with wwf he was billed 6'3, looks more ~6'2 with roberts Click Here
aaronious said on 22/Jan/12
JT, Ed Leslie, AKA Brutus beefcake is WELL over 6'1".. he's at LEAST 6'3" if not 6'4". this is widely known fact. I have seen him in a strip club in clearwater shaking hands with and standing next to my 6'2" friend kris, and he was taller than kris somewhere between 1-2".
aaronious said on 22/Jan/12
Boss, what page number is that on?
dicksock said on 22/Jan/12
JT: Ed Leslie is taller than 6'1". He's more like 6'3". Here he is next to a prime Vince McMahon and they both have the same footware:

Click Here

Look at 3:02-3:04 among many other parts and you'll see that Beefcake was easily 2-3" taller than ~6'1" Vince. The money shot is 4:42. Heenan even says in the video that Beefcake is 6'3"-6'4". I dare anyone to post what they see at 4:42-4:44. Let me guess, a prime Vince was 5'10"-5'11"?
Boss said on 21/Jan/12
Here it states when they brought Hogan in that McMahon bought Hogan a 1000 robe and boots with lifts in them so they could lie about his height.
Click Here
JT said on 21/Jan/12
Big Show, not sure if this was ever figured out, but this is the guy Click Here who was in your clip from the Nutty Professor with Richard Kiel and Jerry Lewis. There is a 7’0.5” reference to him but that was in high school. He did look Kiel’s height so the 7’3” claim could be close to reality.

Kunoiti says on 19/Jan/12
Click Here
Gally Robbins was worked as The Canadian Giant with Demolotion Ax in japan

He’s a huge guy but not 7’5” Click Here Road Warrior Hawk looked in the 6’1” to 6’2” tops range to me. Even if Hawk has cowboy boots on, Robbins looks like he would struggle to get much past 7’0”.

I can’t find the pic without the lines but here’s Robbins with Hogan and Ed Leslie. Click Here Leslie is also in the 6’1” or so range.

Whatever his height is, Robbins is clearly taller than Andre. Google Yao Ming if you want to see what 7’5” really looks like.
Boss said on 21/Jan/12
Andre is leaning over in that pic more than Wilt and Wilt is wearing a Wig. They still come out the same height virtually. Andre's head is several inches longer than Wilt's which will make Wilt appear taller in comparison. By the time you get to the top of their heads not hair they come out the same height. Andre has about an 1-1.5 in footware advantage but wilt has much better posture than Andre as this point in their lives. Wilt was 7'1 so Andre was around 6'11.5 - 7' with a 7'1 Wilt. Andre was the true largest overall athlete the world has ever known.

Click Here
Rikashiku said on 20/Jan/12
@Boss says on 17/Jan/12

Those comparisons are bad because the Camera man would always be at different distances for each shot. So those are not good comparisons.

Click Here
Wilt, Arnold and Andre. Cleaner pic with colour

Click Here
Hogan, Trump and Andre
KingNick said on 20/Jan/12
Kunoiti says on 19/Jan/12
Click Here
Gally Robbins was worked as The Canadian Giant with Demolotion Ax in japan

I didn't read it to thoroughly but the site has something about how to calculate heights via megapixels or something. Maybe somebody can do this for Andre photos: Click Here
i-Clarke93 said on 20/Jan/12
dicksock says on 19/Jan/12
Rob: Why don't you start a Giant Haystacks page? I think he is a legit British legend and his height is widely disputed.

I agree , he needs his own page since his height is often argued upon on this page
Chaz said on 20/Jan/12
Big Show I have not got a copy of 1989 or 1990,but I dont think you will find him lested in there because,there was a man fownd in he's house,that weighd over 58st,and they had to take a wall down to get him out,and after that Guinnes used to say that in recent years the heaviest man in Britain was so and so,and he's peck weight was 58st,but is now down to 49st,and Haystacks over the years he was listed in the book,lost the record a few times in 1984 a guy called Terry Thomas was listed at 41st,and in 1987,Jack Taylor was listed at 49st,in fact that 1988,Record Breakers was soposed to be a Taylor and Haystacks weighd,but Taylor said he was to ill to get there.
Kunoiti said on 19/Jan/12
Click Here
Gally Robbins was worked as The Canadian Giant with Demolotion Ax in japan
dicksock said on 19/Jan/12
Rob: Why don't you start a Giant Haystacks page? I think he is a legit British legend and his height is widely disputed.
Big Show said on 19/Jan/12
Chaz says on 18/Jan/12
Haystacks was listed in the old UK Guinness book of Records,from 1983-1989 at times as the UK heaviest man,in the 1983 one it says he's weight fluctuates between 38 and 40st,and in the 1989 one says he weight fluctuates between 45-46st,and could at one time been as high as 50st.when you are that size gaining or loseing 50lbs is like a 15st man gaining or loseing,a stone.

I’m more interested in what he was listed in the 1990 Guinness Book of Records. If he was weighed on Record Breakers 1988 that means he was weighed somewhere between October 21 and December 16 1988 (when the show aired). The 1989 UK edition of Guinness was released in mid-October 1988 (so before the weigh-in). I believe he was listed in those years at an unconfirmed weight.
If he was weighed on Record Breakers 1988, he should be listed in the 1990 Guinness Book of Records at a “confirmed” weight. After all, Norris McWhirter weighed Haystacks himself you say. He used to be the editor of Guinness Book of Records and was still actively involved in the formation of that book. So I doubt Guinness wouldn’t include records which were verified by Norris McWhirter himself.
Chaz said on 18/Jan/12
Haystacks was listed in the old UK Guinness book of Records,from 1983-1989 at times as the UK heaviest man,in the 1983 one it says he's weight fluctuates between 38 and 40st,and in the 1989 one says he weight fluctuates between 45-46st,and could at one time been as high as 50st.when you are that size gaining or loseing 50lbs is like a 15st man gaining or loseing,a stone.
lawrence said on 18/Jan/12
Big Show says on 17/Jan/12
Has anyone here actually seen that weigh-in! I haven’t, nor can I find any record of it. Chaz is about the only source I’ve heard claiming Haystacks was weighed on Record Breakers.
Even though Record Breakers was a popular show, it seems to have vanished into the abyss, as apart from a few segments on U-tube, I can’t find much info from that show.
What I do know is that Record Breakers was affiliated with Guinness Book of Records (GBR) and many of the records that were broken on that show also appeared in GBR. So I don’t think they would fix records on Record Breakers. If that were to be exposed the credibility of both Record Breakers & Guinness would’ve been ruined. Seeing as that never happened and the show ran for nearly 30 years, I’m guessing those records were legit.

i remember seeing Haystacks weighed on record breakers, i used to love that program, Roy Castle was the presenter and they used to have Ross and Norris Mcwhirter from the guiness book of records, and they knew every record in the world, and anyone could challenge them to see if they could ask them a question and see if they didn't know the record. as far as Haystacks was concerned i cant remember exactly but it was 46st something and his chest was 80 something inches and i remember they used him after to break another record, they had this little indian fella who had the record for laying on a bed of nails with the heavyest person sitting on him, he layed on this bed of nails holding a board, and Haystacks sat on the board.
wasn't Andre listed on this site as 6'11'' last time i looked on here? nice to see him listed at what he should be.
Boss said on 17/Jan/12
Andre and Haystacks with same guy.
Click Here
Boss said on 17/Jan/12
Arnold and Nathan Jones.
Click Here

Arnold & Andre.
Click Here

Andre, Arnold, Shaq, Wilt comparison.
Click Here
Big Show said on 17/Jan/12
dicksock says on 13/Jan/12
Like I asked before; Do certain posters think this weigh-in was a fraud? I don't see why it would be as it wasn't a wrestling show. It's not like the WWF measuring Andre. Unless the weigh-in was a fraud, I don't see the point in arguing that Viscera was as big as Haystacks. We know Viscera wasn't ever over 500lbs by any significant amount. We know Haystacks peaked at least 652lbs.

Has anyone here actually seen that weigh-in! I haven’t, nor can I find any record of it. Chaz is about the only source I’ve heard claiming Haystacks was weighed on Record Breakers.
Even though Record Breakers was a popular show, it seems to have vanished into the abyss, as apart from a few segments on U-tube, I can’t find much info from that show.
What I do know is that Record Breakers was affiliated with Guinness Book of Records (GBR) and many of the records that were broken on that show also appeared in GBR. So I don’t think they would fix records on Record Breakers. If that were to be exposed the credibility of both Record Breakers & Guinness would’ve been ruined. Seeing as that never happened and the show ran for nearly 30 years, I’m guessing those records were legit.
dicksock said on 17/Jan/12
JT says on 16/Jan/12
Dicksock, I brought up the 700 lbs. figure since you’re the one who claimed Haystacks was “nearly 700 lbs.,” which I doubted. Wrestlers have the perception of being larger than life in both height and weight, so explain why Haystacks would go on national TV and expose his real weight?


Hmmm jt, that's a tough one...Maybe because his real weight and billed weight were the same thing! For example, he was listed at over 600lbs in 1988 and he knew he actually was so of course he would go on a show to prove it.
Chaz said on 17/Jan/12
JT you do not seem to be geting it Haystacks did not weighy over 600lbs untill after 1986,befor that from 1977-1985 he was billed fron 31st-42st that is 434lbs-588lbs,and in 1980 with Andre he was only 504lbs 36st,so in a way you are right,but if you cannot see that in 1987 in that fight with Dally,who was from 350/420lbs himself,he is not over 600lbs,then there is no hope of you ever beliving anything,look at the ring move when he stamps he's feet lol,and how wide he's back is,and in that photo of him next to he's wife,look at the size of them legs,there bigger than the wife's body and he's forarms are bigger than her head,and you only have to look at that photo of him and big Daddy from about 1978,were they are back to back,to see he was a good 6'8''back then.go look at Andre in cloths who was top end 400lbs,and comepare there legs,Haysacks was huge all over even he's size 17 US feet are huge.
Boss said on 16/Jan/12
Capt. Nobody says on 15/Jan/12
FormlessOne says on 15/Jan/12
Let me ask all of you a question. Is there a pair of Andre's ring boots out there to measure them ? measure them from top to sole, compare to a picture, scale and you have his height. Do I think wrong ?


Or better yet, just use his head! Oh, did that huh. Still waiting on the attempts of others. Tick tock, tick tock.

Here is the perfect picture to use since he is actually being measured in the photo.
Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 15/Jan/12
FormlessOne says on 15/Jan/12
Let me ask all of you a question. Is there a pair of Andre's ring boots out there to measure them ? measure them from top to sole, compare to a picture, scale and you have his height. Do I think wrong ?


Or better yet, just use his head! Oh, did that huh. Still waiting on the attempts of others. Tick tock, tick tock.
Richard said on 15/Jan/12
Yes there are, WWE displays them sometimes. There is even a place in the US which has a pair of Andre's cowboy boots. I searched out the address and opening hours of the place in case someone wanted to go down and measure them to get an accurate reading of Andre's shoe size. But unfortunately the kind folks on here were content with estimating his size from a T-shirt print of his foot. So you see, the attitude here is strictly scientific O.o
FormlessOne said on 15/Jan/12
Let me ask all of you a question. Is there a pair of Andre's ring boots out there to measure them ? measure them from top to sole, compare to a picture, scale and you have his height. Do I think wrong ?
Robby said on 15/Jan/12
Kamala did admit in a interview that he wasn't no 6'7", which was his billed height sometimes. rather that he was 6'4" or 6'5" I believe the interview was on years ago.
Red said on 14/Jan/12
I don´t think Haystacks passed the 600.
500 lbs easy, maybe 550 peak
dicksock said on 14/Jan/12
JT says on 13/Jan/12
Dicksock, with wrestlers are involved, you have to assume that everything is faked. 700 lbs. is incredibly large.


Just because he was a wrestler, that means the weigh-in was fake?! Record Breakers was a successful British tv show. They had no affiliation with wrestling whatsoever so it's pretty pathetic that you'd make such an asinine statement. Haystacks getting weighed on Record Breakers would kind of be the equivalent of getting weighed on the old Ripley's Believe It or Not show that used to air in the U.S. I don't know why you bring up the 700lb figure because Haystacks was weighed at 652, not 700. Is it that hard to believe that his weight could have gone from 575lbs to 652lbs? Remember, the 652 figure is used to describe his legitimate peak weight, not his normal weight.

He looks close to 600lbs here:
Click Here

He is FOR SURE at least 600lbs here:
Click Here
Iconjj said on 14/Jan/12
dicksock says on 13/Jan/12
Here's a great shot of Andre with his head resting on a cinder block wall. His head looks a foot long to me.

Click Here
I think I figured out and posted this one out a while back....Andre's hand length was the key to his head length...A little over 12", maybe 12.25
Click Here
Chaz said on 14/Jan/12
JT,Manny Yarbrough is way over 700lbs,in that Photo,and that photo of Haystacks,is from 1984-5 when he was only 41st,Click Here
here is Yarbrough being weighd at a crap yerd at 745lbs that over 52st,look at 1 min 36 secs,and look how much smaller he looks in cloths.
Kunoiti said on 14/Jan/12
Frenchy Bernard stated Andre was legitimately measured at age 22 at 7'0 .5 in Japan while being diagnosed for his condition and that he lost height over his career to surgery and poor posture and the overall pounding his body took over his life. Frenchy was Andre's best friend and could have easily stated 7'4 but instead stated 7'0 .5. Also Frenchy seems to be a pretty honest man and would have no reason to just make something as detailed has the whole Japan measurement
Andre and fight scenes, so there was a Japanese fighter in his youth in the frenchfilm,
Bernard is a memory that I confused?
sorry,bud english.
logan noll 1996 said on 13/Jan/12
If Kamala was 6'4 or 6'5 then Hogan may as well have been 6'6 or 6'7 given that he obviously had 2 inches over Kamala. Andre was about 7' or 7'2 at his peak and either 6'10 or 6'11 after back surgery. Giant Haystacks was 6'8 in reality, but was billed as 6'11. Big Show is either 6'11 or 7'. I saw a photo of Big Show and Shaq and Shaq was an ich or 2 taller than Big Show.

Click Here
Chaz said on 13/Jan/12
dicksock you are right,we know how big Haystacks was weight wise,it's he's height that we can not work out,and how much height did he lose by 1996 if any,all I can tell you for sure was that in 1987,when I saw him in the ring with Pat Roach,he was at least 3''taller,could have been 4''but was hard to tell he never stand up strate much,but he was taller than the door he come in to get in the ring,because he had to turn side ways to get in it and duck he's head,but with PN News in I think it was 1993-4 he was so fat and out of shape,and so much taller than him there was nothing to go by,Haystacks made him look thin,and then PN News would not get in the ring for most of the fight,then when he did Haystacks run at him did a body check and News went down,and Haystacks did one of he's back elbows and that was it,Haystacks spent more time trying to pull himself up in to the ring than the fight lasted lol.
dicksock said on 13/Jan/12
Here's a great shot of Andre with his head resting on a cinder block wall. His head looks a foot long to me.

Click Here
JT said on 13/Jan/12
Dicksock, with wrestlers are involved, you have to assume that everything is faked. 700 lbs. is incredibly large. At peak, Manny Yarbrough was around that weight, if not more, and is about 6’7” like Haystacks was Click Here

Baggy clothing, which Haystacks often wore in the ring, can make a person look larger too. I don't know what his peak weight was but I have no doubt it was well over 500 lbs.
dicksock said on 13/Jan/12
Chaz says on 13/Jan/12
in any case he was weighd On the TV show Record Brakes,in Norris McWhirter at 46st 8lbs,that is 652lbs,which at the times was the biggist in the UK,but on it he cliamed he had been up to 50st at one time.


Like I asked before; Do certain posters think this weigh-in was a fraud? I don't see why it would be as it wasn't a wrestling show. It's not like the WWF measuring Andre. Unless the weigh-in was a fraud, I don't see the point in arguing that Viscera was as big as Haystacks. We know Viscera wasn't ever over 500lbs by any significant amount. We know Haystacks peaked at least 652lbs.
Chaz said on 13/Jan/12
just look at him side on in this,and I dont belive he's as big here as he was in 1987-9,because he was out of wrestling and had knee ops,for 18 months to 1991,Click Here
you cannot see Duggan when he is in front of him,and he's no small man
Big Show said on 13/Jan/12
Iconjj says on 12/Jan/12
Noel says the same thing Andre's daughter says about him...both swearing to the heavens that their fathers stood 6'11 and 7'4 respectively...despite the fact that those heights have both been debunked both here and by common sense.

Max Palmer's stepson also claims his father was measured at 8'2" at death. 8'2" was of course the height he was mostly billed at when he was a wrestler. In reality he was closer to 7'7", which was the height he was listed at in college basketball.
Chaz said on 13/Jan/12
JT,I am not saying,Haystacks had a wider shoulder frame than any big 200cm man,but it's Haystacks girth,that is so wide,and Big Show is doing a semi lat spred in that pose,that makes the shoulders a few inch wider,than they are with the arms down,and you have the line on Haystacks too high,it should be in line with the delts,its a wide back you need to have a large chest,and Haystacks chest is masive,he unlike all the other 400lbs+ men Bundy,Gang,Tenta,Akebono,who by the way had very thing legs,Haystacks was has wide from the side has he was from the front,and he's legs were huge,and he's calfs are the biggist I have ever seen,he was fat all over,you look at that photo of him standing,just inside a door with he's wife.look at the size of them legs in them jeans,and in any case he was weighd On the TV show Record Brakes,in Norris McWhirter at 46st 8lbs,that is 652lbs,which at the times was the biggist in the UK,but on it he cliamed he had been up to 50st at one time,
Iconjj said on 12/Jan/12
Noel says the same thing Andre's daughter says about him...both swearing to the heavens that their fathers stood 6'11 and 7'4 respectively...despite the fact that those heights have both been debunked both here and by common sense.
JT said on 12/Jan/12
Chaz, you may be right about the effect clothing has on perceived size but Viscera looked heavier than Akebono when they wrestled a few years ago.

Any width advantage Haystacks may have had over others is definitely not b/c of a wider frame. His shoulder width is not even close to Big Show’s. Click Here If he appeared wide, it’s b/c of excessive fat in the chest area which then pushed his arms outward as well as the arms themselves being extremely fat.

Before he got so fat, Haystacks looked relatively narrow shouldered Click Here Click Here unlike Click Here
dicksock said on 11/Jan/12
In that last picture(the black and white one) of Haystacks that JT posted, Haystacks is listed as ~6'8.5" and 573lbs. I agree. Plus, wasn't Haystacks weighed on some British show as almost 700lbs. If so, do some here believe that the weigh-in was a fraud? Lastly, I find it hard to believe that he was the same height in the 90s that he was in the 70s and early 80s. He definitely seemed taller next to Pat Roach in 1982 than he did in 1991. He might have gone from 6'8" to 6'7".
Chaz said on 11/Jan/12
Click Here
if anyone thinks that is anywere nere Haystacks size,they must be living in a dream would,
Boss said on 11/Jan/12
Don't know much about Haystacks actual peak but found this interesting. Big show had about five inches on him but was Haystacks was past peak height. Big Show had a footware advantage and much better posture. So more like 4 inch with same posture.

Noel Ruane (haystacks Son)
Sep 23, 2007
I'm just sat in my office with my mother (Rita). I want to settle the mystery surrounding my Fathers height. The Guiness Book of records validated his height and weight so that official entry in to their world famous book could be done with accuracy and verification. I remember them calling to our house at the time! He measured 6ft11 in his socks and my mother only weighed about 7 stone, in fact she still only weighs about 7 stone today!!

He was truly a Giant, our house wasn't large enough and the doors were of course a real problem as he had to bend down and turn sideways to pass his giant frame through the openning. To me this was my Dad, to an unsuspecting visitor this was a Giant comming in to the room.

To conclude; it is unequivocal Giant Haystacks stood 6ft 11in from the floor!!!12

Click Here
Boss said on 11/Jan/12
RP says on 16/Nov/11
Also....on real weight of the 80's & 90's stars...Sid Euddy "Sid Vicous" said in an interview after his horrific leg injury that he was 6'7" & 305 lbs. At the time WWF was Billing him at 6'9" & 318 lbs. Also...known fact that John Studd Was actually 6'7" & 320-330...350 at his heaviest in '89...Not 6'10" & his billed weights that ranged from 362-384 during his tenure with the WWF. Studd "Swinton" later in retirement said himself that at his Wrestlemania I "1985" match with Andre that he was 6'7" & 325 lbs & that Andre was 7'0" & 475 lbs.

Where did you see this interview with Studd.
Chaz said on 11/Jan/12
JT it's no good posting pics of Viscera close up with he's shirt off,because you allways look bigger with cloths off,thats why Fat people like to were baggy tops,and Bodybuilders,dont look so big untill,they take there shirts off,and Haystacks was at he's top weight from 1987-89,he was only 38st in that photo,look at sumo wreslers in there gowns,they dont look that big,untill they take them off,and like I say show me Viscera in closes were he looks as big as Haystacks in that fight with Daly,you can tell the way Haystacks moves he's much heavier,Viscera's too light on he's feet to be over 500lbs let alone the 46st 8lbs,Haystacks was weighed at in 1988,Tenta was not much lighter than Viscera,he had much bigger legs than him from the sumo training,and I have seen Tenta,come in the same Door as Haystacks(not at the same time)and Hayatacks had to turn side ways and duck he's head to get in the ring,Tenta walked right in that door without any problems,and Haystacks made PN News look thin,and he was fat as a big,side on Haystacks is much wider than any of them,and got much bigger legs and feet,show me were anyone side on made Big Show look thin like Haystacks did in 1996,he was 2 times as wide.
JT said on 11/Jan/12
Big Show, if you use Google Chrome as your browser, it can translate websites for you. The translation is far from perfect although you can usually make out what is written.

For Chaz:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Haystacks was likely taller than Viscera but did not look any heavier or wider
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Haystacks was probably larger around the mid section at peak weight although I’ll let others do a more detailed analysis of their respective anatomies....
kg said on 10/Jan/12
Vegas says on 7/Jan/12
bigman says on 6/Jan/12
i said if wilt nothing about andre lets say andres top weight then chaz of around 530-550lbs wouuld wilt or even 380lbs would he look as tall simply no no no no no all day long

well this guy is easily 450lb and he still looks well over 7ft...... Click Here Click Here

if andre was taller than big show then wight was never taller than 6'9

as for kamala he was about 2 inches taller than yokozuna barefoot in 1993 and there is a good staredown between yoko barefoot and bret hart in boots around same time

I used to wonder why Danimal would easily get so annoyed with and now I see why. With post like this I too get annoyed with a bit of confusion. Have you ever met Kamala? I met him in 2007 and he wrestled Jake Roberts who is said to be around 6'5 and I believe it because he was taller than my 6'4 brother and Kamala was at least as tall as Roberts if not taller b/c of boot advantage. As far as Andre and Show go do you still honestly believe that garbage Meltzer spouted? I mean how manytimes have people on here put his claims to shame?! He said Big Show was 6'10 and Nash was 6'10 plus two or three claims of Andre between 6'9 3/4-6'11.5. It is Safe to say if Andre was taller peak wise than Show, Show can still peak at 7ft!
Big Show said on 10/Jan/12
JT says on 9/Jan/12

Nice one on the Google translate. How were you able to translate Japanese into English?
As for the pic of Andre & Quasimodo, although it’s from a 1970 Japanese magazine, I believe the original pic itself is older than that. Andre appeared in a US wrestling magazine (probably for the first time) in 1968 and he was wearing that same robe. My guess is this pic is from the same year. Considering Andre was billed often at 210cm around that time, they could’ve just translated the numbers from that time aswell. Andre & Quasimodo did tag in Japan in 1970. Don’t know what Andre was billed in his first Japanese tour in 1970. In his 2nd in 1971 he was billed at 218cm & 180kg.

Kamala was a big guy. 6’4-6’5” sounds a believable number for him. You could hardly pin down his height from his wrestling matches as he always slouched during his matches. Believe it or not, he was billed at 6’10” down in WCCW.

There was nothing wrong with Haystacks posture when he faced Paul Wight in 1996, so I doubt he would’ve lost much height by then.
Chaz said on 10/Jan/12
JT, Haystacks is much bigger than Viscera,show me were he's this size,Dally is just as big as Viscera,he's just a lot shorter,Haystacks is much much wider in the body,bigger back legs arm and chest Click Here
Vegas said on 10/Jan/12
decent video of kamala next to hall, here is luger next to hall in a similiar video around same time, luger would be 6'4 tops in his boots Click Here

dicksock, haystacks was billed 202cm in germany in the early 1990s
Chaz said on 10/Jan/12
JT,you may be right about he's height but Vicera,is no were nere Haystacks weight lolClick Here
Boss said on 9/Jan/12
So if Kamala was a legit 6'5 than how tall does that Hogan.
JT said on 9/Jan/12
Andre and Quasimodo (Victor Castilla) from Japan. Click Here
Through Google Translate, the web site (in Japanese) referred to Andre as 210 cm. and Castilla as 160 cm. (5’3”) but Castilla looks taller and probably closer to 5’7” or 5'8" given the camera angle.

Kamala looked around 6’4” to me although he did wrestle barefoot and rarely stood straight. With 6’5” tops Scott Hall:
Click Here Kamala may be barefoot here as well although there is no reason why he had to be. This guy claims 6’6” but is wearing cowboy boots here with Kamala from a few years ago Click Here

dicksock, Haystacks did not lose 2 inches by 1996. With 5’8” Dynamite Kid from 1980 Click Here Click Here
IMO he was probably in the 6’7” range at peak height and may have lost a ½ inch to 1 inch max by 1996. He was never close to 700 lbs. but was likely over 500 lbs. for a good portion of his career. I doubt he weighed more than Mabel/Viscera has in recent years.
Boss said on 9/Jan/12
dicksock says on 8/Jan/12
Chaz says on 7/Jan/12
Well then Dicksock pause that at 1min 46 secs ana 1min 51 sec and tell me how tall that makes Haystacks,if Kamala's nere 6'6''Ray can not reach him when he's standing up right,?Click Here


I don't know how tall a prime Haystacks was. Maybe 6'8"-6'9" tops. Just admit that Kamala is 4" taller than 6'1" Chris. Even Chris said he looked 6'5". It is possible that Haystacks peaked at 6'8.5" and was down to 6'6.5" by the time he got to WCW. He had serious health problems and weighed nearly 700lbs!

I would agree with that.
Chaz said on 9/Jan/12
dicksock,I can not argue,about that photo of Chris.because if he is 6.1''then unless Kamala was in Kane boots,then he looka 4''taller,and to be fair I have seen Pat Roach standing next to Geoff Capes back in 1979,and I could not seen much differance in height,they looked the same height.
dicksock said on 8/Jan/12
Chaz says on 7/Jan/12
Well then Dicksock pause that at 1min 46 secs ana 1min 51 sec and tell me how tall that makes Haystacks,if Kamala's nere 6'6''Ray can not reach him when he's standing up right,?Click Here


I don't know how tall a prime Haystacks was. Maybe 6'8"-6'9" tops. Just admit that Kamala is 4" taller than 6'1" Chris. Even Chris said he looked 6'5". It is possible that Haystacks peaked at 6'8.5" and was down to 6'6.5" by the time he got to WCW. He had serious health problems and weighed nearly 700lbs!
dicksock said on 8/Jan/12
Boss says on 7/Jan/12
dicksock says on 6/Jan/12
Boss says on 5/Jan/12
Andre's head was at least .5 in longer than Big Show's.


I doubt that. Even if it was, what does that to do with anything?

Jt said they were the same length and they are not. Andre's head is longer than Show's.


The bottom half of Andre's head is longer, but Show's top half is longer. I find it hard to believe you can tell the length of their heads with that kind of accuracy. I would just say that their heads are about the same size.
Chaz said on 7/Jan/12
Well then Dicksock pause that at 1min 46 secs ana 1min 51 sec and tell me how tall that makes Haystacks,if Kamala's nere 6'6''Ray can not reach him when he's standing up right,?Click Here
Chaz said on 7/Jan/12
Capt,Nobody,I get Haystacks being 6'9-10''from the so called 6'6''Kamala having no more than 2''on 6'2''Ray Steele,yet Haystacks has a good 5'6''taller,so Iver Kamala is only 6'4''and Haystacks about 6'7-8''at the time,or he's 6'10''and Hogan was not much taller than Kamala if any.and if you look you can also find Kamala v Big Daddy in the UK and he's not any more than 2''taller than him.
dicksock said on 7/Jan/12
Vegas says on 7/Jan/12
as for kamala he was about 2 inches taller than yokozuna barefoot in 1993 and there is a good staredown between yoko barefoot and bret hart in boots around same time


As for Kamala, he was about 4" taller than 6'1" Chris.
Boss said on 7/Jan/12
Vegas says on 7/Jan/12
bigman says on 6/Jan/12
i said if wilt nothing about andre lets say andres top weight then chaz of around 530-550lbs wouuld wilt or even 380lbs would he look as tall simply no no no no no all day long

well this guy is easily 450lb and he still looks well over 7ft...... Click Here Click Here

if andre was taller than big show then wight was never taller than 6'9

as for kamala he was about 2 inches taller than yokozuna barefoot in 1993 and there is a good staredown between yoko barefoot and bret hart in boots around same time

Alright there Super Vegas. What a crock never taller than 6'9.
Boss said on 7/Jan/12
dicksock says on 6/Jan/12
Boss says on 5/Jan/12
Andre's head was at least .5 in longer than Big Show's.


I doubt that. Even if it was, what does that to do with anything?

Jt said they were the same length and they are not. Andre's head is longer than Show's.
Vegas said on 7/Jan/12
bigman says on 6/Jan/12
i said if wilt nothing about andre lets say andres top weight then chaz of around 530-550lbs wouuld wilt or even 380lbs would he look as tall simply no no no no no all day long

well this guy is easily 450lb and he still looks well over 7ft...... Click Here Click Here

if andre was taller than big show then wight was never taller than 6'9

as for kamala he was about 2 inches taller than yokozuna barefoot in 1993 and there is a good staredown between yoko barefoot and bret hart in boots around same time
Chaz said on 7/Jan/12
Click Here
If Hogan and Kamala were nere 6'6''then 6'4.5''Pat Roach was to,and that makes Haystacks 6'9-10''
Capt. Nobody said on 6/Jan/12
Oh, and on the Andre/Show head comparison, check your respective pixel lengths JT, I don't even have to, I can fully well see what's happening in that comparison.
Capt. Nobody said on 6/Jan/12
JT says on 4/Jan/12
Andre was literally wearing Herman Munster shoes in that staredown with Hogan from 1988. He was never more than 5 inches taller than Hogan in comparable footwear.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (Andre in cowboy boots)
so figure out Hogan’s peak height (which was under 6'7")and you’ll have Andre’s.

I made the 1996 Hogan a little shorter here Click Here even though there is ZERO evidence of any height loss for him by this time

Boss, as you know, Andre’s head was not longer than Big Show’s Click Here
Click Here
yet three months from now you’ll be back regurgitating this same claim as well as the purported Frenchy Bernard comment and other B.S. about Andre.


I wonder if Andre went to the same Big and Tall that Show did for his wrestling boots?
Capt. Nobody said on 6/Jan/12
Chaz says on 5/Jan/12
if Hogan and Kamara were 6'5.5-6'then Giant Haystacks was 6'10-11'',and Ray Steele 6'4'' lol


I have no idea how you get that, Haystacks looked about the same height as OMG and Tenta in the DOD days.
logan noll 1996 said on 6/Jan/12
7 foot 2. Most people who are whatever feet and two inches are billed as whatever feet and four inches.
dicksock said on 6/Jan/12
Chaz says on 5/Jan/12
if Hogan and Kamara were 6'5.5-6'then Giant Haystacks was 6'10-11'',and Ray Steele 6'4'' lol


You're really going to have to eat your words now. Chris just proved that Kamala is indeed around 6'5"! He dwarfs 6'1" Chris! Hogan had a couple inches on a barefoot Kamala. How can you claim that a peak Hogan was not even 6'5"? That is just insane. Hogan was easily 6'5.5" and now that we all know how tall Kamala is, that just makes it more likely that he was 6'6" or better. So what's your excuse for Kamala being so much taller than Chris in a perfectly legitimate picture. No one is in front of anybody, there are no posture issues, no footware issues, and no camera angle issues. Let me guess; Chris is really 5'10"! Also, Kamala looked around 3" taller than Ray Steele anyway.
Boss said on 6/Jan/12
Arnold & Nathan Jones.

Click Here

Arnold and Shaq.

Click Here

Andre, Arnold, Wilt.

Click Here

Big Show & Shaq.

Click Here
Red said on 6/Jan/12
Nice pic Chris, Kamala looks no less than 6´4.5" next to you, Snuka 5´10"
bigman said on 6/Jan/12
ye kamala not even standing completely straight still has 5-6" on chris here wat people fail to realise on this page if your just under someones eye level its not 3" its more 5-6". with andres head if you were up to his nose say you cud still find yourself 7" a drift of the giant.
bigman said on 6/Jan/12
i said if wilt nothing about andre lets say andres top weight then chaz of around 530-550lbs wouuld wilt or even 380lbs would he look as tall simply no no no no no all day long.andre was taller than show at his peak he admitted it himself and hogan said it too so did macho man duggan said they were around the same.
dicksock said on 6/Jan/12
Boss says on 5/Jan/12
Andre's head was at least .5 in longer than Big Show's.


I doubt that. Even if it was, what does that to do with anything?
Boss said on 5/Jan/12
RP says on 4/Jan/12
Want to make a follow up to Chuck Whepner's claim. Chuck has a grudge against Stallone & has said a lot of things vs Sly in the past. And, actually about 5 years ago in 2006 when Rocky Balboa was released Chuck was talking about his match with Andre in an interview and refered to Andre as being 7'ft tall & 430 lbs. So, who knows with this guy?
RP says on 4/Jan/12
Just heard an interesting claim from Chuck Whepner in a radio interview. He claims that Andre The Giant was 6'11.5" & 390 lbs when they had their boxer vs wrestler match in the mid-70's. And that's why Stallone use those measurements in the script for Rocky 3.

Could you post this interview.
dicksock said on 5/Jan/12
Chaz says on 4/Jan/12
Here is a peak height Kamala, billed here at 6'6''and 355lbs next to 6'2''215lbs Ray Steele Click Here
any one see 4'' height differnce ?


It looks like there's at least 2" between them and maybe 3". If Ray Steele was really around 6'2" then Kamala was about 6'4". If Hogan was 3" taller than a barefoot Kamala, that would make him 6'7" in his thinly heeled wrestling boots. Does a ~6'6" peak Hogan really surprise you? We have that 6'6" announcer from Wrestlemania II saying that Hogan was about his height.
Chris said on 5/Jan/12
I met Kamala a couple of years ago at a convention. He was walking with noticeable bad knees. He looked like he had orthopedic tennis shoes on. I was surprised he was as tall as he was…I always pegged him around 6’3” or so…but he was definitely taller than that… looked around 6’5” or a bit taller (even accounting his shoes). He was walking around the convention most of the day so I got a pretty good read on him.
Here’s a good straight-on photo with me, Kamala and Jimmy Snuka. Kamala lifted his head up in this photo, but I think you will agree he’s at least 4” taller than me (6’1”).
I had on regular tennis shoes and Snuka was wearing sandels (standing slightly in front me). I have posted another straight-on photo of myself with Snuka. He’s probably right around 5’10ish…but no shorter.

Click Here
Chaz said on 5/Jan/12
if Hogan and Kamara were 6'5.5-6'then Giant Haystacks was 6'10-11'',and Ray Steele 6'4'' lol
Boss said on 5/Jan/12
JT says on 4/Jan/12
Boss, as you know, Andre’s head was not longer than Big Show’s Click Here
Click Here
yet three months from now you’ll be back regurgitating this same claim as well as the purported Frenchy Bernard comment and other B.S. about Andre.

Anytime I post anything here I always back it up. Other posters are entitled to know all the info we know and I've done too much research on Andre. I remember when JT, Vegas used to quote tributes 2 like it was the gospel saying Andre was 6'9.75 peak. Yet Meltzer claimed Andre was 6'11.5 with a 7'0.5 Wilt. Meltzer also claimed Andre to be 6'11 in the first Tributes. JT hid the email where sports illustrated writer Terry Todd claimed 7' peak for Andre which I found on a forum and posted here. As for the Frenchy Bernard story it does ring true just by Ronnie's lack of knowledge on Andre and Frenchy he knew a little to much to being making it up. It sounds like he did visit the ranch and least talk to Frenchy about Andre but what was said for sure we may never know. I truly don 't beleive that someone would go to that extent to lie about someone else's height. We have Ernie Ladd stating in a shoot interview when asked if him and Andre were around the same height, Ladd states I'm 6'9 and Andre was taller than me by far. So that proves Meltzer wrong again. JT and company were again quoting it on a daily basis that Ladd and Andre were the same height. They hated the Wilt photos however because they couldn 't justify Andre being under 6'11 so I would post them all the time. I emailed Mike Mooneyham he stated Andre was a bit over 7' peak and that he lost height and yes I know he stated Andre was 7'2 in his obituary to Andre but I never thought to ask why he changed his estimate. I asked Andre's nephew what was Andre's peak height and he said Andre would always say 2.18m. Andre's trainer also stated this height for Andre. These things plus to much more to list are much better proof than comparing some photos of a broken down non peak Andre. Andre was taller when he was young with good posture
and was measured at 6'10 when he died in France to see if he would fit in the crematorium as we know from his obituary.
Boss said on 5/Jan/12
Andre's head was at least .5 in longer than Big Show's.
Chaz said on 5/Jan/12
Click Here
Any one see 4'' here?
Chaz said on 4/Jan/12
now here is the same Ray Steele next to Giant Haystacks,at least 5-6 inch shorter,in fact if you look at 1,46secs were Haystacks stands upright as Ray hits him,there could be 7''diffance Click Here
Chaz said on 4/Jan/12
Here is a peak height Kamala, billed here at 6'6''and 355lbs next to 6'2''215lbs Ray Steele Click Here
any one see 4'' height differnce ?
Chaz said on 4/Jan/12
Yer your 6'6''Hogan realy had 3'' on a barefoot Kamala,and he's got he's knees bent,most of the time Click Here
Mark said on 4/Jan/12
I like it, Iconnjj. Might not be exact, but looks pretty close.
Boss said on 4/Jan/12
Hogan with 5'10 Stallone and Mr.t.

Click Here

Hogan at his peak with Stallone.

Click Here

Click Here

Stallone and Mr.T both at their peak heights.

Click Here

Stallone with 6'4.25 Lungren. Lungren claimed 6'5 peak.

Click Here
JT said on 4/Jan/12
Andre was literally wearing Herman Munster shoes in that staredown with Hogan from 1988. He was never more than 5 inches taller than Hogan in comparable footwear.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (Andre in cowboy boots)
so figure out Hogan’s peak height (which was under 6'7")and you’ll have Andre’s.

I made the 1996 Hogan a little shorter here Click Here even though there is ZERO evidence of any height loss for him by this time

Boss, as you know, Andre’s head was not longer than Big Show’s Click Here
Click Here
yet three months from now you’ll be back regurgitating this same claim as well as the purported Frenchy Bernard comment and other B.S. about Andre.
Boss said on 4/Jan/12
I don't know why people are constantly comparing a late 80's - early 90's Andre with a prime Big Show. Whether it's posture, surgery, mass weight gain(which would cause height loss due to joint cartilage being reduced to almost nothing), and curving of the spine. All of these factors would contribute to Andre being taller at his peak than later in life.
Boss said on 3/Jan/12
Chuck says on 3/Jan/12
Iconjj says on 2/Jan/12
Just for kicks
Click Here
An inch difference

Only one problem, by that time hogan had already lost at least an inch in height, so using him to compare Andre and Wight doesn't work.

Good point. There is also a footware advantage for Big Show over Andre when both men are in ring gear but in this case it's about the same. Also Show has much better posture than Andre. Andre was at least an inch taller in his prime with good posture. Icon's work is excellent. Just a couple extra factors. Andre and Big Show would have been the virtually the same height barefoot both at their peak heights.
Chaz said on 3/Jan/12
here we go again,Hogan the Incredible Shrinking wrestler lol this is a 298lbs man,that by the age of 35 seems to have lost more height than a 652lbs 49 year old Giant Haystacks lol,Hogan did not have more that a 1''on a barefoot 6'4''Kamala.Andre was never over 6'11'' no matter how much some may want him to be a real 7 footer,
Iconjj said on 3/Jan/12
Chuck says on 3/Jan/12
Iconjj says on 2/Jan/12
Just for kicks
Click Here
An inch difference

Only one problem, by that time hogan had already lost at least an inch in height, so using him to compare Andre and Wight doesn't work.

There's no confirmation that Hogan lost ANY height in that time period other than a few posters here trying to justify why Big Show seems taller to Hogan compared to Andre. I haven't seen proof of it sorry.
Click Here
As I said before, Hogan lifts his head there's no difference.
Chuck said on 3/Jan/12
Iconjj says on 2/Jan/12
Just for kicks
Click Here
An inch difference

Only one problem, by that time hogan had already lost at least an inch in height, so using him to compare Andre and Wight doesn't work.
Chaz said on 3/Jan/12
Bigman, Andre was no 450lbs in 1975 next to Shoemaker,he was 380lbs at most,and he is not over 6,11''then
miko said on 3/Jan/12
If Andre was 7'0, Hogan was 6'7, it's that simple. There was a 5 inch difference between them from the late 70's all the way to 1987 at Wrestlemania 3. Apart from when Andre had his massive cowboy boots on and it could look 6 inches.

Hogan was never anywhere near 6'7, and somewhere between 6'5 and 6'6. Andre was 5 inches taller, add it up.
bigman said on 3/Jan/12
if wilt was 450lbs would he look as tall simply no.
Capt. Nobody said on 2/Jan/12
I'm still waiting on anyone else' attempt at using Andre's 12 inch head as a reference for an exact height measurement, heck at the very least to cross check the work I did before where I got a relaxed posture Andre at around 6'10.5".

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.