mrtguy said on 17/Jan/16
Rob, with all the respect why does Andre get a full 7 ft listing not Big Show?

Editor Rob
I do give Big Show a peak 7ft and think he has lost height by Andre lost height
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 13/Jan/16
Chaz said on 12/Jan/16
I don't think Hogan was under 6'5
Uncle Elmer was billed at 6'10
Andre was easily taller and had a bad posture aswell.Both man weighted more than 200kg
Chaz said on 12/Jan/16
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 9/Jan/16
Andre with 6ft 6 Hogan and Minimum 6'7 Uncle Elmer
Click Here
Obs:Hogan is wearing cowboy Boots and both Andre and Uncle are with bad posture
Andre here looks at least 6'11 possible more in 1985
lol Elmer was taller than 6'7'' he was almost as tall as Andre standing upright and Hogan was never 6'6'' if you want a 6'6'' Hogan you need a 6'6'' Kamala,John Quinn and Pat Roach and not one of them said they were over 6'4.5''.
Oanh said on 11/Jan/16
Rob, do you think the guy with the huge hands are as big as Andre's were? They look pretty close in size, but I think Andre's look longer.

Editor Rob
he does have very large hands, probably need to measure them to see if Andre's were bigger.
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 9/Jan/16
Andre with 6ft 6 Hogan and Minimum 6'7 Uncle Elmer
Click Here
Obs:Hogan is wearing cowboy Boots and both Andre and Uncle are with bad posture
Andre here looks at least 6'11 possible more in 1985
62B said on 7/Jan/16
Logic said on 5/Jan/16
mrtguy said on 3/Jan/16
Mark Henry, Big Show and of course Andre have broad shoulders.
Click Here
I noticed on that website down in the reply section in Terry Todd's reply back to JT dated July 12, 2010 he said that he had taken a few photos with Andre backstage at a wrestling event and that Andre was so large in person that he looked "inhuman". Todd also said in his reply that Andre was a good 7' tall and that his hands and feet were larger than Paul Wight's (the Big Show).
I would love to see those backstage photos that Terry Todd claims to have taken with Andre at that wrestling event.
Now that's a good find.
mrtguy said on 6/Jan/16
JT said on 2/Jan/16
If Don Slatton was billed at 6’5”, he was probably 6’3” range. I’ve read that Max Palmer was as low as 7’4” but really don’t know what his true height was. IIRC he was listed as 7’7” or 7’8” in high school but as you can see he was not that height even on his tippy toes. Click Here Sun Ming Ming is about 7’9”, Wilt measured 6’11.5” in high school, and Big Show probably around 7’0” here in high school (although he claimed 7’1” at age 18). Maybe it’s the camera angle or maybe Palmer had a growth spurt after high school but if he was truly 7'7" in high school he should be able to come closer to the rim than that when on his toes.
Likewise here's Kosen at somewhere between 7'9" and 8'0"
Click Here
YG said on 6/Jan/16
Click Here If Big Show is supposedly 7'1'', when he was 18 years old in that pic, how tall would you say Sultan Kosen was back then when he was 16 years old at that time?
Boss said on 5/Jan/16
mrtguy said on 3/Jan/16
Mark Henry, Big Show and of course Andre have broad shoulders Click Here
Thanks mrtguy. So scroll down the article and find this. Pathetic. How could anyone take this guy serious. He used to the work of quote the work of a jackass like Dave Meltzer like it was the bible. Trying to tell Terry Todd how much bigger the Big Show was than Andre and Todd shoots him down on height, hands, and feet size. Thanks to Terry Todd for making me laugh my ass off.
JT, May 29, 2010:
Dr. Todd,
If you have the opportunity, your getting some shoulder, wrist and hand measurements of Paul Wight (wrestler Big Show) could be revealing. He’s probably close to
Mark Henry’s width.
Wight back in 1999-2000 was arguably wider than he is now. His hands are also about as wide as Andre the Giant’s were but not as long. Like Wight and Andre, Dalip Singh (wrestler Great Khali) has a huge frame and hands as well due to acromegaly/gigantism and is the tallest of the three.
A shoulder measurement of Dwight Howard sounds interesting but would probably be disappointing. With television screens now in the 16:9 format, everyone looks wider than they really are. If you switch the screen to the old 4:3 format, Howard still looks wide but not quite as impressive. His square (rather than sloped) shoulders and narrow waist also add to the illusion of width. At a legit 6’10”, he’s still a remarkable athlete.
I really enjoyed your SI article about Andre the Giant. As Andre has since passed away, can you share some insight on his real height and overall size? After factoring in the afro and cowboy boots that he almost always wore outside the ring, my best guess is that he was actually closer to 6’10” and probably around 425-450 lbs. when you interviewed him. Wight is roughly 7’0” (he was listed as 7’1” as a center for Wichita State) and generally looks at least 2 inches taller when standing next to the same people that Andre did (or when standing next to persons of the same height that Andre did). Thanks!
terry todd, July 12, 2010:
I just became aware of your post and thought I’d respond. I agree that the Big Show of ten years ago would be very close to Mark in shoulder breadth. I saw him many times during that period and he was truly broad–and also very strong in his shoulders even though he didn’t push it in the gym even then. Regarding his hand size relative to Andre’s, having been around both quite often I have to disagree as I believe Andre’s hands were significantly wider than Big Show’s–just as
Andre’s feet were much larger in both length and width than Show’s.
I agree with your general points about Howard, although he’s so much wider than almost all of the other NBA big men that his measurement would be interesting to see–although not up in the Henry, Williams, and Show category. As for Andre’s height, he was a good 7′ early in his career, and maybe a bit more, but age, a terrible back, and gravity brought him “down” a peg or two. I saw him on several occasions when he weighed over 500 pounds, but I also saw him in Georgia shortly after he cam down from Canada and I suspect he was within 15 pounds of 400, one way or the other. This was about 40 years ago; I went backstage to meet him, interview him, and take a few photos with him. I still recall how “inhuman” he looked and how amazingly agile he was. For example, at one point in the match he ran across the ring, jumped over the top rope, caught the top rope in one hand for control as he went over, and landed on the floor just outside the ring.
iconjj said on 5/Jan/16
Andres hand is right at 10 inches give or take...Chris measured a scan and sent me a copy of the pic a while back...Gene's head is normal range between 9.5/9.75 in that photo comparison...Yes I can post the photo can't get into photobucket on my phone to upload step closer to that head measurement...we get that and height measurement is a no brainer.
Chaz said on 5/Jan/16
JT said on 2/Jan/16
If Don Slatton was billed at 6’5”, he was probably 6’3” range. I’ve read that Max Palmer was as low as 7’4” but really don’t know what his true height was. IIRC he was listed as 7’7” or 7’8” in high school but as you can see he was not that height even on his tippy toes. Click Here Sun Ming Ming is about 7’9”, Wilt measured 6’11.5” in high school, and Big Show probably around 7’0” here in high school (although he claimed 7’1” at age 18). Maybe it’s the camera angle or maybe Palmer had a growth spurt after high school but if he was truly 7'7" in high school he should be able to come closer to the rim than that when on his toes.
It's hard to say,but if Slatton is about 6'3'' then the 7'4-5'' looks more likely, he's clearly taller than every wrestler except Gonzalez,
I notice Wilt's arms are much longer than Big Show's,he can only just reach the net,were Wilt is up were it gets wider.
Logic said on 5/Jan/16
mrtguy said on 3/Jan/16
Mark Henry, Big Show and of course Andre have broad shoulders.
Click Here
I noticed on that website down in the reply section in Terry Todd's reply back to JT dated July 12, 2010 he said that he had taken a few photos with Andre backstage at a wrestling event and that Andre was so large in person that he looked "inhuman". Todd also said in his reply that Andre was a good 7' tall and that his hands and feet were larger than Paul Wight's (the Big Show).
I would love to see those backstage photos that Terry Todd claims to have taken with Andre at that wrestling event.
Chaz said on 5/Jan/16
mrtguy said on 3/Jan/16
Mark Henry, Big Show and of course Andre have broad shoulders Click Here
Click Here Rick Brown had 35.5'' shouders at 5'11'' and 420lbs he allso had real 25.5'' arms just look how wide he is next to 295lbs Jon Pal Sigmarsson,
Danimal176 said on 4/Jan/16
Oanh said on 2/Jan/16
Rob, how much height do you think Andre lost from his peak height of 7' to his height in 1993?
I believe he was no less than 6'10" at the end.
Editor Rob: near 2 inches possibly.
Remember Rob, he was only 46 years old when he died. About the same age Big Show is today, who I personally believe has lost the same amount of height as Andre did.
Capt. Nobody said on 4/Jan/16
Chaz said on 2/Jan/16
Boss said on 1/Jan/16
Andre's heels were 2". Here they are with a being measured at 2".
Click Here
Click Here
Yer and they realy are the same boots and size 28 lol if he took size 28 then Giant Haystacks must of been 10 size out when he said he took a UK size 16 US 17 and ment size 27.
And why we are talking about big men sinking down in the ring, how much more would Haystacks sink? he was Nash and Mane's weight put together,I have never heard so much rubish,it would only make a big differance if one was around the side of the ring and one in the middle,not standing next to each other under the ring are big sheets of ply wood you would both sink the same.even if one of you was 46st like Haystacks and one 30st like Big Show when they were in the WCW.
and the only overwhelming evidence I have seen over the last few years all comes from JT showing a 6'10''ish Andre time after time.
It depends on where the springs under the ring were and yes, springs will react differently to weight, I've seen it with about as perfectly a flat angle as possible from the front row, dead center.
Also there is the padding on top to consider. Look at Andres foot towards the camera in this shot. Notice the sinkage. Even the ring is bending towards him from both ends if you follow the angle of the outer frame of the ring. Now even if that isn't do to Andres weight it is a sign that the ring surface isn't entirely flat and I know from my experience it usually isn't.
Click Here
62B said on 4/Jan/16
Even in your second comparison with Bruno where its more head on, Andre is slightly leaning down resting his arm on Bruno's shoulder, Wights head is still tilted higher than Andres, Old Bruno with Wight is likely shorter than the young Bruno with Andre, and Wight at that point in his career was usually wearing very thick boots. I guess I don't see there being more than 1/4" difference between the two.
Nathan Grantham said on 4/Jan/16
Chaz, Andre's gargantuan hands were AT LEAST 10.5" from palm to middle finger, refute that with the people at Baylor. All giants have large mitts in the range of 10.5 - 11.5".with Wadlow's hands being the largest in human history at 13"
Anyway, wanted to post something on an obscure movie giant named John Bloom, he is billed anywhere from 7'4" - 8'2". The 8'2" is ludicrous and even 7'4" seems a stretch
Click Here
Any thoughts?
62B said on 4/Jan/16
JT said on 2/Jan/16
Chaz, there is a general correlation between height and hand length but I don’t think one is highly predictive of the other.
I was measured a few months ago on a stadiometer at my doctor's office (first time in 30+ years) at 6’5”, which was a little taller than I thought I was based on measuring myself in a door frame per Rob’s method. my hand measures a little under 8.5” from the first crease where the wrist bends to the tip of the middle finger. Click Here My hand is wide but the length may even be sub-average for my height as my fingers are pretty short.
Michael Jordan’s only 6’5” but has a reported hand length of 9.75”, or basically the same length as Andre’s since he has really long fingers.
If Don Slatton was billed at 6’5”, he was probably 6’3” range. I’ve read that Max Palmer was as low as 7’4” but really don’t know what his true height was. IIRC he was listed as 7’7” or 7’8” in high school but as you can see he was not that height even on his tippy toes. Click Here Sun Ming Ming is about 7’9”, Wilt measured 6’11.5” in high school, and Big Show probably around 7’0” here in high school (although he claimed 7’1” at age 18). Maybe it’s the camera angle or maybe Palmer had a growth spurt after high school but if he was truly 7'7" in high school he should be able to come closer to the rim than that when on his toes.
62B said on 1/Jan/16
When searching for Andre pictures you almost always find this comparison picture. Click Here I'm not sure how anyone can come to the conclusion that Paul Wight was any taller than Andre.
What you are not considering is that the camera angle heavily angle favors Andre, which is pretty obvious when you then compare that shot to a straight on shot of Andre and Bruno Click Here Click Here Look at a straight on shot of John Wooden, who was around Bruno's height of 5'10", and Bill Walton (close to 7'1" here) and Swen Nater at around 6'11" Click Here and ask how Andre could have ever hit 7'0" w/o his custom-made footwear since he never had more than a head size on 5'10" guys.
I guess I don't see a camera angle "heavily" favoring Andre. I see Wight and old Bruno standing straight in their pic. I see Andre leaning slightly forwards resting his arm on a younger Bruno. Wights head is lifted up while Andres is slightly down, Wights boots probably had more lift than Andres and a young Bruno is likely slightly taller than an old Bruno. I'd really like to try and meet Wight, so I could compare for my self.
mrtguy said on 4/Jan/16
JT said on 2/Jan/16
If Don Slatton was billed at 6’5”, he was probably 6’3” range. I’ve read that Max Palmer was as low as 7’4” but really don’t know what his true height was. IIRC he was listed as 7’7” or 7’8” in high school but as you can see he was not that height even on his tippy toes. Click Here Sun Ming Ming is about 7’9”, Wilt measured 6’11.5” in high school, and Big Show probably around 7’0” here in high school (although he claimed 7’1” at age 18). Maybe it’s the camera angle or maybe Palmer had a growth spurt after high school but if he was truly 7'7" in high school he should be able to come closer to the rim than that when on his toes.
Here's a comparison I've made, certainly not the best as yours, but if Big Show was 7'1'' ( as he claimed when he was 18) how tall would you Sultan Kosen at 16 years old looks there?
RoelC said on 3/Jan/16
If Andre's hands are 10.5" long, Mean Gene's head must be over 10" long aswell.
Click Here
And Mean Gene's hands are over 8" long aswell if Andre's are 10.5" long.
Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 2/Jan/16
Nathan Grantham said on 1/Jan/16
I was told about the dimensions of the Andre hand cast by a curator at Baylor around 3 years ago. I made certain they understood I wanted the base of palm to tip of middle finger measurement and not the entire length of the artifact as the cast included a portion of Andre's wrist as well. They graciously accommodated my request and got back to me within a few days with the 10.5" figure. The curator commented about the enormity of the cast.
Logic said on 2/Jan/16
I wasn't sure where to post this photo. But since John Studd is sometimes mentioned on Andre's page I thought that I would just post it here.
John Studd standing with former President George W. Bush and his dad, former President George H. Bush.
Click Here
Rob has George W.'s height listed at 5'11". And according to his office medical records he was measured at 5'11.75" and 5'11.5". So, apparently George W was at least 5'11" and possibly as tall as 5'11.75."
JT said on 2/Jan/16
Chaz, there is a general correlation between height and hand length but I don’t think one is highly predictive of the other.
I was measured a few months ago on a stadiometer at my doctor's office (first time in 30+ years) at 6’5”, which was a little taller than I thought I was based on measuring myself in a door frame per Rob’s method. my hand measures a little under 8.5” from the first crease where the wrist bends to the tip of the middle finger.
Click Here My hand is wide but the length may even be sub-average for my height as my fingers are pretty short.
Michael Jordan’s only 6’5” but has a reported hand length of 9.75”, or basically the same length as Andre’s since he has really long fingers.
If Don Slatton was billed at 6’5”, he was probably 6’3” range. I’ve read that Max Palmer was as low as 7’4” but really don’t know what his true height was. IIRC he was listed as 7’7” or 7’8” in high school but as you can see he was not that height even on his tippy toes.
Click Here Sun Ming Ming is about 7’9”, Wilt measured 6’11.5” in high school, and Big Show probably around 7’0” here in high school (although he claimed 7’1” at age 18). Maybe it’s the camera angle or maybe Palmer had a growth spurt after high school but if he was truly 7'7" in high school he should be able to come closer to the rim than that when on his toes.
62B said on 1/Jan/16
When searching for Andre pictures you almost always find this comparison picture. Click Here I'm not sure how anyone can come to the conclusion that Paul Wight was any taller than Andre.
What you are not considering is that the camera angle heavily angle favors Andre, which is pretty obvious when you then compare that shot to a straight on shot of Andre and Bruno
Click Here Click Here Look at a straight on shot of John Wooden, who was around Bruno's height of 5'10", and Bill Walton (close to 7'1" here) and Swen Nater at around 6'11"
Click Here and ask how Andre could have ever hit 7'0" w/o his custom-made footwear since he never had more than a head size on 5'10" guys.
Boss said on 2/Jan/16
Andre and Hulk 1980. Hulk has footware advantage and better posture. Andre looks taller than in 1987 compared to Hulk.
Click Here
Oanh said on 2/Jan/16
Rob, how much height do you think Andre lost from his peak height of 7' to his height in 1993?
I believe he was no less than 6'10" at the end.

Editor Rob
near 2 inches possibly.
Chaz said on 2/Jan/16
Boss said on 1/Jan/16
Andre's heels were 2". Here they are with a being measured at 2".
Click Here
Click Here
Yer and they realy are the same boots and size 28 lol if he took size 28 then Giant Haystacks must of been 10 size out when he said he took a UK size 16 US 17 and ment size 27.
And why we are talking about big men sinking down in the ring, how much more would Haystacks sink? he was Nash and Mane's weight put together,I have never heard so much rubish,it would only make a big differance if one was around the side of the ring and one in the middle,not standing next to each other under the ring are big sheets of ply wood you would both sink the same.even if one of you was 46st like Haystacks and one 30st like Big Show when they were in the WCW.
and the only overwhelming evidence I have seen over the last few years all comes from JT showing a 6'10''ish Andre time after time.
Capt. Nobody said on 1/Jan/16
Iconjj said on 31/Dec/15
Chaz some of your points I agree with and then there's the rest of the time where I think you live in fantasy land. You work as hard at downgrading Andre as some do overexaggerating him. 2 inches or not, any leg spreading Mane may be doing is nullifed by Andres horrible posture. I have never seen any difference between Nash and mane in height plus you have to take into consideration weight; nash and mane are similar weight whereas Andre is going to sink into the mat more due to his weight. I'm gonna smash this head size debate into the ground as well that's my next goal...Thank you good Capt. for the props we're just here for the facts no propaganda.
No problem. I just hate to see such overwhelming evidence being discarded. And yes, the ring photos always have to be taken with weight in mind. I still go back to a match I had front row seats at and the ring literally curved wherever Mabel was. He was wrestling Bam Bam Bigelow and the difference in how the ring reacted to each was noticeable. And Bam Bam was huge himself!
Chaz said on 1/Jan/16
JT said on 30/Dec/15
Andre and wrestler Don Slatton Click Here Slatton was supposedly billed in wrestling at 6’5” Slatton and Max Palmer and a rough comparison with Andre Click Here Not sure if Palmer was ever officially measured but he’s generally listed at 7’7" and was definitely a huge guy. Click Here Click Here Jerry Lewis was probably 5'10"ish.
Even if Slatton is 6'5'' Andre is clearly under 7' there ,I have seen Palmer listed as low as 7'5'' what ever the truth Slatton is way under he's chin,over 2''.if you use that photo of Nash with that black 7'5'' guy you may be able to work out if Palmer is taller,
Nathan Grantham said on 1/Jan/16
I was told about the dimensions of the Andre hand cast by a curator at Baylor around 3 years ago. I made certain they understood I wanted the base of palm to tip of middle finger measurement and not the entire length of the artifact as the cast included a portion of Andre's wrist as well. They graciously accommodated my request and got back to me within a few days with the 10.5" figure. The curator commented about the enormity of the cast.
Boss said on 1/Jan/16
Andre's heels were 2". Here they are with a being measured at 2".
Click Here
Click Here
62B said on 1/Jan/16
When searching for Andre pictures you almost always find this comparison picture.
Click Here I'm not sure how anyone can come to the conclusion that Paul Wight was any taller than Andre.
Chaz said on 1/Jan/16
62B said on 31/Dec/15While it does sound good to say that a taller person will have larger hands than a short person, you cant really assign or generalize a hand size with height like you are wanting to do Chaz. A good example of why you can't is you have Russel Wilson who is 5'11" with hands measured at 10 1/4" and Daunte Culpepper who was listed at 6'4" with 9 1/2" measured hands. Granted I'm sue their hands were measured from thumb to pinky and not palm to tip of middle finger, but Wilson being 5" shorter than Culpepper still has the larger hands. Click Here
Yes they are talking thumb to little finger,if you go on youtube you will find Strong man Mark Filex mearsureing he's at 10.5'' he's hands are huge for a 6'3'' man,I would think Andre's would be over 11'' that way,
The mesurements I am useing are from Black's Medical dictionary I have a 1983 copy,and you measure palm up from the first long crease on the wrist,NOT THE ONE IN LINE WITH THE BONE ON THE BACK OF THE WRIST,nera the palm,that is what Guinness are useing,there is a graph in the book giving you estimated heights from hand lengh going from 150cm-200cm,but it can't be used on Andre's hands because he was Acromegalic,but someone with 19cm hands like me is estimated to be between 176-180 I am 179cm and someone with 21cm Hands 190cm-194cm.
Chaz said on 1/Jan/16
Boss said on 30/Dec/15
Andre had 2" standard heeled cowboy boots with 2" heel which equals a 1.8" height boost. His wrestling boots were .5" and
Big Show's are 1.5" so 1" advantage to Show. Andre in cowboy boots and Big Show in wrestling gear would be .3" advantage to Andre.
your talking rubish 2'' lol we have seen them close up, do you think a size 18 hand made boots would have same heel as a Standad size 10? Even Mohammad Channa's size UK 22 sandels had a 2'' sole because he was measured 7'10'' in them,7'8''barefoot and they are nothing like Andre's heels.I think they are neara 3'' but giving him some slack.
Capt. Nobody said on 30/Dec/15 10.5" would be right in line with the measurement that Japanese wrestling magazine showed. So right now were in between 9.5" and 10.5". At least it's getting there.
So you think Andre's hands look as long as Kosen? No wonder you think Andre looks 7'
And stand in front of a mirror,with your feet together and hands by your side.then look at a spot were you can see your height ,now pull your arms back like Mane and put your feet wide apart,now as the penny droped?
And the book is not wide enough,to make much differance for the hand being slghtly to the side,or Diagonal as Boss likes to say,use a bit of paper and try it even if you move your hand 2'' left or right you only lose 3/16'' from the mid point making it still under 10''.
Any more excuse for Andre's lack of height?
62B said on 31/Dec/15
Chaz said on 30/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 29/Dec/15
At the Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, there is a bronze cast of Andre's massive hands on display. Click Here These hands are 10.5" from base of palm to tip of middle finger. Andre's head, hands and feet were large even for his height. Take a good look Click Here those other hands are at least 7.75 - 8"
you have no clue how long those hands are,I am 5'10.5'' and my hands are just under 7.5'' they would need to be over 6'1''to have 8'' hands, and we have TJ hands on the same magazine and he's got just under 8.5'' hands which would make him over 6'3'' so we know for sure Andre's hands are under 10''. he had a under 10'' hands and under 12'' face and he's shoe size was no more than a 18.everything else is fantasy land.
While it does sound good to say that a taller person will have larger hands than a short person, you cant really assign or generalize a hand size with height like you are wanting to do Chaz. A good example of why you can't is you have Russel Wilson who is 5'11" with hands measured at 10 1/4" and Daunte Culpepper who was listed at 6'4" with 9 1/2" measured hands. Granted I'm sue their hands were measured from thumb to pinky and not palm to tip of middle finger, but Wilson being 5" shorter than Culpepper still has the larger hands.
Click Here
Iconjj said on 31/Dec/15
Chaz some of your points I agree with and then there's the rest of the time where I think you live in fantasy land. You work as hard at downgrading Andre as some do overexaggerating him. 2 inches or not, any leg spreading Mane may be doing is nullifed by Andres horrible posture. I have never seen any difference between Nash and mane in height plus you have to take into consideration weight; nash and mane are similar weight whereas Andre is going to sink into the mat more due to his weight. I'm gonna smash this head size debate into the ground as well that's my next goal...Thank you good Capt. for the props we're just here for the facts no propaganda.
Capt. Nobody said on 30/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 29/Dec/15
At the Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, there is a bronze cast of Andre's massive hands on display. Click Here These hands are 10.5" from base of palm to tip of middle finger. Andre's head, hands and feet were large even for his height. Take a good look Click Here those other hands are at least 7.75 - 8"
Very interesting, is that an official measurement or a guess? If only someone could get their hands on those. No pun intended, lol.
10.5" would be right in line with the measurement that Japanese wrestling magazine showed. So right now were in between 9.5" and 10.5". At least it's getting there.
Capt. Nobody said on 30/Dec/15
Chaz said on 29/Dec/15
Capt. Nobody said on 27/Dec/15
when are you going to stop posting that shot of Mane in the ring with he's arms hold back by Andre pulling he's head down? look at he's posture? he's chin is down the same as Andre's and Mane as got good posture,and Mane has he's legs wide apart,and that is
the best you can find to show Andre 2'' Taller than Mane lol just look at the fight Andre has not got much height on anyone there .
And we know Big Show had 1.5'' boots. just like we know Andre had 2.5'' cowbow boots, Big Show was about 7' morning and 6'11''evening peak Andre at least an 1'' shorter, and Wilt and Shaq 7'1'' morning 7' evening,
His chin is down? Really? What exactly are you looking at here? His chin is even higher than Nash' chin. And no, his legs are not wide apart.
OK, go have someone hold your arms back in the exact position Mane's are, although you can really do it yourself considering that lack or real pressure being put on by Andre, and report back your height loss. Remember to also keep your chin UP like Manes is. Go for it. I tested it myself and we can compare results. I'll give you a hint, mine starts with a 0.
Then after that, go stand in the same position Andre is (bent knees and lunging forward) then report that back as well. See which positions has you at a greater height loss.
And what do Andre's cowboy boots have to do with it. Most comparisons are being made with Andre and Show in wrestling boots. Speaking of wrestling boots, don't forget to take into account Manes sizable advantage:
Click Here
James B said on 30/Dec/15
He still looked 6'10.5 in the late 1980s if hogan was 6'6
Deidra English said on 30/Dec/15
Has anyone of yall ever seen them up close or can show proof that is how tall they are
Boss said on 30/Dec/15
Andre had 2" standard heeled cowboy boots with 2" heel which equals a 1.8" height boost. His wrestling boots were .5" and
Big Show's are 1.5" so 1" advantage to Show. Andre in cowboy boots and Big Show in wrestling gear would be .3" advantage to Andre.
JT said on 30/Dec/15
Andre and wrestler Don Slatton
Click Here Slatton was supposedly billed in wrestling at 6’5” Slatton and Max Palmer and a rough comparison with Andre
Click Here Not sure if Palmer was ever officially measured but he’s generally listed at 7’7" and was definitely a huge guy.
Click Here Click Here Jerry Lewis was probably 5'10"ish.
Boss said on 30/Dec/15
Andre's hands are on a diagonal on that magazine shot not straight up and down the page. Which basically makes it useless because now you are only guessing how they would look if they were straight. The proof points towards 10.5" hands for Andre or 27cm or 10.63" as shown in photo of his measured hands.
Boss said on 30/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 29/Dec/15
At the Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, there is a bronze cast of Andre's massive hands on display. Click Here These hands are 10.5" from base of palm to tip of middle finger. Andre's head, hands and feet were large even for his height. Take a good look Click Here those other hands are at least 7.75 - 8"
Here shows Andre's hands at 27cm or 10.6" long in 1980.
Click Here
Chaz said on 30/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 29/Dec/15
At the Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, there is a bronze cast of Andre's massive hands on display. Click Here These hands are 10.5" from base of palm to tip of middle finger. Andre's head, hands and feet were large even for his height. Take a good look Click Here those other hands are at least 7.75 - 8"
you have no clue how long those hands are,I am 5'10.5'' and my hands are just under 7.5'' they would need to be over 6'1''to have 8'' hands, and we have TJ hands on the same magazine and he's got just under 8.5'' hands which would make him over 6'3'' so we know for sure Andre's hands are under 10''. he had a under 10'' hands and under 12'' face and he's shoe size was no more than a 18.everything else is fantasy land.
Nathan Grantham said on 29/Dec/15
At the Baylor Medical Center in Dallas, there is a bronze cast of Andre's massive hands on display.
Click Here These hands are 10.5" from base of palm to tip of middle finger. Andre's head, hands and feet were large even for his height. Take a good look
Click Here those other hands are at least 7.75 - 8"
Boss said on 29/Dec/15
Nice ken, Also Studd has about a 1 inch footware advantage and better posture in the Andre pic. Looks like he has 1 inch footware advantage in the Reis pic as well. Studd has worse posture and is older in the Reis pic and could have lost some height.
Chaz said on 29/Dec/15
ken-6-4 said on 28/Dec/15
Comparing that old picture of Studd and Andre holding that guy up, And then look at the picture of Studd and Reis.
Andre looks pretty similar to Reis...What ever his true height is.
Click Here
Yes and Andre has got he's heels off the grownd on tiptoes.
Chaz said on 29/Dec/15
Capt. Nobody said on 27/Dec/15
when are you going to stop posting that shot of Mane in the ring with he's arms hold back by Andre pulling he's head down? look at he's posture? he's chin is down the same as Andre's and Mane as got good posture,and Mane has he's legs wide apart,and that is
the best you can find to show Andre 2'' Taller than Mane lol just look at the fight Andre has not got much height on anyone there .
And we know Big Show had 1.5'' boots. just like we know Andre had 2.5'' cowbow boots, Big Show was about 7' morning and 6'11''evening peak Andre at least an 1'' shorter, and Wilt and Shaq 7'1'' morning 7' evening,
Boss said on 29/Dec/15
Andre' head was in the 13" range. Big Show has a 12" head. Andre's head was larger than Big Show's. Since we have the real Maurice Tillet head measurement at 13" and comparison photos showing Andre's head to be slightly longer, that seems the most logical way to go.
mrtguy said on 29/Dec/15
Rob, what would you say the height difference between Big Show and Sultan Kosen (16 years old), touching a 10 ft rim ?
Click Here

Editor Rob
could be 7 inches in it
ken-6-4 said on 28/Dec/15
Comparing that old picture of Studd and Andre holding that guy up, And then look at the picture of Studd and Reis.
Andre looks pretty similar to Reis...What ever his true height is.
Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 27/Dec/15
62B said on 25/Dec/15
JT said on 23/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 20/Dec/15
JT, seriously how might you think Big Show & Andre would stack up to Sultan and that 8'1'' guy?
Click Here IMO of course. What more can I say, they would both tower over Andre, Khali and Big Show and even Giant Gonzalez. A 7 footer next to Kosen is the equivalent of a 5'11" guy next to a 7 foot
It is a nice job putting all those guys together, but the scale of each individual does not look right. Andre seems scaled down to get your desired height. Andre's head and torso in my opinion would be larger than Wights. Personally I see Andre and Wight about the same height, or at least with in a 1/4". You can scale Andre up 2% Click Here . This puts Andre about the same height as Wight in your pic, but his head is still smaller. I guess I don't think your picture shows what all these guys standing together would look like at all.
Sorry to keep posting old stuff from IconJJ but this right here is one of the many examples that just buries this all in the dirt between Show and Andre and it shows why what you're seeing 62B seems off.
Click Here
This idea that Andre and Nash were the same height or much closer than Nash compared to Show is just overboard unless Shows typical heel advantage in wrestling boots is a factor. Just like with a Wilt/Andre vs. Show/Shaq comparison you'd have to ignore the REAL life situational evidence for it to be the case. Mane in his lifts was shorter than a hunched over Andre and the same height as Nash.
Click Here
Someone go ahead and debunk it. Tell us why what we are seeing here is incorrect. Icon and Boss have both really opened up some major sources of debate before, I'm not sure about the 15 inch head thing, but some of his previous stuff parlayed itself into the only short term agreement on this board before so... lets see, haha.
Capt. Nobody said on 27/Dec/15
62B said on 25/Dec/15
JT said on 23/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 20/Dec/15
JT, seriously how might you think Big Show & Andre would stack up to Sultan and that 8'1'' guy?
Click Here IMO of course. What more can I say, they would both tower over Andre, Khali and Big Show and even Giant Gonzalez. A 7 footer next to Kosen is the equivalent of a 5'11" guy next to a 7 foot
It is a nice job putting all those guys together, but the scale of each individual does not look right. Andre seems scaled down to get your desired height. Andre's head and torso in my opinion would be larger than Wights. Personally I see Andre and Wight about the same height, or at least with in a 1/4". You can scale Andre up 2% Click Here . This puts Andre about the same height as Wight in your pic, but his head is still smaller. I guess I don't think your picture shows what all these guys standing together would look like at all.
Don't be too disappointed about the comparison shots.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, look at Shaq. Look at Show. Look at Wilt. Look at Andre. And sure, look at their footwear. I dare you.
Chaz said on 27/Dec/15
Wadlow's hand's were 12.75''not 13''.
Click Here that is how long a just over 10.75'' hands look so forget Andre having 10.5'' hands we know how long they were from the magazine about 9.5'' and this 15'' face talk needs to stop,
Oanh said on 27/Dec/15
JT, I was just questioning why Show looks 2-3" taller than Andre, in that comparison line up with other giants. I now realize it's probably due to Show's very thick soled shoes. Andre and Show
were both 7' or very close to it.
Nathan Grantham said on 27/Dec/15
Chaz, He's hands gots 10.5", HE"S FACE gots 15 inches not rubbish! He's head bigger than Wadlow, He's diffrent type giant. Wadlow hands 13"
Nathan Grantham said on 27/Dec/15
Chaz, He's hands gots 10.5", HE"S FACE gots 15 inches not rubish
Chaz said on 27/Dec/15
People keep going on about the size of the face because it's clear real 6'' men should be under the chin not up by he's lip.
And look at the photo at the top of this page what do you see on he's head?
hair just as long as he's forhead that is why people think he's taller or got a 15'' face the man had 3.5-4'' afro,go get one of those height increasing course you used to see on the back of DC mags,what is the first thing it tells you to do befor streching exercise and shoe lifts? grow a afro or quiff and get yourself a pair of cowboy boots and look 4-6'' taller over night,and what do we find Andre walking about with? and on he's head? I rest my case lol
Chaz said on 26/Dec/15
Oanh said on 25/Dec/15 Jt, why is Show 2 to 3" taller than Andre in the comparison photo? They were both 7 foot at their tallest.
How is that 3'' ? are you saying Big show had a 6''+ forhead lol the two 8 footers have the same differance and we know that is 2'' Big Show was never over 6'11.5'' he was about 7'1'' in he's boots,
Chaz said on 26/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 25/Dec/15
Andre's head was waay larger than 12 inches, in a WWF Royal Rumble, Demolition Ax was pressing his foot against Andre's head; now Demolition Ax is a big man with I'd say a13" boot yet Andre's head was about 2 inches longer than Bill Eady's boot plus Andre's hands were about 5.5" wide; he put his hand on his mouth and his head was almost 3 times higher.
Will you stop with this rubish,for Andre to have a 15''face, he's hands would need to be longer than
Robert Wadlow's, Andre had very think wide hands but no longer than 9.5''ish,he's face was about 11.5'' and no more than 12'' he was 2-2.5'' short of 7'' the best you can say is he could have been 6'11'' out of bed at he's peak,but I have yet to see an evening ring shot of him looking over 6'10''.
Nathan Grantham said on 25/Dec/15
Andre's head was waay larger than 12 inches, in a WWF Royal Rumble, Demolition Ax was pressing his foot against Andre's head; now Demolition Ax is a big man with I'd say a13" boot yet Andre's head was about 2 inches longer than Bill Eady's boot plus Andre's hands were about 5.5" wide; he put his hand on his mouth and his head was almost 3 times higher.
mrtguy said on 25/Dec/15
JT, would you say a 16 year old Sultan looks under 8 ft in this pic?
Click Here ,compared to this
Click Here
It's very interesting he grew several inches in a quick period of time. Also, I read an article that University of Virginia doctors, supposedly measured him at 8'4'',
Click Here there is a possibility that really is his height with a correction of scoliosis and bad posture, deviation of bent knees and etc...
Oanh said on 25/Dec/15
JT said on 23/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 20/Dec/15
JT, seriously how might you think Big Show & Andre would stack up to Sultan and that 8'1'' guy?
Click Here IMO of course. What more can I say, they would both tower over Andre, Khali and Big Show and even Giant Gonzalez. A 7 footer next to Kosen is the equivalent of a 5'11" guy next to a 7 footer.
Jt, why is Show 2 to 3" taller than Andre in the comparison photo? They were both 7 foot at their tallest.
Chaz said on 24/Dec/15
JT said on 23/Dec/15
Click Here IMO of course. What more can I say, they would both tower over Andre, Khali and Big Show and even Giant Gonzalez. A 7 footer next to Kosen is the equivalent of a 5'11" guy next to a 7 foote
that looks spot on..funny you wait 20 years for a 8 footer and two come at once lol
mrtguy said on 24/Dec/15
Yeah Rob, I'm terrible at comparison of heights. In reality Big Show would look like an Average 6 foot guy next to 7 footers (Sultan and Brahim Takioullah) LOL
JT said on 24/Dec/15
Nice clean shot of Andre holding the Molson’s beer can
Click Here It looks like that can measures around 4 5/8” high.
Click Here A standard American 12 oz. can is 4.83” tall.
Click Here Close enough. The guy holding the Bud Light can is an arm wrestler (Jeff Dabe) who’s supposedly 5’10” and was just born with overly large hands and arms.
Click Here
Nathan Grantham said on 24/Dec/15
Andre's head was stupendously large, I'd say 15" and 30-32" in circumference! Most people's heads in proximity to Andre's look like premature babies in comparison. Andre habitually slouched but that is due to have an oppressive 55 lb head. Andre was over 7' even in 89' get over it.

Editor Rob
from comparing photos I'd still put his head in the foot long range, 15 seems just a bit too much.
JT said on 23/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 20/Dec/15
JT, seriously how might you think Big Show & Andre would stack up to Sultan and that 8'1'' guy?
Click Here IMO of course. What more can I say, they would both tower over Andre, Khali and Big Show and even Giant Gonzalez. A 7 footer next to Kosen is the equivalent of a 5'11" guy next to a 7 footer.
mrtguy said on 23/Dec/15
Rob, maybe this is how (7'0'' vs 8'3'' guy) look a like in reality?
Click Here

Editor Rob
maybe near it, possibly show could look a little bit taller.
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 22/Dec/15
Another old billing for Andre.This time 7ft on the dot
Click Here
Boss said on 21/Dec/15
The book the billing came from states 2.14m 1968-69 not 1971. Some promoters would just use old billings as they didn't measure him and he was obviously still growing at this time. Andre was still growing in height into his mid 20's.
Chaz said on 21/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 20/Dec/15 All the credits go to JT and Giant Gonzalez was measured right around 7'6 range by guinness. He's not 7'8'' or 8'0''. If you really want to know 8 ft this how it looks like Click Here
I never said he was 7'8'' I said he was about that in boots,and Guinness never measured him at 7'6'' he was just mentioned as a side note because the WWE was billing him at 8' when Guieness were saying that Raduan Carabib at 7'8.9'' was the tallest man living,and even the 7'6'' was wrong, because he was listed at 230cm,and after he stoped wrestling it was repoted he had started growing again and was remeasurd at 231.8cm about 7'7.25'' at the office of the Argentine Guinness world records, that is why you will find some listings or him at that height,
mrtguy said on 20/Dec/15
Chaz said on 20/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 18/Dec/15
Click Here
I have looked again you have Giant Gonzalez too short he was that bare foot he would be about 7'8'' in shoes
All the credits go to JT and Giant Gonzalez was measured right around 7'6 range by guinness. He's not 7'8'' or 8'0''. If you really want to know 8 ft this how it looks like
Click Here
WWE oversold Gonzalez height by a whole 7 inches that's over exaggeration & Andre is still a giant even though he's 6'10'', he has pituitary disorder so I'll count him as a giant. This seems much more realistic
Click Here
JT, seriously how might you think Big Show & Andre would stack up to Sultan and that 8'1'' guy?
Please I'd appreciate it if you don' ignore this comment
Chaz said on 20/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 18/Dec/15
Click Here
I have looked again you have Giant Gonzalez too short he was that bare foot he would be about 7'8'' in shoes
Boss said on 20/Dec/15
Chaz you are wrong. The Andre and Hogan head shot is taken from the exact same angle and same distance. You couldn't have a better comparison for how much bigger Andre's head is than Hogan's. You are like Jt's parrot and where's your proof. You keep talking about his hands were this big so his head has to be that big because the truth doesn't add up to your biased estimates. Maurice Tillet had a 13" head and we have the proof of it. Andre's head was larger from what i can gather. Also you guys are very ignorant to people on here just because they disagree with your biased opinions. Andre's height is 213cm and it says so on the top of the page because that what the real proof shows. Not the biased altered comparisons from Jt and a couple of others. Ps if you could use spell check once and a while and maybe then people will take you serious.
Chaz said on 20/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 18/Dec/15
Click Here
all looks about right,Andre and Nash were about the same height,and Big Show was a weak 7foot maybe only that out of bed.
RoelC said on 20/Dec/15
Boss said on 18/Dec/15
Andre in France 1968 being billed at 2.14m.
Click Here
That billing is from 1971, not 1968! Just compare it to the other 1971 billing. It has the same numbers and descriptions for both Andre & Jack de Lasartesse.
Chaz said on 19/Dec/15
Boss said on 18/Dec/15
Hogan's head was at least 10.5". Andre's head comes out 13".
Click Here
for a start that is not were Andre's head is in the middle of he's hair,and you have no clue our big Hogan's head is.what all you dont seem to understand is A avarage face is only about 9-9.5'' so even 1/2'' more is big,and we are taking 2.-2.5'' more in Andre's case,that is 25% more than a avarage man's face a massive amount.
and that magazine is just as good has a tape measure,from that we know the size of the hands from the hands we know the size the face,under 12''
Danimal said on 19/Dec/15
Jock said on 15/Dec/15
Andres height is probably the most difficult to judge of all big men, but i have no doubt in his prime he was over 7 frrt tall,
Iwould put his peak height at 7-2
At his peak height he was at most a fraction over a flat 7'0". He never saw 7'1", let alone 7'2".
62B said on 19/Dec/15
Chaz said on 18/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 16/Dec/15
I have a legit 6'5" friend that saw Andre walk by during a late 80's WWF house show somewhere in Texas, he said; "it was unbelievable, Andre towered over me, I was only 2 inches past his shoulder, I never knew anyone could be that big". He also told me that you heard the ground shake when the giant walked by. Andre was 7'2" fully erect in 1989
so he was still 7'2'' in 1989 ? when most on here say he was falling apart by 1985? are you sure your Legit 6'5'' friend never mistaken an elephant going past and not the 6'10''ish 450lbs Andre the giant? lol
I think Nathans friend misjudged Andre also, but is there really any good reason you have to be such a jerk to people that don't share your opinion?
Boss said on 18/Dec/15
Andre in France 1968 being billed at 2.14m.
Click Here
Andre in 1971 with a 2.14m billing.
Click Here
Andre's first Japan tour with a 2.18m billing.
Click Here
Andre age 19 being billed at 7 feet,
Click Here
Boss said on 18/Dec/15
Andre gains a couple inches in visual appearance when he actually stands tall.
Click Here
Boss said on 18/Dec/15
Hogan's head was at least 10.5". Andre's head comes out 13".
Click Here
Chaz said on 18/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 16/Dec/15
I have a legit 6'5" friend that saw Andre walk by during a late 80's WWF house show somewhere in Texas, he said; "it was unbelievable, Andre towered over me, I was only 2 inches past his shoulder, I never knew anyone could be that big". He also told me that you heard the ground shake when the giant walked by. Andre was 7'2" fully erect in 1989
so he was still 7'2'' in 1989 ? when most on here say he was falling apart by 1985? are you sure your Legit 6'5'' friend never mistaken an elephant going past and not the 6'10''ish 450lbs Andre the giant? lol
Oanh said on 18/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 16/Dec/15
I have a legit 6'5" friend that saw Andre walk by during a late 80's WWF house show somewhere in Texas, he said; "it was unbelievable, Andre towered over me, I was only 2 inches past his shoulder, I never knew anyone could be that big". He also told me that you heard the ground shake when the giant walked by. Andre was 7'2" standing straight in 1989
Andre at his tallest wasn't 7'2", so how could he be that tall in '89 when he had already had his back surgery. At his peak height he was likely 7'(1970's)...maybe even into the early 80's, but by the late '80's he was under 7'
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Dec/15
mrtguy said on 16/Dec/15
Rob, imagine how intimidating Big Show & Andre would be if they were 8 ft tall. I would truly be scared wouldn't you?
Editor Rob: they would certainly be very imposing figures and I'm sure you wouldn't want to get on their bad side
If they could even walk at that point that is. Part of the reason both were/are capable athletes probably has a lot to do with the fact that they didn't increase in height excessively to the point of being awkward or infirmed.
mrtguy said on 16/Dec/15
Rob, imagine how intimidating Big Show & Andre would be if they were 8 ft tall. I would truly be scared wouldn't you?

Editor Rob
they would certainly be very imposing figures and I'm sure you wouldn't want to get on their bad side
Nathan Grantham said on 16/Dec/15
I have a legit 6'5" friend that saw Andre walk by during a late 80's WWF house show somewhere in Texas, he said; "it was unbelievable, Andre towered over me, I was only 2 inches past his shoulder, I never knew anyone could be that big". He also told me that you heard the ground shake when the giant walked by. Andre was 7'2" standing straight in 1989
Nathan Grantham said on 16/Dec/15
I have a legit 6'5" friend that saw Andre walk by during a late 80's WWF house show somewhere in Texas, he said; "it was unbelievable, Andre towered over me, I was only 2 inches past his shoulder, I never knew anyone could be that big". He also told me that you heard the ground shake when the giant walked by. Andre was 7'2" fully erect in 1989
Chaz said on 16/Dec/15
Click Here if Andre's face was 15'', he's hands would need to have been 1'' longer than Wadlow's and he was allmost 9 foot tall and still growing lol Andre's face was about 11.5'' and not over 12'' end of story.the 6'' mark on Andre's face is just over the tip of he's nose,a 6'5'' person would be under the nose,not up he's eyes,
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 15/Dec/15
@andre said on 15/Dec/15
Stop trying to downgrade Andre the giant
A 6ft 10 Andre give a 6ft 10 Show,6ft 11 Khali,6ft 3-4 Hogan.All in peaks
JT said on 15/Dec/15
What a 15” long head would look like on Andre
Click Here Again, unless Gene’s head is 10 inch range, Andre’s head is likely 12” long at most, if not a little smaller, and with the distance from the eyes up essentially normal-sized.
Click Here Click Here
YG said on 15/Dec/15
JT said on 14/Dec/15
Andre’s head length (bottom of chin to top of head) was 12 inches at best. Click Here My hand’s not quite 8.5” long; Andre’s comes out around 9.75” long since that magazine is only 10 1/8” long His head would have to be 33% longer than his hand to hit 13 inches, which ain’t happening. Click Here
Click Here Click Here Gene’s only around 5’8” so I gave him a 9.5” long head, which is not unreasonable. High camera level too so it's not hurting Andre. Gene would need to have around a 10” long head just to get Andre’s to around 12 inches.
JT would you say this is how Big Show looks? next to a younger Sultan.
Click Here In fact I would wonder how Andre and Show would be next to them?
Click Here Click Here
Click Here
andre said on 15/Dec/15
Andre was billed 6ft 10 in his mid 20s in France and England so why are people estimating taller?
that is prime height
forget the 7ft or 6ft11
62B said on 15/Dec/15
RYAN11 said on 14/Dec/15
This is what I have been trying to open people's eyes and minds to for some time about Andre's head! Some people don't want to accept the obvious truth because it spoils their height reducing crusade. Andre may very well have had the body of a 6'10" man, but his head was around 15 inches tall and this is why we get so many confused people using where guys come up to on Andre to justify saying he was shorter. Andre's head was 6 inches taller than any normal head, that is why he was at least 7'2-3" tall before height loss occurred. I saw him close up and in person back in 1987, I also worked with a young man who was 6'9" and Andre was way taller than him for sure. Hogan was there at the same match and was easily 6'9" in his boots, so he was at least 6'6-7" tall barefoot then. Anything said otherwise is just uninformed and unintelligent nonsense in my opinion.
When I first bumped into Andre he was so huge I thought for sure he was 7' or a little more. It wasn't until a few years later when I saw a true 7'2" person that I knew the Andre I saw was not 7' and never 7'2", let alone 7'3" or 7'4". He was close to 7', he was taller than the 6'9" Guy in the motor pool and taller than the two 6'10" Marines I saw at NTC, and I have seen enough other 6'7"-6'10" people over the years to comfortably put the Andre I saw at 6'11". He was 42 when I saw him, and it was early afternoon. I doubt he lost more than 1"of true height by then. His head was huge, but 15"? I don't know, its not what I would guess. I did see Hogan around 1980, he in my opinion would have been around 6'5.5" barefoot, I base this off comparing him to my Grandfather, who was probably not 6'5" anymore by this time, but still over 6'4". I think the people who put Andre between 6'11.5" and 7'0.25" peak have it right.
Boss said on 15/Dec/15
Andre's back drop from the bottom of his shirt collar to the floor barefoot was 6' 2. We know this from his tailored suit measurements. His head was in the 13" range. These are based on actual measurements and are some of the best evidence we have for Andre's actual peak height. Andre, when he actually stood tall looked much taller. His posture is a huge part of this. We have claiming 2.14m or 7'0.25" for himself before he came to North America which seems about right peak.
Jock said on 15/Dec/15
Andres height is probably the most difficult to judge of all big men, but i have no doubt in his prime he was over 7 frrt tall,
Iwould put his peak height at 7-2
Chaz said on 15/Dec/15
RYAN11 said on 14/Dec/15
This is what I have been trying to open people's eyes and minds to for some time about Andre's head! Some people don't want to accept the obvious truth because it spoils their height reducing crusade. Andre may very well have had the body of a 6'10" man, but his head was around 15 inches tall and this is why we get so many confused people using where guys come up to on Andre to justify saying he was shorter. Andre's head was 6 inches taller than any normal head, that is why he was at least 7'2-3" tall before height loss occurred. I saw him close up and in person back in 1987, I also worked with a young man who was 6'9" and Andre was way taller than him for sure. Hogan was there at the same match and was easily 6'9" in his boots, so he was at least 6'6-7" tall barefoot then. Anything said otherwise is just uninformed and unintelligent nonsense in my opinion.
15'' face lol and Hogan 6'7'' lol yer so how tall was Kamala then? you can do all the comparasons you like with Tillet the fact is we know how long Andre's hands were with the magazine shot ,under 10'' and we have shots of he's hand right next to he's face and it's no more than 2'' longer than he's face,so anything over 12'' is fantasy land just like he's size 23 shoes,when next to Giant Haystacks they are no longer if any about a size 18,like the clames he's hands were 11+'' long lol that is longer than Sultan Kosen's.all this rubish is laughable.and all this about he was was 7-73'' when he was ynger, when? if he was only 1'11'' taller than 4'11'' Shoemaker in 1975 and only saying he was 6'10'' in the late 1960s when was he 2-5'' taller?
Kunoichi said on 14/Dec/15
Haku joined AJPW in 1977,next to Tenryu.Tenryu'height listed at 185 cm in SUMO.
Click Here
Click Here
Boss said on 14/Dec/15
I don't see how it's possible to dispute Maurice Tillet's head size when we have proof of it being measured at 13 inches on the photo. It doesn't get any better than that. Andre' head would have been slightly larger. Don't forget Tillet was between 5'7 & 5'9 and Andre was 7 feet so Imagine Andre's head on Tillet's body.
Oanh said on 14/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 13/Dec/15
Haku was 16 in 1975 and he was 5'11", certainly by 89' he was 6'1", Andre made him look like a small child.
Good point regarding Haku's height. He always looked 5'11" to 6'0, but it's possible he is 6'1"
I guess his stocky build made him appear shorter than that.
JT said on 14/Dec/15
Andre’s head length (bottom of chin to top of head) was 12 inches at best.
Click Here My hand’s not quite 8.5” long; Andre’s comes out around 9.75” long since that magazine is only 10 1/8” long His head would have to be 33% longer than his hand to hit 13 inches, which ain’t happening.
Click Here
Click Here Click Here Gene’s only around 5’8” so I gave him a 9.5” long head, which is not unreasonable. High camera level too so it's not hurting Andre. Gene would need to have around a 10” long head just to get Andre’s to around 12 inches.
RYAN11 said on 14/Dec/15
This is what I have been trying to open people's eyes and minds to for some time about Andre's head! Some people don't want to accept the obvious truth because it spoils their height reducing crusade. Andre may very well have had the body of a 6'10" man, but his head was around 15 inches tall and this is why we get so many confused people using where guys come up to on Andre to justify saying he was shorter. Andre's head was 6 inches taller than any normal head, that is why he was at least 7'2-3" tall before height loss occurred. I saw him close up and in person back in 1987, I also worked with a young man who was 6'9" and Andre was way taller than him for sure. Hogan was there at the same match and was easily 6'9" in his boots, so he was at least 6'6-7" tall barefoot then. Anything said otherwise is just uninformed and unintelligent nonsense in my opinion.
mrtguy said on 14/Dec/15
Big Show and Sultan Kösen under 10 ft rim, I think Big Show by any chance was 7'1'' back than and Sultan must be under the 8ft range and perhaps much closer to 7'10'' range when he was young.
Click Here
@ JT How might you guess Big Show and Andre in a shot next to these guys who happen to be ~8'1'' and of course 8'3'' Sultan, from the bottom of their chin?
Click Here
JT what would you estimate the head of Sultan and the 8'1'' guy based on the pic. If Big Show's head is in the 12 inch range and Andre's head is near *13 inches?
It would be interesting to see where Sultan and that 8'1'' guy would fit in one of your height charts next other giants
Larry said on 14/Dec/15
Andre was billed 6ft 10 in his mid 20s in France and England so why are people estimating taller?
Danimal said on 14/Dec/15
Lucio Cliver said on 3/Dec/15
I believe Andre was 7'1" in his prime, not 7'3", 6'11" or 10 at death
Andre and Big Show were around the same height at their peak, although I'd give the edge to Big Show by .25" (7'0.5" for peak Big Show and 7'0.25" for peak Andre). It looks like Big Show has followed in Andre's footsteps, having lost a lot of height in the last 20 years. He's probably in the 6'10" to 6'11" range at best these days.
Danimal said on 14/Dec/15
6'2 said on 10/Dec/15
The door that is 6'6 and then including the doorframe is 6'9 then andre has to be around 7'1
Door's can range between 6'6" and 6'8".
me said on 13/Dec/15
A normal DOORWAY is 81". A normal DOOR is 80" so that way it can swing in a doorway. That is why people like Ernie Ladd and Brad Garret fill the doorway because they are between 80 & 81 inches. When you add the 3' of trim you are at that 84" mark at the top of the trim. There are doorways that are 78" in older homes or in a finished basement. There are also doorways that are oversized as well. Example may be in a room that has higher ceilings like in a gym or spa. The reason everyone continues to bring up Andre's 13" + head is because his chin is used as a reference to where people come up on him. Andre's peak was certainly between 84" & 85.5". Again that is peak it does not mean he is going to look that height in every pic. Only look at the difference of the top line of people's heads not anything else. Chin, shoulder and eye levels do not matter. When someone robs a store the police do not ask witness's how high up on their body their eye level was, they ask how tall they were by the height marker on the doorway.
Nathan Grantham said on 13/Dec/15
Haku was 16 in 1975 and he was 5'11", certainly by 89' he was 6'1", Andre made him look like a small child. Andre's head was more likely 15",
Nathan Grantham said on 13/Dec/15
Haku was 16 in 1975 and he was 5'11", certainly by 89' he was 6'1", Andre made him look like a small child.
Boss said on 12/Dec/15
Maurice Tillet's head mold actually being measured at 13" right in front of our eyes.
Click Here
Andre and Maurice head comparison.
Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 12/Dec/15
JT said on 10/Dec/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Dec/15
….I too doubt anything over 5´11" for Rhodes, take away Rhodes 1" + footwearadvantage and Andre is a full head taller. The lowest I can give for Andres head is 12", I have him at 12.5".
Andre is nothing under 6´11" there
For straight on shots of Andre and Rhodes, the top of Rhodes’ head was above Andre’s chin and Andre is holding his chin up too Click Here similar to how the top of 5’11” Paul Orndorff’s head was above the bottom of Andre’s chin. Click Here Click Here Andre had about a full head size on 5’10” guys like Bruno.
Interesting choice of shots to use as confirmation. I wonder what could be similar about Andre's chin in all of those shots that would effect his chin position?
Also, check the heel size on Dusty's boots there.
mrtguy said on 11/Dec/15
Click Here I think this is how a prime Big Show would look next to a young Sultan Kosen who I think was not over 7'9'' than.
Nathan Grantham said on 11/Dec/15
Andre's head was 14", and circumference prob 30", Andre, Maurice Tillet, Boris Zhukov and Nancy Reagan had largest heads in annals of human history.
mrtguy said on 11/Dec/15
JT said on 10/Dec/15
For straight on shots of Andre and Rhodes, the top of Rhodes’ head was above Andre’s chin and Andre is holding his chin up too Click Here similar to how the top of 5’11” Paul Orndorff’s head was above the bottom of Andre’s chin. Click Here Click Here Andre had about a full head size on 5’10” guys like Bruno.
@JT How might you guess Big Show and Andre in a shot next to these guys who happen to be 8'1''~in the left and of course 8'3'' Sultan, from the bottom of their chin?
Click Here
JT what would you estimate the head of Sultan and the 8'1'' guy based on the pic. If Big Show's head is in the 12 inch range and Andre's head is near 11 inches?
Boss said on 11/Dec/15
Andre' s head was massive. Possibly the largest head we have ever seen on a man. I stand at around 6'1" and my head is a little over 10" long. Hogan' s was around 10.5". Big Show around 12". Andre's head was around 13". His head was at least an inch longer than Big Show and over 2" longer Hogan's. Don't forget Maurice Tillet's head mold we have being measured at 13"and Andre's head was clearly larger than Tillet's.
JT said on 10/Dec/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Dec/15
….I too doubt anything over 5´11" for Rhodes, take away Rhodes 1" + footwearadvantage and Andre is a full head taller. The lowest I can give for Andres head is 12", I have him at 12.5".
Andre is nothing under 6´11" there
For straight on shots of Andre and Rhodes, the top of Rhodes’ head was above Andre’s chin and Andre is holding his chin up too
Click Here similar to how the top of 5’11” Paul Orndorff’s head was above the bottom of Andre’s chin.
Click Here Click Here Andre had about a full head size on 5’10” guys like Bruno.
6'2 said on 10/Dec/15
The door that is 6'6 and then including the doorframe is 6'9 then andre has to be around 7'1
Chaz said on 10/Dec/15
Capt. Nobody said on 8/Dec/15
Kunoichi said on 7/Dec/15
King Haku'height was 181.6 cm in 1975.
Click Here
So, according to that, within a hair of 6'.
Click Here
Click Here
How large is Andre's head again?
Lol what is is standing on? were are he's feet? funny how he's short legs have grown lol
Kunoichi said on 9/Dec/15
Bill Eadie had once talked in an interview in Japan.It was that Ande claimed his height at 7'1'' in the previous year he died.
Eadie told also,Andre'height was shrunken considerably.
Within Andre fellow, I think they had told about Andre'height on the basis of his billed height .
Chaz said on 9/Dec/15
Capt. Nobody said on 8/Dec/15 What is this face stuff again? Last I checked his HEAD length was agreed to be somewhere in the 12-12.5" range. With some evidence suggesting possibly it being a bit larger.
For a start, head length is measured from the top of the head to the nape of the neck,it's he's face we are talking about,and we worked out it was about 2'' longer than he's hand which was under 10'' so there is no evidence showing it over 12''.
I will say it again Real 6'5'' men should be under he's nose,if he was 7' not up over he's most Acromegalics he's gaw as lenghed about 1.5'' but he's forhead is short in comparison,
YG said on 9/Dec/15
Click Here JT, I wonder where Sultan Kosen and the other 8'1'' guy is going to fit in that chart
62B said on 9/Dec/15
Chaz said on 7/Dec/15
62B said on 6/Dec/15 There is no reason to think that the picture you posted with the two photos of Andre and Kiel accurately shows what their height difference would look if they stood next to each other. My opinion is that Kiel would be the taller of the two, but not by the 3" you say. And old Kiel doesn't exactly tower over or look significantly larger than an old skinny Mayhew Click Here
What has a 65+ year old Kiel who could hardly stand got to Do with a ,1977 37 Kiel and a 29 1975 Peak Andre? are you all there? and what we do know is the height of 4'11'' Shoemaker and 5'6.5'' Bach in the photos,so you dont need to be a math genius to work out the height diferance,and we allso have lots of photos or Kiel towering over 187cm Roger Moore,or a 186cm carl Weathers Andre could only dream of towering men that height,he did that have that over a 182cm Brett Hert,
Well Chaz, all I can say is that Andre looked around 7' and absolutely huge in person in 1988 when I bumped into him. My best guess is 6'11".
Chaz said on 9/Dec/15
Kunoichi said on 7/Dec/15
King Haku'height was 181.6 cm in 1975.
Click Here
Good find,5'11'' is all he looks,another nail in the 7' foot Andre coffin
Capt. Nobody said on 8/Dec/15
Kunoichi said on 7/Dec/15
King Haku'height was 181.6 cm in 1975.
Click Here
So, according to that, within a hair of 6'.
Click Here
Click Here
How large is Andre's head again?
Capt. Nobody said on 8/Dec/15
JT said on 7/Dec/15
Capt. Nobody said on 6/Dec/15
JT said on 4/Dec/15
Andre is 7’3” just like Dusty Rhodes is 6’5” and Mike Rotundo is 6’7”+…. Click Here
If he was wearing these Dusty may have been close to that, lol.
Click Here
Click Here Rhodes is in cowboy boots with Simmons and probably with Dustin and Rotundo too. Have to go with a downgrade to no more than 5’11” and maybe 6’ ½” at most in those wrestling boots, probably less. Andre’s struggling to hit even 6’10” barefoot. LOL
So, if Dusty is 6' in those boots, where does he come up to on Andre if Andre's head were up? In that shot it looks like under the chin to me. Now, how long is Andre's head? Just remember though, Andre's head is longer than 10 inches, right?
Capt. Nobody said on 8/Dec/15
Chaz said on 7/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 6/Dec/15
That 7'3" figure was what Tonga Fifita told me, Andre was at least a head taller than Haku, Andre's head was almost certainly 13.5" -14" Tonga 6'-6'1" barefoot, you do the math.
please stop with this rubish,we have allready worked out he's face was about 11.75'' are you saying Andre was only 3.5'' shorter than Giant Gonzalez? lol go look at Gonzalez make Taker look like a Dwarf,thats a head taller,then go look at a peak Andre and 6'6.5''ish John Studd,he's lucky if he had 3'' on him,7'3'' lol
What is this face stuff again? Last I checked his HEAD length was agreed to be somewhere in the 12-12.5" range. With some evidence suggesting possibly it being a bit larger.
Capt. Nobody said on 8/Dec/15
Chaz said on 7/Dec/15
and Capt,Nobody it's no good going on about Rhodes heels when Andre was walking about and standing next next to Wilt in Boris Karloff heels were you seem to forget they are giving him 1.5'' over Wilt's and he's still 1/2'' shorter than the 7'.5'' Wilt and that is with him closer to the Camara, Andre was never within 3'' of Kiel's height only a blind man could think it.
I wasn't the one using particular shots as a reason why certain things are, or are not. Just showing that if you are using evidence as some sort of conclusive force then you must first take everything into account.
I never said Andre was any height compared to Wilt earlier. I merely established that indeed according to previous comparisons earlier not even done by me that Andre in his "Boris Karloff" heels was technically taller than Wilt in at least one of those shots.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Dec/15
JT said on 7/Dec/15
Capt. Nobody said on 6/Dec/15
JT said on 4/Dec/15
Andre is 7’3” just like Dusty Rhodes is 6’5” and Mike Rotundo is 6’7”+…. Click Here
If he was wearing these Dusty may have been close to that, lol.
Click Here
Click Here Rhodes is in cowboy boots with Simmons and probably with Dustin and Rotundo too. Have to go with a downgrade to no more than 5’11” and maybe 6’ ½” at most in those wrestling boots, probably less. Andre’s struggling to hit even 6’10” barefoot. LOL
Hmmm, really?
Click Here
I too doubt anything over 5´11" for Rhodes, take away Rhodes 1" + footwearadvantage and Andre is a full head taller. The lowest I can give for Andres head is 12", I have him at 12.5".
Andre is nothing under 6´11" there
Nathan Grantham said on 8/Dec/15
Andre's head, overall; from top of cranium to bottom of chin was certainly 14", one of the largest human heads in history. 11.5" more like Dwight Howard
YG said on 8/Dec/15
JT, I wonder how a giant like Big Show and Andre would stack up to these 8 footers?
Click Here
6'2 said on 8/Dec/15
Interesting pic just so everyone knows the outer part of that door (the door frame) is 2.5-3" like nearly every door frame yet people on here prob thin that's like half an inch no clue of judgement
Steve said on 8/Dec/15
Nathan, Haku looked 5'10 - 5'11 max. In a tag team match with Andre against Hill Billy Jim, Hacksaw Duggan looked around 3 inches taller.
JT said on 7/Dec/15
Capt. Nobody said on 6/Dec/15
JT said on 4/Dec/15
Andre is 7’3” just like Dusty Rhodes is 6’5” and Mike Rotundo is 6’7”+…. Click Here
If he was wearing these Dusty may have been close to that, lol.
Click Here
Click Here Rhodes is in cowboy boots with Simmons and probably with Dustin and Rotundo too. Have to go with a downgrade to no more than 5’11” and maybe 6’ ½” at most in those wrestling boots, probably less. Andre’s struggling to hit even 6’10” barefoot. LOL
Kunoichi said on 7/Dec/15
King Haku'height was 181.6 cm in 1975.
Click Here
Chaz said on 7/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 6/Dec/15
That 7'3" figure was what Tonga Fifita told me, Andre was at least a head taller than Haku, Andre's head was almost certainly 13.5" -14" Tonga 6'-6'1" barefoot, you do the math.
please stop with this rubish,we have allready worked out he's face was about 11.75'' are you saying Andre was only 3.5'' shorter than Giant Gonzalez? lol go look at Gonzalez make Taker look like a Dwarf,thats a head taller,then go look at a peak Andre and 6'6.5''ish John Studd,he's lucky if he had 3'' on him,7'3'' lol
Chaz said on 7/Dec/15
62B said on 6/Dec/15 There is no reason to think that the picture you posted with the two photos of Andre and Kiel accurately shows what their height difference would look if they stood next to each other. My opinion is that Kiel would be the taller of the two, but not by the 3" you say. And old Kiel doesn't exactly tower over or look significantly larger than an old skinny Mayhew Click Here
What has a 65+ year old Kiel who could hardly stand got to Do with a ,1977 37 Kiel and a 29 1975 Peak Andre? are you all there? and what we do know is the height of 4'11'' Shoemaker and 5'6.5'' Bach in the photos,so you dont need to be a math genius to work out the height diferance,and we allso have lots of photos or Kiel towering over 187cm Roger Moore,or a 186cm carl Weathers Andre could only dream of towering men that height,he did that have that over a 182cm Brett Hert,
and Capt,Nobody it's no good going on about Rhodes heels when Andre was walking about and standing next next to Wilt in Boris Karloff heels were you seem to forget they are giving him 1.5'' over Wilt's and he's still 1/2'' shorter than the 7'.5'' Wilt and that is with him closer to the Camara, Andre was never within 3'' of Kiel's height only a blind man could think it.
YG said on 7/Dec/15
Rob, don't you think 7'1'' can be arguable peak for Big Show?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't be as convinced with 7ft 1 for him
Oanh said on 7/Dec/15
Rob, in the photo that "Capt.Nobody" provided with Andre, Dusty, and a fan, can you see Andre standing
7 foot? I mean, assuming the door height is standard 6'8", Andre looks about 4" taller than that. This is a very
good photo of a prime Andre.
Capt. Nobody said on 6/Dec/15
62B said on 6/Dec/15
Chaz said on 3/Dec/15
Lol Andre 7'3''! Click Here if Andre was 7'3'' then Kiel was 7'6''+. there is nothing wrong with he's posture there.and he's lucky if he was 375lbs in 1975 .
There is no reason to think that the picture you posted with the two photos of Andre and Kiel accurately shows what their height difference would look if they stood next to each other. My opinion is that Kiel would be the taller of the two, but not by the 3" you say. And old Kiel doesn't exactly tower over or look significantly larger than an old skinny Mayhew Click Here
Icons been there, done that. So we're back to pushing these ridiculous comparisons that defy the little real evidence compiled? C'mon guys, lets move forward not back.
Click Here
Iconjj said on 6/Dec/15
Click Here
This is where I think The height is...
Nathan Grantham said on 6/Dec/15
That 7'3" figure was what Tonga Fifita told me, Andre was at least a head taller than Haku, Andre's head was almost certainly 13.5" -14" Tonga 6'-6'1" barefoot, you do the math...
62B said on 6/Dec/15
Chaz said on 3/Dec/15
Lol Andre 7'3''! Click Here if Andre was 7'3'' then Kiel was 7'6''+. there is nothing wrong with he's posture there.and he's lucky if he was 375lbs in 1975 .
There is no reason to think that the picture you posted with the two photos of Andre and Kiel accurately shows what their height difference would look if they stood next to each other. My opinion is that Kiel would be the taller of the two, but not by the 3" you say. And old Kiel doesn't exactly tower over or look significantly larger than an old skinny Mayhew
Click Here
mrtguy said on 5/Dec/15
Rob, what would you say the height difference is between Big Show and Kareem Abdul Jabbar who's 7'2"?
Click Here

Editor Rob
maybe 2 inches
JT said on 4/Dec/15
Andre is 7’3” just like Dusty Rhodes is 6’5” and Mike Rotundo is 6’7”+….
Click Here
GST said on 4/Dec/15
Not sure if this has been posted here yet. Its a video of Jim Cornette & Bobby Heenan from 2013 and it briefly covers the height difference between Andre, Ernie Ladd & Stan "Uncle Elmer" Frazier:
Click Here
Lucio Cliver said on 3/Dec/15
I believe Andre was 7'1" in his prime, not 7'3", 6'11" or 10 at death
Chaz said on 3/Dec/15
Lol Andre 7'3''!
Click Here if Andre was 7'3'' then Kiel was 7'6''+. there is nothing wrong with he's posture there.and he's lucky if he was 375lbs in 1975 .
And Big Show was never a full 7 foot he never had more than 2'' on Nash with thinker heels, He looks about 6'10'' now days.
Oanh said on 3/Dec/15
Nathan Grantham said on 1/Dec/15
I am friends with Tonga Fifita AKA Haku, Meng etc, he is enormous in person, not at all the short husky Tongan I thought he was. Tonga is easily 6'1" barefoot yet he was under and aged Andre's shoulder back in 89'. He told me Andre was 7'3" and I have to believe him. Also Tonga Fifita has some monstrous hands on him but he said his was like a small girl's in comparison to Andre. Andre the Giant was a gigantic man but his poor posture made him seem shorter tha 7', I believe 7'3" in his prime
Yes, Andre had poor posture, but do you really see 7'3" for him at his peak? Even if I was being generous I couldn't given Andre 7'3". At most, I see him at 7'1"...just can't see him that tall unless you're counting his big 'fro.
Nathan Grantham said on 1/Dec/15
I am friends with Tonga Fifita AKA Haku, Meng etc, he is enormous in person, not at all the short husky Tongan I thought he was. Tonga is easily 6'1" barefoot yet he was under and aged Andre's shoulder back in 89'. He told me Andre was 7'3" and I have to believe him. Also Tonga Fifita has some monstrous hands on him but he said his was like a small girl's in comparison to Andre. Andre the Giant was a gigantic man but his poor posture made him seem shorter tha 7', I believe 7'3" in his prime
Oanh said on 1/Dec/15
LoganNoll1996 said on 1/Dec/15
Just my opinion on certain wrestlers' heights:
Andre - 7'0"(peak); 6'10"(death)
Big Show - 7'0"(peak); 6'11"(nowadays)
Kevin Nash - 6'9.5"(peak); 6'9"(nowadays)
Kane - 6'7.75"(peak); 6'7"(nowadays)
Undertaker - 6'7.75"(peak); 6'7"(nowadays)
Sid - 6'6.75"(peak); 6'6"(nowadays)
Braun Strowman - 6'6.75"
Eric Rowan - 6'6"
Luke Harper - 6'5"
Hulk Hogan - 6'5.75" - 6'6"(peak); 6'3"(nowadays)
HHH - 6'2"
Goldberg - 6'3"
Giant Gonzales - 7'6.75"
Brock Lesnar - 6'2" - 6'2.5"
John Cena - 6'0"
Big John Studd - 6'6.75"
King Kong Bundy - 6'3.75" - 6'4"
Randy Orton - 6'3.75" - 6'4"
Viscera/ Big Daddy V - 6'6.5" - 6'6.75"
Mark Henry - 6'0.5" - 6'1.5"
Shawn Michaels - 5'10"
I see a lot of .75" in the heights you listed. I think that's pretty hard to discern by looking at people.
6'2 said on 1/Dec/15
I believe andre has to be taller than 6'9 or 10" look at klitsko to 6'9 Tyson fury barely can tell the difference in height in most of the stand offs and Vladimir is 6'6-7" 6'5 Lennox Lewis looked slightly taller than 6'6 Anthony Joshua so it's hard to tell exact inches in photos or pictures it's minascule so people if someone is up to my eyebrows in a photo they could be easily 5'10 I'd be 4" taller. Studd was 6'7 and wore lifts and andre still clearly had 5" on studd.7'2 prime for andre giving him the 7'4 billing not that he lost height but structurely he changed due to many factors muscle joint back trouble excessive weight buckling knees etc prob looked 6'10 at times but I'll always believe. He was 7ft+ man
LoganNoll1996 said on 1/Dec/15
Just my opinion on certain wrestlers' heights:
Andre - 7'0"(peak); 6'10"(death)
Big Show - 7'0"(peak); 6'11"(nowadays)
Kevin Nash - 6'9.5"(peak); 6'9"(nowadays)
Kane - 6'7.75"(peak); 6'7"(nowadays)
Undertaker - 6'7.75"(peak); 6'7"(nowadays)
Sid - 6'6.75"(peak); 6'6"(nowadays)
Braun Strowman - 6'6.75"
Eric Rowan - 6'6"
Luke Harper - 6'5"
Hulk Hogan - 6'5.75" - 6'6"(peak); 6'3"(nowadays)
HHH - 6'2"
Goldberg - 6'3"
Giant Gonzales - 7'6.75"
Brock Lesnar - 6'2" - 6'2.5"
John Cena - 6'0"
Big John Studd - 6'6.75"
King Kong Bundy - 6'3.75" - 6'4"
Randy Orton - 6'3.75" - 6'4"
Viscera/ Big Daddy V - 6'6.5" - 6'6.75"
Mark Henry - 6'0.5" - 6'1.5"
Shawn Michaels - 5'10"
Capt. Nobody said on 29/Nov/15
6'2 said on 27/Nov/15
Sayin a 6'6 man shouldn't be even up to Andrés nose isn't right look at big show wrestlers like orton come up to shows nose what's he 6'4-5 Luke harper 6'5-6" up to the top of shows nose mark Henry is at the bottom of shows nose how tall is he 6'1 or so
This is kind of my deal. I can't tell you who is what exactly but I can certainly tell you what looks right in a comparison. When you factor in Shows heel advantage Andre may have had a bit of actual height on Show when both were in wrestling gear. Either way they are right in proximity with each other. If Andre is 6'10" so is Paul Wight.
andre said on 29/Nov/15
6'9 ¾ barefoot was is prime height measured at age 24 and was measured 6ft10 at death might be with shoes on
andre might have lost one inch max
forgot the 7ft or 6ft11 he always been 6ft10
mrtguy said on 29/Nov/15
I was watching a video clip André came to mind. I'm not sure how tall he is, but he sure looks well over 350 lbs.
Click Here
I'm wondering does this guy have acromegaly just by looking at his fist and arms look they HUGE.
Duhon said on 28/Nov/15
I think if anyone wants to see what a true giant in both height and weight looks like please watch this vid. In it is Igor the recognized tallest man in america who is 7'8" and probably over 500 lbs. Start it at 1:15
Click Here I can only imagine how he'd have dwarfed Andre.
JT said on 28/Nov/15
Click Here Dusty Rhodes was lucky if he ever hit 6’0”. In NWA/WCW, 6’1” Ron Simmons was taller than Rhodes wearing cowboy boots.
Capt. Nobody said on 27/Nov/15
Chaz said on 25/Nov/15
Capt. Nobody said on 23/Nov/15
If this is the shot you brought up earlier, then yes, it's exactly as I suspected. There is clear and obvious distortion happening in this shot. Just look at the respective eye level from left to right with the person in the left of the shot and then on the right.
He's nera the camara,that is why he looks 2'' taller, and what you can't seem to get is Arnold Wilt and Andre are not some 175lbs avarage men bunched up together they are all big and there is more distance between there than the photo first looks,Arnold is infront of Wilt and Andre is in front of Arnold,and being side on make Andre nera the camara than both the other two,and even with those huge heels he's still shorter.I cant see him being much over 6'9.5'' there as.
And what you can't seem to get is that if there were such an advantage occurring there would be similar discrepancies as the image you just posted that you used as an example as to what was happening in the Andre/Wilt shot. Andre and Wilts foot positioning is clear in one shot and it unequivocally differs with the notion you are stating. The differences have just been illustrated. Andre can't truly be in front of Wilt if their back feet are in an exact horizontal line across the image if those types of image distortions are not happening, which they are not. It's not physically possible.
As for the image with
Hafthor you posted and why the person on the left looks taller. If you compare the lines used on their eyes, the angular difference on his eyes from left to right is greater than the person in the far right of the shot. Yes, the person on the left is a bit closer but as you can tell there is a fisheye effect going on at the ends of the image which is the root cause of any real differences. If not then both of these guys should sign up to reprise the role of Sloth from the Goonies.
62B said on 27/Nov/15
Capt. Nobody said on 25/Nov/15
Chaz said on 25/Nov/15
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 23/Nov/15
Rob,how much taller do you think that Andre is here with 6ft 3 Rick Rude ?
Click Here
no more than 6'' if they were side by side but just like in the Wilt photos he's side on and nera the camara,so gaining 1'' ,he would come just over the tip of Andre's nose if they were next to eachother,that is were real 6'6'' men should come not over the eyes.if he was realy 7'
Here they are, side by side:
Click Here
And here's one with Rude's head up.
Click Here
I'd say if Andre had his head tilted in a similar position you're looking at a few inches under the nose
I agree it looks like a late 80's Andre is more like 7 or 8 inches taller than the 6'3" rick rude. It looks like at best Rude comes up to Andre's mouth. Kind of where I estimated I would have come up to. As tall as Andre was standing with me though I figured I probably came up to his bottom lip.
er4smiths said on 27/Nov/15
@Chaz - you're 100% correct. So refreshing to read someone speak obvious truth. I think people on here need to google what a 7' tall man actually looks like.
6'2 said on 27/Nov/15
Sayin a 6'6 man shouldn't be even up to Andrés nose isn't right look at big show wrestlers like orton come up to shows nose what's he 6'4-5 Luke harper 6'5-6" up to the top of shows nose mark Henry is at the bottom of shows nose how tall is he 6'1 or so
Chaz said on 25/Nov/15
Capt. Nobody said on 23/Nov/15
If this is the shot you brought up earlier, then yes, it's exactly as I suspected. There is clear and obvious distortion happening in this shot. Just look at the respective eye level from left to right with the person in the left of the shot and then on the right.
He's nera the camara,that is why he looks 2'' taller, and what you can't seem to get is Arnold Wilt and Andre are not some 175lbs avarage men bunched up together they are all big and there is more distance between there than the photo first looks,Arnold is infront of Wilt and Andre is in front of Arnold,and being side on make Andre nera the camara than both the other two,and even with those huge heels he's still shorter.I cant see him being much over 6'9.5'' there as.
Logic said on 25/Nov/15
Chaz said on 25/Nov/15
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 23/Nov/15
Rob,how much taller do you think that Andre is here with 6ft 3 Rick Rude ?
Click Here
no more than 6'' if they were side by side but just like in the Wilt photos he's side on and nera the camara,so gaining 1'' ,he would come just over the tip of Andre's nose if they were next to each other,that is were real 6'6'' men should come not over the eyes.if he was realy 7'
Here is another video of Rick Rude with Andre. If you pause the video around the 43 second mark you can see that the top of Rick's head did not come over the tip of Andre's nose when Andre stood up straight. This video was taken in 1989 so Andre was past his prime and was probably no longer at his peak height.
Click Here
In that video, when Andre actually stood up fairly straight, the top of Rude's head looked to have probably come up a little bit above Andre's upper lip..... it's hard to tell exactly because Rude had a fairly bushy head of hair. And this was in 1989.
Chaz said on 25/Nov/15
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 23/Nov/15
Rob,how much taller do you think that Andre is here with 6ft 3 Rick Rude ?
Click Here
no more than 6'' if they were side by side but just like in the Wilt photos he's side on and nera the camara,so gaining 1'' ,he would come just over the tip of Andre's nose if they were next to eachother,that is were real 6'6'' men should come not over the eyes.if he was realy 7'
mrtguy said on 23/Nov/15
Gretz said on 21/Nov/15
Jt thanks for posting the pic with don johnathan it proves Andre was 7'0" his head is down in that pic.and at the least j.l.d was 6'5'..So andre had to be 7'0"+in that pic!:
André was closer to 7'0'' throughout his early career than 6'10''.
ken-6-4 said on 23/Nov/15
Ben, He was a shell of himself in 91
I saw him close up ringside early to mid 80's in the meadowlands and he was huge! Not 7'4" but close to 7' and his legs were like nothing i had ever seen.
The Ben said on 21/Nov/15
After watching him for years I'd say there's a slim chance he was 7ft. Probably slightly under. He was at my first WWF show in 91 and I was a bit disappointed in his size. I was a fair way from him though. Prob around 6'9,
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 23/Nov/15
Rob,how much taller do you think that Andre is here with 6ft 3 Rick Rude ?
Click Here
pablo77bar(184cm) said on 23/Nov/15
Rob,how much taller do you think that Andre is here with 6ft 3 Rick Rude ?
Capt. Nobody said on 23/Nov/15
Chaz said on 20/Nov/15
are you living on another planet? Andre's left side is hittiing the camara first,Arnold is in front of WIlt and Andre is in front of Arnold,so he's nera the camara,I know Andre was nowere nere Haystacks body size but he's body is bigger than Wilt's so hitting the camara befor all of them he's gaining at least 1'' that is without the Cowboy boots and he still looks shorter,Andre was never anywere nere Kiel's Height,any fool can see that,at least 3-3'5'' shorter.
Andre's side is hitting the camera first? OK, if that's making a huge difference than compare the parts of their body away from the camera as I did already and tell me what you get. Wilts front foot is IN FRONT of Andre's. Andre's front shoulder is only more in front because his body is much wider than Wilts, but as I exposed earlier, it's has no effect on their perceived height because the camera is farther away.
Chaz said on 23/Nov/15
retz said on 21/Nov/15
Jt thanks for posting the pic with don johnathan it proves Andre was 7'0" his head is down in that pic.and at the least j.l.d was 6'5'..So andre had to be 7'0"+in that pic!:
So when they are upright in the other photos and Don Leo is over Andre's eyes,what is happening there? ho! I know 7'' of Andre;s 11.75'' face is forhead lol.
Oanh said on 23/Nov/15
Lucio Cliver said on 18/Nov/15
Interesting find, 'On a Clear Day, You Can See Forever', Andre would look normal or short alongside those giants. That balding guy on the far right looks like Robert Big Buck Maffei, who was a legit 7' 500 lbs the other on the left is enormous as well,
He was usually listed at 7' 400lbs...but in many photos he seems under 7'...about 6'11" is what I'm seeing.
Gretz said on 21/Nov/15
Jt thanks for posting the pic with don johnathan it proves Andre was 7'0" his head is down in that pic.and at the least j.l.d was 6'5'..So andre had to be 7'0"+in that pic!:
The Ben said on 21/Nov/15
After watching him for years I'd say there's a slim chance he was 7ft. Probably slightly under. He was at my first WWF show in 91 and I was a bit disappointed in his size. I was a fair way from him though. Prob around 6'9, seemed 3 inches taller than 6'6 earthquake. I met Fred (typhoon) Ottman and he's around 6'3.5 today. Looked 330 ish. Quake had 2 inches on him in 92.
ken-6-4 said on 21/Nov/15
More bs that he was 6'9"?
Come on people...
This peak listed here of 7' sure seems legit and my eyes tell me that.
Sure he appeared shorter later in life. The guys posture was horrible..acromegaly. was changing his body his entire life.
Chaz said on 21/Nov/15
Click Here those 2 guys are 217cm and 218cm looking as they should more or less the same height note the slim guy in the grey tshirt? the camara in in the middle as you can see from the post
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Nov/15
JT said on 19/Nov/15
Click Here Wilt still comes out a bit taller than Andre, whose definitely closer to the camera but I don't think 12 inches closer, Chaz.
Click Here I made Wilt a little shorter than Richard Kiel (self-proclaimed 7’1.5”). This gives a rough idea how Andre would have measured up to Buck Maffei, who looks every bit as tall as Andre factoring in the cowboy boots and Maffei's worse posture. Maffei is probably heavier than Andre but does not have the acromegalic features that give guys like Andre and Kiel that "giant" appearance.
Look at Andre's back foot when compared with Wilts in that shot. Which one is lower in the frame than the other? I illustrated that point earlier by drawing a line around the top part of a piece on Wilts outfit and related it to Andres chin level. Andres chin is up higher in the shot you just posted, yet that part of Wilts outfit is higher compared to his chin than when Andre's head is tilted more downward. Andre being lower in the frame is clearly having an effect in this shot. This shot is also taken from farther back than the others, so, much like in a camera perspective shot in a wrestling ring, while proportion isn't effected much by foreground to background movement, height would be since it's perceived in more of a linear vertical plane.
Chaz said on 20/Nov/15
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Nov/15 ere is the other shot with Andre's head down that isn't cropped near the feet so it will be as clear as day.
Click Here
Their feet are pretty much exactly in line. No question, no doubts. They are about as side by side as you can get. And the camera is not to Andres side at all, the focal point is Arnold in the middle and the shot is taken from a farther distance so it's likely no proportion issues are occurring either.
are you living on another planet? Andre's left side is hittiing the camara first,Arnold is in front of WIlt and Andre is in front of Arnold,so he's nera the camara,I know Andre was nowere nere Haystacks body size but he's body is bigger than Wilt's so hitting the camara befor all of them he's gaining at least 1'' that is without the Cowboy boots and he still looks shorter,Andre was never anywere nere Kiel's Height,any fool can see that,at least 3-3'5'' shorter.
JT said on 19/Nov/15
Click Here Wilt still comes out a bit taller than Andre, whose definitely closer to the camera but I don't think 12 inches closer, Chaz.
Click Here I made Wilt a little shorter than Richard Kiel (self-proclaimed 7’1.5”). This gives a rough idea how Andre would have measured up to Buck Maffei, who looks every bit as tall as Andre factoring in the cowboy boots and Maffei's worse posture. Maffei is probably heavier than Andre but does not have the acromegalic features that give guys like Andre and Kiel that "giant" appearance.
Chaz said on 19/Nov/15
Click Here Capt.Nodody that door is 6'6' by 2'6'' , A standad UK inside door size, the blue Architrave around the door way is 2.5'', as you can see the open edge of the door that is 2'6'' closer to the camara is gaining 2'5'', if you look at Haystacks he's about 3.5'' taller than the door in boots.the front edge comes over he's eyes,but look at the back blue Architrave ? he's more like 6'' taller than the door way, because he's closer to the camara,in fact because he's so huge he is closer to the camara so he's gaining height on the front edge of the door,that is why he looks 6'9'' boots. In the Wilt photos the camara is over Andre's side so he's closer to the camara diagonally,and he's also side on in most so gaining more height,
Lucio Cliver said on 18/Nov/15
Interesting find, 'On a Clear Day, You Can See Forever', Andre would look normal or short alongside those giants. That balding guy on the far right looks like Robert Big Buck Maffei, who was a legit 7' 500 lbs the other on the left is enormous as well,
RoelC said on 18/Nov/15
Chaz said on 17/Nov/15
I think that photo with Streisand, is from On a Clear Day You Can See Forever,were he played a Giant Blacksmith must be in a land of giants as even the woman must be very tall,looking the way Streisand's got her hands it's like she saying look how tall these guys are.maybe someone else knows more about the Film.
The photo is indeed from On A Clear Day You Can See Forever. They casted tall actors for a sequence in an orphanage to make Streisand look extra short as she was supposed to be a child in that sequence.
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Nov/15
Chaz said on 16/Nov/15
please stop with this rubish, Andre is in 2.5'' cowboy boots so gainging 1.5'' he's more than 12 '' nera the camara so gaining over 1'' and still looks 1/2 shorter and we know he's height at the time, he's 2.5-3'' at least shoter than Wilt, Andre and Kevin Nash were about the same height give or take 1/2'' it's just Andre's size face and hair made him seem taller in real life,
These aren't my original pictures I'm showing the relative comparisons being used here and some discrepancies found. Specifically in the answer that Wilt is actually standing taller than Andre in all the shots.
Also, I'm still waiting for you to SHOW ME how their back feet being in the same spot can still put someone 12" in front of the other. I already went into detail why your assumptions about it appear to be incorrect such as the parts of their body that are in exact line are in scale with the parts closer to the camera among other things so an individual being TURNED more towards the camera would have little effect on height in a shot like this. I'm still waiting for you to refute the evidence.
Look, I don't know what 1" is here, or a 1/2" is there because I don't know the exact lengths of any object in the shot so I tend to stay away from the measurement stuff unless things like the agreed upon head size come into play, but I can certainly compare and contrast the objects in the shot, which I did.
Chaz said on 17/Nov/15
JT said on 15/Nov/15
Roger Moore would probably be a little taller than Vince McMahon and roughly David Letterman’s height Click Here Click Here
Click Here
Not sure who these people are with Richard Kiel and Barbara Streisand. Click Here Unless Kiel is really slouching, the guy to his left could be 6’10”-6’11” range and over 400 lbs. and IMO at least Andre’s size, if not taller.
I have not seen that video befor,Andre did not tower 5'10''guys like that let alone 6'1'' he was never anywere nere kiel's height, it's total dream land to even say it,
I think that photo with Streisand, is from On a Clear Day You Can See Forever,were he played a Giant Blacksmith must be in a land of giants as even the woman must be very tall,looking the way Streisand's got her hands it's like she saying look how tall these guys are.maybe someone else knows more about the Film.
Logic said on 16/Nov/15
JT said on 15/Nov/15
Not sure who these people are with Richard Kiel and Barbara Streisand. Click Here Unless Kiel is really slouching, the guy to his left could be 6’10”-6’11” range and over 400 lbs. and IMO at least Andre’s size, if not taller.
Apparently, the big guy standing next to Richard Kiel is Robert "Big Buck" Maffei.
Click Here
*****Read the last post on that webpage.
Click Here
RoelC said on 16/Nov/15
JT said on 15/Nov/15
Not sure who these people are with Richard Kiel and Barbara Streisand. Click Here Unless Kiel is really slouching, the guy to his left could be 6’10”-6’11” range and over 400 lbs. and IMO at least Andre’s size, if not taller.
Nice pic. The big guy to Kiel's left is Buck Maffei. He was generally listed at 7'1" though he obviously wasn't that tall.
Chaz said on 16/Nov/15
Capt. Nobody said on 14/Nov/15
That new shot JT posted of a bald Wilt next to Andre was telling, I decided to measure it up with some of his other work and here's what I got:
Click Here
As you can see, the scaling between Wilt's head in the wig with the previous comparison of Wilt w/o the wig shows discrepancies. The scaling between certain points of comparison (brow ridge and bottom lip) are off in an advantageous way to the comparison Wilt head. Now, using the scaled version of bald Wilt you see that the lines match up, and Andre with his afro taken out of the equation shows that the top of Andre's head is indeed probably a bit higher than Wilts.
Now the question is who would gain more height via better posture since both are standing in about an equally relaxed position???
please stop with this rubish, Andre is in 2.5'' cowboy boots so gainging 1.5'' he's more than 12 '' nera the camara so gaining over 1'' and still looks 1/2 shorter and we know he's height at the time, he's 2.5-3'' at least shoter than Wilt, Andre and Kevin Nash were about the same height give or take 1/2'' it's just Andre's size face and hair made him seem taller in real life,
er4smiths said on 14/Nov/15
@Chaz that because Andre was never over 6'9.5" period
Chaz said on 14/Nov/15
Wayne R said on 10/Nov/15
This is 1972 and Andre is barefoot. Have to say 7ft 1 inch estimates look wildly generous used on this Click Here
That is because Andre was nowhere nere 7'1'' he was only that with hair and boots,I am glad you posted those photo because I have been looking for I photo or 6'4''ish John Quinn and Hogan for a time,he's the guy in the beard in the photo of Andre next to a mask wrestler holding a photo,I have seen them fight in a tag in Canada were they were both billed as 6'6'' and more or less the same height,Hogan slightly the taller but had thinker boots,so any talk of Hogan being 6'6'' barefoot is total rubiish, Quinn, Roach,Hogan,and Kamala were all in the 6'4-5''range. and every real 6'4-5 guy comes too far up Andre's face to be 7' let alone 7'1'' they should be under he's nose not over he's eyes,and anyone that thinks Andre was only 1/2 shorter than Richard Kiel needs medical help,he was not within 3'' of Kiel's height,
Lucio Cliver said on 13/Nov/15
mrtguy, you do not inherit Acromegalic Giantism and I doubt that Andre's grandfather was 7'8", more likely a tall tale unless irrefutable proof surfaces. Richard Kiel was 7'2" but all of his children are normal height.
mrtguy said on 10/Nov/15
Andre is a true giant. IMO people with gigantism/acromegaly are real life giants. If his grandfather is really 7'8'' and suffers from the disease then obvious inherited to Andre.
Wayne R said on 10/Nov/15
This is 1972 and Andre is barefoot. Have to say 7ft 1 inch estimates look wildly generous used on this
Click Here
Danimal said on 10/Nov/15
Gretz said on 7/Nov/15
Daminal,i know that that Andre peaked at 7'1 or so seen a lot of you tube stuff.(tHINK he was tall as wilt to about 1974)in the Baclund pic in 1978 he was about 7'"0)by the Wilt [pic in 84 he was under 7'"0 but glad to see you posting here buddy after 10 years!
Nah, I don't think he ever saw 7'1". 7'0.5" (like The Big Show's mid/late 90's peak) is the tallest I believe Andre was, and he could have been as low as 6'11.5" as well. It's really hard to tell, so I take the MEAN average of the two and call him 7'0" peak. He began to lose height after 1981 imo.
Steve said on 10/Nov/15
Gretz there is no evidence for a 7'1 barefoot Andre ever. He only looked 7'1 with cowboy boots and afro looking hair. Also there is no evidence he lost any height by 1984. I can bet any money that he didn't lose any height at the time of the Wilt & Arnold pics. The most Andre could have been was 213cm, but that looks unlikely as well. 6'11 to 6'11.5 for Andre's peak is about as accurate as you can get. Those who say he lost height by 1984 are dreaming. His height didn't increase and then peak only for a short period (1970s) and then straight away decline coming into the 80s. It's about as realistic as a 7'4 Andre!
r miller said on 8/Nov/15
If you look at the video of Andre and Dick Graham (interview Spectrum wrestling) Graham is a legitimate 6'5" with his traditional cowboy boots on.......pause it at 3:47 . There is no doubt that Andre was a legit 7'.....
Gretz said on 7/Nov/15
Daminal,i know that that Andre peaked at 7'1 or so seen a lot of you tube stuff.(tHINK he was tall as wilt to about 1974)in the Baclund pic in 1978 he was about 7'"0)by the Wilt [pic in 84 he was under 7'"0 but glad to see you posting here buddy after 10 years!
andre said on 6/Nov/15
andre the giant was measured 6'9 ¾ barefoot and that his true legit height at age 24
people here are liars and have no proves he ever was 7ft 7ft1
RP said on 6/Nov/15
Danimal, I agree... Plenty of clips of Andre where he can look 7'2" ...I've always though peak Andre was somewhere between 6'11.5" to 7'0.5" 1987 he was down to an even 6'11"...6'10" by 1990.
andre said on 5/Nov/15
we all know the 6ft9.5 measurement at age 24 was real
time for downgrate is height
mrtguy said on 4/Nov/15
JT, seriously what is your opinion about 'Jason the Giant'?
Oanh said on 4/Nov/15
andre said on 3/Nov/15
6'9 ¾ barefoot was is prime height measured at age 24
That height is what Dave Meltzer claimed, yet, Meltzer claimed Andre was 6'11.5" in the photo with Wilt and Arnold. All evidence clearly shows Andre was taller than 6'9 3/4". I see him at 7' peak, and 6'10" at the end.
Lucio Cliver said on 4/Nov/15
Andre had an EXTREMELY large torso and very high shoulders especially trapezius regions. Andre's chin was well below his hulking traps, in a normal human; the chin is above. This gives an illusion of greater height. Andre was 6'10", live with it
RoG said on 4/Nov/15
Defiantly over 7ft just how much for a peak Andre? Plus does anyone really believe the Meltzer bs of 6'9 3/4 that never could prove and pretty much lied about?
62B said on 4/Nov/15
Chan said on 3/Nov/15
He was 6ft 10 inches peak.
A lot of big fans here want him taller but I can confirm he was 6ft 10 inches having met him in Florida late 1970s when he worked for Dusty Rhodes
Looked a little over 6'10" in 1988. I put him more like 6'11". I ran into him earlier in the day though so who knows, maybe he lost no height at all from late 70's to the late 80s. Also, I was never an Andre fan
mrtguy said on 3/Nov/15
Rob, do you consider people who are afflicted with acromegalic gigantism as "Real Giants"?

Editor Rob
it is a form of giantism, but in terms of height, people with acromegely might not be tall. Physical features though like head, hands etc can be like a giant.
andre said on 3/Nov/15
6'9 ¾ barefoot was is prime height measured at age 24
he might have been 6ft8 at the end
Chan said on 3/Nov/15
He was 6ft 10 inches peak.
A lot of big fans here want him taller but I can confirm he was 6ft 10 inches having met him in Florida late 1970s when he worked for Dusty Rhodes
Danimal said on 3/Nov/15
6'2 said on 28/Oct/15
Between 7' -7'2 prime 80s 6'11
More like 6'11.5"-7'0.5" prime.
Danimal said on 3/Nov/15
RP said on 2/Nov/15
Jason the Giant is just like Andre The Giant..a 6'11.5" to 7'0" guy claiming 7'4" 😂😂😂 Jason actually may only be 6'10"
Andre's promoters wanted Andre to call himself 7'4" and 7'5" in the later years in the WWF. I remember watching a video of Stampede wrestling from Calgary where Andre was in a Battle Royal and the announcer said Andre was 7'6". That was mid-late 70's, so Andre could actually pass for over 7'0" at that time considering he was around the 7'0" mark back then.
RP said on 2/Nov/15
Jason the Giant is just like Andre The Giant..a 6'11.5" to 7'0" guy claiming 7'4" 😂😂😂 Jason actually may only be 6'10"
Chaz said on 2/Nov/15
mrtguy said on 30/Oct/15
Rob, are you seeing a legit 7'4''in this guy Click Here Click Here . It's also pretty ironic how he calls himself Jason the "Giant'' and claims 7'4''.
[Editor Rob: he's miles from that height.]
Rob is right there was a photo of a real 7'5'' guy with Kevin Nash, and Nash look'e like a small boy next to him,he looks about 6'11''ish
mrtguy said on 30/Oct/15
Rob, are you seeing a legit 7'4''in this guy
Click Here Click Here . It's also pretty ironic how he calls himself Jason the "Giant'' and claims 7'4''.

Editor Rob
he's miles from that height.
Strongman said on 29/Oct/15
That guy looks more like 6'8".
6'2 said on 28/Oct/15
Between 7' -7'2 prime 80s 6'11
Boss said on 27/Oct/15
Wilt was measured at night for the 7'0.5" measurement. He would have been taller in the morning. He was measured at 7'1 1/16" by a doctor which would have been a more accurate measurement than the night game. The pics with Andre are daytime photos so Wilt would be taller in the day than at night. So the 7'1 measurement is more accurate for the time of day the photos were taken.
62B said on 27/Oct/15
@ Chaz, Here are some quick measurements I took this morning on my self to compare with the Andre / Shoemaker photo. From the floor to my sternum where Shoemaker comes up to Andre is 53". From the floor to the bottom of my chin head facing straight was 65" and I am usually 74 1/2" to the top of my head, so there is 12" from my sternum to the bottom of my chin and my head is about 9 1/2". Using Shoemaker as a size reference, Andre would be 59" to the sternum, already 6" taller than me. Andre's head would be at least 2 1/2" longer than mine, so there is 8 1/2" added to my 6'2 1/2", that's 6'11" if you didn't know, and we still didn't add how much longer Andre's torso was than mine, at least from his sternum to his chin. Whatever that may have been I'm sure its more than enough to offset the 1 1/2" footwear advantage you are going to say Andre has over Shoemaker. Andre could easily be 7' in the Shoemaker photo.
Gretz said on 27/Oct/15
Have not posted here in a long timeJ.T and Danimal
Have not posted here in a long time,J.T and Daminel are probably still the only ones who remember me.But I have seen a lot of Pics of Andre in his youth,And people have said he was a solid 7"1 or7.03/4 in his prime,and he sure looks for his earliest vidieos on you tube.And vegas and J.T get a life!
mrtguy said on 26/Oct/15
Rob, have you heard of Tanya Angus?

Editor Rob
yes I read about her a few years ago.
mrtguy said on 26/Oct/15
JT, with all the respect have you heard or seen of an unknown wrestler by the name of "Jason the Giant" he claims the height of 7'4''
Click Here (1:35) mark. Do you really think he is 7'4'' based on these pics?
Here he is next to few people, one of the celebs Rob has listed Mickey Rourke ~ 5'11''
Click Here , Dory Funk jr.
Click Here and some other pictures of him:
Click Here Next to a door.
Click Here his strength isn't remotely close to Big Show & Andre
Click Here Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 26/Oct/15
Chaz said on 23/Oct/15
Eidur said on 18/Oct/15
@Dan and Rob
The two giants next to
Hafthor are the tallest men in island: Ragnar Nathanaelsson(left) and Egill Jonasson (right)
Both are around 7ft 2. Ragnar isn't taller than Egill Click Here
Here is a video for proof. Click Here
They were announced as the two tallest men in Island. They even got measured in this video.
It's the same day they met
Hafthor. Egill is one cm shorter than Ragnar with being 217cm while Ragnar is 218cm.
In the photo with
Hafthor one could believe Ragnar is way taller than Egill.
some who have no clue about what differance being over the camara side makes, should go on the
Hafthor Bjornsson page and click on the 2 photos,you may learn something Capt. Nobody.
Not sure which photos you're talking about. I'd have to see if there is anything like "fisheye" going on.
62B said on 26/Oct/15
Chaz said on 25/Oct/15
62B said on 23/Oct/15
hile it is a fact Wilt was measured at 7'1/2" lying down, its also a fact sports writers were doing the measuring, and it was because Wilt bet them he was shorter than 7'2". In the picture he was in street cloths with his knees bent very slightly. Could it be he wasn't laying as straight as possible to make sure he won the bet? maybe, maybe not, but it is a fact that Wilt claimed 7'1 1/16" and had been measured at that height at some point. Also Wilts boots in the Conan movie had a pretty good heel too, so your 1.25" Andre shoe advantage is just a guess biased to your opinion to take away another fraction of an inch from Andre, not a fact. 6'11.5" for Andre in 1984 is not as unrealistic as you want to make it out to be. I think its a pretty good estimate.
Talk about a lot of hot hair lol,so your clameing a man that has never meaured more than just over 7'1'' would have to bend he's knees laying down to not be 7'2'' a height he's never been lol,and to let himself be measued laying down were you are allways taller than your standing height? stop with this rubish,Wilt was more than likely at he's shortist or it was taking later in the day than the 7'1'' measurement,he was more than likely about 7'.5'' avarage height over the day. and those Cowboy boots have a 2.5'' heel they are at least 1.25-1.5'' on wilts and in ever shot Andre is neara the camara, and in ever photo he's still shorter, he's lucky if he's 7' in those boots let alone barefoot,the Wilt photos are worthless to show he's height because he's too far nera the camara,only the Shoemaker photos have all you need to work he's height out,because they are in line to the camara both infront,and we know 100% the height of Shoemaker,and there is no gap between them,so unless he's only getting 1'' from that head of hair and those big boots he is not 7' because the total height to the top of he's hair is not over 7'1''
Personally, Andre does look about 7' tall in the Shoemaker picture to me.
62B said on 26/Oct/15
Chaz said on 25/Oct/15
62B said on 23/Oct/15
hile it is a fact Wilt was measured at 7'1/2" lying down, its also a fact sports writers were doing the measuring, and it was because Wilt bet them he was shorter than 7'2". In the picture he was in street cloths with his knees bent very slightly. Could it be he wasn't laying as straight as possible to make sure he won the bet? maybe, maybe not, but it is a fact that Wilt claimed 7'1 1/16" and had been measured at that height at some point. Also Wilts boots in the Conan movie had a pretty good heel too, so your 1.25" Andre shoe advantage is just a guess biased to your opinion to take away another fraction of an inch from Andre, not a fact. 6'11.5" for Andre in 1984 is not as unrealistic as you want to make it out to be. I think its a pretty good estimate.
Talk about a lot of hot hair lol,so your clameing a man that has never meaured more than just over 7'1'' would have to bend he's knees laying down to not be 7'2'' a height he's never been lol,and to let himself be measued laying down were you are allways taller than your standing height? stop with this rubish,Wilt was more than likely at he's shortist or it was taking later in the day than the 7'1'' measurement,he was more than likely about 7'.5'' avarage height over the day. and those Cowboy boots have a 2.5'' heel they are at least 1.25-1.5'' on wilts and in ever shot Andre is neara the camara, and in ever photo he's still shorter, he's lucky if he's 7' in those boots let alone barefoot,the Wilt photos are worthless to show he's height because he's too far nera the camara,only the Shoemaker photos have all you need to work he's height out,because they are in line to the camara both infront,and we know 100% the height of Shoemaker,and there is no gap between them,so unless he's only getting 1'' from that head of hair and those big boots he is not 7' because the total height to the top of he's hair is not over 7'1''
I claimed nothing. You are the one who claims Wilt was 1/2" shorter than he was actually measured. I just pointed out what the picture looked like and that fact it was a bet. Its human nature to want to have the best odds. All Wilt would have had to do is not relax his neck and spine and he would have not measured any different if he were standing. If you want to dissect the Wilt / Andre picture where Meltzer figures Andre for 6'11.5" then lets do it. Wilt and Andre both have their heads straight and appear about the same height. Andre is slightly closer to the camera, so fine that makes Wilt a little taller, but wait, Wilt has a wig that is making him look taller than he is, so maybe he isn't that much taller. Then there are Andre's cowboy boots, so yep Wilt again is taller, but wait again, Wilt has is hands on his hips arching his back, while Andre is standing with his usual slouching posture. The reality is that Wilt is about one inch taller than Andre in that picture, maybe fraction more, but not two or three.
Chaz said on 25/Oct/15
62B said on 23/Oct/15
hile it is a fact Wilt was measured at 7'1/2" lying down, its also a fact sports writers were doing the measuring, and it was because Wilt bet them he was shorter than 7'2". In the picture he was in street cloths with his knees bent very slightly. Could it be he wasn't laying as straight as possible to make sure he won the bet? maybe, maybe not, but it is a fact that Wilt claimed 7'1 1/16" and had been measured at that height at some point. Also Wilts boots in the Conan movie had a pretty good heel too, so your 1.25" Andre shoe advantage is just a guess biased to your opinion to take away another fraction of an inch from Andre, not a fact. 6'11.5" for Andre in 1984 is not as unrealistic as you want to make it out to be. I think its a pretty good estimate.
Talk about a lot of hot hair lol,so your clameing a man that has never meaured more than just over 7'1'' would have to bend he's knees laying down to not be 7'2'' a height he's never been lol,and to let himself be measued laying down were you are allways taller than your standing height? stop with this rubish,Wilt was more than likely at he's shortist or it was taking later in the day than the 7'1'' measurement,he was more than likely about 7'.5'' avarage height over the day. and those Cowboy boots have a 2.5'' heel they are at least 1.25-1.5'' on wilts and in ever shot Andre is neara the camara, and in ever photo he's still shorter, he's lucky if he's 7' in those boots let alone barefoot,the Wilt photos are worthless to show he's height because he's too far nera the camara,only the Shoemaker photos have all you need to work he's height out,because they are in line to the camara both infront,and we know 100% the height of Shoemaker,and there is no gap between them,so unless he's only getting 1'' from that head of hair and those big boots he is not 7' because the total height to the top of he's hair is not over 7'1''
JT said on 24/Oct/15
Wilt was measured at 7.0.5” lying down in 1980
Click Here It could have been an evening measurement but his standing height would be a little less than when lying down.
Andre probably had around a 1.5” footwear advantage over Wilt
Click Here assuming he did not pay for a little extra boost on the inside of his custom made boots. Wilt’s reported shoe size ranges anywhere from 14 ½ to 16. Andre’s was probably 18-19. I probably should have scaled Wilt’s shoe
smaller but it’s all a guess. If Andre’s shoes were as big as some here claim, his footwear advantage over Wilt was even greater.
This gives a rough idea where the top of Wilt’s head would have been under the wig
Click Here Worse posture, standing a little farther from the camera, and a big footwear disadvantage and he still looks a little taller.
62B said on 23/Oct/15
Chaz said on 22/Oct/15
We have a laying down measurement of Wilt at 7'.5'' just befor these photos were taken which would make him about 7' standing up.and those Cowboy boots give him more than .75" lol more like 1.25'' and in every photo he's more than 12'' nera the camara,so that is at least 1'' advantage,and as JT has shown he is at least .5'' shorter in every photo,so those are the facts,
While it is a fact Wilt was measured at 7'1/2" lying down, its also a fact sports writers were doing the measuring, and it was because Wilt bet them he was shorter than 7'2". In the picture he was in street cloths with his knees bent very slightly. Could it be he wasn't laying as straight as possible to make sure he won the bet? maybe, maybe not, but it is a fact that Wilt claimed 7'1 1/16" and had been measured at that height at some point. Also Wilts boots in the Conan movie had a pretty good heel too, so your 1.25" Andre shoe advantage is just a guess biased to your opinion to take away another fraction of an inch from Andre, not a fact. 6'11.5" for Andre in 1984 is not as unrealistic as you want to make it out to be. I think its a pretty good estimate.
Chaz said on 23/Oct/15
Eidur said on 18/Oct/15
@Dan and Rob
The two giants next to
Hafthor are the tallest men in island: Ragnar Nathanaelsson(left) and Egill Jonasson (right)
Both are around 7ft 2. Ragnar isn't taller than Egill Click Here
Here is a video for proof. Click Here
They were announced as the two tallest men in Island. They even got measured in this video.
It's the same day they met
Hafthor. Egill is one cm shorter than Ragnar with being 217cm while Ragnar is 218cm.
In the photo with
Hafthor one could believe Ragnar is way taller than Egill.
some who have no clue about what differance being over the camara side makes, should go on the
Hafthor Bjornsson page and click on the 2 photos,you may learn something Capt. Nobody.
Chaz said on 22/Oct/15
RP said on 21/Oct/15
Some Wilt Chamberlain facts:
At age 16 in 1953 was measured barefoot @ 6'11.5" his rookie training camp in 1959 at age 22 was measured barefoot @ 7'1.06" or 7'1 &1/16" ...he weighed 258 lbs at this measurement. His playing weights later in his career was 275 to 290 lbs. Wilt reported to many training camps over 300 lbs. He weighed 327 lbs for the fiming of Conan The Destroyer. His heaviest reporting weight at traing camp was 315 lbs. He weighed 225 lbs his SR season in HS. This being known...Andre was 0.5" shorter than Wilt with a 0.75" advantage in footwear. Meaning Barefoot Andre would be about 1.25" to 1.5" shorter than barefoot Wilt. Giving us a 6'11.5" to 6'11.75" Andre The Giant in 1984 at the age of 37. And Andre had an easy 125 to 140 lbs lbs on Wilt. In knowing 1984 Wilt was 7'1" & 327 lbs ...I'm saying 1984 Andre was 6'11.5" & 450 to 470 lbs
We have a laying down measurement of Wilt at 7'.5'' just befor these photos were taken which would make him about 7' standing up.and those Cowboy boots give him more than .75" lol more like 1.25'' and in every photo he's more than 12'' nera the camara,so that is at least 1'' advantage,and as JT has shown he is at least .5'' shorter in every photo,so those are the facts,
Chaz said on 22/Oct/15
homer said on 20/Oct/15 Why is the camera placement invalid in the Shoemaker and Andre picture? Shoemaker is clearly inches closer to the camera, thus he appears larger than 4' 11"....Andre the giant, a flat with it.
Because there is no gap between them,but even tho there is no need I have taken 1/2''off and use your brains do you think the disstance from Andre's gut to the front of Shoemakers chest is more than Andre's side from Wilt front? the total height of Andre in that Shomaker photo with boots and Hair is 7'1'' and I am still waiting after 6 years for someone to prove me wrong?
RP said on 21/Oct/15
Some Wilt Chamberlain facts:
At age 16 in 1953 was measured barefoot @ 6'11.5" his rookie training camp in 1959 at age 22 was measured barefoot @ 7'1.06" or 7'1 &1/16" ...he weighed 258 lbs at this measurement. His playing weights later in his career was 275 to 290 lbs. Wilt reported to many training camps over 300 lbs. He weighed 327 lbs for the fiming of Conan The Destroyer. His heaviest reporting weight at traing camp was 315 lbs. He weighed 225 lbs his SR season in HS. This being known...Andre was 0.5" shorter than Wilt with a 0.75" advantage in footwear. Meaning Barefoot Andre would be about 1.25" to 1.5" shorter than barefoot Wilt. Giving us a 6'11.5" to 6'11.75" Andre The Giant in 1984 at the age of 37. And Andre had an easy 125 to 140 lbs lbs on Wilt. In knowing 1984 Wilt was 7'1" & 327 lbs ...I'm saying 1984 Andre was 6'11.5" & 450 to 470 lbs.
mrtguy said on 21/Oct/15
JT said on 20/Oct/15
Andre was not taller than Wilt in any of their pics. Click Here Wilt is looking down in three of the pics and Andre in only one pic while managing to end up closer to the camera in all four pics. In the one pic when they are holding Arnold up and have a similar head position, Wilt looks taller even though he’s clearly standing behind Andre. The top of Wilt’s head is also higher than many assume here too Click Here
Andre’s wearing his custom-made boots so it’s all speculation how much shorter he would be if he was wearing Wilt's shoes.
JT, are you familiar with an unknown wrestler his name happens to be "Jason the Giant" he claims 7'4'' for himself
Click Here (1:35) mark.
Here he is next to Mickey Rourke who is 5'11''
Click Here , Dory Funk jr.
Click Here and here more pics of him :
Click Here Click Here Click Here
Click Here His strength isn't even remotely close to Big Show & Andre
Click Here Click Here
62B said on 21/Oct/15
andre said on 20/Oct/15
6'9 ¾ barefoot was is prime height measured at age 24
you guys can dream about 7ft he was 5ft11 with his hell shoes
Show me the proof please. Oh that's right, you can't, that so called measurement you choose to believe is just as mythical as Andre's 7'4" billing.
Capt. Nobody said on 21/Oct/15
Chaz said on 20/Oct/15
Capt. Nobody ,stop fooling yourself everything you say if " If he did this and the camara was that" if there was only one or two photos or videos showing him to be 6'10'' and most showing him ti be 7'+ then you could be right,but it's the other way rownd,allmost every photo were you see the feet and he's not in cowboy boots he's 6'10'' or under,the best you could say is he could have been nera 6'11'' out of bed,and you can forget all this about a young Andre being 7'+ has we can see as clear as day in 1975 he did not have 2' on a 4'11'' Shoemaker with perfect posture
OK, lets forget all that and stick to that one picture of Wilt and Andre, again I ask, if Andre is 12" in front of Wilt, how are their back feet in line with each other?
Andre could have been 5'10" for all I know, but if he was, then he wasn't alone. If you get my drift.
homer said on 20/Oct/15
Chaz said on 20/Oct/15
Capt. Nobody ,stop fooling yourself everything you say if " If he did this and the camara was that" if there was only one or two photos or videos showing him to be 6'10'' and most showing him ti be 7'+ then you could be right,but it's the other way rownd,allmost every photo were you see the feet and he's not in cowboy boots he's 6'10'' or under,the best you could say is he could have been nera 6'11'' out of bed,and you can forget all this about a young Andre being 7'+ has we can see as clear as day in 1975 he did not have 2' on a 4'11'' Shoemaker with perfect posture
Why is the camera placement invalid in the Shoemaker and Andre picture? Shoemaker is clearly inches closer to the camera, thus he appears larger than 4' 11"....Andre the giant, a flat with it.
JT said on 20/Oct/15
Andre was not taller than Wilt in any of their pics.
Click Here Wilt is looking down in three of the pics and Andre in only one pic while managing to end up closer to the camera in all four pics. In the one pic when they are holding Arnold up and have a similar head position, Wilt looks taller even though he’s clearly standing behind Andre. The top of Wilt’s head is also higher than many assume here too
Click Here
Andre’s wearing his custom-made boots so it’s all speculation how much shorter he would be if he was wearing Wilt's shoes.
Telamon said on 20/Oct/15
In another site named the Tallest Man Andre The Giant's height is also given as 7' (
Click Here), so they agree with Rob. On the other hand some people who consider Andre as 6'9.75'' they either say that Andre was as tall as Ernie Ladd or less than an inch taller, but they also say that Ladd wasn't 6'9'' but 6'7'' which dosn't make any sense. Then Andre would be less than 6'8''. Either Ladd was 6'9'' and Andre was just as tall or a little taller (less than 1'') than Ladd or Ladd was 6'7'' and Andre was 2.75'' taller than Ladd. To sum up most people who compare Andre with people of known height give Andre 7' peak. I don't know if he was a little taller or not, the subject is debatable, only people very close to him might know the truth.
andre said on 20/Oct/15
6'9 ¾ barefoot was is prime height measured at age 24
you guys can dream about 7ft he was 5ft11 with his hell shoes
62B said on 20/Oct/15
Lucio Cliver said on 17/Oct/15
Never saw a giant look more underwhelming than Andre; as a kid I couldn't reconcile the ostensible disparity of Andre's purported height and his actual appearance. His almost imperceptible height advantage over Studd and especially Ladd made me realize that Andre was not as tall as the WWF claimed. Now some on here claim that Andre was north of 7' while fewer tout he was every bit of 7'4"; Andre would have to have a spine like a scissor lift for that to be possible. The man was 6'10 - 6'11" at absolute best barefoot. His enormous head and torso made him appear taller.
If you thought Andre looked underwhelming, then I doubt you ever saw him in person up close. Its true he was not 7'4", but it wasn't just his height, it was his sheer overall size.
62B said on 20/Oct/15
andre said on 16/Oct/15
guys andre the giant was using big shoes in the wilt picture , there is one where they look almost same height and in another andre is smaller
wilt was measured 7'0.5
so the andre measured The 6'9 ¾" barefoot at age 24 is legit
i'm 5ft6 and if i had the oportunity to see andre for sure i would say he was 7ft but is better rob change is height to 6'9 ¾" barefoot
people here have no idea how tall a barefoot 6'9 ¾ is and maby this was done not in the morning so he might even be taller then this
Why do you have to use 2 or 3 different screen names? I do know what a 6'9" person looks like barefoot, and Andre was taller. The supposed 6'9 3/4" measurement was really supposed to be 208 cm which is closer to 6'10", Meltzer saw Andre's boots in the picture with Wilt and still felt he was 6'11 1/2". That picture with Wilt was in 1984, I saw him in 1988 and felt he was about 6'11". There is no proof of that supposed 6'9 3/4" measurement ever taking place.
Chaz said on 20/Oct/15
Capt. Nobody ,stop fooling yourself everything you say if " If he did this and the camara was that" if there was only one or two photos or videos showing him to be 6'10'' and most showing him ti be 7'+ then you could be right,but it's the other way rownd,allmost every photo were you see the feet and he's not in cowboy boots he's 6'10'' or under,the best you could say is he could have been nera 6'11'' out of bed,and you can forget all this about a young Andre being 7'+ has we can see as clear as day in 1975 he did not have 2' on a 4'11'' Shoemaker with perfect posture
Oanh said on 19/Oct/15
mrtguy said on 15/Oct/15
Hey Rob, there's a unknown wrestler 'Jason The Giant' he claims the height of 7'4'' Click Here at the (1:35) mark, by taking a glance at these pics do you really think he is height he claims?:
Next to Mickey and others: Click Here Click Here and Click Here
If not 7'4'' how tall would you say he looks. Thanks
Forget about 7'4". I've seen those photos and others, and he looks about 6'11-7'0
Oanh said on 19/Oct/15
People seem to miss the fact that Wilt was wearing a big wig in that photo with Andre. They only point out Andre's shoes. Take away Wilt's wig and they're very close in height.
All things being equal, Wilt might have been a fraction taller than Andre.
Capt. Nobody said on 19/Oct/15
Chaz said on 17/Oct/15
Capt. Nobody said on 15/Oct/15 Click Here
First you have to show me or describe to me how his right side being slightly more toward the camera gives him any sort of advantage, but, before you do, I'll describe to you why it doesn't.
Here's a shot with their positions reversed because sometimes that can show things in a different light. In this particular shot Andre gains no advantage because they are pretty much right in line with one another as evidenced by their back feet being in almost the same exact position horizontally. His body may be slightly twisted to the camera more but if there were any distortion happening to a significant degree in his favor the image from one side of Andre to the other would be obviously disproportionate the farther back in the shot you go, and it is not. Even if the front side of Andre were distorted in his favor, the side farther from the camera is not and the advantage remains even when compared to the side of Wilt nearest the camera.
This picture was obviously taken from a higher angle and from farther away which also significantly reduces irregularities in regards to proportion and verticality relative to object to camera distance.
So you call that side by side? are you for real?
Wilt and Arnold are not even side by side,look at Andre's feet? you call that side by side? Andre's is more than 12'' nera the camara so he's gaining more than 1'' plus the massive heels, he's about 2.5-3'' talller barefoot,
If that is your position then once again, how are Wilt and Andres back feet right in line with each other if Andre is so much more towards the camera?
Capt. Nobody said on 18/Oct/15
andre said on 16/Oct/15
guys andre the giant was using big shoes in the wilt picture , there is one where they look almost same height and in another andre is smaller
wilt was measured 7'0.5
so the andre measured The 6'9 ¾" barefoot at age 24 is legit
i'm 5ft6 and if i had the oportunity to see andre for sure i would say he was 7ft but is better rob change is height to 6'9 ¾" barefoot
people here have no idea how tall a barefoot 6'9 ¾ is and maby this was done not in the morning so he might even be taller then this
OK, then how big were his shoes if when standing with equal posture next to Wilt he had about an inch or more on him? And don't forget, we've seen Wilts footwear and they weren't no heeled moccasins, they were boots and had at least a half inch on them.
Capt. Nobody said on 18/Oct/15
Lucio Cliver said on 17/Oct/15
Never saw a giant look more underwhelming than Andre; as a kid I couldn't reconcile the ostensible disparity of Andre's purported height and his actual appearance. His almost imperceptible height advantage over Studd and especially Ladd made me realize that Andre was not as tall as the WWF claimed. Now some on here claim that Andre was north of 7' while fewer tout he was every bit of 7'4"; Andre would have to have a spine like a scissor lift for that to be possible. The man was 6'10 - 6'11" at absolute best barefoot. His enormous head and torso made him appear taller.
Actually, they do the exact opposite. Most people judge height from a distance by crotch height, eye level, shoulder level, and limb length. This is why even in the pictures where Andre is actually technically taller than Wilt, he "looks" shorter. He had the proportions of an average sized man, but that's also why he was as "large" as he was.
This has already been debated and illustrated to the only extent necessary by Icon but his head tilt is a major factor in regards to calculating his height as well. Since his head was so large and indeed a large part of his overall height, his head tilt altered his height a great deal in a game of inches.