How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 24

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
Halb said on 8/Apr/09
Bruno Sammartino seems like a straight shooter, has anybody ever asked him on the heights?
Halb said on 8/Apr/09
Mane looks shorter there, but wider.
Big Daddy may have been 6'2 it is difficult to be sure. Haystacks was not more than 6'8 in my opinion.
omar g said on 8/Apr/09
tyler mane had to be in the 6'9 range and 6'8 today.he was interviewed during the release of the halloween movie and he says that he is 6'8 inches.maybe a little taller in 1990 and a little taller with wrestling andre had to be a full 6'10 standing straight up with good posture in 1990.
kinggollum said on 8/Apr/09
Boss says on 7/Apr/09
Here is Mane and Nash together. They look around the same height to me.
Click Here

I would say that a peak Mane and a peak Morgan are the same height and peak nash an inch taller.
dicksock said on 7/Apr/09
Jason W. says on 7/Apr/09
i have to throw this in about "Superstar" Billy Graham, i dont think he was ever 6'4, in his matches in the 70's with Dusty Rhodes (5'11 tops) they were basically the same height. i am fairly certain this was a time period before Mr.Graham started having most if not all of his surgeries that he has had. i would guess 6 or maybe 6'1 peak for the superstar, and from reports that i have heard prob around 5'9 or 5'10 today.

Yeah, have fun with that.
Jason W. said on 7/Apr/09
i have to throw this in about "Superstar" Billy Graham, i dont think he was ever 6'4, in his matches in the 70's with Dusty Rhodes (5'11 tops) they were basically the same height. i am fairly certain this was a time period before Mr.Graham started having most if not all of his surgeries that he has had. i would guess 6 or maybe 6'1 peak for the superstar, and from reports that i have heard prob around 5'9 or 5'10 today.
Boss said on 7/Apr/09
Here is Mane and Nash together. They look around the same height to me.
Click Here
dicksock said on 7/Apr/09
JT says on 7/Apr/09
A very thin Haystacks and very thin ~ 6'1" (?) Big Daddy from the 1970s. Click Here Even if he's 6'2", Haystacks does not look more than 6'8".

Are you joking? You're really going to use that as evidence?
Anonymous said on 7/Apr/09
Franz says on 6/Apr/09
i see some moment of snmi between andre and warrior. when andre stays fully erect warrior arrive at andre's chin. Warrior i 6.1/2, i'v read that on this site. Andre's head is certanly over ten inches.

andre is slightly closer to the camera as you can see on the video Click Here
Lawrence said on 7/Apr/09
JT,for a start,Big Daddy was in the the Coldstream Guards and did household duties,were you have to be over 6'2''and he was picked by the army because he was just under 6'3''.and the guy in the gold trunks is nere 6'2''Steve Vidor,
JT said on 7/Apr/09
A very thin Haystacks and very thin ~ 6'1" (?) Big Daddy from the 1970s. Click Here Even if he's 6'2", Haystacks does not look more than 6'8".
JT said on 6/Apr/09
Elmer (also in cowboy boots) was closer to the camera than Vince in that video I posted. Click Here He does not look any more than 6
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/09
Mamun says on 5/Apr/09
if Andre was the same height as
Nash , then why did he have 2 " over Tylar Mane in the late 90's before his
death ? Are you now going to tell me that Nash has a 4 " height over Mane ?
Please ?

based on your photo next to mane and nash yes there is 4 inches between them but manes posture like UBG next to you is awful and we cannot determine either mans height from those photos, the rock looks as tall next to you as tyler mane
willy79 said on 6/Apr/09
Anonymous says on 6/Apr/09
kinggollum says on 6/Apr/09
3. Big Show was 7'0 at his tallest.
7. Haystacks and Big Show stare down was with Big Show wearing lifts and thick soled giving show about a 7'3 height

ROTL you honestly think big show was getting 3 inches from his boots in that match oh man, here is another for you go watch big show/akebono barefoot staredown and then watch akebono silva barefoot stare-down

Yes, and Silva is taller to him than Big Show. Your point?
Halb said on 6/Apr/09
Stan Frazier was billed at many heights. Vegas found a 7'7 listing at one time. Which even beats Andre's 7'5:D
Franz said on 6/Apr/09
i see some moment of snmi between andre and warrior. when andre stays fully erect warrior arrive at andre's chin. Warrior i 6.1/2, i'v read that on this site. Andre's head is certanly over ten inches.
Big Show said on 6/Apr/09
Click Here
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/09
kinggollum says on 6/Apr/09
3. Big Show was 7'0 at his tallest.
7. Haystacks and Big Show stare down was with Big Show wearing lifts and thick soled giving show about a 7'3 height

ROTL you honestly think big show was getting 3 inches from his boots in that match oh man, here is another for you go watch big show/akebono barefoot staredown and then watch akebono silva barefoot stare-down
kinggollum said on 6/Apr/09
general93 says on 2/Apr/09
in andres bio which would have nothing to do with billings they said andre at 12 was over 6ft 240lbs at 16 6'10" 280lbs and 18 7ft tall thats the tallest height they gave him although they did say he was still growing into his 20s however they dont credit him 7'4".his hands feet chin and head were probably still growing thats it, his head was very big, id say he was 7'1.5" tallest down to under 7ft tall late.554 lbs heaviest i think he was 528lbs at death.

kinggollum said on 6/Apr/09
omar g says on 4/Apr/09
thats correct steve andre looked taller because of his 3 inch afro.he had that hair all through the 70's(sometimes he would slick his afro back) up until 1984 whn studd and patera cut it.also back then the only peaple that were close to andres height were ernie ladd who was 6'8.-maybe 6'9ish. and giant haystacks who probably was 6'8-6'8.5 in the 70's john studd who was a solid 6'7 when with the executioners.and of course hulk hogan who was 6'6,6'6.5 with andre looked huge next to these big men.but if you compare andre to recent giants like kevin nash(6'10 peak),ron reiss(7'2),great khali(7'1),big show(7'1 peak,6'11.5 now)),nathan jones(6'9),matt morgan(6'8.5)kane(6'8),undertaker(6'8 peak)sid(6'7.5 peak)he would be dwarfed by show,reiss,khali.would be the same height as nash,barley have a slight edge on jones,and maybe about a inch or so on morgan,kane,taker.the only one he would have a slight height advantage might be would be similar to andre and studds height difference.andre looked bigger than his height because of just that his biggness.he had a huge head.large odd forehead,abnormal features(hands,feet)and a wide back and a thick torso.6'11 peak,6'10 wrestlemania 3 with a hair cut,6'9ish time of death.

1.A peak Andre would be on par with a peak Khali.
2. Reis was 7'1
3. Big Show was 7'0 at his tallest.
4. Silva would be only one to have any height on andre considering he is 7'2
3. Shaq and Khali were about the same height and an aged Wilt still had an inch on Shaq.
4. We've all seen the Wilt and Andre pics.
5. Nash and Jones are bith 6'10 peak, they both had a 6'9 Matt Morgan by and inch.
6. Uncle Elmer was about 6'10 peak and Andre was a cpouple inches taller than him.
7. Haystacks and Big Show stare down was with Big Show wearing lifts and thick soled giving show about a 7'3 height and aged haystacks was only about 6'7-.5 from his original 6'9-.5 height.
8. Hi, everyone I'm back.
Boss said on 5/Apr/09
Here is an article on Stan Frazier stating he was 6'10.
Click Here
Boss said on 5/Apr/09
Alfred Hayes stated Andre was 6'10 at 18 years old when he met him.
Boss said on 5/Apr/09
Stan Frazier was a solid 6'10 peak and was billed at 7'2. Here he is with 5'11 Tony Dorsette of the Dallas Cowboys. Andre was taller than Frazier. Click Here
dicksock said on 5/Apr/09
What bio? Is it from a website?

It's his televised bio that was on A and E, I believe. But, it's posted on Youtube right now. I can confirm that it does say he was 7' tall at age 18 when he left for paris. But, it also says WM 3 was in the summer of 1986.
dicksock said on 5/Apr/09
Uncle Elmer seems to be easily 6'9" next to a cowboy boot clad Vince McMahon.
Gretz said on 5/Apr/09
By the way,I don`t think anyone has been estimating Andre`s height by the top of his afro.Why not paste a picture of Wilt`s head next to his head in the pics where he has the big wig on?
Gretz said on 5/Apr/09
Andre looks very close to or 7'0" in that pic with Verne Gagne(billed at 5'11" and looks around that if Chris Taylor is really 6'5").It really all depends on the size of Andre`s head,he has slightly over a full head on Gagne.So if Andre`s head is 13 inches he`s a fraction over 7'0",12 inches and he`s a fraction over 6'11".I personally think his head is 12.5 to 13 inches going by various cinder block pics.
Anonymous said on 5/Apr/09
dicksock says on 4/Apr/09
Wouldn't lifts give more than just an inch? Wouldn't those lifts have given Hogan at least 2"? So we have a 6'7" Hogan(in lifts) and an Andre who is 5-6" taller. Let's see, that would make Andre about...7'0.5"

this is all speculation, if hogan was wearing lifts so was andre, after all andre was billed at 7ft 5 a full 9 inches taller than hogan, andre was the guy put on boxes and made stand on his tip-toes, it would make far more sense just to bill hogan at 6'11 or 7ft

hogan never looked more than 5 inches shorter than andre in comparable footwear, this video is from 1978-1979, hogan in 1/4 inch flip-flops, andre in 2 inch cowboy boots so a big footwear advantage for andre yet hogan still only looks 6 inches max shorter than andre here Click Here
Franz said on 5/Apr/09
omar, i think you made some mistakes, If you compare a late andre with a young tyler mane 6'8/9 you see that andre with a terrible posture has 2 inches on him. At his peak andre couldn't be dwarfed by khali or big show, and the pic with chamberlaine prove that.
Franz said on 5/Apr/09
omar, i think you made some mistakes, If you compare a late andre with a young tyler mane 6'8/9 you see that andre with a terrible posture has 2 inches on him. At his peak andre couldn't be dwarfed by khali or big show, and the pic with chamberlaine prove that.
Halb said on 5/Apr/09
I think Vince and HBJ are both in cowboy boots, and Tito is in shoes.
Big Show said on 5/Apr/09
KingNick says on 4/Apr/09
What bio? Is it from a website?

I think General93 is referring to Andre's A&E Biography, which you can find on youtube.
Big Show said on 5/Apr/09
omar g says on 4/Apr/09
he would be dwarfed by show,reiss,khali.

Andre might not be the tallest anymore if he had wrestled in the WWE today, but he would still be the largest. He certainly wouldn't be dwarfed by anyone. Giant Gonzalez might dwarf him in height, but not in size.
Mamun said on 5/Apr/09
You gotta to be kidding me omar g ! If Big Show dwarfed Andre and Andre was
6' 11" peak according to you , then that would make Big Show 7' 3" barefoot.
Because it will take at least 4 5 inches of height to accually dwarf someone!
I would love to beleive it my friend but here is my problem . If Big Show is
7' 3" then the gentleman Mike posted on his site should be up graded to 6' 6"
and the UBG should be up graded to 7' 1" . My friends here if this was the
case then do you really see a 7' 1" UBG in my picture ? And UBG wasn't wearing
any lifts . How do I know ? I had asked him when I got that photo from him
signed . Even he said Big Show had not more than two inches of height over him ? A 7' 3" Big Show is beyound Logic even in jt's biased comperison photos?
Or a 6' 8" Andre is more logical with a 3 " Afro making him look taller with
a 6' 3" peak Hogan . Last question omar g , if Andre was the same height as
Nash , then why did he have 2 " over Tylar Mane in the late 90's before his
death ? Are you now going to tell me that Nash has a 4 " height over Mane ?
Please ?


JT said on 5/Apr/09
Steve says on 3/Apr/09
KingNick said on 4/Apr/09
general93 says on 2/Apr/09
in andres bio which would have nothing to do with billings they said andre at 12 was over 6ft 240lbs at 16 6'10" 280lbs and 18 7ft tall thats the tallest height they gave him although they did say he was still growing into his 20s however they dont credit him 7'4".his hands feet chin and head were probably still growing thats it, his head was very big, id say he was 7'1.5" tallest down to under 7ft tall late.554 lbs heaviest i think he was 528lbs at death.

What bio? Is it from a website?
dicksock said on 4/Apr/09
Wouldn't lifts give more than just an inch? Wouldn't those lifts have given Hogan at least 2"? So we have a 6'7" Hogan(in lifts) and an Andre who is 5-6" taller. Let's see, that would make Andre about...7'0.5"

BTW, there is a new clip of Andre on "The Greatest American Hero" on youtube. It's pretty funny.
omar g said on 4/Apr/09
thats correct steve andre looked taller because of his 3 inch afro.he had that hair all through the 70's(sometimes he would slick his afro back) up until 1984 whn studd and patera cut it.also back then the only peaple that were close to andres height were ernie ladd who was 6'8.-maybe 6'9ish. and giant haystacks who probably was 6'8-6'8.5 in the 70's john studd who was a solid 6'7 when with the executioners.and of course hulk hogan who was 6'6,6'6.5 with andre looked huge next to these big men.but if you compare andre to recent giants like kevin nash(6'10 peak),ron reiss(7'2),great khali(7'1),big show(7'1 peak,6'11.5 now)),nathan jones(6'9),matt morgan(6'8.5)kane(6'8),undertaker(6'8 peak)sid(6'7.5 peak)he would be dwarfed by show,reiss,khali.would be the same height as nash,barley have a slight edge on jones,and maybe about a inch or so on morgan,kane,taker.the only one he would have a slight height advantage might be would be similar to andre and studds height difference.andre looked bigger than his height because of just that his biggness.he had a huge head.large odd forehead,abnormal features(hands,feet)and a wide back and a thick torso.6'11 peak,6'10 wrestlemania 3 with a hair cut,6'9ish time of death.
Big Show said on 4/Apr/09
Click Here

Here's Andre guest starring in a tv-show called 'Greatest American Hero'. Quite a funny segment.
Steve said on 3/Apr/09
Omar you are correct with your estimates, as Andre never looked over 6'11 peak. You have to remember in Andres younger years, he had massive hair which made him appear alot taller. Shave his head and he loses at least 3 inches of hair of his afro type hair.
general93 said on 2/Apr/09
in andres bio which would have nothing to do with billings they said andre at 12 was over 6ft 240lbs at 16 6'10" 280lbs and 18 7ft tall thats the tallest height they gave him although they did say he was still growing into his 20s however they dont credit him 7'4".his hands feet chin and head were probably still growing thats it, his head was very big, id say he was 7'1.5" tallest down to under 7ft tall late.554 lbs heaviest i think he was 528lbs at death.
omar g said on 2/Apr/09
i have a book called sex lies and headlocks.the real story of vince mcmahon and the wwe.and it states that when vince mcmahon sr signed a 6 foot 5 inch hulk hogan from florida championship wrestling in 1979 he bought hogan his first wrestling cape and bought hogan a new set of boots with lifts inside to make him appear taller that he in 79 if hogan was 6'5 he must of been 6'6-6'6.5 which makes sence because he was closer to height to andre then than he was in 1987.and also in the hogan mcmahon interviews from 1980 hogan looks much taller than vince then compared to his mid to late 80's interviews standing next to i think hogan was a legit 6'5.6'6-6'6.5 with boots.andre was a solid 6'11 in 1980 and 6'10 in later years and i believe a little over 6'9 at his death.andre looked in terrible shape during his last japan tour in 1992.he was extremley overweight ang hunched over big time,so thats were i get the 6'9 height at the time of death.
George said on 2/Apr/09
Kendra 6'3" 172
Jeremy 7'0.5" 290 (closest height to Shaq without going over)
George 7'0" 312
Big Show 7'0" 400?-440
Andre 7'0" 380-520
Big and Tall IS Beautiful
aaron said on 1/Apr/09
and kowalski shrank alot in his lifetime. he was originally 6'6"+ believe it or not. kowalski has scoliosis, whcih gets siginificantly worse over time
aaron said on 1/Apr/09
Ultimate Bad guy is a very forthcoming guy, very nice and straight up. He pulls no punches when talking about his wrestling career. and whomever puts UBG at 6'6" is an idiot, because he TOWERS over me and i am 6'2". I know what 6'6" looks like, my cousin is 6'7" , and UBG is a solid 6'9" or better. anyways, UBG said to me at a convention that Andre had him by a solid 3+ inches in the early eighties when he wrestled him. he said big show and Andre were the same height in their primes
aaron said on 1/Apr/09
Ultimate Bad guy is a very forthcoming guy, very nice and straight up. He pulls no punches when talking about his wrestling career. he said to me at a convention that Andre had him by 3 inches in the early eighties when he wrestled him. he said big show and Andre were the same height in their primes
Danimal said on 1/Apr/09
Vegas, you're unbelievable. Terry Todd INDEED refer to Billy Graham as 6'3" in the WSM competion in 1980 and then said, well, maybe 6'4" after he gave him a look up and down. Giving him only 6'2" is a JOKE. He was at least 6'3". He claims only 6'0" today, but I'm sure he's rounding up. The man had BOTH ankles fused, has had 6" hip replacements AND his spine has collapsed 4". If you call him a liar, it just shows HOW BIASED you are like you are with Piper, Hogan and Ric Flair.
Mamun said on 31/Mar/09
I have a good picture with Bill Kazmaier and it's upto the good ROB to
open up a page for him . All you have to do is ask him ?


Boss said on 31/Mar/09
So what does everyone think of the Wilt measurements since we have The Rivalry stating he was measured at 7'0.5 in 1980 but The Rivalry also states the last time he was measured was high school and it seems like the writer when he talks about Wilt being measured says that he was actually shorter than he had always claimed as if that was always his height. Then we got Larger than Life which states Wilt was measured by a doctor and close friend at 7'1 1/16 and that he was measured in a photo at this height as well. So did the 7'0.5 measurement even take place or did Wilt just lose height over time?
JT said on 31/Mar/09
Boss says on 31/Mar/09
Billy Graham with Arnold.
Click Here

Click Here
Boss said on 31/Mar/09
Billy Graham with Arnold.
Click Here
Chaz said on 31/Mar/09
Well what more proof do you whant vegas,get yourself a copy of the 1980 Worlds strongest Man,or are you saying Graham was not in it,go to the truck pull and you will see,Terry Todd with a mic intervue him at the start,say here we have 6'3''no'nera 6'4''Billy Graham,and Graham quips back saying after pulling this I will be only 5'3''.and what proof have your pics shown 99.9% of people after hip ops lose height show me a pic of him in 1967,and why you are at it look at the line up at the 1980 contest and you will see the only guys taller then grahan are 6'7''Cleve Dean/ 6'5.5''Geoff Capes and 6'5.75''Bishop Dolegiewicz.these are men we know are there heights,not a estimate.
Big Show said on 31/Mar/09
Billy Graham was about 2 inches shorter than Ox Baker in this pic (probably taken in 2003-2006): Click Here

Now this isn't the best camera angle, but it's clear that Ox is taller than Billy Graham. This pic is from the 70's (so Billy's peak). Click Here

Ox Baker was shorter than Bobo Brazil Click Here
(Even if you rotate the pic and Ox would assume a better posture).
JT said on 31/Mar/09
LV says on 31/Mar/09
....Thanks for proving that my cinder block comparison was spot on....

Nope. Click Here As long as the camera is below the head level, you can't compare the top of the head with objects behind it. Please book mark this Click Here (second diagram) as I'm getting tired of posting this for you and others. Gonzalez would be around 7'7" in shoes. There
Chaz said on 31/Mar/09
Billy Graham was taller than 6'2''if you see him in the 1980 WSM Terry Todd who was 6'5''comes up to him when he is about to pull the truck, and says here we have 6'3''no nera 6'4''Billy Graham,and he looked a little taller than 6'2.5''Bill Kazmaier,I think he was about 6'3.5''
LV said on 31/Mar/09
JT says on 29/Mar/09
Vegas said on 30/Mar/09
Danimal says on 29/Mar/09
Billy Graham admits to having lost 4" in height, going from 6'4" to 6'0" even (Hogan is not far off)

Billy graham was never 6'4, he was 6'2 tops
Boss said on 30/Mar/09
I found this comparison of Andre with Wilt and Arnold but don't have to much knowledge about basic artistic linear perspective. I think using Wilt's height would be the best in light of the fact we know he was measured and the footware was not taken into effect for this comparison which goes to Andre. Although it doesn't say much for Arnold's height if we do use Wilt's measured height and if this is actually a good way of comparing heights.

alright to prove i have too much time.. heres what I Conclude. This is based on basic artistic linear perspective,not just set of arbitary lines 1- )The height of andre and wilt are more or less the same in the picture. 2- )Assuming Arnold is 6'1.5". The height of andre and wilt in the picture = 7' 2-3"
Click Here
Boss said on 30/Mar/09
Good find Danimal , just crazy what major steriod use can do to a human body.

Danimal says on 29/Mar/09
Billy Graham admits to having lost 4" in height, going from 6'4" to 6'0" even (Hogan is not far off):
Boss said on 30/Mar/09
JT , you are exactly right and here it is. It seems to me like Wilt actually wanted to sound shorter because everyone thought he was so tall and thus his height was playing more of a factor in his success than his skill otherwise why would he say he was never measured since high school when the below statement proves he was measured 2 times at 7'1 1/16. This was harder to find than The Rivalry.

In the fall of 1959, as a publicity measure, there appeared in The Evening Bulletin a picture of Tom Gola and Paul Arizin measuring Wilt, at 7'11⁄16". (The photograph is distressing to behold: from the passive, though pained, expression on Wilt
Halb said on 30/Mar/09
So we have a measurement for Wilt in 1980 (few years before the pics) where he was 7'0
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/09
Peak heights for everyone
Gonzales 7'7
Palmer 7'5
Harris 7'4
Andre 7'1.5-2
Silva 7'2-3
Khali 7'1.5
Yeti 7'1
Big Show 7'0.5
Nash 6'10.5
Taker 6'8
Kane 6'8.5
Jones 6'10
Morgan 6'9
Mane 6'9
Hogan 6'6
Studd 6'7
Haystacks 6'9
Elmer 6'10
Ladd 6'9
Baba 6'7.5
Sid 6'7.5
Viscera 6'6.5
Kamala 6'6
OMG 6'6.5
Kurgan 6'11
Road Block 6'9.5
Beserker 6'7
Abyss 6'6
Lance Hoyt 6'7
JT said on 30/Mar/09
Boss says on 29/Mar/09
Danimal said on 29/Mar/09
Billy Graham admits to having lost 4" in height, going from 6'4" to 6'0" even (Hogan is not far off): Click Here
sidewalk said on 29/Mar/09
Y'know sometimes posters here out think themselves. When you lay down you don't immediately, magically become instantly taller. Was Wilt laying down for an hour while they measured him or what? When he layed down for the couple minutes when he was measured made him no taller. If what the book says is true then Wilt was 7'0.5 in 1980. WAS he any taller than that - who knows?
Boss said on 29/Mar/09
It's page 277 so just scroll up.
Boss said on 29/Mar/09
JT says on 29/Mar/09
Boss says on 28/Mar/09
Wilt was measured in 1980 because of the fact that throughout his career players and everyone else actually thought he was taller than the 7'1 1/16 he was measured at in his senoir year of high school....

The reported 7'1 1/16" measurement was from Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia when he was a member of the 76'ers. His rookie year was 1959-1960, meaning he was at least 23 or 24 at the time. He had a 7'0.5" listing in December 1954, when he was 18. Click Here

Here is The Rilvary book and this proves you wrong JT. Wilt was measured in high school and never allowed anyone to measure him again until 1980 as it clearly states.
Click Here
Boss said on 29/Mar/09
I'm just passing on the info as I get it. As it turns out Wilt was never measured in 1978. He was measured in high school at 7'1 1/16 and just went with that measurement until he was measured again in 1980 while laying down at 7'0.5 and they actually where all surprised because they all thought he would be taller.
JT said on 29/Mar/09
Boss says on 28/Mar/09
Wilt was measured in 1980 because of the fact that throughout his career players and everyone else actually thought he was taller than the 7'1 1/16 he was measured at in his senoir year of high school....

The reported 7'1 1/16" measurement was from Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia when he was a member of the 76'ers. His rookie year was 1959-1960, meaning he was at least 23 or 24 at the time. He had a 7'0.5" listing in December 1954, when he was 18. Click Here
Big Show said on 29/Mar/09
Lebowski says on 28/Mar/09
Dear Big Show, your explanations really sound very desperate. If you cannot give Bigshow a footwear advantage in the pictures of Chris, you sure are dilusional. Also your explanation of how Bruno having the same posture as the giants, and therefore Bigshows posture does not give him advantage, well that is really more than sad. You usually come up with quite helpful and valid points, but those two you are bringing up right now, really are silly. I am sorry to say that. But they are so far-fetched and sought-after that it almost sounds comical. Other than that your posts are really a gain for this forum. Keep up with your otherwise rather objective posts.

You obviously didn't get my point. Most here are directly comparing Big Show to Andre in those two pics and ignoring the fact that Bruno is wearing slightly larger footwear and has better posture in the picture with Big Show.
If you wanna read something comical re-read your own post on the 25-March where you claim Bruno's wrestling boots would give him an inch more advantage over his sneaker's in the Big Show pic. Right, Bruno was wearing normal custom-sized wrestling boots that every wrestler wore in the 70's. They don't have heels, only a small sole which probably isn't more than 0.5" thick.
His sneakers will probably have a 1" sole.
Big Show said on 29/Mar/09
Boss says on 28/Mar/09
Wilt was measured in 1980 because of the fact that throughout his career players and everyone else actually thought he was taller than the 7'1 1/16 he was measured at in his senoir year of high school. He was 6'7 at age 14. He would stand next to a 7' guy and look a couple inches taller. In a reunion of a former NBA championship team he decided to lay down and let them measure him with a tape. He was 7' 0.5 while lying down in 1980. So Andre only does look the 6'11.5 he was estimated for the pic. This is true and yes I found it the book The Rilvary.

Yesterday you were still claiming Wilt was measured 7'1 1/16 in 1978. Now all of sudden you come up with above information. If I never brought that subject up you would probably still be claiming he was measured 7'1 1/16 in 1978 even though you knew well he was measured 7'0.5" in 1980, according to the book The Rivalry.
Plus, you do know if Wilt was measured 7'0.5" while laying down he would be shorter if he would stand up!
If Wilt was measured 7'1 1/16 while laying down, he would probably be 7'0.5 while standing up.
James S said on 29/Mar/09
WTF if Studd is 6ft 4 that means Andre was no more than 6ft 9, Come on, he's not the 7ft 5 hes supposedly but he is way more than 6ft 9, as I said before, hes 6ft 11 or low 7ft
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/09
One thing about wilt chamberlin. If you follow his life he ALWAYS looked way taller, like 2 inches, than every other 7 footer that he ever stood next to. Pat Ewing, Bill Walton, Robert Parrish, etc, etc. So the fact that Andre was able to hang right there with him and was maybe only an inch and a half shorter I think says that he was essentially 7'0. In so much as any jock that's 7'0 or 6'0 could be a fraction less. I think Wilt was a 7'1-7'2 guy. More 7'1.75 than 7'1.25.
Gretz said on 28/Mar/09
Andre also looks as tall as Big Show in this comparison with Roddy Piper.(Click Here)and(Click Here)
James S said on 28/Mar/09
I would say 7 ft... untill I saw the WM3 staredown between Hogan and Andre.

Andre real: 6 ft 9 or 10
Billed: 7 ft 4 and 5

Hogan real (at WM3): 6 ft 6 or 6.5
Hogan billed: 6 ft 8
Hogan real (now): 6 ft 4
Boss said on 28/Mar/09
JT says on 26/Mar/09
Thanks Chris for the photos.

This pic Click Here is at a similar angle to your pic with Bruno and Big Show. In your pic, the camera is higher and also on Andre
Chaz said on 28/Mar/09
99% of these comparison mockups are worthless,the only one i have seen that is any good is the Kiel Carson and Andre Carson one where thay are in the same pose,and it looks like Andre was only 7' in he's boots.
Boss said on 28/Mar/09
JT , good point on the boots because they do look smaller than Big Show's WWE ones but they still have a good sized soul.
Boss said on 28/Mar/09
Also I beleive I am one of the most objective and informative people to post on this site as I always explain and back up my estimates with as much fact as possible not by just doing some photoshop height comparison of pictures with different camera angles , different posture and people from different era's as many people lose height of their lives especially when they have mutiple surgeries and live a rugged but pretty decent lifestyles as wrestlers. So an inch here and there can throw an estimate off when comparing a person 20 years a part. Anyway , Andre most of his career was a legit 6'11 guy was he 7' first thing in the morning out of bed I beleive so at his peak with normal posture but that's up for argument. He was 6'10 and 555 pounds at death. Andre's posture was never that of Big Show or Wilt for that matter you have to go back early 70's and late 60's for an Andre with that type of posture.
Boss said on 28/Mar/09
JT , the boot comment I made was meant to be sarcastic. Andre's boots give a 2 inch boost. Big Show's heels could be up to 1.5 inch boost if wrestlers are commonly getting a 1.25 inch boost from their boots. So between 1.25 inch - to 1.5 inch boost for Big Show's boots.
Boss said on 28/Mar/09
Wilt was measured in 1980 because of the fact that throughout his career players and everyone else actually thought he was taller than the 7'1 1/16 he was measured at in his senoir year of high school. He was 6'7 at age 14. He would stand next to a 7' guy and look a couple inches taller. In a reunion of a former NBA championship team he decided to lay down and let them measure him with a tape. He was 7' 0.5 while lying down in 1980. So Andre only does look the 6'11.5 he was estimated for the pic. This is true and yes I found it the book The Rilvary.
Lebowski said on 28/Mar/09
Dear Big Show, your explanations really sound very desperate. If you cannot give Bigshow a footwear advantage in the pictures of Chris, you sure are dilusional. Also your explanation of how Bruno having the same posture as the giants, and therefore Bigshows posture does not give him advantage, well that is really more than sad. You usually come up with quite helpful and valid points, but those two you are bringing up right now, really are silly. I am sorry to say that. But they are so far-fetched and sought-after that it almost sounds comical. Other than that your posts are really a gain for this forum. Keep up with your otherwise rather objective posts.
Boss said on 28/Mar/09
The comparison was done by putting Bruno at the same height in both pics so Bruno's footware would be pointless. Big Show does have better posture than Andre and does have a 1 to 1.5 inch footware advantage over Andre so I don't know where anyone is coming up with that nonsense. The cake photos are all dated 1972 so what's the difference Andre was at his peak in those photos and whether he was 28 or 26 doesn't really matter.
JT said on 28/Mar/09
Halb says on 27/Mar/09
The soles do not look the same from the pic JT shows of Wilts heel. If Wilt was measured in '78 then Wilt was measured at 7'1 five years before the pics.

True, the boots are different. Here are Wilt
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/09
Boss says on 27/Mar/09
Big Show's wrestling boots gave him the same lift of Andre's cowboy boots.

ROTFL, talk about being biased, andres cowboys were no less than 2.5 inchers
willy79 said on 27/Mar/09
Big Show says on 3/Mar/09
Shaq is 7'1" I met him before, and he's as seven-one as he is bald and great! He sure had me by an inch, I wore my boots and he had sneakers on.

This isn't you Big Show (poster) is it?
Big Show said on 27/Mar/09
Mamun says on 27/Mar/09
1 ) First of all Big Show has an inch to inch and a half foot wear
advantage in that comparison . Please don't tell me that those
didn't give Big Show height advantage.

You have to compare Big Show's footwear with Bruno and then Andre's footwear with Bruno to see how much Big Show's footwear advantage would be. Bruno is not wearing the same type of footwear in the Big Show pic as he is in the Andre pic. In the Big Show pic he's wearing sneakers which would give him more height as those custom wrestling boots that he wore in the 70's (which probably only had a 0.5" sole). His sneakers will probably have a 1" sole. So Big Show's footwear advantage is minimal. Surely not 1-1.5".

2) Please look at Big Show's reaching for the stars posture to Andre's
super relaxed posture . Are you going to tell me by looking at those
photo's that Andre would not have looked taller if applied the same
kind of posture ?
Like Chris pointed out. Sammartino's posture is similar to both wrestler. In The Big Show pic he's having a similar posture to Big Show and in the Andre pic a similar posture to Andre. So if Big Show's posture is better than Andre's so is Bruno's posture in the Big Show pic. So Big Show will not have an advantage in that area either.

3) Third , Bruno is the same age as in the Andre picture ? Are you sure
he didn't lose any height after 30 years and 60 surgeries ? Please !!!

That could be a valid point. In the Andre pic he's 39-40 years old, in the Big Show pic he's 22 years older. Quite frankly, Bruno is looking shorter next to Big Show than Kurt Angle normally did.

4) Andre isn't in his prime either like the Big Show Pic.

Are you telling me that Andre wasn't in his prime anymore at age 29? If you watch matches of Andre from 1975 you would see he was in great shape at the time.
Big Show said on 27/Mar/09
Boss says on 27/Mar/09
JT , Chris here is Andre from 1972 standing straight like Big Show always does and you can actually see Andre's neck and this was Andre's peak because he started slouching not long after as he is starting to get pretty heavy.

That pic is not from 1972. IIRC the cake photos were from Andre's 28th birthday (which would be in 1974), so only 1 year before the pic with Bruno was taken.

This is how Andre looked like in (early) 1972:
Click Here
He started to gain weight by late 1972 and onwards.
Boss said on 27/Mar/09
Big Show's wrestling boots gave him the same lift of Andre's cowboy boots.
Big Show said on 27/Mar/09
Halb says on 27/Mar/09
The soles do not look the same from the pic JT shows of Wilts heel. If Wilt was measured in '78 then Wilt was measured at 7'1 five years before the pics.

Does anybody have Wilt
Boss said on 27/Mar/09
This is a clear shot of Arnold's boot heel and not some JT doctored photoshop job. Wilt and Arnold are wearing the same kind of boots and Wilt's boots do have a heel. So your thin souled Mocassin theory is gone or you have some thin souled Mocassin's with some nice sized heels on them(LOL).
Halb said on 27/Mar/09
The soles do not look the same from the pic JT shows of Wilts heel. If Wilt was measured in '78 then Wilt was measured at 7'1 five years before the pics.
Boss said on 27/Mar/09
Also do a comparison with Wilt and Andre using the cake photo since the footware would be the same but Andre is standing straight in the cake photo.
Boss said on 27/Mar/09
Wilt and Arnold are wearing the same boots and if you look at the second pic you will see the botton of Arnold's boots they do have a nice heel on them giving less of an advantage to Andre in the footware department as we may have thought. Andre may have a .50 to .75 advantage. Also Wilt was measured at 7'1 1/16 in 1978 just a couple of years before this pic. Anyway you look at it Andre comes out 7' with Wilt and Arnie. Click Here
Boss said on 27/Mar/09
JT , Chris here is Andre from 1972 standing straight like Big Show always does and you can actually see Andre's neck and this was Andre's peak because he started slouching not long after as he is starting to get pretty heavy. Compare this with a peak Big Show photo. Click Here

Click Here
Halb said on 27/Mar/09
That's close to my estimate Ghost, I would drop them both by
iClarke-93 said on 27/Mar/09
Rob , surely there is sufficient evidence to upgrade Andre now after Chris's post.
Ghost said on 27/Mar/09
I love how one comparison picture in which Andre seems to come out slightly taller than Show is much more important, than the tons of pics where he is obviously shorter than peak Big Show.

I say
Peak Andre 6'11-6'11,5
Peak Big Show 7'0-7'05
JT said on 27/Mar/09
dicksock says on 26/Mar/09
Most sites give Bruno 6'1". I don't know where 5'10 is coming from....

Most sites also give Andre 7'4" or 7'5". Click Here Primo Carnera was measured at slightly under 6'6" (IIRC 6'5.5" or 6'5.75") and that was 30+ years earlier than this pic.
MK said on 26/Mar/09
I believe its Andre's neck and back that shortened up his posture by the time of that pic with Bruno(notice the shoulder level between Andre/Big Show), a early-mid 20's Andre/Big Show pic would be a better basis for comparison.
Frank said on 26/Mar/09
Bruno was never 6ft Vince is about 6ft 1 to 6ft 1.5 and he was a good amount taller than Bruno
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/09
JT says on 26/Mar/09
Thanks Chris for the photos.

This pic Click Here is at a similar angle to your pic with Bruno and Big Show. In your pic, the camera is higher and also on Andre
dicksock said on 26/Mar/09
Most sites give Bruno 6'1". I don't know where 5'10 is coming from. Same place a 5'10 Wahoo comes from I suppose. Sammartino was obviousy shorter in the Paul Wight pic. Not to mention Wight's "giant" boots. Andre was at LEAST a foot taller than 6' PEAK Bruno. He was over a foot taller than MINIMUM 5'11 Wahoo. How come nobody brings up the Buddy Baker pic? It seems like that would be really important. Andre was 7'0.5" at his peak. Some people say there is little evidence to support that claim yet there are tons of pics from "Goliath's" photobucket page to back it up.
iClarke-93 said on 26/Mar/09
I'm sure Bruno has lost some height , but I still see Andre the same height if not slightly taller than Big Show from those pics.
Halb said on 26/Mar/09
That is a similar angle, and matches up with other comparisons.
JT said on 26/Mar/09
Thanks Chris for the photos.

This pic Click Here is at a similar angle to your pic with Bruno and Big Show. In your pic, the camera is higher and also on Andre
Danimal said on 25/Mar/09
Chris says on 24/Mar/09
Click Here

I recently went through my photo collection and found two fairly interesting shots for use as a comparison between Andre and Paul Wight. The photo with Paul and Bruno Sammartino is from early 1997 and the photo with Andre and Bruno is from 1975....In both photos the two guys have similiar stances. From recent pictures from wrestling conventions, Bruno does not look to have lost much height at all...He is still around 5'10" What do you guys think?

Bruno admitted in a recent interview on youtube that he has undergone in the neighborhood of 40 or 50 operations, from his neck, to his back, knees, hips (multiple times). He was also in his 60's in that picture with Big Show in 1997. I ASSURE you he was shorter in that pic than he was 22 years earlier and 30 less surgeries under his belt. Big Show had AT MOST .5"-1" on Andre at their respective peaks.
Me said on 25/Mar/09
How can Andre be taller than Big Show in Chris's comparison, with a footware adv to Big Show when he is in his prime? In JT's photo comparison, however, with Khali Andre appears to be so much shorter than Khali who in many staredowns with a heavier, bald Big Show looks maybe a half inch to an inch taller??????

Could someone be manipulating pics????

I will leave it to the posters to determine who is manipulating pics.............
Lebowski said on 25/Mar/09
I agree and I am really amazed! Andre looks a tad bigger in the pic of Chris. Also Bruno's footwear in the Andre pic seems to have a slight heel which would give him about an inch more than in the Big Show pic. I always thought the Bigshow would have a peak andre by 1-1.5 inches. Now I strongly believe that they were about the same peak hight, if not Andre a tad bit taller.

Also Andre appears to be a head (12-13") plus 1.5" taller than 5'10 Bruno. This is probably the most important picture to support a 7'0 Andre claim.
Franz said on 25/Mar/09
Finally we have the proof of what a lot of people assuming in that site.
Andre in the pic whit bruno is even taller than big show at his peak.
So andre peak is certanly 7 feet or a little bit over. I hope Rob will change 6.11.5 in 7 feet
Boss said on 25/Mar/09
Take a look at the size of Big Shows boot souls in the third pic. A normal wrestling boot gives a 1.25 inch lift and we know Andre's boots were only about a half inch thick so the Big Show would be getting at least a 1.5 inch boost from those puppies(LOL). So he would have a minimal 1 inch advantage in footware over Andre in the comparison. Also a Big Show Undertaker pic that looks very similar to Andre Haystacks pic because of the low ring camera angle.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/09
1PunchBob says on 25/Mar/09
Chris, a brilliant pic, it shows Andre being taller than Big u look at Bruno in the Andre pic, the top of his head is below Anre`s shoulder.

yet the top of brunos head is 4 inches below big shows chin, while it ain't 4 inches below andres
Ghost said on 25/Mar/09
It's funny how when we have one comparison pic with Andre possibly looking taller than Show, some people emmediatly rule out the tons of other pics where Show clearly comes out taller.
Red said on 25/Mar/09
Andre is not taller in that pic, his head is much closer to the camera. Show has a camera disadvantage. Show has about 1 inch on Andre.
Halb said on 25/Mar/09
Andre does look taller in that pic. The angle is very different however. In TBS pic the angle is from the bottom, in the Andre pic is it from the top.
1PunchBob said on 25/Mar/09
Chris, a brilliant pic, it shows Andre being taller than Big u look at Bruno in the Andre pic, the top of his head is below Anre`s shoulder. In the Show pic is above his shoulder, even though he could have lost height due to old age?? So if you sized up both bruno pics to be the same height, Andre would come out taller!! Just over 7 peak for certain!!
Boss said on 25/Mar/09
Chris , not bad they look pretty close in height. Big Show has a minimal 1 inch footware advantage over Andre in your comparison making Andre actually taller. Also Big Show is standing slightly straighter than Andre with his shoulders and head back and well Andre rarely ever stood as straight as Big Show stands. Andre's head was almost always tilted down because he was taking a pic with someone and looking at the camera not trying to look as tall as possible all the time like Big Show and Khali and this goes the same for staredowns. Andre would look down at his opponent not of in to space and Andre had a wrestling stance in ring not a frankenstein stance. Try using the cake photos or phots before his weight gain where his posture was much better. Click Here
Halb said on 25/Mar/09
Is the Wepner quote on record?
Steve said on 25/Mar/09
Boss you are correct, If Andre hit 7' or 213.5cm it would have been first thing in the morning and his absolute peak. In that 1985 pic that Jt posted with hulk hogan, Andre doesnt look more than 6'10.5
KingNick said on 25/Mar/09
I just finally watched that Andre clip from Micki and Maude. Did you see the size of his hand when he put it on Moore's shoulder?? Not to mention how much he towers over him. It must have been amazing to meet Andre in person.
JT said on 25/Mar/09
Anonymous says on 24/Mar/09
dudley moore was 5ft 2, andre doesn't look 2 feet taller there

Click Here
KingNick said on 24/Mar/09
Boss says on 24/Mar/09

....Hope that helps.

To be honest, it does. That's a very thorough set of answers. I don't agree with every detail but I certainly believe you more now that you sourced more of what you're talking about.
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/09
Frenchy Bernard claims 7'0.5 at 22 and yet we have about 10 billings of him under 7ft age 23

jesse hates hogan i wouldn't believe a word he says, the ring announcer at mania 2 said andre was about 6'9, Chuck Wepner says andre was 6'10 in 1976
Rick said on 24/Mar/09
Sam says on 23/Mar/09
Danimal Wake up, Taker has stated that he is 6'9. Taker was never 6'10 or 6'11, get real here.

I agree. Get real. Taker is actually closer to 6'7".
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/09
wait a minute heres another theory andre s head is quite big so maybe 4 1/2 inch difference between andre and hogan at wrestlemania 3.
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/09
at wrestlemania 3 theres was only 3inch difference between andre and hogan, people are starting to make an inch look small, 4-5 inch difference.
Boss said on 24/Mar/09
Giant Baba was thought to be 6'9 peak legit. the 6'6 2/3 measurements was from high school at age 17. He would have grown at least a couple of inches after 17 considering his size and most men grow until 21 years old. An aging Baba had several inches on a peak 6'5 Brody. In this early pic of a straight standing Baba , Anoki , Baba towers Anoki.Click Here
Chris said on 24/Mar/09
Click Here

I recently went through my photo collection and found two fairly interesting shots for use as a comparison between Andre and Paul Wight. The photo with Paul and Bruno Sammartino is from early 1997 and the photo with Andre and Bruno is from 1975....In both photos the two guys have similiar stances. From recent pictures from wrestling conventions, Bruno does not look to have lost much height at all...He is still around 5'10" What do you guys think?
Boss said on 24/Mar/09
Vince 6'1.5 to 6'2 prime with sandals on so 6'2.5 to 6'3. Andre is barefoot and both could be standing a bit straighter but you can clearly see Andre looks 6'11.5 to 7' and this past Andre's peak. Andre's head is between 12 and 13 inches.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/09
dudley moore was 5ft 2, andre doesn't look 2 feet taller there
KingNick said on 24/Mar/09
Even Andre with his knees bent appears taller than Mane in those pics IMO. If he stood up straight I think there'd definitely be 2". Anyone want to take a crack at photoshopping it?
mike said on 24/Mar/09
pause that video at 1:06 when big john studd is walking past andre,and at that particular point there appears to be a difference of 2 inches beteen him and andre,strange. could andre have been 6'9" maybe,or could big john had been wearing thick boots ,huh who knows.
JT said on 24/Mar/09
Click Here This is around 1985 or 1986.

Danimal says on 22/Mar/09
First of all JT, Andre had a solid 2" on 6'8" Tyler Mane in 1990. You're not telling me that Andre 20 years earlier would not have been taller, without a hunched over neck and buckled legs? I fully believe that taker was DOWN TO 6'10" by 1990 and would have been 6'11" in the mid 80's and 6'11.5"-7'0.5" in the 1970's.

There is no clear shot of Andre having 2 inches on Mane. Andre has his legs bent and Mane has a wide stance and his head tilted back. Andre in 1990 had no more than 3 inches on Giant Baba, who had 6
willy79 said on 24/Mar/09
I watched RAW tonight and can not help but notice that Edge and Big Show looked about the height difference as Andre and Hogan from WM3.
Danimal said on 23/Mar/09
Danimal says on 22/Mar/09
First of all JT, Andre had a solid 2" on 6'8" Tyler Mane in 1990. You're not telling me that Andre 20 years earlier would not have been taller, without a hunched over neck and buckled legs? I fully believe that taker was DOWN TO 6'10" by 1990 and would have been 6'11" in the mid 80's and 6'11.5"-7'0.5" in the 1970's.

I meant to type Andre, NOT Taker...
KingNick said on 23/Mar/09
Boss, I respect your opinions, but you have to understand that w/o proof of any your claims you're not going to get a lot of people here to agree with you. I could just as easily say that I talked to Paul Bearer and Jesse Ventura. Where did you get the obituary of Andre from? Do you have a newspaper clipping from that time? Did you get it from a website? How do you know Studd was a lift wearer?

willy79 says on 21/Mar/09
JT says on 21/Mar/09
Thanks KingNick
Big Show said on 23/Mar/09
Click Here

Here's Andre guest starring in Micki + Maude, which also stars Big John Studd.
Big Show said on 23/Mar/09
iClarke-93 says on 23/Mar/09
Can somebody post the pic of Andre and Tyler Mane please.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
iClarke-93 said on 23/Mar/09
Can somebody post the pic of Andre and Tyler Mane please.
Danimal said on 22/Mar/09
I see Studd having have 2" on Fralic, not just one.
Danimal said on 22/Mar/09
First of all JT, Andre had a solid 2" on 6'8" Tyler Mane in 1990. You're not telling me that Andre 20 years earlier would not have been taller, without a hunched over neck and buckled legs? I fully believe that taker was DOWN TO 6'10" by 1990 and would have been 6'11" in the mid 80's and 6'11.5"-7'0.5" in the 1970's.
Boss said on 22/Mar/09
Studd was obsessed with being as big as Andre and took crazy amounts of HGH to make himself as big as possible which eventually led to his demise and wore lifts in matches with Andre. He walked on his tip toes which is very easy to tell by just watching one of his matches. I wonder why Studd walked on his tip toes because he wore lifts it's simple. Studd was at minimal 6'7.5 in ring maybe more like 6'8 because he was taller than Hogan(another lift wearer) who was at very least 6'7 in ring gear at his peak. Also the lowest listing for Studd even in non kayfabe sites have him at 6'7. He was billed at 6'10 so 6'7 sounds about right. Even if Studd was 6'6 barefoot he would be minimal 6'7.5 in ring or more depending on the boost he is actually getting. Fralic was standing on his tip toes in that interview. Andre had Studd by 4 inches in those pics and putting him at 6' 11 a few years from the end. So what is your point with Studd that Andre looks 6'11 and is after all surgery and is broken down by this time. Funny Rob has Andre 6'11.5 and not 6'10 because he actually knows what he's talking about and has an unbiased opinion on things. Several on here will say anything and changed actual measured heights and not accept any new evidence just to make themselves sound correct. Yet their the same ones who continually post late 80's early 90's photos and videos of a broken down giant and use guys like Studd and Hogan who we all know are some very complicated people to do comparisons with because of lifts , surgery and not actually knowing their measured heights although Hogan looks 6'6 with 6'5 Carey and 6'8 Davidson in Hogan prime photo and Studd was taller than Hogan well in ring anyway..
Boss said on 22/Mar/09
I recently asked Paul Bearer Andre's peak height and he said he didn't know but he was a dear friend his and that his missed him very much. Also Jesse Ventura said Studd and Hogan wore lifts. Mike Mooneyham states Studd wore lifts against Andre and I'm sure I could find more. I also see that alot more people's estimates are 6'11 to 7' which is where they should be. JT as for being measured at 6'10 at death where would the writer come up with this what he just made it up. I proved my point and most on here are happy to see this new information at least new to this site. It states he walked with a stoop and Funk states he seen the xrays Andre had chunks a bone removed from his legs and yes I'm sure they put something back in there but some height loss would be a definite and then his weakened spine and surgery. 6'10 at death and 6'11.5 to 7' peak sounds right.
Me said on 22/Mar/09
O.k. let's review one more time. In the pic with Wilt & Andre where they lift Arnie up. Andre in the pic is taller than Wilt once you zoom in and see where the tops of their heads are. Notice I said taller. Now Andre has a footwear adv. over Wilt. However Wilt is shorter even though he is wearing that huge wig and has heels of his own on. The wig + the heels = Andre's footwear adv., therefore they have an equal amount of adv. for each yet Andre is slightly taller. Don't look at their eye level or any other level other than the top of their heads. This pic above all else because of posture proves Andre was over 7'. Remember Wilt was over 7'. Also this is still not a 1969 photo of Andre either he was very heavy & imo not his absolute tallest. Regardless of that he is taller than the most well known Giant of Basketball. I love pics of these two guys together because they are probably the most well known and legendary of their respective sports.
general93 said on 22/Mar/09
id say peak big show 7'1" andre was said to measured just under 7'2" in the 70s paul white is about 7ft today andre was nearly 7ft in the late 80s.john studd had very long legs like taker id say taker was 6'8.5" studd around the same as he got ill and put on 30lbs he lost about an 1" to 6'7.5".sid was also about 6'7.5".
Chaz said on 22/Mar/09
the thing most on here are forgeting,who put these ring pics on here are that 99.9% are taken in the evening,and if you think that anyone over 200cm or 440lbs is going to lose the same amout of height over the day as a 185cm 250lbs you must be mad,I lose 0.75''over the day.shorly you dont think that a 500lbs Andre or a 600lbs Haystacks who have been lugging there weight arownd ducking there heads all day are enywhere near there morning height,it is impossible.
superstar said on 22/Mar/09
max [paul bunyon ] was the tallest wrestler ever being 7ft7" barefoot which is slightly taller than gonzales was at 7ft 7"
superstar said on 22/Mar/09
none of them are as tall as max [paul bunyon] palmer he was 7ft7'' barefoot thats actually taller than gonzales he was actually 7ft 6"
Mamun said on 22/Mar/09
Boss you are my hero ! Where were you all this time ?


ancient Aztec Guy said on 21/Mar/09
In that pic with john studd I'll give andre 6'11" at that time. also that was after back sergery and when he had reached his forties. I will give him a 7'0" peak.
JT said on 21/Mar/09
Boss, your article means squat. You don
Boss said on 21/Mar/09
It is well known Studd wore lifts so he's not a good comparison.
Boss said on 21/Mar/09
Also how could anyone that met him really tell he wasn't 7' unless they seen him measured. Your telling me you could look at a 6'11 guy with a 3 inch afro and cowboy boots and say he's 6'11 no way you would think he's 7'1 or 7'2.
Boss said on 21/Mar/09
JT you were one to say that Andre was 6'10 or so and only 6'9 at the end and we now know he was 6'10 at death. So that would automatically put your own estimate to 6'11 for Andre or did I miss something. Andre was thought to be between 6'11 and 7' peak by any who knew him and were willing to break Kayfabe. There is no real possible way to determine Andre within 1 inch because his head could could have been 13 inches more than likely 12.5 plus but we don't really know. I'm 185 cm and my head is just over 10 inches and it's not like I have a big head it's well fit with body where Andre had a huge head even on his huge body. His body was totally different than a basketball player as Wilt looks taller but by the time you get to the top of both heads there almost the same height(I know Andre had a 1 inch footware advantage you'll say 1.5 inches but i'll say 1 inch because Wilt is wearing boots and does have a big wig on his head and Andre was not at his tallest at this time) and Andre was estimated with all factors in by several people and came out 6'11.5 in all the estimates. One of those was by your hero Meltzer at 6'11.5 and I guess the 6'9 3/4 measurement was crap since he was measured at 6'10 555 pounds on his deathbed and to say he never lost any height over his life with all the surgery , weight gain and weakened spine would be just plain wrong. You continually go to a time when we know Andre was way past his peak. He couldn't stand fully straight and had stoop in his back so how about doing some comparisons with Andre in the cake photos or at least photos with a younger healthy Andre(I will provide the link to the photos if you want).
willy79 said on 21/Mar/09
JT says on 21/Mar/09
Thanks KingNick
JT said on 21/Mar/09
Thanks KingNick
KingNick said on 21/Mar/09
mike says on 21/Mar/09
that video puts andre at about 6'10" imo.

I agree. I don't see more than 4" between the two, maybe even 3".

I still see about 4"-5" between Hogan and Andre from WM III Click Here

My guess is Andre was a 6'11" peak, maybe 7'1" in his cowboy boots.

He may have started wrestling at 6'10" but grew an inch (he did have acromelagy) and by Wrestlemania 5 dropped down to 6'10" again.
Danimal said on 21/Mar/09
At 2:00 and onwards we have 6'3" Ted Dibiase (he WAS taller than Hacksaw Jim Duggan in their respective peaks) being TOWERED by a 1988 Andre the Giant by at least 8": Click Here
Boss said on 21/Mar/09
If anyone on here can look at Andre at the end which as we know he was 6'10 and say he was the same height as a young healthy Andre then they are just trying to make their arguments sound right. We all know he lost height. Now we can debate how much. I beleive 1.5 to 2 inches of height loss is a definite from all the pics(in which he almost never stands fully straight or has his head slightly bent down)and his condition and a 6'11.5 to 7'0.5 peak for a young healthy Andre would be a definite. If Frenchy Bernard stated 7'0.5 peak for Andre then there is no real reason not beleive him as he seems to be an honest man. I mean Andre did leave him his North Carolina ranch so he must of thought a whole lot of Bernard so I will take his word over anyone here. so all the people calling him 6'8 to 6'9 at the end better add at minimal 1 to 2 inches to their peaks and that's not including any height loss over his life. So if you beleive he was 6'9 at the end and 6'10 peak then you would have to beleive 6'11 peak and 6'10 at he end and so on because he was 6'10 and 555 pounds at death.
mike said on 21/Mar/09
that video puts andre at about 6'10" imo.
KingNick said on 21/Mar/09
Here's Andre and Studd from 38 sec and on. I know photos have been posted before but this is a good quality video with a long face off Click Here
Mamun said on 20/Mar/09
Thank you sooo much my friend BOSS for posting all these irrrfutable evidence!

Kind regards

Rick said on 20/Mar/09
Boss says on 20/Mar/09
Andre was 6'10 555 pounds when he died as I have proven. The writer describes Andre as near 7' so a 7' peak for Andre is very probable especially since he was measured at 6'10 at death. He had big chunks of bone removed from his legs and a weakened spine so a 1.5 to 2 inch height loss would be a definite. This proves Andre was NEVER under 6'10 and more than likely 6'11.5 to 7' peak. So were ever Meltzer got his information about Andre was wrong and he should have stuck with his original estimate of 6'11.5 for Andre.

Well, -nearly- 7' would, at the very least, mean an Andre that was -never- quite 7' tall, let alone 7'+. Whether he was, at any time in his life, taller than 6'10" is probably where things stand at this time. The writer never makes reference to any height loss, only stating that later in his life he walked with a stoop, which is one thing I observed in a late 80's Andre and have posted here previously, stating that he looked a bit shorter (between 6'9"-6'10") due to the slight hunch he had. Had he been able to stand straight at this time he most likely would have stood the full 6'10" he looked pre-surgery. So, it's possible any perceived height loss in later years can be attributed more to just bad posture than to anything else.
tuga said on 20/Mar/09
I think its clear andre was above 6'10 peak since we have proof we was still that height near his death, also we have many examples of height loss, look for example at roddy piper or hogan...

Look at andre later in life:
Click Here

Can you even compare that to a young andre:
Click Here

Is it so hard to believe a man of this proportions, having back surgerys, overweight, terrible health condition, all hunched did not loose 2 inches?
Just look at the man
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/09
6'10 at death seems right , I've heard 6'9.5 and 6'9 but it seems too low even for a completely broken down Andre. If he lost height from knee surgery that means he definetely didn't lose anywhere near a full 2 inches after his 1987 back surgery , more likely 0.5 - 1" which makes sense seeing as he still looked 6'11 up until the early 90's.
Boss said on 20/Mar/09
Yes Big Show the rest is speculation but based on the way Funk describes it as he seen the xrays himself you would think he would lose some height and the weakened spine. I really don't know how much height he lost but he was 6'10 at death and he for sure lost some height by the end of his life compared to a young healthy Andre and people on here were claiming 6'8 or 6'9 at the end. The near 7' is the writer's opinion of Andre but the 6'10 at death if fact. I beleive between 6'11.5 to 7' peak for Andre which seems the most reasonable you could argue 6'11 peak but not a 6'10 peak there is no way he never lost any height at all over his life. How much height would you think Andre lost over his life Big Show with all factors in?
Big Show said on 20/Mar/09
Boss says on 20/Mar/09
Andre was 6'10 555 pounds when he died as I have proven. The writer describes Andre as near 7' so a 7' peak for Andre is very probable especially since he was measured at 6'10 at death. He had big chunks of bone removed from his legs and a weakened spine so a 1.5 to 2 inch height loss would be a definite. This proves Andre was NEVER under 6'10 and more than likely 6'11.5 to 7' peak. So were ever Meltzer got his information about Andre was wrong and he should have stuck with his original estimate of 6'11.5 for Andre.

I agree with your first claim, about Andre being 6'10 at death. The rest is pure speculation if you ask me. Near 7' means that he wasn't above 7' and can mean anything depending on what the writer perceives as near 7'. He could mean as high as 6'11.75" or as low as 6'10".
If Andre had big chunks of bone removed from his knees does not automatically mean he definately lost 1.5 to 2 inch in height. If they remove chunks of bone they normally replace it with something else. Otherwise there's no way he would ever be able to walk (even with the help of a cane or crutches).
Boss said on 20/Mar/09
Andre was 6'10 555 pounds when he died as I have proven. The writer describes Andre as near 7' so a 7' peak for Andre is very probable especially since he was measured at 6'10 at death. He had big chunks of bone removed from his legs and a weakened spine so a 1.5 to 2 inch height loss would be a definite. This proves Andre was NEVER under 6'10 and more than likely 6'11.5 to 7' peak. So were ever Meltzer got his information about Andre was wrong and he should have stuck with his original estimate of 6'11.5 for Andre.
Halb said on 19/Mar/09
Haystacks was around 3 inches taller than 6'4
Boss said on 19/Mar/09
Here are some answers to whether Andre lost height which as stated here he did from surgery and his height at death and a story of strength from the people close to Andre in this obituary of Andre.

Andre was born in France, spoke fluent French
and wolfed down seven-course gourmet meals as though
they were appetizers. He washed it all down with vats of
expensive Burgundy but, in the end, his own country could
not accommodate him.

The phone call, from France, rang at the Ellerbe ranch. The
voice insisted there was not a crematorium large enough to
handle The Giant, who was 6 feet 10 and 555 pounds when
he died.

Could someone please come get The Giant?

Jackie Bernard, a longtime friend who lived at the ranch with
her husband, Frenchy, flew overseas to arrange transport of
Andre's body back home to North Carolina.
There were no complications at the airport, although there
was a time when even the planes were afraid of Andre.
Frank Valois, Andre's caretaker during The Giant's
barnstorming days as the world's most famous professional
wrestler in the 1970s, remembers that chartered flights were
often grounded when Andre stepped on the Tarmac.

"Most of the time they didn't even want to take him," Valois

The plane took Andre this time. The last time.

Andre the Giant was cremated in North Carolina on Feb. 11,
more than two weeks after he had requested.

Lucky for us, Andre was always a patient man.

"It's a good thing he didn't have a temper," Valois says, "or
there would have been a lot of accidents."

In the final months, The Giant moved with great difficulty,
having buckled under his own weight. He suffered from
acromegaly, or "giantism," a disease in which the body
secretes large amounts of the growth hormone, causing
continual growth to the head, hands and feet. Andre the
Giant, who towered above most at nearly 7 feet, walked with
a stoop near the end. He had undergone surgery in 1986 to
relieve pressure to his weakened spine. To perform the
procedure, surgeons in England had to construct oversized

He had undergone surgery in 1986 to relieve pressure to his weakened spine. To perform the
procedure, surgeons in England had to construct oversized

Terry Funk, a pro wrestling great, toured Japan with Andre
last November.

"He was in a great deal of pain by then," Funk remembered.

Andre had shown Funk the X-rays of his recent knee

"They had taken out huge chunks of bone," Funk said. "I
mean chunks."

He was a good enough athlete to have received a tryout offer
from the Washington Redskins. Andre declined, apparently
unwilling to take a pay cut. Although he never lifted weights,
his strength was awesome.

"I would say he was the strongest man in the world," Valois
said. "You won't believe this, but one time a guy had a flat
tire and (Andre) just lifted the car up while he changed the
wheel. It wasn't a big car, but still, it was a car."
Danimal said on 19/Mar/09
Hilbilly Jim was taller than Tenta in a picture from the early 2000's and we know that Hogan was taller than Hibilly Jim in the 1980's, so who knows?

As for Haystacks, I believe he was a legit 6'8"-6'9" throughout his career and down to about 6'7.5" by the time he faced Big Show in the mid 1990's. Big Show at that time was AROUND 7'1" legit, so I think there was an easy 5-5.5" difference there.
Chaz said on 19/Mar/09
JT'I have seen both Tenta and Haystacks live in the UK and Haystacks was taller and much bigger in size,there is no one I have ever seen anywhere nere as wide has Haystacks,he had to turn sideways to get in a normal door.he looked about 2''taller than a 6'6''door,min 6'7.5''max 6'8.5''evening height.peak
JT said on 19/Mar/09
Click Here Click Here IMO, Haystacks was 6
Chaz said on 19/Mar/09
Haystacks packing lifts' I have never heard so much rubish in all my life,If you look at the WCW fight with Big Show he add on the flatest brown boots I have seen,and Boss is right Haystacks did have over a year off with bad knees and Had surgery,that was in 1991 after that there is know way he could walk in lifts,he had a job getting in the ring at the best of times,at he's weight,and Haystacks could not have been under 6'7.5''cos he had at least 3'' on Pat Roach in 1987 when I seen them live,and Roach was 100% 6'4.5''and I belive he was neara 6'8''he would deff be more out of bed maybe 6'9''and if Big Show was 7' 7'2'' in the boots in the WCW. an old Haystacks could not have been any less than 6'7.5''in 1996 and at he's weight he was more likey to have lost height than anyone,thats why I said 6'8.5''at most for him,my point was if as I have been told by at least 5 people over the years who clame to have seen the mag with the pics of Andre and Haystacks in it ,and saying there was no more than 2''diff in height,making Andre about the 210cm some on here belive.
Boss said on 19/Mar/09
I was watching this video between The Giant and Loch Ness from WCW at the 5:40 mark look at Big Show's left leg as he makes the pin in the replay. He is clearly wearing something inside his boots and is proof of Big Show wearing lifts in WCW especially at this point as they are trying to build him up. Explain what the black strap that shows up across his leg is inside his boot. You may have to watch it a fews times and try pausing but it is very clear he is wearing something inside his boots. This has been staed many times but this is visual evidence. I'd love to hear what some will have to say to dicard this fact but he is clearly wearing something inside boots fact.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/09
here is haystacks been billed at 202cm or 6'7.5, seems like haystacks is packing some internal lifts too 5 minute mark Click Here
Boss said on 19/Mar/09
Giant Haystacks looked 6'7ish with the Big Show if the footware was the exact same which it is not. Big Show would have at least 1 inch or more depending on how much of a lift Big Show was actually getting back then but I'll say 1 inch just on the souls of their wrestling boots because we can't see the inside of Big Show's boots putting Haystcks at 6'8ish. Giant Haystacks also had surgery on both knees sometime prior to this match because he couldn't carry around all his weight. So we could be at 6'9 or 6'10 peak for Haystacks. Also haystacks was taller than One Man Gang and Earthquake in WCW Click Here
Here is an interview with Giant Haystacksa where he claims just under 7' for a height. He also states his brothers are 6'9 and 6'8 and his grandfather was 7'4.
Click Here
Halb said on 19/Mar/09
I reckon so King Nick. Looking from the heel, I think Andre's boots give him a bigger boost. Which is what draws him close to 7'1 Wilt.
Mamun said on 19/Mar/09
Thank you BOSS for your kind post ! Big Show , if you have seen that match
or if you can post a link to this match here in this site , I as well as
hundreds of other posters shall be very gratefull ! And my friend JT , Inoki
has to weigh more than 200 pounds because unlike these days , you didn't
have wrestlers weighing less than 200 pounds competing in the wwwf . I am
happy to see the good people here can finanly appriciate what an incredible
Athlete Andre was . I also wish they could view this WCCW 1982 video .
Andre's strength is superhumnan as he never took Steriods or even lifted
weights . There is rock solid evidence to these points because his name
never came up in the 1990 steriod scandle of the WWF where Vince , Hogan
and lost of other wrestlers went to court !

Kind regards

Rick said on 18/Mar/09
SayHeyKid says on 18/Mar/09
Rick: why would your lies about supposed meetings with Andre be relevant or interesting? Can't seem to figure that one out.

Judging by your posts, that doesn't surprise me.
KingNick said on 18/Mar/09
Andre is slouching in the pic with Wilt. His posture was bad by this point. He may have had a 1 inch advantage in footware max because Wilt is also wearing boots and Wilt has a big wig on top of his head. Bottom line is if Wilt is 7'1 1/16 than Andre is 7'.

Andre was wearing cowboy boots with Wilt, so he may have had more than a 1" footwear advantage

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

I'm not sure what the minimum height boost for a cowboy boots are. It may very well be 1" but it can definitely be more. These look to give about a 2.5" boost (I'm not sure if Andre really did wear these boots but my point is the height they give) Click Here

I've heard cowboy boots can give even more height. Dwayne Chapman (Dog the Bounty Hunter) openly admitted once that he wears cowboy boots to give him a 3" boost since he's only 5'7"

My point is Andre's height depends on how much of a boost those cowboy boots really gave him. He looks nearly the same height as Wilt in the b&w pic (I know Andre's eye level is lower but he has a much larger head) and Wilt's shoes were nearly flat.

So if Andre's boots gave him a 3" boost, he was only 6'10" at that point. If it was only 1", he was 7' and so on.
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/09
Me, JT has been fixated on 6'10" for Andre for YEARS.
Me said on 18/Mar/09
Thank you Boss. Big Show let's not get into irrefutable evidence points here. Because if that is the case then Andre's height should be at 7'1 or 2. Not 6'11.5". Proof is certainly no where to be found on this page. I have not seen any proof that Andre was under 7' tall. Proof mind you not the manipualted garbage that gets posted. The Wilt pics seem to be the best proof of Andre being over 7' when he was already into his 30's and overweight. Young pics of Andre from the late 60's show a completely different Andre. He appears so much taller because he is thinner as does Wilt when he was very young because his legs were like "stilts". I just want some honesty here on this page. Posting pics of him after significant weight gain, spine curvature or his head is down is pointless. Big show ceratinly does not appear to be as tall now as he did when he was thinner back in 96'. There is proof of height loss all around us in people we've known our entire life. Just ask an Uncle or just someone you know who played any type of sports if they were taller when they were younger. Most will say yes. specially any sport that is hard on the knees or back...........Basketball, Football etc..... Keep in mind they have no special condition and are of normal size, but have lost some height.
SayHeyKid said on 18/Mar/09
JT: You ignore the fact that Wilt's head is far smaller than Andre's. Wilt carries far more of his height in his legs, which are considerably longer than Andre's. Andre's perceived height, perhaps more than anyone else's, is subject to dramatic differences depending on his posture and whether his head is tilted down. One example is the photo with Wilt of course. There are many others (see, e.g., stare down with Wepner, in which Andre only appears a few inches taller, as compared to actual match, in which you can see, if you pause at the relevant times, that Andre towers Wepner by about 6 or so inches).
SayHeyKid said on 18/Mar/09
JT: You ignore the fact that Wilt's head is far smaller than Andre's. Wilt carries far more of his height in his legs, which are considerably longer than Andre's. Andre's perceived height, perhaps more than anyone else's, is subject to dramatic differences depending on his posture and whether his head is tilted down. One example is the photo with Wilt of course. There are many others (see, e.g., stare down with Wepner, in which Andre only appears a few inches taller, as compared to actual match, in which you can see, if you pause at the relevant times, that Andre towers Wepner by about 6 or so inches.
Big Show said on 18/Mar/09
Boss says on 18/Mar/09
Big Show as you well know Andre was a special case. There isn't to many acromagely giants Andre's weight. By the 80's Andre's adult weight gain was around 175 pounds or so which is just insane and Andre had spinal curvature which would cause anyone any age to lose height especially a giant. Also Rob if your going to use the Meltzer estimation of 6'11.5 than you may as well downgrade Wilt to 7'0.5 as Meltzer also estimated it's a bunch of crap if you ask me how someone can downgrade someone's measured height. JT if your saying Andre looks 6'10 with 7'1 1/16 Wilt then you need your eyes checked and you are staring to sound like OLA.

I don't think the weight gain would play that much of a factor in him losing height at such a young age. Big Show went from 325 lbs (his basketball playing weight at University) to well over 500 lbs, but it hardly affected his height. It might've caused him a 0.5" height loss. If Andre lost any height at all by 1980 it'll probably be a similar amount. Certainly not 2 or 3 inches as no pictures confirm that.
As for kyphosis, well I'm no spinal expert so whether or not Andre already develloped kyphosis in his early to mid 30's I can't really tell for sure. He could still stand up straight, so I guess he didn't have a spinal curvature. He might have a small curvature in his neck. But again pictures do not show him to have lost much or any height before 1980.
Boss said on 18/Mar/09
Andre is slouching in the pic with Wilt. His posture was bad by this point. He may have had a 1 inch advantage in footware max because Wilt is also wearing boots and Wilt has a big wig on top of his head. Bottom line is if Wilt is 7'1 1/16 than Andre is 7'.
Boss said on 18/Mar/09
Big Show says on 18/Mar/09
Me says on 17/Mar/09
Thank you Big Show I appreciate you proving my point. He did not meet him at his peak.

Unless you can prove that Andre indeed lost height by 1980 or even 1983 (and you need irrefutable evidence to do so), I would say he was still at his peak there, as Andre was only 33-36 years old at the time they met. Even for acromegalic giants that's not an age where you start losing height.

Big Show as you well know Andre was a special case. There isn't to many acromagely giants Andre's weight. By the 80's Andre's adult weight gain was around 175 pounds or so which is just insane and Andre had spinal curvature which would cause anyone any age to lose height especially a giant. Also Rob if your going to use the Meltzer estimation of 6'11.5 than you may as well downgrade Wilt to 7'0.5 as Meltzer also estimated it's a bunch of crap if you ask me how someone can downgrade someone's measured height. JT if your saying Andre looks 6'10 with 7'1 1/16 Wilt then you need your eyes checked and you are staring to sound like OLA.
Halb said on 18/Mar/09
"That is a pretty impressive strength move by Andre, though I don
Big Show said on 18/Mar/09
Mamun says on 18/Mar/09
Try to input the words Andre Vs. Terry Gorddy on u-tube and maybe this
match just might show up . I had been looking for this match desperately
and still couldn't find it ! It was on a vhs tape when I saw it and it
has to be before 1980 because it had David Von Eric who died in 1984 .

That match you're referring to is from WCCW (not NWA or AWA). Probably late 1982.
Big Show said on 18/Mar/09
Me says on 17/Mar/09
Thank you Big Show I appreciate you proving my point. He did not meet him at his peak.

Unless you can prove that Andre indeed lost height by 1980 or even 1983 (and you need irrefutable evidence to do so), I would say he was still at his peak there, as Andre was only 33-36 years old at the time they met. Even for acromegalic giants that's not an age where you start losing height.
JT said on 18/Mar/09
Halb says on 17/Mar/09
SayHeyKid said on 18/Mar/09
Rick: why would your lies about supposed meetings with Andre be relevant or interesting? Can't seem to figure that one out.
Mamun said on 18/Mar/09
Try to input the words Andre Vs. Terry Gorddy on u-tube and maybe this
match just might show up . I had been looking for this match desperately
and still couldn't find it ! It was on a vhs tape when I saw it and it
has to be before 1980 because it had David Von Eric who died in 1984 .


Me said on 17/Mar/09
Thank you Big Show I appreciate you proving my point. He did not meet him at his peak.
Halb said on 17/Mar/09
"There is plenty of evidence of a 7'0+ Andre at his peak."

Very little that has been shown on here:D
Clay said on 17/Mar/09
There is plenty of evidence of a 7'0+ Andre at his peak.
Ghost said on 17/Mar/09
dicksock says on 17/Mar/09
For a great look at how much of a monster Andre could be in the ring, watch:"Andre the Giant destroys Inoki" on youtube. And the feat of strength at about 1:40 should end the debate on how strong he was. Also, he clearly had AT LEAST 10" on Inoki.

Well, you certainly can't tell he was "atleast" 10 inches taller than Inoki from that video.

However, that was truly an impressive clip showing Andre in his prime. He really was a monster. Also check out his fight with Abdullah the Butcher, he looks very impressive.
dicksock said on 17/Mar/09
For a great look at how much of a monster Andre could be in the ring, watch:"Andre the Giant destroys Inoki" on youtube. And the feat of strength at about 1:40 should end the debate on how strong he was. Also, he clearly had AT LEAST 10" on Inoki.
Marble said on 17/Mar/09
Where can i find that battle royale mamun ?
Halb said on 17/Mar/09
"Andre stacks up better to a 7'1" Wilt Chamberlain than Big Show does to 7'1" Khali.
I think a 1972 Andre The Giant would have been the EXACT same height as a 1996 Big Show."

Show and Singh in comparable footwear reveal the 1 inch difference between them. Even tho Andre has what look like considerable heels on, he still isn't quite at 7'1 Wilts height. I reckon there could have been an inch diff between the two best giants in wrestling history so far.
Ghost said on 17/Mar/09
Chaz says on 17/Mar/09
realy all this putting down of Big Show is not going to make Andre any taller,there is much more evidence of a 7 foot Big Show than there is of a 7 foot Andre,and all this talk of lifts is crap,Big Show wears Addidas Classics,that have a 4cm heal and about 1cm inner,making in the WCW days about 7'2''in the boots.and we know he add 3.5-4''on a 100% 204cm about 6'8.25''Akibono bear foot.anything under a 6'11.5''peak Big Show is rubish.And if you realy want to find Andre's real height,find the pics of him with Haystacks who was no more than 6'8.5''peak.

I agree with everything above, except that I don't see Haystacks as much over 6'7. I believe in the pic of Andre and Haystacks, Andre would have him by about 4 inches if he sood straight.
miko said on 17/Mar/09
I think a Peak Big Show vs Peak Andre - Big Show would just have edged him by an inch, but it would have been close. Remember Andre had a huge amount of hair on his head which made him look taller, he also wore huge cowboys boots (Big Show has also worn thick boot).

Talk of Andre being 7"4 or so has to stop, there is no evidence for it anywhere and it's simply not true. He occasionally in early photo's could pass for close to 7"0, but standing next to 5"0 guys helped him a lot.
Chaz said on 17/Mar/09
realy all this putting down of Big Show is not going to make Andre any taller,there is much more evidence of a 7 foot Big Show than there is of a 7 foot Andre,and all this talk of lifts is crap,Big Show wears Addidas Classics,that have a 4cm heal and about 1cm inner,making in the WCW days about 7'2''in the boots.and we know he add 3.5-4''on a 100% 204cm about 6'8.25''Akibono bear foot.anything under a 6'11.5''peak Big Show is rubish.And if you realy want to find Andre's real height,find the pics of him with Haystacks who was no more than 6'8.5''peak.
Mamun said on 17/Mar/09
To my friend sidewalk who doesn't agree with , I would say please buy the
DVD or vhs tape of the History of the WWF or please read all the articles
regarding Vince Jr. 's comments on Andre's contribution to the company .
It looks like you haven't read them . If I am not mistaken it was mentioned
that where ever Andre would travel and go , his name would always result in
a sell out ! It was a first time ever that a wrestler's name would result
in this . Secondly , Andre was " the 8 th wonder of the world " even before
Bruno . Yes the WWWF could have survived very well without Andre , but the
giant leap to stardoom the company started came from the promoting the most
unusual and super Athlet like Andre . Andre was already 39 years old in that
Battle Royal match with Bret Hart . He was way past his peak and into the
age the doctor had said he would not live to see . If you really want to
see Andre's test of strength , the one that would have made Big Show Cry ,
then watch an earlier 1980's NAWA battle Royal ! No human can display that
kind of superhuman strength where Andre was actually walking around the
ring with a 400 + pound King Kong Bunddy hanging from his back , a 255 lbs
Wild Bill Irwin sitting on top of his head and a 330 pound Terry Gordy
( Both his feet raised off the matt ) having a powerfull headlook around
his neck . Andre actually held that position for almost a minute and walked
half way to the ring before pulling down Bill Irwin from his head ,knocking
off King Kong Bunndy from his back .
Danimal said on 16/Mar/09
Halb says on 16/Mar/09
"The "simple" fact is that Andre peak may have been taller than a peak Big Show"
Nothing yet seen has shown this to be the case.

Andre stacks up better to a 7'1" Wilt Chamberlain than Big Show does to 7'1" Khali.

I think a 1972 Andre The Giant would have been the EXACT same height as a 1996 Big Show.
Danimal said on 16/Mar/09
general93 says on 16/Mar/09
in the royal albert hall 1991 undertaker gets elminated and is under the second rope from the ground by about 2" at the end when andre shakes bulldogs hand hes only a bit of the top rope.if taker was around 6'8-9" back then andre was still about 7'1" at this time.

What, down from 7'4" right? ;)
Rick said on 16/Mar/09
SayHeyKid says on 16/Mar/09
Rick: I, ad well as others on this page, have unfortunately read your comments quite carefully. If nothing else, they are amusing since you purport to be an unbaised observer, yet your bias constantly creeps into your comments, which of course reveals that your supposed meetings with Andre were just that.

Well, if you had read my comments quite carefully, you would know that my 6'9" friend Rich was not with me at any of my meetings with Andre as you purported with your last post. I simply reference him to support my claim that I know what it's like standing next to someone that tall on a regular basis...and standing next to Andre, they both were about the same height.

As far as bias goes, I'm just commenting on what I, and others with me, observed with regards to Andre. I didn't decide to post on this board for ****s and giggles, as you apparantly have. I posted because I thought the observations I had might be relevant and interesting to others here. I'll look forward to the time when you may even have something interesting and relevant ot post.
Ghost said on 16/Mar/09
I don't think anybody here would disagree with Andre having played a huge part in wrestling history and being one of wrestlings biggest attractions ever, if not the biggest. There is no doubt he is a true legend.

However, I wouldn't be so certain Andre was stronger than anybody before or after him. As I remember hearing, Andre never worked out, so he relied only on his natural strength (which ofcourse was immense).

Also, I'm not prepared to believe he was over 7 feet tall. To me, the evidence just isn't there. 6'11 or 6'11,5 sounds fine for his peak. Many comparisons have shown that Andre suprsingly didn't loose that much height during his life. I'd say his height loss was only 1-1,5 inches. His posture was very bad in his later years which can be missleading.
SayHeyKid said on 16/Mar/09
Rick: I, ad well as others on this page, have unfortunately read your comments quite carefully. If nothing else, they are amusing since you purport to be an unbaised observer, yet your bias constantly creeps into your comments, which of course reveals that your supposed meetings with Andre were just that.
sidewalk said on 16/Mar/09
Andre is hot topic these last few days. Lots of wacky comments as well. I know about wrestling and have been a fan since 1983.
Mamum: Andre did not make the WWF, they could have survived w/o him. Bruno was more impotant to the then WWWF then Andre. Andre was a bigger star around the world though. Hogan made the company in the 80's, Stone Cold in the 90's.
If Andre was ever 7' he wasn't much over. There is plenty of evidence of Andre being around 6'10 late in his career as is there is plenty of evidence of Big Show being 7' stop ignoring it. Akebono pic anyone? Don't take what wrestlers say about Andre in books too seriously - many like to keep kayfabe alive in varying degrees. Andre's mystical strength came from his weight more than his actual strength. If you have that much weight it's easier to use it to move people around. in all his matches I have not seen anything impressive strength wise. He didn't even fully press Bret Hart over his head in a match where Andre grabbed him off the turnbuckle.
Halb said on 16/Mar/09
"The "simple" fact is that Andre peak may have been taller than a peak Big Show"
Nothing yet seen has shown this to be the case.
miko said on 16/Mar/09
Also, I don't think Big Show is a fantastic wrestler, but he's fairly mobile considering his build/height. It can't be easy to throw 450 lbs around.

And IF he was in huge lifts, he wouldn't be able to run around the ring and throw himself around, he'd break his ankles.
miko said on 16/Mar/09
I.E - he wears boots like every other wrestler. The boots themselves add for example 1.5". Then Big Show might slip a small lift inside for a little extra boost.
dicksock said on 16/Mar/09
In other words its impossible for a 6"8 Big Show. He MIGHT wear small lifts, that perhaps add half an inch to his height, but talk of 3-4" lifts is insane, you can't walk properly let alone wrestle in huge lifts. Big Show always wrestles to a good standard which alone tells me he hasn't got huge lifts on.

WHAT????????????????????????????? Add a half inch??????? And Big Show doesn't "wrestle" to a good standard. There is no way he is as low as 6'8. But what you don't seem to get is that's the point. Of course he is taller than 6'8, but there are photos which would seem to prove otherwise, just as there are for Andre. That doesn't mean that it's true.
willy79 said on 16/Mar/09
You can clearly see that Studd and Bad Guy are the same height and bad guy looked closer to Big Shows height than Studd looked to Andres height. The "simple" fact is that Andre peak may have been taller than a peak Big Show. Maybe as tall as Khali. Everyone says that a peak Show was as tall as Khali, yet a thick soled wearing Big Show ALWAYS looks shorter than Khali by at least an inch and a half. Big Show stands taller now than he ever did in WWFE. We've all see the pictures of Wilt being taller than Shaq about the same as it looked on Andre, plus Andre you could argue was as tall if not taller than Wilt in two out of three pics.
Andre the Giant peak was taller than a peak Big Show, even Big Show himself says this by saying 7'1-2 for Andre. Not using the popular 7'4-5 height for Andre.

Rob Andre needs to be upgraded to 7'0.5. Please do so.
miko said on 16/Mar/09
The simple fact is that Big Show is taller than Andre was at anytime in his life.

There is a massive amount of evidence all over this site that pointed to a 6"11 or so peak Andre, and around 6"9 when he died. Throughout the 80's he looked to be around 6"10 (Hogan era).

As for Big Show, at his tallest - the guy was just over 7"0 tall, again there is lots of evidence to support this, and the fact he looks slightly shorter today, perhaps a fraction under 7"0 as of 2009.

What annoys me is these 6"8 claims for Big Show, if he was that height it would mean that:

Khali is 6"9
Nash is 6"5
Undertaker is 6"4
Hogan is 6"1

In other words its impossible for a 6"8 Big Show. He MIGHT wear small lifts, that perhaps add half an inch to his height, but talk of 3-4" lifts is insane, you can't walk properly let alone wrestle in huge lifts. Big Show always wrestles to a good standard which alone tells me he hasn't got huge lifts on.
general93 said on 16/Mar/09
in the royal albert hall 1991 undertaker gets elminated and is under the second rope from the ground by about 2" at the end when andre shakes bulldogs hand hes only a bit of the top rope.if taker was around 6'8-9" back then andre was still about 7'1" at this time.
Halb said on 16/Mar/09
The WM2 ring announcer (himself 6'6) also pens Andre at 6'9...I infer this would be around the early to mid 80s.
I think that Chris who posst here regularly also says that ANdre did not lose that much height over the years, until the very end.
Mamun said on 16/Mar/09
To Jt, Ghost , and Topdweed I am sorry if I had offended you or anybody by
calling you guys Andre haters . And Tuga & Boss thank you so much for being
there for me when I needed you . It's just that I got obbsessed with Height
becasue of three people ; Andre , Wadlow and my 6' 7" tall cousin !

My friends you have to remember if the WWE is 110 stories tall , than Andre
carried it on his back all the way to the 100 th floor . It was Andre who
travelled the world and brought Hollywood type status to wrestling . Hogan
and the rest all came latter on . Please read the Bio's of Hugan , Rick Flair
and Bret hart ( men who wrestled Andre ) . They will testify to his super
human abilities . The only reason Hogan took steriods was that he was obsessed
with Andre's size ! He wanted to be as big , tall and became frustrated in
the end that he still couldn't size up ! In every legendary wrestler's Bio
there are always references to Andre . Please read them ! Thank you !


Rick said on 15/Mar/09
SayHeyKid says on 15/Mar/09
Great, I think we're about to hear from Rick, once again, regarding his claim to have stood next to Andre, not once but twice (well after his prime of course), and his accompanying ability to pin Andre down to 6'10", aided of course by the convenient fact that "Rick" was accompanied at the time by his so-called 6'9" friend. "Rick," spare us with another recitation of your story, please?

LOL. Maybe you should read my comments more carefully so that the next time you post you might actually come across as someone who at least sounds like they know what they're talking about.
Gretz said on 15/Mar/09
Great photo album Boss,Andre looks around the 7 foot mark next to all those 5'10"ish guys(Bobby Hull,Wahoo Mcdaniel,Bruno Sammartino,Paul Leduc,Pedro Morales).The unfortunate thing is those years you point out with the weight gain (1968-72)when he may have been at his tallest,there are hardly any pics of him with people of known height.Also very interesting comparison with Andre and Giant Haystacks next to that japanese guy,thats about how Bigshow looked next to Haystacks in their staredown in wcw.
Big Show said on 15/Mar/09
Boss says on 15/Mar/09
Andre's height loss started in the 70's before surgery. He gained 150 pounds between 69 and 72. So by mid to late 70's he would not have been standing straight as he should be. Remember he had curving of the spine probably from this excessive weight gain. Imagine gaining that much weight that fast. Some people on here have not done enough research to even comment on this beleive me I have.

Andre did not gain 150 lbs between 1969 and 1972. He went from 336 lbs to 408 lbs (at least according to his billings). That's 72 lbs in the course of 3 years.
dicksock said on 15/Mar/09
In the few pictures of legit athletes with whom a prime Andre had his picture taken, he didn
topdweeb said on 15/Mar/09
Mamun: I am not an Andre fan. Never have been. I don't respect his athleticism, nor do I think highly of his mic skills. But, I don't hate the man, I just am not a fan. But this isn't about whether or not I am a fan of his or not, what it is about is determining his height. And the majority of video and photographic evidence shows me a man who was just shy of 7' by an inch or two, and perhaps a handful (if that many) photos or videos of him showing that he *might* be at the 7' mark. Big Show, on the other hands, shows me that he is a 7 footer in most of his pictures, with a minority of them looking like he's under that.

So, not being a fan of someone doesn't automatically mean my estimates are thrown out. I'm not an Undertaker fan at all, and I wouldn't miss him one bit if he retired. But, I still think he is 6' 8 or around that.
SayHeyKid said on 15/Mar/09
Great, I think we're about to hear from Rick, once again, regarding his claim to have stood next to Andre, not once but twice (well after his prime of course), and his accompanying ability to pin Andre down to 6'10", aided of course by the convenient fact that "Rick" was accompanied at the time by his so-called 6'9" friend. "Rick," spare us with another recitation of your story, please?
Boss said on 15/Mar/09
Andre's height loss started in the 70's before surgery. He gained 150 pounds between 69 and 72. So by mid to late 70's he would not have been standing straight as he should be. Remember he had curving of the spine probably from this excessive weight gain. Imagine gaining that much weight that fast. Some people on here have not done enough research to even comment on this beleive me I have. How about doing one of your comparisons with Andre in the cake photos Chris , Vegas, JT and stop using a debilated, old version of Andre. It's seems like you guys were not even watching were not even watching wrestling until Andre's last run because their the only photos you use. These few will say anything and even change people's measured height to fit their own billings. It;s a joke. Noone is debating Andre was 6'10ish later in his life. He lost height their is no possible way he would not have lost height with his condition. Over 200 pounds of adult weight gain, 3 surgeries, curving of the spine , c'mon.
Boss said on 15/Mar/09
Here are pics of Andre with 5'10 Bobby Hull, 6'1 Backlund, 6'6 Baker, 7'1 1/16 Wilt not 7'0.5 Wilt certain people on this site believe everthing Meltzer says because they subcribe to his newsletter and think they are actually getting inside information from a sport that is predetermined(LOL) plus many more.
Click Here

Also I don't beleive Mamum once said the Big Show was 6'8 if people would just actually read what is written rather than skim through not get the point. Mamum said looks because he is right. Big Show doesn't always look 7'. I beleive Big Show and Andre were close in height at their very peaks. If you can estimate Andre at 6'11 to 6'11.5 then their is no possible way you could say he was never 7'. People lose height during the day. Someone Andre's size probably up to an inch. I beleive both to have reached 7' at their tallest.
Kowalski and Ultimate Bad Guy
Click Here
Kowalski and Studd
Click Here
Click Here
Big Show and Ultimate Bad Guy
Click Here

Big Show's in ring attire. He may as well be wearing cowboy boots(LOL).
Click Here
Big Show said on 15/Mar/09
Me says on 15/Mar/09
Chris, Duggan certainly did not meet Andre in his prime, not even close.

Andre and Duggan had their first match together in early 1983. They could've met earlier than that. The first wrestling card I can find where both men wrestled on the same night in the same venue is April 15, 1980 at a WWF event in White Plains, New York.
JT said on 15/Mar/09
Click Here
Rick said on 15/Mar/09

I'll have to disagree with your assertion regarding Big Show's size. When I met him he was most definitely right around the 7' mark...nowhere near 6'8". Actually he was just about as tall as Richard Kiel, who I also met right around that time. I'd say that Kiel had maybe an inch or so on him...but it was real close. And, just to fan the fire, both were taller than an early 80's Andre.

I'm not sure what you mean when you make reference in your post to the "Andre haters". I can only assume you're referring to individuals such as myself who are providing recollections and additional evidence that disagrees with your assertions regarding the man. I, for one, loved Andre and had the good fortune to meet him and watch him perform live several times. The fact of the matter is is that you can't believe everything you read. The first time I met him a lot of the hype went right out the window, but he still was a sight to behold. Finally, I'll admit that it isn't out of the realm of possibility that Andre was 7'+ at some time in his life. He very well may have's just that most of the evidence suggests an Andre hovering around the 6'10" mark. The video recently posted where he is interviewed by Graham seems to be one of the better nails in the 7'+ Andre coffin as it appears to show contradictory evidence as early as 1980, before any surgeries or the debilitating effects that occurred as his disease progressed.

Because Andre may not have been all that you believe him to be still doesn't make him any less of a true giant or legend, or present any of the individuals here as "Andre haters". He was, and will always be, one of a kind, regardless of fact or fallacy.
Me said on 15/Mar/09
Chris, Duggan certainly did not meet Andre in his prime, not even close. However getting insight from wrestlers who have wrestled both of them does help.From what I have seen these guys both topped 7'. Big Show himself claimed Andre was taller, I have no idea if they ever met before Andre passed though. I know Show started well after Andre's death however that does not mean they never met. I guess only Paul could answer that. Remember he does not say Andre was 7'4" he says 7'1 or 2 which he probably got grief about breaking Kayfabe.
iClarke-93 said on 15/Mar/09
Just going back to Lawler's height , I always thought he was a good 5'11 but JT's post proves he couldn't he any much more than 5'10.
Ghost said on 15/Mar/09
Mamun says on 15/Mar/09
My friend Boss I agree to all that you say and this gentleman Martin does
not have the reputation of not telling the truth ? All the evidence in the
world point to a 7 Ft + andre . Andre's only big mistake in life was that
he didn't wear big lifts like Show and he never stood with the same kind
of reaching for the stars posture . Had he done that , I think we really
would have seen a 7' 4 " Andre . The thing that makes me very angry is
that when Andre haters post all these comparison photos of Andre , they
use the photos of a dying and broken down Andre who is hunching big time
to talk to Vince or any other person who was shorter . And when they see
old pictures of a young and super strong Andre lifting the front of a car
with ease , they say it is fake ! Well to my kind friends here who say
this , I have given you a challenge . If Big Show was a ligit seven footer
like you claim he was , then could you please explain the picture where he
looks to have only an inche or two max over a 6' 6" Scott Swartz UBG ? If you
would like to see that picture I could post it again for you but I am sure
you all saw that picture and also explain why show only has 7 inches over
the 6' 1.5 " gentleman posted on his page ? Please respond ?



Let's be reasonable, Andre was BILLED 6'10 many times in his youth.

And there really aren't ANY pictures of where Andre looks over easily 7 feet tall, so please stop referring to that as a fact.

So, are you saying big show is 6'8? That would make the Undertaker 6'3-4, Khali 6'9, John Cena about 5'9 and the list goes on...

C'mon, no matter how much better you think Andre was than Big Show, all the evidence points to Show being taller in his prime than Andre ever was.

I wouldn't be that sure Andre was alot stronger either, Show was much more muscular in his prime. Andre did have a larger frame than Show though, I'll give him that.

Most of the stuff about Andre being bigger and stronger than anybody ever, and standing over 7 feet tall sound like hero-worshipping to me.

I don't have an agenda against Andre or Show, I'm just going by the evidence. Sure, Andre was more popular and legendary than Show can ever hope to be, but that doesn't mean Andre was physically Bigger and better in every way.

In my view 6'11,5 is fine for peak Andre, Show was probably 7'05 at his peak. Show never reached the same weight as Andre in the end though (Luckily).
Mamun said on 15/Mar/09
My friend Boss I agree to all that you say and this gentleman Martin does
not have the reputation of not telling the truth ? All the evidence in the
world point to a 7 Ft + andre . Andre's only big mistake in life was that
he didn't wear big lifts like Show and he never stood with the same kind
of reaching for the stars posture . Had he done that , I think we really
would have seen a 7' 4 " Andre . The thing that makes me very angry is
that when Andre haters post all these comparison photos of Andre , they
use the photos of a dying and broken down Andre who is hunching big time
to talk to Vince or any other person who was shorter . And when they see
old pictures of a young and super strong Andre lifting the front of a car
with ease , they say it is fake ! Well to my kind friends here who say
this , I have given you a challenge . If Big Show was a ligit seven footer
like you claim he was , then could you please explain the picture where he
looks to have only an inche or two max over a 6' 6" Scott Swartz UBG ? If you
would like to see that picture I could post it again for you but I am sure
you all saw that picture and also explain why show only has 7 inches over
the 6' 1.5 " gentleman posted on his page ? Please respond ?


Marble said on 14/Mar/09
i think he was just as good at wrestling as big show was maybe not as agile but just as good and yeah i too think he had more charisma he knew how to excite the crowd and how to entertain them he played the perfect gentle giant .
SayHeyKid said on 14/Mar/09
Duggan (presumed to be 6'2") was about an inch taller than DiBiase? DiBiase was a strong 6'3", maybe even 6'4". It's been posted before, but check out some of the tag team matches in the Mid South, particularly the Dibiase and Duggan match v. JYD and Mr. Olympia. DiBiase was taller, probably by about an inch or so. DiBiase was closer to 6'4" and Duggan was probably between 6'2" and 6'3".
topdweeb said on 14/Mar/09
dicksock says on 14/Mar/09
"Big Show is not even CLOSE to being a better wrestler than Andre. Watch Andre vs. Strong Kobayashi on youtube. Andre had tremendous talent."

Yeah right, stiff as a board Andre? Everything he did looked so sluggish and fake. And apparently Ric Flair doesn't know much about wrestling either if he said that the Big Show was better than all other big men, including Andre.
Big Show said on 14/Mar/09
JT says on 14/Mar/09
I agree with your height estimates, Chris, for Duggan and Lawler. Here's Lawler with ~ 6'1"-6'2" Adam West

Duggan was about an inch taller than Dibiasi Click Here
dicksock said on 14/Mar/09
Clearly nobody on this forum knows anything about wrestling. Big Show is not even CLOSE to being a better wrestler than Andre. Watch Andre vs. Strong Kobayashi on youtube. Andre had tremendous talent.
JT said on 14/Mar/09
Kamala slammed Andre when he was pretty heavy too Click Here

I agree with your height estimates, Chris, for Duggan and Lawler. Here's Lawler with ~ 6'1"-6'2" Adam West Click Here [corny but the turn indicator line is great]
topdweeb said on 14/Mar/09
Frank says on 12/Mar/09
"Show is the better athlete but Andre had much more Charisma then Big show"

I definitely agree that the Big Show is physically a better athlete than Andre was. Big Show's physique is better too. But, I disagree that Andre had more charisma. I think Big Show is better than Andre was in every way. I just feel that Andre was in the right place at the right time.

KingNick says on 13/Mar/09
"I also felt that WWE really let go of making big men special."

I couldn't agree more. At one time it was special to ever seen someone like John Tenta get slammed, and he was billed at 468 lbs. Now, it's not special at all for someone that weight to get slammed, and it doesn't even have to be by the most impressive looking guy anymore.
Boss said on 14/Mar/09
Hey, Mamum what do you think about Frenchy Martin stating Andre was measured at 7' 0.5 at 22 years old in Japan. Frenchy knew Andre better than anyone and he didn't say 7'4 he said 7'0.5 at 22 years old and 6'9 to 6'10 later because he could not stand any taller. Personally I beleive Frenchy because his comments make the most sense. Andre would have lost 2 inches in his lifetime considering his terrible physical condition. Andre was 7'0.5 peak 6'10ish later. Also I just received an email from Mike Mooneyham he states Andre was a hair over 7' peak not the 7'2 he reported in his Andre obituary. He said with all his resources the best he can accertain is 7' or just a hair over.
Me said on 14/Mar/09
Incredible Rob, why is anything Anti Andre posted. Andre was 7'+, nothing has been shown to definitively prove anything other than that. As a matter of fact when a lot of the posters that state he doesn't look 7'+ they actually do show that he was. The reason is that the Andre haters still forget that his proportions, especially his head length, were not like that of a normal man. However my comments have been not been posted yet this bigkid13 and so many others can make non contributory comments like this and still get posted. Just be fair because what I see is a bias in one direction. However I am also biased in protecting Andre's True Height.
bigkid13 said on 14/Mar/09
I still really enjoy this site and all the discussions. especially the pictures with graph bars behind them and multi images!. All in all Andre was a big mook! giant mitts and noggin!. Big show is a big mook also. Here again is my kids latest video. 13 years old 6' 5 1/2 inches and a legit 325 lbs!. I think he's the biggest 13 year old in the world! Its on Youtube
Click Here
KingNick said on 14/Mar/09
Halb says on 13/Mar/09
Sgt. Slaughter was the first to slam Andre twice in a match

Awesome, I wasn't familiar with that. Do you when? 70s or 80s?
Mamun said on 13/Mar/09
Thank you Boss for sharing my point ! I base my evidence in the very early
videos of Andre and it's really unbeleivable to see a man soo big to
move like that . I can't think of anyone today of that size with his kind
of moves . The only thing he didn't do was the flying drop kick . But all
other moves were soo fast and efficient .


Rick said on 13/Mar/09
I agree that Big Show probably could have been promoted much better, but I believe he would have had more success had he arrived on the scene at least a decade or more earlier. But the time he hit the spotlight, extremely large/tall men in wrestling were much more commonplace. Aside from maybe a Ladd or Jonathan, Andre was more or less the exception in his time.
Rick said on 13/Mar/09
Andre was also bodyslammed in the early 70's by, I believe, Mad Dog Vachon and by Kamala about a decade later.
Anonymous said on 13/Mar/09
Andre looks at least 7ft here. He towers over Hogan. The camera angle probably favours Andre but the height differance is huge.

Click Here

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.