How tall is Aubrey Plaza

Aubrey Plaza's Height

5ft 4 ¾ (164.5 cm)

American actress best known for roles in Safety Not Guaranteed, Dirty Grandpa, Child's Play and as April in TV series Parks & Recreation.

How tall is Aubrey Plaza
Photo by DFree/

How tall is Aubrey Plaza
Aubrey and Rachel Bilson
Photo by kathclick/

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Add a Comment21 comments

Average Guess (35 Votes)
5ft 4.66in (164.2cm)
Vick Jane said on 4/May/23
How could Aubrey be a 5'5" if she looks no more then 3 inches taller than Amy Poehler (both in the same 3,5" heels Click Here )?
I give her 5'4" ,tops
Alanna said on 3/May/23

In what way is she 5’2”? She looks 2-3 inches taller than Rachel here which puts her at 5’4.5”-5’5”
6'3.75" said on 30/Apr/23
She's wearing more heels and 2 inches taller than 5'1" Rachel Bilson. 5'2"
Alanna said on 6/Mar/23
Click Here Definitely not 5’6”
kujasz said on 26/Mar/21
That's not much between her and Rashida Jones when they're both without shoes, maybe 4 cm , so Aubrey is more like 162 cm Click Here
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Oct/20
There is little chance Aubrey was flat 5'5 due to Elizabeth Olsen a 1/2 inch under listed by Rob.
the name's Sam said on 12/Aug/20
I have seen her photos with Elizabeth Olsen she’s like 1 cm over Olsen so roughly Olsen is 163.5 cm and Plaza is 164.5 cm btw Plaza is really beautiful
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Jun/20
Shes 5'4 3/4 and Elizabeth Olsen 5'4 1/4.
Simon Bernstein said on 7/Jun/20
Aubrey Plaza is leggy. Which makes her look taller than she is. She's listed as anywhere between 5'3" to 5'6". She likes to show her toned athletic legs.
Biffy said on 12/Apr/20
Looking at her with kathy griffin plus sharon stone i have no douts that she is no more than 5ft4 but more 5ft3 range but the best way to check height is the 1s rob has photos with and just trace them from confirmed heights
AshleeW said on 24/Oct/19
Reply to I MET HER:

I believe you. I met a few celebrities when I was in L.A for a few weeks a couple of years back and I thought "what in the actual hell? All of these people are SO much smaller than they look on screen". So I also no longer trust any celeb height listing. I am 5'5 exactly bare foot and I was towering over some of the women I met who were listed at 5'7. Bizarre for sure.
Joe said on 9/Aug/18
She’s very close in height to Alison Brie(5’3). I think she’s under 5ft5 for sure.
Littlelee168cm said on 8/Aug/18
Her and Elizabeth Olsen were the same height in Ingrid goes west so maybe they are both 5ft 4
David said on 5/Sep/17
I'm a bit late to the party since I just recently watched p&r for the first time, but she's definitely taller than amy poehler.

In a scene in one episode (S06E02) Amy is wearing water boots and we can clearly see that she's shorter than Aubray Plaza: Click Here
I met her said on 6/Aug/17
Guys nooo she is tiny! I met her up and personal at an improv show in LA, she is about 5'3 the MOST id even say 5'2".5. She is also surprisingly very petite in bone structure. I'm 5"6 and was towering over her! We were both wearing flats/sneakers. I always thought watching her on parks and rec that was similar in height/weight to me but she is as dainty as can be. Now I don't trust any celeb heights! Lol. I also met Justin Bieber once and he's exactly my height and he's always listed as 5'9 so there you have it.
Sam said on 19/Apr/17
Rob, could you add Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Legion to her films and TV credits?
Jay said on 4/Mar/17
Sam if you were trying to say Wayans Jr is only 5'9-5'10, then you need your eyes checked. And again Amy and Aubrey's height shouldn't be judged from Parks and Rec, because of different footwear. So 5'5 seems accurate to me.
Sam said on 15/Oct/15
Plaza I think could just as easily be around 5'4.5". On Parks and Rec, she could look only a couple inches taller looking than Amy Poehler at times and dwarfed by Chris Pratt. IMO, Johnson would more likely be in the 5'9"-5'9.5" range as would the other New Girl guys excluding Wayans Jr.
cole said on 2/Sep/13
@Chris: Jake Johnson is 5'10 range. I think 5'5 range is fine for Aubrey.

@Emily: Amy Poehler is always wearing heels on Parks And Recreation, Aburey wears flat shoes, and that's why it doesn't look like Aubrey is that much taller, but she is taller.
Chris said on 29/Aug/13
How tall would Jake Johnson (New Girl) be according to this pic?Click Here
Emily said on 24/Jul/13
I don't really think she looks 3 inches taller than Amy Poehler

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.