British actress best known for appearing in movies such as Dracula: Prince of Darkness, Quatermass and the Pit, Village of the Damned, The Gorgon and Rasputin the Mad Monk. A profile card in The Gorgon had her height down as 5ft 6.
Mr. V said on 4/Jun/15
You're welcome, Arch.
As for the comparison btw Barbara and David, I still doubt that it's just about hair (you can clearly see her eye level is also higher), but I'll leave it at it for the time being. If I come across some other interesting videos, I'll post them.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jun/15
Thanks for that link Mr. V, I'd forgotten just how sexy Diana Rigg was back then. Not as pretty as many of the 60s blondes but sexy as hell IMO.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jun/15
I think it's more what I'd have guessed. She did look a tall woman, I wasn't convinced it was all footwear and hair.
Mr. V said on 3/Jun/15
Ah, ok, this seems to be closer. I still think she was taller than this, but it's hard to determine Barbara's height next to Rigg's, since we don't get to see her footwear.
Any opinion on the clip with Balsam and McCallum? If Barbara was 5'7", I think David would at least be due to a downgrade fron 5'7.5" to 5'6.5".

Editor Rob
I still think her hairstyles can a good oomphy to her appearance.
ArjunaKorale said on 1/Jun/15
Rob, have you seen The Gorgon? Pretty enjoyable movie, more so because it starred my favourite actor of all time, Peter Cushing (in looks, he reminded me so much of my maternal grandfather), in the role of villain (Peter always seemed to play the kind, nice guys) & Chris Lee (another fine actor, who usually always played the bad guy) in the role of hero - so, a complete role reversal for the main actors...getting back to Shelley - she was an attractive lady, alright.

Editor Rob
yes her height with Cushing I think is deceptive. As I said previously that hairstyle adds 2 inches, although in Quatermass her heels didn't look too big, she could pass for nearer 5ft 7 in that film.
Arch Stanton said on 31/May/15
Rob, what do you reckon? I saw 5 ft 10 in heels with Cushing in the Gorgon. I don't think she looked 5 ft 8 as Mr V says, but I think you could argue 5 ft 7. It still doesn't explain though why they'd have out down 5 ft 6 if she was taller than it, usually they'd upgrade somebody if anything.

Editor Rob
maybe 5ft 7 is possible. In a film like The Gorgon her hairstyle looked like 2 inches.
littlesue said on 31/May/15
Heels would have only been around 3 inches back in her day so maybe a couple of inches extra height.
Mr. V said on 30/May/15
This is VERY incorrect. That 5'6" listing must've been a mistake. Barbara was a rather tall woman. You can clearly see it in this 1965 episode of the Man From U.N.C.L.E:
Click Here
Go at about 46:00 in the video. She's wearing flats and is noticeably taller than Martin Balsam (here listed 5'6.5) and David McCallum (here listed 5'7.5, which I reckon may be a tad generous). And if you go back at about 28:40 , you'll see that she looks very similar to Robert Vaughn (listed at 5'9", which I reckon may also be a bit generous). She honestly looked 5'8ish for most of her career.
Arch Stanton said on 30/May/15
I do think she was Angelina Jolie sort of height, I really did think she pulled off looking near 5 ft 10 in heels, although how much of that is hair is difficult to tell!
Arch Stanton said on 29/May/15
Cheers, did look easily this with Cushing in The Gorgon although I'm not sure how big her heels were. The profile card in the Gorgon though said 5 ft 6.

Editor Rob
I'll mention that profile card at the top.