How tall is Big Show - Page 19

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Average Guess (753 Votes)
Peak: 7ft 0.06in (213.5cm)
Current: 6ft 10.39in (209.3cm)
hug said on 26/Oct/08
Big Show had an amazing physique in the 90's. He looks incredibly muscular in this video and is definitely stronger than the Great Khali.
Click Here
Derek said on 26/Oct/08
Big Show probably is stronger than Khali, but he is also bulkier. Khali is more cut. Mark Henry is stronger than both, but all 3 are freaks of nature.
Alex said on 26/Oct/08
I think Big Show is stronger than Khali as well but Khali is a very strong man I'd think too. But niether are as strong as Mark Henry though.
Drexyl said on 26/Oct/08
I'd expect Big Show to be stronger than Khali. He's done some incredible chokeslams to the likes of Taker and Kane before. I remember when he military pressed Hugh Morrus once as well with little effort.
Ray said on 25/Oct/08
Yah, I agree Alex. While Big Show does have a lot of fat, he also has a good amount of muscle. Looks solid to me. He's just a very massive individual; a giant with great strength. When he chokeslams someone, it looks as he lifts and holds them up there with not too much help from his opponent.
Alex said on 25/Oct/08
Big Show was in WCW by the time Jingle All the Way was filmed. If the movie came out in 1997 then it was filmed 6 months to a year beforehand.
Alex said on 25/Oct/08
Big Show has a good amount of muscle but its kinda hidden. His arms are bulked/fat but he doesn't have any definition but those arms I bet are solid, not like a fat guys who are all flabby.
Big Show said on 25/Oct/08
Clay says on 24/Oct/08
Check out the Show in the movie 'Jingle all the way'. That was his early-mid 20's and he looked about 350-360 there that was right after basketball. He has struggled with weight ever since he removed the tumour. Someone like Khali is heavy as hell but healthy and muscular actually.

Actually this movie was filmed in 1996 several years after Wight's basketball career. I don't know if you have ever seen pics of Big Show while he was playing basketball, but he looked like a toothpic compared to the Big Show that entered WCW in 1995.
Big Show stopped playing basketball in 1993 after he was diagnosed with sciatica (irritations to the nerves in the lower back and legs), which ended his dreams of being in the NBA.
Clay said on 24/Oct/08
Check out the Show in the movie 'Jingle all the way'. That was his early-mid 20's and he looked about 350-360 there that was right after basketball. He has struggled with weight ever since he removed the tumour. Someone like Khali is heavy as hell but healthy and muscular actually.
Big Show said on 24/Oct/08
Alex says on 24/Oct/08
Topdweeb, also remember when Big Show was only 420-430lbs legit in 1999-2000 before he got hurt at Judgement Day 2000 he was billed at 500lbs. He came back in July 2000 and was 480lbs or so and pushing his billed weight. Since then he's been stuggling with his weight.

Big Show is been having troubles with his weight ever since he got into wrestling. Whenever he lost weight, he gained it back just as quick. When it comes to physique I think his best shape was in 1996 and 1997.
In 1998 he clearly gained a lot of weight and by late 1998 he was pretty fat. Before he arrived in the WWF he lost some weight and although he was still fat, he didn't have a huge gut like in WCW.
Big Show received a huge push in the WWF, but after he started gaining weight again his push ended. Again he lost weight and received another push in late 1999. After that the story was the same, again his weight went up and eventually he was send to OVW to lose weight.
And that's about the story of Big Show. He loses weight and gains it back again. Not sure what causes is. Maybe his metabolism isn't working well, or his diet is wrong. My guess is it's a combination of both. The heavy travel schedule probably has an affect on his eating habits, because whenever he leaves he can lose weight, but he hardly loses weight when he wrestles. When he came back at 441 lbs, he was still way too heavy, even for someone his size. He should be somewhere in the 375 lbs area, which would probably be an excellent weight for him.
Alex said on 24/Oct/08
Topdweeb, also remember when Big Show was only 420-430lbs legit in 1999-2000 before he got hurt at Judgement Day 2000 he was billed at 500lbs. He came back in July 2000 and was 480lbs or so and pushing his billed weight. Since then he's been stuggling with his weight.
KingNick said on 23/Oct/08
Just an interesting tidbit for you guys and something you may find interesting, I've met quite a few wrestlers who work the Indy circuit. One guy I worked with last year is 6'8". LEGIT, I worked with him. I asked him about if the Indy wrestlers exaggerate heights and he said that his height was always measured in his wrestling boots and that he was billed anywhere from 6'9"-6'10" depending on the promoter. He also said he met Big Show in person and Show was an easy 7' in his opinion.
Alex said on 23/Oct/08
There will always be at least one kid in a high school who is 6'7-6'8. Normally a few in that range. Most of the time those kids are in 11th or 12th grade and they were at least 6'5 when they entered high school.
topdweeb said on 23/Oct/08
Marotte: maybe. But the point is is that Jesse Hughes is coming on here giving us this information as if it is meant to discredit the Big Show and "prove" he isn't really 500 lbs, when his entire point is invalidated by the fact that Big Show lost over 100 pounds and hasn't been billed at 500 lbs ever since his return.
Marotte said on 22/Oct/08
topdweeb says on 21/Oct/08
Jesse Hughes: well duh, Big Show lost over a hundred pounds since he returned to the WWE and hasn't been billed at 500 pounds ever since.

They will probably bill him back to 500 pounds since he has gained weight since he came back.
topdweeb said on 21/Oct/08
Jesse Hughes: well duh, Big Show lost over a hundred pounds since he returned to the WWE and hasn't been billed at 500 pounds ever since.
nick said on 21/Oct/08
hey danimal, you proved my point even further. I just didnt want people who are 5'7 to look too bad saying that them looking up to a guy 6'2 6'3 is like a guy around my height looking up to a near 7 footer.

See us cool guys ranging from 6'2 to 6'4 are so full of ourselves that when we see people 7 or 8 inches taller than us, they are giants. But guys at 5'7 see people towering over them like that every single day. :)
Jesse Hughes said on 20/Oct/08
I live in Roswell, New Mexico, visited El Paso, TX last weekend, I saw WWE Smackdown on TV Azteca / Ch. 20 over there, Big Show was 198 kilos according to the announcer so he's actually 437 lbs. So Big Show can't possibly be 500 lbs.
Danimal said on 20/Oct/08
nick says on 20/Oct/08
ras at 5'7 you cant possibly judge what a 7 footer is. At my height of 6'2.5 i would obviously get a much better guage of what 7 feet is, however, i recently encountered a man that was "really tall" where i work and i guessed him at 6'9, but in fact he said he was 6'10 and proceeded to duck 3 inches under the 6'8 doorway i measured the next day.

There are so many people out there that are 5'7, when a 5'7 guy looks up to a 6'3 guy its like a 6'3 guy looking up to a 6'10 guy. Im sure its easy for you to guage a guy in the 6'2 to 6'4 range but it gets way harder when you double that difference

Someone can't do the simple math....haha. There is 8" from 5'7" to 6'3", therefore, if you are 6'3", it would be equal to looking up to a 6'11" man, not a 6'10" man. Way to prove a point ;)...joke.
Chuck said on 20/Oct/08
The tallest guy in my graduating class was 6' 6 you might have heard of him Dan Majerle of the phoenix suns
nick said on 20/Oct/08
ras at 5'7 you cant possibly judge what a 7 footer is. At my height of 6'2.5 i would obviously get a much better guage of what 7 feet is, however, i recently encountered a man that was "really tall" where i work and i guessed him at 6'9, but in fact he said he was 6'10 and proceeded to duck 3 inches under the 6'8 doorway i measured the next day.

There are so many people out there that are 5'7, when a 5'7 guy looks up to a 6'3 guy its like a 6'3 guy looking up to a 6'10 guy. Im sure its easy for you to guage a guy in the 6'2 to 6'4 range but it gets way harder when you double that difference
Big Show said on 19/Oct/08
Alex says on 18/Oct/08
In high school who was the tallest kid you remember? When I was in 9th grade there was a kid in 10th grade who was 6'6-6'7 and when I was in 11th grade he was in 12th and was at least 6'8 if not a little taller. I seen him a couple years after high school and he looked like he was 6'10.

When I was in grade 11 there was this kid in 12th grade who was 6'8. He was an inch taller than the tallest teacher at school who was 6'7.
That kid used to tower over me, but when I saw him a few years back his height didn't impress me much anymore. He doubt he has grown since and was still 6'8. I saw him in a bar and he wasn't the towering presence anymore as he was in high school. He was still the tallest guy in the bar, but there were many people who were very close to his height.
KingNick said on 19/Oct/08
Alex says on 18/Oct/08
In high school who was the tallest kid you remember? When I was in 9th grade there was a kid in 10th grade who was 6'6-6'7 and when I was in 11th grade he was in 12th and was at least 6'8 if not a little taller. I seen him a couple years after high school and he looked like he was 6'10.

Hey Alex. Not sure if that question was directed directly or generally, but there were two guys in my high school who were really tall/big. Both were about 6'6" when we graduated, one was over 300lbs. The lighter guy grew to be over that, at least 6'7".
Clay said on 18/Oct/08
If you dont even know who it was you saw then dont bother Ras.
topdweeb said on 18/Oct/08
Alex: at my high school, the tallest I remembered was a guy who was about 6' 7 barefooted. He was super skinny though, only about 180 lbs which made him look really lanky and tall. Not to mention he had a huge afro which in itself probably added another 4 or 5 inches to his height.
Alex said on 18/Oct/08
In high school who was the tallest kid you remember? When I was in 9th grade there was a kid in 10th grade who was 6'6-6'7 and when I was in 11th grade he was in 12th and was at least 6'8 if not a little taller. I seen him a couple years after high school and he looked like he was 6'10.
topdweeb said on 18/Oct/08
Ras says on 17/Oct/08
"All I know is that there is an 80% those guys are WWE wrestlers. The big guy could be Kane, but he's got no mustache or beard, he could be Kevin Nash but nash (as far as I remember) has got no clean shaved head, so what does that mean?"

Ok, if there is an 80% chance those guys were WWE wrestlers (in other words, you have no clue) then one couldn't be Kevin Nash at all since he isn't even apart of the WWE. You said you saw a guy with blond hair and assumed it was Shawn Michaels, when Shawn's hair isn't blond at all. So even if you did see the Big Show, why should I believe you are accurately describing him at 6' 10 when you don't even accurately describe Shawn's hair color? It seems to me that you don't know your wrestlers very well, so I can't take what you say as a credible eye-witness account for anything. BTW, Big Show usually doesn't have a mustache and beard either, but it is possible that during his off days, he gets lazy and grows one... but then again, Kane could do the same thing for all I know. But here's another problem: you are essentially saying that you wouldn't know the difference between Big Show and Kane if you saw either one of them in real life. You just see someone tall, 6' 7 or over, and you just assume it *might* be the Big Show. You can't expect to be taken seriously like that.
Viper said on 18/Oct/08
Ive pegged both Goldberg and HHH at 6-1
Ras said on 17/Oct/08
All I know is that there is an 80% those guys are WWE wrestlers. The big guy could be Kane, but he's got no mustache or beard, he could be Kevin Nash but nash (as far as I remember) has got no clean shaved head, so what does that mean? And of course I'm not saying that guy with the pony tail is Shawn Michaels but just said that at the moment I deduced it could be him I saw the guy from behind and I was in a hurry. I know what I saw though, if you know any other wrestler over 6'7 with that description then just give your opinion.
topdweeb said on 17/Oct/08
Ras: so you're saying you think the blonde hair guy was Shawn Michaels, when Shawn's hair isn't blond at all, but more like dark brown? You are saying that you saw some big guy with a beard and mustache but you don't even know who it is, but you assume it is the Big Show? You really sound like a really credible witness.
Ras said on 16/Oct/08
Well, yesterday when I was at Monterrey, Mexico's airport I saw a tall big guy with beard and moustache then I reminded the WWE where coming to Mexico (October 16, 17 in Monterrey and 18, and 19 in Mexico City) and it really looked like he was the Big Show with the shaved head and all. Then some feet away I saw I think another wrestler but only from behind, he had blonde hair with this pony tail carrying his luggage, I ain't sure but I think he was Shawn Michaels. Big Show (if it was really him) didn't look as tall as 7 feet to me, but close to it, I'd give him 6'10, I'm 5'7ish and I could reach his shoulder (or above it) which is about a foot or more thus he can't be 7 feet. Then the guy with the pony tail, didn't pay attention to his footwear but he looked 6 ftish.
Red said on 16/Oct/08
They look close in height, HHH has a Hair advantage. 6
Alex said on 16/Oct/08
HHH at 6'2 would be a push. Hes no more than that and probably just under it.
Alex said on 16/Oct/08
I may be able to slam someone around 100lbs heavier, not 200lbs. I haven't tried slamming anyway very heavy in a while though. I should be able to slam someone around 300lbs.
Anonymous said on 16/Oct/08
goldberg was not taller than HHH if anything HHH is the slightly taller one Click Here

staredown is 3 and a half minutes in here Click Here

another with goldberg wearing cowboy boots and still not taller Click Here
Ghost said on 16/Oct/08
willy79 says on 15/Oct/08
Triple H is a least 6'3!

No way, 6
willy79 said on 15/Oct/08
Triple H is a least 6'3!
Danimal said on 15/Oct/08
Goldberg was taller than HHH for sure.
Drexyl said on 15/Oct/08
I'm pretty sure Big Show was over 500 lbs before he left in early 07. He was carrying around a hell of a lot of fat back then.
Clay said on 15/Oct/08
HHH is under 6'2" for sure.

...Then Vince Mcmahon is no more than 5'11-5'11.5 these days.
Marcus (norge) said on 15/Oct/08
Big Show is 7'3 the 2005-06
Anonymous said on 15/Oct/08
Danimal says on 14/Oct/08

HHH is under 6'2" for sure.

then goldberg is under 6'2" for sure as well
Danimal said on 14/Oct/08
Clay says on 14/Oct/08
Alex2 I think HHH may be closer to 6'3''. And he wears huge boots to be sure.

HHH is under 6'2" for sure.
Danimal said on 14/Oct/08
Alex2 says on 12/Oct/08
Danimal, but if you go below 5'9" anyway you are still no way 5'10" lol, thats like me claiming 5'10" but im 5'9 or 5'9.5". Oh well.

Alex, I am just shy of 5'10" first thing in the morning and just shy of 5'9" late at night. YES, I lose 1". Always have and still do.
KingNick said on 14/Oct/08
Clay says on 14/Oct/08
KingNick that was when Big Show was hovering around 500 pounds though. Today he isnt much bigger than Khali and Khali will always have the more impressive physique. Are you telling me Khali wasnt impressive as well? Anyone I've heard that has saw him was in shock at his size.

Oh no dude Khali is definitely impressive, but Big Show just seemed much larger to me in mass. And I don't think he was 500lbs then IMO (tho he was billed that) def around 400 or over Click Here

It was more in terms of width I guess. Show seemed much wider. Khali's height astounded me more than anything else, the guy is like a walking tree.
Clay said on 14/Oct/08
Alex2 I think HHH may be closer to 6'3''. And he wears huge boots to be sure.
Clay said on 14/Oct/08
KingNick that was when Big Show was hovering around 500 pounds though. Today he isnt much bigger than Khali and Khali will always have the more impressive physique. Are you telling me Khali wasnt impressive as well? Anyone I've heard that has saw him was in shock at his size.
Drexyl said on 13/Oct/08
I thought Kane's slam on Khali at Wrestlemania 23 was very impressive. It looked like there was a fair bit of lifting involved on Kane's part, and to rotate a guy with the dimensions of Khali is no small feat.
topdweeb said on 13/Oct/08
I would ask anyone here to attempt to bodyslam someone who is at least 200 lbs heavier than yourself. And then you tell me whether or not it is easy, I assure you it isn't.
willy79 said on 12/Oct/08
Click Here
Heres a good one!
topdweeb said on 12/Oct/08
Rantsrob says on 12/Oct/08
"After all a body slam is 80% the wrestler being slammed."

When Hogan slammed Andre he actually turned him 180 degrees, a full real slam. The only part Andre would help him on was the initial lift off, the rest of that was Hogan. Compare that to Lex Luger slammng Yokozuna. Lex simply lifted him off of his feet and basically just dropped him, he couldn't even come close to turning him.
Alex said on 12/Oct/08
I am not so sure on the guy getting slammed doing 80% of the work. I've slammed guys heavier than me and I've done all the work. can't be that hard.
Alex said on 12/Oct/08
Topdweeb, exactly. A lot of powerlifters are bulky but some are slim without much muscle shown, just very strong. I tend to train more for bodybuilding and size than just strength though as you get bigger you'll get stronger.
Last year for 2 months me and my friend did a powerlifting routine and I put on barely any weight and didnt get any bigger but my max bench went up 25-30lbs.
Alex2 said on 12/Oct/08
I dunno why but on Smackdown other day Big Show looked like 6'10" Tops next to Triple H, weird.
KingNick said on 12/Oct/08
One thing I'll say about Big Show is that his sheer mass is more impressive than his height. I was at the Raw after Wrestlemania 15 at the Meadowlands in NJ years ago. I was in the lower section of the upper level, so everyone looked pretty small. But when Big Show came out I went into shock and said, "Holy crap. He's huge!" I've seen Khali in person, about maybe 20 feet away. He's definitely taller, but no where near in mass.
topdweeb said on 12/Oct/08
Alex: by the way, I once went to a weightlifting competition when I was in high school, by far the most impressive guy was someone who weighed 171 lbs. Not only was he pound for pound the strongest guy there (and actually the strongest guy I have ever seen pound for pound in real life) but I think he was flat out the strongest guy there regardless of whether it was pound for pound or not. He weighed in at 171 lbs but he had a 405 lbs max bench press, and a 590 lbs squat. I don't know what his dead lift was, but I'm sure it was impressive. Unfortunately, I saw him later on in another competition and he had lost some strength (maxing his bench press at 385 lbs) but I just remember how unreal he seemd and whenever he was up to lift, the entire audience got silent.

Anyway, he is a perfect example of someone who would be considered small and still stronger than anyone. He even out squated one of my good friends, even though my friend was a lot bigger, had huge legs and weight around 210 lbs but my friend could only get up 475.
Rantsrob said on 12/Oct/08
Alex says on 12/Oct/08
Topdweeb, I agree with what you said. Back then you didnt have many very strong wrestlers except for guys like Hogan, Warrior. You also had a lot more fat guys back then than now. Back then slamming Earthquake was impossible until Hogan did it. I know plenty of guys in WWE right now could have slammed him. And Andre was never picked up other than Hogan. And now Big Show is getting F5ed, FUed, slammed, back suplexed, german suplexed. Imagine guys like Cena, Lesnar, and Batista wrestling Andre back then.

Its really not that people could not slam andre. its just that they didnt wanna make it seem easy or on a regular basis. They wanted it to be at special event, a one time thing. After all a body slam is 80% the wrestler being slammed.
Alex2 said on 12/Oct/08
Danimal, but if you go below 5'9" anyway you are still no way 5'10" lol, thats like me claiming 5'10" but im 5'9 or 5'9.5". Oh well.
topdweeb said on 12/Oct/08
Pressing Lesnar up isn't nearly as impressive as pressing Rikishi, as Rikishi is a lot heavier. And doing reps with Steiner isn't that impressive either, as again, he's not nearly as heavy as Rikishi. Besides, getting the guy up in the first place is the hard part, once you got them up, the wrestler can really assist with the pressing by putting his hands on the shoulders and essentially start doing a push up.

Alex: yeah, if you actually take a look at the Warrior and compare him to someone like Hogan, you find that he actually wasn't that big mass wise, he was just really cut. I don't think he was even close to being as big as Triple H or John Cena... he was just so cut for his time that it was hard to overlook that.

I just realized the guy who pressed Rikishi isn't even really considered a powerhouse. Funny because in the early days Hercules was considered a powerhouse but I honestly can't think of a single feat of impressive strength that he did. BTW, Andre was slammed by the Warrior.
Drexyl said on 12/Oct/08
I remember watching that match and I couldn't believe my eyes when he actually got him up. That's one of the most impressive presses I've seen in the ring.

Goldberg did a fair few good ones as well. He got Lesnar way over his head at Wrestlemania 20, and back in the WCW days he got Scott Steiner over his head and actually did 5 or 6 reps with him. It was crazy.
JT said on 12/Oct/08
Big Show says on 12/Oct/08
....Press slamming someone like Rikishi is amazing....

In this situation, the guy being pressed almost always has his hands on the other guy's shoulders, to stabilize himself and to push up when the other guy tries to press him. It's hard to say how much Rikishi is helping to push up but it's impressive regardless. The other guy must have a powerlifting background.

This isn't too shabby either. Click Here

Alex, Andre was slammed several times before Hogan did it (Harley Race, Inoki and Kamala to name a few), and not just when Andre was young. If the guy being slammed jumps a bit and also places his hand on the other guy's knee, the other guy just rotates him over. It still takes strength but not as much as you would think.
Alex said on 12/Oct/08
Topdweeb, I agree with what you said. Back then you didnt have many very strong wrestlers except for guys like Hogan, Warrior. You also had a lot more fat guys back then than now. Back then slamming Earthquake was impossible until Hogan did it. I know plenty of guys in WWE right now could have slammed him. And Andre was never picked up other than Hogan. And now Big Show is getting F5ed, FUed, slammed, back suplexed, german suplexed. Imagine guys like Cena, Lesnar, and Batista wrestling Andre back then.
Alex said on 12/Oct/08
Ultimate Warrior was more muscular than Stamboli but someone can be more bigger and muscular than you and you can still be stronger.
Big Show said on 12/Oct/08
Alex says on 11/Oct/08
Big Show, yea remember that. Thats very impression for a man of his size. You'd expect someone like Kane, Big Show, Khali to do those things, but not Stamboli. I knew he was strong but not to be able to military press Rikishi who is at least 350lbs.

Press slamming someone like Rikishi is amazing. Rikishi (who's very agile for a guy his size) is probably not half as able to help someone out with a move like that than a guy like Kane can (who was press slammed by several wrestlers in the WWE). Plus Rikishi probably outweighs Stamboli with at least 100 lbs. It's also amazing for a guy like Rikishi to take such a blow.
topdweeb said on 11/Oct/08
Big Show: wow, that was very impressive! I've never seen anyone Rikishi's size guerrilla pressed like that. It makes me think of the Ultimate Warrior since that was his finisher and he was considered a powerhouse for his time, but he didn't even do that to people Rikishi's size. It's so amazing how much stronger the wrestlers are today than they were in the past.
Alex said on 11/Oct/08
Big Show, yea remember that. Thats very impression for a man of his size. You'd expect someone like Kane, Big Show, Khali to do those things, but not Stamboli. I knew he was strong but not to be able to military press Rikishi who is at least 350lbs.
Big Show said on 11/Oct/08
Click Here

One a sidenote, another case of a great display of strength. Around the one minute mark, check out what Johnny Stamboli does to a guy like Rikishi (who's billed at 350 lbs and probably very close to that weight).
Alex said on 11/Oct/08
6'3 is tall anywhere or even extremely tall in some places but in the Netherlands its considered only above average. I think to be a true tall guy in that country you'd have to be like 6'5 plus or something. I never been there so I am not 100% sure.
Alex said on 11/Oct/08
I never claim my out of bed height which is 6'0.75 and I've gotten 6'1 on a good day straight out of bed. I just claim 6'0 which is normally the lowest I get to in the evening but at times I've gotten like 5'11 7/8 on long days of work on my feet for hours.
Clay said on 10/Oct/08
Danimal looks easily 5'10'' next in his pics with the MMA fighters.
Danimal said on 10/Oct/08
topdweeb says on 10/Oct/08
Alex2 says on 9/Oct/08
"Danimal you said you were 5'8.75" lol"

Yeah, he did say so I thought it was odd that he said 5' 10 in his last post. Looks like Danimal decided to follow the crowd and exaggerate a bit.

No, I am 5'9 3/4"-5'10" straight out of bed. I said my LOWEST late at night is just shy of 5'9".
topdweeb said on 10/Oct/08
Alex2 says on 9/Oct/08
"Danimal you said you were 5'8.75" lol"

Yeah, he did say so I thought it was odd that he said 5' 10 in his last post. Looks like Danimal decided to follow the crowd and exaggerate a bit.
Clay said on 10/Oct/08
Doesnt change the fact that Umar is full of ****. Toronto is a city of 7 million people, there are tons upon tons of men 5'11 and up just casually strolling around.
willy79 said on 9/Oct/08
I heard the average height is starting to shrink again
Alex2 said on 9/Oct/08
Danimal you said you were 5'8.75" lol
topdweeb said on 9/Oct/08
Big Show: ironically, I think that's why so many people here are so skeptical of how tall the Big Show is. In the U.S., 6' 7 people aren't as common as you see them. So, when people here think of someone who is extremely tall like 7', they are expecting someone of jurassic proportions or something, so when a real 7' is seen, they tend to not believe it.
Big Show said on 9/Oct/08
Alex says on 8/Oct/08
5'11 is under average in the Netherlands actually. The men average out at 6'1 there!

The average in the Netherlands was 183 cm (or 6') the last time it was being researched (I believe it was in 2006).
I'm a smidge over that mark and I do consider myself of average height around here (I'm Dutch). I'm taller than most old people, but the young ones seem to be getting taller and taller.
If you really want to stand out in a crowd around here, you have to be like 6'10-7 foot. I see people who are 6'5-6'7 nearly everytime I go into town.
willy79 said on 8/Oct/08
6'3 is tall anywhere just about.
Alex said on 8/Oct/08
5'11 is under average in the Netherlands actually. The men average out at 6'1 there!

5'11 in the USA is considered tallish and sometimes people will say it looks tall. Same goes for 6'0 and maybe 6'1.

Derek is right, it can throw it off and then the guys who are legit 6'0 claim as much as 6'2.
Danimal said on 7/Oct/08
....... says on 7/Oct/08
Well Clay, when he was referring to not saying many 5'11 people, if you read CAREFULLY you can see that he meant in HIS COMMUNITY, not the general population overall. No wonder there are some ****ed comments.... cause people can't take the time to READ.

EXCUSE ME, but Toronto, Canada is a very metropolitan city and by no means are there more short people there than other places in Canada, or the U.S. The kid is 13 years old, so I would take what he said with a grain of salt. I am 5'10" and there are many people taller than me in Toronto. I have been there hundreds of times.
Derek said on 7/Oct/08
5'11" is very average in the Netherlands or the Scandanavian countries. Here in the United States, 5'11" is considered tall. What throws it off is there are plenty of 5'10" and 5'11" people that claim they're 6'0".
....... said on 7/Oct/08
Well Clay, when he was referring to not saying many 5'11 people, if you read CAREFULLY you can see that he meant in HIS COMMUNITY, not the general population overall. No wonder there are some ****ed comments.... cause people can't take the time to READ.
Clay said on 7/Oct/08
Umar thats hilarious im 5'11'' in dress shoes and 75% of the males that come into ym store are either my height or taller. You dont see 5'11'' very often? Thats the most rediculous thing I've heard on this site....and there have been some ****ed up comments here before.
boromir911 said on 5/Oct/08
well, my growth spurt started at the age of 17, so it is possible i am still growing. if i get to 6-6'1, i'm happy :) btw, i am 5'11 without shoes on.
topdweeb said on 4/Oct/08
Atoadaso: sure, but still, many people stop growing at very early ages while others stop very late. It's impossible to tell a 19 year old whether or not he is still growing or not, especially without doing some type of medical examination.
KingNick said on 4/Oct/08
Guys can grow till they're like 21 or 22. I grew about .5" in college.

I think this is why the WWE gets away so easily with exaggerating heights. You guys said it yourself, a 5'10"/11" guy can get away with 6' a 6'1" guy can get away with 6'3" ...
Atoadaso said on 3/Oct/08
I believe I grew past 19. I was 'short' for my family when I was younger as I grew later, and even after highschool.
Anonymous said on 3/Oct/08
how tall are you topdweeb?
topdweeb said on 2/Oct/08
boromir911 says on 2/Oct/08
"My height is 5'11 and i just turned 19. My height at 16 was 5'5. do i consider to be tall? am i still growing? and by the way big show is 6'11"

No you're not considered to be tall. But that is a good height for someone. Are you still growing? The answer is: maybe. There's no way anyone here could definitively answer that question. Everyone stops growing at different ages. And by the way, the Big Show is 7'.
boromir911 said on 2/Oct/08
well, i have a quick question. My height is 5'11 and i just turned 19. My height at 16 was 5'5. do i consider to be tall? am i still growing? and by the way big show is 6'11
Alex said on 1/Oct/08
Sometimes it goes the same with guys around 6'0, 5'11 and 6'1. They can also be referred to as 6 footers. I would think if you're over an inch above or over an inch under 6 or 7 feet you wouldn't be referred to as a 6 of 7 footer.
Big Show said on 1/Oct/08
Alex says on 29/Sep/08
During the Big Show and Khali feud they referred to them both as two 7 footers.

They say that very often. In the Royal Rumble in 2004 IIRC JR said the same thing about Kane and Matt Morgan (even though Matt Morgan wasn't even billed at 7 foot).
Clay said on 30/Sep/08
They did say ''Look at this, two seven footers''. Although someone could easily be like 7'1-7'1.5 and be called a ''7 footer'' that is common.
Alex said on 29/Sep/08
During the Big Show and Khali feud they referred to them both as two 7 footers.
topdweeb said on 29/Sep/08
I've never heard Khali be called 7'. The closest to that I have heard is them say he is "over 7 feet tall" or something like that.
Ghost said on 29/Sep/08
Khali's height billing hasn't chagned. The announcers just don't know for sure how tall he is supposed to be, so they give him heights varying from 7' to 7'4. still lists him as 7'3. JR tends to say 7'2 alot.
KingNick said on 28/Sep/08
Khali's height was downgraded?
Captain Steubing said on 27/Sep/08
I just have a hard time believing the people who come on here and are like "Yeah I'm 6'7 or 7'0 or w/e". If anyone actually knows people of that height you know it's something that gets brought up by everyone they meet and frankly they get sick of it. Why would they come on a website like this? Obviously there's gonna be a few real tall guys swelling up with pride over their height but it just isn't that common a thing.
Clay said on 27/Sep/08
It depends on build. 5'10'' with a jacked, muscular build will look 6'0 a lot of the time but only when the guy is walking around in shoes. A plump, stocky 5'10'' looks shortish.
Captain Spaulding said on 26/Sep/08
Hey the "6ft 1.5 Mike and BigShow" pic thats supposed to be on this page never shows up for me, did it get removed?
chris said on 25/Sep/08
i'm 6'1 and some people say i look about 6'3 cuz of my shoulders. but then again big show has big shoulders too, they probably make him look a good inch or two taller.
(P.S.) im bigger than all of you beccause i turned 14 like a month ago.
(P.P.S) that'll leave me in all actuality about 6'6" or 6'7"!!!
Alex2 said on 25/Sep/08
Alex do you ever get 5'10-5'11 estimates?
Alex said on 25/Sep/08
Yea, I get 6'2 more than sometimes and I'm 6'0.
Derek said on 24/Sep/08
Even a flat 5'10" can look 6'0", especially if the person is thin. When I was 6'1", I was almost always guessed at 6'2".
Alex said on 23/Sep/08
A legit 5'10.5 can pass for 6'0 to some people anyway.
Captain Spaulding said on 23/Sep/08
"Its common to be guessed 1-2 inches above your real height and once in a while you may get guessed 3 inches over your real height and 4 inches even more rarer."

I know what you mean alex, I got a buddy who iv measured at a solid 6'3", but hes been guessed at 6'6" and 6'7" before and I myself had thought he was at least 6'4" before I knew his real height.

And as for the bigshow, many people say hes 6'11 or 6'11.5" since that was his height in college, but what you need to understand is that the man had gigantism, and that people like that continue to grow there entire lifetime so hes taller now then he was in college.

My buddy who I mentioned above dont even have gigantism and was 6'2" when he was 18, but now hes 23 and has grown an inch and is a legit 6'3".
KingNick said on 22/Sep/08
lol poor willy79

in all seriousness, it's very possible to be mistaken for being several inches taller. I'm 5'10.5" but very thin, most people who guess my height say 6' and I've even gotten 6'1" a few times.

Chris was nice enough to do this comparison for me Click Here
Alex said on 22/Sep/08
Its common to be guessed 1-2 inches above your real height and once in a while you may get guessed 3 inches over your real height and 4 inches even more rarer. I still get 6'3 estimates sometimes which is crazy, lol.
willy79 said on 21/Sep/08
topdweeb says on 18/Sep/08
Alex: I thought he was just joking about that. Unless the estimation came from a kid or something, I just don't see how anyone who is 6' 3 could seriously be estimated at 6' 10.

Yes I was joking about people thinking I'm 6'10!
Alex said on 20/Sep/08
Like I said 6'3 could be estimated at 6'10 but its going to be by a young kid though no older than 11-12 years old.
Alex said on 19/Sep/08
The only time I can see someone 6'3 estimated at 6'10 is from a kid in like junior high or grammar school. There was once a teacher when I went to middle school who was a legit 6'4-6'5 and I thought he was like 7'0! LOL
Kendra said on 18/Sep/08
6 feet? pfft... big deal, if Nadine thinks she's really tall, she hasn't met me, or definitely my brothers and the other recent guys who just posted their height. They're giants, I've got Lear by 3 inches.
willy79 said on 18/Sep/08
I was joking about all the bogus heights people say on here and never have proof. However I am alot of times thought to be 6'5 because of my boots!
KingNick said on 18/Sep/08
Nadine Lear, happy belated bday!
topdweeb said on 18/Sep/08
Alex: I thought he was just joking about that. Unless the estimation came from a kid or something, I just don't see how anyone who is 6' 3 could seriously be estimated at 6' 10.
Alex said on 17/Sep/08
Estimated at 6'10 from who? I know a legit 6'3 could look 6'5 and maybe I could see 6'6 too but 6'10? Geez!
The most I got was 6'4, a 4 inch overestimation.
Nadine Lear said on 17/Sep/08
You may not believe me but I am actually 6'0" tall or (183cm), PS today is my 20th birthday. I'm probably tall for a woman but still shorter than about half or at least close to half the WNBA league.
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/08
uh, Shaq actually is 7'1" and he is an actual celebrity so I fail to see the quotation marks.
Captain Spaulding said on 16/Sep/08
"And correct me if I'm wrong:

Jeremy - 7'0.5
George - 7'0
Bill - 7'4
'Shaq' - 7'1
John - 7'1.5

The Nephilims have co-incided and visited our site!"

The only way id believe any of them would be if they posted pics of themselves lol
Alex2 said on 16/Sep/08
Danimal says on 15/Sep/08
Bill says on 14/Sep/08
I know you guys are not going to believe me, but I am 7'4'', and I met the big show at a hotel a couple years ago. I'd say he was a good 6'11''. I have a picture of me and him, but my camera is giving me some problems so I won't be able to post it.


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Danimal always cracks me up ;)
Viper said on 16/Sep/08
Ive been estimated at 6-10 once and Im 6-3.
willy79 said on 15/Sep/08
Listen I'm only 6'3 believe it or not and some people think I'm 6'10. However my camera is broke and the goat ate my last 10 pictures so I can not post them until Arbor Day! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Clay said on 15/Sep/08
Well head to Singh's page and check the video I posted and then tell me if you still think it's just .5-1 inch between the two. I guess Big Show forgot to stuff his insols in his boots for that night?

And correct me if I'm wrong:

Jeremy - 7'0.5
George - 7'0
Bill - 7'4
'Shaq' - 7'1
John - 7'1.5

The Nephilims have co-incided and visited our site!
Viper said on 15/Sep/08
I agree with Bill that hes 6-11.
Danimal said on 15/Sep/08
Bill says on 14/Sep/08
I know you guys are not going to believe me, but I am 7'4'', and I met the big show at a hotel a couple years ago. I'd say he was a good 6'11''. I have a picture of me and him, but my camera is giving me some problems so I won't be able to post it.

Nick said on 15/Sep/08
Bill says on 14/Sep/08
I know you guys are not going to believe me, but I am 7'4'', and I met the big show at a hotel a couple years ago. I'd say he was a good 6'11''. I have a picture of me and him, but my camera is giving me some problems so I won't be able to post it.

What a coincidence!
anonoymous said on 15/Sep/08
i agree with the 6'11" next to 5'5" vickie guererro show has a solid 16-17 inches on her.wrestlemania i believe listed show at 6'11.5" which sounds about right to me.
Bill said on 14/Sep/08
I know you guys are not going to believe me, but I am 7'4'', and I met the big show at a hotel a couple years ago. I'd say he was a good 6'11''. I have a picture of me and him, but my camera is giving me some problems so I won't be able to post it.
Rantsrob said on 14/Sep/08
Ray says on 14/Sep/08
around 1.25-1.5" difference between Show and Khali IMO; looks definite strong inch in their staredowns and Shows boots look slightly chunkier. Trying to guess anything else and we would need to see them in person standing next to each other.

Only way khali could be a solid inch over big show is barefoot. But theres roughly .5inches between them in ring gear
JT said on 14/Sep/08
From Big Show
hs2008 said on 14/Sep/08
I agree with Drexyl, Khali is a solid inch taller than Show but I don't think anymore than that.
Ray said on 14/Sep/08
around 1.25-1.5" difference between Show and Khali IMO; looks definite strong inch in their staredowns and Shows boots look slightly chunkier. Trying to guess anything else and we would need to see them in person standing next to each other.
Drexyl said on 14/Sep/08
I still firmly believe Khali is only an inch taller than Show. There's enough pictures showing it. Big Show 7,0", Khali 7,1".
Big Show said on 13/Sep/08
Clay says on 12/Sep/08
Well Khali has great posture because he was told by WWE to walk around like Frankenstein (lol), but when Big Show gets in his face his posture is also great and he has even gone on tippy toes before I've seen it more than once, giving hiom an advantage creating this illusion.

These pictures were taken from their staredown at Backlash earlier this year. Big Show is not on his tiptoes in any of these pics and his posture isn't nearly as good as Khali either. The caps below are shot-for-shot caps and his posture is the same in both caps. The close-up pic shows the exact difference in height between these two big men and the full body shot shoes us their posture as well as footwear.
Click Here
Click Here

Here's a shot of Big Show standing on his tiptoes (he does it when he walks over to Khali and tries to intimidate him).
Click Here

He looks a little taller than Khali here, but when he has his heels on the ground again, he's about an inch shorter than Khali.

The 1-inch height difference between Khali and Big Show is not an illusion.
topdweeb said on 13/Sep/08
Clay: oh bull, the Big Show never gets on his tippy toes when facing Khali, and he might stand straighter with Khali than he does with anyone else, but he still doesn't have the posture Khali does.
Clay said on 12/Sep/08
Well Khali has great posture because he was told by WWE to walk around like Frankenstein (lol), but when Big Show gets in his face his posture is also great and he has even gone on tippy toes before I've seen it more than once, giving hiom an advantage creating this illusion.
tuga said on 12/Sep/08
Khali has the best posture without a doubt (he
Da Man said on 12/Sep/08
Vegas says on 11/Sep/08
"aricky p the skydome in toronto now known as the rogers center??

wwe have only had 2 shows there that i recall in recent years, WM6 in 1990 and WM18 in march 2002, cena and batista didn't debut until summer of 2002 both were still in ovw in march of that year, khali NEVER performed in skydome for wwe to the best of my knowledge, he didn't debut in wwe until summer 2006"

It's obvious the guy is FOS.
Alex said on 11/Sep/08
Topdweeb,exactly. I dont like when people sometimes think the taller person is the one with higher shoulders which isn't always true. The top of your heads is the only thing that you go by when measuring. Khali's shorter head and higher shoulders can make him appear a bit taller than Big Show than he is but looking at the top of their heads its just an inch.
Big Show said on 11/Sep/08
Clay says on 10/Sep/08
'Big Show' maybe you're biased based on what you call yourself but you're not factoring in Khali slouching (because he is taller, have you ever held great posture to stare into the eyes of someone shorter than you?) and you're not factoring in Big Show's huge boots which look pretty suspect.

Khali slouching??? Have you even paid attention to their staredowns? If anyone was slouching in all of there staredowns, it was Big Show.
Click Here

This pic is from the same staredown as the pic I posted a few days ago. Khali has a military posture and is not slouching at all. He is only looking down with his eyes. His back, legs and neck are straight as board there. Big Show on the other hand is leaning forward a bit, which he does nearly all the time nowadays, so it could be that he has a small curvature of the back due to his excessive weight gain in the past as well as the physical abuse he took in the ring over the years.

As for their boots, it's not like he has a huge footwear advantage there either. Their footwear look pretty much the same to me. But let's be generous and give Big Show a foorwear advantage of 0.25". Khali still doesn't have 2 inches on Big Show. My guesses are:

Big Show: 6'11.5 today (he would be a little bit taller if he could still assume a military posture, which he could during his peak).
Khali: 7'0.5
Big King said on 11/Sep/08
Big Show looks more 6'11".
Vegas said on 11/Sep/08
ricky p the skydome in toronto now known as the rogers center??

wwe have only had 2 shows there that i recall in recent years, WM6 in 1990 and WM18 in march 2002, cena and batista didn't debut until summer of 2002 both were still in ovw in march of that year, khali NEVER performed in skydome for wwe to the best of my knowledge, he didn't debut in wwe until summer 2006
Clay said on 10/Sep/08
'Big Show' maybe you're biased based on what you call yourself but you're not factoring in Khali slouching (because he is taller, have you ever held great posture to stare into the eyes of someone shorter than you?) and you're not factoring in Big Show's huge boots which look pretty suspect.

Show 6'11.75
Khali 7'1.25
ricky p said on 10/Sep/08
I use to work security for the wwe when it came to the skydome and have seen most of these guys many time. Here are my guesses.
Khali: 7'1''
Big Show 7'0
Undertaker: 6'7''
Kane: 6'61/2
Guys that are really over-hyped
Triple H: 6'11/2
Batista: 6'2''
Cena 5'11''
Rock 6'2''
Ric Flair 5'10
HBK 5'9''
Y2j 5'8''
Stone Cold 6'0.5
Hogan 6'3''
Benoit was 5'8'' and believe me fellas a very creepy and intense man.
I am basing these on barefoot estimates because some of the smaller guys wear lifts. I am 6'2'' barefoot and expected all of them to tower over me and was surprised when most didn't.
Big Show said on 9/Sep/08
Analyzing pictures is not one of the strong points by some posters here. Here's a crash course for some of you.

Click Here

The height difference between Khali and Show is roughly 8.31% of Khali's head. So if it's a 2 inch height difference Khali's head would have to be 24 inches!
If it's 1 inch difference Khali's head would be 12 inches (that's more believable).
topdweeb said on 9/Sep/08
No that pic shows there is not a 2 inch difference between Show and Khali. And since is height based on shoulder height? It's not, it's based on the tops of the head.
Clay said on 9/Sep/08
Duncans 6'9.5/6'10. Its not a full 2 inches between Show and Khali based on pics but dont be so sure Khali's hair adds an inch who knows where the top of his skull is. Look how much higher Khali shoulders are than Big Shows. He is taller, period, and Big Show wears bigger boots.
anonoymous said on 8/Sep/08
and there is a 2 inch diffrence,khali is not frankestine his head is not flat, according to that line big show it makes khali out to have a flat head.
Big Show said on 8/Sep/08
anonoymous says on 7/Sep/08
khali has a large forehead and at least an inch of tuffed hair ,but still there is at least a good solid 2 inches between big show and himself.

Sigh, for all the newcomers here, who are not that good at height estimations, one more time the staredown between Khali & Big Show.

Click Here

That's the smallest 2" difference I've ever seen.
Big Show said on 8/Sep/08
Ric Flair is much closer to the camera in the Duncan pic. Tim Duncan doesn't look very tall next to Michaels though. Tim Duncan was listed as 6'11, but he's stuggling with 6'10 there.
Massimo said on 7/Sep/08
According to this comparison-picture I found, Big Show is much taller than Tim Duncan. What do you think about it ?

Click Here
anonoymous said on 7/Sep/08
khali has a large forehead and at least an inch of tuffed hair ,but still there is at least a good solid 2 inches between big show and himself.
Clay said on 6/Sep/08
Big Show wears some chunky boots no doubt but even barefoot he's at least 6'11.5.
Danimal said on 6/Sep/08
Big King says on 4/Sep/08
Big Show and Andre were having the same height. Both were 7 feet.

Let me guess. English isn't your first language? French?
Big King said on 5/Sep/08
Big Show doesn't look 7'. I would give him 6'11" max.
anonoymous said on 5/Sep/08
akebono was listed at 6'8" and next to big show there was at least a 3 -4 inch difference in height. big show imo is around 6'11" barefoot probably closer to 2 inches shorter than the great khali who is 7'2" ,provivding big show wearing the boots.
topdweeb said on 5/Sep/08
If Akebono is really 6' 8 then Big Show had about 4 or 5 inches on him when they were both barefooted.
Danimal said on 4/Sep/08
Rantsrob says on 3/Sep/08
I dont buy a ligit 7 foot barefoot bigshow. I have no doubt hes 7' 7'.5'' in ring gear. But theres no real evidence to put at 213cm barefoot.

Yes there is. He was listed at 7'1" in his College basketball days.
Big King said on 4/Sep/08
Big Show and Andre were having the same height. Both were 7 feet.
Rantsrob said on 3/Sep/08
I dont buy a ligit 7 foot barefoot bigshow. I have no doubt hes 7' 7'.5'' in ring gear. But theres no real evidence to put at 213cm barefoot.
Massimo said on 2/Sep/08
Now I remember! This guy's nickname is "The Ultimate Bad Guy".
Massimo said on 2/Sep/08
All the pictures posted seem to show that Big Show is about 7' but the one with that big guy whose name I can't remember in this moment who is listed as 6'8" in this site. In a pretty clear picture Paul Wight only looked about 3 cm taller than him. I would like to see him next to Tim Duncan.
Alex said on 1/Sep/08
There is no way there is a 3 inch difference, let only 2. The most I can see really is 1.5 inches.
JT said on 31/Aug/08
Clay says on 30/Aug/08
Jeremy 7'1, Kendra 6'3, George 7'0? Man that Lubbon family has some tall genes!

You mean tall tales?
anonoymous said on 30/Aug/08
after examinig big show and khali close up face to face imo i,d have to say there is a possible 2 1/2 inch difference in height maybe 3 inches tops.khali i believe to be a legit 7'2" and big show 6,11.5"
Clay said on 30/Aug/08
Jeremy 7'1, Kendra 6'3, George 7'0? Man that Lubbon family has some tall genes!
Kendra said on 29/Aug/08
I agree with those heights:
Khali 7'2"
Big Show 7'0" ( 7'1" peak )
Jeremy 7'1"(my brother)
Kane 6'9"
Undertaker 6'8"
Hulk Hogan 6'4" ( 6'6" peak )
The Rock 6'4"
Brock Lesnar 6'3"
Kendra 6'3"
Alex said on 27/Aug/08
I'd bet Shaq have an inch on Big Show. He's like Khali's height.
willy79 said on 26/Aug/08
I see Big Show and Shaq around the same height. Maybe, Show edging him by a half inch.
Clay said on 26/Aug/08
Its more than an inch between Big Show and Khali. Show wears bigger boots with a bigger heel, and even then only when Khali slouches does he look close. Check out Singh's page and that video I posted Alex, a clear 1.5/2 inch height difference. If Show 7'0 then Khali is 7'1.5. Or it could be 6'11.5 and 7'1.
topdweeb said on 26/Aug/08
Alex: I remember the first night Wight came to the WWE, they switched calling him 7' and 7' 1 throughout the night. Yeah, I can buy that he may have lost 1/2" of height, but that's it. I still think he is 7' flat. But yeah, if Khali is only 7', then I would say he is 6' 11.
Alex said on 26/Aug/08
Topdweeb, its possible Big Show maybe could have lost 1/2 inch but I wouldn't say more than that. Its more due to his posture and weight. The lowest possible height I'd put Big Show at is 6'11 and if he's that tall than Khali is just 7'0. But its rediculous like you said with guys who are a couple inches shorter than him being billed at his height and Khali who is an inch taller being billed at 3-4 inches taller. When they face off even young kids probably wont see 3-4 inches.

JT, I remember once in early 1999 when JR said Big Show was 7'1 when he came out.

Sometimes they'll refer to Big Show and Khali both as 7 footers as well.
Anonymous said on 25/Aug/08
It isn't worth paying any attention to the billings JR and Michael Cole give the wrestlers. One week Khali will be 7,2" 420lbs, the next he'll be 7,4" 430lbs. They just make it up on the spot.
topdweeb said on 25/Aug/08
Big Show: well all I can say is that before Big Show was a wrestler, he played college ball and I would take their stats over any pro-wrestling promotion any time. And he was listed as 7' 1 in college. So, I don't think Show is under 7' and though it is rare, I do believe WWE bills him at his correct, legit height.
Big Show said on 25/Aug/08
topdweeb says on 23/Aug/08
Dude, this "largest wrestling promotion in the world" that you're speaking of, bills men who are 4+ inches shorter than the Big Show as being the exact same height as the Big Show. It bills a man who is only approximately 1 inch taller than Big Show as being 3-4 inches taller than him. I don't buy for a second that just because it's the WWE, they have thoroughly and accurately measured Wight's height.

Believe me that this guy had to go through several medical examinations, before giving that lucrative contract he was given (the most lucrative contract that any debutant ever received). And unlike most Big Show wasn
UFC 98 said on 25/Aug/08
ola no one on this earth will be able to do what goldberg did, and that is to lift big show in a vertically suplex postion and jackhammering him
Alex2 said on 24/Aug/08
I remember last week on Smackdown and Triple H was commentating and He said Khali is "7 Foot 400 lbs" Yes he said 7'0" but probably 7'1" still.
Clay said on 23/Aug/08
JR has called Khali 7'2, 7'3, and 7'4 in the past few weeks. They just casually say his height and refer to him being huge.
Alex said on 23/Aug/08
I just saw the smackdown clip where Foley and JR said Khali was 7'4. When they went face to face the most it could look is 1.5 inches so who are they kidding with 4 inches.
Alex said on 23/Aug/08
Topdweeb, also with Kane being billed at 7'0 Khali does have him by a good 5 inches or maybe a bit more while Khali has Big Show by an inch and they bill Kane and Big Show the same. Another insane thing.
Alex said on 23/Aug/08
So they had Big Show and Khali facing off and JR and Mick Foley tried to say Khali was 7'4 making him 4 inches taller than Big Show? Thats insane. Even for little kids they may not believe 4 inches when Big Show's head comes up to Khali's hair line or around there. Them trying to make Big Show much shorter than Khali gets me mad really.

Topdweeb, you're right. Today the wrestlers are more bigger. I bet if you guys like Cena, Batista, Lesnar, Kane back then, Andre would have been getting picked up more.
Alex said on 23/Aug/08
Kane needs to be billed at 6'10 or less and even at 6'10 it wouldn't match up to a 7'0 billed Big Show. Big Show billed at 7'2 and Kane at 6'10 is good like how it use to be back then.
topdweeb said on 23/Aug/08
Big Show says on 22/Aug/08
"We're not talking about a cheap amateur promotion here, we're talking about the largest wrestling promotion in the world."

Dude, this "largest wrestling promotion in the world" that you're speaking of, bills men who are 4+ inches shorter than the Big Show as being the exact same height as the Big Show. It bills a man who is only approximately 1 inch taller than Big Show as being 3-4 inches taller than him. I don't buy for a second that just because it's the WWE, they have thoroughly and accurately measured Wight's height.

I remember when Wight as "the Giant" in WCW, Lex Luger once said in an in-ring interview that Wight was 7' 1", and that's when Wight was being bill consistently at 7' 4".

And then we see Khali, who has claimed before to be 7' 2 only has about an inch on Wight. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Wight was 7' 0.5" in his peak but lost 0.5" of height due to either posture, weight, injury, or a combination of the three.

Regardless though, I don't buy for a second that WWE is too "big time" to not accurately think things through or measure their wrestlers. I mean, if they want to look more legit, they would make everything proportional in the very least. Men who are billed as 4-5" inches shorter or taller than Wight when they are clearly not even close to that, isn't what I would call "big time".
Shaq said on 23/Aug/08
Considering Big Show says he's 7 foot and looks around that height despite not forcing good posture then I see no reason to doubt him. He's probably around 7'0" or 7'0.5". From the pictures posted I'm not so sure he's a full inch shorter than Khali either.
JT said on 22/Aug/08
Big Show says on 22/Aug/08
....When Big Show arrived in the WWF in 1999 he was billed at 7 foot.....

I thought it was 7'2" at first and later 7'0", which I believe is right around his actual height.
Big Show said on 22/Aug/08
topdweeb says on 22/Aug/08
Big Show: That's even assuming the WWE even actually measures there wrestlers. For all we know Vince could have simply asked Wight how tall he was and Wight just simply said, "7-foot". I mean, let's face it, it's a little odd that Wight is billed at 7-foot, so is Kane and so were a list of other wrestlers that Wight had several inches on. He seems to be the only one who legitimately is billed at his actual height. Why? Why not keep him at 7' 2 like they used to? Perhaps Wight insists on being billed at his actual height now.

When a guy that size comes into the WWE, believe me that Vince would know what his real height is. We're not talking about a cheap amateur promotion here, we're talking about the largest wrestling promotion in the world. Big Show's main gimmick was his size. They referred to him as the largest athlete in the world, so they probably would know how tall he legitimately was. They simply decided not to exaggerate his height.
Alex2 said on 22/Aug/08
Clay says on 22/Aug/08
Anyone else open to the possibility of Show being 7'0.5 and just saying ''im 7 foot'' ? He has said 7'1'' before and was described as over 7 feet by Conan O'Brien, Jim Ross and others.

Definatley a legit chance of that, Most of the time I struggle to see a full inch between Show and Khali... Big Show, Maybe when He first came, I doubt they measure all their wrestlers anyway, so maybe 7'0" rounded down or an estimate to begin with, If Khali is a legit 7'1" or better, I give Show no less than 7'0.25"
topdweeb said on 22/Aug/08
Big Show: That's even assuming the WWE even actually measures there wrestlers. For all we know Vince could have simply asked Wight how tall he was and Wight just simply said, "7-foot". I mean, let's face it, it's a little odd that Wight is billed at 7-foot, so is Kane and so were a list of other wrestlers that Wight had several inches on. He seems to be the only one who legitimately is billed at his actual height. Why? Why not keep him at 7' 2 like they used to? Perhaps Wight insists on being billed at his actual height now.
Big Show said on 22/Aug/08
Clay says on 22/Aug/08
Anyone else open to the possibility of Show being 7'0.5 and just saying ''im 7 foot'' ? He has said 7'1'' before and was described as over 7 feet by Conan O'Brien, Jim Ross and others.

When Big Show arrived in the WWF in 1999 he was billed at 7 foot. There's no way a guy like Vince McMahon would bill the tallest and biggest wrestler on the entire roster below his actual barefoot height. I think Big Show was 7 feet on the dot (maybe give or take 0.25"), but I don't think he was 7'0.5. He would've at least billed him at 7'1 if that was the case.
Clay said on 22/Aug/08
Anyone else open to the possibility of Show being 7'0.5 and just saying ''im 7 foot'' ? He has said 7'1'' before and was described as over 7 feet by Conan O'Brien, Jim Ross and others.
Clay said on 21/Aug/08
Show could be like 7'0.5/7'1 fresh out of bed stretched out I think.
Alex2 said on 21/Aug/08
Big Show is no way below 7'0" if Khali is a legit 7'1" or better.
Clay said on 20/Aug/08
Khali can look anywhere from .5 of an inch to 2 inches taller than Big Show depending on lifts and camera angles. He is probably a shade over an inch taller.
topdweeb said on 19/Aug/08
Alex: you know I was just thinking of your comment. Back in the 80's in that WWF game for the regular NES, the only one who could bodyslam Andre the Giant was Hulk Hogan. And that was actually realistic because he was the only one in the game who could (or at least had). But yet, today, quite a few guys could more than bodyslam the Big Show. This all goes back to what I was saying a while back. Today's wrestlers are so much bigger than the ones in the 80s and early 90s (with a few exceptions, Sid, the Warlord, Lex Luger). I mean, back in those days as we talked about, Hercules was considered a powerhouse and today, he's not nearly as big as a lot of guys, not even ones that aren't considered powerhouses.
topdweeb said on 19/Aug/08
Alex: yeah last time Show and Khali went face to face on Smackdown, Jim Ross and Mick Foley tried to say Khali was 7' 4 and that he is actually looking down on the Big Show. That despite that fact that Show was more than holding his own against Khali. I don't know why WWE is hellbent on making Khali to be so much taller than Big Show. And that's stupid about SVR 2007 because even in their billed weights, Show outweighs Khali.
mike said on 19/Aug/08
my estimates, big show 6,11" khali 7,1", taker 6,7.5", kane 6,7".
mike said on 19/Aug/08
when big show came out after khali threw the miz and hand chopped morrison,big show stood face to face with khali. clearly there was at least a 2 inch difference that i saw,watch the video,and pause it when show lifts the mic ,and see it for yourself. i place show around 6,11",and khali at 7,1".
Alex said on 18/Aug/08
I hate how in SD vs Raw 2007, they have most people be able to lift up Big Show, but not Khali. They make Khali appear to be overally bigger only because hes an inch taller but really Big Show is more bigger overall. Gets on my nerves.
Frank said on 18/Aug/08
Ola, i wrote it wrong Im 5 ft11 1/2 and Vince looked at leat 2inches taller than me
Frank said on 18/Aug/08
Ola, Vince was taller than me and alittle under 6ft barefoot (maybe Lifts)
I met Jim Neidhart and he looked 5ft 9 1/2 to 5ft 10 i was surprized i was looking down @ him
Clay said on 17/Aug/08
I think Khali's hands are bigger than Show's.
KingNick said on 17/Aug/08
I was never sure about Neidhart but I certainly don't think he was 6'. I do believe Bret is somewhere between 5'11" and 6', Neidhart is about 1" shorter here (this is a backstage segment though so who knows)

Click Here
Alex2 said on 17/Aug/08
Bret was probably 5'11.5"
topdweeb said on 16/Aug/08
I think Niedhart is probably 5' 10 or 5' 11 max. He seemed to be one inch shorter than Bret, and Bret I think is about 5' 11 or 6'.
Alex said on 16/Aug/08
Lesnar may give Khali a run for his money too. Big Show's hands are probably a bit bigger than Khali's.
Alex2 said on 16/Aug/08
Neidhart 5'10" Im with you Ola :)
topdweeb said on 15/Aug/08
Drexyl: If you watch arm wrestling competitions, it is full of guys built like power lifters like Mark Henry, not guys like Khali.
Nick said on 15/Aug/08
Jim Neidhart, about 5 foot 9, my opinion.
Big Show said on 15/Aug/08
Click Here

Don't know if anyone seen this pic before. How tall is Jim Neidhart?
Clay said on 14/Aug/08
Click Here

Look at the size of Khali's deltoids/arms compared to 5'10/190-205 poundish Daivari. Thats amazing.
Drexyl said on 14/Aug/08
Khali could beat almost anyone at arm wrestling purely based on the size of his hands, wrists and forearms. I think the only guy who could give him a run for his money in the WWE is Big Show.
Alex said on 14/Aug/08
I think HHH's arms are still big. Put him in front of you and you'll see. His arms aren't freaky big but they're def pretty big. This is comparing to average guys who work out. I'm not comparing him to bodybuilders.
topdweeb said on 13/Aug/08
Ola: exactly. I've beaten people in arm wrestling who are a lot bigger than I am (maybe not muscle-wise but still) and I've lost to people who are a lot bigger than I am and who had much longer arms, but I sure made them work for it.
Clay said on 13/Aug/08
Kane looks 4 inches below Big Show there but who knows has the higher heel. Still Kane is anywhere from 6'7-6'8.5.

Armwrestling isnt all about size, but it plays a big part no question. The biggest factor I would say is wrist strength, the first guy to bend the others wrist and apply pressure usually wins. Khali is just SO MUCH bigger than Triple H its comical to see HHH ''winning'' that armwrestle.
Drexyl said on 13/Aug/08
It is pictures like that that make me doubt Kane is anything under 6,8". They're both standing fairly straight and I can see only 4 inches between the top of their heads. Kane is still a monster when he stands up to his full height. Unfortunately he rarely does it anymore.
Danimal said on 13/Aug/08
Alex2 says on 12/Aug/08
Triple H does have some huge arms on him though.

Had decent size arms from 1999-2002 (when he was juiced to the gills). Today, they are nothing special.
JT said on 12/Aug/08
If Big Show
Alex2 said on 12/Aug/08
Triple H does have some huge arms on him though.
Alex said on 12/Aug/08
Khali would beat HHH in a real arm wrestling match. Not saying this because his arms are bigger and he's more heavier and massive overall. Khali is stronger but even that you can't go just by because stronger guys can lose in arm wrestling to weaker guys since its not based on just strength.
mike said on 12/Aug/08
show may even be 7,0",you know if khali is a legit 7,2" which he claims to be.
topdweeb said on 12/Aug/08
mike: if you copy that pic and paste it in paint, and then draw a straight line from the top of Big Show's head to Khali, then you'll see that there is only about an inch of a difference. And, in that stare down, they had boots on that were the same size (that is from the 4 man handicap match). Again, Khali simply gives an illusion of being a lot taller because of his higher shoulders and facial features.

I think it should practically be a requirement to have a line drawn from the tops of their heads when posting a pic comparing the two.
KingNick said on 12/Aug/08
rock on mike!
mike said on 12/Aug/08
kingnick after looking at that pic i,d have to say there could be as much as a 2 inch difference between the two.but show at 6,11" sounds about right to me.
topdweeb said on 11/Aug/08
Clay: well of course, do you know how boring an actual arm wrestling match would be? It would be like, they lock hands, one of them wins within a minute, and that's that. They gotta have some type of dramatization in there. And for the record, we don't know that Triple H would get killed by Khali in arm wrestling.
Gazz said on 11/Aug/08
no way is khali any more than an inch taller, look at the SNME picture show isnt even standing straight there! plus youve got khali's hair to consider which adds another inch or so.
I defy anyone to look at those pics of show with mean gene and say he is under 7 foot there.
Clay said on 10/Aug/08
I love how WWE will even go the lengths of faking an arm wrestle. In real life Khali would beat Triple H in an arm wrestle in 2 seconds, his arms are twice as big.
KingNick said on 10/Aug/08
Thanks for posting the photo JT (np before topdweeb, btw). See here's what I'm talking about. I see a slight difference. Show is standing a little straighter in the SNME pic but not much. They look nearly the same size to me in this pic:

Click Here

as opposed to this current pic where I definitely see a full inch difference:

Click Here

I do agree Show's footwear was prob the same or close to it, but I think he had a footwear over Khali both times. 7' peak, 6'11" current. Khali a strong 7'1"
Alex2 said on 10/Aug/08
topdweeb says on 9/Aug/08
Alex2: Thank you. I am starting to feel like everyone here is trying to make Khali taller than his is by always insisting that he is 2 inches taller than the Big Show, when there isn't even an inch. Maybe an inch at the very best, but that's it.

Thankyou :) There is MAX 1" likely less, Khali could be as tall as 7'1.25" but anything over that I doubt.
Drexyl said on 10/Aug/08
Khali's hands are enormous yes. In the arm wrestle on SD the other night he practically engulfed Triple H's entire hand.
topdweeb said on 9/Aug/08
Alex2: Thank you. I am starting to feel like everyone here is trying to make Khali taller than his is by always insisting that he is 2 inches taller than the Big Show, when there isn't even an inch. Maybe an inch at the very best, but that's it.
Me said on 9/Aug/08
Show has the same issue as Andre, his posture. Khali stands like Frankenstein and walks like him too. His weight does contribute in a big way to his poor posture as it did for Andre. His knees and spine are under a lot of stress day in and day out. When Show first came to be as "the Giant" he stood very tall.
Clay said on 9/Aug/08
Drexyl Big Show is definitely thicker and in all likely hood stronger. Although Khali has huge arms and shoulders himself and his hands are freakishly huge - bigger than Shows.
JT said on 9/Aug/08
Click Here Same basic difference (~ 1 inch) 2 years ago. Big Show
topdweeb said on 9/Aug/08
KingNick: oops my mistake, it's not from SNME, it's from a Smackdown episode of their latest encounter.
topdweeb said on 9/Aug/08
KingNick: that pic Big Show posted IS from SNME.
Alex2 said on 9/Aug/08
Clay says on 7/Aug/08
I just find it strange they would hype Big Show as the largest athlete in the world but still say he is 2 inches below Khali. Why? Because that probably is the case. Maybe not as much as two inches, but there is at least an inch between the two giants.

There isnt even 1".
Alex2 said on 9/Aug/08
I hear Khali has already had some leg surgeries, any height loss? And I hear he has terrible trouble with them. Danimal, If Khali is a legit 7'1" or better then I put Show at 7'0" no less. There isnt even 1" between them.
Drexyl said on 8/Aug/08
I expect he's also got some bigger measurements than Khali. Arms, chest etc. He's a broader, thicker build than Khali.
Danimal said on 8/Aug/08
I see the height loss in Big Show's neck. The length of it is shorter than it used to be and no, that's not just because he is heavier. Even at a lighter weight, is neck is shorter. His back looks slouched a bit today and his knees look a little buckled. It looks like he is in pain, or at the very least it seems like an effort to stand tall for him nowadays, where as in the mid-late 90's, this man couldn't stand anything but straight and tall. He had 3" consistently on 6'10" Kevin Nash in the WCW, which would put him at 7'1" back then. Is he looking 7'1" next to Khali today? I don't think so. He looks like he is sailing at around 6'11"-6'11 3/4" AT BEST today.
KingNick said on 8/Aug/08
No one has that photo of Khali and Big Show from SNME? JT? Vegas?
topdweeb said on 8/Aug/08
Clay: Big Show might be an inch shorter than Khali, but he is also like 40 lbs heavier. Big Show once said in an interview that he isn't the tallest athlete in the world, or the heaviest, but when you put the two together, he is the biggest (this was when he was over 500 lbs though).
Clay said on 7/Aug/08
I just find it strange they would hype Big Show as the largest athlete in the world but still say he is 2 inches below Khali. Why? Because that probably is the case. Maybe not as much as two inches, but there is at least an inch between the two giants.
topdweeb said on 7/Aug/08
KingNick: if Show has lost any height, then I doubt it happened over the last year or so or whenever it was that Khali and him first faced off. Look at the pic Big Show just posted. Their boots are very comparable, and still, the difference is the same as it usually is. This tells me that when Big Show is wearing his "bigger" boots, they don't offer any appreciable height advantage.

Now, anyone looking at the pic, seeing that their boots are the same size practically, how can anyone honestly say Khali has 1.5 to 2 inches on Show??
Gazz said on 7/Aug/08
Big Show with as good posture as Khali is the same height or maybe 0.25 shorter, there was a scene on smackdown where show lifted his fist up to Khali and they looked very very close in height, i think it was that particular time anyway lol
Big Show said on 7/Aug/08
It depends on how you look at it. Big Show's posture has become worse over the years. In his staredowns with Khali he never stood fully straight like he did with Kevin Nash in 1998. Does that count as height loss? Well if he can't stand up straight anymore, I think it does.

But even his bad posture didn't really result into drastic height loss. I think his bad posture maybe resulted in a 0.5" height loss at most.
His staredown with Khali in 2008 looks pretty much the same as the one with Kane in 1999.
Click Here
Click Here

And I don't think Big Show wore lifts in his WCW days.
JT said on 7/Aug/08
Click Here (from 2008) I doubt he's lost any height either. It's all about posture with him.
KingNick said on 7/Aug/08
topdweeb says on 5/Aug/08
Is there any real evidence that the Big Show has shrunk since WCW?

Does anyone have a pic of the staredown between Khali and Show from the first time they were in the ring together at the Saturday Night Main Event?

I remember Show being nearly the same size as Khali then as opposed to a full inch shorter now. If someone could post both photos we can compare the two and see if he's lost height.
Clay said on 7/Aug/08
Big Show is still a huge, very tall man today that is evident in the Khali staredowns. Im starting to think he hasnt lost any height what so ever, just bad posture.
topdweeb said on 6/Aug/08
Alex: yeah I think I would have to agree. He doesn't look any shorter to me. I think he definitely had better posture in WCW but other than that, there is no change. In other words, I think this is the "WCW Giant" squaring with Khali. I don't buy the, "I wish it was the old Show". I think the only thing that would help is that Wight had better posture in his WCW days and that's about it.
Alex said on 6/Aug/08
Topdweeb, I havne't seen any. I dont really think he has. I believe he was leaner back then with better posture and even at times its obvious he had some sort of lifts on too. All that into account makes some think he has shrunk a bit. Hes only 36 now and I am not sure if he's had any major surgeries to shrink. Maybe 1/2 inch at most he could have lost but even that I doubt.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.