How tall is Big Show - Page 23

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Average Guess (753 Votes)
Peak: 7ft 0.06in (213.5cm)
Current: 6ft 10.39in (209.3cm)
JT said on 30/Mar/08
topdweeb26 says on 30/Mar/08
I seriously hope Big Show doesn't job to Mayweather tonight... anyway, I would be VERY surprised if Big Show is anything less than 6' 11.

Agreed. Remember that Big Show is always looking down at Mayweather, which makes him appear shorter. Khali does not do this. Plus, Big Show's chin is 2 inches lower than where it should be on an average human being (even a 7 footer), since his noggin is so large. Maybe De La Hoya will interfere and cost Mayweather the match to build up their rematch this fall? That's about the only way WWE can save this turkey. If it rains, does the Citrus Bowl have a retractable roof?
KingNick said on 30/Mar/08
JT, good photos and point with Big Show's head. Just look a the photo above. A lot of his height is in his head. He may have lost an inch over the years, but I think its more along the lines that he's gained weight (I know its down from 500+ but even in 1999 he was only around the 400 mark, now he's 440) and has worse posture than he use to be. My biggest (no pun intended) reason behind him still being close to 7' is his staredown with Khali. (Maybe someone on here can post that again). Khali has a higher eyeline, but I saw no more than an inch and I dare say maybe even a half an inch between the two. Big Show always wears rather sizable footwear, so that too me includes a minimum of 1" between the two.

Big Show: 6'11" - 7' barefoot with good posture, 6'10ish with bad posture. 7'1.5" in wrestling boots with good posture, 6'11ish with bad posture in wrestling boots

Khali: 7'1" barefoot, 7'2" or so in wrestling boots (he has great posture)
Jason said on 30/Mar/08
Are we even sure that Mayweather is 5'8''? There's a number of 5'7'' descriptions...
LV said on 30/Mar/08
Anyone see Big Show's wife last night on the Hall of Fame inductions? She was pretty hot, not to mention several of those others guys wives weren't too bad. It was funny to see Flair's wife since she didn't look much older than his daughter!
topdweeb26 said on 30/Mar/08
I seriously hope Big Show doesn't job to Mayweather tonight... anyway, I would be VERY surprised if Big Show is anything less than 6' 11.
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/08
I was going by a picture in USA Today from a couple of day's ago, it just seemed to me that a true 7'0 guy would look about that much taller than a 6'0 guy, not a 5'8 guy. And I spelled Mayweather wrong because I'm not really even a boxing fan, one does not lose credibility just because he has a opinion on a picture he sees in the newspaper. I'm about 6'0 and when I would would stand next to a couple of true 6'8 guys on the basketball team in College they would be real close to a head taller than me.
Alex said on 30/Mar/08
Danimal, about Big Show's huge weight loss. Yea 100-105lbs is a huge weight loss but on someone Big Show's size when he was over 500lbs it may not look that huge because he is so huge, but you can still tell he lost a good amoung of weight.. Now on a normal person its very different.
Danimal said on 30/Mar/08
Anonymous says on 29/Mar/08
Maybe i'm alone but I don't think that big show looks all that huge next to Merryweather, remember Merryweather is 5'8 159, thats tiny, show's only about a head taller. Sid Eudy is a head taller than 5'8 Manum on this site and he is put at 6'6.5. I would say that Big Show is only about 6'10 tops and about 430, 441 with all his clothes on. This also shows just how much they exgzagerate in wrestling, I can remember Show being put at 7'4 543 not all that long ago and they don't even pretend now that that was at least 4 inches and 105+ pounds to high.

That weight was NOT 105 pounds TOO high. Can you not see that Big has lost all that weight since 2006?? The man was obese. He is NOWHERE near as big now as he was when he left WWE in 2006. Not even close. If he is 440 today, he was 540 back then. BTW, you lost ALL credibility by calling MAYweather MERRYweather...haha.

Show is NOT less that a solid 6'11" today. He should regain his confidence and stand tall, the way he used to.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/08
first of all it's Mayweather, and second, Big Show is only 7'0 441 as of late March
Frank said on 29/Mar/08
Show to me is not looking 7ft next to Mayweather for some reason
JT said on 29/Mar/08
Anonymous says on 29/Mar/08
Maybe i'm alone but I don't think that big show looks all that huge next to Merryweather, remember Merryweather is 5'8 159, thats tiny, show's only about a head taller.

Click Here His head is at least 12 inches long too.

topdweeb26 said on 29/Mar/08
In no shots with that bodyguard, can anyone safely say who is the taller of the two. None of the shots are that good, none are face to face or even in the same depth perception from the camera.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/08
Maybe i'm alone but I don't think that big show looks all that huge next to Merryweather, remember Merryweather is 5'8 159, thats tiny, show's only about a head taller. Sid Eudy is a head taller than 5'8 Manum on this site and he is put at 6'6.5. I would say that Big Show is only about 6'10 tops and about 430, 441 with all his clothes on. This also shows just how much they exgzagerate in wrestling, I can remember Show being put at 7'4 543 not all that long ago and they don't even pretend now that that was at least 4 inches and 105+ pounds to high.
Alex said on 29/Mar/08
I'd still give him at least 6'11 today. At least 7'0 at his tallest. I dont think he shrunk much at all.
Danimal said on 29/Mar/08
For some reason I think that Big Show has shrunk down to the same height that Kevin Nash was in the WCW. I'm not sure why. It could be he had surgery or something, but he just had better posture and stood SOOOOOO much taller in the 1990's. I remember him standing next to Vince in 1999 and he towered him. Now Shane and Vince are the same height and Big Show doesn't tower Shane, the way he towered his father 9 years ago. I say he's MAX 6'11" today and over 7'0" back in the WCW.
Jordan said on 28/Mar/08
DA Man--its right around 3:25 the big bodyguard is toward the far left of the screen--he is wearing a black shirt. He appears 2 inches taller than SHow.
Da Man said on 28/Mar/08
brother_h says on 28/Mar/08
"everyone wears 2 inch footwear you nuts. the only gootwear that are under 2in are sandals. most combfortable footwear are 2 inch."

Actually, no one in the WWE wears 2" footwear, and even the chunkiest workboots you can find (Doc Industrials) only provide a ~1.5" height boost over barefoot. Timberland and Nike Shox only provide ~1.4" over barefoot and that's about as big as everyday footwear gets.

Jordan says on 28/Mar/08
"Brother_H Look at the Bodyguard walk past big show at 3;25 in the vid i posted. Show is a couple inches shorter."

Where? I don't see it.
Jordan said on 28/Mar/08
Brother_H Look at the Bodyguard walk past big show at 3;25 in the vid i posted. Show is a couple inches shorter.
MK said on 28/Mar/08
1punchbob, Khali was billed 400lbs on Raw this week(miraculous isn't it)
1punchbob said on 28/Mar/08
Does anyone think that they staged Bigshow being 441 lbs to promote him as the largest athlete in the world, because Khali is billed as 7`3 and 425 lbs ans would be larger than the 7`0 400 lbs bigshow when he returned a few months ago?????
brother_h said on 28/Mar/08
everyone wears 2 inch footwear you nuts. the only gootwear that are under 2in are sandals. most combfortable footwear are 2 inch.

bigshow looked to have 8-9 inches on conan o'brian and hes listed at 6'4? so that makes Bigshow 7'0-7'1, the height show claimed he was in 2005.

bigshow isnt 3 inches shorter than that 7'1 bodyguard, he does look the same size though, in some parts when show and that bodyguard are in the ring i can see the bodyguard looking 6'8 and the other one at 6'6. they're always looking up at show tilting their heads back.

in others the bodyguard looks taller than show. i think its the fact that bigshow has a larger head than him. thats what makes him look so big.
JT said on 27/Mar/08
Big Show with at least 9 inches on Conan from 2000 (Click Here) and in 2008 (Click Here). He never stood up straight on this last show. Vegas has a good pic of the two from I believe 2005. (Click Here).

Big Show had Mayweather, recognized pretty much everywhere as a legit 5
topdweeb26 said on 27/Mar/08
I know this isn't any proof of anything. But I knew a guy a long time ago who seemed to always have inside information on the wrestling industry. I mean, at the time, he told me Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart would be the main event at WM 12 with Shawn winning the title from Bret, and this was back in October of that time. I was quite surprised when it actually happened. Anyway, when Paul Wight entered the WCW as the 7' 4 Giant, he told me that "the Giant" was really about 6' 10. I know that isn't proof of anything, but it does make me wonder.
Brah said on 27/Mar/08
Here is the last Big Show and Conan faceoff. I still think that Show looks like he could be 7 feet here. When he shakes hands with Conan, his posture is not good. Also keep in mind that Show has a very large forehead, not a normal 4.5" forehead.

Click Here
Jordan said on 27/Mar/08
Gonzales has a thicker chest and much wider shoulders and maybe an inch of height on Ming. That would give him the 100 sine on big man like that 100 lbs isnt that much considering how tall they are IMO.
Jordan said on 27/Mar/08
Yeah Eric in the vid I posted Big SHow looks 6'10 next the 7'1 bodyguard of Maywaether's. They walk right next to each other at one point and SHow easily looks 2-3 inches shorter then that other big man--listed at 7'1. I dont think big SHow is 7'0 these days, maybe 6'10.
hs2008 said on 27/Mar/08
Mike's posture is great in the photo above but Show's is quite relaxed. If he stood up straight I think he'd look around the 6'11" mark.
eric316 said on 27/Mar/08
Undertaker was around 240-250lbs when he faced Gonzales. Now a days he's around 285. You dont seriously think that Taker is 300lbs... do you? Big Show is around 400lbs these days, but they're billing him at 450. In the picture above, Show looks no bigger than 6'10"... on Connan Obrien, he looked about 6'8" to 6'10"... 7ft??? I dont think so.
KingNick said on 27/Mar/08
The dude was 7'6" - 7'7" with an athletic build I easily buy 400lbs. Honestly though not 460lbs like WWF was billing him, probably around 400lbs.

Pits, I do agree Big Show has hurrendous posture now.

Mr 6'5" I also agree Show has big shoes that give him 1" - 2" boost, maybe right in the middle. But I think it may be B/C of his posture. I think he's 7'1" - 7'2" in the boots and 6'11" - 7' barefoot. He stacked up real well against Khali.
LV said on 27/Mar/08
Yao Ming weighs around 310 and there is no way Gonzalez had 100 lbs on him. Yao has enormous legs and that is where alot of his weight comes from and Gonzalez might've been a little bigger in the upper body but not enough to compensate for 100 lbs. I don't care if he was listed at 403 lbs in the newspaper, he wasn't likely ever 400 lbs. Newspapers tend to sensationalize things, it sells more copies. Think about how muscular and at recent times over weight Shaq has been I he probably never weighed more than 350 lbs and Gonzalez was never obese or muscular like that. If Gonzalez was ever close to 400 lbs, it was just before he started "playing" in the NBA and was in the poorest condition of his life with a high amount of body fat which I'm sure he ran off while trying to get into NBA shape. But I still don't buy it. I think 375 would be pushing it. I don't know if anyone in NBA history has weighed 400 lbs for that matter. I'm interested in others' opinions.

Do you see a 100 lb difference?
Click Here
Click Here
Jordan said on 26/Mar/08
Big Show looks 3 inches shorter than the 7'1 big Bodyguard at 3:35 it is clear as day. Im startin to think Show is only 6'10 these days.

Click Here

Watch at 3:25 its obvoius
Jordan said on 26/Mar/08
Gonzales would be a little taller then Yao but 100lbs Heavier if He was 403 since Yao is 310. I think he could be a good 400 since he has wider shoulders than Yao and a slighty thicker build would account for the 100 lbs he has on YAO who is roughly the same height.
Cobra said on 26/Mar/08
Giant Gonzalez skinny? That is not true at all. He had an athletic look, not a bodybuilder look, that is true, but he was in no way skinny. Also he had pretty wide shoulders, just compare him to Sun Ming Ming.
Frank, I begrudge you for that experience.
Big Show said on 26/Mar/08
LV says on 25/Mar/08

....Do you really think Gonzalez really weighed over 400 lbs?....

Click Here

Do you really think Gonzalez really weighed over 400 lbs? Knowing how huge Paul Wight is and he only weighs 440 lbs, how can a skinny, semi-muscular Gonzalez be much over 350 lbs (at most)?

Gonzales certainly wasn't skinny. Sure he was no bodybuilder, but he wasn't skinny either. If you think he only weighed 350 lbs at most, what do you think Untertaker weighed, 250???
Now granted, in the pic above Gonzales doesn't look 403 lbs, but in his WWF days Gonzales was bigger as during his basketball days. I think he definately weighed around that 400 lbs mark.
JT said on 26/Mar/08
LV says on 25/Mar/08

....Do you really think Gonzalez really weighed over 400 lbs?....

Click Here
Click Here
LV said on 25/Mar/08
JT says on 24/Mar/08
topdweeb26 says on 24/Mar/08
Big Show: that guy was simply unreal. I don't think there will ever be another pro-wrestler legitimately that tall ever again.

I could see this guy (Kenny George) giving it a try since he's too slow for the NBA Click Here We know how Vince loves acromegalic giants. Gonzalez still has him by around 50 lbs., though he's young and should be able to put on some more weight.

Do you really think Gonzalez really weighed over 400 lbs? Knowing how huge Paul Wight is and he only weighs 440 lbs, how can a skinny, semi-muscular Gonzalez be much over 350 lbs (at most)? For God's sake, he wore a muscle suit he was so skinny.
big daddy g said on 25/Mar/08
that bodygaurd looked about an inch or two bigger than show i.m.o i doubt big show really is 7ft but at the same time i dont think he is far off it
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/08
Mayweather is 5'8" 159 lbs. Big Show is 7'0 1/2" 440 lbs.
Mr_6'5 said on 25/Mar/08
i was checking out big shows photos on, and if you go through and check out any of his photos, he is consistently wearing 2 inch heels on his boots, they are simply massive. so either show is around 6'10 barefoot or maybe 6'11 barefoot, ether way, he's a strong 7 ft in boots, and i'd go as far to say he is closer to 7'1'' in boots, remember he was barely shorter, maybe a haf an inch shorter at most then khali. i suck at this height thing, so can someone please tell me homeboys barefoot height and in ring gear height
Pits said on 25/Mar/08

Can we all agree that Big Show's posture over the past fews years has been terrible b/c of his weight gain and his growing age.

90% he's got bad posture. I notice though when has to get face to face with someone else like Akebono, Kevin Nash, and Matt Morgan his posture is much better to show off his giant height and to not look shorter than them.

can we agree on that at least?
topdweeb26 said on 25/Mar/08
In a way I don't even see why the WWE would exaggerate Gonzalez's real height. I mean, who the hell wouldn't be impressed by someone who stands 7' 7 or whatever his real height is.
Alex said on 25/Mar/08
They will Edge at what 245lbs or something around there. Edge isn't a small guy but certainly not big. He looks around the 210lb mark.
brother_h said on 25/Mar/08
ok i guess i have to put it here.

i got a competition thing here and it lists mayweathers and bigshows stats.

Mayweathr Jr. is 5'7 67kg
Bigshow 7' 200kg

Edge 6'3 94kg
undertaker 6'7 and a half 128kg

John cena 6'0 99kg
Randy orton 6'4 100kg
Triple h 6'1 114kg
JT said on 24/Mar/08
topdweeb26 says on 24/Mar/08
Big Show: that guy was simply unreal. I don't think there will ever be another pro-wrestler legitimately that tall ever again.

I could see this guy (Kenny George) giving it a try since he's too slow for the NBA Click Here We know how Vince loves acromegalic giants. Gonzalez still has him by around 50 lbs., though he's young and should be able to put on some more weight.
Jordan said on 24/Mar/08
I never thought gonzales ever looked under 7'4. I always had him at least 7'5.
Frank said on 24/Mar/08
Topdweeb, I seen him in Person i was about 15 feet from him BIG is an understatement
topdweeb26 said on 24/Mar/08
Big Show: that guy was simply unreal. I don't think there will ever be another pro-wrestler legitimately that tall ever again.
Big Show said on 23/Mar/08
Click Here

Now here's a guy who has to duck when passing through a doorway.
Big Show said on 23/Mar/08
Yaspaa says on 22/Mar/08
Big Show,have you measured your head because that seems very short.

I think you're referring to Razor, who claims to have a 7-8 inch head on a 6'2 frame. I'm just over 6 feet tall and have a 9.5 inch head, which is average for someone my size.
Yaspaa said on 22/Mar/08
Big Show,have you measured your head because that seems very short.
Alex said on 22/Mar/08
I am just over 6'0 and my head is 9.5 inches too.
Jordan said on 21/Mar/08
In the Vid of the brawl when the bodygaurds leave the ring right before show grabs Floyd, the tall one walks next to big show and appears 2 inches taller actually.
nick said on 21/Mar/08
remember that the bigshow photo is taken from looking upward which makes the difference look less. You can prove that by being able to seeing under mikes chin, also taking into account a slight slight slouch by bigshow possibly deducting 1 inch, also to consider mike looking to be leaning on one leg which actually makes you slightly taller. This can be at night to show may have lost up to or over an inch in height, with the possibility of mike loosing very little, and or nothing.
nick said on 21/Mar/08
i really think show has a 13 inch head, and with his mouth open in the picture above makes it around 14 inches
nick said on 21/Mar/08
7 inch head would be about the size of a dollar biller if you turned it vertically, very unlikely.
Jordan said on 21/Mar/08
Click Here

That Bodygurad is listed as 7'1. He could be taller then SHow for all we know.
Jordan said on 21/Mar/08
One of Money Mays Bodyguards looked taller then Big SHow or nearly the same height. He was the guy in the back that looked about 6'11. Becasue of the angle you cant really get the right comparison between him and Big SHow but he does appear taller.
Andrew said on 21/Mar/08
Big show stood next to bischoff late 2002, looks very heavy

Click Here
topdweeb26 said on 21/Mar/08
JT: exactly what I'm trying to say. The only thing special about Andre was that he was the first really big man, and happened to come into the business during the golden era of wrestling. In today's world, Andre is no different than Khali. By the way, I watched a match between Andre and Chuck Wepner on youtube, and it was absolutely horrendous. Andre looked like he could barely even lift Wepner and spent most of the match ducked over with his arms around Wepner's torso. Thank God Big Show is so much better than Andre and his match with Mayweather will be a lot better even if it does still suck.
Alex said on 21/Mar/08
I am the same, just over 6'0 and a 9.5 inch long head.
Big Show said on 21/Mar/08
I think Andre's popularity was a combination of his size, his personality and his back-up (the 2 best wrestling promoters in history: Vince McMahon Sr. and Jr.) who knew Andre's flaws and did a pretty good job in hiding them. If Andre and McMahon Sr. had never met, I doubt Andre would've grown out to the legend he is today.

Topdweeb, Andre is one of the biggest legends in WWE history. He was probably the most recognisable wrestler in the 70's and as far as mainstream popularity goes, he is only surpassed by Hulk Hogan and nowadays The Rock. Even in my country (The Netherlands) were wrestling has zero popularity, some people still know who Andre is and of course everyone knows who Hogan is. If I ask them who Steve Austin, Triple-H or Bret Hart is, they would go: Who?

Perhaps Andre wouldn't make it in the wrestling world today, but the same thing applies to many of the wrestlers today, that wouldn't make it in Andre's time (and I'm talking about the 70's). Back then there was hardly any merchandise, so the main focus for wrestling was...wrestling. Guys like Batista, John Cena, Randy Orton, The Rock and Stone Cold would probably not make it in Andre's time.
Big Show said on 21/Mar/08
Razor says on 21/Mar/08
My head is 7-8 inches long and I am 6'2''....Show has to have like at least a 10inch head right..maybe more. He was over a head taller than her. so I say he's 7'0 even. maybe 6'11.5.

You have a extremely short head if your head is only 7-8 inches. I'm a shade over 6 feet tall and my head is 9.5 inches. Big Show's head is I think 12 inches long.
Razor said on 21/Mar/08
The video of Big Show training to fight it show him and his 5'10' wife next to him and shes just barley over his shoulder if many inches does that give Big Show on her?

My head is 7-8 inches long and I am 6'2''....Show has to have like at least a 10inch head right..maybe more. He was over a head taller than her. so I say he's 7'0 even. maybe 6'11.5
LV said on 20/Mar/08
Agreed on what you guys are saying. Too many people remember Andre from his more popular, but crippled and morbidly obese later years. It was a struggle for him to even lift his leg for a big boot by then. He was very fit and agile as a young man and unlike many of today's "wrestlers" he was actually technical trained. Wrestling was different back then and it wasn't about highflying aerial moves and moonsaults. He did as many moves as everyone else but was the largest wrestler of that time. And somehow even though he had "no talent" and "mumbled" he was one of the most recognized people in the world and was/is idolized as a wrestler.
JT said on 20/Mar/08
Andre was unique since there were no other wrestlers at the time even close to his size. He would probably still find work today but would not be nearly the attraction that he was back then since several recent and current wrestlers are as tall or taller than him. Big Show is more athletic and stronger than Andre ever was and has good mic skills, which is more important now than ever.

If wrestling now, Andre would have to be a bad guy and have a spokesman like Khali has. If he wrestled today in the manner that he did from the late 1970s onward, the fans would probably boo him out of the arena every night. The fans have set the bar so high now as to what they expect out of the wrestlers.
topdweeb26 said on 20/Mar/08
Big Show & KingNick: you guys are right, I guess I haven't seen Andre in his supposed prime. But, I'm going by what I have seen of the man, including his infamous match at WM 3, and I am not impressed. You guys are actually missing the point of what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, is that everyone seems to really get down on guys like Khali and Silva because of how crappy their matches are, when Andre is pretty much the same thing.

I really don't consider Andre a legend in any way, shape, or form. Pretty much, the only thing he did for the business was be in the right place at the right time. I mean, let's face it, hypothetically, say Andre wasn't around in the 70s and 80s, but only just now came onto the scene. What would be the difference in him and someone like Khali? None. In fact, it would be worse since he is shorter than Khali. Andre just so happened to come on the scene when the business was still young, booming, and he happened to be by far the largest wrestler there was at the time. Hardly anything to his own credit. Mic skills weren't important back then? Perhaps not the way they are today, but they still were, otherwise Hogan wouldn't have ever made it. I mean, it's a well-known fact that Hogan's in-ring skills aren't exactly up to par with someone like Bret Hart.

KingNick: I understand what you're saying about Andre's mic skills, being French, and of his size... but that's still shouldn't be an excuse to suck on the mic. I mean, Khali can't speak a word of English, and he is 7' or more, and we don't let him off the hook.
KingNick said on 20/Mar/08
topdweeb26 , you just opened up a whole can of worms man. You're entitled to your opinion just like everyone else that's fine. If you didn't appreciate his matches, at least appreciate what he did for the business. He drew more crowds and more money in a time where there weren't any flashing lights, entrance music, pyro, or gimmicks. He passed the torch to Hulk Hogan. Without Andre, Hogan wouldn't be anywhere near his peak of popularity, even he himself has alluded to that in interviews.

And look into what Big Show said. I have a DVD of Andre before his back and weight really started effecting him. This guy would wrestle 3 guys at one time. 200 - 300 pound men and throw them around like they were babies. He was very agile and could really move pre - 1987. Personally, I think it was right around the first Wrestlmania when his back and weight really started affected him.

And his mic skills? The dude was around 7' and a minimum of 350lbs up to over 500lbs. PLUS he was French! He's going to have a deep voice PLUS an accent and be extraordinarily hard to understand!
Big Show said on 20/Mar/08
topdweeb26 says on 20/Mar/08
I don't get why the WWE didn't at least even give Silva a chance to wrestle. I mean, c'mon, no talent Andre made it big and he SUCKED at wrestling and he was so mumbled when he talked, that it was hard to tell what he was even saying. IF someone like him could make it, I don't see why Silva wasn't at least even given an opportunity.

No talent Andre? You obviously never saw anything of Andre pre-1980. He was a very decent worker back then, with a variety of moves and for a guy his size he was pretty agile back then. Unfortunately, just like Big Show, Andre had a problem with maintaining a steady weight, which were probably one of the factors for the back pains he suffered later in his career. His back pains alongside his acromegaly were two of the main reasons his mobility became lesser and less.
Plus Andre wrestled in a different time era, where mic skills weren't nearly as important as they are now.

I haven't seen much of Silva, but the things I did see didn't impress me much. His match with Khali was horrible to say the least. But Silva is I think a better wrestler than Khali.
topdweeb26 said on 20/Mar/08
Big Show says on 20/Mar/08
"The fact that Silva would be taller than Singh really doesn't make any sense. Khali was billed at 7'3 while Silva was billed at 7'2. So it would look kinda stupid when in reality it would be Silva who has an inch on Singh."

Yeah but it's still believable. How about Big Show being billed at 7' and Kane at 7', yet, Big Show has 4 inches on him and even when they teamed, they still tried to make it seem like they were the same height when they clearly weren't.

I don't get why the WWE didn't at least even give Silva a chance to wrestle. I mean, c'mon, no talent Andre made it big and he SUCKED at wrestling and he was so mumbled when he talked, that it was hard to tell what he was even saying. IF someone like him could make it, I don't see why Silva wasn't at least even given an opportunity.
topdweeb26 said on 20/Mar/08
I don't think WWE fired Silva because of Big Show, because Silva had been gone for quite some time before Big Show entered the scene. I'm just surprised they billed him at 7' 5 when Andre was billed at 7' 4.
Big Show said on 20/Mar/08
WWF billed Silva at 7'5, because WCW had Big Show at 7'4. They probably wanted to have the tallest wrestler in their midst.

WWF firing Silva because they were bringing in Big Show might be true, but I think it's bull$$$$ to say they fired him because he was taller, I think it had more to do with talent. Silva never wrestled a singles match in the WWF and was part of a group called The Oddities (who were not a really succesful gimmick to say the least). The Oddities wrestled their last match in the WWE on February the 21st, but I'm not sure if Giant Silva was still a part of the Oddities at that point. Silva was one of those guys who were hired purely because of their size. WWE obviously had no serious plans with him and he was given the boot after a very short stint in the WWE.

The fact that Silva would be taller than Singh really doesn't make any sense. Khali was billed at 7'3 while Silva was billed at 7'2. So it would look kinda stupid when in reality it would be Silva who has an inch on Singh.
JT said on 20/Mar/08
Click Here "Topping" 7 feet means taller than 7 feet but by how much? Probably at least an inch or it
topdweeb26 said on 19/Mar/08
I remember once Jason said that Singh was really 6' 11.5 and that Silva was 6' 11. I wonder what he'd think if he saw that video of Silva vs. Singh where Silva actually edges out Singh a little in height. He seems to think that Giant Gonzalez is the only one in the history of the WWE that has been 7' +. So I wonder if he'd at least admit Silva is 7' in the very least.
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/08
have we ever decided what to make of the photo above?
Alex said on 19/Mar/08
I caught the end of ECW last night with Big Show's video of him talking about his fight with Mayweather and his weight. He says he is 430lbs now.
He also said his wife was bigger than Mayweather and she said she was 5'10. His wife's gotta be at last 160lbs herself but shes built. Kinda hot too actually
JT said on 19/Mar/08
Silva with ~ 6
topdweeb26 said on 18/Mar/08
Alex2: Silva used to be in the WWF. He was apart of the Oddities group. He never actually wrestled though. But I believe they billed him at 7' 5, surprisingly one inch taller than Andre (though Andre was at times billed at 7' 5 also).
Alex said on 18/Mar/08
They said Big Show's fist was 15 inches. I read 13 1/4 inches but that was for his hands. The 13 1/4 was probably around his open hand. Unless they are the same and one is wrong.
Vegas said on 18/Mar/08
i dunno; dave meltzer told me silva was 7'3 legit but he doesn't look 2-3" taller than khali, maybe 1", but we should take into account that he is getting on a bit with his condition at 45 and maybe his posture is getting worse.

the major consensus is that silva is a legit 7'2 (despite k1 and pride listing him at 7'7) and i am not really going to argue with that, you would really need big show, khali, ron reis and silva all standing together barefoot to know who is taller and by how much because each have a different head size, photo of silva with ordinary people Click Here
Gollum said on 18/Mar/08
They should bill Show 7'1 or 7'2 and Kane 6'11 if khali is billed 7'3.
Gollum said on 18/Mar/08
Click Here
Silva looks taller than Khali here to me at least. What do you think Vegas, I never really pondered this before and do you have any good pics of silva. I know WWF had Andre styled and had him stand on boxes.
Alex2 said on 18/Mar/08
Silva is huge! Id say 7'3 ish, i hope he maybe goes to WWE one day maybe.
Alex2 said on 18/Mar/08
Thankyou Vegas, he dwarfs him there.
KingNick said on 18/Mar/08
Did anyone look at the the-dude's link? According to it, the bodygaurd is 7'1"
Alex said on 18/Mar/08
ACtually this is Big Show's 6th time on Conan. At least his 5th I know.
Vegas said on 18/Mar/08
Alex2; Big show has been on Conan now 3 times already; here are two of the times
Click Here Click Here

Gollum; sometimes its hard to see a difference between silva/akebono and show/akebono. At times silva looks shorter next to akebono than big show due to the camera angle (at times during the staredown akebono looked the same height). I still think silva is 7'1+, i have seen photos of him in streets with normal people and he looks huge. As for Reis, JT found that both Reis and Big show were listed at the same height in college ball; 2nd paragraph, the other guy luther wright went on to play for the Utah Jazz and was listed at 7'2 with them Click Here
Big Show said on 18/Mar/08
Big Show will be appearing on Conan O'Brien this Friday.

Honestly 6'8 for that tallest bodyguard? That would mean he only had a foot on Mayweather. His head must be only 8 inches long then, lol.
I don't know how people can see Big Show being taller than that tall bodyguard? They never stood face to face and from all the shots they shared together that bodyguard was taller (mostly due to camera angles, but I'd still say he would edge Big Show out by a little in height).
brother_h said on 18/Mar/08
the big dude whos usually in the back looks 6'8. but i think hes the 7'1 dude coz hes the tallest one in there. but he looks shorter than bigshow
Gollum said on 17/Mar/08
Vegas I was watching a few videos a couple weeks ago and noticed that barefoot Silva was taller to akebono than barefoot Big Show. However Silva had an inch or more on Khali in thier match. So would you think Silva and Ries are the same height? around 7'2 maybe Silva edging ries out a half inch.
Mr. X said on 17/Mar/08
I'll go with Big Show at 7'1" 440 lbs. and Floyd Mayweather 5'8 1/2" 159 lbs. and Shaq 7'1 1/2" 325 lbs.
Alex2 said on 17/Mar/08
Yea Alex i noticed the other bodyguard also, and i believe Big SWhow is going on Conan O Brien this week, so we can see how he stacks up to 6'4 Conan.
Alex said on 17/Mar/08
Tom, Big Show is in much better shape than Mayweather's tallest bodyguard. That bodyguard is just a tub of jelly like you say.

Mayweather has another bodyguard who looks at least 6'7ish as well.
Tom.. said on 17/Mar/08
I am really intrigued by the Mayweather/Big Show fight. There was an interesting question posed to JR on his website leading to the unrealistic nature of the matchup. With regards to the body guard, I'd say he appeared to be around 6.8'. He looked completely out of depth at No way out - almost like he didn't know what to do. If I was wealthy and famous like Floyd, I'd want my meaness, toughess, largest bodyguard in front of me, and not giving moral support from the back. He is pretty much out of shape as well - looked like a tub of jelly.
Alex2 said on 16/Mar/08
Why on earth dont WWE billed Big Show 7'1 or 7'2? Having Khali 7'3 and Show 7'0 is rediculous when Show could actually be pushing 7'1". So in a way you could argue that they are underbilling Show.
the-dude said on 16/Mar/08
Mayweather Bodyguards nickname is Fonz. Hes listed at 7'1" 420 pounds here half way down the article Click Here
Alex said on 16/Mar/08
I am not sure if they could make the scale say a certain number. But it seems real since Mayweather's weight would be legit.
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/08
scales doesn't lie, so Big Show weighing 441 lbs. is his true weight. Either Big Show suddenly gained 42 lbs. or he never was 399 lbs. Why did WWE list him at 399 lbs?
Alex said on 15/Mar/08
About Andre, some do believe he was more than just 6'10. At his peak that is.
ImRight said on 15/Mar/08
Big Show is 7'0". The bodyguard is about 6'9.5". And the reason Show lost weight is cause he's off the roids.
Jason said on 15/Mar/08
WWE paying Mayweather $20 million's definitely kayfabe -- just for publicity, prestige. Someone said $1 million - at least that's realistic. And a Jewy businessman like Vince isn't going to literally waste
*that* much from his own pocket. They'll have to disclose the matter to shareholders at some point, though, most would take it for what it is without that...
LV said on 15/Mar/08
JT says on 12/Mar/08
LV, those ankle boots of Big Show have smaller soles but still probably at least a 0.5
Jordan said on 14/Mar/08
Brah you are right about the 6'10 400 pund bodyguard----he appeared in the ring with Big Show when he aoompanied Mayweathure there---youll notice him--he is huge---I belive Big show had him by a couple inches though.
topdweeb26 said on 14/Mar/08
When you think about it, them lying about the $20 million is really no different than the WWE lying about their wrestlers heights. You guys are saying that the WWE will be found out really easily if this isn't true. Well, it's no different than Andre being found out that he is only like 6' 10 and not 7' 4.
Alex said on 14/Mar/08
Vegas, Shane really spent that long coming up with this Big Show/Mayweather feud? I had no idea. I thought it was very recent.
Alex said on 14/Mar/08
JT, I am looking forward to this match. Whether its going to be a shoot fight or not I am not too sure on. I'd hope its a shoot match though.
MK said on 14/Mar/08
supes78 says on 13/Mar/08
I don't know why some people harp on Big Show's boots. They are standard wrestling boots and don't have lifts like Kane's. The boots are huge because Big Show is a huge man but the soles don't give him any more increased height than any other wrestler.
Granted there not as big as Kane's, but there still lifts. Notice Khali's in comparison, at least 0.5'' shorter than Show's, probably because Khali's a legit 7ft and Big Show's 1''-0.5'' off that mark.
Vegas said on 14/Mar/08
the weigh-in segment drew a 4.6 rating and the number kept falling after the weigh in until it reached 3.6, that means an extra 1.2 million households tuned in just to watch mayweather live, unless big show became very popular all of a sudden.....

Click Here
JT said on 13/Mar/08
The $20 million payment may be kayfabe. If so, WWE better be more careful in allowing this myth to continue. This is a publicly traded company with net income of only $52 million for all of 2007 (and only $31 million in 2006).

The RAW ratings might be up from previous weeks but this could be due to the buildup towards Wrestlemania in general rather than to this one match. Unless you believe this is real and think Big Show is going to throw Mayweather into the upper deck, is anybody looking forward to this match?
supes78 said on 13/Mar/08
I don't know why some people harp on Big Show's boots. They are standard wrestling boots and don't have lifts like Kane's. The boots are huge because Big Show is a huge man but the soles don't give him any more increased height than any other wrestler.
Vegas said on 13/Mar/08
if huge public companies like enron and worldcom can lie about basically everything to their shareholders you can bet WWE corporate lie about lots of stuff

the mayweather thing is shane's baby anyway, vince has nothing really to do with it, shane has spent over a year tying up the deal.

as for shows boots i think these photos prove that he ain't gaining anything over normal footwear by wearing his wrestling boots
In wrestling boots Click Here Click Here

barefoot Click Here Click Here

wrestlers get an awful lot of stick for their footwear on these pages, most of it unmerited imo, big show is actually slightly taller barefoot next to akebono than in his "huge wrestling boots", unless akebono is wearing "extra huge dress shoes"

alot of pro-wrestlers have performed barefoot including big show, umaga is portrayed as the current WWE monster atm but yet they don't put big boots on him; when you wrestle barefoot in front of a worldwide audience of millions with 20,000 in the arena as big show did at WM21 you have nothing to hide
KingNick said on 13/Mar/08
I think Big Show is a legit 6'11" or 7' but they make him wear huge boots anyway just to make him seem like more of a monster and probably because he has real bad posture. My guess, in his wrestling boots, he's close to 7'1" or 72". Just my opinion.

In regards to the Mayweather payoff, who knows? I read somewhere that Vince may be paying him the $20million out of his own pocket. Since WWE is a public company, I thought they can't lie/exaggerate something like that?
ed2 said on 13/Mar/08
Take a look at this video especially the scene at 1:20:
Click Here
The heels of his shoes look pretty big dont you think?
Brah said on 13/Mar/08
Here is an article where someone met the bodyguard and says "Mayweather also had a bodyguard that, no joke, was about 6
topdweeb26 said on 13/Mar/08
BTW, if it turns out that that bodyguard is 6' 10, then I'll be ready to admit that Big Show is only about 6' 10.
topdweeb26 said on 13/Mar/08
Vegas, it could be that Vince is paying Mayweather himself out of pocket.
Alex said on 13/Mar/08
Danimal, you weigh a good amount for someone 5'9-5'9.5.I got you by around 3 inches and you still got me by over 10lbs and I'm pretty built myself. What are your arms you said 17?
Alex said on 13/Mar/08
Danimal, I've weighed 12lbs heavier at nighttime once then in the morning. I was 212lbs first thing in the morning with just boxers on then 224lbs at 7-8PM with full cloths on. That was 3 years ago. Today I'm 198-200lbs out of bed in boxers before I eat anything and normally at least 205lbs in full cloths.
Vegas said on 13/Mar/08
espn are reporting that mayweathers payday will be $1m Click Here

i have heard rumours that the WWE will advertise his upcoming PPVs on their shows etc and he may also get a % of the wrestlemania profits but the $20m figure is pure kayfabe

one thing for sure the mayweather is drawing the ratings, raw scored an average of 4.0 this week for the second and third hours, it also scored a 4.0 rating the night after No way out (Feb 18), they scored 3.4 last week and 3.4 the week before no way out, so approx 650,000-700,000 extra households are tuning into raw when mayweather is live on tv
Big Show said on 13/Mar/08
JT, that $20 million is a kayfabe number. Do you think they would pay a boxer $20 million for only 1 month's work. How do you think that would sound to all the wrestler who probably won't earn that amount their entire life. Heck $20 million is more than what all the other wrestlers combined will earn at wrestlemania, including the major league players like Triple H and John Cena.

Hogan commented on this $20 million payday, and he said for $20 million he would be at Wrestlemania and job to anyone McMahon would want him to job to. He would even job to Meltzer :-)

Mayweather is being portrayed as the spoiled rich little boxer (a bit like the way that boxer in Rocky 6 was portrayed). It was already clear at the Wrestlemania Press Conference that Mayweather was going to be the heel.

Don't expect a five star wrestling match either, as Mayweather's management doesn't want their price asset to sustain any serious injuries during the match, so it probably be a hit and run for Mayweather. I don't think WWE is that stupid to give Mayweather a clean pin on Show, it's probably a win by DQ or outside interference. I've heard that Mayweather is bringing 50 Cent with him aswell.
JT said on 13/Mar/08
I think this is the bodyguard in the back left of the pic.(Click Here) 6
KingNick said on 12/Mar/08
ck, show us the link to the myspace page
GORO said on 12/Mar/08
Topdweeb: He said it after the Chicago Press Conference in an interview with a website. What whats your porblem? Why would I go to drastic measures to make it up? Jack***
Danimal said on 12/Mar/08
I weighed myself the other day before I left for the gym. I was running out the door and had all my clothes on, including my jacket (it's cold here in Montreal), shoes, a pair of jeans, etc... Anyways, my scale read 219 pounds. When I got to the gym and stripped in the lockeroom (before my workout), I stepped on the scale and it read 212 pounds. So yeah, clothes and shoes CAN weigh that much. Hell, I've seen seen as much as 9 pounds worth of clothes, if you have your keys, cell phone, wallet in your pockets, etc...
ck said on 12/Mar/08
The tallest body guard is 6
Alex said on 12/Mar/08
What site was Big Show billed at 7'5 on?
KingNick said on 12/Mar/08
JT and topdweeb26, I agree. The last time a celebrity lost at a Wrestlemania was WM2 when they had the football player battle royal, which Andre won. Every other time a celebrity was involved, they either won the match they were in or benefitted from the situation they were in. For crying out loud, Lawrence Taylor beat Bam Bam Bigelow!!

Big Show's a good sport and in my opinion just trying to do what's right for the business. Gather attention and make the company some money. But Mayweather beating a near 7' 440lb man is ridiculous yet they'll probably find a way to make him win.

Goro, the dude could certainly pass for 7'2" (I wouldn't argue with him) but for anyone here to believe that you're going to have to find the site.

Speaking of which, Danimal may be right. It really doesn't make any sense for the WWE to keep bringing out this guy as big as Big Show unless he's going to do something with Big Show. If I were them, I wouldn't want anyone equaling in size to who they bill "The largest athlete in the world" unless they're going to have them fight.

Maybe that's why WWE was billing Big Show as 7'5" on their site, if this bodyguard is 7'2", they're going to want to promote Big Show as being larger.

I mean this bodygaurd looks like Big Daddy V trapped in Big Show's body.
Alex said on 12/Mar/08
Big Show should win. Its going to be a shame to see him lose a cocky 155lb boxer. If he was 159lbs in jeans, t shirt, sneakers and whatever else he had on you can bet he's 155lbs tops if he was in underwear. Cloths isn't your body weight like some tend to think.
topdweeb26 said on 12/Mar/08
JT: I completely agree with you. I never did like the idea of the Big Show coming in after being gone for over a year, only to find himself in an angle where he basically can't win. It's basically welcoming him back by already making him get his ass beat, and by a non-wrestler who is a runt compared to him at that. I also find it strange that the WWE made it so that the Big Show started off as the heel and now he is the face and Mayweather is the heel. In fact, I think this is basically the first time a celebrity has entered a match in the WWE as the heel and not the face.

GORO: Mayweather said his bodyguard was 7' 2 after "a" press conference in "an" interview with "a" website.. yeah, whatever. You think you could get some better details? Your post (other than me criticizing it right now) really isn't even worth anyone's time to respond to.
Alex said on 12/Mar/08
I don't think they would fake one weight and be real about the other. Either both weights are faked or both are real I think.

I can believe the 441lbs probably.

Topdweeb, far as their heights go. Big Show and the bodyguard are probably very close in height, but I would say the bodybuard is def heavier, but not by too much though. Some angles favor the bodyguard though.

JT, the fans should love Big Show more, especially over some boxer. That was a great brawl on Monday night.
Brah said on 12/Mar/08
Mayweather actually weighed in at 150 for his last boxing match wearing nothing but shorts. For the Big Show weigh-in, he was wearing extra weight: shirt, jeans, sneakers. So, maybe around 154 pounds is his actual "naked" weight.

The weigh-in seems legit.
GORO said on 12/Mar/08
hey guys Mayweather says his bodyguard is 7'2''. He looked around 7...but 7'2''?
He said it after a press conference in an interview with a website....what do u guys think?
Vegas said on 11/Mar/08
mayweather weighed in at 150lb for his fight with de la hoya (which was fought at junior middleweight) not that long ago in his underwear and after an extensive regime to keep his weight down, in those clothes on monday night and with all the partying he does 159lb seems legit

the big show's weight i don't believe, no way is he 441lb as of now, he looks skinny compared to mayweathers bodyguard.
Atoadaso said on 11/Mar/08
Those weights were real. Mayweather fights at 147, so being months out from his last fight, and in clothing, 159 is accurate. 441 for Big Show sounds right as well.

As for the huge guy in Mayweather's group, he has the advantage in camera everytime he is in the ring, as he is standing by the back rope, and also the angles don't give good shots to see any good comparisons. He does look very close in size to Big Show though - I think Show is taller but it wouldn't surprise me if the other guy turned out to be, when fac to face.
Anonymous said on 11/Mar/08
Big Show weighs 441? then why did they list him at 399? I don't get it.
supes78 said on 11/Mar/08
Big Show did indeed have acromegaly at one point, but he had an operation in the mid 90s to remove the tumor that caused it. I have a Smackdown magazine interview with him from several years ago where he talks about it. He said that thanks to the surgery, he won't die young like Andre.
Brah said on 11/Mar/08
I think the weigh-in was legit. Mayweather weighed in at 150 for the DeLaHoya fight last year (with only shorts on of course).
He and Big Show were weighed with clothes and shoes on. So, subtract about 4 to 5 pounds from Floyd, and you get 153-154 (which sounds right since he is between bouts).

Big Show without his clothes and boots would be like 435 pounds.
topdweeb26 said on 11/Mar/08
I have two theories on Mayweather's bodyguard. The first is that he is actually taller than the Big Show, which is why they keep putting him at opposite ends of the ring. It seems odd that if Big Show was taller, then they wouldn't let them stand closer. But then again, none of Mayweather's bodyguards stands close to Big Show, not even the ones we know for sure are way smaller than him. My other theory is that he is as big as the Big Show or close to Big Show's size, but they don't put them together simply because it would kinda water down the size of the Big Show if that guy was close. This whole angle revolves around the size difference.
Big Show said on 11/Mar/08
Click Here

Here's a vid (part 2) of that weigh-in. Check out the fight at the end on the outside of the ring. That didn't go as planned as some of Mayweather's bodyguard landed some real stiff blows on some of the WWE wrestlers. Shane McMahon got legitimately knocked down.

I can believe Big Show's 441 lbs, but I have a hard time believing Mayweather's 159 lbs. He's not very muscular and also not very tall. I can't believe he weighs only 2 lbs less than some guy who works out at the same gym as I do, as that guy is a lot bigger than Floyd is.
Danimal said on 11/Mar/08
I think there's going to be an angle with The Bodyguard and Big Show. The Bodygaurd will try to come in between the two and save the day and then they will have a face-off. GUARANTEED!

As for Big Show's 441 pounds. That just reconfirms to me that he was indeed up to 550 pounds at the end of 2006, seeing he lost 108 pounds. He was SO large on Jay Leno at that time. I almost didn't believe it was him.
Alex said on 11/Mar/08
From when I first saw him in wrestling gear my guess was between 430-450lbs. When he came out in his suit he looked less actually.

That bodyguard I can bet weighs at least 450-460lbs.
KingNick said on 11/Mar/08
I believe the 441pound weigh in. He certainly looks it and I don't think they can fake that. If you really want to be nit-picky Show did have those huge boots on so maybe you can take a few pounds off from that. But 430 - 440 seems realistic. I thought he was lighter than that until I saw him in wrestling gear.

God I wish we could find out how big that Mayweather cronie is! Did you see him? He's almost as big, if not AS big, as Big Show. He has to be at least 6'10" and weigh as much as Show. The problem is they're always standing at different angles of the ring so you can never tell.
Ian said on 11/Mar/08
6ft 10.5 I've seen him stand next to the Undertaker (1999 Undertaker vs. Big Show vs. Mankind vs. Rock vs. Kane) and look no more than 3 inches taller.

This photo proves he isn't 7ft and over.
JT said on 11/Mar/08
Anonymous says on 7/Mar/08
Alex said on 11/Mar/08
Yea but who knows if that was fixed or not. I am assuming not because I am not sure how they would be able to fix a scale for that anyway.

But who saw how tall Mayweather's tallest bodyguard was? He looked no way under 6'10 and likely 6'11-7'0. He looked as tall or taller than Big Show in some shots too.
hellyeah said on 11/Mar/08
WWE are writing on there website that Big Show is 7 foot 4 and 441 lbs, man it changes everyday.......
Big Show said on 11/Mar/08
Big Show tipped the scales at 441.4 lbs yesterday at Raw, while Mayweather was only 159 lbs.
Alex2 said on 9/Mar/08
Thanks Alex for that info, he is strong thats for sure lol.
Jason said on 8/Mar/08
If he doesn't have acromegaly, I'm da Crown Prince of Sheeba.
LV said on 7/Mar/08
I don't completely disagree with this picture JT (Click Here), but there are a couple of things you are forgetting. First, although Andre was still in decent shape there, I still think his peak height was a few years prior to this picture when he was still skinny. Second, you really can't make Big Show's boots out, but most people agree he had some advantage there. Andre's boots couldn't be clearer and you can see they are virtually flat. Andre is taller in nearly ever part of that picture except the neck up. That leads me to believe Andre could've stood up a little straighter or tilted his head up more. Big Show had much better posture than Andre. That's about all that picture shows. Andre had untreated acromegaly and Big Show had his treated. Andre had some spinal curvature/hump back like many acromegalic giants which began to take away from his height as he aged.
Da Man said on 7/Mar/08
Khali doesn't have acromegaly. Now I've heard it all...yea that's sarcasm. Khali is a textbook example of an acromegalic giant.
topdweeb26 said on 7/Mar/08
'Anonymous says on 7/Mar/08
What condition? He [Dalip Singh] dose'nt have acromegaly"

Actually it's pretty well documented that Singh does indeed have acromegaly, and exhibits very characteristic symptoms of the disease.
Alex said on 7/Mar/08
Alex 2, he may have been. I know his squat and deadlift was way up there. I forgot the exact numbers. His bench was good too but for his size should have been better though.
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/08
Jason says on 6/Mar/08
I've seen him out in public when he didn't want a bar of any fans, and the guy had trouble just walking. It's due to his condition, though he's worsened it by getting to the size he is, which is his own doing.

What condition? He dose'nt have acromegaly if thats what you're talking about, he has had numerous back problems from lifting, thats why he walks the way he does.
Jason said on 6/Mar/08
Atoadaso says on 5/Mar/08
''I think Khali is told to act lethargically to play into his giant role. Look at the way he walks, like he has a stick up his ass. He is obviously not a good wrestler, but doubt he is as stiff as he portrays himself. I'd like to see Khali as a face.''

I've seen him out in public when he didn't want a bar of any fans, and the guy had trouble just walking. It's due to his condition, though he's worsened it by getting to the size he is, which is his own doing.
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/08
the only man taller than Big Show is Khali. Big Show is 7'0" Khali is 7'1 1/2"
miko said on 6/Mar/08
I would say the three Giants height are as follows:

Andre The Giant:

Peak: 6"11.75
Height at Death: 6"9.5

Big Show:

Peak: 7"0
Current: 6"11.5

Dalip Singh (Khali):

Current: 7"0
topdweeb26 said on 6/Mar/08
Renno, yeah that's just so hilarious.
Alex2 said on 6/Mar/08
Alex, is or was Henry the strongest man at one point? I hear he could deadlift around 1000lbs at one point.
Frank said on 6/Mar/08
It must be the camera angle becasue i agree Renno
MK said on 6/Mar/08
Looks like 1'' at least between Show/Andre in the photo by JT, Show seems to have the advantage in his neck more than anything, i'd say Andre couldn't stretch up like Show because of the severity of his condition, always looked to be slouching even way back then. Big Show is taller by 0.5'' on the whole i reckon.
Alex said on 6/Mar/08
Big Show's arms look a good amount bigger than Andre's there. Andre had a bigger chest but also thats before Andre got heavier where his chest was 70 inches compared to Big Show's 64-65 inch chest. Andre's chest doens't look as big there.
Renno said on 6/Mar/08
lol! Paul Wight looks 6'8" to 6'9" on this photo!!!
JT said on 6/Mar/08
Assuming we
Atoadaso said on 5/Mar/08
I think Khali is told to act lethargically to play into his giant role. Look at the way he walks, like he has a stick up his ass. He is obviously not a good wrestler, but doubt he is as stiff as he portrays himself. I'd like to see Khali as a face.
Alex said on 5/Mar/08
Mark Henry is the only guy in WWE that is actually stronger than Big Show in real life.
Anonymous said on 5/Mar/08
I would like to see Big Show and Mark Henry at a PPV event. World's Largest Athlete vs. World's Strongest Man, it makes for an interesting match, I wonder who would win, both men weigh 400, Mark Henry @ 6'1", Big Show at 7'0". I would like to see Mark Henry face Big Show at WM instead of Floyd Mayweather , either way Big Show is against a black man, and if he loses, it's no shame to lose to an olympic weightlifter.
Vegas said on 5/Mar/08
WWE corporate are saying 399lb today, so thats coming straight from head office Click Here
topdweeb26 said on 5/Mar/08
I think Show is thicker than Andre just about all over. Andre didn't seem to have the muscle mass that Show has either.

Big Show: I understand the match up would actually end up sucking, but I think it's better than Show losing to Mayweather. I mean, they could use Mayweather for some other reason, other than defeating Big Show. It doesn't matter how Big Show loses, the fact is, is that he will lose, and lose to a non-wrestler. I wouldn't be surprised if he lost cleanly either. The wrestling industry for some reason holds athletes over other sports on a higher pedestal than they do for their own wrestlers.

By the way, all this talk of Khali sucking.. honestly, I don't see how he is any worse than Andre the Giant. I never did understand the hype behind Andre. His matches always sucked, he was slow, everything he did looked extraordinarily fake, etc. Just like Khali. The only difference was that Andre was brought into the wrestling world during the "Golden Era". If he were alive today trying to make it and that's how he was, he'd be no different than Khali.
Alex said on 5/Mar/08
Danimal, true about Big Show having much more muscle which would add to his weight compared to Andre who had more fat than Big Show had. I still believe he was 520-525lbs after he left WWE. But I didn't see him on Leno so if I do I'd probably change my mind if he got bigger as you say. Can you find the clip maybe?

Also Andre has smallish arms for his size anyway. He beat Big Show as far as chest, neck, wrists and hands. Big Show had him in everything else I believe.
Andrew said on 5/Mar/08
I agree with Danimal, Big Show is definitely huge all over. If you ever saw the Big Show at the end of 2006 and even early 2004, you can clearly see how much weight he was carrying in his huge arms and chunky legs, not to mention his chest and belly. I'd say at the end of 2006 he was definitely pushing for 550 lbs, I haven't seen big show on leno, does anyone know where I can find footage or screencaps as it would be interesting to see his size.
Big Show said on 5/Mar/08
Danimal says on 4/Mar/08
You can't really compare their two bodies. Andre was ALL UPPER body, while Big Show was large ALL OVER.

You make it sound like Andre had skinny legs. His legs were gigantic and I doubt they were smaller than Big Show's. Like Big Show, Andre was big all over. Both men also had a large bone structure, which would account for some extra weight.

Topdweeb, I think Big Show vs. Khali at Wrestlemania would be a bad choice. The best thing would be to put a match between these two either on Smackdown or a smaller PPV. Khali is a horrible wrestler and not very popular with the audience. Big Show isn't the type of wrestler to take Khali's skills to a higher level. You'll probably get a "Worst Match of the Year" Candidate if they put these two in a match together. Fans probably won't give a them about this match and the only reason I would want to see it is because of the size comparison between them.

We don't know what the outcome of Big Show's match with Mayweather will be, but I'll bet that neither will lose cleanly. I bet it's either a loss on DQ or loss by outside interference for either of them. Floyd Mayweather is undefeated as a boxer so I doubt he would agree to a deal where he would get squashed at Wrestlemania. Big Show has just returned after a year absence and if WWE wants to ruin his return and credibility already, the best thing to do that is to give Mayweather a clean pin over Show. Somehow I doubt that will happen.
ck2 said on 5/Mar/08
topdweeb26 I dont think Great Khali Vs Big Show would generated the media hype that Floyd Big show will thats what the mcmahons want. And to say 6'10 and half for big show is a joke the guy is 7'0" on the money accept it.
Delux said on 4/Mar/08
I'd say a 6'10 1/2 is good for peak big show. He just wears lifts to make himself seem bigger.
Alex2 said on 4/Mar/08
I would say Khali is "unathletic" he was a bodybuilder wasnt he? But I guess he'd be a slow runner etc with being the size that he is.
KingNick said on 4/Mar/08
I think Andre looked way heavier than Big Show even at Big Show's heaviest
Danimal said on 4/Mar/08
Alex, I disagree. Big Show was HUGE ALL OVER and had a lot more muscle than Andre ever did, besides, if you didn't see Big Show on Leno AFTER he the WWE than you would be in for a shock. Big Show as bigger than ever. Severely obese.

As for Andre, he actually went up to 565 apparently sometime in 1992. He died at 530 pouds.

You can't really compare their two bodies. Andre was ALL UPPER body, while Big Show was large ALL OVER.
topdweeb26 said on 4/Mar/08
What I just don't get, is why doesn't the WWE make Big Show feud with Khali for WM? That would be much better. Basically, Big Show takes a year off, and returns only to find himself in an angle where he will lose at WM against a non-wrestler who is less than half his size. This is why I sometimes absolutely hate pro-wrestling. You'll never see a pro-wrestler beat a football player in football, but if they come into the wrestlers world, it's a guaranteed win to them.
MK said on 4/Mar/08
None too shaby a photo at all JT, but with Big Shows boots and Khali doing the old 'head up' routine (taking lessons from Sid perhaps;)), still looks an open debate. Khali definitely has 1'' shoulder/eye level tho.
Alex said on 4/Mar/08
Yea, now they said 450lbs last night. First 400 then 430 and now 450lbs. I am saying he likely weighs a legit 420-430lbs and will just bill him at 450lbs.

I don't think Big Show got as heavy as 550lbs at the end of 2006 because he didn't look as heavy as Andre did at Andre's last years. Andre I read died at 530lbs anyway. He looked around 520-525lbs when he left though.
Christian said on 4/Mar/08
WWE bills him at 450 lbs now...
JT said on 4/Mar/08
MK says on 3/Mar/08
That wasn't a propper face off tho, wwe seemed reluctant to have the two stand up to each other during that whole alliance they had back then
KingNick said on 3/Mar/08
There's going to be a "weigh-in" next week between Show and Mayweather. I'm not sure if they can fix something like that, probably, but it should be interesting. I just wish they would make up their minds lol
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/08
how can Big Show weigh over 500 lbs and not look any more obese than Andre the Giant? Big Show still looks less obese than Viscera, especially now since Big Show lost a lot of weight.
MK said on 3/Mar/08
That wasn't a propper face off tho, wwe seemed reluctant to have the two stand up to each other during that whole alliance they had back then, as it would surely prove Khalis not more than 1''-0.5'' taller than Big Show (as most of us suspect anyway)
Alex said on 3/Mar/08
Also Khali is so unathletic. Big Show was more athletic at a much heavier weight than Khali was too.
topdweeb26 said on 3/Mar/08
I remember when Khali and Big Show faced off for the first time, only posted pics at VERY extreme angles to make Khali look like he was nearly half a head taller than Show. I don't get why the WWE does that when Big Show is the most comparable wrestler today to Andre the Giant.
Alex said on 3/Mar/08
Big Show, I remember it was in July 2000 when he came back from his knee injury where he blew up at least 50lbs he said then was sent to OVW. But in early 2000 he was a bit heavier than he was in 1999.

Alex 2, yea that or bill Khali at 7'1-7'2 because there isn't no 3 inch difference between the 2.

They can't decide on what weight to have him as. He'd gotta be at least 410-420lbs I'd still say.
Danimal said on 2/Mar/08
I FULLY believe that he was a FULL 550 pounds back at the end of 2006. When he was on Leno he looked morbidly obese and VERY unhealthy. Why can't this man keep the weight off? He's what 36 or 37? If he keeps this up, he'll be 700-800 pounds in his 40's...
Alex2 said on 2/Mar/08
Why dont WWE build Big Show like 7'2"? With Khali at 7'3 that would makemore sense, WWE have never really pushes Shows height.
Atoadaso said on 2/Mar/08
Maybe he just polished off a 30lbs steak in the back after he was announed...
The Doctor said on 2/Mar/08
Big show will definitely put the weight back on. He looks around 430-440 lbs now, when he left he was well over 530 lbs, you could tell by the size of his belly and his legs and thighs were huge. I've heard so many stories about the Big Show's eating habits, you won't believe how much food the man consumes, he is an eating machine. I've heard rumours that backstage at big events he can clear large spreads of food. It obviously took the toll on his waistline towards the end of 2006, it was unreal how large he was. John Cena claimed he was actually 550 lbs even though they billed him as 500. When you think thats like 200-250 lbs more that the likes of taker, hhh and batista! The guy will get bigger!
Brah said on 2/Mar/08
In the Wrestlemania press conference, the announcer introduced Big Show as 420 pounds before he came out. Then, Big Show said to Mayweather that "I am over 450 pounds. I weigh three times as much as you".

So, no one knows what weight to decide on...
Big Show said on 2/Mar/08
He had more muscle mass in 1999, but in mid 1999 he gained some weight again and his gut was certainly bigger than it is nowadays. Late 1999 he lost weight again but gained it back in the course of 2000, before being send to OVW.

Danimal I'm affraid you might be correct. Big Show has been having a weight problem since he's been a professional wrestler. He's lost weight on more occasions than I can remember, but has always gained it back. WWE isn't helping him btw as they're booking him on both RAW and Smackdown, which probably results in a exhausting traveling schedules (and probably bad diets). Big Show has quit smoking so maybe he can stay in better health a little longer. Big Show had tremendous back pains during his last run in ECW and was on pain killers most of the time. I think he realises how important it is to keep his weight in balance.

If Big Show would've wanted to be a boxer, he would have to lose another 50 lbs I think, as he's still not lean enough.
Alex said on 2/Mar/08
JT, yea when I heard Big Show down to 420lbs I was thinking of the 1999-early 2000 Big Show. Actually was 430lbs in 2000.
Alex said on 1/Mar/08
Danimal, I agree. Its just a matter of time before Big Show puts weight back on. I am not sure if he'll get to how he was before he left but he may likely get to how he was before that.
JT said on 1/Mar/08
Michael Cole says 535 lbs. in that video so no one can get it right. He probably meant 435 lbs. Regardless, Big Show does look over 400 lbs. at that height. He's lost a lot of fat but I thought he would look leaner like in 1999.
Danimal said on 1/Mar/08
Big Show says on 29/Feb/08
Click Here

Here's a video from yesterday's Smackdown. Listen to what the announcer says about Big Show. He ain't saying 399 lbs, but 430 lbs! I guess the WWE can't make up their minds what to bill him at? The WWE website still says 399 lbs.

Here that Vegas??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA. Told you so!!!!!

Big Show was close obviously close to 550 pounds when he left in 2006. I saw him on Leno around this time and he looked OBESE. I knew he was around 430 pounds today. Mark my words, this man's weight is going to jump again, now that he'll be back on the road. All day eating for Big Show once again. some people love food too much.
topdweeb26 said on 1/Mar/08
Wow that's the first time I have seen the Big Show in wrestling attire since his return. He really does look slimmed down. I bet he'd look pretty muscular if he got on a weight lifting routine. BTW, I think it sucks that Big Show returns and will get stomped at WM. This is what I hate about pro-wrestling. Wrestlers sometimes get into a "wrestling" match with an athlete from another sport, and they always lose. It's like letting someone else bet them at their own specialty.
Alex said on 1/Mar/08
Big Show, yea they need to change the site to 430lbs. I think 430lbs is a good billed weight for him since he's probably only a little under that.
Bendy said on 1/Mar/08
Big Show: They probably announced him as 430lbs as they still want to bill him as the Worlds Largest Athlete. If they announced him at 399lbs that would mean Khali would be the Largest Athlete seeing as he is a bit taller than Show and hes billed at 420lbs.
MK said on 1/Mar/08
Even the commentators dont know what to be saying. Todd Grisham called him near 500lbs on heat last weak lol. He does look more 430lbs tho.
Big Show said on 29/Feb/08
Click Here

Here's a video from yesterday's Smackdown. Listen to what the announcer says about Big Show. He ain't saying 399 lbs, but 430 lbs! I guess the WWE can't make up their minds what to bill him at? The WWE website still says 399 lbs.
Alex said on 29/Feb/08
Danimal, yea weight can be tough. Mostly I tend to be pretty decent at it.
Danimal said on 29/Feb/08
Thanks Alex. I've always been good at guessing someone's weight. I've been a personal trainer since the 90's and knowing someone's bodyweight is important when you're trying to see where this person wants to go with their body. I'll usually be within 10-15 pounds of a persons weight for men and 5-10 pounds for women.
Alex said on 29/Feb/08
Topweeb, It's going to be guys who are more muscular who get overestimated. Guys who are normally just fat will ge underestimated like my friend that I posted. I will get estimated at at least 210-215lbs while I am really 200lbs. When I was 210-215lbs I was guessed at 225lbs at least. Even when I was as low as 185 I was guessed at 200lbs at least.

Big Show, yea it would be great to see Shaq there. Maybe we'd finally see the 2 face off.

Actually with those 2 heavy friends I had posted, Danimal did come the closest by far at guessing them correct.
Vegas said on 29/Feb/08
shaq won't be at mania i bet, the suns have a game in new jersey on saturday night and a game in phoenix on monday night
Benny said on 29/Feb/08
HI guys, i'm from Australia. I was watching the foxtel (cable) television sports channel. And they had an article on the upcoming Mayweather and Big Show match at wrestlemania. Now in Australia, we use cm rather than something foot, inches. Big Show was desricbed in that article as being 212 cm (6'11.5') and weighing 183 Kg (400 Ibs). Now, i've been watcing WWE since 2000. That sounds legit to me. I belive big show at his peak height was in WCW. I belive in WCW he was 214 cm (almost 7'1''). Anyways hopes this is to help for you guys determinign the showster's height.
Big Show said on 29/Feb/08
Weight is more difficult to pinpoint than heigh. Being estimated 20-25 lbs heavier than you really are doesn't surprise me. There's this guy at my gym, who's only 5'8, but very muscular. I thought he was around the 200 lbs mark, but it turned out he was only 160 lbs.

Sometimes you can be way off with weight estimation. Remember when Alex posted a picture of a friend of him, who weighed 325+ lbs, but most estimated him to be 275 lbs. Big Show can be 399 lbs, but he looks heavier to me. I'm wondering if they're still going to bill him 399 lbs after the Mayweather angle.

Btw, on Shaq gives his comments on the Mayweather/Big Show angle (in a very unenthousiastic way). I've heard rumours that he might attend Wrestlemania, let's hope he does.
Danimal said on 29/Feb/08
Delux says on 28/Feb/08
Everyone knows Big Show was about 6'10 and a half peak. Just like Andre they exaggerated his height. Khali is only 6'11 1/2 and has an inch on Showster.

Glad you speak for everyone, yet NO ONE will agree with you ;)
dhines611 said on 29/Feb/08
If he's 7'0", then Mike is standing on his tiptoes. I'm 6'11", and 6'1.5" is about the top of my goatee. Mike looks about nose high on Wight.
topdweeb26 said on 28/Feb/08
Alex: Yeah, I am pretty built, but haven't had time to work out in a while so I am losing a lot of muscle and strength. By the way, I should have said that I sometimes get estimated to be 20-25 lbs heavier than I am. Most of the time, it is about the same as yours, about 10 to 15 lbs heavier. I've never had anyone guess accurately (by that, I mean within 5 pounds) unless the person tries to pick me up, and even then, it is often wrong. And that's what I'm saying. I mean, height is one thing to judge about someone, but weight is way harder.

Delux: umm.. obviously not, since most believe Big Show is 7' including me.
Anonymous said on 28/Feb/08
I say Shaq and Khali are indeed slightly taller than Big Show, and did Big Show really go down to 400 lbs? or is this just a gimmick. He looks about 420 to me. By the way no way is Kane his billed 7 feet tall, that's an insult to those who really are seven feet or taller (Show, Shaq, Khali)I give Kane 6'9"
Mr. X said on 28/Feb/08
Delux, please, Andre was 6'11 1/2" Big Show is 7'0" and Khali is 7'1 1/2"(barely a half inch on Shaq by the way)
Mr. X said on 28/Feb/08
man Big Show really is the Biggest Loser, he lost 100 lbs. and even at 7'0 tall, Big Show is still overweight at 399-400 lbs.
Alex2 said on 28/Feb/08
Delux, yea right! Thats just plain wrong.
Delux said on 28/Feb/08
Everyone knows Big Show was about 6'10 and a half peak. Just like Andre they exaggerated his height. Khali is only 6'11 1/2 and has an inch on Showster.
Big Show said on 28/Feb/08
Click Here

Nice press conference of Wrestlemania. Big Show comes out after Mayweather has challenged him to do so. Mayweather was playing the heel here.

When Mayweather stands on a chair Big Show is still nearly as tall as him.
Alex said on 28/Feb/08
I am not saying for sure Big Show is more than his billed weight and yes very rare will WWE downplay a wrestlers weight but Big Show does appear a little more than his billed weight though.
Alex said on 28/Feb/08
Topdweeb, wow estimated at 20-25lbs heavier than you are is a lot. You must be pretty built. I get estimated a lot at least 10-15lbs heavier than I am.
topdweeb26 said on 28/Feb/08
I think it is stupid that people think they can tell exactly how much someone weights simply by looking at them. I know so many people who look at me and estimate me to be about 20 to 25 lbs heavier than I really am. Again, it is a VERY rare occurance for WWE to downplay the size of their wrestlers, ESPECIALLY when the wrestler's very character is based on how massive he is.
Alex said on 28/Feb/08
Big Show, yea it was up until he came back from that injury in mid 2000 then sent to OVW. Before then he was in better shape. I remember a time in late 2001/early 2002 where he looked to have leaned out a bit but then balooned up again in 2002. He also got lighter when he came back in 2004 but then again gained weight back.
Tom said on 28/Feb/08
I have followed this man's career for a while now, since his WCW days. They (WWE) have always billed him lower than his actual weight. Do some of you actually believe he is 399? Please. After attending No Way Out, I am fairly certain, he is somewhere between 425 and 440. Under 400, he is not. That is a gaurentee. They are playing up the whole, "he has lost 108 pounds in an effort to become a professional boxer" angle bit. During his last match in Dec 06, I believe he was close to his heaviest, at almost 540lbs (he certainly looked it). Bobby Lashley battled to pick him up several times, even with assitance from Wight.
Big Show said on 28/Feb/08
In that pic with Shane McMahon from early 2000 not 1999, he's flexing his muscles so naturally he looks more muscular than in other pics. Big Show was in great shape in late 1999 and early 2000 before he gained a lot of weight again and eventually was send to OVW to lose weight. His matches from late 1999 were some of his best. He even did a dropkick of the top rope once. Not that it was a spectacular one, but for a guy his size it was an awesome sight to see him do it.

I still think Big Show was in the best shape of his life somewhere in late 1996 and 1997. I've seen pics of him doing a cable crossover and his arms were huge there.
Alex2 said on 27/Feb/08
Humm,i was just thinking, who do you guys think is taller, Big Show or Shaq? Id say Shaq but by no more than an inch.
Danimal said on 27/Feb/08
Of course they would bill him LESS than what he actually weighs if the whole gimmick is that he LOST 108 pounds. Many people can do math Vegas and if he was last BILLED at 507, then do the math. The only thing is that during Big Show's last year in the WWE he had been gaining more and more weight. 507 pounds was NOT his final weight with the WWE. I read an article that stated he was 530 pounds. He looked even bigger than that.
Alex said on 27/Feb/08
Vegas, I would think the same thing. Why would they underbill him but he does look over 400lbs still though. 420lbs would be my guess. This might be an exception.

Danimal, I read 520lbs he really was when he left but close enough. Still over 500lbs when he left.
Alex said on 27/Feb/08
Supes, yea those were the pictures I was showing below. Thats in 2000 when Big Show was a more muscular 430lbs. So its possible he's less than that but just is more soft looking.
MK said on 27/Feb/08
Khali is taller by an inch. No more than that i'd say: Khali-7'0''or 7'0 1/2'' Big Show-6'11''or 6'11 1/2'' from one hulk fan to another
Hulk Fan said on 26/Feb/08
Who is taller Khali or Big show, they looked so close in height but in WWE they said Big show is 7 feet and KHali is 7'3 when there was no difference I felt like Big show's head was possibly a little higher can somebody please clarify.
supes78 said on 26/Feb/08
Big Show was in the best shape of his lift when he first debuted in the WWE back in 2000. A lot of muscle mass on a 7 foot frame;
Click Here
Now, he's 108 pounds lighter (according to himself) but is still very flabby.
Ben the GP said on 26/Feb/08
Big Show is larger then a little bitty 399 they billed him usually on the 500lbs plus marker... But also think I beleive WWE was going to billed him up to around 420lbs but now he probaly asked them to keep it below or at his real weith above well.
Danimal said on 26/Feb/08
Big Show was said to have weighed 530 pounds when he left the WWE in 2006. I think that is the most accurate assessment. Subtract 108 pounds. That puts him at 422 pounds. I think that is the MINIMUM he could weigh right now. Could be heavier, but not less imo.
Alex said on 26/Feb/08
Topdweeb, good point that I was thinking too. That Big Show had more muscle before too than he does now. Here is a video of Big Show in early 2000 when he stated that he really weighed 430lbs on the Howard Stern Show. He doesn't really look like this now either.

Click Here

Here is a picture from around the same time too.

Click Here
OOFatman said on 26/Feb/08
Click Here

This article has Show at 430 lbs; seems pretty close to me.
Vegas said on 26/Feb/08
Danimal the WWE now list Big show at 399lb so he is not heavier than that Click Here

MK; big show and akebono barefoot Click Here and Click Here

big show in wrestling gear and akebono Click Here and Click Here
topdweeb26 said on 26/Feb/08
Danimal: well if you *read* what I said, it makes sense. WWE 99.9% of the time does not downplay their wrestlers sizes, if anything, they exaggerate them. Considering the fact that Big Show's character is about his size, it wouldn't make sense for them to make him out to be lighter than he really is. Especially after all of his talk about how much bigger he is than Mayweather. And, no I'm not having a bad day, am I not allowed to have an opinion that is different than yours or something? BTW, you of all people, shouldn't talk about others having a bad day. You tend to get very animated when someone disagrees with anything you say, you even often resort to personal attacks. I still remember you belittling Alex2 and basically telling him you think he has no life because you thought he posted too much and lived on here.

Big Show: Well, take your Mark Henry thing. Yes I know he isn't literally the world's strongest man. But you have to admit, it would be pretty weird if all of a sudden they started to downplay his strength and still kept up with the world's strongest man gimmick. As for the Big Show's weight. Weight it not that easy to pinpoint. It could be that when he was 375 lbs, he was more muscle, and now he is more fat. There are too many variables when it comes to weight to just look at someone and expect to be dead on.

MK: Yes he did, he looked just about 4 inches taller than Akebono that puts him right on 7 ft.
Alex said on 26/Feb/08
Big Show, I agree. He was leaner in 2004 and some of 2005 than 2006. He probably gained close to 50lbs by the end of 2006.

I do think he looks more around 420lbs like Danimal says.
MK said on 26/Feb/08
Big Show definitely did not look 7ft next to 6ft8 akebono. Seemed to shrink an inch when the two were barefoot. Must wear lifts on that evidence.
Gollum said on 26/Feb/08
MK says on 25/Feb/08
How can Big Show Still claim to be ''the worlds largest athlete'' when Khali is now billed as taller and heavier

Because Khalis not an athlete. ;)
Big Show said on 26/Feb/08
Topdweeb normally I would agree with you, it's very rare that a WWE wrestler gets billed below his 'real' weight, but I have the feeling that they didn't bother to update Show's weight in his final year in the WWE as he certainly looked heavier than 507 lbs. He was weighed on TV once in 2004 before his match with Akebono and weighed in at 493 lbs. If it was a legit weigh-in we'll never know, but he was billed at 500 lbs, so if they were going to fake it, why not set the weight at just over 500 lbs instead of below it. And in 2004 he was a lot leaner than in 2006, I think he gained at least another 30-40 lbs.

Nowadays he slimmed down considerably and is leaner than he has ever been in the WWE. When he debuted in the WWE in 1999 he looked a little heavier than he is today and was probably a little bit more muscular as well. Big Show is still a lot heavier than he was in 1995 and 1996 where he probably was in the 375-400lbs range.

MK the phrase 'World largest athlete' is simply his gimmick, like Mark Henry's 'World Strongest Man' catch phrase. Big Show has been using this gimmick for as long as I can remember.
Atoadaso said on 25/Feb/08
Strange that Big Show is listed 399. Why not just bill him an even 400, unless they want to bring to attention that he has lost weight. He looks over 400 to me still. I would say him and Khali weight around the same now; maybe Big Show has him by a little as I think his lower body is thicker.
Danimal said on 25/Feb/08
topdweeb26 says on 25/Feb/08
Oh c'mon guys, if the Big Show is billed at 399lbs then that probably is (at most) his real weight. His entire character revolves around his size, height and *weight* included. Why in the world would WWE market him as being lighter than he really is when his very gimmick depends on him being the world's biggest athlete? That simply wouldn't make sense. And as it has been pointed out in the past, weight is not nearly as easy to pinpoint as height is.

Why are you low-balling Big Show, saying he is AT MOST 399 pounds! When he left he was around 530 pounds. I don't think he is a pound under 420 pounds today. You're doing the same thing with Andre, saying you're being generous with him being AT MOST 6'10". Are you having a bad day Topweed, because you'll be alone in your claims.
KingNick said on 25/Feb/08
I think Big Show is LESS than 400lbs now maybe 350-375. It's hard to tell cuz I haven't seen him in wrestling gear yet but like topdweeb said, it makes more sense for them to bill him higher than his actual weight. I think he looks around the same weight he was back in WCW but even they billed him as 420 I think
dave said on 25/Feb/08
It will be interesting to see how Khali stacks up with Big Show now size wise. Show looked 100+ pounds heavier in 2006.
OOFatman said on 25/Feb/08
Perhaps the WWE just wants to promote a LEANER Big Show. After all, 399 lbs sounds a lot less than 400 LOL.
MK said on 25/Feb/08
How can Big Show Still claim to be ''the worlds largest athlete'' when Khali is now billed as taller and heavier
topdweeb26 said on 25/Feb/08
Oh c'mon guys, if the Big Show is billed at 399lbs then that probably is (at most) his real weight. His entire character revolves around his size, height and *weight* included. Why in the world would WWE market him as being lighter than he really is when his very gimmick depends on him being the world's biggest athlete? That simply wouldn't make sense. And as it has been pointed out in the past, weight is not nearly as easy to pinpoint as height is.
Alex said on 25/Feb/08
Big Show, thats what I was thinking pretty much too. This is very rare but a wrestler weighing more than his billed weight.
Big Show said on 25/Feb/08
Alex says on 24/Feb/08
Big Show is now listed at 399lbs on Maybe they're being more honest with his weight or something now because he still looks at least around 400lbs.

When he left the WWE in December 2006 he was billed at 507 lbs and now he claims to have lost 108 lbs, so the 399 lbs are easily explained. I think he was slightly heavier than 507 lbs when he left the WWE and is somewhere around 400-420 lbs nowadays.
Danimal said on 24/Feb/08
LV says on 24/Feb/08
Alex says on 24/Feb/08
Looking at the video at WM 3 I probably could see 5 inches now. Its just from certain angles it looks only 4 but Hogan was closer to the camera. But I'd say Andre 6'10 and Hogan 6'5 there then. They wanted us to believe it was a 9 inch difference though. LOL

Great, everybody agrees on a 5" difference. Here is the thing, Hogan was at least 6'5" barefoot back then and had thick-soled boots & possible lifts and was closer to 6'7" in ring gear. Andre had no lifts and thinner-soled boots and also compresses down into the mat more than Hogan, so he was closer to 6'11' and that was well past his peak and just after is back surgery. He was such a shell of his former self at that point.


Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.