Rantsrob said on 24/Apr/08
Depends on how you would consider a giant. I personally think 6.8+ is giant if you take a tape measure and make it 80in being a 6' even person it looks enourmous to me. So i say to the average 5'10'' or 5'6'' man or women would think a 6'8'' 320lb person was a giant
topdweeb26 said on 24/Apr/08
Alex: I guess if you can't consider Nash or Kane giants, then you can't with John Studd either. Because John Studd was billed at 6' 10 , but wasn't he really only 6' 7 at best? Nash on the other hand, may very well be a legit 6' 10. So if anything, it seems like Nash would be considered a giant before Studd is. By the way, what about Ron Reis? He is billed at 7' 2, but only 380 lbs, not exactly in what the typical "giant" range for weight is.
I think I tend to go by height before anything else... which is why I kinda asked this question, because I realize I am a little inconsistent. But generally, I think if you're tall enough to be billed at 7' AND get away with it, then you're a giant... but yet, I don't consider Nash a giant... and Kane even though he is billed as 7', he isn't fooling anyone.
Anonymous said on 24/Apr/08
Alex: I guess if you can't consider Nash or Kane giants, then you can't with John Studd either. Because John Studd was billed at 6' 10 , but wasn't he really only 6' 7 at best? Nash on the other hand, may very well be a legit 6' 10. So if anything, it seems like Nash would be considered a giant before Studd is. By the way, what about Ron Reis? He is billed at 7' 2, but only 380 lbs, not exactly in what the typical "giant" range for weight is.
I think I tend to go by height before anything else... which is why I kinda asked this question, because I realize I am a little inconsistent. But generally, I think if you're tall enough to be billed at 7' AND get away with it, then you're a giant... but yet, I don't consider Nash a giant... and Kane even though he is billed as 7', he isn't fooling anyone.
Alex said on 23/Apr/08
I wouldn't consider Nash and Kane giants. Just very big men. A giant I think is a combo of height/weight. Would you say Big John Studd was a real giant or just a big man?
KingNick said on 23/Apr/08
topdweeb26 , I would base a Giant on both height and weight, just my opinion. Like Andre, Big Show, Giant Gonzalez, etc. Nash and 'Taker are really tall but not 400-500lbs where as Yoko wasn't that tall (for wrestling) but was weight up there in the weight department, just my opinion.
I don't think it'd be a bad idea for anyone who's submitting pictures of themselves with a celebrity at this site to also send in a picture of them measuring their height with a tape measurer that way we know for sure how tall they are.
Danimal said on 23/Apr/08
Brah says on 22/Apr/08
All this talk of this guy Mike's picture..I thought Mike also said that Big Show looked 7 foot in person, so why would he lie?
Mike claimed he looked to be at least 6'11", which I do believe is his CURRENT height.
Danimal said on 23/Apr/08
Ola says on 22/Apr/08
thats the problem... who can we trust? mike claims 6'1 1/2 but looks atleast 6'4... chris also claims 6'1 1/2 but looks like 5'11 or less
We sure can't trust you Ola.
topdweeb26 said on 23/Apr/08
Just curious, but what do you guys consider a "giant" in wrestling? Kevin Nash isn't considered a giant, just a really tall person. Do you base it on just height? If so, then it could be argued that Andre might not have been a giant. Is it a combination of height and weight? If so, then it might be argued that Giant Gonzalez isn't a giant (but no one would ever think that). I find it odd that Kevin Nash is taller than a lot of past "giants" but yet he isn't considered a giant himself. I remember once in the WCW, Big Show had a feud with Nash. And Big Show said, "you must be over 7 foot to be considered a giant".
Alex said on 23/Apr/08
JT, thats an old picture from 2000. I remember those days. Lowest Big Show can look there is 6'10-6'11. Big Show has over a head taller and we've estimated Big Shows head to be 11-12 inches.
Topdweeb, I agree. if Mike was 6'1.5, what does that make Vegas's friend? 6'0-6'0.5? It doesn't make sense really. I believe in with Vegas's friend we can see their entire bodies or close to it. Anyone could come on here claiming a shorter height to make a cerain person look shorter because they want them to.
hs2008 said on 22/Apr/08
Show is leaning slightly in that pic with Angle and could stand up a little taller I think and gain another inch or so. I'd say he's about 6'11.5".
topdweeb26 said on 22/Apr/08
nick: no way is Big Show 6' 10 in the pic above just the way it is. C'mon, you're stretching this big time and you know it. In that pic, Mike has an inch on Vegas' 6' 4 friend. It just doesn't add up. Think about it, if Mike is 6' 1.5 and he is that tall to Big Show, imagine how tall someone who is 6' 5 would be. That pic above is either a fake, Big Show really is only 6' 8, or Mike simply isn't being truthful.
Brah said on 22/Apr/08
All this talk of this guy Mike's picture..I thought Mike also said that Big Show looked 7 foot in person, so why would he lie?
Deanie said on 22/Apr/08
I wonder if they are going to play down Khali's height during his fued with Big Show. On Raw, Lillian Garcia announced him as 'over seven feet tall', Jim Ross said 7'2", and Big Show was once again referred to as 'The Largest Athlete in the World'.
nick said on 22/Apr/08
did everyone fail to see the pictures i posted? haha, scroll down to the middle of the page, the pic with mike i think is legit, The big show is leaning toward mike and leaning backward on his right foot deducting 1.5 to 2 inches, he is around 6'10 in the pic above just the way it is, check it out you will see the height difference especially when your viewing it far away, just remember mike is around 6'2 not 6 foot
JT said on 22/Apr/08
Big Show slouching but with still more than a head size on 5
hs2008 said on 22/Apr/08
There's summat funky with the picture surely, Big Show looks only 6'8.5" to me which is obviously stupid since the man is at least 6'11".
topdweeb26 said on 21/Apr/08
Cobra: wouldn't surprise me. I find it highly suspicious that no one knew who Mike was. He came out of no where and submitted this photo, stuck around for like a day to answer questions, and then is never heard from again. Whoever he was, he insists Big Show was in sandals, they were on level ground, Show wasn't slouching, and he (Mike) wasn't standing on anything... and Mike is supposedly being truthful about his 6' 1.5" height... yeeeeah, right.
topdweeb26 said on 21/Apr/08
Rantsob: who knows, probably just whenever they decide to get measured. I mean, let's face it, when people typically get measured for things, they just happened to get measured where ever they are without concern about what time of the day it is. If I honestly wanted to say, I would say that if anything, heights are given with shoes/boots on, because that's how the wrestlers would be perceived when they are performing... could be wrong, maybe it varies, or maybe it is all barefooted.
Rantsob said on 21/Apr/08
This is mark, the one who has bin posting consideribly over the past few weeks. I would like to know how these heights are bases barefoot, out of bed mid day, shoes on what?
Cobra said on 21/Apr/08
I think this picture with Mike is a fake. Something is wrong with that.
Jason said on 21/Apr/08
Alex says on 20/Apr/08
''Didn't you say Chavo looked 5'9 as well? Funny because he always gave me a 5'6-5'7 impression.''
Yeah, he looked 5'9''ish, mate. Jamie Noble is the short one.
topdweeb26 said on 21/Apr/08
Big Show: yeah I realized that after I had posted that.. just got anxious I guess. (yes I feel stupid.) For some reason, I am actually looking forward to this matach, even though I know it will suck. I just hope for once Big Show gets a real push and is main event status, after this match.
Ola: I'm surprised u even admit that much.
Big Show said on 21/Apr/08
topdweeb26 says on 20/Apr/08
I hope tonight Big Show completely squashes worthless Khali. He deserves it after having to job to Floyd Mayweather... I hope De La Hoya takes care of that one. Anyway, I think it is kind of good riddance when Khali disappears to India for a month.
Backlash is coming Sunday(27 April), not last night. But to reassure you, Big Show already beat Khali at a houseshow and that's often a good indication of what the outcome at the PPV will be.
Danimal said on 21/Apr/08
Ola says on 20/Apr/08
Andre would only have 2 inches on a BILLED 6'8 man(even 6'3 guys gets billed to 6'8)
danimal no one will believe you
Sorry OLA, but I've been on here for 3.5 YEARS CONSISTENTLY and while remaining humble, I have made friends and built some credibility on these pages. You're just a SH*T disturber, who enjoys causing controversy and have made BITTER enemies in only a few days having been back, because you insult EVERYONE'S intelligence, with your absurd and illogical estimates. Either act normal, be reasonable and logical, or go just GO AWAY.
topdweeb26 said on 20/Apr/08
I hope tonight Big Show completely squashes worthless Khali. He deserves it after having to job to Floyd Mayweather... I hope De La Hoya takes care of that one. Anyway, I think it is kind of good riddance when Khali disappears to India for a month.
LV said on 20/Apr/08
Ola, FYI Tyler Mane was billed at 6'10" not 6'8". He was closer to 6'9" peak and was barely shorter than Nash.
Ray said on 20/Apr/08
The Big Show picture above is a horrible picture to judge his true height. Big Show is leaning back for goodness sake and is losing a couple inches. If Show were to stand straight in the above pic he would be a couple inches taller; that guy Mike looks like he's leaning too.
Danimal said on 20/Apr/08
Anonymous says on 20/Apr/08
in the 2003 book WWE unscripted, Big Show mentioned being 7 ft. barefoot.
Because that's what the WWE was billing him and I'm sure Vince MADE him stick to script. Big Show also mentioned he was around 7'1" on Conan in the last 1998.
topdweeb26 said on 20/Apr/08
I'm getting really sick and tired of having to explain that picture above. Heck, we don't even really know who "mike" is and he just disappeared quickly after this photo was posted. Why the FREAK is this pic up there and not one from Vega's 6' 4 friend? Vegas is a regular here who could have answered any questions that may have come about. I guess I should just find some picture of someone with the Big Show, claim that person is whatever size I want to make the Big Show appear to be whatever.
Alex said on 20/Apr/08
Didn't you say Chavo looked 5'9 as well? Funny because he always gave me a 5'6-5'7 impression.
Anonymous KinG said on 20/Apr/08
above picture we can see Bigshow more like 6ft8.5(204cm), 17cm topped 187 mike..
Jason said on 20/Apr/08
He is short ... I guessed 5'6''.
Anonymous said on 20/Apr/08
in the 2003 book WWE unscripted, Big Show mentioned being 7 ft. barefoot.
marotte said on 19/Apr/08
Click Here There is a good backstage interview with undertaker and big show
Vegas said on 19/Apr/08
noble was shorter than 5'7ish jimmy wang yang who i have a photo with, ashley didn't look 5'4 to be honest, the WWE girls are all very short and lightweight in person, kelly kelly was there to, i didn't get up close to her but i saw her standing next to test about 30 feet away in the coffee shop and she looked like his kid daughter
Alex said on 19/Apr/08
Noble as short as 5'5-5'6? Wow, I thought he was more 5'7ish but who knows.
Ashley is actually 5'4 so I'm suprised she looked very short even in heels.
Danimal said on 19/Apr/08
Alex says on 18/Apr/08
Andre looked 6'9 tops in the early 90's. Probably bad posture was why.
Alex, did you see the footage of Andre and 6'8" (minimum) MAN in 1990, where Andre had about 2" on him. This was in 1990 Alex. Andre still stood a proud 6'10" at that time. He may have been a fraction under (6'9.5-6'9 3/4") at the time of his death though, where he grew even more crippled. I still say 7'0" at his peak (1970's).
BTW Alex, I measured myself first thing in the morning at 176.5cm (5'9.5") yesterday morning and when I went to bed very late last night (after a long night of partying), I went down to 174cm (5'8.5). There's the tale of the tape!
Vegas said on 19/Apr/08
ok now that i have stopped travelling for a while...
i met a number of current and ex WWE/tna guys during WM24 week; some of my estimates
MVP 6ft, tony atlas 6'1, rocky johnson 6'1, jamie noble (really short i would have said 5'5-5'6), jim duggan 6'2 (really really nice guy talked with us for a good while), jimmy wang yang 5'7.5, lillian garcia (hard to tell, she wearing huge heels but stood about 5'7.5 in 3-4 inch heels), ashley (really short despite wearing stupidly huge boots), steve austin 6'0.5 (was standing and talking to austin for a few minutes), lance hoyt 6'6ish, greg valentine 5'10 (he was standing behind a table at universal), matt morgan (again looked enormous 4 years after last meeting him, couldn't go below 6'8 for this guy, watching him go through the crowd after the show was funny, festus 6'4-6'5 (was expecting him to be taller and fatter to be honest), Kenny Dykstra (wasn't expecting him to be as tall would say taller than the 6'1 i have seen him billed at), one of the edgeheads (not sure which one looked 6'1ish), briscoe brothers (for sure jerry is not the 6'2 he is billed as he was no taller than me)
Alex said on 18/Apr/08
Andre looked 6'9 tops in the early 90's. Probably bad posture was why.
MK said on 18/Apr/08
Acromegaly or 'gigantism' dose'nt specifically affect height Derek, but it surely could of cost Andre 3'' of height, 6'11' peak looks more accurate.
Big Show said on 18/Apr/08
Derek says on 17/Apr/08
I agree with Danimal. Andre was supposedly measured at 6'9" by the coroner when he died. He was also supposedly 6'10" when he fought Hogan in 1987. That sounds reasonable to me. The man had giantism, so he had to be bare minimum 7'0" at peak.
That last statement of yours is flawed. When you have gigantism, it doesn't automatically mean you'll be 7 feet or taller. Ted Cassidy for instance also had gigantism, and he was 'only' 6'9.
Gollum said on 17/Apr/08
Metzer says Andre was shorter than 6'9 Nitron, well the funny thing is Nitron real name is Tyler Mane. We have all seen pics of these two to see which one was taller.
Derek said on 17/Apr/08
I agree with Danimal. Andre was supposedly measured at 6'9" by the coroner when he died. He was also supposedly 6'10" when he fought Hogan in 1987. That sounds reasonable to me. The man had giantism, so he had to be bare minimum 7'0" at peak.
Danimal said on 17/Apr/08
Jeff, Andre was around 6'10" in 1990, next to a 6'8" Mane. Most who have been on here long enough have seen the footage. NOW, this was a broken down Andre, who was morbidly obese and hunched in the neck/back, with buckled knees, who was 2 years away from his own deathbead, YET, that fool Meltzer claims that Andre was even less then that height at this peak, which was 20 years earlier?? Sorry, but no.
Mark said on 17/Apr/08
For the most part they look the same height. But i had to say who was taller i'd say Khali. But you never know with boot sizes and such. I think the listings on each of them on this height is spot on. Oh and mike looks like a good 6.3 or above in the picture
JT said on 17/Apr/08
KingNick, I'm not sure either. One thing I am pretty certain of though is that the heel on the right boot in the second stare down was smaller than the heel on the left boot in their first stare down.
KingNick said on 16/Apr/08
Jeff, you make good points man. It's just that I've heard Meltzer flip flop with Andre's height which is why I dont believe him. He also said he was 6'11.5"
JT, I'm still not totally sure about your theory but its definitely possible. Maybe it's not b/c the ring sinks maybe the heel is more padding than it is anything else and the padding sinks.
JT, still not totally
topdweeb26 said on 16/Apr/08
Big Show: well I was saying it was a squash, because Big Show knocked him out with one punch... that doesn't really set up for a very competitive match up when they do stuff like that. But you said Khali did the same, so I guess they're even. Either way, I kinda expect it to be somewhat of a squash. Because I have a feeling this will be a pretty short match because it will suck. Big Show is awesome, especially for his size, but he isn't the type to make someone look better than they are.
Gollum said on 16/Apr/08
How can anyone see less than one inch on Big Show for Khali. There is a bigger difference in Khali and Show than Andre and wilt.
tuga said on 16/Apr/08
Danimal says on 14/Apr/08
He would NOT have dwarfed Andre in the 1970's, when a legit 7'1" basketball player did NOT dwarf Andre in 1984. Enough with trying to make Andre shorter than he was.
topdweeb26 says on 15/Apr/08
Danimal: you're right that Wilt didn't dwarf Andre
Dwarf???????? Andre looks every bit as tall as wilt even considering wilt
Big Show said on 16/Apr/08
topdweeb26 says on 15/Apr/08
Big Show: Ok, yeah, I see what you mean. I think if the match does happen at Backlash, expect to basically see Khali get squashed and have him disappear for a month due to embarrassment or something like that.
Well I surely hope it will not be a squash match. Khali is simply too big for him to get squashed, even by a guy like Big Show.
At this weeks Smackdown Khali laid out the Big Show during big Show's match with
Mark Henry.
JT said on 16/Apr/08
KingNick says on 15/Apr/08
JT, you make an interesting point that I didn't notice, is one of Show's shoes bigger than the other? B/c that could explain a lot. Is there a post you had pointing that out with pics? I dont see it
This is from the second stare down
Click Here The resolution of the video is limited but there looks to be a clear difference in heel height between the left and right boots. Big Show has no weight on his right heel in the middle pic, so there's no possibility that the heel is "sinking" into the mat (which does not really occur with quality rings anyway). The heel height on the right boot from this second stare down was definitely smaller than the heel on the left boot during their first stare down, yet Big Show did not look any shorter in the second stare down. Since Khali is so uncoordinated, I doubt he was wearing lifts/big heeled boots in the first stare down.
Jeff said on 15/Apr/08
I'd have to disagree, respectfully. Everyone, including Dave, can be wrong (and he's made mistakes, just like any other analyst or journalist in any business). But he had told me, maybe 5 or so years ago, that Andre was between 6'8" and 6'10" and he reconfirms it again. I e-mailed him the photo but either his email
blocked it or he didn't read the picture (he probably had no idea he was quoted on the pic). His opinion does carry a lot of weight and I'd tend to believe him.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/08
the only people Big Show would come across that's taller are Khali and Shaq
KingNick said on 15/Apr/08
JT, you make an interesting point that I didn't notice, is one of Show's shoes bigger than the other? B/c that could explain a lot. Is there a post you had pointing that out with pics? I dont see it
Alex2 said on 15/Apr/08
Great work JT!
topdweeb26 said on 15/Apr/08
Big Show: Ok, yeah, I see what you mean. I think if the match does happen at Backlash, expect to basically see Khali get squashed and have him disappear for a month due to embarrassment or something like that.
MK: Ironically it may have hurt Khali's 7' 3 status, but it has certainly helped the Big Show with his 7' status. Up until now, some people could have claimed that Khali had an appreciable amount of height over Show, but not anymore. If Khali is a legit 7' 1, then there is absolutely no way Big Show is less than 7'. Heck, if Khali is 7' 1, then there is a good chance that Big Show might even be 7' .5" or something.
Danimal: you're right that Wilt didn't dwarf Andre, so yeah, Khali wouldn't have either. By the way, I know what I said to that guy was harsh, but I just think it's dumb that people come on here, claim to be 7', and if you notice, they almost always claim to have met the Big Show and edged him out in height. And then they never offer proof and they just tend to disappear without a trace.
MK said on 15/Apr/08
The entire Big Show/Khali storyline has been ridiculous in my opinion, and has only diminished even further the career of the 'great' Khali who seems to have barely even 0.25'' on a man billed 3'' below him. Its cleary obvious his popularity in his home country has kept this shambolic character in the wwe. Why not BDV or even
Mark Henry, who strugle to make the card on any ppv nowadays, yet have put more time and effort into the company.
Big Show said on 15/Apr/08
topdweeb26 says on 14/Apr/08
Big Show: I don't know what you mean by it doesn't make sense. It makes perfect sense to me, that it is essentially a match of who the true giant is. But, I do gotta admit that that last segment did suck. By the way, maybe the WWE tells Big Show to slouch on purpose around Khali. I mean, after all, they do bill Khali 3 inches taller.
I think the entire angle is rushed. Khali got in Big Show's face on RAW, Big Show got in Khali's face on Smackdown, so they were even on that part. There was no reason for Big Show to deck Khali with a right hand after Khali offered a truce, especially since Big Show is being the face here. It would've make more sence if Khali offered Big Show a truce and than attacked him from behind to give him more heel heat. I think a match between the two biggest athletes in the WWE today could've been dealt with better. It's obviously just a timefiller for Big Show who's bound to turn heel again and fued with the Undertaker. Seeing as the Undertaker is still involved with Edge at least until Backlash, their match has been postponed until later this year.
We don't need to expect a 3-star match as far as wrestling is concerned between Big Show and Khali, so a good storyline behind there match would help a great deal to make this work. But that's just my opinion.
Apparently their match is at Backlash, unless below article is correct which says that Khali has to go back to India in April for a month (which means no Backlash).
Click HereBtw, JT good work with that photoshop adjustment of Big Show.
JT said on 15/Apr/08
Big Show and Ron Reis
Click Here With that head piece, there's no way to know who's taller. Both were listed at 7'1" in college. Reis and Benoit, who was around 5'9"
Click Here
JT said on 15/Apr/08
These are about the only decent comparison photos of Big Show and Khali from last week
Click Here (Big Show has the advantage, given the high camera angle, but he
Gollum said on 14/Apr/08
jeff says on 12/Apr/08
KingNick, i sent Dave your post about Andre's height and even included the picture with his own comments inset. Here's what he had to say (and if you don't believe me, feel free to ask Dave yourself):
"Andre was 6-9 3/4 when he was measured in Europe (208 centimeters). He
was probably 6-8 or 6-9 later in life. He was shorter than the 6-9
Nitron when they wrestled in Japan later in life"
Thats real funny because we've all seen who was taller between Andre and Nitron aka Tyler Mane. Dave M. ist so full of it!
Atoadaso said on 14/Apr/08
lol... another "7' footer" has appeared.
LV said on 14/Apr/08
Also check out #38 (
Click Here).
LV said on 14/Apr/08
Check out #29 (
Click Here). He wears bigger boots sometimes.
Danimal said on 14/Apr/08
topdweeb26 says on 14/Apr/08
George: every month, we get some idiot like you who is always claiming to be 7' or close to it. They never have any proof and they just tend to disappear. So do us all a favor and stand in the middle of a busy interstate or something.
A little harsh, but I do share those sentiments.
Alex said on 14/Apr/08
The tallest person here to show proof of his height was this poster Petter who was a legit 6'7-6'7.5.
Big Show will almost never come across people his height or taller. Only Khali, Ron Reis and if he ever came across any tall centers in the NBA would be it.
KingNick said on 14/Apr/08
jeff, much respect for emailing Dave and backing up your opinion, but it's still his opinion. It's not any more valid then ours on here. Did he happen to mention why he said Andre was 6'11.5" in the photo with Wilt?
Everyone, did anyone look at my photos with their boots?
Alex2 said on 14/Apr/08
Yes I agree topdween26, we always get wannabee tall people here that claim to be taller than wrestlers etc, just like that Jeremy guy who has left the face of this earth lol...so PLEASE George prove your claim! And I highly doubt Shows ever came across anyone in his life taller than him besides Khali!
Brah said on 14/Apr/08
Look closer at Big Show's feet versus Khali's feet in the 3 pictures posted by "Big Show". Big Show is standing a little higher up from the bottom of the screen, which gives an illusion that he is taller than previous staredowns.
The same thing happened in Khali's favor when they first faced off 2 weeks ago and people said Khali looked 2-3 inches taller.
topdweeb26 said on 14/Apr/08
Big Show: I don't know what you mean by it doesn't make sense. It makes perfect sense to me, that it is essentially a match of who the true giant is. But, I do gotta admit that that last segment did suck. By the way, maybe the WWE tells Big Show to slouch on purpose around Khali. I mean, after all, they do bill Khali 3 inches taller.
miko: he looks the same as he always does to me.
topdweeb26 said on 14/Apr/08
George: every month, we get some idiot like you who is always claiming to be 7' or close to it. They never have any proof and they just tend to disappear. So do us all a favor and stand in the middle of a busy interstate or something.
gazz said on 14/Apr/08
Big show definately did look taller than khali on smackdown and i didnt see any difference in footwear. Now i just cant see how either show or khali are under 7 foot.
George said on 12/Apr/08
I was surprised to meet Big Show in person, and he's not really 7'0", I stand 7'0" in gym shoes he stands 7'0" in platform boots. Big Show is 6'11 1/2" at the most, Triple H is not really 6'4", my sister stood next to triple h and she is 6'3" and she had HHH by an inch. Both were wearing gym shoes.
jeff said on 12/Apr/08
KingNick, i sent Dave your post about Andre's height and even included the picture with his own comments inset. Here's what he had to say (and if you don't believe me, feel free to ask Dave yourself):
"Andre was 6-9 3/4 when he was measured in Europe (208 centimeters). He
was probably 6-8 or 6-9 later in life. He was shorter than the 6-9
Nitron when they wrestled in Japan later in life"
miko said on 12/Apr/08
Here is the staredown, Big Show looked tall tonight.
Click Here
miko said on 12/Apr/08
Wow! In today's staredown Big Show looked 1" taller than Khali! They had similar footwear too.
Big Show said on 12/Apr/08
Click HereClick HereClick HereHere are some new staredowns of Khali and Big Show from Smackdown 4/11/2008. Big Show's posture during the whole segment was terrible, it's like he cannot stand straight anymore. Btw. the whole segment was terrible aswell. Some people on here complained about the whole Big Show/Mayweather angle, but that went along a lot better than this crap. During the whole segment the crowd was dead and the whole angle makes no sense and feels a bit rushed if you ask me.
Derek said on 12/Apr/08
Ron Reis (Yeti) was about 2 inches taller than Show even at show's peak! If show hasn't lost any height since 1995 then Yeti and Khali are comparible but 7'2 for Yeti, 7'1 for Khali and 7'0.5 for Show's peak height seems about right.
Today Show is about 6'11.5 or maybe 7'0 flat is the maximum.
Watch this video, the 2nd half of it shows a good comparison.
Click Here
Alex said on 12/Apr/08
Last night Khali appeared an inch taller than Big Show in normal angles. But from low angles it could have appeared a bit more than it really is.
Danimal said on 11/Apr/08
Conan is minimum 6'4". He is NOT less than that.
Alex2 said on 11/Apr/08
You gotta admit Show looks 7 foot with Vegas's 6'4 friend easily. Oh and can we please stop with all this 6'9 rubbish, hes minimum 6'10 today.
KingNick said on 11/Apr/08
topdweeb26 , the only reason I'm on the fence with Show is b/c of his boots. Look at these photos:
Click Here look at number 6, when he's squaring off against Mayweather. Those are thick, man. That has to give him at least an 1.5" boost if not 2".
Now look at Khali's shoes:
Click Here look at pic 31. There's barely an inch in those things IMO.
So think about it. If Show is 6'11" and his shoes give him 1.5" boost that would make him 7'1.5" If Khali is 7'1" his boots would make him MAX 7'2". Something is not just right here. MAYBE it's Show's posture. But there's no less than an inch difference between the two. It's weird. What I'm saying is I don't friggin' know.
I don't see Show less than 6'11" either unless Khali really is 7'2". But Show does have thicker boots than him whether people here want to accept it wrong. If someone can find a better photo of Khali's shoes showing they're thicker I'll stand corrected.
OOFatman said on 11/Apr/08
I only see 1/2" - 1" b/w Show and Khali.
topdweeb26 said on 11/Apr/08
Frank, if i recall right, I don't even think Mayweather came up to Show's shoulders.
Alex said on 11/Apr/08
Topdweeb, I do think Big Show is 7'0 while Khali is 7'1 but giving Big Show 6'11 isnt really bad. Its the lowest I think he could be today. Not like some 6'8-6'9 claims.
Lawrence said on 11/Apr/08
I'm going to say it agian,Big Show has put on weight,started to lose height with bad poture,just like Andre,just like Hogan,just like Haystacks,he was about 7' in the WCW he's about 6'11''now and he will be 6'10'' in 5 years time,:thats a sad fact:
Vegas said on 11/Apr/08
what are you saying Frank???
for one mayweather is well below big shows chin (the distance is bigger than mayweathers forehead length), he was two heads shorter (mayweather heads) than big show
Click Here Click Here Click Heresecond guys like conan
Click Here and will ferrell
Click Here have looked shorter than my friend next to Big show
don't be so smug about it; your man undertaker comes out about 1 inch taller than mike in this photo and vince had a couple of inches on you so what does that make you now???????
Click Here you would come up to mikes eye level it seems based on JT's mock up
Click Here be careful about what you say because it make come back to bite you in the a**
whats your opinion of this photo Frank, you said Lou is 6'2 on hogans page so that make kareem really around 6'8-6'9 so instead of 7'2ish???
Click Here
JT said on 11/Apr/08
Frank says on 11/Apr/08
Look at the picture JT posted with Show and Vegas's 6ft 4 friend and remember Mayweather came alille below Shows Chin Something does not add up ?? Vegas's friend should be 8 inches taller than Mayweather Picture Mayweather's head in that picture just below Shows chin And look at Vegas friend he would not be 8 inches taller than Mayweather ??
Come on Frank, you
brother_h said on 11/Apr/08
wtf show didnt look 6'9 with conan that would make conan 6'1 or 6'2. hes like 6'3 or 6'4 right? he came upto shows lips so 7 inches? 6'11
cantstop25 said on 11/Apr/08
I think we need verification that this mike dude even exists, and not just some dude who found a photo of some dude standing next to big show on the internet and tried to claim it as his own. Maybe a picture of mike standing in front of a height chart or something
topdweeb26 said on 11/Apr/08
"KingNick says on 5/Apr/08
These smackdown photos, especially this one , make me feel A LOT better about Big Show's height. The dude is so big he can't really stand up straight. That photo is as close as he gets and he's not far off from Khali who's standing as straight as an arrow. I'm going to go back to 6'11" for Show though, just for right now, and Khali at 7'1". "
Now, I know you're just trying to be conservative, but COME ON. It's like everyone on here is so afraid of giving Show a solid 7'. Everyone seems to be capping him off at 6' 11 and Khali at 7' 1. Even when there are photos of the two that show that there is no more than an inch, it almost seems like it is a knee jerk reaction to simply give Show 6' 11. Now, KingNick, you cannot tell me there is a 2 inch difference in that photo, you yourself say it is very close. I have said before with comparisons of the two, and I'll say it again, I am not even seeing an inch. I know LV is with me on this. It's like we're the only ones who aren't blind or something. I'll admit, when I see Khali and Show on TV, I initially think Khali ha a couple inches on Show. But mainly due to Khali's higher chin level. Once we get the pics of their stare down, the difference always seems a lot less to me than it does when they were on TV. I'm sure tomorrow's stare down will be no different. At first I will think Khali is at least 2 inches taller, but then when we post the pics on here, it won't look nearly that big of a difference.
Frank said on 11/Apr/08
Look at the picture JT posted with Show and Vegas's 6ft 4 friend and remember Mayweather came alille below Shows Chin Something does not add up ?? Vegas's friend should be 8 inches taller than Mayweather Picture Mayweather's head in that picture just below Shows chin And look at Vegas friend he would not be 8 inches taller than Mayweather ??
D-lurker said on 11/Apr/08
"D-lurker: yeah whatever. All that, and Big Show is still 10x better of an athlete than Khali. Hell, Khali can barely even walk."
yea i conveniently left wrestling ability out of that one :P..I doubt these 2 could wrestle together very well..we shall see..
Danimal said on 10/Apr/08
Frank says on 10/Apr/08
Big Show i agree it could be a bad angle but my point was Ola remarks are right when looking at the picture aboove I never agree was Ola says to be honest but i cant disagree when it come to this picture
Don't encourage him Frank. He's also claiming Andre was never over 6'8" and Hogan was never over 6'3". Again, Ola = Troll.
Danimal said on 10/Apr/08
Da Man says on 10/Apr/08
Other than Khali, has anyone seen any Big Show photos with someone actually edging him out in height? I can't recall any that I've seen.
Yes, the 7'2" Yetti in the WCW days. But even then, the 7'2" Yetti was BARELY taller than Big Show. He may have had .5"-1" on Big Show AT MOST.
Gollum said on 10/Apr/08
Big Show isn't even standing up straight. Besides I have a pic where I look as tall as my 6'5 brother Derek and I am 6'2. these type of Pics can often come from bad angles.
Alex said on 10/Apr/08
It was just one time on Conan in early 2003 where he did look 6'7-6'8. Other times he looked 7'0ish.
Frank said on 10/Apr/08
Big Show i agree it could be a bad angle but my point was Ola remarks are right when looking at the picture aboove I never agree was Ola says to be honest but i cant disagree when it come to this picture
topdweeb26 said on 10/Apr/08
Da Man: yeah, the one with Ron Reis. Reis edged him out by more than Khali does.
JT said on 10/Apr/08
Don't forget the other pic with Big Show and Mike that Cantstop25 found
Click Here This is not a rotated pic on the left. Big Show's head size does not match up, whereas Mike's does. This is Big Show with Vegas's 6'4" friend
Click Here
Da Man said on 10/Apr/08
Other than Khali, has anyone seen any Big Show photos with someone actually edging him out in height? I can't recall any that I've seen.
nick said on 10/Apr/08
look at my post for answers about the pictue above
Alex2 said on 10/Apr/08
Nice work Nick!
Big Show said on 10/Apr/08
Frank says on 9/Apr/08
Guys i hate to say it but i agree with Ola Show does not look 7ft with Mike in the picture above and Rob do you agree with that ?? Maybe its a bad angle ?
Frank, I think everyone would agree that Big Show only looks 6'9 tops in above pic if Mike is really 6'1.5. But you can take the above pic with the same grain of salt as Greg's pic with Hogan. Both have posted a pic, made a few remarks about it and then vanished in thin air. If Mike is really 6'1.5 he would be around the same height as Vince and Shane McMahon. Now have you ever seen a pic where they match up as well to the Big Show as Mike does. I don't think so. Either Mike is lyin' about his height or he's standing on his toes or something. But above pic can be regarded as a fluke as far as I'm concerned.
Da Man said on 10/Apr/08
I can never recall Show looking 6'7"-6'8" on Conan. He's always made Conan look like a child.
KingNick said on 9/Apr/08
I think the Mike photo is deceiving because, not unlike Andre, Show's height is mostly in his head. DON'T look at the eye or shoulder level, look at the top of the picture. Show's head isn't too far from the top of the pic. Then look how far down Mike's head is. Plus Mike is leaning in a bit and I remember reading him on here saying here that Show was in sandals. At first glimpse though, Show does not look 7' in that pic. I give him 6'11" and I'm willing to lean towards the possibility of 6'10.5" now. At one point he may have been a full 7'.
topdweeb26 said on 9/Apr/08
"LV says on 9/Apr/08
Ola, no one missed you."
Alex said on 9/Apr/08
I agree Topdweeb.Something is a bit weird because Mike would be taller than Vegas's 6'4 friend. Big Show looked minimum 6'11 with his friend too.
nick said on 9/Apr/08
Click Here i straightend the big show in the above photo, here are some things to look at when viewing this picture
1. He is definetly leaning in, however, i believe that he is also dropping back leaning on his right leg, thats why when you look at his left leg it is clearly set in front of his right, people do this all the time if you stand straight you put one foot mack and stoop down a little bit.
2. Scince the photo is so large on this page you really arent seeing the major height difference, in my picture it is smaller so you will be shocked on how much taller he looks.
3. REMEMBER Mike is nearly 6'2**, not 6 foot, everyone wants the big show to be 1 foot taller than mike with the lean he has but that would only make him 7'3.
4. Mike is slightly looking up in the picture(you can see under his chin) And the big show is looking down, if he were to put his chin up it would look different.
1st photo is the original you can see now the big show from a distance it looks like he is leaning to the side as well as leaning backward loosing a nice amount of height, in The straightened photo you can see kind of how he would look with nice posture and if you graze your eyes across the two picks it kind of simulates him standing taller. The last photo shows the big show as a 6'6 guy. Now you can see how large his head is and how it makes him appear shorter. and in the backround of the 6'6 show you see how much he would get towered by his real stature.
case closed
Alex said on 9/Apr/08
Alex 2, one time on Conan Big Show looked 6'7, 6'8 max. Other times he looked at least 6'11-7'0.
topdweeb26 said on 9/Apr/08
I still don't think Mike is being completely truthful about the above photo. Because he would edge out Vegas' 6' 4 friend in height, who also happened to have his picture taken with the Big Show, and in that picture, Big Show looks every bit 7' 0.
LV said on 9/Apr/08
6'9" Ola?! Then Conan must only be 6 feet tall (
Click Here). The above picture is a joke and anyone with any common sense knows that something isn't right about his photo with Mike. Unless Mike is actually 6'5"ish.
Alex2 said on 9/Apr/08
Lol Show looked around 7'0 with Conan.
Frank said on 9/Apr/08
Guys i hate to say it but i agree with Ola Show does not look 7ft with Mike in the picture above and Rob do you agree with that ?? Maybe its a bad angle ?
LV said on 9/Apr/08
Ola, no one missed you. You present no useful contributions to this site.
Big Show said on 9/Apr/08
Big Show and Khali had a standoff again in the ring on Smackdown. This time Big Show decked Khali with a right hand. I'm wondering if there are any good height comparisons. The more the better.
Danimal said on 8/Apr/08
Chaz says on 8/Apr/08
I think myself if a peak Andre,Big Show and Khali was standing up in a line there would not be more than 0.75'' between the lot of them,there all about 7' give or take 0.5'',the only certain thing is if Gonzales was standing behind them he could look over there heads,he was much taller then all of them.
I agree.
Alex2 said on 8/Apr/08
David Robinson is 7'1 isnt he not? Id peg Big Show at Peak 7'1 and 6'11-7'0 today.
topdweeb26 said on 8/Apr/08
"Alex says on 5/Apr/08
Topdweeb, I think if Big Show and Khali were together barefoot you'd get just an inch difference. Its also that Big Show's head is longer and Khali's chin comes higher it can give you an impression that Khali is at least 2 inches taller while hes not."
Yeah I agree, I don't see Khali being any more than an inch taller than the Big Show. And that's what I've been saying, and agree with you obviously. Khali gives the illusion of being taller than Show by a few inches because of his higher features.. I don't know if he is purposely carrying his shoulders so high and his chin so high while Show has a more casual stance or what. Khali is practically arching backwards a lot of times.
topdweeb26 said on 8/Apr/08
D-lurker: yeah whatever. All that, and Big Show is still 10x better of an athlete than Khali. Hell, Khali can barely even walk.
Chaz said on 8/Apr/08
I think myself if a peak Andre,Big Show and Khali was standing up in a line there would not be more than 0.75'' between the lot of them,there all about 7' give or take 0.5'',the only certain thing is if Gonzales was standing behind them he could look over there heads,he was much taller then all of them.
Atoadaso said on 7/Apr/08
There is no way Big Show is the same height as Khali. I can see the gap shortening between them with post, Big Show will probably be labeled taller here soon because of lifts, camera angle, not standing straight, etc.
Khali is 1.5" taller. If they were barefoot the difference would be more pronounced. As for Big Show not standing straight, I don't see that... he is looking up at Khali, he will be stretched high as he can go. I'd put Big Show at 7', and Khali at 7'1.5" or closer to 7'2". I see it as a common trend to underestimate heights for wrestlers on this site. And 1" difference is going to look difference to scale with two giant men like this, it will look like a lesser difference.
D-lurker said on 7/Apr/08
I take my hat off to Khali, for his dedication to looking after his body.. you couldn't get more polar opposite in ones dietary routine then the staredown between show/khali on smakers..Incredible physique on the right, and not quite on the left hahahaha..
topdweeb26 said on 7/Apr/08
gazz: I don't know about them being the same height, but I do think the difference in their height is 1 inch or less.
Alex said on 7/Apr/08
Frank, my opinion is that Shaq would be a good inch taller than Big Show and the same height as Khali.
Frank said on 7/Apr/08
I would like to see Shaq standing next to Big Show or Khali
gazz said on 7/Apr/08
the way i feel is that if you take khali's hair away and big show stood as straight as khali, they would easily be the same height, i say this looking at KingNicks' photo and a past photo when big show had his fist clenched on raw. It's the illusion of khali looking taller cuz of his eye height in comparison to show's. Also just the fact that big show NEVER stands as straight as khali.
JT said on 7/Apr/08
There was a video of Kevin Nash standing next to David Robinson in the mid-1990s and looking a few inches shorter. Big Show? Never saw or heard of this.
Viper said on 7/Apr/08
I just linked pictures of David Robinson looking 7-2 with 6-7 and 6-8 basketball players. I beleive hes 7-0 though.
Tom.. said on 7/Apr/08
Khali has much better posture than Wight. Khali stands almost ridiculously erect (his head & neck almost arching back). If he would keep his head straight, I reckon he has no more than an inch on Wight.
topdweeb26 said on 6/Apr/08
I'd like to see this pic of Robinson and the Big Show. Until I see it, it's nothing but hearsay as far as I'm concerned.
Frank said on 6/Apr/08
Well David Robinson i believe is a legimate 7ft 1 man I believe Show is about 6ft 11
joyjoylee said on 6/Apr/08
I remember back in the 90's when Big Show was standing next David Robinson. D.R. looked clearly taller than Big Show. Even considering Robinson being skinny, there was a few inches of difference.
Frank3. said on 6/Apr/08
Alex2, I think Conan is about 6ft 3 to 6ft 3.5 becasue he always looks alittle shorter than the 6ft 4 guest he has come on the show
Lawrence said on 6/Apr/08
I don't Know what you are talking about,take Khali's hair out and they look the same height to me,in the face off.
Ghost said on 6/Apr/08
If anything, I think this time (Smakcdown) Khali looked taller to show. Looked more like a 2 inch difference.
Apparently Big Show had alot bigger boots the first time they met during Khali's angle with Taker.
I think these might be their heights today: Big Show 6'11, Khali 7'05.
Christian said on 6/Apr/08
Big Show, I fully agree that Big Show has gained weight. I just watched his SD! debut against Rey Mysterio from February 22nd and he was CLEARLY thinner.
That means after just 6 or 7 weeks back in wrestling he is going up the scale again...
brother_h said on 6/Apr/08
no, bigshows boots are alot thicker nowadays. khali's arent as thick.
vince was 6'2 th day but es looking 6'0 now.
Alex2 said on 5/Apr/08
Click Here - Big Show dwarft 6'4" Conan O Brien
KingNick said on 5/Apr/08
jeff, Andre 6'8" to 6'10"? Meltzer never said that. The LOWEST he ever claimed for Andre was 6'9.75". Meltzer also claimed Andre was 6'11.5" at one point
Click Here Unless you have a quote stating otherwise?
And yes, A LOT of wrestlers wear lifts. But outside of the ring? Andre wore cowboy boots a lot but I seriously doubt he, or any other wrestlers, took the time to put lifts in their shoes when they go out in public. And him sitting down? The dude was 500 pounds plus! If you were that big, you would be sitting down too! That's like a super paranoid conspiracy theory, I'm sorry. I respect everyone's opinion's on here, but I get protective of Andre when anyone says anything below 6'10" for him. I have too much respect for him, he's done too much for the business.
These smackdown photos, especially this one
Click Here , make me feel A LOT better about Big Show's height. The dude is so big he can't really stand up straight. That photo is as close as he gets and he's not far off from Khali who's standing as straight as an arrow. I'm going to go back to 6'11" for Show though, just for right now, and Khali at 7'1".
Danimal said on 5/Apr/08
IT's funny that Khali walks out to the ring the way The Giant (The Big Show) used to walk out to the ring in the WCW (with amazing posture and almost looking like Frankenstein).
Brah said on 5/Apr/08
Big Show was about 1 inch shorter than Khali again, this time on Smackdown.
One thing I noticed about the Raw clip, which I don't think anyone else pointed out before is that Big Show's footing was positioned closer to the bottom of the screen than Khali when they first faced off and people said it looks like at least 2 inches difference. Then, Big Show clenched his fist and their feet were closer together and it looked like 1 inch difference max.
When their foot placement is even (a straight line across each other's feet), the difference is only 1 inch. Big Show 7'0", Khali 7'1".
Danimal said on 5/Apr/08
Alex2 says on 4/Apr/08
Danimal, you said you thought Khali was 7'2 not so long ago.
I changed my mind. The most I give him is 7'1", which would put Show at 7'0" today. If Show is a flat 6'11" today, then Khali is 7'0" EVEN.
Alex2 said on 5/Apr/08
I still think its HIGHLY likely Show is still a solid 7'0 guy.
JT said on 5/Apr/08
A little cleaner shot of the boots Khali and Big Show had on last night
Click Here You can also make out the outer edge of their feet (no lifts). Big Show
topdweeb26 said on 5/Apr/08
I don't see any footwear advantage for Show, to me his boots look the same as Khali's. I really don't know what you guys are talking about.
Alex said on 5/Apr/08
Topdweeb, I think if Big Show and Khali were together barefoot you'd get just an inch difference. Its also that Big Show's head is longer and Khali's chin comes higher it can give you an impression that Khali is at least 2 inches taller while hes not.
Red said on 5/Apr/08
I see a little footwear advantage for Big Show, about 0.5" and Khali is not a full inch taller if Big Show stands straight. I think Big Show is max 7
Alex2 said on 5/Apr/08
I think Vince could have been 6'2 one day, but has probably shrunk to 6'1 now.
topdweeb26 said on 5/Apr/08
Actually, after paying more attention, I gotta take that back and admit that once again, I speak too soon. Khali does still seem to slightly edge him out. But, I still stand by their footwear looks the same. In other words, doesn't look like Big Show has a footwear advantage at all. So I think the real difference between Khali vs. Big Show is ~ 1".
topdweeb26 said on 5/Apr/08
Guys, I am re-watching the confrontation between Show and Khali from Smackdown. Is it just me, or does Big Show actually appear to slightly edge out Khali in height this time?? And we have a full body shot this time, and I am looking at Show's boots to see if maybe he is wearing even thicker soles, and honestly, they don't look any bigger than Khali's boots... maybe Big Show is standing at his max height??
Click Here
brother_h said on 5/Apr/08
nope. dont you guys remember that you look taller when your looking up. and bigshows boots were bigger.
his knees dont look so bad so i doubt he had any injury on his legs(yet) and he doesnt look like he lost height yet.
khali would be like 7'0.5 or 7'1. so bigshow would be like 6'11. show doesnt look like he lost any height, he would be slouching more if he did, or his knees would be misshaped
brm86 said on 5/Apr/08
I don't see Big Show any less than 6'10 1/2 today and I still belive he's a solid 6'11 but he does look an inch or 2 shorter than he was back in his WCW days which I personally feel he was around 7'0 1/2 at that time. If anyone saw the stair down between Show and Kahli tonight on Smackdown, Kahli looked to have about a half inch to an inch on Show but Show's posture looked better tonight than it did on Raw or maybe I'm just seeing things.
Blue Man said on 5/Apr/08
Hey Guys,
Just saw smackdown and i made an observation. Big Show was wearing his normal wrestling shoes on smackdown and not the quite chunky ones on RAW. The Khali had more of an advantage on Smack Down than on RAW. The height difference depending on which angle would range from less than an inch to 2 inches. I do believe that because of his previous weight, The big show would shrink a little. Nowadays, i'd say Big show is 6'11.5'' and Khali at 7'1''. I believe these heights are the two giants true heights.
P.S I believe that Big show in his WCW days would have been the same height as Khali.
JT said on 5/Apr/08
Let the debate begin, Part II
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereIf Big Show stood straighter?? The video quality is not great, but the sole thickness looked fairly close this time.
Click Here You can still make out the sole from the leather portion of the boot. I think Big Show wears a little thicker heel on his left boot possibly to compensate for a leg length discrepancy, which is more common than you would think. When Big Show turns around at the end on Smackdown, the left heel looked pretty large like the one he wore on RAW this past Monday.
jeff said on 4/Apr/08
This goes for Show and every other wrestler and some actors, as well: They may wear lifts on camera. Jericho clearly was wearing lifts on RAW a few weeks back when he wrestled Show. Andre the Giant, who Dave Meltzer has gone on record and stated he was between 6'8" and 6'10", wore lifts on and off television, even at airports. Why? They were trying to sell the guy as the largest athlete, and they knew some basketball players, like kaarem would have some height on him. I could recall incorrectly, but I believe Andre would usually sit down while at airports because 1) he was tired and breaking down and 2) to kayfabe his height. The point is it's not always easy to judge these things. How can you be 100% sure some of these guys are not wearing lifts outside of the squared circle?
nick said on 4/Apr/08
Click Here at 2:34 the big show is slightly on one foot however i believe this would be his max height if he were to stand totally straight. 2:34 is a good indicator of how they stack up to one another. slightly under an inch difference.
nick said on 4/Apr/08
i wish the bif show would stand totally straight
Click Here at 2:32 they are standing in front of one another with khali a little over an inch taller but big show is leaning in the whole time slightly.
Lawrence said on 4/Apr/08
Big Show and Andre are the biggest wrestler's of all time,not the tallest Gonzalaz was 6'' taller than them,not the heveist Haystacks was 150lbs + more but both height and weight you can not take anything away from them,anything less than 7' peak for both of them is just wrong.
Big Show said on 4/Apr/08
Click HereClick HereHere are two pics from last night's face/off between Show & Khali. In the full body shot it's clearly noticable that Show is not standing as straight as Khali. Khali looks an inch taller there, but would Big Show stand straight, I'm reckoning he would be as tall as Khali there. As for footwear, Big Show's footwear does not look considerable larger.
Btw, is it me or is Big Show starting to gain weight again?
KingNick said on 4/Apr/08
Click Here pause at the 5min mark. First off the "Show's going to kill you!" chant is hysterical. Second, Big Show stands straight here and they're a little closer in height. Still, I gotta be honest, Show has very big boots in this segment. It makes me wonder.
JT said on 4/Apr/08
Big Show says on 3/Apr/08
Alex2 said on 4/Apr/08
Danimal, you said you thought Khali was 7'2 not so long ago.
MK said on 4/Apr/08
I agree with Danimal on this one. Though obviously not as severe as Andre, the acromegalic effects seem to have been taking there toll on Show these past 6 or so years, i think regardless of his recent weight loss and stricter training this could be the begining of the end for his wrestlig career, i'd give him 6-8 years at most (if injury free of course)
nick said on 4/Apr/08
Click Here 1:10 i believe if the big show had this posture agaist khali it would be just under inch difference. I wonder how tall floyde is on the chair he is standing on, chairs give anywhere from 17 to 20 inches, if its 17 he would be around 7'1 if its 20 he would be 7'4
Click Here at 3:47 theres a look at the chair, it looks like a wooden chair, it isnt a steel chair which are only 17 inches high. Wooden chairs are usually 18+ inches so that would put floyd at 7'2 minimum when he is standing on the chair.
In that video at 8:42 he stands on the chair he definatly is stepping up pretty high between 18 and 19 inches. At 8:54 you can see how extreme camera angles can make someone look shorter but soon as the camera gets in their faces its 3 inch difference. Also at 9:10 the big show apears tall as or taller than mayweather another example of how exstreme angles can make people look taller. But at that shot you can really see how high mayweather is elevated it looks like two feet but its about 18 to 20 inches which puts him between 7'2min to 7'4max, this throws all of the 6'8 to 6'10s out the window. Show is 6'11.5 to 7 foot today and once was 7.05 to 7'1. The reason why they dont say 7'1 7'2 is because i think they wanted that 7 foot 500 pounds to roll off easier. just look at 9:10 and you will see how large he really is. In the video i say mayweather is elevated to 7'3 making the big show 7 foot
Dave said on 3/Apr/08
Khali is not under 7'0 that's certain, and a mid 90's show is at best an inch taller than he is now definitely not 2 inches, it must be his weight gain and poor posture making him look shorter, if show is 6'11 then hulk hogan is only 6'3 at best now so i think show is 7'0 and Khali a shade over 7'1.
Back in the 90's Ron Reis was a legit 7'2 and he had an inch and half on show so show was probably 7'0.5 at his peak and maybe Khali was 7'2 at his peak.
Gollum said on 3/Apr/08
I think after Monday Raw it is clear that Khali has more than an inch on Show and if Show is 7' Khali is close to 7'2. Again I'm not so sure Big Show was really taller than prime Andre.
MagicTouch said on 3/Apr/08
topdweeb26 says on 2/Apr/08
I initially said Khali was at least 2 inches taller than Big Show, but after I reviewed the pics comparing the two, I recanted what I said. Take a look at the last pic JT posted of Big Show and Khali. How in the world are you going to say
that is well over an inch? I'm having a hard enough time believing that is even a solid inch, let alone, "well over an inch".
It is atleast a full inch, and you forget Big show's shoes are thicker than Khalis. The only time in the video where show appears less than 1 inch is when the camera angle is in his favour.
They're both giants, whether or not Khali is 1 inch, 2 inch or 5 inches taller - If you have trouble seeing atleast an inch based on one picture then that's quite a silly assumption to make. Whatever makes you sleep better at night I suppose, and I cant be bothered to argue furher about something that is blantantly obvious.
Lawrence said on 3/Apr/08
Alex you are saying what I am saying,I said he has put on 100 lbs which meens he is not has lean as he was 12 years ago and no hair,which makes him look shorter,also hes lost height cos he's posture's gone,that's the way you start to loose height,in the end it go's completly.It's not uncomon for giant's to loose 6''+ in height'the spine cerves.
topdweeb26 said on 3/Apr/08
Alex: I agree with you. I think Big Show was a legitimate 7 footer back in his WCW days and I think he still is. I just think that his posture has gotten worse and worse over the years from wear-n-tear of wrestling, weight gain, and who knows what else. Also, it is very rare for him to stand his true height as most of his opponents are so much shorter than he is. He tends to stand taller when he is faced with someone closer to his height.
ck said on 3/Apr/08
Khali has a smaller head than big show. Khali has higher shoulders longer neck. Big show has a higher forhead and longer head. The height difference at the tops of their heads is actually 1 or 1.5 inches
Alex said on 3/Apr/08
I dont think Big Show has shrunk at all. It was juse the case he wore lifts at time in WCW I think. Also he has a leaner frame which made him appear a bit taller and also his posture isn't the best at times which will make you think he's a bit shorter than he was.
JT said on 3/Apr/08
Big Show says on 3/Apr/08
....No that was the only sequence of Shaq in that episode. There were a lot of Kane-sequences in this RAW-episode, but none that contained him and Shaq. Are you sure it was a RAW-episode in the late 90's.
Pretty sure it was RAW around that time.
Lawrence said on 3/Apr/08
Your all doing the same thing now with Big Show,has you have done with Andre and Haystacks before,Big Show is over 35 now he has put on 100 lbs over the last 12 years he's shaved is head that make's you look shorter,he would have started to loose height by now like all giants do,but to say he is only 6'8''is just plane silly,that would make Nash 6'6'' Haystacks 6'3'' and Hogan 5'11''Big Show is prob about 6'11'' now 7'peak,but the truth is he is only going to get shorter.like all of us.
Alex said on 3/Apr/08
At wwe.come on the Raw page in picture 4 of 7 of the Big Show/Khali face off it shows just an inch while the 2nd picture shows more 1.5 inches. It shows when Big Show stands up just as good as Khali only an inch difference.
Alex said on 3/Apr/08
Topdweeb, I agree. The 3 inch billed difference between should go, make it at least down to 2 inches difference since they can make it look 2 inches from certain angles but up close you can see its just an inch.
topdweeb26 said on 3/Apr/08
LV: that's what I'm saying, I am hardly even seeing an inch difference between the two. Khali gives the illusion of being taller just because Big Show's features are so much lower (lower shoulders, chin, eye level, etc), but in reality from the top of their heads, I am really stretching to see an inch differnce. WWE really should have kept Big show billed at 7' 2 if they are going to try to say Khali is 7' 3.
BTW, there is another stare down between the two on SmackDown. Perhaps even better pictures will emerge this time, like full body shots hopefully.
Big Show said on 3/Apr/08
JT says on 2/Apr/08
In the show I remember, Shaq actually left the arena and sort of slapped/acknowledged Kane as he walked by. He stays in your clip. Maybe it happened later in that episode?
No that was the only sequence of Shaq in that episode. There were a lot of Kane-sequences in this RAW-episode, but none that contained him and Shaq. Are you sure it was a RAW-episode in the late 90's.
Alex2 said on 3/Apr/08
Ill say Khali - 7'1.5 Shaq- 7'1 and Show a solid 7'0 for now.
LV said on 2/Apr/08
Are we looking at the same pictures? I don't even see an inch of height difference. Make sure you look at the top of their heads, not their chins. The size of Big Show's forehead is deceiving and Khali is just slightly taller (
Click Here). Shave Khali's head and he's barely taller.
JT said on 2/Apr/08
It's possible Big Show did not try to stand as straight as he could with Khali since WWE bills them at 3 inches apart. I still bet Khali has him by at least an inch though, given Big Show's footwear advantage, and would edge out a 1995 Big Show too unless Big Show has shrunk/can
JT said on 2/Apr/08
Big Show says on 2/Apr/08
....Well I found a segment where Vince is telling Shaq to leave the building, but there's no Kane involved here....
In the show I remember, Shaq actually left the arena and sort of slapped/acknowledged Kane as he walked by. He stays in your clip. Maybe it happened later in that episode?
KingNick said on 2/Apr/08
I got an idea that may prove or at least lean more towards that there is no more than a 2" difference between the two.
Someone maybe photo shop Big Show's head as if it were eye level with Khali's. I believe that if they were at eye level, Big Show would be taller, because he has a larger head. I think too many people are looking at the eye level and thinking 3". Height is not about eye level, it's about the top of the head.
topdweeb26 said on 2/Apr/08
MagicTouch: I initially said Khali was at least 2 inches taller than Big Show, but after I reviewed the pics comparing the two, I recanted what I said. Take a look at the last pic JT posted of Big Show and Khali. How in the world are you going to say that is well over an inch? I'm having a hard enough time believing that is even a solid inch, let alone, "well over an inch".
Alex said on 2/Apr/08
I see Shaq and Khali at the same height both having an inch on Big Show.
MagicTouch said on 2/Apr/08
Well over 1 inch between the Big show and Khali - easily. I think some people on this site are upset that someone is taller than the Big show, just accept it - its only an inch or so!!!
You people forget that Show had long hair and was much more athletic in his WCW days so his lighter frame makes him appear taller back then.
Alex2 said on 2/Apr/08
I think Khali would edge Shaq out a little bit, but it could be as much as 1" but no more.
Big Show said on 2/Apr/08
Big Show says on 2/Apr/08
JT says on 1/Apr/08
I remember watching Raw back in the late 1990s where Shaq was backstage with Kane. McMahon kicked Shaq out of the arena for some reason and he walked right past Kane. Shaq was clearly taller but really did not tower over Kane like I thought he would.
Thanks for mentioning that. I did a little digging and I think you're referring to the RAW episode of November 2, 1998. I have access to every RAW episode of 1998 and 1999, so I'll look it up tonight after work. Hopefully it's the correct episode. See if we can put up a good comparison of Kane and Shaq.
Click HereWell I found a segment where Vince is telling Shaq to leave the building, but there's no Kane involved here.
Ray said on 2/Apr/08
WHen I first posted it was right after the Raw segment between Show and Khali. At first glance of just watching the segment it looked like almost 3 inches between the two but I did take in to consideration camera angle and posture. Looking at JT's photos now, especially the last one with Show making a fist it looks like 1" at BEST advantage to Khali. In JT's second pic you could argue almost 2". So looks like the best one is JT's last pic with SHow making the fist for comparison and around 1" difference if that there btu Show's boots do look large so he may be getting .5" advantage there - could be a little more or less but I'd say then Show 6'11.5" and Khali 7'1" barefoot. IMO that seems pretty fair.
Alex said on 2/Apr/08
A 6'11 1/2 Khali would result in a 6'10 1/2 Big Show.
Dave said on 2/Apr/08
Don't forget the size of these guys head!!! Khali is a tad over 7'1 and show is not under 7'0, all this Khali being under 7'0 and SHow being 6'8 is just mad, they are giants.
topdweeb26 said on 2/Apr/08
Dave: hmm... I have to disagree, the pics JT shows, especially the very last one where Show is apparently standing straighter, I do not see a 1.5" inch difference, in fact, I'm struggling to even see a full inch difference in that one. I think Khali just gives the illusion of being taller because, as I have pointed out earlier, Khali's chin comes to Show's mouth, which makes it seem like he is a lot taller. Basically anyone who comes up to Big Show's mouth would only come up to Khali's chin, giving Khali the illusion of being 3 inches taller than Show when in reality he isn't that much taller.
Alex: Jason after a while started saying Khali looked 6' 9, so I guess that would be how he'd keep Show at 6' 8. BTW, I think always saying someone is in lifts is a cop out. It's a way to avoid discussion and thinking. I mean, I understand there are times when they really are, but that is like his answer to 99% of everything that doesn't agree with his view.
brother_h: Mayweather's tallest bodyguard was only 6' 8? How'd you find that out?
Viper said on 2/Apr/08
Khali at 6-11 1/2 and Show between 6-10-6-11 makes the most sense.
Alex said on 2/Apr/08
Topdweeb, also Jason thought Khali was 6'11 and Big Show 6'8. No way a 3 inch difference but his reason was that Big Show was probably in lifts.
Dave said on 2/Apr/08
to topweeb26: I agree that show is not under 7'0, but he was over an inch shorter than Khali maybe 1.5in, which makes Khali close to 7'2 and that's not far off the billed height from WWE on Khali.
Big Show said on 2/Apr/08
JT says on 1/Apr/08
I remember watching Raw back in the late 1990s where Shaq was backstage with Kane. McMahon kicked Shaq out of the arena for some reason and he walked right past Kane. Shaq was clearly taller but really did not tower over Kane like I thought he would.
Thanks for mentioning that. I did a little digging and I think you're referring to the RAW episode of November 2, 1998. I have access to every RAW episode of 1998 and 1999, so I'll look it up tonight after work. Hopefully it's the correct episode. See if we can put up a good comparison of Kane and Shaq.
topdweeb26 said on 2/Apr/08
Viper: I don't know what you're talking about, I have said for so long that Big Show is 7-foot and I still see no evidence that has proven me wrong on that. In fact, the stare down between Khali and Big Show only reinforces my 7-foot opinion. Also keep in mind, that Jason initially said that Khali would have several inches on Show, and the difference actually turns out to be like 1 inch if that.
And, Jason does not think Big Show is even as tall as 6' 10. He DOES defend his 6' 8 position. And my point about him trying to say Mayweather is 5' 7, is just that even if Mayweather is 5' 7, then the Big Show still comes out to be taller than 6' 8.
And again, I haven't been proven wrong with my 7' theory on the Big Show... unless you can concretely prove to me that Khali is definitely shorter than 7' 1.
Viper said on 2/Apr/08
"Jason: even provided Mayweather is only 5' 7 and not 5' 8, that isn't some huge size difference that it would make Big Show come crashing down to the ridiculous 6' 8 that you want us to believe."
Whats funny is that both you guys and Jason were initially wrong on Big Show's height regardless. Yet you want to villify Jason for some reason. And Jason has said that he doesnt think Big Show is as short as 6-8 these days, even though he does look it in the photo with Mike. Both you guys overestimated and underestimated him. Its safe to say Show is 6-10-6-11 looking at all the evidence.
brother_h said on 2/Apr/08
so i was right last week when i said that bodyguard looked 6'8 xD
LV said on 1/Apr/08
I'll give you props JT. Good pictures of Khali/Show. At first glance from the video the height differences looks to be at least 1.5", but your pictures show it to be about .5" and Big Show could probably have a better posture and more closed legged stance.
JT said on 1/Apr/08
Click Here assuming both are the same height (~ 7'1"). That's Singh before his WWE days when he was somewhat leaner (~ 375 lbs.) From what I can tell, Singh is standing next to an older Mazda MX-6, which is just under 52 inches tall
Click Here
topdweeb26 said on 1/Apr/08
Frank: I don't get it. Last time you and I talked about the Undertaker, you seemed to believe that the Undertaker was 6' 9 and you even met the guy. Now you know Big Show towers over the Undertaker... so how could Big Show not be a 7-footer if you can see the Undertaker as tall as 6' 9?
nick said on 1/Apr/08
when the big show is saying hes going to knock khali out thats the best angle to see the difference between the two, he stands up to hiom and straigtens out a big. Initially when khali goes to him he is in a relaxed stance with he legs wide apart
JT said on 1/Apr/08
Alex says on 1/Apr/08
Dave, I agree. I think the difference between Big Show and and Shaq would be like Big Show and Khali. Both Shaq and Khali are the same height I think. 7'1.
That's probably true Alex except the perceived height differential between Shaq and Big Show would appear even larger. Shaq has a really tiny head for his height and body size, so his eyes and chin would be at a higher level than Khali's.
I remember watching Raw back in the late 1990s where Shaq was backstage with Kane. McMahon kicked Shaq out of the arena for some reason and he walked right past Kane. Shaq was clearly taller but really did not tower over Kane like I thought he would.
Alex2 said on 1/Apr/08
Oh my god what a fake rubbish match the Mayweather/Show match was! It was blatently obvious fake and Show would have killed him within a matter of seconds! Wasnt Mayweather measured at 5'8.75?
Alex said on 1/Apr/08
Dave, I agree. I think the difference between Big Show and and Shaq would be like Big Show and Khali. Both Shaq and Khali are the same height I think. 7'1.
Alex said on 1/Apr/08
Topdweeb, I dont think the low angle was on purpose but in one picture the low angle did favor Khali a bit. I also agree that Big Show is the best giant in wrestling today. You could count Kane and Kevin Nash if you want but they're big men, not giants. I am a big fan of Big Show anyway and I dislike Khali. The guy is huge and in shape but not very mobile and not good in the ring.
WWEFAN said on 1/Apr/08
Hi, does anyone have a list of the biggest wrestlers with their heights and weights ? going back maybe 20 years or so? just curious, thanks.
Brah said on 1/Apr/08
Show stacked up well with Khali, it looked like a one inch difference, maybe 1.5 inches.
Here is the video of it:
Click Here
KingNick said on 1/Apr/08
Thought its blurry you can tell there is a difference between this photo from 2006
Click Here and this photo from last night
Click Here . The difference is Big Show's posture. In the 2006 photo he's standing almost completely straight. Last night's photo his neck is bent a bit. Big Show has a larger head a lower eye line so AT FIRST GLANCE it looks like a big difference, but in reality, I think there's only 1" - 1.5" difference there. You could argue 2" its hard to tell, but 3"? Absolutely not.
Still, Big Show does sport very large footwear, bigger than Khali's I think. Can someone find shots of their footwear from last night?
gazz said on 1/Apr/08
supes78 says on 1/Apr/08
The problem with a Khali/ Big Show staredown is that Khali knows exactly how to make himself look taller with the military posture and his head looking up. Whereas Big Show has a relaxed posture with his legs slightly bent, not trying to squeeze every last inch of height out of his frame.
thats exactly what i was trying to say. its still that last of the 4 pics that JT posted thats got me thinking because they are so close in comparison, and i dont even know if show even straightening out to his max there, id guess not.
Danimal said on 1/Apr/08
Is it possible that Show lost all that weight since 2006, because he was injured during that time and had to undergo SERIOUS surgery and has come back even shorter than when he left in 2006? Mid-late 90's Show would be just as tall as Singh. I have NO doubt about that.
Danimal said on 1/Apr/08
Sabby says on 1/Apr/08
gazz says on 1/Apr/08
id also say that in his prime big show would no doubt be taller, khali is still quite young and big show was just a general behemoth back in the old days.
To be fair to big show, he is only 6 months older than Khali (Feb vs August 1972) so they are both in their 'prime' in my opinion.
Was Andre in his prime in 1983 (same age as Big Show)????
You cannot compare a 37 year man, to a 37 year old overweight GIANT, who has been wrestling for 13 years. I think we have Andre, Hogan, Taker and many more to prove that!
nick said on 1/Apr/08
when shaq said 6'11.5 on the howard stern show he said it in a rolling eye way. He gets asked his height probobly everyday and he laughed after he said it. Shaq wears HUGE SHOES THOUGH!!
supes78 said on 1/Apr/08
The problem with a Khali/ Big Show staredown is that Khali knows exactly how to make himself look taller with the military posture and his head looking up. Whereas Big Show has a relaxed posture with his legs slightly bent, not trying to squeeze every last inch of height out of his frame.
6'9and17 said on 1/Apr/08
id put big show around 6'11.5 last night if khali is 7'1 he looked a good inch or two smaller personally meeting the big show me being 6'7 at the time he seemed like 6 inches taller perhaps he has lost height?
Frank said on 1/Apr/08
Dave, Shaq has said he is 6ft 11.5 on the Howard Stern show and to be honest Show did not look like a 7 footer next to a 5ft 8 man and Mayweather can even be shorter than that becasoe they lie in Boxing also example Tyson 5ft 11.5 Tyson is probably about 5ft 9 .5 to 5ft 10 Holyfield is listed @ 6ft 2.5 and he is probably 6ft to 6ft .5 @ best
JT said on 1/Apr/08
One more from last night
Click Here Singh does what Sid used to do with Undertaker
Dave said on 1/Apr/08
Show in his prime would still not be taller than Khali today, this staredown all but proves Khali is Shaq's height or maybe even 1/2 an inch taller than Shaq and show is and inch at least shorter than both of them.
Show 7'0
Shaq 7'1
Khali 7'1 1/2
topdweeb26 said on 1/Apr/08
Alex: are you saying they will use camera angles in Khali's favor because of his billed height? I don't know, especially now that Big Show is being pushed and Ric Flair saying he is the best big man... which by the way, I have to agree with Flair. Big Show is the only "giant" that is athletic and has good mic skills... unless you want to count guys like the Undertaker and Kevin Nash, but I don't consider them "giants".
Has anyone else noticed that Khali's chin comes about up to the Big Show's mouth but yet, there is only about an inch size difference between the two? It actually dose show how long Big Show's head is, and it also shows how Khali looks so much taller compared to his opponents than Big Show does. Think about it, if someone comes up to Big Show's mouth, they'd only be up to Khali's chin, which would make people think Khali is so much taller than the Big Show and that's actually not true. Khali kinda has a banana shaped face... oh and another thing, Khali carries his shoulders higher.
And actually in the last picture JT posted, I don't even know if an inch can be argued because of Khali's hair, might not even be a full inch.
Sabby said on 1/Apr/08
gazz says on 1/Apr/08
id also say that in his prime big show would no doubt be taller, khali is still quite young and big show was just a general behemoth back in the old days.
To be fair to big show, he is only 6 months older than Khali (Feb vs August 1972) so they are both in their 'prime' in my opinion.
Alex said on 1/Apr/08
JT, nice pictures. Looks just an inch there. They will have certain angles that make it look more 2 inches or even more. About their weight, Big Show could have around 50lbs on Khali still. Khali looks to be at least 390-400lbs.
Alex said on 1/Apr/08
Those low camera angles can make the person who is already taller look even a bit more taller. Still Khali is likely just an inch taller. 1.5? Maybe. 2 inches at the very most. No way 3 inches difference.
Big Show said on 1/Apr/08
gazz says on 1/Apr/08
id also say that in his prime big show would no doubt be taller, khali is still quite young and big show was just a general behemoth back in the old days.
They're practically the same age, except Big Show is from February 1972 and Khali from August 1972.
gazz said on 1/Apr/08
id also say that in his prime big show would no doubt be taller, khali is still quite young and big show was just a general behemoth back in the old days.
gazz said on 1/Apr/08
on the last picture that 'JT' posted of the staredown, that looks to be the best comparison as big show is standing at his straightest and khali looks it too, if you watch the segment big show is never standing completly straight like khali till he brings his fist up to his face (as seen in the last pic i was talking about) bear in mind aswell that khalis hair adds almost an inch as hes got quite alot of it slicked back. i wud probably say big show 7'0 and a half and khali at 7'1
Dave said on 1/Apr/08
On WWE's Homepage today with the picture showing show shouting at Khali I thought Khali looked 2.5inches taller but others show about 1-1.5in so maybe Show at 6'11.5 and Khali at 7'1.
and to brother_h's comment: Show is definitely not shorter than the tallest bodyguard by Mayweather and actually looks taller by couple of inches so that bodyguard is 6'10 at best but could easily be in the 6'8-6'9 range so nothing special.
Christian said on 1/Apr/08
And by the way: Both of them wore the same boots they wore in July 2006 when they met for the first time.
Christian said on 1/Apr/08
These pics show how long Big Show's head is... if you only look at the height difference of their eye levels you would think of a 3 in height difference between them- but actually there's only around 1 in between the top of their heads.
I wonder how Big Show feels to be smaller than a another wrestler... It somehow hurts his character- and honestly: I don't like it either.
topdweeb26 said on 1/Apr/08
JT: Looks like I was a little hasty with my 2 inch difference comment. Khali really doesn't look much taller at all, actually about as much as most said, about a 1 inch difference. Still not the 3 inches the WWE wants us to believe.
ted T said on 1/Apr/08
Maybe the Big Show Paul Wight has shrunk a little bit now?
Big Show said on 1/Apr/08
You can watch the face-off between Big Show and Khali on WWE.com. Khali looks taller but not by much, I'd say an inch max.
Click HereKhali is standing as straight as he can, but Big Show has decent posture aswell.
brother_h said on 1/Apr/08
mayweather is listed at 5'7 on the newzealand listings and bigshow 7'0. hard to say with that giant.
at some points in those pics khali looked an inch taller so that would make him 7'0-6'11? but then that would make kane 6'5? seeing as kane and taker both come upto khali's nose.
bigshow might actually be 7'0 coz there wasnt much size difference with that 7'1 guy, just guessing how tall he is from looking at how low normal people come up to them and mayweather. its hard ecause bigshow is more solid while the other guy is just fat, unfit fat.
the unfit fat guy looked taller compared to the other people. the guy bigshow attacked first was 6'4. actually most of the bodyguards are 6'4.
JT said on 1/Apr/08
Unless Singh was packing some extra boost in those shoes (which it did not look like), we now know who
topdweeb26 said on 31/Mar/08
Well I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong. Khali looked about a solid 2 inches taller than Show to me.
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/08
Tonite on raw great khali faced off with the big show in the center of the ring and khali looked at least one to one and a half inches taller. Khali was officially listed at 6-11 in his bodybuilding days so that proves show is under seven feet
Ray said on 31/Mar/08
I think this page will be boomin' here soon. Did you just see the SHow/Khali staredown on RAW?!? There looked to be a 3" difference in height. I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I won't jump the gun here yet since camera angle and SHow's posture but wow. SHow's boots looked bigger too. WHat happened? Did Show shrink or does Khali now have a little boost in his boots due to a feud with Show? Hmmmmmmmm.............will be very interesting to see more fo this but what the heck - Show 6'10" and Khali 7'1" - could it be??? Show better stand real tall next time.
Big Show said on 31/Mar/08
Click HereFor those interested, here's last night's match-up between Big Show & Mayweather. No good comparison between Big Show and the tall bodyguard. Big Show knocked out almost every bodyguard, except that one. He stayed mostly in the background. The people at ringside could make a good judgment between these two though, as they were walking right behind each other.
Click Here
Viper said on 31/Mar/08
Mayweather looks 5-7 to me.
Paul said on 31/Mar/08
Let me tall you if you ever go to the farm areas around Lancaster PA every once in a while you will see a freak about the same size as Big Show. I.e. they are of German descent I believe. Mayweather an incredible athlete for certain is probably around 5'7" his weight likely 145 or 150. My guess is that big Show is about 6'11"
Alex said on 31/Mar/08
I knew Mayweather would end up winning and its a shame though.
I've seen Mayweather listed at 5'7, 5'8 and as high as 5'9. He looks 5'8ish though. Even if he was 5'7 it still puts Big Show at 6'11ish at least.
Frank said on 31/Mar/08
I dont agree with 6ft 8 but Big Show is not looking like a 7footer either
topdweeb26 said on 31/Mar/08
Big Show: I know it's sports entertainment, but it still makes the wrestlers look like idiots. I mean, how many legitimate pro-wrestlers work their asses off and can't ever get booked to beat a guy like Big Show? A lot. And then Mayweather comes in, doesn't have anything to do with wrestling, and he wins. Can't exactly say he cheated either since it was a no-rules match.
Why even have these matches? They're so predicable.
Jason: even provided Mayweather is only 5' 7 and not 5' 8, that isn't some huge size difference that it would make Big Show come crashing down to the ridiculous 6' 8 that you want us to believe.
Big Show said on 31/Mar/08
Btw, were there any good size comparisons between Show and the tall bodyguard last night?
Rumours are spreading that Big Show will be involved in a programm with the Great Khali, probably somewhere later this year.
Big Show said on 31/Mar/08
topdweeb26 says on 30/Mar/08
JT: unfortunately, my fear has come true, Big Show jobbed to Mayweather. I swear, W-T-F?! THIS is one of the major reasons why I think pro-wrestling sucks. I mean, you'd never see a basketball player beat a boxer in boxing, or a baseball player beat an MMA fighter at MMA. ONLY in pro-wrestling do wrestlers, even high profile wrestlers, get beat by people who aren't even in the same sport. I'm sorry but this is bullsh!t.
This is sports entertainment with basically fake competition (as the outcome of the match is pre-determined). I haven't seen the match yet, but from the reviews I've read it was an entertaining match. Even the critics who were bashing this match at forehand, thought it wasn't as bad as it could've been and on a entertainment level it was quite reasonable. I've read a detailed review of how the match went and from what I've read, Big Show dominated both Mayweather and his crew. That Mayweather had to result to cheating was one of the only ways that Big Show could loose the match but not his credibility. I think in other sports a baseball player could beat a boxer if he took 5 guys with him to the ring and used a baseball bat to knock the other guy out. But that's illegal in those sports, but not in the WWE. When it's a no DQ, anything goes.
Danimal said on 31/Mar/08
What I don't understand is how can a man who once had IMPECABLE posture stand the way he does today?? BTW KingNick, Big Show was not as low as 400 in 1999. He was 420-430 pounds with a heck of a lot more muscle man than he sports today.
Danimal said on 31/Mar/08
Jason says on 30/Mar/08
Are we even sure that Mayweather is 5'8''? There's a number of 5'7'' descriptions...
Good old reliable Jason. Lowers everybody by inches, which reminds me, where is Viper these days?
supes78 said on 30/Mar/08
Here's a video of Big Show, Vince McMahon, Triple H, and Chris Jericho standing together with Larry King;
Click Here
topdweeb26 said on 30/Mar/08
JT: unfortunately, my fear has come true, Big Show jobbed to Mayweather. I swear, W-T-F?! THIS is one of the major reasons why I think pro-wrestling sucks. I mean, you'd never see a basketball player beat a boxer in boxing, or a baseball player beat an MMA fighter at MMA. ONLY in pro-wrestling do wrestlers, even high profile wrestlers, get beat by people who aren't even in the same sport. I'm sorry but this is bullsh!t.